#//but srsly who hasn't had this experience?
bomberqueen17 · 2 days
there is a cow lying in the park across the street being very idyllic in the morning mist.
last night we finally asked at the front desk if this hotel has a pool. it does. it closes at 9pm tho. the guy gave us directions and we went to find it. it was a four-minute walk at fairly high speed, through several fire doors, down several hallways i would never have guessed were part of this building, and there was absolutely no signage of any kind. but there's an attendant. so it feels to me like. they should want someone to know about this so they can justify the cost of the attendant???
anyway it was a truly wild odyssey. we arrived like ten minutes before closing and the attendant was like "..... can i help you" very weary-politely and we were like "no! we just wanted to find the place!" and he was visibly much happier then and told us all about it.
my new phone is huge and clunky and one of the camera lenses is slightly damaged, but the lens that works is really good so i did take a bunch of good photos and at some point i will organize and present them. today is another outing, however. and i will take even more photos of this outing.
i looked at my credit card statement and in fact they did *not* charge me a hundred quid to not fix my phone, they only charged me for the new phone and then the new-new actually-working phone on top of that.
the cellphone store clerk also asked us, since we'd admitted to being americans, who we were voting for, and when we answered, he said "she's totally going to win! i have asked eight americans recently and seven of them said her!" and dude was like, diplomatically, sir, the sorts of americans who travel to europe are going to be disproportionately the ones who vote like they know there's a rest of the world that exists, so your sample might be skewed. i was still being horrified that an american traveling abroad would admit to supporting That One. blggh if you're going to be a troglodyte stay the fuck home, you don't deserve europe.
i said "politics have been sort of weird here yah?" and he was like "people here aren't political" and i said "what a luxury!"
he also was like "your election affects us though" and i was like "that is a true and reasonable statement."
last night i ordered fish and chips in a restaurant and i had made conversation about how much nicer the weather was than i'd prepared for, for this trip, so the waiter was like ah is it your first fish and chips and i was like oh i used to live here, rather than attempting to explain to him that actually fish fries are a regional specialty in buffalo and they are remarkably identical to the experience here only we have better side dishes XD (srsly britain try german potato salad sometime it's p great as a potato delivery vehicle and it also includes bacon)
i will say when i came here as a teenager i wound up with a really weird accent, but on this trip the combo of traveling with a fellow american and also not being immersed in it to the same extent and also not being seventeen means my normal accent has just gotten slightly stronger i think. i mean also i was here for most of a year then, and this hasn't even been a week, so.
ok time to go out on the balcony and take a picture of this persistently scenic cow.
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yeonban · 3 months
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OC Questions on the Seven Forms of Love.
@effigist asked: Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature? / for tobias &. elijah again !
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Tobias does! If anything, his sense of personal worth is more inflated than a regular person's should be. Like the majority of the orphans from Wammy's House, he wholeheartedly believes that he is always right and he has complete trust in his own abilities, regardless of whether we're talking about his intellect, attention to details, leadership skills or whatever else. He's confident in everything he has to offer, and he knows exactly what his value is, especially in relation to the underground and Wammy's House. That is partially why he feels comfortable enough to purposefully act rude to some of his caretakers and allies: he's aware that no matter what he might do or say, as long as his usefulness outweighs it on the balancing scale, they won't be able to do without him. It's comical to watch too, how grown adults have to resort to relying on someone as young as him time and again even when he's intentionally getting on their nerves. It definitely serves as an ego boost!
The downside to that, though, is how very much of his self-worth is based on how well he's doing with his schemes. Being wrong once would be a humbling hit to his ego, being wrong twice would be the same as having the sky fall down on him, and being wrong thrice would practically cement that he's no longer an useful asset, which would prompt him to prepare ahead of time for his incoming death. This is one of the many side-effects of having been groomed by Wammy's House into equaling his existence to how successful he is, and Tobias is actually one of the few orphans who takes this news well, since he's always been prepared to die, even long before he arrived at the orphanage. That said, he genuinely doesn't think it's possible for him to ever fail or be wrong, so he's rarely if ever contemplated this. #Ignorance_is_bliss!
As for his opinions on his own nature... Tobias may be certain that he's living up to his full potential and that he'll only get better from here on out, but he is just as confident that he is a "sinful" person down to the core. Not because of what he does for a job nor because of what he does to guarantee his survival, since he doesn't think others in his position are sinful, but rather because of his guardians. He's always thought that by having been born as his parents' son, he will eventually end up like them too, filth teaches filth, and the fact that daily he grows more similar to them really doesn't help the counter cases. His parents literally modeled him after themselves during his formative years, to the point where he grew to enjoy hurting others in spite of the many teachings Wammy's House tried to instill in him which ultimately only helped him select a target (criminals who should be taken down a peg) for his enjoyment rather than eradicating the habit entirely, and were his parents' friends still alive, they would be able to recognize Tobias as the Stratford family's son the second they'd lay their eyes on him; not even by looks, but by his uncanny smile, the way he holds himself and his interests.
