#:) ask and you shall recieve
torchtour · 3 days
Hey love your art I think it's awesome and I've been a fan for awhile. So I was hoping you'd draw a fusion of 2 characters for me please. It's a fusion between Tae takimi from p5 and Bill cipher from gf. Hope u do it and hope you're doing awesome
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i hope *you're* doing awesome, anon!!
this is such a random fusion but here you go: one tae cipher or bill takemi take your pick
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ariaricottoncandy · 22 days
vitalasy but hes like.... really tiny.. zam is holding him on his hand..
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He's just a lil guy QvQ
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actual-arrrchie · 7 months
if ur still taking drawing reqs..... evan and mike again.... pwease
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crazy-ache · 25 days
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Summary: When Elain is unexpectedly transformed into a cat, Lucien thankfully comes to her rescue. Well, she would be more grateful, if he also wasn't so incredibly infuriating.
Notes: Rated T for language and Elain’s mildly dirty thoughts. This is pure fun. No posting schedule, no rules, just weirdness.
Read Chapter 3 on AO3
Elain recalls her reason for escaping the Night Court and also learns a bit of news in the process.
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kiiwiigii · 1 year
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Jasper x Fem!Reader
Summary: Jasper helps you calm down in the middle of a rough day.
Word Count: 800+
Requested?: Yes! By @twilightlover2007 Enjoy sweet pea!
May I request Jasper helping his mate through a bad ADHD day? Her clothes are bugging her and all she wants to do is curl up in a soft fuzzy blanket.  Sounds are too loud and she just wants to listen to rain. Her mind is buzzing like an angry bee and she just wants to not think. Jasper is her safe space helping her tune out the world. Please and thank you!(let me know if you have any question!)
A/N: My first Jasper fic! Yay!
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I couldn’t even think. Or rather, I was overthinking. My thoughts were scrambled and I couldn't clear my head no matter how hard I tried. There was too much going on. It was too loud. Too many voices. Too many sounds. My clothes were too scratchy, making my skin itch all over. And it was too bright. I twitched and fidgeted in my chair. I just wanted to go home and curl up in bed.  
I slumped down into my seat, my head on my desk. I hated study hall. It was always too overstimulating, and I couldn’t calm down long enough to focus on anything. Instead, I just tended to panic. 
In fact, I could feel that panic starting to build. 
There was a knock on the door. 
I looked up at Mrs. Snyder, her aging face made more severe by her gray hair she often pulled back into a bun. I was surprised to see Jasper standing next to her. My heart leapt at the sight of him, a small smile on his face. His eyes were a bright molten gold, and I knew he had fed over the weekend.  
"Jasper says you have a joint project that you’re working on for history. Why don’t you head to the library?" 
I looked confused before quickly schooling my expression into one of acknowledgment and had to keep myself from moving too fast in my excitement to get away. I met Jasper by the door, which he graciously held open for me. 
"Ma'am.” He inclined his head at me playfully. 
“Why thank you, sir.” I drawled, imitating his accent. 
Jasper full-out grinned. 
Score for me. 
Once outside the classroom, Jasper pulled me into his arms, his calming scent washing over me, and I felt the calming waves of his gift following right behind. I sighed, finally able to relax in the quiet of the hall, my panic starting to ebb. 
“I’m sorry, Jazz.” I whispered into his chest. “Did I distract you?" 
"You always distract me.” He answered quietly. 
His hands rubbed up and down my back soothingly. 
“Let’s get out of here, darlin’." 
I looked up at him in surprise. 
"Why Jasper Hale! Are you suggesting that we skip school??" 
He shushed me with a finger to my lips, looking around conspiratorially.  
"The others might hear." 
I snorted. "I don’t think they care, Jazz." 
Jasper cocked his head to the side for a moment. 
"Alice disagrees." 
"Love you too, Al."
Jasper chuckled before pulling away and taking my hand, placing a light kiss across my knuckles. 
"Come on, darlin’." 
We walked out of the building and across the back field until we were in the woods, just out of sight. Jasper picked me up, swinging me onto his back. 
"Hold on." 
I tightened my arms around him as he took off, burying my face in the back of his neck. In less than a minute we were in my backyard, and Jasper had scaled the side of the house to my third-story window. It slid open easily and he helped me inside. 
"I thought we discussed not leaving your window unlocked.” He frowned disapprovingly as he shut it, flicking the lock closed with emphasis.  
