#//Can you imagine that first time seeing each other in 4yrs?
dutybcrne · 5 months
Need smth to heal the soul
Now imagining Adelinde still squooshing Diluc’s face in her hands, bc no matter how old and rough’s tough that man may get, he is still her baby. Her dearest son boy. Her sweet little angel (forget that he has Murdered)
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
TZ 1.0 was in a different place. The love was there no doubt, but we all have to remember that Z was coming off a 4yrs relationship with a bf that cheated on her, so she was hurt and I am sure she was not about to trust the next dude that came along that quickly. So can see why she wanted to and needed to keep the whole thing private cause dealing with a breakup is one thing but dealing with it under the public eye is a whole other thing, that thing almost destroyed Selena Gomez. In that aspect she is right to be scared.
2.0 is just beautiful, she just pulls down her guard and trust him, Z very much feels like MJ their version of MJ to me in that sense.
I feel like the heartbreak from Trevor may have caused her to put some guards up with re: to being so public with a bf. I agree Anon.
But at the same time, I just think that they're both just private ppl in general. I think anyone in Hollywood who's had a rlshp in the public eye before quickly realizes with their next relationship why it might be better to be more private than they were before lol. 👀
Jennifer Lopez even recently talked about how she learned thru her rlshp with Ben the first time how it's best to be more private and not disclose everything.
Obviously, they went waaay overboard on 1.0 for far too long (imo) lol, but I think they've learned a lot since 1.0, and are moving seamlessly in sync with each other in 2.0. 😊
Their own Peter and MJ story.... sort of Iol. Well, if they ever get married and have kids together, they can tell their kids: "Well kids, you're mom and I fell in love on the set of Spiderman!"🥰🤭
Re: Breakups in the Public Eye
Yea, going through a breakup (especially if you and the other person dated for longer than 2 years) is pretty brutal! 🥴 Then you have strangers online commenting about your rlshp, or acting like they know for sure why the two of you broke up, or they claim the rlshp was "fake", "PR", or that "cheating" was involved. 🙄
I honestly don't know how celebrities do it. It's hard enough for us regular ppl....I can't even begin to imagine how painful a breakup must feel when you're in the public eye. 😔
That's why I always feel like when the media gets the "news" that a celebrity couple has split up, I always feel like the news is intentionally leaked WAY later than than when it actually happened.
Who wants to be fresh from a breakup, and announce it to outlets when you're barely over it yourself? 🥴
I stand by my theory that a LOT of these breakups happened long before the media or even the fans know about it.
Look at Tom and Zendaya..... Tom and Olivia... Tom and Nadia lol.... 😂
Like, a lot of these breakups had already happened MONTHS prior to the media or even fans knowing about it 🤷🏾‍♀️
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 2 years
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Ah! Valentine’s Day! What better time to share relics from romances past….
Um, WAY past! LOL
The first romance involved a shockingly older man. Okay, boy instead of man. He was all of 7 and I was a mere 4yr old. As you can see, he wrote me my first “love letter”. He knew how to get to the point.
Oh he was so cute, tall with sparkling eyes, golden hair, and big teeth, but he was also fun.
He once tried to pull a prank on me with a trick pack of gum that would snap your finger. I may have been little, but saw through it and refused. My grandmother chided me for saying no, that it wasn’t polite. I still refused, saying it was a trick. He laughed, grinning ear to ear, and told my grandmother I was absolutely right. He even demonstrated the snap on his own finger.
You know, the way he smiled at me when I saw through the trick and said no was so beautiful, like the sun shinning on me. It was pure delight. We both knew the trick without saying anything, sharing a private knowledge that others standing right there didn’t get. He actually loved I was smart. I think I have spent the rest of my life chasing after that kind of smile. The most romantic thing I can imagine is someone’s eyes sparkling as we both “get” something.
Once his grandparents died he stopped visiting the neighborhood, but I remembered him with incredible affection. Unfortunately when I finally saw him again we were both in high school things were very, very different. He was now one of the cool kids and I was the fat, ugly, introverted geek. I don’t think he spoke to me once, and would avert his eyes if we started to face each other.
Still, even if teenage Michael wasn’t even friend material, I will always love 7yr old Michael.
