#// so he's that one video of that bird of paradise
cleolinda · 9 months
Here's another song I had wanted to write about: Hozier's "Movement." It is a fact of my existence that I get into a musical artist/band about 10 years after everyone else does, and then they become 30% of my personality (see also: Florence and the Machine). So I didn't really get with the program until Wasteland, Baby, and even then, it was for an unusual reason.
When did this album come out, spring of 2019? I had spinal surgery in early 2018. A discectomy, L4/L5; the disc had gradually become herniated due to a fall I'd had at a convention. My surgeon was required to warn me that surgery would come with a (low) chance of paralysis; it was my choice to make. After two weeks of seizing up in pain every hour or so, confined to my bed—hydrocodone did nothing—I chose the scalpel. Even then, it was another four weeks before he could work me into the operating schedule. Trust me when I say, no matter how I'm doing now, I do not regret having that surgery.
But he also told me, "You will always be a person who has had spinal surgery." Since anything was better than screaming every time I moved, I didn't fully understand what he meant until a year or so later, when I was still in pain—a chronic but lower-grade pain that came and went depending on how much activity I dared try that particular day. It was infinitely better than before. And, but, yet, I still deal with that chronic pain today. I will always be that person.
"Walk," he told me. I had a packet of therapy exercises to do, sure, but he was firm on this point. "That's the main exercise you need. Just walking." Which I couldn't do at first—I didn't have to learn to walk again or anything, but I was in a wheelchair early on, then on a wheeled walker for a couple of months. I also have inherited neuropathy in my feet, which was exacerbated by electrically painful sciatic nerve damage down my right leg while I waited for my slot in the surgery calendar. (I swear to God I will start talking about music soon.) I only walk across the longest side of my backyard. I don't leave it and walk around the neighborhood, because I generally have about two minutes upright to get back to the house once my feet start hurting.
So I had been struggling with my walking assignment for about a year when "Movement" came out. Of course it's literally about physically moving (and emotionally being moved), but that wasn't what captured me. The song starts out slow and reflective; it was a gentle tempo for a time when I couldn't walk very fast, and I still use it as a warm-up today. But there are two other things I love about it. One, the willow tree in the chorus, as I was walking my little runway back and forth under a canopy of wild water oak draped with wisteria, looking up into the sun through the leaves and snowflake flowers of an overgrown cherry laurel. Sound met landscape.
But the other thing is how—generous? accepting?—the words are of the "you" of the song. This person, the lyrics say, does not have to be a virtuoso dancer like Fred Astaire or Sergei Polunin (who's in the video up there). Instead, "you're Atlas in his sleeping, and when you move, I'm moved." My absolute favorite part is,
Move like grey skies Move like a bird of paradise Move like an odd sight come out at night
What the fuck even are these lyrics. I can't. That's so good. You ever sit there as a writer and think, I'm so mad I didn't come up with that? Just the pure unexpectedness, "I'm telling you how earthshakingly amazing this person is. Like a beautiful willow, like a rare bird, like some weird-ass cryptid in the night, I don't even know what that was about but I love it." What even. So good.
And I was for sure an odd sight shambling back and forth across the back of my yard: five minutes at first. Then ten the next week, working my way up to thirty, still in a dull roar of constant pain a year into my recovery. But this is a song that says, your efforts to move are moving, whatever movement is natural for you; you may be sleeping just now, you may be moving without moving, but you are wonderful not in spite of being strange in your movements, but because of it. The song always feels like a friend walking along with me, no matter how many setbacks I have, or how slow I have to go.
Anyway, Unreal Unearth comes out next Friday. The five songs Hozier's put out so far are ridiculously good, and I've scheduled a couple of months to be completely feral about it. When the weather is less dangerously hot, we'll find out which songs are good to move to.
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thatgreenoneyt · 3 days
Magolor's Epilogue is NOT Magolor's Redemption Arc (Part 1)
Magolor is probably one of the most complicated characters to talk about. He’s also the most dynamic character in the series, second to King Dedede. I’ve already made a video essay regarding Magolor’s characters actions already, but not about the Epilogue. I wanted to hold off for a while because I was thinking “Well someone else would have this take! Surely someone would have it!”
And after a year… no. No one has talked about the epilogue the way I will. 
A lot of people seem to have come to a conclusion that the Epilogue is about Magolor’s redemption arc, and while there’s enough evidence to come to that conclusion, two things can be true. 
Before we head into deep territory regarding Magolor and Magolor’s epilogue, I want to talk about Star Allies for a moment. I don’t want to talk about the Jambastians, The Story or the Jambahearts– not at first. I want to talk specifically about Void Termina. Whether or not it’s part of dark matter is still unknown, however due to the heated debate and what I’m about to talk about, it would make more sense if Void Termina is a strand of dark matter– in some way shape or form. His name in the Japanese variation is named “End Nil” meaning Zero. and… well there’s only two major concepts that own the name “Zero” in the series, and both are a form of a major villain of dark matter. 
There’s something that has been confirmed in a miiverse post regarding Dark Matter’s abilities. It can form memories real enough to hurt you in the forms of rainbows. Pretty much everything regarding Void Termina is associated with rainbows. The forms of both bird and gorilla. That’s why the body disappeared the moment the strand of what looks like Dark Matter launched out of the body’s neck. 
Another thing to mention– while it’s not canon, the light novels portray something worth taking note of; specifically how Kirby reacts to seeing the “face” of Dark Matter. He goes into a mental breakdown, questioning why the face looked just like him, however, he is in a form of rainbows– [Enhancing Void Termina’s Kirby Face] this isn’t its true face, this is a perverted memory of Kirby, designed to mess with him. 
Why am I talking about this? Well… there is something that I mentioned in my last essay (video). Void formed the memory of the Master Crown– plenty of times. Clearly this is a memory– a memory that it manifested, meaning that it knows about it. Not only does it manifest the Master Crown, but also its messed up form. Why would it know about this?
I made a wild accusation that the Master Crown is linked with Dark Matter, and the parallels on how they both act are pretty much one of the same. Possession, negative emotions, draining those of personality– it’s pretty much a slam dunk.
If it truly is a form of dark matter or is at least associated with it, Magolor’s actions make a lot more sense. 
“Lor sense something was amiss when it met Magolor. It can travel to far-off paradises with ease… so why didn’t it? Perhaps it hid its true power, wanting to be stopped after stealing the crown.”
~ Vs Lor Starcutter EX, Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe
His reasoning for searching and studying Halcandra is unknown. All we know is that he wanted to know its presence due to it being more of a fairy tale and wanted to see if it was true. 
“It was in a dusty tome that Magolor first learned about the legendary item. It all sounded like a fairy tale, until he found the Lord and began scheming. It’s time to save the universe, Lor, and Magolor.”
~ Vs Magolor EX, Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe
While it could be the fact that Magolor stole the crown, and Lor wasn’t fond of it, I think it had more of a vendetta of the crown itself. The light novels, while not holding any weight in the canon, do however support that he held a grudge against Magolor. 
"’...Don't get in my way. I'm your master, you know... Me, Magolor…’ But the screen showed him nothing more than the information necessary for completing the repairs, just as it always did. If the Lor could speak, it had no words for him.’”
~ The Starcutter and the Lying Wizard, Chapter 9
However, this is the only game where he thought he held authority and had malice in his heart, and while the Light Novels give entertainment, the canon is vague. 
The point is the Lor knew that something was wrong with him. 
In any other game, while yes he was quite an asshole, he wasn’t exactly malicious nor did he think he had some sort of authority. On top of this, since there’s debate that the Kirby Clash Series is likely canon, his mannerisms seem to hold my case well.
It can be argued that his time in another dimension humbled him, but as I said before, two things can be true.
Over and over again, the game encourages that we’re saving Magolor. Especially in the EX variations. 
“What remains of Magolor is a sad shell. He’s possessed by the limitless power of the Master Crown, imprisoned by the hatred and possession of prior rulers. Now… defeat it and save Magolor’s Soul!”
~ Vs Magolor Soul, Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe
I’d like to think that the EX variation of Story Mode is arguably more canon than the original Story mode due to it giving off more depth. Magolor’s epilogue also encourages that as well in the beginning scene where it’s Magolor’s Soul who gets vanquished before Magolor himself falls and gets banished. 
There’s also the mention of Prior rulers as well— which I don’t have much to say here. 
Now I know that a good chunk of people will say that this can’t be dark matter due to the fact that since Landia has been taking guardianship of it for quite some time and nothing really happened to him, which while yes that may be true, if the theory that The Dark Hearts and Void Termina is also associated with Dark Matter, it means that what its doing isn’t possession, it’s influence.
Just look at what happens to both Dedede and Meta Knight— notably Meta Knight.
“Corrupted by the power of a dark heart, Meta Knight’s dedication to the purity of combat has been eclipsed by a secret wild streak that always lurked within him. This once hidden fury is now unleashed with every stab and thrust of his sword.” 
~ Vs Meta Knight, Kirby Star Allies 
Possession is one thing, influence is another, and I think influence is a gatekeeper of Possession. With Meta Knight under the INFLUENCE of Dark Matter, he didn’t really do much. Meta Knight isn’t easily messed with according to Forgotten Land, so this had to be powerful stuff.
