#// both irl and on tumblr.com
mars-ipan · 1 year
becoming tumblr mutuals with an irl friend suddenly and irrevocably changes the bond you share into something that is both more and less personal and it’s really fun
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so2uv · 1 year
im tired of being nice
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report-rqs · 6 months
Step-by-step: Let's report a radqueer for inciting violence
This is a tutorial on reporting. Don't find this user, don't contact them, don't harass them, etc - I am showing how you should report these posts instead. Content warnings: Radqueers, murder, torture
Here is our post in question:
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"transtorturemurderer: a transharmful term for one who wishes to or identifies as having commited torture murder"
Archive the post.
Report the post to Tumblr.
Block the blog and everyone in the notes of the post.
Tutorial on each step is under the cut:
Archive The Post
When a radqueer advocates for violence, child abuse, animal abuse, abuse of a corpse or actual CSAM material, it's very important that you archive the post. Saving evidence of radqueers promoting harm is important, especially if this user later comes back after their account is removed.
(It is important to note that I am specifically saying "advocates for" as in in real life. If a radqueer coining post doesn't specify, it can be reported to Tumblr as IRL. I'm noting "IRL" here because so many people think that fictional child sexual abuse material (and similar things) are perfectly fine, although I would like to note that I do not support/endorse "fictional CSAM" and it is recognized as being equally harmful to IRL CSAM/CP by places like MissingKids.com (organizations dedicated to stopping child abuse). But I'm not dedicating this space to arguing about that - Do not derail this post by arguing with me about this. This is a tutorial for something specific.)
You have two main options for archiving:
I tend to use both archivers, but if you only want to use one I suggest Archive.Today. Open the main page and copy-paste the URL of the RQ post into the field. Press enter, and it will store an archived version of the post. (Sometimes this takes longer than other times, this is based on how many people are using the site at once.)
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If you plan to do a lot of reporting, install the Firefox extensions for Archive.Today and Archive.Org, they let you archive your current page with one click.
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If a page has been archived before, you get this message. If it looks like a post has been edited or there are new replies in the notes from radqueers encouraging it, I suggest archiving it again.
Now you've got your updated archived URL. Hold onto this URL.
Report Them To Tumblr
You'll need to view the post in dashboard view if they have a custom theme. Custom theme URLS go like blogname.tumblr.com, and dashboard view is tumblr.com/blogname/post122121212121212121.
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Once in dashboard view, click the hamburger menu (the three dots), and you'll see the red option that says "Report blogname."
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This takes you to a basic categories menu. Select "Report something else."
That takes you to a sub menu which lets you pick from the following options:
Copyright violation
Trademark violation
Harm to minors
Privacy violation
Impersonation or Non-Genuine Behavior
Suicide or self-harm concern
Hate speech violation
Suspected terrorism
Sexually explicit material
Gore, mutilation, or bestiality
Violent content or threat
I’m being harassed
Unlawful uses or content
Election Integrity
I bolded the options which radqueer posts will most likely fall into. For the post I'm reporting, I am selecting "Violent content or threat."
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You'll enter Tumblr's permalink (the post url), enter a name, your email, solve a captcha and most importantly describe how it violates Tumblr's Community Guidelines. Since I'm reporting this for violence, let's go right to the Community Guidelines on Tumblr:
What Tumblr is not for: Violent Content and Threats, Gore and Mutilation. Don't post content which includes violent threats toward individuals or groups - this includes threats of theft, property damage, or financial harm. Don't post violent content or gore just to be shocking. Don't showcase the mutilation or torture of human beings, animals (including bestiality), or their remains. Don't post content that encourages or incites violence, or glorifies acts of violence or the perpetrators.
You can use the way a website's phrased their guidelines as a sort of base for writing your report. However, on Tumblr remember that it needs to be fairly short because there's a character limit. So, questions to answer:
Does this include violent threats towards a person or group? Is this a label/"pride flag" about committing violence against a person or group?
Does this encourage violence - is it telling people to commit acts of violence?
Is it glorifying acts of violence or their perpetrators?
