merchantofwhispers · 1 year
A Quick Drink | (1940s)
"I didn't come here to be lectured by a man who wore insoles so he'd be tall enough to look me in the eye."
"It wouldn't be a lecture if you'd do your fucking job."
"I did my job. You just weren't happy with the consequences."
"A federal judge is breathing down my neck because of your sloppy work!"
"Strange how that out of every head involved you're the only one catching heat."
"Ya, it is strange, ain't it? Almost like you've got somethin' against me."
"Damien, I have as much against you as I have against this wine. Cheap and dry, served only for its looks, but it gets the job done if you're desperate enough."
Suddenly he lurched forward, fingers catching in the pearls that were strung around Gemina's neck. "Now you listen to me, you little whore. Yer' gonna' fix this fuckin' mess and make that judge look the other way. I don't know who blew smoke up yer' pretty lil' skirt, but this shit ends now." His cigarette breath made her flinch, nose wrinkling up as she tried to pull her head away from him, but his grip was unrelenting. "Ya understand what I'm layin' down for ya, Minny?"
He finally released the hold, allowing her to take a step back to gather herself. With drink still in hand, she used her other to smooth her necklace out and dust her face off, grimacing as his breath seemed to linger on her skin. "Now," Damien started speaking again while glancing around, "I want this shit cleared within the week. I don't care what ya' gotta do. Muscle his family, rob his fuckin' house, pay him off, but you get that old bastard to stop lookin' my way and you do it quick."
People had begun to stare, whispers barely audible above the live band playing from the other side of the room. Gemina took note of it while considering what he was saying and in one quick motion she tossed her drink into his eyes. Whatever little distance was left between them was closed as her hands gripped onto his arm and his head, shoving him down towards the buffet table where his head was submerged into a punch bowl. Gasps and sharp cries of shock filled the room, but silence quickly followed. Time itself seemed to freeze for everyone involved except for Damien, whose gurgling shouts were loud enough to be heard as he lashed and kicked trying to get free.
When Gemina let go it was only because he'd managed to tip over the bowl with his thrashing, spilling the bright red contents across the now-destroyed table. His body collapsed to the floor, chest heaving as he coughed out the party favor that had begun filling his lungs. She remained standing above him, catching the increasingly fearful gazes of party-goers and the way some men's hands had moved to their waist belts. The only true noise she could hear was someone's laughter, but it didn't take long for her to realize it was Nikolai in the corner of the room.
She smirked at him and shook her head, knowing full well this was something he was going to be bringing up for days. He always did find such sick joy in watching her lose her temper.
"Well," Gemina lifted her arms up from her side and turned to the largest majority of people who had gathered, "where were we?" She stepped over Damien, lightly kicking him in the chest as she did, to grab another glass that she quickly filled with more of that terrible, terrible wine. "To our gracious host, Mr. Bonanno, and another year of living like fucking royalty!"
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cyberfei · 10 months
The Uprising: A General Timeline
While the response and process of the Uprising was different from country to country, organised efforts behind the scenes meant many of the major events that created the Cyberfei world as we know it were relatively synchronous.
The Initial Uprising (pre-Broadcast)
For a month before the New Year of 2015,
strange phenomena: dancing lights in the sky, rapid overgrowth
marked, rapid increase in climate activism worldwide
static in the air, some practicing witches may notice more tangible results to their spellcraft
The Broadcast
The elves reveal their existence to the world through a series of political broadcasts
These broadcasts follow a similar script and interrupt all broadcasting frequencies, including radio
Worldwide governments are given 6 months to come to a decision on negotiating for elven rights
The Voting Period (0-6 Months Post-Broadcast)
Groups of pro-fae and anti-fae begin to pop up in the form of online circles and street protesters.
In secret, with the help of some fae who were against the broadcast, anti-fae groups develop anti-fae weaponry as backup defense in case of violence.
In places where the vote passes or governments make a positive decision, Alliance negotiations begin.
In places where the pro-fae vote doesn't pass in many, widespread protests and riots begin.
The Cleansing/The Uprising (6-12 Months Post-Broadcast)
Major anti-fae groups retaliate to the protests with violence while some fae groups forceably take over sections of cities, causing panic and the beginning of war.
Major cities in anti-fae areas are evacuated and ravaged by civil war
Following the heavy spike of magic activity, the first Thaumaturgists begin popping up.
Factions are becoming more organised, and the Cleansed are officially named as such.
Village Skylines, constructed from remains of old, existing train-lines, are constructed to allow free access in and out of cities.
In vote-passed areas, now known as the Alliance, fae presence is beginning to be fully established.
