darabeatha · 6 months
@dayrisen said ; koto stands there awkwardly, waiting to be spoiled
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ㅤㅤ-gives her one long head pat that makes her skin stretch all the way back and then scritches her chin-
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penddraig · 8 months
howl is so “i’m in love” one day and very “actually good bye” the next day. very “is howl in?” “you know what, he just left.” *howl in the background, diving out the window*
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mistyechoes · 1 year
I love how they get on leo for being leo nardo if they split their names but don atello and raph ael aren't great lmao
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voiidbound · 4 months
Food for thought while I'm still here and not busy with video games:
ShB: In order to combat the light poisoning, Cillian had to give parts of his soul to Judas—the little creature in his grimoire. He could have asked for Ryne's help but Judas whispered in his ear the first chance he got. And Cillian in his desperation listened to the devil on his shoulder.
Post-ShB to post-EW: Cillian has never quite fully recovered from what he went through in the First from all the light radiation. He's much more susceptible to Judas's influence, now grown much stronger from feasting chunks upon chunks of his soul. His aether, though stabilized, is still very turbulent from the constant shift from light to dark and vice versa.
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scaredstupid · 8 months
me when i constantly check the tag for a certain very obscure media even tho i know theres not anything there
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absentmoon · 2 years
"would someone's foot really fly off their body like that? that was kinda cool!"
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
m.ichael a.fton tag rn is pissing me off!
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bibliphale · 1 year
me whenever i see a certain 54 year old man: he’s my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy-
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darabeatha · 8 months
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Morgan's honest reaction:
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patroklides · 2 years
making icons of lex from the sv s11 comic bc i generally prefer comics icons over fc ones but also i hate how lex looks in 90% of his comics appearances.
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martyirize-moved · 2 years
hey its the best scene in season one: the breakup scene
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oblivionlotus · 2 years
sb: stop humming Christmas songs or I swear to God...
Leto: *starts singing Christmas songs instead*
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libraryofdesire · 6 months
coming soon.
🌻 s.abrina carpenter muse who comes from a broken home and is desperate for love. needy & clingy. 🌻 j.ennifer lawrence muse who has found herself as a house wife & step mom to kids who are almost as old as her. 🌻c.ailee spaney muse who is somehow the sweetest little thing, despite being from a family of criminals. a little lamb amongst the wolves. 🌻s.tephanie hsu muse. barista, motel receptionist, babysitter, prostitute. one of those girls who seems to have a million jobs just to be able to afford rent. 🌻c.hris evans cult leader muse. protective but dangerous. 🌻m.ichael evans behling sports coach muse. mama's boy. does anything for the community & his family.
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Hi, first things first I love your blog. The way that you have so much creativity and are able to handle the volume of asks is incredible.
I was wondering if you could do a couple of prompts about a serial killer, or eater, gobbling up his poor victims? Or a turn of Fortune where the final girl (boy in this case) manages to gobble up the villain.
Either way, thank you for your time. ❤️
Thank you so much! I have plenty of ideas from the stuff I think about, which is why it's probably easy to notice most of my content has pivoted towards rule34-style stuff. That's on my brain a lot more often. Anyway, it's also why I like sticking to the ask format for the most part, since it's really helpful when people have more specific ideas for me to center in on. Even as general as "Character with this type of vore" can be useful in centering ideas for me.
Also, I do love this idea, and I've kinda done it before with G.hostface. But I definitely wouldn't mind letting another killer get his chance to eat! So you'll be getting a story instead of prompts. Hope that's no trouble.
M.ichael's current desires have been...strange. The need to draw blood, the need to kill--he's quite familiar with that and settling it. But tonight, the urges were something deeper, different. The low, beastly rumble that came from his stomach was a reminder of exactly what he needed right now. And he had an entire town to enact it on at his discretion.
His first victim...prey was a pizza guy, stuck working at night. He'd only just gotten out of the car with the pizza when M.ichael was on him. He pins his prey to the car, his stomach rumbling harshly against the delivery guy's back. M.ichael didn't pay any mind to his yelling. He simply opens his maw wide, the mask stretching and opening with it, and snaps them down over the man's head. He gulps and slurps wetly, his immense strength keeping his prey still. Soon enough, M.ichael is tipping his head back and shoveling down a pair of kicking legs. His stomach bloats out, the coveralls he wears stretching to accommodate the new heft. Even with an entire person sliding down into his guts, they let out a low rumble, hardly satisfied with one meal.
M.ichael presses a hand down on his stomach and lets out a low belch. A hat flies out of his maw, landing on the seat of the car. The pizza guy is feisty, but M.ichael's stomach is strong, and it's already working on him. Not enough. He turns and heads to the house the car was parked outside of. A few hard bangs on the door, and it opened, a scruffy man on the other side. M.ichael grapples with him, taking the man by surprise and sending them both to the ground with a thud. Between his strength and his full stomach pressing into the man, he can't fight back, and M.ichael starts scarfing down his second prey head first.
The third came before he was done, someone else who lived in the house investigating the commotion just to find M.ichael laying on his stomach, the calves of his second prey sticking out of his maw. M.ichael wasn't sure of the relation, but it hardly mattered. This was just his third prey now. He tried to run, going deeper into the house. M.ichael follows, pushing the last of his second prey into his maw and sending him down. The chase goes to the backyard, the third prey trying to scale the fence while calling for help. M.ichael gets him by the ankles and shoves his feet down the hatch. The third prey's screams get louder, and he holds on for just a bit by gripping the fence. But his grip gave out eventually, and M.ichael slurped down his head and arms in an instant, sealing him away.
With three meals packed tightly in his gut, M.ichael sits down to rest. He rubs a hand slowly over his stomach, tilting his head as he watches it shift around. The bulges stick out like a sore thumb. Anyone who might happen to spot him would be able to tell that three men are packed away in his stomach, all of them fighting for their lives. But those lives are meaningless to M.ichael. They're his prey, and all he needs for them to do now is to die. In the quiet of the night, only the thick gurgles and muffled crunches of a predator's gut could be heard, occasionally drowned out by a low belch.
After about an hour, M.ichael walks out of the house, his stomach sloshing back and forth. It hangs low with the boiling sludge of his prey. With enough time, the harsh flexes of his gut and the potent acids it produced had reduced those prey down into nothing more than chyme. His stomach is only half the size now, and he'd be content to return to his home and let that meat process down into nothing. But there'd be a fourth prey on the way back.
Someone had been watching from across the street, and when M.ichael emerged, they stood in front of him. Even M.ichael could tell there was something strange, tilting his head as he stared down the man. But then his stomach grumbled as he took his dessert. There's no fight from the man as he's lifted up and sent down with hard, steady gulps. M.ichael wasn't accustomed to willing meals, but this one went down smoothly and curled up in his stomach amongst the gore of his earlier prey. He continues on his way back home, his gut still sloshing as he walks. Four prey tonight...maybe he'll have more next time.
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dreamcrash · 1 month
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j.ackie b.urkhart, d.onna pi.nciotti, m.ichael k.elso, s.teven h.yde ... if u even care ....
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darabeatha · 2 years
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    /  BEEN THINKING- I could do a plotting call here sometime :thonks:
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