“The lone illusory foe that you encounter outside of Forgo Dreams. When Fecto Forgo tried to control Meta Knight like it had King Dedede, the experienced swordsman came out on top through sheer force of will… but the result was this mysterious doppelgänger, formed by the residual psychic energy.”
~ The Lone Illusion Phantom MetaKnight’s figurine, Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Now that I believe I settled my case regarding if the Master Crown is in the family tree of Dark Matter, we can finally talk about Magolor’s Epilogue.
Now that we are done talking about Dark Matter, and Void Termina, it’s time to talk about the Epilogue: 
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jungle-angel · 8 months
Adopting a pet with Bob headcannons (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Notes: Rest in peace Jimmy Buffett, your music was a huge part of my life and was always a little piece of the Florida sunshine whenever it was freezing cold
You and Bob have alot of places where you love to split your time, but you were a little surprised when you found out his family had a little beach cottage down in Islamorada, Florida
The house had actually been where his mom grew up going as a kid (Irene grew up in Tallahassee but her father was mostly stationed in Pensacola) and it's where she and Joe spent their honeymoon
So when you and Bob ended up taking on the place as your own, you two spent quite a significant amount of time there, especially with the rest of the squad (and especially when Mickey's family descended en masse when the Hurricanes would play)
You were down at the cottage one day, fixing it up after a hurricane had blown over. Thankfully, the damage wasn't too horrible, but it still needed some good repairing
You were out in the garden one day replanting some really pretty, and rather fuzzy, red and yellow flowers when a blue and yellow macaw landed next to you and started whistling
You and Bob were a little bit weirded out but the bird didn't mean any harm. You even gave him some mealworms from the garden and oh did he eat them up
And every day he'd come back begging for more mealworms
You'd even give him the leftover fruits that were a bit too ripe in the fridge and he'd chow down right at the kitchen window
But you and Bob also found he was the most gentle little bird you had ever met
You took him down to the animal shelter one day to see if he happened to have a chip and the vet did indeed find one. The animal control officer ran the numbers and found out he had belonged to a bartender who couldn't keep him anymore
But you and Bob felt terrible and didn't want your new feathered friend to end up in the shelter
So you worked it out with the officer and the macaw's original owner and in no time at all, he was yours
It was yours and Bob's idea to name him Jimmy since he reminded you of the parrot on the covers to his dad's Jimmy Buffett albums
Any time you played "Knee Deep", "Margaritaville" or "Cheeseburger in Paradise", Jimmy would start dancing and flapping his wings on his little perch and you thought it was the funniest thing in the world
Bob even taught him how to whistle "Bridge on the River Kwai", you sent the video to the Daggers, his family and even put it up on Tik Tok which got a ton of laughs
Jimmy is also incredibly protective of your kids. One time Auggie encountered a group of kids who weren't so nice and Jimmy ended up scaring the shit outta the kid, much like Smokey the family rooster
That damn bird once flew off with one of Rooster's Hawaiian shirts. It wasn't the best one in the closet and Jimmy had shown his distaste by pulling it off the clothesline and flying up into the jacaranda tree in the garden
But you and Bob were happy beyond words to have adopted Jimmy into the family
Because you both know that you'll have many laughs in the years to come
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yanderehsr · 5 months
Hiya! So I saw your OC x Character thingy and decided to request, note that im not very good at making OCs so it might not be the best.
So basicaly his name is Aleron (It comes from latin and means the The winged one) he is a Pigeon Hybrid. He comes from a world/planet that Is full of diffrent types of Bird-Hybrids. It's full of vast forests and beatifull plains, from an outsider's point of view it looks like Paradise, but it doesn't take much to realise it's not as beatifull as it seems. This world's Society operates on a Class System, where Bird-Hybrids like Pigeons, Crows and Ravens are lower class Citizens, and legendery bird- like Hybrids (Like pheonixes etc.) Are at the top of the "foodchain". This Unfairnes and overall bad treatment from his "superiors" had coused Aleron to dream of leaving this World/planet and Traveling, meeting new people and cultures. Said Dream was unfullfilled for the longest time, until one Day The Astral Express had made a stop on his world. After learning who exactly they are, he practicaly begged them to let him join them. After some thought, the Astrall Express Crew had decided to agree on letting him join.
His is somewhat shy, not to the point where he Has problem talking with people, but he only realy opens up to people he knows he can trust. 
He usualy prefers to avoid crowded areas, he is insecure about his wings and thinks everyone is staring at them. (Forgot to mention he Has wings, sorry)
Due to personal expiriences, he despises people that consider themselfs superior to others. 
His hobby is cooking. He isn't super talented at it, but he knows how to make something Simple and good. It relaxes him and he Likes seeing people eat what he made.
As for his looks, he Has a short grayish hair and Brown eyes. He is on the shorter side of things. On his back is a small pair of Brown and White pigeon-like wings. They are too small to fly, but if the wind is just right he can glide. 
I don't realy know what character I want to be yandere for him, so I would prefer if you were the one to choose. Hope it's not a problem.
Well I Hope I didn't forget to write anything important needed for the request, if I did feel free to ignore this
Thanks for sending in a request, Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Venti: He loves Aleron's wings, he loves to pet and take care of them, there is one thing he hates about them tho, he hates that Aleron can glide away from him, Venti might be the archon of freedom but that freedom is limited to HIS side... please don't leave him alone.
It's probably great that Aleron can cook since Venti cannot, he will be superannoying about it and request food from Aleron at every opportunity he gets, mostly he requests apple pies, he loves apples.
Venti will sooner or later get paranoid about Aleron's ability to glide, who's to say that Aleron wont glide away from him, sure he hides the wings but that doesn't change that he has them, and even if Venti is the archon of Wind, that doesn't mean he controls all wind, so Venti takes Aleron away to somewhere safe, somewhere he has no chance to escape from, and Aleron is all his.
"Such pretty wings, in the wind I see you glide around in rings, you truly look sublime, how lucky of me that you're all mine"
Guinaifen: She forced herself into Aleron's life, whether he wants to or not, if he's doing something then she's doing that as well, if he goes somewhere then she follows, it's suffocating having her around, especially for someone like Aleron that is so shy.
On top of that, Guinaifen asks alot of questions about Aleron, about his childhood, his favorite foods and stuff like that, she just wants to know alot about her lover is that really so wrong... oh, she isn't one, well she doesn't care, she sees herself as his girlfriend so it's pretty much official.
Guinaifen will make Aleron be part of her videos, she wants to show off what her viewers cannot have, what is hers and hers alone, she also likes that he hides the wings, she wants to be the only one who knows about them, a little secret between Aleron and her.
"Such pretty wings, can I touch them... Hmmm, I'm gonna do it anyways"
Tried to do something poetic with Venti's voiceline... hope it wasn't too cringe😅
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cozza-frenzy · 28 days
The Alters Of The Magbox
Last updated March 31st 2024 - Total Headcount is 11 This post is mainly just for reference, but feel free to take a look if you've not met all of us yet, or are just curious.