In this example, this is a pride flag, which denotes pride, and it says "one who wishes to or identifies as having commited torture murder" That is reasonable enough cause to call this post glorifying violence. So, here's what I'm saying in my report: (Changed phrasing slightly from the screenshot above)
This user is posting "pride flags" for people who "identify as" and "wish to" into murderers and other violent perpetrators. In this post, they made a "transorturemurderer" pride flag, for people who wish to commit torture murder. This is very concerning, this blog seems to be completely serious. Please take this blog and other radqueer blogs down.
If a user has many posts right on their blog that violate the Community Guidelines, you can say something akin to "More examples: (Link)" and link to the archived post/s.
Once you're satisfied with your report, you can click submit and Tumblr will say "Got it" and let you know it was received.
Block the blog and everyone in the notes
If you still have the post open, quickly go through the notes and block everyone interacting positively. (Don't spend time looking at these blogs, it will likely be upsetting/disturbing)
Closing Notes
I could've phrased the part about removing other radqueer blogs better. My reason for adding that is that I want Tumblr to start becoming aware of what radqueers post. I believe firmly that once enough people report radqueers for their content, Tumblr might respond to future petitions or requests to ban all radqueer content.
Don't reply to radqueer posts. Don't reply to radqueer posts. This can be tempting, but I don't think it's a good idea. Even if you've got good intentions or make some great points, radqueers like to screenshot anti radqueer posts and post them as examples of "antis harassing them". Your post could even be shown to someone who is questioning being radqueer, grooming them into the community with a sort of "Look! See? All of those mean antis will never accept you, all they do is harass people for disagreements!" air.
I'm autistic and can't read tone well, and I also have OCD that makes me overexplain my intentions. If parts of this post were hard to read, please help me make them shorter.
Tagging some relevant blogs for visibility and critique on this post: @anti-radqueer-zone @radqueer-repellant @radq-blocklist @antiradqueer
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pansyfemme · 2 days
every time you echo post i giggle and kick my feet cause it’s so cute im so happy for you
LUCKILY he is asleep rn so i am not intimidated by him liking all of these but he reads my blog every morning ‘like the morning paper’ after we text good morning so hi echo i am gushing about you again and also my followers love you too see ^^
but yeah no its not surprise that i, resident massive fag of tumblr.com would be this head over heels for a guy but im. truly lucky its him. yknow theres the public face of this blog and what people know about my life from here and then theres my life irl, and my crush on him was a . somewhat guarded secret. i only told my closest friend like. a few months ago. so its. really cool to be out and open about a person i really like and care for in both my real life and my online life. (he finds my tumblr prescense. really funny. he’s been following me here for a while now so he’s well familar with all of you and does sometimes refer to me as ‘pansyfemme’ as a joke lol.) idk. art school has been. a really big deal for me, i’m well liked there and have a lot of friends, but like. romance was something that was always kind of. looming. and it feels really right that its now and its with him. its really sweet and ive been. very happy these past few weeks
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uncloseted · 4 months
Hi! Sorry if this isn't much of an ask, but I can't find any discussion about it and I don't know any people IRL who use Tumblr. The thing is... is it just my account or are spam bots extremely out of control??? I've been around for some years, so I'm used to those random bot accounts that follow you. It was annoying but most part of the time they didn't even post anything. Now, every time I want to scroll through any tag (like #photography) it's full of pornographic spam. Apparently they're random bots that spam popular tags and receive many likes (100 or 200 most times) from other bots. It's both annoying (because every time I search a tag it's full of nsfw spam) and also sad because it's probably stolen content from random girls used to promote malicious links. What the heck is going on 😭😭😭
It's not just you! The porn bots actually have a long and storied history here on Tumblr.com 😭 They've been here since the beginning, and Tumblr's attempt to ban porn on the site actually led to its huge downfall in 2018. Things that weren't porn were getting caught in their filters and for a while it made the site unusable. I think they've loosened the filters they were using to ban NSFW content (or gotten rid of them entirely) which is why the porn bots are back. Essentially, the porn bots automatically follow a bunch of random blogs so that they look legitimate and start to show up in google searches, which then leads people to click on their links. You can just block them and report them as spam when you see them.
