#;;and bring on all the pretenders i'm not afraid ( james )
amillixnvoices · 7 months
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#;;you can read all about it ( memes )#;;it's time to turn it up game on ( queue )#;;you've got the words to change a nation ( ooc )#;;now it's just me myself and i ( lockwood )#;;don't rain on my parade ( rachel )#;;i don't have any reasons i've left them all behind ( marley )#;;here comes the sun ( dani )#;;when the bones are good the rest don't matter ( buck )#;;she's the king of new york ( katherine )#;;there's just no telling how far i'll go ( sarah )#;;everyone thinks that i have it all ( morgana )#;;i truly believe i am quite capable of something more ( eloise )#;;restless hearts sleep alone tonight ( brimsley )#;;sometimes you just jump and hope it's not a cliff ( henry )#;;i was born to run i don't belong to anyone ( june )#;;everybody stares as she goes by 'cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes ( nora )#;;it's so empty living behind these castle walls ( martha )#;;you can just...feel ( nick )#;;and sings a solitary song that whistles in the wind ( lucy )#;;and bring on all the pretenders i'm not afraid ( james )#;;not gone just lost ( nate )#;;au contraire mon frère ( mae )#;;and i'll be holding all the fines ( JJ )#;;second star to the right and then straight ahead 'til morning light ( wendy )#;;no one decides my fate but me ( belle )#;;someday maybe all my dreams will be repaid ( ryan )#;;i wanna listen to my own heart talking ( troy )#;;that's how superheroes learn to fly ( winn )#;;my shower head is very impressed with me ( ricky )#;;i haven't heard anyone try that since the noughties ( roxy )
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in-hav3n · 1 year
Ok so hear me out. Would you please write me this fantasy:
This one is kinda more fluffy but I have that stupid PHOBIA of insects and spiders and moths. I need him to either get rid of the bug for me or kill it for me or something. Makes me feel so single imagining a cute little domestic scenario like that, and him laughing at you screaming and the way you stand so far back from the quarantined area watch from behind a door and he smiles at you acting like a little girl (not in a weird way btw, like he imagines briefly what you were like as a child in a cute way) and how you initially scream BLOODY MURDER, probably knocking shit down and then plundering down the stairs aggressively shaking down your clothes saying “IT FEELS LIKE ITS ON ME” and he is in the garage or something and hears the commotion and comes in looking ALL KINDS OF FUCKING FOINE. Then he just effortlessly gets rid of it, but pretends to throw it on you maybe or if not that he pretends to be afraid of it like you before just getting rid of it. The era I’m picturing… um, like 2003. Gimme some beef😏
THANK YOU FOR EVEN CONSIDERING THIS AND YED. If you create this, good things will happen to you, thags just how it works tbh.
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WARNINGS : horrible spider lol
It was a rainy Sunday in San Fransisco. Winter was slowly coming, bringing a smooth and fresh atmosphere to the city. After sharing delicious breakfast with your boyfriend, you both decided to go back to your own businesses of the day. James went to his garage to do some handy work on this new old car he recently bought while you decided to spend more time in the kitchen, enjoying this morning peacefulness.
You grabbed a coffee mug and sat down at the table to read some local newspaper brought by the postman yesterday. You weren't really in a hurry this morning and it felt good. You just wanted to enjoy this tranquility you couldn't have during the week. But someone else asked for your attention first. A slight bark and a head bump reminded you that it was time to feed your dog Disco.
"Oh I'm sorry buddy, you were outside and we forgot you", you said to him, quickly getting up to put some food into his plate. "What horrible owners are we, uh?", you scratched his ears and he completely forgot your mistake as soon as he started to devour his meal.
You gave him one last little smile before going back to your reading. You took a sip of your hot beverage and let out a sigh of satisfaction. Being at home was the best feeling in the world. James would be there for at least a month and you already planned many things to do. Including best cuddling sessions after weeks of separation. What you did last night actually and the thought of it is enough to make you smile.
Twenty minutes later, you were still reading, humming a song you had in mine for a while as you were turning the pages. You could also heard James' electric devices from the garage but you didn't mind. You liked when he was busy and when he was at home. You always missed his presence so much.
But suddenly, your smile faded, as soon as you felt something on your bare leg. You froze for a short time, wondering what it was. Probably Disco moving around but...then you realized he was sleeping peacefully near the dishwasher, belly full.
You froze more. If it wasn't Disco, then what could it be? You didn't dare to check and let your mind giving you a picture of the thing that probably was on you. Maybe just a envy to scratch your skin, after all you shaved two days ago...but then, your mind brought you less funny pictures. What if it was a bee? A fly ? A moth ? Or something worse like...a spider ?
You gulped and didn't move. You wanted to see if this feeling was your imagination or if something was really on you so you leaned a bit on your chair but you couldn't see what was under the table. You was kinda reassured when you didn't feel anything for a while when brusquely it moved again. And now you started to panic...
Your breath just increased and you looked around, searching for a solution. You closed your eyes when you felt this "thing" literally walking on your skin...You couldn't take this anymore. With a gasp of fear, you quickly pushed this horrible thing from you, shaking your leg the best you could as you back your chair away in a full speed.
"Oh my god, oh my god!", you mumbled as moving around, searching for a safe place somewhere, far from the monster and landed standing on the couch. Disco looked at you with curious eyes and tilted his head on his side, asking you what was going on. You panted hard, waiting for a sign of the beast. Until it finally showed up, walking peacefully before stopping near your chair.
When your eyes landed on it, you felt another rush of fear. It was a big black spider, with horrible long legs. It could have had the size of a tarantula cause it was absolutely big. No way you were going to kill it by yourself.
"JAMES!", you shouted as loud as you can, when you heard a silence coming from the garage. He wouldn't have heard you with his machines. You heard some other noises and screamed for his name again, adding a little "QUICK ! HELP ME". With that you were sure he'd come in a hurry. And two minutes later indeed, heavy footsteps were heard and then the door was opened.
He looked around, thinking he'd find you in the kitchen but then noticed the chair on the floor and your presence in the living room. "What are you doing there ? Is there a problem, I heard you screaming", he explained with a frown, wondering what you were doing on the couch.
"Oh James please help me!", you begged, almost shaking of fear. "You have to kill it, please!".
"What should I kill ?", he asked again, still curious about the situation.
"This horrible monster near the kitchen table! Please, please do something, it's a big tarantula, an horrible giant tarantula", you explained as pointing out the place where it was. James frowned and walked in the direction, searching for the "monster" you were talking about. He stopped near the beast and suddenly cracked a laughter.
"This monster?", he knelt down to observe it closer.
"James, are you mad ?! Go away from that thing and smash it please!", you begged when you saw him. Was he crazy? Intrigued too, Disco woke up to check what James was doing. "Ha! Wait, Disco is too close baby, please push him away and do something!".
"Sweetheart, calm down...it's only a little spider...", he said softly as he got up, searching for something to smash it while Disco was sniffing it.
"Little spider? Are you kidding me? This monster was on my leg, I can tell you this isn't little AT ALL!", you replied, scratching your legs like if you could still feel it on you. James giggled more and finally found something to smash it with. He kneeled again and you looked at him, hoping this horrible beast would be out of this world very soon.
When James tried to smash it the first time with one of his shoe, he missed it. And you saw the spider walking faster in your direction. Without thinking twice, you screamed loud and high as you can as you jumped faster over the couch to run till the stairs where you finally stayed, feeling safer.
"James please, you can kill a beast with a fucking gun from afar, don't tell me you can't kill this fucking spider !", you begged again, scanning every movement of it to see if it wouldn't come in your direction.
'Hey I do my best!", he replied as he walked to the spider, Disco following him as well. He focused on his target and let his shoe falling down on to, finally smashing it down. "Got it!".
You sighed of relief when you see the horrible beast wasn't on your floor but stuck on the back of his shoe. What a luck James was at home, you wouldn't have been able to do that on your own. You'd have probably stayed outside till he'd have come back home...
"Nothing to worry about baby. It was just a little spider. You know this couldn't have killed you, right ?".
"Oh no, she could have! Believe me! I know this horrible...AAAH!", you screamed louder, jumping from the stairs when James came closer to tease you. He ran after you with his shoe exposed.
"Are you sure?", he said, giggling like a goofy.
"James! C'mon stop this!", you begged, almost like a little girl but it was stronger than you. Insects, and spiders actually, were your biggest fear. "I really ask you to stop, please!"
"Oh c'mon", he chuckled and put the shoe away, near the main door. He'd get rid of the spider later. Instead he came closer to wrap his big arms around you.
"I warn you, if you have this damn fucking spider with you, I'll kill you", you warned him, already preparing yourself to run away again. But James wrapped his arms around you, reassuring you.
"Don't worry baby", he gently said, amused by your attitude. "I have nothing with me, I just want to protect you against a tiny spider". You snuggled into his beefy arms and hid your face against his comforting chest.
"That's not funny at all, you know how much I fear those monsters", you mumbled, asking for some comfort he gave you soon. He rubbed your back, whispering some "hush" near your ear.
"I know baby and you're so cute when you're afraid like this", he smiled and kept doing his gestures to comfort you. You blushed a little but he couldn't see. At least, he thought your childish's reaction was cute. "And you know I'd protect you from any threat...big and little threats", he said.
"This is my man!", you answered, feeling safe in his arms...
A/N : Thank you sweet anon for your ask! I'm sorry for the delay, I needed some time to feel the inspiration coming back :( Hope you'll enjoy it, I had fun writing this!
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itsjustfire4 · 2 years
Marauders as things my friends and I have said.. again (pt. 3)
Sirius: blonde/neg 🙄
Peter: I'M BLONDE?
Sirius: Get well soon
Peter: what is the gay pirates hell is going on?
Sirius: what the fuck no gay peopel in bro squad
James: bro homie pal home slice i would never do such non sock behavoir believe me
James: *panicking over reading something wrong his crush sent him*
Sirius: Tell him you have dyslexia hoes love that
Sirius: all the great punks be gay with their homies
Sirius: Man I wanna paint my nails black again but like- i cant do my right hand! If only there was some attractive-person-soon-to-be-my-partner to do it for me! *dramatic sigh*
Remus: I don’t wanna cry rn I have homework to do!
*Peter & Sirius plying Mc*
Peter: Hey i found you’re favorite in thing!
Sirius: DICK?!
Peter: Coal?
Remus: Wait can you curse a penis?
Remus: Why is the past day have i been confessed to by 3 people
James: my boy has bitches
Remus: do you think i chose to be homosexual??????
Sirius: isn’t homosexuality a choice?
Remus: you’re right, thank you for bringing me to the light of jesus.. quite the light it is
*Peter finds Remus’s address and threatens to come over*
Peter: bout to postcard ur dog <3
Remus: also i’m not in toe of country town so i can be gay again
Sirius: yay pears woo🍐🍐🍐
i love pears🍐🍐🍐
pears woo🍐🍐🍐
i love pears they the best fruit out there wooo🍐🍐🍐
James: pee
Sirius: i can't keep pretending Prongs i have something really serious to tell you but you have to promise this won't change our friendship
James: ok whats up
Sirius: i dicking hate pears
James: disgraceful
our friendship is over
i hate you
Sirius: Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name. But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume. Although you have indeed been called. You have all been called here. Into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach. But you will never find them, none of you will. This is where your story ends.And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you. Although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well, I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors: Be still and give up your spirits, they don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours. And then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest. For you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication.
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yourfinalbow · 3 years
hi lol this is totally random but based on a harry potter post you just reblogged and you can completely ignore me if you want, but do you think snape deserved better, or are you a quote unquote "snape apologist"? I'm genuinely curious cuz I've come across a lot of different opinions on severus. Again, feel free to ignore :)
This ended up way longer than it needed to be, and I apologize for that lmao.
Hi! Hmmm I have many mixed opinions on this. First we have to talk about which Snape. Book!Snape is actually kind of an asshole, and not in the fun way. (Way more than I remembered.) But but but Alan Rickman!Snape I like a lot.
And no I'm not mentioning Snape from TCC. That was not Snape and that world was not Harry Potter.
Snape is an interesting character because of how flawed and layered he is.
(Putting a cut because it's so long, and tw for non-detailed mentions/reference to abuse, as well as both trauma and death.)
He wasn't born in a very good household, which I can definitely see as being a reason for why he is who he is. (A reason, not an excuse. Those are two extremely different things.) You look at Sirius, who also came from a horrible household, yet he managed to dig himself out of the mud and make his own path for himself. (Though I have many angsty headcanons for the thoughts he has and being afraid of what he will do and in turn his own mind. WolfStar solidarity. Neither one of them know what they are truly capable of, and both are completely afraid to find out.
Ahem sorry I got a little distracted there.
During the Marauder's era, Snape wasn't a good person in general, but he tried to be nice to Lily. (One of the only exceptions he made.) That being said, (sorry, going on a tangent again), it does not excuse what the Marauders did. As much as they are, in my humble opinion, JK's greatest creation, they should be held accountable for both the prank, and dangling Snape upside down. (Though Remus does make a few good points in their defense later, it's still not an excuse.) Two wrongs never make a right.
Snape doesn't deny Lily's claims at him wanting to join a supremacy group, nor does he say he isn't friends with Death Eaters.
It's clear through the flashbacks we're given that Snape is apathetic in the face of innocent people dying, but once again Lily is the exception.
Dumbledore defends Snape by saying it wasn't his fault that Harry's parents are dead. I actually semi-agree with this. On one hand, he was directly at fault, but on the other hand he had no way of knowing. As a severe Loki apologist, I do not blame Loki for Frigga's death. He may have led the dark elves to her, but he didn't know it was her she was sending them to. That's the comparison I make in my mind, and so I don't completely blame him like other people do. (One could also make the argument that Sirius is to blame. Sirius, who is 100% my favorite character in the entire franchise, gave the secret keeper job to Peter, thinking it would be safer with him. However, he had no ill will or malicious intentions towards Lily, James, and Harry, so I don't blame him.)
All that being said, Snape not only would have been fine with random people dying, he also didn't care whether or not James and Harry lived.
For context:
(Dumbledore is speaking, right after Snape comes to him for help.)
