#;you miscalculated. i love zuko more than i fear you. (mai/azula)
andromeda3116 · 1 year
i just
i just gotta get on my soapbox for a sec bc like
mai becoming fire lady is like. her worst ending. she's just being stuffed back into the box of nobility! the life that bored her so desperately that she was willing to go with azula just for a fucking change of pace
i will always think of the person on lj who described mai as "spoiled beyond feeling" bc she's been given everything she has ever needed or asked for... except freedom or love
my ending for mai is -- for one, her reply to azula is not "you miscalculated, i love zuko more than i fear you," it's "you miscalculated, i am not afraid of you" as she attacks azula and takes control of her own life
and in the epilogue, zuko actually goes to the boiling rock to free her, only to find a letter -- a letter! thematic consistency! -- from her explaining that she and ty lee are already free (either having escaped on their own or been released by her uncle) and have decided to break out of all their chains and see what the world has to offer (or be made to offer) two dangerous ladies who are stepping out of the gilded cage and coming into their own
so her happy ending is not going back into the nobility and continuing to be spoiled beyond feeling, but choosing to forego the spoiling to find feeling and meaning and freedom
it's also ty lee choosing to forego being part of a matched set or being under someone else's power or thumb and choosing to find out who she is on her own, not the sixth sister or the circus girl or azula's lackey, but ty lee, standing on her feet without any lines or nets to catch her nor any claws or flames to contain her, titling her chin up and capitulating to no one and deciding for herself who she wants to be
like holy shit, the canon endings for them suck so much they both deserve so much better and especially mai who i genuinely fucking love and think is such an interesting character whose endgame ship is just. it's so bad. it's a net-zero for her characterization, she just... goes back to exactly what she left before and... that's it
that's the ending
that's the ending?
mai deserved better
there, i'm saying it: mai deserved fucking better than that
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phoukanamedpookie · 1 year
Head canon: Azula truly cannot distinguish between fear and love.
The exchange at the Boiling Rock goes like this...
Mai: "You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you." Azula: "No, you miscalculated! You should've feared me more!"
Now, let's change one little detail...
Mai: "You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you." Azula: "No, you miscalculated! You should've loved me more!"
And there it is. This is why Mai and Ty Lee's betrayal fucks her up so bad. Azula has the ability to care deeply about others, but she was never taught how to express those feelings in a healthy way. Given her circumstances, it makes sense.
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uuuhhmmm124 · 1 month
PUT YOUR AUDIO ON and wait for the elements symbols to end for the animatic to start
So, i put all my mind into the meaning of every line of this song.
Can i tell you my fav ones?? You can't answer so i will.
-every night has its day, so magical- for Zuko: the simbology of the dark and the light, the evil and the good.
- And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle- for Mai: it's reference to that: "you miscalculated: i love Zuko more than i fear you". I love Maiko.
-For every tyrant a tear for the vurnerable- for Katara. You know, that " I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me!"
-in every lost soul the bones for a miracle- for Suki. This is the hardest to explain. Have you read "Suki Alone"? i would take that "lost" not as figurative. She lost her hope, but then the miracle: Sokka and Zuko arrived!
-"How did I get so blind and so cynical?- for Azula: at the beggining i wanted to give this to Toph, but then i thought that was more Azula's.
And i know, Ty Lee is between everyone at the end: i just wanted her to be there:)
If u want to see in on yt, i appreciate it!
This song is Waiting for love by Avicii sped up version
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a Mai-Azula-Ty Lee analysis bc i have Many feelings
so this is definitely super random for my blog, but i just rewatched the boiling rock (bc ofc i did lmao) and i've been obsessed w this quote since like age ten, but it just hit different this time around and i feel the need to share:
"You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you."
so. here's the thing. this quote is objectively insane for a million reasons, but i want to talk about some of the parallels we can pull from it bc imo it makes it so. much. WORSE.
"No, you miscalculated! You should have feared me more!"
here comes the main theme of this post: fear, juxtaposed with love.
i do genuinely believe that Azula loved Mai and Ty Lee. not in the way typical friends love one another, because Azula is not a typical person who learned to love in a typical way, but love nonetheless.
