#$6.25 in 2 minutes
bigmusclenm · 3 months
Give or Take - Part 3
[Story Collection] | [Part 2] [●] [Part 4]
Bryce found himself standing in the middle of his living room, hearing a loud, bumping sound echoing through the room. Looking around in confusion, he realized the sound was coming from Mason’s room. After staying immobile for a few seconds, Bryce felt a strange sensation on his pecs, making him look down to see what it was. He was gladly surprised when he noticed his pecs were bulging so magnificently that they looked taken out of the gallery of a bodybuilding competition.
With his right hand, Bryce started massaging his thick pec, groaning softly due to how great his own touch felt. However, as delightful as the massage was, he wanted to find the source of the sound coming from Mason’s room. Bryce took a careful step and became surprised as his legs felt heavier than ever. He had no idea what was happening, but he couldn’t help but smile as he realized that the sensation was due to his muscles adding weight to his entire body.
With each step Bryce took, he could feel his body growing heavier, and the ground beneath him shook a bit more every time. With every movement, his mind became more aware that his muscles were starting to fight for space. He felt his massive thighs rubbing against each other, his lats were pushing his arms higher, his biceps made it difficult for him to bend his arms, and there was something big and heavy hanging from his groin. Bryce felt great, but deep inside, he couldn’t stop wondering what was happening. He couldn’t be that big suddenly, but he couldn’t deny that he loved the feeling.
As he moved closer to Mason’s bedroom door, he heard loud noises coming from behind the door. The sound was a combination of a loud bumping sound, and at the same time, it sounded like someone was dragging something heavy across the room. These sounds prompted Bryce to walk faster to find out what Mason was doing.
Before Bryce could reach Mason’s door, a louder sound echoed through the apartment, and the wall in front of him shook violently. Bryce stopped just a few feet from Mason’s door, and a second explosion-like sound came from inside the room. This time, the wall didn’t only shake, but deep cracks started forming all over the surface. Then, a third explosion made the entire apartment quake.
As Bryce froze in fear, the wall before him shook again, sending the door away and revealing something that Bryce couldn’t identify behind it. The wall kept trembling, but Bryce couldn’t stop looking at the skin-colored wall behind Mason’s door. As Bryce tried to understand what was happening, a loud, thundering sound made the apartment shake, accentuating the cracks in the walls even more and making Bryce fall to the ground.
As Bryce woke up, he panted heavily and felt his dick throbbing under the sheets. Still half asleep, Bryce removed the sheets and looked down at his body, sighing in relief because he looked just like the previous morning. That meant his math had been correct, and his body had stayed at 142 pounds. He pulled down the waistband of his pajama pants to check on his regular-sized, 6.25-inch-long dick. However, pulling lower, he noticed his balls had shrunk a lot.
“Damn it! What? Oh, crap, right, Mr. Jasperson’s balls,” Bryce said as he rubbed his tiny balls. “Fuck! I gotta fix this.”
Bryce quickly jumped out of bed and went to his bathroom to shower. His mind was running miles a second because he tried to come up with a plan to change others while also growing his own body. Since Bryce worked with numbers every day, it was somewhat easy to estimate the results of what he wanted to do. In the back of his mind, Bryce could hear a soft voice telling him that his power was supposed to bring balance to the world and not use it for personal desires. However, he decided to ignore the voice and make a plan to fulfill his own dreams.
A few minutes later, once he was ready, Bryce stepped out of his room and tried to have a peaceful breakfast, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Mason. Even though he had been mad at Mason for several months, the more he used the big guy as a guinea pig, the more Bryce enjoyed having him around and the more excited he became to see how Mason’s new body looked.
“What in the fucking hell!?!?” Mason shouted in his room, and Bryce could hear him clearly since his voice filled the entire apartment. It was evident the big guy was scared.
For about a minute, everything went silent, so a very excited Bryce walked to Mason’s door. As he approached the door, he recalled his dream, and a sense of fear invaded his mind for a few seconds. When he heard a loud bumping sound coming from Mason’s room, Bryce feared that the walls would crack and the door would burst like in his dream.
Bryce stopped hesitantly a few feet from Mason’s door. He couldn’t stop thinking about his dream, and when the door abruptly opened, Bryce jumped in fear. However, this feeling was quickly replaced by amazement and excitement as Mason came out of his room, and Bryce could finally see the results of his mischievous game.
“Bryce! I need help! Now you can’t deny there’s something wrong,” Mason said, looking terrified as he looked down at his massive body, barely contained in his superhero-themed pajamas. “Look at me! I don’t even know how to describe this.”
Mason’s pajamas were straining at the seams as his body had grown to weigh 350 pounds of pure muscle mass. Mason was worried but so amazed at the same time that he ran his hands over his chest, feeling the unfamiliar thickness beneath his fingertips. Bryce carefully watched his roommate explore his broad chest, and he couldn’t help but feel aroused at the sight.
Then, Mason’s gaze dropped to his arms, and a gasp escaped his lips as he marveled at the sheer size and definition, clearly evident even under the fabric of his long-sleeve pajamas. With every movement, he felt the new weight of his arms, and as he flexed his biceps, Mason’s eyes widened at their new size. This movement caused the fabric around his shoulders and upper arms to give way with a series of sharp rips, unable to contain Mason’s enormous arms anymore. The once snug sleeves just hung in tatters.
As Mason was in shock, a deliberate flex caused the strained fabric across his pecs to split apart along the center of his chest. The sound of tearing material echoed in the room as Mason’s massive pecs emerged, perfectly sculpted and powerful. As more tears formed all over his upper body, Mason’s nipples peeked through the gaps, and Bryce couldn’t help but feel strangely attracted to them.
Mason’s thick traps, cannonball-sized deltoids, massive biceps, thick forearms, broad chest, and thick lats—everything was on display. Bryce couldn’t take his eyes away from his 350-pound muscle beast of a roommate, and there was more to discover. As he looked lower, Bryce noticed Mason’s legs stretching his pajama pants to the limit, and the bulge caused by the big guy’s soft dick made his mouth water. When he saw the massive, soft dick chubbing up and causing more ripping sounds to echo through the room, Bryce could barely contain his excitement.
“Dude, you look great. I mean, you only need to buy new clothes. I told you last night: It’s time to upgrade sizes,” Bryce said, trying to act cool about the scene and approaching to take the remaining shreds from Mason’s upper body. “You should know that regular clothing can’t cover a 350-pound body.”
“350 pounds? What are you talking about? I weighed 190 pounds just two days ago!” Mason shouted, and he felt his dick throbbing as it started to get hard, causing more tears to appear in his pants due to his thick thighs, hardening dick, and enormous muscle ass. “Bryce, you can’t just not notice I’m too big.”
“You should’ve thought about that before signing up for the gym and working so hard to achieve this. But it’s fine; you look good and hot,” Bryce said, as he heard loud ripping sounds coming from Mason’s lower body, meaning that the pants had finally given way too, leaving Mason almost naked as his dick rose in full glory.
Looking down, Bryce saw Mason’s dick growing and hardening until it was 25.5 inches long. Mason’s jaw dropped to the ground when he noticed how big he had grown, but at the same time, it was evident he was excited. With a devilish grin on his face, Bryce took off the remaining parts of Mason’s pants from his body, leaving the big guy fully naked and in a clear state of shock.
“Now, that’s what I call a super hot big guy,“ Bryce said, and he walked around Mason to give the huge muscle ass a hard slap. “Now, you better get dressed and get ready for work. See you later,” Bryce added as he picked up his backpack, leaving Mason confused.
“What? Wait! What—what was that? You…” Mason said, evidently confused by Bryce’s actions. It was all part of Bryce’s mean way of playing with Mason’s mind, but it was clear there was some real excitement in both of them about Mason’s muscular body. “Wait… I don’t have clothes to wear, and what do I do with this?” Mason added, looking at his massive dick.
“I don’t know... jerk off, I guess,” Bryce said, winking at Mason to tease him even more. “By the way, I think you should get some bigger balls to match that dick. They’re pretty average and should be at least baseball-sized or bigger. What about grapefruit-sized? That’s like six inches in diameter? That should work,” Bryce added, and Mason turned pale.
The world stopped as always, and Bryce smiled as he saw Mason’s stats, which he knew would be altered by his recent words. Just a second later, the world restarted, and Mason was still speechless at his new size and the possibility of getting bigger balls along with the massive dick.
Bryce looked at his roommate, who was clearly in shock and approached to give him a quick kiss on the right cheek, leaving both of them confused. As Bryce walked away, he wondered why he had kissed his roommate’s cheek. He tried to forget about Mason’s body, but he just couldn’t. The impressive body remained stuck in his mind, and the kiss felt strangely good.
As Bryce walked down the street on autopilot, his mind still busy thinking about Mason’s body, he stumbled upon something big and hard. Then he heard something falling to the ground. As Bryce came out of his trance and looked up to see what it was, he saw the angry face of a big guy looking down at him. Bryce looked down to the floor and saw a cup and a white, creamy liquid spilled all over the guy’s feet.
The big muscle man turned around to face Bryce, making the shorter guy tremble in terror as he noticed the man was almost as tall as Mason and had huge muscles, though not as huge as Mason’s new body.
“Look what you did, you tiny little piece of...” the big guy said, attempting to punch Bryce’s face but failing. “I’ll teach you to be more careful when a real man is around.”
“No, no… I’m sorry, I-I.” Bryce stepped backward, trying to find a way to escape. “I think you’ll lose 100 pounds of muscle if you punch me,” Bryce added without even registering his own words, and the world stopped immediately.
Bryce sighed in relief as he saw the big guy’s fist had stopped just a few inches from his face. Bryce moved away, looked at the impressive physique of his attacker, and realized it was the perfect opportunity to teach that guy a lesson. He knew that meant his own body would shrink, but he just wanted revenge.
Looking at the guy’s stats, Bryce saw he was 6’3” and weighed 260 pounds, mostly muscle mass. Apart from the 100 pounds he had already taken, with a devilish smile, Bryce decided to make his attacker shorter by taking a whole foot from his height. Bryce also took 4 inches from the guy’s 6-inch-long hard dick and reduced his balls to 1 inch in diameter. Blinded by his power and his need for revenge, Bryce completely forgot about the consequences his actions would have on his own body.
Getting everything done, Bryce moved away from the big guy’s sight, and the world restarted, leaving everybody confused since Bryce had just vanished from their views. He only continued his walk to his workplace and let his mind go all crazy with power.