Now this doll is even more dear to me, because the boy was even dearer to me. I’s even go so far as to say Stacy was my first real love.
I’m sure I’ve written about Stacy. I was the older woman here, a year older and more than a head taller, though I don’t think either of us ever seemed to notice that. He was smart (I guess a given with my weakness for smarts) and fiery tempered. But it wan’t a violent sort of fiery temper, let me be clear about that. It was more like blow up fights that he always apologized for. He was the only boy I ever knew that would, all on his own, say he was sorry and absolutely mean it. He was a total sweetheart, temper or not.
Stacy was the kind of boy that made me really notice what a boy looked like. All these years later I remember the way his eyes always twinkled with mischief and crinkled when he smiled. I remember the little birthmark dimple at the corner of his eye, the eyelashes as thick and dark as a deer, the skin that was always warm, always brown as dry leaves, and smelled like the woods. I can remember walking behind him on a summer day and being mesmerized by how his shoulder blades moved as he walked shirtless and shoeless on the too hot street.
I remember his voice and his laugh and every contour of his body even after all the other boys have faded in my memory to names and vague shapes like ghosts of who they were.
Back the there were a pack of us kids running wild in the neighborhood. Children were allowed to be naturally feral creatures back then, and it was glorious. I was the only girl in the group, which TBH is nothing like how fiction has depicted it.
Honestly fiction made me miserable, thinking there were rules about these thing. Fiction said, or at least I thought it did, that when there is one girl and several guys the girl has to marry one. The problem wasn’t that I thought I was destined to marry one if the boys, it’s who I thought it had to be.
See, this is where I thought there were rules. I thought it had to be the “leader”, and since we didn’t exactly have one (leader shifting depending on who was hanging out that day) there were the “like with like” rules. That meant as second oldest, with college educated parents, I’d have to marry the oldest boy who, unlike the others, also had college grad parents….
The boy I fought with all the time. The sexist boy that pretended he didn’t know me at school for the sake of status. The boy with the skin as cold, pale, and damp as the underbelly of a cat fish.
I remember crying when it occurred to me what fate lay ahead. I didn’t want to marry Jeff, I wanted to marry Stacy!
Obviously I was just confused by fiction. Actual fate has ended up with me married to no one. Oh well.
So I adored him, and he seemed especially fond me too. Not that either of us would have dreamed of saying that word “love”. We were little kids, safe from all the anxiety over what what we felt and whether it would be requited. Grownups worried about that sort of thing.
One year my birthday rolled around and I got a tangible bit of proof of his affection for me.
Now understand, I wasn’t expecting anything from any of the boys. There was an understood rule that none of the kids gave you gifts unless you had a party, and even then everyone knew the Mom’s picked the gifts. The boys themselves never, ever gave you a gift.
Stacy rushed over that day, I mean rushed, with a sense of purpose. He called me over behind my family’s car, where the other boys wouldn’t see us. In his hand was a present.
Oh he was so excited! He smiling, so eager for me to unwrap it that for a little you would think he would blurt out what it was before I could finish. I had NEVER seen any of the boys looking so proud and happy. I talked in one long explosion of words. He’d wanted to give me a birthday present, he’d picked it out himself, it was the most beautiful doll they had, did I like….and he looked up at me with those gorgeous puppy dog eyes, so hopeful and expectant.
The doll was a dollar store type doll, thin plastic with the hair only attached at the very top of the head, and at the time just wearing a blue bikini poorly stitched (the clothes in the pic were made by my cousin). It’s makeup was a bit like Stacy’s Mom, so I figured that’s why he was drawn to it. If you had pointed to the doll on a shelf and asked me what I thought I wouldn’t have used the word beautiful.
But it was. It was beautiful because he thought it was beautiful. He had thought of me and picked out just for me. He had even risked mocking by the other boys to give me this doll. Of course it was beautiful. Love makes everything beautiful!
I haven’t seen Stacy since I was 9. I moved out to the farm and he moved away. It’s been decades, and yet I still miss him, this best friend that had claimed a special corner of my heart. And you know what, I will probably still think of him until the day I do. You don’t just forget people that make you feel loved.
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cartooness · 5 years
Bby Lav AU
 “The moon sings me to sleep every night”
“The MOON?”
