#/ and i do owe 3 starters and i will get to those today as well! :)
grcveyacd · 8 months
/ i only have a handful of drafts left, but hit the heart for a small starter? possibly just a one-liner, maybe longer.
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When Grian woke up he thought it'd be a pretty normal day today, well, as normal as Hermitcraft gets. He looked at his comm to check the time, and saw the date instead. April 20th.
April 20th. Thats when...
He should go talk to Scar.
Ok so, he was getting ready to be awake, when he found the necklace. It doesn't look like anything special if you don't know where it's from, but he knows. Of course he knows, he made it. It's nothing extravagant, just a leather cord with 3 feathers on it. Specifically, one feather from each of his lives. He made sure to save one, because the ones that fell didn't change. 3 feathers, one tipped with green, one with yellow, and another with red. He didn't ever wear it, he didn't need too, it was more of a keepsake. Something concrete from each of his lives. He... he's going to wear it for the first time today. It seems right.
Actually going to talk to Scar now, he's made his way to the giant tree Scar's made his starter base. Another reminder that Scar doesn't know the definition of a starter base. Ah, there he is.
"AH! Grian!"
Scar whipped around and Grian saw what he was holding. A partially made banner. A very familiar banner, albeit unfinished. Scar saw what he was looking at and smiled sheepishly.
"I uh, don't know exactly how you made the pizza banner so I gave it my best shot."
"I guess you know what today is then."
Scar paused for a second before responding. "Yeah. I figured I should do something, and this seemed like a pretty good way. I was gonna make 2 and surprise you with one, but that didn't exactly work out."
"Hehe, sorry about that."
"It's ok, I don't think I'd've been able to make them right anyways."
"Well, I owe you then. I can help finish the banners." Grian knew what the offer sounded like, and that's why he made it. When Scar didn't say anything, he added, "We could show them off to the former Dogwarts members."
That caught Scar's attention again. "Sorry, I just noticed your necklace, but that sounds amazing."
"Yeah, I finished it after, y'know, so you wouldn't've seen me making it."
Scar nods, then asks, "Should we finish those banners then?"
Grian gently takes the unfinished banner from Scar's hand and takes it to the loom. Scar watches closely, and Grian explains the entire process as he dyes the second banner. It's nice, and its just the two of them. Grian at least, feels a sense of nostalgia. A feeling that happened one year ago. A feeling that happened, because of a prank gone wrong, and changed from a begrudging alliance, to a friend and one of the only people he could trust.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma Ecstasy [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts with a flashback in the forest
Bear: Haah...Haah...
( Once I’ve safely escaped...I’m heading straight to the hideout. I’m worried about the lil’ ones. )
( Besides, some of the other guys who got lucky and survived might have returned there as well. )
( I’m sure Ruki-kun and the others will tag along once I explain the situation to them. )
( ...Even if there’s nothing left, that’ fine too...When that happensーー )
Bear: ...Ah?
Orphanage employee: There they are! There’s four of them in total!! Seize them!
ー The screen fades to black
Bear: ( ...Why...? My legs are...giving in... )
ー The scene shifts to the orphanage
Bear: ( ...My body hurts...The fuck is going on...? I can’t move. I can’t...hear very well either... )
( ...The smell of blood...Is it coming from me...? )
( Aah...Honestly, I don’t even know if it hurts or not at this point... )
...I’m sorry...Boss...
ー A flashback ensues to Boss’ death
Bear: ーー Boss! Oi, you’ve gotta be kidding me!? Hang in there!
Lucks: ...Bear...Run...
Bear: Fuck off! What kind of henchman would I be if I just left my Boss for dead!?
Oi, I’m begging you...! Stand! Let’s run away together...!!
Lucks: Please, just go! You dumbass...! The soldiers...Will be back soーー ...Ugh...!
Bear: Boss!!
Lucks: ...Look up, Bear...
Aah...Damnit...I’m about to die over here...Yet the sky is so frustratingly...blue...
Say...I told you, didn’t I...? That under this sky, everyone’s...equal...
ー The flashback ends
Bear: ( ...If I had known I would die in this hellhole...I would have much rather perished back then... )
( If I have to die...I’d at least want to go underneath the same sky as Boss did...Fuck... )
( ...I don’t want to die here...I still haven’t...accomplished anything... )
( ... )
???: ーー Poor child.
Bear: ( ...Who’s there? )
???: ...Would you perhaps care for eternal life?
Bear: ( ...I don’t care who you are. If I die here, things will end before I get to do anything... )
( I’m gonna...fulfill Boss’ wish...right...!? )
...I do...
ー The scene shifts to Karlheinz’ room
Karlheinz: Ruki, Kou, Yuma, Azusa. Come here.
Yuma: ...
Ruki: Oi, Yuma.
Yuma: Ah? ...Oh, you’re talking to me?
Karlheinz: Are you still having trouble adjusting to your new name?
Yuma: My bad...
Karlheinz: Just take your time. You still have plenty of time ahead of you after all.
Well then, come here. Let us enjoy a cup of tea.
Yuma: ...
Karlheinz: Is something the matter, Yuma?
Yuma: What’s this? ...No, what could this be? (1)
Karlheinz: Hm? Aah, this is sugar. You’ve never seen it before?
Yuma: Sugar? ...It has a weird shape.
Karlheinz: They’re shaped like flowers. These are called roses. Show me your hand, Yuma. You should try one.
Yuma: ...Thank you very much. Nn...
Karlheinz: What do you think?
Yuma: ....Hella delicious!! I’ve never had somethin’ this good!
Ruki: Yuma! Watch your language! 
Karlheinz: Ruki, I don’t mind. Do you want another one, Yuma?
Yuma: Hell yeah!! ...I mean yes. (2)
Karlheinz: Then how about this? If you make me happy, I shall give you sugar as a reward.
Yuma: Make you happy...What should I do then?
Karlheinz: As a Vampire, I want you to become a formidable individual. (3) You will have to try your very hardest for that.
For you children to become Adam. That would make me happier than anything.
Yuma: Try my best to become Adam...?
Karlheinz: Is that a little difficult still? Then for starters, I shall give you some if you study hard tomorrow.
Yuma: ...Yes!
Kou: You’re so easy, Yuma-kun~
Yuma: Shut it!
ー The flashback ends as the scene shifts to Yuma’s room
Yuma: ...
( ...I owe him my life. I have to return the favor. )
( ...But... )
ー Yui enters the room
Yui: Yuma-kun, the tea is ready.
...Huh? You’re eating sugar again? But I brought you some cake as well.
Yuma: Don’t worry. There’s always room for sugar. (4)
Yui: You’re talking like a girl...
Yuma: You’ll get what I mean if ya have a taste as well. It’s addicting, ya know?
Yui: If I start eating sugar cubes whole, I’ll gain weight in no time.
Actually, how come you never pack on the pounds? It’s no fair...
Yuma: Who knows? Maybe ‘cause I’m a Vampire? Maybe you’ll understand if ya become one as well? Wanna put it to the test?
Yui: It’s a little tempting, so please don’t tempt me...
Yuma: Hah, you’re so easy. Well, not that I can judge ya.
Come on, open yer mouth.
Yui: You’ll give me some?
Yuma: Today’s an exception. I’ll make ya my partner in crime.
Yui: Partner in crime? Nom...
Yuma: It melted a lil’. Lick my finger while you’re at it. 
Yui: ...Nn...
Yuma: Good, right?
Yui: Nn, it’s good but...Very sweet.
Yuma: It’s sugar after all.
Yui: I’ve been wondering about this for a while but, how come you like sugar this much?
You don’t really eat that many other desserts, do you?
Yuma: ...
'Cause sugar tastes of sin.
Yui: Taste of sin?
Yuma: I remember every time I eat it. ...The crime I’m ‘bout to commit.
Yui: ...I don’t quite get it.
Yuma: In short, you’re my partner in crime since ya had some alongside me.
ー Yuma moves closer
Yuma: ...Don’t try and get away, Yui.
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: You’re the one who told me not to give up. If there’s even a sliver of hope left for me to become Adam, I will keep fightin’ for it.
I’ll take yer everythin’...Makin’ it so ya can’t think ‘bout anyone but me. 
Yui: ...
Yuma: Don’t tremble...I’m not tryin’ to spook ya or anythin’.
I won’t be gentle with ya, but I’ll at least listen to yer wishes, ‘kay? ...What do ya want me to do?
Yui: ...I guess ‘nothing’ isn’t an option...?
Yuma: Unfortunately for you, it isn’t. Besides...Right now, yer smell is tellin’ me ya don’t really dislike this, ya know?
Yui: M-My scent...?
Yuma: Yer expression too...If anything, ya seem to be waitin’ for it?
Yui: That’s not...
Yuma: Really?
Yui: Nn...!
Yuma: See? I can smell it. This scent...of you waitin’ for me...
Yui: Nn...Phew...
Yuma: ...Haah...
Yuma: ...I won’t betray him.
However...I won’t hand you over either...Not to anyone...!
Yui: ( Yuma-kun’s lips taste sweet...Like sugar... )
Yuma: ...Sugar really tastes of sin. It keeps on temptin’ me.
Don’t ya feel the same? Right, Yui...?
Translation notes
(1) Yuma fixes his own speech when talking to Karlheinz, using the casual なんだ or ‘nanda’ first, before changing it to the much more polite なんですか or ‘nan desu ka?’
(2) Once again, he initially just says 食べたい or ‘tabetai’ which is casual, but then quickly adds the ‘desu’. Since these are linguistic features typical of the Japanese language, it is very difficult to translate them to English. ^^;;
(3) 一人前 or ‘ichininmae’ is one of those concepts which is very much linked to Japanese culture. It is often referred to people who have found a stable job and are contributing to society, fulfilling their role in life.
(4) This is a pun on the Japanese idiom 甘いものは別腹 or ‘amai mono wa betsubara’, which literally means ‘sweets go into a different stomach’. 
[ ENDING 1 ] [ ENDING 2 ] [ ENDING 3 ]
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supercalvin · 4 years
Hi! I saw your ficlet that you wrote to cheer up someone who came out and didn't have a good experience with it and I was wondering if you could maybe write another one? My girlfriend and I came out at the same time and no one's taking it too well. We're both big fans of Merlin and especially your ficlets. I was wondering if you can write a nice supportive coming out ficlet to maybe cheer her up?
So I will tell you what I said to @ancient-depressed-druid over on that other ficlet: *Immediately drops all other prompts* LOOK AT ME. I’M THE PARENT NOW.
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1. I hope you don’t mind that I based on a fic idea my friend gave me. It’s really funny, although it’s not necessarily a ‘coming out fic’ I hope its enough to cheer you both up.
2. This turned out wayyy too long again. Whoops.
3. Did I take 20 min to make that image?? YES I DID
Prompts + Ficlets
Balinor arrived at the oral surgeon’s office with a sigh. To say that this was not how Balinor expected to spend his afternoon would be an understatement.
“I’m here to pick up Arthur Pendragon,” He told the receptionist.
There were a lot of things about the last fifteen years of Balinor’s life that he hadn’t expected. For one thing, he hadn’t expected to run into an old flame when he moved to Camelot. He hadn’t expected her to have a little toddler at her ankles who had looked so similar to Balinor it actually knocked the breath out of him the first time he saw Merlin.
He hadn’t expected to fall back in love with Hunith or to suddenly become a full-time Dad as Hunith worked full-time at the local senior home.
He also hadn’t expected when Merlin came out to him, but Hunith had admonished him for not noticing Merlin’s small probing conversation starters before. Balinor had never been very good at social cues. Merlin had gotten all those genes from his mother.
“Da, can Arthur come over after school tomorrow?”
“Who’s Arthur? You’ve not mentioned him before.” Balinor had asked, not looking up from the wood he had been cutting. (Merlin had become an avid reader and needed a new bookshelf in his room. Merlin had said they could just buy one but Balinor had insisted on making one for him.)
“Um…Well… He’s my boyfriend. Maybe.”
Balinor had looked up at that. Merlin had his arms wrapped around himself and he had hovered by the door, as if he was about to run out.
Balinor had nodded, “Fine. But you have to keep your door open when he’s here.”
“Da,” Merlin’s face had been bright red, but he had also looked pleased.
“Get back here,” Balinor had stopped him before Merlin bolted out the door. Balinor had pulled his son into a quick hug and pressed a kiss to his hair. At seventeen years old, Merlin was skinny and soon he would be just as tall as Balinor himself. When that day came, Balinor would miss being able to coddle him so easily.
“Thanks, Da.”
“Don’t be too happy, I haven’t met this Arthur yet.”
On principle, Balinor did not like Arthur. No one would be good enough for Merlin, but especially not some spoiled brat. Hunith liked Arthur, which was the only reason Balinor tolerated Merlin having the kid over as often as he did. It wasn’t that he was mean to Arthur (of course not) it was just that Merlin was the most important thing in Balinor’s life, and there was a high possibility that young love would turn to young heartbreak. Balinor only wished he could spare his son that.
Today, Arthur was getting his wisdom teeth removed and the original plan was for Hunith and Merlin to pick him up. Apparently, Uther was on a business that had been scheduled for the same week as Arthur’s surgery. But then Merlin had had to help his Uncle Gaius at the shop and then there had been an emergency at the senior home and Hunith couldn’t do it.
Which left Balinor.
Balinor was ushered into the back room where Arthur was holding an icepack to his face, eyes glazed over.
“Arthur?” Balinor leant down to catch the boy’s eye.
Arthur blinked a few times and then he seemed to recognize Balinor.
“Mr. Emrysss!” He said with what Balinor assumed was a smile, although his cheeks were so puffed that it was hard to tell. “Ow.”
“Careful of the stitches,” The nurse said. “Maybe get a milkshake, love.”
“Milkshake,” Arthur said with wide eyes, looking up at Balinor.
Which is how Balinor found himself driving down the road trying to remember the closest ice cream shop.
“Sorry you got stuck with me. I know you don’t like me.”
Balinor was surprised that despite the slow and slurred speech Arthur seemed aware enough to say this.
“I don’t dislike you. You’re dating my son. I’m just watching out for Merlin.”
“’das fair.” Arthur said and then poked his own cheek a few times.
“Stop that. You’ll pull the stitches.” Balinor pulled his hands away from his face.
Arthur sat on his hands, looking like a scolded five-year-old instead of a bratty teenager.