Even worse still, his next guardians (Watari, Roger, Wammy House's misc. staff) are people who also couldn't care less about what happens to the orphans they raised as long as they aren't fit to become the next L, and Tobias realizes he's subconsciously adopted many of their beliefs as well. If everyone who raised him was/is a godawful person that the world would be better off without, then it's obvious that he is the same as them. Fortunately though, he can't bring himself to really care about what his overall impact on the world is. Whether he'll leave this world better off or worse off than it was when he was born, it doesn't matter. He'll be satisfied with whichever. All that actually matters to Tobias is getting to live his life however he pleases, by seeking fun as he currently is and by getting to feel alive for a bit rather than feel detached, empty or angry as he's always felt during his childhood and teenagerhood. He never got to enjoy life until he left Wammy's House at 16, so he's going all out on it now while he still can say he'll wake up the next day. He has a... surprisingly positive view on himself and life, all things considered.
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Elijah on the other hand, is much worse off mentally and existentially. Similarly to how Tobias and every other Wammy orphan in existence bases their worth around how perfect (or not) they are at utilizing the skillsets that made them into "official" geniuses worthy of being taken to Wammy's House, so is Elijah, except when he arrived at the orphanage's doors, he already felt like a deeply inadequate person. His mother died when he was very young, several years before he became an orphan, and although he does vaguely remember her kindness and warmth, what he remembers more vividly is his father, who ignored his existence by either not being present at home if possible or by outright acting as though Elijah didn't exist. His father was never fond of children to begin with, but watching his son take on all of his late wife's traits reminded him of his loss and only added salt into his wound, making him eventually dislike even seeing Elijah.
The only times Elijah was ever spared a glance, or rarely, given praise, was when he put up a convincing act in front of his father and/or his father's friends by "becoming" someone he wasn't. He purposefully rid himself of every trait that his father disliked and instead took on a "persona" which would be catered to his specific preferences. Later, he took it up another notch and began changing his appearance as well, to whichever extent he could manage with the resources he could find in the house. Soon enough, his father figured he could use his son's acting and disguise talents to pass it off as having multiple children with varied interests and personalities, which led to him striking numerous (scam) business deals in Elijah's name (as well as "his other sons"' names) for the future. Moreover, he promised others that "each" of his "sons" would marry into certain families down the line based on whichever offers or connections he received right now in return, and thanks to the usefulness he suddenly found in Elijah, his father started paying more attention to him. Except, his father never liked Elijah for who he really was, only for who he could become, and therefore not only did Elijah never like himself either, but he only ever saw a semblance of worth in himself when he wasn't being himself.
Safe to say, after his father died in an accident, Elijah no longer knew who to be. He "was" several boys, each one in front of different people or on different days of the week, and whoever he was would always be picked by his father. Although Elijah did find his way into Wammy's House that same year, he wasn't found by Watari. Rather, he was found by one of the letters of the third generation who then sent him to be "examined" by Watari's staff to check which of Quillish's orphanages he would fit better in, and this examination only helped worsen what Elijah thought to be true. He once again had to prove himself if he wanted others to not abandon him, and so he proved his talents and continued to do so when he was selected for Wammy's House as well.
It was only when he met Tobias, who bluntly disregarded his acting and called him out for having no personality on their first meeting, that Elijah was forced to face the reality that even he himself didn't know who he was or what made him him other than his skills. Ironically enough, with the two of them having arrived at the orphanage only a few days apart, they were selected as roommates for the rest of their stay at Wammy's House. The problem was that Tobias disliked every single one of Elijah's personas, and made it painfully clear. This brought Elijah to quite a conundrum, because even the new ones he tried to create to cater to Tobias' taste incited, at best, a roll of Tobias' eyes. The ongoing hostility from Tobias' end also intimidated him for a while, but the forced proximity of their shared room and the subsequent years of Tobias looking down on him in pure disgust despite his best efforts to accommodate him eventually irritated Elijah enough to start a physical altercation.
Puzzlingly, and although Tobias was at first seriously considering murdering him for daring to jump him, Elijah noticed that Tobias tolerated him more easily when he showed his real feelings and expressed his real thoughts than when he made some up. They were still antagonistic to each other for a while afterwards, but with Tobias respecting Elijah's true self more than his imitations, and with Elijah realizing it and acting accordingly, he eventually formed a personality that felt more authentic to himself. The others, fellow orphans and the staff alike, liked his real self too, and this has helped Elijah let go of some of his preconceived beliefs of his innate unworthiness.