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simpjaes · 6 months
no i didn���t misread the infidelity part ik the fic is gonna include yn/oc doing the cheating but i meant that i generally don’t mind if the guy cheats on reader because at the end of the day it’s fiction and the angst i’m looking for. however, the guy in the story just has to grovel like crazy and make it up to her somehow if it’s gonna be a happy ending. and if the cheating happens far along into their relationship, it’s hard to recover. but like i said before, irl it’s different. love love love that you emphasize that this is all fantasy and also have hard limits because at the end it’s ok to indulge in some toxic/taboo themes with a limit. some writers don’t understand that 😭😭😭 ik it’s better to mind my own business because at the end of the day it’s just tumblr.com but there are some writers i gotta block because the stuff they’ve put out is genuinely…ermmm.
but yes!!! i love the idea of multiple hot men wanting me so love triangles and stuff like that always gets me. idk why some ppl are against them so much, let’s have a little fun. jayke love triangle is so yummy sounding considering they just seem so typical guy friendship/brothers to me. the bickering and making fun of each other 24/7…yeah they’re men. the type to say bros before hoes. so the idea of yn coming in and messing up that bond because she’s so fine neither of them can resist. ugh 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
- 💗
oh okay cool! I felt the need to make it clear that I like infidelity in fics specifically when reader gets not just...the boy, but like, all the boys. i've never written about reader being cheated on without it just being like, a back story or a point of angst in her love life but man, you talking about dudes groveling? i could maybe be into it. kind of like a loveless relationship thing where reader is entirely numb and emotionally detached to the relationship since he cheated, so she lets him grovel and gets super turned on. ultimately fucking him in ways only she likes, making him try the kinks she's always wanted to try out.....man, yeah, i could do that.
as for you saying it's ok to dabble in some taboo/toxic themes, i can agree, i'm gonna fucking judge if someone is out here writing underage smut, but im still gonna indulge in icks that other people hate (like stepcest lol)
anyway, bros before hoes screams jayke, but i also know they'd both fuckin' break that rule INSTANTLY and start swinging. bros before hoes but god, they better fight over me
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strangeswift · 1 year
hi i was wondering how long have you and nancysglock been mutuals? i ask bc i follow both of you and seeing you interact all the time on the dash is very sweet :) (also feel free to not answer if you don't want to idk if this is weird to ask. lol)
hi anon! ella and i became mutuals in like august or september (?) of 2022 bc i gushed over her first few st fan scripts like a crazy person, and now we're best friends and we talk 24/7 and kinda share every single thought we have with each other ..and maybe we are a little codependent but it's fine. fun fact, i flew to go visit her in april it was so very nice and i Miss Her. neither of us were expecting to like. actually make a Very Close Friend on tumblr.com but here we are. can honestly say i feel just as close to her as i do my irl bestie who i've been best friends with for (oh my god im so old) Seven years now which is insane. anyway. i love ella very much and i am glad you like seeing us interact that's very nice to hear!
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I have a lot of backed up commissions (& I’m taking a small mental health break and playing video games/talking to a few closer friends due to things IRL being super hectic (plus the constant drama on tumblr.com rn isn’t good for my mental/emotional health). You guys are 100% free to add me to discord btw for both ordinary chatting and roleplaying! I’ll welcome it, just let me know who you are.  Tangy#0002
[original pinned] <-- contains vital information about my blog please read if you’re a newer follower/mutual
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COTL AU(ATOTL, MLP BaseEdits Series) 2nd Base Edit(Lambx4LoyalistSpouses) Bios Included.
