#//i love them so much ;;;;
timelord-vicwhorious · 6 months
Yes! Rose showed them to me and I think it's incredible, if not a little worrying, how accurate their songs are to some fixed points in time I've forced myself to avoid!
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naughtynecromancer · 3 months
'I really don’t want to be the guy who dies in the first ten minutes of the movie because he’s like, “You know what? Let’s take out the Ouija board. What could possibly go wrong?” '
Mori giggled softly at him, her nose scrunching at the bridge, the sound like silver bells tinkling softly over green hills as she shook her head, pointing to herself with a mischievous smile. "First off, Necromancer, so you would be dead all of like five seconds, but that fact aside, I really don't like Ouija boards or trust them, so none of that for you. You're the final girl babe, you last til the end." She teased him playfully with a smile as she looked up at him.
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ravarui · 4 months
What do you get for someone who you've devoted twenty years of your life to, with the intent that the rest of it is his too? He had a second tattoo. This one on the back of his shoulder, three long markings like his captain's scars. His second of his tattoos that he wore as proof of his devotion.
The party for Shanks was in preparation. Plenty of drink and food placed around the ship.
He finds him before he can join the rest of the crew. "Captain," he says to grab his attention. "It has been the highest honor to be your first mate." He held out a small box. In it, a ruby encrusted version of their jolly roger. A pin to put on his cloaks and capes as a symbol of his position. "I have a second gift for you, but for that, you need to remove my shirt."
But then he pauses, as though listening intently to the prep for the party. "Oh, well, that will need to be later," he says - knowing full well what he's doing. "I'll see you at the party. Happy birthday, Shanks."
He gives Shanks a little wink before leaving to 'help with the party.' And certainly not to be a tease.
Birthday Asks @chillin-at-partys-bar
Preparations for the party were in full swing and while it was his own birthday it wouldn't stop him from helping out of course. Or at least that had been the plan before Benn stopped him.
The box taken without hesitation and he's more than curious to see what his vice captain got him this year. He was about to make a quip at him for wording the first sentence as if he would hand over his termination next. That was when he realized just what Benn had said next. A second present? One that called for the removal of his shirt?! Well, call him impatient but he honestly wanted to know, or rather see whatever it was. He had an idea, but this couldn't be, right? Anyway, he would gladly remove said shirt to confirm or deny his suspicions.
With the box still in his hand he had no way of reaching for Benn and stopping him from leaving like the tease he was. "OI! Beck wait! You can't say shit like that and then just leave!"
The redhead was quick to scramble after him. "I swear I will slap a no shirt policy onto this damn party! Goddamn it!"
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musesofchaos · 8 months
I will protect you. — to Naruto
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"Sakura?" Blue eyes widen at the sudden sight of pink and red shuffling in front of him. He'd been caught off guard by the enemies last move, getting thrown to the ground and being winded. His fist clenches. "No..." The blonde gets to his feet. Stepping forward to be by her side. Warm hand gently finding her. If she turned to face him, she'd be greeted with a gentle smile. "Let's protect each other, Sakura-chan."
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manigfeald · 1 year
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ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ ᴀsᴋ    ►   always accepting
@box-of-characters said: "'ey, I know its warm, bu' don't fall 'sleep nex' t' the campfire." A firm, yet delicate tap was placed on the elezen's head with some sort of hard object; not enough to hurt, but just enough to jolt him back into the waking world at the very least. The object in question had been what appeared to be a bottle of wine, which was then lowered in front of Zev's face to show it off before being set on the ground. Wisteria wasn't usually the type to drink, but after relocating more refugees to Broken Glass, she felt a little relaxation was in order. "Found some 'a these on the way back from Tertium. Gonna han' out the res' 'fore gettin' us some cups 'n stew, so make sure y' stay awake, got it?"
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Roused from his slumber, the elezen stirs with a sleepy, muffled grunt. He had curled up against the boxes surrounding the campfire and the warmth against the cold had lulled him to sleep. It was quite comfortable! Nothing compared to a bed, of course, but one had to make do with what was available. Rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes, Zevran sits upright, eyes squinting against the bright white of the landscape before him. He doesn't quite recognize the item Wisteria had set down, mostly because he wasn't fully awake yet.
"Hnh..?" He's a little upset, being woken up like that, and he scowls at the woman. "Why?" He grumbles. "I'm well enough away from it." He, nor anything else, would catch fire. He made sure of it! What was wrong with enjoying a little cozy nap away from the hustle and bustle of the refugees and operations in the camp? He reaches for the bottle and reads its label. This was some fancy stuff..! The elezen stretches, sighing in relief as his back pops in a few places.
"You're handing out wine?"
