#/ nothing crazy tho. just a passing reference for effect
inun4ki · 9 months
"I can see you struggling. Take your time. I'm listening." //Yanna
for muses who can't open up
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They'd been sitting on a park bench for what'd felt like hours - talking, as if anything Kaede'd had to say had mattered. Maybe it was merely Yanna's nature to listen, to participate, to sit beside him and know something was wrong - she was good like that, maybe better than he deserved. Makeshift family, the closest thing he had to a grandmother that might've loved him once, found by chance circumstance long after the damage had been done and the dust had settled. There would be no repairing what's broken, burying the truth, ignoring the pain, pretending, hiding, sneaking, lying--
He owed her an explanation, he owed her something. Surely, Yanna could only take so much of his reckless abandon in combat, his incessant and inevitable self-mutilation as necessary and extra curricularly, his occasional blackouts and failing memory, crude and vulgar malcontent, flashbacks, anxiety--
What would she think of him, if he told her...? Would she still fight alongside him? Would she trust him to protect her as she protects him? Or would her opinion of him change, morph from the almost-tender and pleasant into paranoia, judgment, and uncomfortable tension that crackles and burns? Would she think him weak and foolish, clawing at himself to distract himself from his responsibilities and the pain he'd caused? Would she think him a coward...? Fingertips nervously tugged through long violet strands, catching on too many tangles at a time - he yanked his fingers through. Again, and again, silently drifting further and further into the agonizing cess pool poisoning his mind. He didn't want her to point all the same fingers at him as Kurai - he didn't want her to think he'd have been better off dead, too, that everything would be fine and everyone would still be alive if he'd never taken his first breath. He didn't want her to see his shame, his inaction, his cowardice. He didn't want her as the frightened and inept child he really was. He couldn't bear it. The idea of it alone caused his chest to tighten, his throat to sorely close, his body already screaming in its preparation to run.
But he owed her. He owed her something.
Gnawing on his lower lip, head bowed, gaze affixed to dirt and the sparse tuft of grass just beginning to peek through it, he made himself smaller. Shoulders sloped forward, thighs and calves firmly pressed together, spine slouching...with his hair to hide every bit of his face as his toes curled into the dirt. But his breaths caught on the knot in his throat and his teeth chattered, fear sparking into a roaring flame that burned and burned and burned in the pit of his stomach. Ripping the band-aid off and telling her was all he could do, and no matter how kind and gentle to him she'd been, she expected an answer... Why did this have to be so hard? Why couldn't he trust in turn, trust that he might be held with warmth and care and understanding and acceptance and-- Why couldn't he let it go?
He swallowed again, trying his damnedest to maintain any semblance of stoic composure, fingers shifting from his hair to the fabric concealing his wrists and picking at the seams, but he was failing - and he'd no choice anyway.
"T-twenty years ago," he rasped shakily, words like ash in his mouth. "Twenty years ago, there was... a massacre. Over sixty members of my clan were slaughtered and fed upon by curses and I...I watched them. I hid under the dining room table and cried, watching as my cousins were taken one by one and killed by my grandfather. I was stronger than they all were - I didn't know how to wield it, but still, I was stronger than them. I could've-should've done something, but I let them die... My grandfather was also killed, by the time the bloodshed had come to an end. He'd brought those curses into the estate and unleashed them upon us all, and no one knew why - but that was my fault too. He was already showing signs of severe mental instability, but the facilitation of my birth sent him spiraling. I only fanned the flames of his paranoia, the terror he already had that one day, he'd be usurped and any threats to his hold over the family must be dealt with. He planned to use me as a vessel in some desperate vie, to take my strength for his own, and in the midst of enacting this plan, the curses he'd aligned with turned on him and ripped him limb from limb. He left...a journal, outlining his plan in great detail. I found it hidden beneath the estate one night when I'd been punished for covering for Aoi and Terin again, tucked under the straw and floorboards in the cell - where no one else could possibly find it or bother to go looking."
He couldn't stand being vulnerable like this, couldn't stand talking about his family history, being seen, heard, known for even a moment. He wanted to trust her. Wanted to believe this would be okay. It was far too late to back out now. His heart and stomach lurched in tandem, his ears beginning to ring.
Please don't change your mind... Please don't turn your back on me.
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His thoughts were beginning to get to him, a childlike urge to crumple and cry washing over him. The longer he dragged this out, the more pathetic and miniscule he felt, the more cowardly and weak. Kurai would've turned him away, and Aoi vowed never to speak to him again after Terin's death... They blamed him for it all, and rightfully so. Had he been able to do something, he could've used their techniques to exorcise the curses quickly and no one would've had to die... Had he not been born, Taisho would've been dealt with sooner. Terin would still be alive. Mom, too...
"I took the journal to my father - everyone deserved to know the truth behind what my grandfather was planning. I thought it would be closure for them, to finally have a real explanation... I even thought the same for myself. I didn't realize, at the time, that I was handing them my own confession. Everything begins with Taisho, but ends with me. I may as well have killed them all myself. I've no right to sit beside you now, when there's so much blood on my hands, because it's not just them I'm responsible for but countless others... People who were simply doing what they needed to in order to survive among curses and killers and the other perils of every day life, working to achieve their dreams no matter how benign or totally fucked-- I'm just as guilty. I fight to redeem myself, but I can't wash away the stains. Yet, even-even so... I don't want you to think of me as any lesser. I don't want you to see me as the sort of person who would condemn his family to death through inaction and cowardice."
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wanna-do-bad-things · 4 years
Summary: Tired of dating for nothing, Henry laid everything out for her on that very first date. But when he gets everything he hoped for, there’s one thing left that he really wants.
Word count: 1683
Warnings: trying to get pregnant (no heartbreak tho, it just takes a lil time), fluffy baby daddy Henry
A/N: this was for @henrythickcavill, requested via my patreon. 
Forever tag list:  @luclittlepond |  @fcgrizi  | @henrythickcavill  |  @mitzwinchester  |  @mary-ann84 | @hell1129-blog  | @pensieve-foryour-thoughts  |  @agniavateira  |  @dancingwendigo  |  @living-in-the-darkness | @trippedmetaldetector |  @watermeloncavill  |   @justaboringadult   |   @madbaddic7ed   |   @ruthoakenshield  |  @omgkatinka   |   @iloveyouyen   |   @spursondele    |
Henry has been on cloud nine ever since she told him she was pregnant. Tired and mentally exhausted trying to find the right person, Henry had all but given up. It’s not that he was actively looking for a girlfriend, or wife in his case, but he did hope that when the right person came along, he’d just know. He’d feel it in his bones. He didn’t think it would happen like it does in the movies, where everything aligns, everything tastes better, music sounds better and he can breathe like he’s never breathed before. But he thought he’d feel something different.
She didn’t breeze into his life. She didn’t make him understand now why everything else hadn’t worked out. But what she did do was make him wonder how the hell he’d managed to feel so complete before when he felt bursting at the seams when he was around her. He’d laid it all on the table on their first date.
“I know this is a little full on, but I’m going to be honest with you. I can’t keep doing meaningless dates. If you’re not looking for something serious, something long term and possibly the end goal, then this date isn’t going to go far. You can leave, I’ll still pay for the bill, but I won’t hold it against you. I understand not everyone will be on the same page.”
Instead of pushing her chair back, grabbing her coat and bag and walking out of the restaurant, she pulled her chair a little closer, poured them both a drink and said, “so what colour theme are we having at the wedding and how many children are we having?”
She took an open interest in what he had to say, she challenged him on a few of his viewpoints just for a good conversation piece. They shared many of the same opinions and differed on a handful but nothing deal breaking or something that neither could get past. Henry understood that not everyone was the same and listening to her speak was amazing. He adored that they were on the same page when it came to values and their life.
As the weeks and months went on, he tried to trip her up. Tried to catch her out and see if she was just spoon feeding him everything he wanted to hear but no, it continued to flow almost perfectly. Henry took her on several vacations per year, she joined him on set, rode him when he needed his stress relieving and helped him with his lines. She was by no means a good actress, but she would try to put her feelings into it, try to give the script some sort of justice and helped Henry when he needed it.
They married three years later, with her joking that Henry would rush her down the aisle just so he could get straight to the baby making part of marriage. But it didn’t happen as quickly as either of them hoped. She came off her birth control and though they’d lose themselves within the sheets (or on the counter tops, table, against the hallway wall, the sofa, his gaming chair…just anywhere which could hold their weight,) as often as possible without wanting to take the fun out of sex and just have it for the sake of having a baby, pregnancy just wasn’t as easy to happen as they’d thought.
A year and half into their marriage, she’d began to draw up schedules, bought thermometers to check her temperature and downloaded several “trying to get pregnant” apps. She tracked her cycles, found the optimum times for having sex and had started to pitch it all to Henry when she realised she was two weeks late.
He’d sat there before her, waiting for her to reach the main part of her big presentation of why looking at their baby making schedule would be most effective when he’d watched the blood drain from her face and her scramble out of the room, roughly slamming the bathroom door closed and lock it before he’d been able to fully understand what had just happened. He’d heard things dropping onto the floor, things being torn open and as he’d stood nervously on the other side of the bathroom door, his hand on the wooden surface, listening carefully for anything which could give him an idea of what had happened, he’d finally heard the little sob that came from her.
“Are you ok?” He’d asked softly, not wanting to refer to her by any pet names, instead addressing her by her name. She hadn’t replied for a moment or two, just the sound of her soft cries filling the room in which he couldn’t access until she’d finally slid the lock open and he found her sitting on the floor, surrounded by torn open pregnancy test boxes and four tests sitting in front of her, letters boasting PREGNANT 4+ WEEKS on each of them.
Henry hadn’t wanted to go too crazy. He’d wanted this for too long and didn’t want to curse anything by purchasing anything too early. He’d gripped her hand, their fingers locked together, tears falling from his eyes as he’d pressed their hands to his lips as his eyes had remained fixated on the screen during her scan, watching as their two babies wriggled around for them. Watching as their tiny limbs stretched out and they flipped themselves around in their little bubble of comfort.
With each passing week, Henry ensured that he took care of any of the big jobs, needing her to take it as easily as possible. She hadn’t wanted to completely give up their workouts, and he’d make sure that he was there to observe each one, with a personalised plan specifically for pregnancy. They scoured the websites for the perfect nursery set up. With the babies genders remaining a secret, pots of neutral paint sits in the room. Dust sheets are down ready to catch any splatters of paint which hadn’t made it onto the walls. Tins of light colours are waiting to be applied and Henry has changed into his “DIY” clothes which are sweatpants and a loose, though still fitted for him, cotton tee shirt.
Most of the walls will be a pale grey to match the carpet, but there’ll be soft mint greens, duck egg blues, pale yellows scattered around the room in forms of cuddle bears, artwork and books that he wants to read to them. Two rocking chairs have been placed, and tested, and he already looks forward to sitting in them while reading to the two of them as they have their feed, much like he’s already done with her sitting beside him, their joined hands pressed to her large bump as he’d read some of his favourite childhood stories to them so that they would already recognise his voice. She’s due in one months’ time, and only now does he feel confident enough to begin to paint and assemble everything he’d bought.
She’d caught him in the middle of their living room two months ago, the boxes emptied out and him checking every screw, every nut, bolt and piece against the assembly instructions to ensure that everything was there, fully prepared with the phone and laptop beside him to make all the forms of contact needed to get the right parts sent out. “I’m not leaving it until last minute to then find out something is missing, or wrong or damaged and it’s too late.”
He’s strolled around the house with the double pram, telling her he needed to break in the wheels. He’s practiced for what felt like hours closing the pram and re-opening it again. Getting it in and out of the large car which he bought for the babies in mind. He’s tested numerous ways of picking up the baby carriers and how to get them in and out of the car with ease. He’s completed a baby first aid course and made sure he’s bought enough things to baby proof the house.
“You have some explaining to do.” She says, waddling into the doorway of the nursery, holding up some of the baby outfits he’s purchased.
“Look at the little cape though.” He grins, putting down the paint roller and tray before he’s even applied the first stroke. He walks over to her, his hand instinctively going to her belly as the other touches the cape of the baby vest which reads “my daddy is superman.”
“And this?” She holds up a mini Chiefs kit.
“I don’t make the rules around here. It’s law that they should match their daddy.”
“But what if they choose to suppo-”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Henry cuts her off with a wag of his finger, “we don’t have none of that negativity around here. Absolutely not.” It takes everything she can muster not to crack another smile and to try and keep her expression as neutral as possible but the stern look upon Henry’s face makes it more difficult to do so.
“You can’t wait for this, can you?” She asks him as she sinks down into her rocking chair and slowly goes back and forth, sighing contently to get the weight from her swelling ankles and sore feet.
“Lumberjack beard, bags under my eyes so big I could do a months shopping in them and endless stories of ‘so yeah, my kid pooped today’ conversations. I can’t wait.”
“No dad bod?” She questions.
“I’m a daddy now, and I’ve got a body.” You sure are daddy, she thinks. If she weren’t suffering from her aching hips, she’d be wanting to climb onto his lap and ride him. He looks far too good right now.
“Yeah you have, now let me see that body of yours get to work….on this room. Not on me.” She says, holding up her finger and lifting a leg up as though that could stop Henry from covering her body with his own, “you’ve done enough.”
“Well, you know what they say… it helps to speed things along…”
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heartlesslywhumping · 5 years
I got an ask regarding some touchy subjects and rather than just respond to the ask and have it pop up in everyone’s feeds, I decided to copy/paste the question under a cut.
Here are the trigger warnings,
TW: Loss of a loved one TW: Guns TW: Shootings
im writing a story about my oc’s life after she finds out that her boyfriend died in a school shooting he was responsible for & im having trouble writing the grieving process for her. her facing the fact that she misses him & still loves him but is shocked & appalled @ the actions he committed, not wanting to believe that he was planning something so horrific, or wanting to believe he was even capable of doing something like that. (i get it if u don’t want to tho, it’s a bit controversial)
Before I start, I’d like to remind everybody that all the research I put out is taken from the internet, conversations with people I know, and the occasional book. I am not a professional in the matters of mental health and this is not infallible, my word is not law and this is for fun and writing purposes only. Seek out real help in the form of counselors, doctors, and therapists if you are affected in real life.
So I’m sure everyone is aware of the five stages of grief. A lot of people use that for the end all, be all of writing grief but the thing is, there is no end all be all when it comes to emotions or brain stuff.
Some people fit that mold exactly whereas others skip all but one. Some speed through and some take ages in each stage. There is no neat lineup of emotions, more like a roller coaster that never ends. An unfortunate side effect of the firm belief in the five stages means that some people criticize themselves for “not grieving correctly”. Each grieving process is unique as each person is unique.
Of course, misunderstanding the grieving process can lead to some fun internal angst!
That being said, I think it’s important to know and acknowledge the five stages of grief. To keep this from being a crazy long, college essay length response, I’m going to try to keep all of this brief. If you (or anyone) would like further information about any of these individual steps and would like my help in research, just let me know!
Denial: Denial is stage number one. It most often shows itself by being unable to acknowledge situations, avoiding the facts of a problem, and downplaying the consequences of issues. It can show up in regards to anything that makes one feel vulnerable or out of control. Which is basically grief. These days, doctors say that a bit of denial is actually good and can be helpful. It gives the brain little doses of what has happened, protecting us from taking in too much too soon. The brain naturally gives us little breaks to process, regroup, and try again. However, denial can easily become unhealthy. When one avoids a problem altogether, the denial stops one from taking important actions, or a person becomes unable to face anything or delaying getting help
Anger: Lashing out at others, at yourself, and even at the person who died. There’s anger at being left behind, being in pain, that life has changed, at the events that led up to death, there’s even anger at being angry. This is probably a lot of what your character will feel, potentially even the majority or getting stuck in that feeling. There’s the anger that the boyfriend did this, anger that there was nothing your character could do, anger that the boyfriend died, anger at themselves for grieving or being angry at the dead.