I gave him an innocent smile as I began taking my top off. Jasper was suddenly facing the other direction, combing through my dresser, before handing me my favorite soft top and pajama bottoms.  
“Nice try, darlin’." 
But his tone gave him away. I had taken him by surprise, and it was a nice distraction from my itchy skin and still buzzing thoughts. I quickly changed, Jasper turning around right as I finished pulling my top down. He stood there for a moment, just watching me with a content look on his face. I fidgeted with the long sleeves of my top. 
"What?” I asked nervously. 
He grinned and shook his head. “You’re beautiful." 
I blushed a bright red as he pulled me in close, arms wrapping around my waist. I felt his emotions flood through me for a brief moment and I was stunned into silence at his sincerity. 
"You’re beautiful and you’re mine. All mine. Like you were made just for me."
I buried my head into his chest again, a giddy embarrassment flooding through me. His fingers found their way under my chin, tilting my head back as he ducked his head, lip caressing mine in a sweet but deep kiss.
After a moment he let me go so I could breathe and led me over to the bed, pulling me next to him and covering us both with my favorite blanket and then a second to keep me warm from his cold body. 
I let myself sink further into him, my muscles relaxing as his scent invaded my nose. Jasper’s hand trailed through my hair soothingly, his chin resting on top of my head. Before long I could hear the rain pelting against my window, lulling me into a light sense of sleep.
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Taglist: @alecvolturi @belladonna-xox @lack-lust-3r @pawspurpaw @pooka167 @rosedpetal @targaryenmoony @twilightlover2007
Wanna be notified when I post a new fic? Ask to join my taglist!
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moozyfreak · 1 month
Cat Noir and Seth Lowell slash fiction
(pun intended)
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i dont actually watch miraculous… but hopefully its accurate…? this honestly shocked me when i saw the ship… so here, have a magnet reference, dear anon <3
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neon-prison · 2 years
Your artwork of V soft-topping Goro has added YEARS onto my life, cured my depression...fuck i need more lmao
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<3 <3
Ask and ye shall receive. Thank you anon, I see you are also a person of culture <3
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lindszeppelin · 1 year
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Austin in Cutoff Shirts, an Appreciation Post.
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sca-nerd · 1 year
renn fair tips!!!
yes bring water, but also figure out how you can bring that water, some places only let you bring in sealed, never opened, bottles (cause alcohol is a large part of event revenue)
CASH, most sellers have got a square card reader or paypal or something, but those work at the whims of cell service, and cell service tends to suck in parks
also with cash depending on the seller they might just wave the tax. things are priced to even dollars most of the time
the crafts people (leather, blacksmiths, silversmiths, glassblowers) are where you really want to "focus" your money, not because there's anything wrong with the clothing stalls, it's just that it's harder to get those items online, and you're helping a small business
also some of the clothing sellers just buy in bulk from a place like amazon and clip off the tag, "wevez" is where i get my skirts, and the price markup can be anywhere from 2 to 3 times what you'd pay if you bought from the seller directly
the end of the last day of the weekend you can get food for cheaper, so if you're staying until close and don't want to find a fast food joint, get a turkey leg
bed bugs, (SPRAYS DO NOT WORK ON THESE MOTHER FUCKERS) the horrible truth of the matter is, it is a valid concern, moreso since COVID. so if you do buy anything, im talking books, tunics, hair wraps, corsets, trousers, a kilt. anything a bed bug could be hanging out in, you put that in a seperate plastic bag, seal it, and stick it in the freezer when you get home. then you beat out the thing a few hours later.