Hello Fellow Cultists & Cult Leaders, I'm Back with another Finished MLP Base Edit of My COTL AU(a Tale of 2 Lambs) with the first one at least getting only 2 likes on Tumblr(so Screw It posting both on Tumblr.com & DA.Com for More Likes(and Follows). Anyways I'm okay with Dislikes(just don't go plan hating on me, or i'll block u from my Blogs in general)
Now I finished this Last Night before bed, since I wanna debut more Characters(in-game) for this Story Comic of Mine, with Lambert(Lamb), his Big Sis Lamberina(or Real Name being Steel Wool,Yes that's her Real Name but changed it to Lamberina) and Narinder(TOWW) in Fanarts with Lambert Before. So This will be a Full Fanart Debut of Lambert's Full Spouse Relationships(or his most Beloved or Most Loyal to Him & his Sister)
Here is The Finished Fanart(had fun with the last 2, P.S forgot to add Lamb's Red Crown(but will redo in future reference)
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Lamb & Nari's Darling Children(Bo Peep, Lilith, Saturn & Judas) all were asking their Parents how they all met each, gotten married and their birthstories aswell before bedtime. Narinder at First told the excited little lamb-cat children its late and they need sleep but Lambert being the kind soul lamb he was accepted their foals request only if they go to sleep after the stories were done.
The Children Agreed to their Father's request(Nari is a Mother-Father) and Lamb and Nari both told the Beloved but humorous stories of their first meetings, marriages and etc.
LambxNarinder(Lambrinder by the Cotl Fandom)- "After a Hard and Tiring Battle with The Death God Cat himself,Lambert was already getting tired and serverly injured fighting Narinder after learning his backstory through Shamura before slaying him in Silk Cradle. and Soon enough the final battle with the one who waits was near. Lambert wished his Loyal Loving Followers luck and chose three lucky ones to accompany him during this tough final battle(before he met samantha, lady d. or even m3gan at all)
keep in mind this was lambert's 3rd attempt(actually my gameplay during the battle). at first all hope felt lost for lamb but luckily the heavens heard his prayers and he successfully beaten and defeated narinder(who's true form was a follower, to him was cuter than he thought) and spared him instantly. which to narinder was surprised at his descion.
at first Lamb was hard on Narinder by his punishment being wearing a moon necklace(giving him insomnia forever) and even worst fear "Getting close to Lamb or even Anyone in the cult" which was lambert's ultimate plan with some consequences.
as time went by, days past and more, nari made lamb do some simple tasks for himself and the cult to grow in wealth(for now..) from building skull candles(decorating the cult in general) to building the bishop trophies/memorial graves for Narinder's Grief of his Passed Siblings and Sins and finally getting married against his will. which he easily agreed to and was happy in the long-run.
Now Lambert and Narinder are happily married, and as for their 4 childrens births well long story short nari + pregs + mood swings & sickness = pain, suffering, and uncomfrable love and support from Lamb and his followers. but was happier than ever for their 4 children esp bo peep(bo)
Lamb x Samantha(or Lamantha in my own words of a shipping)
10/24/22(9 days before halloween irl, in-game blood moon ritual event/the meeting of samantha bloodsucker)
"Twas The Night of Hallows Eve in The Cult of The Nightosphere, where it was a new officiall holiday by the gods below called the blood moon ritual. Lamb was very excited to try a new ritual and was very special to him since the meaning of the blood moon ritual/event meant 2 things(new decor, follower forms from below and reuniting with old dead followers spirits and catching their spirits into the book of doctrines)
meanwhile every follower was horrified or scared shitless at the sight and scares of the old spirit followers before them including old first followers from the cult's very early days which lamb felt very sentimental about. after collecting all of the new forms and spooky new decorations, one caught the leader lamb's eyes : a bat demon form(the perfect new spouse) which he found absolutely drop dead gorgeous(in a spooky cultist way) from their 3 amazing variations(my irl reaction to this form and the other 2 at the time) but soon enough the gods above(the player/myself) created the adorkably cute lavender bat demoness and named the succulent creature Samantha Bloodsucker(or just Samantha/Sam for short) and she spawned scared and in fear of what her new leader would do to her either spare her life or instantly kill her. but thankfully she was spared and treated with more love and care by Lambert even by Narinder's instant jealously.
