#"field archery"
offthearrowshelf · 11 months
Episode 76 - archery tips and advice
You can now listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Episode 76 – Coaching tip – Why do archers short draw? https://anchor.fm/off-the-arrow-shelf/episodes/Episode-76—Coaching-tip—Why-do-archers-short-draw-e26tc4p In the first of what I hope will be a series on advice and coaching tips, I explore some of the reasons archers may short draw or sometimes called under draw their bow. Thanks…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months
Women often led hunting parties of their own.
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"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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choicesmaychallenge24 · 2 months
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Have fun! Take liberties! Be weird!
Playlist Inspo
Deity Inspo
(extensive list of Dieties can be found here)
Power, Oak tree, unfaithful
"Statistically, you've got better chances being struck by lightning"
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Marriage, revenge, peacock
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
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Ocean, earthquakes, horses
"stormy eyes"
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Wheat fields, middle child, poppy
"...moods that changed like the weather"
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Harp, medicine, prophesy
"...like they were the sun"
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Wilderness, moon, archery
"lets go lesbians, lets go!"
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War, strength, hated
"Don't be a boar"
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Wisdom, strategy, owl
"You're giving me a headache"
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Inventive, disability, overlooked
"...Like a volcano about to erupt"
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Pearls, swan, passion
"You know ___ is an aphrodisiac"
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Guide, messages, travel
"That's just an eloquent way of saying, 'fuck you.'"
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Home comforts, Eldest Daughter problems, gentle
"Sometimes a family is (insert found family here)"
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Wine, celebration, mania
"I heard it though the grapevine..."
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Mysterious, rest, starlight
"Goodnight, My Love"
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Rich, death, responsibility
"who's a good puppy?"
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"You wish to be considered righteous, but not to act with justice." (Eumenides)
"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish." (The Bacchae)
"Isn’t it delightful to forget how old we are?" (The Bacchae)
"I was born to join in love, not hate - that is my nature" (Antigone)
“I have no love for a friend who loves in words alone.” (Antigone)
“Have you ever been struck by a sudden desire for - soup?” (The Frogs)
Dionysus [doing everything wrong], "Like that?" (The Frogs)
“If you try to cure evil with evil, you will add more pain to your fate.” (Ajax)
“Which would you choose if you could: pleasure for yourself despite your friends, or a share in their grief?” (Ajax)
“I ask this one thing: let me go mad in my own way.” (Electra)
"Oh, it is easy for the one who stands outside the prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one who suffers” (Prometheus Bound)
“In childbirth grief begins.” (Medea)
"I'll take care of you."
"it's rotten work."
"Not to me. Not if it's you." (Euripides)
“Love, stealing with grace into the heart you wish to destroy, love, turning us blind with the bitter poison of desire, love come not my way. And when you whirl through the streets, wild steps to unchained rhythms, love, I pray you, brush not against me, love, I beg you, pass me by.” (The Love of the Nightingale)
“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” (The Odyssey)
“Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this.” (The Odyssey)
"Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again." (The Iliad)
From Dolce & Gabbana
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Many of these stories have different tellings and variations, embrace whichever version you most enjoy.
Echo and Narcissus (painting) (story)
Pandora's Box (painting) (story)
Arachne (painting) (story)
Hades and Persephone (painting) (story)
The Gorgon Medusa (painting) (story)
Cygnus (painting) (story)
Theseus, Ariadne, and the Minotaur (painting) (story)
Daedalus and Icarus (painting) (story)
Eros and Psyche (sculpture) (story)
Orpheus and Euydice (painting) (story)
Myth of Sisyphus (painting) (story)
Cassandra (painting) (story)
The Fates (painting) (story)
Atlas (sculpture) (story)
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sunofpandora · 11 months
So I watched avatar 2 with my native mother.
1. I don't think we've ever cried harder together in our life.
2. First things first, the minute the kids came on screen she said “I'm adopting them all”
3. Said that Neteyam and lo’ak remind her of my brothers. (especially during the fight scene where they defend Kiri)
4. Was pissed bc trudy is still dead.
5. You know that scene in the beginning where Neytiri shoots the RDA ship pilots in the raid?
My mother turned to me and said “you took 6 years of archery in school. Why can't you do that?”
6. Called Rotxo and Ao’nung “Thing 1, and Thing 2.”
7. Was gushing over tsireya and told me she missed when I wore my hair like that (I wear braids most of the time, but when I was 12 I wore my hair like Tsireya’s with cornrows in the front and curls in the back)
8. Didn't recognize Jake at first. She thought the dreads made him look better though.
9. Said that “neteyam reminds me of that one kid on a soccer field who sits in the grass and picks flowers”
10. When Quaritch came back, she said “oh my god its coloniel scar face back to fuck things up”
11. 98% sure Spider has ADHD. (she works with kids who have ADHD and dyslexia)
12. Anytime ronal came on screen at the battle scene “when I was pregnant I wasn'triding winged aligators”
13. Couldn't take the Australian guy seriously (it was probably the accent. No offense to y'all with accents. Me and my mom have accents ourselves)
14. My personal favorite, when Kiri was sad she said “honey your not depressed. You just need to get your hair done”
15. We went through a whole box of tissues when Neteyam was shot.
16. Said, “Jake looks like he drives a ford F150 and has bad road rage”
17. Went on Amazon and ordered the avatar visual dictionary for herself afterwards.
18. Was pissed as spider for saving quaritch. And I quote,
“regardless of whether he kept spider alive or not, he took children away from their families, and placed them in the center of gunfire, in a war that was never theirs to fight. That is unforgivable. I would have let the bastard drown.”
19. Ao’nung was “man bun having, pain in the ass”
20. Her top two favorite characters were Kiri and Tonowari.
21. Kept flinching when Neytiri got on the ship to kill the recoms. Said “that's some shit out of a horror movie. Damn”
22. When she saw spider she said “I bet he smells like actual shit”
23. Z dog pissed her off more than any other character 😭
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riddles-n-games · 24 days
I feel as though we never had a proper headcanon regarding what sports the boys played so here are a few of my speculations.
Nash-This man may have done a whole lot of western riding and motocross but little did anyone know that he also did football for a while. He played centre midfield and was pretty darn good at it too. However, after five years of play, he dropped out of it even though he was playing for his high school team and was even promising for varsity in college, should he have remained interested.
Grayson-After learning several martial arts, Gray decided kickboxing was of interest to him and though he struggled with it at first, he became proficient as he trained for years after that. It became one of his ways of releasing pent up anger. Because he wasn't one for liking conventional sports and his love of longswords and blades was strong, especially with the historical aspect, he decided on fencing. That was his true passion which was where he topped the amount of trophies he had in terms of photography and swimming.
Jameson-As our wild card loves to hurt himself, seek adrenaline rushes, and piss people off, what better way to do that than soccer and lacrosse? He played defense and midfield in soccer interchangeably but he shined as a right winger in midfield the most. For lacrosse, he was an attacker, preferring the middle and was even captain for a good two years before a bad injury sacked him. Given his lanky frame, he also participated in gymnastics and was also chosen to go to the Olympics for it. His coach, Miss Lenoli praised him often for his beautiful twists on trampoline; this may have been a rare time to also see Jamie blush bright red at the compliments.
Xander-This guy is probably the least likely to do any sports but he actually loved doing field hockey and archery. Field hockey he pursued for many years and excelled at it as goalie or defense. One of the good things about his genius mind was being able to come up with creative defense tactics that often surprised many offensives from the other teams but he also never used them too often so he kept everyone on their toes. Archery was started a lot later, around the time when he was turning 7 and due to his love of Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games, he felt like two of his favorite characters. There were times when he would randomly quote their one-liners or walk off the field doing the District 12 salute (also when The Avengers came out, there may have been a phase where he'd do Hawkeye poses too such as the dramatic slow mode fall off a roof). Unfortunately, he got shot in the elbow after once trying to do a demonstration with a new contraption of his and his grandfather banned that (least to say how long that lasted; 2 weeks post injury).