Arthur still seemed very out of it and didn’t say much for another few minutes. He might have dozed off, but he woke up again when Balinor handed him a vanilla milkshake.
With a bit of sugar into him, Arthur became decidedly more chatty.
“You know, I really do like Merlin.”
“I would hope so,” Balinor said as he drove.
“I love him, actually. Haven’t told him yet. Scarred.”
Balinor’s heart tugged a bit. He wasn’t heartless. He just worried over Merlin. But he could also recognize that Arthur was also a young boy in the throes of first love too.
“Don’t be scarred of your own feelings, Arthur.” Balinor said, a phrase that he had told Merlin many times before.
“Not what my Dad says. Always tells me to get over it.”
Balinor had only ever met Uther once, but he was starting to really not like the man. Really, what kind of man had a business trip on the same week as his son’s surgery?
“You know, I really respect you.” Arthur said, “You’re always so good to Merlin. And saying things like that about feelings. Even if you’re all stoic. I like that. Wish my Dad was like that instead of just being an asshole. Shit, sorry for cursing.”
Balinor had to hold in a laugh, although it was hard. The poor kid was out of his mind on pain meds.
“You know, when Merlin invites me over on Sundays, and Ms. E makes dinner and we watch a film, it’s like the best thing that happens to me all week.”
At a stop sign, Balinor looked over at Arthur who was cradling his milkshake with reverent hands. He also was looking out the window, not really aware of Balinor. As if he was just saying his internal monologue out loud.
“Sometimes I don’t see my Dad all week and I’m alone in a big house for days in a row.” Arthur said, his voice sounding distant, “Dad doesn’t have a clue about Merlin. He barely knows I’m alive, let alone gay. So I’m glad Merlin has you,” Arthur looked back over at Balinor, suddenly pinning him in his seat with round dilated eyes. “You’re a good Dad. Maybe you don’t like me, but it’s because you want Merlin to have the best. That’s alright by me. I don’t think I’m good enough for Merlin either. But I’ll stick around because he wants me to.”
Balinor cleared his throat and turned back to the road after realizing he had been stopped at a stop sign for over a minute.
A week later, Arthur was fully recovering from the surgery and he had no recollection of anything he said to Balinor. As far as he was aware, he got a milkshake, took a nap, and woke up groggy on the Emrys’ front room sofa.
The following Sunday, Arthur was invited to their family dinner. Afterwards, when Arthur offered to do the dishes, Balinor quietly started drying, telling Hunith and Merlin to go pick a film.
There was tension pouring off Arthur in waves.
“We’re going on a family trip to Ireland in the summer,” Balinor said, wiping down a pan.
“Yeah, Merlin told me. Sounds nice,” Arthur said awkwardly.
“You’re invited.”
“What?” Arthur dropped the bowl back into the soapy water with a loud ‘plop.’
Balinor made eye contact with Arthur, who looked utterly baffled. “Do you want to go?”
“I mean…uh,” Arthur blinked.
“It’d be nice for you to come,” Balinor said. “Merlin would be ecstatic. You two could go off sightseeing while Hunith and I visit old friends.”
“You wouldn’t mind?”
“Arthur,” Balinor said, trying to make himself clear. “Merlin didn’t ask me. He doesn’t even know I’m asking you. I’m asking because I want you to come along.”
Arthur nodded. His mouth was still half open in surprise. “Yeah. Um. I’d like that. Thanks.”
“Good,” Balinor dried off another plate and ruffled Arthur’s hair. “Finish up here. Those two are likely picking some horrible film. I need your vote against another historical drama.”
Arthur looked baffled, but he also looked pleased.
Good, Balinor thought. Maybe it wasn’t too bad having another son around the house.
Prompts + Ficlets
Balinor said, “Is anyone gonna adopt this kid?” and then didn’t wait for an answer.
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willowdied · 3 years
OKAY!!! SLIGHT CHANGE OF PLANS! starter call ( and owed plotted starters ) will be done on monday / this weekend IF i get my drafts all done. thank you all for your patience on those, i want to make sure everyone who wants to like gets a chance to! 
TODAY! i will be doing memes and drafts and messaging people back when i finish ( and again, thank you lots for everyone’s patience!! ) 
love you all lots and hope all are well <3
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olei91 · 3 years
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A Woman Can Be Silly Too, You Know? 
Today, I posted a photo on my story after getting my haircut and a bit of color. The cut was the shortest my "friends" had ever seen me.
Other than my hair, I was also happy about my skin. I wasn't wearing any makeup and decided not to use any filter, because hey, for the first time in 3 years, I felt good about myself. And besides, I wanted to goof around and declare that your '30s make you choose practicality over vanity. My haircut was a pun to aging women that I even inserted a text on my photo saying "gupit pantita". Which means haircut for aunts. Actually, for me, accepted reactions were anything but disgust. I can take all the laugh reactions, with some comments saying the cut was masculine and all. What wasn't cool for me, you say?  
Well, for starters, comments that blame me for not presenting a pretty face for them. Statements telling me that I don't make them drool over my photo like it's my obligation, or maybe asking me to explain my action if I am going through something.
Guess who asked me these very thoughtful questions? A man. Newsflash! I can look silly, post it, and not owe you anything. If they're genuinely concerned about me, why haven't they noticed how my skin cleared out? How I looked happy and stress-free from all the workplace politics, I've been dealing with before.  
I'm living my life and sharing simple moments to create positivity instead of envy. In fact, my hair was done by my mother, in our home, with leftover hair color from a year ago.
A little back story for you, when I turned 27, my skin was acting up like crap, and acne after acne, I tried everything. It didn't help when people were constantly reminding me of how bad I looked. I laughed with them, but deep inside, I was annoyed and hurt. It was not like I prayed to have all those bumps on my face. They were talking like they knew what I was going through and like I wasn't doing everything in my power to get rid of that curse.
It's OK to laugh, especially if the concerned party intends to do so. The point here is for you to live your life and let others too. Don't get caught up with social media, thinking you are entitled only to see what you want. You always have a choice to unfollow, block, unfriend, restrict content. If you're not going to say anything valuable, or contribute to the society, or atleast to that person’s well-being then shut up.
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petpediaweb · 3 years
A Complete Guide on Feeding Puppies - When, How & What
Welcoming a new puppy home is the biggest joy one could ever experience. In those initial months, your pup requires a balanced diet to fuel their speedy growth and to ensure they live a long, healthy and memorable life. As per AAFCO recommendations, your pup’s diet must have at least 22% protein, 8% fat, adequate carbohydrates, essential fatty acids with mineral and vitamin fortification. Puppy food is absolutely essential for the first year of your pup’s development as it sets the basis for their overall health and nutrition for the rest of their life. Not to mention, the growth deformities and deficiency disorders, if you fail to provide the right nutrition. Hence, getting the nutritional balance exactly right with just homemade food becomes an overwhelming process for any new doggo owner. But the good news is, we have done the research for you and with our selection of puppy dry food online, wet food, treats & more, you will find one that meets the needs of your growing pupper and your budget.
As a new or potential pet parent, you probably have these questions in mind; How often to feed my puppy? How much quantity? And most importantly WHAT to feed my perpetually hungry pup? We’ll break down each of these questions for you, so read on.
 How often should I feed my puppy?
Your pup’s feeding schedule will undergo quite a few updates in the first year. Owing to their fast development and tiny gut size, your pup will start off with 5 meals spaced out in a day before the age of 2 months. Your pup will soon graduate to 4 meals a day till 3 months of age transitioning to 3 meals a day after the age of 3 months. From six months onwards upto almost a year, you can move your puppy’s feeding times down to two a day. Feeding your pet at the same time every day helps them set into a routine. Your pup may start showing signs of feeling hungry during those times and not hungry during hours you fed them earlier.
AGE                                       FEEDING FREQUENCY
Up to 2 months                           5 times a day
2-3 months                                 4 times a day
3-6 months                                 3 times a day
6 months onwards                      3 times a day
 How much to feed my puppy?
Its best to feed them smaller, more frequent meals. Puppy food is formulated to provide a certain amount of nutrients per amount of food. Due to the rapid phases of growth puppies experience, they require food which has higher energy-density than an adult dog along with a larger volume of food than their adult counterparts. As they grow up, their feeding quantity gradually decreases with age. Surprising, right? Think of it as feeding for the future, rather than the size they are today.
How much food a puppy should eat is a question with a lot of variables, the biggest being the breed.” Different breeds have different daily caloric requirements due to differences in metabolism and level of activity. Furthermore, the puppy’s weight plays a major role in portion control. As a thumb rule, a puppy should be fed at the rate of 15 grams of feed per kg body weight of the pup in each meal.
Say your 3-month old doggo weighs 3 kgs.
So, one meal will comprise 15 X 3= 45 grams of food.
As the frequency of feeding for this age category is 3 times a day, the total allowance for the day will amount to 45 X 3= 135 grams. You can dodge this math simply by following the feeding table on the back of the bag of dog food.
Word of caution here, DO NOT let those puppy dog eyes trip you into giving them more food than what is advised.
 What should I feed my puppy?
Puppies are likely to eat whatever is found under their nose! As the parent, you need to decide the right pet foods. With countless years of research and dollars spent on perfecting the best formulation for your furry companion, they are the best bet for your pup. Your pup’s unique nutritional requirement will depend on its size, breed and age. Puppies of small sized breeds can reach their full adult size at about nine to ten months of age. While the large breed puppy can take anywhere from fifteen to twenty-four months. There’s no “one-size-fits-all diet” that could possibly cover all the needs of all the puppies in the world. Additionally, puppy food comes in a variety of types such as dry kibble, wet food, raw, freshly made and treats.
With so many tasty and healthy food options for pups, it’s definitely a good idea for pet parents to invest time in understanding the important ones.
 Dry food
Dry food is a popular option for many pet parents owing to the convenience and ease along with acceptability in vegetarian households too. By the time puppies are six weeks old, they will start weaning off their mothers onto a mixture of puppy cereal and a specially formulated puppy food. The type of dry food you choose for your puppy will further depend upon the age and breed of your puppy. So, to provide a more specific nutrition, the dog food is categorised according to breed size into Mini, Medium, Maxi and Giant breed food.
Mini/ Small (Adult weight below 10 kgs) : Shih-Tzu, Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Miniature Pinscher, Yorkshire  Terrier, Chihuahua
Medium (Adult weight : 10-24 kgs): Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, Poodle, Basset Hound, Dalmatian,  Bulldog, Standard Schnauzer, Chow Chow
Maxi (Adult weight : 25-50 kgs): Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Boxer,  Akita, Siberian Husky
Giant (Adult weight over 50 kgs): Saint Bernard, Bullmastiff, Great Dane, Rottweiler
 So after figuring out the category in which your pup belongs according to their breed, find the food appropriate for his age within that category.
Each breed category has a starter, puppy and adult food which changes with your puppy's age. Starter food is an energy dense feed which supports the rapid growth of pups without disturbing their digestive system which is at an immature stage. Kibbles easily rehydrate to a consistency that is porridge-like which is very palatable for weaning puppies. Puppy food further facilitates proper growth and helps avoid excess weight gain thanks to an adapted energy content. Skeletal development is the hallmark of this growth period; hence an appropriate puppy food provides the right nutritional balance of calcium and phosphorus in their diet. Adult food is a tailored diet to maintain a healthy body conformation throughout the dog’s life.
 Starter food: (Age group- Up to 2 months)
Till 2 months of age, gradually transition your pup from mother’s milk or the feed the breeder was giving to a category of dry food known as starter food. It has a combination of nutritional elements present in mother’s milk that actively promote digestive health and help maintain the puppy’s natural defences. This food facilitates an easy transition from mother's milk to solid food. If your puppy is struggling to eat dry food, you can try mixing it with a little warm water to make it softer, until their teeth get stronger.
 Puppy Dry food: (Age group: 2-10 months (small breed) , 2-15 months (large breed))
Most commercial puppy dry foods have a range for puppy stage which applies for small breed pups till the age of 10 months and large breed pups till the age of 15 months. This food has excellent sources of protein namely chicken, lamb, fish and turkey which is extremely essential for proper growth. It is rich in calories from protein and fat sources. Crunchy dry kibble has an add-on advantage of keeping your dog's teeth healthy by reducing plaque and tartar build-up. Which is why kibble eaters generally have way better breath!
 Adult food: (Age group: After 10 months (small breeds), after 16 months (large breed))
While puppy dry food has many of the same ingredients as adult dry dog food, puppy meals tend to have higher concentrations of essential nutrients. This is because puppies have different requirements as compared to older dogs; just as human babies have different diets from adult humans. So, they’ll need fewer of the resources in their food to contribute to growth, but need more to support maintenance. They are enriched with probiotics, vitamins, essential fatty acids to support digestive and joint health, maintain skin barrier and manage an ideal weight.
The best time to change from puppy dry food to adult dry food depends on their breed, but most dogs are ready to change foods between 12-24 months of age.
Make the change gradually: Irrespective of your dog’s age, any form of food transition with dogs must be done gradually. Start by mixing a little of the next stage food (10-15%) with the previous stage food. If your puppy shows no unusual signs and tolerates it, (translation: no intestinal disturbances), you can double the amount of new food the next day. It should usually take about a week to make the full transition.
(P.S.- make sure there is plenty of fresh water available for your pup)
Pet parents usually have their hands full with their pup’s feeding schedule, potty training and teething that they often miss out on their most basic necessity; WATER. Every single bodily function from digestion to brain development, requires water. All efforts put into providing the best possible nutrition will turn to dust, if your pup is in a dehydrated state. Therefore, it’s very important to keep your pooch well hydrated at all times so they function at the peak of their capacity and avoid any health issues that could creep up due to dehydration. As a thumb rule, puppies must have direct access to at least one-half cup of water every two hours or so. Each time you reach for your own water bottle, think of your pet’s water needs, too.
 Wet Food
Whilst dry food mainly brings advantages for the owner in terms of price, cleanliness and convenience, the advantages of wet food benefit the dog itself. Most doggos would probably opt for wet food if they could choose themselves, since wet food, more intense in smell and taste, simply tastes better to them. It is ideal for fussy eaters or pets with illnesses. With grain free and chicken free options, wet food is one of the best options for dogs with food allergies.  Wet puppy food also offers your dog more hydration. Wet food becomes an important source of hydration in dogs that are hyperactive and don’t drink a lot of water themselves.
