#// by bringing her n dbk together
fatedefyd · 1 year
   thinks about celestial pif... 
   thinking about how she used to be friends with the Queen Mother of the West in one form of Chinese Opera ; she belonged to Taoism, religiously speaking. 
   supposedly, she was a sister to a very popular mountain goddess named Lishan Laomu, and one of the reasons she left heaven was because she threw a party and the Queen Mother slighted her by bringing her own wine.
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
(A/n: so this will be part 2 of this post as I accidentally hit the x instead of save like I thought I did, @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate gave me the advice to do a part two of it instead of trying to remember and edit the first one. And I might make these better than the ones that sadly wasn’t saved, though we all make mistakes and we learn from them.)
Warning: same warning as in part one.
Characters: mei, and the dbk family.
Mei and mk were going to the zero gravity arcade when mei spotted a little girl in front of it, staring at it in a intense staring contest what seems like.
On closer inspection, she noticed that the little girl had nub horns and sheep ears along with long fluffy hair that’s held in a red ribbon.
She wonders where the little girl’s parents are as nobody should leave a defenseless little girl out alone. Mei decided to keep the little girl with her until they find her parents but that’s what she told mk, she wasn’t actually going to go through with it as it seems as though the parents or possibly the caretaker of the child couldn’t even take care of adorable child.
(Like y’all! I think all of y’all are adorable and sweet!! And I hope y’all have a amazing day, evening or night!)
When a month or 2 had passed mei was finally able to have you as her Little sister. Her parents already treats as their daughter so it easily became official.
She had also gave you one of the artifacts that they own as a gift, knowing that it will help you fit in more as the artifact that she had given you makes you start to think of yourself as a family member.
Her and her parents had also given you some of her old clothes for when she was around your age, and that includes a little dragon onesie which had you pretend to be a rayquaza, something she doesn’t know yet as you can only communicate by ‘baaa’s.
She sent pics of you in the dragon onesie to mk and them but never posted them so as to not alert the parents or caretaker or any potential threat that would like to harm you as you’re a part of a wealthy and powerful family now.
Just stay and be her sister forever, you won’t ever regret it as she will make sure to take good care of you and have you protected from danger that is hidden in the world.
Dbk family:
Redson was just checking to make sure his bull clones were doing their job and working but only to come and find out that someone is headbutting them that someone being you.
He had picked you up and was starting to scold you but from one look of you face and he stops all together.
He had bring you home to show his parents that he would like for you to be his little sister. When dbk and pif saw that their son is bringing a child with him declaring that she is his new sister, they were dumbfounded as this never happened before though they decided to keep the child even though there might a parent or caretaker out there looking for her.
If what redson had said is true; and they trust their son’s judgment, then the caretaker or parents have no right to keep her as they seem to not be able to keep her around them and that’s why the dbk family had adopted you.
Pif was missing being a parent to a little one anyway so she can have you as a daughter, and she always wanted a daughter but never had made plans about it as they had to take care of lots of things, she’s going to dress you up style your hair and have lots of girl days.
Dbk at first had just went along with his wife and son because he loves them but you started to grow on him as how adorable you are with your ‘baaa’s, the nub for horns, and the sheep ears plus you being so little it made him remember when redson was your age.
They have and will kill for you. They both like and dislike how you can’t communicate properly; like it because no one will be able to help you as you can only respond in ‘baaa’s and dislike it cause you can’t tell them who hurt you if that were to happen even though they’re with you all the time.
All you have to do is stay with them forever. Redson even made a serum to let you live with them for so long! Isn’t that sweet? You get to stay with them forever and have the better parents for a lifetime!
(A/n: I was so scared when @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate had notified me about there not being these two and I thought I wouldn’t be able to add them as it felt weird to do it to me but she have given me the idea to do a part two! And I feel much better, though I don’t remember all that I had the first time but I did get a good bit of it so I hope y’all don’t mind it, and I hope y’all like it and have a wonderful day/evening/night!!