When Bryce arrived at the office, he noticed his coworkers were very different. Since Gary wore very snug clothes, the 20 additional pounds that Bryce had added the day before made his muscles bulge in all the right places. At 5’11” tall and weighing 170 pounds, those extra pounds made a big difference in the size and shape of his body. Even in the way he walked around the office, it was clear Gary was more confident. The only problem was that his clothes were barely holding on. The top buttons of his shirt were struggling to stay together due to his bulging pecs.
Wilson’s clothes looked smaller on his body, and he was also more confident. At 5’8” and weighing 154 pounds, he was about 12 pounds heavier than Bryce, and for the first time, they didn’t look like a pair of sticks greeting each other.
Finally, when Bryce saw Paxton, his eyes shot open in surprise. He looked amazing. At his 6’3” height and weighing 210 pounds, Paxton reminded Bryce of Chris Hemsworth’s physique, and it was clear the big guy was enjoying his new body. The way he moved and the way he talked shouted out confidence.
Bryce waited for any of them to say something about their new sizes, but they seemed still shy about it. It was evident they had noticed the changes in their own bodies, but since they weren’t aware of the changes in others’ bodies, they preferred to pretend that nothing had happened.
Once Bryce had delighted enough while looking at his coworkers, he asked about their new boss and was gladly surprised when Paxton informed him that Mr. Jasperson had called in sick because of some allergic reaction. Bryce laughed because he knew the real reason why Mr. Jasperson wasn’t there. The only sad part about his absence was that Bryce couldn’t shrink him even more.
“So, what do we do without the boss here?” asked Gary, who flexed his biceps on purpose to show off.
“Our regular work, I guess. Mr. Jasperson is not here, but we still have things to do,” a very responsible Paxton replied.
“I’d say we just relax and have some fun,” Wilson said, sitting on his chair, placing his hands behind his head, and, for the first time, his friends could see some definition on his biceps.
“Oh, believe me, we’ll have lots of fun,” Bryce said as he thought about his friends growing, and the world stopped. “We’re getting into the big leagues this time. I need to regain the size I took from the guy on the street. Fuck, I think I overdid it with him, but you guys are going to help me,” Bryce added, aware that he needed to give a lot of size to retain some of his size.
As good as Bryce was with numbers, he couldn’t estimate how much he needed to give to retain his current size or gain some muscle, so he decided to get everybody huge and get huge himself. Bryce started by adding 4 inches to Wilson’s height and 96 pounds of muscle to make him look pretty big everywhere. Also, Bryce gave him six extra inches of dick and doubled the size of his balls. It all sounded like a lot, but Bryce knew he needed to go big with his friends to get big himself.
Then, Bryce focused on Gary. His clothes seemed to be about to burst everywhere, but what really caught Bryce’s attention were his friend’s pecs. Bryce started by adding 100 pounds of muscles, with 10 pounds specifically added to his pecs, to see Gary’s chest blow up. Then, he gave Gary three inches of height and six inches of dick. It also sounded like a lot, but he was sure Gary would enjoy it.
Bryce’s mind was so focused on getting his friends super big to grow his own body that he wasn’t even thinking about the consequences this sudden growth would have for them. So, when it was time to change the already big Paxton, Bryce could only think of how amazing Mason looked and how good Paxton would look at that size. Bryce gave Paxton 140 pounds of muscle while keeping his height, and he also gave him six inches of dick and doubled the size of his balls.
After this quick round of growth, the world restarted, and they all continued talking about random topics. Nobody mentioned their new muscles, so Bryce acted like nothing was happening. He was already excited to see the changes in his friends’ bodies, but he knew he had to wait. Also, while he looked at Paxton, Bryce couldn’t stop thinking about Mason, and a part of him just wanted to grow him even more. His mind was consumed with desire and lust for his huge roommate.
Hours later, on his way home, Bryce made some quick stops to grow four random guys he crossed paths with. They were pretty skinny, and Bryce had seen them around before. They all seemed to be nice guys, so he decided to give each one of them 100 pounds of muscle and a massive bubble butt to one of them who already had a great ass. Bryce just needed to make sure he would grow as big as possible, so giving those guys some size sounded like a good idea.
Then, as he arrived at the apartment, he couldn’t hide his excitement about seeing Mason’s body again. The place was quiet, and Bryce thought Mason was still at work. He started cooking a quick dinner for himself and noticed they were running out of food. As Bryce cooked, he constantly looked at the door, waiting for Mason to walk in in all his magnificent glory. However, Bryce heard a noise coming from Mason’s room instead, making him realize that his roommate had already arrived.
“Mason, are you here? I thought you were late or something,” Bryce said, slowly opening Mason’s room with a plate in hand as an excuse to see his roommate. “I cooked you something. I-I…” Bryce became speechless as he saw a fully naked Mason in bed, half asleep, with his hands on his dick and a thick layer of cum all over his pecs and abs.
“Bryce, please help me. I-I can’t make this hard-on go away,” Mason said, almost whispering. “I’ve managed to cum because my dick is so sensitive, but it’s so hard. Please, help me,” Mason said, almost begging.
“What are you talking about? I’m not jerking you off. Well, maybe I could... no, no, no,” Bryce said, but sat next to his friend. “Just relax; it has to go soft at some point.”
“It does, but it gets hard again in a few minutes. It’s been hours, and I lost track of how many times I’ve cum during the day,” Mason said as he pulled Bryce in a hug, like trying to feel better by hugging him. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think I’m radioactive, like The Hulk. I’m… fuck… I’m so horny and so big, and yet... I want to get bigger because I know you like it. I’m losing my mind,” Mason added, sobbing and hugging Bryce tighter.
“What? Well, you could always get bigger if that’s what you want. I surely enjoy the view,” Bryce said, not paying attention to Mason’s fear but only listening to his desire to get even bigger. As the world stopped, Bryce looked at his roommate and pondered for a few seconds about his next course of action. Initially, he wanted to teach Mason a lesson, but since he felt those huge muscles so tightly pressed against him, he wanted to make Mason as big as possible to enjoy the view.
Bryce looked at Mason’s stats and hesitated for a few seconds. It was clear Mason hadn’t gone to work since he was jerking off all day, which was a problem. However, Mason said he wanted to get even bigger. Bryce gave the subject some thought and finally decided to be a good friend and do what Mason truly wanted. Bryce’s desire for revenge had already been fulfilled, and now he just wanted to grow his guinea pig to unprecedented proportions.
“Okay, Mason, let’s give you what you really want,” Bryce said as he read his roommate’s stats and started giving him size everywhere.
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what a fucking disaster of a day
- was shit at removing supernatant fluid from around my nanoparticles so had to do it again
- was shit at doing it the second time so just gave up and put slightly diluted sample in tube furnace
- programmed tube furnace and had lunch while letting gas flow over my sample
- turned on furnace (or so i thought) and went to start another batch of nanoparticles
- could not find fucking pipette so emailed my grad student who was doing a discussion section and asked her and she was like ‘borrow one from a random grad student if they don’t help you tell me 👿’
- FIVE grad students asked me if i needed a pipette after that i think they have a group chat
- had to Wait For My Grad Student to show me how to treat more nanoparticle
- finally properly turned on the furnace and went to treat more nanoparticle
- couldn’t measure out 6.25 mg for like. ten minutes. was doing minute changes like a fucking fool
- drove home and made SEVERAL unforced errors
- and now i fucking put my shirt down on a spot where my mom used bleach and now my new fucking shirt got bleach on it
- and now i’m crying instead of doing anything constructive like the useless shit i am
in short i CANNOT do anything right and had a complete clusterfuck and waste of a day. great job me i LOVE being stupid all the time
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stoopid-turtle · 1 year
BTS in Order June Pt 2
Mainly from this bilibili timeline.
June Pt 1 here.
6.16 DD tries to enter gg's car.
- DD trips while running outside with gg and jl. (Alt 7.8)
- ggdd. Soulmate Convo scene. And into jzx love confession
6.17 ggdd same scene. Now with madam jin.
- Madam Jin seems real confused about there being 2 male leads. I don't think she realized she was cast in a bl adaption. I wonder if she figured it out eventually.
- GG offers to design DD's racing suit.
-Dd and gg dancing together at a distance. (Alt 6.16)
- Filming the zongzi scene (alt 6.18)
- Gg only. Standing on a boat being motored around.
- Also with jc and yubin at night in boat
- Gg and xl goofing around on lotus pier set.
6.18 DD only. Dd and jc find dead wen on road
Dd playing with bichen in road. Guy holds an umbrella over him.
6.18 gg only. Playing flute outside.
6.18 ggdd. Dd brushes gg's sleeve.
- Dd makes weird noises thru his fan (alt 6.23)
- rain scene after wwx gets stabbed where DD reassures gg that he is still handsome. Also flicks mud on him
- ggdd with Lil Apple. Scene where lsx and wen ning go off together. This is also the scene where DD and gg complain about how few scenes they have together
6.18 Dragon boat festival dinner date night
6.19 gg only. Outside with jc and jl.
- GG in a great mood.
- Jiang fam dinner. There's a double for jc at first. wzc appears later.
- More scenes where jc doesn't have his core
- Gg cheats on DD with the AC pipe. (and so soon after their date too)
6.20 gg only. With xl and jzx.
- More with jc.
6.21 gg only. With jc. Filming attack on lotus pier.
- Filming other lotus pier scenes with Jiang dad and mom.
- Gg says he's a salted fish while laying on floor.
- Filming the whipping scene
6.22 gg only. Yi City with yb, xue yang, and DD double
6.23 gg only. Back in lotus pier with xl and jc.
- GG is a noticeably bad mood. XL and JC try to cheer him up, but he doesn't respond so they both back off and watch him warily.
6.24 gg only. With xl.
6.25 indoor scene where DD is holding gg's wrists. Gg gives thumbs up. Dd smiles and gremlin laughs.
- With xl and mianmian. And jzx. They all talk about JC wearing a "fake butt" (!)
- gg talking to dd with xl between them. dd shares his Thai herbal nasal spray with gg and xl. Not drugs!
6.27 ggdd. 9 minutes in a boat. (alt 5.27)
6.28 gg only. with xl. Crying after attack on lotus pier.
6.29 ggdd. In yi city.
- Also some scenes in the nie crypt.
**6.30 Gg only. On boat with a bunch of other jiangs. Happy dream sequence.
Jc with camera recording xl. Turns to record gg.
6.30 ggdd. scene with lwj and wwx sitting against column while jgy monologues.
Protecting each other shenanigans. Dd is insufficiently romantic for gg.
- They are very handsy together here.
- GG IN A BOAT IN DD's LAP. Also, lotus seeds.