“Yeah! He’s very nice, I love Moon uncle”
Lav to a friend as a 4yr old bby
 And she makes friends with mason when they're 7!!
 Super childhood friends to lovers
 Y E S
 And she's always sleeping in someone's room. She doesn't like being alone
 There is always a child's blankey in all the rooms for whenever she wants to sleep with someone
 Someone- Oh can I schedule an appointment on this day?
Hadley- Oh I'm so sorry but that day is taken. I can put you for... a week from now?
Someone- Alright.
 Hadley was actually just rocking lav to sleep.
 Father’s Day is a BITCH for her lmao
 Ok so she's at like Vivi's house or apartment whatever, and she drops her off at HQ, and there's a giant roll of easel paper, taller than bby lav, with all her dad's on there
 Or failing in Decan’s case.
 Bby Lav gets a hold of Hadley’s umbrella wand.
Hijinks ensue.
 Otto has to literally YEET Hadley into the fucking sky to grab her, grab the wand, and float safely to the ground again.
 Hadders- Othello. Throw me.
Otto- Um??
Hadders- JUST DO IT
 And then they’re floating down, and Hadley’s cradling the Bby in one arm, holding his umbrella up with the other.
 Like Eclipsa with Meteora lmao
 If Lav can ever teleport, she and Decan could do the thing Glimmer and Angella do in that last episode of season 3.
 You know, the teleport and catch thing.
 Decan flying after her and catching her and all that in his winged form. Or even Otto doing that!
 Y E S
 Hadley is subsequently freaking the fuck out on the ground.
Otto proceeds to blow him a rather Loud raspberry lmao
Otto- you heard the little lady!! Again!
And Otto blows another raspberry. And makes a rather crude joke.
And Hadley is jusT O F F E ND
 Hadley: *Bitching at Otto*
Otto: “PBBPPBRBTBRBRPT!! Jeeez, Hadley, all that hot air you’re blowin’ is contagious, crack a window wont’cha?”
Hadley: *Pterodactyl screeching*
Decan- MAKE US.
 Meanwhile Lav is enjoying the silly stuff her papas are fighting over and is thrilled of being tossed around. XD
 Decan’s just laughing and twirling and stuff. He’s all just “It’s fiiiiiine!”
 Lav’s presence just screams ‘Gay Rights’ to all the other little kids.
 Even if not all of the parents agree.....
They get told off
 Lav- And this is all my papas!! They all love each other very much.
The teacher- Lavender, sweetie, did you say that your "papas" all.... love each other?
Lav- Yeah!! Daniel and Cecil love each other. Decan and Otto love each other. Lewis, Vivi, and Arthur love each other. Merlin and Quentin love each other. And Percy and Hadley don't have love yet.
The teacher- *grimace*
Some kid- You're dad's are all *insert slur here*!!!
Lav- Stop, that's mean!!
Some kid- No it's not, it's true!!
And he gets shoved out if his desk.
And poor bby lav comes crying when they pick her up, explaining how all the kids made fun of her and her family.
 Hadley then calls in to the office when he picks her up from school that day.
 He has a few words XD
 A few.....very polite, very CHOICE words.
 And then he’s like to Lavender.
“Now, I’m not one to spoil children, but I do believe that an ice cream....or two....is warranted at a time like this.”
And that means a lot when HADLEY’S the one doing the treating. The responsible, rule-driven and sometimes strict parent.
 “Just....don’t tell anyone else. They’ll have me strung upon a wall, or....thrown in the stocks.”
Very old fashioned boi lmao
 Lav, a good girl, - Okay Papa Hadley!
 And she proceeds to eat two scoops of peaches and cream ice cream.
 I know!!
 They're in the same first grade class and they're table buddies!!!
 They probably have play dates all the time!!
 7 year old Lav- Mason, Mason!!! Look what I can do!! *makes a pinecone out of magic*
7 year old Mason- :OOO THAT'S SO COOL LAV!!!!
 This is way too fucking cute, I can’t.
 Mason, showing his pinecone to Kyle, then Nicole, - NICKY, LOOK WHAT LAV MADE ME!!!!
Pre Transition Kyle- Woah! That's so cool!!!
Mason - I'm gonna keep it in my box of special things, where it'll be safe!!!