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violetjedisylveon · 2 months
Spicynoodles Tangled AU chapter 3
Summary: more angst, Iron Fan and DBK learn their son wasn't found.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: I humbly deliver to you dear readers, some salt for that wound I gave you last time. Mentions of murder, injuries and kidnapping.
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I got stuck on the beginning and how to have Iron Fan and DBK react(extra big thanks to @py-dreamer for their help with that!), and then I got busy with school so I just put it off for a while.
Kiddo Doodles
Red Son Redesign
Spicynoodles Tangled AU Masterpost
Iron Fan was slumped in her chair, gazing blankly out the window.
His love hardly acknowledged the doctors leaving the room, having done all they could to mend the wounds Mihou had suffered.
His brother lay unconscious in the bed, most of his face was wrapped in bandages. He was going to live, the doctors were certain of that, but he would likely lose vision in his right eye and have a nasty scar. He should be waking up sometime tomorrow.
DBK maneuvered around his brother's bed quietly, settling by his Queen's side. He silently offered her his hand, looking out the window at their Kingdom alight below.
Word travels fast, and events like these would always get out with a startling speed. Their people were out searching or helping the searching soldiers in whatever way they could.
It would all be fine in a few days, Wukong would return from the rescue mission soon.
He would have their son. He had to.
His love took his burnt hand.
“I have contacted my mother…” she said after a long moment of silence.
Iron Fan rarely referred to the Queen of Heaven as her mother, up until recently they were hardly acknowledging each other. If someone had told him two years ago that his love would seek out her mother for help, he would have been convinced that person was insane.
Two years ago that situation was insane.
Things had slowly snowballed since he had been allowed to take the Samadhi Flower.
He was certain calling on her mother was extremely hard for his love to do, but the fact that she was able to entertain the idea without going into a whirlwind rage was telling.
This odd little truce didn't fix the major problems that broke their relationship, not at all, they were just seeing each other in a different light now, at least that's what he gathered.
“ … she said she will send a sign when she finds something…” Iron Fan finally said.
He nodded silently to her.
They sat together and watched the night slowly inch past, waiting for a sign.
Shortly after dawn, the skies opened up.
Heavy rains poured down from the heavens.
Lightning crackled in the chaotic, tumultuous sky.
The grief and wrath of a goddess.
Iron Fan said nothing, she calmly stood up and left the room in a swirl of wind.
DBK looked down at his scarred, burnt hands. Hands that brought down great armies and cities alike, hands that tamed mountains, hands that harvested the power of a goddess, hands that were trembling.
He shook with rage.
This should not happen, it should not have been possible!
His son, his joy, the precious, perfect child that he risked and sacrificed so much for to bring into his world couldn't be gone…
What a shameful king he was.
He couldn't even protect his own son.
Iron Fan slammed the door behind her, locking it shut.
She stumbled to the bedside, grabbing the bed covers to ground herself.
She forced herself to breathe slowly. She could stop the tears, she could keep control of herself in the midst of this horrible moment.
She couldn't.
Her fan clattered to the floor, an anguished scream ripped itself from her throat.
As the wind whipped into a frenzy around her, all she saw was the empty crib she had laid her son to sleep the previous night.
Hours later, there was a soft knock on the door. Iron Fan slowly rose from the chair she had collapsed in.
The room was damaged, from the previous night's conflict -someone needed to clean Mihou's blood off the walls- and her own actions, she would feel something about that later, all she felt now was pain. She picked her fan up from the floor and opened the door.
Her love stood in the doorway with a saddened expression and deep pain hidden in his eyes.
She wanted nothing more than to pull him into the room and ignore the world and their responsibilities for a few hours. She wanted to grieve in private.
“Sun Wukong has returned.” he said somberly.
If the Queen of Heaven couldn't find our son, what luck did a monkey have? She thought.
He could possibly have a lead, she couldn't get her hopes up. DBK silently offered his hand, she took her husband’s hand.
Iron Fan watched Sun Wukong as he approached them, Ao Lie at his side. He was cradling something in his arms, it was covered by a blanket.
He stopped just short of the entrance, still standing in the storm, hanging his head in shame.