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wowsnowwhitewell · 2 years
Perfect. Is that how he would describe him? Probably. The new son of Zeus camper was absolutely stunning and unlike most of the sons of Zeus. A good different.
Most of Aphrodite's children sent many envious glances, jealous of the attention and admiration that was around the boy. Percy himself was absolutely stunned when he saw Émile entering the camp. He looked a little shy, something that was not common in the first impression of a son of Zeus; but without the lack of a simple smile, so after being claimed and welcomed by his brothers, he was ecstatic.
In recent weeks, Émile has become quite popular. He had a talent in almost everything – Archery, Arts and Crafts, Canoeing, Savings, Crafting magical and valuable tools and weapons. Émile had a lot of dedication and effort, especially with magic, it was one of his strengths – his name was very beautiful, his first and last name. Everything came out perfect and was executed perfectly, he's probably good at almost everything. Since then, Percy has been taken and claimed in several matches, competitions and group missions that Émile was also; Jackson watching him from afar for a while but never talking to him. How can he? Zeus's son was absolutely perfect Almost a Greek god! Body, soul, EVERYTHING (Not to mention, he was rumored to be Zeus's favorite since he was born on the same day as the man. Gods, he was so splendid).
After another day off, Percy finally worked up the courage to go to him.
— "Hey!! Émile Theodore- right!?" Percy called out to the other boy, shyly walking over to him. Émile looked at Poseidon's son, smiling brightly as he slowly stopped his training in the field.
— "Yes, it's Émile. You must be Percy Jackson. Yes. I've heard several events that..you've been quoted and marked, although I never thought I would actually meet you so casually! – you're such a celebrity here Mister Jackson." Émile chuckled weakly, Percy felt his heart flutter with an angry speed, his cheeks flushing a bright red as he returned a smile.
— "Actually, you look like the celebrity around here hehe – even Nico said you were really cool and..stylish! Yep.." Percy chuckled shyly as he admired the other boy's arms. He was very hot and manly sir. What puberty and bisexuality don't do, right?
— "Wow – I could talk to him later..I think Angelo is so impressive too! But, well..it's nice to meet you too Percy! Sparing the conversation with games later? It would be a great second impression, Percy. What do you think?" Percy nodded silently on automatic, his face still flushed like a ripe tomato.
— "This is going to be really cool. Thanks for the introduction, Mister Jackson." Émile winked at the other dark-haired boy from the seas, then walked away and headed towards the showers.
H o l y c r a p. G o d s. Olympus of Heaven- Percy was absolutely desperate and stupid when it came to love.
🌺❣Émile Theodore Hazel Roumísque💫. That's the full name of my pjo oc! I created him from my head and got from Pinterest a fanart of a handsome black guy😼I just don't know who the artist is, but this is what Émile looks like🤎🧡
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doodle-pops · 1 year
Thoughts on Fingon
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A/N: I've had so many thoughts about his character for the longest time and thanks to a friend for giving me a boost, I feel a bit more confident releasing my interpretation of his character. Some may appear repetitive, but eh. Please, these are my headcanons, you don't have to agree. If you don't, refrain from negative commentary. Thank you :)
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‘Wise he was and skilled in voice and hand’, this part of Fingon’s description I noticed, tends to get overlooked a lot when characterising and building his persona.
He is a wise person, and may not have been the wisest like his fellow cousins or skilled in advanced magic like them, but Fingon was able to hold his ground when it came to academics and warfare. He wasn't all about athletic and lack wisdom and knowledge, he had brains (didn't use them rightly all the time lol).
Athletics was not the only aspect of Fingon’s life that he was skilled in, he was also articulate in academics. As the son of a prince, he would have outstanding scholars teaching him all topics throughout his adolescence.
Participating in court from a young age as he attended sessions with his father and engaging in small debates when he could. He was not the best or the most eloquent when it came to more advanced topics, but he was wise enough when challenging his opponents.
It wouldn’t be until his younger brother Turgon became of age and began attending court alongside him, he would take a step back to allow his brother to shine and show off his knowledge and enthusiasm. Fingon did become a little jealous of the trail of attention falling onto his brother more than him when he began showing more interest in politics.
But he did enjoy partaking in court, just not to the extent as his other family members.
Sports for him was a getaway/stress-reliever activity that he grew to enjoy and developed professionalism in certain areas. He excels well in horseback riding, ice skating (I like to believe Valinor had ice skating), archery, wrestling and other track and field events.
When it came to being skilled in hand in the warfare aspect, he was an extraordinarily proficient swordsman (he would have aided in training Maedhros after his recovery after all). Among his cousins, he would have ranked fourth (4th) or fifth (5th).
Following up with the previously mentioned quote, he was also his father’s commander during their time in Beleriand. As a commander, who later became the High King, he was somewhat of a strategist which leads to being a manipulator. Being skilled in hand and voice, especially the latter is primarily the reason why he can be charismatic and charming when he spoke to people.
Being able to easily influence persons to allow him to have his way (not in a conniving manner which he can do). He mostly used his voice to speak inspiration and strength into the hearts of people, lifting their spirits (a motivational speaker).
Then too, he may not of had the most political involvement in Beleriand or been the most outstanding commander under his father’s rule, but he was fairly decent even as a High King and wise. Being able to give orders on his own, plan and not always needing to rely on others.
He isn’t always the cheery, go-to sunshine prince charming or merry glittery prince, Fingon can also be a quiet and observant person who prefers to bask in his little world of troubles and be angst. Giving emotional support to others while humbly expressing his misery and trauma.
As much as he enjoys putting on the ‘people’s supportive and serotonin prince’ façade, there are days when he can barely hold himself together. He would quietly walk through the streets of Hithlum, mourning the loss of his brother, sister-in-law and other fallen comrades or find himself crying in the rain.
Furthermore, let's not forget that he was also a kinslayer. It may not be engraved into his blood or mind the way it would be for the Feanorians (allowing for murder to be a primary threat), but it does float around his conscience.
As much as he has regrettably apologised to himself and to his cousins, and viewed as one of the calmest of the kinslayers, he is still considered unpredictable. Being a friendly charming radiant prince still isn't enough for many, including himself, to forget what he is capable of.
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @starborne0661 @floraroselaughter @singleteapot @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @justjane @justellie17 @edensrose
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graciellasamma · 1 year
RvB x KR Kiva: Frøy Kurenai
(All of this pics don’t belong to me)
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Name: Frøy Kurenai
Nickname: Rouge, Cross, Kid, Brat
Name Meaning:
- Frøy: Freyja, the goddess of love and fertility in Norse mythology
- Kurenai: Crimson
Codename: Agent Rhode Island, CrossFire, Kiva
Alias: Kamen Rider Kiva, The Youngest Soldier, Hawkeye, Speedster
Age: 22
Birthdate: 25th December 2536
Pronouns: He, him, his
Sexuality: Male 
Species: Fandiri (Half Human/Half Fangire)
Skin Tone: Fair Skin
Weight: 177 cm
Height: 67.7 kg 
Scars: Burn mark from his left side of his body from his waist all the way up to his neck and to his left hand
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short neck-length spiky and choppy with his bangs to the left side 
Eye Color: Crimson Red
Capabilities: Magic trick, Trick shot, Pranks
Apparel: Long-sleeve black shirt, Long sleeveless red tail jacket, Long skinny jeans, High neck shoes, Black scaly scarf
Voice: Ohmori Motoki (JPN) / Sam Luff (ENG)
Stealth: 8/10 
Perception: 10/10 
Agility: 8.5/10
Stamina: 8/10
Endurance: 7.5/10
Hand-to-hand combat: 8/10
Intelligence: 7.5/10
Recovery: 7/10
Luck: 7/10
Vision: 9.5/10
Hearing: 7.5/10 
Social Skills: 
Charisma: 7.5/10 
Social Skills: 8/10
Confidence: 8.5/10
Style: 7.5/10
Humor: 8.5/10
Passion: 7.5/10
Empathy: 8/10
Kindness: 8.5/10
Honesty: 6.5/10
Loyalty: 9/10
Patience: 7/10
Flirtness: 0/10 (he doesn’t do flirt)
Weapon(s) of Choice: Bow and Arrow, Magnum, MA40 Assault Rifle
Secondary: BR55HB Battle Rifle, M7S SMG
Melee weapon of choice: Duel Sword, Dagger, and Combat Knife
Extra: Colored smoke bombs (for camouflage)
Armor style: Just look at the picture (That picture is not mine)
Primary Color: Medium Sky Blue #88dae5
Secondary Color: Light Crimson #fa7393
Visor Color: Gold (Just pretend any of this color are)
AI Unit: Chruch (Alpha) & Issac (Felix): Analyzing, BioScan, Healing, Thermal X-ray, Hacking, Strength Boost
Armor Enchantments: Armor Lock, Grav Boots, Speed Boost, Holographic Projection, Stealth, Overdrive
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General Information: 
Weakness: Despite that Frøy known as the Ultimate Soldier for joining the military at a young age, he is still a child, not wanting his friends and family to die or fight each other.