However, he couldn't rid himself of them entirely, because Wammy's House flourishes by working on and perfecting every orphan's particular skillsets in preparation for their future as safeguarding agents. Elijah's talents, whether he liked it or not, were acting and disguises, and thus this was what his individual lessons were focused on, whereas the missions given to him all entailed different identities to take upon himself for espionage work. Although he made a step forward by being able to show his true self outside of studies and work, he couldn't always be himself, and that was enough of an obstacle for Elijah to once again become unsure of which parts of himself were him and which were adopted from others.
This is a dilemma that he continues to experience to this day, feeling alien in his own skin, and especially so since he chose to help Tobias in his grand schemes by doing what he knows best to be helpful, meaning exactly what is causing him an identity crisis to begin with. It's why he struggles to find any value in himself and why he believes his worth comes solely from his skills and the intel or connections he brings back. It has reached a point where Elijah's different personas have sort of muddled into one that he tends to use outside of work, which is a mix of himself and the hundreds of other people he's faked being over the years. The only times you can see his unadulterated self, with no semblance of someone else and childish as it might look, is when he bickers with Tobias, which is amusingly enough also when Tobias shows his unadulterated self. A whole decade of mental development later and they're still the same perpetually beefing dumbasses 💔 Watari is rolling in his grave as we speak
The reasons why Elijah opted to work for Tobias rather than for Wammy's House are actually related to the point above. Tobias, unlike their fellow orphans, still manages to get an accurate read on Elijah even when Elijah himself doesn't quite understand what he's thinking or feeling, so being able to ask Tobias for psychological explanations is rather grounding. On top of that, with Tobias being unsure of how to navigate a "normal" life thanks to his out of the ordinary upbringing, and with this leading to him asking Elijah for help in turn, Elijah gets to feel useful even outside of his missions, as his own person separate from the disguise master and the spy. Though one could argue that Elijah's sense of worth remains mostly tied to his genius, and that his sense of self is nowadays mainly tied to Tobias' understanding of it. At least it's a good thing that Tobias is always right with his judgements.
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#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ tobias ; meta. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ muse. elijah. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ elijah ; meta. ❫#long post /#child abuse /#Wammy's House don't traumatize one (1) of your dozens of orphans challenge IMPOSSIBLE#You'd think Tobias would be worse off considering his past is traumatizing in a million more aspects than Elijah's but amazingly no??#Tobias' parents traumatizing him in the way they did ended up cutting off his brain links to emotions outside of primal ones (anger)#so although he's The worst person in the world to piss off and definitely not a nice guy to come across... he's alright w Himself!#Meanwhile ELIJAH's mental health is hanging on a thread at all times and the thread's tied to Tobias' wrist of all people 😭😭😭#These 2 are the most ??? duo to ever exist like Tobias is out there acting as Elijah's personal psychologist b4 sending him to work#and Elijah is acting as Tobias' moral compass & personal aid for social interactions that Tobias hasn't had experience with thus far#They should do a comical bit actually bc this is ridiculous enough for one. Elijah calls Tobias to ask what he (<-Elijah) is feeling today#and then after answering /srsly; Tobias asks Elijah what reaction he (<-Tobias) should have instead of punching sb in the face#Every normal person watching the bit (that's not even a bit; it's just a flavor of insanity that the house has gifted its orphans): ......?#I do find it hilarious how Tobias has a track record of calling people who are struggling w themselves out like open books though LMAOOOOO!#Kid him was far worse. NO tact whatsoever because he was always annoyed. NOW however he's at least saying it um... decently!!
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
I finished watching that Avengers film (Avengers Assemble, as it may or may not still be titled in this region)!
First up, I must warn anyone new to the MCU via the same route as myself that THERE IS NOT A SINGLE ALLIGATOR IN THIS MOVIE. Furthermore, Loki is played by A MAN for the entire ten hours that this film runs. Though actually this isn't as disappointing as it sounds, he's probably the most entertaining character in it and if nothing else the endless fucking fight scenes usually pause for a moment or two while one of the heroes confronts him verbally. (And then the fight starts again, but it was a nice respite anyway.)
I don't know how I feel about this film because there's certainly the basis of an entertaining action-film-with-jokes in here but that film is, alas, about an hour shorter than the actual movie. I generally have a low tolerance for fight scenes and this film could be not unfairly described as one interminable fight/action scene (with occasional Loki Interludes). I hadn't even seen that much of this film via tumblr gifs already, which makes me think it's not that beloved? Many scenes were just too long, like when the Avengers were all bitching at each other (I get it already, they're fighting!) and the bit where Thor and Iron Man and then Captain Steve level a forest together went on long past the point where I was thinking "if Loki HASN'T just fucked off while they were fighting then I'm gonna assume getting captured is his actual plan" (it was!). Because srsly he must have sat there patiently waiting for them to finish, perhaps dreaming of a better life in which he was an alligator.