Faction Forming (1 Year to 1.5 Years PB)
Though private and scattered due to conflict, trading systems are now fully established
Credits are a fullt established currency in Alliance cities and physical money is phased out
Rebellion and Resistance are now recognised political ideologies, though still disorganised
Magic-Technology is quickly becoming more widespread, often used in trading
The Magic-Industrial Revolution (1.5 Years to 2 Years PB)
Magic-Technology makes leaps and bounds, becoming increasingly widespread.
Major Skylines in and out of the city are complete; construction begins on inner-city Skylines
Cleansed enlist Thaumaturgists to construct their cities
Anti-fae air purifiers erected inside Cleansed territories, keeping the air clear enough to breathe while keeping Fae out
Cleansed barricades are now fully-erected walls
Yvolution. and Rebeltech are founded, beginning widespread magic-tech distribution
Cleansed cities are purged and rebuilding begins
2 Years PB
The Uprising has settled to smaller conflicts, no longer a full civil war
All primary factions are fully established, named and organised
The Uprising itself is considered over, though the conflict is not
Extras (as of creating this post)
4 Years PB
Cleansed cities fully rebuilt with fae and plant life entirely eradicated within them
7 Years PB
The world has settled into the Cyberfei Eutopia. Places ravaged by war are now surviving a dystopian war against the Cleansed and places with Alliances are fully established.
The first Scrapper clans are formed, populated by those who were very young children pre-Uprising
9 Years PB
Pink Elves of Chernobyl reveal themselves to public knowledge and Scrapper activists begin work helping them clean up and reconstruct
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chaotic-criminal · 1 year
Mairwen: Pre-Canon [Fandom]
Mairwen’s next incarnation was as a Dragon Age Inquisition companion OC. She still did not have the name ‘Mairwen’, at the time having the name ‘Marie Pythia’. Her backstory is much the same as her Dragon Age verse originally is, except she had lost many of her memories. She had been in a circle tower and made tranquil before escaping with her friends from the tower who had known her before her change. 
At some point they were able to reverse her tranquility, but it made her forget her time before that. And since her friends were killed shortly after this, she was once again alone with only her horse. She joined the Inquisition as an herbalist, hiding her magic and acting as a rogue before she discovered her past. [Her companion quest.] I still have many of the drabbles and short fan fics from this verse where she romanced either Cullen, Josephine and/or Krem. 
It was this version of her that influenced her RP incarnation the most, though there were changes...
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a-meh · 3 months
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qsycomplainsalot · 3 months
AI people: we're just as much artists as you are, you gotta be so observant and go through so many correcting phases for the picture to look good uwu also AI people:
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victusinveritas · 4 months
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All of these are by @mattxiv on Instagram.
Here's to all the shockingly single bachelor uncles or the two very close friends who just happened to be girls and are only living together until one of them finds a man (they lived together for forty two years).
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that-bluesybitch · 4 months
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nerdygaymormon · 10 months
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singinginthecar · 2 months
south africa was banned in the olympics in 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988 & 1992. a total of 8 times. for 28 years they didn't set foot in the olympics. you know why? apartheid. apparently the olympics disagreed with the apartheid regime in south africa. russia & belarus aren't allowed to take part in the olympics this year. you know why? because of their involvement in the war in ukraine. several countries throughout history haven't been allowed to participate in the olympics because of various reason from their involvement in war to human rights abuses. now if the olympics aren't blind to all that... why in the world are they blind to what israel has been doing to gaza for the past 10 months? why is a genocidal apartheid nation allowed to participate in the olympics when any other country in its place would've been banned?
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a-s-fischer · 3 months
If you want a good object lesson about what we can and can't know about the past, we don't know Ea-Nasir was a dishonest merchant selling shoddy goods.
What we know is we have found a cache of complaint tablets about him selling low quality copper as high quality, in a site that was probably his own residence. We know multiple people complained he was a cheat. It's entirely possible they were right. It's also entirely possible that he kept these complaint letters as records of people he would no longer do business with, because they had made accusations and threats in order to bully him into giving them free copper. That is an equally valid interpretation of the evidence.
My point is not that we have maligned Ea-Nasir, my point is that thousands of years later, we do not and cannot know.
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luidilovins · 6 months
1930s news about a trans woman: Well I'll be curfuffled young Corlotta Jhonson has transformed herself from a dandy into a dame and what a Bombshell she's become. And How!
1930s news about trans men: Wanted dead or alive this young lady who started wearing trousers, the tomboy terror known only as The Crust is wanted for snorting the President's personal stash of opium and has slain nearly every senate member in a pistol duel.