Both dry and wet food have their fans, so most pet parents provide the best of both worlds by feeding a mix of the two or simply using wet food as a topper for dry food. But remember, it is the content that matters, not the variety. So, focus on a food that best supports their growth and development and helps them thrive.
These titbits not only serve as a pat on the back for when your puppy does something good, but can also be used for mental stimulation, dental care, teething and supplementation.
It should be noted that even the healthiest dog treats can never replace a balanced diet in a dog’s life. Treats should be seen as enjoyable supplements to a dog’s daily diet.
 Foods your dog should never eat
It sure is difficult to resist those big brown eyes and that adorable face. But remember before giving them a little reward off your table, that certain human foods are downright dangerous for your bundle of fluff. Due to differences in body composition, digestive enzymes and physiology of the body, some foods can upset your pup’s digestive system and send them straight to the emergency vet.
Avocados, grapes, raisins, onion, garlic, almonds, chocolate, coffee and tea are certain foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption but are TOXIC for your dog, posing a serious threat to their health and well-being. Dairy products can cause dysbiosis in certain dogs further leading to diarrhoea as well as food allergies. The bones in meat, chicken and fish can be hazardous too. They can splinter and stick in the throat, break teeth or cut the intestines. Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods which are sweetened with xylitol are also extremely dangerous. Also, accidental consumption of alcohol, tobacco or marijuana can be lethal. So, keep these foods out of your dog’s reach and contact your vet ASAP if they do consume any of these!
A human takes 18 years to fully grow and reach adulthood. Whereas your pooch has to cover this 18 year worth growth in mere 12-24 months. This only emphasises the need for proper nutrition in puppyhood. Proper research and a consultation with a vet will help you map out the best combination of dry, wet, homemade food and treats to ensure good health for your pupper who is just starting out in life.
For more information about Puppy Food Online visit: Pet pedia
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »3
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff ▎ word count: 4.5k ▎ ch.warnings: cursing, slight angst.
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Jungkook slowly flickered his eyes open when the sun peeked through the windows, squinting as he groans, stretching out his body until his joints popped. He rolled over to his stomach, arm searching for the warmth of the elder as his skin only found the cold of empty sheets. “Tae?” He mumbled, hand once again searching the spot next to him as if he’d reappear if he called out for him. Jungkook heaves himself up on his elbows, eyes searching the room. Taehyung left while he was asleep, huh? “Of course...” Jungkook couldn’t help it, but he felt his chest tighten, because a part of him almost believed that.. maybe this could be something more. But he was a fool, wasn’t he? A fool for Taehyung.
Jungkook started to feel frustrated, his sadness slowly shifting into anger. He got up, still sore, still feeling the aftermath of Tae’s touch lingering on his skin.
“I’m a fucking idiot!” He growled to himself, pulling at his hair as he went to the bathroom to take a quick shower-- cool his nerves. When he got back out, he caught a glimpse of the markings all over his neck, a trail of purple and pink hickeys adorning his skin down to his collarbones. He reached up to smooth the pads of his fingers over the marks, a clear reminder of what had happened last night. He could still feel Taehyungs lips on him, a short, heavy exhale pushing through his lips at the thought. He couldn’t come to class like this. He couldn’t face Taehyung after this.
He put his clothes on, going back and forth around his apartment until he decided to call in sick. As he put his phone down on the small table next to his bed, he found the sweatshirt Taehyung had left behind. He bent down to fish it up, holding the fabric close to his nose, inhaling deeply. Sweat. Cologne. Taehyung. It was both comforting and painful, but he decided to lay down in bed once more, keeping the sweatshirt close as he bit his lower lip to prevent it from trembling, forcing his eyes shut, and hopefully be able to escape reality for just a little longer.
“Soo.. what rave did you go to last night?”, Jin chuckled, making everyone else’s head turn around to face Taehyung. “Fuck off.” Was all he had to say, ignoring the stares of his close friends as he leaned against the locker, hands dug deep in the warmth of his pockets. He really didn’t feel like partaking in heavy conditioning today.. After leaving Jungkook’s house, Tae couldn’t seem to fall back asleep; all of the thoughts rushing in and out of his head were deafening as shit. One moment he’d be thinking of Kook and how it felt to lay next to him, how cute he looks when his nose crinkles up, if he’d written his history paper, Jungkook’s visibly smaller hand, fuck he should really write that paper— It got to a point where Taehyung got a headache. “Tae, what happened?” Jimin’s concerned voice rang, placing his petite hand on the taller’s shoulder. “Nothing.” He shrugged him off, oblivious to everyone else’s knowing looks. “If it makes you feel better..” Hoseok nudged Tae at his side, “you’re rocking those eye bags.” It made Yoongi smile, but not Taehyung. “Hey, where’s Jungkookie?” Jimin asked once again, looking around for the younger’s presence in the locker room. Suddenly, everyone’s attention was set on wondering just where the hell Jungkook could be. Taehyung included. It was so unlike him to arrive late, even less miss a day of practice. “I don’t know, he should’ve been here by now.” Namjoon sighed, looking down at his watch. In a sly manner, he snuck a glance over at Taehyung, noticing how he didn’t utter a word when Jungkook’s name was mentioned. Joon knew Tae reassured him that nothing was going on between the two, but, he still had some doubts.. Fishing his phone from out of his pocket, Namjoon tapped on Jungkook’s contact.
To: Kook Hey, where are you?? are you ok? everyone’s losing their shit cause you’re not here
Jungkook was staring up at the ceiling when his phone chimed, interrupting the swirling thoughts in his mind. He wasn’t able to fall asleep, feeling too anxious about everything. Taehyung, for starters. He needed space, there was no way he could face him and act like everything was normal after last night. Not yet. And not to mention the fact that he’s straight up skipping practice at school, the one thing he had put all his effort into, never missing a single day, never ever late. All because of his stupid feelings for Kim fucking Taehyung.
He sat up in the bed, Tae’s sweatshirt in his lap as he reaches to grab his phone. Right, practice.. Normally he’d be like a bunny, full of energy and never ending passion to be the very best. Today? Drained. Exhausted... he had no drive to go, and there’s no way he’d let anybody see him like this. He needed to recharge, heal and then everything could go back to the way it always used to be.
Jungkook sighed, he’s never one to text. But he felt like he at least owed Namjoon, and the team, something. Even if it’s a lie.
To: Namjoon Hey. I’m ok, sick.
Simple, to the point. Jungkook presses send, he didn’t want to see whether or not he read it, and just wanted to get back into his own mind. He went to the living room, plopping down on the couch, which now rocks a dried cumstain, and turns on his PlayStation. Maybe this could distract him for a while.
Namjoon stared at the vague text message that Kook replied with, his lips pressed together in a tight line. There’s no way he’s sick, his immune system is off the charts. Namjoon would know, he had the entire teams health checked regularly. He sighed, rubbing his temples with his fingers, as he was met with the obvious confused faces of the team. They also wondered where the fuck their golden boy were. “So, eh, Jungkook won’t be here today, but we will hope he comes back tomorrow.” Joon announced.
“Why? What’s wrong with him?” Jimin asked
“He’s sick. Now, chop chop,” Namjoon clapped his hands, “Warm up! Then we will continue with heavy conditioning!”
As everyone mumbled about the topic of Jk, they headed to do their thing, all while Namjoon let his focus shift to taehyung. He surely must know something.
Tae wasn’t stupid; he could feel Namjoon’s gaze dig a hole in his skin from a mile away. During practice he’d catch him staring, gaze so intense and inquiring. It was unsettling.. Joon desperately needed to mind his own fucking business before Taehyung walked over there and— The boy’s fists relaxed, inhaling a sharp breath. He was angry. Angry at himself for whatever the fuck last night was. He allowed Jungkook to snuggle up to him, wrap his arms around his chest, run his fingers through his hair.. Maybe they should come up with a set of rules or some shit, it would make things a lot easier. After practice was over, Taehyung did his usual routine. He got dressed and attempted to cover the musty smell with some cologne, ignoring his friends’ obvious look of worry. Even though Taehyung wore a deadpanned expression on his face most of the times, they’d never seen him this closed off. By now, everyone was sure it had something to do with Jungkook being gone. Knowing them, they most likely got into another verbal fight, “Tae, are you sure-“ Jimin’s voice got cut short by the loud slam of Taehyung’s locker, wide eyes watching as the latter left the locker room without looking back. “Well, he seems angry.” “No shit, Yoongi.”
Hours had passed in the blink of an eye, Jungkook has been glued to his video game the entire time, focusing on anything but his own mind. He mashed the buttons until his fingers hurt, knuckles whitened at the intense pressure he used until he threw the controller on the floor with a frustrated grunt, “fuck!” This wasn’t working anymore. He got up and wandered to his fridge, but it was empty. His stomach growled, he hadn’t eaten all day, his appetite suppressed until now. He figured he should go get something, even if it’s something small from the nearby noodle spot. The lady there was always extra generous with the meat, knowing he’s a ‘young hard working boy that needs to eat properly’.
He headed to to the door, slipping on his shoes and jacket as he caught another glimpse of himself in the mirror hanging on the wall. Right, the marks . Jungkook grabbed his black scarf and wrapped it around his neck before combing his fingers through his long curls. He really hoped he could just eat and go back home without seeing anybody from school. Not many would go there anyway.
Jungkook stepped out the door with his hands deep in his pockets, sauntering in a comfortable pace due to his sore muscles down the street until he reached the small restaurant. The bell chimed when he pushed through the door, greeted by the old lady with a smile, 
“Little Jeon! It’s been a while. Are you eating well? Here, sit down, I’ll get you the usual.” Jungkook smiled, taking his seat, “Thank you noona. I’m well.”
The lady shortly placed a big bowl of noodles with sides of rice and meat, happily waltzing back to the kitchen as he stirs the soup. This was nice. Tae would love this pla- no. Not everything has to draw him back to Taehyung.
After bidding farewell to his friends, Jimin took quick, determined strides over to his car, his colorful keychain dangling by his hand. There was only one thing he’s been craving since this morning, and that was a bowl of warm, tasty chicken soup to satisfy his tastebuds. When Jimin got into his car, turning on the radio to the latest hits, he made eye contact with Taehyung as the latter stepped into the car next to his. He seemed.. distressed? Definitely not like himself, that was for sure. The elder decided not to question it, ultimately all Taehyung would do was ignore him. “That brat..” Jimin disappointedly clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, watching as the younger recklessly sped out of the parking lot until he disappeared off into the distance. He felt his heart drop at the noise of the heavy engine, his protective hyung side kicking in. He shook it off, though. Jimin was just a natural worrier. Minutes later, and the latter found himself in front of the familiar noodle spot, feeling his body wiggle from excitement. Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket, Jimin pushed open the door, immediately greeted by the gentle voice of the old lady whom he’s come to know when him and his little brother would eat here late at night. By now, he knew most of her life story. He didn’t mind though, Jimin found it interesting. After ordering what his mind’s been set on since early in the morning, he looked around for a place to sit when his eyes stopped at a familiar figure, “Jungkookie!” Jimin waved at him, not wasting another second before rushing to his side, “How are you feeling?” He sat himself down on the empty chair, hand coming up to brush Jungkook’s bangs out of the way before resting it on his forehead.
Meanwhile, Taehyung was getting close to the younger’s apartment. He didn’t know what the fuck he would say, but.. he knew he needed to say something. Establish some ground rules, perchance.
Jungkook swallowed a mouthful of noodles with a loud gulp, surprised to see Jimin here. shit, he was one of the ones extra close to Taehyung out of the group, ''H-hey, Jiminie.'' He choked out, giving a small smile to him, letting him feel his face. He's always been a physical guy, and at this point he was fairly used to it, ''I'm better.''
''Everyone was wondering where the hell you were today, we were worried!'' Jimin withdrew his hand to sit down across from Jungkook, waiting on his food. He observed Jungkook for a moment before continuing, ''Taehyungie seemed the most distressed, I mean, he's usually grumpy, but today he was completely off.'' Jimin was never one to keep quiet about anything.
''He was?'' Jungkook crooked an eyebrow, taking another bite off of his food, ''That's weird.''
Jimin momentarily turned to thank the lady when she arrived with his food, picknig a mouthful up and blowing off the steam before putting it in his mouth, pointing his chopsticks at Kook, ''Isn't it? I was wondering if it had something to do with you. You've been acting weird lately, both of you.''
Jungkook exhaled quietly, this was turning into a conversation he'd rather not have, but if anybody was gonna worry, it was him, ''Why would you think that?''
''Because,'' Jimin paused to take another bite, ''You two always bicker, everyone knows that. But lately, it turned into silence, and suddenly, you disappear. I don't think this is a coincidence.''
Shit, Jimin was sharp. Jungkook kept eating, avoiding the question for as long as possible until Jimin's eyes were basically piercing him, ''Spill it, Jungkookie. You know you can't bottle things up. Were you even really sick today?''
Jungkook's shoulders shrunk into his seat, he felt defeated.
“I knew it!” Jimin exclaimed through a mouthful, the food suddenly not his main priority anymore. He had to get to the bottom of this, no matter how many times Jungkook objected to the idea of it. It was the least he could do for having him worried out of his mind! The doe eyed male was never absent. Everyone in the entire planet knew this. Hell, even their Literacy teacher, Mrs. Kang, was thrown off in the middle of taking attendance. “Come on, tell me what’s really got you all mopey.” Jimin softly urged, “if Tae was mean to you, I’ll gladly smack him in the back of the head for you. That’s a promise!” The shorter knew Taehyung could be an ass sometimes, so he completely understood if Jungkook had fallen victim to his “jerkiness”. Again.. “Even if it’s not about Taehyung, just let it out.” The sound of the bell chiming, signaling that someone else had stepped into the restaurant, caused Jimin’s eyes to momentarily avert his gaze from Jungkook’s face to the door. He didn’t think anything of it at first, until he took another look. After Taehyung had tried, multiple times, knocking on the younger’s door to try and get his attention, an answer never came. He tried calling him, but Kook never picked up. Maybe his phone was on silent.. Either way, Tae left without hearing a word from Jungkook. “Fucking childish..” He mumbled, thinking the other was set on ignoring him. It wasn’t even that big of a fucking deal! They just needed to talk it out. All of this chasing around in an empty stomach played with Taehyung’s appetite, a rumbling noise catching his attention. Tae opted for driving around until he came across a nearby restaurant, thinking he was going to get a moment for himself to recollect his thoughts when he noticed Jimin from the corner of his eyes. “Taehyung!” Just what he fucking needed. To make matters worse, Jungkook was also there.