Lambert and Samantha formed a bond quite quickly from her instantly getting everything from many gifts to many confessions in the confessions booth from lamb's choosing to finally gaining a skull necklace(living a pretty long life to 600+ yrs in one timeline to age 90-100+ in another alternate timeline=save files i currently created) and soon enough things got even more interesting with Lambert marrying 2 additional Spouses with Lady Dimitrescu(a noir cold white Axolotl follower with lots of vainity towards herself) and Finally M3gan(based on the movie of same title, yes i watched it and was hilariously great) whom is a Pink psyhic female nightwolf as the brains of the spouses and is a memory of ratuu(due to his death from red fox guy.. i hate him btw) while Lamb loves his 3 spouses he still loves his 1st Spouse with Narinder(and considers him his Best Friend after all has happened and witnessed) which Nari himself really appreciates Lamb for as a Best Friend/Spouse despite not really showing it(almost cried tears but holded them in)
and That's the whole story of this Fanart/Post of The 4 Spouses of Lambert(will update soon if i decide to continue) and will show more Fanarts of my own LambertxNarinder Offsprings(from Childhood-Teenhood-Adult Years(Young and Fully) and even more of the Other Spouses like Samantha(Sam), Lady Dimistrecu(Lady D.) & M3gan themselves In future posts(even by the time the update comes around, whenever that happens)
I hope you all like this Post i made today, will try and copy/paste this entire post on my Da Blog hopefully through some success..
Later Everyone
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pomminine · 2 years
i HAVE to watch EVERY SINGLE paul dano movie EVER. you don't understand. EVERYTHING. i don't care how bad it is i HAVE TO watch it. but i also cannot watch it right now because i have to SAVE the experience. i have to get that SPECIAL moment when i am READY to watch it. you wouldn't get it .
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maidsuokasenpai · 3 years
What if we had to release air from a tire.... but we were both tiny so it’s very dangerous.... and then we drove a tiny car.... and we were both men 🙈😳
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jaysworlds · 2 years
haha. anyway
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miru667 · 2 years
A video of wips for my onceler zine cover piece! This drawing took me 6 months to finish haha. Click the readmore if you’re curious to learn more about my process and all the refs and inspos I used (transcribed from [this twitter thread]). [CLICK HERE] to see the finished piece.
I guess I’ll go from left to right? :>
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7212 is my #1 ship in the fandom so of course I had to include some interaction for them..I purposely shaped that piece of confetti into almost-a-heart 9.9 In this interaction OG onceler is sizing him up to be his poster boy. It was inspired by this joke hc from junior: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/43633972614/truffulajam-you-there-me-sir-ive
The hose is from one of the lorax mini-movies but more specifically its from the nightblogging event in 2012, here’s an archive of a lot of the hose memes we created that night: https://oncelerswaterhose.tumblr.com/
He doesn’t actually have suspenders in the movie but they were a popular headcanon for him in 2012 plus they’re hot so I included them. It was important to me to include this transitional onceler in between vestler and suitler to remind us all that this is the same guy going thru different stages of his life.
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Gloves in the back pocket is from concept art: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/146926446017/early-once-ler-sketches-by-eric-guillon-part-5
I really love the way I drew and coloured the folds of his coattails here too, as well as the moss I added last minute onto the truffula tree trunk.
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The frame started out as just a plain brown rectangle and I thought, now that's not very seussy, so I referenced the Too Big To Fail frame in the movie. I believe it took me two whole days to draw just the frame. :,) And the seuss portrait I just referenced from google images but it was a challenge too; I had to completely redraw it near the end to make him look more accurate.
Lorax holding up a portrait of Seuss and using it to guilt the Onceler was inspired by a gag in Osomatsu-san where the characters would apologize to a portrait of their irl creator Akatsuka when they felt like they were being a bad adaptation of his original work 😂😂😂 loved it.
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But it was also inspired by a very powerful comic drawn by my friend Rachel: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/92807755387/tsg I would say Rachel's art has been the biggest inspo for me in the past decade in both style and emotion, so I'm really happy I could include her influence into my piece like this.
