#/j ik he cant leave
c-kiddo · 2 years
if cad is spending a year casting a spell every single day to fix his house he should legally be able to punch everyone involved every day also . like as a treat <3 
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n0ct0urn1quet · 1 year
man as much as i wanna visit my gf sometimes my brain gets caught on every single thing that could go wrong or happen while im there. like i just start spiraling into thoughts like. what if the plane crashes on the way there. what if on our way driving 2 her house we get in a car wreck. or i get worried something bad is gonna happen back at home like oh what if mom gets hurt and dies and im not there. what if kitty gets sick or gets outside and gets lost. or even just basic shit like oh what if i embarrass myself while im there n do or say something stupid. LIKE ik none of those things will happen but lol my brain thinks otherwise. brain thinks every single one of these things are going to happen . all at once
#my biggest genuine concern is kitty and just leaving him at home with mom#like its not like she wouldnt take care of him she'll absolutely feed him n ik its not like she'll coincidentally forget to lock the door#or somethign n let him outside but idk. ig im moreso jus worried about him. mentally AKJSKJG#bc like hes my BUDDY hes my PAL i think he'd understand if im gone for like a day or two but 3 DAYS?? 6 DAYS???#a whole WEEK?? a whole TWO WEEKS OR MORE???#i dont want him to think im leaving him forever and i wish i could tell him that but alas he is a cat and does not speak human#but hrrhghr :(((((#if we do visit each other i really jus want her to come here. j. just because of kitty#but also idk im just thinkint about it and#i feel like me going there would be more . Fun for both of us. bc idk when it comes 2 comparing my mom to her mom#her mom seems mor willing to like take us out places 2 do stuff n to get us out of the house to spend time with each othr#but my mom . would be at work . 80% of the time with only 2 days off per week. n she works fuckin 10+ hours a day so ofc she#wouldnt want to get a day off n then take us out places when she prolly doesnt want to leave the house SDJKKJG...#plus i cant drive my gf cant drive walking somewhere isnt an option so if she DID come here we'd rly b stuck at home#and i mean ig thats okay but itd be nice to ........ go out. and leave the house for once KJJKDHHJG...#ig we'll just see what happenes ! ii just. hope it rly does happen. ill prolly cry if it does KSJDKJGLBGBHBJG
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dr0pp0pc4ndy · 1 year
The brothers as Types of Shoppers
Characters: The Brothers x gn!mc
Warnings: None
You ever been makeup shopping with your dad and he's like standing on the other side of the isle as you blocking traffic and being like "Is that it?" every 5 minutes? That's him
Very focused shopper, not interested in mall walking with you. He gets what he wants, pays, and leaves. He knows what he likes and exactly where it is in the store.
If he's shopping for someone else, however, he'll take his time. Not too long though, he just doesn't see the point in being in stores longer than he needs to.
You can send Mammon into the store for like a cucumber and he'll still come back with a shopping cart of stuff. Candy, a watch, a camera, you name it, which is impressive because the store was a grocery store.
On the upside, he will get everything you need. If you send him with a list he'll actually get the stuff.
Has a store card for like every store ever
Will definitely haggle with the cashier or debate them when they say he cant get a deal. No they cant give you a buy one get one free on the pencils they're literally in a pack together
Buys wayyyyyy too much of everything. I can see him couponing then selling the stuff for full price.
Takes tags off of clothes that are too expensive and urges Asmo to do the same.
He is an online shopper this is canon
He has connections, you will never see him in a store running errands ( ik hes been to stores in canon but now he hasn't bc i said so/j)
He goes to the anime store and the human world Japan themed store in the mall every once in a while if there's some drop that is in stores only. He tries not to though because he got into an argument with the store clerk after they mixed up the Ruri-chan fanmade ova with the main canon
Most normal guy in stores, mostly
He's always looking for something specific and won't settle for replacements. Will rant for 30 minutes if they moved items or removed them from the store.
I can't see him clothes shopping very often, look at the way he dresses
Uses the self checkout religiously because he apparently can do it better than the people who's job it is to check you out. He is his dad's brother's son brother
World's longest shopper, not even with clothes, just in general.
Straight lollygagging
Read the labels and everything, even if he's bought it before
Has a store credit card or two, nothing like Mammon. Just for the stores he frequents the most like Majolish, starbucks maybe, he seems like a starbucks guy
One of those annoying people who argues on the phone in the middle of the store
Asks the store workers their opinions on the items he's buying way too much. "What're your opinion on these eggs? Have you ever tried them?" like ??
Eats the food in the store, brings it to the checkout open wide. I used to be afraid of eating the grapes as a kid meanwhile he's eating the grapes, a rotisserie chicken, drinking the milk.
Always falls victim to the snacks at the checkout
Usually rounds up, not even to be generous he just doesn't want the change
Never gets a basket, dropping items left and right because he didn't grab a basket on his way in and refuses to go back for one. "Sir, do you want a basket?" "No 😊😊”
You're lucky if you catch him shopping
Another in & out guy, he's got better things to be doing like sleeping or napping or snoozing or dozing off
Cannot be bothered with cash, he's a credit card guy
I can see this grown man sitting in the basket while you push him around and shop
- - - -
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
what if i just rambled
like ik people have thoughts that they cant get out but what if i became so autistic enough that i understood the blorbo and- fuck it lets talk about a jrwi character again (spoilers obvi)
i couldnt choose between ollie and jay but i feel like ollie i got more to talk about for so ill do him first then jay cause they feel very connected for no fucking reason
so i think everyone acknowledges that ollie is just a kid but he really isnt just a kid? like he semi has the mind of an adult from the usage of the compass, because it didnt just mature him physically, but mentally too. from what i can guess, it was slow and unnoticeable until it was too big for ollie to know how to handle. thats when ollie was a kid.
yet ollie adapted, and while he really was 12 for that time still, he wasnt a kid. he grew up for a bit, he was an adult. and thats what scared him. because we all have been scared of growing too fast. so when ollie had that hit him like a truck, he didnt want to leave bed and shit. yet he became the adult his body reflected. sure, he never was fully an adult, but thats because hes not just an adult, hes still a kid.
and after he had adjusted to it, he got to have it for a couple more days. then it was gone. all the growth was now unnecessary and he didnt know what to do again. yet he didnt handle it like he did the first time. he thought about it. and again, he got over it. yet he didnt let go of what maturing so quick taught him, and hes still grown after. because hes something in between an adult and child, yet its not a teen or something.