"You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child?" They can die, as long as you have what you want?"
Snape said nothing, but merely looked up at Dumbledore.
He has a strange relationship with Lily. He obviously loves her, but not enough to want to stop Voldemort from killing the two things that bring her the most amount of happiness. It's clear he doesn't care about anyone except for Lily. Which on some level, I can understand why. When people have traumatic childhoods, they tend to hold on to a person that was there for them. Sometimes it can be the hands of the person who caused them pain in the first place, but other times it is another person who was there for him. He holds Lily's opinions of himself higher than anybody else, and he holds Lily above anybody else, and I think this can be attributed to some sort of trauma response, which is why his love for her is so unusual. That doesn't mean I think he should be fine with killing innocent people.
On the topic of trauma, I think joining the Death Eaters was another response to this, as well as a result of what kind of family he had.
Similar to both Harry and Voldemort, Snape much preferred Hogwarts to where he lived, and such the castle became his home more than his house ever was.
The Death Eaters could offer him something he had never been offered before. He belonged to something. In his own, twisted, traumatic mindset, he might have even almost seen the Death Eaters as a family. Not consciously of course, but there was definitely a feeling of belonging they gave him.
And there's something to be said about the fact that many serial killers in real life come from an abusive family. I don't pretend to understand the minds of someone who can do something so vile, but I have watched enough Criminal Minds episodes to know what they long for is control.
So being apart of this supremacy group, even though he was a half-blood himself and undoubtedly didn't entirely share Voldermort's racist beliefs, gave him both control and something he belonged to.
It's not an excuse, but it's a reason.
Alternatively, you can look at it through a quote from the most recent episode of Loki.
"It's part of the illusion. It's a cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
So it's also possible that when he was a kid, he thought being a villain was the only way to prevent others from being one to him.
Ok sorry, back on the chronological track.
So he agrees to change sides and work with Dumbledore. (Who must see just how distraught Snape was over Lily's death, to trust him immediately.)
Snape spends most of Harry's time at Hogwarts humiliating his own students. He particularly calls out Harry and his friends a lot, but I can definitely see this being a defence mechanism. He assumes Harry is James and reverts back to what we talked about earlier. (Becoming the villain so nobody else has a chance.)
But but but, he does a lot of good throughout the books. Snape mutters the countercurse, saving Harry from Quirrell during the Quidditch match. He then actually referees at the next match, preventing anything from happening altogether.
In retrospective, we see that he spends most of the first book helping Dumbledore by protecting the stone, and helping Lily by protecting Harry.
Now I could go through and list the goods and the bads of Snape throughout the entire series, but I have neither the time nor the patience, and I think you get the point.
(Except I would like the mention that Snape becomes a double agent for Dumbledore in book four, and risks his life every single day by constantly betraying Voldermort, and never once does he use this as a way to double cross Dumbledore. This was actually probably really hard on him. You can assume that having to pretend to be a Death Eater means he had to do some despicable things just so he didn't blow his cover. If he really has changed by this time, which I would like to think he has, is a lot of added guilt to live with.)
(I would also mention that he tried to save Sirius in book five, but... *falls on floor dramatically* I don't want to think about it.)
Severus Snape's time comes to the end in book seven. At the hands of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, his death is a valiant act of sacrifice. Protecting the living and defending the honour of the fallen.
So, he has done a lot of bad in his lifetime, but by the time we as readers get to know him, his fundamental set of beliefs have begun to change. Through the eyes of what started as an eleven year old boy, you can definitely see that even after this he wasn't necessarily a good person.
And that's because his good is behind the scenes. He's good on a larger scale. He's chosen the light over darkness, but in his everyday life he's still the scared, traumatized little kid he's always been.
And him being this way has reasons, but these reasons are not excuses.
Sorry anon, this kind of turned into a long winded review of the entire character. I know that's not really what you asked, so I'll sum it up in a final few sentences sentence.
Yes. I wish Snape had gotten to live. Not because I'm necessarily a "Snape apologist", but because I find his character interesting, and seeing his reaction to his sacrifice could have been a really good read. Also Harry coming up and thanking him would have been really touching, and as a cherry on top maybe we could have gotten to read Harry apologizing for his father. Maybe even Snape sharing memories of Lily?! (Sorry that might have gotten a little to fanfic-y.)
That being said, his death being a final sacrifice towards the good of everyone, and a final testimony to his change of heart, was -- and I'll give JK credit just this once -- good storytelling, and a good way to end it.
Also I like movie!Snape because fuck yeah he's just so awesome.
If anyone has anything to add/take away, or they just want to discuss the wonder that was Alan Rickman, let me know! (Ask/Comment/Reblog/Etc.)
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real-jane · 3 years
Bucky's Amends
(a playlist)
*I've been absorbed into Buckyland, and so I naturally made a playlist of songs that resonate with Bucky, for me. Imagine this is a dramatic montage of clips of his face set to music, or a season-finale episode of Grey's Anatomy. Short of straight up writing song-fic... never say never, of course ;)*
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1. Death With Dignity by Sufjan Stevens
"What is that song you sing for the dead/I see the signal searchlight strike me, in the window of my room/Well I got nothing to prove"
2. It Will Come Back by Hozier
"Oh, please, give me mercy no more/That's a kindness you can't afford/I warn you, baby, each night, as sure as you're born/You'll hear me howling outside your door"
3. They Can't Take That Away From Me by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
"The way your smile just beams/The way you sing off key/The way you haunt my dreams/No, no, they can't take that away from me"
4. Last Day of Your Life by Glass Pear
"If this was the last day of your life/What would you do to make things right?/If this is the last day of your life/Who you gonna call to make things right?"
5. Forgiveness by Paramore
"And you, you want forgiveness/(I can barely hang on to myself)/But I, I can't give you that/(I can't give you, I can't give you that)"
6. If I Didn't Care by Harry James and Frank Sinatra
"If I didn't care more than words can say/If I didn't care would I feel this way?"
7. Time After Time by Eva Cassidy
"After my picture fades/And darkness has turned to gray/Watching through windows/You're wondering if I'm okay/Secrets stolen from deep inside/The drum beats out of time"
8. stuck in my head by Blü Eyes
"Maybe it's the way I was raised/Or how I'm wired in my brain but/I never seem to be/Enough for me"
9. The Lighthouse Keeper by Sam Smith
"Yeah, I see you're lonely/Going in alone/Fire up the engine/Stoke the coal/Floating on a feeling/Fighting with the tide/Hoping you'll be home for/Christmas time"
10. When I Fall by Barenaked Ladies
"Look straight in the mirror, watch it come clearer/I look like a painter, behind all the grease/But painting's creating, and I'm just erasing/A crystal-clear canvas is my masterpiece"
11. Sweet Creature by Harry Styles
"Sweet creature, sweet creature/Wherever I go, you bring me home/Sweet creature, sweet creature/When I run out of road, you bring me home"
12. Ease My Mind by Ben Platt
"I'll admit, for a moment I felt so afraid/Just to show you the mess that I made/There are pieces I usually hide"
13. There Is by Box Car Racer
"Do you care if I don't know what to say?/Will you sleep tonight? Will you think of me?/Will I shake this off, pretend it's all okay?/That there's someone out there who feels just like me?/There is"
14. Cough Syrup by Young the Giant
"Life's too short to even care at all,/I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control."
15. Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin
"Somewhere beyond the sea/Somewhere waiting for me/My lover stands on golden sands/And watches the ships that go sailin'"
16. Flightless Bird, America Mouth by Iron & Wine
"Have I found you?/Flightless bird, jealous, weeping/Or lost you?/American mouth/Big bill looming"
17. Part of One by Brandi Carlile, feat. Sam Smith
"Waiter send this to the table, the party of one/The only other lonely soul in this place/And so you're finishing up your coffee/But then where you're gonna run?/Where'd you get that look on your face?"
18. I'll Be Seeing You by Frank Sinatra
"I'll be seeing you/In all the old familiar places/That this heart of mine embraces/All day through"
19. And So It Goes by Billy Joel
"So I would choose to be with you/That's if the choice were mine to make/But you can make decisions too/And you can have this heart to break"
20. Runaway by Ben Abraham
"You must believe me I never meant to do it/I was so sure of the way I stood/Defying gravity until I fell into it/And now I know I would change it all if I could"
21. Walk by The Foo Fighters
"Do you remember the days?/We built these paper mountains/Then sat and watched them burn/I think I found my place/Can't you feel it growing stronger/Little conquerors"
22. The Awakening by James Morrison
"I walked across the line alone/To find a truth I'd never ever known/The truth has been here all this time/The only one who couldn't see was me"
23. Some Enchanted Evening by Perry Como
"Some enchanted evening, you may see a stranger,/You may see a stranger across a crowded room,/And somehow you know, you know even then,/That somehow you'll see here again and again."
24. The Wolves by Ben Howard
"Falling from high places/Falling through lost spaces/Now that we're lonely/Now that there's nowhere to go/Watching from both sides/These clock towers burning up/I lost my time here, oh/I lost my patience with it all"
25. Eyes Wide Open by Gotye
"So this is the end of the story/Everything we had, everything we did/Is buried in dust, and this dust is/All that's left of us left of us"
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Here is the second installment in the redemption arc of Draco Malfoy.
The First Class (with the Gryffindors; I'm basing this off of the books and it's a fic so...)
He woke up after the feast in the Slytherin common room. Draco grins to himself running his hair through his unruly hair then he turns his head and it falls.
Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and Zabini were sleeping around the room. How is he going to avoid them as he goes to breakfast?
It was especially hard not to wake up them meanly, but Draco wanted a clean slate where he could be himself without feeling smothered. He tried to be as quiet as possible. He doesn't want Nott and Zabini to ask questions. He may have had to grow up with them, but he doesn't have to be nice to them. Father might be furious at him, but mother said he should just be himself and it would all be fine.
Putting on his uniform and robe, Draco thinks how proud his father will be to see he's in Slytherin just like his parents were. He's always gravitated towards mother; she wasn't as harsh as father and made sure he was taught to be himself. At least she was the one who wanted him to be happy. Father only wanted Draco to become a mini Lucius and as much as he loved his father, he did not want to become just like him.
Tiptoeing out of the dormitory he shudders at the thought of turning as mean, heartless, and cold as his father. He never wants to be like that. He wants to bring light and happiness in the world because his father sucks it all up. Draco doesn't remember when he was allowed to laugh and smile.
Pushing open the heavy door, Draco runs into Marcus Flint, Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch House team.
"Hey Draco! Nice to have you finally here! Come on, let's come down to breakfast and stuff our faces before class." At the word class Flint rolls his eyes. Draco is shocked. He didn't realize Flint was disrespectful! The professors gave up any hope of a social life to teach them! The least they could do was respect them, but Flint didn't.
He tries to get away and go see where the people he met yesterday on the train are sitting. Glancing around until he spots them he grins. The grin slides off his face faster than a dementer closing in to perform the Kiss. They're at the Gryffindor table like he expected, but it still hurts.
Hmm, Hermione seems to be off to the side from everyone. He enjoyed going head to head with her on the train. (NOT DRAMIONE NOPE PLATONIC PEOPLE!!!!) Not many people could do that and survive. He wanted to be good friends with someone like her even if she was Mu-Muggleborn. He was going to have to get used to calling them by their proper names, not what his father always called them.
Harry and Ron looked thick as thieves already and it had barely been a day! Sitting down at the Slytherin table, Draco wishes he could have a friendship like that. He had hoped for that on the train, but Neville had squashed that flat. Poor Neville looked absolutely terrified when he heard his name!
Draco was sad as he saw the smile fly off the face of the round faced boy Draco thought would be nice when he introduced himself. Maybe the letter he wrote to his mother would have some answers.
The hooting of hundreds of owls suddenly fills the cavernous Hall. His owl, Talon, soars down to him. The giant parcel dropped in front of him seems to be filled with sweets and cakes. Among the cakes, he finds a folded letter. His mother must have placed this when she sent Talon off again. Bypassing the edible goodies the poor house elves must have been forced to.make for him, he goes right for the letter.
Dearest Draco,
I am hesitant to respond to you in case your father intercepts this, but I have placed this in your parcel instead of sending it with Talon separately.
The boy's name is Neville Longbottom yes? Your concern is welcoming, but the story is chilling.
This was before you were born in early 1980 and Snape has overheard the Divination professor utter a prophecy. Yes, Draco. The prophecy which changed our world forever. He was still very much in love with Lily Evans, who married James Potter earlier that year, and the prophecy scared him beyond comprehension.
He was scared it meant Harry and went to the Dark Lord to beg for the release of Lily Evans as he knew she would never leave Harry to die. But unfortunately, that was not so as you know and the Potters were killed leaving behind a little boy not much older than you were at the time.
Aunt Bella went to the Longbottoms that night and she tortured them for the whereabouts of the Dark Lord because she wanted to know where he went. The Longbottoms were tortured into insanity and left a one year old son, Neville, behind to be raised by his grandmother.
Draco gasps at this part. He knew aunt Bella was twisted, but not to that effect. He felt sorry for Neville and wants to apologize, but not in front of all of these people. He doesn't want to embarrass Neville. He'll read the rest of the letter later, he got his question answered. He'll have to thank his mother later for risking that information.
Draco, putting the letter into his pocket after folding it, digs into the hearty breakfast with relish. The rest of his dorm mates are down by this point. He glances at them out of the corner of his eye. Crabbe and Goyle are pigging out as per usual. Nott and Zabini are turning up their noses at the breakfast. Draco shrugs and goes back to eating.
Soon breakfast is over and he has his first class. Draco is excited because it's Potions and Snape teaches it.He walks alone having declined company. He wanted company, but not the company that was offered.
He was told by Flint to walk towards the Common Room and then turn left and he'll reach Potions eventually. Surprisingly, Flint gave him the right directions. When Draco walks in, the room glass silent. Sauntering in, Draco sits alone hoping Neville, Harry, or Ron will sit with him. The more people that aren't them that scramble in, the more dejected he feels.
By the time the boys arrive, all of the seats around Draco are filled by Nott, Zabini, Crabbe, and Goyle. Draco wants to bang his head against the table in frustration. How on earth is he supposed to apologize for his aunt's behavior if he's never alone?
