#;; i havea job
bloodsoaked-gown · 1 year
bro how dumb their brain has to be aha :)
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
@bigveee​ -  idk how many issues you have had, but when it comes to things with ME plz dont think they were ever anything serious. Ya never were out of line or said anything offensive to me. Cleared things up very easily and you handled it all very well.
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That’s the thing though Finn, I didn’t handle it well. I broke down and had a meltdown over worrying and letting my anxiety suffocate me and choke me out. I didn’t approach you until I literally had panicked for a while because I was terrified of situations repeating themselves even though as you said I shouldn’t worry with you, you haven’t given me a reason to, and earlier i was just terrified that if I say anything about my anxiety with anyone else they’ll take it as me assuming the worst about people which sadly is true.
I’m not feeling emotions like fear, it’s just anxiety. I’ve experienced it when i first started my last medication that I could *feel* my emotions and actually describe them as spesific things, but lately at the end of taking my last medicine (which was a second reason i stopped taking it) and right now I feel my emotions aren’t spesific, they’re just basic-- fear, anxiety. If I’m happy I’m happy but im nothing else and I’ve felt what it’s like to not be like that, I know it’s possible but now it feels hollow. It feels heavy. The emotions i had are no longer just emotions but they’re weights pushing me higher or plummeting me.
i dont know how else to describe it?? but i know what im feeling now isnt right, it doesnt have to be that way either but i dont know if i can outside of medicine access this and it’s why i need to talk with my therapist and why im sorry because i need to do better to actually realize this. It took breaking down talking with my GF (neeko) about a situation i cant speak about (this happened literally tonight) but makes me so enraged despite the fact i shouldnt be, what triggered it shouldn’t be a problem and i realize that but I couldn’t stop myself and I honestly was, and am, scared.
I haven’t spoken about it but these emotions, terrify me. It felt too similar to the (unintentional) suicidal action (i took 8x the amount of an over the counter sleeping pills i should have in a 24hr period) I had done earlier this month? (october or september i cant remember), i wasn’t in control, i wasn’t in my body, i was just this one single emotion, not a person not a human just this one feeling, and im really scared what’s going on. which is why I want to say im sorry for not realizing it sooner, and im sorry for damage or if I had hurt you and i realize i need a lot more help than i first realized. i thought i was doing okay, but i wasn’t and its hard to accept that
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
According to The Slavic Review there is a "[post]colonial" turn in Polish studies/Polish history and works that discuss the Second Republic in terms of...colonial frameworks have only been published for the last couple of years like. This rhetoric dominated public discourse! My go-to example is Wanda Melcer's "Czarny ląd" reportage series for Wiadomości in 1932 and Debora Vogel's rebuttal that compares her POV to a British or French--will need to double check--colonial administrator-cum-anthropologist who published a book about the Primitive Natives. It's telling that Stefania says "we in Western Europe," implicitly including Poland in that cultural construct as a contrast to the East, when recording her impressions of the USSR. Do you know how widely Haeckel was read in the Habsburg empire. I joked that Stefania's review of Green Pastures, where she made a great chain of being re: civilizations remark, as "ontology recapitulates phylogeny," but I wasn't wrong! Those ideas actually informed her reading of the film! And let's not even get into the Jewish Uganda project!!! Or the multiple semantic facets of the word "murzyn"!!! Or the 393948484875 colonial projects Poland was developing re: the Baltic Sea, or the fact that UJ added courses on tropical medicine etc. for future colonial doctors to its curriculum in the late 30s, at the Ministry of Education's behest, overseen by a doctor-bureaucrat who trained in France and did his practicum in FRENCH ALGERIA. I just. New imperial history that accounts for the three partitions, for the fact that while the November and January uprisings can be integrated into national mythology, the uprisings associated with the Spring of Nations can't, because they're too regionally fractured and too specific to each empire, these tensions spill over in the Second Republic, you can't study interwar Poland for more than 30 seconds without these frameworks, how is this NEW or NOVEL
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magomi · 4 months
so excited im downloading the sims w/ all my expansion packs nto my laptop rn im going to make my ocs and go absolutely insane
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bunnyfella · 1 year
Me: *answering the phone* hi thanks for calling [employment place], how can I help you?
Person: yeah I'd like to know what jobs yall have available is there anyone I can talk to?
Me: at the moment I don't have that information and my recruiter is unavailable, can I take a mess-
Person: *hangs up*
Me: cool 👍
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I have an idea that I love but I'm scared if I'll mess it up considering I'm just a beginner. Do you have any tips you can share?