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Terry [Last Name Redacted] Pronouns: They/Them (Neos: Toon/Toons/Toonself, Fin/Fins/Finself) Species: Beyonder System Roles: Host, Conflict Resolution Likes: Seafood, fresh fruit, shirts that look like bowling alley carpet, electronic music Dislikes: Liver, cold and damp weather, getting "front stuck" Theme Song: Battle Scars - Paradise Fears Tag: #Shit Terry Says "I'll carry you home, no you're not alone, keep marching on, this is worth fighting for"
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Chaos Loony Whackadoo Danger Crimefighter Gadget Stortion Pronouns: It/Its (Neos: Twist/Twists/Twistself, Spin/Spins/Spinself) Species: Cartoon Likes: Strawberries, rave music, dad jokes, causing problems on purpose, its partner (Len of The Panopticon) Dislikes: Silence, green vegetables, causing problems by accident Theme Song: Louder Than Words - Pink Floyd System Roles: Gatekeeper, Caregiver, Protector Tag: #Spiral Posting "It's louder than words, the sum of our parts The beat of our hearts is louder than words"
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Taffy Brewer Pronouns: They/Them (Neos: Star/Stars/Starself, Crown/Crowns/Crownself) Species: Object Head Likes: Vegetarian curry, walking outside, plants and animals Dislikes: Meat, heavy rain, crowds and loud noises Theme Song: Down To Earth - Peter Gabriel System Roles: Self-Care, Caretaker, System Management Tag: #To The Stars "We're coming down to the ground To hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after We send the seeds out in the breeze"
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(Art by our Partner System, @rinjak3 !) Martin Blackwood Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them Species: Beastkin Likes: Comfort food, tea and biscuits, pop music, drag shows, their partners (Jon and Jonny D'ville of The Panopticon) Dislikes: Body shaming, the smell of cigarettes, foggy days Theme Song: North - Sleeping At Last System Roles: Caregiver, Grief Holder, Emotional Regulator Tag: #Tea And Sympathy "Let the years we're here be kind, be kind Let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide Settle our bones like wood over time, over time Give us bread, give us salt, give us wine"
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Vivien Blackwood Pronouns: They/Them (Neos: Paint/Paints/Paintself) Species: Cartoon Likes: Mint chocolate, authentic ramen, video games, animated movies & shows, making and appreciating art Dislikes: Physical contact without consent, being cold Theme Song: Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall - Coldplay System Roles: Creative Work, Caretaker Tag: #Beyond The Shadows
"So you can hurt, hurt me bad Still I'll raise the flag"
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Andy Stortion Pronouns: Any/All (Undecided) Species: Beastkin Likes: Ice cream, french fries with ketchup, stickers, colored pencils, board games, asking questions Dislikes: Raised voices, being ignored, people in mascot suits Theme Song: Ready Now - Dodie System Roles: Trauma Holder Tag: (None yet - Andy is underage in-system, and doesn't post without supervision) "You said "I will listen, tell it all When you're finished we'll talk more" But I didn't know how, so we took it in turns To my surprise we found my words"
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Dr. Roy Boss Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its (Neos: Dark/Darks/Darkself) Species: Cartoon Likes: Dark chocolate, BBQ Ribs, thunderstorms, heavy music, mad science Dislikes: Authority figures, bright lights, unfairness and injustice Theme Song: Get Up - Korn feat. Skrillex System Roles: Anger Holder, RSD Holder, Medical Advocate, In-System Medical Care Tag: #Boom Baby Boom
"I am clearly broken And no one knows what to do Pieces of the puzzle don't fit So I pound them into you"
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Dagwood Hero Sandwich Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its Species: Cartoon Likes: Ice-cream sundaes, veggie dogs, making people laugh, story books Dislikes: Jokes that "punch down", violent media, swearing (for himself - he doesn't mind if others do) Theme Song: All You Need Is Love - The Beatles System Role(s): Mood Booster, Memory Keeper, System Management Tag: #Bring Me Sunshine "Nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy"
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Jenova Destati Pronouns: She/Her, It/Its, (Neos: Fen/Fens/Fenself) Species: Divine Beast Likes: Salads, berries, being outside, peace and quiet Dislikes: Crowds, loud music Theme Song: Sweet Time - Porter Robinson System Role(s): Pain Management, Stress Management Tag: (None Yet) "To live, we're dying Why wouldn't we see our world as dark? But I won't spend time Resenting the way things are"
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"Thirteen" (Real name & face withheld) Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her Species: Not Disclosed Likes: Social events, fine dining, "Dad Rock", her partner (Archivist Grian of The Panopticon), being shameless Dislikes: Alcohol, rainy days, gambling Theme Song: The Dying Light - Sam Fender System Role(s): Inner World Architect, Trauma Holder, Life Protector Tag: #Unlucky For Some "But I'm damned if I give up tonight I must repel the dying light"
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"Roses" (Real name & face withheld) Pronouns: Any/All (Genderfluid) Species: Not Disclosed Likes: Karaoke, social events, cooking, sweet potatoes Dislikes: Alcohol, loud and grating noises, being outside after sunset Theme Song: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John System Role(s): Social Advocate, Trauma Holder, Misophonia Holder Tag: #Restless Nights
"You know you can't hold me forever I didn't sign up with you I'm not a present for your friends to open This boy's too young to be singing the blues"
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Ok first off thanks for answering my question! Second off, could I get a short story of Yandere romantic eggman from the video games please? Where he tries to convince the reader to be his queen when takes over the world?
This is actually the first romantic Eggman fic I've done I think. I don't mind! This will be very interesting to write :) Did this in general but it is video game Eggman. Darling is a human like Eggman. Ignoring Sonic 06 and Sonic Adventure, there's barely any humans in Sonic's world in this.
Edit: Nvm, second Romantic Eggman thing I did.
Yandere! Doctor Eggman Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Ownership, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship, Isolation, Neglect, Threats.
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Paradise looks different between people as you've learned. It differs so greatly it's impossible to create a true utopia that includes everyone. That doesn't stop some people from trying, unfortunately.
To you, paradise includes fresh air and green greens. Paradise is meant to make you feel relaxed and one with wildlife. You feel a perfect utopia is one filled with clean water and soaring birds.
Robotnik's paradise was a polar opposite of yours. Despite you both being human in a world filled with primarily animals, you were very different. Robotnik's version of paradise scared you.
His vision was one of pure steel and oil. One where every animal was used to power cold plated machines. His utopia involved polluted waters, clouded skies, and a population that worshipped him.
With ideals that were so different... it's surprising you would even cross paths. You'd think you'd be supporting Sonic in liberating your home. As much as you wished you could....
Robotnik was very adamant on keeping you with his plan.
This was very unlike the mad scientist. He was never one to care for another. Although with how he treated you, a forced assistant, you'd still say he didn't care.
At least not in the normal way.
Was forcing your wardrobe to be black clothes with his logo on it caring, or was it ownership? It sickened you to look down and see the "Eggman Empire" symbol over your heart. A symbolism for loyalty to him.
Was this how he planned to keep you humans together? Humans were a rarity on this planet. However, even if 'Eggman' was the last human left on this planet or not, you didn't wish to be anywhere near him.
You always thought he was a villain. Yet when he forced you to work with him, threatening your life, family, and friends.... You felt he was worse than anything you could ever think of.
"Just think about it. This world would look so much better covered in steel. A world to manipulate and command...."
His ramblings were selfish, completely full of narcissism. He thought he was the most important person here. He completely disregarded what others said....
Even though you had an effect on him, you were never able to change his mind.
"Why do you never think of the life on this planet? What's so appealing about a ball of metal as a home?"
You speak truthfully, not understanding his thought process. In a futile attempt to make him reconsider you touch his back. It's a comforting touch... making him tense a moment before glaring at you.
"It won't be a 'ball of metal', (Y/N). It'll be a shining empire! ... Don't tell me you've been listening to that hedgehog's words."
You back off a bit but Robotnik grabs your hand. You then still your movement and look away. Was it so wrong for you to want to protect your utopia?
"You know I wouldn't side with him-"
"What I do know... is that's a lie."
His grip never falters, in fact he only pulls you closer to him.
"I know you don't respect my ideals! Out of everyone... I'm still fighting with you to understand me."
"Maybe it's because I'm thinking of what I feel would be the be-"
"It doesn't matter."
In one single phrase, you're shut down. In an intimidating matter he holds you still before pointing to your chest. The logo on your heart....
"Remember what that means?"
You glare at him. All because you're branded does not mean you're loyal.... As always, he doesn't care.
"That means you belong here, with me. I don't understand you! You'll get to rule with me... think about it. I wouldn't have anyone else maintain my empire. Yet despite that... you refuse to help build it."
"I'M not blinded by desire! I never asked for this!? You stole me, branded me, and act like I'm supposed to love you for it."
You then pull away from him, noticing how he allowed you to go. Not out of sympathy... but because he was hovering over a button. A button that would summon some of his creations.
"I knew it. So THAT'S how you feel. I'm not stupid, (Y/N). I always knew you were still loyal to that damn hedgehog."
He presses the button with aggressive force. You're filled with renewed fear when he calls for his robots. Perhaps you shouldn't have been so bold.
"Don't worry your little head, (Y/N)..."
He grins, badniks grabbing your arms.
"I'll show you my vision in time. For now you'll have to be patient... in a cell."
"No, wait, please-! I'm sorry... don't do this."
"Prove to me you're sorry later. Clearly I can't trust you enough to give you a chance at paradise."
You hated how childish he was. You screamed at him in rage while being dragged off. Your pleas fell on deaf ears....
It didn't matter what happened, your fate wouldn't change. Even if you were stuck in a cell, it wouldn't make a difference. If Robotnik completed his empire... you'd be stuck in a prison still.
Any life with a man like Robotnik would be as though you were a prisoner. You sigh softly to yourself when his badniks toss you in a cell, as though you were a criminal for disagreeing with him. In the end, you reminded yourself, it all wouldn't matter.
The only one who can save you is Sonic and his friends...
Even then, you wonder if that would even keep him away from you forever.
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knightofthegarden · 3 months
Aster Lore Collection
Over on twitter, I made a post letting people exchange likes for lore facts - and got over 30!
Twitter is no archive though, and also character limits suck, so in this post I will compile, rewrite, and reorganize all the lore that was earned. (Note: Aster "Яeverse" will get her own post, and so will be omitted from this post. You will get bonus lore instead.)
Note that this is a companion piece to a my lore video, as both help explain each other.
Quick Facts:
Full name: Aster Gardenia
Birthday: March 29th
Age: 28
Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Representative flowers: aster, gardenia, forget-me-not, lilly of the valley, meadowsweet, bird of paradise
Representative tarot arcana: Strength
Aster is left handed (which, fun fact, makes learning the sword twice as complicated. :'D )
Aster was originally going to have a much more formal speaking style, but it quickly became limiting (both for expression and tweet character limit). My first few tweets had the weirdest vibes.. I would not have survived a stream like that.
The Garden and the Modern Era:
While Aster fell into her magical sleep "once upon a time", she awoke in @wildflowersthebunny's magical garden in September of 2014! This means Aster has lived in the 21st century for just over 9 years.
Aster's gratitude towards Wildflowers is also why she is "of the garden"; the garden protected her slumber, and Wildflowers cared for her when she awoke, so Aster now serves them in place of her former masters.