Bargaining: This most often shows up before someone dies. The sudden return to faith, the praying, the thought of karma, all those things. After death it shows up in “What if I did [blank], then could I have stopped this?” “If only I had done, said, noticed [blank], then this wouldn’t have happened”, “What if when they said or did [blank], that was a sign?” It’s a lot of blaming oneself for something that was completely out of their control. Were there signs? Was there something I could have done? It can turn utterly unreasonable, too. “If I had eaten the carrot first instead of the potato, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.” People can even go into the somewhat fantastical idea that if they do one thing or another, than they will wake up and it will all have been a bad dream or misunderstanding. It can also turn into “If I do XYZ, then this will never happen to me again.'' This is another stage I wouldn’t be surprised if your character kept returning to.
Depression: This is when the “sad” part of grief shows itself most clearly. It feels as though it will last forever. This term doesn’t mean the mental illness, it means the response to loss. People often withdraw from life, they wonder what the point is of anything, they get lost in a fog. The realization of loss hits hard and is understandably depressed. Can this all lead to a mental illness? Of course. But having depressive reactions to depressive situations is a normal response. The odd thing would be to not experience depression after depressing situations.
Acceptance: This is often confused with the sun coming out and everything being okay again. The reality is, nothing will go back to the way it was. One may never be okay with what happened. And that’s normal. Acceptance is accepting the reality that a loved one is gone and recognizing that this reality is your new reality. One may not like it or find it to be “okay” but it’s reality now. People learn to live with it and keep going. They learn how to live in a world where their loved one is gone. They readjust and realize that they can’t live in or change the past. There is no replacing someone but one can move on, make new connections, new meaningful relationships, new lives overall. Many people see this as a betrayal of a loved one but it’s not. It’s continuing to live life. You aren’t replacing someone, you can’t replace someone. But you can make new relationships and lives while respecting and loving those who have gone.
Now, of course everyone grieves differently. These five stages don’t always occur in this order, some last longer than others, some don’t show up, some keep coming back for more. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve, it just happens. Some show their pain externally, some keep it internal. It’s all different and it’s all okay. Understanding these stages is important but they fluctuate.
Some Final Notes about Grief: Grief shakes faith. That doesn’t just mean religion, although yes, that too. Faith in the world is shaken, faith in ourselves, each other, anyone that could be perceived to have “stopped” this. Law enforcement, medical professionals, caretakers, etc. Some ask how such a thing could have happened to such a good person or how the world is so unfair. People also are shaken in themselves and their relationships. Who are they without their loved one? Who were they before? Who are they going to be after? Some people may try to go back to the way they were before but come to realize that there is no going back. We are often defined by others. We define ourselves by our relationships to people. We are certain people to our spouses, our siblings, children, friends, coworkers, etc. We’re mentors, we’re caregivers, we’re the mom friend, we’re the bad influence, etc. When someone passes away, it can feel like we’ve lost that part of ourselves as well. That is part of grief. Your character may wonder where they stand now, they’re the “girlfriend of a school shooter”, what does that mean? This of course, spurs the whole bargaining and blaming and all of that stuff.
     Second thing I want to mention: Trauma. This is a traumatic event, regardless of whether your character was there or not. The moment she is told turns into a traumatic event. She may feel that she doens’t have the right to be traumatized because she wasn’t affected. But she was. She is just as traumatized as anyone else, just in a different way. She will likely have some post-traumatic effects. This may or may not lead to PTSD, but there will be lasting effects.
Side note: PTSD can happen to anyone. Most people refer it to war events but it can happen to anyone that has had a traumatic event occur in their lives.
People affected by trauma tend to feel unsafe. Whether that’s in their bodies, in their abilities, in their relationships with others, what have you. Regaining a sense of safety can take anymore from days to years. It’s often hard for people to regulate or soothe difficult emotions in their lives that they may not associate directly to the trauma. They may also find speaking about their trauma overwhelming. There are actually researchers trying to find nonverbal ways to help emotional regulation.
Processing trauma puts words, emotions, and meaning to it. This is most commonly undertaken with a therapist or a counselor. Attending to safety allows one to move through processing and integrated it rather than reacts to it. Now, people often can be overwhelmed and emotionally flooded while processing. The feeling of safety and stability must be regained before moving on with a personal recovery or story. The point of processing is not to relive the trauma but it’s also not meant to tell a story without any emotions. This involves exploration, mourning, and remembrance of what happened, along with the space to grieve and express emotions.
Eventually, people find their new sense of self and reality. They redefine themselves in the context of new reality. Trauma no longer becomes a defining aspect of their life. They are not organizing their life around their traumatic experiences. Trauma becomes integrated into the story of their life but it is not the story that defines them. Eventually, people come to recognize the impact of their trauma but are able to take concrete steps towards empowerment and a new way of living. Some find this through a mission to help them heal and grow further, such as mentoring. Regardless of how it’s achieved, recovery is different for everyone. Many feel this burning desire to get better quickly and can feel frustration that a process is taking too long or they’re not doing it right. Sprinkle heavy air quotations around all of this. Recovery is not defined by the complete absence of thoughts or feelings around trauma but the ability to live with it in a way that it’s not controlling your life. It’s important for those recovery to be gentle, patient, and compassionate with themselves. However, because emotions are wack, they’ll likely need someone to help them with this as they will not be at all kind to themselves.
     Now, I’ve thrown around the term “Integration.” What does that mean? Trauma integration is a process in which trauma is acknowledged to be a part of a new, ongoing reality but is no longer the center of experience and life because it is surrounded by awareness. In better terms, it’s realizing that trauma happened and is a part of your life story but it does not define your life story.
Here is a helpful image that explains what happens before, during, and after trauma. The creator says that her view of this “roadmap” is a circle, not a line. None of these stages are “one and done”. Survivors of trauma usually go through every stage multiple times with varying lengths and intensities. It’s a spiral, not a line.
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I’m going to post more research regarding trauma later, because I think it’s neat for writers but especially whumpers.
     The final thing I want to offer is that I would not be surprised if your character dealt with survivor’s guilt. If you don’t know what that is, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Guilt that you survived where others did not. Now, your character may not have been in any direct danger but her guilt over the fact it was her boyfriend that killed others will likely be the same. I know people that have dealt with survivor’s guilt because their house did not burn down in a wildfire and their friend’s did. It’s the feeling that one has done something wrong by surviving a tragic even where others succumbed. It can even show up in an employee who kept their job when an equally qualified co-worked was laid off. Emotions are wack.
Of course, it’s not logical for someone to feel responsible for another person’s fate but humans rarely have control over their guilt.
There is the obvious guilt over surviving. That one stayed safe where others didn’t, even if the person in question was whole countries away. The feeling that one does not deserve to be safe or should have been harmed/affected as well. One finds themselves questioning the fairness of the world or hating their “good fortune.”
Then there’s guilt over what “should” have been done. There’s remorse that maybe one didn’t do enough. They should have known, should have tried harder, done better, etc. It’s an inflated sense of failure or responsibility. Back to bargaining with the sense that someone should have done something differently. Eventually, one has to realize that there’s only so much a single person can do.
There’s more guilt over what you did. Leaving behind family for better or safer opportunities, pushing someone out of the way while running from danger, etc. There’s also the potential guilt for coincidence. Waylon Jennings was supposed to be on the plane that crashed and killed Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens. Jennings told Holly that he had given up his seat to a flu-stricken Big Bopper and Jennings would instead be taking the unheated tour bus. Holly joked that he hoped Jennings froze on the bus. Jennings responded with “I hope your ol’ plane crashes.” Later, Jennings said that for years he thought he caused the plane crash.
Now we know there was no way Jennings caused the crash through a teasing comment, but guilt is funny that way.
Survivors often try not to think or talk about an event. Additionally, many feel on edge, vigilant, paranoid, detached, easily startled. They may obsess over what happened, feel confused, unworthy about living, unsure of the meaning of life, or are plagued by the sense that no matter where they go or what they do, they're never safe. This may appear in your character feeling that she never truly knows someone else and can never trust another person.
Eventually your character will have to learn to forgive herself, even though she didn’t (or did, depending on your story) cause anything to prompt her boyfriend to do that.
Final notes: Grief doesn’t just go away. It sticks around for years after. Sometimes you’re hit by it out of the blue random. The wounds remain but the pain lessens and life goes on. Recovery is possible and reachable, but grief will always stay. Recovery, peace, and healing are not found in another person. A new relationship or a discussion with another victim will not heal your character. She may find closure in talking with others, she may find help from a therapist, but one person cannot heal another. There is help, there are resources, and it will all help her to heal but ultimately that comes from her. A physical therapist cannot touch you and presto! You’re healed and strong again. They can train you and help you work through your pain until you body is strong but it will be your muscles that heal and your body that fixes. It’s the same way for mental health. A therapist or counselor will help but they cannot give you a new brain or heal it for you. Of course, your character can be in a new relationship by the end of the story but I would be careful about framing things to seem like her new boy/girlfriend is the cure for her. They cannot fix her or give her peace. They may love and support her but I would just be aware not to frame things like a new relationship is her cure.
That’s it from me! Already this is pretty crazy long and that’s the gist of things. If you would like my research and input on other things, let me know!
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whateverisbeautiful · 6 years
Reveling in Richonne
121: The Turn (8x14)
The thing about this show is that it can have a weak season but, even then, there will still be at least a few moments that really deliver. And to me, this conversation between Rick and Morgan in this episode really delivers. 
It’s pretty moving and the fact that Lennie James and Andrew Lincoln are such phenomenal talents definitely has a lot to do with it. 💯
And in this conversation they have, there’s actually some Richonne connections to be made.
Plus, the events that occur in these following moments are particularly important since this is where we see a pivotal point for Rick. Imo it’s a large part of his turning point.
So after the beautifully acted moment between Rick and Michonne earlier, the next time we see Rick he’s sitting in a room with Judith. Rick clearly seems very distraught and then we see that he’s staring down at Carl’s hat, which is beyond heartbreaking, especially knowing that Carl was able to express what that hat meant to him in front of his dad. 😭
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We’ve seen Rick have very brief moments of breaking and collecting himself post-Carl but I think this is the moment where the inner chaos that must be going on in his head is the most visible. Like this scene makes it clear how much all this is eating away at him. So he gets up and leaves cuz he can’t let himself sit in this pain. 
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And it’s interesting that Judith was included in this moment because I think it just further hits home that Rick is in such a gripping head space that neither his wife or his daughter (the two lights he has left in this world) can bring him fully out yet. They definitely have come close, but right now his wrathful side has taken over and is spurring him to keep “moving to move away from it.”
So the very next scene is Rick walking outside with that coat on, so you already know what’s bout to go down. Someone or someone(s) finna meet their end. 💯
Another significant thing about this jacket is that it’s the one he wore when he killed the Claimer trying to kill Carl in the season 4 finale, and it just reminds me that Rick would do everything in his power to protect Carl and keep him safe and yet his son still eventually didn’t make it. (Why TWD, why?) 😢😪
On a lighter note, I notice how when Rick walks out it low key feels like when kids sneak out knowing good and well they’re supposed to stay inside lol. Like I def think all that looking around he does as he walks has to do with Michonne, cuz he knows if he runs into her then he won’t be able to help but abide to her wish that he stay here and process like he’s supposed to.
(Side note: I wish Michonne would have got her own storyline this episode so we could know what she did while Rick was out and in finding out he left. It would have been nice to know what she was up to that day. And not just cuz I’m in the ministry of #GiveMichonneMoreScreenTime)
This whole moment of Rick leaving is an indicator that Rick’s not in the best spot cuz Homeboy never goes against Michonne’s guidance if he can avoid it. Last time something like that happened he went crazy in ASZ.
So Rick approaches Alden and we’re seeing some signature Rick Nothing-to-play-with Grimes which I’m a fan of lol. He’s using his cop knowledge to get intel out of Alden and to get an idea of where those escaped Saviors might be.
Before walking away, Alden asks Rick that if it’s possible, could he not kill anymore people than he has to and he lets him know that Rick could have the potential to show these people a better way. 
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It’s significant because it’s a very similar sentiment to what Carl expressed to him in his final moments. 
And again, it just goes to show that no matter how far he runs, everywhere Rick goes there is going to be some reminder of Carl and the message Carl instilled upon him.
After Alden tells him that showing these Saviors some empathy is something he could do, Rick responds saying “Yeah I could.” It’s low key petty, but I love the delivery of that line lol. 😋
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At the same time, it’s yet another way to show that Rick isn’t ready to come to terms with Carl and his message. He knows he could do that, but he’s not trying to let the more rational side of him be in control of his actions right now cuz again, his goal is to kill away his problems.
So Rick leaves and then he runs into Morgan. And y’all they’re both on edge and losing it a little so probably not the best company right now lol. 
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But I’m very happy these two got a storyline together cuz they started this series off and they’re some of the few characters that still have my heart on this show. Plus Lennie James and Andrew Lincoln are both seriously A1 actors. They are the best of the best in this cast, along with Danai and Melissa McBride imo. 👏🏽👏🏽(Which interestingly they play the four characters who lost children🏽)
When Morgan and Rick run into each other, Morgan’s in that murky headspace so Rick has to tell him “You know me”. And I love that it’s a “Clear” reference. It’s sweet that Rick knows how to proceed and talk Morgan down somewhat when he’s having an episode. It’s also sad cuz last time he told Morgan this, Carl was alive and well and forming the roots of his precious bond with Michonne. 😔
Rick also tells Morgan that he probably shouldn’t be out here which is true…for both of them lol. 
But what’s funny is that when Rick realizes they are both out here to finish off those Saviors he’s like “We finish it. You and me” to which I was like bruh but you just said he shouldn’t be out here 🤔…Again, not exactly thinking straight rn.
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(Side note: Hearing him say “you and me” made me wish Rick would stop and remember how in 7x12 he told Michonne he wanted it to be “you and me reordering things together.” Cuz what he’s doing right now ain’t that.) 
It’s not long before Rick and Morgan find the place and are immediately captured. And seeing them tied up in that bar, I was just like Rick, friend…what is you doing. Cuz he’s supposed to be in his room reading a letter right now but instead he’s tied up in a bar with some Saviors. #wildin 
Plus I felt Rick also has to remember that him being out here in potentially life-threatening predicaments like this is going to greatly affect Michonne and Judith cuz he still have a family that needs him, and it would be devastating if they lost him so soon after losing Carl. But right now Rick can’t quite think pass the present.
I like how Rick wakes up so casually and asks how long he was out like he’s waking up from a nap tho. 😂 Homeboy is unbothered lol. Probably cuz he knows what he and Morgan are capable of. 
So these Saviors are trying to decide what their next move is and the sniveling one, Jared, is very eager to get back and turn Rick in. Rick then starts to recall Alden’s words and he presents an offer for the Saviors to come back to Hilltop and join them. He then gives his word and repeats what he said in 8x03 about how a man’s word “still gotta mean something”. Except this time there does seem to be less sincerity in his delivery. 
Jared’s not buying it and so then, y’all, I knew about Petty Rick but he was practically out-pettied by Morgan and I am here for Petty Morgan. 👏🏽👏🏽 His bold but casual honesty was great as he tells the Saviors; nah I’m def here to do what I have to do and kill all y’all. (And it’s funny cuz as Morgan starts really going off you can kind of see Rick look like he’s thinking “alright this might be too wild even for me” 😂)
Rick and Morgan warned these guys about a herd closing in and sure enough a swarm of walkers show up. Rick says “Thing is, we already killed you.”  and I don’t know why it’s said exactly but what I do know is that means he did kind of sort of warn them about what he’s about to do lol. 