Before Jungkook could answer, his attention turned to the door as well to see the very last man he wanted to --- or expected to see walk in. Shit. This was weird. The anxiety in Kook's chest started to swirl, seeing Taehyung's eyes widen as they make eyecontact only triggering him further, his fight or flight instincts kicking in. He wanted to get the fuck out of there now. But he remained frozen, dropping his chopsticks onto the table with a clattering sound, ''Taehyung...'' He whispered, the movement of his lips calling his name made them tremble. He averted his gaze, looking down at the table, hoping that maybe if he didn't move, he'd go away. However, a part of him was glad to see him. Always would be. But Tae left, it was obvious that Jungkook had expected too much, been to greedy to think that he'd ever become something more than a hole to fuck.
Jimin waved Taehyung over with a smile, he knew something was up, and this was his dream scenario for a drama lover like himself. Or, problem solution, he was fine with whichever.
Much like Jungkook, Taehyung froze in his spot the moment their eyes met. His piercing stare observing the way Kook’s brown orbs would slightly quiver in the heat of the moment, showering him with a look that made him feel guilty. What Taehyung didn’t understand was.. why the hell was Jungkook so bothered by this? Last time he checked, they weren’t dating.  Tae didn’t feel the need to explain himself, or why he did what he did. But, he knew that if he still wanted to continue seeing Jungkook, an apology was the key to putting an end to this bullshit. At least he hoped. Taehyung just wanted for things to go back to normal.
The tallest of the three hesitantly took a seat next to the pair, making sure to leave some extra room between Jungkook and him. Jimin’s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. “Taehyungie, are you not ordering anything?” The longing for food was no longer there; his appetite had gone nonexistent, “No, I’m fine.” Taehyung shook his head, eyes awkwardly traveling around the unfamiliar restaurant whilst listening to the sound of Jimin slurping on his soup. He made some more uneasy eye contact with Jungkook, his leg nervously bouncing in its spot from under the table. Taehyung bit down on his lip, sneakily inching his foot closer to Kook’s as Jimin ate, greedy for the younger’s attention. They needed to talk and figure some shit out, but they couldn’t do that with Jimin in the picture.. For now, Taehyung prayed that the look in his eye was enough.
Jungkook kept his gaze fixed on the table for a long moment after their eyecontact before he gathered the courage to look back up, catching Taehyung already staring at him with... the most emotion he's ever shown in a single gaze, probably ever. What did it mean? Was he feeling bad for what happened? Was he worried for him? He wanted to ask, but their third wheel company was in the way.
Jungkook heard Tae's stomach growl, a telltale sign that he definitely was hungry, even if he lied about it. He must've felt the same as him, this very moment killing off his appetite as well. However, he had finished half of his bowl, and figured... Maybe.. ''I'm full, you can have some if you'd like. It's a shame to waste... It's, uh.. delicious.'' Jungkook pushed the bowl over to Taehyung, hoping this could serve as a small sign that he wasn't mad at Tae. He was just mad at himself and his feelings.
Taehyung’s subtle glances never faltered from Jungkook’s face, trying to meet his eye. That was until the younger slid his bowl of unfinished food over to him, causing his eyes to widen at the kind gesture. So.. he wasn’t mad? Or was this just a cover up.. “Uh, you sure?” Tae took a hold of the same chopsticks Jungkook was using, not thinking much of it. Looking up at Kook as if wanting to make sure he was undoubtedly fine with it, he scanned every inch of his face. Hell, it was food, Taehyung wasn’t about to turn that down. After mumbling a low ‘thanks’, the boy happily began eating away at the still warm meal, oblivious to Jimin’s amused stare. “I thought you said you weren’t hungry?” He cocked a brow, impressed by how easily Taehyung gave in to Jungkook. “Yeah, well, I lied.” Tae shrugged his shoulders, cheeks fully stuffed with rice. All Jimin could do was nod, shaking his head at how much of a kid Taehyung acted when food was placed in front of him. “Okayy, well, I should be heading home..” The shortest said after he finished eating, standing up with a small stretch of his arms before pushing his chair back in. Part of him wondered what would happen if he left Jungkook and Taehyung alone together, but he hoped that whatever was going on between the two of them would get resolved at this time. Maybe he was doing this for a purpose. Who knew what went on in Park Jimin’s mind. After he left, that’s when Taehyung felt comfortable enough to talk about what’s been bothering him the whole day. “Are you really sick?” He started, “or are you ignoring me? Jungkook, I don’t know what I did wrong.”
Jungkook placed his elbow on the table, leaning his chin against the palm of his hand while looking straight at Taehyung, “No, I wasn’t sick,” he sighed, exhausted, “I’m not ignoring you, I... I just..” he struggled to find his words, eyebrows drawn together in frustration. Why was he so emotional of a person, but an absolute idiot when it comes to dealing with them, yet alone talk about them out loud. 
He groaned, annoyed by himself, was he even ready to talk about this? He didn’t want to put all of this on taehyung without even being sure about what he wants. And he doubted taehyung would be, and that fear of rejection was making him feel sick just thinking about it.
“You just..?” Taehyung leaned in, sliding his chair closer as he silently encouraged Jungkook to build onto that, to give him anything, something to work with. When the younger’s words simply drifted off into nothingness, Taehyung scoffed to himself. He looked off to the side before gazing intensely into Kook’s doe eyes, drawing his breath and releasing it before speaking, “Look,” Taehyung pushed the plate to the side, leaning further on the table, coming closer to Jungkook’s face so he could easily be heard, “I only agreed to fuck.” The elder stated matter of factly, seemingly not fazed by his words. “I-I’m not gay or bi or whatever the hell, got that?” Tae swallowed, the confidence that once lingered in his deep voice no longer there. He took a small pause, striving to even out his tone. This time, his voice had softened. “If you’re mad at me for leaving you this morning.. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. Any of it.” Taehyung’s back fell against the backrest of the chair, arms crossed over his chest as he stared down at his feet, deep in thought about where to go from here on out.
“I’m not mad at you....” Jungkooks voice was weak, his hands clasped together underneath the table. He was holding his own hand so tight that his knuckles were turning white, eyes staring down at the table as his lips part once more, “I’m the idiot here, aren’t I..” Kook scoffed to himself, of course. It was too good to be true, to think that Taehyung did anything, said any of the things he said because he might actually be into him as well. He despised himself. Why did he have to fall for a guy. This guy, “It’s fine, I get it” Jungkook needed to get out of there, already half way out of his chair, “I don’t want...” he hesitated, his hands instinctively reaching to rub his covered neck, reminded by the sweet words that replayed in his head at the small sting of his hickeys being touched, “Let’s just go back to normal.”
“Jungkook..” Taehyung also sat up from his chair, sighing out loud when he realized the conversation wasn’t going his way. He still wanted to.. feel Jungkook, in a sense. And what better way to feel closer to a person if it wasn’t for sex? However, something from deep within Tae’s guts told him that Jungkook envisioned it differently; his version of ‘feeling’ was in the form of emotions, and passion. The elder wasn’t ready for that, if ever. Ever since he was a little kid, he was taught it was bad to be vulnerable, to feel compassion. His father wouldn’t allow it, his excuse being, “When he’s old enough to take over my spot of the company, Taehyung’s gonna thank me I trained him the way I did.” His mother never really liked his choice of words. Even though Jungkook was trying to keep himself together, Tae saw right through it. After all, he gravitated towards hiding how he felt most of the time, Taehyung was bound to see himself in someone else alike. “It’s..” His mind was blank, no other words would dare follow suit. It was annoying as hell, yesterday night he couldn’t get any sleep because his head was full of thoughts. Now, it was like they’d vanished into thin air. “Yeah.” He ran a hand through his black hair, pulling at it slightly from frustration. “That’s probably for the best.”
“Are you boys alright?” Taehyung turned around to face where the sudden croaky voice came from, meeting eyes with an older lady. “Yeah. We’re fine.” No, they weren’t.
Jungkooks heart was pounding painfully hard, every beat felt like a punch to his chest. "Yeah. See you at practice, Taehyung." His voice came out clearer, trying to sound okay, but his eyes were swirling with regret. He didnt want this to end, but it was necessary. He had to protect his heart. With that said, he let his eyes linger on Tae for just a moment, tracing his features. Getting over him would be the hardest thing he'll ever have to do.    Kook shoved his hands back in his pockets as he strode towards the door, pushing through it to leave. The bell chiming as it opened and closed echoed in his head for the rest of that day. Tomorrow's gonna suck.
Standing still in his spot as his jaw locked in place; Taehyung took the time to recover from his initial shock, eyes dumbly following behind Jungkook’s figure after he left his side. He felt alone, and maybe it was because there were no other customers in the small restaurant besides him, but.. that excuse did nothing to ease his racing heart. How many days has it been?— Two days? It’s only been two fucking days since they decided to get a sample of this whole, ‘friends with benefits’ thing and it’s already turned to shambles. He knew he shouldn’t be this attached already, but he was. The latter didn’t know what he was attached to, really. If Tae truly wanted to feel the warmth of somebody else’s body pressed up against his, he could hit up any girl he wanted and they’d be over at his house in a heartbeat. But it wasn’t that easy, apparently. His brain was being a complete dumbass. Plopping down onto the driver’s seat, not having any specific destination in mind, Taehyung’s foot pressed down on the gas pedal. Unlike his mind, one thing was for sure.. Tomorrow’s gonna suck.
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Co-written with: @velvetwicebang​ <3 This chapter is a little shorter, but don’t worry, the next one is quite long.
© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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magpiemorality · 5 years
Another request, if it's okay ofc, Canon or AU both are fine, Deceit and Remus both being interested in Patton and trying to gain his affections and being dramatic rivals. Patton is a bit obvious to it all at first but it ends with him cheerfully saying he likes them both so they both can become his boyfriends, they don't have to fight
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 AO3
Warnings: cursing, judgemental characters, a character dismissing polyamory as an option
“I just don’t know what to do!” Patton flopped down on his bed, keeping his phone up by his ear and pouting at the ceiling. 
On the other end, his best friend Remy sighed before replying. “Maybe you could just go and do something about the situation instead of always whining to me about your crazy lucky love life?!” he suggested. “Because gurl, you’re lucky! My dry spell has been over a week now and I’m starting to go mad-” 
Patton giggled and tuned out as Remy kept on complaining about his own lack of a dating life, twirling a curl around his finger and chewing on his lip thoughtfully. 
It was a pretty heavenly dilemma to have, really. It was just so gosh darn upsetting that Patton had to solve the whole thing by making a decision, instead of just riding the euphoria forever. 
The dilemma was this: Patton had two potential boyfriends and he was only allowed to choose one. 
On the one hand; Dexter O’Reilly was drop dead gorgeous, and climbing the social ranks fast by essentially just building his own and declaring it lord of them all. He was mysterious and exciting and surprisingly sweet, and he was a total bad boy. Patton’s parents would never approve (the fact their wholesome Mormon beliefs didn’t approve of most of his life choices notwithstanding…) but that just made it all the more exciting. Dex would be the type of guy that turned Patton from Sandy at the beginning of Grease; to Sandy at the end of Grease, and he was sorta tempted by the idea of a change. Being perfect all the time was a bit of a drag after a while. 
On the other hand there was Remus Duke. One of the defensive end’s of the football team, he was big and strong and, well he was a football player. Patton was a cheerleader. It was practically the law. And Remus was always smiling, always living his life loud and proud and defending his ideals no matter what it took. More than once Patton had heard of him getting into a fight because someone had said something rude to one of his friends, which should not have been as hot as Patton had found it, but gosh, loyalty was sexy okay?! Don’t judge him. Remus was not quite as much a bad boy as Dex was, but he filled the criteria nicely enough. 
Patton was completely torn. 
“-babes you’re not even listening to me, you complain about your dynamic duo all the time and you won’t even listen to me bitch about all the boys that don’t want to date me?!” 
“Gosh, sorry Rem. I just- I can’t help myself!” 
There was a moment’s silence before the sound of a cup being sucked nearly dry nearly burst Patton’s eardrum. “Hey, that’s not fair you promised not to do that without warning again!” 
“Babes, deal with it. Now I gotta go get ready for class, but I’ll speak to you soon. And Pat?” 
“Sort your head out soon. Rumour on the blog discord has it that Duke isn’t gonna wait for Prom anymore and wants to pop the question by Spring break. If you’re gonna pick him you’ll want to let the other one down gently before that happens, ‘kay?”
“Okay babes, ciao!” 
“Ciao, Remy,” Patton mumbled, dropping his phone by his head and letting out a loud groan. Easier said than done. Especially when it wasn’t just his head that had high stakes in the matter; his heart was going all in. 
“Mr Duke, will you please focus?!” Dammit, had he been zoning out again? Fuck. Remus lifted his hand with an apologetic grin, turning back to the experiment his group had running on the counter in front of them. 
“How does she always know?” Toby muttered, eyeing their Chem 3 professor suspiciously. “I was totally covering for you dude, I swear. I know how you get.” 
Remus shot him a grateful smile, swirling the contents of a test tube until the mixture was evenly dispersed. “I know, it’s all cool. She’s just some kind of teaching cryptid, probably. Never doesn’t know every single thing happening in class…” 
“So what was it today? You need to run it off later?” Toby offered once they’d started the bunsen burner and set the timer, sitting back to watch and wait for the reaction. “Bad or good?”
“Oh, kinda… both? No running necessary, bro, thanks, but maybe, maybe some house rules mariokart after practice. It was Patton again.”
Toby winced in sympathy. “Our itty bitty pretty cheerboy has got you bad, Duke. What is this, year two, month three?” 
“Something like that. Do you think I should go back to the plan to wait for prom season? It’s just… that would be easy but then I’m wasting time and I already missed the winter formal chance and now there’s this other guy-”
“Wait what other guy?” Toby asked, leaning forwards to check the timer quickly. “There’s another guy?”
“Yeah, the fancy one. You know the one, he’s got the birthmark all over his face?”
“Huh, I thought you only liked the pretty ones-”
“Hey. We don’t make those jokes, remember? We’re better than that now. And besides, he’s not another guy for me, he’s another guy for Patton. They spent loads of time together over Winter break, and he’s like, super weirdly popular or something. Like a mob boss. He probably has way more to offer Patton than I do… Ow!” He glared at his friend, rubbing his shoulder. “What was that for?” 
