#< gonna tag it for the people reading the manga atm like me i hope this is okay tell me if you want me to tag it differently
rouge-the-bat · 1 year
i was tagged by @princesstokyomoon owo! ty for the tag i love talking about myself LOL
nickname: [not including nicknames based on my irl name for obvious reasons] rouge is what i go by online, sometimes called rougey too :3 kurama is another nickname, so is weirdo (started based on my old url, weirdobsessivenerd). i used to go by yoshi a while back in school too with some people
sign: taurus ♉️ !
height: uhh im 5'2" or 5'3" iirc
last thing i googled: koltins locations in totk, bc im hunting down bubbul frogs rn ! i have 32 left to get atm owo
amount of sleep: eh varies tbh? usually i get around 8-10 hours but sometimes it can be a little less or a little more depending on the night
dream job: character designer for video games!!! + general graphic design n world design n stuff like that. i love LOVE designing things, especially characters, its been one of my biggest and longest passions in my life !!! characters are my absolute fave thing to enjoy and work on, and i hope to one day create characters others can fall in love with like i have for many characters!!!
wearing: a hot pink nightgown with black lace, and black lacey shorts! its so cozy n me core :3
media that summarizes me: like... summarizes my personality? my interests?? hmm... im not really. sure what would really summarize me for my personality? maybe some of my fave things since they tend to have quite an effect on me?
the sonic series i think is a good representation of how im unashamed to be genuine to myself, positive and loving what i love and not caring about being cringy. and it absolutely influenced my love for rockin music, colorful series with darker stories, and edgy antiheroes lol.
maybe system of a down would be a good thing to mention here too, i love all of their music and they definitely have rockin high energy music that can get really wacky sometimes, and ive always had a love for weird shit and identified with being weird!
favourite songs: ough hmm.. ill limit myself to like. 6 songs i really love rather than trying to figure out my Favoritest Faves bc im indecisive lol. n gonna do some different styles for a variety of my tastes!
bring me the horizon ft babymetal - kingslayer
in this moment - sick like me
omega tribe - summer suspicion
megumi ogata - fukanzen nenshou
riff kitten ft kumiho - fallen world
i dont know how but they found me - mx. sinister
instruments: this is so vague lol like. is this meaning ones ik how to play? my fave instruments?
well for ones i know how to play- well i used to know how to play anyways- i played the clarinet in band! n at some point i got an ocarina n tried learning that but never worked on it much. i used to be able to play a couple little tunes on it tho (like the jigglypuff song from the pokemon anime. or part of it at least). someday ill get back to it...
for my fave instruments... id probably say the violin and piano. i really love the sound of them, and i like how much emotion they can evoke!
aesthetic: oh god where do i even begin gkdkfbdkf i have a MILLION aesthetics i love lol. lovecore is probably my biggest one though, but i also love tech/glitchy stuff, gems, mermaid/ocean, general nature/flowers, clown/carnival, christmas, halloween, witchy, punk/goth/scene/emo (together since there can be some overlap between the aesthetics, ik theyre not the same), night/dreamy, space, yandere for a darker twist on lovecore stuff, and much much more. i love anything from pastel n cute, to neon and dynamic, to dark n creepy. i just!! absolutely adore aesthetics!!! its what im all about!
favourite author: ...i dont have one fkxbjf i havent read a book in years and even when i used to read more i didnt have one. could i just say yoshihiro togashi since he created the manga of my fave anime (yu yu hakusho) lmao?
random fun fact: i love pickles and will drink pickle juice straight out of the jar. have yall ever had pickle pops??? its like popsicles but with frozen pickle juice. i LOVE it. actually i should find our popsicle molds so i can make some soon
some mutuals to tag: if yall wanna, ill tag @megalo-station @mageofcolors @transgaykurama @foxdenji @skrunksthatwunk @l-lawliets-pussy @yoko-kurama-the-sex-god @shining-bewear @pipwife and weve only been mutuals for a short time but ill tag @shrineguardianhyena too owo
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gilshaelos · 2 years
tag game!!!… tagged by @alovelysickness thank u beloved 🥺💕.. a get to know you game!! :3
fave color: i love greens and peachy colors.. i like a lot of colors i think theyre all nice :) but green and peach and some blue have me :3
currently reading: this is embarrassing in a way but were healing atm , im close to being finished with forest of secrets by erin hunter of the warrior cat series XD im reading the series slowly again with my gf
besides that however i usually read manga and not so many books. i got caught up on dungeon meshi the other day which im THRILLED is getting an anime!! iirc the mangaka had mentioned that she wouldnt approve an anime unless she knew itd be good so 👀.. i have very high hopes.
besides that ive been continuing my read through and analysis of one piece! im near the end of the skypeia arc now, its of course wonderful. i enjoyed the anime arc a lot as well but the end felt a little clumsy, im interested to see if the manga is any better. no harm if its not, cant all be the goat ALL the time. currently, sanji just got blasted by enel and i was talking abt in my server that he’s incredibly self sacrificing and this is like the third time this arc he takes such a horrible blow its a miracle he wakes up. but honestly his little excursion onto the ark maxim and then subsequently getting electrocuted reads to me like some sort of sui attempt… but thats me. lololol. i love analyzing manga.
last song: this is sooo hard honestly cuz i listen to music constantly.. but the song i woke up with in my head is Bitter Boogie by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. (while rn playing is Am I In Heaven? by the same band!) heres some of my recent spotify likes of kglw however.. i have more but HAHA
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last series: this may come as a shock… but the answer to this is also One Piece. lmfao. im nearing the end of the dressrosa arc and people were not lying. flashbacks abound. a lot of good character moments felt ruined by it. OH WELL. but right now luffy just shifted into fourth gear and its really exciting, but nothing is that easy to im waiting for things to go wrong.. despite being a mess of an arc im having a great time with it!