He tells himself to think of the happy days when he was allowed to be himself and play with the house elves. He had loads of fun with them and he learned amazing lessons from them. Draco thinks of all of the sweets and cakes he was taught in secret as soon as he turned eight. His mother allowed it because he was happy, but anytime his father was around he had to act like him.
A bang at the back of the classroom jerks Draco back to the present. Time to act he tells himself. He's going to loathe it, but until he can explain it to the others he has to act like this. He doesn't want Snape to report to his father that he's not acting like he's supposed to.
Snape's black robe flaps behind him as he makes his way to the front of the room. Draco has to keep from laughing at the sound. Every time Snape takes a step, the robe's hem smacks against the floor. Others aren't even attempting to hide their giggles.
"Twenty points from Gryffindor! I suggest if you don't want more points taken Mr. Finnegan, you will stop laughing. As such, you will receive detention tonight. You will be notified about your detention by Professor McGonagall. The same goes for the rest of you! Now, shall we commence to be introduced to the subtle art of potion making?"
The rest of the Slytherins are sniggering and jeering at the Gryffindors so Draco does it too. He feels absolutely wretched about it though. This is not who he is. Why did the Hat put him in Slytherin again?
The discussion with the Hat was interesting. The Hat told him he would do well in Gryffindor, but he asked to be in Slytherin because he didn't want to be disowned by his father. He didn't understand what his father was doing was wrong until he was eight and started to have to sneak around with the house elves.
Three years later and he worries about the house elves when he's not there. His mother can't protect them from his father's wrath all the time. Snape's voice carries out into the cavernous dungeon and Draco forces himself to listen intend of thinking of things that will make him cry. His father says crying is for the muggleborns, muggles and blood traitors like the Weasleys. Draco doesn't understand why the Weasleys are blood traitors though. The family is a pureblood family?
Oh well. Snape is now interrogating Harry about Potions ingredients and he doesn't answer. Draco knows the answers, but he has to pretend to be indifferent. Hermione has no problems with it. Her hand shoots up each time Harry says he doesn't know. She's brave he thinks to himself. Snape only knows one side of himself. He wishes he could show his true colors, but he's too afraid of his father to even think of it.
When Snape snaps at Hermione, Draco wants to defend her, but again, his father holds too much influence at Hogwarts. No one else defends her either. Is it so hard to defend your own House mate against a teacher?! Then again it is Snape and Snape is terrifying. That's the only reason Draco can think Neville isn't defending Hermione.
The rest of class is like that and Draco wants to cry for Hermione. She takes it like a pro and she must have gotten this treatment at her muggle school. He feels sick to his stomach. No human, or any creature for that matter, should be treated that way.
He wants class to be over so he can apologize to Hermione, but she runs out the door as soon as the bell trills. Draco grabs his books and stuffs them in his bag intent on following Hermione to see if she will let him apologize for what happened with the train and Snape. All he needs is for someone to give him a chance and he will be the most loyal friend they would ever ask for. All he wants is a real friend that isn't with him for his money or influence.
Walking to his next class he thinks about the apology he's going to make to each of them if he ever gets the chance.
Three days later and I'm finally done with the second installment! Enjoy! Please be honest in your opinions, I don't mind!
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
Black and White (Part XIX)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI
((Author’s Note: I AM SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG!! I hope the chapter makes up for the fact that it took such a long time to write/post it! I hope you guys like it!!))
Remus walked into Black and White carrying two coffee cups from work, his knuckles turning white from the tightness of his grip. He was terrified, to say the least. This would be his first time seeing Sirius since their evening at the cafe, and Remus wasn't entirely sure if his presence was desired.
"Uh… Sirius? M— Mr. Black? Are… are you here?"
Of course he was there. Sirius ran the gallery himself. If he wasn't there, the door wouldn't be unlocked. Remus felt stupid asking his question aloud, but the response he got put him at ease.
"Yeah, I'm here, Remus. I'll be right out."
So they were still on a first name basis. That was a good sign. 
It took a moment, but Sirius eventually emerged from his back office, looking rather worse for wear. His hair was left loose around his shoulders, dark inky tresses spilling over his unbuttoned collar. He looked tired; more tired than Remus felt. More tired than he had ever looked before.
"I… uh… I brought coffee…"
"What are you doing here, Remus?"
The tone of Sirius' voice didn't sound harsh or accusatory; it was filled with exhaustion and melancholy, but it wasn't rude, which was a surprise.
"Oh…" Remus glanced down at the paper cups in his hands, as if his reason for being at the gallery was obvious. "I… brought coffee," he repeated. "Cappuccino, skim milk, sprinkle of cinnamon?"
Remus watched as a slow smile bloomed across Sirius' face, lighting him up, finally revealing a hint of the gallery owner that Remus had come to know the past few weeks. Sirius walked towards Remus, straightening his posture and brushing hair out of his eyes.
"How'd you know?"
Remus shrugged, offering Sirius a friendly grin.
"A little birdy told me."
Sirius rolled his eyes and graciously accepted Remus' peace offering. The artist watched as Sirius' shoulders visibly relaxed with the first sip of coffee, a hint of colour returning to his sallow cheeks. Sirius turned his gaze towards a painting on the wall, both hands grasping the cup, as if to absorb its warmth and energy. 
"Well… remind me to thank her later."
"I'm fairly certain I brought the coffee here," Remus said, mostly joking. He took a sip from his own cup of tea, letting the spicy warmth from the chai trickle down and heat him up from the inside.
Sirius remained focused on the painting before him.
"Thank you, Remus. Not… not just for the coffee… but for coming. Here. I… appreciate it."
"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Sirius Black?" Remus teased, attempting to lighten the sudden weight of the situation, trying to deter the looming darkness that threatened its way into their thoughts. 
Sirius didn't answer for a moment. He stood and stared at the painting, one of Lily's pieces by the looks of it, before finally giving Remus a response.
"This… this is the real Sirius Black."
Remus tore his eyes away from mercurial pools of despair, so deep and turbulent, the artist could drown in them if he wasn't careful. He directed his attention to the same painting, the same blues and greys of Sirius' eyes popping out from the canvas. 
"Well…" Remus muttered to the painting, twisting his cup around between his fingers. "Hello Sirius Black. I'm— I'm Remus Lupin."
Remus heard a sharp exhale of breath beside him— almost a laugh, but not quite. At least he could help bring some levity into their conversation.
"So…" Sirius began, before taking another sip of coffee. "How much did she tell you?"
Remus pondered the question, trying to find an appropriate way of answering it.
"She… uh… mentioned your brother. And… and you and James. She explained why you left the cafe the other day, why you seemed so upset…"
Sirius closed his eyes and furrowed his brow. When he opened them, there was a hint of pain still etched into his features. 
"And where does that leave us?"
Remus turned to look at Sirius, unsure what exactly the man was asking him.
"Wh— what do you mean?"
"Are you… still interested in showing here? Did you still want to… to work with me?"
"Of course." Remus' response was immediate. There was no question in his mind: Black and White was the gallery that Remus wanted his first show to be in. He wanted Sirius to run it, curate it, put the event together. He wanted Lily and James to be there. This was the gallery for him. "Why wouldn't I?"
Sirius' eyes drifted down to his coffee cup, his shoulders folding in on themselves ever so slightly. 
"You're not worried that the erratic drunk is going to ruin things for you? Cause you too much trouble?"
"I— what?" Remus took a step towards Sirius; he considered reaching out, taking hold of the man, showing a sign of affection, but he thought better of it. Instead, he simply looked at Sirius, his voice measured, his posture firm. "None of those thoughts ever crossed my mind. I— I want to show here because you're passionate. You have drive. You're confident… you're— you're a good gallerist."
You're annoying as all hell, but you know what you want from life and you aren't afraid to go for it. Someone like me could learn a lot from someone like you. You're fascinating. An enigma. And I need to figure you out…
"And you push me to do better. I'm producing better art now than I ever have before. You have a keen eye and you give good direction."
Remus waited for Sirius to respond, but the man simply stared ahead at the painting before him. The silence loomed over them as Remus watched the ghost of the man he thought he knew slowly fading into nothingness. 
It was a few minutes before Sirius eventually spoke, his voice echoing eerily across the empty gallery.
"You don't have to lie to me to make me feel better."
His words were soaked in bitterness, his expression crestfallen. He never once tore his gaze away from the painting.
Remus took a gulp of tea, weighing his next words very carefully.
"I don't lie." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. "You don't know me very well yet, but that's something you should remember for the future. I don't lie." Another pause, another sip of tea. "I had enough of that growing up, I don't need it in my life."
The slightest hint of a smile passed over Sirius' face.
"You also had a shitty family?
"I'm an artist," Remus mused with a dark chuckle, "Do you know any that don't?"
Sirius' smile grew as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, one or two. But you make a valid point."
Remus brought his cup to his lips and tilted it back, draining the remaining contents and deliberating his words. 
"So…" he began after a moment. "Where do we go from here?"
For the first time since the conversation started, Sirius shifted his focus, his eyes settling on Remus' frame silhouetted in the fading evening light. 
"Where do you want it to go?"
Remus closed his eyes and pretended to take a sip from his drink, despite the fact that it was now empty. He needed time to think. Was Sirius talking about the gallery? Was Sirius asking about Remus' desire to show his art and work together in a professional setting? Or did the question go deeper than that?
Where did Remus want things to go?
"I…" Remus opened his eyes. He stared at Lily's painting, pretending not to see the way Sirius' gaze bore into him, pretending not to think about the swirling blues and greys, the perfection of colour, they way they shifted with each emotion. "I want to make sure that our show next month is your best one yet."
"Well then…" Sirius said softly, his voice relaxing, his tone sounding more and more familiar to Remus. "We'd better get to work. There's only a few weeks left…"
Remus turned to look at Sirius and felt his cheeks flush at the smile playing on the gallery owner's lips. The artist quickly looked down at the paper cup twisting between his fingers, trying not to read into the situation any more than necessary. 
"I'd better get home then…" Remus told his cup, trying to keep his voice steady and desperately willing his cheeks to stop feeling so warm. "I still have two more pieces to paint…"
"Yes, well…" Sirius muttered. From the corner of his eye, Remus could see the gallery owner shifting his weight from foot to foot. "I'll be in touch. I'd love to see your progress if— if that's okay…?"
Since when did Sirius ask for things instead of demanding them?
"Sure, yeah… that sounds… good. I'll… see you around, Sirius."
Remus glanced up and smiled, immediately regretting his decision. The look on Sirius' face was tender, affectionate. Somehow, he looked even more handsome like this. Remus hated it. 
The artist shoved his hand forward, offering it for a shake. Sirius hesitated before reaching out and grasping Remus' hand firmly. The two men had shaken hands a dozen times at this point; there was something frustratingly different about this one, and it lingered a beat too long.
Remus pulled his hand away and spun on his heels before Sirius could stop him. 
"I'll see you around, Sirius!" He called over his shoulder before making a beeline to the door. 
"Oh… okay… T— Thank you, Remus. For… for everything!"
Before he knew what was happening, Remus was outside in the crisp autumn air, trying not to think about the way Sirius' perfect lips wrapped so delicately around his name or how badly Remus wanted to find out what those lips tasted like. 
What was wrong with him?
((Bonus: Here’s a sketch that I did in a limited palette of this scene. Yes, I know there are inaccuracies, it was a quick sketch and I didn’t read the chapter before drawing it. Oops! Anyway, here it is!))
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pietromelim · 4 years
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Lucie Herondale's 17th birthday! Takes place after the events of Chain of Thorns,which hopefully will have a happy ending!
Enjoy the reading!
At the Herondale Manor in Idris,Lucie could barely pretend not to be excited,as she stood in front of the mirror.
Today was her birthday,her 17th birthday to be exact. Birthdays were quite important for the Herondales,since they knew how short a life could be.
Most of Lucie's birthdays were in London though,as her father,Will,would take her to the Portal,they would appear at the gates of the Institute,and inside Lucie would find her family and friends in a surprise party.
A surprise party she obviously knew about,so she usually spends a good amount of time rehearsing surprised faces.
That is what she was doing now,in the bathroom of her room. It wouldn't take long for Tessa to show up and congratulate her,and also tell her to speed it up.
Lucie wasn't really in the mood to speed it up today though,she was trying to make the perfect surprised face today,after all,she had a certain Blackthorn to impress.
James would make fun of her,no doubt. Luckily,he would be with Daisy so he wasn't going to pay attention to Lucie on that matter.
-Lucie! Are you done there darling!? Your father wants you to come and have breakfast with us!-Tessa said.
Lucie opened the door,she was still wearing the pink nightgown Grace had given her,as a way to thank her for helping bring Jesse back.
Lucie accepted the gift with quite some joy,since it wasn't like Grace to give anyone gifts. And the nightgown was very beautiful.
-I just need to get dressed Mam! I won't take too long!-Lucie said,as Tessa pulled her to a hug.
-My darling Lucie! Happy birthday my sweet girl! Seventeen years! You are almost an adult now!-Tessa said,nearly crying.
-Mam! Please save your tears for a more impactful moment of today!-Said Lucie,truth was,she was almost crying as well.
-Well get dressed then! And please hurry!-Tessa said,and left the room.
Lucie decided to wear a pink dress,one she used when Will asked for a portrait of her to be made. It was one of her favorite dresses.
She went downstairs and to the dining room,where her parents and James were having breakfast.
-The birthday girl finally decided to show up! Happy birthday sister!-James said,kissing Lucie's forehead.
-Thank you Jamie.-Lucie said,smiling,as Will approached her and hugged her.
-I cannot believe my Lulu is turning seventeen. I feel as if i ought to cry the entire day.-Will said,grinning.
-Papa! Enough with that silly nickname! It is embarassing!-Lucie said.
-And what are parents for if not to embarass their children?-Will asked,and they all laughed.
Those were really happy times. But the day was just beginning.
Lucie and James were walking around the Herondale Manor. Truth was,apparently James had found a mysterious lake nearby that they never knew about. But Lucie was not buying it.
