#"peace keepers"
septic-dr-schneep · 4 days
Wilford: Why are you looking at me through a fork…?
Silver Shepherd: I’m pretending you’re in jail.
Wilford: Why?
Silver Shepherd: It’s spiritually healing.
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dearjewels22 · 6 months
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whew... got a lot of work to do. God can do a miracle in 9 months!
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calisources · 11 months
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ROYAL, FANTASY ROMANCE AND SPICE. all these quotes and sentences are taken from different sources as well some made by myself. change pronouns and places and names as you see fit. some of these are heavy with tension or sexual intention, though nothing too graphic, but you are warned some of these are full of spice and forbidden romance. if you have more suggestions, send them to me and i will add them to this post.
ACTIONS AND SCENARIOS. add +reverse to change the roles.
(royal ball): our muses dance at a royal ball. 
(captive in the tower): sender is held captive and receiver helps save them.
(arranged marriage): our muses are thrown together into an arranged marriage.
(childhood betrothal): arranged to wed since being children, our muses finally meet days before the wedding.
(ward): send is a ward at the receiver's house/home. 
(stolen kiss): sender kisses receiver before a battle, away from prying eyes.
(mystery knight): sender is unknown at court and receiver wants to know them further.
(secrets): our muses are together in a secret relationship as their families wouldn’t approve. 
(brother’s keeper): sender is receiver’s brother's best friend. Sender has been harboring a crush since they met.
(taken): sender is taken prisoner by receiver on their ship at sea after a shipwreck.
(horse ride): there is only one horse trope, our muses have to ride together.
(guard): sender is made receiver’s guard and they have to travel/spend time together.
(no one is here to help): receiver is taken to sender as their captive.
(aftermath): after a battle/war, sender and receiver reunite thinking the other was dead. 
(my prince): sender falls for receiver, who is the realm’s prince/princess.
(tourney): sender gives the receiver their favor during a tournament.
(piece of me): sender ties a piece of cloth on receiver’s hand to wrap around a wound.
(you left): sender left receiver years ago, now reunited, receiver is upset.
(last kiss): unsure if they will see each other again, sender kisses the receiver before distracting enemies so receiver can escape.
(under my protection): sender proclaims himself receiver’s protector while receiver is traveling/captive.
(starcrossed): our muses find out they have to marry other people and they reunite at night.
(we were in love once): our muses were together in a relationship in their youth and now see each other after years.
(my castle is yours): sender pledges their castle as a fortress to keep the receiver safe.
(gentle touch): sender heals the receiver of their wounds and inevitably grows close.
(magic): receiver is a being of magical properties and sender finds themselves enthralled by them.
(my paramour): receiver becomes sender’s mistress.
(the bane of my existence): our muses never got along and yet, they harbor feelings for one another after a heated argument.
(maze): our muses lose their guards in a maze and they find each other alone.
(it was always you): our muses are childhood friends about to get married.
(to make peace): from opposite houses, our muses are now married to bring peace.
(corner): behind a corner of the great hall, sender corners receiver after seeing them dance with someone else.
(advisor): receiver works as an advisor for sender, despite objection around court.
(rags to riches): receiver is a bastard now made legitimate and people around the realm came to meet them. Sender is one of them.
(at your service): receiver is a lady in waiting/personal guard to sender’s sibling and a romance develops.
(saved): sender is saved by receiver, who is a healer/witch.
“You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.”
“He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.”
“Little by little, the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him.”
“I want you—but I don’t want this."
“Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.”
“There’s a fine line between gossip and history, when one is talking about kings.”
“I will not share you."
“Well, princess, let’s see what you’re made of.”
“She added the flowers and incense to help mask your own scent.”
“Your eyes betray you. Your body even responds to mine no matter that you’re angry. You want me.”
“He is my ruin. My complete and utter devastation.”
“Just how long have you been sticking it to the girl who’s like a little sister to us?”
“There’s a certain sort of beauty in submission.”
“My story hasn’t been written yet, but I know it begins with you.”
“You will love this man. Do you understand? You will love him, serve him, and obey him in all things. This is your duty to me and to France. Am I clear?’
“She didn’t need a man. She wanted one.”
“Your wish is my command, my queen.”
“It is legal because I wish it.”
“Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.”
“She's magic, Cassandra. A single flower blooming in an endless desert.”
“Do you really want to put yourself through this? Is loving me really enough to endure everything you have to just to be with me?"
“Make no mistake.You are under my protection now, and I protect what is mine.”
“But perhaps, when you sleep, you will dream of me."
“I cannot come with you, my prince.”
“This woman was consuming him, bit by bit.”
“Call him. Claim him. Speak his Name. Make him thine before all others.”
“You are the harbor of my soul’s journeying.”
“We love what we love. We don’t need to justify it to anyone… not even to ourselves.”
“To love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect.”
“The heart is neither given nor stolen. The heart surrenders.”
“Give yourself to me.”
“I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your man to serve.”
“I married you to stop the bloodshed, and you keep killing. When will it be enough- when?”
“Marriage is a marriage- love or arranged. Both require the same level of commitment.”
“We are trapped by convention and must marry another.”
“We had both accepted the unwritten rule of arranged marriage: love, if it arrived at all, would bloom with time.”
“Be with me. Want me. Stay with me.I don’t know how to be without you.”
“We were doomed from the start. A lost cause. A losing battle.”
“Mr. Larsen, if you make me cry at my own coronation ball, I’ll never forgive you.”
“You are my very own forbidden fruit.”
“I’m scared, but I’d rather have one real day with you than a lifetime of misguided security.”
“And you, are mine.”
“You think a courtship and a hunt are two separate things. They are not.”
“I will share him with you, I cannot lose him.”
“Why must you resist me so dearly? When you tremble under my touch?”
“You must be made of magic itself. Your touch is warm.”
“One day, I will be able to leave you.”
“Did he touch you? Did you enjoy the way he held you across the room?”
"I will be your husband. I will take a solemn vow to protect you until death do us part. Do you understand what that means?"
“And why, pray tell, should I make it easy?'
"You are the bane of my existence--and the object of all of my desires. Night and day I dream of you."
"I did not ask for this--to be plagued by these feelings."
“I have loved you at every dance, on every walk, and every time we've been together. You must feel it in your heart, because I do."
“Because,by the time I’m done, prayer is the only thing that is going to save you.”
“Suppose I told everyone that I had seduced you.”
“You’re not planning to refuse me, are you?”
'Tell me if I do anything you don't like.”
“Say you do not care for me. Tell me you feel nothing and I will walk away.”
“I am a gentleman. My father raised me to act with honor, but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence.”
“If I wed your sister, it will bind me and you together for eternity, and I will spend every day of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you, dreading the day when my last thread of honor finally snaps.”
“I have never met anyone like you. It is maddening, how much you consume my very being.”
“That scent. It has remained imprinted on my mind ever since that night of the conservatory ball on that terrace. Lilies.”
“I desire you. I burn for you. I can't sleep at night because I want you."
“You’re the center of a star, and the force of gravity keeps pulling me closer, and I don’t give a damn that I’m about to be incinerated.“
“Whatever bad thing happened to you, it hasn’t made you less beautiful. There’s beauty in darkness, too.”
“I belong to you. Only you…I’ll always be yours. No matter what.”
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"Him guilting Ladybug into staying quiet is why Lila is able to maintain her power for 4 more seasons."
I mean, I would blame more the writers for taking way too long to have Adrien realize his advice was bad.
(Post the quote is from)
Reminder that I am never actually blaming the characters, they are not real people. That's why this is explicitly a writing blog. In the context of the writing, yes, the pacing of everything Lila was terrible and is the real source of the issues. That doesn't change the fact that Adrien is the main narrative tool used to keep Marinette in line, thus me "blaming" him.
As you said, Adrien looks bad here not because he didn't understand how to handle the situation and gave bad advice, but because it takes him so long to realize that his advice was bad and apologize.
