#//i like to keep that kinda thing mainly to gender. like the “good boy” “good girl” “good gem” kind of vibe.
serpulalacrymans · 5 months
Mmm Lawrence
i want your white c*ck inside of me
I fucking love you blondies
Just blond would have worked.
Thank you. Keep thinking about me. ..But what else?
What else? Am I not cold enough? Am I not tall enough? Is it not big enough? What else is there?
What am I to you?
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thegnomelord · 9 months
oh my lord... mentioning merfolk finally pushed me into sending in an ask for you, so hai!
im a huge marine bio nerd and i could probably ramble about that kinda stuff for awhile so im gonna keep it shorter and stick to sharks, aka my favorite species... i apologize for the very long ramble incoming
id imagine that the kind of shark makes merfolk vary heavily - you have smaller, less aggressive sharks (bamboo sharks, nurse sharks, leopard sharks), then you have dogfish which are aggressive small schooling sharks (that actually have venom from what i remember), and the big bois that are mean like bull sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, great whites, ect. also you have basking sharks and whale sharks which are big ass chill lads. as much as i love them having a tail instead of legs, i think there'd be two "forms" of merperson, one with legs and a tail and one with just the tail. im mainly referring to the ones with legs and tails when i talk about them
like i was saying, the kind of shark species a merperson (or mershark, ill start calling them that) makes them differ between general personality, strength, size, ect ect. bigger sharks are more popular due to their strength, aggression, and speed, making them very useful in the military. smaller guys also have their advantages - its just that a bull mershark would have a much easier time in the military compared to a lemon mershark. although bigger lads are definitely more of a pain in the ass to work with if they grew up in the ocean over on land, cause i like to think most mershark (and merfolk in general) prefer living in the ocean. smaller sharks are easier to control, as they tend to be less prideful and stubborn compared to the bigger species. oceanic whitetip would be especially bad due to their aggression and pride, they're probably the most aggressive species of shark in the ocean
then when it comes to mating/courtship rituals... they don't do any of the fancy things like a werewolf, harpy, or dragon, they're rather direct. sharks in the wild don't court, typically when they meet another shark of the opposite gender they mate due to how rarely they meet other sharks, although mersharks would probably have small courtship rituals. it's pretty simple, just spending more time around who they want to court. i also think it'd be really cute if they gave the person they were courting a shark tooth of theirs that fell off as a memento of sorts. when it comes to mating, male sharks bite as a ritual. not as hard as they'd bite prey, but definitely enough to leave scars. shark mating is pretty rough, but mersharks would probably tone it back a little bit, though there will be times when their instincts slip.
mershark are also oblivious as fuck to other courting rituals if they grew up in the ocean. almost no shark species really have courting, so they don't have instincts when it comes to someone courting them, and they don't have the same socialization that a mershark that grew up on land would have. i just think mersharks are very interesting and very cool <3
thank you for reading my insane rambling about sharks and sharkpeople... once again, sorry for the long ramble, but i had to share my thoughts
Oh god anon this is some GOOD SOUP and as a fellow animal nerd I absolutely love hearing weird animal facts and all I can imagine is just Ghost and Sharkmer reader being absolute idiots lol :D
CW: NSFW at the end, short and quick bc brain isn't braining but this concept of your anon is so cool!
Like Ghost initially thinking all monster courting rituals are complicated as fuck, and the info he finds on the internet doesn't help one bit. And you, having grown up in the ocean, have no fucking clue he's trying to court you in some convoluted way.
You'll spend days just existing next to him, or very gently nibbling on his fingers, which, in your mind, makes it very clear you want to mate, but all Ghost thinks is that you want to eat him. And the next thing you know he's shoving an energy bar into your mouth and walking away and you're left confused.
And Ghost, bless the poor fool's soul, eventually gets lured into the waters by your sparkling eyes and wide grin of sharp teeth. The same teeth bite down on every piece of his skin, not enough to actually hurt him, but your teeth marks litter his thighs, his ass, all across his chest and especially around his pecs, from shoulders down to his biceps and anywhere you can reach while you stretch him.
God the sex is one of the best he's ever had, his usually cold body warming up from the proximity of you and the warm waters you're in as you slowly fuck both of your cocks into him, having stretched him open until he was unable to beg between his hiccups. And he's so pretty beneath you, rough groans as he rubs his cock while you move your hips in a slow rhythm, your dicks pushing in and out, in and out, brushing against his prostate until he was close to losing his mind with how you stretched him beyond imagination.
Some of your teeth end up lodged in his shoulder, and when you finish mating him you tell him to keep them, making them into a necklace he now wears around his neck.
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coralinnii · 9 months
I had some people a little curious as to how I rated the TWST boys in my "TWST guys I would let date my niece (theoretically)" post in terms of personality only (considering they're fictional and my niece is 10). I can't completely answer everyone since there's only so many words tumblr would let me write as a reply, so here's for anyone who was curious.
The rating system was created alongside my niece on what she wanted in a partner (as much as she understood dating, anyway), compatibility with her personality, and my input as someone who has either met, known, or fortunately and unfortunately dated ppl with such personalities. With this in mind, maybe our list would be different from how you would categorize, which yea fair enough. This is all hypothetical anyway and it was interesting to see what my niece likes.
This does NOT mean I dislike any of the TWST guy. Seeing how unique each of them are personality-wise is honestly amazing and I want to believe that even if you have what people call "red-flags", "dealbreakers" or "turn-offs", that doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, just incompatible (with exceptions of like really toxic, destructive traits, like stealing someone's dog. Don't do that, guys).
Has my seal of approval
Trey responsible, good work ethic, loves to bake + the bonus of cute glasses (apparently me and my niece really like glasses).
Kalim fun-loving, open to new experiences, optimistic, and willing to learn if you're willing to teach.
Silver kind if a bit intimidating-looking, takes care of others, family-oriented,
Jack responsible, good lifestyle, works hard, kind while kinda grumpy, family-oriented.
Vil responsible, good life habits, works hard for success, not stuck on gender norms, kind if sort of stuck-up.
Lilia mature, fun-loving, open to new experiences, loves kids, not quick to anger. He does have his secrets, tho.
Neige kind, works hard for success, not afraid to be silly,
Ok…but I’m keeping an eye on you
Ace he's kinda lazy and willing to cheat in school but not a bad person.
Cater not willing to be vulnerable sometimes but is a responsible person that respects boundaries.
Azul a bit too opportunistic (in a sense he's also judging the value of anything, first) for me and may not vibe well with my niece but not bad.
Jamil not happy with how he sometimes lies and insincerely flatters others, but I don't think he does it maliciously so not a bad guy(?)
Ortho prone to violence if he thinks that's the best logical solution (i.e, hacking into security and blowing up the school??) so kinda worried.
Chenya a little too fickle and in-and-out physically which worries me, but he seems loyal and brave.
First, you and I are gonna have a talk
Riddle mainly his temper and impatience…and the in-laws
Deuce also his temper, and my niece prefers smart ppl (ooff)
Ruggie the 5-finger discount don’t fly under my watch
Epel also temper and prone to get into fights in the beginning. Also, my niece's not into the "gotta be manly" mentality, what are you gonna do?
Sebek it's mostly the temper and shouting…and tone down the Malleus simping
Jade don’t be bringing drama into my household
Rook it’s the creepy simping
Malleus kinda seen in early Book 7 and the spectral realm event, he doesn't communicate and talk things through with others and just does things on his own because he's powerful enough to do so, which is just...something we gotta talk about, first.
Oh, you and I are gonna fight, first!
Leona spoiled to high heavens, gives up on a lot of things, and is too used to having things done for him. I'm not letting my niece become his maid!
Floyd No...just no. He's the friend that I worry my niece will someday have to pick up at the police station. No
Idia Quick to judge others, kinda thinks he's smarter than everyone, and has a hard time communicating and socializing even with his friends and partners. I know this because I used to date someone like Idia, and currently have a crush on another person very similar to him.
Rollo Also (sorta) dated someone like him which is...an experience. Treated me as someone pure and sweet, but disliked my friends because she thought they were bad influences. Also really wanted me to join her kinda sketchy religious thing which I wasn't really into.
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rocksibblingsau · 3 months
I personally love the hc that country trolls still have a traditional and kinda conservative idea of dating, but in a genderless way, just is just purely based on vibes.
Like if Branch dates idk Holly he better be a good country boy and take her to an age appropriate fair and bring her the best flowers in the valley, but if he's dating Hickory or maybe even Poppy, they better bring him home by 20:00 sharp or their heads are going on the fucking wall.
Is mostly a silly thought so there isn't a lot of hard logic behind it (like most trolls canon if we're being honest) but if I had to give it some, I say its a combination of who began the "courting" process (who asked who out basically) and vaguely based on societal statues; age/maturity; and/or how you contribute to the community (like Branch is a beloved community member plus the deputy, so most who want to date him have to show the community and his ma that they are law-abiding, respectable and hard-working trolls who will treat him right if they want to even have a chance)
Maybe if its two country trolls is a two-ways system, I like this alternative, bcs is very funny to think that after Delta gives Holly the 'treat him right and come home before sundown' speech, they have to swing down to her place so her parents can give Branch the exact same talk lol
Yeah, I try to have Classical and Country keep the 'conservative' viewpoints they're known for but not based in any irl biases like gender inequality or classism. While there is 'treat her like a lady' in the Country tribe, there's also 'treat him like a gentleman'.
There's a lot of factors that come into play over the whole thing, like you said. The person who made the first move does tend to get laid into more of 'you better treat them right' than if they had been asked. Maturity can also come into play as if you're known to be immature their parents may worry you're not seriously interested. Contributions can count but it may vary. Someone who is known to be a bit lazy versus someone who genuinely can't contribute much are two different ordeals so it's more about intent. As long as you're trying to be the best you can be, that's what affects how a Country Troll sees you.