“I… I didn't get there fast enough… I'm sorry dà gē… I've failed you…” he choked out.
The golden furred monkey stank of blood and death.
“Did you find anything?” DBK asked almost desperately.
Wukong flicked part of the blanket down with his tail, revealing a pale skinned, dark furred demon monkey curled in his arms.
The monkey was so peaceful, they could easily be mistaken for being asleep, yet their ears lacked any glow.
DBK leaned closer to inspect the body closer, Wukong pulled away, cradling the body closer to him with a soft, protective sound that was between a growl and a whimper. He stepped back, he knew how protective demon monkeys got about their vulnerable and dead.
“Who are they?” The King asked.
“Laohu, they were that witch's prisoner!” the golden monkey spat.
“They tried to stop her…” the rest didn't need to be said.
Ao Lie quietly ordered for some of his sworn brother’s subjects to collect and tend to the body. The demon would certainly be remembered by the people for trying to save their young prince and paying with their life.
A tiny squeak disrupted the somber atmosphere when Wukong tried to pass the body to his people.
A small cub, her dark fur streaked with pale blue like her parent, wriggled out of the dragon prince’s grip, leaping over to the body with a sad chirp.
The cub was moving too quickly for either King or Queen to get a good look at her.
Wukong managed to get the cub under control, the little thing cried as her parent was being taken from her, waving her little limbs around wildly.
Her single set of ears wiggled unhappily with her fussing, ears that held an icy cold blue glow, nearly identical to the Lady Bone Demon's magic.
Wukong held the cub against his chest, chirping softly for her to settle down while staring them down, daring them to question him about the cub he was trying to soothe.
“Bai He is Laohu's daughter.” He told them with an insistence that meant he wouldn't address the obvious signs of the cub's parentage.
Iron Fan glared at the witch’s spawn.
“If that is all, I'll leave you to attend to that, cub.” she spat, whisking herself and her husband away before the monkey king could say anything.
She wanted to scream. Her son, her only child, was gone, stolen by the witch she'd allowed into her own court. She practically handed Red Son over to that witch herself.
She saw the empty crib and her brother's blood splattered on the wall.
Her love’s burnt hand cupped her cheek, gently coaxing her head to turn, pulling her gaze from the crime scene in their bedroom.
Light orange meet burnt magenta, both King and Queen cracked, sinking to the floor in each other's arms, mourning the loss of their son.
Mihou woke up slowly.
He stayed in a dazy half awake fog for a while, falling back in and out of conciseness.
He had a massive headache.
He still felt the impact’s vibration in his skull, his ears still rung from it.
Gods, that ringing is getting annoying. He groaned.
Light was coming from somewhere, he blinked open his eyes, half his vision stayed swathed in darkness.
He saw his sun before anything else.
Tears stung his eyes, when the staff came down on his head, he really thought he was going to die.
“Hey Peaches.” He croaked weakly.
His sunshine startled, turning away from the window. His crimson red eyes melted with relief. His mate quickly took his cold hand into his warm ones, scouting closer.
“Hey Mango.” He whispered, kissing his hand gently.
Mihou closed his eyes, leaning back to bask in the comforting warmth of his mate.
“Mihou.” Wukong said, still speaking softly.
“Yeah Peaches?” He mumbled.
“I have some bad news… you need to hear it before anyone visits. Do you think you can handle it?” He asked quietly.
Mihou looked at his mate, Wukong was a mess, his fur hadn't been groomed in days, he was pulling on it again, he had deep bags under his red eyes, even the gold in his eyes had a red tint to it, like he'd been crying uncontrollably or used his beam eyes again. Maybe both. He wasn't in his battle armor, or any armor, he had a green cape wrapped around him like a sling,  Mihou knew that didn't belong to him.
“What happened?” He asked shakily.
Wukong looked away, unable to meet his gaze as he prepared to deliver whatever news he'd been dealing with.
“You won't be able to see out of your right eye ever again… the eye is dead, it was too damaged, the healers say it won't ever work again… and you will have a scar.” He said heavily.
