#+moons of madness deutsch
harrelltut · 1 year
O MOTHER [OM] PLANE of CALAFIA's [CA's] GOLDEN Subterranean 9 Ether Earth [SEE] QUEEN ATLANTIS… Eye TELEPATHIC [E.T.] TUTANKHAMÚN [E.T.]... CONTINUING My Occulted 9 Ether KINGLY SKY FATHER's MILITARY Underground [MU] MOON [MUM = MUMMU] Base WORK [WORD] in sunken place 2023 america... 4 Us 144,000 Ancient [USA] SUPERCONSCIOUS [U.S.] ATLANTEANS [USA = LEMURIANS] of Subterranean [U.S.] MU... since ALUHUM [MA] ANUNNAQI ME [Archangel MICHAEL]... BEE A GREAT [BAG] GRAND MOTHERSHIP NIBIRUAN @ Highly Official... U.S. Ægiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] Apple+IBM [A.i.] LLC
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1st place matters 2 us original [first] golden 9 ether mu amurikan ægiptian sky kings of atlantis [ka kemet]
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uh oh!!! maya's 1st [og] okcult king [ok] of antediluvian mu amurika [ma = atlantis] is back!!!
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eye bee moor [ibm] golden 9 ether occulted maya mu ægiptian [me] king histories of american [ha = harrell] atlantis [ha = hattuśa]
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american 9 ether mu father awake af!!!
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american 9 ether mu mother awake af!!!
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o my [om] golden 9 ether subterranean queen calafia [ca]
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we extra [we] telepathic mu amurikans [ma] of anu golden 9 ether [mage] sky mother plane of afterlife [pa] ægiptian atlantis!!!
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we never die
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don't bee mad mother hittite tiye ... eye my father's extra deadly [fed] black [clandestine] scorpio of 1968 occulted gen x planet nibiru
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not our ancient super intelligent 9 ether alien [anunnaqi] dna [a.d.] of our great grandparents antediluvian americas?!?!?!
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unique scorpio [u.s.] of ancient [usa] 9 ether sky atlantis
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1968 gen x him [michael] of enqi [me] nudimmud... bee anu alyun aluyn el lemurian king of original ægipt in esoteric america [subterranean atlantis]
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1968 gen x him [michael] harrell, jr [ii] king golden 9 ether NIBIRAN
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1968 gen x him [michael] harrell, jr [ii] king golden 9 ether NIBIRAN
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we secret black occult military budget pentagon elites
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apple, inc [a.i.] vision pro of maya's anunnaqi [ma] gold @ ægiptian [mage] quantum harrell tech llc
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eye must bee the best of ém all!!!… even supernatural sky god jehovah said michael harrell, jr. the best in nature!!!... so whether you like it or not, u lookin’ at wooh!!! the greatest & the best lookin’ man carrying all the BIG GOLD!!!… so ladies and gentlemen… just face it, you just second best no matter what you tell yourself… get used to it… I AM the best 2 do this!!! [insert qht llc quantum encryption trademark signature] 
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mesomondstein · 6 years
Mondsteinflug - Eien Densetsu mit Sailor Cat und Mad-Eye Matt
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(im Bild: die beiden besten Sailor Moon Podcasts Deutschlands: einer cool und strukturiert, einer fröhlich und unendlich mächtig chaotisch)
Wir fusionieren endlich mal mit “Sailor Moon - dem Podcast mit den Zauberkräften”, oder dem, wie wir ihn nennen “Matt-und-Cat-Cast”. Unser allgemein geteiltes Wunschthema war Eien Densetsu, und wenn vier Leute sehr viel zu einem sehr komplexen wunderschönen Musical zu sagen haben, kann das eine Weile dauern... ;)
Diese Woche kriegt ihr zwar nur eine Episode, aber sie dauert eindreiviertel Stunden, ihr seid also wieder wohlversorgt für die nächste Woche.
Werden wir weitere Sera Myu Episoden machen, wenn ihr uns nett bittet? Haha, von wegen. Wir machen so oder so weitere Sera Myu Episoden ;) Aber meldet euch, wenn ihr mal ein Myu mitbesprechen wollt, wir haben noch viele freie slots!
Die Episode selber
Eien Densetsu
Eien Densetsu Kaiteiban
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elandirthor · 4 years
Das Spiel zum fünften Dezember im Adventskalender 2020 ist: Moons of Madness. Wir erwachen in einer Station und laufen durch finstere Gänge. Wer sind wir? Wo sind wir? Und warum sind da überall Tentakel? Kurz nach einem Traum werden wir aufgeklärt: als Ingenieur sind wir auf dem Mars mit einer kleinen Kolonisierungsgruppe. Was hat es mit der Hexe auf sich und wer sabotiert die Einrichtung? Dieses Horror-Adventure ist eine Fusion aus Layers of Fear und Alien.
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mycatshuman · 6 years
Dark Hood: Chapter 15
Warnings: talks of poor servant treatment, blood, Deceit, slavery, please let me know if I missed anything.
Sklave frowned as he watched his mother clean the table of the bright red liquid. The sent of iron wafted through the air and Sklave scrunched his nose. He grabbed the bucket full of clear water beside him amd carefully carried it over to his mother.
"Thank you," she whispered wearily as she took the bucket from him and dunked the rag into the water, turning it a cloudy pink. It made Sklave want to gag.
Sklave nodded and grabbed the other bucket and carried it to the back of the house to the well. It was pitch black outside. His only source of the light, the moon. He tried to keep his eyes from wondering to the blood red liquid in the old bucket as he struggled to heave it up onto the ledge of the well. He carefully tipped the bucket and tried to keep himself from throwing up as the liquid poured into the well.
Sklave tried to take deep breaths through his mouth instead as the overwhelming sent of iron posioned the air around him. Coughs wracked the six year old's body as he chocked on the thick blood stained oxygen surrounding him.
Suddenly, Sklave felt a gentle hand on his back. He jumped and dropped the bucket into the blood filled water below. He let out a little gasp and felt tears prick at his eyes. He looked down at his bare feet.
"I-I-I'm sworry, master! I-I didn't mean to!" Sklave stuttered. He began to shiver in fear as the chilly night air nipped at his skin. He really didn't mean to. He hoped the master wouldn't hurt him.
"Shh, it's okay. We are not mad. We are here to help," a soft, kind voice whispered.
Fear squeezed Sklave's heart. He peered up at the figure infront of him and was surprised to find that the person in front of him was in fact, not his master.
Instead, in front of him stood two men. One wore a light blue tee shirt and a grey hoodie wrapped around his shoulders and jeans. The man wore a soft smile and his eyes shone brightly behind his glasses. Sklave decided that he liked this man. He seemed to radiated a safe aura.
Sklave turned to the other man who's face sported the same glasses but had a more serious expression. He wore a black tee shirt with slacks and a tie. Sklave swallowed a lump in his throat. This man look serious.
"Master said I'm not supposed to talk to strangers," Sklave whispered, afraid that if he trusted these men, master would punish him.
The two men shared a look above his head and seemed to have a silent conversation between themselves. They turned back to him and before they could say anything, a calming sensation breezed through Sklave's body. He felt his eyelids grow heavy before he slipped into the darkness.
Patton caught the kid as he dropped. "I guess you can say he fell asleep," Patton tried as Logan and him looked at Emile who stood behind the kid.
Logan groaned softly. "Patton could you please refrain. We are trying to do this without getting caught off guard," Logan whispered.
The weak smile on Patton's face quickly dropped. He looked down at the boy. "How do you think the others are doing?" He asked quietly as he lifted the little boy into his arms.
Logan's face softened as he realized Patton was attempting to cover up his fear and concern with puns and smiling faces. "I'm sure they are doing fine, Patton."
"YOU KNOW, I THINK IT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU COULD HELP US RIGHT NOW!" Virgil screamed as he dodged another claw. He quickly shoved a stake up and twisted the wood into the vampire's chest.
"I'M PROTECTING THIS WOMAN!" Roman screamed back as he fought off another vampire. There were only four in the whole house but judging by the thick smell of blood in the room, they had just replenished their strength.
A loud thud and Remy flew into the room. His sunglasses were gone and his eyes were red with anger. He quickly took care of the vampire attacking Roman and let out a low growl. "I swear there are moments like these when I am ashamed to be a fucking vampire!"
"Yeah, we got it," Virgil snapped as he looked around and shuddered at the total destruction. The strong sent of iron poisoning the air and making him gag. "Let's just hurry up and clean this up. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be."
Remy nodded and zipped off to dispose of the corpses while Roman, Virgil and the vampires former slave quickly cleaned up everything else.
"You know you really don't have to help right?" Roman told the women as she brought in more rags.
The woman shrugged. "You saved me and my little boy. It's the least I could do."
Virgil and Roman shared a look. They really didn't want to do this all themselves and they didn't want to upset her so they didn't argue. They rolled up their sleeves and quickly got to work.
Virgil fought to keep from vomiting as he scrubbed at the blood encrusted floor with some towels. He was tired and miserable. The thought of finding more humans in this predicament made him sick. He quickly pushed the thought away. This was going to be along night.
Virgil clenched his fists in anger as the mother recounted her story to the group. How dare these sick monsters?! He couldn't fully comprehend it. He didn't want to have to understand it. But yet here he was.
"What did they rename your son?" Remy asked, his voice a low whisper as his eyes darkened behind his glasses. Remy tried to keep his face calm. He didn't want to lash out and scared this women. After all, her experience with vampires was very limited. They most certainly weren't pleasant ones.
The women let a fresh wave of pain and sorrow wash over her as her face twisted in pain. She squeezed her son closer to her as he sleep peacefully in her arms. "Th-they named him-" she shuddered.
"It's okay. Take your time," Patton said softly as he placed a hand on her shoulder. His eyes held a abundance of warmth and the mother felt a calmness wash over her.
"They named him," the mother took a deep breath before she continued. Virgil felt his anger buliding. If it was this hard for her to say the name, then it would probably enrage him. "Sklave," she whispered.
Virgil clenched his fist, his nails biting into his skin. He scowled as his nails pierced the skin and blood beeded at the open wound. "Really?!?" He growled.
The women sent him a bewildered state and nodded.
Remy let out a disgusted huff. "That is absolutely ridiculous and disgusting!" He seethed, agreeing with Virgil.
Logan's frowned, his face grim. "That is quite..." He trailed off. "Disturbing," he finished, adjusting his glasses.
Patton and Roman looked back and forth between the two. "Wha?" Roman breathed.
"Could you two please go to Joan?" Logan asked the mother and child. She looked between the group and nodded. "They are the one in the orange beanie." She nodded again and stood, leaving the room quickly.
"I can not believe they named a child that!" Virgil growled as he paced the floor. His eyes flared with furious fire as he pulled at his hair.
"What? What did they name him?" Patton asked as his forehead creased at the obvious rage and fury the others were displaying. He knew that whatever it was, it was bad.
Remy let out a dry chuckle. "Sklave isn't a name. It's a word," he scoffed as he dug his nails into his forearms. He clenched his teeth as he thought of that poor child who probably didn't know what the word meant. The child who probably didn't know the insult that was embedded in it.
"A word?" Roman asked cautiously. He didn't want to send anyone into a fit of rage. 
Logan nodded grimly. "It's German/Deutsch,"  he replied. He clenched his fists and tried to keep himself composed but he could feel his blood boil. This was outrageous and infuriated him.
"It means," Virgil hissed through clenched teeth. His knuckles went white as his fist clenched. It looked like he was about to murder someone. "Slave," he spat out. 
Patton's hand flew to his mouth as his eyes widened in understanding. "Oh," was all he said. 
Roman's face went red as he felt a fire burn through his veins. They really were sick! He almost vomited. What kind of monster would do this type of thing? "Why?" He whispered. 
Virgil let out a humorless chuckle. "It's probably some sick joke for them!" He raged. 
Logan looked around at everyone. What were they going to do? "I think this means they are kidnapping humans and enslaving them," Logan voiced his theory, stopping Virgil in his tracks. 
Virgil slowly turned to him, shaking with anger. "What?" He snapped. 
Logan adjusted his tie. "I believe the vampires have decided that they did not want to wait any longer and took it upon themselves to kidnap and enslave them."
Patton's face went red with rage. The mere thought that there were more children out there like the little boy they just rescued gave him a righteous anger that would not let him go. "You mean to tell me," he whispered lowly as he stood from where he sat. "That there are more children and families out there that are in the same situation that we just saved that women and her child from!" 
Logan stepped back at the force of Patton's words. He shared a glance with Roman who looked just as frightened and surprised as he did. Virgil and Remy however seemed unfazed. Patton and Virgil shared a look as they caught each others eyes. 
Should we? Patton's eyes asked as he stared into Virgil's violet eyes.
OF COURSE WE SHOULD! Virgil seemed to scream.
I know we should but we have to play this safe. We can't let anyone get hurt. Patton advised.