During Lila's first appearance, we see Adrien chastises Ladybug for being too mean to Lila, never once acknowledging that it was valid for Ladybug to be upset (S1E26). She is painted as fully in the wrong even though Lila was actively manipulating him and Ladybug arguably protected him here:
Adrien: Wait! Lila! (Lila runs away) Hey, what was that all about? Uh, I mean, weren't you kinda harsh with her? Ladybug: I...I don't put up with lies, especially when they're about me. (yo-yos away)
During Lila's second appearance (or, at least her second appearance where she actually interacts with the cast) he further drives that message home by telling Marinette to let Lila lie to people because he's more worried about hurting Lila's feelings than he is about removing Lila's power (S3E01):
Adrien: Are you going to tell everyone? Marinette: 'Course I am. Lila is— Adrien: (interrupting) A liar. Yes, I know. But do you really think exposing her will make things better? If you humiliate her, she'll just be hurt more. Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy. Lila: Ladybug and I are like two peas in a pod. Marinette: So we just stand by and let her lie? Adrien: As long as you and I both know the truth, does it really matter? Marinette: You're right, maybe it's not such a big deal.
We'll circle back to how terrible this advice was in a second. First lets finish off going through the sequence of events.
And finally, at the tail end of season five, Adrien openly acknowledges that he's been giving terrible advice (S5E20):
Adrien: I'm sorry, Marinette. I was wrong. I shouldn't have told you to not act against Lila. If you give the slightest opportunity to people like her, they'll grasp at it and cause disasters in no time. And now, you're the one who looks like a bad person. Marinette: (reaches out to hold his hand beside her) You thought you were doing the right thing. Just like with Chloe. That's another reason why I love you, Adrien. You always want to see the good in other people. But sometimes, the good we think we see in some people is just a reflection of our own, and we end up being fooled by our own kindness. (They squeeze each other's hands.) But we'll find a way to expose Lila eventually.
If we look at these three moments in a vacuum, this is honestly a good character arc for a character like Adrien. He's a peace keeper, which is a wonderful match to Marinette's blind justice approach. It's good that Adrien is there to balance her out! It's also good for him to learn that his approach doesn't always work and that you can't always keep the peace.
The problem is that Adrien didn't actually get a functional character arc where he learned those lessons. The episodes are so drawn out that it doesn't feel like we watch him grow and learn. His apology is almost three full seasons after his second bit of bad advice, leaving us to wonder when he changed his mind because Lila does a lot of awful things during those three seasons. What moment made him realize that he was in the wrong here? We don't know, so this feels less like growth and more like the writers throwing in a scene to shut up fans who were still complaining about Adrien's terrible advice even though it had been four real world years since he actually gave it.
There's also the issue that Adrien tells Marinette, "making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy." This line implies that Adrien's goal is to help Lila change. The problem is that we never see him do that. He doesn't try to help Lila. The most we get is him making a deal with Lila to protect Marinette, but that's not him helping Lila change. He doesn't approach that conversation as if he's trying to help Lila see that what she did was wrong. He approaches it as if he knows that she won't change. It's less trying to make Lila a better person and more a deal with the devil:
Adrien: (sits next to Lila) I warned you once already, Lila, but you didn't listen. You hurt my friend Marinette, and that's not okay. Lila: Me? Hurting Marinette? But she's the one who- Adrien: I don't know how to prove you lied, Lila, because you're good at it. So you'll just have to come up with another lie, just as convincing. Only this time it's gonna prove Marinette's innocent. Lila: Why would I do that, Adrien? Adrien: Because we're friends, aren't we?
Minor Chloe rant incoming:
This is yet another situation where it would be so much better for the show if Adrien had actually done something to help Chloe change and succeeded. If he did that, thought it was a good path for everyone, and then tried to do the same thing for Lila, then this could have been a really great way to set him up for dealing with his dad. To teach him that you can only help people who want to be better without having everyone he tries to help stay "evil" as that's pretty depressing. As-is, we've literally seen him say that Chloe will never change so why does he believe that Lila can change? They're not portraying him as an optimist, they're portraying him as delusional. Terrible writing. Zero stars.
Rant over.
By the way, the above quote was the 24th episode of season three, roughly two seasons before Adrien's apology to Marinette. If he's viewing Lila as the devil here, then this should be where we get that apology. Or Adrien should approach this as him trying to make Lila better and Lila should play along, making Adrien think that he's right and that he's helping her change. Either approach would be better than the nonsense canon gave us.
In a well written show, this would all go down over the course of a single season or even just a few episodes. As-is, the season five apology feels like too little too late. What little kid is going to be able to follow this "character arc" and learn the lesson that Adrien maybe sort of learned? Casual viewers will likely not even remember that Adrien gave Marinette bad advice back at the start of season three because why would they? This is not how you do a good subplot. It's almost as drawn out as the Gabriel plot and that's insane! A subplot is supposed to be a short story within the story so that things feel like they're moving forward.
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eagna-eilis · 1 year
Star Wars Characters at a Family Wedding in Ireland
ANAKIN - Gets extremely nostalgic about his own wedding and makes his adult twin children groan in embarrassment. Is in such a good mood that he isn't even mad when Leia calls him a fascist for voting Fine Gael, and manages to give his grandson an effective pep talk.
PADMÉ - So resplendent that the bride is almost jealous but honestly how could you be upset with her she's just so nice. Gets giggly tipsy over dinner and waltzes with C3P0 afterwards. Touches up literally everyone's makeup for them throughout the night and does a better job than the actual makeup artist.
OBI-WAN - Waits til the night is winding down then magically locates a squeezebox, fiddle, a guitar, and a tin whistle and hands them out to start a sessiún. The sing-song goes on until 5am and it's all his fault. His signature song is 'The Lass of Aughrim' because it makes him feel all literary.
R2D2 - Has at least four too many double Jamesons and literally starts arguing with the wall. Shmii finds him passed out under a table the next morning, wherein he swears he's not drinking until Christmas.
C3P0 - Wrecks the heads of the hotel staff over dinner with all his requests, to the point of embarrassing the other people at his table. Conducts impromptu ballroom dancing lessons while the band plays and charms the pants off everyone with his patient explanations of how to foxtrot.
LANDO - Pulls out a deck of cards and starts a game of 21s in the corner. Absolutely swindles everyone. It's okay though because he puts his winnings behind the bar so nobody has to pay for their drinks after that.
AHSOKA - Brings enough weed to share with a chosen few, like an absolute queen. Ends up hanging out in the loo for ages rolling for herself, Sabine, Maz, Kanan, and eventually Ben. Despite her relative stillness and quiet, she enjoys the music more than basically anybody else and people will quote her fondly slagging Anakin over dinner for the next 20 years.
SABINE - Camera queen who tries to look like she isn't enjoying herself. Fools nobody because she keeps grinning and snort-laughing. Her photos are a thousand times better than the photographer's and are the ones that the couple use for their album.
HERA - Helps Leia gang up on Anakin about politics because goddamn it, Leia isn't wrong. Hands out isotonic powder sachets and paracetamols to everyone before they go up to bed. They're gonna need it.
EZRA - Gets so hyper after consuming so much 7up that Hera has to send him to bed before the DJ takes over from the band. Sneaks down later for the cocktail sausages.
DIN DJARIN - Couldn't get a babysitter so he's tucked up at home watching The Late Late and hate-tweeting it.
GROGU - fell asleep in front of The Late Late. Delighted when somebody brings wedding cake to the house the following day.
KANAN - Literally will not be at peace until the DJ plays Kenny Rodgers' 'The Gambler' because it's not a wedding without it. Once that's done he insists on 'Come On Eileen'. Somebody's gotta be the keeper of the flame of tradition, after all.
CHEWBACCA - Requests all the group dances. Rock the Boat, The Siege of Ennis, The Macarena, The Walls of Limerick, Chain Reaction. Bullies everyone into joining in, except Ben who is the absolute antithesis of craic.
LUKE - Every wedding requires at least one merrily drunk uncle and Luke does not disappoint. Suit jacket? Gone. Top buttons? Open. Tie? It's now around his head while he stands on a chair playing air guitar to 'Hotel California'. Ends up puking in a flower pot. Iconic.