Occupation: Freelancer (Formerly), Blue Team, Engineer, Weapons expert, Actor
Strong Suit: Weapons expert, Weapon, armor, and vehicle maintenance engineer, Freelancer training, Strategist, Archery, Sword fighting, Acting
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Talents: Escape Artist, Magician, Kenjustu, Kendo, Fencing, Parkour, Archery, Athletic, Acting, Musician (Violin/Guitar)
Semblance: Phantom Arms: An ability that can store items in a pocket dimension so he can summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him a high level of flexibility in combat. He can also use it to change his clothing. He can also warp by throwing his weapon to move quickly around the field and damage his enemies.
Theme Song: Capabilities Unseen (ft. L), Supernova
Quote(s):  - “Know your place!” - “The counterattack starts now!” - “Lying is the best way to protect yourself.” - “You’re right they are idiots, and I don’t mind it.” - “Have you ever tried asking if your leader needed help?” - “I only fight and take lives when I have to. And I don’t have to this time.” - “If there are feelings that are too hard to put into words, then put them into action!” - “What you truly want, will only be found at the end of a road you can stride down with pride.” - “The Kamen Riders that I know... Never compromise their values. They never lose heart. And they would never... Let anyone harm their beloved home, their people... And get away with it!”
Likes: His friends, His family, Anime, Movies, Video Games, Weapons, Playing his violin, Hearing music, Pranks, Joking around, Trick shot, Snacks, Being a thrill seeker, Building weapon, Chicken, BBQ.
Dislikes: Pervert, Bullies, Director, Charon Hargrove, Aiden Price, Sigma, Hargrove, Wyoming and Gamma knock knock jokes, Seeing his friends and his family die or fighting each other, Jinxing, Don’t like people calling him a kid, People using his unfinished weapons.
Good Traits:  Personality-wise, Frøy is a calm yet cheerful, and somewhat laid-back young man, especially around his friends, the Reds and Blues. He was considered relatively normal other than his unparalleled prodigious talent in acting even as a child and his quick wit and intelligence like reading complex books. Performing acting jobs was something he was open to and excelled at.  He has a sharp mind and is perceptive, quickly adapting to any situation, and very good at studying, He makes sure he gets the job done by making sure that his friends focus on the battle, but still unsure about his future. Frøy frequently sacrifices himself for others, showing that underneath that arrogant exterior, there's a heroic and selfless man. He's also quick to point out the problems in a situation. As an actor, he is very diligent and is capable of studying and replicating any person or the character's demeanor fastidiously (from their mannerisms, speech patterns, and even thought processes), so much he was capable of triggering thoughts of the person or characters and others immediately after looking at him. Despite his childish act, Frøy's personality changes 180-degree making him calmer, calculated, and discreet whenever something is important or serious, if someone is in trouble, even a stranger, he talks to them and gives empathy and kindness, and gives them advice help them, this is to said to have a personality that draws people to him, inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of kindness that could change a person’s world view and thus built meaningful relationships.
Bad Traits:  Cocky, quick-witted, arrogant, impulsive, brashness, smart mouth, liar, childishness, and frequent attempts to pull pranks on his teammates. Frøy has a strong tendency for emotional outbursts in sour situations. When his emotions got the better of him, he became rather impulsive and reckless in his actions to the point of nearly being suicidal. This flaw negatively affects those around him, even as far as indirectly causing a few deaths. He is mostly quick to regain his composure and shows little to no fear in order to protect his friends and fight with his life on the line. Frøy is also known for being a liar, thanks to him being an actor and Wyoming teaching how to lie better for infiltrate and info-gather missions as well for his part-time job as an actor, it was thanks to his skills he was able to manipulate people for his and his friend's advantage.
Fears: Losing his friends and family
Parents: Otoya Kurenai (Father/Deceased), Maya Kurenai (Mother), Jiro/Garulu (Father-figure), Butch Flowers (Father-Figure), Allison Church/Beta (Mother-figure), Leonard Church/Alpha (Father-figure), Riki/Dogga (Uncle-figure)
Sibling(s): Taiga Nobori (Older Brother), Ramon/Basshaa (Little Brother-figure)
Children: None
Significant other: None
Friends: Washington, Tucker, Caboose, Sister, Doc, Carolina, Epsilon (Deceased), York, Delta, Omega/O’Mally, Niner, Sarge, Simmons, Grif, Donut, Lopez, South, Eta, North, Theta, Maine (Deceased), CT, Iota, Wyoming, Gamma, Felix, Palomo, Jensen, Bitter, Smith, Kimball, Doyle (Deceased), Megumi, Nago, Leo Vermillion, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Aruto Hiden, Fuwa, Yua, MBJR family, Izuku Midoriya, Vice, Daiji Midoriya, Sakura Midoriya, George, Hiromi
Enemies: Director (Deceased), Counselor (Deceased), Hargrove, Meta (Deceased), Sigma (Deceased), Locus (Formerly), Felix (Formerly), Blue and Red, Chrovos, Zero, Taiga (Formerly), Bishop, Rook, Salem, Cinder, Giff, Deadmans, Imagin, MBJR.net
Allegiance(ally): Chorus
Frøy Kurenai is a Fandiri, a half-breed Fangire, thanks to his late-father Otoya Kurenai, who is a human, and Maya Kurenai, also known as the Queen of Fangire. He is known as the youngest soldier to joined Project Freelancer, and station to the Blue Base. When he was young his mother left him with little explanation and left him with his guardians, Jiro, Riki, and Ramon, who are actually the last survivor of Wolfen, Franken, and Merman because of Fangire King ordered his elites to kill them for some reason. 
When he was at the age 7, he saw a photo of his mother and remember that his mother left him, wanting to know the reason why, he decide to leave his home and go on a search for his mother with his best friend and partner Kivat the 3rd, but without a bit falling out with his father-figure, Jiro.
During his search he was caught in a crossfire during the war, trying to help the people that also caught in the crossfire, Frøy decide to protect the people by grabbing any weapons he could find and used himself as a distraction to lead the aliens away from the people and kill them, he would have used Kivat in order to transform into Kiva but he can’t used it ‘cause the aliens can not know about the existence of the 13 Mazoku Clan as they need to be a secret.
Frøy continue to fight and kill aliens to the point of exhaustion, until he was saved by a squad of soldier from the UNSC and decide to joined the military so he could get stronger in hopes to help and protect himself and the people and maybe able to find his mom, plus, he doubt he could go back to having a normal life consider that he kill all this aliens, especially after what happen with his family after their fight and argument. After Frøy join the UNSC, he was given the codename “CrossFire” for able to fight in that incident, and he became a quick learner with weapons, combat, and engineering.