Overall it's mainly just what kind of parents you have. Delta Dawn is pretty protective given that she's The Law so she will be Very strict about how her Branch is treated.
So it can and does go both ways. You're expected to say SOMETHING, even if it's just a basic 'You treat my kin right, or I'll be mighty disappointed'. It doesn't have to be a call to violence it just has to be a reminder that actions affect other people. A bad break-up can split the entire town into two sides, and considering how that affects work you can understand why it's a priority.
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3motionally3xhausted · 11 months
Kiss Kiss Fall into another old hyperfixation
Anyway, I randomly wanted to redesign the main cast of Ouran in my style/ with headcanons and my own embellishments
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Here's a screenshot redraw, I'll put all the redesigns below the break bc I did all the main characters & wanna talk about the choices I made. Also I made up that uniform redesign on the spot bc I when I was doing the characters I just put them in casual clothes lmao
(I might do some others later, like Renge, Kasanoda, Yasuchika, Benibara, etc.)
Going in order of my least favorite to top favorite. And dont mind that I didn't color the clothes, that's not whats important here lmao
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Mori is only at the bottom because I don't like the drawing that much, I still think the design is pretty good. Though, like right when I finished coloring, I decided a bun/top-knot would look better so it's a bit disappointing there. In my head, Mori is kind of struggling to figure out who he is & what he wants to do, which is why he follows Honey around and doesn't talk much. He does genuinely like being around the other hosts though.
Also, the undercut because A) he has the reputation for being the scary one & it kinda suits that, B) uh do I even have to say it? ...its hot He does lowkey look like Sokka from Avatar tho, especially with the blue accents
(edit: I accidentally deleted Mori's file so now this is the only copy so 😭)
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Honey is next because again I think the drawing itself is a little off and the design is pretty close to Basil from Omori, which i didn't notice until it was too late lmao. One of the main things I didn't like about his character in the show was obviously how childlike he was & how girls still flirted with him even though he looked and acted 6; So now he still acts a bit childish but doesn't play it up as much & definitely has a more normal voice, not a fckn child's.
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Haruhi! I definitely had to keep her glasses cuz they were really cute and kinda sold the whole 'commoner' thing in a way. But other than that I mainly wanted to balance out her femininity and masculinity to make her more androgynous/nonbinary/gender-fluid since she definitely has some of that going on in the show as is. I also gave her dark circles under her eyes to kinda show that she worked really hard to get into Ouran with low status.
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Next up is Tamaki of course, getting into the characters I'm most happy with the designs of. One small thing I tried to do for each of them was give them varying hair tones; so even though Honey and Tamaki are both blond, I went very platinum-blond with him. When I started drawing him, my only real thought was "he has to be a pretty boy" so I dont have much to say about my choices, but i do think I succeeded. Don't mind the modern mullet thing, I can't stop it
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Kyouya is definitely one of my favorite characters as is, seeing as he has one of the more fleshed out & heart-wrenching backstories in the show. I think the only thing I really wanted to change was getting rid of the Anime Bangs, so I just gave him this kinda sleek, kinda messy pushed-back look with a blue tint. Even though it's simple, I really struggled to come up with anything, until I found a page from the author saying smth like "I don't like the idea of him wearing neat clothes" with a picture of him in like a track suit so I did kinda the same outfit
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My absolute #1 favorites, Hikaru & Kauru. They're honestly the ones that started it all because Kauru has been my favorite since I first saw the halloween episode (iykyk).
I don't know why, but I wanted their hair to be fluffier/curly and more of a natural(?) ginger color. I knew I wanted Kauru's to be redder and Hikaru's a bit lighter/blonder, but only subtly. I also gave Kauru a scar on his cheek from that time in Karuizawa, but most notably, I gave them blue and pink eyes as their signature colors. Lastly, their expressions are slightly different, because no matter how much they are in sync and try to match each other perfectly, Kauru's a much gentler soul than Hikaru, so I made Hikaru's smile a bit more snarky while Kauru's is soft.
Thank you for looking at my art/ reading my thoughts, here's an extra little design edit & comparison
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(lol, I think they're mimicking Kyouya in this panel idek) (Also here you can see I tried the bun hairstyle w Mori, I think it looks good, but this is a really simple drawing so.)
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Amuse me
Gender neutral
- order 73 | headcanons | First years
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Ace Trappola
He’s so cute help meeee. He would actually be really nice for once and buy you whatever you want from the food stands. But he wants a bite of whatever you’re having.
You have to make sure to stay close to him or else you two might get separated in the crowd.
Those basketball shooting games— he’s a pro at those! He’s not the best at shooting since he mainly plays defense but he can easily win you something after a few tries.
He also probably talked the game vendor into letting him have an extra turn (he is so sneaky).
He always gives you the prizes he earns and you’re kinda left carrying around a bunch of stuff.
He is really impatient and gets a VIP pass to cut the line. He doesn’t matter how expensive it is, he doesn’t wanna wait for too long.
He’s not one for the Ferris wheel, it kinda spooks him when it starts rocking around.
Ace is either the one forcing you to ride all the scary tall rides, or you’re the one forcing him to ride them.
“Don’t be scared, you can even hold my hand if you want!”
He’s the one holding your hand.
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Deuce Spade
He has never actually been to an amusement park. Maybe he has before but as a little boy.
You’re mostly leading him around since he literally has no idea what he could or should do. Bringing him to the games is fun but a big mistake.
Do not take him to one of those games where the clown taunts you. You know what’ll happen…
He keeps on going for games that always end up with you failing. Like the climbing rope game.
He’s determined to win you at least one thing.
You will have to drag him onto those roller coasters because he is deathly afraid of going on those. He will never let go of your hand and there are tears in his eyes when he gets off.
He prefers going on the spinning teacup type rides or just ones where it’s generally chill.
He is so excited to go on the ferris wheel. It’s the first thing he sees and he’s like “oh my god I wanna go on that”
He’s always seen it on TV shows and he wants to see the whole park from up there.
Might smooch at the top too
“I’ve never been on one of these before. Hopefully it doesn’t fall…”
Please don’t shake the capsule or else he will actually start screaming and crying.
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Jack Howl
He’s gone to an amusement park but not one as big as this. The ones he went to were local seasonal carnivals in his town.
He’s confused at first and just follows you at first but soon he starts finding some activities.
Once he finds himself at the game section, he’s gonna be there for a while. He plays every game and what do ya know— he wins all the ones that involve strength.
He plays the rope climbing game not knowing it’s rigged against you. When he falls he’s like “have I not trained enough?” He gets banned from the game because he keeps on playing too much.
He probably gets a huge crowd around him on other games because he’s just that good. He’s left with a lot of prizes and he’s not sure what to do with them.
Jack is actually not very fond of roller coasters. Admittedly, he’s a bit scared of them. He doesn’t show it but he’s just in a state of shock after the rides.
“Here you can have this. I-I didn’t win it for you. Just take it already.”
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Epel Felmier
He’s simply amazed. He’s been to a carnival before but this is just amazing. He wants to try all the foods. If they’re caramel apples, he’s probably gonna criticize it, his apples are way better! He’s running all over the place because he wants to see everything.
He knows most of the games are rigged but will attempt all of them regardless. He’s motivated but after a while starts to get upset. He is really determined to win.
Eventually he does and he realizes he doesn’t want the prize offered and just gives it to you.
When he gets tired of the games, he wants to ride all the tall loopy rollercoasters. He is a bit scared but riding those would make him a real man.
He takes you with him and you have never seen him that happy before. If you grab his hand, he’s gonna feel so good about himself.
He’s boasting about it after.
“If ya get scared, jus’ grab my arm.” He’s so smug about it.
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Sebek Zigvolt
He doesn’t wanna be there. He acts like he’s being forced and someone is dragging him by the neck.
You have to lead him around for a while and once something grabs his attention, he’s hooked. You kinda have to force him to try the food. Buy him cotton candy and he’s begrudgingly gobbling it up.
Once you bring him to the games, he’s not as miserable. He may or may not rage when he loses a game but he has a lot of motivation.
He thinks all the prizes are ridiculous until somebody says “Maybe Malleus would like that” and then he’s blowing his entire life savings on winning it.
He doesn’t realize the games are rigged but eventually realized after a few failed attempts.
Sebek isn’t really interested in the roller coasters. You have to challenge him or threaten him to make him go on one.
“Sebek go on that ride with me!”
“It’s a waste of time. Go ask someone else.”
“Oh okay. Oh Malleus~?”
“That’s too dangerous for the Young Master!!”
That’s the only way you’ll get him to go with you. He will be almost stoned faced the entire time though but only because he doesn’t wanna show he’s actually having fun.
At the end there’s a slight look of disappointment that it ended.
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achy-boo · 5 months
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Saturday Atelier
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"RSA's enigma. He is the only student who nobody knows nothing about expect one of his eyes cry blood.."
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Name: Saturday Atelier
Romaji: Atelier Saturday
Quote: "Why people want to know about my kind? It's..weird." or "Do you really want your device to be useless? Please mind your business and we will be chilling.."