The hundreds of years of sleep also resulted in considerable muscular atrophy, and Wildflowers literally helped get her moving again. (As in, she rigged my model!) It was during this time of not being able to get up from her sleep casket, getting physical therapy from Wildflowers and hearing about the world she woke up in, that Aster also got to watch Wildflowers start her streaming career, and was inspired to do so herself.
Despite serving a magic garden and waking up from a magical sleep, Aster herself is not magical at all. She is a completely mundane human knight. She also doesn't know all that much about plants, despite being named after them. (At least she doesn't have a pollen allergy?)
Aster's weapon of choice is the hand-and-a-half sword, otherwise known as the bastard sword. She usually wields it two handed, but occasionally makes use of a buckler on her off hand. She recently joined a local HEMA group practicing German long sword, but she's lost a lot of arm strength since her long sleep. Train hard, Aster!
Aster likes retro games despite waking up in 2014 because when she was figuring out the whole technology thing, she saw the playstations and assumed you had to start at 1. She never really got to that third one. There's a lot of good PS2 games. (Nintendo 64 was very confusing.)
Aster has a degree in computer science! Why?? Well, similar to last fact - computers seemed pretty important in this time period, so she thought she had to study them to figure out living here. (It doesn't work like that.) (But swords are expensive so it all works out.)
Pierre (my lovely cat) did not come from Viatorum, he was adopted 4 years ago and has lived his entire life in the 21st century. He loves swords anyway because he has good taste.
Before the Magical Sleep:
Aster was originally from the small kingdom of Viatorum, where she served the royal family, who she refers to as her sovereign. Aster's sovereign consisted of the king, queen, queen-mother, princess, and the young prince. Aster interacted with all of them, but primarily spent time with the prince and princess (since they were similar ages), and was working towards being the prince's personal knight. Their names, and their history, were all erased when Viatorum was conquered.
Aster's sovereign were Viatorum's final ruling family, all of whom were executed when the kingdom was conquered during the war. Viatorum was merely a stepping stone on that larger, more militant kingdom's conquest, but even its name has been lost to the centuries...
There are still a few distant descendants of Viatorum who still remember its holidays, and Aster gets together to celebrate and remember with them whenever she can. The most prominent of these is January 27th, Viatorum's Founding Day.
Aster's duties as a knight mainly consisted of standing guard around the castle and accompanying the royal family - meaning she was not setting out on any grand adventures or military conquests, slaying monsters or defeating dangerous foes. Viatorum was a peaceful place before the war, and her sovereign did not allow Aster to actually fight in that war. (In other words: despite her love of swords, Aster isn't actually especially powerful, and her kill count is zero. Not edgy.)
Aster has not always been the loud, goofy, friendship-filled knight she is today. Aster had very few friends in childhood, and became a knight because she was lonely, and she figured that people would value someone who was strong, reliable, and able to be of service to them. Even among the knights, she was known as a cold, unfeeling person, and most saw her more as a drill sergeant to be wary of than a potential friend. She only knew how to market herself as an effective tool, hoping for someone to see her as "of use" to them, but despite her continuous efforts, she remained alone, because that's not how friends work.
Aster nearly joined the guard not as a knight, but as part of the military band. She plays trumpet! Joining the military band still involved doing drills, and also wouldn't let her have a sword, so she decided to work harder for the more prestigious position instead.
Aster's Sovereign:
The Young Prince: The young prince had a poor constitution, and thus disliked most martial activities, preferring the arts. He was always picking up new crafts; leather-working, sewing, puppetry, painting. He was never satisfied with his results, but Aster found them very impressive.
The young prince had periods where he was proud, brilliant, and ambitious, and others where he was timid and depressed, usually depending on his health. Aster saw his pride as his truest self, and wanted to encourage and cheer him on always. (Now, she will do that for you.)
An anecdote: Once, the young prince fell ill while he was in a different kingdom on a diplomatic trip, and Aster was so frustrated not being there to care for him that she became jealous of the nurses at the other kingdom.
The Princess: The princess was just a year older than Aster, and aimed to take on the martial activities her brother could not, practicing diligently in combat and equestrian arts. She insisted Aster practice fencing with her, and the two often went riding together or walked the gardens and talked for hours. The princess was the first peer Aster felt treated her as a true friend.
An anecdote: The princess was stronger than Aster, even before the muscular atrophy. Aster made her promise not to tell her parents how often she lost their sparring matches, fearing that her right to guard them would be called into question. Aster redoubled her training efforts so she could properly protect the princess and her family. (Now, she does so for the garden and all of her friends.)
The Queen: The queen was incredibly well spoken and well liked, and often held magnificent parties. Viatorum's long peace was often attributed to her talent at earning people's trust, and her writing was said to have built many friendships.
An anecdote: Wanting her attitude to reflect the hospitality of the house she served, Aster forced herself to to try to connect with others at the Queen's parties, even though she had in many ways given up on her ability to do so. While Aster is still not much of a party person, she was surprised to find success, and actually enjoyed getting to know the Queen's many friends. (Now she is able to put herself out on the internet and meet and encourage so many wonderful people she may have never met otherwise! People are nice, actually.)
The King: The king was a strict, sometimes angry man, but he was fair and cared deeply for his people. Aster often worried that displeasing him would cost her her position on the palace guard, but it was he who proved that she was valued for who she was, not her achievements.
The King's passion was for economics, and combined with the relationships the Queen forged with neighboring kingdoms, he was credited for making Viatorum a flourishing center of trade.
An anecdote: At first, Aster always arrived early to escort the queen-mother to tea, often making her feel the need to rush, which was dangerous for someone her age. The king scolded Aster fiercely after his mother-in-law almost slipped coming to the door one day, but was the one to explain that her mistakes didn't automatically make him dislike her. It was the first time she thought of relationships as other than a cost-benefit analysis, and it's a lesson she keeps reminding herself to this day, and hopes to teach her viewers too.
The Queen-Mother: The queen-mother was fiercely loved by the king and queen, and for good reason. Every conversation Aster had with her led to her learning something about people, life, or herself. It was no wonder the queen had such a way with people.
The queen-mother faced many challenges in her old age, but she knew life was worth enduring them, and that was her strength. She'd struggled through many hardships, and found many treasures at the other side.
An anecdote: Waking up in a foreign time period, hardly able to move, it was the queen-mother's memory that inspired Aster to search for a way forward, even before she could see it. It was there. It always is. Now, she hopes she can help others believe that too.
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dreamboundedstar · 8 months
Low-Fli Ship Questions are finally here!
How did they first meet? Willow was out looking for a date for a bratty family member’s wedding so she doesn’t look pathetic not having a plus one. She’s really bad at starting conversations with random people though. So she almost considers paying a stripper at Pickles to be a temporary, pretend date. The Belcher kids and Linda spot her before she could build up the courage to go through with her terrible plan. Linda immediately decides to (force) help Willow to build her confidence in asking people out. After a few failed attempts at the mall and one anxiety cool down in the bathroom later, Linda decides to do a mini speed dating session for Willow at Bob’s Burgers. That way Linda can pick out the options and take some of the stress off of Willow when trying to start conversations. When Linda dragged Willow out of the mall, they passed Flips Whitefudge. Flips did a double take while walking when he first laid his eyes on Willow. He was distracted by the beauty of her backside and what little of her side profile he was able to glance at. He tried to find the Belchers and Willow to show her some of his dance moves as if he were a bird of paradise doing a courtship dance ritual. Unfortunately, he lost sight of them in the mall crowd. Not wanting to dwell on feeling blue of not being able to show off some dance moves to a cute girl, he moved on and continued to what he was originally doing. The speed dating idea at Bob’s Burgers did not go well for Willow. After she spent so many hours with failed attempt after failed attempt, she had become jaded and gave up. It was just a stupid wedding for a person she didn’t even like that much anyway. She decided she was just not fit for dating and she would go to the wedding alone. So the next day she decided to look up some waltz tutorial videos just in case maybe a cousin would want to dance with her or something. Unfortunately, the internet was down at the worst possible time in her apartment. So, against her better judgment and her roommate’s suggestion, she goes to the “I Want to Dance with My Body” studio to do waltz lessons before the event. She yet again had hit another hurdle when the studio still hadn’t found a new dancing teacher for waltzing. Willow was going to leave depressed until Flips slides on the counter to Willow immediately telling her he can help her out. Shocked at some random guy that slid his booty on a counter and almost crashed into her, she had several questions. The most important one being, how was this 90s kidz bop reject going to teach her waltz? Flips told her not to let looks deceive her and reassured her that he knew more about dancing than just hip-hop. He was lying through his braces. Willow was very suspicious, she was desperate though and had taken what she could get. Flips had told her to come back later when it was less busy and then he spent all his free time watching waltz videos so he could make what he said less of a lie. With bare minimum knowledge and the dance steps drawn on the back of his hands, he was ready. Ready to crash and burn! Willow had noticed the pen marks on the back of his hand immediately and Flips admitted to her his intentions. Willow was touched and surprised by the reason why Flips had done what he had done. No guy had put this much effort to get to know her before and to her surprise, it made her want to stay. To even more her surprise, she asked him to be her wedding date on a whim. Surprised, be excitedly he accepts the offer. So together, they both watch waltz videos and continue practicing. However, Willow made it clear not to add any hip-hop. She didn’t want to stand out and doing hip-hop at a wedding would do exactly that. Willow was very lucky that Flips found her cute.
