#// ellie's last name is a play on walmart actually
heartpicks · 5 months
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davidmann95 · 6 years
Best comics of 2018?
A handful of disqualifications up front: since they’re just beginning, I’m not counting Electric Warriors, Martian Manhunter, The Green Lantern (though Evil Star explaining his name in #2 might be my favorite moment in comics this year), Ironheart, DIE, Shazam!, Killmonger, The Batman Who Laughs, or Miles Morales: Spider-Man, all of which almost certainly would have ended up somewhere in here with some more time. Additionally, I switched to a new online pull list system in March, so I don’t have a list of what I got before then - if I’m forgetting about something great that came out early this year, there’s a good chance that would be why.
Honorary Mentions: While there were plenty of comics I was happy to keep up with, a number stood out as exemplary examples of straight-take relatively traditional capeshit: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV and companies’ Justice League, Steve Orlando’s Justice League of America (which would probably go among the best of the best if the art was a bit more consistent or the lineup more to my personal tastes), Brian Bendis and Nick Derington’s Batman work in the Walmart 100-Page Giants, Donny Cates’ Thanos and Doctor Strange work (the latter might not have quite made it, but that last issue with Irving and Zdarsky was gangbusters), Steve Orlando’s brief Wonder Woman run with Laura Braga, ACO, and Raul Allen, Tim Seeley’s Green Lanterns, Nnedi Okorafor and Leonardo Romero’s Shuri, Robert Vendetti and Bryan Hitch’s Hawkman, Saladin Ahmed, Javier Rodriguez, Rod Reis, Dario Brizuela, and Joe Quinones’s Exiles, Captain America by both the Mark Waid/Chris Samnee team and the current Ta-Nehisi Coates/Lenil Francis Yu lineup, Dan Slott and Valerio Schiti’s Tony Stark: Iron Man when it’s committed solely to being a superhero comic and not Dan Slott trying to be Contemporary, Brian Bendis, Patrick Gleason, Yanick Paquette, and Ryan Sook’s Action Comics, and Kelly Thompson and Stefano Caselli’s West Coast Avengers. 
On the slightly different side of things, Steve Orlando and Giovanni Timpano showed how you do an intercompany crossover right with The Shadow/Batman, Max Bemis’s Moon Knight while not living up to all it could have been - and likely to age poorly - had moments of truly bizarre grace, Saga was Saga even if I’ve lost the plot, Ahmed and Christian Ward’s Black Bolt concluded as well as we all might have hoped, Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt’s The Wild Storm continued to build up steam in its own fascinating style, Doomsday Clock remains utterly captivating in spite of itself, and Tom Peyer and Jamal Igle’s The Wrong Earth is making the most of a deceptively tough premise. On the one-off end, Chip Zdarsky and Declan Shalvey’s Marvel Two-In-One Annual is an essentially perfect off-kilter Doom/Richards story, Action Comics #1000 had no chance of living up to all it needed to be but was largely a great set of Superman stories regardless, and while the remainder of the miniseries has thus far been fine, Tim Seeley and Carlos Villa’s first issue of Shatterstar was a strange, special delight.
My Favorite Comics of 2018
Rock Candy Mountain: Technically Jackson - the rail-rider who can beat Any One Man in a fistfight - reached the end of his journey for hobo heaven this year, and flat-out, every Kyle Starks comic is a perfect one. This is a book where the first issue has a dude beating ass with a beautiful savagery that leaves an awestruck onlooker declaring “He’s got punch diarrhea and their faces are the toilet bowl”, and by the end it built up to one of the most moving climaxes of the year. It’s a comic about fallen men finding redemption in friendship and in dreams, and also there’s a cage fighter who calls himself Hundred Cats because it would be really hard to fight a hundred cats.
Dark Knights: Metal: This is the final, perfected form of traditional Event Comic Bullshit. Everything good about Snyder, Capullo, Glapion, and Plascencia’s Batman post-Court Of Owls is retooled and reenergized to fit the scale of a Crisis event, everything that I would have considered to be a weakness regarding their partnership either burned away or placed in a context where it becomes a strength. This is the Morrison approach to the DCU rightfully ascendant and presented in a form even more fit for mass consumption, and manages to live up to being the first classic-style, large-scale DC event comic in almost a decade - Marvel may blow its own load every six months until it’s simply got nothing to offer anymore, but DC waited until they really and truly had something, and that something was bloodsoaked magic.
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (by Chip Zdarsky and assorted artists): I actually wavered a bit on whether this belonged in the best of the best as a whole; most of the issues this year were definitely very good (regarding Zdarsky’s run specifically, I haven’t checked out the Spider-Geddon tie-in stuff), but more on the honorary mention end of the scale. Ultimately however, the Amazing Fantasy arc and #310 are Spider-Man comics I’m going to be coming back to for years to come - the latter is going to end up in every ‘Best Spider-Man Stories Ever’ softcover from now until the end of time - and they tipped the scales.
Batman: Very much in the same boat as Spidey above; a lot of this year didn’t do it for me in the same way as this run has in the past, but The Best Man is the best thing anyone’s done with Joker since Morrison, the ‘wedding issue’ itself worked really well for me, Cold Days made a premise that’s often stymied creators work as well as people have always wanted it to, and the Dick team-up issue was a perfect little summation of a relationship, nevermind how much this year succeeded in getting me hyped up for things to come.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: This is one of those comics where it’s so consistently good in such a specific, quiet way that people stop talking about it, but for real, this has never not in the top five or six things Marvel is publishing at any given time for as long as it’s been around. Erica Henderson leaving right before hitting the Kraven story that had been building literally since its first issue 3 years earlier could have been disastrous, but North and new artist Derek Charm manage to hit their own rhythm and continue delivering one of the funniest, cleverest, most sincere superbooks on the stands every month.
Mister Miracle: Yeah, it really was that good.
The Immortal Hulk: So is this, and if I have to name a single best comic of the year, this has probably gotta be it. Al Ewing’s been Marvel’s best creator for a long, long time, and putting him and Joe Bennett (who holy moley, I don’t think anyone would have guessed had this in him) on a tentpole character Ewing’s got genuine reverence for worked out even better than a fanboy like me might have expected. It’s sublime horror, it’s perfect Marvel comics continuity bullshit, and if the superhero is at heart a morality fable, this is very much a soul-searing apex of the genre as it speaks of how we can all go wrong.