“That's it though, right…? that's all that went wrong… right?” Mihou asked, praying that the worst was what happened to him.
“We searched her lair and-” his mate broke off as something in the green cape he had stirred.
A small, fluffy head popped out of the cape-sling, the little monkey cup whined, bumping Wukong's shoulder with her head. A single pair of delicate lotus shaped ears fluttered unhappily, ears that were colored a freezing cold blue.
He stared at the striped cub, tears burned his eyes.
If that cub is… then that means the witch imprisoned one of my people… she…
“She didn't.” was all he could say.
His mate’s look of anger and devastation spoke more than any words he could have said.
“Wukong… tell me she didn't… please…” he begged, pleading that none of this was true and he was just having some sort of horrible nightmare.
His mate looped their tails together, intertwining them tightly. He looked his mate in the eyes, there couldn't be more? What more could be worse than what was sitting in front of him right now?
“We… I lost Red Son… I didn't get there in time, she was long gone… I failed them…” 
He stared at his defeated mate in disbelief.
No. Not that! She can't have gotten away with it! His mind screamed.
He pulled his hands to his face, covering his eyes, he could feel the bandage covering half his face. Wukong moved closer to him, silently offering to hold him. He leaned away from his mate, he didn't want to be touched right now.
“I'm so sorry Mihou… for everything…” Wukong said weakly.
Mihou didn't feel any sting from his wounds as he sobbed.
Iron Fan glanced over when she heard a sound coming from her brother's bed.
Mihou had reacted poorly to the news, as she'd expected. He'd shut down and cried himself into unconsciousness, the news was too much for him to handle in his state.
She sent for Shoi-Ming, the dragon had been worried sick since learning what happened to him.
Sun Wukong had wisely decided to remove that thing he was calling a cub from Mihou's recovery room until he was more stable.
She leaned over to her brother's bedside, resting her hand on his arm. He jolted, fur bristling as his head snapped to her, shadows coiled around his arms, flickering like fire.
Iron Fan realized her mistake, she approached from his right side, his blind side, the side he'd never see from again because of that witch.
“Jiě jie…?” he asked, confusion flooding his gaze.
“Mihou… I didn't mean to frighten you.” She told him.
The shadows calmed down, settling into a pool of darkness around her little brother. His fur settled down, still more puffed up than it had been before she startled him. He looked at her, tears brimming in his eye.
“…i'm sorry…”
“Oh Mihou…” She pulled her little brother into a tight hug.
He grabbed onto her, claws digging into her clothes, like when they were young and he clung to her in an attempt to keep himself grounded in the present.
“I'm sorry I couldn't- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Mihou sobbed, repeating himself like a broken record.
Iron Fan held onto her brother, gently running her fingers through his thick black mane, pulling out the knots that had accumulated.
Red Son's hair got so tangled, there was so much of it and it was so long. She would sit her son down at the beginning and end of each day to comb through it with her own hands, she found it was the best way to tackle the problems-
Mihou’s hand brushed away the tears on her face.
She blinked, more fell.
“Jiě jie…” Mihou said sadly.
Iron Fan gripped her brother tightly, feeling his tail wrap around her arm as they cried together.
Red Son looked over at his mother.
She was across the room.
He wanted her attention.
He mooed to let her know what he wanted.
She didn't come to him.
He mooed again.
Still, she didn't come.
He frowned, pushing himself up. He wanted to get to her faster.
He grabbed the table next to him and pulled himself up.
With wobbly legs, he started moving towards her.
The table didn't go the full way. He really wanted Mother.
He let go of the table and walked across the floor to Mother. He tugged on her clothes and mooed again.
This time, she did give him her attention. She smiled at him, reaching down and patting his head.
“Look at you, walking already.” She said sweetly.
He beamed up at his mother, politely motioning for uppies. She laughed brightly as she picked him up.
He clapped happily, snuggling closer to her.
“You did very well, my son.” Mother said proudly, stroking his head softly.
I told you, salt in the wound.