last movie: im so bad about watching movies and my friend mo has described it being a ‘herculean task’ for me to watch a movie which is true so i dont have a clear answer. i recently saw thor love and thunder with family. it sure was a marvel movie so its very whatever. last GOOD movie i watched and remember watching is The Last Unicorn and i cried like the whole time.. LOL.
currently working on: oh lord well i always default to saying im working on my oc universe story thing Masters of None! but the honest answer is really nothing too much atm i havent drawn in over a month or so. i just havent felt like it. ive got the itch to do so but no energy LMAO but i try not to force it. however im playing a new game that came out yesterday if that counts for anything? cult of the lamb, its phenomenal so far im really enjoying it.
feel free to do this if you want to :3 but im gonna tag a fee people .. do ot if you want to!!! but if u dont its ok :)
@why-its-kai @linnellgender @joltikgenes
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: i love love love LOVE how you just draw gojo leaning onto getou, hiding his face in getou's neck or back or chest <////3 im just so heartbroken over those two
So glad to hear you like him clingy as much as I do!! TT^TT as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t clingy enough in canon, so I’m fixing it as much as I can with every new doodle haha
Anon said: whenever im sad i just come to your account and look through your art :")) it brings me so much comfort :')) also i gotta mention that the teacher getou art you've made has healed my broken heart bc of jjk and now that is the only canon i accept thank you very much gege akutami has nothing on me
GAH GETO-SENSEI MY ONE AND ONLY I’m happy he makes you as soft as he does me, he’s such a comfort to me ;;;; and thank you for liking my stuff!!!! Means the world to me to hear it ;A; <3
Anon said: I miss your krbk sm 😔 No pressure intended!!!!!! I still love and support u and ur art!!!
Man I miss them too!!!!! @ hori when are you bringing my loves back from the war I’m here waiting good sir!!!
Anon said: v v curious on your thoughts on what’s currently going on in bnha manga :)))
HMMM what are my thoughts on it? Well, let’s split it in two: Deku’s side and Todoroki’s side, because that’s how it’s split in my brain atm, and allow me to start from the second because it’s easier to get through for me
I’m in love with everything Hori is doing with Todoroki and everyone involved with him - that’s to say his whole whole family and Hawks and Jeanist too, all of it, I’m so into it it’s no joke at all. Always been in love with how he handles Enji’s character and his interactions with his family and the latest developments didn’t disappoint me at all, wasn’t very much into Dabi right after the “reveal” but the more I think about it and about the story from his pov the more behind it I am, forever and always head over heels for Shouto’s way of dealing with a situation that’s as complex as one would expect from a protagonist of their very own story you could really make a manga out of the Todoroki’s family plot from Shouto’s pov alone, it’s incredible I can’t state how in love with it all I am enough. And Hawks, don’t make me start on him I’ll straight up never stop, absolutely and most definitely my favorite pro-hero I would trust him with my money and my kids 100/10 just assume I’m constantly crying over him. Also Jeanist is just hilarious so bless him and his presence in an otherwise too heavy story
Deku’s side........ well, the main problems I have with it are that one, I don’t really understant the need to keep ofa a secret from the class for the biggest part of the story when the reveal wasn’t forced upon Deku, didn’t have a huge impact on him or his relationship with the others (his leaving wasn’t directly caused by him coming clean after all, he wouldn’t have had to leave earlier had he not kept it a secret and he would have still left at this point had the class already known all along) and didn’t, like. Matter. All that much. Two, this manga is called my hero academia and I’m genuinely starting to wonder why. What was the point of all the arcs set inside the school anyway? Most of the characters growth (Deku’s especially) and the progression of the main plot happened in the arcs outside of the school anyway, and at this point it’s clear we’re not going back to the school after this or even seeing anyone graduate. What of Shinsou? What was the point of his plot when we’re not even gonna see him being active part of the class in a school environment? I’m just confused about it all, I guess. Three, which is really my biggest problem with it all, is the way Deku’s set on saving Shigaraki. It’s not like I don’t like a story in which all the villains are saved and the good guys win and love prevails and all that, call it corny but they’re exactly my type of stories, but I’m not sure I can get behind it when Twice died like that, and Midnight did as well, and Aizawa lost a leg, and Nighteye died, and Hawks might have lost his wings, and Shirakumo ended up Kurogiri and it’s still unclear whether he can be saved, like... why does Shigaraki get to be saved when so many people suffered like that? And it’s not only about them suffering by his hands, it’s about Hori and how he was ruthless with so many characters but lets the story show arbitrary kindness to Shigaraki alone, it’s all... well. Unfair. The way I see it. At this point I at the very least expect kindness for Touya as well, here.
That said if I pick the chapters one by one by themselves I do enjoy them very much. I just don’t gotta think about the big picture lmao AH but it’s all a personal opinion, of course! I know people who enjoy the way the story is going and I can see where they’re coming from, this is all arbitrary tastes and preferences on my part, I’m aware of it!
Anon said: Hi hi! I finally got into jjk AND finally caught up on the manga and i appreciate your doods soooo much more now!! They’re so great!! But imcurious, is there one specific moment in the story where you Gojo and Geto became IT for you? Just genuinely curious!!