another thing to note: ollie didnt have a say every fucking time. when he aged up, he didnt ask for it. he asked for a way to get him home and maybe it brought out another desire ollie had inside him by using it so much (touching on that more later). when ollie adjusted, he didnt ask to. he probably just wanted to curl away in that blanket and hide, because it was scary out there. yet somewhere inside he thought earl was right (earl calls him a baby or smth because he just keeps on staying in bed) and forced himself to adapt the new adult body. and when he was aged back, he didnt get a say. chip just decided it, thinking thats what ollie wanted. and he did, he did want to be a kid again. yet he wasnt ready yet. but when would he be?
so why do i bring up so much his lack of input? because it sounds similar to how he got onto the albatross. he first was taken from his home, then working with marshal jon, then working with the albatross. now being so amazed by the sea yet scared of its dangers hes been accustomed to quite a bit now, soon enough hes going back home and has to act like he didnt have the most terrifying and great adventure of his lifetime (another detail i wanted to add is theres no way jon and ollie didnt encounter some form of sea monsters or danger after being out at sea so long, we jsut arent told anything about it so yeah extra trauma thoughts).
so to me, ollie's lying (like his dad aka chip would /j). to me, ollie's desire wasnt just to return home. i doubt it was more then just a whiff of a thought that loomed in ollies head. because yeah, he wanted to go home, but not yet. he wanted to be on the ship longer, but not jsut that. he wanted to be able to help his friends. he didnt like seeing his friends come back beaten and bruised, yet being in the corner doing nothing. and he was told by chip that when he was older he could hang out with them on the ship again. so ollie, unknowing of consequences that could happen, wishes for not just a way home, but a way to help. i literally could write theory shit for this cause its not just thoughts for once! niklaus has said that the people's desires can twist from their greed, and maybe ollie didnt realize his greed (or the amount he was asking to be brought real was "greedy" and ollie didnt notice) so it twisted his desire (it being the compass), thus why niklaus doesnt understand what happened with ollie, because accidentally beign greddy can happen, or being greedy in the eyes of another.
i literally dont think ill have the motivation to wrap this up yet so ill do so later
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poly-lights · 5 months
please note btw that most, if not all, of this is not gonna happen bc they can't pack EVERYTHING into a 30 minute or so episode and not gonna lie some of these are my fixation talking and me being delusional. it's good to theorize though!!
lots of bias. let's get into it
i told my gf this BUT it'd be cool if there was a scene of trees changing, to represent seasons passing because it has to have been a year at most right
more lightbulb using her electrokinesis scenes plspls?????? like. she can just casually DO THAT....maybe have her use it for evil/J IM KIDDING. don't have her kill anyone
another knife and suitcase scene, elaborating on the "making your presence known", how suitcase took it a different way, just a conversation if that makes sense
yknow. what was that roboarm in the gemory cave. and is it Still working after lightbulb powered it on.
unrelated but still.more so a question have we or will we ever get the full roommate list drop?? unless they're gonna wait for when s2 is done to not spoil anything
baseball and lightbulb friendship scene :] team captain style!
i think it's gonna release on OR near the anniversary, if the iii finale is so soon early into 2024 it gives slight time
can we get parent lore drop??? like hello?????? they cant just said what they said in iii ep 14 and never expand on it, so i have a heavy feeling its gonna get mentioned in s2 if not ep 15 specifically
im just hoping for lb centric, even if her lore doesn't match up well with the slams. pls im so autism abt her at this point its anything BUT funny
now here's some iii 18 predictions!! for fun :] and also me just rambling abt it (spoilers for iii 17!!!!)
those who left to the hotel come back for jury voting!! more importantly fan and pb please💥
bot and springy and gonna be near each other again next episode. springy may still try to pull some shit with bot, and, assuming so, if TEST TUBE IS BY BOT'S SIDE......
springy made that suitcase bot, so clearly he knows about season 2
we may just get ii 14 tt again. which i am HOPING for. idk i love seeing test tube ENRAGED for the people she cares about she's so fun and unique bc MAN that girl is angry. she's holding grudges against Two People
also. fan meeting bot? he is going to have such a big and hopefully impactful reaction!! pls he has his patterns and the sudden changes make him uncomfortable they need to mention this
if he knows about season 2......could he make, or has he made, toys of the other final four? again im just gripping at straws for an iis2 final four appearance
think abt it though. it's the iii finale. you think they won't do something big? considering mephone knows he has to go back? springy could easily torment him w that considering the whole "facing your past" theming
also walkie talkie is Totally associated with meeple. ik we've all figured that out but i just had to say something. very heavily focused on using electronics to better the future? implying robots taking over others positions?
also??? past contestants coming back SEEING the toys?? maybe. Maybe.
the entire episode could also just be a discussion and play on the ethics of ai and how it's affecting the writing industry by putting people out of jobs due to its advancement and im reading way too much into it but hey im putting my hard hat on and channeling my inner matpat for this stupid show about objects with limbs (/pos btw)
also. are they gonna leave floor behind??? or will they scoop him into a terrarium, then plant him into inanimate island?
can he teleport that far?? how far is paradise?????????? ae drop the map pls/silly
ALSO ALSO. WHAT ARE THE INANI-MATES?? IS N/A THE LAST OF THEIR KIND??????? i doubt it but STILL everyone else in that group died
hey. why is the background of the recap song the background used when the gemories formed the silhouette of cobs. hey now.