-That sounds so untruth! As a writer,i should have been the one to find this lake,so i could describe it in The Beautiful Cordelia!-Lucie said.
James shook his head.
-Try to forget about novels today,Luce. You are almost eighteen now. Do you have any idea which Institute you would like to visit?-James asked.
Lucie had already thought about that. She was waiting to see if the Clave would approve of Jesse's visit to the New York Institute. He wasn't seventeen anymore,obviously.
He had two ages,but since he did not had the chance before,he was considering visiting now.
And if the Clave approved,she would choose the New York Institute to got with him.
-Not really. I don't really want to think about that right now. Much can happen in a year. I am sure i will be certain of my answer in my next birthday.-Lucie said.
James nodded.
-Seems fair. I am sure we will have lots of fun today. By the way,i know that you were rehearsing today.-James said,and smiled.
Lucie felt like punching him in the stomach,which would be easy,since she was much shorter than him.
-My surprise faces are the best! And i was under the impression you would keep my secret! I think it pleases Papa and Mam if they think that i am really surprised.-Lucie said.
-I am sure they probably know that you pretend. But now is not the time to think about that. Let's go back to the Manor.-James said.
Lucie nodded,and so they did.
As Lucie opened the great doors of the Herondale Manor,she shrieked when she heard a very loud "Surprise" shout.
The living room was full of people,her parents,her family and all her friends.
She covered her mouth with her hands,and turned her attention to James,who was standing beside her,with a smile on his face.
-This was definitely your best surprise face,Luce.-He said.
Minutes Later
-I cannot believe it! This was your idea Daisy?-Lucie asked,looking at her Parabatai,that was laughing.
-James told me that usually your father would bring you to the Institute,so i thought it would be good if we changed the routine once in a while.-Said Cordelia.
-That was brilliant! For the first time,i was truly surprised!-Lucie said.
-And we had help from Magnus to make all this food appear here. I was afraid the cake would loose itself in somekind of random realm.-Matthew said.
Lucie looked at him. It has been almost an entire year since Matthew was sobber. It was good to see that he was being able to overcome his problems.
-Good thing it didn't! A birthday without a cake is quite anticlimactic!-Said Lucie.
She stared at the cake. It was quite big,a combination of strawberry and chocolate,Lucie could only hope that her mother would eat as well. She knew Tessa wasn't very fond of chocolate.
-You better go greet the others Lucie,and allow them to congratulate you.-James said.
Lucie nodded. James was right,she had to do that,it would be a good opportunity to talk to Jesse too.
Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry were the first to come and talk to her. Charlotte could barely go to the other birthdays she had,but since they were in Idris,it made it a lot easier for her to show up.
Charles came after,Lucie still had a hard time being around Charles. Some of his actions and words made Lucie seriously doubt if he would ever be a decent Consul.
-Lucie dear! Happy birthday! This is quite the party you are having!-Said Anna,and with her was Ariadne.
-Congratulations! I really loved your dress Lucie!-Ariadne said.
-Thank you! I'm so glad you two could come! How is your father dealing with the both of you being together?-Lucie asked.
Ariadne shrugged.
-I'm not really sure. He says it is okay,but always avoids the conversation.-Ariadne said.
-Don't let her fool you Ari! She is only trying to get a description out of you! She is a bloody writer!-Anna said,and Lucie laughed.
Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Cecily came to her,apparently Alexander was playing with his red rubber ball somewhere else.
-Lucie my beautiful niece! You will soon become an adult Shadowhunter! And then we will start our plan to take control of the Clave! Only women will lead!-Cecily said,hugging Lucie.
-That seems quite a difficult plan!-Lucie said.
-Don't listen to her Luce! We all know that you will become a great Shadowhunter and a great writer as well! I'm still waiting to have my own copy of The Beautiful Cordelia.-Gabriel said.
-Sorry Uncle Gabriel,but i'm afraid you will have to wait for it's publication.-Lucie said.
Eugenia,Sophie and Gideon also congratulated her,and it reminded Lucie of Barbara,and how she was always nice and cheerful. Lucie missed her cousin.
Lucie began to feel a little tired since she had been standing for quite a while now. She sat beside Thomas.
-Thank goodness you are not standing Tom! I wouldn't like to make you come all the way down just to hug me!-Lucie said.
Thomas smiled and kissed her forehead.
-It would be for a good reason. I am so glad to see that you are enjoying the party. When Cordelia had the idea of having the party at the Manor,i wasn't really sure if you would like it or not. Since we can literally see the ruins of the Blackthorn Manor from here.-Thomas said.
It was true. James had accidentally burned the Blackthorn Manor to the ground,and it was possible to see the outcome of that.
Lucie wasn't sure if seeing that would be awful for Grace and Jesse,but they didn't seemed to mind.
-Have you heard the big news Lucie? Christopher and Grace now have an understanding!-Thomas said.
Lucie would literally have screamed if the Manor were not so full.
She stood up and went to Grace's direction. It was Impossible not to recognize Grace,always in her ivory dresses.
-Grace! By the Angel,is it really true?-Lucie asked.
-Happy birthday Lucie. I hope you won't mind my presence here?-Grace asked.
-I'm glad that you came Grace. Our friendship has a special meaning to me.-Said Lucie.
Grace nodded.
-To me as well. I will always be grateful to you,for you helped me get my brother back. I will never forget your kindness.-Grace said.
-I am just as happy that Jesse was able to return. But do tell me! Is it truth? You and my cousin Christopher have an understanding?-Lucie asked.
Grace laughed. That rarely happened.
-It is true. Almost every men i met in my life thought that i was like all the other girls. That i only wished for emotions and feelings. But Christopher is different. He doesn't try to give me what he thinks i want. He listens to me,he makes me laugh with all that science of his. Being with him makes me feel lighter.-Grace said,smiling.
-That is adorable! I wish all the best for the both of you!-Lucie said.
-Gracie,might we have this dance? I swear to you i have been practicing the waltz with my mother and i will not step on your toes! Oh,hello Lucie! Happy birthday!-Christopher said,almost too fast.
-Of course,Chris. Excuse me,Lucie. Before i forget,my brother is in the garden,he wishes to speak to you,in private.-Grace said.
Lucie did not waste a second,she went straight to the garden of the Herondale Manor.
It was a sunny day in Idris,and the big trees in the garden created long shadows on the ground.
Jesse was near the tree,the shadow protecting him from the sun. It has been quite some time since he had returned from the dead,but he was still getting used to the light.
When he saw Lucie,a smile appeared on his handsome face.
-Finally,the Secret Princess Lucie has found time to talk to the Good Old Ghost Boy.-Jesse said.
Lucie put her hands on her hips.
-In her birthdays,Secret Princess Lucie can barely escape the attention of the Cruel Prince James,of the Demon Pox King William,and of the Shape-Shifter Queen Theresa.-Lucie said.
Jesse's eyes widened.
-Your father is Demon Pox King?-He asked,astonished.
Lucie only giggled.
-Perhaps Good Old Ghost Boy should have come to her rescue?-Jesse asked.
Lucie shook her head.
-Absolutely not! I am no damsel in distress i assure you! Grace said that you wanted to talk to me,so here i am! You may talk to me now!-Lucie said.
-How lucky i am,to get your attention for myself when everyone seems desperate to be with you.-Jesse said.
-That only happens in my birthdays. My attention will be on you,mostly.-Lucie said.
Jesse smiled. It did seemed like he had something important to say.
-So how has it been with the Clave? Will they allow you to go to the New York Institute?-Lucie asked.
-Charlotte Fairchild have talked to me when i arrived for your party. As the Consul,she said that i have permission. But it can't be this year. Since i was brought back,the Silent Brothers want to keep their closed eyes on me for a little more time. I can only visit next year.-Said Jesse.
Lucie beamed.
-That is absolutely perfect Jesse! How lucky of you!-Lucie said.
Jesse raised his eyebrows.
-Why am i lucky?-He asked.
-Well,i do become eighteen years old next year. In other words,i could go with you,if you are willing to wait.-Lucie said.
Jesse laughed.
-Well,it seems i really am lucky. Nothing would please me more than having your company.-Jesse said.
-It is settled then! You and i in New York,next year!-Said Lucie.
Jesse took her hands.
-Have you taken a look at your gifts? I'm sure you will love most of them. Perhaps all of them,if you are in a good day.-Jesse said.
Lucie was rather curious. What was his gift for her?
-What have you gotten me,Jesse? Will i like it? Or will i hate it?-Lucie asked.
-We shall see. If you don't mind,i would like to give you your gift right now.-Jesse said.
-Very well then. Please do.-She said.
Jesse leaned in close to her,and his lips touched hers,smooth and nicely.
They were holding hands as they kissed. Jesse tasted like honey and something more sweet than that. It was a taste she could only associate to him.
Their lips parted,and he smiled. That was probably the best gift Lucie had ever gotten.
-Happy birthday Lucie.-Jesse said.
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thedyingtimelady · 4 years
"His death was a terrible moment in my life. I couldnt save him. I couldnt stop and change everything.
But the worse moment in my life was, letting his dead body go, travelling back and seeing him smiling at me, while I was trying to pretend, not just having his corpse laying in my arms"
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Meeting James Robert McCrimmon, him being an old men, was to be honest the most surprised moment in Catherin White's Life. She never travelled very far in the future of her son. She was too afraid, to see things, that could scar her.
Jamie stared at her, letting go of the Doctor, who just calmed him down. An old men was standing Infront of her, with long grey hair and having a long, silver beard. His hands were shaking, his eyes wide open.
"Mother", his rough voice cracked, while he was stumbling towards her.
"Mother. Mother. Mother.", he repeat, grabbing her face and looking down at her. Tears running down his cheeks, his eyes, once dark, now were shimmering lightly.
"Its you. Its really you. How long didnt I saw you? It's been decades. Too many years. You are finally back", he whispers, holding her close to himself, sobbing and shaking.
"I'm sorry. I am not your little boy anymore. Being an old wreck."
"No", she said for the first time, as she arrived his home. "You will be always my little boy. My son, who I adore and cherish. Who I love with the bottom of my broken heart.", she whispers, stroking his head, whie he buried his face in her neck.
What a scene. An old Men calling a young woman "Mother"
But that doesnt matter right now. Catherin was just happy to see her beloved Jamie again.
It was an dangerous mission. But Jamie didnt want to leave the Doctor alone in it, so he followed them, being always close to Catherin.
She realize, that he never called her by her first name, since she was here with him. Catherin was really surprised by that. Jamie sometimes called her Mother, just to make her happy, but it was always embarrasing for him.
The older Jamie didnt seen to be bothered or embarassed by it. He cherished every time he called her. Like he wanted to call her for all this years, he didnt saw her.
Catherin hoped, she could have more time with her sweet son, but the destiny wasn't on her side.
Jamie sacrificed himself. Burned to his bones, to save the Doctor and her.
Catherin scream filled all the rooms, being highpitched, almost to be afraid, glass could break in million pieces.
"We have to go Catherin!", the Doctor shouted, trying to pull her from the ground. She holded the corpse of her son in her arms, staring in disbelieve.
"Go. Go and do what need to be done. GO!",she screamed at her husband, not giving him a chance to discuss with her.
After he left, she searched for Jamies sword. It was almost melted completely. She rammed the weapon in her chest, again and again, until she hadn't enough energy to hold it.
Blood was running down to the floor, while she was surrouned by green light. A part of the light, she transfer to the burned corpse, what start to heal by itself.
Catherin couldnt see, if her plan worked, because her pain and the regeneration ripped her mind out of her body. She couldnt think, only pain was in her mind, her body, torture her for being alive.
Catherin woke up, blinking. Everything was quiet. She saw Jamies body on the ground, completely healed. A second of hope was in her heart. Maybe he was alive? But it wasnt like that. Even through, she gave him a lot of her regeneration energy, she couldnt bring him back to life.
So she was holding the dead body of her son, sobbing and grieving his death. She couldnt save her little boy. It was like she had to see him die. This image will be burned in her head forever. She will never forget it.
The Doctor found her later, rocking fore and backward on the ground, mumbling something, while holding Jamies corpse in her arms.
He pulled her on her feet, but she was screaming. "NO, WE CANT LEAVE HIM HERE. LET ME GO! I WANT MY SON! I WANT MY BOY! DONT TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!!!", she sobbed, struggling in The Doctors embrace, while some man carried Jamies body out of the machine room.
Both didnt stay for the funeral. "I need to go. I need to go", Catherin whispers, not looking back at the Doctor.
She jumped through the vortex, landing into the TARDIS. The Doctor was playing on his recorder, his black, short hair was plain on his head. He turned around, smiling, but his smile faded, as he saw his wife being disturbed. "What happened-?"
"I saw him dying!! And I couldnt save him! I saw my baby dying!", she cried, falling to her knees. The Doctor immediately walked to her and holded her tight in his arms.
Catherin was sitting on a chair as Jamie came out of his room
"Oh Hey Catherin.", he smiled at her. But then he saw her red eyes and holded her hands. "Why did you cry, hu? Did someone heard you?", he asked her serious.
Catherin watched him, smiled then and hugged him.
"Nothing. Its nothing", she buried her face in his neck. "I just love you so much", she whispers.
She felt Jamie blushing and he murbled an "love ya too, Mother".
But even she had Jamie in her eyes, the image of his dead body was still in her head.
Because she knew, she would lose him one day.
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Ghosts from the rainforest
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Captain James Conrad x Reader
Summary: A simple rescue mission will bring him back to a place full of nightmares, and maybe this time he could find redemption. Situated in 1975, 2 years after the events of Skull Island.
Warnings: Violence, blood, wounds, mentions of war, cursing, implied smut, smoking, angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
I finally manage to write the end to this tiny fic, I hope you like it, and I'm going to start on my ideas for a Jonathan Pine adventure, but I haven't decide yet.
Chapter 7: Fever [Final]
The helicopter was already on motion, and the rescue crew that Brooks had sent for you were charging everything for the trip. The guys were excited to finally going back home, the Celebes Sea was ahead of you in the military base you were staying, and waiting in the Pacific the majestic USS Constellation  (CV-64) waiting to take all of you home.