At the age of 10 he was recommended by the Director and the Counselor of Project Freelancer, thinking that he would be a huge asset for the project because of his skills and able to survive in any event as if he is an adult. Of course, there is a lot of people protest against this but Frøy decided to join the project hoping it would help him able to help people better, so he agreed and join the project as Agent Rhode Island, and was able to clime his ranks, and was able to join the Alpha Squad of the Project.
Not a lot of the Alpha Squad or any of the Agents liking that a 10 year old kid was able to show off, but as time went on, they started to warm up to the kid, even Wyoming and South started to like him, heck, Frøy started to have father and son relationship with Florida just like with Jiro, in the end, the Alpha Squad became his family. But that ended, when he was about to be 12 years old, when one of the mission that involves The Insurrection that caused him to have his burned scar and got half of his body crushed by the remaining building that collapsed during their escaped, making him suppose to be dead. (Think like Obito when first died in Naruto Shippuden)
After the mission, apparently Frøy is still alive inside of the rubble thanks to his Fangire genetic having more durable and their healing factor, so Kivat inform Jiro, Riki, and Ramon about what happen and decide to rescue Frøy consider he still alive under it. When Frøy woke up, he found himself in his room on his bed, and when he looks around he saw Jiro sitting beside his bed on a chair sleeping, he must have waiting for him to woke up. On the next day, Frøy have a meeting with his guardians to have a talk about why did they save him despite told them to leave him? Apparently despite the hurtful words, they still care for him and love him no matter how much he hates them, after all they are family, and since then, the Kiva family has been reunited at last, and Frøy decide to try going to school, to try to have a normal life and become a musician and actor just like The A-Squad wants for him, especially Florida.
The Blood Gulch Chronicles: 
It has been 4 years, Frøy is 15 about to be 16 and was able to graduate middle school a year ago though he decide to do home-school instead, it has been peaceful with Frøy experience a normal life like any other teenagers do. That is until a message from his helmet from the project, that one of his friends Tex in need of help with something. Knowing someone in need of help he decide to pack some stuff and suit up his armor and go to help her, his guardians, of course, doesn’t like any of this one bit, but they respect his decision on wanting to help his friends.
When he was tracing the message, it lead him to place called Blood Gulch. That’s when he meet Tex and Church, which the both of them knows each other and Frøy. Apparently Frøy knows Tex because not only he knows her from the Project but also she is one of the soldiers from the squad who saved him from the Crossfire and he knows Church because he met him during his time in the Project when he knows him as an A.I. named “Alpha” when he’s bored or has free times to spare, he tends to spend it by hanging around with Frøy.
After that it went the same like in the canon, except when Church time travelling using the time distortion with Gamma, Church then check on Frøy and found out about him being an A.I. known as Alpha when he saw a file of evidence from the Project and his memories came back to him, and Tex met up with York and North when the Blues returned to Blood Gulch so they can help her protecting Church, Florida and Wyoming are still alive thanks to Frøy and his father-son relationship with Florida and was able make a deal with Wyoming that if he helps them making sure that Tex doesn’t have Omega then he gets to live on their surveillance, which they succeed on having Omega but Tex still explode with the ship.
After Tex gone with Gamma, Tucker son and the alien, things went peaceful for the Reds and Blues, Florida rejoins the Blue Team, York and Frøy decide to join the Blue Team while North and Wyoming decide to join the Red Team, it took time for the Reds and Blues trust on Wyoming, and him trusting on the Red and Blue, but after having a heart-to-heart with York, Delta, North, Frøy, and Church about losing Gamma, the only friend and partner he could trust, and told him about the truth of the Project, he decide to have trust on them and in exchange they trust him back. 
When the relocating has started the Freelancer decide to split up to make sure that everyone is okay, York decide to join Church, North join Tucker, Wyoming join with Simmons and Grif, Florida join with Caboose, and Frøy decided to stay to keep an eye out with Lopez, Sarge, and Sister in Blood Gulch, he had a feeling that something about to get interesting here.
The Recollectioin: 
It has been almost been a year since the Omega fiasco, and everything seems to be normal until Recovery One also known as Agent Washington came by in order to hunt down the Meta so he go to Blood Gulch consider there has been an A.I. sighting over there. That’s when he not only met Sarge, Lopez, and Sister but also Agent Rhode Island also known as Rouge or Frøy, they catch up until Wash explain to him his going to hunt down the Meta, and Frøy decide to help him on this mission with Sister.
Things still the same like in the canon only that Wash didn’t kill South thanks to Frøy and York stopped him when he was about to, and Church the Alpha and the rest of the A.I. fragments are alive thanks to Frøy able to convince with Wash not to use the EMP and let him handle on, and let him fight against the Meta with Church and Omega by using his enhancement unit that he made called “Overdrive.” 
Overdrive, pretty much a state of hyper-focused attention and energy that enhances one’s performance and where the full extent of their talent can be expressed, when activated the users usual experiences drastic increases in sensory perceptions, coordination and reflexes, to the extent that the observable environment appears to progress in slow motion, and not only that even with single A.I. fragment, not only the users able to use multi enhancement unit but also the A.I. won’t be able to destroy themself, the down-side is that they have time limit and it only takes hour for the recharge to complete even with A.I. help, so it was a last resort sort of thing. But they were able to beat the Meta and Church was able to reset all the A.I.
After the battle Frøy and Church decide to take the fragments and return them to their respectful partner. Wash, who decide to stay making sure that they are okay and help them in anyway, came by and told him that he should go before the UNSC soldier came, consider that he is trespassing and destroy a lot of military property while Wash stay and report what happen here and if things went according to plan then Caboose should give Epsilon to the UNSC as evidence.
A year went by, and Frøy and Church reunited with the Blues, then the Reds and Blues are sent to Vahalla, South decide to join the Red Team, and everything are still the same in the canon but in this case CT or Connie is still alive thanks to a alien pod that allows her to heal any injury, and since the A.I. fragment are alive Frøy decide to have them partnered up with the rest of the Freelancer, Delta still partnered with York, Theta with North, Gamma still with Wyoming, Eta with South, Iota with Connie, Omega with Florida, and Church/Alpha and Tex/Beta with Frøy, while Sigma well let’s just Frøy and Church deleted him.
Project Freelancer:  
Honestly there’s nothing change from here consider this arc mostly about Epsilon in the memory unit and a lot flashback of the Project. So yeah, everything still the same like in the canon with add my oc and all the A-Squad, minus Maine, are alive.
The Chorus Trilogy: 
Nothing has changed in Season 11, other than that Frøy knew who’s Felix and Locus consider that those two were in the same squad who saved him during the Crossfire Incident, and during their separation the one with Wash group are: North, Florida, and CT while with Tucker group are: Frøy, Wyoming, South, and York.
In season 12, nothing has changed except that in my AU, Felix here is a bit difference not only he is a big Star Wars nerd and actually care for the Republic and the Reds and Blues, but also he is also the good guy in this AU because when the Reds and Blues reunited Felix accuse Tex of killing Siris who is good friend of him and Locus, their voice of reason and the glue to each other, thanks to the evidence that one of Hargrove mercenaries, Jackson (he’s pretty much like the Felix in the canon) gave him. But the truth is, Tex didn’t really kill Siris but Jackson killed him when Siris learns the truth of what Hargrove did to Felix by killing him and turn him into an A.I. and brainwash him, thinking he still a human and used him as nothing as tool later for experiment. Thanks with Frøy, Tucker, and the two Church of Alpha and Epsilon, they were able to expose the truth to Felix, the Feds, and the Republic, making Felix turn his back on Locus and Jackson, and stop the war between the Feds and the Republic.
