#//ascension and power unimaginable
countercharmd · 9 months
listening to the last man on earth. thinking of a god slayer campaign again
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dark-and-kawaii · 5 months
༺ 𝐹𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒽𝑜𝑜𝒹 ༻
Raphael & Being A Father
Summary: Just a few random Headcanons about Raphael being a father. Some can’t see him being a dad, but I on the other can. More specifically, a girl dad.
Notes: Please enjoy these headcanons xoxo
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While he still holds himself in the highest regard, this little girl becomes a living extension of his pride. In the quiet moments when she's curled up on his chest, the Devil experiences a fond fondness he's unaccustomed to, a protective warmth that's both foreign and intoxicating. His narcissism, rather than being diluted, has found a new focus in the form of his child. He sees her not only as his progeny but as an extension of his greatness and power. He also sees her not just as his heir but as his greatest achievement, a testament to his own perceived perfection.
In the quiet moments when the screams of the damned are far below, he sits upon his chair, with his daughter curled atop his chest, and for once, the twisted smile that touches his lips is not borne of malevolence but of a father’s pride. He reads to her from ancient tomes of contracts, grooming her to be as formidable in mind as he is, ensuring his legacy will carry on through her.
As a father, Raphael is surprisingly indulgent. Every whim or desire his daughter expresses, he strives to fulfill, not solely out of love, but because in his eyes, she deserves the world due to her being his creation.
Raphael knew he was protective over you, but the protectiveness he had for his daughter surprised even himself. With the crown of Karsus in his possession and the future ruler of the Nine Hells just within his grasp, he is feared and revered. But with his daughter, a new narrative begins.
He is her guardian, her shield against the political machinations of the infernal court. Any devil, damned soul, or ambitious underling who dares to even glance in her direction with the wrong intention finds themselves facing torments unimaginable. His daughter will grow under his watchful eye, trained to navigate the treacherous politics of Hell, and any who pose a threat to her ascension are removed with ruthless efficiency.
When he can’t keep a close eye on her, Korilla is always there.
He has grand plans for his daughter, envisioning her as a true cambion princess who will help rule the Nine Hells beside him. He invests in her the knowledge of infernal magic and the cunning required to maintain power in a realm where betrayal is as common as brimstone.
The birth of his daughter was not foreseen in his grand scheme, but now that she exists, Raphael cannot imagine his House Of Hope without her. It helped that she was quite the silent baby, never fussing, and when she did you were there to help calm her little nerves.
Haarlep, ends up developing an unexpected fondness for the tiny heiress. Their role becomes that of an uncle almost, indulging her with whatever it is she wants. When Raphael is away, tending to the endless affairs of Hell, Haarlep steps in alongside you. Their mischievous nature can come out to play without any hesitation, the little child loves it. They teach her how to summon implings for her amusement, Haarlep loves when she yanks their tails.
In the absence of Raphael and you, Haarlep becomes the child's protector. They are surprisingly protective of her, a sentiment that has become a source of amusement to the other devils, who never thought they would see the day when an incubus would be so devoted to anyone other than their own pleasure. But Haarlep takes this duty seriously, understanding the importance of the heir he watches over considering this is Mephistopheles blood as well.
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months
Hua Cheng and He Xuan: The Would-Be Gods
Jun Wu continued, “To become a ‘Supreme’, one must have experienced an unimaginable suffering and pain. One either ascends from such calamities or are doomed to the depths of hell, never to return. The two Supreme Demon Kings that emerged from Mount TongLu, Black Water and Hua Cheng, are both far more terrifying than you think.”
—Chapt. 56: In Search of the Past; Retracing Steps to Mount TaiCang (Part One)
This quote is interesting in how it links being a Supreme inseparably from being a god, but what I find most fascinating is what Jun Wu doesn’t/can’t mention: that Supremes are a direct result of the corruption of the heavens.
Both Hua Cheng and He Xuan had their path to godhood snatched by the corruption of the heavens, but their trajectory is almost completely oppositional. Both had earned godhood for their actions fighting evil in defense of the weak. Hua Cheng gave up an eye to forge his weapon in order to save a group of stray humans who had wandered into the kiln, whereas He Xuan fought his way into the homes of the corrupt gentry who had terrorized his hometown and died after killing every last evildoer. But instead of ascending, as was their right, He Xuan has his godhood stolen by Shi Wudu under the eyes of the Heavenly Emperor, and Hua Cheng summarily rejects his ascension due to having previously witnessed the mistreatment of Xie Lian by multiple heavenly officials. Because their paths to the heavens were tainted, the two Supremes were “doomed to the depths of hell,” instead, ironically creating domains that ran much more fairly than the heavens they rejected/were rejected from.
At the same time, the crown prince of Wuyong ascends as a powerful god before falling to the machinations of the other gods and descending into White No-Face. However, where the previous two Supremes ultimately rejected the heavens of their own wills and accepted themselves as demon kings, White No-Face still wanted the power and adoration of being a god. Thus, Jun Wu ends up corrupting the heavens into a place that harbors and encourages evil in direct contrast to the domains of the Supremes serving as refuges.
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wicked-witch-for-hire · 6 months
The Artifacts of Karsus and the Crown Of Horns
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This post was inspired by several things:
- u/lookitsnichole 's question: if Mystra is melding together with Midnight, why don't we say that Karsus is melding with Gale
- what are the tasks of archmages and Chosens, which made me think about eldritch artifacts thanks to u/Valetheera
- and I would lie if I would say that the situation with Anders & Justice or rather Vengeance was not also in my mind.
What I posit is this:
The idea of Ascension may have been planted in Gale by the Orb & the Crown when he was in close proximity to both of them.
The changes in GodGale are just partly due to ascension and shedding humanity - he is at the minimum greatly influenced by these artifacts. It is possible that they are slowly melding together, or that in time the "Karsus" part can take over completely.
First what are the orb and the crown, and what became of Karsus?
Karsus became a god for an infinitesimally short time, and is considered to be a demi-god. Mystryl sacrifised herself, thus cut all magic and stopped Karsus's spell in the process, and transformed Karsus into stone. Karsus died but he did not go to the Fugue Plane (where souls normally go), but stayed on the Material Plane. His vestige can be called upon by powerful magic users. (Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide).
From the Annals of Karsus
My great spell of transcendence is mine alone, not to be committed to ink and parchment, but I have also forged three supreme enchanted items that are the physical embodiments of my wizardry, and of them I shall make record.
There is a Crown, an Orb, and a Sceptre, each night-alive and with its own power and purpose, and these I call the Regalia of Karsus.
The Crown of Karsus: to attract and absorb magical knowledge, and give the wearer dominion over himself so that he remains his own entity apart from the Weave.
The Orb of Karsus: a storage device or battery that condenses mystic power, ever-gathering so that it must be syphoned at intervals of its excess.
The Sceptre of Karsus: an instrument of projection, a focusing utensil for the precise wielding of unimaginably vast forces. (in Mystra's possession)
Know of these items you must, for if I fail to achieve immortality, they will persist, and I dare say, 'live' on beyond me.
The next question is do we have any other example of something created by a god for nefarious purposes, an evil & intelligent artifact which was capable of corrupting and even transforming the minds of its wearers? Even after the death of its forger?
Say hello to the Crown of Horns!
It was very likely forged by Myrkul (or reforged by him from an ancient Netherese artifact).
This artifact is possessed by Myrkul, sentient and it is capable to interfere with the minds of its wearers.
Following the god's destruction, the vestiges of Myrkul could strongly influence the actions of whomever wore the Crown of Horns, making suggestions within their consciousness, possessing them outright, and even altering their moral and ethical outlook to more closely resemble his own (this is fancy D&D talk for "this artifact will change your alignment to neutral evil"). No individual could remove their crown unless Myrkul's essence wished for his artifact to find a new host.
Laeral Silverhand was one of the Seven Sisters - one of the mortal daughters of Mystra (2.0), who was also a Chosen of Mystra. She was an incredibly powerful mage, and she was specifically gifted in creating artifacts, until she donned this Crown. In her own words:
"We found an artifact, the Crown of Horns, and I in my pride decided that my powers of will and magic were sufficient to counter the evil I sensed within it. I wore the Crown, and it claimed me as its own. Years went by, terrible years during which I lost Laeral and became the Wild Woman, the Witch of the North. I remember little of those years, which in many ways is a blessing."
Theorycrafting time & conclusion
When I look at GodGale I see remnants of Gale in him - he comes back for his love - but I mostly see the terrible, unsatisfiable hunger of the Orb personified as a God of Ambition. HumanGale had ambitions yes, but these ambitions had served a purpose, he wanted to achieve something, he had an endgoal in his mind. GodGale might help a follower to achieve something but that follower won't feel any satisfaction - they will endlessly run after the next thing like a little hampster in their wheel until exhaustion & death.