Eternity Girl: …or maybe this is the best? It’s probably gotta be this, Hulk, or Miracle. Mister Miracle’s where the comparison really becomes clear, as they’re both books way out on the fringes of the DCU dealing with a character grappling with depression amidst the mundanity of their cyclical existence. However, as perfectly constructed and rawly human as Mister Miracle is, this hits a lot more of my own buttons and expresses its own brand of more surreal emotional authenticity, and rather than the expected and beautiful next step of a pair of already-acclaimed creators with an established partnership, this was a shock coming out party for Visaggio and Liew, who do things stylistically just as odd to see in a DC Comic as anything King and Gerads came up with. It seemed to sail under the radar for readers but also seems to be racking up awards, and I hope this’ll attain the reputation it deserves in years to come.
Ice Cream Man: Likely the respectable fourth place to the three above, while I can’t quite sing its praises in quite the same way when it’s playing so hard-to-get that I can’t quite put a pin in what it’s ultimately about, oh my GOD this is as good as gut-punch horror gets. Not simply grody shock-value stuff, but pit-of-your-stomach-everything-in-the-world-hates-you-and-you-were-wrong-to-ever-believe-in-love shit that’ll rattle your bones and fuck you up good. Not usually a horror guy myself, but this is an essentially perfect comic.
The Man Of Steel: Screw all y’all, this kicked ass and after how hard the Rebirth books blew it - Jon and the new status quo were both excellent, Tomasi had good bits here and there alongside some quality fill-in teams, but those books were still aaaaaaaaaaassssss - this is exactly the fresh start Superman’s needed for years. Granted the Fabok interstitials had some wonky pacing, but this was on-point and insightful for Superman as a character, exciting as hell, and has thus far led to nothing but more good comics as far as I’m concerned.
Milk Wars: Did the various tie-ins live up to the bookends? Nah, though the Shade/Wonder Woman story was pretty good. But those bookends? Friends, those books were AAA+ sup-per-he-ro-bull-SHIT, and while I was initially let down because it seemed as though it would have Superman in a major role and then didn’t, this is even more of an apotheosis of the Morrison approach to the genre than Metal. ACO is ACO, Eaglesham slaughtered it, and Orlando and Way should be as joined at the hip as cowriters as Abbnett and Lanning used to be. This is a gold standard for strange, edgy, colorful, wondrous, fucked-up superhero comics, and there should be a million more like it every day.
Justice League (by Christopher Priest and assorted artists, primarily Pete Woods): On the exact opposite end of the scale, while I don’t think I can say I enjoyed this book as much as the current Snyder-helmed gonzo cosmic adventures, I absolutely feel this was the better of the two. More importantly, this run is the successful version of what just about every other Justice League comic of the past 15 years has been trying and failing to be as the post-Authority, post-Ultimates, post-Civil War take on the concept. It’s as smart and atmospheric and bold as a book like Justice League ever CAN be, building its exploration of the conceptual stress points of the team around one and two-part adventures and clever character dynamics, illustrating an interesting new take on how to handle the main team book with the power players: taking their ability to handle physical threats as a relative given, a structural conceit acting as a delivery mechanism for the politics and people in play. It hardly breaks new ground in terms of redefining the superhero concept, but it’s as far as they’ve gone with the marquis characters without ending in disaster, and it’s an approach I’d love to see more often applied to this scale.
Superman: Walmart 100 Page Giant (by Tom King and Andy Kubert): Of all the places for King to do a regular Superman comic, huh? Still, we’d already seen what he’d done in that Batman two-parter and Action #1000, so I’m more than willing to take what we can get (even if most are going to have to wait for this to come out in trade). There have been four installments so far: the first is the sort of stage-setting that’s common to this type of long-form arc but with a distinctly different atmosphere than how this is typically done with the character, evoking a sort of Miller-tinged Golden Age flavor connecting Superman back down to Earth before throwing him into the stars. The third is a great Fuck Yeah Superman Doin’ Superman Shit throwdown that gives Kubert a chance to shine. The fourth and most recent is haunting, inspired, moving, and tight as a drum. And the second begins as the worst-case scenario of Tom King doing a Superman comic, and ends as likely my favorite Superman story of the last 5 years. If it continues in its current direction, Superman: Up In The Sky is almost certainly going to be a perennial people are going to rank among the best Superman stories of all time for decades to come, and everything I’d want out of this team tackling my favorite character.
Detective Comics (by James Tynion IV and assorted artists): I’m honestly surprised at myself for putting this here, but I just have to hand it to this run - which had to go quite a ways to win me over, between its opening gambit with Batwoman’s status quo and centering the whole thing around my least-favorite Robin (even if it won me over to him over time) - as basically being the platonic form of Dang Good Superhero Comics. Not boundary-pushing, not the sort of thing you’ll remember in 20 years, but just really fun, exciting, good-looking, slick, character-driven adventures building on themselves into the logical culmination of 21st century popular Batman stories. This is Batman 101, but in a good way, and I honestly think that on reflection it’s gonna hold together better as a Batman run than its immediate predecessor in Snyder/Capullo.
You Are Deadpool: This is the smartest, funniest, most inventive big two comic of the year and even if you’re so tired of Deadpool that your skull bones are threatening to suddenly contract and spear your brain in an attempt at saving your weary soul from the prospect of seeing any more of him, you should get this.
Superman (by Brian Bendis and Ivan Reis): I noted Action Comics among the honorable mentions, as while it’s a dang good comic that I enjoy a great deal - and Ryan Sook may well have established himself as my ideal modern Superman artist - it’s very much the best possible version of *exactly* what you’d expect from Brian Bendis doing Superman. This, on the other hand, feels like Bendis stretching himself to do something truly different in a way he hasn’t in years, and the results are stunning. I won’t pretend Rogol Zaar has amounted to much of anything as of yet, but Bendis has acclimated to the realm of Cosmic Superman Punch-Ups in a way no one could have reasonably seen coming; he’s managed to sidestep his usual issues by anchoring each issue in a crazy setpiece and a single perfect Superman character moment, and Reis is doing work here than can unquestionably stand alongside his Sinestro Corps War heyday. Whether it’s #1 having Superman fight an astro-goilla in the middle of a questioning on his responsibilities to humanity, #4 going full Shonen in the best possible way with probably my favorite fight scene of the year, or #6′s storybook mythmaking building to the best, cruelest needle in the balloon possible, or the consistent delightful fucking with Adam Strange, every issue here has something I didn’t know I badly wanted to see, and damn if that isn’t exactly what I want in my Superman stuff.