Virgil let out a reluctant huff. Fine! He had to agree with Patton, but he couldn't help but feel an intense urge to be reckless and go take care of this right now.
Patton sighed and looked back at Logan. He knew the man could come up with an ingenious plan that would stop any others from getting hurt. Patton's face took on a determined look.
"We have to stop them." 
(Heyo! Look its a new chapter! Yay! Not anyway, I hope you liked the chapter Famders. Go ahead and yell at me for whatever reason suits you. I don't mind. Feed back would be greatly appreciated. Negative or Positive. If you don't want me to know who you are but you want to comment? Send me an ask. I don't mind. Anyway. I hope you all have a marvelous day and a wonderful night.) 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Tag List: @bunny222 @nightwhisker17 @idkaurl
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 2 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Loki (and Captain America)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SlHnrhP
by aeiodeehrt
Sam and Bucky are taking a seductive vacation to Hawaii when an unexpected visitor pops up out of nowhere seeking the Falcon’s assistance. Something, something multiverse.
Words: 2482, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The Walcon and the Finter Soldier
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Loki (TV 2021), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Redwing (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Charles Xavier, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Johann Schmidt
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Loki/Charles Xavier, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Howard Stark, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers/Howard Stark
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Movie) Spoilers, Avengers - Freeform, TVA, The Illuminati (Marvel), Jane Foster/Steve Rogers Implied, Mentioned Sharon Carter (Marvel), Mentioned Jane Foster (Marvel), Mentioned Blackagar Boltagon, Mentioned Tony Stark, Mentioned Sarah Rogers, Mentioned Howard Stark Sr., Mentioned Abigail Williams, Mentioned John Proctor, Mentioned Thor (Marvel), Captain America: The First Avenger References, Avengers (2012) References, Thor: The Dark World References, Captain America: The Winter Soldier references, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) References, Inhumans (TV) References, Star Trek: The Next Generation References, References to The Crucible - Miller, Song by The Lonely Island, Star Wars References, The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Movie) References, Implied Masturbation, Everyone Is Gay, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Lost Love, Unrequited Love, Gay Sex, Orgy, Anal Sex, Sex Toys, Gratuitous Smut, Onlyfans References, Daddy Kink, nazis suck, Deutsch | German, Hawaii, Vacation, Multiverse, The Tesseract (Marvel), Time Travel, Fondue, Camp Lehigh, Planet Vormir (Marvel), 1960s Decor, fortnite, Tryst, Aether | Reality Stone | Reality Gem (Marvel), Soul Stone | Soul Gem (Marvel)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SlHnrhP
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
His Angel
Fandom: X-men Character: Kurt Wagner/nightcrawler Relationship: Kurt/reader Request: Do you write for xmen nightcrawler? Can you write something angsty for him? You walked into the living room with your book under your arm and two cups of tea in your hands. You had gone to refilled the cups for you and Kurt. Ever since Raven had brought him here, the two of you were inseparable. He felt safe with you because your mutant was visible. When in moon light, your skin sparked like diamonds, your eyes and hair changed colours but your main mutation was your ability to control the element. You were best friends with Jean and she was the first to accept you but Kurt was different. He didn’t just accept you, he understood you. The two of you would sneak out at night, sometimes going for walks and sometimes going onto the roof to talk but tonight there was a storm, so you both were sitting in the living room reading. You scanned the room but before you could find the person you were looking for, he popped up in front of you. unfortunately, his sudden appearance started you, making you jump and the hot liquid spilled over the brim and onto your hands. The heat burned your skin, making you cry out in pain and tears slipping out of the corner of your eyes. Before you knew what was happening, the cups were out of your hands and you were in the kitchen, sitting on one of the counters. Kurt appeared before you, a wet towel in his hands and he covered your hands with it. The feeling of the coldness made you jump slightly but then it became soothing. “I’m zorry, I waz going to help you.” Kurt mumbled, a hint of pain and embarrassment in his voice. “Its fine, Kurt. It was an accident. I know you would never hurt me on purpose.” You said as you smiled reassuringly at him. He retuned your with a sad smile as you removed the towel from your hands. It was starting to heat up plus you knew it looked worse than it was. Both of you took a lot of milk in your teas which had cooled the teas down. The skin on your hands was red but that was it. “see.” You said, raising your hands to show Kurt. “Nothing wrong.” You felt something wrap around your ankle and lower leg and instantly knew it was his tail. Kurt had a habit of doing that. His tail always found you. The first time his tail had wrapped around your arms, he had be extremely embarrassed and thought you would cringe away. But you smiled at him and said it was okay. It was nice, almost like a sign of reassurance to you that he was there. “Im zorry.” Kurt muttered, his hands coming up to cup your hands, his thumbs swiping over the red area. You twisted your hands round to grab his, pulling him closer. “Kurt Wagner. Listen to me. Im fine. You have nothing to be sorry about. Besides, I could never be mad at you.” You could help but giggle at the puppy dog look in his beautiful eyes. “Es tut mir Leid“ Kurt mumbled, looking away from you. “You better not have apologised in German.” You said as you made a mock serious face. That seemed to make him smile inspire of himself. “macht es Sie ärgern, wenn ich Deutsch sprechen? (does it annoy you when i speak german)?” His natural tongue sounded like music to your ears. You loved Kurts accent but you loved it more when he spoke in his first language. “Kurt, as much as I love listening to you speak German, I don’t understand.” You said, pouting a little much to his delight. A thought sparked in Kurts mind as he looked at your confused face. “Sie verstehen nicht, wenn ich dich schön nennen.( you dont understand when i call you beautiful)“ Kurt said, his eyes glinding down your face to your lips, making you subconsiously lick your lips. “you know I don’t understand.” You said, shaking your head a little. Kurt took a delicate step forward between your knees, making your hold your breath. In the dim light of the kitchen, he was so handsome. “Wie kann ich Ihnen sagen, dass ich dich liebe?(How can i tell you that i love you?)“ Kurts cheeks heated up as he spoke, making you only more desprate to know what he was saying. You let go of his hands to run your up his forearm and up his arm to rest on his shoulders. You were a little startled when his hands found your waist and pulled up closer to his body. Now, you were pressed up agaisnt his body with his arms wrapped around you. “Kurt.” You whispered, your eyes trained on his lips. You could see his sharp white teeth behind those lips that had whispered sweet things to you. “meine Geliebte.(My love)“ Kurt mumbled before his lips were on yours. You melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and trailing your hands into his soft hair. It felt so right to have him like this. It didnt feel strange or awkward like most first kisses. It was filled with a passion which supassed the inexperiance of both of you. You felt him deeped the kiss, making you moan slightly as your legs wrapped around his torso, his tail still around your leg. Just as the kiss began to get hotter, he was gone. You fell forward off the table but just managed to catch yourself. Looking around, the dreaded realsisation dawned on you that he had vanished during the kiss. You leaned back against the counter you had just been perched on with Kurt kiss you. And now you were on your own. Nothing could compare to the drastic change in your emotions as you went from feeling loved and ecstatic to lonely and heart broken. Tears clouded your vision as you sighed and left the kitchen to go to your room. ------------time skip-------------------- it had been 2 week since Kurt had kissed you and you had barley saw him since that night. When you did walk into a room he was in, he would vanish in a puff of black smoke. Whenever he did that, you couldn’t control your emotions and would run out of the room in floods of tears. Everyone knew something was up. You and Kurt were normally inseparable but they saw the sadness in both your eyes. Jean was growing increasingly worried about you but knew nothing she could do could help and that was what she told everyone. You and Kurt needed to sort whatever it was between the two of you. But how could you do that when he wouldn’t even stay in the same room as you. It was late at night and sleep was avoiding you like he was. So you went down stairs. In the medication cupboard, there was sleep tablets that you had asked Hank to buy you, which he was reluctant on doing but then he saw the dark circles under your eyes and paleness of your skin and agreed. You walked into the kitchen and pulled the medication out of the packaging and took it with a drink of water. You knew it wouldn’t kick in for another hour or so, so you decided to go into the living room and read the book that you had left sitting on the fireplace. You walked in and instantly regretted it. Sitting in front of the fire with his head buried in his hands was Kurt. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him. After everything that had happened, after he left you, avoided you, why did you still love him? Sucking in a deep breath, you walked across the room and passed Kurt, who jumped when he saw you, and retrieved your book off the mantelpiece. You turned around and bumped straight into Kurt who must have stood up and came behind you. His arm caught you from falling but you were quick to try and scramble out of his grasp but he just held you tighter. “Dont you normally leave when I enter a room?” You hissed, turning your head away from him and letting your hair cover your face. “[y/n], pleaze.” Kurt whispered, trying to calm you down but you were too angry and upset. Despite your hair, he could see the tears forming again and them running down your cheek. “don’t cry.” He begged, resting his forehead on your shoulder because he couldn’t stand to see your tears. “Get off me, Wagner.” You growled, making him flinch at you using his last name. He was so used to hearing his name roll of your tongue. When he didn’t move, you pushed yourself away and fell out of his arms. You quickly turned your back to him and started to walk out of the room with your head held high despite the tears in your eyes. “You said you would never be mad at me!” Kurt called desperately after you. “I also said I thought you would never hurt me!” You called over your shoulder. “But I was wrong, I was wrong about you, Wagner. You’re just like everyone else out there!” You turned on your heel and pointed to the window with tears in your eyes. He instantly knew you were referring to the normal people, the ones who weren’t mutants. The ones who had abused and neglected you before you came to this sanctuary. Your words seemed to break Kurt and you saw his fill with a deep hurt you had never seen before. He looked down, unable to hold eye contract with you as guilt now filled his features. “Im sorry I kissed you.” He mumbled, the true nature of what he had done to you now seeping in. he looked away from you, lost and alone. Like you were. It was true, you couldn’t be mad at him. Well, you could, but not screaming at him. “Its not that.” You shook your head, stepping as far away from him as you could right now without leaving the room. “I wanted you to. I really did. But then you left. You kissed me and left in the blink of an eye. You took what you wanted from me and left me, ignored me.” You shook your head, your hands coming up to cover your face from him. “Don’t cry.” Kurt begged and in a poof of black smoke, he was in front of you, his arms wrapping about you. “Please, I cant stand it.” You heard his voice break as he spoke, holding you tightly. “I don’t understand.” You sobbed. “I don’t get it.” “I didnt want to see hate or anger in your eyes. Not for me. I thought if I left, I wouldn’t have to pull away from such a perfect moment to see your perception of me change.” He confessed in your ear, stuttering over his words only slightly. “What?” You breathed. “I-i-I love you.” He spoke in a clear but quiet voice, the words making you freeze. “Why-why did you leave then?” You ask, not pulling away from him. It felt a lot easier to speak to each other like this without having to look in the others eyes. “I never thought you could love me.” He whimpered a little as he spoke, his whole body seeming to slouch as he admitted his worse fears to you. “You’re wrong.” You state, pulling back a little to look at him. “Ive loved you since we first met.” Kurt stared at you for a moment, unable to believe what he had heard, almost doubting his English skills. “I-I-“ Kurt started to say but trailed off, unable to put into words his guilt and love for you. “I just, I just don’t know if anything can happen between us now.” You frowned, looking away from him, pulling back from his grasp. His arms fell away to his side as Kurt stood there, stunned. “Why?” He said, panic in his voice. “How do I know you wont just vanish like you did?” You ask and you were just meaning about the kiss. What if things got hard between the two of you, or you were in a fight, would he vanish when it was convenient for him. What if things got serious and you had a child, would he vanish like so many mutants parents did. a million scenarios rushed through your mind of important moments that Kurt could just leave you stranded in. But then a pair of hands took your and Kurt held then to his chest as he stepped forward. “Im sorry for that night. But I’d never leave you again. I love you, I really do. I just want to make you happy.” He spoke such sweet words, his accent making them sound just that little bit sweeter. “Do you promise?” you asked, stepping closer to him. The two of you were chest to chest, your hands dropped down so you could be closer. His lips only a few inches from your own. “With all my heart.” He breathed, his eyes darting to your lips. as if unable to control himself any more, he leaned down and kissed you. You felt that same spark you had felt the first time you had kissed. It was exciting, pleasurable beyond imagination, sweet and needed. You felt yourself melting into the kiss, but managed to stop yourself before you lost it all like before. You kept you wit about you. If he stayed like he promised, you could move past this, start a fresh. after a moment, you pulled back, needing to breath. Taking a moment before opening your eyes, you saw Kurts pleading eyes stating down at you. “Waz, waz, it good?” He asked, seeming a little on edge about his kissing skill. “Yeah, yeah it was amazing.” You smiled softly, seeing Kurt grin widely at you, his white teeth shining a little brighter than normal. “Can we do it again?” He asked, this time more eager. “As many times as you want.” You giggled at his eagerness. “Although, ive taken sleeping tablets so they might kick in soon.” “Oh.” He seemed a little disheartened by this but no less happy. “Do, do you want me to take you back to your room?” He asked, looking up to the ceiling. An idea popped into your head. “Yes please.” You smile and in a poof, you guys were in your room. You smiled as you stepped back a little since whenever you travelled with Kurt it made you a little lightheaded. “Goodnight, my love.” Kurt smiled sweetly. “Wait.” You grabbed his hand before he could leave. “I didn’t say you had to go.” There was a moment of silence between the two of you where you saw Kurt falter. “Stay with me tonight?” You ask, knowing he didn’t fully understand what you meant. “If you want” You added, not wanting to pressure him. “the lord have blessed me with an angel, and I shall obey her wishes.” Kurt breaths before his arms encircle you and his lips once again meet yours.