(we can trace this back to her relationship with her father VS her relationship with her mother. Azula had a very distinctive way of looking at her childhood: she was her father's daughter, and Zuko was her mother's son. while we never saw Azula's reaction to his banishment, whether it was positive or negative, this surely cemented this idea for her. once their mother was gone, her father had no use for him. but of course he still had use for her—he loved her.
and if her father loved her, in a father-daughter relationship fueled by fear and intimidation, and her mother didn't, in a mother-daughter relationship that wasn't, what do you think she learned of love? but we'll bring this idea back later.)
she loved them, and she trusted them, and they betrayed her.
but before i really dig into the quote, i want to go over this love-fear juxtaposition, because it is a common theme throughout her character arc as she spirals further and further.
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this scene is set after the betrayal, and the fact that they brought in a hallucination of her mother is very, very important.
once again, these opposing feelings of fear and love are brought back again. before, i said that Ursa and Azula's relationship wasn't fueled by fear. but is that true? Azula says very clearly here that her mother fears her and thinks that she's a monster. And this hallucination of her mother, a figment of all her worst fears and regrets and internal conflicts, brings up Mai and Ty Lee.
And then:
Even you fear me. No. I love you, Azula. I do.
"even you fear me" "no. i love you"? this is so, so crucial to what we know about Azula and her perception of love. she views love and fear to be very closely linked, even intertwined, not something to be separated in such a way.
even you fear me — but do you love me? i don't know if you do. but you fearing me does not stop you from loving me. they are not separate entities. i do not know how to be loved if i am not feared.
no. i love you — you are my daughter. i do not fear you. i love you. they can be separate. i love you without fearing you. no, i do not fear you. i love you.
and this is Azula's breaking point. tears stream down her face and she shatters the mirror. this separation of fear and love—it's too much. she doesn't know how to handle it. she knows fear without love, but she does not know love without fear.
her relationship with Zuko is another prime example. i fully believe that Azula loved her brother, or at least cared for him in some capacity. you see it in scenes such as these:
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she had no reasonable ulterior motive here. she genuinely was trying to help him and look after him—but he's also afraid of her. he's afraid of what she might do or what she wants from him, even if in this particular scene that fear is unnecessary.
even when she recruited Ty Lee, she used fear to get Ty Lee to join her:
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Ty Lee is legitimately happy to see Azula, but you can see the fear on her face when she turns down Azula's offer to search for the Avatar. and then, you can see that fear again when Azula tells her she'll be attending her show. and of course, Azula sets the net on fire, and Ty Lee ends up accepting Azula's offer.
i do believe Ty Lee and Azula had genuine love for one another, but Azula just never knew how to have that love without the fear.
and finally, we come back to the quote.
I love Zuko more than I fear you. / You should've feared me more.
or: I love Zuko more than I love you. / You should've loved me more.
the use of the word "miscalculated" fits perfectly here. everyone adores Azula. she's the prodigy, the crown princess, the Fire Nation's darling. no one is supposed to love Zuko. Zuko is the failure, the banished prince, their nation's greatest shame.
you miscalculated. you were supposed to love me. you were my friend. you were my ally. i trusted you. i made you fear me. you were supposed to love me. no one loves Zuko. everyone loves me.
you miscalculated. love doesn't work like that. love doesn't come with fear. fear chases love away. you made me fear you. you made me hate you. i chose Zuko, because you don't know how to love.
and it all always comes back to Zuko, doesn't it?
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but i'm yours. Zuko was mother's, and mother is long gone, and see, Zuko was a traitor. Zuko was nothing. you treated Zuko terribly because Zuko wasn't yours. but i am. i am your daughter. i am your prodigy. i am your princess. i am your heir. how dare you treat me like him. like nothing. how dare you.
i also believe that this was the true final blow that sent her spiraling into her downfall. she's extremely vulnerable here: her two most trusted friends and allies have just betrayed her, and here it is, another betrayal. where she is usually cool and collected, she is snappy and hot-headed, here.
his betrayal is quickly and immediately rectified when he informs her she will become the new Firelord. see, she's not like Zuko. Zuko is banished with no crown and no legacy. she is different. she is her father's child. Zuko is her mother's. she gets the throne. he gets nothing.
but Mai still chose Zuko. and she was absolutely furious, of course, but even this she could still handle. it's what happens after that she can't.
