#< cant believe this is hajimes first actual appearance (kinda)
haunted-xander · 2 years
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The program has been going well so far. It felt strange for Chiaki to see Hajime's face as... Hajime again. She'd gotten so used to Izuru's long hair and red eyes, that Hajime's short and choppy brown hair and his golden-green eyes felt like looking at old memories.
She wondered how it'd feel to see Hajime's personality with Izuru's appearance.
There were a few things she noticed in regards to how everyone was acting in the program. Hiyoko and Mahiru weren't as close as they were during their school days, but as these versions of them have just met, that makes sense. Most of the others seem to be getting along with who she'd expect, with the exception of Nagito and Hajime.
Hajime didn't know anyone in Chiaki's class besides her, having only met Chisa and -very briefly- the Ultimate Imposter. All he knew of them was from what Chiaki had told him.
He seemed to get along well with Nagito in the program, though. Admittedly, Chiaki had been keeping an eye on those two in particular, as she had gotten a lot closer to them over the course of the Tragedy. And, in part, because they both seemed rather lonely even during the school days. Hajime never seemed to hang around with anyone else and never talked about any other friends, and Nagito had always been somewhat... seperated from the rest of the class. Despite Chiaki and Chisa's attempts at integrating him into the class, everyone else found him too off-putting and weird to bother with, and Nagito himself seemed reluctant to include himself.
She could tell Monaca was keeping a close eye on them, too. Mostly Nagito, of course. When Hajime first appeared, Monaca seemed confused for a second before she put the pieces together.
For some reason, Hajime seemed to pass whatever approval test she has in her mind, as Monaca looked at him the same she did Makoto and Kyoko; not necessarily positive, but decidedly not negative. Neutral. She didn't seem to mind his interactions with Nagito, which was a vast improvement over her utter disdain at anything Izuru said or did with Nagito and Chiaki.
...Intimate moments became hard to come by, thanks to that.
Right now, the students in the program were all having fun on the beach. Most of them were swimming and playing in the water, but some had opted to simply watch from the shore. Usami -the rabbit teacher that Chiaki and Makoto helped Alter Ego design- seemed happy to see things going smoothly.
But things never stay happy for long, do they?
Out of nowhere -and really, shouldn't even be possible in the simulation- the sky turned dark and cloudy as an all too familiar voice suddenly spoke up from all the islands monitors.
"Ahh, ahh...! Mike check! Mike check! Ah, ah! Ah, ah! Can you hear me, can you hear me? Puhuhu... Surprised? You were totally surprised! ...Riiight?" It was like the voice was talking to those of them outside the program, mocking them. "Now then, sorry to keep you all waiting for so long. Let's leave all this worthless entertainment behind... It's time for the main attraction!" The feeling of dread filled the room.
In the corner of her eye, Chiaki could tell the survivors of the Killing School Life having an understandably stronger reaction to the robotic bear's appearance. Makoto was shaking violently, face pale and tears in his eyes. Kyoko tried to keep her cool, but her face was grave as she clasped her hands close to her chest. Even the usually unfazed Byakuya was visibly shaken, his eyes betrayed his attempt at composure and his hands trembled slightly.
Chiaki couldn't begin to imagine the absolute terror they must feel at seeing Monokuma like this again.
She tore her eyes away from the bear's face and shifted her gaze over to Monaca, trying to gauge her reaction. Although she knew the little girl wanted to ensure Nagito's safety, she still held admiration for Junko and as such, could very well see this as an opportunity to further carry out her idol's will.
Monaca's face was blank, devoid of any emotion. ...Maybe she doesn't know how to feel. I guess I can understand that. Her admiration of Enoshima-san, and her bond with Komaeda-kun are at odds... Despite Chiaki's thoughts, Monaca turned to Makoto and started to yell, "...You promised nothing would go wrong. You promised that Big Bro would be fine. You PROMISED, so why is Mr. Monokuma in the simulation!? Why is Mr. Monokuma messing everything up!? You said everything would be fine, so WHY is Big Bro in danger!? TELL ME!?"
"M-Monaca-san, I-"
She was crying. Honest, genuine tears were streaming down from Monaca's face as her voice grew hoarse with her screaming. Chiaki understood all too well what she was feeling, but couldn't bring herself to blame anyone present for it.
Makoto didn't know this would happen, and he never would've wanted to consider it.
No one managed to get a word in, Monaca's screaming drowned out anything they tried to say, so they simply had to wait until she tired herself out. By the time she had stopped screaming her throat out, Monokuma had gathered all the students in the simulation at Jabberwock Park and was explaining the rules of the Killing Game to them all. Monaca wheeled herself over to Chiaki, and lightly held onto the fabric of her backpack.
They stared defeated at the image of Monokuma on the monitor.
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nachtgraves · 7 years
Could you do kuzuhina with 6? (From the prompt thing) Your fanfics are so well written and I love reading them!
