#//considering how sensitive it is
serpulalacrymans · 5 months
Mmm Lawrence
i want your white c*ck inside of me
I fucking love you blondies
Just blond would have worked.
Thank you. Keep thinking about me. ..But what else?
What else? Am I not cold enough? Am I not tall enough? Is it not big enough? What else is there?
What am I to you?
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crustyfloor · 3 months
Luka is very good at keeping himself composed on stage, mostly with the help of maintaining track of his heart rate, but during Mizi's attack in ROMH he seemed to slip up, not only was the red background a tell-tale sign of Mizi's violent intentions but it was a more symbolic way of showing Luka in quite visceral fear. Even if for only a second.
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I'm not convinced Luka will be as continuously calculated as he normally comes off, it all seems too fake to me. Because it is. It’s a similar case to Ivan who can't feel, isn't normal, isn't human enough so he makes a persona to blend in. So Luka, whoever he is, makes this version of himself to cope with what he has to live through, pretending like he's on top of it all to survive in this world.
So in round 7, I think something drastic will happen to make him 'snap' in a way.
It's safe to say that we don't know Luka. We don't know who he really is. We don't know his real desires. But we do know one thing--he is scared. he is afraid of the aliens. That's why he appeases them--being their trophy. He's only kept around for his purpose as an entertainer and nothing else and he's very aware of that. He knows very well that a dented trophy will be discarded; with that mindset, he's been able to get so far, and he's scared of losing. That's why he holds any little thing he can get his hands on close. And an important extension of that fear is his fear of losing power.
Till should be the more likely in this position, given he's such a rebel. But isn't that just too predictable? Keep in mind, that Till is a strong person. Even after all he's been through, even after he's been beaten into something more manageable for the aliens--He still hasn't lost his spark. Till is a raging storm. subdued but nonetheless a force to be reckoned with.
Round 6's effect on Till is greatly ambiguous for now but at this point when the time for round 7 comes, Till has been put through so much hell. Whatever Luka does to provoke him probably won't work, he and Luka are equally talented individuals and will make for an intense battle, and at the end of the day, the numbers won't lie. Exactly that is what Luka is ready for but scared of--a worthy opponent for the throne. Someone capable of stripping him of his power. (Is fear what makes Luka so dismissive?)
It would be so aggravating that this 'pest'. who is so indignant, so rebellious (in a way Luka envies.), could so easily destroy everything Luka has worked for, disregard every pain Luka has been through to get to this point, and Till doesn't value this throne as much as Luka does, and Luka doesn't want to feel the pain of death anymore. If his facade is as destructible as I think it is, that will be what ultimately brings out Luka.
This idea may be flawed. Luka is so perfect, too perfect and confident and experienced for something as little as that to break him, just think of all the training Luka went through to get to this point. I'm positive he's very aware of what playing unfairly will lead to. But isn't there always room for a wild card?
Just remember what happened to Hyun-woo.
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What happened here isn't fully explained (and probably will be in round 7) but imagine Luka: "Trophy child, goody two shoes" Luka possibly killing another human. Whether by accident or not, what happened?--what and how did Luka feel in the moment for the repercussions of whatever happened to be that bad?
A Luka that is secretly greatly insecure, pliable, and defensive enough that in a spur of emotions, he can’t help but lose his cool in a way he hasn’t in a while because he’s afraid—just to try and prove he is still valuable. That is the type of character I theorize we'll come to see in round 7.
#I wonder if Hyunwoo dying was because whatever happened between them occured after heperu stopped lukas heart. maybe it made him more#sensitive? and when hyunwoo got rough with him for some reason it drew him over the edge perhaps?#i rlly dunno what could prompt luka and hyunwoo to fight honestly if hyuna wasnt involved#those two were basicallt friends? brother type relationship so like eh idk#alien stage#alnst#this is so random but i just wanted to yap about it for a second its been wracking my brain for days#i think we just have 1 too many enigmatic characters#i think this is the plot twist vivinos will go for because#“senior beats the rookie” well it's too predictable and quite cliche#and after everything i dont think till is in the right state of mind to give a shit.#i also just wanna weasel some way into making till survive this so uh yes!#can we also consider just how much tills fame may have increased after round seven.#think of it like alien stage getting more popular because of doomed yaoi. thats alien stage universe.#ivan literally has fangirls. and look at us:#just sayin'...#harharharharhar#also i know there might be someone thinking: but what about the rebellion? for one. mizi and hyuna may or may not be goners#but in general i dont think they can do ANYTHING for till or luka atp#isaac and dewey? maybe#alnst till#alien stage till#alien stage round 7#it just feels plain to me to see a luka that doesnt want to be another one of those corpses elevating the throne. he wants to show that he#is more valuable than that 'punk' who'll do nothing but dishonor this throne? maybe. we'll just have to seeeeee#alien stage luka#alnst luka#luka alien stage#till alien stage
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bone-pile-rp · 4 months
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I think Senjuro is a very sensitive boy and does think about things too much to the point he makes himself overly upset. He cries a lot in my head. In solitude or in small bursts while he does his chores. He often can't cover them up quick enough when someone comes around.