In season 13 is quite the same nothing has changed, Epsilon still died to protect his friends and his brothers, Locus kill Jackson for turning him into a monster and letting his friends died, Frøy decide to give Tex to Carolina, Felix decide to joins the Reds and Blues and became Frøy second A.I. partner, and thanks to Felix, Frøy was able to upgrade the A.I’s making them able to run a multi-enhancement without destroying themselves and removes any limit.
This was Inspired by this fanfiction: Friendship is Timeless by Seanzilla1988, Rosario to Kiva by Dr. Exposition, MBJR Heroes AU by Usagi_chan8, RvBvRWBY series by DocTokuMA and Ac3 Productionis, Going Native by thewhitepatch, You’re Alpha; You’re Church. by Athena_Yule, Unit Cohesion by Sroloc_Elbisivni, Finiding Washington by HBossWrites, Everyone Lives by urbaninja, and A Schrodinger State by notmadderred.
I’ll be honest guys, the moment I watch Red vs Blue, I love them and when I read the stories that inspired to make this I fell in love with them and can’t help of having a crossover of RWBY and the Kamen Rider series and their crossover fanfiction. And as you can see in the background there is no “The Shisno Paradox” arc, why? Well that’s because in this AU they don’t exist and has been replaced by an arc that I called the “RvBvRWBY Riders Horizon”.
This Arc is something like Seanzilla and his co-worker made in their Kamen Rider Crossover stories, but different? Basically, in the RvB world the Tokusatsu of Kamen Riders, Super Sentai, and Ultraman exist and there almost common knowledge, and one of the reason why the “Shisno Paradox” arc don’t exist because of who Kamen Riders I’m adding to this AU and yes, “Riders” with plural which mean I’m adding more than one Kamen Riders in this story because I couldn’t choose one of them because I love them so much, and they are: Kiva, Den-O, Revice, and Zero-One. So yeah, since the time travel with Den-O and the Shisno Paradox are a bit different, I decide to remove that arc in order to make sense.
In the RWBY world, Team RWBY and JNPR, and their newest friend Leo Vermillion, who is a Singularity Point, has been attacked by a Imagin and somehow the DenLiner appear out of nowhere and kidnap them, and before they knew, they somehow in the world of RvB and that’s when Leo and his friends meet with the owner of DenLiner and explain to them about Imagin, Den-O, and Leo being a Singularity Point, and that he has allies consider his not only one who is a Singularity Point only just they have a different power than Den-O.
When he become Den-O, that’s when they meet Frøy Kurenai as Kamen Rider Kiva and the Reds and Blues, Aruto Hiden as Kamen Rider Zero-One with the Fuwa, Yaiba, and the MBJR family, and Izuku Midoriya and Vice as Kamen Rider Revice with his adopted family, (and yes this is the Izuku Midoriya from BNHA, I really like that anime, so sue me for wanting this kind crossover) and together they became Team FLAM (Flame), and together they go on adventure where they help each defeating their enemies: Fangires, Imagin, MBJR.net, Deadmans, and Salem. 
I also going to make their PKMN Team but that depends on my motivations, and have the time to make it.
I also made some short story of a scene from a couple of episode, I maybe going to make more of this but from a scene in a few of episode include the PSA episodes, so here are the list for the story if you like to read it. I hope you all like the story I made.
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Donut the Musical
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chickensarentcheap · 11 months
Who is your current muse, and who is their faceclaim/what do they look like?What is one item that you associate without fail to them?What is their favourite colour?Is there a song you associate with them? If not, what quote fits the best for them?What do they like doing in their spare time? How much spare time do they get?What one fact do you love about them, but might not have had the chance to share yet?
Hi!! Thank you so much for sending this.
My current muse is Esme Drummond (Rake, once married) and she's my Extraction OC. Her face claim is Rachel Bilson:
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The one item I always associate with her is the braided leather bracelet Tyler had purchased for her when they were in Dhaka, shortly after they met. It's just a cheap thing and he's had to repair it many times in the years since giving it to her, but she refuses to part with it.
Her favourite colour is rose gold :)
The song I associate with her (and with Tyler for that matter) is "I Found" by Amber Run
In her spare time, she loves to read and journal, crochet and knit, garden, bake, and loves to go hiking and paddle boarding. She doesn't get a lot of spare time, as she owns her bookstore and in the main series she and Tyler have seven kids. In the 'off shoot' fic, she is (right now) a single mom to a little girl.
What fact do I love about them but haven't shared yet? Hmmm, well she was quite the little athlete in high school. She played volleyball, field hockey, she wrestled, and was on the archery team :)
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semper-legens · 2 years
155. Y: The Last Man, book one, by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra
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Owned: No, library Page count: 246 My summary: One day, for no reason anyone could divine, all of the men on Earth died at once. Everyone with a Y chromosome fell prey to this sweeping arm of death - except two. Yorick, and his pet monkey. Now the world is in ruins, but all Yorick wants is to find his girlfriend who is half the world away. But everyone else wants him dead... My rating: 2/5 My commentary:
I had heard good things about this comic, despite its premise being a bit wonky, and I come away ridiculously disappointed by it. I’m sorry, this story was just not interesting. The assumptions that it makes about gender, the criticisms it makes towards feminism, the blandness of the main character...I didn’t see much in it to like, and I am definitely not going to be reading the rest.
My main beef with the story is the Amazons, a feminist group that appears after the men die for...some reason. They’re crazy! They burn sperm banks, believe all men are evil and should be killed (despite that having, you know, happened as far as they know), and burn off a breast to make archery easier for...some reason. They’re hateful and villainous and, like, this isn’t what a lot of feminism is. Oh sure, radfems are like this in real life, but this is less a nuanced criticism of radical feminist thought and more LOOK AT ALL THOSE MAN-HATIN’ FEMINISTS, THEY SURE ARE EVIL, you know what I mean? I really question why a group like this would appear after all the men are dead.
Secondarily, the assumptions this book makes about gender are...questionable? I don’t doubt that the stats it quotes about which professions have now lost a lot of their personnel are accurate to 2002, when this first released, but just because 99% of all electricians, say, are dead, doesn’t mean that nobody with those skills survived. You can know how to do a thing and not be a professional in that field. Where are all the car-fixin’ butch lesbians? And would all the men dying necessarily cause an apocalyptic scenario like this? It’s not like, historically, in scenarios without men, women haven’t just. Got on with things. Like in the world wars, or in towns where all the men were killed in mines or at sea.
You notice how I’ve gotten this far without talking about the main character? That’s because Yorick is boring as fuck. He’s just a generic straight white guy. Everyone else wants to bone and/or murder him (in a gender-swapped version of this, girl!Yorick would almost certainly be immediately enslaved for breeding, but guy!Yorick gets to wander around and be free through the power of manliness) but all he wants is to find his boring girlfriend and be boring together. There are so many characters in this sort of world I would want to follow, and the narrative is not interested in any of them.
And, I’m sorry, this book’s treatment of trans people is disgusting. Not only have all trans women and transfeminine people been murdered out of hand by this mysterious plague that only affects people with a Y chromosome (chromosomes are not that simple, but I digress), but the one time the series acknowledges trans men is by a character mentioning a boyfriend, then to say that ‘she’ was a ‘tr*nny’ who was murdered by the Amazons despite not being a ‘real’ guy. I don’t think I need to say why this is horrible.
Next up, something far better - history, and a cautionary tale about getting trapped in the Antarctic ice.