Okay so I'm almost at the main movie part, I just got a few more characters to kill and kiddo shenanigans next chapter, then chapter 5 is gonna be when the main plot starts!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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skellebonez · 3 years
I AM SORRY FOR THIS SKELLE BUT I MUST: 5 (kidnapping them was the only way I was going to get them here),6 (let's make a deal, shall we?) and 41 (can you teach me how to do that) with the demon bull fam and mk with a little hint of 64 (I may have eaten seven of them already). NOW GO HAM MY DUDE
Oh I had way too much fun with this one. I took S2E4 (spoilers mentioned for that!) and some tweets made by one of the show producers on the same day as fuel for a very silly idea I had. I don't write what can be considered "Crack treated seriously" (or at least semi-seriously, this is not a 100% serious fic) often but when I do I go hard. This is more focused on MK and others than SpicyNoodles so it's a bit more gen fic than a full on ship fic as well.
Kidnapping them was the only way I was going to get them here/Let's make a deal, shall we?/Can you teach me how to do that?/I may have eaten seven of them already.
"Red..." MK started off slowly, watching as his boyfriend's face flushed and twisted in embarrassment. "Can you tell me why your mother showed up at my apartment and used her wind vortex thing to teleport us here without an explanation? And then left us in your..." He looked around, noting that aside from the excessively large throne and two smaller thrones beside it this room looked like a... "Living room? On a couch?"
"I can-" Red Son started, raising a hand before pausing a frowning deeply. "Actually, no, I can't explain. This is just weird, even by my parent's standards. I have no idea what is going on, but since you're still here..." He shrugged with a hopeful smile, shaky through the uncertainty. "Maybe it's not bad? I mean, if Mother was truly upset or wanted to do something bad surely she would have not left us to our own devices. Maybe she’s... uh... happy I finally have a boyfriend?”
At the pointed raise of an eyebrow from MK that hopeful smile faltered a bit. Happy Red Son had a boyfriend for the first time in a couple centuries? Under different circumstances he wouldn't doubt that! Happy when that boyfriend was MK?
Oh he did doubt that.
He knew that they shouldn't have been sneaking around the way they had been. It had made sense at first, two people on opposite sides of a feud lasting centuries who discovered they actually enjoyed spending time together more than fighting each other. One who decided he very much would rather not follow through with any kind of domination and see his family hurt, who realized "actually my sworn nemesis isn't so bad", and another who decided "my life is already weird enough, why not give this befriending my enemy thing a shot".
And then one thing lead to another and before they knew it their secret friend meet up became a secret boyfriend meet up. They'd managed to keep everything under wraps for a while (except from Mei because, well... she was his best friend! He couldn't not tell someone and she would have found out fast if he wasn't obvious, and she had quickly become a mutual source of support for both of them), though MK knew Pigsy and the others knew something was up. They didn't question him, though, aside from the occasional good natured jab. "Wow MK, you seem happy today. Got any plans?" and that sort of thing. They seemed to trust him to make his own decisions, as long as he was happy and healthy and eventually told them. (Sun Wukong, however, may have caught in a little when he jokingly asked if MK had gotten a boyfriend and MK had choked on his drink. He never brought it up specifically after that but he was smart. Too smart.)
Red Son, on the other hand, was fantastic at keeping secrets when he tried. Or MK thought he was... the last few months gave no indication that either of his parents had discovered their little sneaky rendezvous. Then Princess Iron Fan broke into his apartment and, well, here they are. Clearly something had gone wrong somewhere along the line.
Before MK could follow through with any questions of whether or not there could be a fate worse than instant death that involved lulling him into a false sense of security, the two men froze at the sound of quickly approaching voices.
“Could this not have been done another way, my dear?”
“Kidnapping them was the only way I was going to get them here, you know that. Noodle Boy is not that gullible, contrary to what we first believed.”
Ah... shit... Red Son’s parents.
Mk quickly ran through all the possessions he had in his apartment and wondered if he had time to text Mei or Pigsy the world’s fastest will and testament and if that would be legally binding. He just hoped he had something for Pigsy to handle the Phantom Orderer they'd had for the last year.