LEIA - Would have been okay if she stuck to wine all night but a single gin and tonic on top of the shitty hotel merlot and suddenly she's having an hour-and-a-half political argument with Anakin. Embarrasses the hell out of her parents, brother, and son by smooching Han repeatedly while dancing.
HAN - Organises the pre-ceremony pints. His sotto-voce asides are funnier than anything in the speeches. Quietly sings along to 'Brown Eyed Girl' by Van Morrison in Leia's ear while they dance, prompting all that smooching.
FINN - Sneaks into the hotel's public bar to check the hurling scores on the telly then reports them back to all the lads. Keeps his wits about him regards alcohol so he can take care of Poe later but eats so much cake he feels sick.
POE - Holds court in the bar, telling long anecdotes about his life that are only 75% true. Dances and flirts with all the aunties and nanas and makes them feel great about themselves. It doesn't convince Ahsoka to give him a spliff, though, because she is immune to his charms.
ROSE - The boomers yell at her for getting the DJ to play 'Celtic Symphony' by the Wolfe Tones, but she calls them hypocrites who are oozing postcolonial shame. Anakin offers to adopt her because now she's the centre of the politics argument. Knocks it out of the park at the sing-song because she knows all the words to at least 20 rebel songs.
MAZ - The first to place her handbag down on the dancefloor so as to coax the other nanas onto the floor. Jovially flirts with every man over 18 and under 60 that isn't her blood relation. Asks Poe to marry her.
REY - Finishes at least three other people's dinners. Sings along very loudly to every song that the band AND the DJ plays. Can't dance at all but it doesn't stop her. Should probably check on Ben because she knows what he's like but decides that tonight he's his family's responsibility. Loses her entire shit when ABBA plays.
BEN - Zero craic, God help the poor craytur. Drinks brandy as an affectation and starts quoting James Joyce after four of them. Gets extremely mopey after brandy number six and ends up having a long heart to heart with his Grandda Ani. Cries then throws up. Auntie 'Soka gives him a joint to settle his tummy. Subsequently feels better and then knocks everyone's socks off singing 'Raglan Road'.
SHMII - Begs off the party at 10pm because she's 97 years old. Still makes sure that everybody takes their hangover down to breakfast the following morning for a Big Feed of rasher-sausage-and-pudding, and maybe hair of the dog if they're desperate.
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corallapis · 11 months
Hi <3 No obligation to answer, I know dw lore is really convoluted and there's a lot of expanded universe material, but you've mentioned a few times that you think the War Chief is the Master. I'm also a War Chief/Master truther because I think that makes the contents of The War Games more fun and interesting (& also could count as another time the Master got the Doctor killed <3 romance <3) but I wanted to know if you had more reasons/examples from canon that supports that idea
anon i’d be delighted to talk abt the war chief!!! he’s My Guy <3 and (dare i say it?) possibly even one of my favorite incarnations of the master. i’ve got lots of quotes for you under the cut, but to give a short summary of So Why Do People Think the War Chief is the Master, Anyway?:
the war chief was introduced in the war games, written by malcolm hulke and terrance dicks. (dicks, it should be mentioned, was also co-creator of the master, with barry letts.) when hulke & dicks novelized the serials colony in space, terror of the autons, and the war games, they dropped several hints that the war chief and the master were the same man. so, the creators of the characters were the first to suggest a connection between them.
but, i hear you cry, didn’t dicks go on to write timewyrm: exodus, which shows us a future incarnation of the war chief that isn’t the master? yes, because the official editorial line for the vmas & vnas was that the war chief & the master were two distinct characters. this caused more than one writer that personally believed them to be the same to write otherwise professionally. however, i think dicks still dropped hints linking the two despite this editorial limitation.
and what about magnus, the guy who’s well-known in current fandom as the “academy era” version of the war chief? conceived of by gary russell, magnus was originally written as a young incarnation of the master, not the war chief. in flashback, goth opera and invasion of the cat-people, the character of magnus is a young master. so why did russell retcon his own character in divided loyalties to be the war chief instead? he did so out of respect for david mcintee, who had recently written a different backstory for the master in the dark path, using the name koschei. despite divided loyalties’ portrayal of magnus and koschei as separate characters, it actually in large part serves to conflate the two further, due to said retconning.
in faction paradox lore, the war king is a version of the master (i don’t need to make a post on that, do i?) that also was once the war chief.
and now we’re really getting murky canon-wise, but craig hinton’s rejected pda time’s champion (ultimately completed & published after his death, by chris mckeon) explicitly depicts the war chief as an incarnation as the master, as well as reasserting that magnus was the name the master used at the academy.
even with all this Evidence, i’m like you, anon — i just think it’s Fun. i mean, just look at the guy lmao. if you can’t see the way that future incarnations are riffing off him, idk what to tell you. and ultimately, it just makes the most sense to me. three & delgado’s first meeting doesn’t really strike me as a First Time Seeing You Since You Left kind of affair, but the way two & the war chief react to seeing each other? and the conversation they have abt it…? yeah. love it.
the ‘70s target novelizations
doctor who and the doomsday weapon (aka colony in space) was the first novelization to feature the master, and was written by malcolm hulke in 1974. it begins with a scene that doesn’t occur in the tv story, where a senile old time lord tells his apprentice about the theft of two tardises by a pair of time lords now calling themselves the doctor & the master:
“There have been two stolen, you know.” The younger Time Lord didn’t know. “By our enemies?” he asked. “No. By Time Lords. They both became bored with this place. It was too peaceful for them, not enough happening.” The old Keeper smiled to himself, as though remembering with some glee all the fuss when two TARDISes were stolen. “One of them nowadays calls himself ‘the Doctor.’ The other says he is ‘the Master.’”
if there have been only two tardises stolen (at this point), then where does that leave the other renegades we've seen on tv? well, the answer to that is that the target novelizations were meant to be self-contained, without prior knowledge of the show needed or past episodes taken into account. it’s easier and cleaner to present the doctor & the master as the only two renegades. except the older time lord continues, and a little further on says:
“There were tens of thousands of humans from the planet Earth, stranded on another planet where they thought they were re-fighting all the wars of Earth’s terrible history. The Doctor” — he interrupted himself — “I told you about him, didn’t I?” “Yes,” said the young Time Lord, now used to the old Keeper forgetting what he had already said. “You mentioned the Doctor and the Master.” “No, it wasn’t the Master,” said the old Keeper in his confused way. “The Master never does anything good for anyone. He’s thoroughly evil. Now what was I saying?”
despite the self-contained nature of the novelizations, the events of the war games (which had yet to be novelized, when this was written) have occurred and are specifically brought up in relation to the doctor & the master. what does ‘it wasn't the master’ mean? the keeper’s confusion leaves it open to interpretation, but the fact that it’s brought up at all is quite a hint.
terrance dicks then wrote doctor who and the terror of the autons in 1975. additional info is added to the scene between the doctor and the time lord who comes to warn him about the master’s arrival on earth:
“As a matter of fact, I’ve come to bring you a warning. An old friend of yours has arrived on Earth.” “One of our people? Who is it?” The Time Lord pronounced a string of mellifluous syllables — one of the strange Time Lord names that are never disclosed to outsiders. Then he added, “These days he calls himself the Master.”
he uses the master’s gallifreyan name first, as if the doctor doesn’t know the name he’s now going by yet. then, we’re given a description of the master, including:
Already he had been behind several Interplanetary Wars, always disappearing from the scene before he could be caught. If ever he were caught, his fate would be far worse than the Doctor’s exile. Once captured by the Time Lords, the Master’s life-stream would be thrown into reverse. Not only would he no longer exist, he would never have existed. It was the severest punishment in the Time Lords’ power.
which brings to mind the war games, as the punishment described here is exactly what the time lords did to the war lord & what they would have done to the war chief, if he hadn’t died/escaped. and, speaking of that escape, the doctor asks:
“Is his TARDIS still working?” “I’m afraid so. He got away before it could be de-energised.” “Then he was luckier than I,” said the Doctor sadly. He had never really got used to his exile.