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offthearrowshelf · 11 months
Episode 77 Briar Rose Field Archers shoot report
You can now listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Episode 77 – Saturated Saturday Sunny Sunday – Briar Rose shoot report https://anchor.fm/off-the-arrow-shelf/episodes/Episode-77–Saturated-Saturday-Sunny-Sunday–Briar-Rose-shoot-report-e27jbe5
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glorytv · 2 months
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you are now watching minjuntv.
jeong yunho, twenty5, cis male, he/him.  ───  3, 2, 1 — action!  everyone, we’re here at jincheon national training center, and this time i have with me our national archery team’s very own choi minjun. you might know them for having achieved a perfect score in the 101st national sports festival, but if not, don’t worry. they’re here to field all your burning questions. let’s dive right in.
thanks for joining us today. so, tell me… 
how does it feel to have been selected for the national team?
clasping his hands together in delight, minjun gives the reporter a gentle smile. "if i'm honest … it still doesn't feel like it's really happening. like it's not actually real and i'm about to wake up from a beautiful dream any second," he laughs heartily, shaking his head. "no, but really - i am beyond honoured to be part of the national team and i will do my best to represent my country properly!"
what message would you like to send to your fans and supporters as you represent the country on the national team?
minjun nods and considers the words for a moment before turning to look directly into the camera. "i would like to thank you all very much for the support you have given me over the past months and years. your kind words always mean the most to me, so i would like you to continue to cheer me on as i take on this new challenge. thank you!"
amazing. addressing a sensitive issue now: the rumors on “105fm.” could you shed some light on any concerning rumors you’ve heard about yourself?
even when questioned about his least favourite subject, minjun doesn't let his facade crack and keeps a smile on his lips. "i wouldn't necessarily like to give mere rumours a platform to grow and develop into something even bigger, but since it's you," he smirks at the reporter, "i'll make an exception. there are certain people who claim that i'm just a puppet who doesn't have a say in how i present myself to the public, that i'm easily bought … you know, the usual. either way, i don't pay attention to those opinions, really."
… and, i’m sure your supporters want to hear your thoughts.
how do you protect your mental well-being despite the negative attention from 105fm?
"i try to focus on the positive things instead. like the amount of support i receive from my fans online. it's really easy to get caught up in the negativity sometimes, so i think it's important to keep an eye on what's really important."
i see, i see. i’m afraid that’s all the time we have. thank you so much, congratulations, and best of luck to you and your team. to wrap things up, can you give us a quote?
"it may be satisfactory, but that's another word for mediocrity."
writer info: may, 23, she/her, cest
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Day 4: We started the day at a nice new coffee place in Lewes, and then drove to Berwick Church. From the parking lot (first picture), we walked down a beautiful path with walls and flowers on either side. Nestled into the countryside, the church was one of the coziest and most serene places I've ever been.
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The church looks like it seats about 20 people, and the windows look out onto the beautiful cemetery and the green fields beyond. This E.E. Cummings poem was displayed there and fit perfectly.
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There has been a church here for over 1000 years. In the 1300s, the king declared that every man had to practice archery after church. They ran their arrow heads up and down this stone wall to sharpen them.
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Then, we walked about two minutes down the road to have lunch at the a nearby pub. Grandpa had steak pie and chips. Favorite quote from my Grandpa: "Better ask what the crumble of the day is...because it might be caterpillar."
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Stopped to walk through one of my favorite villages, Alfriston, and we finished the day at home with a cup of tea Antiques Road Show :)
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kenobihater · 3 years
You’re (Probably) Drawing Archers Wrong
Hello, my name is Len and I’ve shot archery as a hobby for as long as I can remember. I have a problem: fanart depicting archery is oftentimes Very Wrong! I feel like most of this stems from not using good reference pictures, and from a general lack of knowledge. So, I wanted to create a post for anyone interested in accurately drawing an archer! Disclaimer: this is not a comprehensive post or a tutorial on how to shoot, and is intended for artists. That said, if you’re interested in archery, you may still find value in this post, though I recommend doing your own research. I’m certain there will be errors here considering I do this as a hobby not a profession, and I welcome corrections. Finally, archery can be dangerous, and even if you don’t read any more of this post, PLEASE read the safety section.
This part is going to be a PSA, because the thought of someone reading my post, getting into archery themselves, and doing these things? It terrifies me. So, rules number one, two, and three are: never aim at another person (duh), never use a damaged bow or arrows, and never, NEVER dry fire a bow. Dry firing means drawing back and releasing the string without an arrow. This can make your bow EXPLODE. It can hurt you, and even if your bow doesn’t explode, it’s fucked it up so bad that you should never shoot that bow again. Don’t do it, and don’t draw art of people doing it. Okay, PSA done, now onto the rest of the post.
There’s a TL;DR at the bottom!
First thing’s fist: the equipment! Archery requires four things: a bow, a quiver, arrows, and protective equipment (which is usually what I see most posts lacking). The first thing you should do before you draw your archer is decide what type of bow to give them. I’m not covering crossbows because I’ve only shot one once and I also Hate Them. There are three main types of bows: longbows, recurves, and compounds.
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There are two different types of bows that are commonly called a longbow: English longbows, and flatbows (yes I’m considering flatbows a type of longbow to simplify things). English longbows are very large and have a very high draw weight (which means it’s hard to pull the sting back). These were used mainly by the English in the Middle Ages. Flatbows are typically smaller and have a lower draw weight as well as a slightly different profile. These were mainly used by Native American tribes such as the Hupa, the Karuk, and the Wampanoag, as well as prehistoric Europeans and the Finnish, among others. It is often seen in historical fiction and fantasy, and the English longbow is usually depicted as Robin Hood’s preferred bow type. I believe Katniss uses a flatbow in the beginning of Hunger Games, but don’t quote me on that.
Recurves have limbs that curve outwards and are smaller than longbows. Many, many cultures have used these, including but not limited to certain West-coast Native American tribes, the Mongols, the Scythians, the Greeks, the Turks, the Koreans, and the Chinese. Recurves can be made of either wood or of a combination of wood, horn, and glue, making them either composite or non-composite. These are the bows you typically see mounted archers using, and are often used in competitions today. It’s commonly seen in fantasy, and is the bow type used by Legolas, Tauriel, Katniss Everdeen in Mockingjay, Merida, Green Arrow has a lever action, and Hawkeye uses a silly collapsible one.
Compound bows are the most commonly used bow among hunters, are almost always made of fiberglass and either carbon fiber or aluminum, are Technical Looking, and pack the biggest punch for the least amount of effort. It’s a modern invention used worldwide. I don’t know where else to put this, but almost everyone who I know that shoots a compound uses something called a trigger release (pictured below) to draw back the string because it means your release is cleaner.
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So, those are the main types of bow! Google which bow would be appropriat for the era and region your character is from, or if they’re from space or an alternate dimension, pick whichever you think fits the character the best.
There are two types of quiver: back quivers, like Legolas wears, and hip quivers, like those used in the Olympics. Which quiver you should use varies from culture to culture and time period to time period. If it’s fantasy, set in modern day, or set in the future, you can chose whichever you prefer.
Arrows can have shafts of wood or fiberglass, can have real feathers or synthetic for fletching, and can have countless different types of heads. The main two that are in use today are called field points and broadheads, and most commercial arrow shafts allow you to freely switch them out.
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The arrow on the top is a field point, used only for target practice, and the arrow on the bottom is a broadhead, used only for hunting or war. You never hunt with a field point, and never practice with a broadhead. Basically every fictional character out there is shooting to kill, so they’ll all use either a broadhead, or a culturally appropriate variation of deadly arrowhead (bodkin, scythian, flint, etc). Do your research! A Native American wouldn’t use a bodkin, and a Scythian wouldn’t use a flint arrowhead!
Protective Equipment
The one really necessary piece of protective equipment is hand protection. If your character uses a three fingered draw or a pinch draw (we’ll speak on draws later), they need either an archery tab, or an archery glove. If your character is using a thumb draw, they need a thumb ring. These three pieces of equipment keep archers from getting blisters and damaged skin.
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This is a tab.
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This is the type of glove that I use. All an archery glove needs to do is protect your three draw fingers, but it can be more traditionally glove-like than this one. I’ve even seen ones that are a combination leather bracer and archery glove that give big Fantasy Vibes.
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This is a ring. Some historical ones can get REAL ornate and pretty.
