#&.    fucking with the wrong people    ╱    arc six. ’
pocketbelt · 9 months
they announced one of the main writers for FFXIV: Dawntrail is the one who wrote the Shadowbringers trial series, "Sorrow of Werlyt", and the amount of people going "ew no that's the one that redeems Gaius" drives me kind of insane
That storyline takes Gaius and says "Behold this idiot, watch and be stunned as everything he ever said to anyone turned out to be fucking obviously wrong. Watch as the fascist imperialist philosophy he ingrained into his beloved children makes them run to their deaths, even as he pleads them not to, and they tell him to fuck himself and do it anyway. Marvel as he watches them die by your hand, you, who destroyed Gaius himself at the peak of his life, and he can do nothing to stop it", and that's a redemption arc to people
The only surviving kid only makes it because her brother acts to protect her, she doesn't make it because of any act of Gaius'
The entire story is literally "In case you somehow missed it in ARR and most of Stormblood, everything Gaius believed in was horseshit and there's no such thing as a 'noble general in the evil empire'". All his meritocracy bullshit vanished the second he was gone, no-one but his own children believed it or held onto it, and the empire put someone directly opposed to that belief into his old seat when he vanished. No-one cared, no-one else "believed", the Empire was never about that, it was only propped up in his own singular legion by him being there and the second he was gone the legion dumped it and moved on and only Gaius was too naive and stupid to see it.
I mean for fuck sake, the Empire digs up the chemical gas weapon he explicitly had sealed away and destroyed all record of after he's gone and if it wasn't for a particularly dedicated and enterprising catboy and his comedy crew of hardcore engineers, it would have caused the eighth apocalypse
Even the follow-up in patch 6.4, of the family portrait, isn't some "aw he good now" thing. The family portrait you help organise for him has to have four of its six members be projected onto the scene via a machine's reconstruction of them as normal people because they're dead, they threw their lives away because the ideology Gaius taught them meant they could only think to die fighting and nothing else. That's his loving family portrait: four ghosts stood at his back as his last living child smiles through her pain.
"well the people of Werlyt didn't kill him for conquering them" they let him clean up the mess he made (which meant watching his children be killed) and as "thanks" they're letting him stay there to live out the last third of his life or so attempting to atone by fixing the damage he did.
He's 56 at the time of ARR; the Empire he gave 3-4 decades of his life to is gone, it's a smouldering ruin, all but one of the people he loved is dead, his surviving daughter is scarred by the path he led her down, and what few friends he had are also dead. He learned that his beliefs were all horseshit and pretty much everyone around him except for himself knew it, he must live knowing that those beliefs got his children killed, all that he achieved that he once considered "good" was for nothing, he learned that the cool old emperor he idolised who had no magic but built an empire by pulling up his bootstraps and who told him that magic and gods were bad was actually an ancient incredibly magical sorceror attempting to resurrect his own god.
That's not a redemption arc, he's the most owned man still alive in XIV
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lucystark12 · 26 days
how to convince the ga that byler isn't rushed (kind of just a rant about lettergate)
they need to and i mean NEED to vecna mike because the only way the ga will understand that byler has been built up since the beginning is if we’re given scenes in context. we as bylers obviously get it but byler is at risk of being labeled “too rushed” if they don’t put effort into referencing the important parts of mike’s feelings developing.
the audience doesn't really have a problem with believing that will is gay and in love with mike because there are things in his arc that are just obvious and clearly point to that.
but mike on the other hand is in the middle of a love triangle. unlike most of the other main characters, mike isn't open about his feelings. we don't get his internal monologue. he doesn't tell others how he's feeling. thats why its so easy for bylers and milevens alike to interpret his every move in either direction. it's purely because we don't know. so, in season five, there are things they have to address and give concrete meaning to so that people understand how byler actually does make sense.
the most important scene that i’ve already kinda talked about to do this is...
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this one, obviously, the most important little part of all of byler's season three. i want vecna talking about this. i want mike thinking about this. it’s crucial. it’s essential. his behavior here is weird as hell! it even reads weirdly in a script that was released and then edited quickly after. it's important and it needs to be addressed and treated as such. in the script (forgive me if i'm off, i don't have a copy of it so this is from memory) it reads as "what's wrong with me?" that obviously points our way, but since we don't get his internal monologue there's no way to be sure. it needs to be addressed.
this is also kinda lettergate proof because i think the unsent letters and the fact that mike did try to call will also be essential to proving what was going on with him during the gap between season three and four. if i were in charge of the show, i would do a whole flashback sequence to these six months. i want to know exactly where he is, what he’s doing, what he's thinking, how the people around him are reacting to his behavior. we need a shot of the love, mike. it's SO IMPORTANT.
literally i could scream about how important (and likely) lettergate is.
one thing that REALLY scares me about lettergate is the possibility of them reddieying us. yes that is now a verb. for any of you who never had an it 2017 phase, reddieying is where richie and eddie, two characters, had feelings for each other but never admitted it. at the end of the movie after eddie dies, we get this scene:
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this is what i like to call reddieying. and yes that is also finn wolfhard. this is why we are scared.
the letters could be used in a VERY similar way if either mike or will dies to express the love that they both once had for each other. closure of sorts. i think that would be VERY poor writing (we've all heard my theory about how mike's love for will is literally essential to the ending of the show) but i think it's highly possible especially given the overlap between it and stranger thing's fandoms. the letters could be read at the end in a similar way to the way hopper's was, sad heroes and all. this draws another parallel.
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yes i am bringing newtmas into this. fuck you.
above is a letter written by newt from the maze runner to thomas. newt is confirmed gay by the author of the book, and this letter is written to thomas but never read by him until newt dies. letterboxd reviews of this movie read:
"that letter at the end was the gayest thing I’ve ever witnessed and I’ve seen call me by your name."
"homophobia is thomas reading newt’s declaration of love and the shot cutting to thomas scratching his ex’s name into the rock ABOVE newt’s"
"newt, to thomas: "and i remember you. [...] i knew i would follow you anywhere. and i have." me: *im ready to be queerbaited again meme*"
and i didn't even have to search for these. these were like the top couple reviews of the movie. they were all on the first page of reviews.
all i'm saying is, by having the letter be an idea in our minds, they've set up a way to kill off one of the characters and still have a slightly resolved, weirdly up to interpretation ending. i do still think it's poor writing. i could kind of go into that too if anybody is interested.
i think that if lettergate is used as a device during mike's flashbacks to show how long he's felt this way that they will be using this thing they've set up for good, however, if they newtmas us and reddie us i might die. just letting you know.
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boobi-boy · 2 months
HOT TAKE. As a society, we are conditioned to hate final seasons. This is fair. We were all betrayed by Game of Thrones and Supernatural and whatnot. As someone who has never watched these (I have only heard generalised complaints about them), let me (drunkenly) yap about the Umbrella Academy s4.
I'm gonna try and keep this vaguely organised.
I was an adamant Luther hater back in season one and two, I will admit, meeting his actor at Comic Con in 2021 did colour my opinion a little bit, but I loved him in season three. I mean, his romance with Sloane always felt a little rushed to me, but it was certainly sweet, and their wedding was a nice tie in to the "we only see each other at weddings and funerals" thing.
In season four, I loved him. He's optimistic about life and goes to great lengths to brighten the moods of people around him, which is the kind of person he lacked all his life. He's being the person he always needed and I love that for him.
The implication that he's pushing aside his festering feelings of dissatisfaction for his life to be there for other people is so moving, and also I love those moments where him and Allison get to just be normal siblings, showing that he's moved on from that toxic era of his life.
His fight scenes are epic and he's all round a good character this season. I understand people's disdain for being sidelined, along with his grief for Sloane, but there are a certain two factors that should be taken into consideration here. The first being that, by s4e1, its been six years since he lost her. He has probably processed that grief and moved on by now, despite how profound the loss. Obviously he still thinks about her, which is why he occasionally brings her up, but it's been a long time. Additionally, he's semi-sidelined because his character arc was pretty well rounded by the end of s3. He's moved on from Allison and was on a trajectory for a healthier life. Its tragic that he lost Sloane, but good that he continued trying to be happy.
I do wish his relationship with Ben had been more developed this season. To me, I think the implication is that he's hanging on to Sparrow Ben as a brother (in-law) because he's the closest remaining connection to the Sparrow Academy, therefore Sloane.