unlike the doctor, who was unable to get away from the time lords at the end of the war games, the master was ‘luckier.’ this could, of course, mean a more general escape from the time lords by the master, but i’d say all the hints here are pointing in the same direction.
in 1979, malcolm hulke wrote doctor who and the war games. the first conversation between the doctor and the war chief is slightly changed, and again it’s reiterated that there have only been two tardises stolen. first, the war chief teases the doctor about who he must be:
The War Chief took the Doctor into his private office just off the war room and told his bodyguards to leave. “Now,” he said, “a traveller in a time-space machine. There is only one person you can be.” “I had every right to leave,” said the Doctor. “And to steal a TARDIS?” The War Chief smiled. “Not that I am criticising you. I left our people too. We are two of a kind.”
and later, he summarizes that their empire (their empire <3) will be secure because, again, they’re the only two with stolen tardises:
“Now I understand,” said the Doctor. “It’s my TARDIS that you want. But surely you have one of your own?” The War Chief smiled. “No more mine than yours is really yours! We are both thieves, Doctor. Yes, I do have a TARDIS hidden away. But are not two better than one? While I rest and enjoy the spoils of victory, you can patrol our empire. And I shall do the same for you.” “Our empire?” “We shall rule the galaxy without fear of opposition,’ the War Chief said confidently. “For we shall be the only two who can travel through both space and time.”
this (very romantic imo) proposal is also, of course, very reminiscent of delgado’s ‘half-share in the universe’ proposal to three.
timewyrm: exodus by terrance dicks
in 1991, terrance dicks wrote a vna, timewyrm: exodus. in this novel, the war chief appears as a botched two-bodied regeneration after his death at the end of the war games, called dr. kriegslieter. no mention of the master is made. as i said before, i think this is down to virgin’s editorial policy, and i think there are hints connecting the two nonetheless. like when the doctor realizes who kriegslieter is:
And behind them, aiding them, manipulating them, giving them the time technology they needed, the Time Lord renegade who called himself the War Chief. Or, in German, der kriegslieter. “Well, he couldn’t have spelled it out for me much more plainly,” muttered the Doctor.
like, c’mon. it’s just classic master shenanigans to have your alias be an extremely obvious translation of your name. and then there's also kriegslieter’s plan, which is to steal the doctor's body to use as his own (complete with sexual innuendo):
“Once I have wrested from it the secret of the TARDIS, your mind will be of no further interest to me. But your body…” “Please,” said the Doctor, looking embarrassed. “Ladies present.” “We are both Time Lords, Doctor, our brains and our bodies are compatible. Regeneration therapy is far beyond the War Lord’s scientists, but even they can manage a simple brain transplant.” Kriegslieter studied the Doctor with detached, clinical interest. “To be honest, it isn’t the body I would have chosen but it’s infinitely superior to the one I have. When all this is over Doctor, I shall be you — and you, or whatever shattered gibbering remnant of you is left, will be me. Appropriate, don’t you think? A crippled mind in a crippled body…”
how many times have we seen the master do that? maybe only once when this book was written (in the keeper of traken, of course) but at least three more times since then, by my count. in addition ‘we are both time lords’ is an echo of both two & the war chief's conversation and three & delgado’s (in the mind of evil, the claws of axos, and colony in space).
kriegslieter also calls seven ‘my dear doctor’ throughout, which is not a quirk of speech that the war chief has been ever shown to have. i can't claim it's unique to the master, but i think there's a certain history there. (did you know ainley says it five times in one 50 min long serial?)
magnus, as the master
as said before, the character of magnus was introduced in comic flashback, which appeared in the doctor who magazine winter special for 1992 and was commissioned and edited by gary russell (& written by warwick gray). it depicts seven and benny viewing a scene from the doctor’s past, where two old friends, thete and magnus, are at odds.
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magnus was, at the time of this comic's creation, meant to be the master. there is no connection to the war chief in this story. which is why when goth opera, written by paul cornell, is published in 1994, magnus is the name used for the young master when listing out the doctor's school friends:
“That was when I was young and wild, Doctor. My contemporaries and I grew up to take our responsibilities seriously.” “Ah…” The Doctor nodded. “Unlike my year. I begin to see.” “Yes.” Ruath warmed to her subject, sipping from the goblet. Her eyes never left the Doctor’s. “Mortimus, the Rani, that idiot Magnus. And you, Doctor. All graduates of Borusa’s Academy for scoundrels.”
and, in 1995, when gary russell wrote invasion of the cat-people, he again used magnus as a name for the young master, referencing the master running out of lives far more quickly than the doctor by the time of the deadly assassin:
Polly smiled. “I’m glad you’re completely recovered, Doctor. You had us worried, you know.” “Regeneration’s a tricky thing,” he said. “And it was my first one. Always the trickiest. They’re supposed to get better as they go on, so long as you don’t flitter them. Always used to say to my academy chum Magnus, ‘Magnus,’ I’d say, ‘Magnus, don’t throw old bodies away like you would a suit. They don’t grow on trees.’ Or something like that. Never listened though.”
when gary russell wrote divided loyalties in 1999, he followed mcintee’s lead in using koschei as the name for a young master, and instead retconned magnus a younger war chief, showing the two of them interacting during the doctor’s academy days — the final nail in the coffin of our lil theory, right? well, all i’m going to say to that is that all the academy era stuff we see is actually a nightmare the fifth doctor is having. so who’s to say he didn't dream his best friend as two different people? (he forgot which one of them killed a guy with a rock, after all...)
the war chief king
in the book of the war, the 2002 faction paradox ‘encyclopedia’ edited by lawrence miles, the entry on the war king states:
His personal assistant notes that his office is brimming with official business, but devoid of decoration. The only concession he makes to sentimentality are the components of a hypercube, twelve white squares stacked neatly on his desk. Its significance is unclear, but it’s thought to be the War King’s last remaining link with his unfortunate past.
the very first use of a hypercube was, of course, at the end of the war games, when the second doctor called the time lords in. if that's not concrete enough for you, the war king spells it out even more clearly in the 2021 audio sabbath and the king:
THE WAR KING: I have failed to introduce myself. I am— ah, but as we have just seen: names have power. I do not think I shall grace you with one of my true names, Sabbath, no, not yet. Let’s see. The Deathless? Oh, let us not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Chief and Master, Minister and Magistrate, President and King… I have been many things.
time’s champion
and finally we have time’s champion, originally written in the '80s(?) by craig hinton, completed and published by chris mckeon in 2008. first, we have mel stumbling upon a corridor of portraits in the tardis:
Her first impression was that the Doctor was at the end of a long, thin corridor. And then she realised what the corridor was. An art gallery, the length hung with paintings, from the doorway to the far distance. As she started padding silently along the corridor, she looked at the paintings, and saw they were all portraits. Portraits painted in a variety of styles, from photo-realistic to impressionist, and everything in between. And she recognised some of the subjects. […] Moving on, Mel had hoped for something a little less depressing, but it wasn’t to be. The atmosphere had changed again: it was still cold, but a sterile light was now bathing the area. Then she realised why: the sterility, the coldness — trademarks of the Time Lords. This must be the Doctor’s own people. Pride of place was given to the Master — or rather the Masters: the familiar, music-hall villain in his velvet penguin suit had been captured in all his melodramatic glory, but there was also a suave, older man, his eyes radiating a fierce, evil intelligence wrapped in charm, next to which was positioned the portrait of a young, satanically handsome man with long, sharp sideburns and a thin, beard-length moustache, whose hand vainly clutched at a strange medallion hanging around his neck, as if clinging to the only power in his possession. And then there was an image of the cadaver, that rotting corpse that Mel knew was all that remained of the Doctor’s oldest friend and oldest enemy, animated by nothing but pure malice and spite.