They convince the Saviors that they’re too weak to take on this herd alone so some of the guys untie them. So then they’re all fending off this herd and a walker almost gets to Rick but then the Savior (that low key resembles early day Shane), takes out the walker before it can bite Rick, which makes it seem like he might be a real one.
But then things take a turn and get
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Cuz Rick has the Saviors go in front of him and all Rick and Morgan have to do is just give each other a look like…
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And that’s enough for both these OG’s to know what time it is and they proceed to take out all the Saviors.
Which my first reaction was like…
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(Side note: That coat is undefeated, y’all.)
Now…I know this whole moment was controversial. And I have some thoughts on it lol. Cuz y’all the very first time I watched this I def felt like this was super cold of Rick and I felt like this was Rick dabbling way too far on the side of villainy. And with Rick having given his word I was like don’t tell me this show is trying to discredit Rick’s word, especially in the same episode he’s going to tell Michonne those words we’ve been waiting to hear. 
But then, like I have to do with many things, I stopped and addressed the error of my thinking. And I realized that this actually isn’t as heinous as it seems. Don’t get me wrong it was savage and revealing of how Rick’s in a very shaky spot, but in my opinion it was also sort of necessary and doesn’t make him a monster.
So while seeing Rick and Morgan at their most ruthless was tough to chew on initially, I eventually came to the conclusion that…
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The way I see it, it’s like a kidnapping situation where oftentimes when someone is kidnapped and restrained from fighting back physically, they often use their words to help them escape by getting into their captors head. They will tell their captor anything to be let go, even if it’s a false promise like swearing they won’t say anything if they can go or that they’ll give them whatever they want, etc. These are all untrue but they’re used as an effective defense mechanism and escape strategy. 
And if it works and they’re able to escape and then they immediately break the promises they made, we’d understand that they had to give their word and then break it to survive. That’s what Rick had to do imo.
Cuz, while yes the Saviors untied them and even were working together to take out these walkers, the truth is there’s still not much of a legit reason to believe they can be trusted long term. 
Rick and Morgan were of use to the Saviors at the time, who knows what they’d do to them when the walker issue was done. They are after all on opposing sides of this war and technically have more loyalty to Negan than Rick. So Rick doesn’t have much reason to think they would genuinely side with him and it’s dangerous to risk finding out.
So Rick and Morgan’s lives were still on the line and Rick did what he had to do, which in this case was say what he had to say. His whole spiel about letting them go back to Hilltop was never his word, it was his defense mechanism to break out of there. It’s not that he meant it and went back on it, he never meant it.
What was his true word tho? That he was going to kill those Saviors and well…he def kept his word. 👀💯
And, yes, the vengeful aspect of this from Rick is not healthy and it’s definitely not Rick’s shining moment when he kills the guy that just saved his life but at least for me I don’t think this turn of events means Rick isn’t the guy we thought he was and especially most of all this does not mean he’s comparable to Negan in the slightest. Those comparisons just will never add up to me. 🤦🏽‍♀️
The most suspect aspect of this on Rick’s part is that it’s just so opposite of what Carl wanted for him, but in the end he’s not a horrible person for telling a lie to survive his captors. 
Plus doing all this allowed him to make it back to Michonne so...
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So as Rick and Morgan are taking everybody out, I’m also here for Petty Morgan mean mugging Jared as he holds him to the gate, and then finally listens to Jared’s plea to let him go only once it’s too late. I was like…
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Rick goes up to the guy who saved him and it’s interesting how similar the lighting is to the chapel scene where Rick spent his last moments with Carl.
There’s that same sort of light ray shining through and it’s ironic in a way cuz Rick promised to make it real for Carl but instead he’s just done the opposite of make it real, in the very same light. 
Admittedly, the most cruel feeling part of this whole thing is when Rick just bold face looks at this guy and cuts him off to tell him, “I lied.” But I think what we’re seeing right now is the very dark space Rick could go to if he doesn’t stop himself.
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It’s deep to hear the Savior say he didn’t lie about wanting to make things work and it definitely sparks a contrast. Then, the Savior tells Rick they could’ve lived after and Lincoln does a great job of showcasing the suppressed emotion Rick feels at this moment.
The subtle smugness is quickly replaced with the struggle to pull the trigger cuz he knows he’s not right in the head and that he’s doing what his woman said “moving to move away from it.” But he can’t get away from it. 
Everywhere he goes, something or someone is reminding Rick of Carl’s dying wish in some way. And I bet it hits Rick that Carl was laying on the ground talking about this very thing of after and living together in peace. And that triggers Rick so he pulls the trigger. 
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And this to me is the beginning of the turning point for him that actually starts to snap him out of this dark spot for a moment to become aware of what he’s becoming. 
Cuz as he stands around the bodies there’s definitely a sense that he’s gotten a big wake up call about how far he has strayed from Carl’s vision.
He’s slowly starting to sense that violence and wrath doesn’t solve the deeper pain and it isn’t the way to move forward.  
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Morgan walks by and casually takes out a body about to turn, still in Petty Morgan beast mode I think. And what’s interesting is he says, “Everybody turns” and that line starts to carry a lot of weight. 
It means so much more than just everybody turns into walkers. It means everybody can turn from their old ways. In this world, everybody turns from their initial values and moral code at some point (especially after the loss of a child as we see in the cases of Rick, Morgan, Michonne and Carol in different parts of their journey)
But the thing is, yes everybody turns from who they are or were but just like you can turn dark, you can turn light again. You can turn back. 👌🏽 And in this following scene there really is a turning point for Rick where his eye are opened to how he has to turn things around.
Rick has a choice to continue on this dark path or be better and get better, not just for him but for his family and his people. So it’s significant that next we see Rick take a step towards that by reaching out to Morgan for an answer. And he gets just the answer he needs to realize which side he should choose.
He starts by telling Morgan how he saved him and he would have died without him, maybe even right in front of Morgan’s house. I love that these two get to make reference to the episode that started it all, 8 seasons later. Cuz they really were the two who drew us into this world.
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What’s so meaningful about Rick bringing this up is that in the pilot Rick was to Morgan, what Siddiq was to Carl.
Rick was just a stranger at the time, but Morgan helped him like Carl took in Siddiq. So I think Rick is asking Morgan this right now because he’s trying to better understand Carl’s own thinking of helping the traveler by understanding why Morgan did that for him.
This is important cuz it’s Rick wanting to understand Carl’s side of things. So that right there let’s you know he’s not embracing the monster within, or at least he’s trying to fight it.
He reaches out to Morgan in hopes that it’ll help him see something that’s super difficult for him to see right now which is how to give people a chance again. He wants to be different and he’s essentially trying to gauge how by seeing why Morgan was able to do it for him, a stranger, all that time ago.
As Rick asks this, Morgan doesn’t want to talk about it and he just wants to go. Rick goes on to mention “Your son was there” and that’s when Morgan really wants to shut the conversation down cuz he still feels he’s not at a place to talk about Duane.
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And this moment between them is so emotional because we were introduced to these two characters as fathers who would do anything for their sons and now they’ve both lost the very people they fought and lived for in the beginning. 😔
Rick continues to urge Morgan to just tell him why he saved him because reflecting on who they were before could help them understand how to try and be that again. 
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And, while Morgan’s not at a place to just fully pour his heart out about this, he does manage to give Rick an answer that’s pretty profound.
He explains that the reason he did it was, “Because my son was there”. Y’all. 😭😭 
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This is such a great response. The writing on this show has been suffering for a minute but that right there was spot on and really hit home to me. 👌🏽
It means so much. It’s so true that Morgan’s son gave him his humanity and then when he lost him, he lost all that humanity for a long while. And Rick has the potential to be in a similar spot cuz Carl was that instrumental to him as well. And you can tell that when Rick hears this he knows it too.
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He knows it’s his son who kept him going for so long, especially before their family expanded, and so there’s a certain added somberness to this response cuz the very thing that motivated him is no longer with him.
But unlike Morgan who no longer has Duane to guide him to good, Rick still does have one more opportunity for Carl specifically to guide him to good; the letter.
So I think this is where Rick knows it’s time to read the letter. He needs his son’s guidance if he���s going to maintain his humanity, a humanity we saw jeopardized in this savior massacre (although, again, when you’re captured by the opposing side sometimes you have to finesse a situation)
(Side note: Speaking of finessing, that whole Jadis and Negan storyline was just a mess imo. Negan getting access to the guns and photos had me really wondering if he was a looney tunes character. And the fact that Jadis freed him and let him finesse her on her own turf with a brief bit of his backstory really had me like...
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And also how is Negan going to see a helicopter and just casually be like; hey maybe we can chat about that one day?)
But I think the other saving grace that proves hope isn’t lost, is that Rick still has someone who Carl absolutely lives on through. Michonne and Carl had such an impact on each other and she represents so much of the good of Carl so through her and through Carl’s final words in the letter Rick can find his way back to the light.
Rick is a good man and a lot of what kept him that way was the motivation of his son, and without him that good complex got a little skewed, but deep down Rick still is good and wants to be good. So he knows something has got to give.
But the main reason I see this moment as Richonne related is because a big reason Rick let Michonne in, way back in season 3 is because his son was there. 😭
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Like of course there was also an innate connection that Rick and Michonne seemed to have from the jump, but Rick was so entranced at that first meeting at the fence that it wasn’t until Carl spoke about helping her that Rick ran and brought her in. His son was taking in that moment similar to Duane in the pilot.
And then in the more personal sense of letting her in, it was also because his son was there to tell him Michonne is one of them that helped Rick feel more free to let Michonne further into his heart. 😊
And that decision to let her in changed his whole life for the better. Like she really did make life 1000x better for him. So if anything, that’s a telling reason of why sometimes letting people in works out and he should follow his son’s guidance, cuz Carl has shown him the way before and he can show him the way now too.
They end the scene with Rick in the broken mirror cuz, a little heavy handedly, it’s the broken man in the mirror. 
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But it still speaks to something important because Rick’s been broken and it’s led him to go and act in the very way Carl didn’t want him to, so the mirror is this symbol of him having to face his issues head on and see more clearly that this isn’t the way.
So as Rick faces the man in the broken mirror he knows he’s at a crossroads with a crucial decision to make. Continue on as this cold blooded killer and lose his mind and have Carl’s death cripple him with insanity or turn to Carl through his letter to lead the way and make him a better man once more. 👌🏽
(Side note: I’m glad they didn’t have him look in the mirror cuz then I would have got some SNL “Californians” vibes lol 😂)
It’s really significant that 8x14 highlights the four characters who lost kids and that in this episode they each get to make reference to their kids and the way it changed them, because I think Carol, Michonne, and Morgan’s journeys after losing kids are meant to all represent paths Rick can choose to take having just recently joined this club.
He can be like Morgan and fall into a very fragile state of mind where he has unstable episodes and is never able to talk about it much. 
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Or he can be like Carol and, as she says later in her words, “become nothing for a long while” only to emerge a strong fighter who also pushes the people close away and convinces herself that she has to be isolated. (Which side note: I’m proud of Carol that she was able to make some breakthroughs this episode in letting people in again)
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Or he can be like Michonne who went to a very dark space like he’s gone to and then worked to put all this “moving to move away from it” behind her to face her demons and get to a point of healing and opening her heart to the love that was there for her.
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I think it’s clear which road he should take.  And luckily the woman, who fought to overcome that shut down state she was once in, is willing and ready to walk this path of healing with him.😌
So this moment with Morgan is not only one of the best scenes of the season to me, but it is also the turning point for Rick. This is where he makes a decision on who he needs to be. 💯
Rick is not going to keep being this dark vengeful bloodthirsty guy, because he made a promise to Carl that he’s going to fight to keep. And he’s going to fight to keep this promise cuz, at his core, Rick is a man of his word. 👌🏽😌
And he has three very special words to say in this next moment. Amen. 😋🙌🏾😋🙌🏾😋🙌🏾😋🙌🏾🏾😋🙌
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gif sources: michonnegrimes                                                                          andy-clutterbuck likeafantasy dailytwd carlschandler
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spencerxreiders · 7 years
Study Buddy (Reid x Reader)
Title: Study Buddy
Rating: T
Word Count: 839
Summary: Requested by @marthabelin : Reader has serious anxiety over an oral presentation, which Spencer is glad to assist with.
A/N: ahhh I'm sorry for a) the lateness, and b) the shortness! I hope it suffices, tho ❤️ thank you for reading!!
-•••- "Fuck," you groaned as you stared down at your notes. The college ruled sheets stared back at you, challenging you to understand them.
You had always been intelligent- nothing like your boyfriend Spencer, but you could easily hold your own. However, your mind was hazed with the final expectation of the assignment: the report you would have to read allowed.
Hotchner had referred you to the academy, looking for an agent to be a guest speaker on the effects of agents to children. While you were quite an expert in handling kids, the conversational points made you want to vomit: this was why you hated high school.
You were sat at the kitchen table as you copied down your rough draft, the LED clock face reading "1 A.M". The curves of your handwriting were beginning to drive you crazy as worry and sleeplessness overtook you.
You jumped at Spencer's tired mumble. His curls were wild as he squinted at you; even the dim light was enough to burn his eyes. "Oh, Spencer- its you," you panted as you tried to catch your breath.
"What're you doing up?"  he rasped. His plaid pajama bottoms pooled around his feet, almost tripping him as he waddled over to the table. "It's getting late."
"Oh, nothing," you dismissed before hurriedly tucking your papers into a folder. "I was just getting ready to go to sleep." He smiled softly before helping you stand up.
"I love you," he said as he slung an arm around your shoulder. You nuzzled into his side, trying to push your concerns out of your mind. "I love you too."
Days passed, and your anxiety over the presentation worsened. Spencer was beginning to get suspicious, but you dismissed his every concern.
You had vowed not to tell him lest you worry him: he had enough problems without worrying about yours.
However, it was getting harder to conceal your panic attacks. Every time you would practice, the worst case scenario became apparent. Your chest would tighten and tears would spring to your eyes: a sensation you weren't used to happening daily.
Spencer would know what to do, he always did. It was just your own self loathing that got in your way.
Alas, all your trying eventually gave out.
It was two days before the actual lecture, and you could barely hold the cards without crying. So when Spencer asked you to read it to him, you just about had a heart attack. "O-Ok," you stammered.
He grinned and took a seat on the foot of the bed, awaiting your start. "W-welcome, students and s-staff. Today w-we will be d-discussing the e-effects that we have o-on children i-involved in c-cases."
As you continued, your sweaty palms began to shake. The  breaks in your voice became apparent to Reid, turning his smile to a concerned frown. "And that is why- and th- that is why-" you were interrupted by a loud sob. Tears began to stream down your cheeks, causing you to hang your head in shame.
"Y/N!" Spencer exclaimed before running to your side. "Baby? What's going on?" he urged, gathering your quivering frame into his. Your breathing was labored as you tried to explain, but the majority was just babble.
"Shh.. it'll be ok, it will. I'm right here, ok? I'm not going anywhere," he soothed, cradling your head into his chest. "I'm j-just so scared," you hiccuped.
"What are you scared of, jellybean?" he asked before kissing your warm forehead. "Is it your anxiety?" You simply nodded, nuzzling into his consuming warmth.
He managed to step closer to the bed, pulling you down to sit beside him. "You have nothing to worry about- Hotch chose you for a reason. You're going to do great, I know you will. Shh.. oh, I love you so much," he continued while stroking your hair.
"Spencer, I just can't do it-" you started before being interrupted. "Yes, yes you can. I know how big a deal this seems, but trust me, it's really not. You'll do great, like you always do, princess," he argued softly.
"We'll practice until you get it, but you will. I'm going to be with you every step of the way." You peered up at him through lashes beaded with tears. "Really?" He nodded assuredly.