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sunshinetemptress93 · 6 months
Behind The Mask
A Harry Styles one shot
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Welcome to Behind The Mask! A one shot for the new year thanks to two amazing friends who cooked up the idea. This will have smut, obviously, but nothing too harsh that I think would need a trigger warning. There's some hair pulling and pinning down but that's it.
Hope you enjoy!
"Large cappuccino with 2% for Mary!" My tiny voice isn't heard for the third time calling out another order that's been ready for 10 minutes. I try and peer around the mass of people standing at the counter, frustrated that this cup of coffee is getting cold. "Hello! Mary!? Large cap-"
"Mine." A middle aged woman pushes through the bodies in front of me and snags her red paper coffee cup. "Have a nice day."I grumble under my breath.
Another day covered in milk splatter, Carmel syrup, and coffee grinds is how I spend my Sunday morning at Urban Bean coffee shop. I feel like I live in this building for how often I work, but I don't really mind it. It's not exactly my dream job, but until I finish my masters degree in biomedical engineering, serving grumpy middled aged stock brokers and socialites from the upper west side is my life six days a week.
I knew the big move to New York was going to be tough but with my best friend Davina by my side, i wasn't scared in the slightest. She made sure to show me the ropes once I landed on her doorstep that hot June evening; she was my savior in more ways than one. Helping me blossom after a bad breakup with my ex, graduating college with nothing but 20 bucks in my pocket and a need to escape Georgia, Davina took me under her wing without hesitation.
Six months in and I felt a little more in the groove of the big city life, and with 3 weeks off of school, I was really getting to know my new home. Spending lots of time in museums, reading poetry in the park, and finally mastering the subway system, I was almost passing as a native New Yorker.
Well, in my head at least I was. That was until I opened my mouth and the Georgia southern drawl and incessant need to call everyone ma'am and sir no matter their age gave me away.
"S'cuse me." A man's deep voice laced with a British accent breaks me from my inner thoughts. He stood across from the counter in a very expensive looking red wool sweater and brown corduroy trousers. His crystal clear green eyes pierced through me, softened with kindness. "Sorry, yes what can I get you!" He smiled at me when I acknowledged him which is a rarity in this city. "Can I just have a coffee?"
"Any cream or sugar?"
"No thank you."
I nod and plug in his order. "that'll be $.6.25." The man hands me a 20 dollar bill so I open the till to get him his change. He raises his hand and shakes his head, a curl falling forward and into his eyes. "I don't need any change."
Wow. No one ever tips. Especially more than 2 bucks.
"Thank ya sir!" I set the change into the tip jar next to the register. "Itll be a few minutes."
"No worries, I'm in no hurry, love."
It was strange having someone speak more than 4 words to me here, that north east attitude not being a myth here. But of course by his accent, he is not from here. Preparing a few other beverages ahead of his, I hand them off to the other patrons. It's strange, but I could feel his eyes watching me the whole time. It didn't make me uncomfortable though, a nice change of pace from the predatory gazes I get from most men.
Finally getting to his, I pour from a fresh pot into our signature red paper cups and cover it with a lid. Turning back around, he was still standing at the counter, "here ya go!" He takes the cup from my grip, fingers grazing my own. I notice his fingers adorned with a slew of rings; a gorgeous gold lion head and one with what looked to be a bird, a robin I think. They looked expensive. He must come from money.
He didn't act like some of the other guys that looked well off that were around his age, but I wasn't complaining. "Thank you..." his eyes cast down at my name tag, "Iris. Pretty name."
My cheeks felt warm at his words, "um thank you! Have a great day!"
His gaze stayed on me longer than I expected, inspecting me almost. "See you 'round, Iris." The mystery man turns on his heels and saunters out of the coffee shop leaving me feeling stunned by his beauty. People seemed to step aside as me walked past, creating his pathway to the exit. He had a precise that was impossible to ignore. He exits the double glass doors and turns, locks eyes with me once more and winks.
He was beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking.
"Um hello??" A nasally voice cuts through. "Where is my latte!"
Jesus, Mary and Joseph...
"Comin' right up sir."
"Iris!!!" The front door clicks open and is slammed shut as Davina hollers from the doorway, excitement ringing through. "Come here!"
I close my book, climb off my bed, and pad down the hallway. "Yes, dear?" Standing in the kitchen she was clutching a small black card in her hand, bouncing up and down on her heels. "Get dressed. We're going shopping."  
"Whyyy?" I ask skeptically.
"Becauseeee..." she races over to me smiling from ear to ear. "We need to find an outfit for the most prestigious party of the year."
Panic sets in. I was not one for parties. I also wasn't one for socializing unless it's absolutely required, like a birthday party or second cousins wedding which I still didn't always enjoy, but I would attend out of obligation. I love my alone time with a good book, curled up in my room with my fur baby Luna, listening to my favorite indie playlist in peace. I couldn't stop the groan that escapes my lips. I lean against the edge of the counter and sigh, "Davina I wanted to stay in! You know, pajamas and movies with you and Luna." Anxiety builds inside of my chest at the thought of some wild party with a hundred strangers.
She rolls her eyes, "Iris come on, you've been here for six months and haven't been out hardly at all."
Davina was much more into the night life than i ever was. When we met in college, she was the one out all night making wild memories with her sorority sisters while I had my butt planted in the library as often as i could. Don't get me wrong, I did have some experiences while in college, but a wild night out was never my thing. Being the last of five kids, I was raised with traditional values and lots of rules, so branching out and navigating life outside of what my parents taught me was not an option while living under their roof. My entire adolescent life consisted of church every Sunday, no dating, and god forbid I try and wear make up that made me look like... wait, how did my father put it? A trashy whore? 
Yeah, that sounds right. 
I went into college like a scared little bird that was shoved out of the nest when they weren't ready, stumbling around not having a clue what direction was up, waiting to be picked off. It was a game of survival of the fittest and I was the weakest of prey.
The massive adjustment period I went through learning who I was outside of the box of conservative ideals I was born into wasn't the easiest. I'd always been the one who didn't want to conform to the idea set in place that women go to college for one thing and one thing only: to find a husband. I wanted more from life. I craved knowledge and growth, and my parents were disappointed to say the least when they discovered I wasn't going to marry my boyfriend fresh out of college. They adored him, probably more than me, but little did they know he was the farthest thing from a gentleman.
Then I met Davina in an advance statistics class my freshman year. She was the kind of big sister I truly needed. She always looked out for me and taught me how to stand up for what i deserved. She pushed me to find out who I was outside of the only version of myself I knew at the time.
"Iris, I want you to experience New York the right way! Stay out all night, drink too much champagne, make out with a hot guy! You're 24 years old, now start living like you are." Davina twirled the end of her curls around her perfectly manicured seafoam green nails. "I'm not taking no for an answer." She states.
Well shit.
"So... what's the hype." I sigh in defeat.
Her coffee colored eyes light up immediately. "Every New Year's Eve there's a strict invite only shindig thrown for people in the entertainment industry. Working in PR, there's always a chance our agency is selected. The person who throws it never reveals themselves, but it's the most anticipated event of the year. I found the invitation on my desk today and you're going to be my plus one. Pleeeease?"
Picking at cuticles I contemplate my options: do I finally let loose and have a true blue New Year's Eve with my best friend or do I hold up in the apartment and hide away from whatever was out there waiting for me? Her brown eyes beg silently until I finally decide to cave. I can't say no to Davina when she begs like a toddler who wants one more cookie before dinner.
"Ok. I'll go."
she places the card down on the counter top and grabs my hand, "thank you thank you! Now let's get you out of your house slippers, put on your happy face, and let's go find something hot to wear."
Shopping sucks ass, I've never been a fan. With too many options that cost too much money it was such a deterrent, and yet when i walked into that little boutique and my eyes landed on the most beautiful dress to wear, I was done for. A slinky chain mail mini dress that settled at the top of my thighs, perfect for whatever tonight was going to bring. It was the only one on the rack, it was my size, and it was on sale.
It was as if it was made for me for this exact night. I knew right then and there it was fate.
Touching up the last of my hair with the flat iron, Davina saunters into my bathroom in the hottest outfit I'd ever seen her in. Adorned in head to toe white glittery trousers, a matching blazer, and a sequined bra top underneath that complimented her figure perfectly.
She eyes me up and down and smirks, "we are so going to be the hottest two there tonight."
"You're absolutely right." Running my hands through my straightened locks, I assess how I looked. I felt hot.
Davina insisted on scattered little stars across my left cheekbone and around my eye for the final touch, which seemed unnecessary since this was a masquerade themed party, but what Davina says goes.
"You'll be removing your mask anyways at midnight, so it'll just add some extra pizzazz!" Davina pinches my cheek and taps the tip of my nose. "You about ready?"
"'Mhm!" I grab my lip gloss and my black mask adorned with beads and feathers. "Let's get this party started!"
An Uber waited for us downstairs so we race out of our apartment hand in hand ready to paint the town.
Davinas words, not mine. She's quite eccentric, and she was determined to make this night one to remember.
The ride was long, about an hour from our apartment far away from the major city lights and chaos that New Year's Eve brings. Turning down a narrow dirt road, a vacant building appears ahead. Large empty spaces where windows once stood illuminated in hues of blue and purple lights. The closer we got, the more apparent the jagged pieces of glass around the frames became. The perimeter was bordered with dilapidated wire fencing like this place had been abandoned for decades. It gave me the creeps. "D, if you get me murdered out here I swear to god-"
A huff leaves her, "Iris, take a Prozac and calm down."
I shove her shoulder playfully, "I don't take Prozac.... I take Lexapro and not enough anti anxiety meds in the world will make me calm right now."
"I promise it's going to be incredible. I went to the one last year and when I tell you it was the best night of my life," Davina fans herself and whistles. Always with the theatrics. "just trust me."
The car comes to a bumpy halt and thrown into park. "You ladies have fun and be safe!"
"Thanks again!" Davina hollers as we stumble out of the back seat onto the gravel road. Wearing stilettos was probably not very practical out here but hey, you live and you learn. "Don't break an ankle tonight, got it?" Davina teases.
"Oh fuck off!" I scoff.
The air was icy and the wind was wild, a typical New York winter night. Goosebumps covered my exposed flesh so we race up to what looks to be the front door, large dark gray steel being the main barrier between me and a wild night. The music was booming so loud the metal was making the slightest rattling sound. Before I could utter a word, it creaks open sinisterly slow and a tall blonde woman in a tight green velvet dress slips out. "Welcome." Her voice was low and sultry. "Please put on your masks."
Davina and I simultaneously tie our masks across our eyes, adding to the veil of mystery and suspense.
