#//this even took awhile to make this
nerdy-hyperfixations · 6 months
To me, the biggest difference between comic Wallace and Anime Wallace is that Comic Wallace is like a normal guy who (imo) is very obviously still just a 25 year old making stupid decisions and working in shitty jobs and barely getting by, and he just looks more competent when standing next to massive boy-failure Scott (and because hes sassy and carefree). and Anime Wallace is beloved by the universe, so he just gets an acting job for being Wallace, with 5 stunt doubles (that he bargained for with a lawyer Comic Wallace probably could never afford. Seriously, where did he get that money??? Did he seduce a lawyer???????) and a millionaire husband, and lives in a millionaire mansion where he drinks all day and never has to work again. And like good for him, I guess? Slay.
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So, I have this particular kink that is kinda odd (shocking, I know lol), which can basically be summed up by "taking care of the sub". Especially with things that the sub is capable of doing themselves, but is either too dumb or can't do it *right*, or the dom just does it for them.
Like bathing someone, picking out their clothing, ordering for them at restaurants, etc.
It's less about the control aspect (while I do like that) and more of the act of taking care of someone. The gentle and softness aspect is something I really enjoy.
But I have a more... extreme version of this kink. It still focuses on the gentle care, but instead of taking of someone, the sub is an object. Like a precious collectible or something rare and expensive. Something that needs to be handled delicately and with care. The sub is still no more than a *thing*, but a valuable thing.
Now imagine this kink with one of the brothers. I think Mammon would very much enjoy this kind of play, especially when you show him off. Imagine having him sitting in your lap completely naked, his legs being held apart by your thighs as you talk over him. There's a few dozen demons standing around the luscious club, and a sizeable group is gathered around the couch you and your precious are sitting in.
You address the crowd of demons, bragging about your latest prize, showing all of Mammon's weak points like an appraiser would. You run your hands over his nipples, commenting about how lucky you are for finding something that is reactive as Mammon moans. Your other hand wrapped around his dick and gave it a few strokes.
One of the bolder demons asked if they could touch your treasure, but you state that it is way too delicate, and only professionals like yourself can safely touch it. All of Mammon's moans, groans, and begs for more fall on deaf ears as you and the other patrons discuss him like he's not even there.
I feel like Asmo would also really, really enjoy scenes like this. Being treated like a precious jewel? Of course, he would love that, lol. And he especially wants you to show him off. Would even rent out big venues and have you play with him on stage. But I feel like he would also like to do these scenes when it's just the two of you. There's something special about hearing how precious and beautiful he is as you play with him in your own bed.
Lucifer is also someone who would love, but also kinda hate these scenes? (If very much a "brat who hates punishments" kind of way, as in he likes it consents to it, but some part of him is torn lol) The praise is a big ego boast, but there's something humiliating about being treated like an object that both exictes him and shames him.
Lucifer would never be willing to do this scene in public or with other people around. He's already pretty PG when it comes to public affection. But if you and him are dating both Barbatos and Diavolo? Then he wouldn't mind adding them to the scene.
The scenes involving them play out a myraid of different ways. Sometimes, you're showing off Lucifer to Diavolo as he sits on his throne with Barbatos at his side. Other times it's the other way around, with you sitting on Diavolo's throne pretending to be a human ruler, and Diavolo and Barbatos acting as the demon hunters who tamed Lucifer, and now you inspect your new prize. Sometimes it's the four of you lounging in Diavolo's bed as you pass around Lucifer like he's a cool rock you found.
Anyways, I really like this kink. Who knows? I might do more with it one day. Come yell at me in my inbox if you share the kink or have thoughts about it lol.
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wutheringmights · 5 months
With Spirit being a serial dater, what kind of exes does he have? What were his breakups like? If he was attracted to Jean for his stability, what else was he attracted to in his partners? And who is this Warriors-like exe? 👀
Ooooooh boy. Strap in because I am ready to info-dump so much about Spirit's horrendous love life.
Spirit's serial dating didn't start until a couple of years after he returned back to New Hyrule. His relationship with Zelda had a slow, painful death. He lashed out at her a lot because he felt like he wasn't being heard. Zelda was upset that he betrayed her trust while feeling terrible that she was making his pain about herself. When Zelda had to start thinking about political marriages, Spirit finally decided to put them both out of their miseries and end things.
They're still friends. Spirit still loved her. But the moment the relationship ended, Zelda seemed to brighten up and become her old self again. She was so much happier, and that hurt.
Spirit tried moving on too, but he really couldn't get over Zelda. This was also around the time that his lashing out and moodiness was starting to reap consequences. Alfonzo fired him. A lot of his friends lost contact. He was gaining a reputation for being hard to work with. He was as famous as ever, and no one liked him.