Ryotaro has a distinct distaste for children being put through The Horrors Of Reality. She'd take such pity on Senjuro considering he still lives with someone like his father (Even if he tries to better himself after Kyojuros death.) and lost someone as important to him as his brother. She get's a little softer around people his age and the water works are the cherry on top to get her to put down her big and intimidating act and be more gentle.
Their dynamic is a rather pure and soft one in my head. One of comfort and guidance for them both.
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
it doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is that you're here now.
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one thing that really bugs me about spiritual communities in general (reality shifting, law of assumption, non dualism, etc.) is that a lot of people shame others for not understanding things or for believing in things that are limiting when they first start out. i mean, i understand the frustration - anons can ask a thousand questions that could be answered if they read pinned posts, and we all just want everyone to abandon their limiting beliefs and just get it.
but the fact is that we were born in a society that teaches us that we are limited and that some things are impossible, from the time that we are small until we find these teachings, and we are slowly undoing them through exploration and self-inquiry. it's an overwhelming and tricky journey, filled with so many beautiful highs and a lot of devastating lows, and i feel like everyone deserves a whole lot of compassion when searching for answers. i know i needed love and compassion when i first started, because my ego was scared and sad and was searching for answers in order to feel loved and secure. being told i was dumb and having someone be frustrated with me for my questions was the last thing i needed to become self-actualized. i know that everyone is different, but this is just my experience, so i wanted to share it.
my beliefs are constantly evolving into what brings me more peace and understanding. in the beginning, i wouldn't have been able to believe that my assumptions create my reality (law of assumption) if i hadn't been introduced to the idea of reality shifting. i wouldn't have understood the fact that this life is just beautiful dream and that my true Self is the dreamer (non dualism) if i hadn't first been able to separate my "imagination" from my "real life" (3D and 4D from law of assumption). these were all stepping stones in my understanding of the greater ideas that i needed to get to, and i feel no shame in formerly having beliefs or practices that i don't identify with anymore. i don't believe that you should have shame, either, regardless of where you are at in your journey of self-discovery and creative power.
i get so sad when i see bloggers shaming others for not understanding things when all of this is so fucking difficult to grasp when one is first starting out. i mean, we come from societies that have beliefs as foolish and damaging as skin colour making you inferior, or that gender is binary and you can't express yourself the way you feel inside. with beliefs such as these, of course the beliefs of anything being possible and the fictional being real are going to sound impossible and profoundly false. in my personal opinion, the tough love approach has never helped me - compassion and patience has. i feel like so many people believe and understand that we are all one and have a great understanding of the truth of things, and yet go around and are rude to those seeking answers. it just feels so pathetic to me to see bullying of those seeking answers when they're literally just an extension of the answerer. anons are showing up with silly questions because bloggers expect them to have silly questions. and i realize that even this is hypocritical of me to say because i could just choose to see a spiritual community full of love and compassion instead of what i'm seeing, but i still wanted to share this while i unravel my own hypocrisy.
i feel like if you are wanting to be a teacher of others, you have to take on the responsibility that being a teacher holds, which includes patience, patience, and more patience. that's just my own perspective at least, and everyone is welcome to have their own, but my favourite teachers have been ones that guide me to my own answers with patience and compassion. i am also profoundly sensitive and feel wilty when others are cruel to me, so maybe i'm just trying to speak out to those who feel similarly, because this is a post i wish i could have read when i first started my journey. ultimately, everyone can do, be, and say whatever they like - it's their own blog after all - but i just want to be a voice of compassion to anyone who is in the beginning stages of learning about the law of assumption, non dualism, or reality shifting. it all comes down to the same profound teachings that we are, at our core, limitless.
all of this is to say that i am proud of you. you are doing a good, great, amazing job. you are worthy of love and goodness in your life no matter what others may make you feel. you are worthy of the absolute best and nothing less. it is a hard journey at times, but it is a worthwhile journey, and you are brave and creative and beautiful for taking the steps to expand and give yourself the best life. you deserve compassion and love and patience, and i am rooting for you every step of the way. i hope you are rooting for yourself, too.
ultimately, it doesn't matter where you got your beliefs. what matters is: does it feel right to you? does it make you feel connected to your true, unlimited Self? does it open up your world and your heart to the endless possibilities available to you? does it give you peace? if so, it doesn't matter what practice or teaching you believe in. you are your own greatest teacher.
it doesn't matter where you came from, what beliefs you once held, or who you've been in the past. what matters is that you are here, learning and growing, learning how to give yourself the most beautiful experiences that your creative power has to offer. be kind to yourself and remember that we're all just trying to expand and love and open ourselves up.