Anyway, they were on a flying aircraft-carrier (NOT the Valiant from Dr Who just exactly like it), and then it crashed except no it didn't, and then we were in New York and they were going to nuke the city except no they didn't. To be honest I'm not sure what the plot actually was beyond "everyone wants the MacGuffin Tesseract for some reason." I don't know why we were in Germany other than so that one German guy could spot Obvious Fascist Rantings in a movie about *checks notes* the United States assembling a force of almost unkillable fighters who act on their own authority and can do as they like because we know they're good people who will always act in the interests of America the world. (In fairness I think this alarming set-up is the plot of a later - or possibly earlier? - Captain America film that I know I've seen but remember nothing from.)
Speaking of, did they cut a bunch of stuff out about Steve America having a crisis about America and the fucked up shit it's got up to? He seemed to be having a sad about that but then he didn't any more, though I admit I could have missed him having an important epiphany of some sort during the endless, endless, endless violence. SO MUCH VIOLENCE. And I am genuinely not sure who caused more damage in the final fight hour sequence between the Bad Aliens and the Avengers. I suppose that's why they keep mentioning that battle in every following Marvel work?
AND OH YEAH PHIL DIED. Phil, who was besties with all the Avengers, even the ones he met five minutes before he died. Everyone was VERY broken up about Phil dying, and he (and some carefully-bloodied trading cards) was the spark that ignited the Avengers by dying. See, Loki's mistake was killing Phil! Killing all those other people was fine though. They didn't even have names, let alone trading cards (bloody or otherwise)!
Have I mentioned that this was quite a long film? I am trying to repeat myself a lot in this 'review' so as to evoke a feeling in the reader akin to the experience of watching people hit each other and things blow up over and over and over again. Because I am an artiste, an auteur, a very tired audience. But Steve was quite good, whether or not he had an arc, and Thor's always entertaining. Tony Stark I strongly dislike for a number of reasons. The Hulk is at least green (and Bruce's angst was weirdly relatable given that his problem is turning green on occasion). Arrows Hawkeye and the Black Widow are (I think) the Canonical M/F Pairing, having bonded together in the unspecified backstory and then further brought together by being the Avengers with the least exciting powers. (Projectile weaponry? Groundbreaking!) And somehow her outfit has a tit-window despite not having a tit-window. But don't worry, she also got called a cunt so this is THE MOST feminist film you can possibly imagine! No wonder it took everyone so long to see through Joss Whedon's bullshit!
Then it ended. At last. I did actually have a break in the New York hour of the fight scene because all the camera movements and close-up violence were making me dizzy. That wasn't fun. But I'd watch and enjoy an hour-long edit of this film, probably. The sad thing is that the interesting parts, where the camera more or less stays still for an entire shot, are likely the bits that were most cut down by the studio to allow the fight scenes room to breathe.
Also, in finishing, I would like to draw attention to this dude at the Posh People Gathering in Germany, whose collar and tie combo is APPALLING and DREADFUL and I think Loki should have murdered him for that alone.
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fufukunaga · 2 years
skts online dating ft. demi!kiyoomi
Kiyoomi has always found dating hard, much more so when the pandemic hit and everyone had to switch online.
Before the lockdown, Kiyoomi had been going out on blind dates set up by friends or Motoya.
He's been struggling with all the flirting and the subtle touches and the prolonged eye contact. He doesn't get it, if he's being honest.
Motoya insists he try online dating. It'll be good practice, he said. Talking to people while being in the comfort of your own home sounded like the perfect solution to Kiyoomi. He liked the fact that he could see a picture and some basic information unlike in a blind date. He liked that he could choose who to talk to, choose whether he wants to make the first move or not.
In theory, online dating should suit him.
But after the 55th match, Kiyoomi still hasn't found someone that gets past the 3rd day talking stage.
He calls it "The 3-Day Curse". After three days of talking, either Kiyoomi gets bored or the other person ghosts him. Eitherway, none of his matches lasted more than 3 days.
He's honestly getting tired of it and he was about to quit and uninstall the dating app when he came across Miya Atsumu's profile.
He doesn't know why. Normally, Kiyoomi swipes left on people who have thirst traps for pictures. Maybe it's because Atsumu's bio is of a quote from a book Kiyoomi had found interesting. Or maybe it was because it was way oast midnight and Kiyoomi's judgement was skewered.
But he felt compelled to swipe right.
He immediately finds that they matched and Kiyoomi doesn't know what to feel.
He doesn't initiate conversation though. Just leave it alone and go to sleep.
t's only until the next morning that Kiyoomi sees Atsumu's message.
Atsumu: i knew it
i knew you wanted me, omi-omi
abt time you finally became honest with yer feelings.
He didn't know what else he expected from Miya. The familiarity made Kiyoomi relax.