Havea nice day!
Newer Writer Afraid of Messing Up Story
The most important thing needed to write a story is an idea. The second most important thing is loving that idea. The third most important thing is writing the story and finishing it.
Writing and finishing stories is the number one way to improve your writing. But the caveat is this: if loving your story idea is important to writing and finishing it, that means newer writers have to risk doing a less than stellar job on a story idea they love.
And here's the thing: it's fine.
If you classify yourself as a newer or "beginner" writer, you shouldn't be worried about writing stories you can share, either through posting them to fiction sharing sites or pursuing self or traditional publication. Instead, you should be focusing on starting, writing, and finishing as many stories as you can, because that's how you'll become a better writer. The best thing about that is all those early stories that you wrote before you became a better writer--they don't vanish into thin air because you never did anything with them. They're still there, waiting to be revisited if you should ever choose to. I have about ten of them on my shelf right now. Most writers do. And the thing is, a lot of the time, these stories that feel like the best, most amazing ideas now--sometimes, after you've put in the time and work to become a better writer--you come back to those ideas and you realize they weren't as amazing as you thought they were. In that case, you might choose to shelf them permanently, or maybe scrap them for parts to use in future stories. Other stories, though, you'll see that they still have merit, and those are the ones you'll want to pull out and revamp using all the skills you've acquired since you wrote them. Maybe they turn into the thing you originally hoped they would be. Maybe not, but it's always possible.
So, I guess what I'm saying is, don't let your fear of not being good enough stop you from writing a good idea now. Ride that motivation and enthusiasm like the wind, and use it to write and finish the best story you're capable of writing now. Then, move onto a new idea that you love. Eventually, once you've grown as a writer, you'll know when the time is right to revisit those first stories and see if you can do something more with them. ♥
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isabelguerra · 8 months
Is there any way to separate the Wizard AU from J.K Rowling? Do you want to?
What's your favorite soft drink?
Ohhhhh separating art from artist, this was one of my favorite academic course writing topics.
Sigh. Ifull hoesty this is something I’ve been back and forth on for years . The good thig to say? ‘Yeah of course! It can just be about wizard school, my AU my rules’. But that’s a very well intetioned, very naïve viewpoint, as much as I would like tobelieve it. The unfortunate, pragmatic truth is that Wizard AU started when I was 15 and has too much of ‘15yo who enjoy s HP’ writing i it to fully separate withoutdoing more upheaval to the entire worldbuilding than I have the effort or careto put into it.
Do I wantto? Yeah. Fuck jrkrowlig. Is it feasible as an unpaid side projectI while I havea job and book pitch and Actual Job thigns to do? Sad but no. If I had a 15yo’s free time, maybe. But I’m 23 now. And while I can change the names of a few things to soften the reality, trying to separate it from the source material after so much of the writing has already been done isnt feasible realistically. I’d rather be frank and upfront about it. So yeah I’m going to change the egregious worldbuildign as much as i can. Id rather put that effort ito creating my own public release work with better messages into it, than spending countless hours reworking a free-time AU that maybe 100 people total will see if im lucky.
Wizard au is always goig to be lighthearted and romcomy. Changingthe egregious faults and biases jk wrote into theog series will never erase their existence, or make me some kind of coolguy, but i dontplan on continuing it in the au’s story. au story is a 6-year long slowburn between two dorks at magic highschool. do house elves exist at all? do they yes exist but are paid fairly and have a union ad basic r ights? idk man. i ask myself this a lot. its honestly a large prt of whats been keeping e AWAY from writing it.
i like cream sofa a lot :) cream soda and cherry soda
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Sword for Hire Chapter 3
Bronn x reader
Word Count: 759
Summary: Some light bonding over your first few days together.
As it turned out, just down the road from that river he’d spotted was a little inn that the pair of you ended up calling home for the next two days. After a minor argument about payment (mostly consisting of him saying something along the lines of, “You wanted to come here, not me,” and your follow-up of, “You’re the one that wants to fuck me, ser”), you ended up simply splitting the cost right down the middle. And if the two of you weren’t already quite the strange sight for the peaceful innkeeper’s family, the way you both slapped coins down onto the counter certainly made you seem all the stranger.