this doesn't kill them, but it does make them hibernate, which means you can shake them out then kill them or if youre feeling vindictive, pop them in the oven, a minimum of 120F for 90 mins gets all bugs and possible eggs. you could also put the things in your dryer on high for the longest setting, but i personally prefer the oven (and not just because i don't have a drier)
business cards! i personally collect business cards for convience and maybe one day i'll go back to pursuing graphic design, but having a designated pocket for business cards or pamphlets cause you may be grabbing a lot of them
the vibes: Its a bunch of weird nerds getting dressed up to play pretend and get drunk in the park. It can get weird, and it can get raunchy (not horny, just crass) i have witnessed several different parents huff off with their kid cause a performer made a low brow joke that was obvious enough that the kid knew smth dirty was said, MOST of the people are chill with boundries, but some never got out of that phase of being a dick cause they think it's funny
speaking of phases, renn faires are still the only place i have ever been where you've got the flagrantly queer and menanist douchebags bumping shoulders. like side eyes are made im sure, but you can walk down a path, past somebody in the loudest, most obviously gay garb you have seen outside of a drag show, then a few feet behind them is somebody else with a trump denim vest
also, back to the rauchy bit, there will likely be people there who are cool, but use outdated/offensive lingo. like I got called a fairy by a guy waiting in line for a kebob, he did try and backpedel, but im fine with being called that and his girlfriend (who obviously dragged him there) was dressed up like a fairy, so jokes were had and expensive kebab's purchased (idk what they used to season those things but they were so fkin good for just being some meat on a stick)
if you do a craft (knitting/crochet) check if you can bring your supplies in because some places don't let guest bring in knitting needles (they are often 11 in long pointy sticks so fair enough)
ASK QUESTIONS not just at the small semi educational areas they sometimes have, but also the people selling things, i love hearing people talk about their crafts (also renn faire drama is real and it is wild, and it's much more exciting because it's effect on you is almost null)
some faires have pub crawls and i have witnessed many a stumbling drunk get escorted out by EMTs cause he didn't pace himself and drank on an empty stomach
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just-a-drawing-bean · 11 months
Where are the gigas I cant find them anymore
Heres the gigamoon thread post
heres sun, he got marked as mature sadly
annddd eclipse
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ccaramel-llow · 1 year
Erm I think I should really request a few hcs of a Reader x Cesar Torres 🗣 I live laugh love him so much omg 😭😭
and if possible 🧐 add themes that the reader is a bit overworked in at their job 🗣🗣
Overworked hc's
Cesar Torres/you
Warnings; None!
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Bros WORRIED the time you come home, Like the moment you come home safely looking like a tired dead rat he instantly asks you whats wrong
He wonders if your boss is an ass, If he is, He prays an alternate jumps them (spoiler alert, He kills your boss)
He does anything for you as your tucked in his bed in his room, Also puts on the tv as you lay in it
Was raised RIGHT, Whatever you ask for you receive <33
I have a feeling he'd like to shower you with your typical romantic gifts, such as chocolate heart boxes, Flowers and stuff
For dates, I feel like he'd take you to an aquarium or some fancy restaurant <333 !!
he likes it when you run a hand through his hair or play with it, He finds it soothing <3
Probably calls you "Mi cieltio" Which means "my sun" In Spanish <33
He lives for cuddling, Like bro says yes immediately when you ask him if he wants to cuddle.
Hes good at cooking, Like really Gordon Ramsay good. (male wife..)
Whenever your not anywhere near him he literally misses you and daydreams about what you two could do all day.
Would def love to kiss your hands!!
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You sighed as you tried to get out of bed to go to work on documents or some shit, But before you could, You felt cesar's hands grab your shoulders and set you back down.
"My love, I think its better that you rest." He said, Clearly concerned for your well being. You had awful eye bags and stuff, You could also smell the aroma of (favorite food) coming from outside the room. You shook your head.
"But i need to wo-"
"Lay back down, Now."
And then you were being taken care of that whole night and you both cuddled, The end!!
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georgiacooked · 7 months
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I was asked at Gally1 if I'd consider doing another Gallifrey bobble sheet featuring older Big-Finish exclusive characters like Torvald and Arkadian.
So have my current WIP.
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beatheprincess · 3 months
Weekend was good! ~♡
Weekends are never bad for me🥺💕 just hope I can make it through the week, highly appreciate the love I've been getting on my posts lolol I thought I was shadowbanned for posting too much >.< but thank uu🥺 free cookie 4 u --> 🍪
Goals for this week ✅
Try to eat 3 meals a day😭🎉✌🏽
wish me luck I don't wanna keep being inconsistent ~♧
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d3ad-on-arriva1 · 7 months
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sketch of a bigger painting in the works based on american river by destroy boys
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kiiwiigii · 1 year
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Jane x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was only supposed to be a tour of the castle, what harm could it do?
Word Count: 900+
Requested?: Yes! Enjoy nonny!
litterly anything about jane im begging you my girl is so underated
A/N: It took me a hot minute to figure this one out. Special thanks to @alecvolturi for all your help!!
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I had been studying in Italy when the invitation arrived. A beautiful creamy white envelope, with an intricate V embossed on the back, and my name scrolled in looping calligraphy on the front. It was a curious thing. I was in university for the study of history and symbols, and I had never come across this one before.
No, that wasn't entirely true. It took me a moment to remember.