Assorted one-offs: Along with the major arcs and runs, we’ve got stuff like the Thanos Annual and DC Nuclear Winter Special, as good as anthologies of this kind get. T-shirt Superman got one last ride under Morrison in the Sideways Annual, fighting his way out from under the wreckage of a weird DiDio book to get exactly the sendoff he deserved. The Injustice 2 Annual, of all things, was a perfect piece of bittersweet character work. Invincible #144 satisfyingly closed out The Best Superhero Comic In The Universe by essentially also doing Invincible #145-500 or so, putting this often tumultuous title to bed with the dignity it had earned. And finally, Slott and Marcos Martin’s The Amazing Spider-Man #801 was a perfect minor mediation not even on the title character so much as the basic moral appeal of the genre as a whole.
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
Hi, Your name is? marlina. What was the last thing you ate? french bread. erin is making garlic bread and she brought me a reject piece that she didn’t want to use. Do you hold the singstar microphone with your right or left hand? i hold microphones with my right hand. What’s the best part about flying? flying scares the shit out of me. but i like that you can literally go just about anywhere by flying. Who did you last have a deep and meaningful conversation with? i honestly don’t remember.
Any vacations planned? not really. we have to go to jacob’s grandpa’s next month, and we’re getting a hotel room but i wouldn’t call that a vacation. we usually go on vacation every memorial weekend. but we haven’t planned it out yet. Who were you last in a car with? my mom, ashley, and my two kiddos. Do you play any sports? i do not. i’ve never been all that into sports. Which friend have you known the longest? jacob. Do you drink the recommended 6-8 glasses of water per day? not even close. i need to do better at that. i have been SO THIRSTY lately because i just don’t drink enough. How many times have you been to Wet'n'Wild? never? Did you ever watch Sailor Moon? i did not. Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream? vanilla. for the most part, i don’t like chocolate ice cream. Do you have a facebook? i do. And if yes, do you actually use it? yeah. i do. mostly to post pictures of ellie and wy, or to share posts. Favourite shop? i don’t really have a favorite these days. i just usually end up at walmart. What was the last thing you bought on ebay? i’ve never bought anything on ebay. i use amazon if i’m getting something from a site like that. Did you know that Deli Lama is actually a person and not a Llama? pretty sure it’s not “deli” but yeah. i knew that. Do you think Merryl Streep can actually sing in Mamma Mia? i don’t know. i watched it once and wasn’t a fan of the movie. i don’t remember many specifics about it. What gym do you have a membership to? none right now. What do you want for Christmas? just for my kiddos to have a good christmas. Do you think hiptops should be called “shit tops”? huh? If you had to get glasses would you wear contacts? i would probably just wear glasses because i would not have the time to deal with contacts. i barely get time to go bathroom... Are mac’s really better than PC’s? i honestly don’t know or care. Favourite drink? smoothies. Best party you’ve ever been to? kayla throws good halloween parties. Have you ever been overseas? i have not. D0 y0u l1k3 t0 t@lk l1k3 a 5c3n3 k1d? no. i never have, either. So yeah, right the first thing that comes to mind..? ellie is hungry. When you wear red and green clothes do you feel like a Christmas Tree? i wouldn’t say i feel like a tree, but definitely festive. What TV show has the best theme song? i don’t know to be honest. Are you dissappointed Big Brother was cancelled? i don’t watch it. Have you ever been skinny dipping? i have not. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? i don’t know. i mostly have nightmares.. Do you have an “emo” friend? not anymore. Have you ever been to the snow? the snow? i don’t understand. Best summer memory? playing with cousins. New Year’s Plans? watch the ball fall, drink sparkling juice, and eat homemade pizza. Will you have a New Years Resolution? nope. there’s no point. Would you agree that Sex and The City is the best show ever? no. i’ve never even seen it. Do you call your friends with red hair “ranga’s”? no..? Are you a very crafty person? i wish, but no. Have you ever been surfing? i have not. Should Paris Hilton consider running for president? definitely not. i think we should have learned our lesson... If you were to go to prison for one thing, what would it be? defending my kids.
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bibliophileiz · 6 years
The Three Fandoms Asks
I keep seeing this around tumblr, and it looks fun. 
3 fandoms (I chose three important ones from my childhood)
1. Harry Potter - The Original Fandom. I mean, not the original original obviously, but probably the original for my generation. It was a huge part of my childhood and the story itself formed a lot of my opinions about how to tell good stories. I also have fond memories associated with this series -- Harry Potter was the first reason I ever had for Googling anything. “Harry Potter Book 5 news” and “Harry Potter Book 6 rumors” became frequent searches of mine. (The rumors took me to a lot of chat rooms where I read up on the wildest theories. It was a blast.) And then there were the midnight visits to Barnes and Noble and, in one memorable case, Walmart the nights of the book releases. Harry Potter was my childhood.
2. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit - Like Harry Potter, these books (and movies) taught me a lot about storytelling. Tolkien’s works have become more complex to me as I’ve gotten older, and I’ve found there are plots and characters I like more now than I did as a kid (as opposed to Harry Potter, which my opinions about have mostly stayed the same). I also love Tolkien’s writing and world building. I’m one of the few people I know who enjoys reading all the poetry, and I read “The Council of Elrond” chapter three or four times before I got tired of it on Fellowship rereads. Lord of the Rings is a fantastic example of a really good book being adapted into really good movies. Both the book and the movies are each their own thing while also complementing each other. Just -- Lord of the Rings, man. I love it.
3. Charmed - Not as good, quality-wise, as the other two I’ll admit, but damn do I love this show. Before Charmed, I kind of watched whatever my family or friends watched -- my brother was a TV hog, and while I liked his cartoons ok, I didn’t like them nearly as much as I did Charmed when I discovered it. I got my dad watching it and it kind of became our thing. The Charmed Ones were kind of role models in a way. I can remember thinking, This is what being in my 20s will be like. Not the magic, but dating and clothes and deciding whether to go corporate or pursue your dream job or go back to school. People accuse the Charmed Ones of being boy crazy, but what I remember most about them is their work ethic. I thought, Prue prioritizes work, and I want to be like Prue. I love this show.