THANK YOU happy to hear you liked jjk!!!! And that’s!!! a great question, I’m not sure I have an answer actually? I binged the manga in a day and a half, you see, and when I binge stuff that fast I rarely stop to overthink things - I did ship them as I read too since, well. They’re in love lmao but I shipped them in the same way I shipped itafushi or yuutoge after I read the prequel, you know? Just a general aknowledging of how good they were together. The main point with satosugu specifically was probably that satoru has been my favorite character since the beginning of the story and suguru got there as well as soon as I read their backstory, so once I was caught up they’re the ones I ended up spending the most time thinking about, both by themselves and together, and that ended up making me a bit obsessed..... just a bit lol
If I had to give one specific moment that got me by the heart and squeezed the hardest it’d be... probably Satoru’s “my soul knows otherwise”. And the way his voice alone could bring Suguru back, even for just a single moment. The thing about satosugu for me!!! one of the many things about them, but the main thing for me, is that they love each other. Be it platonic or however you wanna see it, they love each other. Despite everything and after it all, even if Satoru had to kill Suguru, even if Suguru killed so many and betrayed Satoru and they went their separate ways in the harshest of ways, they love each other. It’s insane, isn’t it? That they’d love each other so much they could pass over everything and anything. I’ve seen the “best friends become enemies” trope so often in shounen manga, but this is the first time I see it treated like this - with love so strong that they never blamed each other or turned that love in hate. The way satosugu do it is all-encompassing! It goes beyond the world and their differences and death itself! So if I had to pick it’d be that one, because that scene happens after it’s all over, and it all went to shit and way beyond too already, and still their souls resonate with each other and answer to each other and that sends me insane, just thinking about it. Like, god, they really still love each other. Satoru’s mourned for Suguru for a year, Suguru’s been dead for a year, they’d been separated ten whole years before then, and still! And still!!! It’s so tender I don’t know how to deal with it
Anon said: “What’s a god to a nonbeliever?”—That tag is going to haunt me for a while. The entire tag section for your latest Gojo and Geto drawing is meta-worthy.
THANK YOU it’d been eating at my brain I had to write it down somewhere why are those two like that
Anon said: Do you take commissions? No pressure! ✨❤️
Not right now!
Anon said: How do you feel about sukuna ? like/dislike or thoughts on him
AMAZING QUESTION I love him. I have absolutely zero clue as of why so don’t ask me to elaborate, I’m literally that marge pic with the potato when it’s about Sukuna, I have no meta thoughts about him nor deep reasonings behind it - by all accounts, I should dislike him! But he shows up and I’m like nghhh king, so that’s where we stand. It’s Sukuna, you know. I just think he’s neat.
Anon said: sighs time to get into another fandom bc i simp too hard for ur art 😔
HAH thank you for the trust I hope you’ll like ror if you do get into it!!! hahaha
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shadowdianne · 3 years
I was tagged by @lulysmalforge, let’s see what I have to say xd
Rules: Tag 9 people you wanna catch up with/know better -if you want, if you don’t feel like answering you obviously don’t need to-
3 ships : Ah, the first question but the one I left for last Xd Ships? The ever given works?
 Nah, ok Xd Ships. After leaving SQ I haven’t actively shipped anything with the exception of BeauYasha -Those of you who like dnd or have enough time to do things/work but need something to listen to seriously go with me down the rabbit hole that is dnd games on podcast/video format. Seriously. It doesn’t even need to be Critical Role, there are a lot of dnd podcasts these days- who are characters from the current CR campaign and if anyone is craving a true slow-burn with AMAZING tact and respect on what means to grow as a person, mourn past relationships, the insufferable hope that romance always comes with and the so so tender way in where two people can found each other amongst the most interesting circumsnaces all the while with their conjoined found family trying their best to see them happy… seriously, delve into CR.
Aside from that and despite the bitterness SQ will always and forever be the ship that marked me the most -glances at their a03 account-, clearly.
As for the third ship… Cissamione counts? I love them, a lot, both the concept and the fanon ways in where they are constantly being created. I truly need to sit my ass and write a little bit more of them at some point.
Last song: According to Spotify “Villain” by Stella Jang
Last movie: LOTR I would say. I watched it again couple of weeks ago with @roomiesnotsecrettmblr. Majorly because she admitted that she hadn’t watched any of the movies and we had some time to kill so what to do best but spend some hours watching the first movie and stopping every other minute to comment on lore? We are horrible at watching a movie without stopping to go into a tangent -seriously horrible, we started a rewatch of Merlin and we needed to stop doing that because we couldn’t go about one episode without pressing stop and start talking about possible interpretations of the lore used within the series every other minute-
Currently watching: Now that I’m in the painting minis thingie I’m catching up and watching random episodes of Critical Role. Majorly because I obviously adore the campaigns and secondly because each episode is four/five hours long so I have plenty of time to paint while listening. I’m also rewatching Castle majorly because it’s “popcorn” for the brain. I’ve watched it enough to remember every episode, I don’t need to be too focused on it and I can press “halt” on my brain while doing it. Jujutsu Kaisen as well because I happen to live with someone who adores mangas/anime and she is bringing me back to that world xD
Currently reading:
Books: With the series of Shadow and Bone looming and after finishing a quick re-read of both Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, I’m re reading the original trilogy of the Grishaverse. I was never a fan of those three books but the world felt very very compelling to me. While the romantic aspect of the drama tires me even more than it did once the rules of the Grishaverse are still so fucking cool so I’m enjoying the re-read Xd -Even if I already know the series is gonna be a clusterfuck. Come on, I also want to go to Ketterdam and see Kaz and the others but mixing both timelines??? According to what we get to see in Six of Crows Inej shoulnd’t already be with Kaz at the beginning of S&B or, if she was, she wouldn’t be the Wraith yet but still learning and cleansing herself from Tante Heleen. They are doing this because they originally wanted Six of Crows rather than the Alina Starkov storyline and mixing both is something that is already making me worry-
[Also reading CandleKeep mysteries just because roomie happened to get a copy of the book and despite being a dnd manual I always take them as bedtime stories I can later on create upon so that’s fun]
Oh! And I finished with a quick re-read of @emmasternerradley SilverBeasts because I promised that I was going to do a proper review of the second book of that story and I wanted to refresh my mind a little bit before going back to Golden Sea. I truly TRULY recommend anything written by her but those two books?? A must if you like fantasy.