Why is he living in the decrepit Sparrow Academy house? Why? Literally why??? This needed more explanation.
My mother hates him. I lowkey love him. In season two, his character plus his saviour complex was explored so fucking well. I loved him then. I think his character in season three is a decent testament to how boring 'settling down' can be.
He reacts very well to everything that happens. That's the best way I could explain it. The realisation that sometimes life is just normal. Its a sweet plotline and I enjoyed it
I loved his relationship with Luther, his visit to the CIA and the fun approach to his power this season.
His final words to Lila, that he knew she didn't mean to hurt him, were so mature and a brilliant way of rounding off his character with a sense of satisfaction and finality. I loved it so much. In that moment, before everything, he was her husband, and that was beautiful.
I have very few. I think his depiction as a mailman is silly. I just wish it had been a different job.
Also I wish he'd spoken more Punjabi because I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) he learnt that to converse with Lila and her family in their native language, despite Lila's family speaking English.
Why was he immature enough to fight with Five over his wife when the literal world was ending? Not very consistent with his character development but I still liked that scene. Honestly, that was obviously written in as a segue to Five going back to the subway so I guess it did have to be there it just felt a bit weird.
Oh dear God. Allison Hargreeves, what happened to you? I loved her so much in seasons one and two. Season three Allison ruined everything ever forever. Not through bad writing. Through very good and despicably devastating writing. She has lost so much and she coped with it so badly that she altered all of time to avoid her grief. The evillest girlboss of all time.
CLAIRE! Claire Bear. I love you. Thank you season four for giving us Claire and Claire/Allison bonding time.
Also the fact that she's coping with her being a terrible human being by babysitting Klaus for five years (which she is obviously very spiteful about) is very well written.
I like the return of Allison badassery when she shows up and literally busts a man's balls.
I like how she ends the show being physically vulnerable and now Klaus is taking care of her now. That was cute.
Also I love that she's being held accountable for her actions and it makes her a slightly better person! That was fun.
I like that we learn that without her power she was a B-list actor at best.
What the fuck were her powers this season? I know they got janky marigold but why is she literally just telekinetic now????
Why didn't they tell us why Ray walked out? She literally altered time to get him back. Like, I know Allison has fucked up every relationship she's ever had but PLEASE tell us what happened.
Also fuck you for what you did to Klaus.
Oh, Klaus Hargreeves, the man that you were. Season one. TRAGIC. I loved it. Season two, the exact same commentary. Season three, I loved him so much, he keeps being my FAVOURITE and also the idea that the drugs and trauma thwarted the full potential of his powers, but the drugs was the only thing that could keep him sane because of his trauma and his powers was so cool. Well done for beginning to overcome your rampant daddy issues Klaus. Season four. He is still my favourite.
Having him sell his body in the weirdest way possible was amazing. I love to see it.
The moment between him and Claire where she knew exactly what was happening and he just repeats 'it's too late' and swears at her. Beautifully devastating.
Him getting buried alive was so fucking fitting I can't properly explain it I just love it.
His final line, and the third-to-final line of dialogue in the whole shows being 'I just wanna say, I love you guys, but you're all assholes' sums up perfectly. And it just had to be him that said that. He can never escape his nihilism and I love him for it. Its who he is.
Learning that the 'real' Klaus is a total germophobe was fun.
Give my man more screen time. I beg. I am on my knees begging. Please Mr Blackman. Please Mr Way. Give the love of my life more screen time.
I wish Dave had been mentioned once or twice. Dave is forever a part of Klaus. Why didn't he try to contact him when he got his powers back? Why has he forgotten him? If Luther gets a Sloane mention then Klaus should have gotten a Dave mention. I guess Netflix hates the queers unless they're from Heartstopper (/j)
Five is my mother's favourite and she was vomming this season because of you-know-what. The poor woman. She still loves him though, So did I. Five defines The Umbrella Academy. He spent two seasons wearing the uniform, he got the first f-bomb, he was responsible for SO much exposition. All in all, he is quintessential to the aesthetic, plot, and entire existence of the series. Did season four give him justice?
I love Five being a CIA agent. This is so him.
Jerome is a funny name for him.
He doesn't ever stop being himself and I love that.
I like how blunt he is about the fact they all have to end their existence. He understands existentialism and his place in the universe more than his siblings (and most people ever) can fathom. It had to be him to deliver that news and he does it so well.
The elephant in the room. Him and Lila. I see it. I see the vision. Yes. If two people spend seven years with only each other for company, suspended in time, they will probably develop a romantic relationship. That doesn't make me like it. It is in character for him to lie to Lila (or withhold information from her)about knowing the way home. I just hated every second of it. I thought they were going to steer clear of Five romantic relationships because of how weird his ageing is. He's mentally more than twenty years older than Lila and physically more than ten years younger than her. It is gross. I hate it. It was a reasonable plot choice Honestly, their relationship remaining strictly platonic would have been less realistic than what happened but when has this show ever been realistic? I will say, it makes sense for Five to revert to old coping mechanisms (I am referring to Delores) in a time like this, it's just that this time he had a real person to enact them with. In times of utter distress, Five is a romanticist, so at least his character is consistent.
Why didn't they let him wear a suit that fits him? That was not nice.
Sparrow Ben is a sexy cunt. I love how much of a knob he is. All the time. This season was a slay for him. We heart assimilation allegories for love and obsession.
I repeat - I love the assimilation metaphor. He didn't get to go with grace. I've seen people criticising that he got no meaningful death scene but that's the point. His meaningful death was stolen from him because of his unhealthy obsession with Jennifer and how deeply in love with her he was. It's a commentary of how toxic and co-dependant relationships will destroy a person. I love it.
I love the scene where him and Jennifer are sat either side of the wall watching the same movie. That was so fucking cute.
The CGI for his powers was shit. He looked like the squid version of She-Hulk.
Why have the Umbrellas just adopted him into his family? That was weird.
I have always loved him. Best trans representation I've ever seen. Autism coded. The amount of times I said 'His powers are just autism sensory overload' or 'his powers are just anger issues' has probably burned the phrase into my mother's mind.
I like that he was a manwhore in Canada.
I love him having control over his powers this season. We support self control my man.
I love how adamant he is to save Ben. All this man has ever wanted was to save someone. And he never could. So he sacrificed himself to save the world.
I was not here for the fit this season. The boots. The jean jacket. Not a serve. I am sorry.
He was kinda cringe and irrelevant this season I'm not gonna lie.
Thank you Lila for being what I picture when I hear Golden Brown. It makes me happy.
A devoted mother. We love her. I also love that her character involves her children but she's more than that. But she still sacrifices everything for them. "Make sure to read to Gracie every night! And don't let the twins fight!" absolutely destroyed me.
I don't know what it is but her fit ate this season.
Her final words being 'Fuck you!' was fun.
Her 'LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME' personality got annoying after about four episodes. Not even in s4, just in general.
I wish her backstory had been more addressed this season. It was just completely ignored. Sad.
The Plot.
If this show is anything, it is self aware. It makes fun of itself for just doing the apocalypse four times. I love it.
The tragic ending. Too many shows have happy endings these days. I need my bittersweet tragedy and the Umbrella Academy delivered. It actually made me bawl because these characters meant so fucking much to me.
I always said that Klaus's story couldn't end without him dying. I also felt like Five dying would work. Now I think that if one of them goes, they all have to. They were born at the same time and they died that way too. It explains WHY they keep ending the world. Their very existence is apocalyptic. They are a collective incarnation of the apocalypse and that just rounds off the show in such a meaningful way.
I know people hate the 'one true timeline' thing and the 'they all die' thing and feel like its a copout, but its so beautiful to me. They were the problem the whole time. They can't just find some creative and resourceful way out of it this time. This is the end. That's WHY the SONG in the TRAILER WAS 'THE END' by My Chemical Romance!!!!!!!!!!!
The plot holes like why does Luther getting his powers back give him his monkey body back when the life-saving surgery that he didn't need in this timeline didn't happen???
Along with many other plot holes that have already been pointed out within this post and by other people a million times so I won't go through the tedium of doing what has already been done.
Special mentions!
The Gene & Jean dance scene! The show knew they couldn't get away with making the Umbrellas dance again but they needed an obligatory Umbrella Academy dance scene and they ATE IT UP.