First character I loved:
1. Professor McGonagall is, has been and will always be my favorite character in anything ever. I also remember being small and redheaded and really liking Ginny Weasley before many other people did.  
2. Arwen was the first, but that was only because she appears in the movies before Eowyn.
3. Prue. Although I like all four sisters.
The character I never expected to love so much:
1. Sirius Black is obviously introduced as this terrifying villain, so when I started reading Prisoner of Azkaban, I didn’t expect him to become one of my favorites. To be honest, my fan girl love of him has waned since I was a teenager, but I still appreciate him.
2. Sam Gamgee. Another of my favorite characters in all of literature, though I had to mature a bit before I felt that way. But Sam is so small and overlooked, yet he’s so loyal, brave, determined, sassy and just all around good. He’s a gardener, which is a profession Tolkien holds in high esteem. Also in the books he doesn’t have that awkward break-up with Frodo that he does in the movie, plus he’s less whiny. (To be clear, I’m criticizing the movie’s writing, not Sean Astin’s performance. He did great especially considering the material he had to work with, and he feels the same way about the character I do. Also, his book about making the movies, There and Back Again, is the first nonfiction book I ever read for fun.)
3. Cole Turner. I came into the show in Season 4 right as his baby was turning Phoebe evil, so I was like, “Ah, ruler of Hell, not good.” My dad and I had to start the show over and watch Season 3 to realize he’s one of Charmed’s most complex characters.
The character I relate to the most: 
1. Probably Ginny, especially as a kid. We’re physically similar, but there’s also the temper and the fact that people always end up being surprised she’s as tough as she is. She and I also had to both grow out of self-esteem issues, though hers were more severe since they came from Chamber of Secrets-related trauma.
2. Pippin. He’s not sure if he’s actually qualified to be on that adventure, but hell if he’s being left behind. Also he’s small, like Ginny and me.
3. Prue. Sort of opposite of the Ginny stuff, she’s got the older sister syndrome of being responsible, in charge, bossy and often feeling like the only person who can get a job done right.(I don’t like having help with dishes or laundry, nor do I like assigning other reporters crime stories at work, as a couple of examples.) I am pretty protective of my younger brother and my mom always quoted It’s a Wonderful Life with the “you were born older” line when talking about me. Also like Prue, I tend to over-focus on work and not enough on my social life.
The character I’d slap: 
1. Percy. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a fabulously complex and underrated character, but I would still slap him silly.
2. Denethor. I used language I’d never used before in the theater when he sent Faramir off to fight in Return of the King and I started laughing a few minutes later when Gandalf knocked him out with his staff.
3. Ugh. Leo. (Also Sam.)
Three favorite characters in order of preference: 
1. McGonagall, Harry, Ginny. (That last one was insanely difficult as I also considered Snape, Lupin, Regulus and Luna.)
2. Sam, Eowyn then Aragorn (movies) and Bilbo (books).
3. Prue, Piper, Phoebe (Sorry Paige.)
Character I liked at first but don’t anymore: 
1. I mean, I’m not going to say I don’t like Hermione, because I definitely do, but the movies wore me out by over-glamming her to the detriment of Ron Ginny other characters.
2. I like all the characters except Denethor, who I never liked. Ditto Grima Wormtongue.
3. Believe it or not, I liked Leo when I was a kid. (*shakes head at how naive 13-year-old Iz was*)
Character I did not like at first but do now: 
1. Narcissa and Snape. This is not to say their views or the pro-Death Eater actions are ok, but they were both smart, they surprised me (always a plus) and they helped defeat Voldemort.
2. Didn’t like Boromir or Faramir at first, but now I love them.
3. Paige. 
Three OTPs:
1. Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Lily/James
2. Arwen/Aragorn (in a doomed, tragic way. Seriously, read the Appendices.) Eowyn/Faramir and Linsdey Ellis got me liking Eowyn/Merry
3. Piper/Mark Chau (I will never be over it!), Paige/Henry, Phoebe/pretty much anyone, including but not limited to: Cole, baby Misha Collins (Eric Bragg) and Aviva from Season 1 (#Phoebeisbisexual).*
* I really just think that everyone Phoebe interacted with before Season 3 should have come back as a love interest after she and Cole divorced. Aviva would have been old enough for that by then, and we could have gotten great sub plots of Eric Bragg’s little conspiracy theory brain trying to figure out which secret organization the sisters work for before Phoebe tells him they’re witches. (Then he and Henry could meet for beers after work and talk about how goddamn weird their lives are.) Any of that would have been better than the post-Cole love interests Phoebe got. (One of them was named Leslie?? And he took her job?? Fuck Brad Kern, honestly.) 
I’m going to break the rules by not tagging people, but whoever wants to play should go for it.
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1079mixfm · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://mix1079.net/the-best-commercials-of-super-bowl-54/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=1079mixfm+on+Tumblr&utm_campaign=SNAP
The Best Commercials of Super Bowl 54
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A 30-second spot during last night’s Super Bowl cost a cool $5.6 MILLION . . . or about $186,000 per second.  So which ones were worth the money?
Well, a lot of them were teased or released beforehand.  So there weren’t a ton of surprises.  But there were a few. 
Here’s a quick rundown of the highlights . . .
1.  One of the best commercials was the very first one of the night.  The NFL’s “Next 100” ad actually blended INTO the game.  And a ton of current and former NFL players had cameos.
It started with a kid running through various cities with a football while different players like Jim Brown and Joe Montana told him to “take it to the house.”  He even stopped at the Pat Tillman statue in Arizona to pay his respects.
Eventually, he showed up at the Super Bowl and walked through the tunnel . . . past Hall of Famers like Brett Favre and Barry Sanders . . . then it transitioned to a LIVE FEED of the game, and he came running out on the field to deliver the game ball.
(Here’s the full list of players with cameos.)
(Later, the NFL ran a pretty hard-hitting ad for their Inspire Change initiative, where ex-NFL star Anquan Boldin talked about his cousin who was killed by a police officer in 2015.)
