#//you can even get her on the death's door provided I'm aware that's what we're doing!
vagabondfromkanto · 7 months
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//I've noticed that most people have a rule about godmodding and/or powermodding in their rules. Decided I also need one, with a twist.
The twist being "My muse's canon main superpower as per the finale is the power of endless 'NO U' and I will not hesitate to use it if you start bullshitting" ✨
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elaratyrell · 1 year
The Lost Boys {Aemond x Reader, Aegon x Reader, Cregan x Reader, Jace x Reader}
-> Part One {Introduction}
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*All images found on Pinterest*
Warnings: Language, mentions of drugs and drug use
*Divider from Firefly Graphics*
Synopsis: Wanting a fresh start after her divorce, Rhaenyra and her two sons, Jace and Luke travel to Dragonstone island to live with her father Viserys. While Luke seems happy enough reading comic books and attending the nearby amusement park, Jacaerys seems to resent his new life here. That is, however, until he meets you. The catch? You're part of a gang of vampires. And Jace becomes their newest target.
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"We're almost there."
"You said that an hour ago," Luke groaned, slumping back against the car seat.
"Well now I know we definitely are," Rhaenyra replied. "Look." She pointed to a rather large, faded billboard depicting a long pier leading out to the sea, the words Welcome to Dragonstone Island adorning the board in large white letters.
"What's that smell?" Luke asked, his white German Shephard, Arrax, sniffing the air intently.
Rhaenyra inhaled deeply "Sea air," She sighed with contentment.
"Smells like death," A voice piped up from beside Luke.
"Well look who finally decided to wake up," the younger boy teased as his older brother, whose gaze was focused on behind the billboard, where the words Murder Capital of the World had been spray painted on in scarlet. Jace simply grunted in response, earning a sigh from his mother.
"Look, there's an amusement park right on the beach!" Luke exclaimed. "Mum, can we go there?"
"Maybe later, Luke. Your grandfather's expecting us and I'll need help unpacking our things."
"Fine," Luke sighed, scratching Arrax behind the ears as Rhaenyra pulled into a gas station. He eagerly clambered out of the car with Arrax, running into the station to fill up his pockets with snacks.
"Are you okay?" Rhaenyra asked as she got out the car, looking at where her eldest son was resting his head on his propped up arm, the window rolled down halfway.
"I'm fine." Was his response.
"Look, Jace, I know you're still upset by the divorce-"
"I'm fine."
"Things sometimes just don't work out," Rhaenyra continued, resting a hand on his forearm. "Harwin and I-"
"You don't need to explain your break up to me." Jace interrupted. "If it's what you had to do, it's what you had to do."
Rhaenyra lightly squeezed his arm. "I understand how hard that's been for you, Jace. And I understand if you feel any sort of resentment towards me, or your father. But who knows, this could do you the world of good. Fresh sea air, a change of scenery... I'm sure you can even find somewhere you can ride that... contraption-"
"Vermax is a motorcycle, mother," Jace mumbled.
"The fact that you named it," Luke said as he got back into to car with Arrax, his voice slightly muffled by the candy bar he was shovelling into his mouth. "Just makes it sound even more crap."
"Luke, language," Rhaenyra chided before turning back to her eldest. "Yes, I am aware, and even though I personally wouldn't invest in such a thing, your father seemed more than happy to provide you with the money, so who am I to argue? That being said," She held up her index finger. "No gangs-"
"I know, you said that back in King's Landing." Jace rolled his eyes, turning his face away from Rhaenyra, ending the conversation.
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"He looks dead."
"Luke, don't say such things," Rhaenyra gasped, getting out the car.
They had pulled up to an old manor house at the top of the hill, the stone walls crawling with ivy and moss, the red paint on the front door peeling from age. Sat there in an old rocking chair on the front porch was an old man, his stringy silver hair tied into a braid, a shotgun resting on his lap. He was clad in a red and black plaid shirt and ratty blue denim jeans faded with age, a pair of black slippers on his feet. He was slouched over slightly, his eyes half closed and mouth slightly agape.
"Father," Rhaenyra murmured, her hand resting on the old man's shoulder. "Father," She repeated, her voice raised slightly as she gently shook his shoulder.
"He's dead."
"Luke, he's just a deep sleeper." Jace rolled his eyes.