Another piece of protective equipment that is commonly used is an arm guard or a bracer. Not everyone uses one, because if your form is good the string should not be hitting your arm, so you can get away with not giving your character one. They can vary in style from something like the more minimal one below up to a full leather bracer.
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Form can vary greatly and I’m not about to diss other archery disciplines especially ones I’m ignorant on, so just know that not every culture has the same form. I’m just going to cover a few cultures’ variations, and what I’ve been taught by 21st century Midwest archers. There are several aspects to form, as form is just another term for “everything pertaining to how you shoot”. I’m going to break it down into stance, posture, draw, elbow discipline, holding the bow, and anchor. These are not the only aspects of form (there’s aiming, release, and breath control), but these are the only relevant aspects to drawing archers. I will not be covering mounted archery because I’m sadly ignorant on the topic. I recommend doing your own research and looking into Mongolian mounted archery.
The thing all stances have in common is that you should put your feet a shoulder-length apart, balance your weight equally between both feet, keep your knees slightly bent, and stand facing approximately 90 degrees away from your target. There are three stances that are common that I’m aware of: squared, open, and closed.
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Squared stance means keeping both feet squared up to an imaginary line. Open means that you’re facing slightly towards the target. Closed means you’re facing slightly away. I vary between square and open, and to be honest I’ve never noticed a difference. So long as you draw your character standing with a stable stance, facing away from the target, you should be good.
Your posture should be with your back straight, your hips squared, and should never have you leaning. Below is one of my favorite archery pictures, not only because I love Marilyn, but because it is a great illustration of what not to do posture wise.
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See how she’s leaning back? Yeah, don’t draw your character like that, it looks foolish.
There are four different types of draw that I’m aware of, I’m educated on three, and I have experience with one (though I’m itching to learn to thumb draw). The types of draw are three fingered draw, otherwise known as Mediterranean draw, pinch draw, thumb draw aka Mongolian draw, and Japanese draw, or torikake. I know fuck all about Japanese draws, so I’m not going to speak out of my ass on topics I don’t understand (if anyone reading practices traditional Japanese archery I would love if you chimed in!). I highly recommend doing your own research on which civilization your character comes from and which draw they use, especially if it’s Japanese because I’m not covering that here.
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First up is three-fingered. This is the draw I use, and it’s the most common draw in my limited experience in the Midwestern archery community. It is common in Europe and the Middle East. It requires you to use three fingers, partially wrapped around the string. You do not pinch the arrow. Most people place their index finger above the arrow and their middle and ring finger below, though I’ve seen all different variations. If your character is right handed and uses this draw, draw the arrow on the left side of the bow. Lefties do the inverse, and make sure and draw a left handed bow while you’re at it.
Next is the pinch draw. I’ve never shot with this, nor seen it used. It was common in the Americas and for a time in Ancient Greece. You’re supposed to physically pinch the arrow between your thumb and index finger. Your character would need a full archery glove if you draw them with this grip. The release is supposed to be smooth because there’s only one point of contact, rather than three. I believe you would place the arrow on the right side of the bow when using this technique, but I cannot speak with certainty as I’ve never seen it done (again, lefties would do the opposite).
Last but not least is the thumb or Mongolian draw, though it is/was also widespread in Korea, China, Russia, Persia, Turkey, and the Roman and Byzantine Empires. In this draw you wrap your thumb completely around the string and tuck it behind your other fingers. You do not grab the arrow. This draw utilizes your strongest digit, and so it may be less strenuous than other draws. This draw is commonly used with mounted archery. If your character is right handed and using this draw, put the arrow on the right side of the bow (lefties, do the inverse).
Another aspect of your draw that is important is elbow discipline. The elbow of your character’s string hand should not point up into the air. It should point straight back, like the picture below.
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Now, the other elbow is important, too. Don’t draw them with a locked elbow, instead keep it slightly bent and rotated inwards, like the picture below.
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Holding the Bow
Your character shouldn’t have a death grip on the bow. Instead, show it resting in the curve between the thumb and index finger. Here’s a wikihow article that describes the different ways to hold different types of bows that is more succinct than I could ever be. Ignore the crossbow (derogatory).
Everyone needs an anchor. What’s an anchor, you ask? An anchor is a fixed spot that you draw your string back to whenever you’re going to shoot. It’s necessary in order to ensure consistency, which is accuracy’s best friend. Your anchor spot can vary. I anchor at the corner of my lip. Some people anchor underneath their chin. Some anchor to their ear. I’ve even seen some people in Asian disciplines anchor behind the ear or almost above the head, which is incredibly impressive. Bottom line, unless your character’s archery discipline has them draw behind the ear or above the head, you need to have them touching their head somewhere. The only wrong anchor is a short anchor. If you can’t draw the string back far enough to touch your face, that means you’re either trying to draw back a bow with too high a poundage, or the draw length is too short for you. The picture above of the person with the compound trigger release has a good anchor point on their face. The picture of the person with the arm guard has a good anchor point under their chin.
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This person, on the other hand? Their anchor is out in space, that is to say they don’t have one (also their elbow discipline, posture, and stance are atrocious). I see this in fanart ALL THE TIME. It’s a pet peeve of mine. Don’t do this, have them anchor to their head or behind it somewhere.
Carrying The Bow
The best way is to just carry it in your hand by the bow (not the string). You can give your character a bow sling, or a back mount like Legolas has as well. You can slip the string over your shoulder and wear it across your back in a pinch, though this may damage the string. The only really wrong way to carry a bow is by the string, though you can damage your bow carrying it on your back if you’re stupid, and I’ve never tried to do so with a compound. Too pokey.
If you’re drawing a fantasy character, go buck wild. Still make sure to give them the right type of arrowhead, hand protection of some sort, a strong stance (no kneeling or sitting), good posture, a sensible draw, elbow discipline, an anchor point (don’t be like the person above!), and a good way to carry their bow, but you can have fun with the rest. If you’re drawing a character from history, research the archery discipline they would most likely use, and draw them with the appropriate bow type, quiver, arrows, protective equipment, stance, posture, draw, elbow discipline, anchor, and bow carry.
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How I’d rate the Gods/Goddesses(riordanverse)
This is my rating based off the way Rick Riordan portrayed them in the Riordanverse. The traditional myths have been taken into account but do not make up my entire opinion. 
10/10 would give my life for this goddess. In all aspects of the word, this goddess is a goddess. I want a novella of her watching over the hearth and watching out for her family and the heroes. I imagine her being a very comforting presence and warm like a hug, and maybe this is me projecting my mummy issues but I just want her to hug me. 
A solid 7.35/10 for Mr D. Naturally he was a bit annoying, but we were never under the pretence that he he was meant to be anything more than what he provided and I respect that. Him caring about his kids at camp, and staying relatively loyal to his wife is always a plus. And I like his relatively humble beginnings being a hero and becoming a god and then not causing that much trouble in the series. Unlike some other pieces of shit. 
4/10. Mans had no right blaming Luke’s thirst for mass genocide on 16 year old Annabeth. Not cool man. Not cool. He gets the points he got because he did genuinely care about Maia, and Luke, but he lost the rest of them by having a blatant favourite (who literally caused so much destruction). However I do still like his line about family in sea of monsters and never giving up on them. Nice meaning. But he was still a shitty father and only intervened out of self interest most of the time. 
2/10. I hate how low I have to rank her. But my god did Rick do her dirty in his depiction. Just the misogyny, the lack of depth, and the untouched potential she has as a character, as a goddess, THE OLDEST GOD/GODDESS and Rick really made her throw rose petals around the battle fields on one of (what was meant to be) the biggest fights of the riordanverse. Absolute robbery. If I’m not mistaken as well, she was a huge contributor to the issues and obstacles percabeth went through and we do not Stan. HOWEVER, I love her as a goddess normally, and what she could represent if she’s written properly. 