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heinzduthel · 6 years
Block Chain and Digital Currency Investors Directory Special Edition
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Block Chain and Digital Currency Investors Directory
Heinz Duthel's insight:
  ($$$) Money , (1337) 1337 , (1CR) 1CRedit , (1ST) First Blood , (2GIVE) 2GIVE , (42) 42-coin , (420G) GanjaCoin , (611) SixEleven , (808) 808Coin , (888) OctoCoin , (8BIT) 8Bit , (ABN) Abncoin , (ABY) ArtByte , (AC) AsiaCoin , (ACCI) NxttyACCI , (ACES) Aces , (ACN) Avoncoin , (ACOIN) Acoin , (ACP) AnarchistsPrime , (ADC) AudioCoin , (ADCN) Asiadigicoin , (ADT) The Aladin , (ADZ) Adzcoin , (AEON) Aeon , (AGLC) AgrolifeCoin , (AGRS) Agoras Tokens , (AIB) Advanced Internet Blocks , (ALL) Allion , (ALT) Altcoin , (ALTC) Antilitecoin , (AMBER) AmberCoin , (AMIS) AMIS , (AMP) Synereo , (AMS) AmsterdamCoin , (ANC) Anoncoin , (ANS) AntShares , (ANTI) AntiBitcoin , (APC) AlpaCoin , (ARB) ARbit , (ARC) Arcade Token , (ARC) ArcticCoin , (ARCO) AquariusCoin , (ARDR) Ardor , (ARG) Argentum , (ARGUS) Argus , (ARI) Aricoin , (ARK) Ark , (ASAFE) AllSafe , (ASC) AsicCoin , (ATMS) Atmos , (ATOM) Atomic Coin , (ATX) Artex Coin , (AU) AurumCoin , (AUM) Alexium , (AUR) Auroracoin , (AV) AvatarCoin , (AXF) AxFunds , (B@) Bankcoin , (B3) B3Coin , (BAC) BitAlphaCoin , (BASH) LuckChain , (BAY) BitBay , (BCC) BitConnect , (BCF) BitcoinFast , (BCN) Bytecoin , (BCY) Bitcrystals , (BELA) BelaCoin , (BENJI) BenjiRolls , (BERN) BERNcash , (BEST) BestChain , (BGC) BagCoin , (BIC) Bikercoin , (BIGUP) BigUp , (BIOB) BioBar , (BIOS) BiosCrypto , (BIP) BipCoin , (BIT) First Bitcoin , (BITB) BitBean , (BITBTC) bitBTC , (BITCNY) bitCNY , (BITEUR) bitEUR , (BITGOLD) bitGold , (BITS) Bitstar , (BITSILVER) bitSilver , (BITUSD) bitUSD , (BITZ) Bitz , (BLAZR) BlazerCoin , (BLC) Blakecoin , (BLITZ) Blitzcash , (BLK) BlackCoin , (BLOCK) Blocknet , (BLOCKPAY) BlockPay , (BLRY) BillaryCoin , (BLU) BlueCoin , (BLZ) BlazeCoin , (BOAT) Doubloon , (BOB) Dobbscoin , (BOLI) Bolivarcoin , (BOST) BoostCoin , (BPC) Bitpark Coin , (BRAIN) Braincoin , (BRIT) BritCoin , (BRK) Breakout , (BRX) Breakout Stake , (BSC) BowsCoin , (BSD) BitSend , (BSTAR) Blackstar , (BSTY) GlobalBoost-Y , (BTA) Bata , (BTB) BitBar , (BTCD) BitcoinDark , (BTCR) Bitcurrency , (BTCS) Bitcoin Scrypt , (BTD) Bitcloud , (BTG) Bitgem , (BTM) Bitmark , (BTQ) BitQuark , (BTS) BitShares , (BTSR) BTSR , (BTU) Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures) , (BUCKS) SwagBucks , (BUK) CryptoBuck , (BUMBA) BumbaCoin , (BUN) BunnyCoin , (BURN) President Sanders , (BURST) Burst , (BVC) BeaverCoin , (BXC) Bitcedi , (BXT) BitTokens , (BYC) Bytecent , (C2) Coin2.1 , (CAB) Cabbage , (CADASTRAL) Bitland , (CAGE) CageCoin , (CALC) CaliphCoin , (CANN) CannabisCoin , (CAP) Bottlecaps , (CARBON) Carboncoin , (CASH) Cashcoin , (CASINO) Casino , (CBD) CBD Crystals , (CBX) Crypto Bullion , (CC) CyberCoin , (CCM100) CCMiner , (CCN) Cannacoin , (CCRB) CryptoCarbon , (CDN) Canada eCoin , (CESC) CryptoEscudo , (CF) Californium , (CHAO) 23 Skidoo , (CHC) ChainCoin , (CHESS) ChessCoin , (CHOOF) ChoofCoin , (CJ) Cryptojacks , (CLAM) Clams , (CLINT) Clinton , (CLOAK) CloakCoin , (CLUB) ClubCoin , (CME) Cashme , (CMT) Comet , (CNC) CHNCoin , (CNO) Coin(O) , (CNT) Centurion , (CON) PayCon , (CONX) Concoin , (CORG) CorgiCoin , (COVAL) Circuits of Value , (COXST) CoExistCoin , (CPC) Capricoin , (CRB) Creditbit , (CREVA) CrevaCoin , (CRT) CRTCoin , (CRW) Crown , (CRX) Chronos , (CSC) CasinoCoin , (CSH) Cashout , (CTO) Crypto , (CUBE) DigiCube , (CURE) CureCoin , (CV2) Colossuscoin V2 , (CWXT) CryptoWorldX Token , (CXT) Coinonat , (CYC) Cycling Coin , (CYP) Cypher , (DAR) Darcrus , (DASH) Dash , (DASHS) Dashs , (DBG) Digital Bullion Gold , (DBIC) DubaiCoin , (DBIX) DubaiCoin , (DBTC) Debitcoin , (DCR) Decred , (DCRE) DeltaCredits , (DCT) Decent (Pre-Launch) , (DEM) Deutsche eMark , (DES) Destiny , (DEUS) DeusCoin , (DEX) InstantDEX , (DGB) DigiByte , (DGC) Digitalcoin , (DGCS) Digital Credits , (DGD) DigixDAO , (DIBC) DIBCOIN , (DIME) Dimecoin , (DISK) DarkLisk , (DIX) Dix Asset , (DLC) Dollarcoin , (DLISK) DAPPSTER , (DMC) DynamicCoin , (DMD) Diamond , (DOGE) Dogecoin , (DOLLAR) Dollar Online , (DOPE) DopeCoin , (DOT) Dotcoin , (DP) DigitalPrice , (DPAY) DPAY , (DRACO) DT Token , (DRAGON) BTCDragon , (DRM) Dreamcoin , (DRS) Digital Rupees , (DSH) Dashcoin , (DTB) Databits , (DTF) Digitalfund , (DUB) Dubstep , (DUO) ParallelCoin , (DVC) Devcoin , (DWC) DeepWebCash , (DYN) Dynamic , (EAC) EarthCoin , (EB3) EB3 Coin , (EBT) Ebittree Coin , (ECC) E-Currency Coin , (ECN) E-coin , (EDG) Edgeless , (EDR) E-Dinar Coin , (EDRC) EDRCoin , (EFL) e-Gulden , (EGC) EvergreenCoin , (EGG) EggCoin , (EGO) EGO , (EL) Elcoin , (ELC) Elacoin , (ELE) Elementrem , (ELS) Elysium , (EMC) Emercoin , (EMC2) Einsteinium , (EMD) Emerald Crypto , (EMV) Ethereum Movie Venture , (ENRG) Energycoin , (ENT) Eternity , (ERC) EuropeCoin , (ERY) Eryllium , (ESP) Espers , (ETC) Ethereum Classic , (ETH) Ethereum , (EUC) Eurocoin , (EVIL) Evil Coin , (EVO) Evotion , (EXCL) ExclusiveCoin , (EXP) Expanse , (FAIR) FairCoin , (FAZZ) Fazzcoin , (FC2) FuelCoin , (FCN) Fantomcoin , (FCT) Factom , (FDC) Future Digital Currency , (FEDS) FedoraShare , (FFC) FireFlyCoin , (FIRE) Firecoin , (FJC) FujiCoin , (FLAX) Flaxscript , (FLDC) FoldingCoin , (FLO) FlorinCoin , (FLT) FlutterCoin , (FLVR) FlavorCoin , (FLY) Flycoin , (FRC) Freicoin , (FRGC) Fargocoin , (FRK) Franko , (FRN) Francs , (FRST) FirstCoin , (FRWC) FrankyWillCoin , (FST) Fastcoin , (FTC) Feathercoin , (FUN) Alphabet Coin Fund , (FUND) Cryptofund , (FUNK) The Cypherfunks , (FUZZ) FuzzBalls , (G3N) G3N , (GAIA) GAIA , (GAIN) UGAIN , (GAM) Gambit , (GAME) GameCredits , (GAP) Gapcoin , (GARY) President Johnson , (GAY) GAYcoin , (GB) GoldBlocks , (GBC) GBCGoldCoin , (GBG) Golos Gold , (GBRC) Global Business Revolution , (GBT) GameBet Coin , (GBYTE) Byteball , (GCC) GuccioneCoin , (GCC) TheGCCcoin , (GCN) GCoin , (GCR) Global Currency Reserve , (GEERT) GeertCoin , (GEMZ) GetGems , (GEO) GeoCoin , (GLC) GlobalCoin , (GLD) GoldCoin , (GMB) Gambleo , (GMF) Grumfork , (GML) GameLeagueCoin , (GMX) GoldMaxCoin , (GNT) Golem , (GOLOS) Golos , (GP) GoldPieces , (GPU) GPU Coin , (GRC) GridCoin , (GREV2) Greencoin , (GRN) Granite , (GRS) Groestlcoin , (GRT) Grantcoin , (GUA) Guarany , (GUN) Guncoin , (GUP) Guppy (Pre-Launch) , (HAL) Halcyon , (HAM) HamRadioCoin , (HBN) HoboNickels , (HCC) Happy Creator Coin , (HEAT) HEAT , (HILL) President Clinton , (HIRO) Hirocoin , (HKG) Hacker Gold , (HLB) Lepaoquan , (HMC) Hommalicoin , (HMP) HempCoin , (HNC) Helleniccoin , (HODL) HOdlcoin , (HONEY) Honey , (HPC) Happycoin , (HTC) HitCoin , (HTML5) HTMLCOIN , (HUC) HunterCoin , (HVCO) High Voltage , (HXX) Hexx , (HYP) HyperStake , (HZ) Horizon , (I0C) I0Coin , (IBANK) iBank , (ICASH) iCash , (ICN) Iconomi , (ICOB) ICOBID , (ICON) Iconic , (ICOO) ICO OpenLedger , (IFC) Infinitecoin , (IFLT) InflationCoin , (IMPCH) Impeachcoin , (IMPS) ImpulseCoin , (IMS) Independent Money System , (IMX) Impact , (INCNT) Incent , (INFX) Influxcoin , (INPAY) Inpay , (INSANE) InsaneCoin , (IOC) I/O Coin , (ION) ION , (IOP) Internet of People , (ISL) IslaCoin , (IVZ) InvisibleCoin , (IXC) Ixcoin , (J) Joincoin , (JIN) Jin Coin , (JINN) Jinn , (JIO) JIO Token , (JNS) Janus , (JOBS) JobsCoin , (JWL) Jewels , (KASHH) KashhCoin , (KED) Darsek , (KLC) KiloCoin , (KMD) Komodo , (KOBO) Kobocoin , (KORE) KoreCoin , (KRB) Karbowanec , (KTN) KarmaToken , (KURT) Kurrent , (KUSH) KushCoin , (LANA) LanaCoin , (LAZ) Lazaruscoin , (LBC) LBRY Credits , (LDCN) LandCoin , (LDOGE) LiteDoge , (LEA) LeaCoin , (LEC) LeCoin , (LEO) LEOcoin , (LEPEN) LePen , (LEX) Lex4All , (LFC) BigLifeCoin , (LIR) LetItRide , (LKC) LinkedCoin , (LKK) Lykke , (LMC) LoMoCoin , (LOG) Woodcoin , (LOT) LottoCoin , (LSK) Lisk , (LTB) LiteBar , (LTBC) LTBcoin , (LTC) Litecoin , (LTCR) Litecred , (LTH) LAthaan , (LUNA) Luna Coin , (LVPS) LevoPlus , (MAC) Machinecoin , (MAD) SatoshiMadness , (MAID) MaidSafeCoin , (MAR) Marijuanacoin , (MARX) MarxCoin , (MAVRO) Mavro , (MAX) MaxCoin , (MBIT) Mbitbooks , (MBL) MobileCash , (MCRN) MACRON , (MEC) Megacoin , (MED) MediterraneanCoin , (MEME) Pepe , (MEOW) Kittehcoin , (MER) Mercury , (METAL) MetalCoin , (MG) Mind Gene , (MGM) Magnum , (MI) Xiaomicoin , (MILO) MiloCoin , (MINT) Mintcoin , (MLN) Melon , (MMXVI) MMXVI , (MND) MindCoin , (MNM) Mineum , (MOIN) Moin , (MOJO) MojoCoin , (MONA) MonaCoin , (MONETA) Moneta , (MONEY) MoneyCoin , (MOON) Mooncoin , (MOTO) Motocoin , (MSCN) Master Swiscoin , (MST) MustangCoin , (MTLMC3) Metal Music Coin , (MTM) MTMGaming , (MUE) MonetaryUnit , (MUG) MikeTheMug , (MUSE) MUSE , (MUSIC) Musicoin , (MXT) MarteXcoin , (MZC) MazaCoin , (NAUT) NautilusCoin , (NAV) NAV Coin , (NBE) BitCentavo , (NBIT) netBit , (NEOS) NeosCoin , (NET) NetCoin , (NETKO) Netko , (NEU) NeuCoin , (NEVA) NevaCoin , (NEWB) Newbium , (NKA) IncaKoin , (NLC2) NoLimitCoin , (NLG) Gulden , (NMC) Namecoin , (NOBL) NobleCoin , (NODC) NodeCoin , (NOTE) DNotes , (NSR) NuShares , (NTCC) Neptune Classic , (NTRN) Neutron , (NVC) Novacoin , (NXC) Nexium , (NXS) Nexus , (NXT) Nxt , (NYAN) Nyancoin , (NYC) NewYorkCoin , (OBITS) OBITS , (OCEAN) BurstOcean , (OCOW) OCOW , (OK) OKCash , (OMC) Omicron , (OMNI) Omni , (OP) Operand , (OPAL) Opal , (OPES) Opescoin , (ORB) Orbitcoin , (ORLY) Orlycoin , (OS76) OsmiumCoin , (P7C) P7Coin , (PAC) Paccoin , (PAK) Pakcoin , (PANGEA) Pangea Poker , (PASC) Pascal Coin , (PASL) Pascal Lite , (PAYP) PayPeer , (PBC) PabyosiCoin , (PCS) Pabyosi Coin (Special) , (PDC) Project Decorum , (PDG) PinkDog , (PEPECASH) Pepe Cash , (PEX) PosEx , (PHO) Photon , (PHS) Philosopher Stones , (PIE) PIECoin , (PIGGY) Piggycoin , (PINK) PinkCoin , (PIO) Pioneershares , (PIP) PipCoin , (PIVX) PIVX , (PIZZA) PizzaCoin , (PKB) ParkByte , (PLNC) PLNcoin , (PLU) Pluton , (PND) Pandacoin , (POKE) PokeCoin , (PONZI) PonziCoin , (POP) PopularCoin , (POST) PostCoin , (POSW) PoSW Coin , (POT) PotCoin , (PPC) Peercoin , (PR) Prototanium , (PRC) PRCoin , (PRES) President Trump , (PRM) PrismChain , (PRX) Printerium , (PSB) Pesobit , (PSY) Psilocybin , (PTC) Pesetacoin , (PULSE) Pulse , (PUT) PutinCoin , (PWR) Powercoin , (PX) PX , (PXC) Phoenixcoin , (PXI) Prime-XI , (QBC) Quebecoin , (QBK) Qibuck , (QBT) Cubits , (QCN) QuazarCoin , (QORA) Qora , (QRK) Quark , (QTL) Quatloo , (QWARK) Qwark , (RADS) Radium , (RAREPEPEPRTY) Rare Pepe Party , (RBIES) Rubies , (RBT) Rimbit , (RBX) Ripto Bux , (RBY) Rubycoin , (RC) RussiaCoin , (RCN) Rcoin , (RDD) ReddCoin , (RED) RedCoin , (REE) ReeCoin , (REP) Augur , (REV) Revenu , (RHFC) RHFCoin , (RIC) Riecoin , (RICHX) RichCoin , (RIDE) Ride My Car , (RISE) Rise , (RLC) RLC , (RNS) Renos , (ROUND) Round , (ROYAL) RoyalCoin , (RPC) RonPaulCoin , (RUBIT) RubleBit , (RYCN) RoyalCoin 2 , (SAFEX) Safe Exchange Coin , (SAK) Sharkcoin , (SANDG) Save and Gain , (SATOSHICARD) SATOSHICARD , (SBD) Steem Dollars , (SC) Siacoin , (SCORE) Scorecoin , (SCOT) Scotcoin , (SCRT) SecretCoin , (SDC) ShadowCash , (SDP) SydPak , (SEQ) Sequence , (SFC) Solarflarecoin , (SH) Shilling , (SHELL) ShellPay , (SHIFT) Shift , (SHORTY) Shorty , (SIB) SIBCoin , (SJCX) Storjcoin X , (SKC) Skeincoin , (SKR) Sakuracoin , (SKY) Skycoin , (SLFI) Selfiecoin , (SLG) Sterlingcoin , (SLING) Sling , (SLR) SolarCoin , (SLS) SaluS , (SMC) SmartCoin , (SMLY) SmileyCoin , (SNGLS) SingularDTV , (SNRG) Synergy , (SOAR) Soarcoin , (SONG) SongCoin , (SOON) SoonCoin , (SOUL) SoulCoin , (SPACE) SpaceCoin , (SPEX) SproutsExtreme , (SPHR) Sphere , (SPORT) SportsCoin , (SPR) SpreadCoin , (SPRTS) Sprouts , (SPT) Spots , (SRC) SecureCoin , (START) Startcoin , (STEEM) Steem , (STEPS) Steps , (STRAT) Stratis , (STRB) SuperTurboStake , (STS) Stress , (STV) Sativacoin , (SWIFT) Bitswift , (SWING) Swing , (SWT) Swarm City , (SXC) Sexcoin , (SYNX) Syndicate , (SYS) SysCoin , (TAAS) TaaS (Pre-Launch) , (TAG) TagCoin , (TAGR) TAGRcoin , (TAJ) TajCoin , (TALK) BTCtalkcoin , (TCOIN) T-coin , (TCR) TheCreed , (TEAM) TeamUp , (TEK) TEKcoin , (TELL) Tellurion , (TERA) TeraCoin , (TES) TeslaCoin , (TESLA) TeslaCoilCoin , (TGC) Tigercoin , (THC) HempCoin , (THS) TechShares , (TIC) True Investment Coin , (TIME) Chronobank , (TIPS) FedoraCoin , (TIT) Titcoin , (TIX) Tickets , (TKS) Tokes , (TLE) Tattoocoin (Limited Edition) , (TODAY) TodayCoin , (TOKEN) SwapToken , (TOR) Torcoin , (TP1) KolschCoin , (TRC) Terracoin , (TRI) Triangles , (TRICK) TrickyCoin , (TRIG) Triggers , (TRK) Truckcoin , (TROLL) Trollcoin , (TROPTIONS) TROPTIONS , (TRST) WeTrust , (TRUMP) TrumpCoin , (TRUST) TrustPlus , (TSE) Tattoocoin (Standard Edition) , (TSTR) Tristar Coin , (TTC) TittieCoin , (TX) TransferCoin , (U) UCoin , (UBQ) Ubiq , (UFO) UFO Coin , (UIS) Unitus , (UNB) UnbreakableCoin , (UNC) UNCoin , (UNI) Universe , (UNIBURST) UniBURST , (UNIC) UniCoin , (UNIT) Universal Currency , (UNITS) GameUnits , (UNITY) SuperNET , (UNO) Unobtanium , (UR) UR , (URC) Unrealcoin , (URO) Uro , (USC) Ultimate Secure Cash , (USDT) Tether , (USNBT) NuBits , (UTA) UtaCoin , (UTC) UltraCoin , (VAL) Valorbit , (VASH) VPNCoin , (VC) VirtualCoin , (VEC2) Vector , (VGC) VegasCoin , (VIA) Viacoin , (VIDZ) PureVidz , (VIP) VIP Tokens , (VISIO) Visio , (VLT) Veltor , (VLTC) Vault Coin , (VOX) Voxels , (VPRC) VapersCoin , (VRC) VeriCoin , (VRM) VeriumReserve , (VRS) Veros , (VSL) vSlice , (VTA) Virtacoin , (VTC) Vertcoin , (VTR) vTorrent , (VTY) Victoriouscoin , (WA) WA Space , (WARP) WARP , (WAVES) Waves , (WAY) WayGuide , (WBB) Wild Beast Block , (WCT) Waves Community Token , (WDC) WorldCoin , (WEC) Wowecoin , (WEX) Wexcoin , (WGC) World Gold Coin , (WGO) WavesGo , (WINGS) Wings (Pre-Launch) , (WMC) WMCoin , (WORM) HealthyWormCoin , (WOW) Wowcoin , (WSX) WeAreSatoshi , (WYV) Wyvern , (X2) X2 , (XAS) Asch , (XAU) Xaucoin , (XAUR) Xaurum , (XBB) Boolberry , (XBC) Bitcoin Plus , (XBTC21) Bitcoin 21 , (XBTS) Beatcoin , (XBY) XtraBYtes , (XCI) Cannabis Industry Coin , (XCN) Cryptonite , (XCO) X-Coin , (XCP) Counterparty , (XCRE) Creatio , (XCT) C-Bit , (XDE2) XDE II , (XDN) DigitalNote , (XEM) NEM , (XEN) Xenixcoin , (XFC) Forevercoin , (XGR) GoldReserve , (XHI) HiCoin , (XID) International Diamond , (XJO) Joulecoin , (XLM) Stellar Lumens , (XLR) Solaris , (XMG) Magi , (XMR) Monero , (XMY) Myriad , (XNG) Enigma , (XOC) Xonecoin , (XOT) Internet of Things , (XP) XP , (XPD) PetroDollar , (XPM) Primecoin , (XPTX) PlatinumBAR , (XPY) PayCoin , (XQN) Quotient , (XRA) Ratecoin , (XRB) RaiBlocks , (XRC) Rawcoin , (XRE) RevolverCoin , (XRP) Ripple , (XSPEC) Spectrecoin , (XST) Stealthcoin , (XSTC) Safe Trade Coin , (XTC) TileCoin , (XTO) Tao , (XVC) Vcash , (XVE) The Vegan Initiative , (XVG) Verge , (XVP) Virtacoinplus , (XVS) Vsync , (XWC) WhiteCoin , (XZC) ZCoin , (YAC) Yacoin , (YASH) YashCoin , (YBC) YbCoin , (YES) Yescoin , (YOC) Yocoin , (YOG) Yogold , (ZBC) Zilbercoin , (ZCC) ZcCoin , (ZCL) ZClassic , (ZDASH) Zdash , (ZEC) Zcash , (ZEIT) Zeitcoin , (ZENI) Zennies , (ZER) Zero , (ZET) Zetacoin , (ZHS) Zcashshare , (ZNE) Zonecoin , (ZNY) Bitzeny , (ZOI) Zoin , (ZSE) ZSEcoin , (ZUR) Zurcoin , (ZYD) Zayedcoin , Block Chain and Digital Currency Investors Directory Special Edition: Block chain and Digital Currency Investors , cryptocurrency investor summit , cryptocurrency 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avahuang · 7 years
Life on the page
I read a book of essays by a rock critic. I read three short story collections--Ben Greenfield, Otessa Moshfegh, Jhumpa Lahiri. I read a memoir on learning to write in a new language. I read a manifesto about translation. I read a manifesto about women and power. I read a book of essays about women and art. I let Noam Chomsky explain syntax to me. I revisited Philip Roth and Goodbye, Columbus. I read about future sex. I read a book that traced the paths of three marriages in Mumbai over the course of decades. I bought History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky after I watched The Death of Stalin but I haven’t finished it. I read two books by David Deutsch. I read Geek Love and Blood and Guts in High School and Fear of Flying which I think are vaguely in the same genre of messy bloody odd. I read Anais Nin’s letters with Henry Miller and then I read the portion of her unexpurgated diary that covered 1944-1947. I read about how she met her second husband in an elevator when he was 28 and she was 44 and she was still married to her first husband. She would go on to be secretly married to both at the same time for 11 years. I read Fun House by Alison Bechdel and was touched by the part where she reads Ulysses because it reminded me of the first time I read Ulysses. I read a short story by Han Kang in which a woman turns into a plant and bears fruit which her husband then plants, wondering if his wife will be reborn in them. I read Foucault on madness in the back of a car on my way home from Tahoe. I read a collection of essays by Marilynne Robinson but the way she wrote about God didn’t quite resonate. I can only understand the divine through absence: I reread Tractatus and highlighted the part when he says that God doesn’t reveal himself in the world. It makes sense to me that things are in the world have no connection with what is higher.
