#// him and carver are soooooo
sekiumiarashi · 27 days
You ever interact with a piece of fan created content for a media you’ve never interacted with before and fall in love with a character you know basically nothing about?
Anyways, I’d kill for carver hawke
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aidansplaguewind · 2 years
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Still (2014)
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hyatoro · 1 year
August is SOOOOOO ARGHHH HE’S SO NEAT he better watch out because i’m on my way to bite him right NEOWWW (thank you for feeding the manhwa delulus i hope both sides of your pillow are cold for life <3)
<3 <3 <3
Augustine Carver
Do it. 
I doubt anyone is surprised when I say that he’d be into it. 
Stake your claim on him and he will be forever yours, even when he already was.
Mid-Story August is shyer, an embarrassed flush overtaking him as he grips your waist to ground himself. Tries to hide the marks if they're visible.
Post-Story August, after you two are official, is shameless in letting you do what you want to him. Tilts his head further and tells you to bite harder. Doesn't bother hiding his marks.
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greypetrel · 1 year
i heard Varric with the Hawke kids in Dadwolf AU??? 👀👀
SOOOOOO glad you asked it. 👀💜 Ask me about my blorbos yesssssss
I'm planning to write something more structured for the DadWolf AU. I'm still defining details before writing, but roughly the plan would be to follow in-game events, but in a modern technology setting (and modern pop culture because I have IDEAS), with the premises:
Solas woke up 30 years or so before he did in game, was VERY out of place, and with no Old Magister up and about for his plans… He had to wait. Met Varric, got adopted in his friends circle, started teaching Magic at university.
Varric is older than in game, and he was, actually, MALCOLM's BFF.
Hence, the Hawke kids are baby Raina and Garrett plus Bethany and Carver. Varric is the cool uncle that's always around (sorry, Gamlen) and gives the best gifts and tosses Raina and Carver around for the lolz.
Hawke panzer-children are very physical ones, needing more practical activities and always running up and about (Raina and Carver more than the rest, Garrett less so but he is one year apart from Raina and goes with the flow, Bethany goes less with the flow but if everyone's laughing she joins) and Varric complies. Leandra wasn't really keen on him encouraging them, but Raina always had a lot of problems staying still in the same place, and Varric tires her enough so she goes to sleep at night with less problems. If Raina sleeps, Carver does too… So yeah, Leandra approves. As an example: Raina read about Batman, got really into it because he was a superhero but with no special powers! Meaning she could be cool as her dad and brother as well, even if she had no magic. So, little Raina climbing on furniture and jumping on the couch/bed yelling "I'M BATMAN!"? Varric laughed and gifted her a bat-cape. Bat-themed pjs and everything. Malcolm laughed, Leandra sighed and felt her dreams of a well accomplished lady-like firstborn crumbling down. But Raina was evidently very happy, so...
When the balls of destruction gets adopted, Varric goes automatically to very-physical-approach. Dorian… Isn't too happy with it, he's much more calm and prefers to read. They all grow up together. The story begins in Kirkwall, we're all moving down to Ferelden after Malcolm dies and shit goes south in town. (Solas was basically days away from discovering the huge blood magic circle under Kirkwall… But agreed that growing two mage children there would have been difficult, and he didn't want them to have to hide. So goodbye research.) (Solas definitely has the "Do it for them" sign in his office, surrounded by photos of the children, yes.)
A snippet of little Aisling listening too much to papae Solas the DadWolf (I won't keep the Orb like that, this is from before the AU expanded in my head. But I'm keeping the "She totally got in a fight with Samson, she started it and she bit him. Hard.)
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
wait, which of the clawthorne parents is related to Caleb? Gwendolyn has the name similarities to Evelyn but Del has the palisman similarities to flapjack
Yeah, we don't know. I mean, Dell's the palisman carver, so it would make sense for it to be him, but Gwen has the "lyn" name and the human stories, soooooo
Idk! 400 years is a lot of time for multiple family trees to split off and form their own lines and get plenty of genetic change in there, it could be BOTH of them from different branches of the tree!
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lewis-winters · 2 years
Ooh, please specify on those 3 moments you noticed about Speirs in the last act. (If you don’t mind!)
okie okie soooooo under the cut!!