The song they danced to was also a banger, which segues nicely into my next mention which is the SOUNDTRACK. It SLAPS. Muse! Bloodhound Gang! Cher! ALL IN ONE SHOW. The Umbrella Academy's soundtrack has always been amazing and season four is not any different.
The closing line "On the eighth of august 2024" etc. DESTROYED ME.
Also, the production photos from across the years in the credits. I loved them so fucking much.
They kept handling Victor's trans storyline well, not pretending he was never a girl and including him in flashbacks. Idk I liked it.
Diego naming his daughter after his mother is so sweet.
Random criticism though - the casting for the teen versions of the Umbrellas was ATROCIOUS. Klaus somehow looked five years old and in his mid forties at the same time.
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 months
My Star Wars Rant MasterPost Pt. 2
Note: This MasterPost is for all of my Star Wars essay posts, which includes me defending the Jedi, hating on Anakin, critiquing shows, and other stuff---although those topics will definitely crossover, so be aware---although this post had to be split into two parts, due to how many links were present
Show Critiques:
Part One - ToTJ Dooku's Episodes Critique
Part Two - Ahsoka Show Episode 1
Part Three - Ahsoka Show Episode 2
Part Four - Ahsoka Show Episode 3
Part Five - More Ahsoka Show Critique Pt. 1
Part Six - More Ahsoka Show Critique Pt. 2
Part Seven - More Ahsoka Show Critique Pt. 3
Part Eight - More Ahsoka Show Critique Pt. 4
Part Nine - Ahsoka Show Spite Fic Pt. 1
Part Ten - Ahsoka Show Spite Fic Pt. 2
Part Eleven - Felony's Writing is Shit
Part Twelve - How I'd Fix The Bad Batch
Other Rants:
Part One - Codywan v. Anidala
Part Two - Ahsoka Shouldn't Have Sent Kanan to Find Rex
Part Three - Palpatine Was Fucking Stupid Pt. 1
Part Four - Palpatine Was Fucking Stupid Pt. 2
Part Five - Palpatine Was Fucking Stupid Pt. 3
Part Six - Palpatine Was Fucking Stupid Pt. 4
Part Seven - Palpatine Was Fucking Stupid Pt. 5
Part Eight - Wrong Jedi Arc Pt. 1
Part Nine - Wrong Jedi Arc Pt. 2
Part Ten - Wrong Jedi Arc Pt. 3
Part Eleven - Wrong Jedi Arc Pt. 4
Part Twelve - Wrong Jedi Arc Pt. 5
Part Thirteen - Wrong Jedi Arc Pt. 6
Part Fourteen - Why I Can't Talk About Star Wars
Part Fifteen - Ahsoka Get New Problems Pls
Part Sixteen - Let Villains Be Evil Pt. 1
Part Seventeen - Let Villains Be Evil Pt. 2
Part Eighteen - Let Villains Be Evil Pt. 3
Part Nineteen - Let Villains Be Evil Pt. 4
Part Twenty - Let Villains Be Evil Pt. 5
Part Twenty One - Clarification on "Let Villains Be Evil"
Part Twenty Two - Being a Sith is Exhausting
Part Twenty Three - Jedi Apprentice Thoughts Pt. 1
Part Twenty Four - Jedi Apprentice Thoughts Pt. 2
Part Twenty Five - Padme is Also Responsible for Her Actions
Part Twenty Six - People Only Think Palpatine is a Villain Because of Anakin
Part Twenty Seven - I Won't Write Star Wars Fics With Morally Grey Characters
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saintsenara · 3 months
❤, 💛, and 💜 please!
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
having seen the state of my inbox, this isn't the only time this one will come up...
so let's start strong by going for... albus dumbledore.
i find dumbledore bashing incredibly boring - not because dumbledore is a character i think of as morally spotless, but because the way he's criticised in certain areas of this fandom becomes dull by virtue of never actually engaging with interesting critiques of his character and decisions.
dumbledore is not some machiavellian evil genius - the entire point of deathly hallows is that the omniscient vibe that he projects in the first six books isn't actually omniscience at all, and it always irks me to see authors miss this, and ascribe to malice what is clearly human fallibility. nor is dumbledore intentionally or egregiously manipulative or cruel. and nor is there something "wrong" with him.
[the closest i've come recently to throwing my laptop at the wall was seeing a nonsensical post proposing that one of the reasons why it's fine to think of him as a villain is that he has anti-social personality disorder. not because i think it's inappropriate to assign diagnoses to fictional characters, but because i think if you do wish to do that you should attempt to know what you're talking about... and (evidently quite poorly) reading the wikipedia summary of an extremely complex disorder is not that.]
dumbledore is a wartime paramilitary leader - and wartime leaders have to make extraordinarily complex decisions, often ones which result in harm befalling their soldiers. the series is generally fairly weak on the realities of war - since its genre conventions require it to end with all being well - but what it shows of dumbledore's tactics is one area in which it shines.
and it also gives us plenty of meat if we want to emphasise the ways in which he's inadmirable.
dumbledore is a creature of stasis - he holds radical views, but he does nothing to actually advance them in society [this is a man who is at the heart of the establishment for half a century, who does nothing with that power to dismantle the oppressive social structures which drive wizarding politics and prop up blood-supremacy], and he also has a tendency to adopt a "wait and see" approach in situations where intervention would be obviously more appropriate. dumbledore is a hypocrite - he’s happy to be depended on by fudge, he is appalled that fudge might depend on lucius malfoy. dumbledore lives in an ivory tower, and clearly has little interest in the ways poverty, violence, and isolation affect people. dumbledore projects his shame and self-loathing onto others in a way which is detrimental to their own happiness. and so on.
all of these flaws have a tangible impact on the arc of the series - and dumbledore's failure to take meaningful action to prevent either voldemort or snape's radicalisation is something i think he can be genuinely criticised for - but they can't be taken in isolation. dumbledore fucks up because he's just one man - and the character flaws which cause him to fuck up also contribute to many of his most admirable traits: his mercy; his courage; his steadfastness; and his faith.
and it's so much more interesting than reducing him to a one-note caricature of evil!
what is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
dramione, because i have a very low tolerance for both fanon!hermione and fanon!draco.
i think it could be done interestingly... i've just never seen it.
which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
which got two more shoutouts:
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arthur and molly weasley.
they both clearly fuck - and the lack of respect they receive for this in the fandom is because of the tiresome association of sex with youth and [one, very narrow, view of] beauty [hence why characters like snape often become mysteriously hot when they're being written in romantic pairings...], meaning that both of them being middle-aged, arthur balding, and molly being fat means that the fact that they're clearly obsessed with each other never gets the attention it deserves.
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allwormdiet · 8 days
Interlude 6
Justice for Paige McAbee
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This is. Fucking evil. Chaining a woman up like an animal and parading her around the courtroom. Like what the shit.
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Utterly fucking barbaric
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Brief detour I guess to provide exposition on the existence of rogues
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Going from heartbreak to outrage this quickly in succession was some fucking whiplash when I first read this arc, fucking tell you what
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Actual torture.
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The inhumanity of this entire arrangement is borderline sickening to see play out. What an utter failure of the system
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Oh hey you two
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I can see how people would get. Touchy. About a power like that. But touchy enough for a life sentence is fucked.
Also, credit where it's due, Bakuda's ingenuity in this situation is still pretty well on display
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Bakuda is playing with fucking fire here, and not just pyrokinesis, har har
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Okay you know what, callousness and cruelty aside, this is a fucking badass display from Bakuda.
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Okay so what the fuck is up with the ABB capes, actually. Bakuda built a bomb that would've devastated, like, the entire Eastern Seaboard, and probably even further beyond that into the west and north. I'd say that she was slumming it as part of a gang that's only got a minor presence in one city and a few neighboring areas, but honestly Lung feels just as cracked.
Dude basically only fights harder over time, he would've taken down everyone in that warehouse if Skitter didn't make a Hail Mary play with Newter's hallucinogen. Kaiser, Sundancer, Bitch, Newter, and one or both of the twins would've been fucking smoked, maybe Labyrinth if Coil's guys didn't bother to pull her out. This dude could've been putting up massive numbers throughout his entire reign as the head of the ABB.