Language is innate within us. Chomsky’s Minimalist Program “appeals to the idea that the language ability in humans shows signs of being incorporated under an optimal design with exquisite organization.” We are born with everything we need and the rest is the process of realization. The rest is just a process of realization that the world is just words.
An explanation for why every once in a while I try to write about what I read and it never turns out very well: good books and good ideas are always expansive and it’s hard to capture that sense of space on the page. When you write about a specific and personal feeling you are of course also writing about the universal feeling, which so many people before you have felt before. Echoes of echoes, concentric circles rippling outwards into the space of all possible actions. There’s implicit history in everything you have ever thought and felt. Broad patterns can be extrapolated from the slightest movement. The universal lies always in the particular. It’s so hard to do even justice to the smallest thing. It is impossible to be literal in any way: all of language is dead metaphor, which starts with analogies in the physical world (people chew over ideas, swallow information, gobble up books, etc) and then becomes more abstract over time. This applies not only to phrases but also to words themselves (transpire originally means to breathe through, discover means to un-cover, sarcastic means flesh-tearing). We look at the world and try to describe it the best we can and our descriptions gradually become fossilized bridges that compose the building blocks of how we speak.
“What separates a language from a dialect is who has the army.”
The Latin noun homo (“man”)  is masculine, luna (“moon”) is feminine, Mare (“sea”) is neuter. Man, moon, sea. What a recipe.
Also Latin: agricola = farmer, nauta = seafarer.
In atmosphere, is the /s/ part of the second syllable or the third? It is not clear.
The most important thing to learn is that all categorizations leak.
Language is a system that makes infinite use of finite means.
Lisa Halliday: “Casals, who also played the piano, by the way, once told a reporter when he was in his nineties that he had played the same Bach piano piece every day for the past eight-five years. When the reporter asked whether this didn’t get boring, Casals said, No, on the contrary, each playing was a new experience, a new act of discovery.”
Camus: ‘“Because,” Cormery went on, “when I was very young, very foolish, and very much alone . . . you paid attention to me and, without seeming to, you opened for me the door to everything I love in the world.”
Li-Young Lee: “in his mother's garden, magnolia, hibiscus, azalea, peony, pear, tulip, iris;
reading in another book their names he knows, and then the names from their secret lives;
lives alchemical, nautical, genital”
If you read a book per day you can read 25,550 books over the course of your life. Open on my laptop right now: Language and Mind. A Dictionary of Modern Usage. selected unpublished blogposts of a mexican panda express employee. A Timeless Way of Building. I don’t think I’ll read all of these books thoroughly because I’ll get distracted midway through and my mind will wander so in the end even if I finish the entire text I won’t have properly absorbed it. But who can absorb everything? Everything that I’ve ever forgotten comes back to haunt me. Ditto with everything I’ve ever decided to not pay attention to. If you want to learn, if you want to have good relationships, you have to pay attention. Attention without object is the supreme form of prayer. I’m trying to figure out the best way to learn. I read a book on that, too: Making Learning Whole. My friend said she learns best when presented with extreme granular detail. Personally I prefer abstraction. There are entire systems of rules that we’ve all internalized without ever consciously examining them. Like how to put together a sentence. Learning new systems as an adult is difficult but not impossible. The fact that everything is interrelated makes it easier. The fact that I can speak English makes it possible for me to learn Russian. Everything building upon everything else.
Loneliness comes from being unable to communicate things that seem important. I am overwhelmed by the impossibility of articulating the truth, knowing that the truth is subject to change, just as sounds in language shift gradually over time, eroded by usage itself, so that what was once correct is no longer correct. Fallibilism seems like the only tenable philosophical position. I still want to believe that anything that can be thought can be thought clearly. I want to think things through the best I can and write my observations down. I try to ask for help when I need it: the world makes more sense when parsed by multiple people. When everything seems unbearably precarious, structurally unstable, I remind myself not to panic the same way I remind myself not to panic when my backpack gapes open and everything spills out and I get on my knees to shove it back in. The antidote is slowing way down. The antidote is, quite simply, to pay more attention.
What does the Hegelian term aufheben mean? Varied (and seemingly contradictory) things: to lift, to abolish, to cancel, suspend, sublate. Walter Kaufmann: “It is what you do when something has fallen to the floor. Something may be picked up in order that it will no longer be there; on the other hand, I may also pick it up to keep it."
Hegel believed in the interaction of the thesis and the antithesis. To sublate is to transform something, to overcome, and then at the same time preserve. Nothing is lost but rather incorporated into a larger whole, like the spiral of a fern opening into infinity.
Living is a process of sublation: if you allow yourself to constantly be undone by the beauty of sentences, if you do not allow the topology of life to at any point of become familiar, if you resist predictability, value both movement and stillness, you will realize that the struggle of becoming is the becoming, that concepts that seem to negate each other are interdependent, that you have already arrived; the vast and implacable universe is within you, blooming impossibly tender, the constant presence of loss coexisting with the miracle that there are people who will stay to bear witness to the ways time will ravage your body and mind. You are the synthesis of what is there and what is necessarily absent, every iteration ambered in every new iteration. You are the overcoming.
_______, blue-eyed, slight pulling on socks in the morning. We’ve only held hands in the car on the way from _____ to _____ the silent explosion of happiness in my chest like the air during Holi, bright colors smeared over all my organs, irrepressible. In the middle of the act he puts my hand over his throat the warm tender length of it I can’t contain my joy, feel like-- forget simile there’s just panic wonder panic silence great swaths of sound cliff and crest speech disintegrating because the emotion is simple and today simplicity undoes me.
VII. ? There was a door.  I entered without the least bit of reluctance.  Better forward than back.
0 notes
immoren · 7 years
Apparently I’ve following pieces in my “music” playlist in Youtube.
Cut for length
- Kotiteollisuus - Helvetistä Itään
- Star one - Intergalactic space crusaders
- Amon Amarth "Runes to my Memory" 
- Star One - High Moon
- Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low
- Star One - Amazing flight in space
- Kotiteollisuus - Minä Olen
- AMORPHIS - The Smoke
- Ensiferum - Wanderer
- Amorphis - Divinity
- Ensiferum - Lady in Black
- Dark Moor - Halloween
- Star One - The Eye of Ra
- Dark Moor - The Silver Key
- Ensiferum - LAI LAI HEI
- Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem 
- Stratovarius - Speed of Light 
 - Nightwish - The Siren
- Amorphis - Goddess (Of The Sad Man)
- Iced Earth- coming curse
-  AMORPHIS - Silent Waters
-  AVANTASIA - Lost In Space
-  Stratovarius - Stratosphere
-  Stratovarius - Black Diamond
-  Savage Circus - Between the Devil and the Seas
- Stratovarius - Paradise
- Demons and Wizards - Fiddler on the Green
- Stratovarius - Coming Home
- Dancing Queen - Diablo
- Stratovarius - Destiny
- Timo Rautiainen Pohjoisen Taivaan Alla
- Stratovarius - Anthem Of The World
- Gustav Holst - The Planets - Mars, the Bringer of War
- Stratovarius - Hunting High And Low
- Amorphis - Drowned Maid
- Stratovarius - Infinity
- To Dream of Ur - nile
- Stratovarius - Eagleheart
- Dark Moor - Death
- Stratovarius - Learning To Fly
- Nightquest - Nightwish
- Labyrinth - Night of Dreams
- Nile - The Essential Salts
- Nightwish- The Pharaoh Sails to Orion
- Blind Guardian- Mirror Mirror
- Thrust Through the Heavens with Your Spirit!
- Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye (Official Video)
- Billy Idol - John Wayne
- Poets of the Fall - Lift (Official Video)
- Kotiteollisuus - Kevät
- Poets of the Fall - Diamonds for Tears (Official Video)
- Amorphis - shatters within
- Poets of the Fall - Locking Up the Sun (Official Video)
- Ayreon- The Shooting Company of Captain Frans B. Cocq
- Amorphis - forever more
- Nile - Eat of the Dead
- Raining Blood - Slayer Song & Lyrics
- Murder, Murder Jekyll and Hyde
- One Small Step - Ayreon
- Nile - Even the Gods Must Die
- Serenity - Sheltered (By The Obscure)
- Nightwish - Sacrament of wilderness
- And The Druids Turn To Stone - Ayreon
- Nightwish - Walking in the air
- Dawn of A Million Souls - Ayreon
- Nightwish - Two for tragedy
- Gregorian - Lady in black
- Nightwish - Bare grace misery
- Kotiteollisuus - Tuonelan koivut
- Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem
- Iced Earth-Dragon's Child
- Disturbed-Inside The Fire (Lyrics In Description)
- Iced Earth-Damien
- Pyramaze-Sleepy Hollow
- Apulanta - Vasten mun kasvojani
- Arch Enemy - I Will Live Again (With Lyrics)
- Iced Earth-The Phantom Opera Ghost
- Kotiteollisuus - Mahtisanat
- Amorphis - Grieve Stricken Heart
- Nile User~Maat~Re
- Iced Earth-Hallowed Be Thy Name
- Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
- Persuader - Sanity Soiled
- Nile - Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten
- Amorphis - The Night Is Over
- Firewind maniac
- AMORPHIS - Silver Bride
- Final Fantasy IX - Garnet's Theme
- Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust (Official Video)
- Aikakone - Keltainen
- Amorphis - Tuonela
- Ensiferum - Twilight Tavern
- Amorphis:Nightfall
- VIIKATE - Viina, Terva & Hauta