And I don't think this is truly Gale - this is a vestige of Karsus. The Crown was influencing and corrupting Gale from the moment Gale has got close enough. The Orb would act like a homing beacon to the Crown, and it could amplify its effects.
These artifacts are both capable of being sentient, containing the remnants of their forger - we have precedents for this in the lore, and the Annals of Karsus can be interpreted as proof (see the bolded part.)
And when he ascends? I see an amalgamation of them. I think the Gale part of GodGale is still mostly in charge, but this can change.
There is an interesting thought - we know that Raphael can have an ominous monologue about Mystra if she has the Crown. In that case Mystra had the Sceptre & Crown, and possibly the orb too (we don't know if she simply destroys it or pulls it out of Gale - it might still be intact.) I don't think this will bode well for her for the long run, but we'll see...
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mr-clow · 5 months
Chorus: We prepare for war. Part 2:
Nikolai had been working on this factory for more than ten years, most of the time it had been a repetitive boring job, unfulfilling and monotonous. All that changed one year ago, the sudden war, the revolt, and the ascension to power of a woman he certainly saw as another dictator in the beginning brought a lot of changes to his position. The factory had been repurposed, the machines now were set up to produce various weapon parts and the orders changed monthly to provide variety for a wide range of war supplies. The job now offered challenges to look forward, the pieces were not stored for months at the time before being requested, but someone weekly needed them to continue the production on another factory. It was true he did not intend to go to war, but for the first time in years he felt that his job had an end, to help humanity achieve a goal. His tablet chimed, a notification for one of the news channels he followed told him a speech was about to happen. He easily checked that everything was in order, marked for a break and open the news videocast.
After a few seconds, the presenter gave space for the transmission coming from the moon station to start. Boudica was there, standing in front of a gruesome throne. Dried blood stains could be seen in the background. She did not salute, or say anything about that lame and boring political protocol. 
This speech was different, something ignited within Nikolai hearth. He had always loved machines, and he could not help but wonder how it felt being aboard of a war ship, a juggernaut, or even a small dart ship. The technology and machinery inside, being part of a crew, even the dead silent moments before all the action. He did not enjoy war, nor shared the unity of fighting for all humanity. The front lines always seemed horrors far away, but being an engineer on one of those ships suddenly seemed like an interesting change in his career.
The rest of the day he was absorbed by these ideas, the clock marked that his shift was over, and he went back to his flat. A colourful digital graffiti projected over a wall on the building he lived was again proposing him to join the military. In a sudden change of heart, he pocketed his keys again and went to the enlistment station a few blocks away.
Anya was nervous, her parents would, most likely, throw her out of the house. She was barely 23 years old and had finished the nursing career a few months ago. Her parents had been so proud all the time, but now after 4 months of working in the ER she was exhausted. The war had changed so many things, the people were suffering and sacrificing their bodies and souls to an honourable cause, and a lot of health issues came with those sacrifices.
A few hours ago, Boudica had spoken to humanity, and she knew she should enlist. When she was a little girl, she always had dreamt about travelling across the void, visit new planets and enjoy unimaginable views on galaxies far away. That dream was drowned, her family could not afford a travel nor the education necessary for her to form part of a crew. Suddenly, after years of hiding those ideals, Boudica called her, and every human or ally, to help her cause. She was afraid, very afraid, of being stranded on a lifeless ship. On the other side she could save lives on the line, help the ones on the front, travel across oceans of nothingness and be part of something that would be written on the history to come.
Tomas – Good afternoon, are you here to enlist lady?
Anya – Ehh, hello! Yes, I think. I have a question before, is probable I��ll need somewhere to stay if I enlist, during the training is any chance that… Well, to have somewhere to stay?
Tomas softened his expression, a lot of people were dealing with their own problems and needed a hand with different situations. Sadly, living space was really a luxury since the war started.
Tomas – My name is Tom. I know sometimes things might get difficult, but we barely have space in the barracks. If you pass your training, it is very probable you will be dispatched directly to Mars or a ship. Until then, the army cannot help you with that, but some people might be willing to lend you a room. We can ask aroun…
Nikolai stood up when he heard the conversation going on the cubicle on the left. His documents were being checked, and he had been scrolling in his tablet when this girl entered the office. He looked over the panel that separated the desks and saw a shy girl looking to her feet.
Nikolai – Excuse me lady, it might not be too much, but I have a nice coach where you can sleep. I got two cats though, so if you are allergic…
Anya – Wait, what?
Tomas – There you have it lady, thanks sir! Anyway, I recommend you establish some kind of contract for that, just for both of you to be on the safe side.
Anya – I don’t understand.
Nikolai – You need a place to stay, you have a nurse uniform, so you are responsible and working. I have a humble place, but it works.
Anya – I haven’t signed anything yet, how could I dare.
Tomas – Sir, are you willing to wait for her a few minutes? I will guide her through all the process. Lady, do you want to enlist?
Nikolai nodded and sat again. Suddenly, he realized what he had done, and his face turned bright red. He had invited a young woman to live with him on the spot, without knowing even her name. The data pad was in front of him and his recruiter was looking at him with a funny smile on his lips.
Four months later, Nikolai and Anya were sitting together listening to their superior. The first part of the training was finished, and now the group was going to be assigned to different positions to continue the final part of the training. Anya hoped that she would be assigned to the same ship that Nikolai. She had been living with him the last three months after her parents kick her out, and they were best friends now, even if he was fifteen years older. Nikolai was going to depart to one of the two juggernauts, his grades had been outstanding. Suddenly, Anya’s last name was mentioned. Juggernaut Juno, Medical Division. Anya turned around to see Nikolai, they had been assigned to the same ship. That night they prepared themselves, celebrated and went to sleep with a heart full of expectations and hope.
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"We all want to realize the greatest version of ourself. That's when you can accomplish unimaginable things. It's what makes the desire to be great so powerful."
-Astarion, trying to rationalize his ascension
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luxuriouswaigee · 1 month
Envy's Toll: The Fall of a King
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In the hushed and opulent chambers of his grand mansion, Muzan Kibutsuji was consumed by a fervor unlike anything he had felt before. Surrounded by ancient scrolls and mystical artifacts, his gaze was fixed upon the ominous Death Note - a dark, seductive object that whispered promises of unimaginable power. With a heart ablaze with ambition and envy, Muzan delved into its deadly secrets.
It was on a night steeped in darkness that Muzan's jealousy found its target: the legendary Michael Jackson, the immortal King of Pop. For years, Jackson's talent had held the world spellbound, leaving Muzan seething with a burning desire to claim that throne for himself.
With chilling precision, Muzan learned the Death Note's lethal art - the mere act of inscribing a name and picturing a face was all it took to seal a fate. With a heart as black as ink, Muzan wrote Michael Jackson's name - sentencing the icon to an untimely end.
The world wept as news of Jackson's inexplicable demise spread like wildfire. Tributes poured in, but only Muzan knew the truth behind the tragedy. Emboldened by his heinous deed, he emerged from the shadows, a dazzling performer cloaked in darkness.
As the world marveled at his newfound talents, Muzan basked in the adulation, but a gnawing emptiness clawed at his soul. The echoes of his envy-driven actions gnawed at him, a constant reminder of the price he had paid for his unholy ambition.
Years passed, and Muzan soared to the pinnacle of fame, his name etched in history as a paragon of greatness. But within the depths of his soul, he knew the truth - his triumphs were built on a foundation of blood and betrayal. The Death Note, once a key to his ascension, now loomed over him like a specter, a reminder of the darkness that had seeped into his very being.
In the end, as Muzan stood at the apex of his success, he knew that his victory was but a shadow - a hollow triumph built on shattered dreams and the echoes of a fallen legend. The cost of his envy-fueled quest for supremacy had left him with a heart as black as night, a soul tarnished by the stain of his own ambition.
Did you all love this fantastic masterpiece? 😻✨
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soul-link-ascension · 1 month
Welcome to Soul Link: Ascension!
This is a game set in a brand new region known as Dalcia. It's exceptionally cold climates are home to many Ice-type Pokémon, with other climates housing Pokémon many might not expect to see. Within this region, there are 172 brand new Pokémon to discover, and a total of 520 Pokémon within the entire region. Some Pokémon you have seen before may not look the same as you may remember them as, however, so be on the lookout for any surprises!