So what the fuck was he doing instead? If he's a gang boss with this kind of power at his fingertips, where's the fucking appetite that should come with it? Skitter didn't even think he was an A-lister before they fought and he proved her wrong, she thought he was like, a step above Uber and Leet? In what world does that misconception become publicly accepted?
I'd say this is gonna bug me, but uhh, Lung's going to the fucking oubliette to end all oubliettes so it's a bit of a moot point, isn't it
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Like, okay. Fucked up, sure thing. But this is still such a massive injustice; it was a one-time thing and she couldn't have possibly known if this was the first time it ever happened. You could've demanded training for her power, if nothing else, but you throw her into Hell on Earth. Fuck me.
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This is a level of determination that I think has so far gone unmatched in this story. Like, I'll give Taylor time to pull off something even more outrageously self-harming for the sake of an objective, it's her story after all and there's a lot of words left, but Bakuda really is something else.
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Of course that "something else" does include being an abrasive piece of shit, but hell, she's a parahuman, I don't think I've met one of them that's without some kind of baggage.
Maybe there's a world out there where after her trigger event she comes down on the other end of the hero/villain line. Bombs aren't exactly heroic but she could build non-lethally for standard use and save the big damage for shit like Endbringers. Plus the obvious potential of having a bomb Tinker as an EOD expert, that would be game-changing.
She'd still probably be an asshole, but like. You don't have to be pleasant to be a hero, we know that one for sure.
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I was torn between wanting Paige to get out of this and wanting Lung and Bakuda to get what's coming to them.
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Hi Dragon, wish you weren't the warden of the worst prison I've ever heard of in my life, see you later in the story maybe
Also. Six hundred prisoners in the Birdcage. Not counting whoever's died. That's a fucking lot of them.
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Wait what the fuck happened to Newfoundland
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Oh, Dragon hates this too, well there's a small fucking mercy.
Also, "the hole the men opened into the women's half of the Birdcage" is a fucking alarming phrase. We're just fucking letting anything fly down here, huh? Jesus Christ.
Dragon's description of the Birdcage's security measures is. Fucking extreme. This is a fucking nightmare, an absolute cavalcade of human rights abuses that I can't even begin to fathom.
Have children been born in the Birdcage? If not, who's preventing that? Is everyone being covertly dosed with contraceptives to keep them from having children? Do the block leaders have people on hand to deal with abortions? How do you handle dietary restrictions? Religious restrictions? What if it turns out you were wrongly convicted?
Literally everything about this place is a horror show. Every implication is dark as fucking Vantablack.
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I guess this is what passes for society down here, huh
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Well shit, I guess I'm glad Bakuda has some enrichment at least.
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Okay, so, Marquis is a supervillain who's taken over a cell block, and he's a Brockton native invested in learning what he's missed out on
...Easy money says he's Amy Dallon's old man.
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Not entirely shocked that Lung's spent time behind bars, though I assume that was before he got his powers.
And uhh. I'm gonna be real, I feel kinda bad for Bakuda here. Like she's a piece of shit, obviously, but for all her insults she seemed happy to work for Lung, enough that she made a point of freeing him from the Protectorate and putting him back in charge when she could've stayed in charge, taken advantage of his arrest and done whatever she pleased
and now he's gonna kill her. Because she insulted him. Because it'll make life in prison easier.
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I mean, shit. I do not like Bakuda's odds in this exchange. It probably doesn't take a lot for Lung to have her debilitated, and from there the kill is even easier. Maybe he dies too, but I don't expect that to be the case.
Current Thoughts
Justice for Paige McAbee
The Birdcage is, I think, a very reasonable simulacrum of Hell, and its very existence probably gives in-universe philosophers, ethicists, defense attorneys, and human rights activists fucking hives.
Also, justice for Paige McAbee
I'm not going to mourn Bakuda, but maybe I'll mourn the version of her that could've been in a kinder world.
Last thing, just in case we weren't clear:
Justice for Paige McAbee
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hermitcraftx · 6 months
I agree with your post about hermit fans in regard to things being very popular. I’ve seen more people being angry and annoyed about scarian in the last six months than people celebrating it. Not tagging shipping is shit but it’s better than harassing people. I don’t know what was put in the water but something changed drastically and I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s seen it.
IT'S FUCKING INSANE! This fandom used to be so positive and welcoming and overall way more pleasant than some... other MCYT fandoms, but now??? I can't log on without seeing untagged negative interpretations in the main tags, can't express an opinion without getting anons calling me heterosexual sympathizers and hoping that I die, everyone has turned their back on everything that used to make this fandom really... fun? Like, I don't tag ON MY BLOG, but usually I don't maintag my shipping posts, and if I do, I tag the ship name so people can filter it.... I don't maintag duo names. What the fuck happened to make everyone so- miserable. Anons are probably going to be permanently off for me, too many people comfortable with their opinions and not comfortable with mine and desperately needing to tell me that.
And like- look. I get not liking interpretations. Personally I'm not a fan of the Double Life cheating arc because of how abusive and out of character people made Grian be, and I had to avoid ao3 for a bit because of that and filter the fucking tags. Same thing with found family dynamics. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it "overrated and popular" and just because you don't like something doesn't make it immoral or unethical either!!! People have to make everything a moral standpoint nowadays and it's really exhausting-
But that's a tirade. All over all the confessions blogs there's "scarian is overrated" despite Grian having nearly 10mil subscribers and most of them being on YouTube and considering all the hermits friends or family truthing them. Yes, there is more shipping than before- that's because Hermitcraft season 8 made it very obvious that the people on the SMP and the people IRL are very different, and it's no longer considered RPF. None of the real hermits died via moon explosion, ZombieCleo often says she's doing "lore", they make different skins, even GRIAN acknowledges that he's acting and playing a part with the permit office. Despite all that, there's STILL wars on shipping and people insisting that we're shipping real people, I fought this war on the DSMP side of things and it's SO TIRING.
DND podcast listeners, do you ship the people playing the characters? NO!!!!! Unless you do, in which case, have fun with that. I don't really care about RPF and I filtered the tags for it a long time ago, so maybe they do do that.
Every other day I see "Third life is overrated" "Last life is overrated" (LAST LIFE IS OFTEN THE LEAST FAVORITE SEASON I SEE PEOPLE SAY!), "the life series is overrated" "the cactus ring is fucking stupid" "they left the desert but we didn't" "no, THIS interpretation of scarian is bad and wrong" and like... guys. Guys. Fandom is supposed to be fun. It is not supposed to be a full time job. It is not supposed to be moral or ethical and you shouldn't feel the need to police shit. Jesus Christ, every other month there's a new fad that tumblr users flock to and once it's over everyone goes "EWWW THAT WAS LAME AND OVERRATED AND I NEVER LIKED IT ANYWAY" like.... I promise you cannibalism as an allegory for love is not mainstream you are just on Tumblr.
Like Good God. If it's so bad here go to Twitter. I'm sick of all the complaining and misery and hatred and I miss when things were fun- people are so scared of being cliche that they don't want to write things that they enjoy. Where are the coffee shop aus???? Where are the fun silly things??? Where are the 100k grimdark fics with worldbuilding??? Wheres the 500k fics that aren't even about the same characters anymore but that we love just the same??? Where are the forums and people talking to each other in comments and meeting each other that way??? Where are the roleplay servers?????? What are you all doing??????
People are scared of being judged. They want to do what everyone else is doing. They don't want to be cringe or cliche and every day I see a "cringe culture is dead" post and then someone making fun of another part of fandom, an antithesis to their previous statement. They don't want to be late to things, either. Who cares if Last Life was a couple years ago? Draw the fanart anyway!
I'm scared. Maybe I'm just old, but every post I see I notice that I get maybe a 10th in reblogs of what I do in likes, and I don't even post my art or fics to this site. Every post is like that. More and more people only like posts and they die, unseen, by everyone. More and more people misuse archive of our own's functions, treating it like it has some algorithm, when it doesn't, and it never has and hopefully never will. I see fic reuploads to "gain traction" (not how it works) and people reaching out to find RP partners (breaking TOS) and all sorts of other shit on both sites and it fucking horrifies me. I'm not even that old- I'm eighteen, and I can already tell how fandom has changed for the worst for everyone. Fandom used to be a community. Not consumption.