- "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy (Official Video)
- Sonata Arctica - Tallulah (Lyrics)
- "Weird" Al Yankovic - Amish Paradise
- Floor Jansen & Russell Allen - The Phantom of the Opera
- Of Doom And Death - Savage Circus
- Amorphis - Alone {High Quality} {With Lyrics}
- Devil's Spawn - Savage Circus
- Poets of the Fall - Dreaming Wide Awake (Official Video)
- Chasing The Rainbow - Savage Circus
- Eluveitie - Quoth The Raven
- Legend Of Leto II - Savage Circus
- Symphony of Science - The Poetry of Reality (An Anthem for Science)
- The Ordeal - Savage Circus
- America - The Last Unicorn (with Lyrics)
- Dark Moor - Nevermore
- Amorphis - Greed
- Dark Moor - The Fall Of Melnibone
- MGS Peace Walker OST - Heavens Divide (BEST QUALITY)
- Dark Moor - The Fall Of Melnibone
- Motörhead - Enter Sandman
- Pyramaze - Until We Fade Away
- Poets of the Fall - War (Official Video)
- Pyramaze - Legend
- Nightwish - Stargazers
- Savage Circus - Born Again by the Night
- Poets Of The Fall - Sleep
- Spice and Wolf OP 1 FULL (with lyrics)
- Amorphis - My Kantele (2010)
- Savage Circus - Beyond Reality (lyrics)
- Amorphis - Alone - Forging a Land of Thousand Lakes[Oulu]
- The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil -HQ
- Amorphis - Divinity - Forging a Land of Thousand Lakes[Oulu]
- Stratovarius - Elysium
- Amorphis - Veil of Sin
- Aikakone - Neiti Groove
- Ayreon - Isis and Osiris
- Sabaton - Cliffs of Gallipoli (Lyrics English & Deutsch)
- Avantasia - The Scarecrow (HD)
- "Libera Me From Hell" with subs
- WOODS OF YPRES - "You Were the Light"
- Sabaton - Angels Calling (Lyrics English & Deutsch)
- Poets of the Fall ~ The Poet and the Muse // Lyrics
- "Weird Al" Yankovic - Party In The CIA
- A Song From Her Memory
- Tarzan - Strangers Like Me (HD)
- Avantasia - What Kind Of Love
- BEING - Arrival - A part, Apart
- Iced Earth - Wolf [HQ]
- BEING - Arrival - Cosmonaut
- Karl Sanders - Of the Sleep of Ishtar
- BEING - Arrival - Perpetual Groove
- All I Ever Wanted (with Queen's Reprise)- Prince of Egypt Soundtrack
- BEING - Arrival - Story For A Muse
- BEING - The Debut Preview - Cosmonaut
- Ultimate DragonBorn Comes collaboration - Malukah MrDooves Noahlittlejohn
- BEING - The Debut Preview - Mindflay
- Finnish folk song Morsiamen itketys with translation
- BEING - Arrival - Escape
- Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno 2011 (full)
- BEING - Arrival - Sorrow
- Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (HQ + Lyrics)
- Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus - Surupuku
- Nightwish - Ghost River (HD)
- Pyramaze - Power Of Imagination
- Nightwish- Last Ride Of The Day
- Nylon Beat - Satasen laina
- Nightwish - Rest Calm
- Final Fantasy Meets Metal
- Nightwish - Scaretale
- Poets of the Fall - Cradled in Love (Official Video)
- Nightwish - Storytime (Lyrics) HD
- The World of the Dinosaurs - Symphony of Science
- Blind Guardian - Noldor
- Malukah - Reignite - Mass Effect/Shepard Tribute Song
- Dr. Who Meets Metal
- Sabaton - Carolus Rex SV (Lyrics Svenska & English)
- Fallout New Vegas Soundtrack - Jingle Jangle Jingle - Kay Kyser
- Sabaton - En livstid i krig (Lyrics Svenska & English)
- Blind Guardian - Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill)
- Pyramaze The Wizard
- Nile - User-Maat-Re (HQ)
- Sabaton - Karolinens bön ... Lyrics
- Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick (HQ)
- Blind Guardian - Curse Of Feanor
- Malukah - Tale of the Tongues - Skyrim Cover
- Mighty Abyss by Pyramaze
- The South Gate - A Tribute To Final Fantasy IX
- Neil Finn - Song of the Lonely Mountain + lyrics (The Hobbit End Credits)
- Cortana Tribute feat. Malukah
- Spede Pasanen: Tom Dooley
- RWBY Theme: Mirror, Mirror Extended (RoosterTeeth)
- RWBY Theme: Red like Roses Extended (RoosterTeeth)
- Nightwish - The Escapist lyrics
- JoJo Battle Tendency OST: Propaganda
- Savage Circus - Tomorrowland [HQ] [+Lyrics]
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2012 ( Avalon )
- The Hobbit - Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold (Extended Cover)
- Amorphis - Nightbird's Song (Official Video)
- Manowar - Sleipnir
- Sabaton - Twilight Of The Thunder God (HD, Lyrics)
- RWBY Theme: This Will Be The Day Extended (Roosterteeth)
- Alestorm - Nancy the Tavern Wench
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OST - Sorairo Days FULL VERSION
- Amon Amarth "As Loke Falls" (LYRIC VIDEO)
- I Burn By Jeff and Casey Lee Williams with Lyrics
- Nightwish - Ever Dream (Wacken 2013)
- RWBY - I May Fall - Lyrics
- Apulanta - Koneeseen kadonnut
- From Shadows by Jeff and Casey Lee Williams with Lyrics
- Nightwish - Ghost love Score
- Blumenkranz (:[nZk] ver) [PB★Cover]
- Kill la Kill/キルラキル [Satsuki Kiryuin Theme | Kiryuu G@ KiLL]
- Kill la Kill, Light your heart up - Aimee Blackshleger
- TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN - Cold Heart of the Klondike
- Apulanta - Pahempi toistaan (Official)
- Kill La Kill / Nui Harime Theme
- TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN - Go slowly now, sands of time
- Volume 2 - Time To Say Goodbye + Lyrics
- The Hobbit - Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold - Part II-Clamavi De Profundis
- Holy Diver by Steve'n'Seagulls (LIVE)
- Eagles -- Hotel California Lyrics song
- Everytime We Touch by Cascada Meets Metal
- ★ JoJo - That Blood Destiny (Vocals, Orchestra, Choir) | JoJo
- Robin Williams - "Seize the Day" - by Melodysheep
- Poets of the Fall - Daze (Official Video)
- Amon Amarth "Deceiver of the Gods" (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
- Viikate - Ensimmäinen runo (Album Version)
- Be Prepared (Disney's The Lion King) // Jonathan Young 
- 05: Caffeine - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee    Williams feat. Lamar Hall)
- Nightwish - SAGAN- 2015
- Maniac from Flashdance Meets Metal (featuring PelleK)
- NIGHTWISH - Shudder Before The Beautiful (OFFICIAL TRACK)
- The Witcher 3 OST - Ladies of the Woods (Extended)
- Nightwish - The Islander (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
- Nightwish - My Walden
- NIGHTWISH - Edema Ruh [lyrics]
- WITCHER 3 CIRI SONG: Lady Of Worlds by Miracle Of Sound
- NIGHTWISH - Endless Forms Most Beautiful (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)
- Sugar Sweet Nightmare FULL SUB HQ (Bakemonogatari Opening 5) by Yui - Horie
- Platinum Disco FULL SUB HQ (Nisemonogatari Opening 3) by Yuka Iguchi
- The Witcher 3 OST - Lullaby of Woe (A Night to Remember song)
- Perfect Slumbers FULL SUB HQ (Nekomonogatari: Kuro Opening) by Yui  Horie
- "Blumenkranz" Kill la Kill OST【Orchestral Cover】[Mike Reed IX]
- Orange Mint FULL SUB HQ (Tsukimonogatari Opening) by Saori Hayami
- Undertale OST: 001 - Once Upon A Time
- Undertale OST: 046 - Spear of Justice
- Undertale OST: 050 - Metal Crusher
-  Amorphis - Bad Blood (LYRIC VIDEO)
-  Undertale OST: 059 - Spider Dance
-  AMORPHIS - 'Under The Red Cloud' (OFFICIAL TRACK)
-  Undertale OST: 068 - Death by Glamour
- The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone OST-"A Gifted Man Brings Gifts Galore" Polska   wersja
- Undertale Ost: 087 - Hopes and Dreams
- Undertale OST: 090 - His Theme
- Delusion♡Express FULL SUB HQ (Otorimonogatari Opening) by Kana      Hanazawa
- Undertale Ost: 096 - Last Goodbye
- Amorphis - The Wind
- Undertale Ost: 098 - Battle Against a True Hero
- Amorphis - Come The Spring
- Undertale - Metal Crusher on 7 floppy drives
- Amorphis - Winter's Sleep
- Ambivalent World FULL SUB HQ (Bakemonogatari Opening 3) by Miyuki      Sawashiro
- Malukah - Priscilla's Song - The Wolven Storm - The Witcher 3 Cover
- One Punch Man FULL ENGLISH OPENING (The Hero - Jam Project) Cover by  Jonathan Young
- Mathemagics FULL SUB HQ (Owarimonogatari Opening 2) by Marina Inoue
- Red Like Roses Part 1+2 Complete
- Decent Black FULL SUB HQ (Owarimonogatari Opening 1) by Kaori Mizuhashi
- JUNGLE BOOK - Bare Necessities - (Disney Rock cover by Jonathan Young)
- 01. When It Falls (feat. Casey Lee Williams) - By Jeff Williams
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine Soundtrack - Main Theme (Polish)
- 07. Divide (feat. Casey Lee Williams) - By Jeff Williams - (RT4C AMV)
- SKELLIGE WINDS - Witcher 3 Song by Miracle Of Sound
- Mirror Mirror - Part 1 + 2 Mix
- Poor Unfortunate Souls (Disney's Little Mermaid) - METAL COVER VERSION  Jonathan Young
- Chocolate Insomnia FULL HQ (Nekomonogatari: Shiro Opening) by Yui Horie
- Boku No Hero Academia "The Day" ENGLISH OPENING (cover by Jonathan Young)
- Die by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams with Lyrics
- HELLFIRE - Metal Cover by Jonathan Young (Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Openings 1-8 HD
- Kemono Friends OP "Youkoso Japari Park e"
- Demi chan wa Kataritai op Full - Original /TrySail
- AMORPHIS - 'Her Alone' feat. Anneke van Giersbergen (OFFICIAL LIVE TRACK)
- Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Opening [FULL]
- SAVAGES - Disney's Pocahontas (METAL COVER) Jonathan Young & Caleb Hyles
- The Plagues (Prince of Egypt) - Cover by Caleb Hyles and Jonathan Young
- Gabriel DropOut Opening Full / ガヴリールドロップアウト OP - Gabriel DropKick (Single)
- Song of Durin (Complete Edition) - Clamavi De Profundis
- STAND PROUD (full version) - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure ENGLISH OP 3
- Bad Luck Charm by Jeff Williams with Lyrics
- Aho Girl Opening Full「Zenryoku☆Summer!」by angela
- Arabian Nights - (Aladdin) DISNEY METAL COVER by Jonathan Young & ToxicxEternity
- KonoSuba Season 2 Op Full - TOMORROW
- Nisemonogatari OST - Kizuna (Shinobu Oshino's Theme)
- 化物語 Staple Stable
- 03: Shine - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams)
- 07: Boop - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams)
- 02: Die - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams) RT4C
- "I May Fall" Lyrics - RWBY Volume 3 - Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams & Lamar Hal
0 notes
irepostblr-blog · 7 years