V/A: Wanderer from Genshin(both English and Japanese)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: He does not know
Age: looks like in his early to mid 20s though he is actually a lot older than that
Birthday: October 13th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Eye color: Blood/Dark red
Hair Color: Gray but in the light is pale-ish blue
Height: 6'6
Weight: 104 lbs
Race: Angel(former) Fallen Angel(Former), Angel of Corruption and Illusions
Homeland: [Data Corrupted]
Family: [Date Corrupted]
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: He is in RSA but if I made another fandorm in RSA, he will be in House of the Misfits
School Year: 2nd year
Class: 2-C
Student Number: No.13
Occupation: Florist
Club: Gardening and art club
Best Subject: Art
Favorite Color: Grey, Blue and Red
Favorite Food: Anything really, he is normally eat what he got
Least Favorite Food: Miso Soup, Sundae(no not the ice cream){It is the taste that got him..}
Likes: Yuuken, RSA(Kinda..), cold and gloomy weather, gardening, drawings, watching others, being respected due to his quiet nature, who he is today
Dislikes: Certain NRC students, Crowley{he never like him}, videos or photos of him without consent, summer, many many rules
Hobbies: Gardening, drawing, watching the rain
Talents: He is ambidexterity, corrupting any videos and pictures, animal tamer, control illusions
Nicknames: Saturday(Normal), RSA's Enigma, The boy who cried blood
Other Nicknames: He normally like unique nicknames but as long as it does not insult or offended him, he is fine with it
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Gray hair that reach to the back of his neck, red eyes with one of them has plus sign in them, pale skin, wearing the usual RSA uniform but his are more darker and more unique, one of his ears has more piercings than the other, he always wear that two necklaces who he always say to 'keep him at bay'. He had that halo that is both broken and melting but look closely to see that halo glitching from time to time
Personality: Silent, mysterious but helpful is what any RSA student would say about him. Nobody knows much about him other than that he is very closed with RSA's headmage. He has the curiosity of a child but with a wariness of someone who seen some things. However he has a tendency to break and corrupted any devices in anger since he does not like it when people took videos and pictures without his consent. He is very kind to everyone even the children and the elderly. He is wary of certain NRC students even during the tournaments. He is very secretive with his information but he only trust very people.
-He is the headwarden of the House of Misfits
-He is best friends with Delona Bloodstone
-Selective mute
-He is mostly in the crowds, minding his business
-He had a habit of playing with his halo
-His familiar is Barn Owl name Stormy
-His um is..deadly but tame
-One of his eyes cry blood and even he did not know why
-His necklaces has a part of his um
-His first necklace is a choker while the second one is an upside down moon and a blood drop charm.
-His voice is actually deeper and more..husky to said the least(This is mainly the reason why he is so silent)
Unique Magic: Corrupting Illusions
"Illusions are either good or bad but if the illusions get out of control..there is no stopping the corruption. Corrupting Illusions"
Corruption Illusions is a um of Saturday's. It cause the person or people in questions to experience an illusions depending on their past which said illusions slowly getting corrupted to the point of insanity which can cause someone to faint and wake up with no memories of what happen. But the most common saying is; There are eyes in the corruptions and a demonic smile that seen in the distance.
Fun Fact: If you had an twst oc or any oc who is an angel, fallen angel or a demon, ya can bet ya asses he would avoid them like a damn plague due to his um and the fact of what he is
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can-of-pringles · 4 months
Queer OC asks for Silas and Dannie please?
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
And for the author:
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
Thank you!
Silas: I think I've talked about it before. I would say around 11-13 he started to realize he was a boy. There were little things throughout his childhood that kinda hinted at that, but it didn't start to fully click until then. It was when major dysphoria hit and he was like I don't think this is right. Everything feels wrong (:'() and began to desperately find anything that could possibly explain what was going on (which was difficult considering it was the late nineties) but he eventually told his parents how he was feeling and thankfully they were able to take him to a trans specialist and help him with his transition journey.
Dannie: I think there were bits and pieces from their childhood that probably were signs that they were trans, but they didn't realize until later in their late teens, honestly a big reason they discovered themselves was because of the internet (this would've been around 2011 ish) as for sexuality it was a lot more obvious to them. Especially around middle school. But they just figured they were a (cis) lesbian and kept it a huge secret. They didn't actually officially come out to their parents until they were an adult and had moved out. (For both aspects) and while their parents needed some time, they eventually mostly came around to it. And once they started to understand nonbinary more, they would recall moments in Dannie's life and be like "ah, that makes sense" (in a good way)
(I feel like I kinda already answered this above so I'm probably going to keep this brief)
Silas: It's accepting for the most part (I think it helps living in a city in a usually more accepting country? It depends) If anything majority of people probably assume he's a cis gay man, and not trans. And people usually tend to mind their business. Silas doesn't usually bring up being trans as often unless somehow it comes up (or if he knows he's with people he trusts)
Dannie: Also lives in a city, most people are too busy with their own lives to care (at least just strangers passing by). (I'm going to try to answer this in a very careful way, since I don't live these experiences but I've heard about them, but I won't go into huge detail since I don't think it's really my place) but Dannie tends to face more day-to-day things/situations involving their race, rather than sexuality and gender. Of course their gender and sexuality play a role, but it's not the first thing people notice. Dannie tends to hang out with others that they can either relate to and/or people they can trust.
Silas: Oh definitely. Both external and internal struggles. Mainly about growing up religious and in the south.
Dannie: Yes, they've faced a lot of different types of struggles. Pressure from their family in general. Also religious stuff but in a different way (they grew up Muslim)
Feel like I kinda said above.
Yes, but not the ocs you'd think. Ocs I made when I was still a kid. I think really the first thing that started to open my eyes was Steven Universe and the ocs I made from that. And then when I made one of my fursonas queer (the first time I ever made an oc queer) under the guise of "Well it's fictional and queer people just exist" (this was mostly something I would say to my mom to look for approval, since I was like maybe 11 or so?)
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈PRIDE THEMED OC ASK GAME🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
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hello world!!!
so hi!! we are a system with 20ish alters! you can always call us whichever one is fronting or just axce/kaeso/kae to refer to the body! since we're plural you can use the fronting party's pronouns or just honestly any pronouns you want, mainly neopronouns! i'm quite excited, sorry :D
to see our original thoughts you can search the tag "#kae post" for that!
check out our simply plural for alters (trust me i'll have a link out soon)
i'm your local nyc street rat coming out of his cave to tell you strange tales of the world around y'all (and maybe i'll make this an ARG but I Really Have No Clue)
we will often use plural pronouns, bad grammar/weird spelling, leetspeak, numbers, alternate caps, and other stuff so be patient plz
diagnosed: autism adhd ptsd DID dyslexia and potentially bpd (aka haha we're fucked up)
taken so plz don't hit on me!
stardew valley
queer history
riot grrrl punk
horrorcore rap
pop punk
crust punk
will wood & the tapeworms
penelope scott
the theorist channels
unus annus
memey music from the early-mid 2010s
prehistoric creatures in funny looking jars
lemon demon
tally hall
jack stauber
analog horror
old cancelled kids shows (shirt tales)
helluva boss
doki doki literature club
the binding of isaac
bass (not the fish)
stand up comedy (john mulaney and bo burnham)
animal crossing
south park
poppy playtime
vita carnis (analogue horror)
the boiled one phenomenon (analogue horror)
the man in the suit (analogue horror)
the mandela catalogue (analogue horror)
the fnaf vhs tapes (analogue horror)
bosivert (analogue horror)
vocaloids (especially miku)
sanrio (mostly kuromi and kero kero keroppi)
musicals but especially heathers
early 2000's dcoms (the OC, 90210 (the remake), one tree hill, etc)
early 2000's sitcoms (parks and rec, the office, gilmore girls, etc)
the hunger games
special interests:
political science (i'm an athiest but still Praying For Our Country Cause The Fucking Election Is Going To Doom Us All)
kandi (the Cool Rave Bracelets)
insane clown posse (icp)
ace ♠️ - 11, thankfully gave up host role, the body's first resident, gender-fluid bisexual demirose and greyrose. kind of chaotic and also an autistic child with ptsd so be nice. just split into ace and axce recently so sorry if you're confused. mostly just a traumaholder now. pronouns are he/they/she
axce ❤️ - ur average coolkid. dave strider (homestuck) and nick nelson (heartstopper) kin. the normal one for the most part. is now a host!!! yay!!! likes stand up comedy, pop punk, and his bf. trans and bi. pronouns are anything but she/her, he doesn't give a fuck.
ada ⚠️  - 6, old self, ptsd, autism, and bpd. trauma-holder. constantly causes problems but also shouldn't be attacked, she's really fragile. pronouns are she/it
??? ⚰️ - ??, demonic entity/personification of trauma/body's schizoaffective. doesn't front but can be detrimental to other's mental states. pronouns are ????