It's just... sad. Old fandom had PLENTY of fucking problems, and we have problems here too, but at least the positives outweighed the negatives. It's so... mean here, now. Even the happy things are mean-spirited. People treat it as if certain people have invaded this fandom space, spreading horrible opinions and ruining it for everyone, but the truth is is that shipping is always going to be a thing. It's a foundation of fandom- fandom started with housewives in the 1950s writing Star Trek fanfiction. You can never get rid of shipping. You can just interact with what you want to interact with and leave others to mind their own business.
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lakesbian · 5 months
one of the main things to debrief after the chunk of chapter six i just read: taylor goes along with the rich-people party-crash plan out of intent to identify the undersiders' boss & then turn them over to the PRT, and after the fight ends she clings extra tight to brian on the ride back while viewing it as "a goodbye hug." obviously we know she is not going to do this, but as for why she's not going to do this, i think one of the main details beyond simple emotional attachment is that she says she's going to have to try to convince herself that turning the undersiders in is best for the greater good. and she also says that her biggest fear even beyond having former friends hate her again is, years down the line, looking back at this and knowing she made the wrong choice. add onto this armsmaster's shameless brutality towards tattletale during the gala fight & the serious knowledge that they could actually go to forever jail if she turns them in, and i think you've got a simmering subconscious notion that betraying the undersiders would be...less of a win for the greater good, more permanently fucking over other teenagers for no reason that would feel great to look back on in retrospect. she does, at multiple points in worm, demonstrate the ability to do something she genuinely feels is for the greater good even when it's upsetting or decreases her quality of life--take the time she actually does depart the undersiders for the PRT, or the time she storms away from them when she finds out about dinah--but i simply don't think she's truly convinced that turning them in would be for the greater good, anymore. & i don't think this is the only piece of the puzzle, i think just plain and simple emotional attachment to the only friends she's had in a while is also large part of it, but there's definitely an ethical adjustment going on under the hood as well.
i also think it's very notable that when she's fighting armsmaster one-on-one she goes, paraphrased, "no...it can't end like this....not when emma is just in there having an awesome life," which, y'know. extension of the ideas we saw developing in arc 5 about her explicitly using villain life as a way to vent anger over her abuse & gain some form of autonomy/power that causes her to refuse to admit defeat even when she (tells herself) she feels like what she's doing is wrong
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Atsushi for the ask game.
Favorite thing about them: HIS SELFISHNESS. It's so so delicious to explore. Can you imagine a protagonist that saves others not out of simple good will, but because of egoistic self-preservation motives? It just feels counterintuitive for me lmao, and I found it quite messed up when I first watched the anime, but now it's so compelling to explore. His whole “everything I do is in order to gain the right to live” is crazy fashinating. Because lol, that's entirely nonsensical to me! There's no such thing as “gaining the right to live”; all humans, every person in the world is inherently deserving of life. All. No exception. So there's no level of “weak” or “worthless” that would make you lose that right. The fact that's it's a vision so distant and absurd from mine, idk, it just makes it very compelling to explore? “What if there was a little fucked up guy who believed the right to live had to be earned” just sounds like a very interesting premise.
Least favorite thing about them: When I first watched the anime, I think I found him low-key annoying? I just... Don't do very well with self-deprecating people and people who complain a lot in general, I usually suffer in silence and tend to (wrongly) assume others should do the same (this probably makes me sound pretty mean, I swear I try to be understanding irl). However, it doesn't bother me as much anymore, I simply think it's more of a distinctive trait of the character that makes him multilayered and unique. As of now, I can't think of anything I don't like about him if not the fact that I wish he'd rely on Dazai and others in general a little less. I know that has to do with his lack of self-worth, so maybe it makes sense,, but as of now he feels kind of stuck. I just wish we'd see him grow more on that front.
Favorite line:
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There may be better ones, but I really like the delivery of this one.
brOTP: KYOUKA AND ATSUSHI they make me go insane. Already talked about this in the Kyouka post but just to reiterate: in my headcanon Kyouka really is the only person Atsushi feels genuine, selfless affection towards. It's very sweet. They're siblings. Kyouka's happiness is really important for Atsushi. They really do have that feeling of people who got out of an abusive environment learning what normality is supposed to be like together. I also really like how they compensate for what the other lacks, be it decisiveness and coolhead for Atsushi and empathy and positivity for Kyouka. Although plenty shipping them romantically, I really like platonic sskk and atsulucy as well.
OTP: I really like sskk eheh. I think they're neat. There's a thousand and one reasons why I find them pretty great. They're objectively the only reason why I got invested in bsd as well as the only thing that has me keep up with the franchise to this day. Right now, I feel like the one thing I really appreciate about them is how you can be the worst person in the universe and still somehow be loveable to someone. I think it's sweet. I also find it very fun and enterataining to explore their various soulmatism antics. They're both very complex and multilayered characters with something deeply wrong with how their minds work that makes them very fun to analyze both by their own and in the complexity of their relationship. Their collective story arc and canon relationship progression is extremely engaging and nice to follow, too. I love dazatsu and atsulucy as well!! Both were ships I wasn't particularly invested when I read the manga for the first time, but really grew in me in the last six months or so. I really dig akuatsulucy as well!!
nOTP: Nothing?
Random headcanon: He really likes reading. There's some real meta-analysis to be made here I actually had written this is probably not the right place to talk about, but in a work that's all about literature, he's the character who reads.
Unpopular opinion: He's the hardest character to write / characterize. That's why people should probably go easier on other fans when they mischaracterize him. He's just very multifaceted and genuinely hard to get. I keep seeing people being like “Stop babyfying Atsushi he's an independent adult!!” then turn around to say “he can't be shipped with Dazai because there's too much unbalance of power :// [somewhat implying Atsushi can't make free decisions for himself]”, or ���Stop making of Atsushi a soft baby who never did wrong in his life!!!” then turn around to say “Atsushi is the happy puppy of the agency who gets treats and pats from everyone ^^ ” like. At least to me, a lot of people's arguments sound self-contradictory all the time; but that doesn't mean people should stop having fun and characterize the characters as they like! Just, let's stop being mean to each other and try to be a little more accepting towards others' takes, shall we? And yes that also includes letting people find Atsushi annoying if they find him annoying (although like, I've NEVER found anyone call Atsushi annoying ever, so really, what remote fandom spaces is everyone visiting? Why are you looking for clothes (good takes) at the soup store (Tik/tok I assume?) ).
Song i associate with them: Common World Domination by Pinocchio-P, HIBANA by DECO*27, Ghost Rule by DECO*27, so on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration: Look, there's too many beautiful illustrations, I can't chose. Here's a very good one though.
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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But also:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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stellisketches · 7 months
why? please explain the soldier, port, king in excruciating detail PLEASE
EDIT: ITS FINALLY DONE i'm so sorry this took me like six months I got really busy with school work and I wanted to make sure I wasn't half-assing this anyway thank you for asking please enjoy
For reference I will be quoting the “Poet Soldier King” test on uQuiz as I feel they summarize each role most succinctly.
"You wonder, sometimes, if anger is the only thing you can feel. Remember: love is passion too. You made your own rules and will follow them to death. You try and forget that there is only one rule, and that it is "FIGHT". You are tired of fighting. You try to forget that, too, and keep going. You dream of quiet. Your love is where you heal." -Soldier
It's a subtle element but Vylad’s entire character/existence is about enduring conflict. It's an easy thing to forget due to his calm demeanor, but Vylad has been fighting since the moment he was born (hell, even before). Fighting the ill-contrived gossip of being a bastard son, fighting to prove himself a genuine Ro’Meave, and fighting against Garte and Zane’s abuse over his childhood. It’s a subtler form of conflict, but it’s very interesting to imagine how he was able to put up with all of it (I’ve planned so many prequel fics about the Ro’Meaves you guys). Then there’s the whole shadowknight topic that really is indicative of itself. Vylad's whole arc was based upon leaving behind the violence of his past as a literal soldier within the Shadow Lord's army. Again it’s really easy to forget but this is someone who was revived to burn the world to the ground and slaughter any and every man, woman, and child that got in the way of it. He told Aphmau himself in season 2: “One good deed does not fix a thousand wrongs done. I'm not a good person, let's just leave it at that. Please.” We may not have seen it on screen, but who knows how long Vylad was traveling with Sasha and Gene. I doubt Phoenix Drop was the first village they targeted, and I doubt Gene or Sasha or even Zenix were ever like “oh yeah you can wait outside while we commit atrocities on this Lord and his family and burn the whole village to the ground.” Vylad has a very practical mindset (another trait indicative of a good soldier), and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was purposefully good at his job so it would land him more opportunities to get out of the nether now and again. He enacted violence well enough that he was trusted to be sent outside the nether to go fuck up the overworld. Vylad is a man thoroughly haunted by war and the violence he’s committed against others in a way his brothers just… aren't. Sure, Garroth knows fighting and violence as a means of protection and ensuring the safety of others, but he doesn’t know war. He’s never had someone he cared about die in his arms. He’s never seen a whole village burn to the ground and see innocent people slaughtered left and right. He’s never seen a child screaming at their dead mother to get up. He may use violence, but he was never a violent person. Zane, on the other hand, most definitely was, however, but he hardly ever enacted any of the violence himself. 90% of the time it was jurors or guards he’d given orders to. And while he was more than happy to get his hands dirty every once in a while, he never felt genuine consequence from it. 