The first night didn’t consist of much talking. For all his swagger, Bronn genuinely seemed to hold some concern about the slice through the meat of your thigh, so once you had bathed--under his extremely interested gaze--he made quick work of sewing it shut. Then after he’d wrapped it in clean linen provided by the innkeeper and bathed himself--this time under your watchful gaze--the pair of you inhaled dinner so quickly that you weren’t exactly sure what sort of stew it had been. And the rest, as they say, was history.
It wasn’t until well into the next morning when you were sore in all the right ways that Bronn finally asked, “So what’s a woman like you doing getting jumped by fuckin’ Lannisters in the wee hours of the evening?”
“Trying to get some godsdamned sleep, “you said, voice incredulous enough that it made him snicker. You smiled to yourself in response, tracing a thumb over an old scar low on his abdomen. “You a sellsword, then?”
“Could I be anything else based on what you know?”
You scoffed. “I’d eat my own boots if you were.”
“Well, fortunately for your boots, Winter hasn’t made us that desperate yet.”
“We’d be in loads of shit if it had; fucking Winter’s just started.”
“What about you?” Bronn asked after a moment.
You shifted so you could see his face. “Hmm?”
He said nothing for a long time, just seeming to study your face in the golden light streaming through the window. Then, he gently guided you up for a long, heated kiss. It was quite a few minutes later that you finally separated again, and somehow you’d ended up straddling him in a slightly more chaste reenactment of what you’d been doing a few hours ago. His hands were skimming along your bare sides when he proclaimed, “You are too fuckin’ gorgeous for your own good.”
“The better to distract you from your own inquiries,” you teased, leaning forward onto his chest with your weight mostly on your forearms. “But I think you were asking if I’m a sellsword like you.”
“Was I?” Gods, that cocky grin of his was something else. “Can’t quite recall.”
“You were,” you confirmed with a little roll of your hips, “and I think the answer is obviously yes.”
“Small world then, sweetheart.” His hands on your hips encouraged you to keep rocking against him. “Between jobs I take it?”
“Wouldn’t have been trying to nap in the woods if I wasn’t, now would I?”
“I dunno. You might be into that sort of thing.”
You raised your eyebrows at him before pointedly raking your nails across his scalp in the way that had made his eyes roll back so beautifully earlier. “I think you havea pretty good idea what I’m into by now, Bronn.”
His chest rumbled beneath you as he chuckled. “That I do, and I highly doubt you’d have complained about me taking you against a tree back at your campsite. Now would you?”
Your groin flashed with a wave of heat. 
And judging from the smug look on his face he knew it, too. “Nothing like a good fuck after a fight, huh?”
“Well, I dunno about good, but I suppose you’ll work in a pinch.”
A playful growl left him. You felt one of his hands move to the center of your back just a moment before the world was upended byhim flipping your positions. “I’ll show you a good fuck,” he was muttering as he bit his way down your neck.
“Please do,” you encouraged, hand now thoroughly tangled in his dark hair.
“Smarmy little shit, aren’t ya?”
“Are we fighting or fucking? Because you’re doing an awful lot of talking for the lat--” You broke off with a squeak as Bronn nipped hard at your nipple.
“That’s what I thought. Now let the master work.”
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Hello ! Hope you’re fine !
I am currently going through anxiety… and it’s very hard at this moment. So i wonder if you could help me with advices to calm down a bit besides taking medicine (i’ll do that when i’ll have medical prescription), breathing méthods (doesn’t really work for me), seeing a professionnal (i am already doing it).
Thank you !
I wish i could but i'm struggling too TT-TT
Trying your best ot havea good life hygiene does a better job than expected, lavender and chamomile is pretty good. Forcing yourself to get rest is necessary. There are probably some anti anxiety sigils or spells as well out there, you shoudl look
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
Hi, I would like to participate in your open reading! My question and the topic that has always fascinated me is option #2: past life general reading. My initials: cyc. Birth details: 9/17/1975, 11:13am time of birth. And if you need this, my place of birth is San Francisco, California. Thank you and happy new year!
Thank you CYC for your salute! I hope you havea great year too!! Here is your past life reading:
Your soul has been carrying a lot of karma, lessons and stories with the conjunction of your Saturn with asteroid Alma. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, especially when your Saturn is in the 0 degree in Leo, which means that your currently going through a new cycle of lessons.
Your asteroid Alma in Cancer tells me that you are a really caring, nurturing and motherly soul. You care about others wellbeing with this asteroid, your Moon in conjunction with the IC. So much so, that there is a huge possibility that in one, or a few past lives, people tended to take advantage of your good nature to the point of affecting your physical and mental health. I say that due to your South Node in Taurus in your seventh house and Chiron in retrograde in Aries in the sixth house. With the ruler of the sign of Aries in the eight house, there is possibility that you died violently or suddenly. If you have any health issue today (mental or physical) it’s very probable that it comes from past lives.