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I was SO happy I thought of a way to include these 2012 refs: -Complaint Box -☄☄☄ Waterballoon fight nightblogging event -gent's marriage to the fandom -ed helms finding out about oncest -Thneedville/Thornville High AU -WHO IS SWAG/askblog identity crisis nightblogging event -You Only Live Once(ler) -tiny chat parties -Camp Weehawken AU -tumblr anons/magic anons -normaler -Shakespeareler/"I must keep biggering" nightblogging event -Stay stupid, baby!
I wish I could've included more cuz these are still just above-water stuff in the fandom iceberg imo. If anyone wants me to explain more about any of these refs, feel free to ask!
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The flip phone is from the deleted scene, "YER ALL GOIN TO JAIL": https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/153925999832/truffulajam-youreallgoingtojailmov-from
The bottom fake button on his suit is canon: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/615761075955187712/miru667-you-know-your-life-has-hit-a-new-low
This is my fav interaction in the piece...you can see it as either aftermath onceler taking the hat off of biggering onceler to foreshadow his fall, OR you can see it as aftermath-ler taking off his OWN hat to crown biggering-ler as the fool, because he's learned what a fool he's been. And actually a 3rd interpretation is aftermath-ler telling biggering-ler "yes enjoy your happiness while you can, king" 😂
And then with old onceler's hand on aftermath onceler's back, an act of consolation...I think it's very important to be able to forgive ur past self for the stupid things you've done, or else how can you continue? How can you grow? I can guarantee that 10 yrs ago we ALL did stupid things in the fandom. I originally drew aftermath frowning but changed it to a smile because he's thankful for the lessons and he can still look back on things fondly. I feel the same as him and I hope others do too. For this interaction I was inspired by Pearl fanart, she's a comfort character of mine and has helped me thru so much:  https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/188267156772 https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/623806330932805632
Biggering onceler’s side profile gave me THE HARDEST TIME. It was already January and I just COULD NOT get it to look right and I was ready to go take a 5 hour depression nap because of it but then my friend Edu saved the day ♥
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Edu:  @hybridkilljoy​
Another friend contribution was the yellow bg. it was originally a boring flat gradient so Clara said "lmao what if I just gave you a yellow bg I painted to toss into ur file" because she had a rly good brush for it on procreate (and I was using paint tool sai and had nothing). i replied "oki" and then she just DOES IT..🥺♥
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Clara:  @clarabellumsart​
idk where i'd be without my friends
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I’m REALLY proud of this little area of my zine piece. The hand and blood is a ref to Truffula Flu, our zomb apocalypse AU. I had to redraw it twice to get it right. And I’ve drawn many a onceler chain but this is the BEST onceler chain I’ve EVER drawn. It took me many redraws to get it to look this way. Look at it just reaching out at you so fluidly..!! The lighting and the rust! Proud of me!!
The fallen truffula tree in the back...I really just thought "hey let's experiment with PAINTING" and went for it!! 😂 I wanted to pay tribute to my all time fav onceler fanart: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/27320592159/ask-drawn-onceler-money-in-the-trees-lol-hey Whoever the mod of ask-drawn-onceler was, if you see this I hope you're doing ok!!
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As you guys have probably gathered by now, nothing is ever too late to change for me. If I felt like I could redo something to be better, I'd DO IT. The tree is another example, I was rly bothered that it looked like tentacles (right) so I completely re-rendered it to be more soft and fluffy (left). What made me realize that I could do better was after drawing the trees here: https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/673766406272286720/early-spring-cleaning-part-2-drew-these-btwn I realized that actually, less is more, and that I had over-rendered the tree in my zine piece.
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This was actually the first time I've EVER drawn old onceler, so I worked EXTRA hard...I hope I did him justice!! Every hair, every thread, every little thneed tuft was drawn with care. I even manually drew in the shadows for the stripes on his robe so they would look indented! And if you look closely in other screenshots, I also manually added shadows to every piece of thread that makes up the onceler suit stripes.