Home? A country that had make more damage and taken everything from you, your family, and had force you to live away to mend some of the atrocities they had committed in the name of freedom.
"Not looking so charming today are we?" You said to him once he walked in your room to pick up your bags, you have finally stop the hostilities after he had offered you his shoulder to cry while you mourned Shukri on his funeral and after all the physical torture he had endured so you could safely leave Borneo.
He had been clear about letting you stay if that was what you wanted, and even when the rest of the crew asume you were coming back to USA, he knew you would have to say goodbye sooner or later, so instead of telling him all the things your heart was keeping from him you kept teasing him and pretending the chopper was not waiting for him.
"I have a minor headache love, but it's okay, are you ready to say goodbye?" He said and you noted how his temple had a few wrinkles, he was trying to smile over the pain in his head "It's a shame you don't come with us, I have a lot of things I wanted to show you" he grabbed your hand and all your alarms started to scream.
"Conrad are you okay?" Those words were all you have hoped for, however the radiant heat from his skin told you he was not exactly fine. "Dear God you are burning up" You said touching his head and looking desperately for a thermometer in your belongings.
"I like you too doctor, but why don't we wait until we get to the ship, we can share a bunk bed" He was definitely not himself.
"103° damn it Conrad!" You said, and for some oddly reason remember the night he told you about Randa and how much he complained about mosquitoes while he was dressing "Look at me, I'm not kidding, did you take Chloroquine before we leave Malaysia? I told you guys you had to..."
He nodded negative, and before he could speak he simply throw up in the nearest trash bin, making you suspect of the worst, specially since all the medicine was now gone and the only viable solution now was the aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific waiting for you.
"Also you have perfect legs you know that? I could spend my life sleeping on them." He kept saying things like that while you helped him to the heliport "Come here princess your prince charming needs your love" he said trying to kiss you.
"Later dear, preferably when you're not dying or smelling like vomit" you tried to stop him.
"Well you didn't mind me covered in dirt and sweat" He tried again but he stopped to scream "Reg! I love you man, you are like a son to me" and also tried to kiss the boy on the forehead.
"What happened to the Captain?" Slivko asked concerned once you help him to board the chopper while carrying his luggage and your medical bag.
"I have no idea, but I'm afraid it might be Malaria" you said bluntly and all of them looked concerned at you, while he vomited again "Do you have medical equipment here?" You asked the pilot and he only raised his thumb while you make sure he was steady on the helicopter floor, and almost didn't feel the machine take off while you tried to put an IV on his arm.
After one hour that felt like ten you could no longer see the island, only the immensity of the Pacific, and growing in the horizon the USS Constellation, even when you despised war and everything it represented the enormous carrier was enough to let you speechless, specially when a team of nurses and a doctor was already with a stretcher waiting for him.
"It's going to be ok James" you told him holding his hand while the experts rushed him inside.
"You really like men to die quite literally for you right?" He tried to joke, fighting the impulse of vomiting again, "Hey it's okay, I have to take care of you remember?" He smiled and you hold his hand trying to not get on the way of the medical staff, but he was too weak and fall asleep.
After they had stabilized his temperature, and take samples of his blood to determine the pathogen they let you in, the beds inside the medical bay of the ship were oddly spacious, and you could be sited next to him without any other person listening.
"Y/N?" He asked opening his beautiful eyes, "Hey it's okay love, I'm feeling better" He said and tried to reach for the glass of water on the table.
"Let me" You said and put it closer to him, "I know, once they identify the plasmodium they will know what is the best treatment for you, they take test and interrogate all of us, don't tell him I told you but Reles almost passed out when he saw the needle " He attempt to laugh but was still weak so he only smiled.
"Well is rewarding seen you on my dead bed, I'm quite honored, tears look oddly beautiful on you" He said and a small smile form in your lips.
"And you are still delirious" You said looking for a piece of cloth, and cold water from the sink to put on his head. "Here, try to rest, I'll come see you later" you told him but before your hand could leave his head he hold you still "What?"
"I might be dying, so you owe me at least listening me like adults" He said forcing you to stay next to him.
"You are not dying" you said trying to sound like it didn't matter and failing miserably "you are not, but fine. Let's talk" you concede.
"I'm sorry" he started contrary to what you had expected. "I had no idea how you looked before we met, and i was under no circumstances trying to seduce you to lure you back to America" you blush and regret your decision to stay by his side.
"I'm sorry too" You responded after a while "You have done so much helping me, even when half of the trouble I caused was preventable if I haven't trusted in the wrong people." You said and he hold your hand softly, he didn't want to hear about that, and you knew it so you took all the courage you have to continue. "And I'm sorry I over reacted, I am so used to people coming to me with second intentions that I just pushed you away to avoid getting hurt, and I just end up making other people hurt you"
"I'm sorry I make you come to the ship, I knew you wanted to stay" he said sincerely.
"It's okay, I have to make sure you stay alive, you know for the boys, maybe working at Monarch with you and Brooks won't be so bad"
"Well you can always run away from us in Hawaii, or maybe... we could run away together" He gave you a pleading look, and for moment you could imagine that life, keep running away, by his side, the soldier that never came home, and the idealist doctor, and keep leaving ghosts in every island, trying to find happiness apart from the world, but together. He kissed you, but this time it wasn't a lusty hunger kiss, nor passionate and angry like before, it was reassuring and you knew no matter what your answer was, he was on your side, for the first time you had someone on your side "So what do you say?"
But you couldn't answer because out of nowhere your stomach make you nauseous and you rush to the toilet to empty its content.
"Are you okay dear?" He screamed from the bed "I'm trying bloody hard to not take this as criticism"
"I'm okay, but I'm going to check your tests and start taking the pills before I end up confessing my sins on the fever like you" you said and walked out of the bathroom to saw him "We can talk later" you assure him.
You marched inside the medical office and started to look in the cabinets, when the young doctor that had received Conrad walked in.
"I'm sorry, I start feeling the symptoms and I thought it would be better if I start on the chloroquine before it gets worse" you excuse yourself.
"That would be great, if any of you had Malaria" he said offering you a seat that you take since he speak with a Texan accent and an authoritarian voice that made up from his young face "But we test all of you and what our SAS friend has is more likely a stomach flu from some bad shrimp, I was just on my way to tell him." He said and you sigh in relief, but also concerned about your own symptoms
"Oh that's great, but I start barfing too, and I didn't had the shrimp last night" you said and he took out a small file with your name that the nurses had put together earlier.
"Well it may be motion sickness, we are in a boat after all, or maybe... you told the nurse you didn't remember when was your last period?" He said looking the file.
"Well we have been in the jungle almost a month so I wasn't exactly counting" you tried to joke.
"The change of environment can trigger the vomit, or if you had sex in the past three weeks you might be pregnant" He smiled and all the weight of the world fall into your shoulders instantly. "In any case you should rest and let alone my medical cabinets, go with nurse Matthews she will give you some vitamins" he said but you were not longer listening.
No, it couldn't be that, right? You tried to convince your mind, but deep down you knew it was true, what would he think? He was a soldier, a man of the field, not a father, and you were obviously not a mother, what will happen now? Now that he wanted to run away in the world next to you, a baby had a place on that plan?.
Two days later Conrad was out of the medical bay and trying to approach you, offering you a fresh start from the afternoon you pause all those weeks ago in Malaysia.
But the stolen kisses on the hallways, and his nightly incursions on your cabin only made it harder for you to find a way to come clean about your news, even when the idea had already sink in your mind, because it was a baby, and it was his baby, how could you not be happy and grateful? Yet you haven't say anything to him.
Four days later he had spend the whole day walking on the deck with you, like if the planes and choppers were an appropriate sighting for a date.
"We'll be in Hawaii soon" He started "If you want to go out for a walk in the morning and get lost in the jungle we have to star planning now" he said and you were looking at the ocean trying to make up your mind.
"Maybe... I was wondering about the work you do at Monarch, maybe I will give it a chance" you start not sure how the whole we are having a baby situation will fit in your speech "I mean if you want to travel the world it might help to have a paying job for a while" you were nervously touching your hands.
"Of course, also when the baby comes I would like to have a proper house for him to be... or she, I don't care you know? as long as they're healthy" he said and you nodded yes.
"Yeah of course... what??" You look at him and he had the most radiant smile on his face, and he was clearly holding his laugh and apparently tears, of joy? "How do you know?
"Well nurse Matthews saw us kissing and then she complained about how Children this days keep having children out of wedlock" he said and you hide your face on your hands.
"I was really going to tell you... for real is just..." but you didn't have the words in you, and the tears were running on your face
"I know, it's fine, I mean is a little soon but if I'm honest I'm tired of running, and after all we've been trough I couldn't imagine a single person to share this experience with" He said cleaning the tears from your face.
"You sure?" You asked again, needing to hear it from his mouth.
"I'm sure, I fall in love with you when I saw you scaring local vendors in Malaysia and then fighting guerilla liders in Borneo, I even loved you when you vomit after kissing me for real, I'm completely taken by you Y/N"
"I fall in love with you too James" you said, and his expression got serious for a moment. "What?"
"Nothing, is just that I'm going to miss Prince Charming" he said giving you again the disarming smile that had started all this adventure.
The end
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@kinghiddlestonanddixon (I hope you like the end)
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notsiriusatall · 5 years
What if I'm Someone I Don't Want Around?
He laughs at the door as it slams, any emotion or scrap of warmth dying inside of him as soon as it had surged forward.
“Don’t know what I expected.” 
Sirius glances at Grim who has now crossed to the door and is pawing at it. They’ll find him in time. He’s got food.
The fraction of a reason he had left has just slammed the door in his face. Sirius doesn’t really see a point in carrying on any longer. 
He should’ve bought a gun, like he’d planned before. But Sirius had chickened out, like always. He wasn’t strong enough to do this, he wasn’t strong enough to finally bring the people who still care about him for some stupid fucking reason some peace.
That changes today. 
He looks at the vodka bottle in his hands, excepting to feel something, anything. Nothing comes beyond the numbness, no fear, no regret, no fleeting memories of Doe, no shame for the way her face had looked, no guilt for having the last time she saw him be this time….a little guilt. Maybe he shouldn’t…
Sirius shakes his head and unscrews the bottle. He takes big, gulping drinks, as much as he can stand at once, choking slightly as the burn slides down his throat. The bottle is gone and he doesn’t even feel drunk, so he opens the freezer and gets to work on a second, downing half of it before he feels the familiar feeling of drunkenness spreading from his brain all the way down to his toes.
Numb. This shouldn’t even hurt.
He takes the empty bottle and knocks it against the kitchen island, barely registering Grim’s noise of concern as the bottom half of it shatters.
The broken jagged edges of the bottle catch the overhead light and sparkle, and Sirius feels himself swallow hard. He takes a deep breath and is surprised his hands are shaking as he raises the sharp end of the bottle to his right wrist.
It’s not going to hurt. It’s just going to be like falling asleep except he doesn’t have to wake back up. It’s going to be over soon, even if it hurts. 
Soon he’ll finally feel nothing. Soon he’ll finally be nothing.
They’ll be safe. It’ll be worth it.
He drags the glass across the delicate skin of his wrist, horizontal first, a test. The red of his own blood is shocking and Sirius takes a breath in, waiting for the pain, the sting of his skin tearing-but nothing comes.
Is he dead already? Is this how it ends? He laughs despite himself. Of course even the ending of his own life wouldn’t go according to plan. He digs the glass in deeper, feeling something close to satisfaction as he makes himself bleed. Sirius isn’t shaking anymore. He knows what he’s doing is right.
That is, until a wet nose pushes against the elbow of his uninjured arm.
Sirius’s eyes find Grimm, who barks softly, and pain shoots through his arm as his vision blurs out. In an instant, he’s realized what he’s done. In an instant, he realizes he’s made a mistake. 
He wants to live. He’s not entirely sure why, and he doesn’t even know if he needs a reason, just that the want to keep breathing is there and stronger than it’s been in months. 
Sirius catches himself on the kitchen counter, breathing hard from his nose as the glass bottle falls out of his hand and shatters beneath his feet. He’s able to right himself and vaguely registers his dog barking louder and louder behind him, pressing his body against Sirius’s and whining softly when his good arm absentmindedly touches soft black fur. 
Sirius isn’t sure who he’s speaking too, but saying it out loud seems to motivate his body to cling harder to the counter. He pushes himself down towards the sink and grabs the dish towel Doe had laid out.
Doe. Fuck. If he survives this, she’s going to be even more pissed at him, if that’s possible. And if he dies….
Sirius doesn’t want to die. He wants to be able to tell her loves her again. He wants to mean it even more. 
Sirius wants to hear her say it back. 
He gasps as more pain shoots up his arm when he pushes the dish towel to the open wound. The light blue fabric is quickly muddied by the color of his blood and instinctively, Sirius knows this isn’t enough. There’s only one person who might be speaking to him who can fix this.
Thankfully the phone is right next to the couch on an end table, and as Sirius makes his way towards it, able to stand a little straighter due to the surge of adrenaline, it rings.
It's always been like this between the two of them, ever since they’d made their first blood oath in 6th grade. They’ll think hard about the other and within minutes there will be a phone call, or a random pop in, or they’ll pass each other on the street. James said it was coincidence, self fulfilling prophecy, a bunch of other smart science-y stuff, but Sirius knows better.
Its a magic that the two of them share, something they’ll never fully be able to explain but at the same time, each understand. 
Sirius’s voice doesn’t sound right, even to him. It’s too hoarse, raw. Someone else’s. He hears James hear it too when his best friend breathes in sharply. 
“Siri-are you-what’s wrong?”
“I did-I did something really stupid.” Sirius hears his voice crack and he’s crying before he can stop himself.
“Please come.”
“I’m coming. What’d you do?” 
“I...I’m bleeding, James.”
The phone line crackles, Sirius thinks vaguely that James must be covering the receiver.  
“Okay, okay. Can you-do you have something you can stop the blood with?”
“I-” The room tilts and Sirius sinks to the floor, the digital handset clutched in his grasp-his lifeline.
“I don’t wanna die.”
He whispers like it’s a big secret, cause it honestly is. Saying it old loud makes Sirius’s will to live that much more real, it makes the blood he’s losing all the more dire.