mori 💀 - 10-15 year old (we don't know) non-binary/agender thing who likes dnd, journaling, cosplay, mcyts, and old tech. your average white frog non-binary stereotype. autistic. only wears sweaters. pronouns are xe/mori
alex 🎤 - 19, trans gay stand-up comedian. likes anime and rap. kinda basic white boy (can't cook). dyslexic and dumb. he hates it here. chronic pain and fatigue. doesn't front much but can cause he's a dumbshit and doesn't know how most of the time. pronouns are he/him
apsen 🔥 - 15, ur average punk juggalo who likes to break shit. he is nice, though! he is a kin of foxybro/young micheal from fnaf. keeps making way too many damn battlevests. pronouns are he/him
amara 🌺 - 16, feminine friend to the littles who likes flowers and the outdoors. transfem and aroace. likes to play stardew valley. cooks a lot. pronouns are she/her
mara 🌼 - 15, quiet introvert who's really good at video games. talks in a really high voice and is super calm. really smart and good at remembering things. panromantic ace demi-girl. pronouns are they/she
ara 🌸 - 14, sassy babysitter who has no concept of math. trans bisexual aromantic girl. this girl has all the adhd. she really likes fruit smoothies and taylor swift. seems like a trashy white girl but is really self aware and punk. someone showed her an ani difranco concert and she got so excited she shaved her head lol. pronouns are she/xe
ash 💥 - 7 (a little), creative and fun! one of the main fronters, surprisingly! androgynous bi-gender little who wants to be an artist! plays a lot of video games and draws with crayons! uses many exclamation points! kins sun (fnaf), nepeta (homestuck) and ash (pokémon)! very dyslexic and dyspraxic and has unmedicated ADHD and bad sensory issues! likes pokémon, minecraft, fnaf, and homestuck (it is too old for him but he learned about it through ace and can't stop reading it) and their fandoms and fansongs! pronouns are he/she/ze/sun/ash
dave 💿  - fictive of dave strider from homestuck, 14, trans and bi, uses any pronouns
sun ☀️ - fictive of sun from fnaf, protector/caretaker of the littles. rarely fronts, almost exclusively co-fronts with greg or ash. 16, genderqueer, pronouns are they/he/she/sun
elizabeth 🍦 - fictive of elizabeth afton from fnaf. super loud and obnoxious. 8 (a little), transfem, pronouns are she/her
evan afton 🧸 - fictive of evan afton (crying child) from fnaf. trauma-holder. completely nob-verbal and non-communicative. 6 (a little), pronouns are he/him
gamzee 🎪 - fictive of gamzee makara from homestuck, 17, trans aroace, pronouns are he/they. one of the main fronters for some reason. skitzoaffective and autism. mostly mute other than saying completely crazy shit (voicing intrusive thoughts). really hates school. pities his friends. 
mituna ⭐️ - fictive of mituna captor from homestuck, 4 (a little), trans, uses any pronouns. super creative and loud but non-verbal. makes a lot of noises and tries to communicate in crude ASL and his own sign language. really bad sensory issues.
sollux 🌟 - fictive of sollux captor from homestuck, 17, bi-gender and bisexual, pronouns are he/she/bee. token older sibling who is so tired and annoyed. looks constantly hungover. addicted to tumblr.
gregory 🍕 - fictive of gregory from fnaf. most people call him greg. one of the main fronters. the only competent one in the system, wstg. really loves his source. 14, trans and aroace, pronouns are he/they
vannessa 🐰 - fictive of vanessa from fnaf. a protector. 19, trans and aromantic aplatonic. pronouns are she/they.
rude people
creepy peeps
people i've blocked
anyone who just doesn't like what i have to say if it's harmless (i'll take criticism but if you're gonna come to my blog to be an asshole for no reason then Screw You, Man!)
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msfbgraves · 8 months
The gender standards in Mobland are rather unfair, are they not? Alphas can fuck around all they want with betas and omegas before being mated, and that’s fine. (Since most tend to be very faithful, I won’t get into after marriage.) Omegas being with another omega before marriage is one thing (and seen as hot by some Alphas as you have said in a other ask), but an omega being with an Alpha before marriage (if they’re from a “good” family) seems to be looked down upon. But what about a beta? Is there a purity culture in this society, mainly towards omegas? Being (or at least Daniel and Terry’s part of it) so very Catholic, I would think there would be emphasis on remaining a virgin before marriage (again, mainly on the omegas side) for religious reasons. Yet Terry didn’t seem displeased to know Daniel wasn’t a virgin (well, in one sense—I think he would have definitely minded had Daniel slept with an Alpha). He had to be the first an only Alpha—at least that’s how it comes across. Did Daniel mind that Terry wasn’t a virgin, or was that just to be expected as he is an Alpha?
We shouldn't confuse their bias with our own, Nonnie. In my eyes they're markedly different.
Our obsession with virginity stems from the fact that men demand to be sure who their offspring is, and that their specific genes survive, with no regard for anybody else's. But my omegaverse isn't like that. Omegas and Alphas developed because of the threat of extinction in beta only early humans. Omegas to make childbirth less deadly and reproduction easier. Alphas to go further against outside threats, with little regard for their own safety. Betas still exist because you need functioning societies and Alphas are hotheaded where omegas show - on the whole - maybe too little iniative when it comes to confronting danger. They're homebodies, mostly. In that society, a focus on virginity makes absolutely no sense. It's the group's mission to have as many people, especially pups, as possible survive, and whose they are is secondary.
But physical strength is very good at getting people power, and omegas can give Alphas a special kind of sex betas can't, so Alphas - dominant genes - took power and have had their cult about the Alpha/omega pairing being best. That's why omega/omega is so taboo. That is the purity culture that hurt Daniel: he was not allowed to marry another omega. They "belong" to an Alpha, maybe a beta (Alphas need to kinda sorta sponsor beta/omega unions - there needs to be an Alpha protector close. In Apollonia's case, Terry took that role unwittingly, but some may think the Don will serve that function on a day to day basis). The Church is heavily about adhering to Alpha/omega pairings and for betas to serve as a safety net, like Joseph did for Mary. Mary only has the one pup, which also has significance. Not too many, that is not their role. So virginity isn't an issue. Having many pups or indeed keeping many pups alive is an issue!
Also protecting omegas is an issue. One dead omega is like six pups less, they find that whole idea incomprehensibly horrific. Beta/omega as a first marriage is also not looked upon too kindly. It was allowed in Michael's case because of who he was. Second marriages are different: betas often marry widowed omegas. Alpha/Alpha is as taboo, they can't reproduce! As is Alpha/beta man - but that, I'm sad to say, makes young beta boys vulnerable to sexual harassment. You can't play around with beta girls because they might die in childbirth and that horrifies everyone. But taking a beta boy won't hurt any Alpha's pride. That also partly explains Michael's intensity. He's not letting that happen! Still, any Alpha would first snatch any young omega. The kitties Terry knew were not mated, no, but definitely some Alpha overlord's traffic victims. It was very noble for John Kreese to take in "Johnny Lawrence", the little Czech runaway, and teach him how to mask himself and protect himself. John was mated at the time and he is 100% comitted to his girl, but Alphas love hanging around omegas even if they can't mate them. A blessing on any household.
If this theory isn't 100% watertight, guys, I'm sorry but I'm working on vibes here. Rule of thumb: importance of survival of my specific genes < importance of survival of the species as a whole. So virginity is less important than fertility or the survival of pups. Two Alphas, or two beta men or women together not raising pups,that's an issue, then. If a beta gay couple shacks up, it needs to be with the express intention of adopting and raising a puppy. Two Alphas are most taboo. They wouldn't be seen fit to nurture a pup. Alpha/beta man... that's also deeply frowned upon for anything but a bit of fun.
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ne0nlightzz · 2 years
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Yo! this is basically any and all info for my page and writing /story requests!! [Fandoms,"Rules",DNI,ETC]
since that's why i started a tumbler acc, because the writing community on here is actually seeming pretty large and you can never try to put yourself out there on to many platforms with a writing aspect,right?...
well actually you can and that's why i wasn't even aware that i had a qoutev account for nearly a year when i went to go make a new one and was logged into that one on my laptop but ykyk.
Basic acc rule- all of my soicals are LGBTQ+,OSDD/DID,SFW Agere/Petre,Furry and neurodiverse friendly but if you're homophobic or toxic i most likely won't hesitate to block your ass!:]
anything sexual with a kid-
Overly toxic relationships- like if that's the whole story im uncomfy writing that because its just- its not my best to write i guess-
[its not actually that may rules,i just over elaborate and it makes the list seem long-]
Just about any relation ship[BxB/MxM,GxG/WxW,Poly,romantic,platonic]
I do write xReader stories [for the fandoms listed below] but at the moment i will only write Male-Reader, FTM-Reader or Gender neutral-Reader because there's just not enough of those and because that's what I'm comfortable with as I'm still newer to writing xreader/self inserts and stuff
I can write 'smut' but ive never actually tried because haft way through im just kinda have a whole "wtf did i just write and what will my friends think of me if they find this" moment but please request that with whatever you want but keep in mind i won't write sexual shit for children or family- im trying to stay sane here and am a minor, man, sorry.
platonic or romantic relationships
angst[god im getting go at writing angst- its weird],fluff,those (sorta weird n random) sexual but not scenes-
G0re- [i want to try writing g0re so bad ngl- because how dose one write g0re and make it good?-/injury ig
Okay lets be honest ill write just about anything but
ill try to write GxG but I will not be writing xfem reader at the moment,I'm personally uncomfy doing so because it makes me dysphoria horrible
anything outside the fandoms i have listed for requests [if its not there ask bc i might make acceptions]
weird ped0 and sexual minor/child shit[once again its a childddd ill write you a cute lil fluff sibling or parent figure thing but not anything that's illegal n gross<3]
if its a aged up AU ill think about it but won't 100% write it,ill really have to think about it
i just want to experiment with writing different things and learn different writing techniques so i can maybe find what exactly i enjoy writing the most and i feel like this would be a good way-
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Fandoms i will write for!
The Black Phone
The Lost Boys [yk that old vampire movie? love it-]
Marble hornets
IT [all of them- also the bowers gang- I'll write for them 100%-]
FNAF/Afton's [yeah that can go downhill VERY FAST]
The owl house/Gravity Falls [yes, I'm aware imma nerd but give me a break- there good shows]
Ninjago[ill only write for season 1-3 atm because im re-watching it after god knows how long and can only remember those seasons atm]
Sander sides [does this even have an active fandom anymore?]