The Main Characters
You, the player, are tasked to enter a brand new Pokémon journey. Having missed your first opportunity when you were young, you seek out this life going into your early 20s. Play as three different main characters:
Orion - This is the male protagonist, a determined individual that enjoys the thrill of adventure and wants to reach beyond the top.
Aurora - This is the female protagonist, a softer character at first glance but can get real fired up in the heat of battle.
Winter - This protagonist is neither male nor female, though behaves much like your average trainer with hopes of achieving a high-ranking title.
Along your journey, you will encounter significant characters and discover new ways to connect with your Pokémon. You will also start your journey with two long-time friends of yours:
Est - This is your rival. He is a strong-willed trainer who will find every which way to turn the battle in his favor, searching for a title even higher than champion.
Genevieve - This character is not one to battle as much as the others, but will support them in their endeavors. She wants more than anything to be a professional artist and photographer.
Voltage Industries
In the Dalcia region, an island houses a small town-like series of buildings to construct what is known as Voltage Industries, a modern technology company created to explore and discover the behaviors of human and Pokémon souls alike. During your journey, you will meet its CEO, Markus, who acts as your mentor in discovering and unlocking the potential your soul has. Voltage Industries splits into four branches: The Electric Branch, the Dark Branch, the Steel Branch, and the Genetics Branch. The fourth of these branches is a recently founded branch and covers the entire island it stands on, while the other branches' locations remain elsewhere.
During overall research, Voltage Industries has discovered untapped potential in the souls of Pokémon and humans. As it turns out, the behaviors of Pokémon can be represented by the structures of their souls. Furthermore, these behaviors can be classified into the 18 types the Pokémon world is familiar with. This has led to the discovery that human behavior and personalities can be classified by these types as well, dubbing human soul classifications as Soul Types. Much like Pokémon, human souls are comprised of 1-2 prominent classifications, while the rest sit back as passive and minor to minimal attributes. For example, a human with a Fire Soul Type will behave and believe differently than an Ice Soul Type human.
With the discovery of Soul Types came many more discoveries afterward, such as untapped potential for each specific Soul Type and the ability to link a trainer's soul to their Pokémon's soul with a deep enough connection. These phenomena are respectively named Soul Power and Soul Linking.
Soul Power
Soul Power is a phenomenon where a user links with their soul enough to gain qualities that of which were previously unimaginable. This phenomenon can be accessed with the help of a Voltage Industries device called a Soul Band. It contains everything a trainer will ever need: Pokédex, Party menu, Storage, and in this case, a list of unlockable and usable Soul Powers. Each Soul Type has a series of 19 Soul Powers best suited for it called a Soul Tree. The more the user connects to their soul, the more they can unlock from the Soul Trees that tie to their Soul Type. For example, a Fire/Steel Soul Type will have access to the Fire and Steel Soul Trees.
Each Soul Power can be classified into one of five categories:
Soul Boosts - These are Soul Powers that give natural boosts to a Pokemon's battle skills, such as an increase in power of certain-typed moves, an increase in base stats, an increase in status condition affliction chance, etc.
Soul Passives - These Soul Powers behave similarly to abilities but are respective to the trainer rather than the Pokemon. Examples include boosting the user's fire type Pokemon's stat stage after three turns in battle and allowing up to three terrains to be active at a time.
Soul Actions - These Soul Powers behave like items and can only be used every other turn and only once per battle. These are what can seriously turn the battle in the user's favor.
Soul Teachings - These Soul Powers allow the user to teach a powerful move to Pokemon of the same type as the move.
Soul Evolution - This Soul Power allows the user to enact one of three things, each of which lasts for a limited time: The ability to Mega Evolve a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve without the need of a Mega Stone, the ability to grant a currently Mega Stone Evolved Pokemon a stage beyond Mega Evolution called an Ascension, or a third option that will be covered in the topic of Soul Linking.
Soul Linking
Soul Linking is a phenomenon that can only occur when the connection between the trainer and Pokemon's souls is strong enough. Strengthening this connection works similarly to friendship though has different requirements for both strengthening and weakening the connection. Once the connection is strong enough, a trainer can enact a Soul Link, which connects the trainer's soul to their Pokemon's soul. This causes three things to happen:
1. The secondary type of the Pokemon is either added or overwritten depending on if there was a secondary type at first. This secondary type matches the trainer's primary Soul Type. For example, a Venusaur, a Grass/Poison type, Soul Linking with a Ghost/Ground Soul Type would become a Grass/Ghost type. In this example, the shorthand for this change is called a Ghost-Link.
2. The Pokemon gains a varied boost in base stats. This boost always adds up to 90, but the boost in each stat varies from type to type, meaning Rock will not boost the Speed stat of the Pokemon as much as Flying will.
3. The Pokemon gains an type-specific extension in its move pool, meaning an Ice-Linked Pokemon will have access to Ice-type moves it did not have access to before.
Soul Linking is a reversible action that can be used on as many Pokemon as a trainer would like and is done outside of battle. However, there is a stage beyond Soul Linking that occurs only once in battle and is the third option in the Soul Evolution power: Full Linking.
This ability goes a step beyond Soul Linking and connects the two souls entirely, granting both types of the trainer's soul and double the boost in stats while sacrificing the move pool extension. For example, a Lopunny Full-Linking with a Steel/Dark Soul Type will become a Steel/Dark type with a total boost of 180 points in base stats.
There are many notable features in this game, including:
- 720p resolution
- An overworld PokeFinder to help track which Pokemon you've discovered in a given area
- Tons of postgame material
- The entire national Pokedex (1197 Pokemon in total!)
- New alternate forms for existing Pokemon
- Voltorb Flip: Expanded
- Mining Minigame: Revamped
- Non-type specific gym leaders and Elite Four
- 15 legendary Pokemon
- A rarer variant than shiny: lustrous variants
- Brand new Mega Evolutions
- And so much more!
We hope you enjoy your experience with Soul Link: Ascension when it becomes available, and feel free to ask any and all questions you may have!
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fullmetalfisting · 9 months
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Here’s my August 2023 wrap up! Reviews under the cut. Also, I truly don’t understand how I wound up reading so many vampire-themed books this month! I don’t find vampires particularly interesting, this was just how my holds on books from the library shook out.
From Blood and Ash by Jennifer M. Armentrout | Fantasy, New Adult, Romance
Summary: Poppy is the Maiden, a high-ranking position of power meant to usher in a new era of prosperity after she completes the mysterious “Ascension.” But as the Ascension grows nearer, her doubts begin to multiply. Her own misgivings paired with civil unrest cause her to question everything she knows. Also, one of her bodyguards is dreamy.
Thoughts: The worldbuilding was subpar to bad and the characters were all unlikable. The big twist was interesting, but not worth the slog it was to get there. Maybe I’m being too harsh, but I don’t understand why there are so freaking many New Adult Fantasy Romance books out these days. Of course, I would love to stumble upon a new Six of Crows or The Cruel Prince. But the fact is, not every author is skilled enough to write the new Grishaverse. I know a lot of people loved this book, but it just wasn’t it for me.
The Trap by Catherine Ryan Howard | Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Suspense
⭐⭐⭐ and 1/2
Summary: Lucy’s sister, Nicki, has been missing ever since she walked out of a Dublin bar late one night without a word to her friends. Angela is the Irish equivalent of a police dispatcher for the Missing Persons Unit who longs to be a detective herself. An unnamed man drives through the Irish countryside as he enumerates his crimes to the woman in his backseat, his latest victim. When Angela makes an alarming discovery, she sets a series of events into motion that changes the hunt for the serial killer plaguing Ireland and might just crack the case.
Thoughts: This was exceptionally entertaining, though the beginning was a bit slow. The commentary of what it’s like to be a woman in a precarious situation was spot-on, though it didn’t add anything new to the conversation. What I really enjoyed about this book was that it didn’t feel ghoulish, as crime novels often do since True Crime became so popular.
Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper | Young Adult, Witches, Historical Fiction, Mother and Daughter Relationships, Fantasy, Romance
Summary: Avery Roe is descended from a long line of witches, all of whom resided on Prince Island, Massachusetts, giving up something unimaginable in order to obtain their magic, which they then use to protect the whalers at sea. But Avery’s mother saw the price that had to be paid in order to become the island’s witch and chose, instead, to attempt to make a life in Victorian society. Avery struggles against her mother’s rules, longing to go to her grandmother and learn the spells she needs to become the next island’s witch. But when Avery has a prophetic dream that shows her she will be murdered, suddenly Avery’s struggles become urgent.
Thoughts: This book had extraordinary prose and fantastic descriptions. Kulper masterfully depicted a tense relationship between mother and daughter. However, the price that is so built up that must be paid in order to obtain one’s magic was anticlimactic. I was, “That’s all?”
