#;✨out of candles [ooc]
ghxstwritten · 2 years
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judasiskariot · 28 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
The 🖤judasiskariot❤ round - thank you lovely delightful @pinkberrytea for the tag 💕🌸
When did you start writing?
Already enjoyed writing creative essays at school. Wrote my first fanfiction (yugioh) as a teenie at an anime/fandom website. Got really into it, with writing fanfiction about a RPG I were playing/writing at the very same time.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Maybe I read more smut than writing it. Because it seems I always need to put up huge story before smut, so it makes sense, cause the ghost of dumb it is ooc comments are still in my head.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I guess not. Both ways (I just often say I am a film noir or Tolkien type cause I often get lost in description or heavy in inner monologue. We could be in Mordor....or only went down the hill, same length. So happens with me. (So gods no never ever would I say I can write like Tolkien!!!! I just mean by that, that I do not keep some things sharp and short when maybe needed, as I do prefer in real life)
I am a huge Dante Alighieri and Vergil fan, compare me to them and I will always love you 🤣🤣
I just feel like a bardic soul 💜📜🪶
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Desk is always occupied. Also is there gym, man sleeping medieval storage cave (The Manc Ave, right Terry and Korvo? 😉Dig old bicks)
Hardly wifi connection in there. I have no stationary pc, only cheap small laptop (it is hard to be a bard xD) so writing on the couch.
I have reading and writing candles (my luxury; even I should not)
Love to write in my bard poetry book outside in the nature 🌳🏞️🏕️☀️
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I am the drama queen.
Love some angst and emotional damage; make it harder than it needs to be.
But also horror, gore, love and smut.
Never surprised.
and dumb sassy joking; could write forever funny crosstalks like chat. Would anyone read that? Than I would write all my ideas, ALL! So efficient and quickly. Sooo...I get lost in my Tolkien surroundings 😅🙈
maybe i write more cheesy and theatrically than I thought 🤔
What is your reason for writing?
No. I am not skilled in any other divine arts and I guess that's the only thing I can call on. I like it. I always liked it. I can create something, that's nice. And I've written so much RPG and FF as a teenager, I messed it up and I hate that I didn't do it for over 10 years now. Why abandon the thing you were good at, had fun with, made progress while practicing? So that all progress seems lost and you have to start from zero?
I'm glad I've started making progress again, maintaining what I once set out to do, and learning to be better.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I'm incredibly happy with every single comment, even if it's just a smiley.
" You really did read my thing? How great is that!?!?" 😍🤩
But comments with a specific part or a line that they liked or whatever, their specific thoughts on certain parts are incredible. As a writer, I need feedback to know if I'm doing well and if I'm on the right track. Do others know what I wanted to say? Does it come out right? Otherwise I cannot improve.
If someone shares their exact first thoughts, what they thought about certain passages while reading, then the work pays off. 😍😍🤤🤤
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
As someome whose writig is good? 😅🤷‍♀️🙈 someone they can talk to. some nerdie partner in crime.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I have no clue. No one told me. I guess maybe having drama ideas and writing the inner struggles of characters.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Also here not much confidence in my own writing.
Reread it: what da fuck is this?! 😠 I thought this was good?! I have no clue where I wanted to go with that 🤷‍♀️
BUT I can also be proud, reread it and think "I did this. I created that myself. It may be not the best, just small and silly and cliché, but I created it myself!" Be proud, all of you writers!! 👏🏻🫵🏻💪🏻 We are forgotten so often.
Do people criticize paintings for being ooc? Well..I guess assholes being assholes in every aspect of life 😅😆
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I do it cause I want to. But of course the external motivation is important. Lack of comments and feedback makes you quit, mean people make you quit. You post cause you want to share your joy with others, hope they enjoy it too. When they do not, it can be bitter.
But still for me I guess. But non the less, I pick up things I think others will like (but not troping or so, writing things I dislike myself cause they are gaining online likes and so on; not in that way never) When I know a certain mutual/friend is reading the thing, I put easter eggs/insiders in it, they should get; things I think they might like and makes them smile. If someone would request some things they would like to happen/read, I would totally pick it up when possible. Shared happyness is happyness doubled.
thanks for the tag lovely
All my muts, please keep tagging me. I just keep forget doing it, when I can't do it right away.