Oh, in case it creates any confusion: I am talking about the Ron in the show. We are talking about the Band of Brothers show. Not the narrative of irl Ron. The show.
1) Addendum: I said episode 9 and 10-- I meant to correct it to episode 8-10 but uuuuhhhhhh forgot. But episode 8 is basically a whole spiral downward. They're finally "safe" after about a month of two of fight and the wear and tear are starting to show now that things have slowed down a bit.
It's all there. He's tired. He's squinting his eyes. The apathy? It's palpable. We like to laugh that he barely jumps when the bombs start, but that's......... not normal behavior. He has no regards for his personal safety. He's numb.
Also? The way he holds himself? The physicality Settle put into Speirs in episode 8 is inspired, if you compare the fatigue that makes him swing his arms, the slouch of his shoulders, the amount of squinting he does, the constant fidgeting, to the Speirs we know from the previous episodes, who holds himself so stiffly. So surely. It's different, massively different. You can really tell that he's reached a breaking point and is slowly but surely trying to keep it all together.
You can lowkey see it in the beginning of episode 9, too, when they clear up houses for the billeting of the soldiers. He's tired and he's frustrated and he's irritable. More so than usual.
In episode 10, when he berates More about the album? it feels like he's trying to find an outlet for his negative feelings. He's lashing out in such a manner, because all his previous outlets (i.e. combat, tactical offensives, being on the battle field), have been taken away. So now he's lashing out on his men.
2) Before I continue with this one I have to make a caveat: this is the personal speculation I was talking about, ergo this one is a little bit of a reach and more personal fanon than proper meta buuuuutttt...........
Ron sent Lieb to kill the commandant. I was listening to the BoB podcast with Ross McCall and he mentioned how they sent Joe to do the deed because somebody in the upper brass knew that he would get the job done. Now, I'm not saying I know for sure that it's Ron who sent them. But seeing as he's CO of Easy as of this moment, and it's heavily implied that Dick doesn't know about this ("Major Winters know about this?" "It doesn't matter."), so I guessed that Ron's the one who gave Lieb direct orders.
And I don't know but......... it's Ron asking somebody to do his dirty work. "Here, let me take advantage of the anger/trauma of this man (who is, by the way, beneath me in this very rigid, very strict military hierarchy where disobedience is punished severely) and put him in a position of grave danger"-- and it is very dangerous for Joe here. The added trauma this event will later add to his already very PTSD ridden psyche aside (and Skinny's, and Web's); if they were caught by someone? They'd be turned into the MPs and punished.
Ron is very angry. He has every right to be. But I think this is the moment it's begun to cloud his judgement. It's not the same with the POWs in episode 3 (though in fairness, that too is a war crime hehehe), the war is technically over. The brutality of it is supposed to stop ("the war is over any one would run"), but without the brutality and the surrounding chaos, it's almost like every emotion he'd repressed is now coming out. "You're already dead," doesn't work when you've survived already, does it?
3) Last but not least! Probably the greatest bit of evidence of Ron's spiral downward! I wrote about this before-- Ron's reaction to Carver shooting Chuck is one whole breakdown in and of itself.
Soooooooo. Yeah.
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cassierobinsons · 2 years
it's no worries! i'm delighted you're answering my asks at all lmao. i really think you and i are on the same wavelength about this show, you're really cool, and you have really good and thoughtful takes.
i blocked that kitsune episode from my memory ugh. it really shouldn't have been a surprise what dabb ended up doing to billie even when she was his character considering how consistently racism creeps into his work.
i'm very sorry you're having to experience season 9, you're very brave to not just skip it. 10 i think is slightly better mainly because it introduces rowena who's a lot of fun and gets some depth as the show goes on (being a hot milf witch also helps a lot) but also mark of cain is not a good time. 12 is a trainwreck in terms of like. watching it as a form of television but the dean and mary scenes hit super hard and feel like they belong on an earlier season that would give them a real resolution.