Naramauke by Lily Sparks | Young Adult, Companion Novella, Horror, Romance, Contemporary
Summary: Erik’s version of events from the novel Teen Killers Club by Lily Sparks.
Thoughts: This novella gave readers of the Teen Killers Club series (final installment out in October) a glimpse into the motivations of characters that we didn’t get to see from Signal’s perspective. Definitely hyped me up for Teen Killers at Large.
Dark Water Daughter by H.M. Long | Fantasy, Pirates, Romance, Magic
Summary: A swashbuckling fantasy set among pirates, tree spirits, and mages alike. Mary Firth is a Stormsinger: someone who can control the winds and weather with a song. She has kept her ability a secret all her life for her own safety, but when she is mistaken as a highwayman and brought to the noose, she has no choice but to sing herself out of the situation. Now, pirates and privateers are after her for her unique ability to sail ships wherever they need to go. But that’s not all they’re after.
Thoughts: While well-written and entertaining at times, I found myself at sea (pun not intended) for a lot of this. I think this type of story just wasn’t for me, and it isn’t going to be something I remember reading six months from now.
How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager by D.N. Bryn | M M Romance, Vampires, Contemporary, New Adult
Summary: Wes is a recent college graduate mourning the sudden disappearance of his beloved mother. Vincent is a starving, houseless vampire whose support system was yanked away from him when he was turned by accident during his freshman year of college. Together, they explore a milquetoast attraction to one another as Vincent experiences a veritable barrage of hate crimes while Wes stands insipidly by. Also, there are entire passages lifted from The Song of Achilles and reworded so it’s not technically plagiarism.
Thoughts: This was hot, wet garbage. It reads like fanfiction written by the cringiest theater kid you ever had the displeasure of meeting in high school. The dialogue reminds one of how young teenagers speak, not how adults interact with one another. Case in point: a side character asks Wes if Vincent makes him, “tingly in [his] pingly.” He proceeds to refer to his penis as his “pingly” for the rest of the novel. I can’t make this shit up. And while the plot was clearly too ambitious of a concept for the skill level of the author, I am still disappointed with the result of this whole pharmaceutical conspiracy.
Mister Magic by Kiersten White | Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Contemporary
Summary: Everyone remembers their favorite childhood television show, Mister Magic. What no one can agree on is what Mister Magic looked like. Unlike most shows from the early 90s, it’s impossible to find recordings of the episodes, even in the furthest reaches of the internet. But in an era where nostalgia is extremely profitable, someone gets the idea to have a reunion of the cast of the show in the form of a podcast. Val is 38 and lives on a ranch in Idaho. She has no memories of her time before she and her father arrived at the ranch covered in fresh burn scars at the age of eight. But when three men show up to her father’s funeral, she feels like she’s met them before. And when they tell her that her mother is alive and they all share a past, she has no choice but to return to the place where Mister Magic was filmed in search of answers.
Thoughts: The opening of this book is stunning. It draws the reader in, playing on that weird Mandela Effect we all have about media from our own childhoods. However, as the story progresses, things become more and more surreal, to the point where I wasn’t sure I was following what exactly was going on. It was so abstract that I found myself getting frustrated and bored.
Rent to Be by Sonia Hartl | Romance, Contemporary, New Adult
NOTE: I read an ARC.
Summary: Isla Jane is an elder zoomer (not a millennial, as the book blurbs will have to believe) who was, like many of us post-college twentysomethings, one unforeseen expense away from financial disaster. That expense, for her, came in the form of a broken transmission, which caused her to miss rent payments, which caused her to get kicked out by her roommates. Thus kicks off Isla’s month-long struggle to keep her head above water while she sleeps under her desk at work, housesits, and crashes on her brother’s couch, all while her brother’s handsome best friend stands by, sometimes teasing her but most of the time supporting her.
Thoughts: Hartl discusses the economic woes all new adults face with startling accuracy (although I’m not sure why Isla didn’t go to a food rescue if she was so food-insecure). However, Isla’s introduction in the story is frankly a lot, and for a few chapters, I was siding with her roommates. I’ve had roommates of my own neglect to pay their share of rent and neglect to discuss it with me, and believe me, I was not happy when the landlord showed up wondering where his $500-odd dollars were. Despite the initial bad taste in my mouth, I did grow to like Isla and sympathize with her interpersonal problems with her parents: Boundaries matter. And I think Cade acted as a great foil in that regard. Just because someone had it worse than Isla, that doesn’t mean Isla isn’t allowed to be hurt by her parent’s thoughtlessness. Overall, a good portrayal of young millennial/elder zoomer financial struggles with a cute romance.
In Nightfall by Suzanne Young | Urban Fantasy, Horror, Contemporary, Young Adult, Vampires, Reimagining, Supernatural
Summary: In this reimagining of the 1987 film The Lost Boys, a pair of siblings visit their father’s hometown in the wake of their parent’s divorce. While Marco immediately falls in love with the stunning and stunningly cool Minnow, our heroine, Theo, isn’t so enamored. Things get stranger and stranger as their visit progresses, until it’s clear that there’s something wrong with this town--and it’s gotten its claws into Marco.
Thoughts: This was maybe ten to fifteen chapters too long. The paperback is nearly 400 pages and if I’m being honest, a YA vampire thriller with no symbolism/philosophy to speak of has no business being so tedious and long. I had to force myself through certain parts. It had the potential to be really fun and creepy if an editor had gone through it with some hedge clippers. Instead, it was boring. Amazing cover though.
Tilly in Technicolor by Mazey Eddings | Romance, Young Adult, Contemporary, Mental Health, Travel, Humor
NOTE: I read an ARC.
Summary: Tilly just graduated high school by the skin of her teeth thanks to her ADHD making it impossible to focus in a traditional classroom setting. Oliver, also neurodivergent, runs a successful Instagram page utilizing Pantone’s colors to relate to the world around him and start a dialogue about color theory. Both have spots as summer interns for a startup nail polish company, where they traverse falling in love in a world that wasn’t made for your brain chemistry.
Thoughts: Despite its serious subject matter, I found Tilly in Technicolor to be both heartfelt and wildly funny. The dialogue was age-appropriate for a YA book without feeling like an adult was poorly imitating how kids talk, and the characters were all flawed from the jump without seeming unlikeable. I did, however, find myself rolling my eyes at the inevitable Final Act Breakup, though that was resolved in pretty short order.
The Last Girls Standing by Jennifer Dugan | Horror, LGBT, Mystery, Young Adult
Summary: Sloan and Cherry are the only two girls who survived a horrific mass-murder. Now, as Sloan is trying to recover her memories, she grows more and more certain that Cherry is gaslighting her about what really happened that night.
Thoughts: I was expecting a fun slasher book. What I got was two dysfunctional lesbians screaming at each for 75% of the book. I was like, Just break up already! You two are so toxic to one another! I was annoyed at how misleading the cover and blurbs on this book were.
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas | Historical Fiction, Horror, Vampires, Vaqueros, Gothic, Romance
Summary: After a gruesome mauling by a gray, eyeless, humanoid monster, Néstor believes his childhood sweetheart, Nena, to be dead. In the wake of the attack, he flees the ranch he was raised on and spends the next nine years breaking horses by day and chasing Nena’s ghost away with copious amounts of alcohol and meaningless sex by night. But when he is called back to the ranch after the Texans declare war on Mexico, he discovers that Nena survived the attack, and she is furious that he left her without so much as a word. An accomplished healer, Nena accompanies her father’s battalion to war, where she and Néstor are separated from everyone else. Soon, she and Néstor learn that there is more to be scared of than just the Yanquís trying to take their land.
Thoughts: At first, I found this to be an excellent, immersive read that had me feeling Néstor’s grief and Nena’s anger. It transported me to mid-1800s Northern Mexico. As the story wore on, I found the interpersonal conflict to be deeply annoying. In his inner monologue, Néstor insists he loves Nena. Yet when the two fight, he hits below the belt, casting aspersions on her due to imagined slights and even blaming her for being complicit to the exploitation of the working class. Like, Dude. She’s an unmarried woman during the Victorian era and there are vampires attacking you. I’m all for bringing down capitalism but maybe some of your ire is a little misplaced. They both whine an exceeding amount throughout the story about their relationship.
Ashes in the Snow by Oriana Ramuno | Historical Fiction, World War II, Crime, Holocaust, Nazi Germany, Murder Mystery
Note: I read an ARC
Summary: The year is 1943 and Detective Hugo Fischer, accomplished criminologist, is sent to Auschwitz to investigate the mysterious death of a high-ranking SS officer. A young twin and current favorite of the infamous Josef Mengele, eight-year-old Gioele is the one who discovered the body. The boy strikes a deal with the detective: he will provide information if Hugo locates his parents.