He stood up and picked up the fallen notes, reading over them in true Spencer fashion. With a soft and encouraging smile, he sat back down beside you before carefully shuffling you into his lap.
"Now, lets get started. I really want to hear your thoughts."
The day of the lecture arrived, and Spencer's kisses had been sufficient sedatives. A hundred sets of eyes followed you as you settled in at the front of the classroom. Briefly running over the spiel in your head, you cleared you throats to ensure their attention. You shot Spencer, who was leaning against the back wall, a grin, before beginning.
"Welcome students and staff."
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#24: Season 3, Episode 10 - “Hutch Boy”
School bully Lloyd Offler targets Louis as his next victim. Meanwhile, Ren’s hair is accidentally dyed blonde!
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First off, I just want to say that I'm dedicating this review to Brad Bufanda, the actor who played Lloyd. It was brought to my attention on Instagram that he just recently passed away on November 1st. He was 34. Very strange timing because this episode was next on my list already and I was working on the review as I found out. My heart kinda sank. I feel really weird segueing into my regular, light-hearted style now after the fact -- but I figure it's actually better to keep things light during darker times. So yeah. Let's do this!
This one opens with one of the most incredible things ever: a flying squirrel. Not an actual flying squirrel of course, but a mechanical one that Louis and Twitty rigged to scare Tom -- who happens to have an extremely specific and strange fear of flying squirrels. I wonder what instilled that fear? lol. How many squirrels have you seen flyin' around out there? 
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This bit used to have me in stitches. Tom’s terrified scream is something you have to hear for yourself. 
Just then, some guy named Lloyd Offler approaches them and starts yelling at Louis for giving him "hard looks." Like, excuse me? I'll never understand how bullies pick their victims. Louis is the best, leave him alone. I know that Louis, Tawny, and Tom are supposed to be outcasts of sorts (leaving out Twitty because we’ve seen that he’s actually pretty popular)... But still. Louis is cool imo. Lloyd walks away, but not before letting Louis know that he’s on his radar now. Great. 
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Cut to the subplot. Ren volunteers her hair to the “Future Beauticians” Club, and let me tell you... I had such an ah-ha moment when I was re-watching this episode. For whatever reason, I always thought the club was called the Future PETITIONS club. Ruby says the name so fast it’s hard to understand. I was always so confused, like... What the heck is that? What petitions? And what do they have to do with dyeing hair? And then it hit me. I kid you not, it was like the skies opened up! "Beauticians” obviously makes so much more sense, lol. 
To Ren’s horror, her hair turns out platinum blonde. Ruby has a flashback to the moment it all went wrong. We see that mid-gossip, she was distracted and poured soda into the dye mixture instead of whatever else she was supposed to use. I always felt personally responsible for this accident because she starts off the gossip with "So, I'm talkin' to Brittany..." Don't drag me into this, Ruby. 
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At least it was “natural” soda. 
Ren is furious at first but soon notices that her hair is garnering attention. So she starts strutting down the hall to a "Walking on Sunshine" rip off. 
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This is another situation like the "Staying Alive" rip off in Stevens Genes. From memory, I would've bet money that the actual "Walking on Sunshine" was used here!! But nope. I'm still fascinated by how the brain can be tricked like that. Girls are staring at Ren with jealousy now and guys are checking her out... including Louis -- who doesn’t recognize her at first. It’s highly disturbing. 
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“hey, blondie... how u doin?” - Louis stop. Ignoring the fact that it’s Ren, it’s so weird to see Louis attempt to hit on someone. *shivers with disgust* I take back what I said about him being cool. 
At lunch, the gang is laughing about how Lloyd’s name is spelled with two L’s. “Maybe he pronounces it La-Loyd?” Tawny jokes. Louis dies of laughter and says “...And my name’s La-Louis” so sarcastically. IT GETS ME EVERY TIME. Shia is so full of joy here and the whole scene has such an organic feel to it. You get the sense that these are real friends at school having a laugh. It’s contagious and warms my heart. 
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So pure.
Suddenly.......... this iMovie “suspense” sound effect plays twice as Lloyd appears hovering behind Louis asking “You having a good time, La-Louis?” Why are these double L jokes so funny to me?! Oh my god. Lloyd picks up Louis’ sandwich, licks it dramatically, and puts it back on his tray. Nice guy! Louis tries to reason with him, but Lloyd refuses and says “See you in shop class” ominously.
During shop class Louis is so afraid of what Lloyd might do, he’s quite literally shaking like a leaf. Twitty tries to reassure him by saying the teacher is nearby and won’t let anything happen to him. But then the teacher is all “I’m gonna step out of the room for a minute and I will take my time.” This is so good. Now that they’re alone, Lloyd snatches away Louis' “shelf” project and puts it in the hutch he's constructing. This is a great bit though because Louis decides to face Lloyd then and apologize (even though he did nothing wrong.) It’s really nice. Louis is so sincere and mature here. Lloyd seemingly accepts the apology... but then stuffs Louis into the hutch as well. (see cover photo)
Tom politely confronts Lloyd insisting he let Louis out of the hutch, before he says “I’m sorry it’s come to this...” and randomly goes completely black belt on Lloyd to everyone's shock. Then again, was it to everyone’s shock? Because their classmates emerged from their workstations, conveniently holding up wood for Tom to break lol. I love how the teacher walks back in while Tom is kickin’ around like he’s Jackie Chan, and has one of those “f this, I’m out” moments: 
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This show’s humor was way ahead of its time. 
Louis is beyond shocked and it always cracks me up when Tom calmly helps Louis out of the hutch and whispers “Come on, buddy.” I don’t know what it is... but it’s just so freaking funny. There’s this hilarious ~zen~ music playing as well which is the icing on the cake. There’s a great line later that day when Louis starts evaluating the situation: “If Tom was the biggest wimp at school, and he saved MY butt? That means I’M THE BIGGEST WIMP AT SCHOOL.” ....true tho. Twitty mentions our good ol’ buddy Pete who everyone apparently prays to on this show when he says “Who would’ve known he was an honest to Pete, second degree black belt?!” lol. 
To wrap up Ren’s plot, because not too much else happens: She basically becomes an overtly stereotypical blonde overnight. Constantly saying “oh muh gosh!,” reading fashion magazines during class, and blowing off her commitments to roller skate in the house instead. 
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Okay, is she curling her hair now? or did they honestly think we wouldn’t notice that Ren’s hair magically became curly after it was dyed blonde. Who picked this wig? 
She also went out and got a whole new wardrobe to go with her hair or something?! Because these clothes she’s wearing do not seem like stuff she already had in her closet. Ruby rounds up a bunch of blondes from LJH and holds a mini intervention for Ren -- telling her that she’s giving blondes a bad name. And that’s pretty much it! Ruby dyes her hair back to normal.
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I love how Ruby left her “a little souvenir” of blonde! I’ve been dyeing one small section of my hair blonde for years now, so this always makes me happy lol. Look at how much body Ren’s “hair” has when she’s blonde and how flat it is when she’s back to normal lol.... seems legit. I also definitely owned that yellow and blue striped top that girl on the left is wearing.
Back to Louis’ drama. Tom is outside casually practicing his martial arts when Louis approaches him with some hot chocolate from Doris. Tom’s so ~in the zone~ that he almost roundhouse kicks Louis in the face. I needed to gif it:
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Louis tells Tom that he wants to be just like him, he wants to learn how to fight. Tom agrees to teach Louis ~his ways~ and I swear this is one of my favorite bits EVERRRRRRR. There’s no way I’m typing all of this out. You have to feast your eyes on the greatness yourself:
“Louis... did I mention it takes 9 years to learn my ways?” - This show is absolute GOLD, I do not care what anyone says. 
Who knew Fred Meyers could actually do all of that, though?! So yeah, after telling Lloyd he’d fight him, even though he can’t fight -- Tom tells Louis his only option is to “find his inner strength and harness it.” And Louis, being the actual genius he is, takes that advice quite literally. I also love how Louis just says “meet me in the alley at 7″ .......which alley, bro? Ya also gotta love that “The Rock” reference. (”If you smell what Louis is cookin’!”) This show really did pick the BEST things to reference when it came to pop culture. It feels like Dwayne Johnson is everywhere these days!
The last big scene of the episode is the alley sequence, and I love it so much. Louis has Beans and Twitty secretly help him work a harness he rigged to fly around like some crazy martial arts master just to freak Lloyd out and avoid fighting altogether. It starts off pretty hilarious (Louis literally does the macarena as a “kung fu” move) but then it gets serious for a minute and it’s perfect. Of course, it all goes down in flames and Lloyd sees the wire. It feels so satisfying to reach the heart of a bully. It's great when you start to see Lloyd feel bad about how he’s treated Louis and I freaking love how Louis gives in, but at the same time -- stands up for himself. He tells Lloyd to beat him up, almost pressuring him to do so -- which obviously makes Lloyd NOT want to beat him up. It's great. 
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“I’ve come to the realization that if I’m gonna get hit, I’m gonna get hit. You know what you’re gonna wanna do? Get some towels. ‘Cause I’m a bleeder.” - Yesss, Louis. 
This leads to one of my favorite little exchanges in the series. Lloyd immediately becomes a huge softie and wants to know how Louis pulled off the harness trick and they quickly start bonding over engineering. Lloyd is all "I didn't know you were into mechanical stuff!" And Louis says "Yeah, dude. I am. But you were too busy putting me in your hutch." - I'm sooo glad they actually had Louis say that engineering is something he's into! Because otherwise, his inventions come across as nothing but wacky things that only exist to support the gags he pulls with no further explanation. Idk. It's such a short moment, but it makes me so happy every time!!! Louis even gives Lloyd a quick rundown of the materials he used to rig the harness and idk man, it just makes me smile. I LOVE THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH. (I also just noticed that the flying squirrel gag was solid foreshadowing for this harness rig.)
I always get a little sad that Lloyd didn't become a bit of a recurring character for the rest of the season or something. This final scene between them has a ~beginning of a beautiful friendship~ sort of vibe. Lloyd invites Louis to check out his home workshop and ugh it’s so nice. We hardly ever see Louis with any friends outside of his core group, let alone someone else who shares his love of engineering, so maybe that’s why this scene always hits me.  
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I really like this episode for some reason. Always have. Like, A LOT. I think it’s because of the big showdown in shop class. And Louis wanting to learn martial arts from Tom. And the flying squirrel. And Louis and Lloyd in the alley. It's all amazing. And Ren’s plot is pretty fun, too. This is just an awesome episode all around. 
Rest in Peace, Brad Bufanda. 
Thanks for reading! And please contribute to the conversation below if ya like. 
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nurture-punk · 5 years
“Film, Play, whatever you want to call it” - A Review of The Room*
Hi youtube my name is Gilbert and I will be live reacting to The Room* (Bubalo and Pollock 2020).
I love The Room (Wiseau 2003) as a concept. Before I sat down in the Cellar, a part of me expected this to be a re telling of the original story but with a more explicit feminist lens. This part of me was quite big, and I thought there would be big potential in this area. I already consider The Room a feminist piece of media, through the way the character Lisa is such a caricatured and demonised portrayal of a cheating female partner, that she could only possibly be created by an indignant male in a position of power.
For all its actual flaws, and even because of some of its clearly deeply flawed misogynistic writing, The Room ends up being an actually valuable demonstration of the distorted ways people perceive relationships, and how this eventually destroys them, better than any film made by any man actually working in Hollywood right now - Hbomberguy
I was also fully accepting of the possibility that The Room* (2020) would capitalise on the cringe comedy associated with the execution of the original. It’s closing night!!! I’m concerned about what I’m about to be hit with. But without further ado let’s live react!
What I ate beforehand: about 150g honeycomb.
What I knew of The Room beforehand: Only quotes from Tommy W, and the overall plot. I have not seen The Room (2003) and I knew nothing of its execution.
Country: Acknowledged
Content: Warned
Which fire type pokemon I thought about during the play: Rapidash 💜💜🔥🔥
Passes the Bechdel test: No!!!! What??? Are you crazy?? Why would it pass the Bechdel test!?? This is the monolith piece of media designed to fail the Bechdel test!!! Noooo!!!!
When to pee: Any time after Denny is threatened but before Peter turns up. There was also an intermission so.
Set design is on point. I recognised the couch they used as not the one that lives in the cellar. We were given a zine filled with situations in which the audience is encouraged to yell at the players - for example, when the character Denny walks on stage, we yell “HI DENNY”, and when he leaves we call “BYE DENNY”. A real life drinking game!
Unfortunately the premeditated use of a backlit curtain enabled the sex scenes to happen effectively. The fact there are three sex scenes in a row in the opening 10 minutes sucks. That’s more of a me problem tho and nothing to do with the production itself - OR IS IT?
The Room* (2020) makes no changes to the original script as far as I could tell. The guy next to me anticipated an appearance of Denny onstage, which confirmed to me that everything was on rails. But despite the rails, the train was a Golden Express: the cast elevated the performance by exaggerating the bad acting and making each character the biggest most character-y versions of themselves.
What changed the most? The way in which the drama is received by the audience. The interactive element is intrinsic to experiencing The Room, whether it’s a drinking game or a reference dogwhistle. and it was lovely to have the cast give us feedback by soaking up the adulation, or using their skilled acting to show that they didn’t feel they deserved it. Fucking amazing way to develop a character! At many points the character Denny waved back to us as we said goodbye to him, and I need Denny to know that he is loved. 
The Room* (2020) is a celebration of everything we know and love about The Room (2003). Even people who had never seen the film before could appreciate the creative ways our theatre players draw out every awkward moment, weird facial expression, and bird-like vocalisation that the film is loved for. The whole show is a trip and yet its moments never felt out of place. When they break character it’s the funniest shit, because they know they just improved the show. Even funnier is when they fuck up and don’t break character, because there is nothing more in the spirit of The Room as that!
That’s not to say the directors shouldn’t be adding their own creative changes to The Room*! I was hoping for Lisa to break character and let the audience know how evil her character is made out to be! I was also expecting more actors of colour!! Or at least ones that appear for more than the last 10 minutes of the show!
Take home: This rendition of The Room is the ALMOST optimal telling of its story for all time. We don’t need to hamfistedly force a feminist lens on a story when it is as obviously written by a man as The Room is. Instead, we must celebrate amongst each other over how shit a movie The Room is. I’m glad I don’t have to see The Room now that I have seen The Room*!!