What was their first impression of each other?
He was allured at first sight to Willow’s beauty (not full-on love yet). Willow was surprised to find an adult more cringe fail than her, that’s saying a lot with her social anxiety.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Shelly was super supportive of Flips’ feelings for Willow as soon as she saw him desperately do whatever it took to get to know Willow more. Sam and Bridget strongly believe Willow can do better than Flips, but are okay with him as long as Willow is happy. Flips is embarrassing as all heck, but at least he’s not a deadbeat or abusive. That’s what Willow’s parents tell themselves at least. Willow's roommate, Anna didn’t care who Willow dated as long as they did their “business” when she was not around, didn’t steal anything, or trash the place.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Flips, he fell for Willow the moment she did an arm wave during their waltz to signal to him that he has permission to be himself. Thus they perform a hip-hop waltz fusion dance at Willow’s bratty family member’s wedding.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Willow did initially. She didn’t want to admit to herself that she could fall for someone that has such a one-track mind like Flips. She wasn’t the biggest fan of hip hop and thought she would go insane if she heard about “hip hop this” and “hip hop that” every single day for the rest of her life. He was just supposed to be her wedding date and then they would never speak to each other again. However, after they left the reception, Willow laments how sweet Flips had been and wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him. Flips stayed the night at Willow’s apartment. Nothing happens between them except them holding each other to sleep on the couch. Willow realized how pretentious to Flips she had been in her mind and she was disgusted with herself. She’s spent years never being in a real relationship all because of her vitiligo and social anxiety. Here comes a sweet guy who genuinely likes her and she’s judging him just because he loves hip-hop and is not ashamed of how it makes him look. She’s no better than the people that judged or bullied her and she doesn’t want to be that way. So she officially stops seeing herself as above Flips and admitted to herself that he finds him very sexy in a suit and even likes his stupid haircut. No matter what happened next, she wanted to see this relationship through.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Flips: *wolf whistles* woo, damn! I gotta find my boom box.
Willow: Figures, 7.888 billion people in the world and I get the one with saggy jeans. I guess it’s better than being boring, I suppose.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
For Willow, life would be boring and lonely. For Flips, life would be aimless. He would be content where he is but he would have no long-term goals to strive for.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Technically Flips is the one that got the ball rolling. Willow was the first to ask him out for just one date when she saw all the effort he put in just to spend time with her. She was desperate at the time and figured might as well go with the guy that seemed to really like her. It went better than expected after a metaphorical fiery exit from the wedding reception. Flips did everything he could to make Willow feel better after she was trying to hide her triggered feelings of being called an old, mean name from her childhood (birch and cow for example). Willow realizes how much she actually values Flips’ company and doesn’t want him to leave yet. So she set aside her original plan and decided to see where the relationship will take her.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Flips and Willow both agreed to not count the wedding date as their official, first date and decided to go on a real one asap. On their official, first date they just go around the city taking pictures of graffiti before it gets cleaned off, eat at Bob’s Burgers, back to the apartment for a private dance session (not an innuendo people!), and watch a bit of anime while cuddling together on the couch.
What was their first kiss like?
The kiss was a very heat-of-the-moment type of thing that Willow felt guilty about rushing after the fact. She deeply needed to feel like she was wanted and not alone after being called an old, mean name she hasn’t been called in years. Willow felt like she used Flips for self-gratification when she never intended for them to go past a kiss. She never realized how selfish and manipulative she was and she didn’t like that. Even so, Flips didn’t let the first kiss stop at one in that moment and Willow didn’t push him away. After they took a breather, Willow admits to him that she was not ready to say goodbye. So Flips stayed over at Willow’s apartment to hold each other and talked until they both fell asleep on the couch. They didn’t continue kissing at that moment because Willow lamented how she treated Flips. Meanwhile, Flips just sort of had a feeling something was up with her, something they could discuss in the morning. They work it out in the morning and Willow is reassured by Flips that she’s too hard on herself and they are cool.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Flips and Willow kissed other people before they kissed each other. However Flips is Willow’s first, real relationship and everything else. Flips has had more dating experience than Willow but never anything long-term. He definitely gives me talks a big game but still virgin boy vibes (nothing wrong with being a virgin but still) so I don’t think he ever got all the way with any of his dates whenever he miraculously landed them with his “mad dance skills”.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Flips is 5’9” and 29 going on 30 soon. Willow is 28 and 5’6”.
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What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Do they share a friend group?
Shelly adores Willow and thinks she’s the most precious thing to ever grace her and Flips’ life. Willow is flattered by Shelly’s affection but it can be a bit much for her at times given her introverted nature.
Sam and Bridget don’t hate Flips. They’re glad he and their daughter are happy together. They just really don’t know what to make of him, mostly Sam. Sam doesn’t know whether to laugh or feel offended by the persona Flips’ presents himself as. They both know he’s harmless though and the world’s least threatening gangsta. Both Sam and Bridget are both introverts and find Flips’ extroverted personality very exhausting to be around. So they’re content with just seeing him on holidays and special events.
Willow doesn’t really have that many friends. She’s not close to the people she works with at Wagstaff and can’t really stand some of them. Even the roommate she’s known for 4 years she’s not close with because they just never really thought to be more than people that just help each other pay expensive rent. Though, through Flips’ natural extroversion, Willow and Anna eventually decided to hang out more because it’s kind of weird that they didn’t in the first place.
The closest thing Willow has to a friend is Linda when she forced her help onto her. Flips hang around people that also love the culture of hip-hop. Despite being great at starting conversations with random people and being unapologetically himself, he doesn’t really have any steady friends. The people he tried to hang out with think he’s a joke and pretty much ditch him when they can. Not until Willow and Anna does he have an official steady friend group.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Flips being the more extroverted of the two generally is the one to start conversations first. It gives mixed results, especially when they are at a more serious event. Oh well, at least it’s never boring.
Who gets jealous easier?
The two are pretty neutral levels of jealousy. Honestly, Willow is probably more jealous of Flips being able to become friends with her roommate faster than her than him getting with her roommate. She’s known Anna for 4 years and she’s still just Anna’s acquaintance that peacefully co-exists with her and sometimes uses her as a guinea pig for food recipes she needs reviews on for her internet video cooking/ukulele song cover series.
Once Flips realizes Willow has probably seen tons of live, nude models for her art education, he becomes more insecure than actually jealous. It immediately gets dropped though when Willow points out that some of the hip-hop music videos he’s seen are way more sexualized than her drawings of nude models she had no interest in.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Flips, especially since his boo’s name is Willow. It’s practically gift-wrapped for him. Dirty jokes aren’t really Willow’s thing so it can be a bit annoying sometimes. Though, when she’s feeling particularly flirty she responds with a meow or purr just to see Flips be caught off guard.
Who said “I love you” first? Flips. It was out of the blue, way too soon, and Willow was not ready for it.
What are their primary love languages?
Quality time, physical, and words of affirmation.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Flips, to no one’s surprise. Willow loves cheese though.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Flips’ most common form of PDA for Willow is to rub her back as if it was a record on a turntable or hold her hand just in case for whenever he gets excited and wants to twirl her around or pull her close to dance. Willow’s cuddling is usually reserved for the privacy of her apartment or just anywhere where no one can gawk at them.
When they are alone it gets more intimate such as Flips kissing specifically on her vitiligo patterns. For Willow it’s either lots of hugging, rubbing back while hugging, kissing cheeks, and most intimately, her fingers playfully circling around Flips’ Adam’s apple slowly.
Who initiates kisses? Despite Willow being the one to start it, Flips is the one that initiates the majority of the kisses.
Who’s the big and little spoon? Flips is the big spoon and Willow is the little spoon. Though they switch up every once in a while for funsies.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Since Flips is an extrovert and Willow is an introvert, it can be a balancing act for them to figure out what to do together that won’t drain them too quickly. Flips loves anything involved with the hip-hop culture and Willow loves anything involving some form of art and people expressing different types of creativity. So they do a lot of compromising and try to do a mix of both of those things. Some of the examples are watching rap/dance battles (and watching Flips participate in them), checking out new graffiti, going to dinner theater, check out new, off-Broadway musicals.
Flips would go to more nightclubs with Willow if he had it completely his way while Willow wishes they would go to Art Crawl or art museums in general more.
Though, when they just stay home they enjoy playing some videos games/board games/cards (sometimes with Anna), binging some shows or anime, freestyle song-making sessions with Anna (once Willow and she finally decided to actually hang out more), Flips being her model as she practices her 5/10/30 minute sketches, and making out. (XD)
Who’s better at comforting the other?
I think they both equally do well at comforting each other but Flips would say Willow just to make her feel good because of her originally wanting to be an art therapist.
Who’s more protective?
Depending on the situation, they can be equally protective of each other. Though Flips slightly more so because of him being on “The streets” more.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Even though at the start, Willow was very touch-starved she actually values verbal affection a little more. Flips is all about physical affection but would never turn down some verbal affection.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
I have a whole playlist dedicated to them XD!
