#;; i have insurance and stuff
bamsara · 11 months
hot take but i think if someone's parent(s) have died the government should support the remaining child/adult children with financial stuff to the age 26 (the age it is for other adult children to remain on their parent's healthcare plans, car insurance, ect) because I should not have been paying bills or losing healthcare at 17
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maggot-baggage · 2 months
Methinks its time to move back home actually
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senselessalchemist · 3 months
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Bow problems (+ other nonsense)
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lunar-fey · 8 months
please help disabled transman have money
howdy, im nate and i hate to be doing this again but well. shits fucked. me n 3/4 of the other people that i live with are disabled, only one is on SSI (my mom), while the rest of us (me, my dad, and my sister) are still working on it. my sister is officially in a work training program, she's making money now but its not much + the one abled person (my other sibling) is also working but yeah. thats not enough for five of us. heres what i have right now - enough for me to get some of my meds refilled.
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after almost two years i finally have a diagnosis as fibromyalgia, but who knows if i can get on SSI or how long it will take, i have also been approved for the work program with my sister, but i'm still waiting to get things sorted out and we don't know exactly how long it will take for me to get employed/if it will even be possible.
so, as of now i have no income (if you want to commission me for writing/art/tarot reading/anything tbh those are just what i have experience in please feel free to send a message!) and need money for food, bills, medication, and to cover doc appointments when/if i lose my insurance (they said i would be losing it months ago but its still going for now).
ANYTHING HELPS but i need $150 to pay for bills/meds/other needs for this month.
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ganondoodle · 5 months
hope everyone had alright holidays!
a few days ago when we were driving home in the dark in windy and rainy weather after getting two of my siblings from the train we, for the first time in my lifetime im pretty sure, hit a deer that was crossing the street, none of us saw them before they got caught in the headlights and the first one made it over but we werent yet slow enough to not hit the second one ...
the deer lived but was kinda stunned, my dad pushed it off the street and while we were still on the phone with police it got up and ran away but my parents car got damaged and while its still drivable there are several parts that got bent and since its an older model too it might be hard to get it repaired
anyway, i didnt know deer fur was that grey until i saw it stuck to our bumper :(
merry crisis
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six-of-ravens · 4 months
wish me luck tonight lads i have to ask my aunt financial questions and she is very much smarter and better at math than i am so im going to be doing a lot of smiling and nodding while my brain is actually exploding
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every time i consider trying to find a therapist i get such a headache
how am i supposed to find a therapist that :
has experience w shit that not just run of the mill anxiety and depression (aka will not freak out or flounder when faced w a pd or psychosis or "dangerous tabboo" intrusive thoughts etc)
doesnt believe in """"narc abuse""""
isnt an """"empath"""" or someone who believes that empathy is some moral fucking requirement
will be Genuinely Ok, not Fake Ok, abt me being queer bigender polyam and kinky
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rannadylin · 8 months
Adventures in the American health care system: So my employer changed insurance companies this year, which is of course always a hassle. New Insurer sent a letter saying they do not cover Humalog, the bolus insulin I was on, but I could switch to Novolog or Fiasp. Fine, whatever, I had to switch from Novolog to Humalog when the previous insurer canceled their friendship with Novolog and I actually like Novolog better. So, saw my endocrinologist last Thursday and she put in the Novolog prescription. Comes Sunday, and the prescription is still "processing" at the pharmacy so I call and find out they are "waiting on approval." Turns out New Insurer is demanding a Prior Authorization.
For insulin.
For a type 1 diabetic patient.
For the specific brand of insulin THEY TOLD ME TO GET.
Meanwhile, I am halfway through my last insulin pen and sending frantic messages and phone calls to the pharmacy and the doctor to get that PA processed so I can avoid rationing my insulin and, y'know, not die.
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brother-emperors · 8 months
like, I'm old school web comic culture, I like handmade zines that are stapled, I just want to make comics and tell stories and the ranking system of the popular webcomic sites exhaust me to my core, which is why I like tumblr. I want to draw sulla wound fingering crassus and not think about the metrics.
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neathbound-fiends · 2 months
;w; had my top surgery consultation today and it went so well!! I'm so excited, genuinely, and v optimistic about how it'll go!!!
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alukaforyou · 3 months
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oh em gee the weather is getting warmer can i finally start wearing my spring-y sunglasses????
& on an unrelated note, recently i discovered Thee most delightful little thing, not to get too much into it 👉👈 but its related to one of my fave anime boys💗 and i've been soooo happeeeee like im suuuper glad i didnt kms b4 when i was depresso 🤪 b.c life is sooooo much better now and i cant imagine having missed out on this experience uwu 💕
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dreamingalto · 1 month
I skipped to watch the bonus content during the intermission in WAD first.
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This line and the whole "Denial Dream Homes" segement perfectly captures the vibes of the insurance selling claims and posts I saw this weekend after the tornado outbreak in the Omaha Metero & Western Iowa on Friday 🙃
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exclusivelyhomosexual · 7 months
Me: I would like to be formally evaluated for adhd
My psychiatrist: okay! *sends an email with three different neuropsych testing centers I need to personally call (and after calling - two don’t take my insurance and one didn’t return my call, and then one of them gave me a number for another one to call, and I should also probably reach out to my psychiatrist to tell them I’m having issues)
Me: but …… adhd
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hazel2468 · 1 year
So uhm, personal update?
I saw my gender doctor. She diagnosed me with gender. And prescribed me More Gender.
(I'm going on T!)
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arytha · 2 days
i have an ear infection!! and possibly pneumonia. no wonder i havent been getting better
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impossibletruths · 4 months
for the first time ever I'm working a job (a.k.a. getting a stipend from my Masters program) that isn't taking a nominal percentage out of my paycheck for taxes/other fun gov stuff so I think I'm gonna owe money this year 😞
AND I got paperwork for a loan/grant that is somehow part of my stipend package but idk where the actual money comes from (possibly it's my health insurance coverage?) and just ahhhhh I thought taxes were complicated before when I was just working a Normal Person Job but this year is gonna suck
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