Thoughts: This novel opens up with a punch to the face: Detective Hugo Fischer is standing on the train platform in front of Auschwitz, waiting to be escorted to the crime scene. From there, he watches as an SS officer rips a baby from her mother’s arms and stomps her to death. After witnessing such a thing, one would think that Hugo might not be shocked at the horror that awaits him inside the camp. Yet it seems as though every injustice shocks him anew. I’m like, Hugo, you just saw a man murder a baby in front of her mother and you’re shocked that the Nazis are performing human experimentation? Come on. But Hugo has, since the Nazi party seized power, kept his head down in order to survive, which is why he wears the swastika on his jacket and pretends his bad leg was the result of polio and not a degenerative disease. And while the book seemed to be leaning quite hard on Hannah Arendt’s idea of the banality of evil, there is no denying that what went on at Auschwitz was anything but banal. While it was an engrossing read, I found myself disliking all of the characters except Gioele, because I don’t believe the line of reasoning that plenty of Nazis were doing their jobs because execution was the only other option. We even learn that Hugo had job offers all over the world but chose to stay in Berlin. It was difficult sympathizing with a character who, when we meet him, witnessed the brutal murder of a baby girl without uttering so much as a word.
Eventide by Sarah Goodman | Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Fantasy, Horror, Magic
Summary: When Verity and Lilah’s father is committed to an asylum after the death of their mother, the two sisters find themselves on an orphan train heading from New York City to the small town of Wheeler, Arkansas. When adorable, 11-year-old Lilah is adopted immediately and there are no offers made on taciturn, 17-year-old Verity, Verity must take on an indenture to stay close to her beloved sister. But Wheeler is an odd town with strange magic in its bones and not everyone is as they seem, especially the mild-mannered schoolteacher who adopted Lilah.
Thoughts: I really do not like the sort of story where something is obviously happening and everyone around the protagonist doesn’t believe them. At least Verity’s friends and the one social worker believed her. I suppose I found myself frustrated that Verity showed up to a town and had to pay for the sins of her parents. What a parent does shouldn’t be the child’s burden to bear and the ending wasn’t fair.
The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennet | Young Adult, Historical Fiction, Adventure
Summary: Theodora Fox lives on the sidelines of her father’s Indiana Jones-esque treasure hunting career, staying behind at hotels with governesses and tutors as he and Huck Gallager--her ex-boyfriend and father’s apprentice of sorts--go on adventures. After Theo’s tutor absconds with all of her money, leaving Theo in a foreign city with no resources, the last person she wants to see is Huck Gallagher, who left in the middle of the night over a year ago without so much as a word. But when he tells her he believes her father to be in trouble, she has no choice but to set her feelings aside and team up with her former love to come to his rescue.
Thoughts: I really, really enjoyed the adventure side of this book. It was a fun romp through the Carpathian Mountains. The personal conflict between Huck and Theo, however, felt half-baked. It needed to be fleshed out a little more. And while the two seemed to agree that Fox (Theo’s father) was the root cause of their problems, that was never explored in any satisfying way. It felt like the author was rushing the ending rather than giving these characters catharsis after they’d been badly hurt by someone they both considered a parental figure.
With a Kiss We Die by L. R. Dorn | Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Contemporary
Summary: Ryanna Raines is an investigative journalist and host of the hit true-crime podcast known as, “The Raines Report.” Before landing on a subject for her sixth season, she receives an intriguing message on her tip line from a 22-year-old theater student from USCB whose parents were found murdered in their San Diego home. He knows that the police are days away from charging both him and his 18-year-old girlfriend with murder and he wants Raines to fly to California and give the young students a chance to tell their side of the story and proclaim their innocence.
Thoughts: At first, I found this read to be deeply absorbing. I liked the podcast-y format (though I haven’t listened to a podcast in years, I can still appreciate the unique approach to storytelling). But as the story wore on, it became clear that there would be no big twists or interesting discoveries. It was anticlimactic and perhaps that was the point as the book was a fictional lens with which to look at the true crime genre. Still, I found myself unsatisfied with the lack of mystery in this alleged mystery novel.
Cackle by Rachel Harrison | Horror, Fantasy, Witches, Contemporary
Summary: Annie Crane, suffering from a devastating breakup, has no choice but to move out of her expensive NYC apartment she shared with her now-ex and take a job teaching upstate. In the small, picturesque village of Rowan, Annie meets Sophie and begins a life-altering transformation.
Thoughts: This was honestly a really funny read. I’ve read another book by this author that was equally as funny, so I expected that. However, I thought the plot could stand to be a little more developed and I would have liked it to be a little darker.
Jackal by Erin E. Adams | Horror, Race, Contemporary, Thriller, Black Horror, Supernatural
Summary: Liz Rocher grew up in the Rust Belt town of Johnstown, PA. A black girl in an affluent, predominantly white community, she struggled to fit in with her classmates throughout her childhood, and when she left the small town for New York City, it was for good. When her best friend announces she’s getting married, though, Liz sucks it up and returns to her hometown in order to be a bridesmaid and to visit her best friend’s nine-year-old daughter (her goddaughter), Caroline, who herself is half black. At the wedding, though, Caroline goes missing. This starts Liz down a path of discovery: black girls go missing every June in this little, idyllic town.
Thoughts: While this was an engrossing read, I can’t help but feel like it would have been more effective as a screenplay/movie. And while the novel subverted plenty of tropes, it was still in the tired genre of “woman with a substance abuse problem returns to hometown and stumbles upon a murderer.”
My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine | Contemporary, Romance, Comedy, Vampires
Summary: Chicago-based artist Cassie Greenberg is shocked to see a Craigslist apartment listed for only $200 a month. Financially desperate, she decides to meet her potential roommate, fully expecting to encounter a complete weirdo or worse. Well, her roommate is a weirdo: he’s wildly handsome, only comes out at night, never seems to cook or eat, and has a tenuous understanding of technology at best. When Cassie finds blood bags in the fridge, the pieces come together in her mind: her roommate is a vampire.
Thoughts: This was a super funny read. While I’d prefer the plot to be a little more developed, it was fun and campy and I laughed out loud more than once. Definitely didn’t take itself too seriously and I’d recommend it as a palate cleanser.
Together We Rot by Skyla Arndt | Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, Horror, Cults
Summary: Wil and Elwood were best friends until her mom went missing last year. Then Wil finds herself being gaslighted by the local police and begins noticing all the deeply strange rituals of the local church. Worse, she’s sure she has seen members of the church wearing her mother’s jewelry. Elwood’s father is the preacher and leader of the strange church, and when Wil confronts Elwood, he chooses believing his family over believing her. That is, until he overhears his father speaking about human sacrifice to the local sheriff and realizes he must run for his life.
Thoughts: I thought the prose was overly-flowery and Elwood’s abrupt shift from steadfastly believing his family of being innocent to immediately believing them to be murderers was strange to say the least. He doesn’t even take the time to question what he overheard. He just runs away.
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rosietrace · 1 year
Emperor Yuuta, Midas's gift
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[ Art by: @authoruio ^^ please check out their content ]
Content related to Sumeragi Yuuta for the Royal AU! An AU that was discussed in the "Melodic Misconceptions 🎹" discord server
Warning(s): Yuuta /j, Yuuta being aroace is not explicitly mentioned but is somewhat implied, me being in love with Yuren, a brief mention of Carol but she isn't mentioned by name
Edit: It isn't explicitly mentioned because of my dumbass, but Yuuta was wearing gloves when he touched Miren
Taglist: @starry-night-rose @nem0-nee @fumikomiyasaki @windbornearchon @sakuramidnight15 @geminiiviolets @twsted-princess @knights-escort @oseathepebble
Note: Reblogs are recommended and encouraged
"The Golden rule: He who has the gold makes the rules."
A quote that befitted that of the emperor of Midas. An empire that benefited off of the wealth of the rich and powerful, and had a low rate of poverty. To the point that it was practically forbidden to be in poverty, lest you shall be banished and are advised to never return.
That was the empire of emperor Yuuta Sumeragi.
Young, handsome, and unbelievably charismatic, Yuuta's considered an incredibly eligible bachelor ever since his ascension to the throne. And it happened that his advisors and imperial court had done what they could to persuade him into an engagement with one of the most eligible ladies of society.
Everyone in the empire praised him. Treated as if he were larger than life. And there were times where, yes, he is larger than life.
To everyone around him, Yuuta was someone that even God would bow down to. Someone you would always fall for. Not only for his beauty, but for his unimaginable wealth and charm.