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Flips calls her boo, bae, babe, Willz, Low-fi, and his abstract beauty. It’s an uphill battle for Willow to come up with nicknames for Flips Whitefudge, so she mostly just calls him Flips. Though the best attempts she tried to make were Flip, Flip Flop, Flying Flips, and probably the best one, her snickety snack.
Who remembers the little things?
Willow tries her best to because getting to see the look on Flips’ face when he receives a gift from her that is only possible because she remembered offhand things Flips said brings her joy. She values her quality time with Flips and tries to show it by remembering the small things.
Flips tries to as well, but he isn’t as good at it as Willow.
If they get married, who proposes?
Flips moves in with Willow and Anna for a bit before Willow and he gets married. Flips is the first to propose, but it went badly because he did it post-sex and no ring (or at least anything to symbolize one). Thankfully, it didn’t end the relationship and Willow just wanted more effort for next time. Anna gave Flips a lot of ribbing for his blunder. He did better on the second attempt and Willow said yes. The second attempt took so long that Willow was the one that almost proposed to him.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
Small wedding with just close friends and family. Anna and her family and the Belchers duel cater it. However, Anna’s family has a bit more responsibilities (which is fine for the Belchers given the last wedding they catered to). Shelly and Willow’s parents are of course there.
The only thing I’m not sure about is whether I want a surprise guest appearance from Flips' estranged dad for the wedding or not, you know for the angsty drama. I’m honestly still debating on whether I want Flips’ dad to be dead or just a deadbeat that left him and Shelly when he was 11 ½.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
They want kids eventually but aren’t in a rush to have them. They are mostly waiting until they have their own place and not needing to room with Anna anymore. I’m not sure how many yet when they do have them though. I’m thinking either one or twins (one for hip and one for hop XD).
Do they have any pets?
No pets are allowed in the apartment they live with Anna. Flips joked about getting a cat before (because of Willow’s name), he never committed to it though. They eventually get an American fuzzy lop rabbit named Disco and a Lionhead rabbit named Snoopy.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Willow, she’s an art teacher so she has to have some strictness in her.
Who worries the most?
Definitely, Willow is more outwardly a worrywart.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
When they live with Anna, it’s Anna. When they get their own place, Flips takes the job, sees the size of the bug, and immediately calls his mom to deal with it. Only for the really big ones though! XD
How do they celebrate holidays?
They mostly visit in-laws for the holidays. Shelly and Flips usually go singing hip-hop versions of Christmas carols to their neighbors around Christmas time while Willow is dragged along too. It’s mostly traditional at the Hughes residence during the holidays. Big holiday dinners, watching holiday specials, catching up on everything with each other, and playing holiday-based trivia games.
When they don’t visit the in-laws, they keep it casual, order some pizza instead of having a big holiday meal, watch holiday specials, play some games, and sing hip-hop versions of holiday songs (though thankfully, no forcing Willow to sing them outside in the cold).
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Probably Willow because it doesn’t take too much to convince Flips to stay in bed. Meanwhile, it takes more convincing for Willow to stay, though not by much because they both are very bad at resisting more sleep.
Who’s the better cook?
They both are pretty average at cooking and would rather have anyone else cook for them instead. Though Willow takes longer in the kitchen than Flips does for his food because she really values the presentation of her food as an artist, even if it’s still mid in the end.
Who likes to dance?
Do I really need to say it, you all know who this answer is for?!
As for Willow, she was never much of a dancer before Flips. After Flips, she’s still not as active of a dancer as Flips, but she’s gotten more comfortable with how she looks when dancing and does her best no matter how bad she is at it. Her favorite dance move is to be twirled around. Spinny dance moves are just really fun to her.
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sewerfight · 11 months
You know occassionally on YouTube, a video will blow up in England of some clueless tourist annoying the queen's guard, and everyone will be like "ohhh what a dumb bitch! everyone knows you don't bother those guys! Look at this guy. He's so professional." In the comments, and it's like yeah but he's dressed like a ponce and he pretends it's an honour to asslick for royalty, and spends all day in one spot looking like a particularly stupid bird of paradise. I mean at this point who needs this. I don't need this. I don't want my tax money to go towards paying for this. fuck those guys. Swathes of dumb tourist ladies, you just keep touching their horses and loudly mocking them only to get screeched at by a man in silly clothes. Rock on
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my stuff <3
So y'all know what I've been up to basically. I'll put pieces that have a significant amount of progress down here.
Feel free to ask about any of these!
Novellas / Novels:
The Scarletts
The saga of abandoned bookworm Logan Duo, whose idea of making - or rather, collecting - his own family entangles him in the increasingly dangerous baggage of fellow alien orphans Pia and Rue, and the decades-old history of the house of horrors they chose to call a refuge.
The implications of the Guardian's Tower aren't even an afterthought to the newly recruited Guardian, a prodigy bioengineer fresh off the worst mistake of her very short career. Which is perfect for a utopian government that relies on tunnel vision to get by . . . especially when their paradise must be evacuated, leaving the fate of Arorta's most precious treasure - their symbol and son, the pseudo-diety Maximo - in Sylvia Cornerstone's hands. The nature of Maximo's existence isn't quite what it seems, and even if it wasn't a concern before . . . it certainly is now. Because their ancestors never discovered what lies ahead of her in the Deep Woods. 
Aquamarine's Ordeal
Underappreciated monster hunters run into unanticipated danger and social drama on the open seas. Completed, 2020.
I'll Come With You, Friend
A blind girl's unconsenting camping trip brings good luck through adventures with a friend she meets at a spring. Completed, 2020.
Short Stories:
Anita specialized in the cycles of dying planets in college. No one has understood her passion for the subject so far in her career . . . here's hoping this civilization on the brink of being sucked into space can, now that she's tasked with persuading them to evacuate. Now this social orbiter has to endear herself to the mysterious children of the ruling class to stand a chance at saving their lives. Her job is to educate them on their options moving forward and provide assistance. Customer service. Basic, right? 
Orphan Liza's being honored with a party by the residents of her manor home and all their socialite friends! And if she's lucky, this will be the last party they ever get to throw for her. Her wealthy, manipulative guardians have finally found out about her friend Mia's magic, and she needs to leave. Now.
​A flash fiction for class I will expand into a full short story soon.
Do you think birds are tired? Completed, 2023
Save the World
The tale of an executioner who finds himself in the one he’s sent to slay, and takes the killing blow instead - except, the story has yet to end . . .
Inspired by the horror visual novel "Slay the Princess." I have such a great respect for what the video game medium has contributed to the art of storytelling. Truly inspiring. Completed, 2023
Ode to the Queen of My Heart
Inspired by the original characters of a good friend of mine, this sonnet was a gift for him. Completed, 2023
Other I guess:
To Protect A Child
"Animation Screenplay" 
In a strange landmark called the Ravine where the cave systems connect to some of the world's different dimensions, a group of young friends explore the 2nd layer around their town. They find themselves hunted by hungry creatures and, after one of their group is injured, have to rely on strangers with dangerous associations to watch over them until their parents arrive on the 1st level.  
Despite their ages dwarfing that of a young human adult, engaged couple Velvet and Bethie are only on the cusp of early adulthood. Them moving out into their own cottage whole layers away from their folks is truly peculiar until you consider Bethie's nightmarish controlling parents. Bethie's worst fear comes true one afternoon when a stressful day of demanding phone calls is complicated by her lover bringing home stray children, prompting serious conversations about Velvet's past and an "intervention" by the in-laws.
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bluiex · 1 year
We don’t talk enough about bird mating rituals! And there rarely in any fics!
On one hand, you’ve got how many birds dance, especially birds of paradise. And the potential mate gets to pick for themselves who they want to, based on the dancing.
But there’s so much more to it too!
Some birds, do a song with their dance (I’m most amused by the superb lyrebird). For some, the dance is hopping around with wings fluffed up, for others the dance is more like divebombimg their partner (hummingbirds).
But for like Wilson’s bird of paradise, their ritual is that the male cleans the area and then spreads out his feathers. He is judged on his cleaning ability and presentation like a science fair.
Or for great bustards, they fluff up, and shows off their ass. Not a joke, and they don’t do a dance. The potential mate literally just checks out their ass. If the ass is good enough, then they mate.
My personal favorite, that I learned about years and years ago in bio, is the bowerbird. Their mating ritual is to build a house/nest. And these things can get absolutely massive. Like, they make the nest and then try to gather as much colorful/shiny things to DECORATE with. These birds DECORATE. He’s a short video of them in the wild so you see what I mean https://youtu.be/08xZeU6Aksc
Anyway, yeah, grian, as any one of these really. But the bowerbird specifically. Because yeah, he would, and it’d work, no matter which white boy we pair him with for it (scar mumbo cub etc)
— abridged anon, late to dinner
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My brain immediately went to the mansion in s7 (for the next building)... Grian building it, showing it off to Scar (Scar not knowing what this means)
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arvensimp · 1 year
Hear me out dude hear me out.