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merchantofwhispers · 1 year
"Let it be understood thoroughly, Mr. Darcy, that despite all my sister's power and callousness she is still cursed by a tender heart. I am not."
"Mr. Lothbrok, I care very much about your sister. She's a lovely woman and--,"
"-And you intend on taking advantage of every lovely inch."
"Not in the way you're implying."
"Yes, I'm certain her body is an added benefit to the gifts she gives."
"Don't you think you're being ridiculous? Paranoid? We did business, we enjoyed each other's company, what is the harm if it becomes something more than that?"
"Mr. Darcy, I am only a few hours older than her but that was all it took to age me well beyond believing in fairytales. I have watched man after man come dancing into her life, promising her riches and cottages and children. Safety, security, and adoration all for the low, low cost of everything she is. Your kind build castles out of cardboard and then burn them when she dares to ask for the crown she was promised."
"I would never--,"
"For your sake, you best not. There is a reason there are so few living men who can lay claim to being an ex-lover of hers. "
"Are you threatening me?"
"No, Mr. Darcy. I'm warning you."
-Nikolai and Joseph Darcy, 2005
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thenervebible · 3 months
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CONNIE PANZARINO at a pride march in Boston circa 1990
[ID: Connie is marching along in her sip 'n' puff (SNP) wheelchair. She is wearing a patterned poncho and sporting a green felt party crown on her head. She styles a pair of wire-rimmed glasses with her slicked back hair. She is smiling. Attached to the back of her wheelchair is a large green cardboard poster that reads "Trached Dykes Eat Pussy Without Comin' Up For Air!" followed by a pink upside-down triangle with a stick figure person in a wheelchair at the centre (a symbol for disabled women)].
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the cyborg & the crip by Alison Kafer
[ID: “Trached dykes eat pussy without coming up for air.” Connie Panzarino, a longtime disability activist and out lesbian, would attach this sign to her wheelchair during Pride marches in Boston in the early 1990s. Shockingly explicit, her sign refuses to cast technology as cold, distancing, or disembodied/disembodying, presenting it instead as a source and site of embodied pleasure. “Trach” is an abbreviation of tracheotomy, a medical procedure in which a breathing tube is inserted directly into the trachea, bypassing the mouth and nose. Someone with a trach, then, can, in effect, breathe through her throat, freeing her mouth for other activities (another version of this sign is “Trached dykes french kiss without coming up for air”). From a cyborgian perspective, this sign is brilliantly provocative and productive. It draws on the pervasive idea that adaptive technologies grant superior abilities,not merely replacing a lost capacity but enhancing it, yet it does so in a highly subversive way. The message here isn’t about blending in, about passing as normal or hypernormal, but about publicly announcing the viability of a queer disabled location. It’s disnormalizing, adamantly refusing compulsory heterosexuality, compulsory able bodiedness, and homonormativity. As Corbett O’Toole argues, it challenges the perceived passivity of disabled women, presenting them as actively pleasuring their partners, thereby graphically refuting stereotypes linking physical disability with nonsexuality.]
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chaotic-criminal · 1 year
Moira: Current Canon
You’ll note the name change once again, but I wanted to mark a difference from her RP incarnation and her inclusion in the novel I had begun writing. [A lot of characters being reused [rescued] RP/fandom muses.] In her novel [canon] verse, she was originally a tertiary character, being the girlfriend of the MC’s cousin. She’s now one of the four protagonists of the story, as it’s expanded since then. The novel is a modern fantasy world with specific magic rules and new magic ‘races’ and realms.
In her canon, she is a half-fae and a runaway. She’s had to make a living as a thief and a con artist. She was disowned by her family due to being the child of her mother’s affair and all records of her destroyed. [Which was only possible due to her [step] father being a politician. She has lived on and off the streets since she was 13 and has picked up a variety of skills.
She spends most of her time on the road, though her unofficial home is with her lover, Lorelei. As she got older, she became aware of two thing: That she was a not merely half-fae and part of a group that were considered more dangerous due to further mixed heritage. And that her [real] father was looking for her in order to control her and possibly use her in his personal conflict. 
She must delve into secrets of her powers as well as the other realms to be able to live her life in freedom and avoid her father and the political intrigue he wants to involve her in.
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profeminist · 6 months
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"The Don't Say Gay Law has been cut down to size in more ways than this.
- LGBTQ+ students and staff may now be protected by anti-bullying and anti-discrimination measures
- Libraries are free to restock LGBTQ+ books
- LGBTQ+ topics may be discussed freely
Florida teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender ID under ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill settlement
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dozydawn · 2 months
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