Pointy ears, Tails, Wings, Dec’s Horns, Otto’s Fangs
 “Woooow! You’ve got weally big teeth, Papa Otto!”
“You have vewwy pwetty wings Papa Decan!”
 And they’re just....melting.
 Hadley’s super long and thicc hair lmao
 Y E S
 One day, Hadley's hair is just. Covered in hair accessories.
 And lav says to keep them in all day. And so he does.
 And it takes like half an hour to take all of them out lmaooo
Someone- Why do you have... girly band aids all over you?
Otto- the doctor said I had to keep these on and if I take them off I will die.
 He’s sitting in a chair, like, grumbling as Cecil and Daniel have to take them out.
 Big Masculine Buff Man.
Princess Bandaids. And they’re, like, his pride and joy.
 Best part of getting beat up. Lav gives him the Princess bandaids. He says they make him look badass.
Proud Papa.
 Cecil’s a fashion designer.
Bby fashion.
 I D E A S
 Also YES all of that is über wholesome
 Otto goes and when people are, like, homophobic or whatever, he sorta lounges back, feet on the table, and does his sorta ‘Blow-Raspberry-Fart-Jokes’ routine that he loves so much at all the other people and they’d be like ‘Honestly this is an grown-up affair, why don’t you act your age you disgusting slob of a man’ and he’s just like ‘Really? Then why don’t y’all stop acting like a bunch of whiny children, whining about the 21st century? Then maybe I’ll treat y’all like adults and this meeting like something important. (Otto is the king of Fart Jokes lmao. He’s a big old child.
And terribly dad-like like that. It’s just one of the truths about him.)
 Okay so, they're both like, 12 I guess, and it's Lavender's birthday, and Mason gives her like, a really cute stuffed animal, and she Instantly Loves, and she gives him a big hug and a peck on the face.
 Cue awkward silence
 Everyone sees.YES EXACTLY
 Big old moment.
Baby’s First Kiss
 Mason, not knowing what to do, just returns the favor.
 And Lav is almost about to DIE FROM HER MASSIVE BLUSHING.  Mason's fucking. Avoiding all eye contact with everyone, and it's a very uncomfortable silence.
 And finally Lav breaks the silence by grabbing his face and kissing him.
 Hadley, in the back of the room,
Emotional Moment.
And the supposedly steel-hearted Hadley finally breaks down crying. All that internal emotion becomes external emotion.
(And his makeup gets smudged, and it’s all crazy and emotional.)
Otto fucking SCOOPS Lavender up into his big, hairy arms and hugs her. All “HELL YEAH GIRL! How’d it feel!? What was it like?! I know he’s not as good a kisser as D-EEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAKKKK-an, but STILL!” He had that emotional bat-screech moment.
And Decan’s just a blubbering mess. All proud Daddy style. They grow up so fast and all that.
Vivi just cheers. Mama Bear style.
 And Lewis is all
"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU HURT HER IN ANYWAY I WILL BREAK YOU: Mason, scared,- Y-yes sir. I'll um, I'll be good, I promise.
Hadley’s like that too. But a lot less overt.
And a lot more shadow-over-the-face serious.
 He pulls Mason aside for Tea, and has a full on discussion with him over it. Making for DAMN sure he knows what he’s getting into, and making damn sure that Mason has no intention of in any way fucking around and breaking her heart.
 Mason, at the end of it all,- Yes, sir, I understand. Am I free to go?
Hadley - Yes. But remember, I'm always watching. *does that I've got my eyes on you tea sip thing*
And he IS!
 The following week, Hadley pulls aside Lav and asks all about her and Mason. Plot twist is that he KNOWS. And is testing to see whether or not she reproduces what he’s already seen. To test wether or not she’s lying. And if she IS, Mason told her to lie and he’s bricked.
He’s terribly cunning like that.
 The following week, Hadley pulls aside Lav and asks all about her and Mason.
 Lav- Aw, I'm glad you asked! He's so cute, that Button. Anyway, we've been eating lunch together and we shared a cookie, um, we held hands a lot, what else, um, please don't be um, mad, but, um, we kinda..... fell asleep together while you were at work.
Hadders- Oh I know.
Lav- What?