Kiyoomi: don't think too much into it, Miya
it was simply a misclick
Atsumu: i doubt that
Kiyoomi: believe whatever you want
It's weird, Kiyoomi thinks. They've been teammates for almost 2 years now but they never really texted much since they always see each other in practice.
Atsumu's as talkative as he is in person, which Kiyoomi finds grateful as he's not a good conversation driver.
One of the many reasons online dating seem to be not working for him.
Atsumu: say, omi-kun i never thought I'd see u on a dating app
Kiyoomi: neither did i
Atsumu: are u rly looking to date or are u just bored bc of the pandemic?
Kiyoomi: is that the new pickup line?
Atsumu: ur funny omi
but srsly
Kiyoomi: i guess i am looking to date
but it's been hard
Atsumu: whyy???
not a lot of guys up to ur impossibly high standard?
Kiyoomi: idk...
dating is hard
i do want someone to intimate with
i just
don't know how
Atsumu: oh
Kiyoomi: online dating is especially hard too
i dont know how to flirt
and i guess the distance doesnt help
it's just harder to get to know people and genuinely connect with them
Atsumu: i get what u mean
but you've come to the right place
Atsumu: did u know i wrote the book on the art of seduction?
Kiyoomi: no you didn't. stop lying.
Atsumu ur right i didnt.
i may as well have
bc i know all the secrets
and now i will teach them to u omi-omi
so u better be grateful
Atsumu tells him about his few choice of opening liners; He tells Kiyoomi how to spot red flags in a profile; He teaches Kiyoomi how to liven up a conversation, how to choose the right topic, and a lot of other things.
It's pretty insightful, if Kiyoomi says so himself.
They talk for two days straight just going over Atsumu's "online dating techniques".
In turn, Kiyoomi tells him about his dating experience so far both online and offline. They share worst date stories, most embarrassing date stories, most weird ones, and ever in between.
On the night before the third day, Kiyoomi tells Atsumu about his "3-Day Curse".
Kiyoomi: I can't believe you'll be the first one to break it
Atsumu: aww does that mean im special omi?
Kiyoomi: keep on dreaming, miya
Kiyoomi doesn't think much of it when the two of them are still talking nonstop during the third consecutive day. It doesn't mean anything, he reasons. They already know each other so technically they've been talking for more than 3 days already. It doesn't count.
With his newfound knowledge about the ins and outs of dating and flirting, Kiyoomi starts to try it on other people.
He tells Atsumu how things go, whether his tips worked. Atsumu teases him sometimes because "look at ya omi-omi being such a flirt im swooning"
Kiyoomi ignores him. But he follows more of Miya's advice.
Some are more successful than others. A few people make it pass the 3-day curse but Kiyoomi sooner or later loses interest and ghosts them himself.
He suddenly feels like there's something wrong with him.
Kiyoomi: i just can't understand why nobody's clicking
Atsumu: dont feel too pressured omi-kun
im sure you'll find someone soon!!! 
Kiyoomi: i dont think i will
Atsumu: u will!!!!
trust me
Kiyoomi: now that's too much to ask
Atsumu: mean!
After a month of trying and failing, Kiyoomi gives up. He tells Atsumu that he's planning to uninstall the dating app permanently so they probably switch to a different messaging app.
They continue talking. This time, not about dating. They talk about everything and anything.
Despite the self-isolation and the social distancing, Kiyoomi didn't feel alone when talking to Atsumu. It's something he's never experienced before — feeling close to someone who is physically far away.
Sure, they live in the same city but they can't see each other. Not yet.
But that's okay. Kiyoomi is happy with just talking.
After a few months, they start doing video calls and watching movies or volleyball matches together while being on call. They do this sometimes with the team but it's different when it's just the two of them.
Kiyoomi likes it better when it's just the two of them.
When lockdown was lifted and restrictions started easing up, volleyball practice started up again with certain health protocols that Kiyoomi was more than happy to follow.
Seeing Atsumu for the first time in months brings a weird feeling in Kiyoomi's stomach that he can't quite explain.
Atsumu smiles at him the moment their eyes meet and Kiyoomi's stomach's flip.
Oh no.
He likes Miya Atsumu.
He's not sure what changed but
Kiyoomi reinstalls the dating app he had deleted long ago and desperately tries to find Atsumu's profile.
Once he finds it, he immediately swipes right. No hesitation, no overthinking. No blaming it on sleep deprivation.
They match.
Atsumu messages him first.
Atsumu: fancy seeing u here again, omi-omi
Kiyoomi remembers Atsumu's online dating tips: "once you've talked to each other enough to get to know them, tell them directly if you like them  and the next step asking them out on a date (i know we're in lockdown so we can't go out on a date but virtual dates are in right now, omi-omi u should def try it)"
Kiyoomi: i like you
would you like to go on a date with me?
Atsumu: ohohoho?
what's this?