Continuing on Vylad’s inner psyche, we see after he still keeps a very practical, soldier-like mindset out of the nether in company with Aph and Co: He gets annoyed at Aphmau when she puts off telling everyone about the Tuu’la invasion. He surveys Laurance from a distance and does not interfere even in danger because he’s aware of the long term effect of distrust it would cause him. Upon the chaos in Narhaka, he immediately goes to burn books that have important locations the enemy could use against them. This is actually one of my favorite scenes because of how subtly status-quo breaking it is. Tell me right now of any scene involving book burnings done by a guy the audience is supposed to root for. Vylad’s view of the world makes him incredibly pragmatic and able to calculate the win-loss ratio of his actions and let that decide whether or not he will go through with it.
Vylad may not have the typical surface-level look of the characters often put into the category, but if you really dive into his past, his mindset, and the way he views the world, he easily fits into the role of soldier; with the final line “Your love is where you heal” setting him on the path of redemption we see throughout the whole series.
"Loneliness. Strength. Joy. You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough. Here's the truth : you are. You sing songs and hope they carry faith, because you have run out of it, and yet you still throw your heart out to the world and hope it makes it through. You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create. You are tired of stumbling through life. You dream of a ground you can stand on. One day, you will dance. Your love is where you feel - without fear." -Poet
Now I admit for Zane it does require a more particular perspective to place him as poet, but I’ll start simple and slowly transition to red string and corkboard. Firstly, from the original song lyrics, “He will slay you with his tongue” applies in at least two different ways. The first being obvious: Zane is incredibly charismatic- you don’t just make it to High Priest without a certain degree of people skills included but not limited to negotiating, preaching, and being able to reason your way through any theological question a questioning sinner could ask you. It’s a shame we don’t see it put into use very often throughout the series, but I think his position gives enough testament to his people skills. The second way this line applied is a bit more literal and a bit more dark, which would be the sheer amount of people who were murdered not by his hands directly, but on mere orders. He can quite literally have people slain in just a few words to the right people. Moving to the more esoteric; the line “You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough.” seems like it be a hitch to his characterization, as it first invokes the idea of someone who lacks self-confidence, which is FAR from what we see Zane characterized as in the story. However I see this from the lense of artists becoming blind to the depth of their own skill. Zane is powerful, but it’s not enough for him. He’s become so accustomed to the level of influence he holds he’s become desensitized to it, like how you stop feeling the cold of the water once you stay in it long enough.The power he’s been swimming in his entire life no longer brings that vitalic shudder of control he craves. Thus he seeks power that goes beyond mortal influence to raw, unchanneled divinity, as that’s the only thing that he has ever been told is above him. He hungers the same as any artist— to be something greater than they already are.
“You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create.” The idea of creation draws back to Zane’s relationship with control and divinity. I think it's highly debatable as to whether or not Zane has actual “faith” in the divine (i.e, seeing them as gods he wishes to emulate or simply as extremely powerful beings minus the religious element), but in either case it again leads back to desire for more. (sidenote: Zane’s fatal flaw being lust is such a delicious piece of irony and I could make an essay of its own on it). Anyway, back to the point I was originally trying to make: Zane sows pain and destruction as a means of asserting his power/importance both to others and himself. The “pain” spoken of would normally belong to the poet themself— but this is no ordinary poet, and there is no specific indication where said pain emerges from. 
"Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe." -King
God where do I start. “Duty. Strength. Resignation” It’s like someone just said ‘describe Garroth in three words’. Duty has been his entire life, wanted or not, which leads directly into resignation. “You were told to do things and you did them.The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will.” He learned his history. He learned the politics. He followed the dogma. He believed in Irene and his father and the glory of O’Khasis and his divine duty to lord over its people. His people. He said it himself in episode 68 he wanted to be exactly like his father, and that he thought to be lord was an honor and a privilege. To him, the weight of the world has rested upon his shoulders for so long that he becomes accustomed to each additional hardship quickly and quietly, never kicking up a fuss about his growing stress and dissatisfaction, like a frog in a pool of water that is steadily increasing in temperature. He locks his festering disdain for glorification of leadership away from his father, his family, and the rest of the world because he cannot show that he is anything but the Atlas of duty he was born to be. 
Until, one day, he has enough. He saw what happens to his dear little brother, likely the only person he felt he could truly bond with, and despite everything he still dealt with it, for the sake of the people around him, but when his father commands him to marry a girl he has never met (likely while he is still processing his grief) in the name of ‘duty’, it is the straw that breaks the camel's back. He sees that everything he has worked towards is meaningless as he will never reach a point where his father will be satisfied with him. That his father will continue to take and take from him until there is nothing left but a soulless puppet that will continue to speak his words even after his reign has ended. Every burden he has carried, every grievance he has hidden, every struggle he’s overcome and the hard work he’s put into building himself a true heir of O’Khasis— it all amounts to nothing.
So he leaves. 
Now, let me ask you: what would you do if you were a runaway prince escaping the crushing weight of expectation? Take a bunch of money from your no-good dad? Buy a boat ticket and live a new life in luxury on the other side of the world? Never work a day again and dive head first into careless relaxation? Surely, you wouldn’t look twice at a dilapidated little village on the coast. Wouldn’t bother to stop by and lift a finger to help it. You're free, you have a whole life of sweet exemption to look forward to. You wouldn’t give it the time of day.
“You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture?”
Garroth finds himself in Phoenix Drop— a rickety dead-end little town as far away from home as possible. He stays, and he helps. He keeps the village running, he helps the Lord wherever he can. He takes in the broken, starved boy he finds in the woods. He does whatever he can to improve the lives of the people around him. Why? He owes them nothing, he’s spent a lifetime crushed under the weight of people's expectations and he turns around just to find himself carrying the weight of more lives on his shoulders. He is doing everything he was taught and everything he ran away from. 
But this time it’s different. This time, he sees how he’s helping. There’s no more grating voice telling him none of the effort matters. He has a rigid back and steady hands, metaphorically and physically. For the first time in his life, he can see with his own two eyes that his effort is worth it. There isn’t doubt and lies and corruption floating in and out of his mind. Just the warm, honest smiles of the people he helps. He feels it and it is real. The question “Is it nature or nurture?” is genuine: Is Garroth helping these people out of the kindness of his heart or because it was what he was always told to do, and now that he is without the purpose he was assigned he’s leaning on something familiar? Personally, I think that’s for the audience to decide. I myself would say a mixture of both, leaning more so towards nature. But I digress. 
It’s better then, when he helps and can see that he is doing good, but of course, that peace is not to last him. With the Lord’s death and impending turmoil of Phoenix Drop, Garroth’s role in the village shifts drastically to closer resembling the role he ran away from. People are treating him with near as much kindness anymore, no. The most forgiving are losing faith and the least are blaming him. Blaming him for failing to meet their expectations. Now, as things are deteriorating, he has more than enough reason to leave. He gave it the good ol’ college try, and he failed. With the sentiments of the village becoming scarily familiar to that of his father, he should just say “fuck it” and head on off to that faraway land where no one will know his name.
But still, he doesn’t. We see him in Rebirth and how desperate he is to fix the village, to make it work. Even when everyone else is telling him to give up, he refuses. Even sinking, a captain stays on his ship. (Side note: it’s scenes like this that cause me to start tearing up people’s lawns whenever I see takes that label Garroth as having a “fear of responsibility”). And he is completely ready to either make things work or die trying, regardless of what stands in his way. 