He didn't set out to date a lot. There were plenty of people who wanted to date the famous Link Macaryll, so he was never short of options. He was looking for a partner, but in the sense that a partner was going to fix him. He felt abandoned. Unlovable. He just wanted to find someone who would stay by him.
If you asked him what his ideal partner was like, he list generic traits like humor or kindness. In reality, his ideal partner was someone who liked him. He would mold himself to be whatever they wanted so that they would stay and never abandon him.
But of course, that's a terrible foundation for a relationship. Nothing progressed past the first date because it was so obvious that Spirit didn't really like the people he was going out with. This was a chore, and he didn't really enjoy himself. It hurt every time he was refused a second date.
Jean was probably the first person he dated because he actually liked them.
At this point, Spirit had been weaving in and out of Jean's life. Spirit was friends with Linebeck, who was friends with Jean. They ended up getting drinks together sometimes. They probably first met on the day of Jean's accident, the one that led to his leg being amputated. They got closer after Linebeck and Spirit opened their own garage in Trading Post, with Jean being one of the first employees. This is where they started to become friends, albeit with the occasional discomfort whenever they realized that Spirit was Jean's boss.
Before Spirit dated Jean, he was in a pretty terrible situationship with a character I have not named yet (vote now on your phones).
This character was the son set to inherit his father's lucrative trading company. Until he did, he captained a prominent trading vessel. In New Hyrule, job titles are used in place of names when possible (ie: engineer) (somewhere in CTB, Spirit has a line about being used to just being called the engineer vs his name...). So this character is often just referred to as the Captain.
So when Spirit meets this handsome asshole called the Captain, he's first more than a little weary. But the Captain loved the hunt, and pursed him endlessly. And, well, Spirit wanted to be loved. That this guy resembled Warriors quickly went from disquieting to kinda attractive.
They never officially dated, but they did hook up and spend a lot of time together. That the Captain was a terrible person and was terrible to Spirit was an added bonus. Spirit liked how familiar it was. A part of him wanted to bring some part of his experiences in the war to New Hyrule so that people would understand him. Another part was so lost as to why his life wasn't fixing itself the way he wanted to that he wanted a problem he knew how to cope with. He even insisted on calling him by his job title as much as he could, because he wanted to be fighting Warriors again.
Everyone who knew Spirit was worried about him, but no one could get through to him. Zelda, Niko, Linebeck-- they all tried to sit Spirit down and gently tell him that he needed to cut this guy off, but Spirit would only dig his heels in deeper.
Which takes us back to Jean. One thing about Jean is that he never looked down at Spirit. For all his intelligence, Spirit was infamously terrible with people. When it came to social cues, his friends and family tended to get a little condescending about it. Not Jean. After a couple of months of this bullshit and reaching his breaking point, he sat Spirit down and talked to him about it.
Jean wasn't condescending, so Spirit didn't throw his defenses up. Jean's questions forced Spirit to actually reflect, and he had a moment when he realized that he didn't want to put himself through this anymore. Finally, he cut off the Captain.
That was a turning point. They became closer friends and, after a few weeks, Spirit realized he had a crush. He tried to hide it, but wasn't too subtle. Jean tried to ignore him for as long as possible, but Spirit eventually did ask him out. Jean ended up agreeing, and they dated for six months.
As a character, Jean is the pinnacle of stability. He's calm and even headed. He wasn't prone to getting upset. He was thoughtful, hardworking, and a grade A older brother. He's the type who asked a lot of questions before making a judgement, which gelled well of Spirit's irrational behavior-- by asking Spirit why he was upset, he would accidentally deescalate. If he had a flaw, it's that he's not the most romantic guy. Rituals like buying flowers and going out to dinner seemed a bit pointless to him. He'd rather stay at home and not waste the money. But over all, he was a real catch.
Spirit wasn't used to stability. He couldn't shake the feeling that everything was going to go wrong again. Jean was going to hurt him because everyone hurt him. Subconsciously, he believed that if everything was going to go wrong anyway, he might as well do it himself; he'd rather be the problem than be another victim.
On top of that, Spirit was a terrible person to get into a disagreement with. Everything had to turn into a high stakes argument. He was defensive, and often got mean when he was upset.
They lasted six months. Jean couldn't handle Spirit anymore. He broke up as gently as he could, but Spirit was still crushed. He had half the idea to apologize and try to win Jean back, but Jean started dating someone else-- someone a little older and as steady as Jean was.