2.  Planters had a lot of buzz going in after they killed off Mr. Peanut in an ad last month.  And it turned out it was just so they could get in on the whole “baby-versions-of things-are-cute” trend.
The Super Bowl ad had Wesley Snipes speaking at Mr. Peanut’s funeral.  Then the Kool-Aid Man cried . . . a teardrop landed on the grave . . . and a cute, BABY version of Mr. Peanut sprouted up and made DOLPHIN sounds.  (???)
Not everyone was impressed.  But the hashtag “BabyNut” DID start trending.  People mostly noted how it was an obvious rip-off of Baby Yoda and Baby Groot.  (Careful!  A lot of people also made fun of “BabyNut” for sounding borderline R-rated.)
3.  Bill Murray starred in a Jeep ad that recreated a bunch of scenes from “Groundhog Day”.  The Jeep people posted it online before the game, but not a lot of people saw it.  So it got a pretty good reaction.
4.  Bryan Cranston and Tracee Ellis Ross did a parody of “The Shining” to promote the new Mountain Dew Zero Sugar.  The very end showed Bryan standing in a hallway dressed as the two creepy twin girls from the movie.
5.  A great spot for Rocket Mortgage featured a SCRAWNY and BALD version of Jason Momoa.  It showed him stripping off his muscles like a fake body suit.  Then his real-life wife Lisa Bonet spotted him while he struggled to bench press a bar with no weights on it.  The theme of the ad was, “At home, I can truly be myself.”
6.  Ellen and Portia de Rossi did an ad for Amazon that showed how people got things accomplished before Alexa existed.  Apparently we all just ordered people named Alex and Alexis to do stuff for us.
7.  An ad for Oikos Greek Yogurt featured various NFL players’ BACKSIDES while the song “Bubble Butt” played.  It definitely seemed to be targeting the wife demographic.
8.  Sam Elliott and his very limber mustache had a dance-battle with Lil Nas X in an ad for Doritos.
9.  Sofia Vergara was in an epic ad with a bunch of brand mascots, including the Old Spice guy, Mr. Clean, and comedian Rob Riggle as a superhero who crotch-thrusted rolls of Bounty paper towels at people. 
It turned out to be an ad for Procter & Gamble, which owns all of the brands. 
(So that was a nice reminder that, like, four corporations own everything now.)
10.  Speaking of epic ads, Tide did a series of commercials with Charlie Day, who flipped out after getting a stain on his shirt.  The cool part was that he and his stained shirt appeared in ads for OTHER products . . . Bud Light, Pepsi, the movie “Wonder Woman 1984”, and the show “The Masked Singer”.  (Check ’em out, here.)
11.  The SquareSpace ad where Winona Ryder goes back to her birthplace of Winona, Minnesota was good . . . even though we knew it was coming.
12.  People on social media seemed to get a kick out of Walmart’s science fiction ad about aliens shopping for groceries.  It was PACKED with movie references, including “Arrival”, “Men in Black”, “Star Wars”, “Mars Attacks!”, and “Bill & Ted”.
13.  Most companies used humor and celebrities to push their products this year.  But a few went the sentimental route . . . and yes, Budweiser did it again.
Budweiser’s “Typical Americans” ad showed normal everyday people being kind, inspirational, and amazing to each other.
Microsoft ran an ad called “Be the One” about 49ers assistant coach Katie Sowers, who became the first woman to ever coach in a Super Bowl this year.
New York Life had an ad about the four different types of love.
And Google had an ad where an old guy asked his Google Assistant to help him find photos, videos, and memories of his wife, who’d passed away.  Some people found it touching.  Others found it unsettling to see Google basically brag about how much of our personal information they’re hoarding.
14.  Cheetos teamed up with MC Hammer to push their new Cheetos Popcorn.  The joke was that when you’ve got orange Cheetos dust on your fingers, you quote, “can’t touch this.”
15.  John Krasinski, Chris Evans, and Rachel Dratch showed off their fake Boston accents in an ad for Hyundai’s new “Smart Park” feature.  (Or, “Smaht Pahk”!)
16.  Post Malone was in a funny ad for the new Bud Light Seltzer where the voices in his head caused him to destroy the inside of a convenience store.
17.  An ad for Pringles featured characters from the animated show “Rick and Morty”.  If you’re a fan of the show, you probably loved it.  If you’ve never seen the show, you probably didn’t get the premise.
18.  Michelob pushed its new organic Michelob Ultra Gold by promising to transition six square feet of farmland into ORGANIC farmland for every six-pack people buy.
19.  Thrillist.com RANKED 47 Super Bowl ads, and they LOVED the Snickers ad that parodies the “We Are the World”-style charity songs, where everyone gets together to sing . . . and feed the EARTH a Snickers.
20.  Finally . . . because we can’t go a Super Bowl without seeing Tom Brady . . . there was a Hulu ad that started out like it might be Brady announcing his RETIREMENT, but it was just a gimmick for Hulu.  At the end, Tom said, quote, “I’m not going anywhere.”
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Alrighty everyone! I know it’s a tad late in the semester, but it’s time for our first Wasteland Wednesday! Since it’s the first one, it’s gonna be going out to the EBoard! Ya know, just in case you still don’t know who we all are quite yet.
First up, we’ve got our President, Kyle Bohringer. Kyle is a Junior English major from Bethpage, New York whose hobbies include DnD, attempting cosplay, and playing quidditch. Some of his HvZ accomplishments include winning the Human of The Week Award in the Spring 2016 Big Game, as well as being the figurehead of a cult (not a real cult) in the Fall 2016 Game. Kyle’s favorite HvZ memory was while trying to cross Calkins Quad, he had to get past Pak Ho to get to his next class. While he was unable to stealth past him, he was able to sprint away, barely avoiding the touch of the OZ, hiding away in Lowe hall  and escaping to safety. His weapon setup of choice would be his crossfire bow that he named ‘The Ambassador’. In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, Kyle’s survival strategy would be to take his closest friends and allies and walk out there into the wasteland and enjoy the adventured they’d face together.