‘You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs.’
Aphmau wasn’t the first person he saved. Zenix had likely been around for at least a year beforehand. However Zenix was a hothead teenager in need of guidance, which simply made him become another responsibility Garroth set upon himself. Don’t get me wrong, he definitely cares for him, but their relationship is far different than the one he has with Aphmau. 
With Aphmau, he finally has someone who shares the burden. Not only that, but sharing it willingly and with a smile on her face. He’s not used to having a person who presents themselves as an equal sharer of responsibility. Much less, someone who is willing and wanting for him to put his burdens on her (At least, that’s how he sees it). He can’t remember the last time he truly allowed himself to be vulnerable with someone. All the desires he’s pushed down start to bubble back up again, and he starts to imagine things he’d long tried to do away with. He sees Aphmau as a strong leader, one whose idealism is a strength and not a weakness, and how she accomplishes things he never quite got around to doing. An admiration grows for her, yes, but that’s not what makes her different. The difference, he sees, is her vulnerability. How she allows herself to be vulnerable around him. How despite the brave face she puts on, she has just as much fear that she isn’t enough. And she tells him this, directly, because she trusts him. And all of a sudden he realizes that if she can be strong to the rest of the world, and yet still let him see her weakness, her softness, then maybe, just maybe
“Your love is where you breathe.”
He can take his armor off, too.
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lionheartedmusings · 1 year
finally got around to putting this into words so here is my submission to the q!bad newsletter titled "q!bad is a good person but a bad human".
arcs like the one q!bad is on are naturally polarising and bring out a lot of strong emotions from views which is amazing, but i think a lot of people are missing the forest for the trees here -- more specifically, who we saw q!bad be for almost six months every day (who we still see him be now).
q!bad is a fundamentally good person by all accounts -- yes, he's a mischievous gremlin, but he's insurmountably generous, selfless in the way he gives without ever expecting anything in return, is dependable at every single turn. even in his lowest moments, he didn't turn his back on that dependability to his own detriment -- he prioritised everyone above himself, not just the eggs but also the other islanders.
q!bad is also... kind. not nice, i actually wouldn't call him nice per se, but he's kind, and loving, and gentle if you know how to read his actions -- just because his lovingness is at times odd to read, it doesn't mean it isn't there.
now, everything i've pointed out so far is not only factually true but also just a spot on indication of what makes a good person, right? well... yes, and no.
by human standards he's not a good person. he lies, cheats, is deceitful and cunning at every turn, is a gaslighter and a manipulator, and his moral compass ends when his emotional attachment does -- he won't hesitate to put his friends through tests and trials that he knows hurt them just to reach a goal, even if it's an ultimate "greater good" type goal.
luckily for q!bad, the man isn't fucking human and so the lense through which we see his character need to be adjusted not only to accommodate his life experience (as we would any character) but also the fact that he's just... not human, he can play pretend and he certainly has spent enough time around humans, but nature vs nurture only goes so far and he was a grown ass adult when he sunk atlantis.
it's honestly just painfully obvious that for better or for worse, q!bad doesn't function like humans do, and i think the best indicator of that is how he views interpersonal relationships, connections, love and trust.
for us, love and trust are intrinsically connected and ultimately need to be present for us to form attachments -- if we don't trust someone, we might get along with them at a superficial level but we won't engage further, right? q!bad sees those two as fundamentally separate parts of relationships -- you cannot argue he doesn't love his friends, or all the eggs, but does he trust everyone? no. because q!bad is very much capable of loving you without trusting you, because his default is distrust. while most of us start a connection with existing trust that can then be broken, he starts them with no trust that needs to be earned.
he doesn't see what's wrong about his friendship with q!foolish, he doesn't see the issue with having been sightseeing at the salem witch trials, pompeii is "the reason he doesn't do beach vacations" and not... yeno, a massive historical tragedy. for q!bad, all of these things are normal because he's a millennia old demon who fundamentally lacks the grasp on some pretty basic human concepts despite his time here (i.e. his whole conversation with q!baghera about lines and mortality).
my point being, q!bad is not a good human, he never claimed to be (on the contrary) and his recent actions show that very well...
... but he *is* a fundamentally good person, without question.
as long as you view the cubito through the lense of our own morality, you'll be depriving yourself of some pretty awesome insights into his character and also just not giving him a fair shake!
he's a terror! he's wiped out civilizations! he's eaten people! he is terrifying and bloody and dark! he's also just a little guy who makes care packages and watches kids and won't turn away anyone in need! all of this is him and for a fair analysis you need to consider the entirety of him for better and for worse!
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mswyrr · 1 year
forgiving and needing to be forgiven
Moiraine threatened Lan with a serious violation: she threatened to have Alanna force a bond on him. Lan could have chosen to walk away after that. Instead, he chose to consider this--and the rest of her shitty behavior--in context of Ishamael's assault on her and her own subsequent serious illness. He chose to forgive her - and we see, in the beach scene, that Moiraine makes it clear she doesn't expect his forgiveness.
When they come back together, choosing to open their hearts to each other once more--and emphasis is on Lan's wince as his heart reopens to her; it is his freely made choice, but it has a cost, there are scars left by what they've both been through and how Moiraine has treated him--the magic circles them and it is beautiful. Freely choosing to understand someone you love is hurting and commit to forgiving their mistakes and wrongs is a powerful thing; it is what makes long-term relationships possible. It is a kind of common magic - how people can grow, change, fuck up, and choose each other again and again. It is beautiful.
Loving someone, sharing a life together, and knowing them so well for decades--whether platonically or romantically--is one of the most beautiful things an adult human can choose to do. It is hard work; it is pure joy; it is the cultivation of grace for another and their failings and wrongs and the humility to recognize your own failings and admit your wrongs.
It's understanding and being understood, even the parts of you that aren't pretty, even the parts of them that aren't pretty. It's caring for someone when they're sick--not only temporarily, but even in chronic ways that wear upon you, that motivate the person to be hurtful toward you, like Moiraine was sick in s2--it's experiencing the vulnerability of receiving that kind of care even when you're difficult and unsightly. And every day it is a choice.
Moiraine can choose to forgive Siuan in the same way that Lan chose to forgive her. The same ethics and emotional truths apply and the reasons for Moiraine to choose to do so go back even further, are rooted even deeper, than Lan and her and their platonic love.
Lan forgives Moiraine at this point in the story because their relationship is very important, but it isn't Moraine's big true love romance - Siuan is. Their narrative arc is just gonna be more fireworks and grand imo. Siuan wrongs her at this point in the narrative (and Moraine wronged Siuan by deceiving her for six months!) because their resolution is being reserved for later. It's probably going to come along with another, even higher stakes resolution in the larger conflict, and it is going to be gorgeous.
Rosamund Pike didn't write Sophie Okonedo a passionate personal letter asking Sophie to play her wife--and Sophie didn't agree to that!-- just so it could end this way. That doesn't make "behind the scenes" sense or narrative arc sense.