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
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I can't believe some of yall think this is the face of a man who's getting ready to abandon Eddie when Eddie needs him in a fit of rage, who do y'all think Buck is? Eddie's mother??????
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
Ash IG Story
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antianakin · 2 years
So while I understand that the intent of the writing in Clone Wars was not to showcase that Anakin regularly gets his men killed because he forgets their physical limitations, the way he is written in the show does actually manage to send that message.
I can list two intentionally written moments where Anakin is shown forgetting his own troopers' physical limitations, one of which does actively get them killed, and one unintentional moment where he is shown putting his men in a situation where he is automatically going to be better off than any of them and several of them die during the execution of his plan.
So this is one of those moments where, while I understand that the INTENT was not to show Anakin as incompetent enough as a General to regularly get his men killed, the actual impact of the writing is that Anakin has a pattern of behavior where he forgets his own men's physical limitations enough to get them killed, a trait not given to a single other Jedi aside from Ahsoka. And when it happens to Ahsoka, she spends the entire episode having to pay for that mistake and then we never see her do it again.
Therefore my personal headcanon is that while Anakin does, sort-of, care about and respect his men and their lives, he's the only Jedi incompetent enough to get his men killed by simply forgetting their limitations, even over two years into working with them.
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hazellevessque · 6 months
In Public Speaking we have to do a speech on psychology and we get to pick what we specifically want to do. I’m doing my speech about parasocial relationships with celebrities and I’m using Taylor Swift and Walker Scobell as my examples. I’m actually really excited for this
If anyone has any resources you want to send that’d be great but that’s not what this post is about I’m just excited. (I’m only putting this here because I know a lot of people on this site are into this topic!)
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insectdragon · 4 months
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Better post a couple other echinoderms while I’m here… happy pride month to these little freaks
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grimark · 16 days
is now the time to again bring up how i think the concept of "rejection sensitive dysphoria" being linked so closely with adhd is fucking stupid. maybe it's just because i have other things wrong with me that make emotional regulation difficult, so i've never associated it all that strongly with adhd in particular. and yet somehow on here there was a while there where i was seeing people bring up rejection sensitive dysphoria as like, a Major symptom of adhd, even before yknow the whole attention deficit thing.
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bonnies-bowling-alley · 10 months
I was reading some stuff and it's speculated that the sunglasses Monty wears might've been Bonnie's. It inspired a headcanon I have personally for Monty... Monty has Photophobia, which in short is an extreme sensitivity to light. So because of this Bonnie could have given Monty his sunglasses seeing how pained Monty gets around bright and flashing lights... Which is why Monty has them now, and when he lost them after being shattered...and Gregory flashes him with either The Fazerblaster or The Faz-Cam, Monty screams in pain compared to the other animatronic's who get blinded by either of these objects because of his light sensitivity...
I don't know I like to think Bonnie was kind to Monty when he was still around you know??
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karokawwo · 5 months
what will be of me when the full game drops and there's ten thousand dialogues describing how much bigger than mc ais/leander are
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I'm sorry but this just pisses me off (Not Hunt obviously, but Bryce)
Bryce rant incoming which you can just ignore and I'll probably delete later
But Bryce just puts all the blame on the Asteri. And yes ultimately they are to blame in the larger sense of things. But Bryce plays a direct role in leading them down the path that results in Hunt, Ruhn and Baxian being caught. It was her need to find out Danika's secrets with no thought to the consequences, her idea to go to the Eternal City. And she takes NO personal responsibility for it at all!
Hunt is blaming himself for everything that's happened. Even when it's not his fault at all. When we're in his pov he's constantly drowning in guilt, thinking about how he should of done more, he should of tried harder, he should of been better, how it's all his fault this happened and that his friends suffered.
And then Bryce does none of that. When we're in her pov she doesn't really show any major guilt. I can't think of any times when she blames herself like Hunt does. And I'm not saying she should be wracked with guilt. But a normal person, a good person, will usually feel bad and will feel guilty and blame themselves to some degree when something bad happens and people they care about are hurt, regardless of how big or small they're involvement is, or even if they're not at fault at all, case in point Hunt being wracked with guilt even when it's not his fault.