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twinuchiha · 11 months
i promised you i'd never leave you. - from madara
Kyosuke was pressed up against the older Uchiha, face buried into his chest, clinging to him like a child as he sobbed with relief.
For a moment there, the younger was certain that the man had finally scummed to death, the inevitable that should have happened long before. Yet here he still was. As a curse for his actions, or a blessing for the chance to redeem himself, neither were quite sure. All Kyosuke knew was that he was grateful that he was still here.
Who knew one day he would be clinging to Madara Uchiha, war criminal nearly destroyed the world, afraid of the fact that he breathed his final breath.
“Idoit…” He cried. “You’re not fucking invincible. Don’t do that again…”
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themerchliing · 1 year
"You know," Jesper muttered, pulling Wylan closer as they lay in bed one night. "I never used to think I could be a better person. Better than shooting and gambling and pulling heists." He rested his chin on Wylan's shoulder. "But you like to pull off the impossible, don't you? Probably helps that you're crazy."
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"I'm raving mad," Wylan smiled, eyes still closed. It was nice to hear Jesper recognize that he was doing better. It had been a process that was still ongoing, but not one Wylan had ever doubted. Early on, he'd caught glimpses of those genuine parts of Jesper that the other had been so eager to hide beneath his confident quips and seemingly unwavering swagger.
"You've always had it in you. I just gave you a push in the right direction." Wylan had treated Jesper's gambling addiction as what it was: an addiction. That wasn't something that was easy to break and he hadn't expected it to be done overnight or even within months. He'd given Jesper small amounts here and there, first letting him wean himself off the gambling parlors. He'd then advised him to use the money to play the stock market instead — an area that held far more benefits when done wisely. It had been working very well.
"But listen, if you ever feel like you're relapsing, never feel too ashamed to let me know." Wylan snuggled closer. "We're in it together and I'll support you." Even if Jesper, somewhere down the line, lost some of their money to a scam or the tables, it was something that they could deal with and overcome as long as they were together and as long as Wylan wasn't kept in the dark.
He opened his eyes and held Jesper's face, his smile reaching his eyes. "You're doing so well, though. I'm really proud of you." Jesper was wonderful and Wylan would do everything he could to make him see that.
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dontcxckitup · 2 years
HC; Alfred hadn't heard a murmur from Bruce's off for over four hours. Gareth had joined him for breakfast at 10, joked about work and then he'd settled himself in Bruce's vacant office with a cup of tea and Alfred had seen it for to leave him be while he finished a few jobs.
Wood re-stocked, kitchen clean, beds made, dinner planned, parcels delivered and a visit to the bank he returned to find the lunch he'd put in the fridge for Gareth, un-eaten.
He pondered momentarily of taking it to him. But as he glanced down the hall he sighed and decided to give it a bit longer. It was only 1pm.
He managed 40 minutes before he snapped on kettle and quietly marched down the hall carrying a box to take down to the cave and glances into the room he ment to glance by but he ended up pausing as he spotted Gareth staring off into space. The lowered brow, the wrinkles around his jaw, the way he was idling with the fountain pen in his hand.
He looked so much the same and so much different. Alfred couldn't help but be concerned that Gareth perhaps wasn't happy coming back into his life, especially with all the covering up of Bruce, as much as Gareth was aware and so was MI6, that didn't mean Alfred couldn't ever be in trouble for allowing this. He leaves the spot and stops in Bruce bedroom placing the box on the bed for later.
Gareth didn't need a butler, he didn't need a major, he needed...did he even need Alfred anymore?
Before he knew it, he was carrying Gareth s lunch a fresh cup of tea into the office and placed it gently on the desk sitting himself in the arm chair, noticing that the younger didn't quite notice him coming in. He gave it a minute, he felt guilty breaking him from his thoughts but he feared leaving him much longer the tea would become cool. "Gareth?" He barely breathed the name into the calm silence before he followed up with "love?" as Gareth's face relaxed and he turned blinking. Alfred could only smile the way his eyes lit up at the sight of the cup of tea.
"Penny worth your thoughts?" Alfred chuckles. "Or am I going to have play the hunters dog again hm?"
The snort that Gareth made suddenly lifted the heavy question that had settled in the room and Alfred relaxed when he smiled. Suddenly transported back to that first time they met and he fell in love all over again.
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emmetrain · 2 years
he's sitting on top of the wardrobe, swatting down at the other if he comes too close. kitty time.
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Nothing was going well and everything that needed his attention regarding his investigation was piling up and--
S W A T.
Emmet looked up, almost offended at the sudden motion until he registered who they were and what time it was.
"Who authorized this kitty time??? Who??? Where is your permit? Who allocated this time for your mischief????? I want names, you criminal!!" Emmet announced loudly between his giggles.