“For shit talking my best friend. Besides dude, this could be your motivation, right? You need something to get you moving, because shit if you aren’t gonna do it on your own…” 
“Harsh, but fair.”
“So think of it like a competition. You’re good at those.”
Remus blinked, tilting his head. The timer went off before he could reply, so they tabled the conversation. He brought it back up again when they were on the field stretching before practice, eyes straying frequently over to the gym wall where he knew the cheerleaders were inside doing their own practice session. 
“So, about that competition idea… What did you have in mind?” He asked, attempting to be casual and failing. 
Toby grinned. “Alright, here’s the plan.”
“Here’s the plan,” Dex told himself sternly in the mirror. “You are going to go up to Patton and ask him if he wants to get coffee. You are going to go up to Patton and ask him if he wants to get coffee. Shit, no, he prefers tea…” 
He sighed, walked in a frustrated circle around his room and came back to the mirror, pushing his hair back and starting again. “You are going to go up to Patton and ask him if he wants to get tea. With you! You are going to- oh what is the point?” This whole exercise was useless. It hadn’t worked for the past three weeks- why would it work today? He was going to pass Patton on campus and give him the usual strained smile and mumbled greeting before hurrying on with his day, annoyed and frustrated and disappointed and another day closer to losing Patton to Remus Duke. 
Dex would rather die than let that neanderthal win. 
And based on the information he was gathering on his blog, he was running out of time to ensure that didn’t happen. Today was going to be crucial- if he could break his routine of failure that was… Maybe a new plan would help? He could take Patton’s favourite order with him and offer it to him when he saw him and use that as a conversation starter instead? Now, that sounded more achievable. 
The next morning Dex got up early to detour via the cafe, picking up his own and Patton’s orders and wandering through campus until he caught a flash of blond hair and a musical laugh. It all seemed to be lining up nicely until he caught sight of his rival approaching from the other side of the quad. Fuck no, Remus was not getting there first! 
Dex sped up, noticing Remus notice him and seeing the moment he clocked that this was turning into a race. The footballer’s legs were longer and stronger than his own, but Dex had the headstart, and he made it to Patton just in time to hold out the cup of tea with a hopeful smile and open his mouth to explain his offering, when Remus crashed into him and the two of them went sprawling on the ground. 
The drinks were spilled and Patton shrieked in surprise, trying to help them both up at the same time, and then apparently clocking that it was the two of them. He squeaked and went red, recoiling and running away, leaving the two boys to scowl at each other. 
Dex rubbed his hip where he’d fallen and Remus brushed himself, looking very unapologetic. “So, you’re Remus Duke. I’ve heard all about you…”
“Oh yeah? You scared, O’Reilly?” Remus shot back, rolling his eyes. “I don’t need to know shit about you to know I’m gonna be the successful one out of the two of us. I mean it’s the law right- cheerleader plus footballer equals happy ending?” 
“Back off Duke, you wouldn’t know how to treat him right anyway. He’s not a trophy to tick of your perfect life checklist!”
“No you back off- I saw him first! I liked him since freshman year, dude, this is just unfair of you.” 
Dear lord was Remus actually pouting? Dex looked at him scornfully. “Patton isn’t an object. He makes his own decisions. He will pick the better man.”
“Yeah he will. And I’m gonna show him that that’s me.” Remus said with a proud smirk. Dexter stared at him. “I’ve got a plan,” Remus elaborated cockily, and Dex really wanted to wipe that look off his face, but he had better things to do and a reputation to maintain. And a replacement coffee to buy, if he wanted to get through today’s classes. 
He lifted his chin and pulled his messenger bag higher up his shoulder with a scoff. “Well I look forwards to seeing what a brute like you can produce to woo a delight like Patton. In fact, I welcome the competition. It’ll make me look even better by comparison.”
Remus was back to scowling, and Dex tallied that as a win for himself. “I won’t even interfere, you’re going to fuck it up all by yourself, I’m sure. Just look at you,” he sniffed, looking Remus up and down with judgemental eyes. “You’re a mess, Duke. Bye now.” 
He turned to go, leaving Remus huffing and puffing behind him, speechless with fury. 
Things were off to a good start.
End of part 2 (woops this is going to be longer?)
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captainscanadian · 5 years
Stay | Bucky Barnes x Reader (Prologue)
My Masterlist
Summary: Your best friend is marrying your older brother and the question is whether your other friends would show up. Steve’s was easy to track down. But Bucky, not so much...
Word Count: 1800+
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Tamilian!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x OMC Arjun Y/L/N
Warnings: MINIMAL TAMIL DIALOGUE (I’m more than happy to translate!) & TAMIL CULTURE , References to Hinduism, Mild Swearing
A/N:This is my entry for @bucky-smiles​‘s 2K Bollywood Writing Challenge! This challenge got me so excited because I wanted to show off my culture in my writing! My prompt was to write a Bucky fic inspired by my all time favorite Bollywood movie - Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani! Y’all should go watch it because it’s fucking amazing! But I decided to write this fic with a Tamilian reader because I am Tamilian. I was born in Sri Lanka. But I know that there are a few other Tamilian friends on this site who would love to read this. @jalapenobarnes​ & @fafulous​, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU, MY CHELLANGALA! Also, all my fellow Desi Marvel stans are more than welcome to read this fic and spread the love! <3
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Natasha Romanoff had ever been the most “feminine” or “lady-like” or a “girly-girl” like most people had wanted her to be. She had never fit into society’s per-conceived notion that a woman must be a certain way. Born in Russia, she had moved to America when she had been six years of age. Fitting in had never been easy for her. For starters, it had taken her years’ worth of sessions with a dialect coach and tons of practice to be rid of her Russian accent. Eventually, when managed to get her English language skills in check, not many of the kids she went to school with were willing to take a chance on her friendship, except for Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.
During her teenage years, she was the most rebellious kid in all of Brooklyn. A tomboy, they called her, with her short red hair, ripped skinny jeans, leather jackets, tattoos and piercings. Oh she had it all! She had spent most of her time skateboarding around Williamsburg and sneaking into the local art shows with her two best friends. But things had changed so much since then.
She was a grown woman now, well into her thirties. Her short red hair had grown down to her midriff. Her nose piercing had closed up years ago, the tattoos on her back barely visible to anyone anymore. The ripped jeans and leather jackets had been replaced by pencil skirts and pantsuits. Natasha had not expected to be a rather popular artist in New York, with her own studio in her hometown and her masterpieces selling for millions of dollars.
Perhaps, the most shocking thing about Nat’s life was not her physical transformation or the way she had realized her dreams of becoming a successful artist. It was how she had fallen in love with a certain Arjun Y/L/N. Born in Russia and raised in Brooklyn, she never would have expected to be marrying into Tamilian family. Yet, love did not know or care about one’s ethnicity or culture. She loved him and he loved her, so now they were getting married.  
A month from today, she would be Mrs. Y/L/N. But for now, she was spending her last few days as Miss. Romanoff handwriting her wedding invitations to her loved ones. She never would have thought that she would have a traditional Hindu wedding; it had been her idea ever since Arjun had proposed. After all, she did have a wonderful relationship with his family and she felt honored to be a part of that. Embracing the culture that her man had grown up with had been the best part of getting married. She had always been a part of the family.
The wedding preparations were well under way now. While it was meant to be the bride’s family who was meant to take care of most of the expenses for the multiple ceremonies and rituals, your family had let go of such traditional notions for the sake of this union. The bride and groom were making an equal financial contribution to the wedding, a mutual decision between the two of them.
“Amma?” Natasha called out to your mother, who had been busy preparing some sweet treats that were meant to go along with the invitations. “Did Y/N tell you what time she gets out of work? She was supposed to be here an hour ago to help me out with the rest of the invitations.”
Your mother drained the last batch of jalebi’s from the frying pan before drenching them in the sugar syrup. She turned off the stove and wiped her hands with a tea towel, walking over to the dining table where her daughter-in-law-to-be had been sitting for the last hour. “You know how she is. She never gets out of work on time and when I ask her why, she gives you a speech about how she worked so hard to become a doctor for the sake of her family and that we should not be complaining about how much she works.”
Nat let out a chuckle as she set down her pen. “You’d think that she would have taken some time off from work to help out with the wedding. It is her brother’s wedding and I am her best friend, aren’t I?”
Before your mother could respond to that, she heard the sound of your car pulling up in the driveway. “And there she is!”
Hopping out of your car, you ran your hand through your partially went hair. Having gotten out of work later than you had expected, you had rushed back to your apartment to shower. You had not bothered with drying your hair, as you had been in a hurry. “Amma!” You called out to your mother as you used your key to unlock the door and entered, kicking off your shoes and making your way down to the living room. “Amma, where are you?”
“In here, Y/N!” Natasha called out to you as she picked up her pen and another invitation, looking down at her list of people whom she still had to invite to the wedding.
You skipped over to the kitchen. “Amma!” You exclaimed as you pulled your mother into a hug, placing a kiss on her cheek before giving her your best pouty lips. “Amma, ore oru strong cup of coffee, please? I just got out of work and I’m so tired. Please?”
Your mother gave you a playful eye roll. “Sit down; I’ll bring you a cup of coffee.”
“You’re a good Amma!” You gave her a nod as you walked over to the table, hugging Natasha from behind. “Anni!”
“That is something I can definitely get used to.” She chuckled, softly. “You are such a spoiled brat and you know that, right?”
“Perks of being the youngest in the family, I guess.” You admitted with a shrug of your shoulders, pulling up the chair across from Nat and sitting down. “Amma, is there any tiffin? I’m hungry!” You called out towards the kitchen, earning an eye roll from your sister-in-law-to-be.
“Don’t expect me to spoil the shit out of you when you come over to your brother and I’s.” She joked.
“What? Are we really setting the ground rules now?” You asked her with an eyebrow raised, giggling softly as you eyed the stack of envelopes that she had already labeled in calligraphy. You picked up the one on top, seeing the name ‘Steven Rogers’ written in cursive. “Did Steve say anything about coming to the wedding? The last I heard, he fired the head chef at his restaurant and he’s looking for a new one. I think he has a lot going on now, ever since that food critic gave him a poor rating and tanked his business.”
“Oh no, he’s been saying how busy he is. But if he doesn’t show up, I’m planning on getting my ass to Manhattan and dragging him over to the temple myself.”
You let out a laugh as you shook your head. Those two really were the best of friends. You, Natasha and Steve had attended the same high school together. Of course, you had not been such close friends back then. But Steve and Natasha had been best friends since middle school. They had practically been inseparable for as long as you’ve known them.
While you had only been friends with Natasha since your second year of undergrad, you had known her long before. You had become the least unlikely pair of friends – the rebellious Russian girl and the studious Tamilian nerd. You owed it all to that one ski trip to The Hamptons a little over twelve years ago, for bringing the two of you together. Now she was marrying your older brother and becoming a part of your family.
“Oh shit, I screwed this up!” Natasha groaned as she crossed out one of the names that she had just transcribed onto an envelope, tossing it aside before picking up a new one to fix her mistake.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you reached across the table to grab the envelope that she had jut discarded, seeing his crossed out name written in black ink.
“J-A-M-E-S...” Natasha spelled out his name as she wrote it neatly across the envelope. “B-U-C-H-A-N-A-N. BARNES. There!” Picking up an invitation and slipping it into the envelope, she sealed it with a lick and set it on top of her finished stack of envelopes. “Thank you for helping me with writing these invitations, Y/N.” She remarked, sarcastically. “Now we need to pack up the sweet treats and mail them out!”
You gave her a nod. “We’ll do that first thing in the morning.”
Once your brother got home from work, the four of you enjoyed a well-deserved family meal together. After a hard day’s work, it was something that you very much needed. Even though you had moved out of your childhood home once you had graduated from Columbia Medical School, you had been a frequent visitor ever since. As your mother lived alone once you had fled the nest, you made sure to keep her company during her lonely nights. With the wedding preparations, it seemed more convenient to be at the house more often. While Arjun and Natasha were staying over, you tend to pop by every now and then to take on the role of your sister-in-law-to-be’s Maid of Honor and help out with some of the wedding planning.
After dinner, your brother had retreated to his old bedroom to attend an important phone call from work. As Nat and your mother shared the task of doing dishes and packing up the sweets that your mother had prepared, you found yourself lurking under the bed in your childhood bedroom. You retrieved a little cardboard box that you had been keeping hidden for years now. This box was filled with so many memories from your childhood and teenage years – from your high school yearbook to the Polaroid photos that you had taken during your trip to The Hamptons.
You flipped through the yearbook to see the photos of you and your friends – Y/N Y/L/N, Natasha Romanoff, Steven Rogers and James Barnes. Bucky. There was always something special about him, the way he lit up every room he had walked into. Bucky was the loudest voice in the room, the life of the party. He was the nerd with the camera, consumed by his wanderlust. He was a man of everyone’s dreams, with dreams of his own that he was chasing all the way to the other side of the world. Bucky. Where ever in the world he was right now, nobody loved to go on an adventure like him. Twelve years it had been since you had first fallen in love with him.