They always ordered on the app and prepaid and managed to leave him a sizeable tip in his tuk-tuk after he dropped off the food at whatever random location they indicated.
"Good," PIF's voice rang clear, far faster than he could even attempt to pull out his phone, and MK turned to see that she was casually lounging on the shoulder of the Demon Bull King. She jumped down, her wind lightening her fall so much so that she barely made a sound when her feet touched ground. "You've made yourself comfortable."
MK couldn't bring himself to move, as much as he very dearly wanted to run away as quickly as possible. Yes, he was The Monkie Kid and had progressed far enough that he could probably escape without much problem. Yes, he and DBK had had an understanding after the White Bone Spirit and Lunar New Year Festival (though he still didn't know if PIF ever found out about that one). Yes, Princess Iron Fan had shown little interest in him before and had even worked beside him with no complaints (she didn't even care enough to attack during the Food Wars thing!). But that was all before she apparently found out he was dating her son behind her back while they were technically still enemies.
He was glad at that moment that she had grabbed them before they went to get lunch... his stomach was doing back flips that would make a gymnast jealous.
"Uh, yes Miss-Mrs-Muh-M- Princess Iron... Fan?" MK couldn't help but stutter awkwardly, holding onto the hem of his jacket and worrying it as he tried to keep his composure. He looked beside him, watching as Red sat straighter and kept an even expression on his face that he couldn't quite place. His hair seemed to spark softly.
Though she raised a brow at this, PIF didn't comment on that at all. Instead she made her way to the other couch across from them as opposed to what was clearly supposed to be her throne, leaning forward right her elbows on her knees and her fingers laced together in front of her. DBK stopped behind her, seemingly content to stay standing.
"Noodle Boy... you prefer to go by MK, is that correct?" She started, and he nodded slowly in confused response. "Hmn... so. You've been dating my son for quite some time. Many months... no, a bit over a year if I am not mistaken in how long his behavior has changed." 'Oh shit' went MK's brain. "You must be quite serious, if you're willing to go through so much just to see each other. Late night meetings. Secret hideaways. Sneaking onto Flower Fruit Mountain, even." 'Oh SHIT' it repeated in horror. "That's quite the dedication to show toward anyone... I hate to admit it, but I am quite impressed." 'OH SH-wait what?'
"Bw-huh?" Was what MK managed out, half a sound that was almost a word and half a squeak of confusion.
"The fact I myself remained oblivious until only a few weeks ago is quite something. Let's make a deal, shall we?" She continued, sitting back straight and looking like the proud Princess she was and not like a woman sitting on a couch that looked comically small in front of her enormous husband. "You and Red Son no longer have to hide your relationship from us and in exchange..." she paused, as if relishing the building tension between herself and the couple before her. "You will come over at least once a week so we can get to actually know you properly."
MK froze. Red Son froze even more.
Then his entire head lit ablaze as he jumped up and gestured at his mother with a gaping mouth. "Th-that's it!? I-I was... I was RIGHT!?"
PIF barely reacted to this, merely lounging sideways as she put her elbow on the arm of the couch and rested her cheek on her hand.
"Whatever you were right about, I suppose you were. But yes," she shrugged, honestly looking... kinda happy? "Has this been about a year ago I perhaps would not have understood what you saw in Nood-MK. But I can see how happy you have been lately, and there's something about him that is like... what did you say he was like, darling?" She turned to DBK, who shrugged himself with an unreadable expression.
"A ball of sunshine given human form."
... that was not what MK ever expected to hear from the Demon Bull King's mouth...
"Yes, that's it," she nodded as if this was completely normal and ignored how Red Son flopped back down onto the couch and stared at the ceiling. "I'd hate to admit it, but you've grown on us through out sparse interactions. Somehow. And we have been eagerly waiting for the day we could finally welcome someone into our son's life. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"
She seemed... serious. MK may not know her that well, but it was clear to anyone when she wasn't being so.
"Uh... o-ok? Sure?" MK said softly, nodding in amazement as DBK and PIF actually smiled at this.