Hadley: Lavender, Darling, you should know by now. I make it my business to know everything. The surname ‘Trivia’ doesn’t come for free.
He could easily pull an Eclipsa and cast some sort of All-Seeing-Eye.
Hadley doesn’t see limits when he’s protecting someone. He’s willing to go as far as it takes.
 Lav- Are you mad at me? I mean, we weren't doing anything, like, BAD, but still, if you don't want us to do that we'll stop.
 H: On the contrary! I’m very happy with you. You passed the test.
I was watching you both. The whole time. And I wanted to be sure that he hadn’t convinced you to lie to me if you were asked. Or, heaven forbid, you lie on your own will. And you didn’t lie at all!
Lav- Oh. Uh, cool! I guess! Also, he is a very good cuddle partner. Just thought I'd say that. Also his hair is really soft and it's fun to play with. And- *proceeds to ramble on about Mason lol*
 Hadley then just sorta sits down and conjures some coffee for himself.
She's in love, Hadley!!!! Yep lol
 And Ashley, on the other hand, is listening to a very happy mason go on about Lavender and it's adorable. He announced to Kyle (he had just transitioned) over the house phone about his new relationship with Lav and Kyle's so happy for him and, of course, teases a bit, but asks for all the details.
 They're Those (tm) friends who love info dumping about things they're passionate about.
Omg, imagine Lav going on and on about Mason to Decan and Otto. They’re just sorta babbling with her. Otto TRIES to give relationship advice but he’s just.... Terrible, it’s terrible advice lmao. He’s just trying.
And Decan’s laughing his li’l head off.
Decan, fanboying,- Oh my goodness, Peaches!! You guys are so CUTE!!!!! When's the wedding~~~
Lav- DECAN!!!!!! Ò//////Ó
 Decan - I'M JOKING. *mostly anyway, they still get married after college graduation*
 O: “K, you gotta try and outsmart him into letting you kill him! But you’ll find as you go that you’re actually falling for him and he’s falling for you too and it goes from there! And you can win him over with pick-up lines or fart jokes or by rapping for him as he sings along and I got notebooks for that sorta stuff if ya-“
D: *While laughing* “Otto, darling, c’mmoooooonnn! That advice sucks, not everybody falls for that crude humour and personality like I did, you know!”
O: “Psh! Oh yeah! Watch her try it and watch it work like a charm!”
D: “Oh yes, a charm, indeed.~ If your ‘embrace your inner animal’ way works then naturally my way would happen next, wouldn’t it? Soften you to mush and then claim that mush as mine.”
O: “Oh, ya li’l SCAMP! GET IN HERE!”
*Otto then proceeds to pull Decan in and noogie him between his horns as he laughs and kicks.*
Lav- Uhhhhh. I think I'll just. Go with the flow and maybe I'll try and kiss him again on Friday. Might bring a flavored lip gloss with me that day....
Lav- DECAN, PLEASE!!!! ÒÒ///////ÓÓ
 ~~Otto got REALLY lucky finding someone as naturalist and oblivious to human sociality as Decan, let’s be honest, if ‘inner-beast’ crudeness and rude-fraternity-boy charm is his play style lmao~~
O: “Decan, we’re gonna be there and we’re gonna bring the MP3.”
D: “Love-songs, Yes? Can do.”
O: “Warm up those vocal chords!”
D: “Only if you warm up yours.”
O: “We’re gonna give them the best ambience EVER!”
D: “Historical. It shall be written down and carried down till the end of time!”
 Lav- uh, you don't have to do that, it'll be like. Maybe after school? In the courtyard?
They’re, like, playfully pouty like ‘Fiiiiiiiiiiiine.’ But really they’re just happy for her.
 God, Otto and Percy are, like, the disaster parents for Lav. Especially for Bby lav.
Otto, especially, would absolutely ADORE Lav. I can’t speak entirely for Percy but I feel like they’d love her a whole bunch, but god, Otto absolutely adores Lavender.
Big, buff, tuff, ill-mannered-gentleman Vamp Dad and his li’l goddess.