Kiyoomi: you can say no if you want to
Atsumu: and what if i dont want to?
what then, omi-kun?
Kiyoomi: then say yes
Atsumu: pick me up at 8?
Kiyoomi: see you then
Sakusa Kiyoomi was never good at online dating or dating in general but his boyfriend definitely is.
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
Ice Skating
There was a skating rink over near Cryopolis Central, and Bux decided that today would be a great time to teach Azuri how to ice skate.
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"Alright, when you get on the ice and start moving, be sure to keep your balance."
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"Mmmph... O-ok, Buxie..." Azzi began slowly sliding forward on his blades as his legs wobbled. He quickly flapped his arms as he struggled to balance himself. It didn't take long for Azzi to fall on his rear while on the icy floor.
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"Ah! Azuri! Are you ok?"
Bux ran over to Azzi but ended up slipping and falling on the rink. He ended up sliding over to Azzi while he was on his rear. Bux only managed to get up in time to see himself bump into Azuri, knocking both of them over. Worse, someone was recording the entire thing.
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"Ugh. This is why I don't like ice skating."
0 notes
astersofthesky · 3 years
I decided to reread the MHA LN Chapter 4, you know, the canon bkdk angsty slow-burn fanfic 😌😌 Spreading the BKDK LN agenda because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE !!
Anyway, I FOUND ANOTHER TRANSLATION but sadly OP haven't finished it yet 😢
And since I need an emotional outlet so I can scream at how they're so canon, Im'ma do it here ahwjdhfjsh 👀✨
Warning: Long post; potential manga spoilers
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– I forgot that this chapter literally started with the angst 😭 Deku saying that he can't imagine having lunch with Kacchan is like a pain in the gut. He just wanna be friends with his Kacchan again 😢
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– One word, ✨SOULMATES ✨ afshshahah PLS, even the universe can't help but ship them together 😩✋ they're fruityness is on whole a new level I CAN'T 💚🧡
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– I see what you're doing Bakugou 👀 You really can't leave your sweet broccoli behind huh?? Also, crybaby Macchan and aggressive Takkun?? 🤔 Do I need to say more? 🧐
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– If that's not flirting then idk what is 🤷 also, "In front of my soba? Really?" (Todoroki, probably)
– There's no ss but I just wanna give a special mention to jealous!Bakugou. No cos srsly, implying you're not friends with Deku as if you're not dying to hold his hand then getting irritated over Todoroki claiming the "friend" card 😩 Just, Bakugou, don't @ me ☺️💢
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– The angst had reached full force it seems ಥ‿ಥ The line was cut but it actually says "Not friends, just childhood friends" 😭😭 and I am telling you Im'ma throw my brand new book when Bakugou explicitly acknowledges Midoriya as his boyfriend. Because before they were rivals, Bakugou and Midoriya were first friends. And I'm not saying that they aren't one now because we as readers, can definitely see they care for each other. But the question is, do they already see the other as a friend and not just a mere rival? They don't cos they're boyfriends your honor
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– Tbh, It still haven't sinked in that this is kind of canon 🤧 This is such a cliched romantic scene like wtf?? So what's next? The full moon is illuminating half of Bakugou's face, red eyes glowing and face soft from the natural white luminescence or something sappy like that?? 😩😩 I love it
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– Izuku in this LN chapter whenever he talks about Bkg: ✨ THEIR RELATIONSHIP ✨
– I know, I get it. You don't have to shove it my face every single time Deku 😌 and pls, why are you still flirting at the middle of the night?? Or was it pining that I see 🤔 i mean comparing each other to their kid parallels 😕 hmm a severe case of mutual pining indeed
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– Yes yes, of course you're only looking for food stalls Mr. Bakugou "Tsundere" Katsuki, I completely don't believe that you're worried about the kids. No! of course not! Who says you want the kids to reconcile so they wouldn't experience the pain that you and a certain green had gone through?? Hahaha I mean It's not like they're your parallel what??hmmm no no, go on, look for takoyaki or smthn ☺️☺️
– Wait, did the last part say '"Bakugou grabbed Izuku's face and pushed it away..." Aksfksjdhdisjs what in the actual gay fanfic is this??!! Or wait, is this what Bkg usually do to Deku in the official art he's like, I love agressively gripping your head as I entangle my fingers on your soft curls but no homo💀
Since OP's translation isn't complete, I'm going to use Lau Ren's translation and yes I'm continuing this shit even though Tumblr mobile only lets me post 10 pics per post
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– Bkdk domesticity with children pt. 95736 💚🧡 They love kids so much 😩 Yk I'd donate my kidney just to see this ANIMATED ✨ like this has so much fluff potential 🤧 Or at the very least a drama CD. I'd ascend 😭
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– WHAT THE FUDGE ?!! I'M SCREAMING 😭 I SAY IT AGAIN 💞 SOULMATES✨ and pls, it has my favorite fic trope, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings. Anyway, I need a minute to collect myself cos I can't move past the "With the said person himself nearby, Kacchan thought his fate had gone crazy" ( ≧Д≦) dammit Katsuki, why r u so gay. Izuku loves you, you emotionally constipated gremlin
I have reached my 10 picture limit so I'm just gonna copy paste some of the twts 💀 I hope I don't get in trouble lmao Xd
- Kacchan fixed his gaze to Deku who looked relieved. "He..."