But… There was always something unusual about the emperor. Something that had intrigued his subjects ever since his ascension.
He never touched anyone. Emotionally? Naturally, he was able to touch everyone with his touching words during his annual speeches.
But sexually? Psychically? No one's ever witnessed Yuuta do such a thing.
And that gave many nobles, desperate to become his consort, a challenge. Because the benevolent Yuuta never touched anyone, many had their doubts about his eligibility as a bachelor. Especially when the discussion of imperial heirs were discussed.
But nevertheless, Yuuta was still loved by his people. And relished in the unending praise he got for his benevolence.
But there was one thing Yuuta hated. Something that he utterly despised about himself.
His curse. One that was cast upon him at a young age by an unknown evil.
It may seem like a blessing, and at times it was, but Yuuta almost always saw it as a curse. Even if it helped grow his fortune.
He referred to it as "The curse of King Midas". He named it after his empire, and the man his empire was named after.
With a simple act of physical contact, no matter how soft the touch was, Yuuta would always turn anything and anyone into gold.
And that was the inevitable end his mother and father, the late emperor and empress, had faced when Yuuta was only a child.
In an attempt to cover up these mishaps when they happen, Yuuta would place the gold statues, statues that were once people, in his garden. To act as mere decorations to entertain the birds that flew by.
He hated his curse. And he couldn't help but hate himself for inflicting such a cruel fate onto his parents.
When he ascended to the throne, Yuuta was young. Still handsome, but he felt his sanity slowly fade away once the crown was placed on his brunette head.
And in his early reign, he wasn't the power-hungry tyrant he was currently known for.
In fact, he appeared to be a scared, vulnerable little boy. Someone that looked so harmless that you couldn't imagine him as the emperor of a powerful nation.
And he didn't like that. He didn't like the image everyone had of him at the time. And so he hardened himself. He hid away his fear, bottling up and dressing himself in the most opulent of silk.
And slowly but surely become the tyrant he was now known for.
[ Meeting a merchant ]
It was a rather boring day for the young emperor. To him, it was an endless cycle that repeated itself everyday.
He wakes up, dressing up in the finest fabric. He ate the most luxurious and exotic pieces of food. And he resumed his duties as the emperor of one of the most powerful nations in the continent.
All while parliament was pressuring him into an unwanted marriage with unwanted individuals.
It was boring. It wasn't exciting nor intriguing. And it sure as hell wasn't amusing in the slightest.
And because of his boredom, Yuuta was tempted to temporarily leave the palace grounds and explore his empire. Particularly the slums.
And so, Yuuta took a cloak out of his closet and quickly ran out of the palace grounds, seamlessly passing by the imperial guards.
And that's when he ran into the slums. If you could call it that, at least.
Due to the surreal opulence of his empire, Yuuta forbade poverty from existing in Midas. Which is actually quite effective, since his empire has the lowest percentage of poverty among the many continents in the world.
And the slums were no different. It just looked more ordinary compared to the luxuriousness of the capitol.
Yuuta didn't mind, though. He actually liked the simplicity "the slums" had compared to the ridiculous sumptuousness of the capitol.
Suddenly, he bumped into someone. A traveling merchant, by the look of his clothing that didn't befit the culture of Midas.
Perplexed and unaware of who they just bumped into, the merchant helped Yuuta up and quickly apologized.
"Apologies…. It seems I didn't notice your presence."
Yuuta scoffed in amusement. Did this merchant not recognize me? He would've assumed everyone across the continents knew about him.
"No, it's fine. I'm not the type to hold grudges over something so trivial." He brushed it off casually, sending the merchant a pleasantly polite smile.
Feeling a bit awkward, the merchant nodded, and Yuuta noticed the hesitation they had in their body language before they spoke.
"If you'd like, I could repay you with something."
He smirked, feeling more intrigued than ever.
"Oh? And how?" He inquired, crossing his arms sassily. An action that had the merchant narrow their eyes and sigh.
"I'm good at cooking… So if you'd like, I can repay you by making you some food." They suggested as they were looking away from Yuuta for a moment before they invoked eye contact with him again.
Chuckling, Yuuta nodded, willing to oblige to their requests.
He didn't actually think that the merchant was a good cook. He merely assumed it was just an act of kindness with an additional exaggeration. But that didn't stop him from feeling interested in trying their food.
On the plus side, the merchant was an attractive young man. Around his age, in fact.
Yuuta didn't have high expectations. His standards were already high because of the palace chefs and their lavish dishes they served him.
What he never expected was that the merchant's food was significantly better than his chefs. And they chuckled a little when they saw the sparkle in his eyes after taking a bite.
They ended up having a long conversation. Talking amongst each other, acting as if their statuses never mattered…
…. It was a comforting feeling Yuuta had never felt before.
"Speaking of names… You never actually told me your name."
A drop of sweat fell down the merchant's face as they narrowed their eyes at Yuuta, who sent them a playful smirk in response."I didn't think it would be important to mention, but I guess it can't be helped…"
They inhaled, feeling rather hesitant to tell Yuuta their name.
"It's Miren. Miren Lockhart."
Lockhart. That name felt familiar. But Yuuta didn't bother to try and investigate his assumptions any further.
"I see. Well, Miren, my name is Yuuta. And…" he stood up and walked towards Miren, giving their somewhat calloused hand a gentle kiss.
"I must take my leave." He announced, before leaving Miren alone with an adorable flushed face.
It was a blessing that Yuuta was so good at lying. As he was able to convince his servants that he just spent his day in the further parts of the garden.
Just as he was about to go rest up in his chambers, a knight approached him. The captain of the imperial guard, actually.
"Your imperial majesty, we have received word of a young woman at the gates of the empire."
He arched a brow in bewilderment and utter disinterest. He didn't have time for something like that. But nonetheless, Yuuta asked for a description of the woman's appearance if there was one.
"Brunette, green eyed…. Their hair was disheveled and unbelievably unclean, and their gown was tattered-"
"Do not allow them entry."
The captain was taken aback."Pardon? But your majesty-"
"Did you not hear me? I said… Don't allow them entry into my empire." Yuuta cut them off, sending them a cold looking scowl that sent a chill down their spine.
Feeling anxious, the captain of the imperial guard reluctantly nodded and went to tell his unit to not allow the unknown woman entry into the empire.
As Yuuta laid down on his soft bed, bedecked in gold and palatial gemstones, he smiled to himself, thinking of the merchant he had encountered earlier.
He snorted, remembering the air of familiarity of their last name.
"Miren….. An intriguing individual for sure."
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triple1st · 6 months
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the gallifreyan chapterhouse to which romana belongs is somewhat unclear, while the gallifrey audio series (a primary source which informs several key events within romana’s life & how i characterize her) unanimously agrees that she is from the house of heartshaven, it maintains a relation with house (of) dvora, romana openly referring to herself as : “ the inheritor of the house of dvora & the custodian of the house of everston . ” certain gallifreyans in the expanded universe also retain their chapterhouse in their full name, such as quences .  leela was also given a gallifreyan name containing her husband andred's chapterhouse, who belonged to the house of redlooms in the novels, later retconned to the house of deeptree in the audio series .  as such & in keeping with the history of house dvora throughout faction paradox, i've combined romana’s houses of origin into a single backstory .
romanadvoratrelundar was loomed as one of 20 cousins of house dvora, the house of devouring hounds, one of the oldest newblood houses of the prydonian chapter (newblood, essentially, refers to gallifreyans loomed utilizing an updated version of the universal biodata imprint which all looms on gallifrey draw from in order to weave new gallifreyans .  they possess a secondary heart & better control of their regeneration, something romana displays expertly in destiny of the daleks . every couple of centuries, this universal biodata imprint is updated with new genetic information drawn from the matrix as a way to replicate the natural evolutionary process undergone by every other living species, as all gallifreyans are sterile & thus any natural process is forcibly recreated mechanically using rassilon’s gift of technology) .  house dvora was among the most prideful & powerful chapterhouses in the prydonian academy .  it had, for generations now, ruthlessly & efficiently trained its 'children' for the roles of high office within the capitol .  it was infamous for the steel & ice present within the hearts of its members, a result of their upbringing .  impenetrable  ironic & sharp around the edges, all of house dvora’s cousins strove to achieve great things, obtain the unimaginable power granted by gallifrey’s highest office all to make house dvora & their kithriarch proud .