Spirit was only 2-3 months out from the break up when he was pulled back into Warriors's era. It's still fairly fresh, and he was in the middle of lapsing back into his worst self when he wound up in the Temple of Souls.
Bonus Facts:
Spirit realized he liked Jean when he saw Jean playing with his younger siblings on the beach. Was watching him build sandcastles and was like "aw, fuck"
Jean got Spirit to quit smoking, which lasted up until Spirit ended up in Warriors's era
Jean didn't have a crush on Spirit when they started dating, but Linebeck swore that Jean was so bothered by the whole Captain thing because he was a little jealous (Jean's reoccuring complaint was that Spirit deserved better)
Linebeck didn't know they started dating until a couple of weeks in. Then he sat them both down and did a joint shovel talk that amounted to: a) Jean if you hurt Link, I will kill you, b) Link if you hurt Jean, I will kill you, c) Jean if your boss takes advantage of you I will stop it, d) Link if your love affair endangers this business I will kill you
Spirit liked that Jean was older, both because he felt better understood and that Jean was someone who he could depend on to take care of him; but Spirit was also constantly anxious that Jean thought he was immature
The last straw in the Captain situationship was Spirit getting a black eye
Spirit probably met the Captain at a royal function, while he was moonlighting as Zelda's guard
Zelda didn't know anything about the Jean relationship until it was over; Spirit didn't trust her after how badly she reacted to the Captain stuff
Even when he was with Jean, Spirit never really got over Zelda; while he does sincerely love her, she also symbolizes a point in his life when he was sincerely happy that he aches to go back to
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brynnmclean · 2 months
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in the core of everything drums a beat - a fanmix for hellblade II: senua's saga & also my writing playlist for a fic I'm working on under the same name :) [LISTEN]
hertan, wardruna | iceland, robin carolan, sebastian gainsborough | volur, peter gundry | stranger in a strange land, stephanie economou | mín móðir, eivør | læknisgaldr, david garcía díaz | ravencraft, osi and the jupiter | galgaldr, heilung | skugge, wardruna | wanderer's mask, david garcía díaz | ray of hope, david garcía díaz | ran, kati ran | hear me, a tergo lupi | land of the northern, sarah schachner | the forest, dark fantasy studio | lady of the dawn, peter gundry | nesso, heilung | lyfjaberg, wardruna | dillion, david garcía díaz | ravens, a tergo lupi | sigil, stfur | senua's rage, aaron myke | alfadhirhaiti, heilung | ulfhednar, danheim | myrkr, heldom | in maidjan, heilung | hugsja, ivar bjørnson & einar selvik | fade under, a tergo lupi | thórgestr, david garcía díaz, rashdash | svanrand, heilung | cut the thread of fate, robin carolan, sebastian gainsborough | stearcost ealra, sowulo | fylgjutal, wardruna | blodbylgje, kati ran, gaahls wyrd | rot, a tergo lupi | senua's sorrow, aaron myke | my fate, david garcía díaz, helen goalen, abbi greenland | helvegen, kalandra | raido, wardruna | runami, stfur | ástríðr, david garcía díaz | norðrljós, skáld | gall goídil, danheim | solringen, wardruna | sverdhasøngurin, david garcía díaz | söngr lögsóta - song of the seahorse, einar selvik
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xcziel · 10 days
literally the only thing really stopping me from planning a flight is that if i go, i'll want to be there a while and i can't fit enough into only one suitcase
from experience, traveling with two suitcases is a pain, but also i need more space than one suitcase it is a dilemma
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kavennnn · 4 months
coil ch
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edit: tumblr stole half of my tags so i put a bad version of the second half of what i was trying to say in my notes :( sorry
#magic and mystery#m&m coil#this one was actually sweet tho#kinda mad that lockhart's getting any credit at all but what can ya do#i think i would be more destroyed if blaise actually killed him#hhow tf did he actually find the chamber tho???#like what could make you guess there???#i hope that gets answered#cant remember how he found out in the hp books either#think he followed them????? maybe???#but he took too long to have followed them in coil i think.. so idk#but it was an incredibly sweet ending#and i like that we got to see ginny's love for chaos form#if allegory writes another year then that year will be insane#especially w/ percy and pansy now in the gang too ??!!#man the gang is going#and again i predicted since early coil that by the end of coil pansy would join the gang#i believed in her#dad snape is back again and thank god too#obviously the pm is gonna mess w/ their relationship#but yk#him getting his name cleared and not being able to do anything abt it im happy but worried abt him going home#how are they even gonna end the year off??? will snape pomfrey and mcgonagall rlly let him go home#theyre gonna have too right??#also the diary is still in play and im concerned#but for now we have a ch ending on a nice note#ALSO I FINALLY GOT MY BLAISE POV ID BEEN CALLING FOR AWHILE NOW#surprised it took this long and that it didnt address things i thought it would#it was good and it made since for him to be thinking like that in the moment#but i rlly want him to atleast address pansy's arm getting broken eventually
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golden--doodler · 8 months
Geneuary Day Four: Sunshine/Rainbow
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Oh my goshhh, when did we get to Day Four of Geneuary already?? I don’t think I’ll be able to recover once it’s over, I’ll be so sad 😭 But at least I’ve still got my birthday in February to look forward to, and then See More Seymour’s Bay week in early March.