Comic/Webcomic: Re-reading Sunstone atm as well. I just adore their dynamic and visually the comic is to die for. Also reading Lore Olympus every other week ofc. I truly want to know where they will go with the story. And punderworld whenever I can. And several others xD
Fanfic: Not much from me on that front currently. I recently re-read @delirious-comfort Whispers in the Night -SQ, so good- but, yup, other than that I’m staying slightly off fandom world.
Currently craving: TIME
Not shown in the original tag-game but random recs of things because I happen to want for more people to read/listen to them:
The Priory of the Orange Tree
Gideon and Harrow the Ninth -both books, yup, trust me-
The city and the city by China Mieville -well, anything from him really but I get not wanting to read Perdido Street Station because THAT is a thick boi and while I’m crazy and I started from there it’s quite a lot. If you like sci-fi and constant evolving conversation on how linguistics work, I then rec Embassytown from him-
Spotify’s Meija’s Army playlist
@waknatious @stregaomega  -how are you dear?- @pressuredrightnow  @naralanis @ryshai @drummergirl72713  @idontgetpaidforthis (this is not a tag for you per se but a reminder to check your twitter :P) @alternate8reality annnnd @godandmonsters1996
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astarfilledsea · 3 years
got tagged by the lovely @sunsetsswerve 💖ty lovely
tag 9 people to know more about their interests, hobbies, etc. (no pressure!):
feel free to just look at my answers, dear friends :)) tagging @wistfullullabies @buckleys-diaz @ronanlyneh @eijunes
fav genre? it depends on my mood really, whatever im feeling is what i’ll put on but i do listen to pop/pop punk and alt rock lol not recently tho
fav artist? does this include bands? im gonna say yea: pvris / paramore / fob / dermot kennedy / jonas bros / halsey / hozier / bad suns / bts to name a few 
fav song? good to be alive - pvris is one of many
most listened song recently? your eyes tell - bts / b s&t orchestral cover
song currently stuck in your head? i was singing airplane pt. 2 earlier
fav lyrics? it’s just a spark, but its enough to keep me going / and when its dark out, no one’s around, it keeps glowing - last hope by paramore
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume | slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? fantasy / also really depends on what im feeling atm / also do enjoy manga as well
fav writer? i have a couple but i’ll say v schwab / erin morgenstern
fav book? too many, next q
fav book series? percy jackson / the raven cycle : those two are just....they’re books that i know i can go back to again and again and still love them also soc duology is good
comfort book? see above answer 
perfect book to read on a rainy day? oooh anything, really - leaving that
fav characters? percy jackson / ronan lynch
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart? here are some random ones bc i cant tell you 5 from just one:
the dam quote from titan’s curse
"In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys."
"Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human."
“Strange isn’t it? To love a book. When the words on the pages become so precious that they feel like part of your own history because they are. It’s nice to finally have someone read stories I know so intimately."
“"Kaz leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" asked Inej. "Gun to the back?" said Jesper. "Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina. "You're all horrible," said Matthias."
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? animation, comedy
fav movie? how to train your dragon is one of the many
comfort movie? she’s the man (even tho its been a long while since ive seen it)
movie you watch every year? i try to watch olive the other reindeer every year, its weirdly one of my fav christmas movies 
fav tv show? haikyu / diamond no ace / shadow & bone / vincenzo (even tho i have to finish it) 
comfort tv show? haikyu
most rewatched tv show? haikyu 
ultimate otp? vincenzo and the gold underneath that building / i feel like id answer this better if i watched more tv/movies but imma be real, i have not seen much of both
5 fav characters? see fav tv show, everyone in there is my fav
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once
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belladoesmakeup · 4 years
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Hi I’m Bella .....
Hey everyone,
Over the last couple months I’ve been so lucky to have lots of new people follow this blog and I realise those new people might not know me personally. So today you’re gonna get to know me a little better by me doing the 10 Personal Questions Tag. (If you haven’t heard of it before I basically answer a set of questions and yeah that’s it really).
1. Do you believe in ghosts?
Ok I totally believe in ghosts, I have since I was really young and when I was younger had a experience in my house that kinda convinced me (that’s a story for another day)
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don’t know if I believe in love at first sight but I believe in attraction at first sight. I tend to get to know people better as a friend and then develop something after if it leads to that.
3. How do feel in a crowded room?
Depending on the crowd ok. If it’s a concert or a cinema crowd I feel at home. If it’s a crowd of strangers I’m on alert mode (especially now in a Covid world)
4. Do you like your job?
I love my job it wasn’t something I expected to do but it’s something that I enjoy. I work in retail and eventing (though less eventing atm)
5. What is one thing about yourself you think would surprise people?
I’m such a comic book nerd! I could spend hours and hours reading comics and mangas and be in my total element. My favourite comics are marvel and dc (kinda typical I know) and my favourite mangas are death note and vampire knights.
6. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes! It was the worst feeling in the world and honestly screwed me up for a while. But everyday after it slowly got easier and easier until the point I’m at now when I don’t care and it doesn’t bother me anymore when it’s brought up etc. (Plus his loss!!!)
7. What are your thoughts on technology and social media?
If used right it can be an amazing thing that connects people together and creates a community. I’ve met some amazing people through blogging I never would of known before. But it can also be a hazard to those who don’t use it properly or use it to cause harm.