- Somehow, Kacchan remembered the fight they had after All Might's retirement. It was the first time they were able to let out their conflicts sincerely. Although his fear towards Deku had decreased since then, there was still a feeling of disgust about Deku being a hero who save others residing in Kacchan.
- He couldn't understand it. But he knew, there will always a being whom he cannot understand
– Bkg rlly said 👀 on Deku while having angsty thoughts ಥ╭╮ಥ Looking back on this tho, I just can't help but be proud when I remember 285. Bakugou is loud but he is very rational in battles. He thinks of a plan on the spot meaning he's mind is on work 24/7.
– When he had his "My body just moved on its own" moment, Katsuki had understood Deku and his nature to "Save to Win." It'ss that Katsuki must not analyze it with his brain, but instead feel it with his heart 💚🧡 And this is the reason why I badly want to see him on the manga 😭 that was some MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I'm ahwjdhfjsh
– Takkun and Maachan's pinky swear deserves their own mention. They're so pure 😩✋
- He said he still hasn't done hatsumoude so Kacchan can go first, but Kacchan refused and wouldn't let Deku do hatsumoude before him.
- Kacchan tried to take a head start, but in the end, they ended up visiting and praying together.
– AND WE'RE BACK with the gays 😌 hsjdjajs they compete with every single thing it's honestly cute. Also YES THEY PRAYED TOGETHER and shoujo scenes with the main couple praying on the shrine but make it BKDK flashed before my eyes 😖✨
- After finishing their prayers, Deku looked at Kacchan, "What did you wish for?" "Shut up."
- Even with Kacchan's sulking expression seen from the side, Deku felt that they had wished for the same thing.
– DEKU YOU'RE BEING TOO LOUD!! I just can't with these two 😩✋ Both of them are down so bad for each other and you can't tell me otherwise 💚✨🧡
- With those serious eyes, Deku knew they were aiming for the same thing. Win to save, save to win. To be the best heroes.
- Deku knew well that he and Kacchan are polar opposites. But even so, Deku couldn't imagine a world in which Kacchan doesn't exist.
– Deku just went 😍 on Kacchan and thought "I CAN'T IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT YOU 🧡💚" (insert Imagine by Ben Platt)
– I can't even stress how much I love this line, y'all this is so misleading I-- this is too much 😭 Anyway, I believe this go both ways. Bakugou can't also see a world without Deku in it, and since Deku decided to be the self-sacrificing person he is, I'll just SCREAM IN CH. 304 ( ≧Д≦)
- Seeing the two praying side by side, he commented, "so you've become good friends now, huh."
- Both of them immediately opposed, and Kacchan threatened to explode Shoto's mouth for saying such a disgusting thing.
– Let's go Todoroki, best wingman 🤣 And flustered Bakugou makes a reappearance hdjsja Dammit half n' half I ain't flirting with Deku fvck you
And this is where it ends afshshaha anyway bkdk canon 💚🧡
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luvdsc · 3 years
hey there bub! i was going thru ur masterlist and i saw in the "about" section that u made eye contact with taemin OMG how did that go AAAAA u got to make eye contact with THE lee taemin? soo lucky :") i bet this happened prob awhile back but how was the superm concert? i'm sure it was amazing n so much fun AAAAA sadly they didn't go here in my city :( but i was able to see NCT dream live during their dream show tour and i tell you WHEW GOSH those boys are so ethereal??? like they look so good in vids and in pics but they're 1000000x better in person??? like pictures don't do their beauty justice?? gosh i could write a full on essay abt this. until now i still cant believe i got to see the dreamies live?? its feels so surreal like a dream, its crazy. i remember the lights dimming and 'dear dream' started playing in the background and i just lost it lol i was shaking and bawling my eyes out n the show hasn't even started yet djkfkjn i first noticed jisung n when i saw him the first thing that popped in my mind was: "he is SO tall and he's soso cute dear lord :")" and the way he dances, a frickin dance king?? he's rlly such a born performer. AND OHMYGOD JENO, the man is rlly WOW, ngl he kinda looks intimidating with his sharp features and smooth dance moves but his eye smiles make my heart mELT. i remember during the encore stage, the show was about to end and the boys were saying goodbye to us, jeno's face was showed on screen, he was tryna eat the confetti LMAO. renjun,, i will never shutup abt this but renjun is confirmed to be a FAIRY!! the prettiest boy :") #RENJUNFAIRYAGENDA he has such sharp yet delicate features and his aura is just so warm n comforting like he just captivates u n lures u in, and when he sings, like u can feel the emotion, hes so talented. all