I headcanon that Arven and Momo (Giacomo) end up being good friends in the post game (BECAUSE MABOSSTIFFS BABYYYYYY) and since they’re in Spain and all that WHAT IF GIACOMO GETS ARVEN INTO REGGAETON?! Im talking Bad Bunny and Annuel and shit ✋ I’m aware that they’re Puerto Rican singers but like we speak Spanish in PR and people speak Spanish in Spain so ✋😩👌
I feel like Arven wouldn’t be into the heavy reggaeton stuff that is too explicit, maybe he prefers the more tame ones like the ones that Farruko and Yandel used to sing back then. DUDE IMAGINE ARVEN SINGING DÉJATE AMAR OR 6 AM 😭👌 (Also im never forgiving you for reminding me of my Elvis Crespo phase from high school /lh ☺️ srsly though “tu sonrisa” by Elvis is a fucking BANGER)
Also headcanon Arven doesn’t say the bad words to reggaeton songs (he probably censors them or just hums that part because he’s an angelic little baby)
(Don’t mind me coping with the fact a Puerto Rico inspired region doesn’t exist yet 🙌)
Arven accidentally says the N word in a song ONCE and he never recovers.
Also I'm sorry my knowledge of Spanish language music is SO limited. I grew up in south Florida but I was super duper sheltered so I wasn't exposed to very much at all. Like I'm still listening to La Luz on repeat and bouncing like a bird of paradise to it and swooning at the line besame la boca like a teenager
As for Elvis I shit u not, I have no prior experience with him other than that fucking ganondorf video, so when tu sonrisa came on Spotify randomly I was like "damn this sounds like the suavemente guy" and LO AND BEHOLD
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swansongvinyl · 2 years
lana del rey and blue
birds of a feather: Met you in front of a diner and you had blue hair
aka lizzy grant
pawn shop blues
born to die
off to the races: Watch me in the swimming pool, bright blue ripples
blue jeans: Blue jeans, white shirt
video games: Kissing in the blue dark, playing pool and wild darts
national anthem: Red, white, blue is in the sky
this is what makes us girls: (Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice)
ride: Singing blues has been getting old
blue velvet: She wore blue velvet
blue velvet: Bluer than velvet was the night
blue velvet: Bluer than velvet were her eyes
blue velvet: And I still can see blue velvet through my tears
yayo: I like the ivy and the ink blue
shades of cool: My baby lives in shades of blue
shades of cool: Blue eyes and jazz and attitude
shades of cool: I'm one of many, Bonnie's blue
west coast: Boy Blue, yeah, you
old money: Blue hydrangea, cold cash divine
black beauty: Oh, what can I do? Nothing, my sparrow blue
black beauty: Sun and ocean blue
black beauty: Darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue
guns and roses: See you walking on that blue Pacific
honeymoon: We could cruise to the blues
honeymoon: Say you want me too, dark blue
terrence loves you: But I still got jazz when I've got those blues
god knows i tried: Sometimes, I wake up in the morning to red, blue, and yellow skies
god knows i tried: Sometimes, I wake up in the morning to red, blue, and yellow lights
freak: Flames so hot that they turn blue
freak: Talk 'til we both turn blue
freak: Leather black and eyes of blue (blue, blue, blue)
salvatore: Ruby, blue, and green, neon too
salvatore: Like aquamarine, ocean's blue
salvatore: On the downtown scenes, shady blue
salvatore: Like a boss, you sang jazz and blues
the blackest day: Carry me home, got my blue nail polish on
swan song: Dive in, dive deep and dive blue, my sweet
lust for life
love: Seen so much, you could get the blues, but that don't mean that you should abuse it
lust for life: There's no more night, blue skies forever
in my feelings: Got me feeling so blue, making no sense at all
beautiful people beautiful problems: Blue is the color of the planet from the view above
beautiful people beautiful problems: Blue is the collar of the shirt of the man I love
get free: Out of the black (Out of the black), into the blue (into the blue)
norman fucking rockwell!
norman fucking rockwell: Your head in your hands as you color me blue
norman fucking rockwell: As you color me blue, blue, blue, blue
norman fucking rockwell: You make me blue
mariners apartment complex: Paint me happy in blue
cinnamon girl: Violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arm's length don't work
cinnamon girl: Violet, blue, green, red to keep me out, I win
california: You hate the heat, you got the blues
chemtrails over the country club
breaking up slowly: I love you only, but it's making me blue
blue banisters
text book: Standin' blue with open arms
blue banisters: Just to help me if I'd paint my banisters blue
blue banisters: Blue banisters, ooh
blue banisters: And paint my banisters blue, my banisters blue
blue banisters: My blue banisters gray
blue banisters: And now my blue banisters are green and gray, ah-ah
black bathing suit: Mail me when you get the blues
beautiful: Never known who he was or the man he'd become, there would be no blue period
beautiful: I can turn blue into something beautiful, beautiful, beautiful like you
nectar of the gods: I get wild and fuckin' crazy like the color blue, ooh-ooh
sweet carolina: Might be unprepared for having the baby blues
sweet carolina: Baby blues, baby blues
sweet carolina: If you're ever stressed out, just dance in the night if you get those baby blues
sweet carolina: If you get the blues, baby blues
other songs written by lana
looking for america: That's another place and time, where I used to go to drive-ins and listen to the blues
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*Read it and spread it, please!*
This is the official
Statement from a commander in Gaza
*Important message from Commander Abu Obeidah from Gaza*
May Allah's peace, blessings, and blessings be upon you
*I am speaking to you from Gaza*. From the same Gaza which is invincible, life-saving, steadfast, a metaphor for patience and steadfastness, a special reward of Allah, upon whom the peace of Allah is descending. Is.
*We are conveying this message to all Muslims*
We don't know whether sooner or later we will be around to deliver the message. So let's start our conversation with a prayer to Allah that Allah will make these words of ours a proof in our favor. Do not let them testify against us. Amen
This is the first message
*We want to tell all Muslims that we only worship Allah. We are satisfied with the *decision* of our Lord. We are not disappointed at all with the help of our Lord.
We believe in our Lord's help coming soon and help coming from a place where we don't expect it. Where we didn't even think about it.
* Do you think that you will enter Paradise, and why do you have the example of those who left before you? (214)
Do you think that you will enter Paradise even though you have not yet experienced the same condition as the previous people? Hardship and severity reached them, and they were shaken violently until the Messenger and those who believed with him said: When will the help of Allah come? listen! Surely Allah's help is near.
*By Allah! We have been shaken with such severity and intensity that our souls have been shaken to the core.* But we are not at all disappointed in the mercy of our Lord. We consider those who have gone to their Lord as martyrs.
And those who are left hope for victory, and this is not difficult for Allah.
The second message is that
*Whoever is listening to us, he can help us..with his prayers..with his supplications. Do not take his power lightly.* If you do not have the power to do anything about us, then this excuse of yours before Allah will save you from his reckoning. But you can still pray. Take your children and your families and sit and pray for us. *Cry for us sincerely in prayers, prostrations*. We desperately need your prayers.
Our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "When in pain, stretch out your hands before Allah and pray with firm faith and a focused heart. Such a prayer will surely be answered." God willing
The third message is this
* Those Muslims who are listening to this video (reading the message) should make our messages known to others.
Because there are still people who are sleeping under the blanket of negligence as if they have not received any news about our situation.
Perhaps they are waiting for the arrival of the Ababils ( *birds with clay like pebbles in their beaks*)who were sent to destroy the Companions of the *Feel (elephant*)
There is no power except Allah.
* Spread our message. Spread our news. Show our children's pictures to others*.
There are piles of rubble everywhere. Gaza is no longer safe to live in.
* We have never seen such a severe disaster before. * Our people, our brothers, our loved ones. Now, they have been written among the martyrs. 40, some 50, some 100 people from each family were among the dead. and those who are left are waiting for a good return to their Lord.
In this situation, we hope that you will have an excuse worthy enough to redeem your life on the Day of Judgment.
*Allah will surely ask what you did when this hour of trouble came upon the Muslims*
Can prayers also be restricted?
Or is there a limit to these prayers?
* Demonstrations for us on your streets. Going out in protest. Calling your people for us. Raising your voice for us. May these efforts become an acceptable excuse in your favor.
I praise Allah.
This trial is a precursor to other trials, and as a result of all of them, we are candidates for reward in the hereafter.
This dark night of usurper rule has been long and intense. Now, the bright morning is about to shine from the darkness of this oppression.
*Allah has promised His help to His servants.*
I swear that our best souls are drinking martyrdom in these circumstances. The best person in every family has been martyred. All these testimonies are for the glory of the Lord of the universe. All these testimonies. Verily, all praises, all thanks are due to the Lord of all the worlds.
I don't want to make my point too long. *I just came to say that I love you all for the sake of Allah.*
*Please make this message of ours public.*
Be our voice.
Our blood is staining the earth.
We request you to vigorously campaign for it. So fight hard to do your part.
*O Allah Keep us steadfast*
*Make us strong*
*Write a good ending for us!*
*Palestine Commander Abu Obeidah*
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drewandareview · 3 months
Up (2009)
Originally published May 30th, 2009
Up is currently my favorite movie.  And just to prove I can, I completely ripped on it.  Here’s everything I found wrong with it:
Technology: In the beginning of the movie, it shows Charles Muntz and his blimp.  We can predict this video took place sometime around the forties; however, there was definitely not technology around back then to create such a techy blimp.  Not to mention the machines inside the blimp designed to pamper the dogs couldn’t have existed then and still don’t exist.