The LET IT GROW is in seuss font, but I didn’t type it, I drew the letters while mimicking the font’s style, then added edge lighting to make it look carved into the pot. Unfortunately we couldn’t keep the zine title in seuss font as well due to copyright restrictions and I think I might have died if I were to draw the title in seuss font too LMAO
The Audrey is of course intended to be movie Audrey but it's MY zine piece and I wanted to be a little self-indulgent.....so I drew some symbols on the plant pot representing my audrey oc, Audrey Grace. 🤫😇 She means everything to me. She is a direct result of the fandom and she keeps me in the fandom.
The blue kite originates from her mainverse askblog:  https://askaudtree.tumblr.com/post/71630954595/do-you-do-all-the-chores-in-the-house-hows-your She later uses it as a marker for lerkim hopping in zomb au:  https://audpocalypse.tumblr.com/post/178971798052/whats-that-blue-diamond-symbol-mean-its-on-your  She's a knife-wielding zombie slayer and also a kazoo master (the tree straightener in the pot has the same striped pattern as her kazoo): https://miru667.tumblr.com/post/629448230317490176/pls-click-for-hi-res-today-is-my-audreys https://audpocalypse.tumblr.com/post/179181386907/have-you-ever-run-into-any-lerkims-that-were
And because of spending so much of her life in an apocalypse, she’s learned to appreciate the fleetingness of life, because who knows what’ll happen tomorrow? Every moment is precious. This is cherry blossom philosophy: https://notwithoutmypassport.com/cherry-blossom-meaning-in-japan/
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I think it’s so cool that since it took 6 months, I would improve like halfway into working on this piece which made me have to go back and redo some things LOL XD. The smoke in the background from the cigar was also painted with inspiration from tofublock, whom I discovered during the latter half of those 6 months too:  https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/tagged/tofublock https://asteroidhyalosis.tumblr.com/post/668656911468625921/will-you-watch-the-stars-with-me Look at the way they paint their clouds TTWTT so beautiful... I came across them while working on the zine and a lot of their art reminded me of my audrey so I was very taken!!
I positioned and coloured every piece of confetti with intent. The confetti idea itself I think was from Taylor Swift’s lyric video for 22 (Taylor’s Version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9boiT64sm0Q&feature=youtu.be Again, inspiration that came to me while in the middle of working on the zine.
I composed the piece chronologically to mirror the rise and fall of our fandom experience, followed by the calmer, peaceful present days. Aftermath onceler in the piece represents the perceived death of the fandom but outsiders don’t realize we have AUs, we like characters other than onceler, we can extrapolate the story any which way...so that's all represented by the right side of the pic. We won’t stop biggering!
Thank you for reading if you made it this far.. I tried to include as much as I could into my piece so that hopefully everyone who is/was in the fandom feels seen.. Only the best for the Once-ler fandom, you know? And there’s actually so much more I can say about this piece but I’ll end it here.
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diorbabe66 · 2 years
I’m not sure if I should manifest a sp yet since I like being single but I am a sucker for something with enemies to friends to lovers. Ughhh I loveeeee that trope. I’m just not sure how that would work irl.
Like I imagine: you both are at college or something, and you just “hate” everything about them for no apparent reason. The way they talk. The way they walk. And the way they tease you when you are doing the most mundane of tasks. Like you guys are like polar opposites personality wise (or that is what it seems like). But THEN, for some reason you guys get paired with each other or you find out something you shouldn’t about them and THEN there is your wattpad romance (nothing crazy though. Not like those mafia stories or like the bad boy/girl overused trope. Those are awful.)