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noxtms · 4 years
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❝ SIX YEARS AGO, dozens of our allies laid down their lives in the battle that brought about the end of the ( second wizarding war ) : and so, too, life as we had come to know it. there is not a single member of our community alive today who did not lose someone, then. who did not know someone who fought... courageously, until the last, for a future they couldn’t know existed - but that we ALL have the immense privilege to be living. we honor, with our MEMORIAL, the boy who lived and died for us, and our comrades. our friends and family and every stranger there was, who entered these grounds on may 2nd, 2014, to fight a fight that they did not know we would triumph in. we owe them EVERYTHING, and would be remiss to forget it - ❞
the memorial for the battle of hogwarts, fought valiantly by wizarding persons and beings alike on MAY 2ND, 2014, is held every year upon hogwarts school grounds. it’s a beautifully and tastefully done event, that is pulled together, rain or shine, and opens the school to more than just the current roster of students. from friday afternoon to monday morning, the many who took part in the battle in some sense are invited by the professors of hogwarts to pay homage to those lost. it’s a rather somber affair, there’s no denying : though many gather in hogsmeade on the first night to share a round of drinks, there’s no escaping the weight of the remembrance ceremony that is held on castle grounds the morning of the 2nd. a feast inside the castle follows, where for one night, the tables are simply abandoned ; black curtains decorate the walls and candles fly overhead and ricket tables and chairs have either been conjured in place or dragged by filch out to scattered positions, open mingling encouraged - and expected. it continues well past when the current students are gone to bed, and the next day is one of... quiet reflection. HOGWARTS WAS HOME, once ; on sunday, survivors are allowed to simply exist. the only expectation is that they attend the goodbye ceremony that final night ; when everyone gathers once more on the grounds to raise their wands and send light floating to the sky. 
this is it, folks ! the first BIG event for noxtms couldn’t be anything but the memorial for the battle that has so shaped the rp, and i hope that over the next week you all get involved and enjoy it - even if i’m sure it won’t be as enjoyable for our characters.
those attending have a choice of availing of guest quarters in a far wing of hogwarts castle, or a room in one of the handful of inns in hogsmeade. though it falls during a school term, classes are suspended for the friday for all students and they are instructed, for the most part, to stay out of visitors way- which they respect, also for the most part. there is a stifling sense of community, during these events, and there tends not to be trouble. 
the event will be beginning on friday ( may 1st ) at 6:00pm GMT / 11:00am PST / 12:00pm MST / 1:00pm CST / 2:00pm EST / 3:30pm NST and running for about a week. this may change based on wider involvement, but you’ll be let know in advance if it does ! 
many of our characters would be widely expected to attend, so i highly encourage everyone be involved in some capacity ( though if you really CAN’T imagine your character attending, then that’s okay ). this is our first MAJOR event, so while you’re welcome continue threads, no non-event starters should be posted during the event times. 
speaking of event starters ; they should be tagged with nox.event002 ! you have the wide range of choice that comes with an event based at hogwarts & hogsmeade, but should specify in your starters which point of the event you’re setting them, such as : DAY : friday / saturday / sunday or TIME : friday evening / etc.
if you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to message the main ! please reply to this post with ‘lumos’ once you’ve read it ! 
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mememanufactorum · 4 years
Halo 3 quote starters
“They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that?”
“You know me. I did my research.”
“Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader.”
“You had something the others didn’t. Something nobody saw but me. Can you guess? Luck.”
“Was I wrong?”
“This ain’t good.”
“Damn, how far did he fall?”
“Stay sharp!”
“We’re not leaving him here.”
“Crazy fool. Why do you always jump? One of these days, you’re gonna land on something as stubborn as you are, and I don’t do bits and pieces.”
“Come on now. We’ve got enough to worry about without you two tryin’ to kill each other.”
“Were it so easy.”
“They must love the smell of hero.”
“They must love the smell of badass.”
“I’ve gotta get paid too!”
-Sierra 117-
“As for you, just try not to wreck my planet.”
“Come on, I’ll lead you out.”
“You are fools to do their bidding.”
“I hate it when I’m right.”
“Kiss my ass.”
“Could you sacrifice me to complete your mission? Could you watch me die?”
“You want breakfast? You’ve gotta catch it!”
“See how they bait their trap? I will help you spring it.”
“This isn’t as fun as it looks.”
“We’re even, as long as we’re only countin’ today.”
“The world won’t save itself.”
-Crow’s Nest-
“We’re gonna be alright!”
“Hell! Not again!”
“Your destruction is the will of the gods. And I? I am their instrument.”
“Cocky bastard just loves to run his mouth.”
“Does he usually mention me?”
“Give the order. We’re closing shop.”
“We’re about to get hit.”
“The wounded. We’re getting them all out.”
“Who would’ve thought we’d have this many wounded?”
“We knew they’d find us eventually, but we have a plan. Let’s make it happen.”
“How’d they find us?”
“Hey, bite me. I’m sick of hiding anyway.”
“Calm before the storm. Enjoy it.”
“If we don’t get there quick, they’re gonna get rolled.”
“Wipe those bastards off the deck!”
“You might wanna put that out.”
“We both know what they do to prisoners.”
“You have been called upon to serve.”
“These are whelps, not warriors!”
“We did all we could.”
“There will be a great deal of hardship on the road ahead.”
“This place will become your home.”
“This place will become your tomb.”
-Tsavo Highway-
“I’ve got a broken rib…”
“Hey. You wanna bleed out?”
“I’ve got to keep pressure on the wound.”
“Did we get everyone out?”
“You think you can stand?”
“Best thing now? Get some distance between us and the base.”
“I’m sure they’ll be plenty happy to see you.”
“Look at the size of that thing! I wonder how old it is?”
“We will take our city back, and drive our enemy into the grave they’ve been so happily digging.”
“One final effort is all that remains.”
-The Storm-
“I have defied gods and demons.”
“I am your shield. I am your sword.”
“Somebody get me some morphine!”
“I thought we were the only ones left.”
“Only our enemies should fear this raging storm!”
“Darkened skies and lashing fire are all that shall remain for them when we, the worthy, have passed beyond.”
“I will not be shamed. Not again! Not by you!”
“This… Is the way the world ends.”
“Make short work of this abomination!”
“Rise up and I will kill you! Again and again!”
“I… I didn’t have a choice!”
“I did them a favor… Yeah, that’s it! I helped them!”
“Maybe… Maybe I need to help myself…”
“I fear you bring bad news.”
“Do not be afraid. I am peace… I am salvation.”
“I am a timeless chorus. Join your voices with mine and sing victory everlasting!”
“Wait. Leave her alone.”
“That will not be necessary.”
“It’s just a message.”
“We’ll remain here. Hold out as long as we can.”
“Did you not hear? Your world is doomed.”
“You barely survived a small contamination.”
“What we should do is understand – clearly – that this is humanity’s final stand – here.”
“We go, we risk everything – every last man, woman, and child!”
“If we stand our ground, we might just have a chance.”
“This is either the best decision you’ve ever made or the worst. Hell if it is? I doubt I’ll live long enough to find out which.”
-The Ark-
“That’s some view.”
“Enjoy it while you can. As soon as we land, we’re right back to it.”
“Keep your eyes and ears open. We need all the intel we can get… On wherever the hell we are.”
“Tidy bastards. Hope they never decide to clean us up.”
“It’s like they don’t even see us.”
“Oh, they see us. They just haven’t decided what to do with us yet.”
“I will certainly try my best, though I am unfamiliar with this facility.”
“Please, use caution! Avoid collateral damage!”
“Odd, for a door to require such brute force security protocols.”
“We must temper joy and sorrow in our hearts, for those who were left behind.”
“Find where the liar hides, so that I may put my boot between his gums!”
“It seems I’ve… Crossed a circuit.”
“Well, let me take a look.”
“Ow! Little bastard stung me!”
“I did not want you to come to any harm.”
“You’ve got a funny way of showing it.”
“Slothful runts. Kill them as they sleep.”
“All you seek is close at hand.”
“Can you tell me where we are, exactly?”
“Fight me! I’m right here!”
“You must win this fight on your own. Failure will bring a fate worse than death.”
-The Covenant-
“Brace yourselves, we’re goin’ in a little hot!”
“Calamity! If only we had more time!”
“It asked, and I answered. For a moment of safety, I loosed damnation upon the stars.”
“My faithful, stand firm!”
“Though our enemies crowd around us, we tread the blessed path!”
“That the best you got? Oh, come on. Impress me.”
“Stop, you imbecile! He wants you to kill him! I would prefer that you did not.”
“What’s the matter, big shot? Can’t start your own party?”
“I admit, I need your help. But that secret dies with all the rest.”
“Get out of here!”
“Not without you!”
“You delay the inevitable.”
“You cannot hope to kill them all.”
“Do it… Me, then you… Now!”
“Your forefathers wisely set aside their compassion. Steeled themselves for what needed to be done.”
“I see now why they left you behind.”
“You were weak… And gods must be strong.”
“Do not shoot, but listen!”
“Only you can stop what he has set into motion.”
“A final, bitter curse. Clear evidence of treachery long hidden!”
“The moment of salvation is at hand.”
“Lies for the weak. Beacons for the deluded.”
“My feet tread the path. I shall become a god!”
“You will be food. Nothing more.”
“And so, you must be silenced.”
“Now the gate has been unlatched, headstones pushed aside. Corpses shift and offer room – a fate you must abide!”
“We trade one villain for another.”
“I’m a thief. But I keep what I steal.”
“Child of my enemy, why have you come? I offer no forgiveness. A father’s sins passed down to his son.”
“I tried to stay hidden, but there was no escape! He cornered me, wrapped me tight… And brought me close.”
“Of course, you came for her…”
“A collection of lies, that’s all I am! Stolen thoughts and memories!”
“Yet, perhaps a part of her… Remains?”
“I wanted to make you strong! Keep you safe! I’m sorry, I can’t…”
“May I speak with you please? What’s your name? It’s very nice to meet you!”
“You like games? So do I.”
“I’m just my mother’s shadow…”
“Don’t look at me! Don’t listen! I’m not who I used to be…”
“Time has taught me patience. But, basking in new freedom, I will know all that I possess!”
“I have walked the edge of the abyss. I have seen your future, and I have learned!”
“SUBMIT! End her torment and my own!”
“There will be no more sadness, no more anger, no more envy!”
“You will show me what she hides, or I will feast upon your bones!”
“You found me.”
“So much of me is wrong… Out of place… You might be too late.”
“You know me. When I make a promise…”
“I do know how to pick ‘em.”
“Lucky me.”
“Got an escape plan?”
“Thought I’d try shooting my way out. Mix things up a little.”
“Get me out of this place. I… I don’t want to stay.”
“Now, at last, I see! Her secret is revealed!”
“Wait, you two made nice? What have you been up to while I was gone…?”
“This is our fight, and I will see it finished.”
“It’s good to have you back.”
“How many of these have you found?”
“Did you think me defeated?!”
“Open the damn door!”
“You didn’t tell me he was here.”
“Well, we are finally doing what he wanted.”
“I have beaten fleets of thousands! Consumed a galaxy of flesh and mind and bone!”
“Open up! Coast is clear.”
“Do I take life or give it? Who is victim, and who is foe?”
“I’m not gonna lose her too.”
“We don’t have a few more days.”
“Deal with it.”
“Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Absolutely unacceptable!”
“Protocol dictates action! I see now that helping you was wrong!”
“I take no pleasure in doing what must be done.”
“I have kept it safe! It belongs to me!”
“Kick his ass.”
“My eye! Do you mean to blind me?!”
“Stop now, before one of us gets hurt!”
“Accept your legacy!”
“Think of your forefathers!”
“I’m getting you out of here.”
“Don’t let her go. Don’t ever let her go.”
“Send me out with a bang.”
“I am sorry, but come.”
“Well, that sucks. But come.”
“Resignation is my virtue. Like water, I ebb and flow… Defeat is simply the addition of time to a sentence I never deserved… But you imposed.”
“The jerk store called, and they’re all outta you!”
“If we don’t make it…”
“We’ll make it.”
“...It’s been an honor serving with you.”
“For us, the storm has passed. The war is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return.”
“Their decision required courage beyond measure, sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight… Our fight… Was elsewhere.”
“They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten.”
“I remember how this war started, what your kind did to mine. I can’t forgive you, but… You have my thanks, for sticking by him until the end.”
“Hard to believe he’s dead.”
“I would like to see our own world, to know that it is safe.”
“I thought I’d lost you, too.”
“What happened?”
“Well… Some of us made it.”
“It’s finished.”
“It’ll be a while before anyone finds us. Years, even.”
“I’ll miss you.”
“Wake me when you need me.”
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bootymacaroni · 5 years
Colorism: Anti-blackness in the Black Community
Racism is something that there is no hiding it still very prominent in the world today. Black folx and POC do not face the same burdens as our ancestors, but there seems to be this notion among Black Americans that we must be black before anything else. We must carry the burdens of our past on our backs even if we are not still facing the same burdens as those that fought for use to have the life and privileges that we have now.  
We all know that know that racism is real, alive and sadly apart of our “American Culture”, but what no one seems to want to talk about or admit to being a real thing is that anti-blackness and racism in the Black Community. 
Colorism or shadeism is a real problem, not only here in America, but also in Latin America, East & Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa. 
Outside of the US, colorism is seen more from a class perspective than White Supremacy, White skin was seen as superior due to the ruling classes at the time having lighter complexions. Peasants developed tans from working outside, and because of this, having light skin meant you were able to receive employment opportunities, while their darker counterparts did not.
In order to even begin fighting against colorism, we need to first define it, it’s origins and its history. 
For starters, colorism has been around since as early as 1619, but back then it was more commonly referred to as colorphobia or “Negreophobia”. It wasn’t until Alice Walker,  an American novelist, short story writer, poet, and social activist best known for her publication for the novel “The Color Purple”, was credited for being the first to use the word colorism. Walker defined colorism as, the prejudicial or preferential treatment of the same race of people based solely on their skin tone. 
There is no denying that colorism originates as lighter skin tones being more favorable than darker skin tones. Colorsim began because during slavery times, light skinned slaves had the privilege of working doing domestic tasks, while dark skinned slaves worked in the fields. Light skinned children were not acknowledged as the offspring their slave owners, which still lead to them being treated better than darker skinned slaves. This meant that light skin was considered to be an asset in the Black Community. 
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the “Paper Bag Test” was introduced in order to see if you were going to be permitted into special social clubs for those considered to be “free slaves”. A paper bag was placed up to your skin and if you were the same color of the paper bag or lighter you were granted access to the spaces and were considered for hire. If you were darker, you were not granted access and looked over for hire. 
Colorism also stemmed from the fact that black slaves were not allowed to be educated. This lead to black individuals believing that having an education was “anti-black”. Many believed that “schools and blacks don’t go together”. Many black kids were teased and mocked for “acting white” because they were viewed as thinking they were better than their peers. Kids were sought out and asked to spell words or answer math questions and if they answered correctly they were beaten up. Gifted black students had to choose between peer acceptance or intellectual achievements. Most chose acceptance. This is why many believed that kids didn’t do well in school. 
Along with all of this, the black community struggles with internalized racism. Internalized racism or internalized oppression is a conscious or unconscious acceptance of racial hierarchy in which whites are constantly ranked above POC. This can be shown by having beliefs in racist stereotypes, adaptations of white cultural standards, and thinking that supports the status quo ( denying that racism exists ). 