“You’re not gonna die, Sirius. You’re not dying, understand?” James is doing a poor job at hiding his panic and Sirius just nods against the phone.
“I’m coming right now. I’m on my cell, okay? I’m staying with you.”
“I really messed up.” 
“You didn’t, bro. We can fix it. I can patch you right up.”
Sirius shakes his head.
“James, I messed up.” 
He doesn’t just mean hurting himself. He doesn’t even just mean any of the things he’s done in the past twenty four hours. He’s messed up and he has been for months and months-and he doesn’t even know how to fix it. 
“Hey-hey, hey, stay with me, Sirius. You’re okay. You didn’t mess up.” 
“Would you be better without me?”
He hates himself for how childish his voice sounds, how stilted and tired his speech is, for the panic laced even in James’ breath.
“God, Sirius. No. Of course not. Quite the opposite.”
He hears James get into his car and start the engine. 
“I’ve got a towel.”
“A towel?”
“For my wrist. Where I’m…”
Sirius can’t finish his sentence, shame sobering him. For fifteen straight seconds, all he hears on the other end is the sound of James driving.
“You slit your wrists?”
“....just one.”
“I’m taking you to the hospital.”
Panic shoots through him and another surge of adrenaline spikes up.
“You can’t. Please, James. You can’t. I can’t go- they’ll-”
“Hurt you? Sirius.”
James’s voice is tender towards him when it should be angry. Gentleness he doesn’t deserve. Fleetingly Sirius realizes just then that if he makes it through this, he’ll never be able to repay James.
“I can’t-” His voice breaks off into a sob and he feels his breath start to get short. All the things his mother drilled into him for years seep into his brain. Hospitals are only there to take you away from me. 
They just wanna hurt you.
They won’t believe you. No one will believe you. 
Anything they do to you will hurt more than what I do.
If you loved me, it wouldn’t hurt. 
Why can’t you just be good?
You don’t need anyone but me. You won’t need anyone but me. Remember that. 
If you’re hurt it’s your own fault.
It’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
It’s always going to be your fault.
“Sirius! Sirius!” 
He squeezes his eyes shut hard, trying to stay present, trying not to fall backwards, trying not lose himself more than he already has. He presses down on the cut on his arm and cries out in pain, but the sound of himself brings him back. He feels something wet on his elbow again, and when he looks over, Grim is right next to him. Sirius lets out another sob and clutches onto the dog with his good arm, the phone cradled between his shoulder and ear. 
James is screaming his name into the phone, almost hysterical. 
“James-no hospital.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
“I’m sorry-”
“No, it’s okay. You just scared me, man. It’s okay. I’ll try to make it so you don’t have to go, okay?”
“Okay. Are you here?”
“I am so close, buddy. I am so close.”
Sirius hears the sound of a horn blaring as James accelerates. Grimm whines beside him and Sirius start to pet him.
“Was that Grimmy?” 
“He keeping you company?” 
Sirius can hear the fear in James’ voice still, but he can tell he’s trying to calm down for his benefit. 
“Yeah. James?”
“I’m really scared.”
Sirius can’t ever remember saying that out loud. Not to James, not to anyone. He’s thought it more times than he can count, increasingly so since everything fell apart eighteen months ago. But he’s never let himself think about it for more than a second. He didn’t dwell, and he definitely didn’t say it out loud. Sirius had learned very early in life that showing weakness, being afraid, doing anything other than laying there and taking it was a good way to get hurt. But here he was, more hurt than he ever could’ve imagined, and beyond the point of pretending otherwise.
“Me too, Siri. But it’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay. You have to be okay.”
Grimm nudges his arm, gets him to keep petting him, keeps him tethered to the life he’d been so determined to leave. James keeps reassuring him in his ear, and Sirius keeps repeating okay every minute or so, not sure of what’s being said, only registering soft black fur beneath his fingers. Soon, Sirius hears a car screech to a stop outside.
“I’m coming up, Siri. I’m here. Is the door unlocked?”
He can feel his pulse in the cut now, but he doesn’t think it’s bleeding as much. Sirius shifts so he’s sitting up more against the wall, clutching Grimm with both arms now, suddenly terrified about what’s going to happen when James walks in.
Normally, Grimm greets visitors at the door, but he doesn’t move, letting out a short warning bark when the knob starts to turn.
“S’okay, boy.” Sirius mumbles, shifting more, realizing as he’s trying he doesn’t have the strength to get up. He closes his eyes and rests his head against the wall, opening them again when he feels a hand cup his face.
When he looks into James’ dark eyes, filled with concern, Sirius loses what he has left. He releases Grimm and throws himself at his best friend, holding onto James with strength he didn’t know he had. He relaxes as he’s held, sobs stealing his breath as James rubs circles on his back. He’d found him in rough shape a handful of times before, but it’s never been like this.
Sirius hopes it’s never like this again. 
“Let me see your arm.”
It’s only when James speaks that Sirius realizes he’s been crying too. He pulls away, his hand on his uninjured arm still gripping James’ bicep. James gently pulls the towel away and breaths a sigh of relief. 
“Alright, Pads. You didn’t get deep.”
Sirius’s eyes work double time and search James’ expression. 
“What-what does that mean?”
James’ offers him a watery smile.
“You’re gonna be just fine. No hospital.”
Sirius breaks down again, relief flooding him as James readjusts them so Sirius can lean against James properly, his arm around his shoulders keeping Sirius on Earth. Grimm puts his head in his lap.
“I’m not gonna die?”
“You’re not gonna die. Not on my watch.”
They sit there for what could be forever, Sirius quietly crying into James’s chest/armpit, letting years of pain out on the floor of his living room. When he’s done, James lets the silence surround them, reaching over to scratch Grimm behind the ears as Sirius’s breath turns back to normal.
“I have to ask you, Siri.” 
Sirius nods against him, not moving his head up to look at him even though he should.
“I know.”
“How much did you have to drink.”
He lets three heavy seconds pass before he has the guts to answer.
“One and a half.”
James sucks in a breath. Sirius wants to cry again, realizing how consistently he’s been letting James down. He pulls away, lifting his head up even though it feels far too heavy.
“I...James. I need help.” His voice cracks but he pushes through.“Please.”
James nods twice, standing and pulling Sirius up with him.
“Okay, I’ll get you help. Let me bandage you up first.”
He drops Sirius off on the couch and disappears into the bathroom. Grim jumps up beside him and whines again. Sirius reaches for him but he touches something else soft first. The blanket Doe had slept with. Without thinking, without caring, he wraps it around himself, wrapped even around his head. He breathes her in, tears streaming down his face again.
He has to see her again. He has to tell her he’s sorry. 
And he will.
He’s asleep before James even finds the first aid kit,he’s completely exhausted. His sleep is mercifully dreamless and for the first time he can remember, Sirius is looking forward to waking up.
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
Crumbling Foundations- Consequences of a Fling Chapter 6
Pairing: Liam x Veronica x Drake
Word count: 1,895
Warnings: angst, descriptions of paternity testing and risks (as vague as possible)
Summary: The first ultrasound should be a time for joy, will the ultrasound calm their fears or prove them true? 
A/N: I was talking to @imma-winchester-addict about TRR book 3 chapter 16 and the what could happen because of the fling and this was born. MC faceclaim is Nadia Bjorlin.
If you want to be tagged let me know.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters I’m just borrowing them from PB for a bit.
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It was the day of their first ultrasound, Veronica prayed that she was further along than she thought, prayed it would be the day of truth. She hoped with everything that she had that she was far enough along that a paternity test wouldn’t be necessary, that the child she carried was Liam’s and that today’s ultrasound would be enough to prove that the child she was carrying was the heir to the throne. She couldn’t bear to think what it would mean if the child she was carrying was the result of an impulsive decision, a decision she’d regret for the rest of her life no matter who the father of her unborn child was. She didn’t want to think about what it would mean to Liam, their marriage if the child turned out to be Drake’s. She knew it would break him, and Drake would try harder to drive them apart. She only wanted Liam, didn’t she?
Her stomach was twisted in knots, her nerves were so frayed and exposed she felt like she was shaking. She just wanted to know, she needed to know her marriage wasn’t damaged beyond repair. Just let it be Liam’s. Let me be farther along. Please let it be Liam’s. Her thoughts consumed her as she begged the universe. Her hand rested on her still flat stomach, she loved this child already, but it could mean the end of her marriage if it was Drake’s. Her marriage was already barely being held up by its crumbling foundation, the result of her bitter lies and hurtful betrayal. Could her marriage survive the blow of the baby not being his? She had never felt more nervous before in her life, she wished she could just pinch herself and wake herself from this horrible nightmare.
Liam was terrified, this was the only chance they had of finding out the paternity without needing to do testing. He visited the old wishing well nearly every day whispering ‘Let the baby be mine. Let there be no doubt it’s mine.’ into the old well. The well he was so happy to show his then fiancé and now he knew she had just been with Drake, his only good memory left of that night shattered into a million pieces. He couldn’t bear to think what it would do to his marriage, his friendship to Drake if the child wasn’t his. Both relationships were already damaged, if it wasn’t his, if Drake continued to fight for her—his wife, his queen, he knew it could likely spell ruin for what remained of the shaky relationships. He sadly shook his head, he couldn’t lose her.
The ride to their appointment was silent, both feeling like they were silently marching to the death of their marriage. What should have been a joyous occasion was tainted by a stupid tryst that never should have happened. They should be smiling, happily chatting about seeing their child for the first time. The drive should have been spent planning their future, discussing getting ready for their baby, their heir. The uncertainty made them both too afraid to plan their life as a family, if the child wasn’t theirs it could likely destroy their marriage. Instead of holding hands, sharing smiles and kisses they both sat facing forward, hands clasped in their laps, both silently praying that this wasn’t the beginning of the end for them.
At the office they were quickly ushered back to an exam room, they checked her vitals before exiting the room telling her the doctor would be in shortly.  Veronica sat on the exam table nervously biting her lip, mindlessly picking invisible lint from her top, her eyes pointedly avoiding looking at Liam. This was breaking him, she couldn’t bear to see the longing in his eyes—the moment it would surely turn to heartbreak if she was right about how far along she was.
“Good afternoon Your Majesties, are you ready to see your baby?” The doctor asked as she entered the room.
“We can’t wait.” Liam replied, fake smile plastered on his face, his heart clenching in fear.
The doctor sat in front of the ultrasound machine, “if you could pull up your shirt your majesty.” The doctor stated.
Veronica nodded as she pulled her shirt up, exposing her still flat stomach, her stomach felt like it was housing a million butterflies all trying to escape, the moment of truth.
The doctor grabbed the tube of ultrasound gel, “this will be a little cold.” She stated as she squirted the ultrasound gel on Veronica’s stomach.
The doctor grabbed the ultrasound wand, rubbing it against Veronica’s stomach through the gel, she looked at the screen as she glided the probe across her abdomen.
Breath caught in her throat, Veronica locked her eyes with Liam for the first time all day, fear evident in his blue eyes. He reached for her hand, grasping it as he gave it a gentle squeeze, a silent reminder that he still loved her even after all the pain. She gave him a small smile, tears welling up in her eyes threatening to spill—how could she have hurt this man? His love for her was so true and pure and all she did was rip out his heart and stomp on it by falling for and sleeping with his best friend. He didn’t deserve all the hurt and pain she caused him and she didn’t deserve his pure selfless love.
The sound of the baby’s heartbeat filled the room pulling their eyes from each other and to the screen.
“This is the sack, and this is your baby.” The doctor said pointing at the screen.
“How far along am I?” Veronica asked, struggling to keep her voice steady.
“By the measurements and the results of your previous blood test is put you at 7 weeks, roughly 5 weeks from your last period.” The doctor answered as she continued to stare at the screen taking measurements.
Veronica’s tears spilled from her eyes as her heart sunk to her stomach, she couldn’t bring herself to look at Liam and see the heartbreak written on his face. His grip on her hand relaxed slightly as he felt the world crumbling at his feet, it could still be Drake’s.
Liam cleared his throat, readying himself for the words he must ask. “If a paternity test needed to be done how soon could it be preformed?” He asked.
The doctor turned to face them, she struggled to cover up her surprise at his question. “W—well there are several options. You can wait until the baby is born and we would collect and test the umbilical blood. After you’re 8 weeks along we can collect the mother’s blood and using a special technique we can preserve and analyze the baby’s DNA, this method is 99.9% accurate. Between 10 and 13 weeks we can do a chorionic villus sampling, CVS, where we collect these small finger-like pieces of tissue attached to the uterus that contain the same DNA as the baby as they come from the same fertilized egg. Or at 14-20 weeks we can preform an amniocentesis, where we would use a long thin needle guided by ultrasound to collect amniotic fluid—this method has risks, the hole may continue to leak, you could experience cramps, or in extreme cases you could lose the baby.” She explained.
Veronica finally allowed her gaze to fall on Liam, she needed him to know she couldn’t risk the baby. Before she could express her concerns Liam spoke, “so we could test after next week with no risk to the baby?”
“That’s right your majesty.” The Doctor replied.
“And the DNA from the father’s?” Liam asked his heart continuing to crack.
“A simple swab of the mouth from each of the possible father’s.” She replied.
“I’m assuming both of the potential fathers would need to be present.” Liam responded.
“That is correct your majesty.”
“And it would be kept confidential?” He asked.
“Of course your majesty, we do not discuss anything about any of our patients.”
Liam nodded, “would we come here to do the testing?” He questioned.
“That is correct, we can set you up an appointment for next week if you’d like.”
“Please.” Liam stated.
The trip back to the palace was as quiet as the trip to the appointment. With the tension from the unknown slightly lifted, they held hands clinging to the other for comfort as they hoped they weren’t about to come to a bitter end. The knowledge that Drake could very well be the father weighing heavy on their hearts, they just hoped they could survive whatever the results would eventually bring.
At the palace they parted ways so Liam could do some work. As he shut the door it was pushed open by Drake, shutting the door behind them.
“What the hell Liam?! I find out from James you had an ultrasound appointment!” Drake shouted, his jaw clenching in anger.