Aw thank you! Glad you’re enjoying them :D This started off as one of my attempts of the last prompt so I just tweaked it a little to fit it to this prompt, sorta, kinda, or so I hope. 
(Side note to potential prompters, I’m taking a break from doing KuzuHina prompts for a bit. Getting a bit burned out *sadface* and I don’t want that to happen cuz I love these losers.)
Anyway, here it is!
Title: the lengths fuyuhiko will go // AO3Word Count: 1,657Warnings/Tags: PG-13. Established relationship, suggestive but no actual smut, college au, boyfriend shirt because I am weak for it.Prompt: Tongue-tied
Fuyuhiko has tried everything shortof strutting around bare-assed naked, but his stupid boyfriend is far toostressed about exam week and his thesis due date and several essays to be awarethat the world exists around him. Fuyuhiko is not needy nor clingy, no onewould ever dare to even think so because it simply isn’t true. People who havenothing better to do than gossip wonder how their relationship even worksbecause Hajime is the clingy, affectionate one and Fuyuhiko is reserved andstandoffish. But Hajime hasn’t even been sleeping in their bed. Fuyuhiko didnot spend six months subtly feeding suggestions to get Hajime to ask him intorenting an apartment together for the brunet to spend his nights on a futon intheir study/work room surrounded by textbooks and his laptop.
“Hajime, have you eaten?” It’s lateafternoon on a Saturday. Hajime has only left the study to go to the bathroom.Fuyuhiko is afraid by how sure he is that Hajime hasn’t even brushed his teethand he knows for a fact he hasn’t taken a shower in a few days.
There’s a noncommittal mumble andFuyuhiko has had enough. There’s leftover curry (that Hajime was supposed toeat last night but Fuyuhiko found him passed out over textbooks, not even inthe stupid futon that is much less comfortable than their perfectly good actual bed) in the fridge so he just has to reheat it and cook some riceto have a meal ready. The rice will take about ten or so minutes and the currya few extra in a pan over the stove.
Fuyuhiko goes into the bedroom andchanges out of his jeans and t-shirt, since heat least has stepped into the outside world since the start of the weekend. Ifhis new outfit doesn’t get Hajime to spare even a glance away from hisassignments, he’s pretty sure nothing will.
The door the study is left slightlyajar from when Fuyuhiko peeked in to see if Hajime had moved at all (he hadn’t)so Fuyuhiko knocks gently before opening it enough for him to lean against thedoorframe, almost entering the room. Hajime just hums, neck bent down over anotebook and a hand completely ruining his hair.
“I’m reheating last night’s curryand cooking some rice. Is there anything else you want?”
“Mm, no I’m good.” Fuyuhiko isfairly impressed he got a full sentence. But the idiot still won’t look at him.
“Want tea?” he prods.
Hajime goes to his laptop andcopies down a quote. “Whatever you’re having.”
Fuyuhiko’s eyebrow twitches. “I’mnot going to bring the food in here so you better move your ass when the food’sready.”
Hajime nods absently. “Mhm. Yeah.”
“And open the damn windows, thisroom needs to be aired out.” Hajime doesn’t make a comment, not that Fuyuhikowas expecting one or would listen to it. He strides into the room, walking infront of Hajime and pulls the blinds and opens the windows a little moreaggressively than entirely needed. But it does the job. He’s abrupt and loudenough for Hajime to startle. From the corner of his eyes, he sees the wayHajime jumps and looks around, finally brought back to earth for the moment.
“Wha… Fuyuhiko?”
Fuyuhiko fights against his body’surge to heat up and pull the loose flaps of Hajime’s button down tighter aroundhimself, to pull his tighter pair of boxer-briefs down his thighs a little more.He’s not completely naked and it’s not the first time he’s pulled on Hajime’sclothes out of laziness, although when he usually does it, it’s after sex whenhe’s sated and blissed and pleasantly sore enough to let his inhibitions growlax.
“Food’ll be ready in another fiveminutes,” Fuyuhiko says, pretending to be oblivious to the hot stareconcentrated on his legs and ass. With the window now open and a cool breezeflowing past, Hajime’s shirt flows back and teases glimpses of the cotton stretchedover his ass. He fights not to squirm.
Hajime doesn’t reply but Fuyuhikoknows it’s not because he doesn’t have his boyfriend’s attention, rather heactually has all of it for the first time in the past couple weeks or so.Fuyuhiko doesn’t look at Hajime as he walks past him again, keeping his paceeven and steps light as he heads back to the kitchen. The rice will be donesoon and he’s got to start heating up the curry.
Fuyuhiko will never admit it, butin the thirty-eight seconds it takes Hajime to come to his senses and followFuyuhiko to the kitchen, the blond was beginning to doubt his impulsive, barelyformed plan. But Hajime wanders over to the stove where Fuyuhiko is heating upthe curry and hovers right behind the barely dressed boy, close enough forFuyuhiko to feel Hajime’s breath at the back of his head and the heat of hischest at his back.