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tflaw · 1 year
just saw ur post abt rockstar!thoma belting shes gone by steelheart and when i tell you I CAME RUNNING i surely did 😭 and help why does it lowkey sound like him omg ... but no way he would be singing that since he is PERFECT no one would ever leave him !! /j
+ dottore rlly put the impact in genshin pls whenever i see notes talking abt him when im exploring im just not surprised at the shit he did anymore 💀 i rlly look forward to more details abt him though !! he's is very interesting to me i wanna know what goes on inside his mind asnsja i just wanna sit down and listen to him talk abt his messed up ideas (he should be strapped down in a straight jacket though)
+ yw!! and yeah i told uuu <33 congrats on getting them both omg keqing is very op !! diluc too ugh i love him fr. and dw i got my ass kicked by xingqiu on tcg just earlier he is a PUNK ASS BITCH i swear he didnt even give me time to breathe 😭 im nowhere near good at tcg pls i got rlly humbled at inazuma :')) i thought i was doing fine til i saw someone's diluc card doing 45 like huhhhhh most i did is 13 ??!?! how is that even possible ??!? and omg i heard cyno is one of the best tcg players rn i cant wait to be obliterated 😍 but it's him so i dont mind LMAO
+ i wish that were me :')) ngl idk what artifact to farm anymore i just do viridescent now since i clear it the fastest .. i just need something to enhance thoma and nahida's artifacts that's why im still stuck in artifact domains 😭 i hope you'll get yoi soon !! she's been a blessing in disguise to me mddnk idk what i'll do without her especially when i encounter specters, ruin hunters, and the birds from the oceanid 💔 and hihi dw i have like 90 scarashrooms saved when i was still exploring !! but ngl i could reach ar 60 and still be not done with building my supports HELP spare fragile resins please 😞🤲
+ lastly, good luck on ur finals !! ik ive said this many times already since we last co-oped BUT STILL HAHAH manifesting high grades for u ava <33 u deserve the best
i just KNOW thoma has the vocal cords for it !! ngl it’s hella attractive imagining him singing, too ><
+ LMFAO i’m honestly not done being surprised w his character yet i swear he had a lot going on !! man’s schedule is packed for centuries now 😭 what’s with him nation-hopping and scheming every time !! and how i rmb the time he was in mondstadt, too !! or at least one of his segments. maybe thats why he made them bcos i KNOW he couldn’t just finish his schedules on time 😭 but yes i agree. he’s the most interesting character atm in genshin for me. there’s just a lot to unpack??? w his interest ??? the way he’s so curious of the world yet indifferent w repercussions of seeking the answers!! i’m intrigued how he got to be the 2nd harbinger, though!!
+ AHHH keqing just adds and adds these support cards while we were dueling and im like WHAT IS GOING ON GIRL i began sweating when diluc’s card died PLS i’m not yet done dueling in mond <//3 every time i tell myself i’m gonna do it i just click out of the game after doing comms <//3 yeah that’s what
+ rn i’m farming kuni’s artifact <//3 i got crit dmg circlet yesterday but it rolled 2x in def so i didn’t bother lvling it up any higher <//3 PLS i want yoi so bad !! i just… ugh her character design is amazing !! she’s so useful in the abyss for boss enemies <//3 AGAJAJ youre not alone though i am ar57 and im not done w my supports yet </3 thats why as much as i love the upcoming characters i don’t think i’ll ever pull if it’s not dehya or hu tao <//3 i’ve got way too many dps rn 😭
+ THANK YOU! so far it’s better than the last time. i think i’ve just accepted the fact that i am in no way acing the finals but i just want academic rest so i don’t rly care anymore !! thank you, though!! that means a lot ai <33
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seongminiz · 9 days
no jo plss i bother u all the time because i love ur thoughts pls don’t be hard on urself :(((( /gen
he would so be a little shit about it. making u beg😩 and he’d talk u through it when u finally do get pushed over the edge like “that’s it, so good for me” ughhhh and “so can we be friends again?” or something dumb like that and you’d be seeing stars and all sweaty but you’d nod like yeah whatever u say lol :3
- 🧁 anon
tyyy :( ik you'll like it no matter what but also im a perfectionist at heart n get so frustrated when i cant properly convey what im thinking 🥲
(also this became unexpectedly angsty bc i just read a moguham fic that destroyed me emotionally so im incapable of love n joy rn /j)
literally he'd just ?? go back to normal after everything ??? even tho hes clearly hard n u try to convince him to let u repay the favor , he'd just leave n act like nothing is wrong
or at least, he tries, that night and all the days after. he tries to forget how good you looked and sounded when you came around his fingers, how much he wanted to take you up on that offer, push you to your knees and fuck your mouth. he ends up jerking off to the thought of you more times than he can admit, and he's not proud of it - he has never seen you in that light (again , a lie he tells himself bc admitting he has wanted you for way longer than just a few days would be too much for him) and he didn't plan on changing that any time soon.
jungmo still hangs out with you, and nothing changed, except it did but you're also trying to convince yourself that everything is the same between the two of you despite what happened in that closet. he's more jumpy, avoiding your touch like it'll set him on fire - that's exactly how his skin feels when you touch him, as if your fingers are leaving burns in their wake. the thing is, he's also convinced he's going to die if he doesn't get to touch you again any time soon, so really he's in a very though dilemma isn't he ?
cue another party where u figure out ur feelings n properly fuck (or probably the inverse ,, fuck first talk later amiright fellas‼️)
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thelightsmiles · 1 year
day one of being without my bf
he left for the weekend and here i am missing him bc i spend all my free time hanging out w him, and now that he isnt here im trying not to think of him.
i used to be a little bit obsessive in my relationships, but i think ive grown alot, and i think im in a fairly healthy place in that, but sometimes i get so stuck thinking abt how i couldnt do anything wout knowinng hes there at the end of the day. i feel kinda like sometimes i could do anything bc hes there at the end of the day, but somehow that doesnt make it easier to not be afraid when im faced w something.
i get upset sometimes over the littlest things, like the literal littlest, and ik theres deeper reasons behind it, but it feels a little pathetic to me. i hold onto certain things he randomly says or his tone or when he wont hold my hand in public, and i j hold onto it and stay upset just to prove a point.
i used to do that w my mom. back then.
im so confused abt so much, i was riding the bus home from work today and i thought abt how i kinda dont know anything abt myself. i obviously do, but what about the things i wish i could understand? what abt the things i long so deeply to just figure out or even be able to think abt wout some ridiculous mental block.
i dont know who the fuck i am but i love myself and some days i cant even fathom how anyone could love me bc who am i? i honestly dont even fathom that i have a personality. ofc theres things abt me that make up me, but they all seem so shallow or unimportant. ive been shy my whole life, and then suddenly im not anymore, but i used to use that as a sort of identity.
and then i think abt other things that i form my identity arnd, other things that i convince myself are so important to who i am as a person, and then they leave and i dont rly know who i am after. its like having to completly restart.
anyways, i miss him and its only been a day.
