#//do/nt rb
44hive · 3 months
english punditry is so lazy and full of bad takes it makes me hate this country even more
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kristalpepsi · 2 years
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loveotomization · 7 months
I stay alive so people won't be sad, but damn I wish I had something to live for that was just my own.
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mg549 · 1 year
final post on the matter: the whole “good guy with a gun” argument is overdone nra bullshit like. do you seriously think theres no better way than to make it so EVERYONE can kill anyone at any time. instead of. making it so that... less people can shoot ppl. like. ppl pretending legislation will not fix anything are so ignorant imo like. the countries with established gun control laws: 
like how can you be like it doesnt work. how do you explain other countries not having the same gun violence problems. how do you explain school shootings as an american phenom and be unable to correlate that to the fucking nra propaganda and legislation and bs lone ranger superhero individualistic culture. like the reason the propaganda works so well is bc they have the very easy to swallow message of “the world is scary and out to get you but if you have this gun you can save yourself and everyone and Be A True Hero” and in a time where ppl feel increasingly little control over their own lives it makes them feel important and revolutionary. even when in reality 99% of gun owners have never had to use their gun in a random situation. it also acts like the only way to stop someone with a gun is with another gun. which simply is just not the case. it also reveals such an underlying bloodlust ingrained from that conquistadoran colonizer mindset of “the world is mine and anyone against me is free game to kill”
and then theres the whole faux-leftist talking point thats been floating around lately like “gun control is just going to give the government all the guns and we’ll have nothing to defend ourselves with” like. 1. cops shoot ppl regardless of if they actually even have a gun or not. do you genuinely believe you’de have time to draw aim and fire before they react. and theyre already wearing bulletproof vests like. even if you did kill a cop youre going to jail forever after that youre not going to be the head of the glorious revolution like stop playing murder dressup pretend be real. and 2. the main point which is rly the most obvious answer. I AM ALSO FOR THE DEMILITARIZATION OF THE POLICE. i do not dream of violence!!! i do not want for blood!!! armed civilians are not going to lead to the cops getting LESS guns. LIKE.......... I DON’T THINK COPS SHOULD HAVE GUNS EITHER. WHY are some ppl’s takes so deeply ingrained in the idea that violence is not only necessary but should be actively pursued like. and none of them are actually organizing any revolutions either bc theyre all so wrapped up in their chosen one most communist twitter user ever fantasy. and when asked to defend their points theyre jst like “well im from the conservative south and-” and yeah me too bud. your experience was not universal. any actual counterpoints? how many dead children will you let there be or is it all just a “necessary sacrifice” to keep living your fantasy?
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rottingnausea · 1 year
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arcadequeerz · 2 years
why so many people rb that post,?
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jadipose · 7 months
What's wrong Porm?
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assorted-aesthetics · 2 years
thing about polls is u can't just be all "rb for science!" bc tumblr userbase has a negative reaction to being told to rb smth. so u have to make ur poll so controversial and stimulating that a little tag monologue is necessary and voila. everyone and the flea on their dog has weighed in
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dimonds456 · 9 months
Neurotypicals do not fucking answer.
RB for bigger sample size, NTs can and are encouraged to reblog as well!
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for-a-longlongtime · 1 year
Sunday reflections
Inspired by @goodwithcheese’ poll about ‘how bothered are you when you read the word spit in fic’, and her mention of some folks reclaiming words while others don’t… I have a question for y’all. (Much appreciated if you’d want to rb this for signal boost)
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stormoflina · 6 months
Hello again! It's the same overly talkative anon from the last ask lol
I wanted to talk more about the social media thing, which it sounds like you have a lot to talk about too! I didn't follow Dom when he was at Leipzig but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the spotlight and reaction to him on social media was not as big as it now but I know he's like the king of Hungary (in a good way) anyway I say that because when it comes to the prem the fans and media are a lot less forgiving and love to put players in a box.