"He doesn't look like he's breathing."
"He is."
"If he's dead, can we move back to King's Landing-"
"Luke!" Rhaenyra exclaimed. "That's enough."
"Playing dead," The old man rasped, opening his eyes. "And doing a good job too, from the looks of things."
"Father," Rhaenyra let out a deep exhale of relief, her hand held to her chest. "Thank goodness."
"It is good to see you." Viserys smiled, slowly rising to his feet with his daughter's help to embrace her. "I will get a pot of tea ready while you unpack."
As Viserys shuffled inside, Luke shared a look with Jace.
"Well... Grandpa's a loon."
"Just get the boxes." Jace muttered, dragging a hand through his curls as he opened the trunk of the car, grabbing one of his boxes labelled weights, while Luke eagerly grabbed his own, black capital letters scrawled comic books across it.
"This... is actually kind of cool." Luke admitted as they walked into the house. There were two worn black leather sofas in the centre of the living room, red throws and cushions scattered across them. Mahogany shelves were pressed against the walls, decked with dragon ornaments, old leather bound books and various silverware. Guns were mounted on the walls, as well as two wooden stakes crossed over in an X shape above the mahogany dining table. It was cluttered with various other bric a brac, but it still held a sense of charm.
"I suppose," Jace murmured, walking upstairs to take his box up to his room.
"That's my room!" Luke yelled, pushing past Jace to get into the larger of the two guest rooms.
"I saw it first!" Jace protested.
"I got in the room first."
"I'll flip you for it," Jace said, placing the box on the floor.
"...Okay..." Luke mumbled, letting out a small shriek and Jace grabbed him, lifting him into the air and turning him upside down.
"Heads or tails, Luke?"
"Neither!" Luke yelled, elbowing his brother in the crotch and landing on the floor in a crumpled heap.
"You little shit!" Jace exclaimed, staggering downstairs after his younger brother.
"Mother! Help me! Someone help, there's a monster after me!" Luke cried out, sliding open the door to the kitchen and running inside, Jace right on his trail.
Luke smirked at his brother, opening the door to the fridge so Jace ran right into it. The older boy let out a small groan, grabbing ahold of Luke and pulling him into a headlock.
"You're gonna pay for that, you little-"
Both Jace and Luke jumped slightly at the voice, turning to see Viserys standing in the kitchen doorway, those pale eyes of his twinkling in the fading sunlight.
"I have some rules around here," The old man continued, reopening the fridge and pointing to a shelf labelled Old Fart. "This shelf is mine. I keep my Iron Island beer and double stuff oreos in here. Don't touch my shelf."
Jace and Luke shared a look, the latter twirling his index finger around his temple.
Jace nodded, returning his attention back to where their grandfather was now pointing outside to a fenced off field.
"Second rule," He continued. "You can go anywhere except for my special field."
Luke shot Jace a confused glance, mouthing the words 'Special Field?'. Jace raised his first two fingers to his lips in a smoking gesture, making his expression clear in realisation.
"Third rule," Viserys slammed his cane down on the ground to get his grandsons' attention as he led them into the living room. "Every Wednesday the mailman brings the tv guide. Sometimes the corner of the address label's curled up. Don't rip it off. It'll rip the cover and I don't like that. Rule four, don't go exploring the caves and stuff round these parts. It'll kill you. And don't join gangs." He hobbled over to a locked door. "Final rule, stay out of here." He added, unlocking the door and opening it ajar before stepping inside, closing it again behind him.
"Well... should be fun living here." Luke murmured, his gaze travelling to the stairs. Before he could make a break for it to steal the larger room, however, Jace grabbed him, pulling him back and digging around in his pockets for a coin.
"Heads or tails?" He asked, letting go of Luke for a second to flip the coin into the air and catching it in his palm with ease, turning it on the back of his hand, the other concealing it from sight.
"Heads! No, tails. No, heads? Actually-"
"Pick. One."
Jace removed his hand, his lips quirking up into a triumphant smirk at the dragon head staring up at him.
"Fine," Luke sighed in defeat, before spinning on his heel and charging upstairs. Jace yanked him back by his shirt, throwing himself into his own bedroom and slamming the door shut, pushing Luke out of the doorway.