Pre-Balloons: How could Carl have possibly laced the thousands of balloons he had through a chimney and measured the strings in a way where all the balloons released would make a “hot air balloon" shape?  For such an ambitious project, it doesn’t seem believable that he was able to execute it perfectly, let alone prepare for it over the course of one night.  And where did the giant tarp that held them all down come from?
Under The Porch: When examined closely, you can observe that the underside of Carl’s porch is really just a hollow space under the stairs.  So if Russel was explained to have been under the porch during the takeoff of the house, the only way to even hang on to the underside of the porch would be clinging to the perimeter of the stairs.  And if you were under a house and it suddenly started moving upward, would your first impulse as a child be to cling onto a porch?  Of course, maybe while under the porch Russel accidenly got caught on something and had no choice but to hold on for dear life because he was unable to free himself.  Still, consider Russel isn’t in the best shape.  It’s surprising that he’d be able to climb from under the suspended house up onto the porch; such a feat requiring a high level of acrobatics. Not saying that it’s impossible.  Plus, Russel could have made his way to the porch before the house even took off, resolving the issue of staying under the porch while suspended in the air.  However, what disproves all these theories is that the house was shown at almost every angle during that scene, and there were clear shots of the underside of the porch as well as the top of the porch, both areas clearly not showing Russel.  So how Russel managed to get on the porch we can never really know.  The same situation happens later in the movie with Dug, which is just as hard to believe. Russel Drops: The joke showing Carl accidently drop Russel from the house, only for the audience to realize it was a daydream. It was a funny joke, but it took you out of the story in an odd way.
Rain Scenes: It’s a thought worth pondering…but rain weighs down balloons. So when Carl, Russell, Kevin and Dug fell asleep under the house, were they aware at any moment they could be crushed under its weight?
The Journey: If Carl’s goal was to get the spirit of Ellie (the house) to the Falls, then surely he would leave the house there. So how did Carl plan on getting back home?  Maybe he had some things in his house that would prepare him for a hike to the nearest area of transportation where he could go back home to his “new home," at least feeling satisfied.  If he planned to live at the Falls, however, I don’t know how he’d expect to pull that off unless he found the necessities he needed around the land.
Paradise Falls: This place is clearly open to the public because it’s featured on a GPS. So is it legal for Charles Muntz to be setting up traps everywhere?  Others have the right to roam the land without being attacked by traps.  Plus, it’s later implied that Muntz killed some people suspecting they were after his bird.  How exactly can he tell a regular tourist from a “thief"? Muntz Living: How did Charles Muntz live in such luxury while being in such an exotic land? I mean, one scene showed him having wine and eating some fancy meal. I’m guessing he probably has food shipped to him and that the electricity can be explained by solar panels or something. I wonder where Muntz got the money to fund all his inventions like those collars that translate the thoughts of dogs. Maybe someone is funding his expedition.
Publically Shamed: One thing I don’t get. It makes sense that the public may not think of Muntz so hotly because they think he lied about finding an exotic bird. However, the guy invented freakin’ collars that make dogs talk. I understand Muntz wanting to clear his name, but he easily could have won the public back with such an incredible invention.
Age Difference: We all know that the age difference between Muntz and Frederickson is messed up. Carl should be visibly younger than Muntz.
Dog Generations: I noticed that there was not a single female voice among the dogs, meaning the dogs were either all male or the females just didn’t talk.  If it’s the former, how did the dogs reproduce?  I guess if Muntz was that eager to have strictly male dogs he could have had them shipped to him. I’m not sure how shipping would really work when you live in such an exotic place though.
Bird Generations: It’s peculiar how there’s only one bird of the species in that entire land. Maybe there’s other birds we never saw. If not, I’m not sure how Kevin was born herself. Unless the species has an aesexual reproduction thing going on, which I suppose you can’t rule out.
Blimp Turning: There was a scene where Dug hit a lever and the blimp started turning to it’s side. I’m wondering why that lever was installed in the first place.  Humorously, so was the director.
Dropped Rifle: During Muntz’ final moments, Kevin, with Dug and Russel on his back, left the house, knocking Muntz’ gun out of his hands. I’m not really sure what purpose that gun ever served, but I would think that Muntz’ initial reaction would be to pick it back up. Otherwise, he’s powerless. Just leaping out of the house after them… Well honestly, what was he thinking?  I guess we can blame that on a fit of mad rage.  I kind of hoped Muntz would have been able to stay smart in a moment like that, but oh well.
Speedy Recovery: There was one scene where Kevin was badly injured and couldn’t even walk. However, only hours later it seemed he had completely healed from such a bad injury, as he was running about the blimp with Carl. Maybe Muntz had some healing medicine or something, but I feel like he wouldn’t be very kind to the bird with his craziness and all. Maybe the bird recovers quickly, who knows?
Well, that’s everything I could think of.  Almost all of it can be explained in some way, though the goal of storytelling is to be able to explain things without making the viewer thinking much about it.  All in all, Pixar did very well with this movie.
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stormoftara · 3 months
It's time for my anime of the season review! Woo!
Fluffy Paradise: An overworked office worker dies in the entrance of her apartment, which is fairly standard for an isekai. The God grants her a wish for her next life, and this poor woman reminisces about how her parents fluffy cat was the only thing that soothed her soul, wishes for all things fluffy. She is granted this wish when she is reborn in another world into a noble family and all the fuwa fuwa creatures adore her, even a very special tiger. Looks interesting! I like fluffy things 0w0
Sasaki and Peeps: Sasaki is also an overworked office worker. However he doesn't die? He does find himself in a pet store after fantasizing about getting a cat, I mean dog? He really wants that cat. However something calls out to him. He ends up in front of a sparrow, which he buys. This isn't an ordinary bird though, he's actually from another world and got trapped in this world in this bird's body. With Sasaki's help he can travel back to his own world! He's not trapped like most isekai characters, he can travel back and forth. But that's not all and everything gets very chaotic. A strange high school girl with yandere tendencies is his neighbor? He saves a woman and ends up in a strange organization? This show might be good but it feels like it's stretching itself a little thin. I hope that the future episodes slow down a bit! Also this show has a much older protagonist than usual, so I do appreciate that.
Dungeon Meshi: a story that is much like a video game or D&D. (I'm assuming the English name Delicious in Dungeon is playing off the D&D name) There is a mysterious dungeon that holds the One Piece. I mean all the riches. A team of adventurers delve into the dungeon only to be defeated by a red dragon. The reason they did so badly? They were hungry! After going back to rescue one of the character's sister before she can be digested by the dragon, the team decides to (with varying degrees of approval) eat the monsters in the dungeon. A dwarf like man sees them cooking and decides to help out. Mostly because he has way too much info and he really wants to eat a dragon. Ignoring the morals of eating something that's digesting a human, the team sets off. This show is great if you want to learn how to cook completely fictional things. I'm here to learn more about the world building! (I've actually read the manga since I wrote this and there is tons of world-building and all the questions I had were answered!)
Cherry Magic! 30 years of being a Virgin can make you a wizard?!: An actual BL??? If you liked My New Boss is Goofy from last season, you'll like this. Adachi is a virgin who gained a power when he turned 30, he can read people's minds when he touches them. He learns that a coworker likes him, but guess what, that coworker is male! Gasp! I've seen the live action of this and enjoyed it a lot! I do worry because the pacing is at breakneck speed for some reason?
Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp: If you liked Tearmoon Empire from last season and wanted more, this is the anime for you. Elise was killed for her many sins against the empire, along with her whole family. She was reincarnated in our world but decided to amend her ways and become a doctor. However, on her way to an important surgery in Germany, her plane crashes. She is reincarnated again back in her old world. How will she change her fate this time? This show looks great, I enjoy it!
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Life Married to her worst enemy: God these titles are so long. Anyway, very similar to the last anime, Rishe is the Duke's daughter. Her former engagement with the prince is broken off and she's disgraced. Banished from the kingdom, she is forced to travel the world. However, every time she dies she goes back to when her engagement was broken.  In the Sixth Loop she was killed by the prince of an enemy nation. In the Seventh Loop she meets him again, but this time he wants to marry her. What will Rishe do in her new life? Will she be able to survive this time? We'll see!
Mr. Villain's Day Off: The general of an alien army that has invaded Earth is very menacing. But even villains need a day off, and on his days off he loves to go to the zoo. The pandas are just too cute! A slice of life anime about the villains and the rangers who fight them!
Solo Leveling: Jinwoo is the weakest hunter. One day, portals opened around the world with dungeons inside. These dungeons had many dangerous monsters who could escape and wreak havoc. However, at the same time the portals opened, humans gained powers. Those humans are called hunters. Jinwoo goes with a bunch of others into a dungeon that was supposed to be easy. This dungeon has a secret though and its anything but easy. Honestly the first couple episodes should've been combined into one mega episode like how Sasaki and Peeps did. The main point doesn't come until the end of episode 2. I am excited to see more of this and along with Dungeon Meshi I see it being a big hitter of the season.
A Sign of Affection: Yuki is a deaf woman who is attending college. One day on the train, she is having issues communicating with someone who needs directions. A young man named Itsuomi helps her out and she finds herself falling for the world traveling young man. How will their separate worlds collide? I really like this one, it's beautiful and I like the representation!
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