8/10. I have no qualms with this man. I too prefer the company of inanimate objects to people and get stressed about social interaction. And I too have mummy issues. So me and Hephaestus are on the same page. Let this man tinker away in his little bunker. He never went out of his way to make things harder for demigods, and was helpful when they came to him for help which I can also respect. (Point deduction because it was on his land that Bianca died…if I’m not mistaken). 
-12/10. This man was introduced as a bully, and gives off the vibes of every phobic, known to humanity. I do not vibe. I do not agree. I do not stan. ALSO his motorbike seat is apparently made from "Caucasian human skin”!!!!!!???? We as children never questioned this? We just went sure aight move on?! Please this man has the biggest small dick energy if I ever saw it and I despite him so much. Mans was also never helpful. Ever. I don’t think. I think Mars was better than him though so I’ll give him that. 
9.99/10 all hail queen of the lesbians. Mad respect to this woman. In what she stands for, who she protects and in her actions. She’s what I embody when I stand up for myself in fights and when I speak to have my voice heard. I like Rick’s depiction of her and I love seeing her and her hunters pop up in his books. Would love a couple books on the hunters and their adventures. Also I love archery. And I’m biased to the moon because I love the night so she gets extra points for all of that too. 
Prior to Trials of Apollo 7/10, after TOA 9.90/10. Yes it’s a big jump but my god did Lester grow on me. Prior to TOA he was pretty average. He was funny, always provided a good laugh to the plot and was always helping the demigods which I loved. But I know he’s an asshole full of himself so I can’t give him any higher than that until he had some character development, which we got in TOA (specifically after Burning Maze). And I really like who he is now and the type of character Rick shaped him out to be. In the myths he’s a big creep, and I still stand by that idea, hence why he doesn’t get a full 10. 
3.5/10…ughhh I hate to say this. But part of it is the same reasoning I gave about Aphrodite. I just have so many issues with the way she’s portrayed and it’s not accurate to what I believe in my heart she should represent. And as a child of Athena, I feel like Rick then did her entire legacy dirty. She has her moments, but since I can’t even fully recall one right now, it just proves my point. As a goddess as a whole though, what she represents is everything I aspire to be in life. She’s my entire aesthetic of hard work, creativity, and strength and grit, without taking away of being a powerful female. Zeus’ lead strategist like shit, Rick could have done so much. But he did not. And I am thus sad about it. 
6/10. I have no issues with Demeter. Kinda boring. I think that’s what most of the fandom thinks as well. She just didn’t get enough screen time or development. I have no attachment to her. I think the powers that she has, and has passed on to her kids is cool though so there’s that. But in the series as well she doesn’t do much. She also (initially) doesn’t fight in the battle of Manhattan so maybe I’m slightly bitter there. But yeah, i’m indifferent. 
8.99/10 Okay so hear me out I know this man gets so much bad rep in the myths and that’s part of why he doesn’t get a full 9. But I really really love the way he’s depicted in the riordanverse, especially with his entire arc with his kids/specially with Nico. Like literally one of my favourite quotes In the entire series is “my children are so rarely happy, I would like to see you be the exception.” Out of the gods listed here (and excluding Dionysus), he acts like a genuine parent to his kids and tries. And like there’s issues, sure, but he works on them. And since so much of the first series is about how the gods are neglectful, seeing him change and seeing him fight for Nico is my everything. 
7.1/10. Honestly this feels too high considering mans was nearly If not just as bad as Zeus in keeping it in his dam pants. His points come from treating Sally like the queen she is, and trying with Percy (albeit too little too late but I can see the minimal effort). That being said, he’s really shitty in the myths so I can’t really give him anything higher than this. He’s barely a dad, and sees Percy more as an ally than an actual son or human being that needs attention. I like him more in Fanon and the way that I write him lmao because I humanise him. But I won’t lie he’s dilf material, and I still like rick’s depiction of him. 
3/10 I’m surprising myself with this rating because tbh I might even push her to 4.5 just because she’s so consistent in her own goals and agenda, and that perseverance is very admirable even if it was at the cost of some of my favourite characters. She was very much two faced though and fucked around stuff that she should have stayed out of. Her hatred for literal children though is a bit problematic. I have no attachment to her but I admire how much she just wants a family. However she just really needs to assess how she approaches that since it’s a bit messed up.  
-5/10 I really don’t Zeus, his character, him in the myths, everything about him. He gives off the vibes of a man who abuses the power that he was given. And I don’t like that. It makes me uncomfortable and I don’t like him at all. His treatment of his children, of the demigods, and the way he governs Olympus. Not a fan. I could rule Olympus better and I’m a mentally unstable, serotonin deficient 20 year old with a hyper fixation on greek mythology and Minecraft. However despite not liking his character, I think Rick does a great job at depicting him accurately to how he was in the myths. 
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locolioness · 2 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2022
Prompt made by @autie-j & @lesmiserabby
April 19th: How do you feel about self diagnosis?
Self diagnosis is okay as long as you do a lot of research and have a great understanding of autism and other disabilities. It's important to do those things so you don't misdiagnosis yourself. If still unsure, I recommend finding a professional if possible. What bothers me though is that there are others who treat autism or any disabilities like it's a fad or something similar. I cannot tell you how many times I see so much ableism that reeks into this and making neurodivergent people looking bad.
April 20th: What are your thoughts on terminology? (ie, high functioning and low functioning vs high support needs and low support needs, nonspeaking vs nonverbal, person first vs identity first, etc)
When it comes to terminology, it depends on how it is used. I am okay with most of these terms but it depends on its usage. High functioning and low functioning are not really great terms to be used, it feels like there's division among the autistic community. I can't say about high support needs and low support needs since I don't know if anyone has used them before. Nonverbal is okay but I'm not sure about the term, nonspeaking. As for identity first, it gives actually identity to an autistic person than person first.
April 21st: What do you think about euphemisms for disabilities such as special needs, differently abled, etc?
I really think that they are outdated and shouldn't be used at all especially from professionals in the medical field. To me, they're not really good and I believe they should not be used in any time of discussion when talking about autism and other disabilities.
April 22nd: Do you like hugs or dislike them? What about other forms of physical contact? Does it depend on the person or situation?
I'm okay with hugs as long it's someone I know. Handshakes are fine with me especially when it's common to greet people. I even shake hands with my coworkers at my jobs. Kisses, I am so-so with them, I only do it to a selective few of my family and cats. Holding hands are alright, I do it with my boyfriend when we go out.
April 23rd: If you could live absolutely anywhere, real or fictional, where would you live? What would your dream home look like?
In real life, I would like to live in a bungalow with a small yard. My dream home would have at least three rooms, a master's bedroom/office, guest room and a room like a man cave but where I can put my collection of figures and it would have a 90s aesthetic look to it.
In a fictional world, I would like to live in a small cottage nearby an enchanted forest. It would have a field of herbs and produce and the inside of it would have two rooms, one for the guest and my own room. Plus, a training area where I practice archery.
April 24th: How easy is it for you to focus on things? Are you easily distracted? Is it harder if it's something you're not interested in?
It depends on what I'm focusing. When I'm playing a game or being online, I tend to stay super focus that I lose a track of time until I take a break. I don't know if I'm easily distracted to be honest unless someone says I am. It can be hard for me to focus on some things that I'm not interested especially if it's a topic I have no interest to get into.
April 25th: Do you struggle with switching tasks or is it easy for you? Does it depend on the task/situation?
I do sometimes but I adapt once I get the hang of it. I rarely struggle with switching tasks. I can manage most chores and errands just as long I understand how it needs to be done.
April 26th: Do you stim? What sort of stims do you have? What do you wish people knew about stimming?
Yes, I stim. I stim in different ways. I stim vocally by saying certain quotes from shows/movies/games and singing my favorite songs. I also stim by rubbing my fingertips together. I wish people understand that stimming is one of the ways us autistic folks express our emotions, and it is used to reduce our stress.
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