Damn it James! Liam mentally noted to talk to his assistant about sharing such appointments with Drake in the future. “Yes Veronica and I got to see the baby today.” Liam replied, the words dripping with condescension.
"I should have been there! I'm the father!” Drake exclaimed, his hands balling into tight fists by his sides, blunt nails digging into the palms of his hands.
"You might be the father Drake, all we know is you're the man who betrayed your friend, your king. I'm her husband and as such until we know further I will be treated as the father." Liam replied, his eyes full of an angry rage.
Drake narrowed his eyes as he took a step closer to Liam, his blood boiling in his veins from contained anger.
“What are you going to do Drake, hit me?” Liam challenged.
“Maybe I am. It’s not like you didn’t punch me.” Drake countered.
“I’m not the one who betrayed our friendship! You slept with my fiancé, after you saw her behind my back for the engagement tour. What fucking her while I was stuck pretending with Madeline wasn’t enough for you? You had to sleep with her after we were engaged too?” Liam sneered.
“All we did was kiss until the homecoming ball—”
“So you waited until she was officially off the market to fuck her? That makes it so much better!” Liam said cutting him off, a joyless laugh ringing through the room. He trusted Drake to look after her, to protect her, and in return he tried to steal her from him.
“Why aren’t you mad at her, she had a hand in it too!” Drake responded.
“Why couldn’t you say no?! Why did you have to have a fling with her?” Liam questioned, ignoring Drake’s words.
“Why didn’t you say no? Why did you give her permission?” Drake countered.
Liam sighed, “I’d already hurt her, disappointed her so much, I couldn’t say no to her no matter how much it hurt me to say yes.” he replied, running his hand through his hair roughly.
Drake felt the anger deflate from him, he had wanted her so much that he hadn’t even thought about how his actions might effect Liam. He felt like the biggest jerk in the world, but he still wasn’t ready to let her go.
A/N: If you haven't already, let me in your mind.
Consequences of a Fling Masterlist
Tags: @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @speedyoperarascalparty @hhiggs @imafictosexual @bella-ca @museofbooks @indiacater @hdcathcart @mrsdrakewalkerblog @liamxs-world @mrsnazario1223 @hopefulmoonobject
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mer-birdman · 7 years
Seasonal Depression Is A Bitch, And I'm Tired Of How Often I Have To Isolate Myself In Order To Keep From Hurting People Who Don't Deserve It — 2.4.18
For better or worse, I am like him.
We share eyes and a last name, I have the face and voice of his late mother. We eat slowly and walk fast, he taught me how to make stir-fried tofu and used to put on James Taylor at bedtime.
For better or worse, I am my father's daughter, or perhaps my father's son. I don't know.
I share his strong emotions and his short temper. For all I know, maybe I share his ADHD as well. It's harder to diagnose in *girls, after all, just like Autism-spectrum disorders and a multitude of myriad medical maladies. For better or worse, I am like him in this way too.
So when my mood runs foul, and I want to snap about someone chewing too loudly or ask you less-than-politely to "stop using that tone of voice because it just makes it seem like you're playing pretend to win my sympathy", instead I bite my tongue and say nothing.
For better or for worse.
Because I know how much it stings to be the target of anger you didn't earn. Even if it's not raised voices or physical threats, words can bite no matter how soft. And it hurts hurts hurts, to bottle it all up somewhere deep inside that's probably starting to rot, but I never want to be the person you remember as someone who only caused pain.
For better or worse, being that sort of person is in my blood, and I refuse to let it consume me.
So I won't disagree with your writing choices because I have a conflicting opinion. I won't tell you what I really think of this character, or that tumblr post, or your new boyfriend unless what I really think is something you won't be hurt by. I will stay in my lane and learn to avoid your triggers, learn which names and words not to use remember how to not hurt you, and I'll turn out my music every night and pretend I'm not afraid of the dark any longer. Nobody likes someone who spits acid, so I'll hold my tongue when it wants to harm and pretend I don't need anything because it wouldn't be fair to make anyone worry.
(Or listen to me complain again).
For better or worse, this is in my blood too.
I'm high-energy and low motivation, so even if talking to a professional might get me a diagnosis or medication or peace of mind, I don't have the patience for it and I don't trust anyone to actually understand anyways. Sometimes my brain and my body don't like to cooperate, sometimes I lose track of time and I can't focus on a single page sitting in front of me. I stagnate. Winter brings me an annual head cold and something I can't allow myself to call seasonal depression because nothing is anything unless a doctor says so, and puts it on your records. There's only one scar on my arm, because I've never done enough damage to leave more (and that one was just a mistake) but I still can't ever say a thing about it because There Will Be A Report and I Will Be In Trouble and someone will inevitably try to solve a problem they don't know how to fix.
Not even I know how to fix it.
For better or worse, I am the child of my parents.
For better or worse, this is in my blood.
For better or worse, once more, I bite my tongue and let my crueler thoughts fester and rot inside me, and a part of me almost hopes they'll eat me alive before I accidentally let another escape.
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subcutaneous7 · 8 years
Hi! can you do Supercat 34 and 46 together? Also! You are an amazing writer and I'm glad you share it with all of us!
Thank you so very much! Sorry this took a while, but hopefully it will be worth the wait. Here on A03.
Kara searched high and low, frantically scouring every damn drawer in the tiny French powder room, leaving no stone unturned. Sunscreen wasn’t something she ever had to worry about herself, but she knew her hostess did, so where could it be? This was the first request she’d made of her in quite a while, and definitely the simplest task she’d ever asked Supergirl to tackle, so if Cat Grant wanted her to pack a bag for the beach, she was determined to get it right. The fact that the other woman still didn’t know her two identities were one in the same, however, was almost a joke at this point. Ever since the CEO called for her after a nasty fall in the Andes, Cat kept in close contact with the Girl of Steel. Kara couldn’t help but check on her as she recovered in a Chilean hospital, or again a few weeks later in Greece, the next month in Barcelona. As soon as she was back on her feet, Cat commenced with the globetrotting, making the best of her sabbatical, even if she did seem a bit lost in every place she landed. Not that she wasn’t an extremely adept tour guide, and Kara certainly loved getting to see the sights and taste the cuisine in each locale. They never ventured far from Cat’s hotel for appearance’s sake, but what little they did explore was remarkable, the view from her suite never failing to stun. They’d sit out on the balcony like nothing had changed, Cat pointing out the Parthenon or the Sagrada Família, pretending to just be two ordinary people who enjoyed catching up with each other, despite all the unanswered questions and secrets left between them. As the months passed and they got closer, Kara had a more difficult time returning to her everyday life. Anywhere in the world with Cat began to feel more like home than National City did these days. Even if she stayed only for an hour or so, Cat seemed to have her spirits lifted, so Supergirl did her best to keep the visits coming.
Which is why she knew it was ridiculous to be panicking over something as basic as sunscreen, but she also didn’t want to leave it out. Finally, she made her way back downstairs in Cat’s lavish vacation home, deciding there was no harm in asking. “Hey, have you seen the…? Oh,” she froze, shutting her eyes, turning around quickly, though not before getting a clear glimpse of Cat’s naked shoulders, bare breasts sitting perfectly beneath chiseled collarbones, small pink nipples staring back defiantly from across the kitchen.   Kara felt like all the air had been knocked out of her lungs. She forced herself to keep breathing. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “I am so…so sorry…” “You don’t have to hide,” Cat told her nonchalantly. “Nothing you haven’t seen before, I’m sure.” “Yes, but…not on you.” “Well, when in Nice,” Cat shrugged. Kara could hear her continuing to move about the room, opening the refrigerator, taking out a bowl of grapes for the road. “I thought you knew topless sunbathing was the custom here.” “I did not,” Kara shook her head emphatically, shifting a little in her own bathing suit and cover up. “Does it make you uncomfortable? Surely where you’re from they aren’t as puritanical as most of Earth’s…” “Actually, we wore a lot more clothes on Krypton,” Kara shared. “Believe it or not.” “Really?” Cat mused. “If you’re that embarrassed, I can…” “No,” Kara assured, not wanting to make her feel insecure in the slightest. “No it’s…it’s fine, really. I just might not join you in…I mean…I might keep mine on if that’s…” “Of course,” Cat smirked a little, drying her hands on a towel before popping another grape into her mouth. “Shall we?“ 
Kara followed her down the dusty steps built into the side of the cliff. It was late in the day, the sun still hot and heavy in the sky, though the orange haze of evening hung over the shimmering water. It was so perfectly picturesque Kara was sure it was just as pretty as any postcard, if only she could have focused on it for more than a second. Instead, her eyes kept wandering back to the small framed woman in front of her, leading the way as they approached the semi-private beach. Her linen pants clung to her hips, blonde, messy hair tossed by the wind as she attempted to sweep it out of her face. Kara could make out the bones in her spine, coupled by strong muscles on either side, tan skin glistening beneath the oil she’d somehow managed to apply on her own. Kara was partly relieved, another, larger part disappointed she wouldn’t be asked to smooth the liquid over her shoulders, across the nape of her neck, making sure she didn’t miss a spot. After a few more yards, Cat spread out the blanket she’d brought for both of them, motioning for Kara to sit. It was a gorgeous day, in one of the most breathtaking spots she’d ever laid eyes on. The sand felt toasty beneath her bare feet. She was happy she’d traded her suit and cape for something more comfortable, though the wrap she wore felt obscenely prudish given the circumstances. She imagined how nice the warm breeze must have felt on Cat’s skin, though she dared not look again as much as she could help it.
They sat in silence for a long time. Kara wondered what the point of this was, asking her to come here, showing her the beach, appearing mostly nude in front of her without any warning. If she wasn’t such a wreck inside about her own feelings, she might have been angry. But the truth was, this is exactly where she wanted to be. For months, she’d felt like they were sailing towards something other than friendship, and maybe this was the first taste of that. She just hadn’t thought seeing more of her would be this…easy.
Then again, what if Cat didn’t really want the girl she’d gotten to know back when things were simpler? What if she thought the person she’d been sharing so much time with, barreling closer and closer to the edge with, was just a superhero, a refugee from another planet, not the clumsy, often awkward woman who’d bent over backwards to make her life easier for the past three years? Suddenly, this, all of this, felt like a betrayal.
She turned back towards Cat, then away again, knowing she had to say something before things got any more complicated.
“Mm?” the older woman hummed.
“I…” Kara swallowed. “I feel like…I need to tell you something.”
Cat sat up a little, brushing off some of the sand stuck to her forearms. Kara stole another glimpse, not wanting to stare, but knowing she owed it to them both to make eye contact. Her eyes trailed down to her chest automatically, taking in the soft, subtle curve of her cleavage, the color and texture, the sweet freckles she’d never seen before peppered with flecks of sand still lingering there. Quickly, she forced herself to look back up, meeting Cat’s green, patient eyes and gentle smile. She exhaled, letting herself relax, knowing in that moment that the time had finally come.
“I’m not…just Supergirl,” Kara whispered, voice threatening to break, hands wrapped around her knees. “I'm…”
She almost stopped, but then Cat’s hand met hers on top of the blanket, just barely making contact, urging her to continue.
“I’m…me,” the younger woman continued. “Kara.”
“I know,” Cat’s smile widened, even as she rolled her eyes a bit wistfully. “But thank you. For finally telling me. That does mean a lot.”
Kara sighed deeply, letting out another breath as she looked back at the ocean, feeling like the weight of the world had just fallen from her shoulders. She shifted her feet against the sand, feeling her skin tingle where Cat’s hand still rested on top of hers.
“Well, that’s two revelations today. Three, technically,” Cat glanced down at her chest, crossing her arms as the wind picked up. “Should we go for broke with four?”Kara turned to her again, watching goosebumps sprinkle down the length of her arms.
“What do you mean?” she asked.“I think I made a mistake, leaving like I did,” Cat admitted quietly. “I miss CatCo. I miss going into work every day, getting to do something I care about, and more than that, I miss you.”
Kara felt her throat twinge, threatening to close as she felt her heart throb against her lungs.
“These meetings…” Cat kept going. “As much as I appreciate them, just don’t cut it. I find myself…aching to go back to when we spent every day together, even if it was just work. I don’t know why I thought this was the answer, but it’s not, and now I just…want my life back.”“Why did you leave then?” Kara needed more. “Why didn’t you call me…I mean, call…Kara…” “I’ve been avoiding it,” Cat shook her head. “I was afraid…I’d messed things up too much to repair. Afraid of what you might say, or not say…”
Cat’s face was practically white, she looked so raw and uncertain, like maybe she’d just opened up a wound she couldn’t possibly have known was still so fresh. They had spent all this time together, but it couldn’t undo the fact that she’d ignored Kara for the past several months, pretending like she didn’t need her, not asking how things were with Snapper or James or any of that, because it didn’t seem to matter, when clearly it did.
“You should have called,” Kara’s eyes watered as she bit her lip.
“I shouldn’t have left,” Cat told her firmly.
And that was all she needed to hear.
Kara reached across the blanket, taking her face in her hands, bringing their lips together in a crushing kiss.
Cat let out the tiniest noise, almost as if to protest at first, but then her fingers were in Kara’s hair, stroking her cheeks, wiping away her tears as she let herself be kissed like she had never been kissed. Kara’s tongue begged for more, and Cat gave it to her, letting her in as she allowed herself to be wrapped up in strong, shaking arms. Cat pushed them back onto the sand, coming up for air only for a moment before returning to Kara’s lips, marveling at their sureness, holding on to her waist with enough fervor to let her know she was just as sure.
She leaned over the younger woman, feeling her hands, a little less certain than her lips, make their way up her back, touching and teasing her skin before pulling away. Cat smiled down at her, tracing her jawline, blushing for the first time that afternoon as Kara very openly, very consciously stared at her breasts hanging between them. “If you keep looking at me like that…” she swallowed. “…we won’t make it to a bed.“
“Yes we will,” Kara breathed, smiling as she pushed some of Cat’s hair behind her ear. “I’ll make sure of it.”Slowly, she sat up, kissing her again, wrapping her arms around the other woman as she hoisted her into the air, letting Cat’s feet dangle, hands draped around her neck as she carried them back to the house.