the description of the ‘satanically handsome man’ is obviously the war chief. and then, the doctor remembers events from his past:
The night time vanished into the shadows of light, as new images, all familiar, threw themselves past the Doctor’s eyes: his tedious years at the Academy, his rise in the Time Lord hierarchy, his flight from Gallifrey, the early years of his exile, the planet of the War Games and his reunion with the Master, the lost years of imposed servitude to the Time Lords, all his memories and so many more impressed their way across the Doctor’s vision, even up to the moment of the present day. Then, abruptly, the vision ended. The Keeper began to speak again.
his reunion with the master occurs during the war games and precedes his exile (which is when his meeting with delgado’s master occurs). and magnus is once again used as a name for the young master:
The Doctor and Benton managed to glimpse him as he raced past. He was young, with a curving moustache and a dark, haughty face accustomed to obedience but now shadowed and twisted by fear. He ran onwards without even pausing to acknowledge their presence. He seemed desperate to outrun something. Moments later, a group of well-armed and uniformed men rounded the corridor and also hurried past the Doctor’s party, following the fleeing man in their wake. Steadying himself against the cool stone wall at his side, the Doctor watched the squad pass, recognising them as members of the Chancellery Guard, but clothed in armour and dress from the long departed era of his days in the Academy. The Doctor paused, wondering where he had seen that face before. “Magnus?” the Doctor whispered. Benton stepped over to the Doctor. “Who was that bloke those boys were chasing after, Doc? He looked a bit like the Master.” The Doctor gazed into the distance. “That he did, and for good reason.”
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bleue-flora · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/bleue-flora/756376745531359232/i-agree-with-you-and-anon-that-cdream-had-a-small?source=share Good point about the quote he said about having power over revival book, often I forget that semantics matter in this
The clip where c!Dream kind of dismisses their friendship is 26:35 on the link u sent. If it counts since its not like this big thing or anything.
Also c!Dream outwardly saying he likes destruction does kinda surprise me but hey hes just a silly guy. Theres also 39:52 https://youtu.be/2UPSDbkpaAA?si=P5Dp6_OtEyGd0rhc but he says hes never been on anyones team either and reiterates that later to c!tubbo saying hes on the side of chaos so id only put it as extra
Oh… yea I skipped them burning the Eiffel Tower lol, makes sense why I missed it. That is an interesting scene [clip]… the way I see it (not because he can’t like destruction I mean tnt is fun even if it is also aggravating when something you built gets blow up) perhaps he is coming up with a reason for siding against his older friends. Personally, I think he sides with Tommy here, because he thinks Sapnap was in the wrong to kill Henry, but while Tommy is in the right to be upset Dream might reason that by being on his side he can help Tommy get justice but also minimize the damage. And this is a good example of Dream changing sides constantly in different wars and battles. Not because of money or friendship but because I think he’s siding with who he believes has been wronged or is being wronged, if that makes sense. In this instance, Sapnap killed and then ate Tommy’s cow unprompted, so Dream sides with him and later they held Niki hostage so it makes sense that he’d side with Tommy again. As he says, “I’ve never been on anyone’s team” [clip] in other words, he isn’t fighting because that person pulled him into it but because he’s trying to be the peace keeper and means of justice. One minute he’s helping Tommy fight Ponk then the next he’s shooting Tommy with the cross bow for hitting Ponk after he already surrendered. He isn’t loyal to Tommy - he isn’t on his team. He isn’t on anyone’s team because in a way he’s on everyone’s team, everyone’s side, on the side of peace, resolution and his perception of justice. And he doesn’t say in that clip that they aren’t friends only that that’s not the reason he’s fighting with him, which makes sense, after all Sapnap and Badboyhalo are also his friends so that reasoning wouldn’t work…
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m-s-justice · 1 year
Warning for Unpopular Opinion:
I kinda hate Primis Richtofen
As a character, he's fantastic. But if I were to ever cross paths with him, he would be on the receiving end of at least 28 stab wounds.
Strap in for another Long Fucking Textpost.
I have three main gripes with the guy.
1. How he treats Victis/The Rest of Primis
Richtofen manipulates Victis into doing his dirty work, actively putting their lives in danger by siccing Undead Ultimis Richtofen on them, and then puts them on ice in a parallel to his Ultimis self doing the same thing to his teammates. Not to mention Victis is frozen in a HELL POCKET DIMENSION. And EVEN THEN, he’s not even the one to wake them up; it’s Ultimis Richtofen, likely prompted by Primis Nikolai. 
As for how he treats his team, holy shit. He deceives them the entire cycle. Sure, he didn’t technically lie to them, but omission of information is just as bad. The other three had no idea what they were walking into. They didn’t expect to have to kill themselves. And that’s the fucking thing. They didn’t sign up for this. Richtofen clearly never asked if the other three wanted to live in Agartha with him. Richtofen never considered that they have lives of their own, outside of the cycle. Richtofen considered his own goals above the lives of his team. In ZnS one of his opening lines is “Do you trust me, [whichever of the three he is talking to]?”, to which both Dempsey and Takeo respond that they feel like they have no choice but to and Nikolai who basically says no. And yet, RIchtofen keeps charging ahead, doing “what he has to”. Sure, he ensured that they didn’t get wiped from existence, nevermind the fact that they wouldn’t have even been in danger of that without Richtofen leading them there. Instead, Richtofen leads them in a fucking circle. They’re going to do the same song and dance, forever. Now, no matter how much personal beef I have with BO4’s writing, it’s implied that the only way peace could ever be achieved is through the Motherfuckers’ deaths. Accepting his own death is something Richtofen could never do, we even see it happen. When he dies in Blood, it’s not graceful. Rather than subject himself to death, he instead has everyone go through something arguably worse, a never-ending loop of suicide by proxy. What the actual fuck.
2. Dimensional collapse
Richtofen lets Dimension 63 (Morg City [SoE]) get eaten by Apothicons. To give him some credit, there’s probably not a lot he could’ve done by himself. Apothicons are known for gobbling down dimensions like rednecks at a pie eating contest. But also. There was Keeper intervention. Maybe let the Keeper use the Incredibly Powerful, yet Loosely Defined MacGuffin #52 to save the dimension before swooping in, stealing the Key, and then dipping? I don’t know man, the general lack of remorse in his actions, the whole “I have a universe to set right” line before dooming the entire place just rubs me the wrong way.
3. General Assholery
Richtofen is a bit of an arrogant prick. The apparent reason the others can’t peek at the Big Book of Plot Convenience is because they’re too stupid. He also refuses to answer any of their questions. No wonder the other three don’t trust him, what with his complete and utter lack of transparency and his compulsive need to beat around every goddamn bush in the Forest of Equivocation.
On a slightly different note, there’s one quote of his that stood out to me. It’s a start of session conversation with Takeo.
Takeo: “I fear that denying Dempsey the chance to better understand himself may have… consequences.”
Richtofen: “Even had he been conscious before his death, I do not believe that Dempsey had any… great knowledge to impart.”
What the hell. My Brother in CoD, you made him that way. An alternate you literally experimented on and tortured him and then froze him taking away all autonomy from him. Not only that, you selected that dimension. You chose that specific Dempsey. If you wanted a "smart” Dempsey, then literally go anywhere else and murder him instead. Holy fucking shit. And Primis Dempsey is also there. Mourning himself. And you’re out here insulting a dead man that you murdered behind his back. Richtofen did murder him; Dempsey was coerced into doing it. Even fucking worse, is that Dempsey confesses to Nikolai that he’s starting to trust Richtofen. The one thing Richtofen wants most and he doesn’t deserve it.
However, the actual worst part is that nothing comes from Dempsey not being able to properly meet with his other self. Dempsey pulls himself together by himself, which is very admirable, but does have the unfortunate outcome of confirming Richtofen’s position. There were no ramifications. That Dempsey was simply an idiot who had nothing of worth to contribute, other than his death.
Ok now to preface this I’m not attacking anybody who interprets Primis Richtofen differently.  He's a fictional character and other people viewing art in a different way than me will not cramp my style.
I do think that he genuinely loved his friends and wanted the best for all of them. The way he goes about it is just one of the worst ways possible. Comedically terrible, falling on his face, fucking Looney Tunes-ing it up. 