With the Karma asteroid in the tenth house, Saturn in the ninth house, and the hard aspects these two makes to your inner planets and asteroids (conjunction, opposition and square), there is more information to work with in relation to your past lives. Next to your giving nature that maybe a few people took advantage of, there is clear sign that you put aside your needs, beliefs, interests, and opinions to provide a safe and stable environment, if not for you, at least for your family and/or friends. You wanted to make stable connections but maybe you feared to be yourself due to other people’s opinions or due to circumstances. Think, as an example, of a child whose parents couldn’t provide their children with a stable and caring environment, so you had to take the job of an adult by overworking to bring money, taking care of the house and the family, giving others emotional comfort, etcetera. Or maybe of a single parent who, due to war, hunger, or other circumstance, had to travel and work to provide for their family to the point of exhaustion.
In this lifetime, you must learn to recover your own power, your independence, learn to be comfortable in your own skin, and to develop the necessary bravery of putting your needs first when you feel like it. Because putting yourself first is not something bad, it means self-respect and selflove. I know it’s hard to do it when there is a lot of people with problems, but you are as much as important as everyone else.
Possible past lives scenarios:
-A nurse, doctor, or healer of some sort who, in the first two cases, probably got infected and died due to illness.
-A woman that had to take care of children or family on their own.
-A soldier (in general, they must put their needs and thoughts aside to protect others or to “achieve something bigger which will help the greatest good”). Probably died on combat or due to a grave illness.
-Probably a few karmic connections in past lives in which there was a co-dependant, possessive and toxic dynamic between the two. Someone, probably you, had to put your needs aside in order to keep them happy which, in return, it affected your health. Maybe there was one or a few arranged marriages in other lives. Some of this past relationships could return in this lifetime too.
That's all I have for you. I hope it resonates and I send you a lot of love and light.
Tower Girl Anon
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f0xd13-blog · 4 months
Nooo this is right. This is exactly the german style yall gonna do in the next couple of years
Only to black people apparently
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Oh well they never learn.. they keep ostracizing us from what was our job for centuries just to be the center of attention and everything they touch starts failing
I agree that you are a killer
Oh well let us move on... i blocked everything wrestling on facebook and will also do a new insta page and keep myself away from those nasty people
... they are literally here to destroy peoples dreams and pretend they are inspiring people... so pathetic.
Yass just have my culture and keep pretening that you victim at the same time you are priv idc... i gave up, my people gave up... no one will ever be that direct to tell you this. Keep your vibes where you pretend everything is ok while y0ur society keep failing.
The part where they thought that just co they took my insta again they could do all that stuff and make people believe it came from their own heads tho
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Ahahaha nasty americans don learn they think they are the smartest then just make a fool of themselves
What a clown i didn't even had clothes had to use oversized old ones from idk who
"Behind a great mem there's a great mother" with messi and ronaldo is also a funny one... so if you don havea good mother you ain't a good men? No possibility of that... ahahaha... men what a fail. I didn't had a great father or mother and i still turned out better than all of you.
Take your own advice... it's exactly what y'all do.
Pride of the gypsies and rosalia wasnt part of the disrespect when they wrote this
No celeb has my respect. What a lesson this was.. literally celebs are more fake than i thought... even the make people dream is all a game
They want m to respect kobe bryant althought they never respected any gypsy star from europe ever like you look at their shit and not even one... but you have jews and mariachis lol
Celebs specially americans are so delusional.. and they keep thibking anything that has happened is just normal like they hasn't trumatized the world at this point oh my what a silly fucking mentality... i wonder how they can win so much money with those brain cells honestly
Thats the thing... thats why im freaking out.. i never failed!!! Yall was the ones that did! What a bunch of shitheads. Grow a pair of balls and be responsible for the shit yall done!!
I should do a project now called malmequer which is a black jamaican that changes his color and pretends to be jamaican, rasta and bob marley
I cannot do exactly the same coz theres no way of erasing muhammad ali like they did to rukeli and a lot of other shit but at least he nasty impression that made gypsies kill themselves is possible
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maxbowdenrp · 5 months
[text-Jonathan] Fuck them. Seriously. You’re too talented for them anyway.