8. Do you think everyone should use makeup?
I think you should use makeup if you want to! If you don’t like makeup or don’t enjoy using it then you shouldn’t feel like you have to use it. Only do what makes happy and makes you feel good. I have friends who hate makeup but love skincare and that’s awesome and some of friends are makeup obsessed and that’s awesome too. Moral of the story you do you babe.
9. What is one thing you would like to change in the world?
Everyone stop being so cruel to each other. 2020 has been a shit show let’s be honest and the least everyone can do is be kind to each other,it’s the one thing we can control so why not do it 😇
10. What would you like to be doing in 10 years?
I have no idea but as long as I’m happy doing it, I don’t mind 🥰
Hope this helped you get to know me better!
Lots of love
Bella x x
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blooming5th · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — Pretty strictly, I think? I mean... I do always try my best to stick to canon events because although I am a big fan of AUs, I absolutely suck at writing canon-divergent characters. I also look out for possible dialectisms that come from Hinamori & put some work towards Hinamori’s personal development; all of this according to whatever has happened to her in canon / is shown by her in canon.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  There’s an entire world waiting beyond Hinamori’s pretty face? She’s still pretty much just a baby when in comparison to many other Lieutenants (being the second youngest, right after lil Yachiru), which makes her super innocent and funny. She’s also very upbeat, easy-going, and friendly! She’s such a devoted Lieutenant and honestly a great worker? Super strong with her kido spells, too! A great student?! A very, very good girl, honestly! She’s the greatest person you will ever meet, I swear to GOD !!
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Most of the people, from what I can perceive from reading different opinions and have read through my years in Bleach forums and such, is that she’s pretty mentally weak. Hinamori seems to be extremely unbalanced and the previously mentioned devotion actually becomes... a weakness? Although I don’t agree with it ( mostly because I do believe her devotion towards Aizen was induced and not... something natural ), I can understand what people mean by this. Also, she mostly uses magic spells and keeps herself at a certain distance when in combat;; which people might easily perceive as her being weak when it’s just... her fighting style and body stature.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  I have roleplayed Hinamori for over 6 years now? almost 7, actually. I made this blog in 2014, however, I was supposed to be writing Hitsugaya. I ended up changing my entire blog’s aesthetics, not even a week later, to match Hinamori and decided to try her out. Why? Well... long story short... the fandom was full of Hitsugaya blogs. asjhdfasjdhfg I didn’t want simply be just one more in the ocean of amazing Hitsugaya writers;; so I decided to write someone who gave me access to heavy development ( because there was so little content back then ) and fun times ! lil peach was the obvious answer!
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  Most of the time its music? Whenever I decide to focus on an rp blog, I create a go-to playlist that helps me channel the muse’s traits and helps me write with more ease! That... and re-reading manga pages that might make me come up with headcanons, which I, later, always tend to apply to threads. Oh yeah, uh... LMAO! How could I forget? Talking to friends and discussing things with them, also often lets my creativity soar and helps me channel my muse’s persona. uwu
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Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. 
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Honestly, yes? I am a person that needs to receive constant criticism & is very open about it, too. I often find myself asking for criticism & find myself craving for bigger improvement.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  HELLS TO THE YES !! But then again... who doesn’t? It makes me so so happy whenever I receive a question or a simple message that might help me develop Hinamori’s character traits or behaviours? I love my girl so much;; knowing that others want me to gush about her amazingness & make her grow even more is nothing but an honour to me, tbh.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Well... yeah? But not in a bad way, of course! I absolutely love discussing headcanons and getting different points of view from things ( such as headcanons, in this specific topic ) so I can center myself and find a clearer way to analyze things! Discussing headcanons is dope, man!
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  This is going to be a pretty short response cause ;; I don’t care? I’m not here to really... please others. I’m here to have fun for my own self and to enjoy writing with other amazing fellas. Ain’t nobody gonna rain on my parade with unnecessary negativity;;
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  I haven’t ever seen many people hate Hinamori’s character? However, I do have seen quite the few people disregard her as the important character she is, or reduce her to a level that doesn’t... entirely fit the reason why she was created. Still, it’s none of my business. I don’t let it get to me or feel... the need to do anything about it? Or even talk about it? I can’t really change people’s views, so I often would just rather love my baby peach and let others do as they please.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  ABSOLUTELY? It’s even part of my rules like ;; please tell me if you ever find a grammatical error ANYWHERE in my blog. English isn’t my mother tongue and thus it can be very difficult for me to keep up with fancy writing while also sticking to correct grammar? idk if this makes sense but... yknow.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I do think I am very easy going kind of fella? Sometimes it takes me forever go get to messages ( both through discord & IMS ), but I think that’s because lately I’ve been feeling super emotionally drained ;; I haven’t been out of my goddamn house for three months and I sincerely miss seeing faces that aren’t my parents. I did take a drive the other day but... sobs... it left such a bittersweet taste. ANYWAY !! Yes. I’m very easy going and talkative. Also a big, big enthusiastic? And positivist! I am someone who always prefers to stick to the bright side of life and ignore anything that might be the least problematic so yeah ~ I am uwu. Come meet me. I’m cool. I swear.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @hirako5hinji​   ( aka the greatest taichō ever. uwu go to bed harder next time, Anna. ♡ ) Tagging: ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO IT !! just steal it from me. be gay. do crimes.
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theoxofthezodiac · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE A PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO?