Simultaneously, however, I think at his core, Richtofen is a selfish character. And that’s shown in both version’s actions. Ultimis is pretty blatant in his egoistic pursuits. I spent the entire post pretty much draggin Primis in the mud, so I’m not going to repeat myself.
To end this: I hate him so much I want to rip him to pieces. But I also really like him as a character, so I would sitch him back together. And then his insufferable face would send me into an irrepressible rage and I’d shred him again. Rinse and repeat.
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loser-jpg · 1 year
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Maleus: Who ate my food? >:(
Maleus: Im going to ki-
Yuu: I did?
Maleus: -kiss you and buy you more you havent been eating enough Yuu.
Yuu: ...
Yuu: Hes gone now.
Leona, walking out of the closet, food stuffed in his mouth: thmks
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Maleus: the printer broke while printing Kingscholars birthday invitations
Yuu: well what do they say?
Maleus: "Leonas bi"
Yuu: ...works either way.
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Leona: did you take out Maleus like i said?
Yuu: Maleus has been taken out, yes.
Leona: great, i-
Yuu: it was a great restaurant
Yuu: we had a romantic candlelit diner
Yuu: Maleus proposed after were filing the wedding papers.
Leona: thats not what i-
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Maleus: everyone calm down, were grown ups, lets deal with this like adults
Yuu: so were just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Maleus: obviously, now Leona pass the shovel
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Yuu: ok, what does A stand for
Maleus: Arson
Yuu: aww so good, now whats B stand for
Maleus: Barson
Leona: *laughing*
Yuu: C?
Maleus: Commit arson
Leona: Ooooo good one
Yuu: D!
Maleus: Dont come near me, im going to commit arson.
Leona: *wheezes*
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*Yuu sneezes*
Maleus: Yuu are you sick? Here let me wrap you in a warm blanket and hand feed you soup and sing you a lullaby <3
*Leona sneezes*
Maleus: Oh my god shut up.
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dw mal loves leona they just refuse to show it to eachother 👍
this is why yuu needs to be here. hes the peace keeper. sorta.
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gorjee-art · 5 months
HOWDY ! tis i :] Would it be alright to inquire in what your oc story is about ? How do Claire and Charles meet, do they have any history together ? And what's my guy Sebastian up to what's that old man doing...
Hi! Firstly, Always see your tags, great comments as always, they bring me so much joy! Makes me go YIPPIE in my chair...Now...Onto the questions! What's the Story of Dog's Dinner? 🎉 NOTHING!!!!!!! 🎉 ... At least...not a narrative, not...yet. The "story" of Dog's Dinner (in heavy quotes) is about stowaways on a long-forgotten man-made island...named Elysium. Or as its residents "lovingly" nicknamed it... "Isle of Slapstick".
Started way back in the 19th century, what was meant to be mankind's greatest feat, a revolution of engineering and prowess, to make land, countries, and homes, for everyone. Now in the 1940s, it's a sorry sight, a hell on earth, in the midst of the sea with its people stranded on it.
Sickly and immoral, its people are poisoned by the unnatural environment, rendering many of its people infertile, sick, and hungry. It's a dog-eat-dog world, many scrounging for rations, and medicine. However...Elysium is unique in its culture, corruption oozing like the disease it was born from, business can be made with such...desperation for survival. Import businesses, smuggling rings, prosthetics, false fake organs, and even...trafficking. Whether it'd be desperation for new healthy viscera or...desperate mothers hoping for a child. Not many of the people outside the island knew (government officials especially), that with no law to stop the progression of its science...anything is fair game.
Elysium runs on the clever and the heartless, it's a hierarchy of power, and those on top, rule the island with an iron fist, and the smaller ones make do with what they have, collecting scraps, surviving day by day. However...they say, that on the island legends are born, and it's the small voices...the eyes peering through the dark, and the teeth glistening ready to strike. A person, beyond feared, beyond loathed, said to be the severed head of Cerberus under human skin. No one knows where he came from, new arrivals are usually announced to the high heavens, who doesn't love fresh new meat? No...he arrived from the mists of the blackened sea, his eyes glowing with rage. The Devil's Dane lurks, as Elysium's...bounty hunter. The cursed repo man of the island said to punish the unholy, immoral, slimy, goat vomit with the boiling cinders of his unrest. Tattered with scars, a giant never meant to be witnessed, stapled together haphazardly to contain whatever MONSTER was inside. From that day...he will know no PEACE, until he cleansed this perdition, himself.
-But...Those are tall tales, the story actually follows a bounty-hunting group named Cerberus, Charles the muscle and minute-man, Sebastian the group's cleaner and harvester, and Joe the sniper, gambler, and spokesperson. Together, they make a pretty great team, a found family within the walls of this dump. Until...one mission- How did Claire and Charles Meet?
Claire had always seen him at the corner of her eye...Not a first-time guest. His glasses glistened, reflecting her spotlight. He stood so still...the only indication that he was alive was the smoke escaping his lips. Claire has an open secret, she's not just a pretty face, honied voice, and bodacious body for her shows... she's a spy, a keeper of secrets, a great judge of character, and....oh so persuasive, luring poor men and women, to tell a little more than they should have, strumming the strings of their poor little weak hearts. With a generous offer of dough...she'll tell you some particularly juicy blackmail, schemes, and plans from rival groups. An amateur Pinkerton! Quite a business she's mucked up...and...seeing the Dane makes her nervous. She wouldn't believe such stories about one person! Would she...? Well, she certainly doesn't do a great job of covering up that she's scared out of her wits, when her voice, croaks just slightly during one of her performances. Her throat tightened even more seeing another plume of smoke blow out in the darkness, his face illuminated by the dim candlelight, she could even make out that he began to lean in his seat, possibly intrigued by what he was seeing, she couldn't help but warble in her singing voice, as she just knew that he saw her fear. Her dear boss Jones had warned her before that some bad men wanted to hunt her down for all the information she had. He wasn't sure who, but he'd overheard a gruff voice spilling out his plans to: "Wring that little bird's neck until she SINGS FOR ME", thus she was given a gift of a revolver and ammunition, she even scoffed over just how tiny it was, but...admittedly it was portable. It was best to lay low and wait. She sat back in her seat attempting to relax, but couldn't help to recheck the lock and observe her gun several times.
She's never been a great fighter, she never even shot a GUN before...she knew of the environment and its consequences but...to kill a man...? It was justified! Yeah, it's justified. Simple self-defense, play stupid games win stupid prizes! Right? With all the whirring and spiraling in her head, to the best of her ability, she eventually fell asleep. Until quickly, startled awake by the sounds of splintering wood, right outside her door. Heavy footsteps creaked down the halls of the complex. She carefully grabbed her gun and pointed it at her front door. Steady breath, eyes like pins, alert to any sounds of shuffling, she jerked up as she heard the careful turning of the door knob. To her terrified confusion though, the clinking of the copper quickly turned to moans of metal breaking. A short gruff of a man's voice, then her heart sank to her stomach, watching as the doorknob, fell to the ground. Her hands shivered as she watched, a giant of a man, opening the door damn near throwing it off its hinges, enter inside after kneeling down, to squeeze himself into the apartment. His glasses glinted, head quickly turning to the sound of Claire's shivering voice, attempting to feign assertiveness. "Not. Another. Muscle. Or I'll shoot." He trudges himself forward. "I WILL. Don't you DARE test me." He ignores the threat, proceeding to invite himself in. "I will...I-I. Will." she whimpered as the two now were just a foot apart from each other, him clearly observing her. She shuts her eyes tight, turning her head away until a- Click was heard. Confused, she looks down at her shaking hand.