Next up, we have out Vice President, Max Mogel. Max in a Mechanical Engineering major with minors in math and computer science from Merrick, New York. His hobbies include crisis text counseling, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Theta Tau. His biggest HvZ accomplishment was leading the Red Raccoons to victory in the Spring 2017 Big Game. His favorite HvZ memory is making friends he knows will last far beyond his time at Hofstra. Max’s favorite weapon setup is his nerf Stryfe, tho he is working on something new. In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, Max’s survival plan would be to go to the Alaskan Wastelands because they’re nice this time of year and he’s always wanted to see the northern lights.
Up next, we’ve got our Head Moderator, the great Boxerker himself, the mighty Reptar, Tyler Ellis. Tyler is a History Education major with a minor in music. Some of his hobbies include playing board games, and Dnd. Some of his HvZ accomplishments include receving the Alex Demarest award as the OZ in the fall of 2015, being the Boxerker, getting the Marisa Saparnis award in fall of 2016, becoming head moderator in spring of 2017, and including the invitational, this game will be the 4th game that he has been a mod for. His favorite HvZ memory was when he was a zombie during his third game, he was walking by the statue quad area near the student center leading to hempstead turnpike and california avenue. He spotted some humans just leaving the student center so he hid behind a power unit and just waited. Right as they walked by he scared the bajesus out of them and got a triple kill. The kills were contested and he let them have it, but in his mind he still got it. Tyler’s favorite weapon setup would be a hammershot and a sword, but also likes the stampede. In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, Tyler’s survival plan would be to move to Canada and play dead of winter, both as a game and irl.
Next up, we have our Secretary, Carissa Hensyl. Carissa is apsychology major with a double minor in drama and neuroscience from Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey whose hobbies and interests include singing, petting dogs and cats, baking, reading, pokemon, and dinosaurs. Her hvz accomplishments include getting the trooper award in the spring of 2016 and being on EBoard for two years. Carissa’s favorite HvZ memory was during her first HVZ game at hofstra where we played in the pit of despair. Her favorite weapon setup is a hammershot. In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, her strategy to survive would be  to hide and sneak around scavenging for food ( specifically all of the world’s chocolate) while everyone else fought off the zombies.
Up next, we have our Treasurer Devin Williams-Agyeman. Devin is an Information Technology major with a minor in computer science from Massachusetts. His hobbies and interests include cars, video games, art, cartoons, and HvZ. His HvZ accomplishments include becoming a moderator, being on Eboard, and winning doubles against Graham and Blanco at his first ground war. His favorite HvZ memory was the Penn State invitational with Graham, Rachel, and Blanco. Devin’s weapon setup of choice would be  a hammershot and a sword. In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, Devin’s survival plan would be to find the most capable group to guide him, or to just team up with Kyle and see how long till they die.
Next up, we have our PR Chair, Pak Ho. Pak Ho is a sociology major from Hong Kong. His favorite HvZ memory is when he ate pizza in the middle of a major human retreat during invitationals because he took a short cut. It his opinion, no blaster is the best blaster. good luck with that my friend. In the event of a real life zombie apocalypse, his strategy would be to form an elite militia to rule over a post apocalyptic wasteland.
And lastly, we have your Social Media Chair, me, Elana Schwartz. I’m an Art major from Massapequa, New York. My hobbies and interests include Archery, watching anime, lord of the rings, art, music, playing magic the gathering, and sleeping (even tho anyone who knows me knows i almost never actually sleep). Some of my HvZ accomplishments include getting the Kyle Squad to go from 7 people to like 30 people almost overnight, and then proceeding to receive the #SQUADGOALS award because of it in the fall of 2016. My favorite HvZ memory was when Kyle and I were attempting to cross calkins quad during the OZ days of the big game. We were walking, and from across the quad, we see Sky just staring at us, watching us walk. Pak Ho and Sunny were not very far away from us. Now, the second i noticed Sky watching us, I started to think something wasn’t right. But Kyle was the one leading. And he walked us right up to Pak Ho and Sunny. Pak Ho being the OZ that semester. As we got close, I realized Pak Ho didn’t have a bandana on. And the second it occurred to me that he might be the OZ, he saw us and started sprinting after us. Kyle and I bolted in opposite directions to try to escape from the OZ, and I just hear Sky cracking up as we run for our human lives. Pak Ho had been using Sunny as a distraction. Well played Pak Ho, well played. Somehow, both Kyle and I managed to escape the clutches of death that day. Probably because Pak Ho chose to run after Kyle instead of me. Kyle is the faster runner of the two of us. Had Pak Ho gone after me, I would have been caught for sure. My favorite weapon setup would have to be a hammershot and a sword. In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, I’d fortify a Walmart. Those places have literally everything. I’m still convinced that they exist to one day be used as safe-houses for the zombie apocalypse.
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dailyhealthynews · 3 years
What is Roxxcart in Loki? All About Roxxon, Roxxcart, and Haven Hills, Alabama
The following story contains spoilers for Loki’s Episode 2, titled “The Variant”.
After just two episodes, it’s clear that Loki, the latest Marvel Studios limited series from Disney +, is going the WandaVision path (insofar as it is an extensive, suspenseful, highly conceptualized mystery) than The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (which is more of an easy one Was a spy thriller). And that means that every single little detail in the time-jumping world of Loki can mean something from the past, present or future of the Marvel Universe. And in episode 2, that meant that even a large supermarket – here called Roxxcart – was displaying a Marvel Easter egg, and possibly more for the future.
In the episode, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) gets used to his new role: off his timeline, after being captured by The Avengers in 2012 and escaping with the Tesseract (thanks to some interference from Tony Stark and his company in Avengers: Endgame). It turns out Loki has deeper plans, but right now he’s helping Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson) and the TVA track down and catch another version of himself that is at war for hundreds of years on the timeline.
Part of the reveal of the episode is that the hunted variant of Loki, in order to go undetected, goes to certain moments just before apocalypse events to go undetected (because it doesn’t change anything just before everyone is going to die – the big one Scheme of things the episode argues in time travel logic that someone out there could safely refute if they wanted to).
Marvel Studios
After some nice detective work between Loki and Mobius, they narrow it down to one location: Haven Hills, Alabama, in 2050. It’s a (fictional) town wholly owned by Roxxon Energy Corporation that has a terrible hurricane and The People use the store – a Walmart-like big box store – as a shelter. This store is called Roxxcart, and while the inside looks like your regular big box store, there are some Blade Runner-level holograms and visuals on the outside.