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kasururigoth · 9 days
Your thoughts on Shizuo as Kasuka's brother?
hiiiii so first of all thanks for asking because i've been dying to talk about this Second forgive me if my rambling becomes a bit nonsensical or hard to understand, language barrier + brain worms sometimes make it hard to get the right words out of my brain, THIRD OF ALL i'm going to talk about sibling dynamics while having NO firsthand experience on the subject because i'm a chronical only child, with that said:
to analyze the heiwajima brothers dynamic i'm first going to analyze them as a pair rather than individuals because i feel that they are both a perfect example on how trauma affects people differently depending on their already set dynamics (meaning how shizuo is the oldest and kasuka the youngest, and the personality traits they have pre and post The Refrigerator Incident)
it is almost ironic how they don't match the already set stereotypes of sibling dynamics (how, for example, older siblings are associated with responsibility and stability and the younger tend to be the more rebellious and temperamental). this twist is what makes shizuo feel like he hasn't played his role as an older brother the right way, because kasuka is the responsible one and the stable one (in some way, at least)
he feels guilty for the way kasuka has turned out (even if it worked out for him at the end: meaning, he still has a career, he's still cared for and loved by fans, regardless of his personality). it's sad because it isn't shizuo's fault, at least not entirely, how much violence kasuka had to witness, how much rage he had to see from a very young age. they were both young, they were both children when this all happened, it was inevitable.
they both take complete opposite and equally extreme ways of coping with this. shizuo lets all his rage out, even if it breaks his entire body, because there's no point in holding it all in (at the end, he'll come out stronger), while kasuka holds down his feelings to the point he becomes devoid of them, because he has seen what they have done to his brother. they are two sides of the same coin, two different results of the same conditions (this is a big part of why i feel like their polarities also mirror the kururi and mairu dynamic). kasuka sort of took on the role of a glass child because of this, willingly maybe, maybe not. he does say that he consciously chose to turn out his emotions for the sake of not becoming like shizuo. This also makes me wonder how implicated where their parents in this whole situation like??? where were they that entire time?? shizuo mentions his family was normal and neither of them show to have a complicated relationship with them, but still i have to wonder.
i think that shizuo would break if he ever knew how inhuman kasuka feels too, they share that at least. do you think shizuo ever misses the moments he and his brother laughed together? cried together? wow this got sad, im going to change the subject.
some of the moments that i LOVE to see are how happy shizuo gets when kasuka needs help from him because he gets to be the big brother!! at last!! he goes out of his way to help him when he is in trouble or danger in both stalker incidents (world at peace OVA and Adabashi arc), and it makes me laugh how he goes berserk the moment someone mentions his brother in a tone that might be even slightly negative.
also i want to mention these three exchanges from the eight novel specifically
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they are the world's most Brothers ever... they literally understand each other to a different level AHHHHHH IM GOING TO BE SICK
like, everything that could go wrong with them went wrong, they are both fucked up but at the end of the day it literally works out for them!! they have the healthiest sibling dynamic on the entire show compared to the rest and that says a lot by itself. Sure i know shizuo feels guilty for everything but knowing his little brother is doing fine brings him peace of mind. Love that one scene (episode six of the first season i think??) where celty tells shizuo that he must really love his brother. they are going to make me end it all i swear to god.
shizuo is aware that he screwed up over and over again but at the end of the day they still have each other's backs regardless of everything that went through :') i wished we had the chance to see more of them post-ketsu buuuut well maybe i'm asking too much narita clearly doesn't care about kasuka enough 😭 this got very long, i hope i gave an almost complete answer, i could certainly talk about this subject for hours on end. thank u for asking !!
little heiwajimas for u
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naloya-cuke · 11 months
It seems to me that all these confirmations and denials about whether Nandermo will be canon or not are just flirting with the audience to stir up interest in the series. I can't believe that after all these numerous hints of love between Guillermo and his "boss", the creators of the series will not take this arc to its logical conclusion (a kiss, a confession or something). In any case, if the show lasts more than six seasons, then I'm ready to eat as many crumbs as it takes, I'm ready to wait a hundred years for the canonization of Nandermo, because I like the series as a whole. If it ends in the sixth season, it's going to be a little sad because I love this universe, I like all these talented actors, their great acting, I like the humor, I like the atmosphere... If the creators of the series throw in all these refutations because they want to extend the series, then I'm even happy about it. But if they think that Nandermo fans watch wwdits just to see Guillermo and Nandor kiss or fuck, then they're wrong. In fact, if it happened in the fourth or fifth season, I would still be interested in watching the show, because I'm interested in the development of relationships, not pornography. Knowing this show, I would be so happy if they just told each other that they love each other or if they hugged at least once. Why create such a crushing tension between the characters if there is no logical discharge?
In general, I don't want the sixth season to be the last. If Nandermo doesn't happen, I have fanfiction and fanart from a lot of talented people on the internet. I love this series no matter what.
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sunreys · 5 months
As much as I love the netflix shadow and bone and I really enjoyed watching it, let's be so fucking for real: it's not a good adaptation.
Season 1 was not a bad start. Like yeah you can have your complaints about certain acting choices and cgi and whatever (it is a Netflix show let's keep our expectations,,,,,level) but it was not that bad! It was fun, it was pretty faithful to the characters! In terms of book adaptations, it's honestly up there in quality. Season 2, though.
This whole show has been compared to a crack fic, and I second that---its not really the grishaverse. It's like someone's six of crows/shadow and bone crossover fic. Meaning we're smashing together two stories that are each already full of so much content on their own that it would be hard to do it all justice in an 8 episode netflix series. Even harder when you're combining 2 books, random storylines we pulled out of our asses, and scenes from soc and ck that had no business being there. I understand why they did this: six of crows is much more popular than shadow and bone, and the people at netflix wanted to get the most money possible from this. Alas, this hinders the story of the show so so much. For all it's flaws, there is so much good shit in the shadow and bone trilogy. There is SO MUCH that is so interesting, so poignant, so fun, etc etc that we entirely skipped past and cut out because we jammed so much other shit in there that had no reason to be. We skipped almost the entire plot of book 2! And while there's stuff in there that certainly drags on and could be cut, why did we cut out Alina and Mal's time in hiding? The Darkling finding them and everything else with Sturmhond? All the political shit that goes down with Vasily? Alina's struggle with being seen as a saint, her genuine struggle with being plagued by the Darkling? The reveal that Vasily was a fucking idiot and led the Darkling and the Fjerdans to the capital? The CHURCH SCENE??? WHITE HAIRED ALINA??? And that's just book 2! And then we get the canon divergence. Now I'll admit, I was slightly curious to see where they were gonna take this plot. However, if it was gonna go how they seemed to be setting it up, it would've been disappointing. I'm not a fan of stories where after the big climax the female lead loses her magic powers in favor of some peaceful life as a housewife or whatever. However, I loved the way the shadow and bone books ended. It was set up and foreshadowed that using merzost would have a cost. Alina willingly chose that cost to save mal, to have her happily ever after and her normal life which is what she always wanted. To prove the Darkling wrong. That's the important thing. Instead I guess mal goes "damn I know u literally brought me back from the dead but I'm gonna break up with u now bc I hate destiny I guess". And it seems as though the show was planning to have a storyline where Alina deals with having the Darklings power and struggles with whether or not she should succumb to the Darklings ideals or whatever. Which sounds like an interesting plot right? But guess what? WEVE ALREADY SEEN THAT SHIT IN THE BOOKS. IF THE SHOW ACTUALLY SHOWED US WHAT HAPPENED IN THE BOOKS WE WOULDVE HAD ALINA STRUGGLING WITH HER LITTLE VILLAIN ARC INSTEAD OF WHATEVER TF WE WERE HEADING TOWARDS AT THE END OF SEASON 2.
Anyways. Netflix execs get ur shit together and start greenlighting adaptations that fans of the original material---who you are literally appealing to by making this adaptation in the first place---will actually enjoy.
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beevean · 1 month
I don't read the comics so apologies if this has been addressed already, but can't they just... call Jewel? On the Miles Electrics that we know the Resistance has because they have appeared in earlier arcs? (iirc, when the Deadly Six fucked Tangle up and kidnapped Belle or whatever? And Jewel also managed to remotely talk to the Chaotix or smth? I forgot most of those stories, sorry XD)
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So, the logic is:
can't get past security. No way of circuventing it.
can't get inside the shuttle to look for the people who touched their gears, because it will take flight the next day (and, I assume the conclusion is, it will be heavily guarded).
can't bust in with the Tornado because it will cause a scene.
no mention of contacting Lanolin. (to be fair, Lanolin would surely dismiss them if they don't bring solid proof of wrongdoing: however, as they have no idea of the way she treated Silver and Whisper, I'm not sure they'd reach this conclusion)
no mention of contacting Jewel, even though she's supposed to be Amy's friend and would probably be softer than Lanolin.
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working with Eggman and using his tech (assuming it's not a trap and wouldn't explode under Sonic's feet) to allow Tails and Amy to sneak in secret in the shuttle that leaves for space the next day and is heavily guarded: wow this is brilliant! Nothing could go wrong in this smooth jump of logic!
And do you want to know the best part?
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Jewel is suspecting something is wrong. She's not buying Duo's lies.
She would very much believe Amy if she told her that they believe someone tampered with their gears, and help them investigate.
But we can't have that :) because we have a Plot to follow, and that Plot dictates that Clutch and his plan are so waterproof that the protagonists need to take extreme measures :)
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