romana was no different, not at first, she was loomed in the generation following morbius, the last successor of house dvora who went on to become lord president of the high council of time lords, only a few years into his presidency .  she shined brightly among her cousins, commanding, beautiful, smart, endless potential following in her path .  romana was considered by the house kithriarch (the head of the household, its caretaker, responsible for the social well-being of each family member) to be dvora’s finest, the only cousin of twenty who would bring great pride to the house & become everything it wanted of her .  however, romana never felt the pride house dvora took in her .  much like her cousins, she was kept under strict expectations, monitored by her mechanical caretakers, pushed to her limits by the voices trapped within the walls of the house, whispering of the great legacy of her ancestors & their disappointment should she ever disobey .  house dvora’s treatment would only worsen when romana showed a streak of compassion for her fellow cousins, helping them out on one of many brain-buffing (teaching, essentially) exercises .  such things are unbecoming of members of house dvora .  like all gallifreyans, they are taught the values of selfishness, to seek only their own interests first & to curb those interests in relation to the house itself .  romana’s behavior was considered a malfunction of the house loom, an error of birth & something the house kithriarch would take personal responsibility to fix .
fortunately, he never got the chace, as this coincided with the imperator crisis, lord president morbius showing his true nature, putting gallifrey on a warpath with the rest of the universe & overthrowing its anti-interventionist policy .  upon his defeat by the alliance formed by the high council & his subsequent trial & execution by the sisterhood of karn, house dvora would devour itself in shame .  shame to have produced such a warmongering tyrant, shame to have brought disaster & ruin to gallifrey, shame to have had its name tarnished by one of its star pupils . romana, along with any surviving cousins who were not present within the walls of their house as it collapsed in on itself, were taken by the prydonian chapter castellan & dispersed among other surviving chapterhouses .  she became a foundling of the house of heartshaven, one of 35 cousins, & her memories of house dvora were lost when her brain-buffing was readjusted for her new home .  heartshaven was a lesser known house whose members became archivists, officials of more mundane offices, keepers of the matrix & even chancellery guards .  she spent a total of fifty years within the walls of heartshaven, only twenty or so within dvora, still the brightest star among her cousins, with her only surviving memories of house dvora being of the cold breeze that passed through its halls, bitting into her skin, knowing it was the house itself trying to make her feel small .  the harsh voice of its kithriarch, the thunder & fury that followed it, the house slamming doors in its wake .  heartshaven, by comparison, was infinitely warmer .  a candle-lit fire, minuscule & never quite enough on its own, but much greater by contrast .  it was through heartshaven that romana later found work as an archivist in the bureau of ancient records, a library within the capitol which kept volumes of gallifreyan history dating back to the dark times .
the legacy of house dvora would follow romana into the prydonian academy & into the early days of her presidency . the reputation of dvora’s cousins as cold & untouchable landing her the nickname of 'the ice maiden' (probably less gendered in the original gallifreyan language, given that in the expanded universe gallifreyans are generally portrayed to be either genderless or ambiguous) .  she would try disprove these notions, rebel against them, befriend her classmates, sartia among them whom romana considered her best friend only to realize sartia's hatred for her upon being reunited during her travels with the doctor . she found that the time lord academy itself encouraged her to curb her compassion, fend only for herself as to survive as the sole victor among its pupils .  it would only be upon her travels with the doctor that romana’s compassion & care would be allowed to bloom, gifted another perspective beyond that of rigid gallifreyan socialization .  it was a perspective she would later want to impart upon her fellow time lords, wanting them to see the universe as she does, not just coldly observe but to covet & care for all that which gallifrey deems beneath itself & why when she returned to her home planet, romana found herself a seat on the high council & ascended to the office of lord president . though she would never admit it, having travelled with the doctor certainly helped her political prospects, given he left the presidency vacant on multiple occasions despite the time lords insisting upon it . through assassination plots, bids for immortality & one brief stint in office the doctor was unwilling to fulfill his duties, he proved he could never be trusted . who better then than a time lord that had been his travelling companion ?
her enemies in the high council, however, insisted upon romana's inheritance as an argument against her inauguration . that the malfunction in the breeding engines that led to morbius' ascendancy meant all of house dvora's children were tainted & to allow any one of its survivors his power would be tantamount to suicide . though other more conservative elements within the capitol considered the prospect of romana's presidency a return to form, despite the risk that morbius' legacy lives on within her . he understood the power gallifrey held over the universe . at every step of the electoral process romana stressed that she was more of heartshaven than dvora, that everything house dvora represented died when the house sunk into the ground in shame & anguish & that she was defined by her adoptive house more than anything . it's what she wanted to believe, of course, that she was no tyrant & nothing of morbius survived through her or any other of dvora's lost children, but it was never the imperator romana should have feared . morbius lived on through history, through his cult & its adherents, pandora was erased from time itself & she would come to define the first term of romana's presidency, plunging gallifrey into a second civil war .
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melancthe · 7 months
also (again endgame spoilers)
what's the goddamn statline on the illithid transformation?? is it the same for everyone? should i drag gale to the final battle because he's the only one in our party who uses int except just kidding you can't transform party members except one!! aaaa
i assume they had a REASON for implementing it like this but like. is this meant to be a sacrifice and we're weaker because we did the right thing? that we gotta adapt and change? like with astarion's ascension? or is this meant to be a reward and it's just poorly implemented? because the unimaginable power is wicked inconvenient if so!
like ok it's clearly traumatic except. your character seems to barely react to it? so. so what am i to take away from this?
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babelast · 1 year
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Becca was a normal college student until four men take her away into a world she never dreamed existed. Now she must work hard to memorise the magical ceremonies before her time runs out. Which will leave her with unimaginable power or end with her ultimate demise.
With the aid of the four men, will she be able to survive what comes next or will her unknown past come back to haunt her..?
Character from authoe L. A Allen based on her book, Ascension book 1.
#author #writer #art #illustration #character #character
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disgracedvessel · 2 years
A letter is inconspicuously slipped under Julius' door. Earlier than the morning sun, Odin had been hard at work preparing a gift for the redhead. They are bound by fate (in his eyes at least) and so when he read off the school's calendars that Julius' birthday would be on the first of the month, he immediately set himself to work. Should our birthday boy wake and open this letter, he'd read the following:
Hark! Julius,
It is I, your legendary companion, hero of an era and Chosen One of the stygian void: Oberon Dark. As word would have it, today is a special day. It marks the holy ascension of another figure of legend: you. Yes indeed! Your birthday is here, and what better cause to celebrate?
I wish you the gladdest of tidings and happiest of days. May all your adventures be prosperous on this day, for you shall be invincible until sunset! You just read that right: nothing can stop you this day. But don't just take my word for it.
Enclosed in this letter is a gift of unimaginable proportions. I know what you're thinking, and stay thine hand! Do not go searching for it just yet. It is a relic carved from the depths of the cosmos, plucked from Fate's ashy wings and bestowed with great strength. Though its powers are fleeting, they may overwhelm you if you mishandle them, so be cautious.
Now that you have had your warning, you may retrieve it. On first glance it may seem a simple crow feather, but hark! examine its form more closely. Within its fibrous material strength almighty is woven, and its coated sheen bears the mark of heroic blood. When you hold it close to your chest on this day, The Band of The Crow will unite in your heart--giving you the potential I write of.
So enjoy thine gift! and the rest of your day. May there be many more to come; may you live long and well.
Your friend,
Oberon Dark.
If he decides to read the entire thing and hunt around the letter for what Odin was talking about, he'd find the crow feather in question. It is, in reality, no different from the hundreds that cover the bird, but Odin seems to have placed an unfathomable amount of sentimental value in it.
Birthday (8/1) asks | not accepting
Julius pauses at the name at the end of the letter. It hadn’t been necessary to sign it, he thinks. No one else had ever spoken to him with such bombastic and overdramatic speech before (and, not to mention, Oberon had a penchant for saying - and writing - his own name in the middle of conversation). Still, there’s a smile tucked away at the corner of Julius’ mouth, perhaps unknown even to himself for now. He lets the door of his underground dwelling fall shut behind him and continues the rest of the way into the room with slow, thoughtful steps.
Was this what Oberon had meant by offering friendship instead of service? Julius hums to himself as he sinks down into the rickety old chair at the desk, eyes still skimming over the words.
A gift of unimaginable proportions. Yes, he had nearly forgotten in his bewilderment. He sets the letter aside and digs his hand to the bottom of the envelope (which bears, now, the faint outline of his boot next to the wax seal that had closed it) to retrieve the aforementioned crow feather. Perhaps colored by the introduction Oberon had made for it, it seems to glisten like obsidian in the flickering candlelight, and as Julius turns it slowly between his index finger and thumb, he thinks that it even appears to gleam with hues of sapphire. The back of the chair creaks when he leans against it and holds the feather up for a better look.