This was the strangest day of his life, beating our every single demon fight and even the day he got the Monkey King's staff. But he'd take this strangeness over the alternative 500 times over.
"Excellent," DBK nodded himself, there was a lot of that about. "That seems to have worked out n-"
Everyone paused at a loud grumble echoed the room, all turning to Red Son as he flared up in embarrassment this time.
"Don't look at me like that, we were supposed to eat half an hour ago and I am starving," Red Son grumbled as he sat up, not looking anyone in the eye. "I don't suppose we could. Eat now? Please?"
Despite the situation, MK couldn't help but smile at his pouting.
"I could bring us some food from Pigsy's?" MK offered in an attempt to contribute. Something. "I mean, I know Red likes it and you kinda seemed to like it the one time you tried it and... uh... yeah."
"Actually... I may have eaten seven of them already..." PIF admitted, looking away in embarrassment. "l've tried not to give into the temptation, but your father's noodles from the Food Wars were so... I just can't resist ordering some secretly after 5 or so weeks!"
"So you're the phantom orderer!" MK gasped out in shock, but after a moment he frowned and rubbed the back of his head. He had a bit of an idea. "Well... I could... make some for us instead?" He ammended his offered softly. "I may not make it exactly like Pigsy does, but I can get pretty close as long as you have the ingredients! And you wouldn't have to worry about me going there and coming back! We can eat like. Immediately!"
"I think that sounds acceptable," PIF said with a nod as she stood, but MK could see a bit of excitement sparkling in her usually cold eyes. "Come, Red Son. I need to discuss some upgrades the Bull Clones have been asking for with you. Your father can assist him in the kitchen until we are done."
Red looked over at MK and only stood to follow his mother once he nodded, giving his father a pointed look before exited the room. MK, in the meantime, looking up at DBK with a gulp and followed him as he lead the way toward their kitchen.
It was... well, bigger than he was used to. But pretty normal, regal size and decor aside. And it seemed, once he was given the nod of ok from his host (and wasn't that a bizarre thing, DBK and PIF being his hosts on a home visit to his boyfriend's parents... he was going to need to get used to that) he checked the fridge and counters and found he had just about everything he needed to make what he had in mind.
"Can you teach me how to do that?" DBK asked after a moment, startling MK into nearly dropping the sauce he needed for the broth. "Not the recipe itself, just..." He gestured to the counter. "Red Son has a bit of a proclivity toward cooking and he's been trying to get me involved, but we've never cooked anything like. That."
His words were awkward and stilted, but MK could tell he was trying. The same way he could tell PIF wasn't kidding with her offer. They just seemed to... want to get to know him as a potential... son-in-law... huh.
"Sure, but you're gonna want to shrink down a bit for this."
Lunch turned out amazing and, while awkward (much like most of the day)... it was nice not to have to hide their dating for once. And Red actually seemed pretty happy! Though he learned quickly that the Monkey King was still a bit of an (understandably) sore subject that was best avoided. For now.
Maybe not forever though.
(When PIF very not subtly dropped him and Red Son both off inside Pigsy's Noodles after their lunch, the only response he got was a "oh, so they finally found out huh? Looks like things went well" from Pigsy and Tang. Maybe he wasn't as sneaky as he thought he was...)
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alexshenry · 4 years
2gether, for the ask game!!!!! i love you, i hope you're well!!! 🧡🧡🧡
Anon - 2gether for the ask game pls !!
Faiza!!!! My angel!!!! It’s been a good day! I’ve been binging TOL and omg it’s so good?? Love you too, my love! Hope you had a great day aswell <333 
Anon: Hi anon!! Thank you for the ask <333  
Favourite Male Character: Tine :(((. A lot of the reason is because I really identify with Tine to the point where its v v uncomfortable. His self esteem issues.. his overthinking nature and anxiety, the way he sometimes has a hard time standing up for himself and voicing his opinions. just yeah... watching Tine is like watching myself on screen at times and it can be very hard, but also very healing. I understand where he is coming from and it makes me love him so much more. But overall, he is such a ray of sunshine – he’s so caring and lovely to everyone around him, and he has the biggest heart with so much love to give. And when he is sure of someone, he gives it his all to make it work Just.. yeah, he is just pure joy. Honestly whenever I feel sad and watch 2gether feel better immediately just by watching him. 