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The thing I don't understand is why. Why would you do it?
why would you choose him? why would you choose Zuko? only one person ever chose Zuko: Mother. but she doesn't matter. she's gone. but why. why. (why do they keep choosing Zuko?)
and then, probably my favorite shot in the entire series:
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Ty Lee looks at Mai, then Azula. it's barely a second long, but it speaks volumes. she's making a decision. Mai, or Azula? Mai, or Azula?
throughout our time with Ozai's Angels, it's obvious that Ty Lee is Azula's right hand woman. she goes with her everywhere. even in this scene, Ty Lee is right next to Azula the whole time.
and Mai chose Zuko. Mai chose Zuko. she says that "I love Zuko more than I love you" and she should've loved her more, and so now Azula is going to kill her. she's about to summon her lightning, and—
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so Ty Lee chose Mai. and Mai chose Zuko. and her mother chose Zuko. and Azula chose her father and her nation and her ambition, and she thought her father chose her, and he did, he did.
thing about Azula: she loves. she loves Zuko, and she loves Ty Lee, and she loves Mai. but she doesn't prioritize her love the way Zuko does. her love comes last. her father comes before her love. before her father, her nation. but before all of that, her ambition.
for her ambition to ever come to fruition, she needs fear, doesn't she?
and Zuko fears her.
so she wins. right?
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she loses.
she gave up everything, absolutely everything, and she. still. loses. to fucking Zuko.
he won their mother's love. he won Mai. he, indirectly, won Ty Lee. and now he won the crown, her crown.
Azula, born lucky, born a prodigy, never wins.
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lily-alphonse · 12 days
Boiling Rock Pt 2
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So Ive been watching ATLA fully for the first time and
this episode is for the girls, except for the moments between Sokka and Zuko Im obviously feral for those.
Suki ARE YOU KIDDING such a fucking badass coming in clutch, and love that she got her rematch with Ty Lee, that girl is terrifying she needed a nemesis lol
And then oh my god. Oh my god Mai. I did NOT see that coming. I ALMOST CRIED. I teared up when she started taking out guards to save her man AHHH 😭😭 Mai's line is so good, about how Azula miscalculated, that she loves Zuko more than she fears her OH MY GOD chills and tears.
Imagine, Im already freaking out because of that. On the verge of tears and screaming, when it looks like Azula is ACTUALLY going to hurt her (and like we believe it bc Azula is fucking ruthless) AND THEN TY LEE WITH THE SECOND BETRAYAL?!?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAH
my soul left my body
Phenomenal episode, possibly my favorite thus far???
I created a tag for these reactions if you wanted to see more vv
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thorne-antics · 1 year
in Avatar The Last Airbender Mai tells Azula "You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you." And I think it would be really great if we had a moment like that in The Dragon Prince with Rayllum. Idc which one of them is saying it. I just want a "you miscalculated" moment.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
78 for Maiko!
My babies!! Under the cut, since it got long:
Mai had always been punished for being vulnerable. Chiding from her mother, stern words from her father, taunts from Azula...only Ty Lee, Tom-Tom, and Zuko had ever welcomed it, but Ty Lee was afraid of Azula too, Tom-Tom was only a baby, and Zuko...
Well. Zuko was usually busy with his own stuff. Mai supposed being Crown Prince was no easy task.
The point was, by the time she was 12, she'd mastered it to perfection. She no longer blushed around Zuko, no longer let her tone waver or left a hair out of place.
She was the perfect daughter, sister, friend.
And then Zuko was banished.
The first crack in her armor—she hid away, locked her door, and sobbed in the privacy of her own room, for days on end. She faked a headache all the while, keen to avoid her parents' scrutiny...it wasn't totally false anyway, since all that crying did give her a headache.
Then...Azula offered a chance to find Zuko. Up went the ivory walls again, off they went.
In all their misadventures, though, Mai didn't get to see Zuko again until he returned to them, donned his topknot and robes once more. Something had...changed about him, though. He seemed...distant, troubled.
Mai tried to be there for him, tried to be a good girlfriend...but Zuko seemed to get worse by the day, and Mai felt more and more helpless.
And then it all came to a head when Zuko picked a fight with a guy who was just talking to her...shoving him into a table so hard that it broke.
"Zuko!" She snapped. "What's wrong with you?!"
He had the audacity to be shocked. "What's wrong with me?!"