 OMG HOLY FUCK NUGGETS YOU KNOW THAT THING? WHERE IT'S TWO ADULTS AND ONE BBY IN THE MIDDLE? DECAN, LAV, AND OTTO. Y E S. OR WITH ANY COUPLE ACTUALLY. AND THEN THEY SWING BBY LAV OVER LIKE CURBS AND STUFF AND AHHHH I'M SOMFT. SO CUUUTE!!!! OOH IN THIS AU, MASON AND LAV ARE STILL HELLA CUDDLY AND SNUGGLY. Gonna stop doing all caps lol. Anyway, masonder happens a bit earlier, but they've been friends for like 5 years at the time they are a Thing, so yeah haha. They are THE cutest thing ever. Always holding hands, face holding, sharing food, small pecks on the face, all that cute stuff uwu. They're in 7th grade btw. Both 12. They're relationship is steady and lasts all throughout middle school and high school. (Yes. They are the DEFINITION of an "Endgame Ship.") And then after they do the whole college thing, they tie the knot, have a baby, and live happily ever after uwu. :P
( This next bit is from a comic I did lol)
Have a crossbow, it’s much more powerful.” “Just don’t go staking papa Otto through the chest, now! It’s bad for me!”
 Lav- Oh cool! What about a sword! I'll be careful, I promise! And Hadley’s losing his mind lol Decan: *Does the moon butterfly magic sword thing*
“Here you are!” Bby Lav-
Hadley- Lav, honey, that's illegal.
Lav- But Mx. Percy does illegal stuff all the time!! Hadley: *Scoops Lavender up and Mary-Poppins flies the fuck out* YES
And that's what we came up with lmao
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Hey Guys it's been a while since I last wrote here like 4 years ago lol so many things happened already and I don't know why I've decided to not share it with you anymore oooppss my bad, but now I'm back at it again like I've been locked out of tumblr for 4 year can't imagine my last post was yeah my bestfriends birthday. Now I'm planning to post his birthday again but 4yrs ahead from the last. Well actually he doesn't really know that a big factor of me writing here was him, idk I just I can't even explain..lol tbh I really don't know where to start, actually can I start on my birthday last yr? I went back to the Philippines to celebrate my birthday last year 2019 my plan was to really surprise him, I din't tell him I was going and that I had ticket already so I went to see him my 1st time traveling back after 6years, to be quite frank I miss him, like I told myself amma hug this guy if I see him, I planned everything like how to surprise him and stuff, his sister helped me..shout out to his sister by the way, we went to his work and pretended to be a customer, a staff assisted us and knew the sister right away so she's like "you want me to call your brother?" And sis said "yeah please.. can u tell him there's a customer complaining or something" so the staff left and called him, I was hiding in the shelves pretending to look for a product I need to buy.. and then they saw each other.. he was like "what brings you here sis?" And sis said "before anything I heard at the last aisle there's a customer complaining can you check and help them out?" Then they both went to my direction and he was like (jaw dropping moment) "wth?? Are you real? Why are you here? How?" And he's so happy like leggit happy. It got akward at some point so if you're wondering if I ever hugged him after that nope.. I din't even get the chance but I really wanted to.. we actually almost forgot to take selfie but yo girl remembered so here is the 1st selfie :
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The photo felt akward right? Idk I shuda hugged him or do something that'll make us like how we use to idk really but yeah that was it.. we've talked for a bit and then he had to go back to work so he told us to wait for his break so he can get us something.. so we've waited for hours (but it was fun cause I get to see the place and the sister toured me around) after hours of waiting he finally came and grab us food I was so shy.. I'm not used to people treating me I always treat people but he said "it's okay all on me" realtalk he doesn't know this I am the happiest when he's doing that.. we then ate our food and took selfies again :
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After that we went home. I've texted him and said sorry for pranking/surprising him and that he should come for my birthday celebration on the weekend. He said he can't cause of work, I was so sad..can't even tell him that I've wanted to be with him on my birthday.. so he should come with me and other friends.. anyway the celebration is actually right after my birthday, I felt bad I think he figured that out easily so he asked me "are you free on your birthday? Like the actually day? It's friday but I can make it work..do you want to go with me?" And I was like Geez do you really have to ask? I would say yes in a heart beat lol if you know me..so yes it is. At first I told him we'll just gonna watch a movie but then after movie we want to SKY RANCH, my 1st time after a long time, been there once but they were actually building it still so most of it aren't available to ride so I guess it's my 1st time 1st time. I was so happy, couldn't contain it.. I took lots of selfies and a polaroid, told him if the polaroid won't turn out good he gotta keep it in his wallet it turned out fine but he still kept it :
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Asked him to take a shot for me because there's only one copy idk if he's still keepin it. And here's the selfies :
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Posted it on IG story because I was so happy can't even forget..how could you it's your birthday brah... I felt it..everything that day is special from the movies up until dinner time.. I thought at some point he's gonna go home soon and I don't want the day to end yet so I texted my Family if they can come over so we can celebrate my birthday there, like even just dinner.. so I told him that my Family is coming and We're having dinner, In my head I thought he's gonna say "ok I'll leave you with them then" but he din't instead he stayed, we've waited for hours (but again it was fun cause we get to talk and laugh together again) finally they came.. we ate dinner and took selfies again:
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My Mom with my Brother and his Family and Him and then poof the day ended.