Click...her life was beginning to flash before her eyes, checking the chamber to see it was empty. Weakly chuckling to herself as she spots, her ammunition sitting on her dresser. She knew she was forgetting something, but wasn't sure what she forgot. Her smile quickly fades, however, as she sees this beast now inches away from her face. His voice was haunting, like a low humming growl, deep within his chest, and yet he was merely whispering... "Today's your lucky day." In her eyes, the world faded into a black void, feeling the ground fall beneath her...she had fainted! A very long story short, turns out they were dealing with the same person! Charles searched for the man who wanted to use Claire for his sick gain, the two had suddenly had a common enemy to deal with. It just so happened that he'd...end up in her apartment in search of clues, unknowing of the fact she'd be there waiting (he assumed she didn't know anything about this, but ho-hum.). Thus this entire thing led to a partnership, and now she is a part of Cerberus, nicknamed by the team as "Persephone" now the spy of the group, until this problem goes away...which it does and she goes back to shows. However, with now lingering feelings on both sides, but they wish to remain..."professional" ( it fails spectacularly) . What's Sebastian Doing? Oh I know...he's fine, probably cleaning the preservative jars, observing a dead rat, doing some healthy business...the usual! He's a chipper fellow and a beloved peepaw, so he's never truly alone.
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poopiedoopswrizzz · 5 months
Ice Time Gets No Buckets
(Elliot is in the shirt and pants, Aaliyah is in the Dress)
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Liked by aaliyahedwards_24, uconwhoc and 7,764 others
Peace Out High School
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Grad was tiring to say the least but hey im going to UConn, Aaliyah's going to UConn. Anyways I'm Elliot and i know what your thinking that's a boys name. Well your right but Sasha is a girls name and ive met so many male Sasha's. Full Name is Elliot Griffith Campbell-Pascall. Daughter of Famous Cassie Campbell-Pascall. My parents had me in 2001 so 4 years before they got married and 9 years later had my baby sister Brooke. Growing Up I played Hockey (with both my parents playing professionally I had no choice) Lacrosse and Football (soccer). I decided to Commit to UConn for Hockey because i wasn't getting any other full rides and because Aaliyah committed.
Aaliyah and I met in Highschool. I had failed grade 1 because i had undiagnosed autism and ADHD so it made it hard to learn. I was always fidgeting, I threw tantrums when we had supply teachers and everyone thought I was weird so they kept bugging me until I broke a kids nose (That was a fun trip to the office). But soon after that incident i was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism and now I get a special TA to help me with all my work and extra time on tests and assignments. We met in first period which was math and lets say i was STRUGGLING but Aaliyah noticed this and helped me out. Now almost 4 years later we are inseparable sure we both dated each other then cheated on each other but thats how we found out we are better off as friends. 
I Played Hockey for the Mississauga Senators AAA (Hockey) up until i hit the U18 boys team because i was too good to play with the other girls. I am also 6”4 so a lot taller than all the other girls too (Best defencewomen in the league). Played for the Mississauga Badgers (Lacrosse) U17 rep team until I turned 17. Finally played for Dixie Rep U18 girls team as a Keeper. It was A lot balancing 3 sports, especially lacrosse and Football because their seasons are the same, but me and my parents managed with the help of Wick (Hayley Wickenheiser) who became my professional baby sitter. (i said my first swear word at aged 2 and quoted “The Americans Had Our Flag On The Floor Of Their Dressing Room And Now I Want To Know If They Want Us To Sign It.” everyday for a whole year)
That's it for now thanks for reading
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petruchio · 10 months
Bestie I think you’re so right about the movie altering Lucy and Coryo’s romance to better convey the themes within the limitations of the medium!
Like it’s actually a huge book! I knew they would have to cut a lot for the sake of run time so I was fully expecting them to sacrifice some of the details that do so much heavy lifting for the deeper themes.
But I was so pleasantly surprised, and I honestly think that preserving the themes must have been a central goal in the production! I was noticing small changes - but they all seemed to serve keeping the major themes in tact?
Like I saw it with my family (who all read thg but not tbosas) and I went in wondering. Like how are they going to make a meaningful, faithful, adaptation of such a large book?? Will my family understand The Themes? And they did!
I think it speaks to Suzanne’s writing ability (her themes are layered throughout every level, so a few cuts won’t gut them entirely) and smart/intentional alterations.
Like you mention with cutting the kiss, I think doing so highlights the transactionality of this moment. Coryo won’t kiss her OR give her the compact until she denounces Billy taupe! Like literally he won’t save her life (do the right thing, like Tigris says) if she’s in love with someone else! Interesting!
But like you say, if they do !finally! kiss (without that monologue) it’s easier to miss how manipulative he’s being in that moment and the importance of it!
I think they made a similar smart choice with being shipped off to 8 - I might be wrong here!! But I’m pretty sure he isn’t ordered to be a peace keeper? He CHOOSES that because he sees it as his only avenue left? (Which I thought was some military industrial complex commentary sprinkled in but now I’m afraid I imagined this whole thing LOL)
So assuming I’m not misremembering - I thought making highbottom force him to become a peace keeper also worked similarly. Like letting him choose that (without the internal monologue) makes his motivations seem genuine when they aren’t fully. So it’s just better for the movie medium perhaps?
Anyways, rambling done lol thanks for listening 🌟
ohhhh how i love all of this!! i love you for taking the time to send all this to me -- and thank you for validating my reading of the altered love story!!
and YES i was so pleasantly surprised by how well they managed to maintain a lot of the thematic content of the book, esp because we KNOW how much they gutted it in the original trilogy. i have a couple theories on why: the first is that the filmmakers are devoted readers of my tumblr blog and they understood the importance of preserving the political themes from the novels when adapting them to the screen (ok obviously i am joking.) my real theories are -- the cultural conversation has shifted a LOT since the original films got made, and i think they were more aware and more *able* to be more explicit with so many of those ideas. i also wonder if the act of adapting the story of someone from capitol was easier than adapting someone from district 12 -- there's been much ink spilled over how we, the privileged moviegoers who are watching the film in theaters, are much more like capitolites than we are like katniss herself. and i wonder if that made it easier to adapt -- because one of the big critiques of the thg films is that they really glam jlaw up even when she's in district 12, and it makes scenes like the "remake" scenes kind of lose their power and biting social commentary. whereas with snow, and the capitol, and the games themselves, we're meant to understand that they ARE a facade, and the movie can really lean into that. (side note, my least fav costume in the whole movie was lucy gray's swimsuit. pretty much for that exact reason -- it was too ~perfect~ for the setting.)
to your point about the change with snow deciding vs being ordered to become a peacekeeper -- i honestly couldn't remember either so i went to see if i could find the quote from the book and it's this:
[...] But as he approached the dean, a cold dread washed over him. There, arranged on the table like lab specimens, were three items: an Academy napkin stained with grape punch, his mother’s silver compact, and a dingy white handkerchief. The meeting could not have lasted more than five minutes. Afterward, as agreed, Coriolanus headed directly to the Recruitment Center, where he became Panem’s newest, if not shiniest, Peacekeeper.
honestly i wish i remembered what exactly is meant by "as agreed" but i do think you're right that in the book it's more implied that he doesn't have another choice -- because he didn't win the monetary prize, he has to enroll. so i think you're right that the point is that the idea that it's his choice at all is in question because it's societal pressure and his family's financial status that kind of forces him into the military industrial complex. but i think, because they made this scene so explicit in the film, that you're right that having him be ordered to do it instead of hearing him justify it in his head manages to accomplish what we need it to for the sake of the plot moving forward (if kind of weakening that angle of sc's commentary)
also, here's something to chew on -- i was thinking as i was watching the film if part of the reason some of the changes didn't irritate me so much was because i was more forgiving of the need to shift things around to account for the lack of internal monologue because the book is written in third person instead of first person. i mean, obviously i am overly attached to pretty much everything about katniss, and yes that comes down even to her internal monologue, but i did wonder if that made some of the changes feel more natural to me, because we still kind of get them explained to us in the book as an observer, instead of listening to someone explain themselves to us (i don't know if that makes any sense?) -- but i guess what i'm trying to say is that maybe reading tbosas is more like watching a film, vs reading thg which is more like you are experiencing something alongside katniss? and that's because of the pov choice?
WELL that was a ramble! i'm always amazed by how much we can say about these books and films!! they're just so layered and so fascinating -- i'm loving all the conversations i've been seeing about tbosas. i feel like a lot of it is really starting to gel for me the more i read people's thoughts and analyses. (i still think the third act is messy though. no matter how great suzanne's themes are, i do think the pacing is rough. lol!)