*a parody
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spectroamer · 7 years
Servertale Chapter 12: Privacy is nice
Frisk is inside of the lab. It is completely dark. Like in some of the waterfall rooms, the only lights sources are the neon stripes on her suit and her glow stick. She notices a huge screen, showing live broadcast of her movement. Frisk and Chara have already had enough of the darkness, so they decide to keep moving forward, until they hopefully find the exit, they'll have to find medicine for her arm elsewhere. Suddenly, they hear a door opening and someone coming out. The lights turn on, revealing a short, yellow monster and the interior of the lab. The walls are white metal, so is the floor. The computer is just as large as its screen and the table is really messy. The monster is wearing a lab coat with a small delta rune symbol on it and glasses with blue lenses. The glasses might have an operating system as well. The monster notices Frisk and starts panicking. Alphys: Oh. My god! I didn’t expect you to show up so soon! I haven’t showered, I’m barely dressed, It's all messy, and… Alphys' movement starts to slow down as she gains control over her excitement Alphys: Ummm… H-h-hiya! I'm Dr. Alphys. I'm Asgore's royal scientist! Chara: Well, she doesn’t look like she wants to fight, so that’s good. Alphys: B-b-but, ahhhh, I’m not one of the “bad guys”! Actually, since you’ve stepped out of the Ruins, I’ve… been “observing” your journey through my console. Chara: So, she just decides to record our private talks? Rude. I bet she thinks that you're crazy since she can’t see me. Alphys: Your fights… Your friendships… Your… uh, monologues… Everything! I was originally going to stop you, but… watching someone on the screen really makes you root for them. S-so, ahhh, now i want to help you! Using my knowledge, I can easily guide you through Hotland! I know a way right to Asgore’s castle, no problem! Both Chara and Frisk like the idea of someone actively helping them out. While Sans did help them already, he still can’t be expected to be there to help Frisk every time, even with his abilities.  Chara: This is going better than I have expected it to. Alphys: Well, actually, umm, there’s just a tiny issue. A long time ago, I made a robot named Mettaton. Originally, I built him to be an entertainment robot. Uh, you know, like a robotic TV star or something. Anyway, recently I decided to make him more useful. Alphys realizes by the look on Frisk’s face that she has no Idea what that means. Alphys: You know, just some small practical adjustments. Like, um... Anti... anti-human combat features? Frisk finds that fact concerning to say the least. Chara facepalms Chara: I had to say something. Alphys: Of c-course, when I saw you coming, I immediately decided... I have to remove those features! Frisk makes a sigh of relief Chara: Thank god. Alphys: Unfortunately, I may have made a teensy mistake while doing so. And, um... Now he’s an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for human blood. Frisk: Oh, come on! Didn’t anyone ever watch Terminator? Making smart robots always ends horribly. Alphys doesn’t get the reference, since she never watched the movie. Alphys: I don’t know what that means, but, ummm, hopefully we won’t run into him! The lab shakes a little bit, while Frisk hears some loud noises from the nearby wall. Alphys: Did you hear something? The banging becomes louder and the wall from which the noise was the loudest starts cracking. Alphys; Oh no. The lights disappear again. This time, Frisk isn’t the only light source, since Alphys’ glasses and the delta rune symbol are glowing in their light blue color. The glasses are definitely small screens. Frisk yeeps as a robotic voice is suddenly heard. MTT: OHHHH YES! WELCOME, BEAUTIES...  Only one light source turns back on, shining upon the metal robot. The black metal is shiny, almost glittery. Now a new light source, the blue screen of the robot is brightening up the area in front of it, like a flashlight. Somehow, none of his limbs are connected to the rest of his body, but are still floating near it. Probably magic or some magnets. The robot is holding a microphone in one hand and has that pose like the people on game shows have. MTT: TO TODAY’S QUIZ SHOW!!! Two disco balls and one small screen are lowered down, creating many light spots everywhere. The previous statement being true enough, it really is a game show. Some music starts playing in the background, Frisk assumes that it is the theme music for the game show or the robot. MTT: OH BOY! I CAN ALREADY TELL IT’S GONNA BE A GREAT SHOW! EVERYONE GIVE A BIG HAND FOR OUR WONDERFUL CONTESTANT! Mettaton starts clapping. More clapping is heard from everywhere even tho, the four of them are the only ones in the lab. Probably special effects. MTT: NEVER PLAYED BEFORE, GORGEOUS? Even though Frisk is not sure if that compliment is genuine, she still blushes. MTT: NO PROBLEM! IT’S SIMPLE! Mettaton’s screen draws the number one on it while Mettaton explains. MTT: THERE’S ONLY ONE RULE. ANSWER CORRECTLY...  Mettaton poses dramatically, while his screen switches from the normal blue and white to blood red. MTT: OR YOU DIE! Mettaton attacks! The screen is back to normal blue and white, but that still doesn’t make Mettaton look any less dangerous. Chara quickly scans Mettaton and finds out that even the glow stick wouldn’t do much damage. At least, they lose nothing, since she knows that Frisk wouldn’t use violence anyways, she’s better than that. MTT: LET’S START WITH AN EASY ONE!!  Mettaton uses his screen as a projector and show’s the question wiath a timer on the wall. What’s the prize for answering correctly? Money A                                           B Mercy New car C                          D More questions Frisk already has a feeling on what will the answer be. She chooses option D. The letters become green and the timer stops. Glitter starts falling from the upper floor. MTT: RIGHT! SOUNDS LIKE YOU GET IT! Frisk is looks at Alphys and notices her approval. All of the glitter that was falling is on the ground now. The quiz show continues.  MTT: HERE’S YOUR TERRIFIC PRIZE! What’s the king’s full name? Lord Fluffybuns    A      B Fuzzy Pushover Asgore Dreemurr C      D Dr. Friendship Chara: Pick C. Frisk does as instructed. The answer is correct. MTT: CORRECT! HAT A TERRIFIC ANSWER! The quiz show continues. What are robots made of? Hopes&Deams A   B Metal&Magic    Snips&Snails C   D Sugar&Spice Chara: I don’t know that one. Frisk looks at Alphys. Somehow, Alphys forms a B with her hands. Frisk answers the question. MTT: TOO EASY FOR YOU, HUH?????????? The quiz show continues. MTT: HERE’S ANOTHER EASY FOR YOU! Two trains, Tain A and Train B, simultaneously depart Station A and Station B. Station A and Station B are 252.5 miles apart from each other. Train A is moving at 124.7mph towards Station B, and Train B is moving at 253.5mph towards Station A. If both trains departed at 10:00AM and it is now 10:00, how much longer until both trains pass each other? 31.054 minutes A                                                   B 16.232 minutes 32.049 minutes C                                                   D 32.058 minutes Chara: Ok, what the hell? Alphys thinks for a few seconds and forms a D. Frisk answers the question. MTT: WONDERFUL! I’M ASTOUNDED, FOLKS! The quiz show continues. MTT: DON’T ‘COUNT’ ON YOUR VICTORY...  Mettaton shows a jar with many flies in it. How many flies are in this jar? 54 A                                 B 53 55 C                                 D 52 Chara: He really ants to kill us. Alphys shows an A. Frisk answers. MTT: CORRECT! YOU’RE SO LUCKY TODAY!!! The quiz show continues. MTT: LET’S PLAY MEMORY GAME. Mettaton shows a picture that looks like half of a froggit’s face. What monster is this?     Froggit A    B Whimsun Moldsmal C    D Mettaton Even tho Frisk and Chara are really sure that the picture is showing a Froggit, Alphys shows them that the answer is D. Chara: Mettaton is probably trying to trick us. Just trust Alphys. Frisk accepts Chara’s advice and chooses Alphys’ answer. The picture zooms out, showing Mettaton wearing a T-shirt with a froggit face on it. MTT: I’M SO FLATTERED YOU REMEMBERED! The quiz show continues. MTT: BUT CAN YOU GET THIS ONE??? Would you smooch a ghost? Heck Yeah A    B Heck Yeah Heck Yeah C    D Heck Yeah Frisk looks at Chara for a second and has a smirk only Chara would know. Frisk: All four are true!  Chara: Frisk! Frisk quietly whispers to Chara, making her blush a little. Frisk: You know they are.  MTT: GREAT ANSWER! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! The quiz show continues. MTT: HERE’S A SIMPLE ONE. how many letters in the name Mettaton nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn The letters keep coming and the numbers in the answers are getting higher. Somehow, Alphys manages to find the real tracker and shows Frisk that it is C. MTT: OF COURSE THAT WAS EASY FOR YOU! The quiz show continues. MTT: TIME TO BREAK OUT THE BIG GUNS!! In the dating simulation video game “Mew Mew Kissy Cutie” What is Me Mew’s favorite food? Before Mettaton has the chance to show the answers, Alphys gets excited and starts answering on her own. Alphys: OH! OH! I KNOW THIS ONE!!! IT’S SNAIL ICE CREAM!!!!!!!! IN THE FOURTH CHAPTER EVERYONE GOES TO THE BEACH!!! AND SHE BUYS ICE CREAM FOR ALL OF HER FRIENDS!!! BUT IT’S SNAIL FLAVOR AND SHE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO WANTS IT!!!! IT’S ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS OF THE GAME BECAUSE IT’S ACTUALLY A VERY POWERFUL message about friendship and... Just then Alphys realizes that she showed Mettaton that she as helping all along. MTT: ALPHYS, ALPHYS, ALPHYS. YOU AREN’T HELPING OUR CONTESTANT, ARE YOU? OOOOOOH!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME. I’LL ASK A QUESTION... YOU’LL BE SURE TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO! Who does Dr. Alphys have a crush on?       Undyne A                              B Asgore The human C                        D Don’t know Alphys begs for Frisk to not say anything, even tho Frisk doesn’t know herself. She says that she doesn’t know and hopes for the best. Alphys is thankful that Frisk chose that answer. MTT: CORRECT. DR. ALPHYS HAS A CRUSH ON... THE UNKNOWABLE. YOU SEE, ALPHYS BELIEVES THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE. SOMEONE WATCHING HER. SOMEONE SHE THINKS IS “CUTE” AND “INTERESTING.” HELLO, THEORETICAL PERSON. DR. ALPHYS LIKES YOU. TOO BAD YOU ARE NOT REAL.  Mettaton plays a laughtrack. No one else in the room is laughing, especially not Alphys.  Alphys: H-hey, I’ve done research about this! There are alternate universes out there! S-someday, maybe, I could meet them... MTT: YOU SAID THE EXACT SAME THING ABOUT “MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE.” BUT I’LL GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. PERSON, IF YOU’RE OUT THERE... HOW ABOUT GIVING US A SIGN, RIGHT NOW? Nothing happens. MTT: THAT SETTLES THAT, DOESN’T IT? WELL WELL WELL. WITH DR. ALPHYS HELPING YOU... THE SHOW HAS NO DRAMATIC TENSION! WE CAN’T GO ON LIKE THIS!! BUT. BUT!!! THIS WAS JUST THE PILOT EPISODE!! NEXT UP, MORE DRAMA! MORE ROMANCE!!! MORE BLOODSHED!!!  Frisk and Chara don’t like that last addition. MTT: UNTIL NEXT TIME, DARLINGS...!!! Mettaton’s leg transforms into a rocket and Mettaton flies up, leaving the lab.  Alphys: Well that as certainly something. Th-that last question... He wasn’t s-supposed to ask that one...  Frisk: I’ve noticed. Alphys: Here, let me give you my ph-phone number! Th-then... m-maybe... If you need help, I could...  Frisk takes out her phone. Alphys notices that the phone is really outdated. Alphys: Wh... Where’d you get that phone!? It’s ANCIENT! It doesn’t even have texting. W-wait a second, please! Alphys goes in another room. Frisk hears some weird noises and Alphys comes back in a few seconds. In one hand, she’s holding the phone and carrying some metal boots in the other. Alphys: Here, I upgraded it for you! It can do texting, items, it’s got a key chain... I even signed you up for the underground’s No. 1 social network! Now we’re officially friends! Frisk: And what are those boots? Alphys: Oh, yes, I almost forgot about that. These boots should help you go through Hotland easier. It can be a hard area to travel through. They have some special features, but I’m not done with upgrading the software yet. I’ll give you a call when I’m done with the updates to give you instructions, or text you over the social network, since we’re friends. Ehehehe! Heheh... heh...  Alphys doesn’t know what else to say, so she makes an excuse and goes in a room and locks the door. Frisk puts on the boots. Frisk: These are extremely light, considering they’re made out of metal. Chara: Did you really have to answer that ghost question? Frisk winks at Chara Frisk: No, and that’s the best part. Frisk opens the fridge and finds a package of noodles. She takes the noodles and uses the phone to ad it to her box. Chara notices a half empty syringe with red liquid in it on the table. She points at the syringe. Chara: What’s that? Frisk picks up the syringe. Determination Chara: Use that, it will heal you. Frisk: How do you know that? It could poison me, or worse. Chara: I remember Gaster experimenting with determination. He said that it can heal humans, it’s just dangerous for monsters. Frisk: Than why does Alphys have it here? Chara: Maybe she left it for us. It doesn’t matter, she probably has plenty of those, just take this one. Don’t inject too much tho, I remember Gaster saying that the smallest amount of it should be enough to heal injuries, so we should keep this with us. Frisk agrees and uses a small amount of it. She feels all of her wounds from battling Undyne heal like they never existed. Frisk: Wow, this is effective. Chara: yeah, now lets keep going. Frisk exits the lab.         After the lunch and more talk, Amy and Ne decided to start going back home. Slasher: See ya later. Ne: Yeah, ok. Nat: And remember to call when you have free time, we never hang out enough. Amy: Okay, we will. Ne and Amy exit the house and start walking back. Amy: Well, that was fun. Ne: Yeah. Amy: I think that the two of them are getting along really nice. Ne: Well, they have been friends for a long time. Amy: I know, but I think that they're slowly becoming more than friends. Ne: So, you've noticed it as well. Amy: Yup, they're going to get together real soon. Ne: You really think so? Amy: Yeah, I mean, they're like us. Ne blushes a little from that statement. Amy: The only difference is that they’ve known each other for a longer period of time. Ne: You're right about that. Amy: I know. They walk in an relaxing silence for a few moments, thinking about their feelings, before Amy decides to start another conversation. Amy: What do you think, is Frisk going to make it? Ne: I know she will. Her soul trait is determination. Being in that place gives her abilities… abilities that will help her to never lose, so actually, the word you're locking for isn’t will, but when Amy: In that case, when do you think she's going to get through? Ne: If she doesn’t lose too much time, judging by the population an the size of the place, she should be done before the end of the day. Amy: That's good to hear. What do you plan on doing after that? Ne: You mean when she finishes her mission? Amy: Yeah, what have you planned out? Ne: Well, if she rescues them, they’ll need homes, so I’ll probably work on repairing the houses near the mountain Amy: That’s it? Ne: Well, maybe I’ll go for some patrols, but yeah, that’s basically it. Amy: You should rest after this, take a brake, slow down, just stare into the sky while lying down like you do sometimes. If you're lonely, I’ll join you, but you need to remember that you don’t need to be helping everyone non stop. Ne: Okay, I’ll take a day off after this, but only because you asked me to. Amy: That's good enough for me, we can watch the stars through that glass ceiling of yours. Ne: Sure, that sounds nice. Amy: By the way, why can’t you sleep? I understand you not being able to age and that you don’t need food anymore, but I don’t understand how your soul affects you sleep. Ne: Well, if my research is correct, my soul isn’t able to rest since it hasn’t been complete for a long time. I can’t t=find the exact time when that happened, but it might be from that void situation, or from that other fight that happened a few months after that.  Amy: Oh... Sorry about that. Ne: No need to be, it wasn’t your fault. Amy: I know, but I still feel like it is. Ne: We’ll talk about this later. Right now, I need to check something about the Computerworld. Ne and Amy go into a small alley where there isn’t anyone watching, so that Ne can take off the stripes covering his panels and activates his helmet again. He creates his bike and gets on it. Ne: I’ll visit you when I’m done. Amy: Okay, bye. Amy starts walking back to her house while Ne drives to the hangar of the Computer. When he arrives, he checks if all systems are functioning as they are supposed to be. Since everything is working normally, he quickly runs to the teleporter at the mountain to check it as well. Ne: Looks like everything’s fine. Gonna need to ask Kris to send some guards so this place stays secured. Actually, lets do that right now. Ne creates his bike again and drives to Kris’ base. One of Sentinels thugs notices him and calls the guard near Ramirez back at his base, telling him what happened. Ramirez: What was that about? “One of the scouts noticed Ne riding through the city. He claims that Ne was driving away from the Computer hangar. Ramirez: He is starting to patrol it. This is bad. Cobra had his chance and he ruined it. I think its about time to show Ne and his team what is the punishment for being a traitor to humankind Prologue Chapter 11 Chapter 13
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ashethehedgehog · 7 years
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OKAY U GUYS LMAO TY FOR THE ASKS <33333 I’ll do ygo for all the letters here! It’s long so I’ll put it under a read more! So dive on in for some talk about my writing and puzzleshipping fics! (Also some snippets I posted below so wink wink)
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Not like directly, but I definitely put some of my influences into them. Like Yugi wanting to be a knight in The Beast Within was 100% because I used to want to be a knight lmao. 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Ohhh off the top of my head? Gosh mmmm. Okay so off the top of my head there’s this one scene in an AU I’m probably going to abandon actually, so it’s kinda ehhh to show it now and tease u all like this lmao, but I did really enjoy writing the interactions between Yugi and Atem in them, so I’m going to put one of those for this! I just like the way they butted heads and Atem refused to relent, but then so did Yugi so they just tip toed around each other looking for the weak spot while referring to ‘the pharaoh’ as if it’s someone else and not Atem lmao. For context, it’s from an AU where everyone is an anthro animal, felines are considered the high ranking ones, spotted cats (Yugi’s species) is endangered and highly revered, Atem is a lion.