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thoughtap · 7 years
The last few months I have ever intentionally chosen to dig up and let go of all hurt, anger, and mistakes of the past. Especially, when it comes to relationships. I must admit....I have been blessed in that I have bounced back from two toxic experiences. Yet, I must admit that the real blessing was my first relationship. She...for me was the Sun, the Moon and a galaxy. We met when we were children. I mean the start of High School. I can only speak for myself when I say that I never cheated on her nor though about it. This, I was to learn, is exceptional in some fashion. For me it was an easy choice. The choice to "Do right " by her. Southern as fuck, right? My idea was to never have to apologize so...yeah. For what it was we did well. I mean, insanely well. We were together until the 2nd semester in University...if memory serves me. Impressive. At the time I thought it normal. How spoiled I was to have a mate at such a young as that was willing to match my adult-ness. Even when she pissed me off and visa versa we handled it like adults. Of course, as I said, I have no idea that this was exceptional. So, when we ended things her attempts to manipulate the situation to get me to stick around infuriated me. "How dare she?" I fumed. Such an infraction I could not have forgiven. So we cut each other off. Air sign style. If you have never been ignored by an Air sign trust me...you will question if you ever exsisted. We are excellent at this game. I told myself that I would not jump into a relationship right away and make them pay for this obvious infraction. I kept part of my promise. I did not get it to a relationship for about 2.5yrs. Still, I harbored an unrelenting hunger/lust for her....paired with fury. Wanting to tasted her lips while at the same time wanting to slap her for finding a girlfriend in less than a month after we broke up. O yeah...that is what pissed me off. It has been a long time but this did it for me. I cut her off for it. I take no issue with her having a girlfriend but so soon? Did that last 4yrs mean nothing? In retrospect I understood it had nothing to do with me but it still burned like hell. As I was saying, I harbored an unrelenting love for her. I thought I was insane. No one my age or older could relate at University which made me feel alone. Alienated. Which only deepened my frustration. I watched others in relationships crash and burn semester after semester. Wondering, as I often did, if what had happened was natural. Was it rational or natural to hold a torch for someone that clearly gave a shit. We will say that these questions gave was to frustration and anger. Which layed the ground work for two deeply unhealthy experiences. I refuse to lable them relationships because were substandard at best. To my first I gave my all. My core. And I meant every breath of it. But I was angry....but my heart kept finding reasons to love her. So I picked out a girl...any girl and used her as a love dump. Of course she used me and abused me but I will say that for all that she did I did her 10 times worse. You see...material people are the easiest to use and abuse. This is why I chose her. I kept her attention with money and the prestige of being on my arm(sounds vain as hell but it is the truth) without having to give myself. At the same time she was held at a standard that she was incapable of reaching. Not only was she never going to be good enough but I treated her as if she could reach it. The worst thing you can do to someone is treat them in a fashion that they can never attain. I could recount the many times she cheated, lied, stole (money, joy, happiness and opportunities) from me. Yet, I feel no pitty for myself and nor should you. I can only take responsibility for my own actions. I treated, the best that I could considering that I was infact using her. Dare I say....I treated her better than anyone had....until I realized that I had shown her a place that she could not go. As I said before....she would never be good enough. Not mature enough. Not enough. I feel no remorse but I do wonder if she knew of this or was just reacting to it. As before, I did not step out on her but it was more for my own standards than for her. She was a puppet....a warm body. A well cared for puppet but I puppet none the less. Still....my fury/ love.burned deep for my #1. I dreamed of her and still do sometimes. Thankfully that relationship ended. I left her have all the materials I bought. I thought it fitting as it was payment for her time. It is cute because she thought that she won something. That somehow she was far superior to me because she received cheap furniture. Material people are so short sighted. Frankly, If there was a prize to be