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ethanchoslin · 9 months
The Second Keeper (TSK)
Keeper (He/His) 19
First post of his, an OC or AU of interesting backstory idk want to said to lol :1
(an unofficial oc AU, for now)
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Keeper (tentatively known as The Greenman, The First Timeline, and The Savior) is a successor stickman creation created by Ethan Choslin ( me :D / Creator ) in 2007 after 2 years created Intruder in 2005. His purpose was to improve himself that he had older enough to treat his living and power granted by the creator
The savior and hero of AvA AU, being called “Supremacy Savior” by Citizens in StickCity and StickHomeland since mid 2010s. Even though been called a hero, some stickman’s still criticize and furious about the difference of his appearance
He has a friend name Dinco (Dark blue stickman) but been missing after AvA V in midnight hours
Keeper still living like any regular stickman, had a house and decent job in daily life time. Sometime he spend time experiment with energy core of dark remnant objects for…you know…science :/
Antagonists of his was Intruder, but in AvA VI AU, the real antagonists of his was Vic (Canon Victim) and Costco (dark orange stickman). Intruder in other hand had spare peace after realizing that it was his middle creation by creator ( or brother if you want to :] )
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Green and little dark hollow-headed stick figure of above-average height
Mistake ringers on the left
Can’t speak ( still open mouth, no deaf and no voice lol :} )
. A black belt with grappling hook in the right and black bag in the left
. Wristbands in the right (TDL wristband found on the far right next to destroying mountain)
. Same black belt, bag and grappling hook but with splash potion of Swiftness X, Totem of undying, and a medium diamond knife
. Regular bow with arrow of Flame I
. Diamond sword and Shield
. Leather boots with Frost Walker I, Leather Falling IV and Soul Speed II
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. When been proud by the Citizens he protecting, his happiness with a smile or a nod to prove he’s happy and excellent
. Extroverts at job, Creatives on various ideas, motivated in times, straightforward in objective
. Exciting at random behavior, Loving excitement when been gifted
. Anger issues when criminals treat towards innocent stickman on bullying and violently…not to violent I guess
. When Killing wrong or miss threarting, he would stressed, scared of fear, and cry (if their a chance when been scared to much :, )
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. Keeper can float through midair without any problem, he can fly very fast about 34 km/h but at a slower pace it’s at around 16-22 km/h. Even slower is at 6km/h
. He can stealth behind enemy easier
. incredible strength like lift a car, truck, bus. Pull out light pole, trees and hold a object that very heavy :”/
. High intelligence on serious combat and went to normal went combat deactivate
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Other curious information:
. “Supremacy Savior” Citizens quote
. Dinco (Dark blue stickman)
. TSK House
. Costco (dark orange stickman)
. TSK Wristbands (Found location)
. Intruder
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Bonus art:
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astars-things · 2 years
Before anyone starts attacking me I have permission from @mack-samo to use the one and only Elle Hughes, hope you guys enjoy this
When you met Jordan’s girlfriend elle you both instantly connected with each other she became your best friend and someone you cared for. she was a key feature on your channel which your viewers loved
“So welcome back today I have the beautiful elle Hughes with me and today we are going to be pranking briss and jords” you say to the camera as you started driving back home
“The prank is y/n and I are going to argue with each other and see what the boys do” elle explains while taking a sip of her coffee
“I think briss will get defensive and Jordan will just be confused and scared” you both bursted out into laughter knowing your boys a little to well
Both Jordan and Brendan were sitting in the living room which is perfect for the video, you both were standing in the kitchen making sure the cameras were set up
“Elle I said you could use my makeup not ruin it” you raised your voice both you and Elle hugged before you guys started the prank having no hard feelings
Both briss and jords looked at each other silently communicating to see if they should jump in or not
“Omg Y/n it’s literally makeup calm down” elle yelled back “what’s going on” briss said coming behind you and wrapping his arms around you trying to calm you down while Jordan did the same to Elle “she ruined my makeup that I bought with my own money” you whined
“Y/n you’re acting like a baby” elle replied back “I’m being the baby, who literally cried to me last night because and I quote Jordan won’t text me back” you smirked knowing it was a good lie
“Okay okay let’s take a breather, Jordan take Elle to you room and I’ll take y/n to mine” Briss muttered trying to be the peace keeper in the situation
“Babe please don’t hate me” you mumbled to scared to look him in the eyes “what’s u-“ he stated but soon was interrupted when Elle burst into the room
“Y/n y/n save me I’m getting tickled” you wrapped your arms around her making sure she was safe “weren’t you guys just fighting” briss asked confused “it was a prank” both you and Elle yelled running out the room
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mercuryspit · 8 months
I’m really curious about how the relationship between sejanus and the other peace keeper became what it is? Because sejanus was at first no. But kinda gave up. I’m wondering if this man has something hold over his head? Or if sejanus had been dealing with this for so long he’s kinda just given up,
You’ll have to wait and see 👀 I’m a good chunk of the way through the next chapter so hopefully you’ll see Soon (don’t quote me)
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nostalgicamerica · 2 years
"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."
This quote uttered by Reagan is curious so I had to look up when it was first said by him. I agree with the concept of this quote and have always lived by this credo. The current attitude toward the January 6 riots that went on at the Capitol and his divisiveness in the Country is something we haven't ever experienced before. Trump Republicans want to sweep all of this aside and move on. I don't agree with that. Online chatter is fueling a lot of these dangerous people to come out in full force in a violent wave. The people involved in the Capitol riots that day are getting their day in Court and will be held accountable for their actions. While I think that the Former President did incite the insurrection, he never told them to break into the Capitol and bludgeon Police officers. The people that did that should be held accountable for those actions. Lady Justice is a patient entity.
Reagan made this statement twelve years before he became president, at a Republican platform meeting in 1968.  He said it in response to the urban rioting that was taking place in the aftermath of the Martin Luther King assassination.  He was arguing that the people who were breaking the law were responsible for their actions.  He was right.  He was also arguing that he and all of his like-minded conservatives had absolutely no responsibility for the societal conditions that existed at the time.  He was wrong.
In the book of Genesis, the Fall of Man is attributed to their consumption of a fruit (traditionally an apple) from the Tree of Knowledge.  The effects were immediate and tragic and eventually led to the murder of their second-born son, Abel, by their first-born son, Cain.
When Cain was questioned about his brother’s whereabouts, he asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  It is interesting that conservatives, many of whom consider their conservatism a moral byproduct of their faith, cling to a quote that seems to be answering that question with a firm no.
Well spoken, although I respectfully disagree with a point or two.
I don't consider my conservatism as an offshoot of my faith.
While my political beliefs have shifted from time to time (I was a flaming liberal in my college days), my religious beliefs have never changed to any great degree. The two are not at all intertwined.
In my case, politics is based in the pragmatic and emotionless belief that the central government should be run as spelled out in the Constitution. I'm a 10th Amendment deconstructionist which basically means the federal government has a few enumerated powers and all other issues should be left to the states. Period.
We have it all backwards.
My faith, on the other hand, does tell me I am my brother's keeper. I have an obligation to help my fellow travelers if I am able, to love my neighbor as myself, and be a good steward of this earth.
As to the 'January 6' debacle, I have a completely different take. I do not believe Trump incited anything. It is my considered belief that a largely innocuous incursion by unarmed grandmothers, and a few barking moonbats (who were invited into the Capital Building by security guards, by the way) has been hyped as the greatest threat faced by the republic by the media, democrats, and establishment republicans.
Please! These are the same folks, who, only months before were calling violent, destructive riots in major cities across the country 'peaceful protests' and urging people to join in the burning.
In my view January 6 was nothing more than a useful and expedient political tool to 'get' Trump. Boy howdy, knocking over a few stanchions and sitting in the Speaker's chair sure did threaten the underpinnings of our way of life. I have to say I was curled up in a fetal position in one of my closets, quivering in fear, until at least January 9th.
Of course, I could be wrong...
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