And while it turns out here that Roxxcart is primarily just the scene of the series’ first major confrontation – Loki encounters this variant of himself, which may be Lady Loki or … someone else – there is a lot more. Roxx ‘part of the name of the store. Let’s dwell on that a little.
Is Roxxcart in the Marvel Comics?
So, to put it briefly: No. Roxxcart is an MCU invention, but it’s still a pretty nifty piece of world building that fell into the Loki episode. When “Roxxcart” is mentioned, nobody shrugs, questions it or something. Roxxcart is a household name, likely in the shape of Walmart or Amazon. Marvel also set up a Roxxcart website for viral marketing, but it’s pretty blank so don’t read too much into it.
The funny thing about Roxxcart is also that the name itself is a clear Easter egg and a reference to the Roxxon Energy Company, which has been a mainstay of Marvel Comics for decades, especially the last 10-15 years.
Okay, then what is Roxxon?
Roxxon Energy Corporation is a big part of the Marvel Comics lore. It first appeared in Captain America # 180 in December 1974 and has appeared countless times since then. In a nutshell? Roxxon is the Marvel version of an evil company, similar to the Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner or the Weyland-Yutani Corp. in the alien world. It’s a huge corporation involved in numerous operations, mostly oil and energy resources, but also mining on Mars and, as we are now seeing in Loki, shopping and retailing.
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Thor by Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection Vol. 3 TPB
Roxxon has encountered all sorts of superheroes throughout its history, including Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther and, in recent years, Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel and the Miles Morales version of Spider-Man.
But Roxxon Corporation has played perhaps its greatest role in the multi-year version of Thor by writer Jason Aaron over the past decade. Roxxon was one of the main villains of that story, and the company’s new CEO was a man named Dario Agger. A modern classic Thor villain, Agger is not only a greedy CEO, but he transforms from human to Minotaur at will. When Christian Bale was first cast in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder, we speculated that he might play Dario Agger (he actually plays another creator of Thor’s Aaron era, Gorr the God Butcher).
Has Roxxon been to the MCU before?
It has, and also in several iterations.
There’s a Marvel One-Shot titled A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer that shows Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) stopping at a Roxxon gas station on the way to Albuquerque to explore Mjolnir.
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In Iron Man 2, Roxxon appears as a sponsor for a car during the race sequence of the Monaco Grand Prix.
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The Roxxon oil rig in Iron Man 3.
Marvel Studios
Roxxon plays a pretty big role in Iron Man 3 (comparatively). At some point, “The Mandarin” (Ben Kingsley) threatens to kill (and apparently goes through) a Roxxon accountant on live TV and claims the company has a million gallons spilled oil from her tanker, the Roxxon Norco, and none of the company’s executives have been charged.
This eventually leads to the film’s final confrontation, in which President Ellis is kidnapped and the tanker Roxxon Norco is confiscated at a shipyard. This is the location of the film’s final fight between Tony Stark / Iron Man and the underrated villain Killian (Guy Pearce).
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Roxxon plays a bigger role in some of the (maybe no longer canonical?) Marvel TV shows, diving into features of varying importance in Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Cloak and Dagger, Helstrom, and with brief Easter egg references in. on iron fist and runaway.
We haven’t had a reference to Roxxon in the main MCU in a while, however, and considering that Thor: Love and Thunder seems to use Aaron’s Thor run as the main source – with Jane Foster as Thor and Bale as Gorr the God Butcher – one has to wonder if Roxxon might be prepared to appear more prominent in the next Thor movie. We will see; We can only wait so patiently for it to be released in 2022.
Is there really a Roxxcart in Haven Hills, Alabama?
Bad news for your MCU photo tour: Haven Hills, Alabama doesn’t have a Roxxcart.
Nor is there a place like Haven Hills, Alabama, Period. It’s a fictional corporate town (where Roxxon presumably owns everything) for the MCU’s increasingly dystopian view of the future. So don’t crumple your card and look for it – there is no such place. But maybe one day on the Avengers campus.
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source https://dailyhealthynews.ca/what-is-roxxcart-in-loki-all-about-roxxon-roxxcart-and-haven-hills-alabama/
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
Are you currently listening to music? i am not. the television is on.
When was the last time you went swimming? a couple months ago.
Have you ever watched a meteor shower? i have not.
Is there something currently upsetting you? my bedroom is a disaster which is frustrating because i’m trying to fix it.
The person who last spoke to you in person, what is their name? wyatt mumbled baby gibberish to me.
The person who last texted you, tell me their name? jade.
Is there something you need to accomplish soon? i need to get our room done and ready before eliana is born. i’m almost 29 weeks pregnant, so that gives us 11 weeks which is probably going to fly by. i also need to call the doctor this week to find out exactly how long before i go in that i need to take the glu-cola stuff, and rules about eating.
Is it easy to get a job where you live? not really, unless you want to work fast food or a factory.. which i don’t want to do either. however, i’m thinking about becoming a part-time insurance person... but we’ll see.
Does coffee in the morning wake you up? i don’t drink coffee in the morning... i have cereal and usually a drinkable yogurt.
What/when is your graduating year? i graduated high school in 2012 and college in 2016.
Do you have a designated phobia? nothing diagnosed, no.
What was your favorite class to take in school? i loved my english classes, and choir.
Is there a letter of the alphabet you like above all the rest? not really, no.
Have you ever had a pixie cut? no. short hair looks weird on me.
Would you ever consider joining the Navy? no. i wouldn’t do well in the navy.
Is your signature legible? yeah, i think so.
Have you ever smashed your finger between two rocks? not that i remember, but i guess it’s possible when i was younger?
Do you own a pair of SkullCandy earphones? i do not.
What’s your opinion on people who put personal info as their statuses? their life. not mine. i don’t really care.
If the person you like/love proposed to you right now, you would say? we are already married...
Are you satisified with your current camera? i just use the camera on my phone.
Have you ever watched the miniseries “Band of Brothers”? i have not.
Has someone let you down recently? jacob i guess...
The last person you kissed, have you spoken to them in the last 24 hours? yeah. that would be wyatt. i talk to him a lot throughout the day.
When was the last time you felt ignored? yesterday... the last time i saw jacob.
Have you seen the movie Inception? i have. i think we watched it at school if i remember right and am thinking of the right movie.
What is the last digit of your phone number? 4.