The woman shines a satisfying smile, "enjoy the night and don't forget, those masks do not come off until midnight." She pushes the door open a few feet more and gestures her slender arm inward allowing us entry. The warehouse was illuminated with flashing colorful lights painting the 32 foot concrete walls. There were multiple levels to the inside of this place, covered in the most elaborate decor. Acrobats hung from enormous hoops, contorting their bodies in the most fascinating shapes. Fire eaters were entertaining a group of onlookers on the main stage and house music bass rattling the inside of my chest.
The safety of my mask made me feel more confident in such a foreign place, bringing out a side I didn't know I had buried deep inside. I was enthralled with the visuals around me. I can't believe I almost said no. It made me feel free.
A man in full tuxedo garb approached us with a tray of champagne flutes, offering two to us. Alcohol was flowing, bodies grinding, and the air felt heavy in the best way.
"This is incredible." I mutter.
Davina leans over and pecks me on the cheek, "I told you lovey. Now let's go party."
I'd never experienced anything like this before in my life, and I think I'm addicted to it. My anxiety was gone completely as the hours ticked by, three glasses of champagne will have that effect.
Propping myself against the bar, I waited for the bartender's attention when a presence next to me makes itself known. "Having fun?"
"M'sorry?" Turning to my left a stoic gentleman dressed in a deep green suit with a lighter green satin button down underneath was standing incredibly close to me. "I asked If you're having fun." His mask was matte black; simple, stylish, but covered almost his entire face. He was unrecognizable. His voice sounded relatively familiar, but i could barely recall where I'd heard it before. I cleared my throat, "um yeah i am! This is the coolest party I've ever been to." The man shoots me a soft smile, "good. M'glad. What are you drinking?"
"Vodka cran."
He nods and leans over the bar grabbing a bottle of vodka and a glass. "Um I don't think you're supposed to do that." I state. Pouring a shot, he places the bottle down on the shiny black bar top and proceeds to find a bottle of cranberry juice. "Don't worry, Chase won't mind." He seemed... too comfortable doing this right now.
Sliding my fresh drink to my waiting hand, I thank him. His gaze scans my mask, then down the length of my body. He goes to say something when another body next to me knocks into my back, spilling some of my drink. "Hey!" I scold. Turning around I'm met with a man who's barely able to stand up on his own two feet. His gaze lingers on my breast and he smirks. "Sorry hot stuff... you here with anyone? Because I could keep you company if you need." He slurs. He reeked of tequila, musty cologne, and smoke.
"Umm." My words fail me. Typical.
He was making me uncomfortable with the closer he got. "I'm sorry... I-"
"Hey mate, back off alright?" The mystery man who poured my drink stands next to me, hand laying gently on my shoulder. "She's with me." His voice was firm. Not possessive, but territorial, "you can go now."
The drunk raises his hands in surrender, "Sorry. I didn't know." He takes a few steps back and disappears into the crowd. I turn up and look at my knight in shining armor. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that."
He shrugs, "seemed like you needed some assistance there. And..." he points his finger past me, "I was not leaving you with that guy. Seemed like a situation that could have easily gone wrong."
I let out a sigh of relief, "You're right about that. Why do men have to be like that?"
"It's a shame. Men like that give the rest of us a bad reputation."
"Well you're my savior tonight." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Wanna grab a seat?" He asks.
"Sure thing." He takes my hand and leads me to a section of velvet red couches, secluded a tad from the mass of people raging around us. He guides me to sit down first and then he nestled in next to me. Not too close, but not too far. He was sort of cautious with his movements, like they were thought out meticulously.
"So what's your name? What brings you here?" He asks.
Twirling the straw in my glass I hum, "I thought this party was all about mystery?"
He chuckles under his breath, "Well since it's my party, I think I'm allowed to break the rules a tad."
My heart was pounding, my hands became sweaty around my cold glass. Whoever this was, he's important enough to have these infamous parties and still remain anonymous.
"We'll just use fake names to keep some mystery. How's that sound?" He presses.
"Ummm. Sure. I'll be...Eloise." I extend my hand to shake his and he follows suit. I'll be...Gary."
Without giving too much of himself away, he let it be known he's involved in the music business. Producing, writing, performing, even has his own label that he refused to tell me the name of.
Damn anonymity.
I was so curious about him, but I know this would be all I'd get. At least he was kind and from what I could tell from his physique quite attractive. He had an energy about him that felt safe, unlike most of the men in attendance who jump right into gross comments about my body and unwanted touch. He never crossed a line with me without invitation. The ball was in my court the whole time.
He gave me his undivided attention when I spoke, and as the night went on, we got more comfortable with each other. His finger traced circles on my arm slung over the back of the couch sending shockwaves through my body with each drag. The longer I sat here, the more I desperately wanted to know who he was.
Before we knew it, a giant screen rolled down from the ceiling with a clock ticking down to midnight. 1 minute appeared above us and everyone began to cheer. Gary looks up for a moment and back down at me, licking his lips. "1 minute." He murmurs. "Think you'll still find me interesting once the masks are removed?"
I quirk my lips to the side, pretending to have to think about it. "Hmmm I dunno. I mean that's part of the appeal right? Once the mask is off the fun kind of ends."
He leans forward and lowers his lips to my ear, "the fun can definitely continue, love, if you want it to."
Recognition slaps me in the face and I pull back from him. "Wait." I stutter.
Panic flashes across his eyes, "M'sorry I didn't mean to-"
I wave my hands at him, letting him know it wasn't what he was insinuating. "No, no it's not that! It's just... I think we've met before? The coffee shop?"
His mouth falls open in shock, "Wait... today?"
I nod nervously.
He unties the back of his mask and pulls it down slowly. Once fully out of the way, my stomach drops. "Oh my goodness." I couldn't believe it. Of all the people I meet tonight, it's the gorgeous man that stood before me 12 hours ago. "Iris, wasn't it?" He asks, voice raising an octave .
I smile and pull off the ties of my own mask. "You are correct. Now what's your real name so this can feel less weird?" I laugh.
"Harry. The names Harry." His smile widened as he spoke, "I can't believe this."
"Neither can I!"
10... 9... 8...
The two of us stare at one another completely dumbfounded at the chances of the two of us crossing paths a second time in one day.
7... 6... 5...
"My offer still stands. Wanna get outta here?"
4... 3... 2...
"Yes." I answer without hesitation.
1! Happy new year!!
Confetti explodes from the ceiling and cascades all around us, covering us both in shiny pieces of glistening silver. The pyrotechnics on the main stage light up the vast space making it easier to see him now, and holy moly was he even more beautiful in this setting than before. He leans forward at the same time as me, our lips connecting without hesitation. He tasted of mint and whiskey, lips soft and supple. The kiss was brief, but heavenly. I break from him for a second knowing I'll want to devour him right here on this couch if we continued.
Harry's eyes land on my lips, tucking his own bottom one between his teeth. "Let's get outta here."
I made sure to find Davina before leaving with Harry, letting her know I'd keep my location on and get home safely. She praised my willingness to go home with some random guy telling me how proud she was. Funny thing to be proud of but hey, she wanted me to have a proper New Year's Eve and this was apparently the way to do it.
Harry had a car drive us back to the city, a silver Escalade with blackout windows, blocking us from the outside world. He had a very hard time keeping his hands to himself but I was definitely ok with it. I found myself strangling his lap, making out heavily with no concern for the driver. I'd never done anything like this before, but it was thrilling. Harry's large hands stayed on my hips, ever so gently rubbing his thumbs on my hip bones.
The driver clears his throat to get his attention, "Mr. Styles, we're here." Harry pats the side of my leg to stop my attack on his neck. "Hey, let's go inside." He whispers.
With the car now no longer moving, realization of how uncomfortable this driver must feel right now hits me. "Ohh umm ok, sorry." I giggle.
Harry shakes his head and pinches my side. "Don't worry about it."
I swing my legs off Harry's lap and climb out of the car. He thanks the man and says goodbye before walking me up the stone steps to the front door of a gorgeous brownstone that took my breath away. He leads me up the steps, unlocks his door, and enters behind me. Shutting the door and securing the lock, Harry grips my wrist and spins me around. I gasp when I collide with his heaving chest, pupils dilated fully. "Now..." his index finger trails down my throat. "Where were we?"
He connects our lips once more with a sense of urgency. His tongue grazes my top lip and slides between them, a whiny moan escaping me. With my hands on his chest, I begin to unbutton the rest of his dress shirt. Harry walks backwards into the house towards the living room, shrugging off his jacket and shirt in one swift move, never separating his mouth from mine. I couldn't help but glance at his physique that was now on full display, clenching my thighs together at the site. His body was decorated with blank ink, abs so defined you'd think he was hand sculpted by Michelangelo himself. "Fuck.." I utter under my breath.
His hands grip my dress in handfuls, humming to himself. "Think you need to get more comfortable, darling." His fingers tug at the hem of my dress, so I raise my arms for him to pull it over my head. It lands on his hardwood floors with a thud and clink, leaving me in just my dark green satin thong. I cross my arms over my bare chest out of habit, but Harry's hands settle on my forearms. "No need to hide, Iris" he utters. He kisses my lips once, my left cheek twice, then my right. "Embrace your beauty. Let me admire it." I pull my bottom lip between my teeth nervously and lower my arms to his hips.
His mouth travels down my jawline and sucks slightly at my throat. "Fuckin' perfection." He moans.
Allowing him to take full control, he lays me down on the sectional, slotting his knee between my legs. The sexual tension building was becoming painfully unbearable. My hands travel to his belt and undo it as fast as possible. Harry kicks them off and onto the floor, the outline of his erection visible beneath his underwear. Hovering above me once more I pull his hips down to connect with my core. I desperately needed relief from the teasing in the back of the car.
If I didn't get fucked soon I was going to explode.
My hips roll against his cock, a moan vibrating against my mouth. Harry's hands find their way down my stomach and between my legs where I needed him most. The pads of his fingers run over the material of my thong making me shudder. "Mmm you're soaked already, I've barely touched you."
His hand pulls my thong to the side to gain better access to my clit, adding the perfect amount of pressure with his index and middle finger around my most sensitive bundle of nerves. I cry out in pleasure, head thrown back in bliss. His fingers sink into me to stretch me out and curl just right, that all too familiar knot forming quicker than I expected. Harry lowers his head down to my left breast and flicks his tongue over my hardened nipple over and over again. He knew exactly what he was doing because in a matter of minutes, the bubble in my tummy was about to burst. The way my body reacted to just his hands, I couldn't wait for what was in store. A string of curse words fall from my lips needing to come so badly, but Harry had other plans. He pulls his fingers out of me quickly, making my gasp at the loss of fullness. I furrowed my brows at him, a little irritated. "Don't frown, I'll take care of you, promise." Harry takes his now soaked fingers between his lips, sucking them clean. Jesus he's sexy... "you better because that was a mean thing you just did."