Jace exhaled, picking his box off the floor and placing it down on his bed, adorned with what was most likely a hand sewn quilt of scarlet and ebony. He stood there, enjoying the fleeting moment of silence after having to deal with Luke in the car for the past seven hours.
Unfortunately, it was fleeting, and soon enough Jace heard a hurried knock on the door.
"What now, Luke?" Jace pulled the door open, glaring at his brother.
"Grandpa doesn't own a tv. He owns a tv guide and yet he doesn't. Own. A tv. And this place has no mall, no proper cinemas... no MTV..."
"You'll have to survive on comic books then. There might be one in town," Jace sighed in response.
"I don't think that'll be enough-"
"Well what do you want me to do about that, huh?" Jace suddenly exclaimed. "You want me to drive you back to King's Landing? And do what? Leave you there on the street? Or maybe all the way to the other side of the country where dad had to move?"
"I... no I..."
"Just go and unpack," Jace sighed, pushing past his younger brother to go back downstairs. "The sooner you unpack, the sooner you can go down to that amusement park you've been babbling about."
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"So, are you boys going to check out that amusement park tonight?" Rhaenyra asked as she wiped dry the plate Luke had given her with a red checked dish cloth.
"I guess," Jace murmured, picking up another dirty dish to wash.
"Um, you promised you would take me," Luke pointed out.
"Your grandfather tells me there's a concert on. Some... rock band I believe. Perhaps you'll enjoy that Jace."
Rhaenyra sighed, giving up her attempt to engage in conversation with her son, instead drying a hand to turn up the volume on the old stereo sat on the windowsill.
"Remember this one?" She asked softly. "We used to dance to it all the time."
"Yeah," Luke smiled, quickly drying his hands to take Rhaenyra's, allowing her to pull him to the centre of the kitchen to dance. Jace kept his gaze focused on the dish he was washing as Luke twirled Rhaenyra around, the both of them laughing.
He glanced in their direction to see Rhaenyra beckoning him over, but he just turned away again, cheeks flushed slightly in mild embarrassment as he dried the last dish, wiping his hands clean.
"Come on Luke," He sighed. "Let's get going." He muttered, walking out pf the kitchen to grab his jacket, ignoring the hurt look Rhaenyra sent his way.
Jace pulled on his shoes and shrugged on the leather jacket his father had gifted him, patting its pockets for his motorcycle keys.
"Luke! Let's go!" He called out, already walking out the door to where his motorcycle was parked against the porch, gleaming a blood red in the dim porch light buzzing overhead.
"I thought we were taking the car," Luke wined as Jace swung his leg over to sit on the bike.
"We can take Vermax... or you can walk," Jace replied.
With a slight huff, Luke reluctantly climbed onto the bike behind his brother.
"Hold on."
"I'm fine, I do not need to- shit!" Luke immediately grabbed his brothers jacket as he revved the bike's engine, the tires squealing slightly as he drove away from the manor.
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"So, where do you want to start?" Jace asked as they made their way along the boardwalk.
"Amusement park. Then maybe that comic book store we passed," Luke replied.
"Great, have fun."
"Wait! Where are you going?" Luke grabbed his brother's arm.
"To the concert," Jace replied, shrugging his brother off. "I'll meet you back here in a couple of hours."
"B-but..." Luke glanced around. "Fine..." He sighed, walking away in the opposite direction to his brother.
The music practically vibrated from the makeshift stage at the base of a small grassy hill as Jace navigated his way through the swarming crowd of various goths, punks and druggies, his hands rooted firmly in his jacket pockets.
He ascended the hill, turning to look at the crowds swarming around the stage. Broken bottles of vodka and beer littered the ground, the faint scent of weed lingering in the air. The people around him were swaying from intoxication, passed out of the ground or dancing to the music, swarming around the stage.
He felt himself stand up slightly straighter as he laid eyes a pair on the outskirts of the crowd. There was a young boy, no older than ten maybe, with long white hair reaching down to his shoulders and bright violet eyes. He had a stone faced expression, and was deathly pale, clad in a black band tee, ripped black jeans and a grey jacket.
But it was who the young boy was with that piqued his interest.
It was you.