Has someone you didn’t even know gone out of their way to be rude to you? i don’t know if they went out of their way, but strangers have been rude for no reason.
Have you ever dated someone with red hair? i have not.
Is there a scar on your body that you can relate to a specific memory? there are a couple of those, actually.
Does caffeine ever give you the shakes? nope.
If someone handed you $300 spending money, what would you buy? mattress for ellie’s crib and other things for her and wy.
Do you have uncontrollable anger? no. it’s pretty controllable.
Have you yelled at someone recently? kind of, yes. yelled at grandma when she started yelling at me when all i was doing was trying to look out for my child’s safety.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? once. other “scares” i did end up being pregnant.
The last conversation you had with someone online, was it important? not really, no.
Do you think you could be a good marksman? i’m not the best, but not the worst but no. i don’t think i’d be a good marksman.
Is smoking an immediate turnoff to you? kind of i guess. especially with asthma and kids.
Are your toenails currently painted? no. i never paint them.
How many pushups can you do, if any? i don’t know. probably none. haha.
Have you ever taken a yoga class? not really. we did some “christian yoga” in a stress and wellness class i took in college.
Notification emails from Facebook can get annoying, true? kind of. just because there are SO MANY.
If given the opportunity, would you legally change your name? nah. i’m alright with my name.
Has religion ever come between you and a friend or family member? not that i can think of, no.
Do you own any records? i do not.
What is your academic average? it was just... average... 3.3 or something (out of 4.0)?
Is there a technology brand you prefer? not really. i just don’t really use apple because i feel like you’re pretty much just paying for the name.
What was the last song that got stuck in your head? i don’t remember, to be honest.
Have you ever read a book that was over a thousand pages long? yeah. but i don’t think i finished that particular book.
Is your ancestry European? yeah. part of it is anyway.
Is there a foreign country that appeals to you? i mean, i want to visit italy. and the u.k.
Do you know the first word you spoke as a child? i’m pretty sure my mom said it was dada.
Do you know anyone whose eyes seem to change color? mine kind of do. wy’s seem to a bit too.
Have you ever had a friend who told a lot of white lies? yeah. it can be annoying.
Do you have a specific talent you’re known for? singing i guess.
Anything upcoming that you’re not looking forward to? my next doctor’s appointment. i have to do the glucose tolerance test and i just really hope it goes as well as last time. i don’t want gestational diabetes. my mom had it with my brother and he was ten pounds... and then it never went away, so she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Does anyone you know confuse the usage of “to” “too” and “two”? yeah. quite a few people.
Have you ever been to a ceildh? i don’t know what that is right off hand so no.
When was the last time you cried because you were angry? i don’t remember. it’s been a few days/weeks. something like that.
Do you crack your knuckles or any other part of your body? very, very rarely. i used to all the time.
What’s your favorite flavor of flavored water, if any? don’t really have one.
Do you like fish and chips? i don’t really like to eat fish.
Who was the last person you purposely avoided? i tried to avoid the insurance person last night but they needed me so that didn’t work. lol.
Do you or does anyone you know own an antique vehicle? nope.
Has anyone ever called you “cold-hearted”? not that i’m aware of.
Have you ever sat on a bale of hay? i have. quite a few times. it’s not uncommon around here, especially around fall.
Do you like blueberries? i enjoy them. wyatt absolutely loves them. lol.
Has anyone ever told you that you were worthless? more or less, yes.
The last person you kissed, have you held their hand? yeah. a lot.
Would you consider yourself to be confident? noooo.
Is someone you know moving away any time soon? i don’t know. i don’t think so anymore.
Is your backyard big or small? it’s kind of in the middle. we’ve had bigger yards, but it’s bigger than we’ve had in quite a few years.
Are you right or left handed, or ambidexterous? right.
Can you see yourself in a mirror from where you’re at? i cannot.
If you jumped out the nearest window, would you live? i would. i’m on the first floor.
Have you ever heard the call of a loon? no..
Is there an animal that scares you? anything especially dangerous or venomous.
Have you ever touched an elephant? yeah. i rode one the one time we went to the circus a lot of years ago.
Have you ever been close to being nocturnal? nooo.
When you get blood tests, do you feel faint afterwards? usually, yes.
Do you know what color lipstick goes best with your complexion? i tend to prefer light pink lipsticks.
Do you think you will have a date for prom? i did have a date for prom. jacob.
Your favorite TV show: is it over or still continuing? still going. :D
Have you ever wandered around drunk at night? yeah. quite a few times. it’s my favorite hobby when drunk. lol.
Do you own anything that’s real gold? i don’t think so.
Are you any good at video games? noooo...
Are you afraid of being cheated on? i guess a little. it’s happened before.
Do you know how to play poker? basics, but that’s about it. i have to be reminded every time.
Can you do the hula-hoop? i used to be able to.
Is your face shape oval, heart shaped or square? i’m not sure to be honest.
Where you live, the emergency number is 911, right? yeah.
Have you ever had to call this number? unfortunately a handful of times.
Have you ever been in a play/musical? i was in a musical in middle school.
Do you prefer white boards or chalk boards? white boards i guess. i write better on them.
When was the last time someone asked you to go somewhere? my mom did this afternoon. we went for lunch and to walmart.
Have you ever been to an antique car show? i have been . my dad used to drag us to them all the time.
Do most of your friends have cell phones? yeah.
Is there a light on in the room you’re in? there is.
Is it anyone’s birthday today that you know? my mom’s foster sister.
When was the last time you visited someone in a hospital? mother’s day when my mom was in there.
Does anyone you know have a tongue that could rival Gene Simmons’? nope.
Did you ever make your own website on piczo? nope. i never do stuff like that.
Are you currently happy with life? for the most part, yes.
Have you ever been the cause of an awkward silence? oh, more times than i would like.
Are you eating anything right now? i am not. i’m not hungry.
Do you have small wrists? not really. they’re pretty average.
How many corners are there in the room you’re in? like seven.
Have you ever captured a butterfly? when i was younger i think.
Who has the nicest eyes you know? wyatt. and leslie.
Be honest, do you currently miss someone? not at the moment.
Has an ex ever liked you when you were long over them? yes. ugh.
Does the number 53 have any significance to you? nope.
So… How about that weather?
it’s so hot. i can’t wait for fall.
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