For instance Dom is very handsome (as are a lot players in Liverpool) but he's gotten labeled as the pretty boy who cares more about his hair than he does about his performances which is silly because every player cares about their outward appearance that's why they get haircuts and tattoos and etc. It's kind of similar with people screaming from the rooftops that Trent can't defend if he makes one missed tackle.
Anyway I think if Dom was less attractive or less confident people would stop raging about him loving the camera, if anything it's just a reaction to how good he looks on camera. Personally I already know he has a nice face and I still get caught off guard when he pops up on the TV, bless the dinosaurs that made the fuel to bring his parents together 🤣
Hii! 🫶🏼
Apologies for the late answer! I started writing a whole ass novell to you, then lost internet connection and I lost everything. But maybe it's for the better, because I was borderline psychoanalysing people lol. 😭
I admit, I couldn't really stomach following RB Leipzig just for him lol, I only started paying more attention to them (well Domi, and they came with him) after Marco Rose became their manager - I really like that man - so, I don't know tbh how he was perceived by their fans or even in the media really. What's evident is that he was a favourite of the social media team, judging by their insta haha. In Hungary, it's very hit or miss. He is either perceived as basically the Chosen One from the Footy Gods, or very harshly, unfairly criticised hated on for everything. There are a surprising amount of miserable people who are hoping that he will flop hard as a rock in Liverpool, but then again, he is still much more beloved, especially ever since he became the captain. Our sports media, hmm, let's just say, very amateur, and because Dominik is our most successful player he gets his ass kissed ever since he signed for Liverpool. The thing is with that however, is that they try to frame it more like a Hungarian success story, rather than the success story of Dominik, if that makes sense. So it's not really about the persona of Dominik, but rather the Hungarian who did something that not many could in the last few decades. Or at least that's how I see it overall.
However, all this vain, egoistical gimmick is not something that has been present in his usual criticism until recently. I mean it makes sense, the media needs characters, easily noticeable one or two traits they can give to players to sell the stories and the narrative better, and let's be honest, Dominik is a very easy target for that. For one, yes, that he is objectively a handsome man, but what I think is even more important is the way he carries himself. I think he is not someone, who will 'bow down' if that makes sense, he has a strong personality, a strong trust and sense of himself and his abilities, and he is very honest about that. The media loves underdog stories, especially for people like Dominik, but it's very evident that he doesn't lean into that. Even in Hungary, he asked the journalists multiple times, to stop listening to all his achievements, calling him the nt's best player, trying to sell the story of the 'poor hungarian lad who somehow did the unthinkable'. He seemed pretty rejective towards these underdog PR questions they tried to do with him in the start, which honestly from a straight PR point turned out to be a mistake for him, for sure hahah. But I can respect the dedication to be true to his morals and character, rather than playing the well-crafted PR character.
This turned out into me, rumbling I'm so sorry. I truly can talk a lot. 😭😭 Please, don't be shy to do the same, I absolutely love reading all your options!! 💗
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ct-hardcase · 15 days
[d*nt rb, venting]
having terec and ceret as two of my new most recent favorite characters has been an absolute joy but what's not cool is the fact that every so often when I do my content crawl for them like I did with eighth or voe or something I get them being misgendered a not-insignificant portion of the time
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oleandersonafield · 1 year
“ ★ hello! my name is neri, i’m a messi fan, and this blog is football-centred and with occasional f1 posts。”
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most of the information listed below will be in this carrd.