Marvel/Spider man [Mainly Iron man or Spiderman because they are like my comfort characters- i also write for both the Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield Spiderman !!Not the actors but the character!!][spider man is now my gender-this is a joke,please don't attack me-]
those are my main fandoms that i will 1000% write for and below are some that I'm a bit iffy about writing for[like I'm not iffy about possible writing about a demonic triangle]
OHSHC[once again, is there even a fandom for this anymore?-]
idfk- im not rly a anime person anymore and can't think of anymore fandoms that im still semi-apart of-
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Basic criteria[Anti-LGBTQ+, Abelist, Racist, Sexist, ETC]
Fake-claimers [yk who u are]
Anti-Agere/Petre[i get it if you don't rly vibe w/ it but don't go bashing a coping mech man- it's not a kink or smt, just a way to cope and usually involuntary-]
Under the age of 13
Proshippers/Fujioshi/Girls who fetishize bxb n all
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My writing socials masterlist [you can find all my bigger works there]
Fandom masterlist
About me
My general socials masterlist [my other socials like Spachey and others]
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I'm dyslexic and that's sorta self-explanatory and explains any grammar/spelling errors in my work. While i do try to edit and catch all mistakes and errors sometimes they slip past me and don't get corrected, there for my work sometimes has a few minor errors but nothing that should actually affect the quality of my work a ton.
I[rarely]use slurs i can reclaim and will only use ones i can reclaim in my work[and that the character can reclaim- unless for drama purposes-] but I WILL NOT USE SLURS I CAN NOT RECLAIM!
I do work on my own individual story's aside from fandom shorts/oneshots so i don't always work on fanfics and sometimes have to take time for those stories!
To quickly address smt I've had issues with
While yes, I do fully support the agere/petre community's I'm not actually a involved part of them anymore due to personal issues and no longer finding it a safe place personally, I rarely regress and slip into headspace and only am a caregiver to one long distance little who is a close friend.
And while yes, I am open to writing 'nsfw content' that's not what I'm about, while yes I'll do it, I will never write anything not sfw for the agere community and want this to be a place for all kinds of people and stories. I want to write agere stuff but also don't want to have to keep my blog 1000% sfw because I write a few comfort n age/petre stories- but I also don't want to make my blog 100% nsfw because I rarely write that and part of why I do is being I'm hypersexual due to past personal stuff.
How many times did i say "while yes," in this? -
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The chicken boy saga continues.
-honestly thinking of developing a tag list for this or not idfk-
Some important things to note that become relevant later on, I promise:
1. I have on mascara. Which I don't often do since I don't like my eyes and it brings attention to them. Plus because of societal norms it lessens my gender ambiguity and people assume the wrong pronouns. Which I don't care because it was an honest mistake. But whatever. Mascara, got it?
2. I got Starbucks this morning. An iced drink. It's like 20 degrees Fahrenheit out at that point.
3. I'm wearing mesh sleeves.
4. I'm using wired headphones.
Got all that? Good.
So as always, we gotta start our morning with Abby's live. I'm in art class, heavily struggling with blending some oil pastels. It usually works but today ain't it. I still have no way of contacting chicken boy. (His name is Aiden, brief recap. But I'm still gonna call him chicken boy)
And suddenly he crashes my art class. Casually walks in with Rix just chilling in his bag. Honestly don't understand how this chicken is so chill but aight.
Of course I alert the chat of his presence as he's approaching me with my oil pastels covered fingers because I'm a messy artist. And he recognizes Abby because he crashed the live yesterday. So he pulls out his airpods and (quote by quote):
"Hey (name, but we'll put in Messenger for sake of convenience) Messenger, that's your friend from yesterday's live, right?"
My dumbass: "Yeah. I was just talking about your chicken."
Of course he smiles. He has dimples, yall know that? Fucker has the audacity to have dimples. And he just grabs my hand and places an airpod in and goes;
"Connect it please? They're pretty chill, and I wanna listen too. Can't disturb the class either."
So I gotta turn on my Bluetooth (I have it off because a friend of mine liked connecting my phone to their speakers, which auto connects to recognized devices.) And switch how I'm listening so he can listen too. So he's just vibing and commenting while I'm interacting here and there (mainly complaining) and trying to finish the background of this art piece.
And then a meme song comes on (which Abby originally skipped but I made them go back to it by being persistently unhelpful >:P) and he starts doing a little dance along to it. Abby had to mute it so they could answer a fake work asmr phone call, so he just starts humming it.
The class comes to an end and I need to take a picture of the still unfinished art to show Abby because I promised and he just pushes my Starbucks drink into the shot because "it adds a certain something" Okay photography major calm down. And I gotta go to the library to search for a book I need for math and he just follows along (holding onto my drink btw) and my ass is cold because I need to go out in 20 degree weather with mesh sleeves, which do nothing to keep me warm.
So he gives me his hoodie. I might be dumb, but I'm not THAT dumb. I know what that means. But whatever, I'm cold (why does this read like a novel wtf)
As soon as we're inside, I give it back and he takes it. So off we go to search for this book. I'm still in Abby's live and interacting. And it's all gucci. But he has to go to his class so he gives me my drink, pauses, and says "oh, by the way, your makeup enhances your eyes. It'd be cool to do a photo shoot like this."
Now sure, it's possible he's flirting because he's interested. But he's seen my interactions with my friends, which is flirty in its own right. Mainly because I fluster easily and my extroverted friends are like "haha funny blushing introvert" so they continue it until my spite meter gets filled up and I flirt back. So he could also see that as my comfortable way of interacting with friends. Which it kinda is (also leads me to crush on all my friends at least once because I'm affection starved but that's a separate problem.) So he could be copying that. Or he has the same reaction to my flustering as my other friends because I get kinda quiet before bursting with righteous fury that isn't that scary because my voice fluctuates a lot when I'm flustered.
I got to hold Rix though so I'm the winner.
Still don't have his number. I gotta fix that. And now you're caught up on the chicken boy saga.
0 notes
ladywinterwitch · 2 years
Game Of Thrones (Headcanon) - Crushing/Jealousy
Y'all I really hope this doesn't suck because the tumblr page literally refreshed as I was almost done writing so it saved NOTHING and I had to re-write every single word so. Ngl I might've shed a tear but we're not gonna talk about that :). I mixed the 'Them having a crush in you' and the 'Jealousy trope' for this one. Also. I don't know how many of these Headcanons I'll write but regardless even if I do switch up the characters or format for the posts every now and then, don't panic lmfao If I stopped I would tell you. Apologizing for any eventual errors! They'll be fixed.
Warnings: mentions of sex but nothing explicitly nsfw (okay maybe be aware for Oberyn idk), cursing, nothing much really
*I will try to keep the gender descriptions vague, just like the time periods and avoid subplots unlike the other two parts simply because I wouldn't want to make it seem like mini series or something that you kinda have to 'catch up on', I hope that makes sense.
Main masterlist and other headcanons
Lmk what you think if you feel like it :'D
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Robb is painfully smitten with you from the beginning. This in the very first times made him almost quite shy, but once he gained some confidence and some desire made its way along with the platonic feelings, well. He could be very sweet one second, and make you blush on purpose the moment after. With the whole Winterfell heir/oldest Stark kid thing he never lacked much in the confidence department and it was clear in more ways than one. He is the literal defintion of prince charming. Probably the embodiement of those brave and handsome heroes his sister Sansa liked to read so much about.
Depending on the time of his life in which he met you, he would be more or less careful of showing his feelings. If he were still in Winterfell, with his family and friends around, he would allow himself to be a little more carefree, especially if his father was still the lord of the castle. Catelyn would be a mixture of anxiety and excitement, Robb being her first born and having his first actual experience with love. Ned on the other hand would be just heart warmed by seeing his son being such a good and caring young man, like he raised him to be. Arya would probably either be quite uninterested or befriend you, depending on how much she could relate to you. The same thing is worth for Sansa, even though she would still be quite interested in how things played out between you two. Theon would be annoyingly teasing him about his crush, meanwhile Jon would be more of a listener and give his support to his half brother (cousin).
Depending on how things would've gone with the whole Robert thing, you would've been probably left alone without too much talk of a strategic wedding.
If, on the other hand, we were talking about a slighlty older and king in the North Robb, the situation would probably be more difficult. Regardless, you wouldn't have been the right choice for him to marry, not necessarily for your rank, but because your family wouldn't be strategically strong enough to have important advantages in the war of the five kings. Which is what he needed, but not wanted. Catelyn knew it, he knew it and you knew it.
This Robb would've flirted in the same way more or less, just probably more on the intense and desire filled side than the 'sweet boy' one. And definetly more subtle, for war reasons but mainly because he wanted to keep you safe. Speaking of keeping you safe, he wasn't an overly jealous man by nature, especially if he knew that he was in no position to give you something better than endless pining. But if a man, or another person, were to offend you, or make you feel unsafe, he would definetly pay a little visit in a more appropriate time to the fool in question with his werewolf. He knew better than to not take precautions with the people that he cared about. And after a little scare, he would go to see you and make sure you were alright.
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If Jon has one issue, is how stupidly stubborn he is. Especially when he's younger. This man would rather pin over you for the rest of his life than be honest about his feelings. And you kinda hate him for it sometimes. Regardless of him being in Winterfell as the lord's bastard or a memeber of the Night's Watch, his brooding never changes. Obviously the bigger issue in the second case would be that he literally swore to not take wife or father no children, which made the whole 'being hopelessly in love with you' thing a tad more difficult. In any scenario, he would have that one person close to him to whom he just couldn't lie to. Wheter it was Robb or Sam, he knew that every time you came up in the conversation he could either blush and get out of the topic, or just blurt out his feelings.
Younger Jon would definetly be more awkward and less obvious than Robb, especially because he was nowhere near having the same confidence. He would still be very caring and sweet, just in a more subtle way. If Robb was the kind of guy that would ask you to dance with him or bring you flowers openly, Jon would offer you his fur coat if you were cold or help you get up and down a horse.