And to make it worse she acknowledges that Hunt warned them, warned her. But that she disregarded it and would of done it no matter what.
And then she has the audicity to say she doesn't regret it. And she thought they were on the same page. ON THE SAME PAGE!!?? Hunt made it clear in hosab that he didn't want to go down this road again, that he didn't want to get involved. YOU just didn't listen Bryce. And yeah Hunt's an adult, he can make his own decisions and he could of said no and not gone. But of course, OF COURSE!! he wasn't going to let Bryce go down that road alone, because he loves her, and doesn't want anything to happen to her, and wants to protect, so of course he would never desert her. But that doesn't mean he wanted to do it!
For Bryce to be that unaware of Hunt's feelings, when he explicitly stated them. For her to be that disconnected from her mate's feelings that she's surprised that he wasn't really on board is kinda unfathomable to me. Just that complete lack of awareness really does make her look quite selfish/self centered.
Anyway sorry, this post is a mess but I just had to vent
And then when Hunt mentions the consequences he and his friends faced, Bryce makes it about her pain. She's hurt that Hunt mentioned that they suffered. And the worst part is, Hunt then regret's it, he regrets saying something that hurts Bryce, because he cares about her and feelings. And she does not consider his feelings to the same degree
It just pisses me off
#honestly with bryce's lack of feelings of guilt her lack of consideration of other people's feelings and her lack of taking responsibility#for her actions i think sarah has unintentionally written her as kinda a bit of a sociopath#anyway like i said in a previous post *sigh* i miss hoeab bryce my beloved#hoeab bryce had gone through so much and had a lot of growth through the first book and had so much potential for more#but then it just stopped. went backwards even. in fact i think hofas bryce has gotten worse#she's had no development for 2 books now and the further i get into hofas more and more apparent it's become how flawed#and one dimensional her character is#her being in prythian and the acotar characters carried her early chapters but now that she's back in midgard her lack of growth and#maturity is starting to grate on me. literally every other pov character has had more development then her#in all the other character pov's they are constantly self reflection they feel guilt they blame themselves they consider the feelings#of those around them. they consider how their actions have affected those around them. they take responsibility for their actions#bryce's pov does not do that to the same degree. if at all#there's minimal critical thought. no self reflection. a lack of taking any responsibility for her actions and the consequences#she's really is a very flat character. what you see is what you get#and her 'sassyness' (that was fine at first when there actually was more to her character) which is supposed to come across as#witty funny badass who takes no shit ect. more and more is just comes across as annoying and immature#and often inflammatory in situations that require maturity sensitivity and tact#her disrespect for the ocean queen who is helping you and is super powerful and not someone you want to make#an enemy of was just unnecessary and not smart tactically#and this is super nitpicky but I'm getting so sick of bryce's clothes. please get her out of those ridiculous leggins and pink sneakers#they were fine when she was going to the nail salon and the gym but how am i supposed to take her seriously on a world saving#mission in those clothes. how am i supposed to take her seriously as a queen (ugh) conversing with the ocean queen#in those clothes#and I'm loath to say it because i love hoeab quinlar with my whole heart but hofas bryce doesn't deserve hunt#the devotion and consideration hunt has for bryce and her feelings is not returned to the same degree to him#anyway i was hoping to get my hoeab bryce back but it hasn't happened but hopefully the second half of the book#can turn things around for her#pleaseee
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tj-crochets · 3 months
No crafting update today, because I did a bunch of cleaning, ran some errands (had to mail some stuff and get a replacement headset for work because mine spontaneously separated into two pieces yesterday) and now I'm making chicken and dumplings for dinner So like, got a lot done, but absolutely none of it craft related and I'm really pushing my limits physical spoons-wise (in that my POTS is flaring up not in that I used all the actual spoons cooking lol) I have a really really cool art trade thing to show y'all but it has to wait until I can take photos, so that'll be later today or maybe tomorrow
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dnangelic · 4 months
if the monstrous freak is so unlovable then why hes so loved on tumblr dot com...
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chiptrillino · 4 months
hello there! can i ask you what app do you use to draw and what are your favorite brushes if it’s not too much trouble? :D
i used photoshop for a long time. official CC and cracked versions but things got to pricy or kept braking so i switched to Clip Studio Paint. Its a good program all in all i like it but it takes some time getting used to everything. i have this post about what brush i like to use and how LINK but so far i couldn't manage to recreate it in CSP yet and the settings are still a bit to new to me. but i like the SOL brush so far the most. probably uhm... idk just for understanding. i use an intuous 4 tablet. its like... old but works like one the first day. so nothing fancy with a screen in it or something.
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