Harry bends down and pulls a condom out of his wallet on the floor, discards his briefs, and tears it open with his teeth. "Don't you worry, love. I won't be mean any longer." Pumping himself a few times before rolling the condom down his shaft, I took in the size of what I'd be working with and felt a flood of nerves course through my veins.
Don't be a little wimp, Iris.
Harry nestles himself between my thighs once more, propping his weight up on his left arm, lining himself up at my opening. "You wanna stop at any moment, let me know, yeah?" I nod in response but he cocks his head at it. "Words, Iris. Need to hear yes."
My heart clenched at his need for verbal consent. "Yes. I understand. We stop when I want to. Same goes for you." I confirm.
With that, Harry pushes into me slowly, giving me a moment to adjust to the difference of his fingers verses his cock. I gasp and grip his shoulders tightly, feeling that wonderful burning sensation that I love so much. His strokes were fluid and slow, taking in every flutter of my walls around his massive length. "Oh my god..." I squeal.
Finding the perfect rhythm, Harry leans down and nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck. "So fuckin' good." He moans. Hot, opened mouth kisses trail across my throat while his hips snap into me harder and harder. My impending orgasm was creeping in once more, and there was no way I was going to let it be stopped again. "Right there, please don't stop..."
"Didn't plan on it, love."
The sound of slapping skin and primal moans echo around us, simultaneously chasing our peak. I pull his face to mine, needing to taste his lips again. Hitching my leg up more, Harry picked up the pace and tugged on my right nipple this time, sending a shock of electricity down my spine and making me unravel beneath him. A guttural cry leaves my chest, my orgasm hit me like a freight train. He smirks as I come. And I come hard. "Fuck, give it to me baby, come on." Due to his size and speed of strokes my orgasm felt never ending. The more he fucked me the longer it went. It was the best one I'd ever had, and that includes ones I'd given myself.
My body trembles underneath him as I come back down from my high, my chest heaving and head dizzy. I open my eyes and see Harry admiring me. "You're so pretty when you come."
I hum in satisfaction wanting more from him. I chew my bottom lip before I open my mouth. "can I..."
"Yes?" He says.
"Get on top?"
Harry quirks his brow, "Wanna give me one more?"
I nod shyly, "I can try."
Harry pulls out of me slowly and repositioned on the couch, pulling me onto his lap. Sinking down on him feeling full once more, I don't hesitate to roll my hips back and forth in a slow fluid motion. Harry's eyes roll to the back of his head and his mouth gapes open. This position was way more pleasurable for me, and I was glad he was open to it. Some men don't like having women on top. Apparently it makes them feel like they're not in control.
Harry's large hands pull my hips back and in forth the longer we go, stimulating my clit perfectly. Our bodies were coated in a sheen layer of sweat, his own curls sticking to his forehead. "I'm gonna come soon..." he whines.
Changing up the rhythm I use my knees to bounce up and down which sends Harry right over the edge of bliss. "Oh fuck, that's it!" He hollers through deep groans, thrusting up into me chasing that oh so euphoric high. My second orgasm came as a surprise
causing me to still on top of him. I cling to his shoulders and throw my head back as I come for the second time in 20 minutes and Harry following suit right after. His thrusts become sloppy and erratic as he comes undone underneath me, face turning bright red and brows knit tightly together. It was a beautiful sight to witness; so primal and enchanting.
Catching our breath, we lazily kiss one another for a few minutes, like we couldn't get enough. He was back to being gentle and sensual, a vast difference from how fervent and powerful we were fucking just now. Harry brushes my mess of hair out of my eyes and smiles at me. "Well that was something." He chuckles.
"That's one way to put it." I kiss his forehead and lift off of him, in search of my dress and underwear. I wasn't sure what to do now that I just fucked a random dude from a party, I've never done this. I collect my things and turn to see Harry putting his briefs back on, condom discarded. "Umm. So I'll call myself and Uber and get out do your hair." I begin to walk quickly past him when he stops me. He looks at me confused, "You don't have to leave. You can stay."
I halt my pace, "what?"
"I mean, if you want to. I wouldn't ask you to leave. I've got plenty of comfortable clothes you can sleep in. Could even make you breakfast if you'd like..?" He runs his hand through his hair and fluffs his nose with his knuckle. "No pressure, but you don't have to leave."
I contemplate for a moment if it was normal to stay after what was a textbook one night stand, but he was offering so...
"Ok. Yeah, I'll stay." Satisfied with that, Harry shows me up to the bedroom and bathroom to shower and get comfortable. He let me use his master while he showered down the hall. Once I'd washed off the night and dressed in a pair of his shorts and t shirt, I enter his bedroom where he'd made himself comfortable. "Do you... want me to sleep in here or.."
"Yeah If you'd like." he gives me a genuine smile, dimples popping out and waves me over. I pad over to his king size bed and climb in, sinking down into the plush duvet. We spent a while talking and getting to know one another a bit more until we both eventually fell asleep curled up facing each other. Davina wanted me to have a night I'd never forget, and I think I definitely accomplished just that.
The next morning I wake to the smell of bacon being fried, coffee brewing, and the sound light rock music playing.
I make my way down the creaky old staircase and find Harry was cooking up a storm. It was a bit of a split level so I made my way up the two steps and around the island when I discover he is wearing a Christmas apron, tube socks, and nothing else. "Ummm Harry?" I ask trying to hide my giggles.
"Iris?" He mimics.
"You're not wearing any clothes."
"Yes I know." He smirks. "More fun this way. Breakfast is almost ready, grab a seat and I'll bring you coffee." He gestured for me to sit down on one of his wooden barstools. I do as I'm told and watch him move around the kitchen almost stark naked. He has the cutest ass I'd ever seen. Firm, plump, and delicious. He made sure to always find a reason to have his ass facing me the whole time he was cooking, shaking it around when an up beat song came on. The Christmas apron was the cherry on top of this whole thing.
I hadn't laughed this hard or had this much fun is so long.
He was vastly different from any other man I'd met, making him ten times more attractive to me. I didn't think witnessing him cooking naked in an apron would be a turn on, but the longer he stayed that way the more I wanted him again. Flirty looks over the shoulder were thrown my way when he'd bend over and reach for a pan or reach up into a cabinet for the plates. 
He was taunting me.
Harry places a plate of food in front of me, standing dangerously close. "You hungry?" He utters under his breath, right behind my ear. I turn in my chair and gaze up at him, his pupils partially dilated, emitting a hunger that can't be satiated with food. "In more ways than one thanks to you prancing around here with your ass out."
I reach around his back and tug at the ties of his apron. The taut material around his figure loosens and he pulls it over his head. I bite my lip when I see he's half hard already. "We should do something about that don't cha think?" I coo.
"I've got a few ideas." His words came out smooth as silk, desire dripping from each syllable. Harry's index finger grazes my cheek, trailing down to my chin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. I couldn't help but flutter my eyes closed in anticipation, his touch igniting a heat between my legs. His hands travel down my clothed chest and slide underneath my shirt to cup my breasts, rolling my nipples between his fingers. My legs instinctually spread for him, allowing him to step between my thighs. His lips encompass my own, swallowing my moans.  I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me.
I was so turned on just by his hands I could have come right then and there.
He hardened fully as I ran my hand up and down his shaft, paying special attention to his tip collecting his precum on my thumb. Harry's lips part in pleasure as I pump him faster and faster, sucking in a sharp breath with each twist. Pulling my head back from him, I raise my thumb and suck the taste of him off of it, humming to myself. Harry watches me in awe. "Fuckin' hell..." he whimpers. He swiftly picks me up from the barstool and carries me over to the kitchen table that thankfully had nothing on it.
He yanks the shorts he let me borrow off of my body, kneeling down in front of me. Throwing my legs over his shoulders he tuts at the sight before him. "You've made quite a mess here, darling. Looks like I'm gonna have to clean it up." Without warning his mouth latches to my clit and sucks harshly.  I gasp at the sensation of Harry's scruff brushing against my smooth skin. His tongue sinks into me, lapping up my arousal like i was his last meal.
With every swirl of his tongue and brush of his nose, my entire body was buzzing.  Creeping closer to the edge, Harry sucks harshly on my clit making me grind against his face. throwing my head back I couldn't hold back the whines and moans leaving my lips. Each grunt he emitted vibrated against my throbbing clit bringing my orgasm to its peak. "oh fuck!!". My thighs squeeze around his head involuntarily and shake violently. I don't know how this man makes me come so quickly.
The shocks of my body subside and Harry yanks his face away from me and stands. "Lemme get a condom, I need to fuck you so bad." Harry reaches for his apron on the ground behind him and digs out a condom from the front pocket.
"You were so sure we'd go again you had one in there this whole time?" I tease. Harry shrugs playfully and places the condom on. "Hopeful thinking that's all." Connecting our mouths again i wrap my legs around his waist, "You're lucky you're so darn cute." Harry pushes into me fully this time, not easing inch by inch this time. The sense of urgency to tear into each other was evident in his more dominant approach compared to last night. My nails dig into his shoulder blades and scratch down his arms, leaving red marks in their wake. "God you feel so good wrapped around me, best I've ever had." I try to roll my hips against him but he was fucking me senseless there was no use. I let him use me however he saw fit.
He pulls my hair back causing me to yelp at the stinging sensation on my scalp. "Fuck do that again."
He yanks again, making me clench around his cock. His arm wrapped around the middle of my back and lifts me up off the table still buried deep inside. Harry carries me down the steps of his kitchen finding the couch once more. Stumbling down to the cushions Harry begins slamming his hips into me again and again, pinning my wrists over my head. The tight grip around my wrists added to the heightened bliss of being ruined by the most gorgeous man I'd never seen.
"Fuck I'm gonna come again, don't stop." I beg with tears brimming on my lash-line.  "Please don't stop."
"Wouldn't dream of it." His free hand snakes between us and rubs my clit furiously, making the knot in my tummy explode. I see nothing but white behind my eyelids as I come harder with each manic thrust, Harry's orgasm following right behind. His body stills and his legs tremble, grip slipping from my wrists. Even with the barrier of a condom I could feel him twitching inside of me and finally stilling. My legs loosen around him falling to the side, arms laying lazily around his neck, "God you're good at that." I pant. Harry groans and pulls out of me, making me wince. He bends down and runs his tongue up my folds making me squirm.
"Hmm someone's sensitive."
"Yeah no shit, Sherlock." I sit up fully while he sits back against the couch. "You work up an appetite, darling?" There was amusement in his tone, I roll my eyes playfully. "Oh shut up." I stand from the couch and take his hand, "Stop workin' blue and let's eat."