“Grab some plates,” Fuyuhiko orderswhen he senses Hajime’s hands moving behind him. Touching is a privilege thebrunet has to earn again. “And the rice should be done so start serving that up.”
Hajime doesn’t move until Fuyuhikoclears his throat and says his name in a tone that is both a question anddemand. The taller boy has two plates of rice set on their little kitchen tablewithin seconds, making his way back to hover, somewhat creepily, behindFuyuhiko, but Fuyuhiko is prepared.
“We should still have some icedoolong tea in the fridge. Pour me a glass?” He looks over his shoulder briefly,catching Hajime’s eyes. The dark gaze is hotter than the fire heating theircurry and Fuyuhiko is momentarily stunned by the affect he has on Hajime.
“Hajime! Seriously. You can go andwash your face or I can sucker punch you awake.” Fuyuhiko is pretty proud ofhow steady his voice is. He crosses his arms and frowns for added effect,accidentally swishing the stolen shirt around his hips and drawing Hajime’sgaze.
The brunet blinks and shakes hishead out. “I—Uh, you.” Fuyuhiko hides his smirk by turning back around to turnoff the stove.
“Studying so much finally shortedout your brain?” He tries to sound snarky but he can’t hide the smile in hisvoice as he reaches up to grab plates. He has to go on his toes to reach theplates in the upper cupboards. It’s usually Hajime who cooks and plates up andFuyuhiko is too proud to have their dishes in a lower cupboard within reach ofhis short stature. For once he’s actually pretty okay with the evidence of hisshortness since the stretch pulls the shirt up higher and Hajime swallowsaudibly behind him. Fuyuhiko’s gotta say that it feels pretty good to have thismuch control over someone when dressed in underwear and an unbuttoned, oversizedshirt.
Fuyuhiko moves to plate up theirlunch but it seems Hajime has finally rewired his motor skills. Hands latchonto his hips, under the flowing, loose shirt.
“Did I say you could touch?”Fuyuhiko snaps without looking over his shoulder. He didn’t mean to be soharsh, but it appears that Hajime took his snark as actual irritation andstartles, his hands retracting as if electrocuted.
“S-sorry, I just,” Hajimestuttered. He breathes out heavily, and as Fuyuhiko plates up their lunch andgoes to the fridge to get his tea, Hajime reaches out an abortive hand, fingersstretched before curling back up into a fist at his side.
Fuyuhiko was actually starting tofeel kind of sorry for his idiot. He sighs and puts the bottle of tea on thecounter, turning around to see Hajime staring at him with his big, dumb, puppydog eyes full of remorse and want.
“You idiot,” Fuyuhiko shakes hishead and goes to his boyfriend. Hajime accepts Fuyuhiko’s weight into his armsas if he’s been given the warmth of the sun on a sub-zero day, seeminglymelting when Fuyuhiko slides his arms up around Hajime’s neck. “Lessonlearned?”
Hajime nods into where he’s buriedhis face into the side of Fuyuhiko’s head. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been sostressed about these papers and the group project where that one guy has notbeen doing anything and—Ow!”
Fuyuhiko cuts Hajime off by bitingharshly at the nearest patch of skin, which happens to be just under the cuffof his shirtsleeve, the vulnerable flesh of the inside of his upper arm. Helooks up past his lashes with a warning in narrowed eyes. Hajime gets themessage.
“Right. Sorry.” His apology isaccented by a loud growling that Fuyuhiko feels through his own chest wherehe’s pressed up against Hajime’s belly. Hajime’s cheeks flush. “Uh.”
With a snort, Fuyuhiko kisses thereddening bruise of his bite and pulls his arms away, deliberately sliding themdown Hajime’s arms up to his wrists. “Lunch first. After…” He leaves the after as a promise in the air.
Hajime follows and slides up behindFuyuhiko, resting a palm on the just of Fuyuhiko’s hipbone, over the waistbandof his underwear. The blond barely holds back from sinking into the warm andcomfy chest behind him. There’s a reason he’s always on top of Hajime when theysleep in the same bed and it’s not, as Hajime has successfully been led tobelieve, because Fuyuhiko moves around in his sleep.
Hajime slides his free hand underFuyuhiko’s arm to grab a plate, leaning down to mouth at Fuyuhiko’s neck andleaving a kiss. He’s apologizing and he wants something. Fuyuhiko can tell.“Uh. Um, you.”
Fuyuhiko pours himself some tea andgrabs his plate. “Spit it out, Hajime.”
Hajime cants his hips forward andFuyuhiko restrains from pressing back into the telling heat. “You, uh, you’renot going to change, are you?”
Fuyuhiko grins wickedly.
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