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hatsunerandal · 1 year
part eight of my playlist analysis!!
part 1 <;- part 2 <- part 3 <- part 4 <- part 5 &lt;- part 6 <- part 7 <- SOUPPP
be nice to me - the front bottoms 'i try to write you poems, but the words they dont make sense' TELL ME LOCKWOOD DIDNT TRY TO WRITE LUCY POETRY BC HE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE ROMANTIC THEN THREW IT OUT BC HE THOUGH IT WAS BAD. TRY TO TELL ME. TRY I DARE YOU. (it was actually really really good hes just incredibly hard on himself.)
absolutely smitten - dodie hehehehehe fluffy fluff softest fluff toothrotting fluff ow ow ow
my body's made of crushed little stars - mitski you cannot tell me this isnt on lucys breakdown playlist.
i hear a symphony - cody fry lockwood sings it to lucy methinks.
i was an island - john-allison weiss GRRRRRRRRG IK YOU THINK IM GONNA SAY ITS LOCKWOOD BUT ABSOLUTELY YOU ARE RIGHT HAHAHAH. 'but i lowered my sword when you held me and swore youd stay, stay, stay' LOCKWOOD.  kill the director - the wombats this playlist is so lockwood-centric can you tell. hes never really felt anything like what hes felt for lucy before and hes just ??????>@!? and confused and is probably ranting to george about it or something and george is just laughing eating crackers or smth like "haha stupid loverboy." ykwim? - yot club lucy, laying awake in her attic room, wondering how the hell she got here and why shes staying. shes ruined the dynamic they had, hasnt she? shes the only girl in the house she does everything differently. she should leave. (she should Not). arsonists lullaby - hozier surprisingly, this is a lucy song!! its what she felt like having such a strong talent in such a small town and feeling like itd get to her one day. a burning hill - mitski another lucy breakdown song. she likes mitski. its kinda funny tho cuz yk. lockwood and his white button-downs. wet cigarettes - strawberry milk cult lockwood and lucy are avoiding eachother yet again, because theyre. them. but they keep passing eachother in the kitchen and other places in the house, stealing glances and all that. this song just has that vibe. sober haha jk unless - hospital bracelet l. lockwood song :(. affection - scruffpuppie feels like a lucy song and i cant explain why it just does. april to death - flower face god i literally cannot explain it for them specifically but this song goes in every character playlist i make. im so emotionally attached to it. breezeblocks - alt-j ok ik this is. a little bit of a weird one. but i dont care!! i love it!!! i live for slightly insane lockwood and you will too /threat (/j) bug bear - chloe moriondo despite lucy being so powerful talent wise, she never did great in school. stolen dance - milky chance DO I EVEN HAVE TO EXPLAAAAAAAAAIN its so soft dancing at night vibes dude. i love it sm. theyre just swaying together in the kitchen. alternatively, case montage of them by eachothers side pick your poison. black sheep - the evil exes (there are a million versions of this song gimme a break) just. mmm luce vibes dont ask why i will not be able to answer. can you feel my heart - bring me the horizon yall remember that one edit from 2020 where average looking anime boy #44658 jumped out a building? lockwood wants that. (its ok me too lockwood) (no but fr this is another weird emotional attachment song but it could probably work for some sort of lockwood breakdown. wait actually it could cuz 'im scared to get close/i hate being alone' ok i understand now thank you brain.) daddy issues - the neighborhood I believe ive briefly discussed my lockwood with daddy issues hc. do i rememebr his canon relationship with his dad? no!! am i projecting?? yes!! i cant handle change - roar self explanatory. hes not good at change, shes not good at change, they both suck at it but theyre working through it together. ill sleep when im dead - set it off lockwood insomniac agenda (its not even an agenda its canon atp) achilles come down - gang of youths you guys dont want me to go in depth with this one. strawberry mentos - leanna firestone hehehdfbjngbfdg fluffy fluffy fluff fluffle so fluffy so sweet so cute so owie i love them. fool - cavetown eepy reading vibes in the library mixed with a teeeeny tiny bit of crying on lucys part. why shes crying is up for interpretation. beorge gush - strawberry milk cult this ones for the l&co ot3 mfs. its all of them. odnt ask why it just is. them vibes christ we're so close to being done PART 9 HERE WE GOO
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pandasized-crevice · 2 years
I’m shaking,sweating in my boots let’s go
hmmm hmmm hmm giving a sob story huh
i love kinn raising his eyebrows he's so FINE
oh wait big suspected tawan as a traitor perhaps ill let him slide
don't speak to porsche whore,keep my kings name outta your mouth too
big giving tawan the death stare as he should
why hello kim (jeff is so beautiful fr)
got that bitch under surveillance
ARM DOES KNOW....pete babe come on put the pieces together
i forgot to turn off the water arm please
H EY bet this when kinn gives pete the mission to spy/infiltrate
pete said i am not the one mr kinn
its so cute the arm and pol were just watching and ran back to pete after kinn left i love them
no sleeves for tawan ig
when all three are in the same room i break out in hives
PAUSE; kinn looks adorable in the picture
the way porsche is trying to see too
sTOP the pictures are cute damnit
porsche doing the jumps in the bg someone stop this
porsche losing his mind i the bg i know it CUZ I WOULD BE
why does tawan speak in third person?
oh its the grabbing kinns arm for me,if i was porsche id walk right in between them like EXCUSE ME
finally porsche speaks up my king you don't need this
kinn ik you're not doing this on purpose but im still going to beat your ass
the look porsche is giving kinn
what meeting?!?! kinn ik your mentally FOOLISH THAT IS WHY IM GOING TO OPEN UP A HOSPITAL-
tankhun i love you sir
not another gift basket porsche...actually yes yok deserves them
her jacket is fabulous omg
porsche sweetie that is not the way
ooooh i wonder what yok's way is
porsche & his white undies man
wait are we acting pathetic to get a mans attention?????
dear lord kinn looks so fine SIR OUT THAT CHEST AWAY ITS LETHAL
A Y O CLEAN MY BODY kinn babes if you don't see this as the ruse it is....
damn porsche way to be subtle
STOP the face kinn is making when he leans in
SARANGHAEYO pete i swear to god
kinn you whore you liked that close call?!?!
why tf is kinn moving his feet
PETES RIGHT THERE!!they are so foul horny bastards fr
ew tawan OH?what just happened?
vegaspete enthusiasts are screaming rn
pete....ONE JOB
macau shut the fuck up about tankhun
porsche tf you doing?oh cameras right
YOU ARE SO COOL your hand in marriage arm thanks
man damn it either have the evidence tawans way or nothing
CHAY BELOVED!! go out with your friends chay :(
porsche dont drink that shit please be wary
dear lord vegas
could you imagine if tawan whips out a gun rn......