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His kitty twin did not have better things to do than waiting to ambush him on top of his wardrobe, it seemed. With the mirrors Emmet kept hidden beneath various spare fabrics to accommodate his twin, Emmet couldn't see the hand coming down at him until it was too late!
"Fuck off, Emmet. I need to grab a spare coat verrrry quick and go. I got papurrwork to do!!!" Emmet reached for the wardrobe again, hoping not to be hunted by his twin this time. Puns were only in retaliation. Honestly? Emmet deserved more thrown his way. "Cut this out right meow!"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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goryfluff · 1 year
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Nautilus expedition live streams (+ their commentary) 2020 / 2021 / 2022
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cryptocism · 3 days
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It would have taken another immortal to keep up with him.
so i haven't read the books but i did read the Devil's Minion chapter and this part made me laugh out loud:
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
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Dungeon Meshi - The Flokes
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ravarui · 4 months
A box has appeared out of nowhere, it seems - it's covered in red paper, wrapped with a sparkling golden bow that's made of magic, very obviously so, and just sits there, on Tony's desk, waiting to be found.
Upon opening the box, Tony will find a small selection of chocolates inside. However, as ordinary as they appear, they are not; Each one will taste differently, magically adapt itself into whatever flavors Tony enjoys the most, no matter what it might be. Next to them sits a small bottle filled with a sparkling, silvery liquid, a small label attached to it reading 'drink me' - and, if Tony does take a sip, the drink will spread across his tongue, transform into his favorite beverage...
But that's not the most interesting part. Because what that drink truly does is to fill him with emotions, warm ones, comfortable ones, feelings that Stephen experiences when he looks at Tony, takes in the sight of him: Excitement, affection, desire, a spark of heat, a hint of giddiness, a deep thankfulness for the man to still be here, to have trusted him when it counted the most---
A thought will appear after, and it is spoken in Strange's voice, echoing within Tony's mind:
'I looked through fourteen million six hundred and five futures to find the ones where we defeat Thanos. Upon asking me, I said there was only one where we would be successful in doing so. ...I lied. There were multiple.
However, there was only one where you survived. That's why I kept looking through so many - I didn't want to have a future happen where you had to sacrifice yourself.
I'm so glad I kept looking, so glad I found the one future we live in now. Thank you for trusting me, Tony. Happy Valenine's day."
Valentines Shenanigans Accepting @mistrdctr
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The tie is the first thing he rips off, throwing it somewhere without care as he runs his hand through his hair. While he had cut back on his responsibilities and was usually only called in for emergencies within the R&D department of his company, there were some meetings he simply had to attend. Not that Pepper couldn't handle these assclowns, that were currently trying to strike a good deal with Stark Industries, herself. But when it came to technological expertise his own knowledge was more than helpful. Tony hadn't even tried to hide the sharp smile that had appeared on his face as all colour had drained from their face upon him following Pepper into the meeting. But despite everything it had been exhausting and Tony had had half mind to curse them out in Italian.
His waistcoat and jacket follows next, as well as his shoes that get kicked into a corner as he makes his way into the bathroom. He needed a hot shower before heading down into his workshop to tinker and relax a little bit.
Upon arriving in the shop he's first greeted by his bots and it takes him a moment until he notices the box on his desk. He's sure that one hadn't been there before. There is only one person that comes to his mind that has the ability to make things appear out of nothing inside his home. Sneaky bastard.
When he opens the box his eyes are immediately drawn to the silvery bottle that reads drink me. He reaches for it first, looking at it from various angles before opening it. "If I drop dead from this one, you bet your ass I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life Stephen." It's mumbled to himself before he downs it in one go.
The taste is a welcome to surprise and it makes him regret not savoring it more. The sudden voice in his head however makes him jump and he places a hand over his heart. "Goddammit!"
The words however were not what he expected at all and they struck something deep in him. He remembers the fight. How can he forget it any time soon anyway? It left it's marks on him quiet visibly. He regards his arm made out of nanites for a moment, yeah. He really had changed. But Stephens words. The fact that the man had kept on looking just to make sure that he survived. He wonders just what he had seen all these times. And then the last part hits him. Happy Valentines Day. Shit...that was today.
"Happy Valentines Day, Stephen." He doubted the sorcerer could hear him right now. Or maybe he could, with him one never knew. "And thank you....for saving my life back then." Because he wouldn't have survived without him and his portals. It was only thanks to him that Tony had gotten the immediate medical attention he had needed, or he would have died on that battlefield.
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sketchy-doge1 · 24 days
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Jedediah and Octavius wish yall a happy pride!!
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cabinette · 2 months
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i consider myself a connoisseur of What Makes Chilchuck's Brain Fry
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