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — Generally I like/try to stick as closely to canon as possible, but I also LOVE AUs and looking into stuff that happens after the canon and before the canon!!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Aaahh fuck um listen: I trust myself to do two things exceptionally well—shitposting and feeling feelings. That in mind, I’d like to say I’m also very good at writing top-tier, big brain crack threads and “oh fuck that shit hurted” angst. Also, Haru is the best of both worlds: he can give you himbo AND soft boy. He’s a big brother who’s split a watermelon. Are you a pussy who can’t handle haunted houses (like myself) he’s the muse for you, turning irrational fear into a tear-jerking cathartic experience. Pls interact.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  I’m gonna level with you: I’ve got a bit too much of a soft spot for soft boy Haru, and thus my skills at writing Dark Haru are not the best developed. Also I can be quite slow with replies oop.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Furuba means so much to me. Like a lot of people I found it around age like 14ish and it’s stayed with me ever sense. It’s my favorite book series and I believe the strongest argument for graphic novels/manga having literary merit. It has the best character development I’ve ever read. It’s so cathartic and I related so deeply to many of the characters.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  A lot of my inspiration comes from watching the anime and rereading the manga, also reading other people’s threads and seeing memes. I go through periods of focusing on my various hyperfixations and I hyperfixate on them...and sometimes that’s Furuba.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / 50/50 / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — Of course!! As long as it’s like actual criticism and not just an anon saying “fuck u, u suck” 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — YES
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  — Yes!! A lot of my headcanons come from my personal experiences and my personal interpretation of Furuba. Like any other book/series everyone interprets it different and I love hearing other interpretations, even if we choose different hills to die on.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  It makes me kinda sad, but tbh if someone doesn’t like it they don’t have to follow me and we can just kindly ignore each other lmao.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  My portrayal? Ight whatever. The character itself? I’d like to know why. Like, Haru isn’t one of them, but I know there are problematic characters but that doesn’t mean you can’t like them as a character. Idk I understand hating characters but I’d only love to hear (valid) reasons why. Tangential but I am EXHAUSTED by all the Kagura hate and “discourse.”
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  PLEASE DO HOLY SHIT!!! Sometimes I notice them after I see the thread and I want to shove my entire laptop down my throat but if I do I always try to go back and fix them before anyone notices (oops) but if you notice it and I don’t pls tell me.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I really try to be as non-intimidating as possible because I’m actually intimidated by everyone else lmao. Like I know my rules may come across a bit cold/blunt but I myself try not to be.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @jezebelsmultimuse​  thank you!!
Tagging: anyone who wants to/sees this!!!
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wingsporkhalo · 4 years
New Senshi Generation: A Sailor Moon Fanfiction Spork
Hello all! I didn’t get my rear in gear to edit the next video for TodoBaku/BakuTodo, so we’re doing a new fic today!
Today’s fic comes to you from a reader submission! Thank you so much, @happysmilehello! (Not sure why it’s not letting me tag you...)
Now, I am by no means an expert at anything Sailor Moon. I watched maybe 30 episodes of the original (undubbed) anime way back in high school out of sheer curiosity. A lot of it didn’t stick with me. So! I brought on a Sailor Moon expert to help me with this, who also happens to be one of my very best friends! Thanks for all your help, @kittykatz009! All of that out of the way, let’s get started on New Senshi Generation!
KittyKatz009 dont even get me started on how they changed the names in the 90s dub
WingSongHalo B U N N Y
KittyKatz009 any more questions before we get started on this wonderful fic
WingSongHalo ah yes here is the link
KittyKatz009 okay. we are open
WingSongHalo wait they named her something other than Bunny? I forgot that
KittyKatz009 in the english dub her name was Serena
WingSongHalo OH YEAH
KittyKatz009 Usagi -- Serena Ami -- Amy Rei -- Ray Makoto -- Lita Minako -- Mina Mamoru -- Darien ChibiUsa -- Rini
WingSongHalo I like how Ami and Rei got to stay the same lksjdflk
KittyKatz009 just had to ~Americanize~ it
WingSongHalo yeah because schoolgirls wearing seifuku is totally American
KittyKatz009 you know okay. im already on paragraph 2 and have issues
The time is 30th Century Crystal Tokyo.
That really sounds more like a year, not a time. If I ask you for the time and you tell me that I'm gonna be pissed
Nobody would ask for a better ruler than her.
Hmm. Your wording, saying nobody WOULD and not nobody COULD, suggests that they are too intimidated to ask for more...
She had a beautiful daughter named Lady Serenity, but the kingdom knew her as ChibiUsa.
Poor little bastard.
She admired her so much that she wanted to be trainind by her.
She wanted to be what now?
She hated that name so much that she asked to be called Usagi.
KittyKatz009 okay so like. Shinta... who is your father? Also, Makoto didn't necessarily like picking fights. she would defend herself, yes. but it wasn't like she was going and picking fights with everyone and their mother. Like yes, I know Makoto got kicked out of her last school for being in a fight, but that does't mean she is a delinquent. this was a part of her entire fucking arc
Instead, she more likely to get away from trouble.
She also more likely to skip words in sentences? Hmmm thanks for this background info. So the author has a fundamental misunderstanding of a character's personality right out of the gate.
KittyKatz009 like, everyone was scared of Makoto when she came to school because they heard the rumors and Usagi is all like "damn she cute. let me be her friend" and then there were the bonus points of Makoto being a great cook and Usagi being a bottomless pit
but she truely hated it.
Know what I truely hate? People spelling truly like that
KittyKatz009 okay... Amari. you are a carbon copy of your mother jesus christ
She spent all of her time the nose in the books and truely believe that friends weren't a necessaty in life.
...there's so much wrong with this sentence that I don't know what to focus on. I think I'll pick "the nose in the books." Like, what nose? Whose? is it just some big-shnauzed person that everyone has nicknamed The Nose? Why are they imprisoning them in the books? What did they do to incur this punishment?
But unfortunatly, she was raised as a fighter.
Excuse you, being raised as a fighter is usually really beneficial for royalty
She had become the new Sailor V.
Wow, she was five of them all by herself?
When she saw the teacher enter the room, she thaught she had saw her before.
She what now
I will call out your name to take your presence.