"like i do not like s8 sam at all but at least there was something going on there! he was a hayes code homophobe and had the haircut of a premade sim but it was something!"
he was soooooo wack about benny lmao. i think it was meant to be portrayed as him projecting his own experiences with ruby but benny literally never did anything wrong so it just made sam look like a dick. which i prefer, i think sam being initially weird about dean being bi as something he never considered is more IC than ex-gsa member sam.
very much agreed on gamble-genuinely interesting ideas but not great execution. i can't think about what happened with lisa without wanting to bite. maybe it's for the best he wasn't paired with cassie instead post swan song because i can't imagine the awful shit they'd pull with her.
(following on from this ask THIS CHAIN IS GETTING LONG LMFAO)
aw thanks anon 😊 i'm enjoying the chance to longform chat about this terrible show.
dabb's racism is easily his worst quality. he's a dean anti and his writing is often mean-spirited but WOW does his racism dwarf everything else.
i've been stuck on s9 since early december and plan on going back to it once i've made some progress catching up on the shows i'm watching rn (namely search party s5, the expanse s5, hacks, AND yellowjackets) so like. realistically i'm not going back until feb lmfao. even then i don't give a shit about the plot rn so i'll only watch eps for cas or when minor characters pop up. i've said this before but the decision to kill kevin off reaaaally weighs on me as being spn's nadir, a real No Melanin Allowed moment. jeremy carver can meet me in the pit, idgaf.
yeah the mark of cain plotline sounds so 😒 and i know what i'm about to say sounds WILD considering the last 3-4 days of dean apologism but ultimately. i am a casgirl who loves dean but not a deangirl so while i love s4 dean's noxious era the prospect of a season and a half of it bores me to tears. toxicity? from a man? groundbreaking. i am looking forward to meeting rowena though. she sounds so cool as a character it's genuinely baffling that a show like spn came up with her.
12 is a trainwreck in terms of like. watching it as a form of television but the dean and mary scenes hit super hard and feel like they belong on an earlier season that would give them a real resolution.
there are a plethora of moments i hear about in the later seasons have me like. damn. this would've been Masterpiece Theatre if it happened 5 years earlier. still, i'm looking forward to watching some of the motws in s12. regarding dean will probably revive brainworms that have lain dormant since my s1-2 deangirl days.
sam was so fucking terrible about benny jdsfdjkfjs and i get that they were trying to parallel it with ruby and especially amy but man. the whole point of the slice girls is that sam killing emma is meant to cancel out the amy thing like pemdas. and it's an evil and wrong point! but it's a point. so having sam get pissy over benny makes him look so bad because bro you literally put a bullet in his daughter, you DO NOT get to be precious about this. but it does lend credence to my personal theory that it's hard for sam to draw from his supposedly deep well of empathy for other supernatural creatures if he cannot directly project his issues onto them 🤭
i've posted briefly about the queer subtext in citizen fang (bonus commentary by @softbrah) and yeah, it is strong evidence that sam has no fucking clue dean desires men carnally. in the secret good s9 that exists in my head dean & human!cas start fucking after like 3 weeks in the bunker and sam is sent into a tailspin.
the lisa&ben thing was gamble being at a 10 when she should've been at a 2. or like a 6 tops. you can tragically bury dean's dreams of being a dad without having him do this horrible thing to his exgf and her son i promise! you don't have to make a writing choice this evil! makes me extremely glad that he didn't go to cassie in canon because gamble handling a black female character is the stuff of nightmares. i do want more deancassie in fic though, stat!
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fandomn00blr · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
I’m doing this WIP Wednesday because I was tagged by @cleverblackcat and @genginger (thank you both!), but also because I am STUCK, yall, and I have been stuck on the next chapter of Warden Hawke for soooooo friggin long. So what better way to get over the hump (or, in this case, several near-kisses that keep getting interrupted by the Blight), than to just toss my half-done spaghetti at the wall that is tumblr and see what sticks?
Here’s my least favorite section from a chapter full of overworked snippets that I can barely stand to look at anymore. I just realized last night that switching POV might make me hate it a little less, but now I have to figure out Nate’s POV and I mean...I’ve been working on having these idiots take turns rescuing each other from this subterranean river for months!:
Carver plants his feet and kicks off the bottom of the river, against the whirlpool’s demands, and he shoves Nate back toward shallower water.