Fully dressed once more and happily full from the massive breakfast Harry prepared, he walks me to the door with a driver waiting to take me home. He leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his bare chest. "Last night was fun. You have my number?" He asks.
I smirk and nod, "Well you putting it in my phone would indicate that I do." I tug at the shirt he let me borrow and a pair of sweats. "I'll get these back to ya."
"You can bring them when I take you on a proper date."  Harry leans down and pecks my lips, "how about Saturday after next? I'll be back in town by then."
I hum happily, "That sounds great."
Harry pulls my bottom lip with his thumb, "I'll call you." I nip at his thumb, capturing it between my teeth.  Harry groans and shakes his head, "Do that again and I'll have to fuck you right here in front of my driver."
"Hmm sounds like fun. Next time?"
Harry exhales sharply, "You're gonna ruin me."
6 notes · View notes
garden-with-squid · 1 year
Today, I attempted to mix my own potting soil:
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I wanted to do this for 2 main reasons. First, I want to stop using peat moss because of its negative environmental impact. Coco coir is the good substitute. Second, I want to save money on potting mix, especially since I want to add more container plants to the backyard.
I used 50% coconut coir, 50% compost, and an additional 10% sand. I didn’t not add any amendments or fertilizers, though I do have them on hand to mix in as I go. I ended up with about 20-25 gallons of potting soil mix today. It seems to expand a bit after mixing, very loose and airy. The recipe comes from this video, around 5:55 mark:
I found a great price on coco coir from a local farm supply store, the compost was free from the landfill, and the bag of builder’s sand was cheap from Home Depot.
Based on my rough estimations, it would cost about $42 to mix ~70 gallons of soil (no added fertilizer,) which is 6.25 bags of soil (1.5 cu ft per bag). That’s $6.72 per bag, compared to $10-$15 per bag of premium mix, even more for peat-free stuff.
Some considerations: How much nutrition does the compost provide? Is the compost weed/disease free? How long could this mix feed my plants, and how much additional fertilizer would I need? It does take significantly more time and effort to DIY, especially in large amounts - hydrating the coco coir took at least 30 minutes of soaking and mixing, then over an hour to measure and mix the big pile.
I would like to experiment more - perhaps add more sand to make a well-draining succulent mix, add sulfur for an acidic mix, etc - though I will need to learn more about soil amendments to make a mix that works.
I might also try buying soil from a landscaping company, though the quality will vary and they may need extra amendments anyway.
Overall, I’m very excited to try this mix, and it was quite good exercise too.
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KA”H the baby has been back to sleeping properly 3 nights in a row now. 🥳 One stretch of 5.5-6.25 hours, nurse, then another stretch of 2-3 hours before being up for the day (and switching to his typically 45-60 minute daytime naps).
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suttttton · 1 year
When you're driving delivery it's usually really obvious when the customer didn't give you a tip so when you're driving around you're kind of seething about it because there's a line at the mcdonald's and the customer lives way out in the suburbs of the suburbs and you're only going to get $6.25 for forty-five minutes of work, which is just rude
But you're a compassionate person and you like driving and your last delivery tipped well enough to make up for it and this area looks pretty worn-down, so even though you generally think that people who "can't afford" to tip should just drive to mcdonald's themselves, you're poor too and you don't want to lock people out of salty delicious midnight snacks over 2 bucks
But then navigation takes you past that neighborhood. And these houses do not look run down at all. These houses look huge and modern and expensive. There's a doormat with a cat on it and a decorative gnome beside the door, and the customer chose contact-free delivery so they won't have to see you when you roll up in your 20-year-old car and decade-old clothes and your personality and your personhood
And it just makes you mad, you know?
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queen-ofnewyork · 2 years
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Review of Innisfree’s My Real Squeeze Mask in Ginseng
innisfree is a Korean brand that offers innovative beauty solutions powered by the finest natural ingredients responsibly sourced from Korea’s pristine Jeju Island. Their my real squeeze masks come in many varieties including this one, ginseng (anti-aging), manuka honey (moisturizing & nourishing; review), rice (nourishing & helps dull skin; review), cucumber (moisture replenishing; review), green tea (fresh moisture; review), rose (smoothing & radiance; review), acai berry (vitality & nourishing; review), aloe (moisturizing & soothing; review), bamboo (moisturizing; review), fig (clarifying & clearing; review), lime (brightening & transparent skin; review), pomegranate (radiant skin & anti-aging; review) and others. Their My Real Squeeze Mask in Ginseng is designed to moisturize skin and leave it looking healthy. Key ingredients include 7,000ppm of ginseng root extract (anti-aging, skin firming, improves skin health, brightening, nourishing), panthenol (penetrates deeply into the skin, hydrating, helps to infuse water into the cells, moisturizing), centella asiatica extract (healing, antioxidant, anti-aging, soothing, strengthens skin), chamomile flower extract (anti-acne, nourishing, moisturizing, removes and soothes blemishes, hydrating) and sodium hyaluronate (anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, hydrating, moisturizing, healing). This mask retails for between $1-2 USD, you can get 3 pieces here for $6.25 + free shipping.
Water, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Dimethicone, Polyglyceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate, Panax Ginseng Root Extract (7,000ppm), Glyceryl Stearate, Panthenol, PEG-100 Stearate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Carbomer, Glyceryl Caprylate, Tromethamine, Centella Asiatica Extract, Xanthan Gum, Adenosine, Ethylhexylglycerin, Paeonia Suffruticosa (Moutan Peony) Root Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Disodium EDTA, Fragrance, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Pantolactone, Sodium Hyaluronate
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This product contains 20 ml (0.67 oz) and has an herbal ginseng scent.
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The sheet mask is made from 100% eucalyptus fibers. The mask fits very well and I didn't need to adjust it at all.
Recommended use is after cleansing and toning, apply the mask evenly and smoothly over the entire face, avoiding the eye and lip areas. Remove the mask after 10-20 minutes and gently pat the remaining essence in for full absorption and long-lasting hydration. After using, as is customary, this mask does have fragrance, and obviously if you have sensitive skin use it at your own discretion. Otherwise, this mask is very nourishing and moisturizing. It fits well and the material is great as always. The ingredients are pretty great and apart from fragrance, there are no irritants. The effects of the mask are long-lasting as my skin stayed very moisturized for 12+ hours after using it. And I do have somewhat sensitive skin and I didn't notice any irritation so I'd recommend this to people with dry and irritated skin and to sensitive skin even.
What I like: this mask is so nourishing and moisturizing, and the effects are nice and long-lasting. The mask itself is also very comfortable and quite big. It's a great quality mask as are all the other innisfree masks I've used. It's also gentle enough for sensitive skin in my opinion. What I don't like: there is an artificial fragrance.
Long-lasting effects
Sensitive skin friendly
High quality
Would I buy again?
Rating: 10/10
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coming-keys · 3 months
Godrej Vriksha: Redefining Resort-Style Living in Gurgaon
After the massive success of Godrej Aristocrat and Godrej Zenith, Godrej introduces the revolutionary luxurious resort living at Godrej Vriksha Sector 103, Gurgaon. Located near Dwarka Expressway, this project combines luxury with practicality in the heart of Gurgaon. Offering 3 BHK and 4 BHK ultra-luxury apartments starting at Rs 6.25 Cr, these homes feature spacious layouts and premium finishes. Spanning over 15 acres, Godrej Vriksha boasts 7-8 majestic towers rising to G+30 levels, with expansive views of green surroundings. The project’s resort-style center greens provide a peaceful haven amidst the metropolis.
Spacious Apartments: Luxurious 3 & 4 BHK homes designed for comfort and elegance
Elite Clubhouse: State-of-the-art clubhouse with modern facilities for socializing and recreation
Swimming Pool: Well-maintained swimming pool for relaxation and fitness
Fitness Center: Fully equipped gymnasium with the latest workout equipment
Landscaped Gardens: Beautifully designed gardens and green spaces
Children’s Play Area: Safe play zones for kids
Multi-purpose Hall: Versatile hall for community events and celebrations
Jogging Track: Dedicated jogging paths amidst lush greenery
Sports Facilities: Tennis courts, badminton courts, and more
24/7 Security: Advanced security systems and personnel
Power Backup: Uninterrupted power supply with efficient backup systems
Convenience Store: On-site convenience store for daily essentials
Ample Parking: Spacious parking facilities
Pet-friendly Zones: Designated areas for pets
Wi-Fi Connectivity: High-speed internet access
Yoga and Meditation Center: Tranquil spaces for yoga and meditation
Business Center: Modern business center with meeting spaces
Location Advantages:
Proximity to Dwarka Expressway, India International Convention Center, Diplomatic Enclave, New Golf Course, Dwarka Sports Complex, Metro Station, and Indira Gandhi International Airport
2 minutes from National Highway (NH)-8
15 minutes from Toll Plaza
4 km from Subhash Chowk
Near DLF New Town Heights & DLF Garden City
30 minutes from IGI Airport
Key Highlights:
Ultra-Luxury Residences with 7-Star Living Experience
Spacious 3.5 & 4.5 BHK Apartments
Expansive 10-acre Sports Complex
Tower Height: G+40
Multiple swimming pools for kids and adults
Two-level basement parking
Exclusive lift lobby with passenger and service lifts
Marquee Clubhouse
Godrej Vriksha Sector 103, Gurgaon, offers a perfect blend of luxury, convenience, and exclusivity, making it the ultimate destination for those seeking unparalleled living experiences.
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checkappliance · 4 months
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Whirlpool dishwashers offer a range of cycles to cater for different cleaning needs. The pre wash cycle soaks dishes with dried-on food for 6-8 minutes. The quick wash takes 30-60 minutes for lightly soiled dishes, while the normal cycle runs for 1.5-2 hours for regular loads. Heavily soiled pots and pans require the heavy cycle lasting 2.75-4 hours.
The delicate cycle gently cleans glassware for 30 minutes. Sensor cycles detect load size and soil level, automatically adjusting time and temperature over 2-3.25 hours. High temp cycles use minimum 55°C water for 5-13 minutes to tackle stubborn stains. Heat dry and extended dry options provide extra drying time.
For sanitising dishes, the sani rinse raises water temperature to eliminate 99.99% of bacteria over 1-1.5 hours. The soak and clean cycle pre-soaks and washes heavily baked-on food for 6.25 hours. Dishwasher run times may increase with hard water, poor detergent, soiled filters, or very dirty loads. Regular use and cleaning is recommended.