Favourite Female Character: Earn!! Aww I love Earn so much. She is so pretty and talented and bubbly and sweet and she has the prettiest hair. Her hair is beautiful idk why this matters but it does klasjdlka. And I like how she willingly helped Man with his psychotic plan after he promised her the concert tickets. And she’s so cute!! in the flashfoward scene!! So cute! Just everything about her is perfect, I wanted more of her :(((
Least Favourite Character: Mil.. I’m sorry to Drake and his beautiful eyebrows but *screams* I really wanted to love Mil, but his inability to leave Tine alone when he was officially in a relationship with Wat was just very, very gross and creepy, especially whenever he touched Tine and Tine was clearly uncomfortable. I didn’t like it. His treatment to Phukong was also horrible. Like, the last 2 eps sort of made me warm up to him a little and I by no means hate him bc again Drake and his luscious eyebrows, but I wish there was more to his character bc there’s sooo much potential!! So much!! I’m going to cross my fingers for still2gether to give me the Mil development I desperately want bc I know deep down that if he did he would be one of my favourite characters but the way he treats Tine is not it. OH ALSO P’BEAM!  I nearly forgot about him dear GOD I hoped Man would run him over with his bike
.Prettiest Character: MISS PAM!! The loveliness that she exudes? THE BEAUTY IS UNPARALLELLED. Looking at her.. is an experience. She is so pretty. Her smile could cure anything? She is an angel. And again her fashion sense is goals. I wanted all of her clothes. 
Funniest Character: BOSS! Give me a Boss spinoff pls pls pls.
Favourite Season: N/A
Favourite Episode: Like DBK, every episode was my favourite so it’s very hard to choose. Even the two last episodes had some things that I now look back and really appreciate and like, but.. between episode 6-7 and 9. 6/7 because it was a culmination of Tine coming to terms with his feelings towards Wat and it was so well written and so well done. The part that he admits his jealous was SOOOO GOOD. And then the revelation that Wat met Tine a year ago was the best plot twist! The music at the end of episode 6 gives me chills even now that I rewatched it 38294 times. And then 9 bc it was so soft. Also the sofa scene??? The tension!! “ keep looking at me like that and I’ll kiss you till you drop” “how do you kiss someone till they drop?” THEIR PLAYFULLNESS. Like the whole episode honestly showed how intimidate their love was and how deep it ran. It was so soft throughout. Their feelings were so palpable and beautiful. Poetic freaking cinema, honestly. 
Favourite Romantic Ship: who else but the gaybies. Sarawat meeting Tine a year prior and his eyes changing bc he knew Tine was the one? Tine slowly but surely falling in love with this boy who was meant to be nothing but a means to an end but who he was now praying that nothing came between them?? The guitar being their thing, music being the symbolism for their love?? Fate bringing them to each other’s paths, but destiny not being the reason they are together; it is them and their willingness to work through their problems and overcome whatever obstacle comes their way. God-tier ship. They are The Standard™
Favourite Family Ship: Tine and Type. I really like Type being overprotective but it’s because he wants to make sure that Tine isn’t going to get hurt and Wat is right for his little bro. Idk, we didn’t get a lot of them, but their scenes were great. 
Favourite Friendship: Man/Boss/Wat: The support they constantly give one another is beautiful. Man and Boss concocting ways to help their bro out with Tine was so cute to watch. Like it’s obvious they go above being best friends and are each other’s families.
Worst Ship: That stooopid Oishi honey whatever the fuck drink. Faiza and anon I s2g if I have one more scene ruined for me bc of the blatant advertisement I will akjsdakl. It is so annoying!! I was so annoyed whenever I was taken out of a scene because they did the most!! when advertising that thing. I know it’s a stupid thing to be annoyed at but OMG OH MY GOD. It irked me so much :((
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