It’s too late for you, the river and the Archdemon coo at him. Still, he kicks his feet, even knowing that it's pointless as he feels the pull of the hidden vortex, feels the chill of the deep bottomless river once again trying to keep him from struggling against it. He flails and gulps desperately for air one last time, but his mouth and his lungs fill with water instead. They’re right. He’s in too deep. The surface is too far above him, and the pull of the current too strong for him to fight.
So don’t.
Nate springs up out of the water, gasping for air. After nearly pulling him under, Hawke somehow managed to regain enough sense to push him far enough out of the middle of the river that he could regain his footing and stand. But not without pushing himself further in. Nate has thoughts about that, too, but he tries not to waste too much time collecting them before he dives back in, reaching blindly for something, anything of Hawke’s that he can get his hands on.
Anyone else stuck or just want to share? Consider yourselves tagged. Really and truly. Tag me back so I can read it...I need all the snippets I can get to push through these creative doldrums!
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23 and 17, for occasions meme
Hi!  I’m thinking you meant the OC meme and your autocorrect (autoincorrect as I like to refer to it) “helped” you.  I’m going to answer for the OC meme and if you meant something else just let me know!
17.  Any OC OTPs?   Soooo... Yes.  We’ll start with Zevran and my OC Nico Valisti.  This was my first foray into OC development and long chapter stories and I love them both together.  I also have an OC by proxy, because technically it’s a DA character which already existed but wasn’t fleshed out.  I stole him and made him mine.  That would be Felix Alexius and I paired him with Carver Hawke and these two nerds are soooooo perfect together it’s sickening.  Or maybe that’s just me being sickening about these two nerds.  
23.  Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like:
hmmm.  I have to say Rafael (Rafe) DiSanti who started out as a self-centered hedonist intent on maintaining his cushy lifestyle and not becoming entangled in family politics or emotional commitments, and ended up putting an end to the former and diving head first into the latter.  I really had every intent of keeping him complex and uncommitted but he was having none of it, in the end.  
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ellicler · 3 years
spn 10.5 fan fiction
oh goddddd this show has truly rewritten my brain chemistry. 2 months ago i was like YIKES not a meta episode with fans within the story how embarrassing!! and now i’m like AWWWWW SO CUTE robbie thompson a TRUE warrior!! like he GETS us. he does. you know???
the way that ‘i’ll just wait here then’ is a straight up love song is SOOOOOO MUCH
the way that the production value of that musical IS GOOD ACTUALLY. the way it’s set in an all-girl school so that the casting looks completely natural on stage just another part of the artistic convention. the sheer RESPECT for the fans honestly honestly. ‘we don’t always understand why you’re telling the stories you’re telling but it’s really special for us and warms our hearts’
and just the whooooole way it’s empowering for dean in the end of the day, to be a beloved hero, to be seen as... well you know... a selfless loving human being (because all the songs are openly about how much he loves his family and is loved in return. you know)
idk it does something for me. the songs are good. the episode works. embarrassing and unfortunate for me!!!
UGH that last scene with ‘carver edlund’ and the way i want to kill him immediately don’t you hurt a hair on that girl’s head!!! and DON’T you dare STEAL any IDEAS from her either!! it workssssss
the whole ‘subtext’ thing and dean both uncomfortable but capable of pushing through it and appreciating it for what it is!! AND sam’s teasing of COURSE
i’ve just read a GENIUS fic about it wait i'll have to send you some fic links later (under the cut)
Dean is so angry when they leave the rehearsal, feet-stomping, door-slamming, Sam’s-shocked-he-doesn’t-say-fag angry. John-angry.
That’s what this anger is, Sam knows. The John that lives inside their heads. Sam’s calls him a monster, a freak. Sam is suspicious Dean’s does the same.
He tries to make a joke because he may be the emotionally stable one of the family, but that doesn’t really mean jack shit for the Winchesters and he never knew how to shut John up, just how to yell over him.
“Shouldn’t it be Deastiel?”
Dean looks ready to cry in his subtle, hidden way that no one but Sam can recognize. “Really? That’s your issue with this?”