Anyway, have Gene in a super huge, complicated, and colorful dress that I like to think Alexis designed for him. I really wanted to go for an almost abstract, painterly style for this piece.
[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene from Bob's Burgers. His eye is closed in a contemplative expression and he has a couple of visible eyelashes. He is wearing a complex, colorful dress with a lot of layers, with the main colors being purple, blue, and red. It's very poofy and sticks out a bit on the right. One of his hands is visible and held up, but curled into a bit of a fist. His hair is swooped around his face and is colored to look like a rainbow. A butterfly and several flower petals surround him.
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Well, see now I'm just
fucking upset about Solar Flare too.
because that's what he was, an entity guided solely by his programming, to protect Killcode, who had begun to experience sentience. He's not an animatronic, he's a body with programming who's controlled by his directives that has only just begun to understand life. and maybe, MAYBE he understood, maybe it was more than just code at the end. The way he talked, he had a deeper understanding beyond what his programming told him, you know? But he was still driven by his code.
Solar Flare who, from his introduction on the 6th of February to his first 'death' on the 8th of March, was around for a little over a month.
Solar Flare, who was presumed dead by most, all the way up until it was revealed he had sunk his claws into living because of his one purpose on June 17th, THREE MONTHS AFTER HIS 'DEATH'.
Solar Flare whose introduction episode was prefaced with a message addressing how people didn't like all the new characters. THAT was his introduction, THAT was what he was paired with.
Solar Flare who appeared in only THREE episodes before he was killed the first time, and SIX OVER THE COURSE OF THE ENTIRE SHOW. Who had the same amount of fucking screen time as fucking GARBAGE GUY.
A character who is, arguably, one of the least important on the show. Created as a tool for someone else, and treated like an enemy by most everyone
And in doing so, he sacrificed himself. He knew he would die.
accepted it. Gently. No fighting. A character who had only just begun to experience life and self, graciously accepted it was his time and attempted to get Eclipse to accept it as well. He tried to give Eclipse a sort of peace in the end, as well.
I just...
'Do you think it hurts?'
'We cannot feel pain.'
'Goodbye Eclipse. It is time for us to go.'
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sykomuffinrulez · 8 months
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A Princess Peach stim board/mood board with gifs :3
i've never made one of these before but it was fun lol
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coldslaws · 1 year
Alder+N interaction????
(love this au!)
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N decides he's had enough of house arrest
part 1 (will post and link the second part as soon as it's ready)
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metalcorebarbie · 2 months
you know what? i think it’s fun that there are now more people in the 911 fandom who are fine with rpf. things used to be so dire. if you said ryliver three times the ghost of rpf past would appear and slap you in the face and warn you not to speak of that forbidden word. it is weird and cringe. oliver might see you being horny and start crying. well if he is in my blog then it’s his own fault, to be completely honest. the devil’s sacrament and all. anyway rpf is fine.
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homecomingvn · 1 year
Nico also has nipples I see, with piercings 🫄💥🚗
That he does! Nico's only got one of them pierced though, bc he couldn't stand the pain 😔.
Lyra one upped him and got both of hers pierced some years later, something that still annoys him to no end.
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bangcakes · 10 months
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
._. 404 post not found.
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no1ryomafan · 9 months
I’m very tempted to make a post on twit asking peeps what makes new unappealing compared to arma bc even if I still really like arma and sick of how tarnish it gets in the SRW fandom, I do think new is more cohesive and probably the best written of the 3 ovas-
But whatever unappealing aspect it has that I haven’t recognized-bc even with the “flaws” I pointed out to myself that it has I don’t think their show ruining-must be a universal thing because for some fucking reason it’s been a struggle to finish this god damn show irl with friends and only two people seemed fully invested anyways 💀 This NEVER happened with arma, especially when I actually sat down to watch episodes with someone, and SVN I’ve always finished in one sitting bc it’s so short, so I don’t know why new is plagued with “oh you wanna finish this show? Throw some life inconveniences above you!”
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eyefocusing · 2 years
this has been the most week
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