He also really enjoys people who kind of understand him as he is and don't try to pressure him that much into acting in a way that it's not himself, and this is honestly one of the things that makes him go crazy for you. He loves how interesting and funny and genuinely caring about him you are. He thinks about you all the time. But gods forbid if he was caught actually having feelings that weren't angsty. He didn't like people that much, but he liked you. Very much so.
You could see through him though, so while you didn't want to pressure him to say more than he wanted, you could get irritated about how stubborn he was sometimes. It happened more than once that other people flirted with you or apparently so, and Jon was never thrilled about that, at all. If you looked around hard enough you could probably spot him in a corner of the room, watching you from afar, brooding as usual. That made you quite sad at times, because you didn't fully understand why he just wouldn't let himself go completely with you. You sometimes played a bit into it, just a tiny bit, to get him riled up. But in the end, you were always going back to him, making sure that you would actually never betray him. He knew that, deep down.
But again, he didn't trust people much, and could get quite protective if he sensed that something wasn't quite right with someone. Before doing anything though, he would often keep an eye on them, and after that if his worries actually were proven somehow to be true, it wouldn't take him much to use a few tricks up his sleeve to scare people off.
Older Jon would be more straightforward, both in personal relationships and with the whole confronting thing. Young Jon liked the shadows, older Jon wasn't afraid to put himself on the spot if he had to.
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Oberyn having actual romantic feelings was news to him. Many times, especially when he was younger he had questioned himself, 'Am I just horny, or do I care?' and no, the answer is no. He thinks that he got really close at times, but mostly he ended up having great fuck-buddies and occasional dinner companions. Most times he wasn't even interested in actual non-married people, so it's not that it could've gone that far anyway unless he was ready to start an affair. But he didn't care enough for it, way too many problems.
With you though, it was new. You weren't much younger and definetly not completely inexperienced, so it's not long after that you met that you actually had sex. You seemed fine with just having this type of 'fun' relationship, so it was really just him finding himself wanting to spend time with you in other ways. Your relationships had blurred lines for a while to be honest. He was the rich spoiled prince with whom you had occasional sex with, and you were one of the lucky people to get into the prince of Dorne's graces.
Knowing his reputation and generally his personality, it took you a while to actually start to believe that he could be in love with you. Riding horses, dining and drinking together, having sex, spending time together and even painting for fun, to you only seemed the behaviour of a rich prince that had a new 'favorite' of the season. Things started to get a different tone when you noticed how possessive he could be. Not in a properly toxic way, but he did like to get you absolutely flustered in the most inappropriate places, to not so secretly show you off while dressing you with the most beautiful and expensive garments in the realm, putting you at his side at important events and even saying that he wanted you to be just his. Not that you were in the position nor desire to actually sleep around, but that statement definetly put a more defined label on your relationship.
Oberyn usually wouldn't get jealous, but he would be even more confident and showy when he wanted to warn someone off. And then usually get you in a dark spot of the palace and fuck you while he told you you were his. And if someone had some snarky things to say about you, he made sure they didn't do it ever again.
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Confused, insecure, protective, closed off, romantic, intense, quite jealous, vulnerable
Jaime is complicated. He just is. There's also very little chance that he could've managed to look at someone other than Cersei in his younger years, because their separation was very brief, and the immediate failure of her and Robert's marriage gave them the perfect opportunity to keep going with their toxic relationship. As soon as he gets away from her, and loses his hand in the process, he also starts to struggle with his own thoughts about who he is and who he wants to be.
When he meets you, he didn't even thought about your meeting twice. He observed you, as he always does with people, but thought nothing more of you except your beauty probably. The first time you actually talked though, he did think about it a little harder. It was news to him that someone would actually address him in a normal and respectful way, without being fake that is. He had roughed up during the years, especially since people had started to call him Kingslayer, traitor, backstabber. Any kind of degrading name. No one actually even bothered to make their own opinions or listen to his side. Robert and Ned and the whole lot of other people of the court chose a biased version and went with it.
You didn't. Wiredly enough it left him feeling quite wired, and definetly interested in you. If anything, he was curious to see if you were going to ever speak to him again, and you did. You made sure to acknowledge him every time that you saw him, even at the cost of getting the stink eye from whoever was accompanying you. Jaime started to get more interested, and wanting to know you better. Either of you had any malice in this whole thing. You were both genuinely curious to listen to what the other had to say. And slowly, Jaime started to get more and more distanced from his sister. It's like he was blind, or willingly chose not to see, what she really was. The difference was obvious when he interacted with you.
You did create a genuinely nice connections, and you didn't miss to stop and talk or even walk together when you had the chance. The real turning point for him was when he started to actually think about you. He felt confused and quite scared, to be honest. He was afraid of many things; of the fact that he could actually feel something that wasn't so wrong like what he felt for Cersei, of how worthy someone like him could be of you. These thoughts remained quite abstract, even in his own mind, until he actually felt like he was punched in the gut when you started to get courted by another person.
Now, that, was quite the wake up call. Before you actually became a thing, his general reaction to his own jealousy was sadness and self loathing. So when you got together, knowing that he could actually allow himself to be close to you, his love language definetly became touch. He just loved to touch you, whether it was in an innocnt way or not. It's like he needed it. He would also be quite affectionate and funny, definetly the cockly Lannister in him. Fortunately enough there weren't many times in which he became jealous, but when he did, he usually just fucked it right out of you both, to put it lightly. On the other way, if any type of harm should come your way, now in that case his Tywin genes would definetly come through.
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Insecure, not overly jealous but anxious about your well being, trusting, sweet, funny, has your back
Tyrion has trauma. He really fucking does. Love? Trust? not his forte, either of them. So was he scared when he realized that he could be falling for you? Shitless. Just the mere fact that he met you in King's Landing made him think the craziest possible scenarios of how either his father or sister could've just come to you and say 'Trick that stupid little monster again, he deserves it'. He lowkey knew that it would've been insane, and he was being paranoid but at the same time you never know with those people.
You definetly made fun of people at court together. You also liked to actually argue about some topics, too. You weren't particularly fond of sewing when you were little, so your father made sure that you were at least well spoken, and honestly you didn't mind reading at all. On that you two would relate a lot.
You actually spent so much time together, and he loved how similiar you were. Mentally, that is. He would never even imagine to compare himself with something that he considered as beautiful as you. And even after making sure that you gained his trust, that remained a big issue for him. When he did actually get a grip and you got exclusive, or at least with each other, your relationship didn't change that much, except the sex and the teasing obviously. Tyrion's version of jealousy was more similiar to Jaime's. He wasn't actually jealous, per se, but he doubted himself and what he could give you more than anything.
You never, ever, gave him reason to, though. In that sense, you probably took more care of him than he did, and he really really appreciated you for that. He would've gladly ran away with you, but you both knew better than be reckless in a place full of backstabbers like King's Landing. You kind of had each other's back, and this understanding between you two allowed you to actually live your relationship peacefully.
Now, if Tyrion did feel that someone on his reach could actually try to do any harm to your or your relationship, Bronn would've taken care of it pretty quickly for him.
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basilly · 3 years
banana boats & babysitting | cc!bench trio & jack x reader (platonic)
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☼ a part of my series, life’s a beach!
summary:  a day out boating with the boys… time for babysitter y/n to make their appearance
pronouns/gender: gn | they/them
note: this is platonic!! and huge ty to art again for helping me i had sm fun brainstorming and making these, this time its headcanons :DD theres also a slight ‘wilbur x reader’ and its self indulgent
warnings: cursing/swears
not edited
☼ taglist form here
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. it was the dream smp’s beach house trip!
. meaning, LOTS of beach and water activities
. you were hanging out with the bench trio and jack- and they spotted the docks... 
(which had banana boats, kayaks, jet skis, etc.)
. they 100% dragged you into jet skis before you could fight against them
. jack, you, and tommy would have your own while tubbo and ranboo share a jetski
mainly because tommy didn’t want to share and jack replied with 
“fine! i’ll go on my own too- let’s race!”
. jet skis with them means- 
tommy is screaming “GOTTA GO FAST” and jack is trying to catch up to him and race him
tubbo is TERRIFIED sitting behind ranboo while ranboo spits out all these facts
“we are very susceptible to being struck by lightning right now- these clouds look like it could rain.” “ranboo SHUT UP you’re scaring him!” “whaaat i’m just stating things.”
. once you guys get on the banana boat though-
. tommy and jack fall off in the first couple minutes after tommy decides to flip jack off and lose his grip
. ranboo kinda just gives up and accepts his death and falls in
. tubbo miraculously stays on the longest and his knuckles are all white after
. everyone else in on the shore praying for you
. and cackling so hard their stomachs hurt from laughter
. if you were to go on a yacht-
. tommy and jack are trying to fight over who gets to control and steer the boat
. tubbo is trying not to get seasick and you’re rubbing his back while keeping everything under control
babysitter y/n to the rescue!
. then ranboo is just,, continuing his facts
"hey tubbo, did you know that 95% of the ocean hasn't been explored yet? who knows what's down there!! those animals could probably kill us :D"
. tubbo throws up off the side of the boat-
“ranboo for the love of god SHUT UP!”