★ my pronouns are they/star, but i am alright with any。im from 🇸🇬。i speak english, chinese, & i'm learning spanish。
★ fanart boundaries:
OK with my drawings for personal use (layouts, wallpapers), credit is very much appreciated。 USE OF ARTWORK IN EDITS is OK with credit, and tag me。 REPOST to other websites (weibo, etc) is OK with credit and permission。
DO NOT use my drawings for NFT or AI "ART"。
i am possibly neurodivergent (ADHD), please use tone indicators for me, i keyboard smash & capslock, i get anxious at little things, i draw, rb & like rpf。
basic DNI / DNF criteria, you use slurs you cant reclaim, lolicon / shotacon, you support NFTs or AI "art"。
DNI IF you know me from my other accounts / you know me in real life (unless i told you about this account)。
★ if i get too loud in group chats, please tell me。
★ if you have something important to tell me, please message in dm。
where you can find me!
side blog for spam / other interests (warning: rpf/rps, huge spam): oleapodium
writing blogs: scaleoneta, varofourown
ao3: scaleoneta, varofourown
twitter: oleandersofield
instagram: oleandersonafield
# neri-art -> my own artworks
# my-writing -> my fics / anything i write
# my-doodles -> artworks that are mostly just sketches or something with that
# neri-posts -> non-fanart posts
# neri-rambles -> non content posts which is just me talking
★ other then messi, i love the argentina nt & my content & the things i reblog will mainly be about them。my favourite football duos are kunessi, julienzo and scaimar。i like the mexico nt as well。i don't really focus on clubs so i do not have a fav club😭。
★ although this blog is football-centred, i will also occasionally post f1 related content。
i also listen to phoebe bridgers, the crane wives, taylor swift, and paris paloma。
★ i dont really care about footballers / clubs you support as long as you are respectful and dont fit my dni。
i hope you make yourself comfortable on my blog! stay safe, and take care :) 🫶👑
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enbeemagical · 2 years
After you answer, if you would like to rb with whether you are NT or ND and what you answered, much appreciated!
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rottingnausea · 1 year
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ikram1909 · 5 months
I dont know if its because we are missing lots of players, but I wish xavi didnt have to sacrifice la masia kid's talents to compensate the incompetitiveness from the seniors. Gavi should play more centrally instead of overusing him to cover flaws or when a key player is missing because the others can't step up for once and he should have let him play at his position after his el clásico incredible performance (he should have let him play in his position for ages tbh), he is wasting his technique and IQ to defend and make him run and dog press like crazy because literally no one in the team everyone is afraid of contact.
Pedri should play deeper, he is a pure 8 but he cant do that because he has no DM and his other midfield pals obligate him to do the whole defensive job (he is coming from injuries but they just dont care). For some reason xavi wants him to play as LW even though he performs well, he is NOT made for that and much less when he has to run a lot and that doesnt help with his injury. The only reason i think why xavi wants to play him as LW is because Iniesta also played in that position, and he wants to recreate that with Pedri.
Lamine, even though its his first season as pro I think he gets limited playing as a touchline winger. He carries all the attack (literally, everything comes from him and its not only in lcub, NT too) (i want to add that the other forwards, lewandowski felix and ferran, are absolutely bums and i wish we saw more of roque or guiu). I think he should play more centrally, like a 10, he has everything: tall, dribbling, IQ, defensive, and his shooting would improve.
As for Cubarsí, he is a CB and i think he is the only who is getting treated fairly, but also bc i think we lack of CBs because i wouldnt be surprised if xavi made him play in other role like DM in order to accommodate one of the seniors. Balde too, en though this season wasnt his best but because he sutrggles offensively and we lacked that a lot in the first half of the season, but he is still young and i wish he had some competition like with alba last season.
Hector has to do the LB shifts since we got no more back up fro that position but he does it pretty well, hope he gets more minutes as RB. For Guiu, he should have got mroe minutes, he is really good but the lack of midfield made him struggle too in his first start (same as Roque)
In conclusion, la masia is carrying hard bc they are very very talented and our best players, and they will always step up bc they *care* and *love* the club. I think the only seniors who feel like this and show it in the pitch are raphinha and christensen (and araujo, even though he has his barinfarts). Kinda sad seeing xavi has to limit and sacrifrice the kids' developmentbc the elders are washed or straight up mid
Xavi's stubbornness and our board's inability to sign the players we need means the kids have to be sacrificed for the sake of the team sadly.
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