NOO id throw myself into a river that is so embarassing
oh hell no porsche is not the mole don't twist this around you snake
kims making those annoyed sighs and im going to beat his ass
tawan i swear to god he's such a bastard
tankhun the only one with brains in this godforsaken family
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wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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inctlife · 4 years
Ur most NCT dream post was so cute 🥺 would you consider doing one for 127?
ahh yes!!!! i loved doing that🥺🥺
so you and taeyong were dating for a WHILE and you’d been with him all through his training period and all through nct 127 so you’d been by his side for a while
and then !!! taeyong went on tour as he normally did and some crazed fan managed to grab his face at the airport and kiss him,, however,, while trying to get her off, he grabbed her face and angles made it look as though he was secretly kissing this girl and the rest of nct 127 were trying to cover it up
so taeyong spent the whole of the flight home crying bc he gets really insecure and he’s sure that you’ll leave him at any opportunity and then when the flight lands he goes to get off and is all miserable and pouty and you just run up to him and jump on him and kiss him so much and he’s like
“i’m sorry, y/n, there was nothing, i’m sorry”
and your like “stfu ik bitch did you see that kiss?? dry as shit, this is a kiss”
then the next day the headlines were all about you two and not the other girl and taeyong just felt so much love because he slowly began to realise you did that to distract from the kiss before the flight ㅠㅠ he loves you sm
so taeil had a hard day of vocal exercises bc he’s been instructed to do this part for the upcoming song but it’s higher than he’s ever sung before so it’s very strenuous on his voice :(
and at sm they made him do vocal warm ups while doing stomach cruches so he’s in dOUBLE PAIN and he kinda believes that he’s getting a cold so overall, just not a nice day
and then he returns home and you’re just singing in the living room, jumping around, you guys’ dog on the sofa, watching you with his wagging tail and taeil nearly bursts into tears bc he’s just so relieved at the happiness and homeliness pouring out from you and he just wants to come home to this every single day of his life :,)
so johnny was chilling with his morning coffee, sat in the garden looking at the sky and the birds and it was just chill and then he heard a slight singing voice and he was like ‘hello??? wtf was that??’ and upon creeping upstairs he realised it was you singing an early morning song to your twins🥺
and johnny honestly felt tears leave his eyes, he just felt so blessed in that moment to be able to have a family like this and he just knew he wanted to give you his last name because ohmygod he’s never been this in love before !!
okay so yuta was obviously sososososO happy with everything going on in korea,, but he couldn’t help but feel homesick because he hadn’t been to japan in so long,, but he didn’t want to let anyone know that so he just kept pushing on :(and you watched him get more and more unlike yuta until one day he came home and looked himself in you guys’ room and you could just hear him sobbing down the phone to either his friends or his family back in japan and it broke your heart :(
so!! you contacted him mum that night and asked her to send over a few recipes that she used to cook for yuta and you went off the the j-mart to get everything you needed before coming back home and cooking!!!! for like literally a whole day,, it was very tiresome
but then!! yuta came home from practise and you were like ‘wait!! go and get in your pyjamas!! i’ve got a surprise’ and yuta was like ‘?? but it’s not my birthday??’ but he went anyway cause like,, you were asking him to get into pyjamas? why wouldnt he?
and so he comes back down and comes into the living room where all the dishes are on the coffee table and just starts crying because that’s all the food that remind him from home and his mum and there’s his favourite anime on the tv and he just looked at you and realises what you did and just feels so much love coming from you but the only word he can say is ‘why?’
and ur just like ‘cause you deserve it’ and yuta almost combusts i stg
after doyoung saw gongmyung and his fake wife (idk her name,, sorry!!!! lol) on wgm he couldn’t help but lowkey want something like that..but in real life obv lol
but after he met you he didn’t even think about his wishes and the kind of relationship he wanted because he was just so in love with you that everyday was like a whirlwind !!
and then one day he was speaking to gongmyung and his brother was just smiling knowingly and was just like ‘you really like y/n huh’ and doyoung was like ‘i’m talking about food?? wtf does that have to do with anything’ but it’s because you can see it!!!! doyoung’s so fucking in love with you his entire face lights up!!! and gongmyung’s like ‘tell me about her, consciously, think about her and then tell me’
and doyoung’s like ‘??’ but does it anyway bc it’s an opportunity to think about you lol but as soon as he starts he’s just lost for words and he’s just like ‘she’s the love of my life???’ and gongmyung’s like ‘omg doyoung just marry this woman already’ and doyoung’s like ‘that aint a bad idea though’
they go ring shopping the next week
so with jungwoo it was all kinda rushed,, like you’d only be dating for about 10 months-year?? but due to circumstances you’d been living together since before you were a couple,, so you were already very close basically best friends to lovers tbh
and one day he can hear you on the phone to your friend it’s on speaker and your friend is gushing about her new baby and you’re just being like ‘oh congratulations!!’ but jungwoo swears he hears a slight sadness in your voice :(
so when you get off this phonecall you immediately call someone else it’s your bestfriend,, the one of the same gender and you just say ‘is it weird to want a baby’ and your friend kinda laughs and is like ‘who gave you baby fever’ and you just sigh and are like ‘i can’t help but want so much more with jungwoo but i feel awkward talking about it’ and your friend’s like ‘stfu why’ but it’s because it’s all going so fast!!! just over a year ago you didn’t even think of him romantically and now you wanted to marry him and have his babies??!!??
but jungwoo was crying outside your door bc,, he wanted all that as well :,) so as soon as you hung up he walked in your room and cuddled you close and was like ‘i promise we’ll get married and have babies,, that’s what i want too!!’ and you just started crying bc oml your boyfriend is so precious
so you went to the wedding dress shop w/ taeyong’s fiancé so you could watch her try on dresses and also try on bridesmaids dresses🥺🥺 so pwetty
and basically her vision was all of her bridesmaids having also white dresses but with a different colour sash round the middle so you got to try on a load of dresses that were actually wedding dresses but they were more lowkey and after signing this thing you were allowed to take photos so she could look at them afterwards and decide which one was best
so you came home and jaehyun was there and you were like ‘oh jae !! look at me in these dresses’ and jaehyun was like ‘kk’ and came over and looked over at your phone and it just took him a moment bc omg,, you look so beautiful in a wedding dress
and ur like ‘what?? that’s good right???’ and jaehyun’s like ‘yeah.. yes,, that’s......... that’s fucking amazing omg’ and he cant stop smiling and there right then is when he decides that he has to marry you!!