He watched as the boy led you through the crowds, his hand tightly holding yours. You were dressed in a white puff sleeved summer dress that fluttered in the breeze, the skirt coming midway down your thigh. It had a sweetheart shaped neckline that exposed a hint of your cleavage. On your feet were a pair of white wedge sandals. A pair of dainty ruby earrings hung from your ears, and your hair was loose.
You were stunning.
A vision.
Despite the sea of people cheering to the concert, Jace only saw you.
He felt his cheeks heat up slightly as your gaze met his, his staring having been discovered. He broke out of his trance enough to give you a small smile. Your eyes crinkled slightly, the corner of your lips twitching in a fleeting glimmer of a smile that soon faded as the boy pulled you further into the crowd.
As though hypnotised by you, Jace felt himself step forward, and then another, soon following you into the swarm of swaying people.
He felt his pace quicken as he found himself in the harsh lights of the fair ground. He strained to spot you through the bustling crowds, cheers and screams of joy ringing in the air, the scent of cotton candy and popcorn lingering in the air. It was as though you had vanished in thin air.
A hand clamped down on his shoulder, and Jace jumped, spinning to see Luke standing behind him, half eaten cotton candy clutched in one hand.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked.
Jace opened his mouth to reply, but a flash of white out of the corner of his eye had him grab Luke's sleeve and drag you in your direction.
"Jace, what the- where in seven hells are we going?"
"Nowhere," Jace muttered. "Just stay quiet."
"Well we're obviously going somewhere," Luke mumbled, struggling to keep up with his brother's brisk pace, his gaze locking onto your retreating figure. "Are you following that girl? Jace, are you stalking-"
"If you're not going to shut up, you can go somewhere else." Jace snapped, releasing his grip on his younger brother.
Luke looked across the street where turquoise neon lighting was flickering the words 'Great Second Hand Book Store'.
"Actually, I do."
"Fine, see you later," Jace called over his shoulder, not paying attention to his younger brother, too entranced by you to focus on anything or anyone else.
Jace kept a safe distance between you and him as he followed you, close enough to keep you in sight and far away enough for it not to look... suspicious.
He came skidding to a stop as you suddenly turned to face him, your hand still clasped in the young boys.
"Are you following me?" You asked, your voice quiet but with a sharp edge to it, your gaze burning into his.
"W-well... well I..."
"Did you need something?" You prompted, raising an eyebrow. "Do you have something you want to say?"
"Uh... well yeah..."
"Then talk."
"I just... I just wanted to... to say..."
"Jace! Mum's here so I'm going home with her. She told me to tell you that you need to be home before grandpa locks the house up at midnight."
Jace hung his head as Luke tugged on his sleeve. "Okay, Luke. I'll see you later," He muttered.
"Okay. Here, look!" Luke suddenly pushed a comic book into Jace's hands. "I got a new one."
"That's... that's really great..." Jace replied, pushing Luke's hand away. "You'll have to tell me about it later."
Luke nodded, glancing over at you and the young boy. You had your gaze focused on Jace, eyes glittering in amusement. Your companion, however, had his gaze focused intently on the comic book in Luke's hands. Almost protectively, he held the book closer towards his chest, an action you seemed to notice. You let out a soft chuckle.
"Don't mind him. Maelor's just a big fan of... vampires..." You said, voice faltering slightly towards the end. Maelor simply squeezed your hand lightly in response, tugging at your sleeve lightly. "Nice talking to you." You murmured to Jace before Maelor pulled you away from the two brothers, leading you down the street.
"Oh... did I interrupt something?" Luke asked, grinning at his brother who shot him a small glare.
"Jace? Luke? There you are," Rhaenyra breathed, rounding the corner, "What's taking you so long? Now, come on, we're going-"
"I'm staying. I'll be home later. Before midnight, I promise." Jace said, already hurrying off in the direction you went, fainty hearing Luke snicker to Rhaenyra "He met a girl."
Jace rounded the corner, his smile fading as he caught sight of you, surrounded by four boys all on motor cycles.
One of the boys, the leader he assumed given he had the largest motorcycle and was at the front of the pack, turned to look at Jace. He had long silver hair tied up in a bun, one eye a vivid blue and the other a cloudy white. He was clad entirely in black leather, resting forward against his bike. His lip quirked upwards into a small smirk as he laid his eyes on Jace, tilting his head to the side as he looked him up and down. Upon deeming he wasn't a threat, he sat properly upwards on his bike, also black, hands resting on the hand grip, the three other boys following suite.