throughout the show, hyuck was just GLOWING (lives up to his name, fullsun uwu) . he's soso pretty n he's my bias so i literally was just in awe when i saw him, i was speechless :') he was rlly entertaining to watch n he was also so attentive to the crowd esp when he saw some ppl that got hurt, he kept telling us to move back a little. OMG HOW COULD I FORGET NANA, jaemin was soo sweet n charming and the way his eyes lit up whenever he looks at the crowd gosh my heart was abt to burst he rlly adores czennies :") jskfvkds hes also super tall lmao hyuck was tryna lift his shirt up tho and of course chenle, ngl but all throughout the concert, my eyes just keep coming back to chenle. out of all the dreamies, he caught my eye the most. like,, THE POWER THIS MAN HOLDS IS CRAZY?? THIS MAN DIDNOT COME TO PLAY!! his stage presence is crazyy ohgod esp during 119 performance, and he looks like a prince in real life. he also played the piano and i remember everyone was just in awe as he played like the whole crowd had heart eyes for him. it was such a fun n amazing experience, the boys were so amazing n talented, they rlly know how to put on such a great show. they work tirelessly n they're so good, like their voices and dance moves, srsly amazing :") ++ it so memorable cus it was my first kpop concert hehe. buying tickets were such a pain in the ass ngl it was so stressful but SO worth it 🥺 i knew jisung was tall but i didnt know he was THAT tall, idk if im just small but they all rlly look so tall JKDFSDJVFF sadly mark wasnt there :( sorry if i made this long, i just got excited and i thought it'd be nice to share my concert experience w/ u as well hehe 😅 i hope you're doing great bub!! <3
- 🐼 anon
omg hi yes, i was lucky enough to score tickets to see superm last year, and i was right up against the main stage railing !!! 🤩 so ten made eye contact and smiled at me, baekhyun also made eye contact and smiled and waved at me (he’s my exo bias and i was like the heart clutching meme when he did that), i yelled “you’re doing great sweetie” when taeyong took a pause during commentary time and he said thank you 🤧, and god taem looked at me for a good 20 seconds smiling at me and i couldn’t handle it and had to blink and look away and he laughed at me 😔 akslhflakshdfla but oh my god, lucas is so goddamn attractive irl it’s insane, and ten is sooo so pretty like i didn’t even pay attention to what they were saying during the commentary time sometimes i was just staring at ten who was in front of me and i was the starry eyed emoji (baek and ten were right in front of me, lucas was next to them), and pictures don’t do taeyong justice at all like that man is absolutely ethereal ✨✨  also!!!!! seeing ten perform his solos, hearing taeyong and mark rap irl and of course BASS GO BOOM BY LUCAS BECAME MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE WHEN ARE THEY RELEASING THAT SONG??? and i was in tears when taemin performed right in front of me like 16 year old me would be shaking in her boots if she knew she would see god taem in the flesh. actually current me was shaking askdjfhalksjdf i cherish all the videos i took so much (i accidentally deleted the entire jopping video except the mark rap part when i was trying to snip it to post to my insta story and cried rip 😭😭)
YOU GOT TO SEE THE DREAMIES IRL OH MY GOD I’M SO JEALOUS 😭😭 I WANNA SEE THEM PERFORM SO BAD!!! i keep rereading your entire experience and i’m living vicariously through you now aklshdflakjsdhfda oh my god, i wanna see jisung and fairy prince renjun perform live so bad 😭 i got to see hyuck perform three times now with 127, and he’s absolutely amazing, i couldn’t stop watching him dance like he’s my number one favorite performer in nct and the way he dances is heavenly and wonderful and his voice is insane 💖 he truly was born to be an idol 🤧💞💞 i want to write a proper response to each of your description of the dreamies but right now i’m just like no thoughts head empty just heart eyes for every single one of those boys 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 aaaa thank you for describing them all, angel, i’ll keep this in mind as i write fics :’) omg and this was your first kpop experience???? you’re so lucky!!!! 💓 also i feel with the buying tickets omg i always have to get up early and keep refreshing on every device to get decent tickets and it’s so stressful askljdfhaksd but it definitely is so worth it in the end! my only regret is opting out of seeing skz last year and going to a party instead rip and omg no need to apologize!!! it’s really fun to hear about your concert experiences, sweetpea!!! 💞 thank you for taking the time to share that with me 💘  i’m doing wonderful and enjoying my weekend, and i hope you’re having a good weekend and doing well also, angel 🐝💛✨
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