so mark took you to canada to stay with his family over christmas and you’d met his family like a handful of times before?? but you’d never stayed with them for this long but as soon as mark asked you were 100% up for it
and so at this point you’d been there for a couple of days and mark’s brother is talking to him about you as mark dried his hair and literally all he’s saying is how amazing you are and mark’s kinda blushing, kinda smiling,, he’s just so happy!!! and then, when thinking over his brother’s words, he went downstairs and found you in the kitchen with his mum, dancing around as you cooked dinner for everyone and mark could’ve cried tbh
he saw his dad walk over to his mum and pull her into a kiss and mark tried to move but like, literally could not,, but luckily !! you saw him lol and was like ‘come here’ and mark was laughing and walked over, kissing you as he mumbled a quick ‘i love you’ and jesus christ he really did
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merlin-rabbit-hole · 4 years
From the salty ask list!! 27. Least shippable character?, 21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?, and 20. What is the purest ship in the fandom? Thank you for being wonderful!!!! (and bonus if you just want to rant about 25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? even though we 100% know you wouldn't leave it exactly as is. )
aww anon you’re so sweet thank YOU for being wonderful<3<3
27. Least shippable character?
AGGRAV-AINE i was originally stumped by this bc i think i j genuinely tried to block this ridiculous pedophilic-vibes piece of shit out djdj but yeah definitely him uwu
honestly even uthers more shippable than this asshole bc come on ~ewther x troll~ should be everyone’s otp :)
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
LOVE THEM give me more of them!!! like going by the base definition of ppl who have literally never met in actual canon canon being shipped i offer you: geon (leon x george) bc @meteorjam has converted me completely and the concept is immaculate, morgal (mordred x daegal) bc thats j freaking adorable, elena x vivian bc I LOVE THEM, aggravaine with the pointy side of a sharpened stake- i mean what? ig mans is shippable after all <3<3, and a bunch of others i cant think of rn!
in conclusion lmao live laugh love crack ships:D
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
aww im tempted to say merlin x freya! j bc they were both so young w such full hearts and hopes, definitely a really pure ship fs:’)) also mordred x daegal again bc,,,,bbs:’))
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
haha ANON thanks for giving me the opportunity to rant ab this jaldfj;aslkf you’re a real one homie ill add a cut for this to spare torture on the rest of anyone who might read this haha
OK SO real talk: ik it literally says in my freaking bio that the end of season 5 never happened for me:’D 
but in all honestly? i thought the ending of bbc merlin in terms of arthur dying (albite super fuckin rushed fsssssss) was rlly beautifully done/managed? which is a total tribute to colin and bradley rather than the writers tbh lets be clear ab that
i also think that arthur dying is a large source of the reason why this fandom holds onto the show in such a strong and lovely, commendable way, bc it doesn’t give us room to be satisfied and move on and holds us in the world of camelot and whatever the fuck they planned albion to even be too djdjj....it also means that we get all of the INCREDIBLE fics that we do from amazing amazing content creators bc of the absolute shit we were given from the show as an ending w the totally open-ended possibilities and approximately 0 actually answered questions
if i were to change anything specifically at all, the one important feature i would add as a large LARGE portion of season 5 before even setting up the whole mordred turning psycho shindig is the development of albion itself and whatever the living fuck kilgarrah the massive scaled hippie meant when he said “all you and arthur have dreamed of has come to pass” to merlin
like what the fuck writers,,,,give me that supposed bliss, happiness, and magic inclusive/supportive king arthur instead of that half-assed statement from the apparently dying dragon like bro
imma stop there before i get too too carried away but that’s p much my take on that! left out/forgot a bunch, but thats the basic gist:))
thanks for the ask lovely!! take care<3
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creatoranimator · 6 years
Walking in The Rain (Tree bros) Part 1
This is my first time making a fic (and posting it), I don't normally make fics (cause I don't rlly like my writing) and this is more of an art blog, but I fail at that too so... This is about deh sky high au (ik it's not rlly popular) and it’s based on this post. Oh and this is tree bros 
Words: 1357
Ship: Tree Bros (Evan x Connor)
Part 2
Trigger Warnings: only a bit of swearing
Evan woke up that morning in a pool of sweat and flowers in his bed. The first day of senior year. He wanted to make a good impression on his teachers but thought about it also the night before and now it just makes his head hurt. The more he thought about it, the roots, vines, and flowers would feel as if they were tightening around him. 
“Morning sunshine,” Heidi poked into his room with a basket of laundry. “First day of senior year, hm?” Evan sat up but didn’t look directly at her. 
“Yea, I guess...” He said tugging on the hum of his shirt. Heidi set the basket down by the door and sat on Evan’s bed.
“It’s going to be alright. Because,” The roots around Evan grew tighter, “Because life will find a way to turn out. it’s going to be okay.” She stood up and walked into the hall. “Breakfast is downstairs for you, don’t forget to eat.”
Evan decided on a light blue shirt with strips, a nice simple color, nothing too noticeable so he can blend in the hallways easily. He looked at his cast. A reminder that he...
... wasn’t going to change much this year it seems.
It felt like only a minute had gone by and he was out the door walking to school. It was misty out, Evan liked the rain. He decided that walking was peaceful and he would try to focus on something other than the people around him. Where-are they staring? Why would they- maybe because his plants around him are too obvious or maybe they looked weird or maybe because he had a cast showing that he was weak. Or maybe it was the fact that every step he took a flower would sprout from underneath him, and the more he thought about it the quicker they grew-
“is it weird to be the first person in history break their arm from-”
“P-please don’t finish that sentence, Jared.” The flowers stopped growing. It was then Evan realized that he was standing in front of the school. 
“So then how did you break your arm?” Jared said taking a step closer. What do you say? You cant just say that you climbed a tree because you-
“I um... I fell out of a tree...” Evan felt vines grow up his back.
“What are you? An acorn?!” And at that moment Evan felt little acorns grow around him, falling from his head. He desperately tried to brush them off, but they kept growing which only made Jared laugh harder.