"Your temper's out of control! You blow up over every little thing! You're so impatient, and hotheaded...and angry!"
"Well at least I feel something, as opposed to you!" He snapped. "You have no passion for anything! You're just a big blah!"
And oh, that hurt. That cut right to her core—didn't they always say that the ones you loved could do that best? "It's over, Zuko," she muttered, turning away. "We're done."
She thought they were getting somewhere later, at the campfire, when Zuko bared his soul, and she bared hers ("I know one thing I care about. I care about you.") and they kissed under the stars.
And then, a few days later, he broke up with her via a letter before running off to do who-knows-what. So. Whatever. She was fine.
(If she spent the next few days locked in her room, shaking with sobs, no one else had to know.)
And then...then, at the Boiling Rock, she saw him again. And she was burning with it, with how angry she was...but then he was in danger, aligned with friends of the Avatar, and Azula was the aggressor...and suddenly, she'd never looked more like her father.
So Mai did what she'd wished for years that she'd done before.
"You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you." So leave him alone. Don't you dare hurt him.
"No, you miscalculated!" Azula snarled. "You should've feared me more!"
But Mai had never felt more sure, more right, than here in this moment. Even when she was arrested...she had faith, for the first time in a long time.
Things would get better...Zuko and the Avatar and their friends would see to it.
And, miracle of miracles, Mai survived to see it. When she was released at her uncle's behest, she ran to Zuko immediately, unable to think of anyone else she'd rather see.
“Need some help?”
“Mai!” His face lit up, and along with the sun on his face, he looked so incredibly handsome. “They let you out of prison?”
She found herself blushing, quickly closing the distance between them. "My uncle may have pulled a few strings. And...of course, it helps when your boyfriend's the Firelord."
"Soon-to-be," he corrected.
"Oh, hush. You're basically there already." She smiled up at him.
"I've missed you, you know," he admitted.
"Oh? That's good to hear."
"You have to know...about the note I left—"
"You don't have to explain, Zuko."
"No, I do," he insisted. "Mai...I'm so sorry. I just...I knew what I had to do, and...I couldn't risk you knowing. What they would've done to you...I couldn't let that happen. I'm just sorry I hurt you in the process."
The words touched her deeply. The act she'd thought was selfish cowardice...was really an act of courage and love. “You're forgiven. On two conditions."
He nodded. "Anything, Firelily."
She blushed at the childhood nickname. "Well, first off, don't ever break up with me again! At least…not without talking to me first!"
He laughed. "Noted. And...the second?"
She smiled softly up at him. "Hold me?" And never let me go, she wanted to add, but...she couldn't ask that, knowing that his coronation was starting soon. One thing at a time, Mai.
He smiled in that impossibly soft way he only ever did with her. "You never need to ask. Come here."
And so he held her, and she held him...and for the first time in a long time, Mai felt no shame in being vulnerable.
prompt list!
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viciousland · 11 months
I feel like I'm in another reality, but I didn't vibe with the avatar the last airbender trailer? And with I didn't vibe, I mean I don't like the majority of things:
Sokka looks so bad why they always fuck with my fave?
Zuko's scar looks so tiny and that's not the point, the point is that it's almost half his face, IT NEEDS TO BE PROPERLY SEEN.
I actually hated Momo and Appa... I don't know, I feel like I'll never like a live action version of the creatures they look so.... idk... unpopular opinion, but I actually liked better Momo in the movie that doesn't exist.
I knew that Ozai was going to be my king Daniel Dae Kim but I kind of didn't want to see him?
Why are we seeing Azula?
I'm a kataang and maiko shipper and it truly doesn't look like it's going to happen as intended. I hate it. If we don't get the iconic "You miscalculated, I love Zuko, more than I fear you" what am I going to do with my life? if we get it but only to sacrifice my Mai. Whatamigoingtodowithmylife?
Enough drama, I loved Suki and her suit and her makeup, and I like the scenery, I really liked Omashu.
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pandawarrior · 11 months
Avatar Character Ranking: part four
Final part and the most elite characters!!!
A tier
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15. Haru
Rebel. Beautiful with and without the moustache. He freed his village from Fire Nation and he didn’t get captured on the day of the black sun. What an absolute king. I had a crush on him because I have good taste in men. HARU FOR EARTH KING!!!