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pietromelim · 4 years
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Science! Christopher and Grace. Takes place after Chain of Gold so will have spoilers!
Art by JemlinCreations
Christopher took a deep breath. Normally,he wouldn't get so nervous when making some experiences in the lab. He was used to people looking at him when he did.
Usually,his friends would be with him. Thomas helping him in whatever he needed. James would usually make questions in order to test Christopher's attention,and Matthew would just chat with them and help in absolutely nothing.
Henry would also be around,since he and Christopher had that special connection in common. Their presence would always make things a lot easier for Christopher.
Right now,it wasn't like he wished he were alone,but a certain presence there was really messing with him.
Grace Blackthorn. Christopher wasn't very sure why she had asked to see him working at the lab. It was certainly an unusual request coming from a lady to a gentleman. Even more if the lady was Grace.
They had gotten closer in the last few weeks. Besides Cordelia,Grace was the only other girl friend that he had. Lucie was his cousin and Anna his sister,so they did not count.
They had not danced together in a ball. Christopher just couldn't bring himself to do it. He was awful at dancing,every single Enclave lady made sure to tell him that. He was quite afraid that Grace would ask that of him.
He had absolutely no idea what kind of things girls did to spend their time,and he surely would not ask Lucie or Cordelia. He didn't wanted them to know about his friendship with Grace yet.
As a matter of fact,no one did.
He had a test tube in his hand,full of a purple liquid. Grace had asked him to make anykind of interesting science, something that would impress her. She didn't seemed to mind in waiting.
But what if she was bored? What if she was only pretending to please him,as a friend would do?
Christopher looked at her.
-Grace. Are you absolutely sure that you are not dying of boredom?-He asked,his glasses almost falling from his face.
Grace seemed surprise with his question.
-I am not in the least bored. I am sure that whatever you do will be quite entertaining.-Grace said.
But how could he be sure? She certainly deserved more consideration coming from him. She was the only one who never said that his love for science was stupid,unlike the other girls from the Enclave.
But that didn't meant Grace had any liking for science.
Christopher turned his attention to her. The test tube with the purple liquid fell on something else.
-Ugh,i am doing this the wrong way. Matthew always told me that i should never bring a girl into my lab,except if she were my wife,which clearly is not the case.-Christopher said.
Grace's expression changed in a subtle way,but Christopher did not realized that.
-I see no problem in your lab. Why would it be a bad place for me or any other girl?-Grace asked.
-It's not that! It is just...I don't really know how to explain. I want you to have fun,like you had when you were with James or Charles.-Christopher said.
-I had no fun when i was with Charles. He was like an open book of politics,he could not talk about anything else. James and i only talked. My mother would never have let me see James properly.-Grace said.
-But all of this must be so dull for you! Perhaps a walk in Regent's Park and a picnic? Would this be more fitting for you? I really want you to have a good time Grace!-Christopher said.
And if she knew how serious he was being. He knew about how she used to live,thanks to his mad aunt Tatiana. Always trapped inside the Chiswick House or the Blackthorn Manor. Now she was free of Tatiana. She deserved better than his silly science.
-Do not worry so much,Chris. I am having a good time. You are always so busy being with your friends. Not that i think you shouldn't be with them,but i barely have friends. I really enjoy being with you.-Grace said.
Christopher blinked. Did she really mean that? He would never have expected something like that coming from Grace. He liked their friendship,but to her,it did seemed to be much more special.
But it was for him as well. Perhaps that was the reason he was so afraid of letting her down.
-You are sure? You must be sincere with me Grace. I can barely pay attention to anything,and when it comes to girls,i really lose it.-Christopher said.
A memory of Rosamund Wentworth came to his mind. It was at the ball in the Institute. She had refused to dance with him,saying that it was because of his lack of attention and skills.
But Grace wasn't like Rosamund. She had always been nice to him. She had even listened to him when he told her all about bacteria!
-I am being Chris. You must relax a little. You seem tense.-Grace said,as she approached him and massaged his shoulders.
Christopher relaxed immediately. Grace's hands seemed to be magical. He could really get used to having her around the lab to keep him company.
"Chris". She was the only one who called him that. Everyone else seemed to like Kit better. It was good in a way,"Chris" could be Grace's nickname for him,and no one else's.
-By the Angel Gracie...Your hands are miraculous.-Christopher said.
Grace looked at him,Christopher appeared to be looking at the ceiling,but his eyes were closed. He really seemed to be enjoying what she was doing.
This seemed to be the first time a man was enjoying her company without the use of her powers. Of a man that wasn't Jesse,at least.
-Gracie. My mother and Jesse never gave me any nicknames.-Grace said.
Christopher looked at her.
-Did you like it?-He asked.
Grace nodded.
They began to close the space between them,their faces approaching more and more...
Suddenly,Grace's lips were on his. Christopher put his hands on her waist,and her hands were already on his shoulders.
He pulled her closer,deepening the kiss. Grace had such a sweet taste,almost like tea and vanilla.
They broke the kiss,since both needed air. Grace had a smile on her face.
-I'm sorry if that was improper,but i could not resist anymore.-Christopher said.
-Don't say you are sorry if you don't regret it Christopher.-Grace said.
-I don't regret it one bit.-Christopher said.
Before they could kiss again,a loud sound echoed in the lab. Christopher and Grace both turned their attention to the destroyed table behind them. What was left of it was covered in ashes. There was also broken glass on the floor.
Christopher had let go off Grace,and looked at the mess he had made,in exasperation.
-Oh bloody hell! Of all the foolish things! Why would i even mix...I am so sorry that this ruined our moment,Grace...-Christopher was saying,he was more than prepared to apologize to Grace.
But she wasn't angry,nor she seemed startled due to the explosion.
Grace was laughing. And Christopher began to laugh eventually as well.
At least his science could make her laugh,it could put a smile on her beautiful face.
And that was more than enough to satisfy him.
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Ghosts from the rainforest
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Summary: A simple rescue mission will bring him back to a place full of nightmares, and maybe this time he could find redemption. Situated in 1975, 2 years after the events of Skull Island.
Warnings: Violence, blood, wounds, mentions of war, cursing, implied smut, smoking, angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 6: Family
The piercing blue eyes search for you in the dim light that came from the sunrise outside the shack, he found you and attempt to stand up getting down immediately from the pain.
"Don't even try" You said to him, sad to look at his face covered in dry blood and a still fresh cut on his cheekbone. Two days after arriving Walker had decided to inspire moral in his troops by beating him and putting you to treat their wounds "I suspect they broke one of your ribs when you call them bastards, also even if you could move there is also this" you pointed to the fetter around his ankle and he looked at yours too, your shorts were stained from the truck and the dirt floor of the shack, and the clear sign of a lash on the naked skin that you cover with a blanket when he looked at it.
"How is your head?" He asked finally trying to sit still "How long have we been here?"
"It has been better, it will take more than that to take me down, don't worry" You said taking a piece of cloth and wetting it on a small bowl "Well after you passed out I kept fixing a couple wounds here an there in the camp, so he won't kill you, that was three days ago, at least they left me this to fix you up, hold still" You approach as much as you could to him and start cleaning up his wounds.
"I have nowhere else to be love... hey!!" He pull apart when the alcohol touch the open skin, and gave you a panicked look when you show him the suture you will use to close the cut
"Oh Captain don't be a baby" You hold his face on your hand while continuing to clean the cut "You must be used to deal with vicious animals like that by now, because that frien of yours can call himself a man"
"You are right, Walker is a poisonous snake who will kill anyone on his way, the only reason we are alive is because he believes he may get something valuable out of you, which reminds me, what did he ment by next time he'll go for the throat?" He had his hand was clenched and his eyes firmly shut down when you passed the needle trough the skin.
"I have met Walker before, Shukri used to help him pass his weapons and stuff through the border so he send me as a symbol of friendship, but the man he wanted me to help die, wich of course he will because he had severe sepsis and many bullet holes, and I'm far from being an actual medical doctor"
"You really have a way to reassure people" He joke and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Anyway he went crazy and kill the men Shukri send to guard me and stab me in the stomach, and leave me for dead in the jungle, thankfully it wasn't a cut deep enough and I managed to walk to the next village". You finish and he looked at you surprised by how casually you talk about those horrible memories. "What does he meant by your taste still being constant?" His face darkened and the guilt and remorse appear again in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant..." You tried to stand up but he grab your wrist and you sit next to him.
"As I told you Jenny's mom was the lover of a British ambassador, and we actually met before we were send to find her, one night Sargent Walker was drunk and tried to force himself on her, and I stop her" He said with a sad smile on his face.
"You were together? You and her mother I mean" You tried to hide a hint of jealousy in your voice, it was funny that in this threatening situation you could still be thinking about you two.
"Of course not" He said and a grin of satisfaction show on his face when you sigh in relief "Although I had feelings for her, and maybe she had them too, but I knew I had a mission, then Walker betrayed us and Jenny die... well I guess she blamed me for it" you didn't say anything and just let him lay his head on your lap, the fetter was biting in your skin and your ankle was about to start bleeding but you feel the need of comforting him.
"How could you look this handsome aan peaceful cover in bruises, and cuts?" You ask yourself outloud after a couple minutes once you thought he was asleep.
"I could ask you the same Y/N" He responded opening his blue eyes, and you almost pushed him down but remember his bad shape. "Don't worry, the guys are looking for us, they will get help in Borneo and come back"
"That's what I'm afraid of, I heard them talking about asking for ransom money to the US Embassy in Borneo, what if they get too late, he is gonna kill me when he realizes I lie to him".
"I will like to him try" He said trying to stand hurting himself again.
"Easy there prince charming" You said holding him still and locking your hands together in the process, neither of you trying to pull apart. "I do know what I will do if we actually get out of here".
"And what is that?" Conrad asked trying to ignore how helpless your if was.
"I'm writing a strong worded letter to Houston Brooks about the terrible job of his tracker, since he keeps trying to charm the women he works for" You said and he smiled at you.
"Is it working?" He asked, trying to incorporate.
"Maybe" you said but before you could follow your instinct, some loud steps approach to the shack and you gently put him on the floor to curl in your corner pretending to be asleep.
"Ibu? Cepat! Kita perlu pergi" Mother? Quick! We have to go A young boy enter the shack carrying a big shotgun, and he open the fetter setting you free.
"Dia akan datang bersama kami" He is coming with us You said and he went to set a surprised James free.
"What is going on? Ibu?" He asked once you help him stand up, he was not as hurt as you thought since he could walk without help, but he was definitely not in his prime.
"You have your family Captain, I have mine" And since that explanation was not enough you had to continue "One of the men guarding me years ago was Shukri's nephew, he hates Wlker ever since, and has many of his children inside his little army so he can eventually sell them to the authorities"
"He is a layered man isn't he?" He said while you and the boy help him walk outside the camp, another infiltrator was already waiting next to a truck ready for you to flee, waving in the distance, and then the sound of a thunder brake the morning air, and he made a funny surprise face, and a blood stain start growing in his chest and he just fall on his back, and then all hell broke loose.
Walker men were following you, and since James was hurt it was so little that your young hero could do for you.
You run into the jungle just to be stopped in an open area where a tree had fallen an then four men were surrounding you, ready to kill.
"Drop it big guy!" Reles voice said, making your hear stop and race with happiness. The man in front of you turned around to meet Reels surprised by how calm he was.
"Didn't you listen? Drop it!" Slivko said coming out of the jungle with another six guys that you were sure were part of Shukri's village.
"I got you doc" Glenn said passing between the men who were already unarmed.
"I'm fine, help the Captain" you said and without thinking you took one of the weapons that had been dropped in the ground.
"I thought you didn't like those" Slivko said while Reels help the boy tie Walkers men.
"Desperate times Reg" You said, and hug him. "How did you find us so quickly?"
"Oh wow, sorry Captain" He said looking embarrassed "The guy, the weird guy that says he is your husband he meet us half way when we came after you guys, apparently one of the guys here told him what happened and he came with us and many men along to help"
"I knew it! Wait a minute Shukri is here?" You hold your breath because the feeling that something was wrong was strongly hurting your chest, and Conrad's words about Walker resonated in your ears.
You run back to the campsite, the ambush had worked out, the rest of Walker's men were dead or prisoners and unarmed, only their Sargent was too stubborn to surrender and both him and Shukri were aiming at each other in the middle of the camp. Shukri with a shotgun and Walker with two pistols.
Again without thinking and with the adrenaline running through your veins you pointed your gun at him and order him to drop it. As all response he aimed one of his pistols at you.
"You can't win this" You said to him not backing off and looking James concerned face approaching, but he was not looking at you, all his attention seemed to be focus on Shukri.
"Oh I know that doctor, but I have a question for you, who will be faster? Me or this little idiot here who came to rescue his princess??"
Things happened in the fraction of a second and by the time you understand what have happened both men where in the ground.
In the moment Shukri nod to James and he jump to take you out of the line of fire, Walker shoot his guns missing you, but not Shukri, but he didn't miss either.
"Hey, hey Shukri man, come on" Mills said approaching pressuring the wound, you stood up and walk away from James who was breathing difficulty from the jump, but overall okay.
"Shukri, you win, he is dead, please don't give up now" You said now no longer holding on the tears.
"Tears? Isteri if I had known that this is what I needed to do I would have let someone shoot me long ago." He said holding your hand with almost no strength. "Captain Prince charming?" He called for James and he kneeled by his side respectfully "Anda menjaga isteri saya" You take care of my wife
"I will" James said solemnly, and Shukri nod, then he hold your hand tightly and then after one last breath he and a quiet smile to you he was gone.
After a couple minutes people dispersed and you could hear his men arranging how will they move him, but it was wrong and you couldn't yet set what had happened in your brain, after one hour you felt like if you keep looking long enough he will smile again and wake up to tease you and life will be normal again.
"It's time" James said but he didn't force you to stand, he only gave you his hand, and stood there waiting, after a minute that felt like an eternity you took his hand stand up, and then you let all your unspoken feelings to come out, about Randa, about Shukri, about watching him almost be beaten to death two days ago, you cried and cried and he simply hold you, even when his rib was probably killing him, even when you were nothing to him but a job, he keep holding you.
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