had it was getting her the hell out of my life. To honest she was a poisoner. You may know what I mean. A typhoid Mary. Nothing good happened when she was around. After than I lost my apartment and rented rooms. It was a stressful time. But things slowly became better. Especially, with Typhoid Mary out of my life. Still...I burned for #1. I could not shake it. I started sleeping around...which for me means I fucked one chick. The funny thing is that she just could not stay in the fuck only zone. She kept trying to manipulate, fuck with my head and try and prove some level of superiority. Of course I cut her off. Not sure why people cannot just cannot stay in their lane. Especially, after you had a while conversation about this being a fuck only situation. You cannot be "friends" with a fuck only situation. Even so fucking your friends is in bad taste. So, I am going along and working. Making money. Still, just trying to keep things casual. Every Chick was trying to jump into a relationship. Wanting an apartment and car. The whole nine. At the time I was trying to figure out what about me was saying," Let's Get Married", when my mouth was saying," Let's just have sex and be cool. No strings". I just did not get it . I am not a hard guy to get along with. Of course, about this time I was frustrated still. I missed my #1 but I was set to prove that I could do without her. Come hell, high water or crazy chicks. Well, life has a funny way of tossing a few curved balls. Particularly, when you have blue balls. Still, casual camel over here. I get with this chick and we have consenting adult sex. I specify this because consenting adult sex is a bit different then just consenting sex. Consenting adult sex is when everybody leaves drained satisfied. I learned the hard way with Typhoid Mary that not everyone is good at sex. Typhoid Mary was terrible at sex. I had no idea that was a thing. As I said,#1 spoiled me. In fact, I was to learn that we spoiled each other. I can go for hours and I love to eat a clean vagina. Listening to a woman scream and moan as she squirts in my mouth necer gets old. There is nothing in the world like sucking on a G Spot. Try it some time. Thank me later. Actually, I am starting to think that is what gets me in trouble. But that is a different story for a different time. So, I had consenting adult sex with a chick. Everything is cool. Then...things start to get weird. It is a long story...I am going end here. *phew* The point I was attempting to get to was that being desirable does not mean you will be liked. I have a few desirable qualities but if I am around people who are in fact lacking this qualities will alienate them. No fault of mine. In fact, I used to blame myself for them. Especially, when I was with Typhoid Mary. What I am trying to say is be the best possible. Appreciate your desirability. Bask in it. Breath it in. Remember, that many will lust for you. Many will lie and do anything to get you. This does not mean...by any stretch of the imagination that they like you. They want to be you or borrow you. When they find that they cannot have you or take away your desirability they will try to destroy you. Believe and understand that we have the ability of regeneration. I encourage you to use it. Build as you want to be and build to weather the most bitter of storms. Love and thank all that have come your way. Without them your steel would not be tempered. To my #1 I want you to know that I love you. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I forgive you for all things that have transpired between us. Please know and understand that all that I did I did for us. I wanted to do all that I could to make you proud and keep you safe. If I have hurt you in some fashion then please forgive me. If not for my sake then your own peace of heart and mind. Though I will not seek you out I do want you to have everything that you want in this world and more. To Typhoid Mary, I forgive you and I have no remorse for how things transpired. Thank you for showing me that I could do better than you. Thank you for reminding me that I can only play myself. I wish I could impress upon you how little I cared for you but words fail me. It baffles me to this day that I could pretend so well. Not sure if I should be impressed or just be happy to know the depths of myself. To the unmentioned long story. Thank you as well. Thank you for questioning my masculinity because I would not physical assault you. Thank you for trying to pull from me they man my father raised me to be. For without it I would not be as confident as I am to day. I feel no remorse for how things happened. They could not have happened any better. I send you all away with love, happiness and joy.
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