And spinning head prevents me from that. I see what nonsense I write in the DMs and in every lil post a huge amount of spelling mistakes; I can't do it better at the moment; so embarrassing🙈
I've had a hectic time, sorry, but I love things like that and always smile when I get tagged😃😘 (and sometimes I'm a little unsure about telling something about myself. The urge to disappear completely one day and the next day I urge to overshare. Plus bad experiences with some folks😅🙈 )
I tag @nihil-ism @damadisangue
maybe you guys want to ramble a lil bit
[check out their works (if you like 😘)]
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recklessblueie · 1 month
((I will say again please do not burn down your house, always have a way to put it out before setting things alight.))
ooc: i only lit the candle and held the pasta above to look like its about to be lit for the pic dw they were nt even on fire :] thanks for ur consern tho :D
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mamaeldritch · 2 years
Heres a thought
Aka Candle Queen
Named after that one GHOST song that GUMI sings 🕯
Tw for dark themes suicidal thoughts shitty family shitty thoughts cannon violence manipulation kinda angst ig idk
probably ooc but it’s 4am idfc
Reader goes to Ambrose for one sole reason
They want to die
There’s been rumors of a abandoned town that people go to only to never return and it’s sounds right up readers ally
Maybe they won’t be a burden to anyone anymore
When they get there they drive right in, it cut fan-belt, witch is odd but not necessarily unusual
They check the gas station and no one’s there, but they can here sounds from the church, so they wait
Out walks Bo and his black suit
Reader flags him down and they make small talk for a bit
And then they drop it on him
“I know what you do here” they say randomly, staring at the road in front of them “ How you guys turn people into wax sculptures” Bo is silent”you think you could do that to me? You probably planned on it but I just- I want to die” the last bit of there words come out as a cracked whisper and they don’t notice the tears falling down there face” All my life I’ve been called ugly and gross and and types of shit by my family, friends-Everyone! At least if you kill me and make a wax figure I won’t be ugly anymore, I’ll actually be something! I’ll have something” they ramble on.
Bo stared at you like you were crazy. Never in the 10 years he’d been pulling people off the highway and giving them to Vincent did he meant someone willing to die for the museum . Something clicked in him.
“You serious?” He asks still vaguely bewildered at you outburst
“Yes, I have nothing to lose, I am nothing to lose. You don’t have to worry about anyone coming to look for me of trying to find me, I promise”
Now this could go two different ways
A, he keeps you around and convinces you to hurt your family/others instead of yourself (cough cough like he dose)
“Instead of all that why don’t you come work for me instead, then you’ll have somthin to lose, darlin’” He says while lightning a cigarette
“Something to loose?” You think about it for what seems like forever
Or B,
“I’d be happy to oblige,sweetheart”
I love Bo he is babygirl ✨
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virtuouscandlelight · 3 years
{ OOC } younger Eleanor being infected with that pirate blood just to survive out there in the real world
that’s where all her agility and reflexes came in, bitch knew how to fight with swords and her candles to her discretion but still never broke angelic code in killing a human
dressed in pirate clothing and embraced that lifestyle for a while, simultaneously doing her job in completing miracles
but it eventually just got too much for her, all the incessant violence and crudeness, not to mention trauma on board — so she ended up vowing to herself that she’d never give in to violent tendencies no matter what the cost which is where she’s at currently, dressed in pure white robes and maintaining a more zen composure
but her old habits show easily when angered — no longer through physicality, but dark swearing and cursing. she swears to people her sword fighting and agility moves were only because Gabriel taught her self defense — only to cover up the fact she willingly submerged herself in piracy back in the days and was a pretty ruthless bitch
it’s her darkest secret ✨
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ghxstwritten · 2 years
Unova’s Shauntal is officially competing in the 2nd Pokemon World Tournament, in the Elite Category.
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“Ready to dust off the spell book and conjure our winning techniques., Isobel?"
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ghxstwritten · 2 years
sinks slowly back into her coffin-
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“Until next time, loves~.”
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