14. Aang
This may be controversial but just hear me out. I don’t hate Aang first of all. He is a good avatar and he did his job all the time. He learnt all bending forms and took down the earth king in what?? A year?? Two years?? Amazing. He stuck to his morals and didn't kill Flopzai. He had a sick tattoo. HE’S THE AVATAR IT’S HIS SHOW. Now. With that being said. He is so ANNOYING. I am so sorry. He is. Out of the main five (Katara, Sokka, Aang, Toph and Zuko) in my opinion, he is the least interesting as a character. Like they could have added more depth. We never really saw him grieve over the loss of his ENTIRE POPULATION. He got a bit mad and moved on. Also let’s be real. Katara, Sokka and Toph were carrying him the whole time. Like most of the plans were from Katara and Sokka They were the masterminds and the backbones of the Gaang. I’m not saying Aang didn’t do anything, but without Katara and Sokka he would be toast. Alson can i just say I don't blame Aang for running away when and getting trapped in ice for 100 years when he found out his duty because same. Now for the REALLY controversial bit. AANG ENDED UP WITH KATARA WHEN SHE SHOULD’VE BEEN WITH ZUKO! THERE! I SAID IT! I could explain why but It would take too long. So to conclude, Aang is great and I like him if course I do but the other main four were better characters and that’s that. Aang can also do the air ball spinny thing which is awesome. 
13.  Ty Lee
DON’T GET ME STARTEDDD!!! SHE IS A QUEEN!!! SHE NEVER FLOPPED NEVER TANKED!!! She was backflipping, cartwheeling, chi blocking (bending?) What couldn't she do? The only one that could go up against mother Katara. Girls wanted to be her, Guys wanted to be with her. No one was doing it like her. Did you see her outfit?? The pink??? Amazing. She rode for Mai, that was her bestie, they were locked in. Chiblocked azula for Mai your bestie would never. 
12. Mai
The realest of the real. Hated her life but she loved Zuko. Real. Absolutely GAGGED Azula “I guess you miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear” OH??? My life was never the same. Betrayed Azula and her entire country for Zuko. Again too real. HER PARENTS ARE DUMB FLOPS THAT DON’T LET HER EXPRESS HERSELF. Bit mad. BUT SHE ALSO THROWS KNIVES!!!  I used to think she just had knife dispensers in her hands but the fact that she hand throws them is cooler. Monotone permanently and I love her for it. I place no blame on her for Zutara not happening. 
11. Avatar Kyoshi
Why is she so high??? Because she stood on business. She came back to life and said ”I killed that man, what about it” and dipped. Absolute menace. The makeup, the fans??? What else is there to say? Has a whole island and fanclub AS SHE SHOULD!!
S tier
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10. Katara 
Don’t get mad at me for this, and if anyone is anti-katara near me I will fight you. She DESTROYED THE PATRIARCHY HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER? She ended everyone who tried her. Left no witnesses. Was healing and battering people. MASTERED BLOODBENDING ON THE SAME NIGHT SHE LEARNT IT!!! MOTHER!!! LEGEND!!! QUEEN!!!! ENDED HAMA!!! The most responsible Gaang member, she was always looking out for them. But why is she number 12?? Icl…. she got on my nerves a BIT too much. Like, she just did too much sometimes. The most out of pocket thing was when she said sokka didn't love their mom as much as she did?? No need for that. Also, she was dragging out the “not forgiving zuko thing” girl just say you're heartbroken and move on. And she threw Toph in jail. Now Katara. Why. Apart from that and a few other things, literal icon. Her iconic hair loopies are iconic. I used to try to recreate it with my braids lmao. 
9. Suki
8. Azula
Guys she’s just misunderstood I swear. She was 14!!! 14 and she had grown ass men shaking in their boots. 14 and she was popping bitches left and right. Literally everyone failed: her mom, Flopzai, even zuko and iroh lowkey. My girl just wanted to be loved, it's not her fault. I'm gonna do a full character debrief on her. I have too much to say, but she is one of the most misunderstood and best characters ever written. She is so complex I literally watch psychology of azula video all the time. The way her character is written. Can't wait to get my psychology A Level so i can analyse her. The beach episode and her flirting had me crying. She's so funny, I love her. 