Learn more: https://checkappliance.co.uk/whirlpool-dishwasher-cycles/
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kakkaryash2601 · 7 months
Bitcoin and its origin part - 2
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In the previous part, we have learned the history of Bitcoin, its creation, and its mystery. But today we will go more deeper and understand all the remaining concepts during this session. So stay tuned with us throughout our journey to the Bitcoin and its origin.
Bitcoin and its rise:
As the Bitcoin concept became popular in the early years. Also, popularity comes in both training and practice. Cryptocurrency involves solving the problem of a cryptographic puzzle and adding the transaction to the blockchain network which includes validation.
During the initial stage, Bitcoin mining can be done by individuals using personal laptop, or computer.
But in the case of large-scale companies, massive warehouses, and full high-tech machines that are specifically designed for this work are required in these companies.
Main concept of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology:
Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates under open-source software with programming language. Its main purpose decentralise the network and to make it more secure and trustworthy. Here, we will learn more about the main concepts and blockchain technology so let's get ready for more deep detail on Bitcoin origin:-
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The purpose behind programming language in Bitcoin:
Before we proceed to the next point let's recap what we have done till now. During the session, we learned how Bitcoin became popular and what things are required to set up for Cryptocurrency and so on. So let's talk about the topic we promise to discuss.
It includes a script that comes under the Bitcoin Programming language. The script is a unique and highly specialized language that enables transactions to be validated under certain conditions and it can be done before adding to Blockchain.
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The Design is simple but powerful in contrast to handling complex transactional logic without affecting the security issue.
The script is based on stacked-based execution language which is related to Forth. In this operation is performed based on values that are put together. It is effective in memory usage and saving computation time.
It has the function of making smart contracts which makes the Bitcoin programming language the best. The smart contract here we refer to is a self-executing programme which comes with agreement terms that are written in the line of code.
Cryptocurrency was originally written in C++ language. During that time many different languages like Python, Java, and Go were introduced. 
Generally, the Bitcoin programming language may seen overawe at first glimpse. It plays a crucial role in security support and ensures steamless Bitcoin transactions in the decentralized network.
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Importance of Bitcoin Halving:
It is an event which takes place every four-year and it is necessary to understand the history of Bitcoin. This event helps in reducing the rate at which Bitcoin was created.
By adding an intentional feature to Bitcoin programming, it helps in the regular maintenance of deflationary tendencies.
Also during the early days, Bitcoin miners receive 50 Bitcoin per block. But after the two halvings, Cryptocurrency was reduced to 6.25 Bitcoin per block in May 2021. Due to this factor, Bitcoin's value decreased after every ten minutes of mining activity.
Moreover, after every halving there is a reduction in cryptocurrency at the inflation rate.
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Development in Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer network:
Bitcoin's powerful impact can even affect the world of finance and technology industries. A few examples showing the impact of Bitcoin are the rise in the alternative cryptocurrency, the Increase in acceptance, and advanced blockchain technology.
Bitcoin's impact on Finance and technology:
During the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, the Finance and Technology industries were disrupted by Bitcoin. One of the Bitcoin impacts was back when the traditional finance system was operating without any intermediaries like banks and credit card companies. And the same goes for transactions that are smoothly done.
Furthermore, Bitcoin was introduced for e-commerce and online payment purposes. Also, they had a vision of making every merchant accept Cryptocurrency for transactions, which would reduce the conversion rate of currency all over the country.
Therefore, to make this vision true they must face regulatory hurdles and fluctuation in values.
Bitcoin alternative as Altcoin:
It sounds different but you may heard of the Bitcoin alternative. These alternative Bitcoins were created after the creation of the original Bitcoin. They also have unique characteristics such as faster payment, and more privacy. 
But at that time Bitcoin was the only well-known digital currency that was accepted worldwide. The alternative currency provides different offers to the users.
Important note: not all Altcoins are equal, some of them have faced controversies such as scams and security issues.
Now, it is purely your decision whether to invest in an alternative currency, or not. Because there is risk and loss Torrence in Altcoins. 
Bitcoin Acceptance and Adoption:
As Bitcoin's Popularity is growing so much that businesses started accepting Bitcoin for the payment of goods and services. A list of the big companies that have accepted Bitcoin are Microsoft, AT&T, and Expedia.
Furthermore, countries such as Japan and Australia have legalized cryptocurrency for exchange for goods and services.
Despite being developed, more problems are yet to be faced in the journey of Bitcoin.
During our beautiful journey of Bitcoin, we have learned how Bitcoin rise and its popularity, the main concept of Bitcoin and its Blockchain technology, the development of Bitcoin's peer-to-peer network, and so many other things. Also, we will not stop our knowledge to upgrade even more. so, stay tuned with us with the coming new topics every week. 
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brother-joseph · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Padre Pio 6.25 " Statue, New.
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cricutmakeronline · 10 months
5 Best Cricut Joy Bundle Black Friday Deals of 2023
Winter is around the corner, and so is the festival season. After celebrating Halloween, every person waits for Black Friday. The day marks the beginning of Christmas and New Year shopping among buyers. From 24 to 25 ​​Nov 2023, companies announce special offers and discounts considering the strength of the upcoming festivals. Cricut Inc. is one of those companies that provides heavy discounts on their products.
The Cricut Joy is known as a compact and portable craft machine that cuts over 50+ materials with precision. However, to make projects, all DIYers need to have is the Cricut Joy bundle Black Friday. Now, the items given under the bundle help give shape to their DIY dreams. Also, you can find compatible bundles at reasonable prices from online and offline platforms. If you have no idea about where you can get the best quality Cricut Joy bundle, study the following points:
Cricut official website
Hobby Lobby
Keep reading this blog as you’ll learn about the Cricut Joy bundle.
1.  Cricut Joy Insert Card Bundle
Do you love making customized greeting cards? If yes! Then, you should buy a Joy insert card bundle. With the help of this bundle, one can easily create a little happiness within a few minutes. Right now, the bundle costs $169.00, and the price will decrease on the occasion of Black Friday. There are tons of crucial items available inside the bundle, which encourages the crafter to design something new. Some of the chief materials that you will find while unwrapping the bundle are as follows:
Card Mat, 4.5\” x 6.25\” (5 ct).
Insert Cards, Gunmetal, Merriweather, Black/Red Glitter, and Cream/Gold Glitter.
Extra Fine Point Pens, 0.3 mm (3 ct).
Fine Point Pens, 0.4 mm (3 ct).
2.  Cricut Joy Smart Iron-On Bundle
3.  Cricut Joy Essential Bundle
Apart from the earlier said Cricut Joy bundle Black Friday, the Cricut Joy essential bundle plays a vital role. This bundle holds some of the crucial items, allowing the user to do a project that will help the crafter in penning down their inner feelings. At this point, the Essential bundle costs $169.00, excluding the Access member. On 24th Nov 2023, the price may decrease to $140-$150, welcoming newbies to buy the bundle for making crafts. While unboxing the bundle, the total number of items that the user will come across are as follows:
Smart Label Writable Paper, and Vinyl (2 ct).
Fine Point Pens, 0.4 mm (3 ct).
Gel Pens, 1.0 mm (3 ct).
Fine Point Pens, 0.4 mm (3 ct).
Extra Fine Point Pens, 0.3 mm (3 ct)
4.  Cricut Joy Smart Vinyl Bundle
5.  Cricut Joy Label-Making Bundle
Last but not least, buy a Cricut Joy label-making bundle that will assist you in transforming your intentions into action. With a bit of supplies help, it will get more manageable for the crafters to finish their craft within a perfect time frame. Moreover, to bring the desired craft, the user needs to unwrap the bundle. Read the following pointers, and you will get to know about the items that you will find inside the label-making bundle:
Smart Label Writable Vinyl, Writable Paper.
Fine Point Pens, 0.4mm (3ct).
Gel Pens, 1.0mm (3ct).
Extra Fine Point Pens 0.3mm (3ct).
After learning about the Cricut Joy machine overview and its bundle type, it’s going to be your call on which bundle you are going to use. Although, you should be very careful while choosing the bundle, as it should be compatible with your material and other supplies.
Summing up the blog, one thing has been evident, which is that Cricut Joy offers more features and supplies as compared to other machines. This small but mighty craft plotter helps the crafter in cutting down from thinnest to thickest into various shapes and forms for personal or professional purposes. Besides, the Cricut Joy bundle Black Friday will lend a hand to the DIYer by providing some of the primary supplies that will be written & printed on the materials.
Most people will buy the Joy bundle on 24th Nov 2023 as they will get at least a 50%-70% discount or offers on the product. For more updates about this cutting machine bundle, keep in touch with us. Apart from that, you can also pay attention to the FAQs given below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Is It Worth Buying a Cricut Joy Bundle?
Answer: If you are a proud owner of a Cricut Joy cutting machine, then yes, you should be a Cricut bundle. There are various types of bundles available for DIYers at reasonable prices for crafters. All of these bundles are budget-friendly and can be bought by freshers as well as by an expert. Each budget carries different supplies, allowing the crafter to make something new on the Design Space app & the material.
Question: What Supplies Come with Cricut Joy Insert Card Bundle?
Answer: After buying Cricut Joy along with the insert card bundle, the user will come across various items. Each item has its role in creating any project during the crafting process. Take a look below and know about the item names:
Card Mat, 4.5\” x 6.25\” (5 ct)
Insert Cards, Gunmetal, Merriweather, Black/Red Glitter, and Cream/Gold Glitter
Extra Fine Point Pens, 0.3 mm (3 ct)
Fine Point Pens, 0.4 mm (3 ct)
Question: Where Can I Use My Cricut Joy Bundle?
Answer: After owning the Cricut Joy bundle Black Friday, the DIYer will be capable enough to create any project of their choice. The items that come along with the bundle help the crafter transform the digital design into a physical form. Besides you can also use the Cricut Joy bundle to create projects for personal or professional purposes. Apart from that, you can use the Joy cutting machine bundle to create gift cards, wooden earrings, and many more.
Question: Are Cricut Joy Bundle Supplies Waterproof?
Answer: Yes, all the supplies that are part of any Cricut Joy bundle are waterproof as well as heat-resistant. Once your final product is ready, you will get to see that the product is waterproof. Your project won’t be affected when water gets spilled on it or is placed at high temperatures. However, it should be the user’s duty to be very careful while using glitter pens or markers while highlighting the project.
Source  :- https://xn--crcutcomsetup-xib.website/5-best-cricut-joy-bundle-black-friday-deals-of-2023/
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cricutmachinemaker · 1 year
7 Best Cricut Joy Accessories for Enhanced DIY Crafts
If you frequently use smart cutting machines, you need to know about some of the best Cricut Joy accessories. The DIYer can utilize the cut-die machine in many ways by creating projects for personal or professional reasons. Before taking any further steps, ensure you have got the correct number of tools and accessories.