. he’d start laughing SO hard but be somewhat apologetic
. on the other hand-
. while you are there like O_O
. jack also somehow spawns a captain hat out of nowhere
“jack give me your hat.” "what- no! it's my grandpas" "can i have it though?" "no" "why not" "cause it's my grandpas" "isn't he dead or something"
. again, 0_0
. if you tried waving at others for help, they’d just wave back and think everything is fine
. you call your boyfriend, wilbur, who was on the shore-
“wilbur, i think i have made a mistake.” “oh?” “tubbo is barfing up his lunch, ranboo is trying to scare us, and tommy and jack are gonna kill us- please send help”
. he just laughs and starts WHEEZING-  
“good thing it’s you not me darling! have fun <3″
. you’re title reigns of ‘babysitter y/n’ :D
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@popixdaisy @softiepeterpan @sun-flower-seed @beepbopbee @writingwieny @tinyegg @alm334 @strawbrinkofdeath @mewtheconqueror @rowe-n @oh-mcyt​ @rended-symphony @ditzyjitters @cr0wbonezz-wr1ting-inc @attemptingsomething @alilcloudy @stup1dclown @twist3dtinkerbell @thequeenofuwu @fantasy-innit @okayzandria @mlqcool @truthdaze @alex--awesome--22 @thisratbastard @blumarzipan @sloxth-poe @stxrryxnite @eggingamazinglove @dinochickenuggs @sunshinewrites-sunnie @endtis-unknown​ @i-mmunity @qnfs​ @lukerycyja @queerentj @piano-boo @cvsmixpaint @golden-hoax​ @omnikinesisgobrrr @averylittlebee @ididntkidnapthekids @pxint @l0ver0fj0y @griffoniant @technospherex @ohworm-writes @afamous-simp @technosoot @fallxnly​ @lorenaaayk @m0oshrooms @insecure-freckled-b1tch @nutellaperson @queensunsetx @tarosin​ @kai-was-here @b3l0v3ds @truthfulsyncerity @forutheworld @losingvienna @luluwinchester @dreamiewrites @a-simp-for-block-people @dysfunctionalcrab @inniterhq @ella-ivanov @akasuki @bioluminescentfrog @brainsanalysis @momo-has-a-gun @korylyzed @notgeoreg @ialexabsuniverse @bugthegremlin @spoonz​ @god1ngs @sabinanotfound @stuffforreferences​ @crybabyjabby @totem-awooga​ @mack4676​ @esylwen​ @notphilosopherstudentblog​ @luvjoyed​ @yamturds​ @chubbity​ @ttakinou​ @w1lbursu1t @yoshirikuxd​ @mayhapskarlwillmarryme​ @cherios​ @honknap​ @lmfaosoph​ @queennightsetz​ @dreamzluvrr​ @willowsdemise @quivvyintheclouds​
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aliensubstance-011 · 3 years
Harry Osborn HCs by me >:]
Keep in mind that this is for TSSM Harry
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Love that lil' guy. Also sorry for formatting I'm on my phone and I don't make posts much anyway lmao. ANYWAY.
- he's Trans!!! FTM (He/him) thank you v much and of course Norman got him the best/most expensive surgeries possible because him being an Ally is TSSM Norman's one redeeming quality and it's not even canon.
- after the explosion inside the helicopter at the end if S2, Harry is mostly deaf (mainly on his right side) and has to wear hearing aids to be able to hear anything more than muffled noise (uhh apologies if i got that wrong please correct me I'm trying to do better at just knowing stuff)
-He's gay (closeted), and at the point in S2 probably doesn't understand/realise yet... Everyone just kinda knows (including Gwen), and Flash and his group tease him for it, He's still oblivious though.
- Even though he just uses he/him pronouns he doesn't care what he wears, whether it's a dress or a full suit or anything. Because fuck gender roles. I do what i want.
- all of this is so focused in Gender + sexuality well NOT ANYMORE he loves to cook but cannot bake for shit. He just doesn't get it. His cooking is delicious however.
-He will probably grow his hair out a bit/experiment with it after Norman is gone, it's not unusual to see old pictures of him with long curly hair, shaved, with a fade, undercuts, pattern shaves ect ect ect. They all look really good on him because i said so. He doesn't dye his hair at all.
- let this boy have Therapy. Capital T Therapy. After Norman "dies" he gets counseling to help him with his grief and the councilor is just 'get this poor boy some full time therapy'
-He gets some tutors in and starts to work towards business school- he wants to fix the corruption in Oscorp before anything else. Yes it's not stated there's full corruption but c'mon it was run by Norman Osborn.
- It takes quite a few years, but eventually Oscorp is run by a good board of directors (is that the right thing??? Idk group of people who run the company lol) who report to Harry for executive decisions.
-Part of the proceeds from Oscorp go to many different charities. Kind of getting off topic from Harry here pfft
-After he can do his own thing, he opens up the Café (Coffee bean Café- I'm being serious there's an Harry Osborn who owned a Café in the comics, Raimi and Tasm! fans who don't know™. It's awesome) and uses the apartment above as a safehouse for abuse victims.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. I got very off topic. Hope yall liked it at least :)
Please let me know if I've written anything wrong/offended someone in someway. I'm just not v smart and I'm always open to critism.
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enhyupn · 3 years
enhypen as characters inspired by animes ᯤ 
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tagging @youreverydayzebra @ncityy04 @rheyom
ot7!enhypen x gn!reader, fluff, warnings: mentions of (jokingly) dying, swear words, reader’s in a maid outfit in jay’s one but no mentions of a certain gender, word count: 3.3k
a/n most of these aren’t the same as the animes mentioned but instead just inspired or loosely inspired by the plot! also some of these aren’t the same in word count and i apologise for that ]:
∷ heeseung — orange
heeseung as the new kid at school and he’s so pretty that everyone just. Stops in place and just stares at him as he introduces himself
funnily enough you already saw this coming, realising this was the same heeseung the letter you received that morning told you about
what was funnier was the fact that letter was coming from the future you
you didn’t believe it Then because like... it kinda sounds too stupid to be true
but then BOOM there heeseung is
your teacher makes him sit beside you and you’re just trying to wrap your head around how crazy all of this is
your letter even told you that he was going to sit beside you, why was all of this coming true????
you didn’t read on because you were in a rush to get to school but maybe if that letter warned you about how pretty he was, you wouldn’t of been that flustered when he started talking to you
“hey i’m heeseung!” “ummm yeah, i’m y/n... yeah”
when school ends you RACE home to get to that letter again
rest of heeseung + of the members under the cut!
your future self was gonna have a lot of explaining to do...
turns out the future you Let this same heeseung walk out of your life so now you have to fix this
“dear past me, i can’t believe i was this stupid to let him leave my life like this— how stupid am i??”
now you make it your mission to keep your barely started relationship not go rocky
and oh boy would that be a challenge for the years to come
not because heeseung’s a terrible bf, future you just gave terrible tips
everyday after that you and heeseung (like the letter said) turned into great friends
great friends as in friends that people think that are dating
soon that friendship became a relationship... and a very strong one to be honest
your letters were weirdly very accurate
a firework festival... how he confessed to you... all of it was in those letters
honestly you should scold them for letting heeseung get away!!
you secretly wanna tease them that YOU have heeseung by your side and they don’t but... you can’t really do that
you tell heeseung about the letters one day and he just. Stares at you in astonishment
because he also received letters on the same day you got them from future him too
turns out future you and heeseung both regret their decision
poor them but at least present you gets to kiss heeseung whenever you want 😇
not to spoil anything but heeseung didn’t end up walking out of your life <3 instead you two are now sickly in love
∷ jay — maid-sama
you work at a maid café mainly because you needed the money and honestly... it wasn’t even that bad of a job
i mean compared to your school president life — trying to keep teenage boys out of trouble — happily serving polite and friendly (most of the time) customers was definitely a steal
one boy in particular gave you a bit more trouble than the rest of them however
he wasn’t bad or anything, just... a serial heart breaker
jay park was always on your radar due to the fact so many people would go up to you asking you to tell him to be nicer with his rejections
he wasn’t complied to be nicer but 😍 what can you do
safe to say that you didn’t think you had the best relationship with him
you couldn’t understand him even more when you saw him prettily sitting at the tables at your work
may i add, with you in your very own maid outfit as well as a twitching eye
“y/n! looking great” “thanks m-ma-mas—” “your customer service is terrible”
and the fact he came every day after that day made you feel Terrified
and also a little excited to go to work but you’d never admit that!!!
having him stare at you while you cheerily wrote with ketchup on omelettes was... definitely not how you thought your relationship would be like
he would also make small talk too
and visit you after your shift!!! walking you home
now... his daily visits turned into genuine great conversations on the way home
you realised he wasn’t as bad as you made him out to be
he just had strong beliefs that he should only accept a confession if it’s from someone he loves
you didn’t know how... but now You Have Feelings For him.
and seeing him when smile at you every time you serve him at that little maid café... ARGGGG it drove you absolutely mad
the way he oozed out confidence... was sweet and quite literally the prettiest person you’ve ever seen... how could you not
and what other way to confess to him than at the very place your relationship blossomed at!
you wrote “i like you” with ketchup on fried rice for him... yeah
thankfully he was over the moon and Had to hold back kissing you in front of the customers
now you two were dating <3 with the help of a maid café
and that really only left you with one more question
“why did you start visiting this maid café in the first place?”