My first boyfriend. When he grew his hair out, six year old had heart eyes. Best redemption arc ever written and I stand by that. He was never evil, he just wanted his Dad’s love and also he is so awkward and funny. He’s so angry at everything I feel bad for him but can I talk about something. One of the most iconic moments of the show is when he did something good and his immune system SHUT DOWN. I was crying, that was so funny. Also, Iroh and Zuko together is comedy gold and also sentimental because Iroh found a son in zuko and Zuko found a father in Iroh. AH I CAN’TTT. Zuko stood up to his abusive uglyass dad and showed him that he can redirect lightning. Zuko teaches Aang to redirect it. In the final battle, Aang redirects the lightning and FLOPZAI’S FACEEEEE. I would therapise Zuko don’t worry. Poor Zuko. I’m gonna do a character debrief of him too because he is literally my first love.
6. Iroh
I wanna drink tea with him once. I know one conversation with him would change the trajectory of my life. Leaves from the vine deserves a Grammy. (Guys I think Iroh was a war criminal and everyone just forgets it nut I can’t make it go away from my head). Anyways he is so cool, he can breathe fire from his mouth. Laos, he kind of tanked when he just let Azula grow uo wit Ozai. but anyway, I love Iroh he’s such a cool guy. I hope hes having a blast in his tea shop. 
5. SOKKA (air horns sound)
First of all, he had unlimited game. He could pull anyone and everyone. Secondly, boomerang. Thirdly, manbun. Fourthly, he’s SOKKA. He was the comedic relief but I just love him so much. He wasn’t a bender but he was still battering people. He didn’t have that much depth till the last season but he was so brave and he had the Gaangs back no matter what. Like he never missed. He was prepared to break into the most secure prison ever to get his dad back like that's a true warrior. Do you know the episode where he goes to get the sword and the Gaang is bored because Sokka isn’t there. That’s how it was watching LOK except that it hurt more because he was dead. Also Sokka and Suki are a power couple. Literal couple of the series.
WHERE IS MY MOMO SPIN OFF SHOW??? WHERE IS IT??? WHERE???? Momo should have been the next avatar ISTG
3. Appa
APPA!! The real MVP of the show. Carried everyone (literally). Was the bravest. Appa’s last days?? Actual depression serum. Like it’s so sad. Where is my Appa prequel, sequel, soin off show, book series and spin off of the book series WHERE IS IT??
Best character on the show. Everything she did was iconic. Was an underground wrestling champion and nobody knew. Beat the everloving shit out of grown men BY HERSELF. She’s like four feet tall by the way. She sees with her feet. If that's not the coolest thing you've ever heard then I don't know what to say to you. If toph is not even in your top three then don't ever speak to me i am so serious. She was the only one who knew Zuko was being fr about switching sides. That’s my queen fr. SHE! INVENTED! METALBENDING! INVENTED IT! A WHOLE NEW FORM! SHE DID IT!!!!!!! What did your fave do???? That's right they flopped. Toph is the best bender in the show and the best character, argue with the wall. 
 1. Cabbage man
This is half joke, half serious. Cabbage man is not only a victim but he's also secretly a scientist because how was he travelling the world at the same time as the Gaang with NO appa. King behaviour. I hope he got compensation because he lost so much money with all those destroyed cabbages. RIP.
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azulas-daddy-kink · 2 years
ty lee and mai for the ask game
Ooh, good one!
Sexuality headcanon:
Ty Lee - bisexual
Mai - demisexual and straight
Ty Lee - don't have one, I just want her to be happy
Mai - Maiko (Mai/Zuko)
Same for both, it's a brot3! Azula, Mai, & Ty Lee besties<3
Tyzula (Azula/Ty Lee) and Maizai (Mai/Ozai)
First headcanon that pops into my head:
Ty Lee - Had a crush on both Zuko and Azula at some point. Not at the same time.
Mai - She married Zuko and they lived happily ever after. Izumi is their daughter.
Favorite line from this character:
Ty Lee - "Calm down, you guys. This much negative energy is bad for your skin. You'll totally break out."
Mai - "I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you."
One way in which I relate to this character:
Ty Lee - Definitely relate to growing up attention-starved :/
Mai - The goth vibes of course, I am a former goth kid myself.
Thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character:
Ty Lee - When Ty Lee tells the Kyoshi warriors "you're not prettier than we are!" Girl stop
Mai - "If I have to clean up one more pile of bear poop, I'm gonna throw up" -___-
Cinnamon roll or problematic fav?
Both are cinnamon rolls<3
(edit: realized I forgot the sexuality headcanon! Added!)
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likeagcrl · 4 years
Tag Drop: Mai
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azula: literally actually could kill mai
mai: i dare you i dARE YOU I BET--
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lovcalivc · 3 years
Tag drop: Avatar The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
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blinday · 2 years
Mai: You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you.
Azula: You should've-
Mai: I didn't finish.
Azula: ?
Ty Lee: ??
Mai: Ten times zero is still zero. I don't fear you, I just believe what he's doing is right.
Mai: If not the war, your family is seriously fucked up and I'm glad he left.
Mai: Now, you know what? I love you more than I resent Zuko, and ten times ten is one hundred.
Azula: *tearing up* M-Mai-
Mai: Come on. Let's get out of here and wait for this mess to solve itself. They don't deserve you. *hugs her*
Ty Lee: *joins the hug* Yeah, let's have some fun! I'm tired of this!
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ellakomskaikru · 2 years
My opinion on the Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee Boiling Rock incident
I’ve always found the dynamic between those three interesting and complex. I think their relationship was toxic but also had some genuine aspects. I believe that Mai and Ty Lee did like Azula on some level but were also rightfully resentful of her because of how Azula would use fear to keep them in line.
Mai’s betrayal of Azula
The only reason that Mai turned against Azula at the Boiling Rock was because it was either that, or let Zuko die. She did not turn against Azula because of moral differences. Although Mai certainly had resentment towards Azula, she was still friends with her while she was dating Zuko. Mai also willingly joined Azula on her mission and had seemed happy to see her when Azula showed up in Omashu. Still, despite Mai genuinely liking Azula on some level, she still held resentment towards her, which is why she told her, “You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you.” Mai said that to hurt Azula. The fact that Azula had been willing to let Zuko die was something Mai could not tolerate, which is why I believe she said that to Azula. That comment provoked Azula, because it likely reminded her of her mother seemingly choosing Zuko over her.
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Ty Lee’s betrayal of Azula
Although Ty Lee undoubtedly genuinely cared about Mai, I still believe that she also cared about Azula. I believe that her chi-blocking Azula was done to save Mai’s life and not because she was choosing Mai over Azula. I think Ty Lee saw it as either chi-blocking Azula or letting Mai die. She had to act quickly, or else, both of her friends would end up either seriously hurt, or dead. I believe that Ty Lee did fear Azula on some level but she also did genuinely like her on some level too. Ty Lee was coerced into joining Azula’s mission, so she would have resentment towards Azula, but despite that, I do think that Ty Lee liked Azula. She had also seemed happy to see her when she arrived at the circus. Therefore, I think that Ty Lee’s chi-blocking of Azula was actually done to save both of her friends, but of course Azula saw it as Ty Lee choosing Mai over her.
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Azula’s reaction to the betrayal
Mai and Ty Lee were the two people that Azula trusted with her life. They were her childhood friends, and however toxic, she did care about them. She did want them to be her real friends. She just didn’t know how to go about it in a healthy way, and therefore ended up hurting them by trying to control them with fear. Seeing her two friends turn against her for someone else reopened an old emotional wound. Ursa choosing Zuko over her. Some people forget that Azula could have easily had Mai and Ty Lee thrown into the boiling lake as punishment for committing treason. But instead she put them in prison, which further shows that she did care about them. And Azula was not just their friend. She was also their princess. She had a duty to punish traitors.
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Therefore, I feel that the Boiling Rock incident is actually much more complex than some people realize. Mai and Ty Lee have a right to be angry at Azula and I wouldn’t find it unbelievable if they didn’t want to be friends with her again. However, I also wouldn’t find it unbelievable if they were willing to be friends with her again if Azula was redeemed or healed. Out of Mai and Ty Lee, I believe that Ty Lee would be most likely to want to reconcile with Azula, but that’s just the way I see it.
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zuko-always-lies · 3 years
Mai: I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. (Cut back to Azula) I love Zuko more than I fear you. (Azula's face scrunches up in fury.)
Mai was 100% trying to be as insulting and offensive as possible.
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