“You’re under the protection of the pharaoh, and as such are to remain in the palace where said effect can be carried out.” Atem answered as dully as he could manage. It seemed to work, as Yugi’s expression dropped.
“That order can be extended and revoked by the pharaoh himself should he wish. Do you think the pharaoh realises that? I wonder…” Yugi clicked his tongue, a thoughtful hand tapping his chin.
“I believe the pharaoh wishes for the spotted cat to remain within the palace walls, where he would be safest. I wonder if he realises that he could have servants fetch anything he needed from the city.”
“He wants to go look at what the city has to offer. With his own eyes, not those of servants not belonging to him.”
“You have your own staff I have assigned to you.”
“They’re not loyal to me.”
Atem paused, finally giving his full attention to Yugi. So that’s the kind of game Yugi was playing today. It seemed he had slipped up, however, and Atem wasn’t beneath taking advantage of this blunder.
“You question the good intentions of the pharaoh, who has given you his place as residence while asking nothing of you?” Atem tsked, turning back to his scroll, attention slipping from Yugi. He knew that would irritate the little cat, and sure enough, Yugi gave a soft growl in warning.
“I do not question the pharaoh, only wonder if he remembers whether or not he will honour his agreement.”
“What agreement?” Atem rolled his eyes.
Yugi pushed off the desk, slamming a hand down on the table, tail lashing angrily behind him. “You cannot keep me locked up here, pharaoh. Protective rules or not, if I leave, you cannot stop me.”
“No, I can’t,” Atem responded calmly, adjusting the scroll in his paws. “But you lose my protection if you venture into the city. You go alone.”
"I will be going into the city, pharaoh. And you will provide me with the necessary guards."
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I tend to write random scenes around as I get inspiration for them, but mostly I write it chapter by chapter to keep it consistent! But if I’m in a slump, I write scenes that I had the motivation to work on, even if it’s for like three chapters ahead. I did this a little with my Big Bang fic because I had a deadline and needed to be working on it lmao. Fun fact tho, The Living Daylights I started off with the opening scene from chapter nine! Yeah nine chapters in right crazy ahaha, but that was what inspired the AU! xD
H: How would you describe your style?
I dunno? Semi-decent descriptions enough to understand locations and a fuckton of travelling montage work and fighting scenes. I couldn’t tell u dude I dunno my own style lmao.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Sure, why not! So my list of fics I’m currently writing are:
Prince and King on AO3
Dragontaur AU/ Opportunities in Unexpected Places on AO3
The Demon Prince Yugi and Knight Atem AU, which will be my next multi chap fic after PaK is done.
A naga!Yugi and vampire!Yugi AU that I’m writing, buuuuut they’re both for my smut blog, where I post them exclusively, and I’m not going to move them to AO3 either soz (anyone is welcome to IM me for the link to the blog, but it’s on private so access is message only lmao).
Magic AU, which u can find some snippets of here! I don’t plan to take this further than a longshot, even with the potential for more there, I just don’t have the time for another fantasy AU world to build rn lmao. But I hope to have something of this to share soon!
Lion Atem, which I gave the snippet of above, where they’re all anthros. I never wrote much for this, and although I liked the concept, I don’t think I’ll work on it anymore. Maybe I’ll post the 6K I wrote just as a ‘read if u want but don’t expect more pls’ kind of thing. But yeah, at this stage this one is p much discontinued because I don’t have the time to work on it. 
And that leaves Elf King Yugi, something that has definitely been on the back burner for MONTHS now (ever since Trial and Error, so u do the maths lmao) which I have written a fair amount for, but need to do some serious plot work before I consider doing more. Since there is a chance I’ll continue to work on this one tho, I’ll post a snippet here!
"You know the council isn't going to like this Yugi. You're in for a long and dangerous fight with this one."
"I know Anzu- you don't need to treat me like a kid." Yugi scolded her with a quick frown.
"I'm just warning you. Be prepared to argue into the night."
"I am- believe me." Yugi groaned, a hand rubbing his forehead as if to still a headache.
Yami tittered at the edge of the room near the door, unsure if he should interrupt what looked like a conversation (or argument) between friends.
Luck wasn't (or was) on his side though it seemed, as Yugi took that moment to crane his neck to where Yami was standing, his eyes lighting up. Yami suppressed a groan as he waved him over. Yami stepped lightly, his steps hesitant as he approached the two.
"Oh wow Yugi is this him? Your narcissism is showing with this one." The girl’s eyes gleamed with something predatory, like she was sizing up how long Yami would last in... Something.
"Would you please stop saying 'this one?' It implies I do this frequently- which I don't." Yugi said, shooting Yami an apologetic look. "This is Anzu- she works at the castle here-"
"You forgot to mention I'm your best friend." Anzu said in a sing song voice. Yugi shot her a look this time.
"Yes, and you're my annoying best friend." He turned back to Yami. "She's going to give you your tour, alright?"
Yami nodded. "Where are you going?"
"I have to go to court today. We'll see each other later, my dear Yami." Yugi smiled at him, reaching out to pat his shoulder as he passed him, disappearing out of the room.
Yami turned back around to immediately jump in surprise.
Standing way too close for comfort in front of him was Anzu. She had a wild grin on her face, like she knew a secret Yami didn't.
"Well well Yami. Looks like it’s just the two of us for the rest of the day." She practically purred.
"Uh... Okay... Should I be worried?" Yami frowned, not liking the glint in her eyes. It's like a maze of demons here, Yami observed. You turn away from one only to find another.
"Not at all," Anzu hummed, patting Yami's shoulder. "We're all friends here I assure you. Yugi wants me to take extra good care with you. And I must say- I can see why. You're a keeper."
"A keeper?" Yami's frown deepened, and he suppressed a sigh of exhaustion. Just what have I gotten myself into here? He was beginning to seriously regret his decision to break the elves' border seal now.
"Never mind." Anzu waved him off, trotting over to the door only to swing back around, her hand on the handle. "You coming? Yugi wants you to see the castle."
"Oh, right, of course." Yami muttered, following Anzu as she made her way out into the hallway.
"Alright, first things first- unless Yugi gives you public permission to travel around, don't go anywhere without an escort, okay?"
"Why? I'm not a kid." Yami scoffed.
"Mmm, technically you are to a lot of these folk. Most of the population in the kingdom are elves, and they tend to be a lot older than they appear."
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
The plot! Mainly because fanfic so the chars already exist lmao. I usually start with one thing that catches my interest, and work out from there. Sometimes my AUs start from dreams, like Demon Prince started because I had a dream Yugi was a demon in jail trying to seduce Atem to come work for him so lmao there u go. 
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I’m much more of an architect, because without a decent plot written out in front of my, in like a chapter by chapter format, I will easily lose motivation and focus because I won’t have a ‘oh yeah that’s what’s happening next!’ sort of thing. It helps with building up foreshadowing and stuff too for me. The stories I try to ‘gardener’ for I guess are the ones that often don’t see tumblr or AO3 lmao. AKA u will never hear of them because I have a few lmao.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
Interesting question! I suppose it depends what kind! I like collaboration ideas, in fact my first multi chapter fic The Living Daylights was a collaboration in ideas between me and my pal Ren! But I still wrote the entire thing lmao. I guess I like to have control over the writing for style consistency, but I think tackling the entire concept with another writer would be fun! I’ve never tried to write something with someone else so I dunno how that would go!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
[kinda nsfw] INNOCENT PURE YUGI MUTOU WHO MUST ALWAYS BOTTOM FOR ATEM BECAUSE ATEM IS SEX GOD AND YUGI IS VIRGIN WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT SEX. Listen nothing rustles my JIMMIES more than that that troupe which is EVERYWHERE in puzzleshipping. I don’t understand why it’s so popular??? Like, this isn’t to say Yugi 100% CANNOT bottom because he totes can! But of ALL the puzzleshipping I’ve ever read that involved smut, especially in multi chapter fics, Yugi topped like... once, maybe??? ???? That’s SO MANY fics where Atem almost NEEDED to top. It kind of feels like people were too scared to write it at times? Like some stories I could totally see it either way, but it was ALWAYS with Atem topping, always. I don’t really understand why people are so against Yugi topping in puzzle but auuuugh I just wish there was more of it u know? Like if I want top Atem material shit man I got hundreds of fics for that, but top Yugi? Man, I can list them on my fingers...
Long story short ppl shouldn’t be afraid to let Yugi top pls. I’m not saying he ALWAYS HAS TO TOP, but more of that than Atem always topping would be real nice? A nice mix instead of everything seemingly so bias would be cool? Sometimes I want top!Atem, and sometimes I want top!Yugi, isn’t that the same for everyone lmao. Like they’d totes switch it up all the time so why is there so little for top!Yugi? The mystery of my life lmao. Let Yugi Top 2k17.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Probably Atem, sorry to the kid but he’s the one who ends up suffering the most in my fics opps. I think there’s like ONE fic where Yugi suffers more maybe? The rest is all like nope lmao soz bro but ur the punching bag ahaha.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
(this is the one I picked myself lmao) I like really specific ones! I like to know exactly what I’m writing, and unless I get a burning idea in my head I’d rather do (not often) I’d prefer prompts that give me more to work with, or at least more detail than like a one line simple prompt lmao. 
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Chapter 1 of my thing for brofessor andy (tw there's sui and death and shit)
[put under a cut for length, feedback below] [very awesome tho def worth looking at if ur into spoopy shit]
  Same old, same old. I sit down at the desk and get to work, typing up the data collected today. My colleague comes in, “Do you think they’ll ever let us out of here?”
    I nearly rip my hair out. “How many times do I have to tell you? Never. They put us in here and they’ll never let us out for fear of spreading the virus.”
    “Maybe after the war,” he says, shifting from foot to foot.
    “They don’t tell us anything, the war could’ve ended years ago for all we know. And doesn’t it ever bother you?” My words are muffled by the hum of the cleaning robots sliding up the wall, disinfecting as they go. My voice turns to a shout to compensate. “The fact that we’re trapped in here for the rest of our lives. Sometimes the self destruct button is tempting …”
    “You’d use the nuclear place to blow us all up? My son and me are here as well. If you want to off yourself, go ahead. But don’t bring me into it.”
    “Not a bad idea,” I say, heading to the bathroom.
No pills, no rope. Nothing. The building’s too secure, no roof to jump off of. My hand goes to my chin to think, and my stubble triggers an idea. I grab my razor and sit on the edge of the bath tub and close my eyes. I take a deep breath. The scent of disinfectant fills and burns my nostrils. I lift the razor and bring it towards my arm.
    Bang. Bang. Bang.
    It sounds like bombs are going off all around me, even inside my head. Everything fades to black.
    My eyes open and the lights are so bright. The walls are practically made of light. Something hard presses into the back of my head. “If you do not cooperate, you will be shot.” A guy in uniform says. I say nothing. “Are you aware of what your research is being used for?”
    “What were you doing when we bombed the lab?”
    “About to kill myself.”
    “They don’t tell me anything. They didn’t plan releasing me. I was nothing more than a number in their equations.”
    “If you work with us, and give you your research, we can promise you freedom and citizenship here, though you will be a traitor to Russia.”
    I sit behind the counter of my dad’s record store, scrolling through the news on my phone as a record on the counter spins and Tom Petty drones on about free fallin’. Something about a new disease, World War III is still going on, a new Avengers movie is coming out. There’s no customers; there’s usually not at this time so I consider leaving earlier. The bell on the door dings, announcing that I’m trapped here for another hour. The man says he doesn’t need any help and heads up to the record loft. My attention returns to my phone before the bell dings again.
    A woman walks in, and her face makes my stomach twist. There’s boils and pieces of missing skin. Her eyes have a glassy look. “Miss, are you okay?” I ask. Her mouth goes through the motions, but no words come out. I begin the chew on the inside of my cheek, a nervous tic I developed as a kid as the woman ascends the stairs. A few minutes pass and I hear a scream. I get up on the counter and slide over and make a beeline for the stairs. I head up, taking two steps at a time. The man is laying on the ground dead, bits of his skin missing. The woman’s face is covered with blood and the skin of the man and she lunges at me. I grab a record off the shelf and start hitting her with it, but it does nothing.
    I use the record to shield my skin from her attacks as I walk backwards down the steps. I’m down and I run to the counter. The monster of a woman bumbles and trips her way down the stairs  and should take twice as long to get anywhere. I go over to the record player and rip the stick with the needle off and start hitting her with it. She lets out a scream, but it’s muffled and distorted and sounds almost alien. The warmth of adrenaline courses through me as I hit her again and again, somehow being able to avoid her attacks. She falls to the ground after several minutes. I stomp on her head until I’m sure she won’t be a threat anymore. The effects of the adrenaline wore off, and I now realized the fact that I got attacked by a monster. It’s fucking insane.
    I exit the store and hop into my car. I drive home much faster than usual. My eyes dart around, looking everywhere to see if there’s any more of those monster things in or beside the road. I’m too busy looking for them that I run a red light. Sighing, I slow down and keep my eyes on the road. They play tricks on me and several times I swear I see something out of the corner of my eye. Finally I arrive home, any later and I’m pretty sure I would have gone crazy. It’s late and everyone else is asleep so I immediately head up to my room. I shut and lock my door. I bulldoze the messy pile of video game and band shirts off my bed and into a laundry basket and crawl under the covers.
    Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
    Damn. I’m going to die.
    I glance at my alarm clock. Midnight, and there’s scratching at my door. The thing that tried to kill me earlier used its nails to attack. And there’s scratching at my door. I’m going to die. Logic tells me I should get up and find some kind of weapon. My instincts have me paralyzed out of fear. Breathe.  Gradually I move my arm. Down to the floor. My fingers make contact with the tennis racket under my bed and grasp it, preparing to fight off the intruder.
    It’s not even an intruder. It’s my dang cat. I get up and open the door and pet him. After this scare, there’s no way I’m getting back to sleep so I get dressed and head downstairs. I did my hair and makeup much fancier than usual, if I’m losing sleep I can at least look good.
    About an hour before the bus arrives I sit at the kitchen table eating cereal and watching the news. “Due to an outbreak of a new disease, all schools in the district will remain closed,” So I’m all dolled up for nothing. “Experts say the disease is contained to the state and airports are closing in an effort to keep it that way. It’s recommended you stay indoors and avoid crowded places to protect yourself from the illness. If you develop an itchy red rash, seek medical attention immediately as that’s the first sign of the disease. Now onto the weather.” Somehow the peppy newscaster is able to make even a deadly disease sound alright.
    I decide to not waste the day like I normally would. I go over by the front door and grab the leash and harness that are hanging up by my coat. I pick up my tennis racket and some balls and make kissing noises. My cat comes running and I put on his harness. He’s all black and could easily be mistaken for a dog. He’s huge. 30 pounds of cat, no fat. We head out to the backyard and decide to take the leash off. He could get over the fence, but I don’t think he wants to. I ready my racket and pitch a serve to the wall, the ball bounces back and I hit it again. This time I catch it instead of hitting it again because I feel an itch and need to scratch my back. My nails dig into the soft skin of my arm and it feels delightful.