Maelor, the young boy you were with, had clambered onto the silver bike of another boy, with long brown hair tied half up, a graze of stubble dotting his face. He looked tall, and was certainly more physically imposing than the first guy, but he didn't have that same coldness in those storm grey eyes of his. He shot Jace a lazy smile as Maelor wrapped his arms around his middle, starting up his bike.
Jace's gaze then settled on the boy that was nearest to you, perched upon a gleaming gold bike, a rolled up joint hanging from his lips and a hand firmly planted on your waist in a way that made Jace's fists clench. He, like the supposed leader of the gang, had platinum hair, although it was shorter and slightly more dishevelled than the former's. Two small gold hoop earrings gleamed in his ear, and he had a slightly glossed over look in his eyes.
The effect of whatever he was smoking, no doubt.
The fourth boy seemed slightly younger than the others, maybe around Luke's age, with curly platinum hair and a cheeky smile on his face as he revved his cobalt and emerald bike.
The first boy turned to you, tilting his head in a gesture that said come here, and you immediately tore yourself away from the one perched gold bike to sit behind the leader, your arms wrapping tightly around his middle and your chin resting on his shoulder.
The four bikes roared as they spun a circle around Jace before speeding down the boardwalk, and the last thing Jace saw before they disappeared into the night was the small flash of a smile you sent his way.
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First I would like to say that I really love your(and Vinelle's?) Death Note metas. Especially the ones about Light and Tom were very interesting. But now I can't unsee Tom/Light ship, like, they would be such a power couple, taking over the world. Though on more serious note, could you see this pairing working(mostly in the hp universe you already mentioned in your earlier post)?
Anon's referring to a series of metas in which Light Yagami also attends Hogwarts the same time as Tom Riddle. See here, here, and here
I knew the shipping ask would come, somehow, I just knew it.
Alright, Could the Pairing Work?
Maybe, we're in such an AU already in which Tom Riddle has a friend who faces similar challenges to himself (not an orphan but is muggleborn), has the ability to provide Tom with a stable environment during the summers and get him out of London during the Blitz, and may be enough to persuade Tom not to become Voldemort.
In fact, I don't think this Tom would.
Point is, we're really off in AU land here.
On the one hand, in favor, the pair are so close and are both absurdly good looking (that last bit certainly helps). They're already best friends and intellectual peers in a world where they have so few intellectual peers. In that sense it's very natural for them to end up in a relationship.
However, there's the wizarding world's homophobia standing in the way. It wouldn’t be easy, coming out in the open, and would close even more doors in their faces. On the one hand, they could just be 'best friends' in public and do what they want on the sly (nevermind everyone's wise to that trick) but on the other Tom at least is a diva and may just run down the street saying "I'm a homosexual!" to piss off his peers.
Tom Riddle: the youngest, gayest, muggleborn minister of magic. Slughorn must be so proud.
On the other hand, they're so similar. Yes, they're great friends, but it's one thing to be friends with someone very like you and another to date them. They might be too similar to one another in that respect and it'd drive them off.
Not to mention, while I think Tom is a hopeless romantic, Light is anything but. Light is all distant pragmatism who respects and engages with those who are of use to him. He ends up marrying Misa Amane not necessarily because he loves her (or rather, perhaps he loves her as much as he can) but more because they're partners who do good work together and she's an ally he can consistently rely on (throughout the Death Note series Misa is not only one of those who fucks up the least on Light's side but has pulled some insane maneuvers and is beyond that loyal).
Dating Tom being likely so unkosher and getting in his way would more than likely make Light say "NOPE" because it'd get in the way of where he wants to go. Oh, he'll be friends, but lovers is just a whole other bag of worms. Then there's the question of what Light gains from being in a romantic relationship with Tom.
The answer is nothing.
He already has Tom as a very close friend, and if Light leaves the romance door open then he could marry into an influential family or someone who has something he needs.
That's just who Light is, and for all that he was a different man before Kira, he still became Kira. That manipulative, terrifying, pragmatic asshole is still in his soul somewhere.
And I imagine he'd make Tom very aware of that even if Tom was leaning in the "let's make out" direction.
But I suppose it is possible they could end up in a relationship.
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