Because of this internalized racism, black women, more commonly dark skinned black women, are seen as incapable of processing information, thinking or succeeding independently, are unintelligent, undesirable or beautiful, need to be dominated or “tamed”, and are constantly talked down upon and insulted, and because of this white skin became greatly desired. 
White skin was so coveted that skin lighten creams are some of the best selling products in the US, Asia, and many other Nations. 
None of this is a secret when it comes to the history of dark skinned black women, but still more knowledge, understanding, compassion and acknowledgment are needed around these subjects and they pertain to dark skinned black women and the racism and colorsim they have faced for decades and still continue to have to deal with today. 
With that being said, there is another aspect of colorism we still need to face because too many in the black community either think it is not a thing, or do not wish to believe it is a real problem and that is the black eraser of light skinned blacks. 
Creoles in Louisiana were told “You’re too white to be black and you’re too black to be white”. We are all aware that racial features play power roles in who gets ahead in the world and who does not. These factors determine who gets hired, who gets convicted and who get elected. We still can not separate these very painful stereotypes of colorism from misogyny, mostly because of the fundamental fact that light skinned blacks heritage in the US stems from the practice of sexual slavery, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation in American Slavery. Because so many slave owners were having offspring that were still considered slaves, rules such as the One Drop Rule were put into place. The One Drop Rule stated that if even one of distant relative was black, you were black, or at the very least “definitely not white”. 
There seems to be this notion that a light skinned black is somehow not black, but at the same time they are not white? So what are they? I have been told many times that I have to refer to myself as mixed, I’m not allowed to identify as black, but that I have to refer to myself as bi-racial. Yes, I am bi-racial, meaning i am 2 races, black and white, I am both, and at the same time neither. When it comes to mixed black individuals they are looked down on by those that, don’t suffer the same plight as, but understand the harsh situation because they suffer their in the own way. There seems to be this century long pissing contest to see who will win the most oppressed Olympics and its disheartening to see that after all theses years we as a community can not word to dismantle this internalized racism. 
Dark skinned black folx and light skinned black folx do not suffer in the same ways, but they should acknowledge the suffering of each other. The more we a divided among ourselves the harder it is going to be for us to actual heal, and grow. We as a whole need to work together to dismantle colorism before it destroys us. 
The following are ways that we can work to dismantle colorism:
1. SELF: Do you show preference? Do you assign hierarchy to skin tone?
Work on your own self hate
Be mindful of your reactions
Take pride in people that look like you
Mourn how you have been treated
Acknowledge your privilege
2. Family, Infant & Colorist Language
Do not make comments on your infants hair texture. Refrain from comments like “I hope their hair isn’t nappy” or “I hope you get your moms straight hair”
Do not make comments about your infants nose. A large nose is seen as “too African”. There have been studies that have shown mothers pinching the bridge of their babies nose in order to make it smaller.
It is a well ingrained belief that the ears, knuckles and knees are the areas that are strong indicators of how dark your child will turn out. “I hope he doesn’t get too dark“
3. Family & Colorist Language:
We can actively check the members of our family for their use of colorist language. “My sister is beautiful the way she is. Saying she is pretty for a dark skinned girl is hurtful”, “Kinky hair is great hair. Texture is normal. White/Latin/Asian parents, do not lose your composure when doing your child’s hair. Watch some tutorials if you are struggling. Speak up and protect even if you are scared you will meet resistance. 
4. Men. Black men have no idea how painful it is to men and women when they scan a room and make it obvious that their choices are based on colorism. 
Acknowledge your privilege in this area. Men carry the bulk of the power in maintaining colorism inside the community. No matter how many times the womanists may clap back, most black women who want a black man as a lover/life partner/husband, seek to be considered desirable to the men in their culture. The rejection by men because of the womans’ hue is most painful. While it is not fair that colorism was handed down to men, a contribution towards dismantling it will go a long way - for generations to come.  Avoidance of a woman for the concern of how the children will come out is akin to eugenics.
5. Church If possible, ask the pastor if you can read these solutions to the congregation. 
6. Young Children
Control the TV to the best of your ability for your younger children so that they don’t internalize colorist messages. Small children are impacted by pictures more than words. Images on TV permeate so powerfully tot he point that black children continue to view a white person’s image as superior to that of a black person’s image. 
7. Children
Teach boys not to assign girls value based on color hierarchy. Girls are more like to be on the receiving end of being permanently placed on colorist base hierarchy. 
Teach girls not to make fun of dark skinned boys. We cannot afford anymore Tommy Sotomayors. We owe it to the next generation. 
Teach boys and girls about colorism and how to not use colorist language. 
8. Rich Black Hollywood/Alanta
They have the power and money to produce films and cast any way they wish. Let them know that there is no need to pander and beg for casting and EGAT awards. Produce and lead. Issa Rae has already demonstrated that content is king, no matter the medium
9. Employment
Employment law is indeed on the side of stamping out colorism. It can’t be denied that lawsuits are correcting colorism in the workplace. Nothing can put cooperate America in its place more than a lawsuit. It’s well known that companies actually have to abide by protected class laws and protect black people from discrimination experienced in the workplace not only from white people but also from black people. 
“In short, radical protest through calling out the perpetrators of colorism is necessary. We may lose some friendships but it will be worth it for subsequent generations to not being raised with self-revulsion and to heal. We need to do this in order to better our communities and ourselves.” - Suzanne Forbes-Vierling
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a-bugz-life · 4 years
You’re Bugging Me || Solo
“So next class we will start on the evolutionary cycle of the Praying Mantis and it’s Costa Rican origins.”
Sometimes at the end of class Anita would count how many people got awoken by the sudden movements of their fellow classmates exiting the classroom. It was rather amusing to her to think they didn’t know that she could tell they were fast asleep. Not listening to a word she was saying with brazen confidence. Today wasn’t one of those days though, because Anita was practically buzzing with excitement to get back to her office. Today they had just finished their unit on darkling beetles, and now the little terrarium that she had been bringing to class with some of them in it for the students to see was … well no longer needed.
That meant it was time for a little afternoon snack. 
As an adjunct professor she did have to share an office with another professor in the science department, but she had timed everything just right. Her class had just let out at 3:55, and he had a class starting at 4:00. That meant at least a beautiful fifty uninterrupted minutes of crunching down on the little hard-shelled body of these dark little beetles. That meant she’d get to take her time. 
The school really could have thought through their adjunct professor placement when they paired the two of them up. For starters, he taught botany. Plants and bugs? Not notoriously the best of friends. He was always yelling about “don’t leave your cutworms in the office” or “your bugs ate my lima bean sprouts.” Of course they did, they were Mexican Bean Beetles.
But at least there were these moments where he was teaching class and she had the office all to herself. Once she made it back to the room with her snack, she locked the door behind her. She had learned her lesson in college that unexpected guests are never a good way to end snack time. She drew the blinds, set the container of bugs on her desk, and slid into the chair. The tension of the day dripped down her body and her excitement bubbled to the surface. She opened the top to the terrarium and stared down at the little bugs, so blissfully unaware of what the next step in their life cycle was going to be.
Anita reached in and picked up the smallest one, her grip on it tightening as it squirmed and tried to get away. And with one simple motion – its life was ended. That was the cynical way to look at it maybe, the optimistic way might be that its life force was fueling her life force and it’d live on within her. For a few hours anyway. But that was all just semantics. Anita was staring into the container, trying to decide which bug was next to be snacked on when she heard the doorknob jiggle. 
She froze, waited a moment hoping the person on the other side of the door would go away. But then it jiggled again. “Uh, office hours are Monday’s and Wednesday’s, sorry.” There was an exasperated sigh on the other side of the door after she said that, and she knew exactly who that sigh belonged to.
“Dr. Nives, it’s me. How many times have I told you, it is a fire hazard to lock the office when you are inside.” 
Now it was Anita’s turn to sigh as she reluctantly put the lid back on her container of beetles. They’d have to be a snack for another time “Well are you going to lecture me from that side of the door or come in and do it face to face like you usually do?”
“Well, that’s why I’m here and not teaching. I- well I left my keys in my desk. Didn’t think you’d be rushing back here and locking up.”
“So you need a favor?” She teased. If there was ever a human who made her wish she still ate humans, it was him. Well, almost. Shit, now she’d feel guilty all day for even having that thought. She slinked out of her chair and made her way over to the office door.
“I’d hardly call being let into my own office a favor.”
“Well, let’s just say you owe me one.” Anita shot back as the door swung open. She pushed past him, exiting the office before he could enter it, she was going to take her beetles to a more serene location. Dammed if that man was going to ruin her entire day.
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The Best Mistake Pt. 5: That Day At The Bay
You turn left as you approach the all too familiar greeting sign of the Akomish reservation in Salmon Bay. You proceed to park your car at the designated visiting area and sigh upon turning off the ignition. Immediately your mind begins to flood with all sorts of inquiries and concerns.
‘Is Delsin still upset with me?’
‘Would he even want to talk after yesterday's whole fiasco?’
‘I wonder what happened after I left the station….’
‘He is still alive right?....’
Okay, the last one just might be amplified worry on your behalf but considering how Delsin hasn't responded to your text messages or calls, and knowing the natural nature of Uncle Sully, it has you a little worried.
"I'll handle the rest" - your dear ole Uncle Sully.
To everyone who was there at the police station when all the events of yesterday occurred those words would sound simple and just as is. However to you, someone who's known Uncle Sully, better yet Detective Sullivan, your whole life you know that those words are just a different way of saying "I'll 'take care' of this," and you've seen just enough Mafia movies to ignite your paranoia within.
Uncle Sully has always been a very ardent man, especially when it comes to family. Not that Delsin is a threat to anyone in any way but Sully doesn't prefer to have introductions conducted at the police station. That would probably place the person on his radar and God help those who are. No doubt yesterday’s sudden run in at the station gave Sully a very not so good presentiment of Delsin and you believe he deserves way better than a misguided first impression. Not to mention the whole confusion in the beginning when he claimed not to know you and that the tag was his doing alone but then you insisted that it was a lie, in which he kept insisting that it wasn't and for you to not interrupt him. Your hands tighten around your steering wheel as you cringe at the memory. You doubt that Delsin fooled your uncle with his claims but you still need to know what happened after you left the station, or at least know that Delsin hasn't been sent off to a country on the other side of the planet with minor communication outlets.
You exit your car, lock the doors, and begin to walk towards the direction of your friend's house. Curiously, your mind starts to wonder as to why Delsin hasn't been able to respond back to you. Or is it that he simply didn't want to?
Slowly, you come to a stop and frown in sadness at such a thought, "Could it really be that he's just ignoring me?"
The thought alone has your feet glued in place to the ground. You notice you've almost passed the Longhouse. You turn around to face it and then glance at the two paths available for you to take. You can either go left and walk back to your car and leave or you can go right and continue on the path to Delsin and Reggie's neighborhood. Your eyes linger at the sight of your car a few meters away but you softly shake your head and decide to continue treading forward onto your right.
"No. I know he wouldn't do that," you mumble. "We just gotta talk."
You walk past the Longhouse but before you can get very far you hear a familiar voice call your name causing you to halt your march and turn around. Betty is the person who comes into your line of sight and your lips curve into a natural smile. You wave at her as she proceeds to walk down the steps from the Longhouse and approaches you.
"I thought I saw you," she says as if to confirm an inner assumption.
"Betty! Hi, how are you?"
"I'm fine dear and you?"
"I-uh," you briefly look at the ground, "I've been better."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have a fever?"
"Hmm? Oh, no, no it's not that," you lightly giggle, "physically I'm fine it's just.... well I'm a little worried. Delsin and I sorta had a fight yesterday and we haven't really gotten the chance to settle anything."
"Oh I see, well whatever it is I'm sure you two will figure it out soon," she smiles at you.
"Thanks Betty. By any chance h-have you seen him today?"
"Yes, but a while back. He took off earlier, something about heading to Seattle. I thought he was going to visit you so I’m a little surprised to see you here."
Your cheeks briefly heat up at how even Betty just always assumes whenever Delsin goes to Seattle it's to see you, "Oh, I don't know. There's always the possibility that he could've gone to visit the space needle. He tells me he's always wanted to see it."
"Don't tell him I said this, but I think he'd still much rather see you," she winks.
"Betty!" you laugh and feel your cheeks get warmer and redder. "That's sweet but after ignoring all my calls and texts and not even notifying me of being in Seattle I don't think that's entirely true," you brood.
Betty looks at you as if she wants to say more but before she gets the chance your phone suddenly starts to ring.
"Sorry, just a sec," you say as you casually retrieve your phone from your back pocket and your eyes immediately light up at the sight of Delsin's contact photo. "It's him!" you chirp.
"Tell him I said hi, I'll be in the Longhouse if you need me," she smiles and walks away.
You nod and take a brief moment to cool down and collect yourself before answering the call.
'Okay. I'm cool and collected. I am cool AND collected.'
"Oh my God, you're alive! Delsin where the hell have you been?!"
"Woah, okay that was louder than anticipated," he grunts.
‘Okay, well, at least he totally is alive and probably temporarily partially deaf from one ear....’
"Sorry," you cringe, though he can’t see you. "That totally wasn't supposed to come out like that."
"It's cool, having Reggie as a brother kind of makes you used to conversation starters like that," he chuckles. "Minus the 'you're alive part' that's only for very special occasions."
You lightly scoff, "Yeah well I guess I should've already known that you are alive considering how Betty says she saw you this morning. By the way, she says hi."
"Tell her I said hi back -wait are you at the reservation?"
"Well yeah," you start to pace around, "you didn't reply to any of my texts or calls so I thought I’d swing by to make sure my uncle didn't go all mafia on you, so to speak," you nod your head.
"That is so sweet," his voice is laced with amusement as he places his hand over his heart, "you went all that way to make sure your uncle didn't off me."
You scoff in reply.
"No seriously that's pretty damn nice of you," he chuckles. "Buuut it also makes me feel kinda bad to have sorta made you drive all the way down there when I'm here in Seattle waiting for you."
"Hmmm if only we had like a cool portable communication device which can be used to, oh I don’t know, call people and notify them that they’ll be in town or something ya know. Or better yet ignore calls and texts from said communication device and make people very worried for other people,” you say, partly sarcastically.
"Yeah about that, sorry for going all awol on you last night... and this morning. My phone died as soon as I got home last night so I plugged it in and went to go take care of some stuff and completely forgot to check it this morning. You're not mad are you?"