[Text] I know I'm not like a 9-5 button uped guy. I like to havea good time. But I never thought I was out of control. I went in and did my job and did it well. I just don't want my stuff to ruin your career too.
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abrahamshipwreck · 5 months
Tryna watch 'The Holiday' and I wanna slap the fucking shit outta both these women. Cameron diaz ESPECIALLY
'Ohhh I havea super high paying job that doesnt require 40+ hours a week to do, a big house, plenty of food, a car, I am financially stable but my life is OVER because my live in boyfriend cheated on me! Oh my life is so terrible I can afford ultra last minute first class tickets on the holidays to fly to England ON A WHIM the buy tickets for a flight 12 hours later bc boo hoo Im so sad! Oh NVM Im okay to take the nonrefundable hit because Jude Law's dick so good'
At least Kate Winslet is SEMI relatable but she also left her dog behind to be taken care of by a stranger for two weeks....
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benevolentscars · 11 months
big news big news!!!!!!!
I have a job !!! I havea job !!! im job ! !!!! Driving [checkmark] apartment [checkmark] job [checkmark], now I'm gonna file myself in line for proper insurance and the steps towards T !!!!
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i havea job interview tomorrow an di reallly really need this fucking job yall so like good vibes for the love of GODS
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katielovably · 1 year
I have anxiety from doing something wrong or not helping people.
My dad put the fear of "you need to be helping" into me. To the point I hear people doing something and I ask should I be helping? Is there something I can do. I can't sit sometimes I go out and look around before going to my room.
At the last family reunion/funeral for my uncle. I couldn't sit. I was running around helping to the point I almost didn't enjoy myself. I felt bad guilty when after getting picnic table I returned to find my aunt doing the dishes I was supposed to do before they got there but I was need to help with tables. I say sorry so much to the point of it not being my fault or being in the general area I say it. It doesn't feel that my brain does know how to let those moments go and I feel like sometimes I see myself punching walls or I would punching my stuff animals. I have snapped so many times then that eats at me.
In school, I need extra help which meant I need help from EA's. Sometimes they would help everyone but others sat with me. Sometimes it helped. But when it's something I do understand and those classes are when I'm doing things on computer. But one class, I had an arrogant EA... I mean she was good but comes in almost after the lesson. One day I wanted to make sure I was doing something right on a project and so I put up my hand for the teacher. "Why are you putting up your hand, I'm right here." She said forcing my hand down. I looked like an idiot in front of the class because they talked about something else from I had. Probably doesn't help that no matter how hard I tried I could write notes down fast enough... but she didn't help whenit came to things, I would have rather havea EA that walked around or tried on her own computer. One day, one of my classmates asked for help. "Yes, you help them! You help them." I said scrambling to the computer I work on, I don't remember much but all I know is she drove me bonkers that semester in high-school.
Probably why to this day. I need to ask if I'm doing something right.
One time when I was a being tought how things worked at work. I was being shown how to cut up water melon. My job couch who got me the job was there "to help me learn". A student who was there for a long time and knew what she was showing me how she cuts watermelon (even though I was shown by the eldest in the department the day before and thought I had it down) I watched her do it. "That is so much easier. You should do it like that." I meant to say that's not up to you to decide. It's up to me to decide what I'm doing but It came out jumbled. She didn't like that.
Here's another thing about me I can almost feel or absorb the Feelings of people. I'm also terrible at math which the water melon chunks had to be in halves... or something like that.
As we were doing it. She was walking between us . Everything I was doing was wrong it seems. She was getting annoyed, I was getting annoyed of her. Finally she grabs my wrist and "showed me how to do it." I gasped, my heart raced as fear came over me. I don't like being grabbed like that it upsets me. Finally she goes back to walking back a forth she said something and I broke saying " stop! Please just stop!" Ended up crying in the bathroom after awhile. After cleaning myself up. I returned and finished.
I wanted to go but she wasn't done. She said I snapped at her. I laid down some ground rules:
Don't touch me
Don't touch my knife
Don't hover over me. If I need help I'll ask
(Of course my mind went spiraling put of control).
Needless to say. I didn't touch a watermelon since. Even for personal reasons. She works with a lot of young people like me. Exspesally when it comes to working with knives. Not my fault I look at a strip of watermelon and my brain doesn't comput what half is. My brain doesn't math good! I tried! Brain too stupid to comprehend it. Also yes she's alot like the EA from my past and I hate her and want her out from my life but she's the reason I got my job.
Also I never got scared like that since.... maybe because i shown my limits, I don't know.
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