That’s how you know I read a lot of fanfiction. Send help.
anon, i am HIGHLY encouraging you to come back to my ask box with open arms, because i love that troupe so much and if i didn't like my sp as much as i do, i would definitely manifest this troupe for myself !! i'm encouraging you to do it, okay get this:
you have your sp and everything about him like you said and you get paired for that project and y'all have to go to his house for it, and you go in and you sit on the coach and he's just looking at you, with a look you haven't really seen before?? and you ask him about it and he just looks away like "nothing, let's just start this project" like imagine the amount of tension that will be in the room afterwards ugh i just love it
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crunia · 3 years
going through an identity crisis both irl and on tumblr.com
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drkinedits · 5 years
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that’s... a lot to unpack. i looked into it and went ahead and watched the pilot episode because i don’t live in a bubble on tumblr.com and i like to make my decisions based on information i’ve seen firsthand. i probably don’t have 100% of the facts but this is my basic analysis from what i’ve gathered:
so hazbin hotel is an animated show about the princess of hell trying to open a rehabilitation hotel. the characters include charlie, vaggie, angel dust, alastor, and more. there’s candid lgbt representation in nearly every character so far, but vaggie has been getting the most heat for being the stereotypical ‘aggressive hispanic lesbian’ but i honestly don’t see her that way. she seems more defensive and protective than needlessly aggressive, she wants to protect her girlfriend and the hotel. angel dust also gets a lot of slack for being an lgbt “nympho drug addict”. he’s not a nympho just because he’s proud of his sexuality, and i really hate the overuse of the word addict. that’s a mental disease, not a character trait. he has a drug problem, sure, i’ll admit that, but when his drugs were destroyed, he seemed minorly irritated, not completely infuriated like addicts i’ve known irl. i know some people complained about the show being lgbtphobic, but the most i’ve seen of that was when katie killjoy said she ‘doesn’t touch the gays’ because she has ‘standards’, but you’re clearly not meant to like or resonate with katie, she’s supposed to be an asshole. not only that, but the setting of this show is literally Hell. the characters...aren’t supposed to be perfect. they’re all flawed in their own ways and i appreciate that. all in all, the characters were relatable more than they were offensive to me, but that’s my personal take on it. 
enough about the show though, let’s address the complaints leveled against the creator. i’ve seen the accusations about her working with and hiring an abuser. however, i didn’t see any mention of said abuser during the credits or anything, so he clearly wasn’t apart of the show. i don’t have time to go through the entirely of her zoophobia comic so i’m going to set the bestiality claim to the side, as well as the terf complaint-- i haven’t seen evidence for either of those things so i can’t objectively comment on it. if you have sources or proof, please let me know! however, i have seen the panel from zoophobia that people claim is underage pornography, but both characters are the age of consent, 18 and 19 respectively. a lot of the accusations leveled against vivziepop are from years ago and i think it’s important to allow a person to grow and change. i’m certainly not the same person with the same opinions as i was seven years ago.
i need to wrap this up, it’s getting pretty long. i think, overall, that the creator has made some mistakes in the past but those things are in the past. she’s an lgbt latina who made an animated show with adult humor and adult themes, unsurprisingly, for adults! it has mature content that isn’t appropriate for everyone, and that’s okay. i think it’s important that problematic themes be portrayed in media, as long as the problematic themes aren’t framed in a positive manner. i’m critical of all of my interests but i do enjoy content that portrays these themes-- as long as they aren’t glorifying the toxic behavior, it should be alright.
i can’t make you continue to follow or support me, that’s up to you. this is your online experience and you should tailor it to fit your needs. however, this is also my online experience and i enjoyed hazbin quite a bit. i’m not saying that it doesn’t have its’ fair share of issues, but i think the style is cute and the animation is fluid and nice to look at, and the characters are relatable, multifaceted, and interesting. i understand how people would be offended by the content of the show, but i personally don’t mind. that’s just me though. if i post about it anymore, i’ll tag it so filters pick up on it and you don’t have to see it if you don’t want to. feel free to unfollow or block me if you need to. i’m not gonna hold it against you, because i understand that this show isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s 100% okay. do what you have to to keep your online space safe!
alright. that’s all i have to say on the matter. if you have any further claims or evidence of vivziepop’s wrongdoings, or if you noticed something i mentioned above wasn’t accurate, feel free to send me the info, but i really don’t want to deal with drama about this. my blog is for multifandom edits, not discourse-y topics. thanks if you read this far, hope you all have a productive day!
- clover
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