    “Hey, Lulu!” someone calls from behind the fence I just served a ball at. It’s my friend, Jakob. He scales over the wall like he’s done many times and his eyes travel up and down my body. “Skank,” he snickers, referring to my short tennis skirt. I roll my eyes and throw a ball at him. “Jesus. I’m not here to look at your ass, I’m here to talk about the fact that there’s a fucking zombie apocalypse happening.”
“No, there’s not. You’re so gullible. It’s just a disease making people crazy or something-” I’m interrupted by a scream.
“Welp, I’m out.” Jakob says before going back into his house.
    A waterfall of purple leaves drooping from the willow tree in the yard block view of the neighbor’s yard. There’s nothing on any of the other sides, just forest. I pull back the ropes of leaves to look. My neighbor lies unconscious on the ground. I quickly put Salem back inside and jump the fence. The elderly woman has a huge boil on her face. I nearly throw up. It’s filled with some kind of liquid and I can see something small wiggling inside of it. I forget how to move for a minute, and then my body catches up to my brain and I dial 911. I reach down feel her pulse. She’s dead.
    The paramedics come, ask me my name and if I know anything about her. I don’t. They put her into the back of the ambulance, and as the door close I see the boil pop, and she bolts up, her eyes glaze over.
Then, a guy who can’t be much older than me comes up. Despite his young age, he has some kind of uniform decorated with tons of badges. “What do you know about that lady?” he asks.
“Do you know anything about the ‘outbreak’?” The way he says outbreak sends chills up my spine.
“I was in a fight with one of the infected people.”
“Any rashes, itches?” I shake my head no. “Fever?”
“No, I’ve been totally fine.” He grabs my arm and yanks me away.
I slap him. “I don’t care where you’re taking me,but Jakob’s coming.” He’s completely unfazed by the slap and nods his head.
my dude, my bro, this is excellent, i love the way u add detailed description that one can picture easily without running on too long & also how u use subtle things like the narrators possessions to add character. i esp love the bit with the neighbor its such a quick thing but v nasty it sticks with u 10/10
the only thing thats bugging me is the inconsistency with indentation at the beginning of paragraphs/dialogue but idk if thats just something tumblr did? either way very awesome super cool concept u got going here & v easy to read too w/o being overly simple (not that theres anything wrong with simplicity) 
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Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
"Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
i had AIS in CA and my insurance was super cheap i moved to WA and the rates here are way higher i was wondering if anyone in WA state could refer me to a good cheap company   cheapest full coverage possible its for my gf 25 yo female no tickets no dui    Thank you very much for you time
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Question regarding car insurance?
Hi, My car insurance runs out on the 26th March, does that mean I can still drive it on the 26th(that day)? until 23:59? Also, I will be going on holiday from 28th March to the 7th April, can I just leave my car on my driveway during this time and renew my car insurance once I'm back home? It has got MOT and road tax. UK answer not US. Thanks.""
Should I shop for better car insurance rates?
I am looking to buy a new car. It is a 2005 Pontiac Sunfire. I live in Wisconsin, am 29, and have an excellent driving record. I need full coverage, and called my insurance agent (Progressive- which I've been with for over 12 years) and they said, for an average, about $500 every 6 months. Is this a little high or is this about average. Are there any other car insurance companies that might offer better rates?""
How much money will you be saving by going to driver's ed?
I'm 16 and have my learner's permit in CT and I've heard that by going to driver's you save a bunch of money on your car insurance...I know that its ture but how much money can you really save?
Should I get business insurance?
I am an LLC for my small online business (I sell handmade jewelry). Should I also have business insurance? I make under $50k a year.
Scooter insurance price ?
i live in the uk and I'm 16 and i was going 2 go 4 my scooter licence until i pass my driving test witch i will b starting in december i want 2know ruffly hw much wld it cost me 2 insure a 50cc scooter ??
Car insurance?
Is there any insurance company ,other than AMI ,that offers a nil excess option. The premium based on an optional excess of nil is obviously higher, which I understand. AMI is okay ...show more""
How much is jet ski insurance approximately?
Looking to buy a jet-ski, just want to know about how much the insurance is, also how much the registration is in California, if anyone nos thx.""
How much is insurance for a single male under 25 on a DODGE CHARGER?
My insurance is running out?
I am 19 years old and my insurance is running out in two days because i have a job and are not going to school. I have a pretty bad medical history of anxiety problems and low immune system. When i was younger i was in the hospital every year for something like phneumonia or stomach virus of strep throat. I have agoraphobia pretty bad. It is very hard for me to go to wal mart and i cant travel out of town because my anxiety kicks in. Now my insurance is going out and i don't know what to do. Its driving me crazy. Any suggestions to a way of getting medical care for cheap without all the thousands of dollars in bills would be greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so much for answers:)
Car insurance for young drivers?
I've just passed my test. How do I set up young driver's car insurance?
""Cars, insurances need some help here?""
say my father has a car and i want a car, if he buys me a car would i need my own insurance, or does he cover me?????""
""Can you get cheap car insurance, under fully comp at the age of 17. But at a reasonable price?
Is there any car Insurance company out there that could offer me a really good price for car Insurance? Im looking to insure a 1.2 litre Renault clio under comprehensive Insurance. Reason I want to do this is because I will be able to drive other cars to without me paying for insurance on them. Anyone?
Auto Insurance Quote question?
What does the 250/500/100 liability coverage on the premium policy mean? Here's the auto insurance quote: 1999 Honda Accord LX [ assume a 20 year old male with Good Student Discount and Accident - Free for 3 years] Quote: Premium with Comprehensive and Collision ($500 deductible) With Multicar and Multiline Discount 1999 HONDA ACCORD TERR:003 ,AFD3YR, VSD2 RG:04 CL:5B GS - PREM BIPD 250/500/100 = $284.74 WITH P1 PIP P4 = $4.00 COMP $500 DED = $52.79 COLL $500 DED = $162.39 ERS = $2.60 R1 80%/500 = $11.60 U 250/500 =$19.40 S 1 AT 5000 =$1.20 NEW PREMIUM =$538.72 ----------------------------------------------------- If you can't read the above, then what's 250/500/100 liability coverage on a premium policy mean?""
Conservatives! What do you fear will be the impact of more people having QUALITY health insurance?
under so-called Obama care?
I have reasontly had my car stolen and am wondering how much the insurance are going to pay me ?
my car was a red vaxaull corsa M reg (1994) very excellent condition one OAP as a previous owner it had done 95,000 miles and had 11 months mot on it i valued it with the insurers for 500 even tho i think its worth more! and i was covered for 3rd party, fire n theft! so and ideas as to how much i will get?""
Cheap car to insure at 17years old?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)""
Cheapest car insurance company?
i am 27 years old have a pretty good driving record with only 2 violations (speeding, and stop sign) in the past few years. i have a 2000 chevy silverado (strip model, 2 wheel drive, nothing to steal on the inside with 120k on in only worth like 3,000) i only want liability no colision insurence. does anyone know what company through experiance gives the best quotes? i onlly need bear minumum on this truck and only drive it part time.""
How much would the insurance be on a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger?
I'm looking at buying a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger. Would there be a difference in the insurance? I'm 17 but by the time I find my car I'll probably be around 18 or even 19 considering that the car may need some work. I live in Ontario and I want full coverage.
Car rental insurance ?
i'm going to rent a car for 3 weeks from avis but there are 4 types of insurance to choose from : (1) Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) (2) Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) (3) Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) Personal Effects Protection (PEP) what does each one mean ? and which is necessary ? note : am not US citizen .
How can I get low-cost affordable medical care in Oklahoma?
I recently moved to Oklahoma. Can't afford health insurance -- and am worried about what to do if I need to go to the doctor. What are my options? (I have no Indian blood and ...show more
What company would provide shipping insurance?
I want to sell some jewellery on Ebay and I will end up shipping it to Canada or US. Canada post offers a maximum insurance of $500. Which (if any) company would provide insurance at replacement value? Or at least a $1,000?""
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
Need suggestions on Health Insurance...?
I recently turned 18 and will no longer be covered by my parent's health insurance. I'm going to be going to college next year and my school offers insurance but it will cost almost all of the money I have saved up (leftover money after tuition is paid). Are there any better options? (Being uninsured isn't an option)
I have geico auto insurance .I moved to another state and got cheaper insurance.Do i need to provide geico wi?
new insurance company name and info or are they just supposed to cancel my policy .
""When i buy a car, what is the process of buying? like insurance...etc?""
when i buy a car, what is the process of buying? like buy insurance, apply car plate...etc? by the way, how do i buy the insurance? and where do i go and buy it? Pardon me, i am an idiot in car. Please teach me, I really will appreciate for your help.""
Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
i had AIS in CA and my insurance was super cheap i moved to WA and the rates here are way higher i was wondering if anyone in WA state could refer me to a good cheap company   cheapest full coverage possible its for my gf 25 yo female no tickets no dui    Thank you very much for you time
""Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?""
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks""
Where to go for car insurance?
I live in Missouri and plan on getting a new car soon. I need car insurance and would like to know what a good car insurance company would be. I'm single and live on my own and ...show more
""Car insurance just went up 30-50% in Cal, why would that happen ...?""
...if it were'nt as a result of more accidents, due to more populace/ people, poorer drivers, drivers who weren't licensed; don't know rules and laws of the road in this country, are stealing more vehicles, or just don't care what happens here. Think there's a correlation between the large population of illegals or ...that the folks of California are just becoming worse drivers all of a sudden? Just the start of what is going to be our future here in Cal/USA if we don't remove these people who have no investment or care about what goes on in Cal. or the US. Hint: 50% of criminals in California prisons are illegal aliens. In fairness; there are a small % of that 50%, who are not of Hispanic descent. Hmmmmm 50% increase in insurance? 50% of all prisoners are ...Must just be a coincedence.""
Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?
ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.""
""Will my insurance go up, if my parked car was hit and not occupied?""
My Car was hit While parked and was not occupied (nobody was in the car) The car that hit my car, pulled out of the parking spot and was trying to hide. i went and filed a collission report against the driver. what will happen now, will my insurance rate go up? or will i be at 100% no fault. I know some insurance companies try to rip us off. plz help
""If I start paying my car insurance, and then change my name, would my dad find out?""
I'm almost 20 years old, I recently moved back in with my mother and my father gave me a car. As of now my father pays for the insurance, and the car is in his name. He also has a GPS installed in it. I'm going to be moving across the state this year, but will put the car in my name and pay for it's insurance beforehand. I will also finally be changing my name (first and last). I don't want him to know about my name change. Though they are public records, I know, would he be informed in any way by looking at any document to do with my car? Would insurance or anything contact him in any way if I pay for it?""
Health insurance options for low income adults?
I am currently putting my husband through school. Our household runs on my pay check alone. My children qualify for free insurance with healthwave,which we are very grateful for. but I was shocked to find that my husband and I don't qualify. There is no way in hell we can afford to buy our own health insurance so I was wondering if there are any other options for us.""
Who has to pay and/or who's insurance payments go up?
presume i am driving a car that doesn't belong to me, but a car someone let me borrow for just one drive. the car is insured for the owner, but my name is not on the insurance. i have my own insurance, but its for some other car. i am a minor (17) and have a california driver's license with 1 point on it. now, let's say I get into a car accident (in califonia) and its my fault. there is damage to the other driver's car, but none to mine. if reported to the insurance companies and not handled on the side, who's insurance goes up? mine or the owner of the car's? if not reported to the insurance companies, who is responsible for paying, me or the owner of the car? will this accident result in an added point to my drivers license? any other information i should know of? any help will be greatly appreciated! thank you so much!""
Can i insure my UK car with ROI insurance?
Hi, I am looking to insure my UK registered car with ROI insurance. I travel to and from Ireland but spend the majority of my time in Ireland. I would like to know which ROI insurance companies will insure my UK registered car and if the insurance would be valid for driving in the UK, if so, for how long ?""
Pimped car insurance?
I've always wondered how people get car insurance after their car has been pimped. I mean the cars are changed so dramatically and all these gadgets added - how on earth do you explain it to an insurance company?!!
How can I obtain drivers insurance when neither parent has a license in California?
because insurance is a binding agreement that requires one parent to have a valid license, and neither of mine do, I cannot buy auto insurance. - My grandparents will not help me either I have 1000$ to buy insurance, and I will drive either way, insurance or not, is there any loophole around this law? thanks.""
What is the cheapest car insurer for a 17 year old WITHOUT a black box?
What is the cheapest insurance company without a black box or device to monitor you're driving for a 17 year old...?
What would the insurance be for a 16 year old with a ford expedition.?
Hi, I'm 16 years old and I currently have a 2002 Gmc Envoy, and I love the qualities of the car, but the brakes are horrible and it's crash test rating is really low. I've had people pull out in front of me on more than 2 occasions and my brakes take so long for the car to stop so im really nervous when driving it. I want to trade it in and get a 2000-2005 ford expedition because its on the same platform as my dads f-150 and when I drive his truck the brakes are so much better and I have better visibilty, the expedition is also better in crashes. I know the gas is more but it only gets 2 miles less than my envoy and I only use if to drive to school and footballs games. If i were to switch cars how much would my monthly incurance be? Im 16 and im a honor student so I do get a discount with farmers insurance. Also i believe right now my envoy is pricey because its the high class edition with the heated seats and stuff so all of that makes the rate higher. I dont need all of that with the expedition though.""
Insurance costs a fortune?
Anyone know of an insurance company that can give really cheap quotes for teenagers. UK Based
Speeding ticket and insurance question?
I just posted a question about my speeding ticket I received yesterday I was going 101 mph on a 65 mph zone. I'm under my dads policy and im 17 this is my first ticket I just want to know how this is going to effect the insurance rates? Obviously they'll go up, but our policy expires in August will the insurance notify my parents about the ticket when they find out about it or when we go renew our policy/. thanks""
Multiple auro insurance for vehicles in different states?
Me and my fiancee are relocating to different states for new job. I am moving to south Carolina and she is moving to san diego, California. We have multiple vehicle insurance discount now. If we move is it better to register both vehicles in one state to save on insurance , title and registration. I heard it is expensive to register vehicles in california. Can I register the vehicle in my name in south carolina. she is going to be there working at UCSD and the stay is temporary (max 2 years) or is it against the law?""
How can my car insurance go up from 128$ to 178$?
My car is all paid off and has been since I bought it. But I don't know why it went up. I looked up other car quotes and there much higheer then what im paying now.
Best Health Insurance for Veteran and dependents?
I'm a soldier getting ready to get Honorably Discharged in the next couple months. I have a wife and 2 kids, that have constant doctor visits. What are some Insurance companies ...show more""
How much do you pay for your car insurance in NJ?
Hi i want to buy a car and i was wondering how much money i had to spend on the insurance thing. i plan to buy a 1995 honda accord ex sedan, 4 doors and 4 cylinders, maybe this info helps. Also, i would only use the car to go to my job and to the university which is less than 3 miles, in a year, i would be driving like 2000 miles + 1000 miles extra as miscellaneous trips. the thing is that i'm a 18 year old dude and I earn 700 dollars a month, still live with my parents and go to school. I went to a driving school to learn the essentials of driving . Hope all this info helps you give me the best estimate yearly or monthly. thanks""
Car insurance?
My auto insurance has expired and I'm kinda looking for a new car insurance. I can extend the previous car insurance, but I just want to know about other car insurances as well so that I can make a good choice. I took a look at many car insurance company websites, but it seemed like I need to put all my personal information (not only about my car and my email address but also my home address, phone# etc) to get a quote. I'm worried that maybe they would send me all kinds of junk mail kinda stuff to my house if I put my address on the form to get a quote. Do you know any good ways of getting a quote without telling them my personal info? Any recommendation which car insurance company is good? Btw I've never got into any car accidents so I just need a cheap auto insurance. I drive '83 caddi.""