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(BCC) BitConnect, (DOGE) Dogecoin, (STRAT) Stratis, (WAVES) Waves, (STEEM) Steem, (DGD) DigixDAO, (LSK) Lisk, (ICN) Iconomi, (ARDR) Ardor, (SNGLS) SingularDTV, (XLM) Stellar Lumens, (BCN) Bytecoin, (BTS) BitShares, (ROUND) Round, (GBYTE) Byteball, (NXT) Nxt, (1ST) First Blood, (PPC) Peercoin, (SJCX) Storjcoin X, (RLC) RLC, (SC) Siacoin, (EMC) Emercoin, (SYS) SysCoin, (MLN) Melon, (ARK) Ark, (KMD) Komodo, (LKK) Lykke, (NXS) Nexus, (NLG) Gulden, (XZC) ZCoin, (CRB) Creditbit, (NMC) Namecoin, (XAUR) Xaurum, (TRST) WeTrust, (BCY) Bitcrystals, (BAY) BitBay, (CRW) Crown, (XCP) Counterparty, (BTCD) BitcoinDark, (NAV) NAV Coin, (POSW) PoSW Coin, (ANS) AntShares, (AGRS) Agoras Tokens, (DGB) DigiByte, (BLK) BlackCoin, (UBQ) Ubiq, (AMP) Synereo, (POT) PotCoin, (EDG) Edgeless, (SKY) Skycoin, (TIME) Chronobank, (NXC) Nexium, (SWT) Swarm City, (VSL) vSlice, (IOC) I/O Coin, (YBC) YbCoin, (MONA) MonaCoin, (ION) ION, (NVC) Novacoin, (EXP) Expanse, (RBY) Rubycoin, (EDR) E-Dinar Coin, (INCNT) Incent, (RADS) Radium, (BLOCK) Blocknet, (LBC) LBRY Credits, (B@) Bankcoin, (ZCL) ZClassic, (GRC) GridCoin, (MUE) MonetaryUnit, (BELA) BelaCoin, (XBC) Bitcoin Plus, (VIA) Viacoin, (SLR) SolarCoin, (BURST) Burst, (VASH) VPNCoin, (OMNI) Omni, (SIB) SIBCoin, (XPM) Primecoin, (CLAM) Clams, (GCR) Global Currency Reserve, (GOLOS) Golos, (ARC) ArcticCoin, (VTC) Vertcoin, (NAUT) NautilusCoin, (SDC) ShadowCash, (UNITY) SuperNET, (HEAT) HEAT, (PEPECASH) Pepe Cash, (NEOS) NeosCoin, (AEON) Aeon, (LMC) LoMoCoin, (DAR) Darcrus, (VRS) Veros, (PASC) Pascal Coin, (GLD) GoldCoin, (ENRG) Energycoin, (FAIR) FairCoin, (MOON) Mooncoin, (FTC) Feathercoin, (VRC) VeriCoin, (JINN) Jinn, (SLS) SaluS, (SPR) SpreadCoin, (CLOAK) CloakCoin, (ZENI) Zennies, (BSD) BitSend, (RDD) ReddCoin, (FLO) FlorinCoin, (SHIFT) Shift, (EMC2) Einsteinium, (CCRB) CryptoCarbon, (PINK) PinkCoin, (FRST) FirstCoin, (GAM) Gambit, (EAC) EarthCoin, (XAS) Asch, (UNO) Unobtanium, (OK) OKCash, (GRS) Groestlcoin, (AUR) Auroracoin, (BTM) Bitmark, (XVC) Vcash, (BTA) Bata, (SBD) Steem Dollars, (YOC) Yocoin, (FLDC) FoldingCoin, (NOTE) DNotes, (SAFEX) Safe Exchange Coin, (XBB) Boolberry, (DMD) Diamond, (CURE) CureCoin, (CNT) Centurion, (TX) TransferCoin, (MEC) Megacoin, (BLOCKPAY) BlockPay, (CHC) ChainCoin, (XDN) DigitalNote, (ATMS) Atmos, (XVG) Verge, (WBB) Wild Beast Block, (BOST) BoostCoin, (VISIO) Visio, (RIC) Riecoin, (OBITS) OBITS, (WDC) WorldCoin, (XSPEC) Spectrecoin, (SPHR) Sphere, (HKG) Hacker Gold, (PDC) Project Decorum, (VTR) vTorrent, (EMV) Ethereum Movie Venture, (TRIG) Triggers, (MER) Mercury, (INSANE) InsaneCoin, (QRK) Quark, (ADCN) Asiadigicoin, (JNS) Janus, (SEQ) Sequence, (TIPS) FedoraCoin, (BPC) Bitpark Coin, (ADC) AudioCoin, (ZCC) ZcCoin, (VLT) Veltor, (MUSIC) Musicoin, (BITB) BitBean, (XHI) HiCoin, (RISE) Rise, (BRX) Breakout Stake, (HUC) HunterCoin, (XRB) RaiBlocks, (DYN) Dynamic, (ZEIT) Zeitcoin, (EXCL) ExclusiveCoin, (J) Joincoin, (IFC) Infinitecoin, (DGC) Digitalcoin, (BITCNY) bitCNY, (ADZ) Adzcoin, (XCN) Cryptonite, (FCN) Fantomcoin, (PUT) PutinCoin, (MILO) MiloCoin, (BRK) Breakout, (BASH) LuckChain, (ERC) EuropeCoin, (QWARK) Qwark, (ICASH) iCash, (QORA) Qora, (TRUMP) TrumpCoin, (XMY) Myriad, (EFL) e-Gulden, (IXC) Ixcoin, (FC2) FuelCoin, (XBY) XtraBYtes, (ZET) Zetacoin, (EL) Elcoin, (TKS) Tokes, (COVAL) Circuits of Value, (HPC) Happycoin, (XTO) Tao, (CADASTRAL) Bitland, (BLITZ) Blitzcash, (RNS) Renos, (TAG) TagCoin, (MSCN) Master Swiscoin, (ATOM) Atomic Coin, (GEO) GeoCoin, (SWIFT) Bitswift, (TIT) Titcoin, (SRC) SecureCoin, (PSB) Pesobit, (CANN) CannabisCoin, (VOX) Voxels, (2GIVE) 2GIVE, (INPAY) Inpay, (ESP) Espers, (SNRG) Synergy, (ABY) ArtByte, (TES) TeslaCoin, (START) Startcoin, (XMG) Magi, (QTL) Quatloo, (VRM) VeriumReserve, (CSC) CasinoCoin, (EGC) EvergreenCoin, (MEME) Pepe, (TOR) Torcoin, (JWL) Jewels, (XST) Stealthcoin, (SYNX) Syndicate, (TRC) Terracoin, (KOBO) Kobocoin, (XWC) WhiteCoin, (MOIN) Moin, (MZC) MazaCoin, (XVP) Virtacoinplus, (XTC) TileCoin, (MED) MediterraneanCoin, (ORB) Orbitcoin, (THC) HempCoin, (TRUST) TrustPlus, (DOPE) DopeCoin, (YASH) YashCoin, (POST) PostCoin, (CPC) Capricoin, (NSR) NuShares, (KORE) KoreCoin, (I0C) I0Coin, (RBT) Rimbit, (CARBON) Carboncoin, (MOJO) MojoCoin, (PRC) PRCoin, (BLRY) BillaryCoin, (PKB) ParkByte, (8BIT) 8Bit, (SMC) SmartCoin, (RBIES) Rubies, (NOBL) NobleCoin, (DEM) Deutsche eMark, (XCT) C-Bit, (UIS) Unitus, (GCC) TheGCCcoin, (BTB) BitBar, (LANA) LanaCoin, (FRC) Freicoin, (CJ) Cryptojacks, (LTB) LiteBar, (ZDASH) Zdash, (TRK) Truckcoin, (BUCKS) SwagBucks, (USNBT) NuBits, (BYC) Bytecent, (PIP) PipCoin, (ZOI) Zoin, (CCN) Cannacoin, (VIDZ) PureVidz, (KURT) Kurrent, (ZER) Zero, (MTM) MTMGaming, (DRACO) DT Token, (DOT) Dotcoin, (SXC) Sexcoin, (KRB) Karbowanec, (INFX) Influxcoin, (BITS) Bitstar, (BITUSD) bitUSD, (CNO) Coin(O), (GB) GoldBlocks, (SLG) Sterlingcoin, (BRIT) BritCoin, (TRI) Triangles, (UNB) UnbreakableCoin, (ATX) Artex Coin, (SWING) Swing, (HONEY) Honey, (ALL) Allion, (PASL) Pascal Lite, (MAC) Machinecoin, (GP) GoldPieces, (ERY) Eryllium, (HZ) Horizon, (GAIA) GAIA, (HXX) Hexx, (WEX) Wexcoin, (CBX) Crypto Bullion, (BITBTC) bitBTC, (CREVA) CrevaCoin, (FRN) Francs, (IMS) Independent Money System, (BITEUR) bitEUR, (IMX) Impact, (BLC) Blakecoin, (XRA) Ratecoin, (42) 42-coin, (C2) Coin2.1, (BTCR) Bitcurrency, (BERN) BERNcash, (ENT) Eternity, (MI) Xiaomicoin, (EMD) Emerald Crypto, (ICOB) ICOBID, (XCI) Cannabis Industry Coin, (HBN) HoboNickels, (GAP) Gapcoin, (PHS) Philosopher Stones, (QBK) Qibuck, (CHESS) ChessCoin, (BSTY) GlobalBoost-Y, (UNI) Universe, (NEVA) NevaCoin, (ARCO) AquariusCoin, (BIC) Bikercoin, (XLR) Solaris, (EVO) Evotion, (BVC) BeaverCoin, (LUNA) Luna Coin, (SFC) Solarflarecoin, (ELS) Elysium, (ACOIN) Acoin, (CON) PayCon, (XBTS) Beatcoin, (420G) GanjaCoin, (MAR) Marijuanacoin, (XNG) Enigma, (DGCS) Digital Credits, (ASAFE) AllSafe, (WGC) World Gold Coin, (CALC) CaliphCoin, (SOAR) Soarcoin, (ARC) Arcade Token, (WCT) Waves Community Token, (DEX) InstantDEX, (MUSE) MUSE, (DBIC) DubaiCoin, (LOG) Woodcoin, (MINT) Mintcoin, (RC) RussiaCoin, (AC) AsiaCoin, (PANGEA) Pangea Poker, (ICOO) ICO OpenLedger, (CASINO) Casino, (USC) Ultimate Secure Cash, (UNIBURST) UniBURST, (SCOT) Scotcoin, (PND) Pandacoin, (PTC) Pesetacoin, (FUND) Cryptofund, (DSH) Dashcoin, (TIX) Tickets, (MNM) Mineum, (DRS) Digital Rupees, (CDN) Canada eCoin, (GEMZ) GetGems, (VLTC) Vault Coin, (LTBC) LTBcoin, (MAX) MaxCoin, (GLC) GlobalCoin, (CV2) Colossuscoin V2, (ECC) E-Currency Coin , (BLU) BlueCoin, (808) 808Coin, (TSTR) Tristar Coin, (REE) ReeCoin, (TALK) BTCtalkcoin, (FUNK) The Cypherfunks, (HTC) HitCoin, (BTSR) BTSR, (AMS) AmsterdamCoin, (SHORTY) Shorty, (BITZ) Bitz, (TSE) Tattoocoin (Standard Edition), (CAGE) CageCoin, (NET) NetCoin, (UNITS) GameUnits, (VC) VirtualCoin, (FLY) Flycoin, (RAREPEPEPRTY) Rare Pepe Party, (LOT) LottoCoin, (HODL) HOdlcoin, (TROLL) Trollcoin, (SMLY) SmileyCoin, (PIGGY) Piggycoin, (NKA) IncaKoin, (XPY) PayCoin, (NEU) NeuCoin, (LDOGE) LiteDoge, (TEK) TEKcoin, (1337) 1337, (MXT) MarteXcoin, (PAK) Pakcoin, (CAP) Bottlecaps, (FLT) FlutterCoin, (NLC2) NoLimitCoin, (RED) RedCoin, (FST) Fastcoin, (METAL) MetalCoin, (ELE) Elementrem, (DLC) Dollarcoin, (QCN) QuazarCoin, (XPD) PetroDollar, (DRAGON) BTCDragon, (KTN) KarmaToken, (BITSILVER) bitSilver, (SLING) Sling, (NTRN) Neutron, (NETKO) Netko, (CORG) CorgiCoin, (GRN) Granite, (WAY) WayGuide, (KUSH) KushCoin, (XRE) RevolverCoin, (ANC) Anoncoin, (KLC) KiloCoin, (ARG) Argentum, (UFO) UFO Coin, (AMBER) AmberCoin, (GCN) GCoin, (GREV2) Greencoin, (BIP) BipCoin, (SPEX) SproutsExtreme, (YAC) Yacoin, (TTC) TittieCoin, (JIN) Jin Coin, (XPTX) PlatinumBAR, (COXST) CoExistCoin, (SPRTS) Sprouts, (CCM100) CCMiner, (HYP) HyperStake, (DBTC) Debitcoin, (STS) Stress, (ZYD) Zayedcoin, (GUN) Guncoin, (NYAN) Nyancoin, (PXI) Prime-XI, (BIGUP) BigUp, (MAD) SatoshiMadness, (PX) PX, (FJC) FujiCoin, (EBT) Ebittree Coin, (LEX) Lex4All, (AU) AurumCoin, (UNIT) Universal Currency, (HTML5) HTMLCOIN, (XCO) X-Coin, (CWXT) CryptoWorldX Token, (FRK) Franko, (NEWB) Newbium, (MGM) Magnum, (XBTC21) Bitcoin 21, (DRM) Dreamcoin, (SPACE) SpaceCoin, (U) UCoin, (BTD) Bitcloud, (FLVR) FlavorCoin, (DP) DigitalPrice, (PR) Prototanium, (CRX) Chronos, (WMC) WMCoin, (GRT) Grantcoin, (LVPS) LevoPlus, (FDC) Future Digital Currency, (BITGOLD) bitGold, (HMP) HempCoin, (ANTI) AntiBitcoin, (UNIC) UniCoin, (PONZI) PonziCoin, (STV) Sativacoin, (CUBE) DigiCube, (XJO) Joulecoin, (CYP) Cypher, (BIOS) BiosCrypto, (GBT) GameBet Coin, (MST) MustangCoin, (888) OctoCoin, (ISL) IslaCoin, (ZUR) Zurcoin, (URO) Uro, (CESC) CryptoEscudo, (POP) PopularCoin, (611) SixEleven, (FIRE) Firecoin, (EVIL) Evil Coin, (TAJ) TajCoin, (SCRT) SecretCoin, (ARB) ARbit, (DES) Destiny, (ACP) AnarchistsPrime, (SONG) SongCoin, (B3) B3Coin, (BUMBA) BumbaCoin, (BOLI) Bolivarcoin, (AGLC) AgrolifeCoin, (SOON) SoonCoin, (WARP) WARP, (ARI) Aricoin, (GCC) GuccioneCoin, (BOB) Dobbscoin, (RPC) RonPaulCoin, (PLNC) PLNcoin, (ORLY) Orlycoin, (SPT) Spots, (XCRE) Creatio, (TGC) Tigercoin, (CTO) Crypto, (ZNY) Bitzeny, (VPRC) VapersCoin, (VIP) VIP Tokens, (GPU) GPU Coin, (RIDE) Ride My Car, (PIE) PIECoin, (EUC) Eurocoin, (PULSE) Pulse, (URC) Unrealcoin, (BUN) BunnyCoin, (ABN) Abncoin, (LIR) LetItRide, (CAB) Cabbage, (BTQ) BitQuark, (BLZ) BlazeCoin, (STEPS) Steps, (DLISK) DAPPSTER, (SCORE) Scorecoin, (LTCR) Litecred, (MND) MindCoin, (HMC) Hommalicoin, (DUO) ParallelCoin, (WORM) HealthyWormCoin, (OCEAN) BurstOcean, (AUM) Alexium, (OS76) OsmiumCoin, (FUZZ) FuzzBalls, (ICON) Iconic, (LEA) LeaCoin, (VEC2) Vector, (CMT) Comet, (FLAX) Flaxscript, (HVCO) High Voltage, (BIOB) BioBar, (JOBS) JobsCoin, (CONX) Concoin, (EGO) EGO, (BSTAR) Blackstar, (DPAY) DPAY, (G3N) G3N, (BXT) BitTokens, (IBANK) iBank, (JIO) JIO Token, (BSC) BowsCoin, ($$$) Money, (MTLMC3) Metal Music Coin, (CXT) Coinonat, (SH) Shilling, (PEX) PosEx, (HIRO) Hirocoin, (PRX) Printerium, (XRC) Rawcoin, (MEOW) Kittehcoin, (BENJI) BenjiRolls, (XOC) Xonecoin, (TAGR) TAGRcoin, (CF) Californium, (GUA) Guarany, (SDP) SydPak, (REV) Revenu, (IMPS) ImpulseCoin, (ZNE) Zonecoin, (PHO) Photon, (ALTC) Antilitecoin, (NYC) NewYorkCoin, (GEERT) GeertCoin, (IMPCH) Impeachcoin, (SANDG) Save and Gain, (CASH) Cashcoin, (SLFI) Selfiecoin, (NODC) NodeCoin, (1CR) 1CRedit, (P7C) P7Coin, (ARGUS) Argus, (HAM) HamRadioCoin, (DOLLAR) Dollar Online, (XEN) Xenixcoin, (PWR) Powercoin, (ZHS) Zcashshare, (MBIT) Mbitbooks, (BOAT) Doubloon, (TOKEN) SwapToken, (CRT) CRTCoin, (PIZZA) PizzaCoin, (CSH) Cashout, (MUG) MikeTheMug, (DIX) Dix Asset, (CHAO) 23 Skidoo, (SATOSHICARD) SATOSHICARD, (XOT) Internet of Things, (BTU) Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures), (AMIS) AMIS, (ACCI) NxttyACCI, (FRGC) Fargocoin, (ALT) Altcoin, (ECN) E-coin, (IOP) Internet of People, (DBIX) DubaiCoin, (XDE2) XDE II, (PLU) Pluton, (XFC) Forevercoin, (ZBC) Zilbercoin, (YOG) Yogold, (TESLA) TeslaCoilCoin, (PIO) Pioneershares, (BTG) Bitgem, (FAZZ) Fazzcoin, (TAAS) TaaS (Pre-Launch), (THS) TechShares, (DMC) DynamicCoin, (LEO) LEOcoin, (DIBC) DIBCOIN, (DTB) Databits, (DCT) Decent (Pre-Launch), (CLUB) ClubCoin, (EB3) EB3 Coin, (WGO) WavesGo, (GAY) GAYcoin, (DEUS) DeusCoin, (GUP) Guppy (Pre-Launch), (APC) AlpaCoin, (WINGS) Wings (Pre-Launch), (TROPTIONS) TROPTIONS, (GBG) Golos Gold, (PCS) Pabyosi Coin (Special), (WEC) Wowecoin, (WA) WA Space, (AXF) AxFunds, (DWC) DeepWebCash, (IVZ) InvisibleCoin, (WYV) Wyvern, (BUK) CryptoBuck, (OMC) Omicron, (UTA) UtaCoin, (DTF) Digitalfund, (ACN) Avoncoin, (EDRC) EDRCoin, (ZSE) ZSEcoin, (LDCN) LandCoin, (XID) International Diamond, (ELC) Elacoin, (GARY) President Johnson, (RHFC) RHFCoin, (TLE) Tattoocoin (Limited Edition), (MG) Mind Gene, (LEC) LeCoin, (GBC) GBCGoldCoin, (DASHS) Dashs, (DCRE) DeltaCredits, (HLB) Lepaoquan, (TP1) KolschCoin, (BIT) First Bitcoin, (OPAL) Opal, (HNC) Helleniccoin, (SHELL) ShellPay, (RBX) Ripto Bux, (KED) Darsek, (RYCN) RoyalCoin 2, (BTCS) Bitcoin Scrypt, (HAL) Halcyon, (SAK) Sharkcoin, (EGG) EggCoin, (BGC) BagCoin, (PSY) Psilocybin, (GMF) Grumfork, (PRES) President Trump, (TERA) TeraCoin, (NTCC) Neptune Classic, (UTC) UltraCoin, (XAU) Xaucoin, (BURN) President Sanders, (MAVRO) Mavro, (RICHX) RichCoin, (NBIT) netBit, (AV) AvatarCoin, (BLAZR) BlazerCoin, (AIB) Advanced Internet Blocks, (XGR) GoldReserve, (TRICK) TrickyCoin, (KASHH) KashhCoin, (XQN) Quotient, (BCF) BitcoinFast, (CNC) CHNCoin, (UR) UR, (CLINT) Clinton, (GML) GameLeagueCoin, (BXC) Bitcedi, (ROYAL) RoyalCoin, (BEST) BestChain, (FUN) Alphabet Coin Fund, (MOTO) Motocoin, (XVS) Vsync, (FRWC) FrankyWillCoin, (OCOW) OCOW, (ADT) The Aladin, (WSX) WeAreSatoshi, (OPES) Opescoin, (TCOIN) T-coin, (MMXVI) MMXVI, (PXC) Phoenixcoin, (TODAY) TodayCoin, (TIC) True Investment Coin, (SKC) Skeincoin, (LFC) BigLifeCoin, (XVE) The Vegan Initiative, (DBG) Digital Bullion Gold, (ASC) AsicCoin, (DUB) Dubstep, (MONETA) Moneta, (RUBIT) RubleBit, (BRAIN) Braincoin, (GMB) Gambleo, (QBC) Quebecoin, (LAZ) Lazaruscoin, (MARX) MarxCoin, (SPORT) SportsCoin, (MCRN) MACRON, (BAC) BitAlphaCoin, (CBD) CBD Crystals, (SKR) Sakuracoin, (QBT) Cubits, (DISK) DarkLisk, (GAIN) UGAIN, (OP) Operand, (PRM) PrismChain, (HCC) Happy Creator Coin, (CYC) Cycling Coin, (LEPEN) LePen, (GMX) GoldMaxCoin, (LTH) LAthaan, (GBRC) Global Business Revolution, (TCR) TheCreed, (LKC) LinkedCoin, (MBL) MobileCash, (FEDS) FedoraShare, (POKE) PokeCoin, (TEAM) TeamUp, (VGC) VegasCoin, (UNC) UNCoin, (CC) CyberCoin, (PAYP) PayPeer, (TELL) Tellurion, (MONEY) MoneyCoin, (XSTC) Safe Trade Coin, (PDG) PinkDog, (WOW) Wowcoin, (IFLT) InflationCoin, (ACES) Aces, (YES) Yescoin, (FFC) FireFlyCoin, (CME) Cashme, (STRB) SuperTurboStake, (SOUL) SoulCoin, (HILL) President Clinton, (RCN) Rcoin, (PBC) PabyosiCoin, (X2) X2, (CHOOF) ChoofCoin, (VTY) Victoriouscoin, (VAL) Valorbit, (DIME) Dimecoin, (VTA) Virtacoin, (DVC) Devcoin, (XP) XP, (NBE) BitCentavo, (PAC) Paccoin Server Requirements PHP 5+ allow_url_fopen Enabled
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learnspanishfans · 7 years
10 Incredible German Sayings: The Inspiring, the Funny and the Just Plain Confusing
One really effective way to make your German sound more like a native’s is to learn Sprichwörtern. These are the everyday German sayings that German speakers use to express emotions, actions and thoughts. You probably know them better as turns of phrase or idioms in English and you use them every day. You know, expressions like:
"Hit two birds with one stone"
"Once in a blue moon"
"Let the cat out of the bag"
"Cry over spilt milk"
By learning these phrases your German will begin to take on a more natural flow and help convince people of your fluency! You’ll never see anyone look so surprised as when you quote Goethe or ask someone, Warum spielst du die beleidigte leberwurst? “Why are you playing the offended liver sausage?” In this article I want to share some of the best German proverbs, idioms and sayings that you can work into your everyday conversations. Lass uns anfangen! Let’s begin!
1: “Ich kriege so eine Krawatte”
This is one of those funny German sayings that really doesn’t make any sense when you first hear it in conversation (I mean, do they ever?). Literally it translates to, “I get such a tie!” as in the formal item you would wear around your neck. And it comes from the pressure you feel in your throat when you get so angry you could scream. Germans use this saying when they find something makes them really angry. Here are a few examples of it in action:
Ich kriege so eine Krawatte, wenn Lucy mein letzte Ibuprofen nimmt. “It really annoys me when Lucy takes my last Ibuprofen”
Sara hat gesagt, ‘James du musst nicht lügen!’, aber ich bin kein Lügner! Ach…ich kriege so eine Krawatte. “Sara said, ‘James, you don’t need to lie.’ But I’m not a liar! Oh...it really winds me up that does.”
Ich kriege so eine Krawatte, wenn man mit mir auf Englisch reden will. Ich muss Deutsch üben! “It really annoys me when someone wants to speak to me in English. I have to practise my German!”
If you can use the English phrases, “I get so annoyed when…” or “It really winds me up when…” you can use this in its place.
2: “Warum spielst du die beleidigte Leberwurst?”
In English this translates quite hilariously to, “Why are you playing the offended liver sausage?”. This is one of my favourite German sayings because I feel you can only appreciate the strangeness of it if you’re not a native speaker. You’d use this to ask someone why they’re throwing a tantrum or overreacts to something trivial. For example when a child asks for some sweets and doesn’t get them. Or in an adult setting that might look like: ”Jenny, warum spielst du die beleidigte Leberwurst?” (“Jenny, what’s ticked you off?”) ”Ach! Sie haben mir bei der Arbeit am Samstag ein Frühdienst gegeben. Ich will Freitagabend zu einem Konzert gehen. Mist!” (“Work have given me an early shift on Saturday. I want to go to the concert on Friday evening! Crap.”) This adds a little fun to the situation too. It’s hard to be mad when someone is calling you a liver sausage.
3: “Du gehst mir auf den Keks”
Is someone really getting on your nerves? Maybe they’re grinding your gears? Or, perhaps they’re just a thorn in your side. Well then this phrase is perfect for you. This phrase literally translates to “You’re going on my cookie” and can be used any time someone is really getting on your nerves.
David, hoer auf! Du gehst mir auf den Keks. “Stop it David, you’re getting on my nerves.”
Ach, Ed Sheeran. Seine Musik geht mir auf den Keks. “Oh Ed Sheeran! His music really gets on my nerves.”
It’s simple and it’s often considered quite a polite way to tell someone to stop doing what they’re doing because you find it annoying.
4: “Ins Fettnäpfchen treten”
Have you ever said something to someone and then immediately regretted it? Like making a joke and then realising someone in the group could really take offence? Well that feeling of putting your foot in your mouth translates to this phrase in German. Although it has an appropriately more disgusting translation of, “To step into the fat bowl”. Which pretty much sums up how anyone has ever felt at that moment.
5: “Ich hab’ dich lieb”
In German there are two stages of love. There’s ich liebe dich which means you’re completely in love with someone or something. But they also have a stage that sits somewhere around puppy love on the spectrum and it’s best used when you want to express love, but don’t want to be too on the nose about it. That’s where, “Ich hab’ dich lieb” comes in. This translates to, “I have love for you”. Which is one of those sentences that sounds like it could be grammatically correct but there’s something off with it.
6: “Ich bin bis über beide Ohren verliebt”
If you’ve found someone you’re completely smitten with, this is the perfect saying to express that emotion. In English this is the equivalent of saying that you’re head over heels in love, although it literally translates to, “I’m over both ears in love!”. This could either mean that your body is so filled with love that it goes over your ears. Or, that your brain is completely in love with them and can’t shake the thought.
7: “Frauen und Bier immer von unten”
If you’ve ever given a toast in German you’ll notice two things: people make extreme eye contact and they always clink their glasses at the bottom. And whenever you ask a German about the latter they’ll always tell you this (cheeky) German saying. It translates to, “Women and Beer; always from the bottom!” and I’ll let you figure out why for yourself.
8: “Ich habe einen Kater”
Sticking with German sayings about beer, this lovely little phrase is what people use when they have a hangover. Now I’ve never had to use this phrase myself but I’d hear it often on Saturday and Sunday mornings after we’d been out to bars and clubs. “Kater” literally translates to a hangover, but you can also use Musclenkater to describe the soreness in your muscles after you’ve been to the gym.
9: “Das ist nicht mein Bier”
Has someone ever told you a problem that you really don’t care about, or want nothing to do with? “That’s not my beer” literally expresses that emotion in five short words. Much like how you wouldn’t drink someone else’s beer, you’re not going to take on that problem. This is one of those phrases that it’d be really cool to have in English because, “That’s not my problem” just feels a little bit too unimaginative. The Polish phrase “Not my circus, not my monkeys” is another way of saying the same thing that I really like.
10: “Da steppt der Bär”
Do you have a good feeling about a party or place you’re going to? Well this phrase is the perfect way to express your excitement. This literally translates to “There steps the bear” and I really can’t think an English equivalent for it. But beware, sometimes Germans use this sarcastically when they’re invited to a party they really don’t want to go to. So be sure to pay attention to the tone of voice when it’s said. It’s also pretty flexible because you can replace Da with any location or place, for example:
Hier steppt der Bär. “Here steps the bear/ This party is really good!”
Bei Julia steppt der Bär. “At Julia’s it’s a crazy party!”
In der “Bar 100” steppt der Bär heute. “In Bar 100 it’s going to be a great party today!”
Play around with it and use it to show how much you’re looking forward to a party. Or use it sarcastically to express how much you want to leave.
What’s Your Favourite German Saying?
OK, now it’s your turn! What’s your favourite weird, funny, or insightful German saying that you love to use? Share it with the Fi3M community in the comments…
The post 10 Incredible German Sayings: The Inspiring, the Funny and the Just Plain Confusing appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.
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