“No, of course it’s not my issue,” Sam says because he doesn’t know how to say, “There isn’t an issue with this, I don’t have an issue with this. I don’t have an issue with you.”
He doesn't know how to say we don't have to be Dad's mistakes and this will not ruin us, or me, or you. He doesn’t know how to say Dean you should be happy, Dean you deserve to be happy, Dean you want to be happy, you just don’t know how. He doesn't know how to say it so he gets into the passenger seat and hopes Dean forgives himself one day because Sam doesn't know how to say I'm sorry in moments like these.
He plays the conversation over in his mind later, wondering if he could have told Dean in clearer terms. Wondering if when they walked out of that high school he should have just turned to Dean and said, “I know.”
But really, that’s what he did. He told him it’s okay, look, I’ll even joke about being in love with Cas. Give you a chance to make a “that’s my man” joke, give you a chance to say anything you want because I’m smiling Dean, I’m always smiling about things that make you happy and you’re always crying about them, but never in front of me.
When Humans Want Something Really, Really Bad  by pollutedstar
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DT Meme Tag
Thanks @notgingerbutstillgotlegs for the tag 
Simple Rules: Complete and tag your fellow homies or DT fans! Your first memory of DT - when did you first lay eyes on the tall skinny Scottish bloke? 
 Technically I first laid eyes on him when watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but I was only like 12 when that film came out and I didn't realize who he was at that point. SOOOOOO I'm gonna say Doctor Who, The Christmas Invasion. Favourite DT character? 
 I don't think I could possibly pick just one so I'll go with a top 5 in no particular order: Tenth Doctor, Alec Hardy, Campbell Bain, Kilgrave, and Don Juan (I'm so grateful that I got to see him perform that character!) But I also really love his Hamlet too soooo I suppose that will be the runner up! Lol What was the last DT related thing you watched? 
 Does seeing him perform live as Don Juan count? :D Favourite physical feature? 
Ummm....everything? Lol. I particularly love his smile, his eyes, his arms, and omg his facial hair 😍. Favourite DT quote? "Show up on time, learn your lines, and be nice." I also really really love when he talks about always remaining humble and don't ever think that you've "made it" because there may come a time when he won't get many calls to do projects in the future. I just love any time when he talks in interviews and you can tell that he is still a grounded person who has not let fame get to him. 🙌🏻 Have you ever been blessed and seen him in person? 
 YES! I went and saw him back in May of 2015 at the Philly Comic Con and got to get a photo op with him and Billie Piper and I got his autograph also and talked to him for like ten seconds. It was AMAZING. …or saw him in a play? Also yes!!! I was lucky enough to go to London to see him perform Don Juan live in Soho on his birthday and right after I went to stage door and got to sing him happy birthday with other fans. And then I also went to another stage door night to get an autograph! It is one thing seeing him perform on your television, but it's like so mind blowing seeing him do what he loves in person! Are you a Tenth Doctor Fan? 
 Of course!!! Ten will ALWAYS be my doctor. How about Kilgrave? 
 I really really loved David as Kilgrave. Both Secret Smile and Jessica Jones (and I suppose Barty also) shows just how good he can play baddies and I love when he shows that side of his acting just because those personalities are so far away from his own. Alec Hardy or Emmet Carver? 
 Although I do love them both and David's American accent really impressed me, I definitely prefer Alec over Emmett because I mean seriously....it's ALEC HARDY. 😍😍😍😍😍 I feel that Alec just has the right amount of grumpyness with a good side of "I give zero fucks" but at the same time you know that he has a good heart underneath it all. I felt that David's portrayal of Emmett seemed a bit reserved and it may have something to do with the fact that he wasn't used to the accent and also I think he wanted to make Emmett a bit different than Alec. Favourite DT series? 
 BROADCHURCH 1000% If you couldn't tell, I have a deep deep love for Alec, but also the show is just amazing all around. Favourite DT movie? I love both The Decoy Bride and LA Without A Map! I tag or whoever wants to do this: @lauraxxtennant @expelliarmus @heartbreakingtennant @mizgnomer @iheartheartgallifrey @primavega @rudennotgingr @whatisthepointofyouhardy @weeping-who-girl @whovianfloozy
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