Where are you taking it and what do you plan to do with it??
KittyKatz009 Actually, Sailor V was Venus's name before she went by Venus, so that one actually tracks
WingSongHalo huh... I understand nothing
Present mam.
Is that Present Mic's similarly-Quirked sister? If it's not, it is now.
I just hope that you won't be as much of a pain as she was.
Wow, this teacher is a real gem!!
Even if she is our gracefull Queen today, your mother truely gave me numerous headaches while under my teachings.
Shit, I'd be late to your class every day too if you talk that ungrammatically. Plus I would also have headaches. NUMEROUS headaches.
KittyKatz009 Sailor Venus awoke first out of the 5 of them, so her alias she went by when she was fighting crime by herself was Sailor V
WingSongHalo huh! So I guess she kind of was 5 all by herself!
KittyKatz009 lmao yeah okay so im stuck on the fact that the author has switched between 90;s english dub and the manga
No mam, I might be my mother's daughter, but I am not as clubsy as she was before.
I... assume this means she's not in any clubs?
But she knew, after what had happened, miss Haruna would call her mother.
??? Did I somehow miss something happening? She didn't do anything wrong, did she?
KittyKatz009 Haruna????
WingSongHalo no I mean why would the teacher call Usagi's mother? Usagi didn't do anything wrong
I am very resorsfull.
Then learn to read a dictionary, geez.
KittyKatz009 Im just SO CONFUSED like, they're in Crystal Tokyo now. why in the world would Ms. Haruna be there? She was from the 20th century
My mother is not all there sometimes.
I know this means "my mother isn't there all the time," but this wording definitely is Usagi calling her mother crazy aslkfjs;lkd Yeah they mention being in the 20th century?? it says "Usagi felt embarassed as she knew how her mother was in the 20th century. It was now the time to show how she was a lot more mature at her age." oh okay so that was the past
KittyKatz009 i mean, Chibiusa DID think her mom was crazy.
WingSongHalo Haruna is here from there I guess, as a fully-grown woman
KittyKatz009 but... Ms. Haruna was already a full grown woman in the 20th century... she was Usagi's teacher... CLUMSY. That's supposed to be clumsy. jesus
WingSongHalo yes it's supposed to be clumsy
KittyKatz009 okay lol
WingSongHalo and oh I see. So Haruna is just old now
KittyKatz009 Haruna would be fucking dust JESUS I WANT TO CALL YOU AND SCREAM
WingSongHalo laj;fsdlk I listened to a lot of loud crowds and stuff today so I would probably just panic if I heard screaming atm XD
KittyKatz009 not ACTUALLY scream lol but i know what you mean more like rant. bc im on the paragraph about the bad guy and I HAVE WORDS
I always spend time talking to all of my firends."
You always spend time talking to Firenze? What are you doing in the Forbidden Forest to begin with?? Not to mention that conversations with centaurs are hardly ever productive; you're probably wasting your time.
An new evil face had been awaken from it's deep sleep.
The new evil face is deep sleep apparently
She had long red hair covered by a light pink vail.
A light pink what now
Deep blue eyes and a long turquish blue dress.
Ah yes, Turquish, from the country of Tourquey. Say, won't you have some Tourquish Delight in the Tourquish Bath? Later we'll have some Thanksgiving Tourquey.
KittyKatz009 So you just add -ai to the end of Beryl's name and that's how you get your new villain's name???
She was the new Queen of the Negaverse.
All right what the hell is the Negaverse. Please tell me it's better than the Omegaverse
KittyKatz009 Negaverse was the 90's dub term for the Dark Kingdom Next, we have a continuation error. Endymion can't be both the King of Crystal Tokyo AND the Dark Prince. So either he be cheating on Usagi, or you're grasping at straws here for this one.
The second one was Cyrius, who controls the East and willed the power of ice. The thrid was general Tera, who controls the West and willed the powers of the earth. And finally, Tempest, who controls the Southern parts of the Underworld and controls the wind.
Mkay so these names are rooted in Greek and Roman Mythology so this leads me to believe that the author did not come up with these names by themself
KittyKatz009 that was what i was thinking too. and convenience was used
WingSongHalo Wait Endymion is with Usagi? Usagi Senior? Wouldn't that just make him Tuxedo Mask
KittyKatz009 Okay, Mamoru, aka Tuxedo Mask, is Endymion
WingSongHalo ah
KittyKatz009 Endymion was the protector of Earth who fell in love with the Moon Princess
WingSongHalo that sure is a lot of names for one person, but I guess it's pretty funny that his name literally means "to protect"
KittyKatz009 he was, for all intents and purposes, Sailor Earth lmao
WingSongHalo "all these dumb bitches writing Sailor Earth fiction... they had one all along"
KittyKatz009 there's so much lore getting messed up here it's ridiculous
WingSongHalo I'm so so glad I have you here to help me parse it all LOL I'd be totally ignorant about everything
" Diana, you have to wake the sleeping powers of the next generation of senshis.
Who the fuck is Diana???
KittyKatz009 Diana is Luna and Artemis's child
WingSongHalo We got fuckin Wonder Woman in here now? That would make sense, although not from a mythological perspective because Artemis and Diana are tHE SAME FUCKING GODDESS well relatively speaking there are of course differences between the Greek and Roman incarnations of the goddess
A new evil had arrived on Earth and they must be stopped. Now go! "
Gee mom, d'you think I could get a little more information first???
KittyKatz009 lmao oh believe me, I know all about Diana and Artemis, since I study both of them so... you LITERALLY have her wearing the same thing her mother wore. when she CANONICALLY HAS HER OWN OUTFIT THAT IS PINK
She has experience compared to the inner's daughter, who has none."