Once he stopped laughing, they walked into the school. They were in the hall where out of nowhere it seemed, Connor Murphy appeared which gave Evan a mini shock. Evan had him in a few classes from earlier years but never talked to him. He sorta liked his sister, Zoe, but decided that he doesn't even have a chance with her, so why even try?
 Evan tried to keep walking, but he noticed Connors’ new hair length. To be honest, he kinda liked it-not that he didn't like it the way it was before, he just never thought of a haircut like that on another boy to be... attractive? Evan didn’t know what to think and couldn't help but wish that Jared won't comment on it. How he was wrong.
“Hey Connor, loving the new hair length. Very troubled teen chic.” Evan froze.  It was quiet for what felt like forever until Jared broke the silence. “I’m kidding. It was a joke.” Jared said slowly. Evan could feel the flowers around him bloom, a deep purple, god-he did not mean for this to happen. They always turned a darkish-red shade when he was embarrassed, blue when he’s anxious, (which is a lot) pink when he’s flustered, yellow when he’s happy, and black when he is... on the ground waiting for someone to find him.
“Yea, no it was funny,” Connor then looked directly at Evan. He could feel the roots tighten. “I’m laughing. Can’t you tell? Am I not laughing hard enough for you?” Evan wanted to run. Just get out of the are and just forget everything that is happening right now.
“You’re such a freak.” Jared left, but Evan didn’t. He couldn’t. Physically actually. Vines, flowers, and roots were clinging to his legs. Why did Jared leave him there?!
“Stop fucking laughing at me!” Connor took a step closer. The roots tightened.
“I-i’m not-” 
“Is that why there are fucking flowers everywhere?! You think I’m the freak?” God stop. Just stop these flowers, just let him control the plants around him for once just let him breathe just let him-
“N-no, sorry, I”
“You’re the fucking freak!” Connor shoved Evan to the ground and fell onto a bed of flowers. The hate in Connors’ eyes when he did that- it just took Evan by surprise. The roots broke off, Evan sat up and turned around and saw Connor vanish. He must have invisibility in his power.
Evan stood up slowly. He then noticed that roots were completely covering his left arm like he was trying to hide it. He was trying to hide it. Evan brushed the roots off, walking to the bathroom to relax. He found a pink flower fall from his hair.
After school Evan found himself finishing his therapy letter to himself in the computer lab. He could have sworn that he was the last one there, but once again by surprise, Connor appeared out of nowhere. 
“Um- Dear Evan Hansen, is this yours?” Connor was standing near the printer and had the paper in his hands. 
“U-um yes.” Evan somehow manages to say. 
“What happened to your arm?” Evan looked down at his cast, little fines growing around it.
“I-I um, I fell out of a tree..” 
“You fell out of a tree? Well, that’s the saddest fucking thing I’ve heard. Evan saw pink petals fall from his head. “What’s with the...”
“Oh, sorry, I just do that s-sometimes, sorry it’s linked to my emotions. Like y-yellow when I'm happy, blue when I'm anxious... so...” Evan looked at his cast, which is now covered in pink flowers.
“What does pink mean?” Connor cocked an eyebrow. Evan felt his face turn red and stomach drop.
“Oh-um,” He hesitated. “um... embarrassment.” He lied. Well, it was kinda true, he was embarrassed. But there was no way Evan could say he liked Connor. God dammit. He had a crush on him.
“Why are you embarrassed?” Connor furrowed his eyebrows a bit, not in a mean way, more of a curious way.
“O-oh, um sorry I, um,” By this point some of the flowers where reaching Connor, who was three meters away. Connor decided to cut him off.
“Nobody signed your cast.” Connor took a step closer. 
“O-oh well um, you see, I don’t have t-that many friends-You d-don’t have to-”
“Do you have a sharpie?” Evan pulled out a black sharpie from his pocket and handed it to Connor. Connor took Evan's arm and watched the flowers completely cover his cast. “You have to stop doing that if I’m-”
“-Oh, right, sorry,” Evan said as he brushed off the flowers and vines and tried his best to control his powers. Connor finished writing his name in big bold letters and picked off a flower off of Evan’s wrist. “Ow.”
“Oh, sorry does that hurt you?” 
“Oh- no, not really it’s j-just that you a-are pressing on my cast-” Connor didn't realize that he was still holding Evan’s arm.
“Oops.” He let go and he vanished for a split second. “I fucking do that too much. Anyways, here’s your paper,” Evan reached out for it but Connor then started to read it. Evan put his hand on the paper desperately trying to stop him. “..because there is... pink flower petals in the way?” Connor looked at Evan and cocked an eyebrow. Evan took this chance of his powers going out of control to take the paper.
“S-sorry it’s just a dumb project I have to do- um,” please don’t read the rest of it.
Thanks for reading, I’ll finish this soon!