Different kinds of supplies are required, which completely depend upon the type of project you will start. Suppose you don't want to wait for your money by purchasing unnecessary items. In that case, you are heartily welcome to take the reference towards this blog.
1.  Cricut Joy Infusible Ink Markers, 1.0
DIYers can include heat and watch their designs bloom into vibrant, permanent, pro-quality transfers on the Infusible Ink blank through one of these best Cricut Joy accessories. With the help of these markers, one can easily draw or write on the laser copy paper freehand. Besides that, the transferred ink didn't flake, peel or fade for some time.
2.  Cricut Joy StandardGrip Mat, 4.5" x 12"
Intending to hold on to medium-weight materials, StandardGrip's reusable mat is your go-to option. Additionally, this mat has a strong adhesive that saves the Adhesive-Based Deluxe Paper, Infusible Ink, and many more. It is a reusable mat for personal projects such as coaters, t-shirts, gift tags, etc.
3.  Cricut Joy Permanent Fine Point Pens, 0.4 mm (30 ct)
On the contrary, another name inside the best Cricut Joy accessories list includes Permanent Fine Point Pens. With the help of these pens, you can add a delicate touch to written or drawn projects by using the mind-blowing pack of colors. Moreover, these pens are ideal for script fonts and event invitations. In addition, 30 different types of colors are provided to the users.
4.  Joy Foil Transfer Kit
Cricut Joy machine accessories include a Foil transfer kit, which adds a small amount of shimmer and shininess to the ongoing project. By learning about this tool, the DIYer will receive pro-level, polished results which shine uniquely. With 12 Foil Transfer Sheets and other items included, the user can create anything that can be created from this tool.
5.  Joy Starter Tool Set
Additionally, the best Cricut accessories simplify the custom craft with the items available inside this tool set. You can use Spatula to lift delicate materials like paper from the mat. Followed by choosing the Weeder tool to remove uninvited vinyl. You can also use a scraper to clean the remaining parts of the materials.
6.  Joy Card Mat (4.5" x 6.25")
Moreover, customize the cards within a blink of an eye with this reusable Card mat. It is specially designed to work perfectly, supporting all these machine cards, including the Insert Cards. Most crafters prefer this supply for creating personalized last-minute crafts for various events. Apart from that, all the DIYers are advised to keep the mat clean with various methods and properly maintain adhesive stickiness.
7.  Cricut Joy Tote
With the best Cricut Joy accessories, users can take their craft plotter anywhere and anytime to show their creativity. With the padded interior for securing the Joy accessories machine and customized pockets, it becomes effortless to bring happiness to the surrounding. All the creators need to keep their tote bags safe so that they can keep the machine and its supplies secured from getting damaged in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Does Cricut Joy Come With Anything?
Answer: Along with the Joy cutting machine, the DIYer will receive some important supplies. All those supplies will help them set up the machine with the desktop & smartphone during the process. Moreover, they also need to create their account on Design Space software. They'll also be provided with a bundle packed with different materials used while creating the custom project.
Question: From Where Can I Get Cricut Joy Accessories on Sale?
Answer: If you want to buy different Joy accessories at lower prices, then you can purchase them from Cricut's official portal. To clear the remaining stock, they keep launching the clearance sale so that their material can be sold out before it expires. Moreover, you’ll be provided with the option of buying the accessories at a lower price range from Amazon, available at various offers.
Question: What are Basic Tips to Keep Joy Accessories Clean?
Answer: To add up the longevity of the machine accessories, you need to follow some of the basic tips & tricks, which include:
Visit: cricut explore air 2 cricut new machine setup cricut design space cricut.com/setup
Source: https://cricutdesignapp.wordpress.com/2023/07/20/7-best-cricut-joy-accessories-for-enhanced-diy-crafts/
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yes-bernie-stuff · 1 year
◀ 22 AVRIL ▶ 365 jours pour ranimer la flamme
Cherchez premièrement le Royaume de Dieu et Sa justice, et toutes ces choses vous seront données par-dessus. Matthieu 6.33 (OST)
Le Royaume en premier
Combien de chrétiens connaissent par cœur ce verset ? Il est si connu qu’un vieux cantique chrétien lui est même consacré. Notée par deux fois dans la Parole (cf. Luc 12.31 également), cette promesse démontre que le Seigneur a voulu que nous la retenions et que nous nous appuyions dessus comme une certitude. Pourtant, face à nos difficultés, au regard de nos désirs et pressés par nos besoins quotidiens, bien souvent nous balayons d’un revers de la main ce serment dont nous ne saisissons pas la profondeur et le gain pour notre vie de foi. En agissant aussi légèrement, nous oublions que Dieu a des plans de paix et de bonheur pour chacun de Ses enfants et qu’Il désire nous bénir au-delà de nos raisonnements humains (cf. Jérémie 29.11). Chacun de nous a été formé et appelé à quelque chose de spécial et de personnel bien avant sa conception, c’est pourquoi il nous faut nous reposer dans les mains de Celui qui promet dans Sa Parole d’être fidèle et présent lorsque nous lâcherons TOUT pour Lui, et que nous Le laisserons s’occuper de TOUTES les sphères de notre vie ! (cf. Psaumes 139.13-16). L’incrédulité nous met en danger alors que notre confiance réjouit le cœur du Père et ouvre Ses mains. Forts de cette vérité, ne soyons plus dans la crainte du lendemain, n’agissons plus comme l’Homme sans Dieu qui organise sa vie tout seul, et cessons de nous confier dans des idoles sans vie qui ne nous concèdent au final que quelques petites miettes, quand le Seigneur veut nous donner du pain en abondance et nous céder un si grand héritage ! Ne nous soucions pas du manger, du boire, du vêtir et autres besoins matériels mais donnons la primeur au Royaume de Dieu par notre sanctification, par notre loyauté, par notre témoignage, par notre disponibilité, par notre disposition de cœur, par notre service. Oui, mettons nos capacités, notre temps, nos talents, nos expériences au service de la propagation de la Bonne Nouvelle et à être des ambassadeurs du Christ ! Acceptons qu’Il bouscule notre planning et renverse nos projets, et exultons face à la provision surnaturelle dont chaque jour nous serons les premiers et heureux bénéficiaires ! Oui, admirons Sa bienveillance envers nous, mesurons la grandeur de Sa fidélité, louons Sa générosité, Son amour et Sa puissance ! En faisant la volonté du Père, nous sommes assurés de ne manquer de rien ni sur Terre ni dans l’éternité, alors marchons sans crainte vers notre destinée, dans les plans prévus d’avance pour nous ; c’est alors que Sa faveur coulera sur nous (cf. Matthieu 6.25-36 ; 2 Corinthiens 9.8 ). "365 jours pour ranimer la flamme" est un recueil de méditations bibliques écrites par David Houstin et Ezechiel 37 Ministères. À PROPOS DE NOUS "L'Observateur Chrétien" est un magazine et journal en ligne proposant des informations chrétiennes. Retrouvez quotidiennement une actualité ciblée ayant pour but d'encourager le chrétien, de démontrer que le retour de Jésus Christ est proche, mais également de fournir des sujets de prière. L'essentiel de l'info chrétienne, c'est ici que ça se passe ! SUIVEZ-NOUS Application Bible en ligne Newsletter A propos Proposer un article Faire un don Contact © 2017 - L'Observateur Minute Chrétienne
- Lire plus ici : https://chretien.news/meditations-bibliques/?Tid=113&t=4
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henryblog69 · 2 years
There are 110 distinct stitching options for all types of fabric
Singer Heavy Duty 4452 vs 4432 If the proper needle, presser foot, thread, and stitch settings are used following the weight and thickness of the leather, it is possible to sew leather using this machine. A PDF version of an accessory brochure can be available on Singer's website. You can download this booklet and use it as a guide to figure out what needles, feet, and sewing settings to use for sewing various types and weights of cloth, leather, vinyl, and other materials. Try performing a web search for "singer accessories" if you are having problems finding the Singer website. Although I haven't tried or played with the H 5532, it looks from what I've read online that the H 5532 differs from other sewing machines in that it offers more stitch options. The basic stitches are present on both the Singer 4432 and the Singer 5532, although the latter has a few extras. The machine works in the same manner regardless of its attachments. For me, the Singer 4432 has been an excellent instrument. When it comes to stitching, denim, and other thick fabrics are no problem for me. You should select that one rather than the other if you desire more ornamental stitching. The rest cannot be altered in any way. There are 110 distinct stitching options for all types of fabric. Program for Drop-In Bobbins with a Transparent Cover and an Easy-Load Top The bobbin is incredibly easy to insert because it is loaded from the top. It is simple to monitor the supply of bobbin thread because the cover is transparent. 0.7 amps, 84 watts, 120 volts, 60 hertz, and 4.25 inches in height, with a stitching space of 6.25 inches from needle to tower. The warranty only covers the use of this sewing machine at 110 volts, and it can only be used in the United States and Canada. HEAVY-DUTY SEWING MACHINE SINGER Making lovely clothing and presents for oneself and others are exciting and fun thanks to the Singer Heavy Duty 4452 sewing machine's many capabilities. It has a stronger piercing ability and can sew up to 1,100 stitches per minute. The sturdy support provided by the heavy-duty frame enhances the product's stability and long-term durability. needle threader with automated function This function will automatically thread the needle's eye after you have successfully threaded the machine, saving you from having to strain your eyes or become frustrated. Alterations, belts, rings, bulbs, and attachments have a limited guarantee of 90 days; motors, light assemblies, wiring, switches, and electronic components have a limited warranty of 2 years; and the sewing machine's head has a 25-year warranty. The Drop Feed Provides More Options Just move the drop feed lever in the desired direction to release the feed dogs. It works incredibly well for creative free-motion sewing tasks like buttoning, darning socks and pants, and buttoning. rapid-fire sewing machine With a maximum sewing speed of 1,100 stitches per minute, the Singer 4452 stitching machine makes it possible to finish assignments quickly. It has a motor that is 60% more powerful than those found in standard sewing machines, making it easy to sew through heavyweight fabrics. needle threader with automated function The machine can be threaded entirely in a matter of seconds because the process is so straightforward, taking you from the spool to the needle's eye. The most widely used sewing machine overall and a true workhorse is the Singer Heavy Duty 4452. The stitching process won't skip thanks to the machine's sturdy metal frame, and the stainless steel bed plate allows for easy fabric flow. The thread supply may be easily checked, removed, and inserted into bobbins with a top drop-in design.
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