I need insurance. Im 18 What do I do?
I turned 18 about 4 months ago and ive been trying to get my licence but my mom won't let me because she thinks I need to be insured as soon as i get my licence. I live in OR. they can't afford my insurrance and i dont have time for a job im an honors student in High school. next year im going away and would like to be driving by then. so my questions are. 1. do i need insurance as soon as i get my license? 2. can i drive my moms car (for example to the store and back) without insurance? How about someone elses car? 3. What is the best insurance for me to get? The quotes ive gotten are about 250 PER MONTH. I want to have a car next year but i wont have time to work with the courses im taking in college. how do i pay for my insurance next year.
High school sports insurance?
I am currently a junior in my high school. I would like to tryout for soccer next year but i am afraid if i make the team, I do not have any health insurance. If i get injured in a game, do the school cover for the medical bills?. how does this process work?. My parents own a company. they do not work for someone who covers health insurance.""
We are looking for cheeeep insurance?
What is the cheapest insurance available out there?
Where can i check to see if my medical insurance is active?
I have Medicaid. Someone I know checked online before to see if my medical was still active, I didn't get to ask where she went to look that up.. does anybody know""
Can I purchase life insurance?
Can I or may I purchase a life insurance policy for my step father in law. I've been asking around and some family member say no we can't and some other say yes we can. I'm so lost
Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
i had AIS in CA and my insurance was super cheap i moved to WA and the rates here are way higher i was wondering if anyone in WA state could refer me to a good cheap company   cheapest full coverage possible its for my gf 25 yo female no tickets no dui    Thank you very much for you time
Do You Have to Get Car Insurance....?
Do you have to get car insurance when you get you temporary permit at the age of 15.5. I am fifteen and I am getting my permit soon and i was wonderin if i had to get insurance. Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:>
Insurance for two vechiles with teen driver?
getting my license very soon and I want to buy a truck for many reasons but thats not important. With gas prices going up a pickup isnt the cheapest to just drive around so I also wanted a economy car. I was gonna buy a truck for around 5 grand and put that under my moms name and rank me as a restricted driver. Then get a beater civic for like 2500 insure it under my name and I would be the primary driver, and I could use that to drive to school and around town and use the truck to haul things and such. What would I be looking at in insurance costs""
Car Insurance for 4 months?
Hi guys, I'm back with my parents for about 4 months, and I would like to drive the car. To do this, obviously I need to have insurance activated (secondary driver). They are saying that they need to charge me for a year that. Saying that I might come home and drive the car. Meaning, for 8 months I would be paying for nothing. Because I'll be in another city, not even close to the car. 1) If I did come home, I wouldn't drive the car without insurance 2) I don't even come home during the school year, and there is a chance that I won't come home for the summer Do I have any grounds on this? I think the insurance salesperson just wants to gouge money.""
Will tinting my windows add to my insurance?
Wanting to get my golfs windows tinted and im wondering if it will add to my insurance? Do i need to let my insurance company know?
Question about car insurance?
Passed my test today!! :D Was wondering what kind of insurance prices people started paying. I want either a ford ka (Been quoted like 2,000) or a Peugeot 207 or something like that. Just wanted to know what other people pay for there car when they first passed?""
Can my car insurance company raise my rates if my CA Drivers License was put on hold?
I'm just curious. Can they do that? I was pulled over in 2010 for driving without car insurance or registration and I was given a ticket. I never paid it (I didn't have the money at the time but I just paid it off as of Jan 2013) and I got a notice from the DMV saying my DL was going to be placed on hold (basically suspended) until I paid it then it would be released. At the time I found this out I was trying to insure my new car, and the company told me because of that my rates go up. I've seen my DMV record, it does state that my DL was placed on hold, but it didn't cost me any points. So I still have 0 points on my driving record. Can the charge me more for that? Also no judgement please, I dont want to go into a long story. The ticket from 2010 is a long story and partially caused by a controlling abusive ex. He is now gone, and I am almost finished cleaning up the wreckage he caused, the ticket being one of them.""
Can anyone estimate how much insurance would cost on a 2001 camaro?
i'm 18, full time b student, first car, the car's a v6""
Do I have to respond to a insureance quote?
So today I got a insurance quote from 21st Century Insurance and it says Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO I really have to respond?""
Where can i get affordable medical insurance?
I need to get affordable medical insurance for my wife and I. We both work and our jobs don't provide insurance. Any suggestions?
Fronting? - UK Car Insurance?
Hi, Could anyone give a proper definition of fronting regarding car insurance in the UK? For example, who goes under the heading of a fronter? In which cases would it be illegal to go under a more experienced driver's insurance policy? I understand why a 17 year old who just got their driving licence wouldn't be allowed to hide behind their parents' 20 years of No Claims, but would a 25 year old be able to go on their parents' policy? I've tried looking at the insurers' websites but they'll happily give a quote for anything, even if it's illegal, without saying so, so I can never be sure if it's wrong or not Thanks :)""
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
We're TTC and having a bit of trouble so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good health plan that covers maternity and possibly specialists.
What does an approved provider mean to health insurance company?
I want to list myself as an approved provider for speech therapy but I am not a proferred provider for any health insurance plan.
""Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
How much (approx) would insurance be for a 1.1 saxo?
The exact car is '2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR REPLICA' a few modifications (cd player with bluetooth, black front lights, smoked rear lights, front fogs, full colour coded vtr body kit, DTM mirrors, vtr alloy wheels, lowered on 40mm G-max springs) i'm not even 17 yet but i was wondering what would the cheapest possible *(legal) insurance be on this car thanks :) !!""
How much would the insurance be on a 2014 Corvette?
Ok so I'm 16 and a half and my cousin is going to get me a 2014 Corvette stingray for my birthday. And was wondering how much the insurance would be.
Can an insurer refuse me insurance because of a secondary drivers record?
I am a new driver, I am now insured with a different company but am not happy with how much I am paying. Now, When I first got my vehicle I did a quote with a different insurance company, I was pleased with the cost of insurance, so I decided to try to go ahead with their insurance policy. It took 12 days for this company to contact me back, that's only because I called them questioning about the progress. Now the wait didn't bother it is the fact that the refused me. I know that as an insurance company they have the right to refuse an insurance policy, but it was the EXCUSE they gave me that infuriated me. Now let explain the situation as clearly as I can. I am a new driver, I am still living with my dad so I was obligated to put him onto my insurance plan because we are living int he same building and both have access to my car, as a new driver I have 0 tickets, 0 cancellations of insurance (have had previous insurance for a motorcycle with the same company) and I must also put 0 experience. now my dad has over 30 years driving experience, but he had 1 ticket in the past 3 years. So this is what the insurance company said to me on the phone, We are refusing your policy because you are a new driver, and your secondary driver has had 1 ticket in the past 3 years. Me, and my father both think that this is just an excuse to not insure a new driver. I am insured now and have been for the past several months driving everyday to and from work, my insurance is getting a bit costly now and am thinking of trying the other company again. I would like to know, Can the insurance company refuse me for those reasons? And would you recommend trying that company again after a few months have past or try to find cheaper insurance elsewhere?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
I'm 17 now, but planning on getting my bike at 18. I'm thinking about getting a Kawaski Ninja 250R or a 500R sports bike.I live in California.""
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
Hi I'm 18 years old and I have no insurance and no job..I'm really sick my back feels like its on fire and my testicles has been shrinking I also feel like theres bumps on my right testicles..I've also lost 10 pounds in a month due to my sickness I really want to go to the doctors but I can't afford it....also I live in Colorado Springs..
Why does ACA make insurance mandatory?
Does anyone know why the Affordable Health Care Act requires you to have insurance? I could understand an optional government insurance plan if you don't get it through work, but I don't understand why there will be a penalty if you are uninsured. Avoiding emotional responses (for instance: b/c Obama sux), does anyone know the reasoning behind that? An example of the answer I'm looking for would be if you asked me why Americans are required to have car insurance, why aren't we just allowed to pay for accidents out of pocked if we choose to? I would answer by saying that some people would not get insurance because they thought they could avoid an accident, but then get into one and nobody would pay for the other person's car/injuries. Putting the person in jail wouldn't help the victim, so it's better to make everyone have car insurance.""
What is the cheapest car to insure?
What is the cheapest, cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old in the UK. Cheers.""
What kind of car insurance is this?
Where I am insured, and not my car. So basically, i can drive any car i want but no one else can drive mine because IT isnt insured. (not unless they have the same type of insurance anyway.) Does anyone know what i am talking about?""
Which insurance company is best?
ok so im 19 and just got my drivers license a few months ago (i never really needed it before now). its tax time and im buying a van to fit all the kids i lug around. well since i've never had to get auto insurance im not sure on what place would be best to go to. i know my age and how long i havent had my DL will effect how much i pay, but im trying to go the cheapest route possible. does anyone have advice on where to go? also what is a 'premium'? i did a free quote online and it told me what my downpayment would be, my monthly payment. and my premium? plz help""
I got a speeding ticket. Any estimate of how much insurance premium may go up by?
Got my first speeding ticket in Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km on a 60km limit road. Just wondering how much insurance premium rate can go up by... or is there any chance it won't? Would love to fight it, but I live in Toronto and the drive up there is a waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a $95 fine, losing 3 demerit points and having it on record for 3 years.""
Can my car insurance company give my phone number to auto shops?
I was recently in a fender-bender, and as SOON as I made a claim with my insurance company, random auto shops started calling my cell phone (which is my only phone, I don't have a land line) stating they heard I'd been in an accident and basically were telemarketing me into fixing my car at their shop. I have Nationwide insurance, and I'm suspecting it is them who has released my information, as I didn't supply my info with anyone else, other than in the police report! Has anyone else heard of this or had this happen to them? Is there anything I can do about it, other than tell the people not to call me again!?""
Insurance Question/Quote?
My name is Jake and my grandpa wants to sell me is 2004 V6 nissan 350z for like next to nothing but i am curious as to how much my insurance payment would be?
Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
i had AIS in CA and my insurance was super cheap i moved to WA and the rates here are way higher i was wondering if anyone in WA state could refer me to a good cheap company   cheapest full coverage possible its for my gf 25 yo female no tickets no dui    Thank you very much for you time
Whats the best auto insurance for me?
i want a insurance company that gives gives checks to me for claims and lets me fix my car not shops. geico? AAA?
What is the difference between term/whole life insurance vs accidental death insurance?
I'm trying to buy life insurance for myself and my mother. I read up on this survivorship insurance which sounded pretty good since I wanted something for my mother if I were do die first and vice versa. but most of the online quotes I saw were between spouses... But I got confused when I read about accidental death ins- does this mean I will not be covered if I die of an illness or old age- but instead must die of an accident such as auto or slip and fall?? secondly, would I get taxed on the interest earned on the universal/whole ins or when the policy is paid out/ surrendered?""
Need cheap insurance 18 year old in UK?
hello can anyone tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son who is 18 years old. its been 1 year since hes passed. i have 6 years no claim bounes. the best quote i have got so far is 2700 on a corsa 1.2. is it possbile to get any driver car insurance?
I'm stuggling to find car insurance HELP!?
I'm 21 and i past my driving test in may 2011 and got my car in july, I was insured by swiftcover for 145 per month but then I become ill and had to leave work so I couldn't afford the payments and decided to cancell my insurance til I could get back to work, but when I tried to renew my claim with swiftcover then said their policies have changed and they can no longer provide insurance for people who have been driving less then 4 years! So now every other insuance company want around 250-280 per month and I just can't afford this. Do u know any cheap insurers that take on young drivers in the UK, HELP!""
Vehicle insurance question?
If I make a buisness delivery in my personal vehicle and have an accident, will my insurance cover me?""
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
How to shop for car insurance rates?
I need to find car insurance rates to compare, but I can't find a site that lets me do a comparison and get results on the internet. I don't want to give them my phone number and email because I know I'll be spammed to death by people trying to sell me something. Is there anywhere I can go to get comparison rates for free without having to put in contact information like that?""
What heapens if I don't pay for car insurance?
I have a car, but actually I don't wanna pay for insurance any more. So what happens if I don't pay and drive without insurance?""
Do Car Insurance Companies Verify Marraige?
My girlfriend and I have the same last name, a baby, and we live together. For all intents and purposes, we are married, just not legally. If I apply for car insurance, do I have to give proof that we are married?""
Are there any cost savings in adding an additional driver to car insurance vs having 2 policies?
Are there any cost savings in adding an additional driver to car insurance vs having 2 policies?
Car insurance cost for expat?
Hi I am a 37y old male married moving to London from india soon. I checked som online quotes and it seems to be very expensive even if I buy a 10 yr old vw golf. I intend to get a uk license when I arrive, but will I be considered a new driver even though I have held a license in the us and India and have driven for close to 15 yrs""
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
Please help! I'm looking for an affordable health coverage plan (not Healthy N.Y. or any medicaid programs-
I don't qualify for these programs.. As I make too much-but not enough to afford health insurance. My husband takes meds. everyday 3times daily. I'm getting quite scared. Can anyone help!! Thank you!
Average insurance rates for a retail store?
What would be the average insurance rate for a retail store that sells books? How much more would it be with a children's section? If a child was injured in the play section how much would the rates spike up? I need this for an economics class where we are theoretically building a buisness and running it. Any help is appreciated.
How can I get Cheaper Auto Insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi Evolution was wondering if it is possible to get cheaper insurance? My Father owns a Business can we classify it as a business Vehicle? I'll be 18 when i buy it. I can afford the payments, Just not insuracne, lol""
Which is the best insurance web site?
I just wanna which is the best insurance quotes website?
Cheap car insurance for 28 yr old?
I have a 2003 Grand Am. I've had it for a year. Until recently I had it in my mothers insurance policy. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it put under my own policy. I've had my license since I was 20. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What are some cheap car insurance for my situation. I live in Kentucky.""
How much is a female teen's car insurance in Virginia?
I'm trying to get one for my daughter and I was wondering if anyone can give me any heads ups.
""Buying used car from private party---plates, insurance, registration?""
I've bought from a lot before, but never a private party! When you purchase a vehicle from a person, how do you go about the whole insurance thing and of course there aren't any plates on the thing! How do you get it home if you can't make it to the DMV that very moment?! Does insurance have to be purchased before you can even leave the person's house??? How exactly does this process work? Oh, and I thought of something else: Let's say the person selling me the car had just re-registered it in January or so........does that mean it doesn't have to be registered again until that same time next year? Obviously my name has to get switched over on the registration......but why pay TWICE in one year for the registration on one car???""
Need help with car insurance!!?
i am new with the whole car insurance thing so i need help. how much is car insurance for an 18 year old just got my licenses and with a 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how do you pay for car insurance please help thanks
Best optical insurance?
Which insurance is accepted at the most places?
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
How much does insurance for motorcycle cost? Whats the average? Is it monthly?
Car insurance write off?
Ok so wanting a slightly clearer answer for how exactly car insurance write offs work? I have a 92 Toyota lexcen market value on my policy is up to 2125, I have a damaged bonnet, bumper and headlight also my horn sounds really wrong now! Not sure if there's other damage, I was not at fault in the accident. Basically wondering how they decide whether to write it off or not and how much I could maybe expect to get back? Car was in decent condition low ks, although it's not the first accident it's been in""
Dual Coverage for Health Insurance?
Is okay to have health insurance through my employer and my mom?
Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
i had AIS in CA and my insurance was super cheap i moved to WA and the rates here are way higher i was wondering if anyone in WA state could refer me to a good cheap company   cheapest full coverage possible its for my gf 25 yo female no tickets no dui    Thank you very much for you time
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