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I’m writing this on my notes app in bed because I want to tell the story of today fresh out of my mind and I don’t want to forget a single detail. So basically today was our last day in my favourite place and it was also JJ’s birthday so in the morning I went over to the other house and we made French toast with bacon and berries and then watched J open his presents and then we went to jump off the rocks because it was high tide so we started waking up the way my brother found but then we saw Gus and Simon the seals and freaked out a bit because it looked like they were coming to attack us so we went up into the bushes but then Simon kind of followed us and we were screaming and all that hit it’s kind of funny to look back on and then eventually we kept walking and when we got there it was so pretty and the blue water looked so cool against the orange rocks and then we all jumped in and when we were in the water we were joking about being chased by the seals but then when we were all back in the rocks and my brother had just jumped off and was in the water when we saw Simon the seal swimming ground the rocks towards my brother so we started yelling to him that the seal was coming but he didn’t believe us because we had been joking about it before and then Simon swam underneath him and really close to him and it was only after that that my brother noticed and then when we were all safely back up on the rock these kayakers came past and we told them that the seal was there and we were all just there looking at him and then all of a sudden he dove off the rock and started twirling and jumping around like a dolphin and it was the coolest thing ever and I went in the water when he was right there really close to me swimming and then after we got back to the house we played K’s & A’s for a bit up on the table on the fluffy rug like we always do and I can’t remember who won or what happened but I know it was fun and then after that we boated out to the beach that we went to the other day and the water was so clear and pretty and it was really sunny and nice and as soon as we got there the kids decided that we wanted to go on the walk that we started the other day so we went and did it in bikinis and bare feet and we made tiktoks and took photos and sang dumb songs and joked about things that I can’t remember now and then when we had gotten quite far there was this lookout type place and the view was crazy pretty and you could see nothing but the blue ocean with the lines from boat wakes scribbled on it for miles and we just sat there for a bit and looked at the view and then kept walking and we passed these people and I guess they thought the we looked a bit funny because we were just a bunch of kids and they asked us how long we had been waking for and we told them hours and then they asked where we have come from and we said we weren’t actually sure we were just at a beach and decided to start walking which made them laugh and we asked them how far away the next beach was and they said that they had just come from one so we kept walking and when we saw the beach we were so happy because we were really hot and then we went round the corner and looked at the rock pools after which we realised that we were really thirsty and also that we had to walk all the way back so we tried ringing the parents but we couldn’t get a hold of anyone but then dad finally piled up for my brother so they came and picked us up in the boat and on the boat ride back we realised how far we had come and then when we got home we played cards for ages and the parents were downstairs playing some really vibey music and i just felt very content and after that i think we had dinner but i cant remember what we had because im finishing writing this like a week later but after dinner we went out on the lagoon on the paddleboards and kayaks and the sunset was crazy pretty and it reflected on the water and we were pissing ourselves laughing at god knows what and i cant remember how it got to this point but we got a bit crazy and ill leave out the details but anyway while this was all happening these kids that none of us really liked got there and we all started laughing so hard and saying that we can’t tell them about what had just happened and then we realised sound travels across water which made us laugh even harder and because those other kids were there we started heading back but me and ZJ and AWW were all on one paddleboard it ended up just being us trying to paddle back after everyone else left and we started telling random stories and laughing really hard and when we finally got back we had JJs birthday cake and im not too sure how it happened but basically someone got icing on someone elses face and it turned into a full blown food fight and we all had icing all over our faces and it was hilarious and then we took these photos that said “what happens in the lagoon stays in the lagoon” to put in our snapchat memories to laugh at in the future and then we went home and i got in bed feeling so happy and started writing this and also IK who had left a few days earlier finished her video of the week they were with us and it was so cool and the song behind it was Mover Awayer by Hobo Johnson and it was the perfect song and we had been listening to that song as well as Out of My Leage by Fitz and The Tantrums and basically it was the perfect last day
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sleepymouses · 7 years
okay for the dashboard osmosis thingy: i gotta go twenty one pilots because i'm the person that i am, but i'm also gonna go Psych as well maybe?? (ur right it was really hard to try to think of one for you, esp one i could fact check lol)
(from this ask meme)
ahh ok, osrry for the wait, i been a busy bee, but here we go!
21p is not an amount of money in the uk (ok, well it is) but it’s also a duo of two best buds named tyler joseph and josh... something with a d maybe? durran?? i feel like googling would be cheating, and admittedly i only remember tyler’s surname bc of ur thing last night lol
anyways, so they are two best buddos and one of them is really cute with his wife, i wanna say josh but it might actually be tyler.. i think wife’s name starts with a j, like jenna or jess, and theyre like really cute #relationship #goals, like best friends in love, so that is real cool and nice! (and i also know tyler has 3 younger sibs, but u are also the only reason i know this so i wont go into that )
and idk their type of music, like.. i wanna say alternative, but that is a pretty easy generalization lol. i know one song was a vid of one of them strumming a ukulele and singing on his ownsome to increasingly bigger groups, i think i reblogged it like 500 years ago without knowing who it was, but i have since remembered/recognized it, (also i think it was a cover of i cant help falling in love with u)
and their fandom is relatively smol i think, like 1d really is an anomaly compared to the rest of bandom, in terms of the amount/variety of fanworks created, even for bands i thought were really famous and stuffs it’s like way different? (i was curiously googling panic! and fob’s fandoms the other night actually and 21p popped up a few times as like a crossover thing with them, which i thought was interesting, tho i dont know how much theyre actually linked irl?)
anyways, being a smaller fandom is probos not a bad thing tho! i imagine its got a bit more cozier, intimate feel and in an ideal world there’d be an awful lot less drama too, so i hope that is the case.
i also think that 21p fanworks are less likely taken for granted bc theyre more rare, like i feel like fans are more likely to leave comments than jsut a like or a kudos, yunno? bc they really appreciate every bit they get :)
(also lol, i rlly didnt intend for this to be as long as the les mis one but whoops)
and then there’s psych, which im quite annoyed to notice has been taken off of netflix now >: (i never actually saw all of it, just watched a bunch of epis in random order)
psych centers around unofficial (im p sure? cos gus also worked at a pharmaceutical company too) detectives and life long (as shown by lots of flashbacks) bffs shawn and gus, the latter of whom shawn always comes up with super ridiculous fake names for when theyre interviewing witnesses and whatnot (his name is actually burton guster tho), but that was one of the running gags
psych is a fairly light crime show, like theres murder mysteries and whatnot, but theres also lots of good banter between the leads (esp shawn n gus) and jokes and
and their main dealio is that shawn is a psychic, even tho he actually is Not, hes just extremely observant and (sometimes) smart, and gus is in on the con too, and they work for the police station together, and theres also a cop named lassy except thats not rlly his name its a nickname but i dont rmr his actual one, and his partner julia/jules, who was in a very slow build romance with shawn over the like.. 5? 7? seasons it had, it was a good big amount, & i think it had a very good build and character development n stuff bc of that, i get the feeling it was lucky enough to have a natura run of things, im pretty sure it wasnt cancelled when it ended,like it got to do everything it wanted with the storylines n stuff before it decided to wrap up? and there was a lot of different stuff in the episodes, they werent all just typical solving mystery stuffs
but fandom wise again, i think itd be quite small in terms of fanworks produced about it? it doesnt rlly seem like the type of show to have much fanfiction written about, altho im willing to bet that shawn and gus, like any pairing involving a black guy and a white guy, dont get shipped together hardly at all despite all their screen time and chemistry together. (and yes ik julia/shawn canon, but thats never stopped shippers before, so.) actually i bet shawn and lassie are one of the bigger pairings in fanfic, tho again, i dont think psych would have much in the way of that somehow?
anyways, i rmr it was goofy but enjoyable, and there were lots of episodes that made homages to other things, actually i think im gonna go try2 find an ep to watch rn tbhh, except Not on netflix anymore i guess !
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