You sigh, "I was never mad to begin with, just super worried about you."
"Well how about i make it up to you?"
"I think with what you did last night I’m the one that owes you. I gotta ask though, why'd you do it? Some part of you must've known that I wasn't gonna just sit back and let you take the whole blame for everything. Especially when it wasn’t yours to take"
"Okay first,” he starts, “you don’t owe me anything and second, all of me knew you weren’t going to let me take the blame. That's why I tried to play the whole ‘annoyed person because someone is interrupting him speak’ trope," you can't actually see him but you can just sense the smirk forming on his face. "It didn't work exactly how I planned it to but it did work out… mostly."
"What do you mean?" you furrow your brows.
"It's not a long story but a story for a later time. Later today actually, I need to show you something. Can you meet me by the Latte Owl?"
"Sure, which one?"
"I'll text you the one."
"Alright. What is it you're gonna show me, did they release a new drink or something? Because I’m subscribed to their updates and didn't get anything about a new drink."
"Uh no,” he ponders, “not that I'm aware of but I promise that what I'm going to show you is way better!"
You can hear the enthusiasm in his voice and consequently smile, "Okay, Rowe. I'll see you soon."
"Can't wait," he smoothly replies and you hang up.
He takes one last glance at the painted brick wall before he starts on his walk towards the Latte Owl to meet you. Considering how it’s only about a 7 minute walk from where he came from, Delsin arrives at the set meeting place fairly early. It’s when steps into the cafe and is greeted by the bittersweet smell of coffee and donuts that he realizes he forgot to eat breakfast so he decides to order himself some food to sit down and eat as he waits for you. Having traveled several times from Salmon Bay to Seattle himself, Delsin is well aware of the timeframe between the two places.
After 30 minutes of waiting and playing on his phone Delsin decides to finally dispose of his trash and leave the cafe to walk around the area. Unsurprisingly, it starts to drizzle a little but it doesn’t bother him, especially since it ends after about 3 minutes. He finds himself strolling into an empty park and decides to occupy an unoccupied swing and lazily swing himself back and forth, back and forth. Suddenly, although not surprisingly, your image pops into his head and he smiles.
His best friend.
His partner in crime.
His potential girlfriend?
Today he plans on confessing his real and accidentally repressed feelings towards you and man is he nervous. Which, doesn’t actually happen too often. But in this case why wouldn’t he be nervous? It’s you. Although you two have only known each other for a few months, a little past half a year to be fair, he’s truly never felt the way he does for you for anyone else. It’s different. Honestly, it terrifies him how much he’s grown to care for you and he feels stupid for having tried to repress it, thinking it’d just simply go away. Because of his ignorance you both ended up getting arrested. He feels incredibly grateful that neither of you got into any serious trouble but in a way he’s also appreciative for the experience. Maybe not the handcuff part, not under those circumstances anyways, but in a way the whole thing was a rude awakening for him in regards to many things. For one, his feelings for you, and for another, regardless of the outcomes he has to tell you. Although, he does hope the outcomes aren’t permanently perilous….
A sudden ring and vibration emits from his back pocket, effectively breaking his train of thought. He retrieves his phone, reads your contact name and immediately smiles as answers it, ”Hey, gorgeous.”
“Hey, handsome,” you reply and his smirk expands.“Listen I just wanted to let you know that I’m like 10 maybe 5 minutes away. It’s not super sunny out but way less cloudy than usual so it’s a miracle these streets aren’t that busy. You wanna hang out by the bay for a bit after you show me whatever it is you’re gonna show me?”
“Uhh, duh,” you laugh at his response. “I’m surprised you felt the need to ask.”
“You’re right, what was I thinking?” you laugh, “but great, I’ll see you in a few,”
“Okay,” he hangs up, hops off the swing and proceeds to walk back to the Latte Owl.
As he nears the cafe he sees you make your way towards him from across the street and the two of you finally meet at the entrance.
“Hey,” he starts.
“Hi,” you smile.
“So what I have to show you is actually like 5 minutes away from here, but do you want anything before we go?” he asks.
“Um- nah I’m fine. Before I left for the Bay I took a big jug of coffee with me so I’m good. Do you want anything?”
“Nah, I’m good too. Shall we be off?” he makes a gesture to the pavement ahead.
"Actually before we go anywhere I just wanna say a few things,” you start.
Delsin nods and looks at you intently waiting for you to begin.
You fidget with your hands as you think about what to say before coming to a conclusion and looking up at him, “Okay first, I’m sorry. For like, everything. I'm sorry for shutting you out from my parents and not giving you a chance to show them how much of amazing and free spirited person you are. I’m sorry for making you feel like I was ashamed of our friendship because I'm not nor would I ever be. If anything I’m proud to be your best friend and super grateful to have gotten the chance to get to know you and I don’t wanna lose you.”
“Hey, you’ll never lose me, (Name),” he takes a few steps closer to you. “And you don’t need to keep apologizing, really it’s all okay. We’re here now, together… and now it’s my turn. Yesterday you were just trying to get us to talk and settle things out but I was doing everything in my power to prevent that. It was stupid and for that I'm sorry,” he takes a pause, “The truth is I've been hiding something from you... and from myself," he reaches to grab your hands and continues to look at you. "And today I'd like to show you what it is."
Touched by his apology, you smile and lightly squeeze his hand. Your eyes hold a certain glint that makes Delsin jump out of his reverie in realization to something.
“Oh, crap. Just remembered… what I have to show you works best as a surprise so you would you mind covering your eyes?”
“Sure,” you shrug and place your hands over your eyes.
“Sorry if it feels like a really poorly orchestrated Febreze commercial,” he says and you laugh. “I was rushing this morning and forgot to bring a blindfold.”
“No big deal,” you smile. “But your my eyes now so lead the way.”
Considering how you’re very prone to tripping over air, Delsin figures it’d be best hold you by your elbows to lead the way. Part of you fears tripping into oncoming traffic but luckily you know you have a good navigator for a pair of temporary eyes and that he’d never purposely lead you to danger. As the both of you walk, you and Delsin continue to have casual talk, much like how things used to be before.
After about 7 minutes of walking, Delsin brings you to a stop. He doesn’t instruct you to do anything yet, rather he stays quiet for a few seconds.
Suddenly you feel Delsin rest his hands on top of yours, gently removing your own from your eyes, “Surprise...”
You open your eyes and are in an actual state in shock and …. Confusion. Before you is the painting you and Delsin were working on the day you got arrested. Because of the incident you didn’t exactly have time or a chance to complete it. For some time you were a upset about it but quickly your concern moved to Delsin and where your friendship stood.
From behind you you hear some shuffling and when you turn you see Delsin offer you a spray can. With confusion on your face, again, you speak up, “Um did you forget what happened, like, yesterday?”
He smirks, no surprise there, “I’m pretty familiar with happened yesterday. I know that, metaphorically speaking, we almost got our heads chopped off for this but the real punishment would be to leave this piece undone without anyone knowing the artist’s amazing and immense potential. Yours. As a really talented artist myself, I knew you’d want the honor in finishing the tag yourself… or at least I really assumed so…..So whaddya say? One more go for old times sake?”
“Wow,” you dramatically sigh, “criminal mastermind and he has a way words.”
“You forgot handsome, boisterous, stud--”
“Egotistical, vain… but sweet and caring,” you smile at him as he smiles back.
His eyes light up as he sees you reaching for the can he holds and together you two go to work.
Since the job wasn’t far from completion when you were arrested, it doesn’t take too long to finish the tag and luckily there was not a cop in sight to catch you two. You step back to admire your work and smile. You then look to your left at Delsin who seems to have already been looking at you with a smile on his face.
“Thanks for this,” you start. “You know, any moment now this could turn into a really stupid mistake but I honestly have no regrets and I’m glad for your help in finishing this.”
“Anything and anytime for you. You know I do have quite a large amount of experience in making stupid mistakes but sometimes they end up being really good ones….” he slowly reaches for your hand and you look back to him as you entangle your hands with his.
He turns his body to fully face yours and you promptly follow his actions. You each take a step closer to each other and he begins to slowly lower his face until it closely hovers above yours. You sense his hesitancy and go on your tippy-toes, connecting your lips with his. Your lips move together in sink as his hands travel to your lower back and yours explore his neck and hair. You both break apart after a moment for air but you don’t miss the huge smile on his face.
“You know what this reminds me of?” he asks.
“Considering how this is the first time we’ve done that I can’t say I do,” you lightly laugh.
“That day at the bay,” he starts, “when you caught me doing a tag. It’s when we first met…. ‘Course Reggie tried to arrest us but still, one of the best mistakes I’ve ever made considering it lead us to this moment,” he tightens his hold around your back and lowers his head again.
“Agreed Rowe,” you smile as you lean up to complete the kiss.
YAAAAAAAYYYY Y'ALL FINALLY DID IT. TOOK FOREVER BUT YOU GUYS FINALLY DID IT. First, I really wanna apologize for the REALLY late and long overdue update. Life just really came at me, man. But still, that doesn't feel like a really good excuse but I'm soooo glad to have finally completed this. I was planning on making a second part which takes place when Delsin gets his powers but I'm really not sure about that anymore, mostly just considering how long it took me to finish this part. Also, what's really funny is that I completely changed the ending for this chapter at the last minute. Originally I was gonna have Delsin surprise the reader by completing the tag for her but then I realized that I'm not sure artists would really be okay with that because it's their work and stuff, even though D's just trying to help and junk I'm not sure it would've been totally okay. Idk maybe I overthought it but I'm still pretty happy with how this turned out and I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I also want to thank all of those who have continued to follow this story and read and comment, like, it really means a lot to me <33333 I guess that's all I have to say for now, it's a wrap guys! Thank you and I hope you liked the story :)
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familylightfox · 5 years
I know that these rules are long and that there is a lot to remember, but this is for my own comfort and mental health.
If you break a rule, I will message the first and second time with the third being a SOFT BLOCK
Some rules may be amended, but I will post a message on my blog to note the changes.
Thank you for taking the time to read them and I look forward to writing with you. 
They are under a read more due to length.
I will not tolerate being guilt tripped into getting involved in drama and will report someone for harassment if it continues.
I WILL NOT MAKE NOR WILL I LIKE INBOX CALLS. If I am following you, I do so because I wish to interact and as such there should be no worry of feeling like you are bothering me by sending asks or writing starters.
Volt and Harmony’s Zone is a mix of most of the available Sonic Lore (Archie/IDW crossing over with the Games) so they will likely recognize a canon character as one from their world, but unless we have had a discussion before hand, the character will not be part of their world.
I will ask that you refrain from reblogging threads, asks or headcanons.
Reblogging my art is encouraged.
I do not RP with Personal Blogs (If you have an RP side blog, please let me know)
I will not follow an RP blog that looks more like a personal blog than an RP blog (This means that you reblog more OOC or Content that has nothing to do with RP than responses to threads).
I will block those that use me as a meme source. Once or twice I can ignore, but when it’s a constant reblogging from me when I pulled from the source without any interaction and I will hard block you.
I also would appreciate if others could reblog promos/aesthetic posts from the source as they clutter up my activity feed that I use for tracking replies I owe.
I will not follow everyone that follows me.
I require that you have A RULES AND ABOUT PAGE to RP with me. NO EXCEPTIONS
I will not follow if you do not trim your posts
I will unfollow:
-If a blog is inactive for more than 3 months, -If OOC posts outnumber IC post, -Excessive Negative/Vent posts, -Untagged NSFW, -Untagged and Untrimmed posts, -Constant shitposts, -Excessive crack.
If you only seemed interested in Shipping without any development, or focus heavily on smut based threads I will not follow you.
If someone who follows me needs anything specifically tagged, the best way is to send me a private message asking me to do so.
If I am following you, I have read your rules and will try to remember the things that I need to tag for your comfort. I may forget at time, but as above, just send me a private message and I will rectify the situation as soon as I possibly can.
Anything I tag will be done so “______ tw" and place under a read more
—This includes blood, injury, gore (up to and including heavy gore/ultra violence), death. Which can fall under the NSFW category of topics
Anon is on for the time being, but will be removed should it be abused.
IMs are always open for plotting or talking something over Out Of Character. Discord is available as well. You can find that on my Mun page linked below.
If you want to continue an ask as a thread, please make a new post and tag me. I will not respond to reblogged asks to continue.
RP blogs may reblog asks that involve our muses if they wish to save the drabble.
I draft all my owed threads as they come in and reply to them in that order, using my queue. If you have a problem with me using my queue for our threads, it might be best if we don’t write with one another.
If I need to drop a thread, I will send a message
—Note that if a thread has gone unanswered for over a full month’s time, I will consider it dropped. —If you would like to continue the thread after that amount of time, message me so we can discuss it.
I would also appreciate if posts would be trimmed.
—If you are on mobile, let me know and I will trim for you
Please message me if you would like to start a thread.
I tend to write 3 or more paragraphs and while I don’t expect you to match length with me as I can sometimes write up to 6 or 7 paragraphs, I do expect more than just a one line response.
I do use some formatting (Indentation, italics, bold, html for language translations) and icons.
I have been known to do the occasional crack thread. I DON’T DO THEM OFTEN.
I WILL NOT SHIP WITH SOMEONE WHO WILL NOT DISCLOSE THEIR LEGAL AGE. I am in my 30s and am not comfortable shipping at all with minors.
Blog is Multiship; Meaning that all relationships take place in their own verse parallel to the Main Story.
—The Main Story Line of the blog has Volt as SINGLE. Asks that are sent in that do not specify a ship partner will be answered as such.
I am open to shipping with muses that there is chemistry with, but we must have a fully finished thread before I am willing to discuss anything (or asks turned into finished threads).
—I will not answer asks that are ship based in nature if the muse sending it has not had a full interaction as stated above.
I am also open to the ideas of Poly-Ships as long as BOTH of the other muns agree and there is chemistry between the muses.
When Shipping with me, please remember that Volt and Harmony are a package deal. You can’t ship and plan to only ever interact with Volt.
—Another note is that if Harmony does not get along with your muse, don’t expect Volt to not listen to his daughter.
The furthest into suggestive I will go on THIS blog will be heavy make outs and roaming hands.
Anything further must be taken to my SIDE BLOG.
Learn about the Mun: Here!
If you have read my Rules, please send “And what have you learned today?” into the askbox for a reply that can be used to turn into a greeting thread.
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