∷ jake — kimi no todoke
being the quiet student is never. a good thing
especially when you’re ostracised by your class because you never participate
you actually want to but you can’t build any confidence to do so
you never caught the attention of anyone
well... besides a certain popular boy by the name of jake sim
oh boy was this gonna be a culture shock to the girls that have a crush on him
he noticed you on the first day of school when you asked him for directions to your classroom
he won’t ever forget it, the way you had a huge excited smile on his face as the cherry blossoms fell softly around you
he quotes, it looked like you came straight out of heaven because it looked like you had wings on you
he didn’t know how to get your attention though.
every time he tried to do so you wouldn’t even look at him and would just look down at your desk
it hurt him to see you so isolated
that’s when he had the bright idea to ask you if you wanted to walk with him home
bad idea (kinda), because you did accept but you didn’t know what to do the whole time because you’ve never walked home with someone before
it was bad enough that jake was absolutely Stunning. like blindingly attractive
you didn’t know what to say at all
well until you came across a small puppy making it’s way up to the two of you
they were so cute that you just squealed out of excitement
jake was so surprised to hear Something from you that he just instantly put on this huge genuine grin
“there’s no tag on them!” your upsetting tone sent jake into haywire
he literally watched you pet that dog with literal heart eyes he wasn’t even being sutble
he takes a picture of you and he Stupidly leaves the ringer on so you hear him and everything
he was so embarrassed about it
“did you just take a picture of me?” “y-yeah” “oh... is that what people do?”
you literally had no idea how to interact with people so you thought what he did was Normal
somehow this caused jake’s crush on you to develop Quick
especially when you grabbed his hand to pull you closer to the dog
his heart was beating so fast he didn’t know what to do
he is self proclaimed the biggest dog lover but for some reason... he wasn’t even looking at the dog, not even trying to play with it
he was just staring at you with his doting eyes as you smiled and giggled while playing with the dog
he wasn’t gonna confess yet though because he still has to develop your relationship
in true shoujo romance anime fashion, he was gonna confess twelve episodes (probably a year) later <3
∷ sunghoon — ao haru ride
no i definitely did not put sunghoon for ao haru ride because i have a huge crush on kou and sunghoon... /s
you and sunghoon were in the same elementary class because... fate
you had the biggest crush on him and even your mom knew him because he was a well known figure skater
but who didn’t have a crush on him was the real question
being the young confident elementary student you were, you always talked to him
forever talking to him to the point where you two were Actually really good friends
you thought you were on cloud9
but. turns out figure skating takes a lot more training than you had thought so
you literally cried Buckets and Buckets when you found out he had to train in like russia for an unsure amount of time
there was no way on contacting him too since you had no phone, no nothing
so he left. and you didn’t know what to do with yourself
ok flash forward noises
now you’re in high school! still... gripping onto that crush you have on sunghoon
but you think it’s fine since you are Functioning without him i guess
well until you bump into someone with a very familiar voice...
“watch where you’re going” talk about passive Aggressive 🤨
and when you look up because obviously you were gonna start yelling at him
well. You just froze in shock when you were faced with sunghoon’s raised eyebrow smirking at you
and what was the logical thing to do apparently?
cry. right in front of him.
he just froze as he watched you sob while everyone stared at him
he was trying to explain himself while at the same time Dragging you Away because he couldn’t let you just cry in the middle of the hallway
now you two were at the top of some stairway as you sniffled recovering from your endless crying
“why were you crying? “how could i not when you’re here?”
turns out that sunghoon Knew you were at the same school as him but wanted you to figure it out yourself
it took you almost six months. to figure out sunghoon was in your grade.
but what next? do you rekindle your friendship or...
“i’ve changed” okay maybe that answered your question
and before he could even explain himself he just... Got up and left????? for no reason
and that’s when tsundere sunghoon started to come into play.
you constantly tried talking to him but it would end up with the two of you bickering
you walked home the same way too
weirdly enough He was very nice to you sometimes
letting you place your head on his shoulder, lovingly smiling at you, being very Oddly romantic
he was giving you mixed signals.
and there came that old elementary school crush... gearing back up for a second round
“what are we?” now you decided being bold was the right thing to do
he just stared at you and shrugged.
now here comes the water works
you started crying uncontrollably Again but this time sunghoon looked really guilty and comforted you
he even hugged you. (Wow... Development)
he then explained to you that he Likes you (omg) but he’s scared that he might have to pack up and leave you again and he doesn’t want you to get too attached
and you’re like “we have each other’s numbers this time though?”
sunghoon’s just like Ohhhh
that’s how you started dating
and rekindled that elementary crush (successfully)
∷ sunoo — toilet-bound hanako-kun
being the bold and adventurous person you are. You decided to call onto your school’s very own ghost
because you had the biggest crush on this upperclassman you needed the support of a Spirit to help you
“ummmm hey... school spirit, i’m kinda in love with someone and i heard—” “hi” and then you fall onto the ground because something scares you
turns out the spirit’s name is sunoo and you just summoned him
it also turns out this spirit was kinda cute 😟
he had offered you something like a book — telling you if you follow all the rules — you’ll end up dating your crush
turns out it was just a middle school romance book you could of bought at dollar tree.
you were rightfully mad at him Since all you did was end up embarrassing yourself
somehow during your argument, your eyes caught a glimpse of something in his pocket
you took it. because you deserved it
and ATE IT when sunoo told you that it grants you any wish when consumed
you didn’t even need to listen to any of the disclaimers because it was already in your stomach
one things turns into another and now you’re a spiritually bound fish to sunoo.
turns out what you ate was mermaid scales and he needed to eat one too so you could turn human (he told you he can’t explain it because it’s a long story!)
you two are now bonded together (4lyfe 🥺🤞) and you aren’t that happy due to the fact he was always teasing you and playing around with you!!!!
you were now his human assistant.
you helped him with cleaning the toilets and he helped you by saving you from the supernatural
very well balanced relationship
you grew very fond of sunoo as time went on
even though you almost died a few times... he was always there to save you from whatever the spiritual world had to offer
i won’t spoil anything but... school spirit sunoo seemed to have a soft spot for you too 😇
you showed him your passion for art and everything like that
you tried to dodge questions about the... y’know... why he was a spirit
knowing that it would probably hurt him
plus he didn’t have all those things coming after him for nothing
falling in love with a ghost wasn’t what... you were expecting when you first joined your school
but i guess you had no choice since he was spiritually bound to you!
∷ jungwon — whisper of the heart
you loved the library dearly, you loved reading and writing— just books in general
your favourite place was a really big cosy library a few minutes away from your house
you had always borrowed more than three books every visit
and every time you would look at who borrowed the book, the same exact name would show up each book you borrowed
“yang jungwon... he seems to have good taste in books”
you would dreamily sigh thinking about what this jungwon looked like
later on in the week you were writing a story at the park— y’know, normal things
your friend called you out of the blue for some reason rushing for you to help them
out of panic you forgot your book on the bench and didn’t realise when you had finally finished helping out your friend
to your surprise there was already someone sitting on the bench
and Reading Your Very Own Story
you literally just run up to him and snatch it from his hands because you’re embarrassed!!!
what didn’t help was the fact that the first thing he did was Laugh in your face about it .
he called your story stupid!!! and critiqued it!!!!
you just bicker with him and complain to your friend about it later that night
the next day you thought that... maybe if you went to the library again you might spot this yang jungwon
so you make it your mission to get to the library
funnily enough your plan had failed in an instant when your eyes caught a cat that you just became curious about
you followed it because it just wouldn’t stop getting away from you
it also looked like it was taking you somewhere but 😦
after a tiring ten minutes of following this cat from hell and back. It brought you to this old antique shop
you instantly fell in love with the store and everything in it
you were so distracted by everything that you hadn’t realised someone was behind you
you could feel your eyes widen when you realised it was the same boy from the park
holding that same cat you were following too????
“why are you here?” his eyes literally started Squinting at you
he then proceeded to tell you about how his vocal lessons were nearby and more importantly that the cat was His
he asks you if you want to go visit where he does his lessons and Obviously being as curious as you were, you accepted
when he brought you there you could see his eyes instantly sparkle from just being there cute... kinda
he even started to sing for you and that’s when you thought that he wasn’t that bad
some of his teachers started to join in too and before you knew it, the sun was already gone and you’ve spent the whole time with some boy that you were supposed to hate
“jungwon, who’s your friend” your body Froze in shock when you heard that name
jungwon thought you were stupid for not knowing your name and now you realise you’ve been crushing on him this whole time
(i refuse to continue on more with this because it’ll be too long unless some of you want a oneshot of this 😍)
∷ ni-ki — haikyuu
being forced by your teacher to sign up to be some volleyball team’s manager was Not that fun to experience
but there you were, managing a volleyball practice of that very own team
thankfully, it was safe to say you had a good relationship with all of them
and an even Better relationship with a certain volleyball player
nishimura riki and you were practically glued to the hip
you were so incredibly thankful that he was the first one to speak to you when you first started becoming their manager
the rest of them were tall and scary but riki was just tall and friendly
he was so energetic and just So bright that you couldn’t help but look forward to seeing him every day you had practice
he would even teach you how to play volleyball
like he’d be like “isn’t this move so cool? let me teach you it!”
at this point you could be a professional volleyball player with the help of riki
you were overjoyed watching them win their final match to compete in the spring interhigh
you were also incredibly happy to know that riki scored the winning point
he couldn’t stop telling you about it and you just kept excitedly praising him and not to play favourites but you weren’t this excited when heeseung scored the previous winning point
even though you and your team were excited, you could feel how nervous they were when they entered the huge gymnasium
they were surrounded by all the best high school volleyball teams in the country
the very first team they went up against gave them a very Tough time
you remember sweating so hard when the scores were almost the same, the other team leading in that set
you decided that. Maybe you could help
“riki! you can do it” your shouting somehow caused riki to instantly become energised
everything was a blur up until your team had Won the match
and all because you gave riki some encouragement
he literally ran to you the second they had won and almost knocked you down
you didn’t wanna tell him that he was sweaty so you just let him carry on hugging you tightly
the rest of the team was like “why didn’t you cheer us on like you did with riki?”
and when you tried to explain your face just started heating up like crazy
so you ignored the subject.
riki just took it as he was your favourite
but what you didn’t want to tell them was the fact that you had a crush on him
as if it wasn’t obvious enough 😟
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