Though for all of its beauty, he can’t sense a heartbeat of magic. No hidden strength or spell. It was, as far as he could tell, just a feather. Julius twirls it again thoughtfully between his fingers. Perhaps Oberon had been swindled into believing this to be an artifact of heroic proportions, he thinks, in which case he would certainly need a friend to set him straight. Another twirl. Or perhaps it possessed a secret so arcane that not even he had encountered such a power before, and so it slumbered undetected within the quill of an ordinary feather. Julius sits up and resolutely tucks the feather into the front of his uniform, on the right side near his heart, and waits for the “strength almighty” detailed in the letter. Still nothing.
Well, he would just need to teach Oberon the ways of the world, then. Back out of Abyss he goes, casting off the persona of the withdrawn rat with his back a little straighter, his chin a little higher, his hair brushed back over his shoulders to show off the obsidian beauty of the pristine feather.
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eric-greitens-kc · 2 months
Unlocking the Doors to Leadership Excellence: Strategies for Career Ascension
In an age where leadership styles are as diverse as the challenges they aim to conquer, standing out as a leader can catapult your career to realms previously unimagined. This exploration delves into unique leadership secrets, offering a fresh perspective on ascending the career ladder. By weaving these strategies into your leadership fabric, you'll inspire those around you and set a new standard for what it means to lead.
Embrace the Art of Storytelling
Great leaders are also great storytellers. They know how to weave compelling narratives that connect goals with personal aspirations, making the journey toward success a shared endeavor. Storytelling isn’t just about recounting events; it’s about creating a vision in which others can see themselves. By mastering this art, you can motivate your team, drive change, and build a culture that aligns with your organizational goals. The key is authenticity—let your stories reflect your values and experiences, and watch as they resonate deeply with your audience.
Develop a Servant Leadership Mindset
Servant leadership flips the conventional leadership script by putting the needs of others first. It’s about fostering empowerment, growth, and well-being of the teams and communities you serve. This approach builds a strong foundation of trust and respect, essential ingredients for any successful leader. By prioritizing the development and welfare of your team members, you create an environment where people feel valued and motivated to perform their best, leading to remarkable outcomes for your organization.
Leverage the Power of Emotional Agility
While emotional intelligence focuses on understanding and managing emotions, emotional agility involves being flexible with your emotional responses to various situations. It’s the ability to navigate life's changes with an open mind and a resilient heart. Leaders who possess emotional agility can adapt their strategies to meet the demands of any challenge, turning obstacles into stepping stones. Cultivating this skill enables you to lead confidently, even in uncertainty, and instills a sense of stability and trust among your team.
Encourage Radical Transparency
Transparency in leadership fosters an atmosphere of trust and open communication. It involves being honest about your decisions, the state of the business, and even your vulnerabilities. Radical transparency goes a step further by actively seeking and valuing feedback, including criticism, from all levels of the organization. This approach demystifies the decision-making process and encourages a culture of mutual respect and continuous improvement. By embracing transparency, you invite collaboration and innovation, driving your team to achieve and surpass their goals.
Harness the Power of Digital Leadership
In the digital age, leaders must navigate various new technologies and platforms. Digital leadership is not just about leveraging technology for operational efficiency; it’s about creating a vision where digital tools empower everyone in the organization. It means staying informed about technological trends and understanding how they can enhance your team's work, not replace it. By becoming a digital-savvy leader, you position yourself and your team to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
Prioritize Well-being and Mental Health
Your team's well-being and mental health are crucial for sustained high performance. Leaders prioritizing these aspects demonstrate that they value their team members beyond their professional contributions. Initiatives can range from flexible working arrangements to providing access to mental health resources. Creating a supportive environment where people feel comfortable discussing their well-being fosters a healthy, productive workplace culture.
Cultivate an Innovation Ecosystem
Innovation is the lifeblood of any successful organization, and as a leader, it's your role to cultivate an environment where creativity flourishes. This means encouraging experimentation, celebrating failures as learning opportunities, and providing the tools and time necessary for innovation. An innovation ecosystem isn’t just about coming up with new ideas; it’s about implementing them in ways that add value to your organization and customers.
Foster Inclusivity and Diversity
Diverse perspectives are essential for robust problem-solving and creativity. Leaders who foster an inclusive environment where every voice is heard and valued can unlock the full potential of their team. It’s about recognizing and appreciating the unique contributions of each team member and using those differences as a strength. By committing to diversity and inclusivity, you not only enhance team performance but also reflect the values of equality and respect in your leadership style.
These leadership strategies represent a holistic approach to professional development and career advancement. By integrating storytelling, servant leadership, emotional agility, transparency, digital acumen, well-being focus, innovation cultivation, and a commitment to inclusivity into your leadership practice, you're not just climbing the career ladder; you're transforming it. Leadership is an ever-evolving journey that requires continuous learning, adaptation, and, above all, a heartfelt commitment to elevating those around you. As you incorporate these strategies into your leadership repertoire, remember that the most outstanding leaders inspire others to see the leader within themselves.
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vinceviralfreak · 8 months
Title: The Cosmic Confrontation
Chapter 1: The Queen's Ascension
In the vast expanse of the universe, where countless galaxies twinkle like distant stars, a powerful and benevolent Queen ruled over all. Her name was Seraphina, the Queen of the Universe. Seraphina possessed an otherworldly beauty, with flowing silver hair and eyes that shimmered like the stars themselves. She was loved and revered by all the beings inhabiting the cosmos.
However, lurking in the shadows of the universe, a malevolent force known as the Dark Lord plotted to overthrow Seraphina and claim dominion over all creation. The Dark Lord, whose name was Xerxes, was a being of pure darkness, his eyes glowing with an eerie red light. He commanded an army of fearsome creatures, each more terrifying than the last.
Chapter 2: The Prophecy Unveiled
Deep within the ancient archives of the Queen's palace, a prophecy was discovered. It foretold of a great cosmic battle between Seraphina and Xerxes, a battle that would determine the fate of the universe. The prophecy spoke of a chosen one, a being with unimaginable power, who would aid the Queen in her quest to vanquish the Dark Lord.
As the Queen pondered the prophecy, she realized that she had to find this chosen one. She embarked on a perilous journey across the galaxies, seeking clues and allies who could help her in her quest. Along the way, she encountered strange and wondrous beings, each with their own unique abilities and stories.
Chapter 3: The Gathering Storm
Meanwhile, Xerxes grew impatient. He unleashed his dark forces upon the universe, spreading chaos and destruction wherever they went. Planets were ravaged, civilizations crumbled, and hope seemed to fade away. The Queen's heart ached as she witnessed the suffering caused by the Dark Lord's reign of terror.
With each passing day, the Queen's search for the chosen one intensified. She traveled to distant planets, seeking out ancient seers and wise mystics who could guide her. Finally, she found herself on the planet of Zephyria, a world known for its mystical energy and wise inhabitants.
Chapter 4: The Chosen One
On Zephyria, the Queen encountered a young woman named Lyra. Lyra possessed a unique connection to the cosmic energies that flowed through the universe. She had been unaware of her true potential until the Queen arrived, revealing her destiny as the chosen one.
Together, Seraphina and Lyra embarked on a journey to gather a powerful alliance to stand against Xerxes. They sought out warriors from distant galaxies, brilliant scientists, and ancient beings with knowledge of the universe's secrets. As their forces grew, so did their hope for victory.
Chapter 5: The Final Battle
The stage was set for the ultimate showdown between good and evil. Seraphina, Lyra, and their allies faced off against Xerxes and his dark army on the desolate planet of Oblivion. The clash of cosmic powers shook the very fabric of reality, as beams of light and darkness collided in a dazzling display of power.
In the midst of the chaos, Seraphina and Xerxes engaged in a fierce battle. Their powers clashed, creating shockwaves that rippled across the universe. It was a battle of wills, of light against darkness, and the fate of all creation hung in the balance.
Chapter 6: The Triumph of Light
In a final, climactic moment, Seraphina unleashed her full power, channeling the energy of the universe itself. With a blinding burst of light, she banished Xerxes and his dark forces into the depths of oblivion. The universe was saved, and peace was restored.
Seraphina, now hailed as the savior of the cosmos, returned to her throne. She ruled with wisdom and compassion, ensuring that the universe thrived under her benevolent reign. Lyra, having fulfilled her destiny, became a trusted advisor to the Queen, using her newfound powers to protect and guide the universe.
And so, the Queen of the Universe and her chosen one stood as beacons of hope, forever guarding against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume the cosmos. Their tale would be told for eons to come, a testament to the power of light and the triumph of good over evil.
Note: The novel's writing style is intentionally left as "No Style" to allow for creative freedom and individual interpretation.
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