I had seen it printed in a book once, a book on vampires to be exact. But the book had disappeared when I went back to the university archives to find it. And when I asked the receptionist, she said that the book was going to be auctioned the next month.
I had scoured the various auction sites that I knew of, and it never popped up. I had assumed that it had been sold at a private auction. It was sad, but ultimately I moved on, only coming back to it every now and again out of curiosity. I was never able to find anything.
But there it was on the back of this letter, extending an invitation for a private tour of the castle of Volterra. I had dived into research after that. There was barely anything known about the castle itself, it was off-limits to tourists unless invited. What were its connections to the V symbol, and why had I been invited?
My curiosity had gotten the best of me, and here I was, smushed in-between at least 20 or so tourists. Seeing the size of the group I didn't feel particularly special anymore. If anything I felt wary. You would think that the amount of people with me would make me feel better. But my mind kept going back to the book, the one that connected the symbol with vampires. And that's all I could think about.
"Right this way."
The woman's voice was melodic and it made me shiver. She was unearthly beautiful, to the point where it set me on edge.
What was her name again? Heidi?
The uncomfortable feeling only continued to grow and grow until my skin was stuck somewhere between numbness and prickling. Why had I ever agreed to this?
'Because you're a curious little shit.'
The woman strode forward, arms extending to push the double doors open wide. They swung open to reveal a stunning round room, black and white marble with tiled floors. I didn't have much time to really take it in before noticing something interesting. There was a drain. Directly in the center of the room.
My eyebrows furrowed. Was that normal in architecture from the period it was built? I couldn't remember.
"Welcome!" A man's voice rang out as he clapped his hands together happily. "Welcome to Volterra! We hoped you enjoyed your brief tour!"
What? There hadn't even been a tour at all. That's when I took in the other people who had already been in the room as we arrived. They were all stunningly beautiful. So beautiful that it hurt to look, but drew you in at the same time. I looked in between them and the drain in the floor, the blood draining from my face.
"Time for dinner." Heidi grinned.
Chaos erupted. Screaming and blood everywhere. So much blood. I could taste the metallic tang in the air, mixed with my tears. I was sure I would die of a heart attack any minute, which would be way more preferable to what awaited me. I crouched down in an attempt to curl up inside myself, but that was futile. It wasn't long before I felt a hand around my neck, pulling me up and over until I was on the ground, looking up at my attacker's face.
Warmth bloomed in my chest.
She was gorgeous. More gorgeous than the Heidi woman who had lured us in. Normally I would have considered red eyes to be alarming, but hers were like deep garnets, and had you asked me what my favorite color was at the moment, I would have said crimson. Her blonde hair was swept back into a neat chignon, and her black clothes accentuated the paleness of her skin. Her lips were full and pink, stained with just the tiniest bit of blood.
Well, if this was they way I was gonna go, I was okay with that.
But she just hovered there, eyes wide in disbelief and mouth slightly agape.
"Well? Are you going to kill me?" I whispered.
She shook her head in a daze, before slowly leaning in and placing her lips to mine. I gasped and deepened the kiss, my hands grabbing her arms as she wove her hands into my hair. She then pulled back a moment, taking in my face before licking away my tears and returning to my mouth.
I couldn't help but let out a small, confused moan.
That seemed to shake the girl from her daze. She suddenly disappeared, only to reappear on the other side of the room, looking angry and hissing at me. I sat up, completely disheveled and panting, doing my best to process what the hell was going on. And also, what the hell was wrong with me?
I realized then that the room was silent. There was no one else left alive. And now all the other vampires were looking at me, shocked.
"It seems as though Jane has finally found her mate."
It was an older-looking vampire who spoke, his tone bored.
There was another hiss from the girl, Jane. My mate. And then she was gone, a door slamming from somewhere in the room.
"Don't worry." It was a dark haired boy who stood off to the side, a smirk tugging at his lips. "My sister will be fine. She just hates humans."
'Well, that's just great for me isn't it?'
That was my last fucked up thought before I passed out.
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{Masterlist} // {Request Guidelines}
Taglist: @alecvolturi @belladonna-xox @lack-lust-3r @pawspurpaw @pooka167 @rosedpetal
Wanna be notified when I post a new fic? Ask to join my taglist!
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crowcat-writes · 14 days
SFSEHSGSBD STRAY KIS FURSONA IS CTAZY 😭 its sorta like that now I'm thinking abt it... they have barked in a sing before?.
hyphen nonnie
they’re furballs sorry hyphen anon.
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