What the fuck is the inner. That sounds gross
KittyKatz009 I'm assuming they mean Sailor Venus's child.
Luna, are you sure that this is the right thing to do, she might not be able to take care of this by herself? " asks Artemis
You know what? The most irritating thing about this is that there's no description given to any characters except to give us a basic picture of new ones. If I didn't have a basic knowledge of Sailor Moon, it might be hard to remember that Artemis is a fUCKING TALKING CAT
KittyKatz009 i just finished the chapter and i am going to scream i mean, they have human forms too. but yeah, they are in their cat forms from what i gathered
You will give her the Moon Brooch and call her Sailo Moon."
I really don't think it works like that. You can't just subtract a letter and call it good oh he has a human form?? How come it's not on the Wiki?? I just looked at the gallery to see if there was one!!
KittyKatz009 because it was a manga only thing
WingSongHalo Ah I see
KittyKatz009 though, in the 2nd sailor moon movie, you do get to see Luna animated in her human form
WingSongHalo wait what the fuck why don't they even list his human form on the wiki under Manga info???
KittyKatz009 i have no idea
KittyKatz009 RIGHT
WingSongHalo It's not like they haven't had plenty of time to compile all the info!!
Usagi was in her room trying to figure out a way to tell her mother about miss H.'s reaction about her in class.
??? I really don't get this. Usagi didn't do anything wrong; why does she need to tell her mother about it at all???
- What's this? Blue, I don't wear blue. Where the fuku that Pegasus gave us?" Usagi was now freaking out.
KittyKatz009 i have no idea. unless she is embarrassed that her mom is the reason Miss should be dead H has a negative opinion of her
Meanwhile, Berylia called out Cyrius and ordered her to steal as many humans as she could, so they could be corrupted to their cause.
Sure why not. Sounds just vague enough to work
She aggrees and leaves.
She what now
Her specialy were jewelry and was called madame Bijou.
Leave Hamtaro's girlfriend out of this.
She was now confident enough to capture alot of humans since their desire for shining and expensif jewels were enough to corrupt them.
I'm fucking dying at "expensif" alkjf;sdkljf
the first villain Usagi fights is a monster who disguises itself as Naru's mom (Usagi's bff) who owns a jewelry store and had a 90% off sale
Don't miss the opportunity to buy your spouse's happiness."
Sounds legit!!!! lsjkdfdkj what the fuku
The day was a magnificent success.
God I wish that were me
KittyKatz009 im almost in tears from this fic. and it's only chapter 1
She saw a young human girl. She grabbed her by the neck and changed into her monster form.
- Who are you? Who sent you?"
You need to chill. You just said she's a young human girl. Why would the monster be suspicious of a young human girl? Did it sense something about her? Was she giving off a powerful amount of energy? Did she look familiar? GIVE US SOMETHING, AUTHOR
- Help me please... " as the young victim struggled for air.
that's me laughing at this fic oh wow lookee there! The author actually tries to describe a battle!! Points for effort! However... is this description another blow-by-blow, Jaz?
KittyKatz009 i feel like that's supposed to be a bad parallel to when the ORIGINAL monster held NARU like this and NARU'S cries for help are what made USAGI come save her why yes, yes it is
WingSongHalo ooooooof course
- My name is the Silver Masked Tuxedo. And it was a pleasure to be of help." as he left.
Oh shit, your Silver Moon might show up here yet
KittyKatz009 the only thing they left out was the fact that Usagi started bawling like a baby, and it got amplified, which stunned them before Tuxedo Mask arrived SILVER MOON IS MINE AND THIS AUTHOR CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF
Sailor Moon grabbed her tiara and used it to purify the corrupted humans and toast the monster.
Oh, lovely! Everyone loves a good toasted monster, roasted cozily over a campfire. A family favorite
Diana came by her side and ask if she was doing better, but all she had as an answer was babbling.
Well that's a mood.
WingSongHalo Usagi was zoning out, remembering that really handsome man that just saved her.
It's probably her brother or something I mean if she's like an exact copy of her mom, this guy is an exact copy of their dad, right?? It's all falling into place,,,
KittyKatz009 the only thing i can see is that they bring Pegasus into the fic and that he is Silver Mask
- My name is Tsukino Usagi, Lady Serenity and Sailor Moon, all that being in high school and 15 years old. Hope tomorrow will be better.
Hope next chapter will be better.
Next time: chapters 2 and 3! The girls watch InuYasha and fight a villain!
Support me on Patreon! I am poor!! https://www.patreon.com/WingSongHalo And check out my YouTube channel, where you can see video sporks!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTMFf7W6SyWoZdpqY9ZdPw
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
My stance on P5 (cause apparently I need to explain myself :/)
So someone just told me someone was vagueing about me on the confessions blog (can’t say my name cause it’s against the rules but they’ll try to get as specific as they can 🙃 if you have issues just be a real anon hater and send to my inbox directly you coward). And I’m not going to do a reblog to that post, because I’m pretty sure that person must be on my blog. Because the post they were vagueing me about was......not tagged.....in the P5 tagged (I did not tag it as P5 nor Persona 5), it was just a post that was on my blog (now if it showed up in the tag or search I dunno why but I didn’t tag it for P5 for a gd reason cause I keep it to my blog). The post was me pointing out how P5 when they first enter Futaba’s dungeon they didn’t have shoes on, but after the cutscene they DID. The post was more comical (with me getting salty in the tags, but then you’d have to go out of your way to read my tags). And tbh, I’m half and half, yeah I know it’s a nitpick, and I’d just chalk it up to an animation error and let it go usually, but it’s P5 and that game is already inconsistent with it’s plot/world building/characters/anything important that I’m like “nah I’mma rag on it cause it’s just one more thing they screwed up” so I’m like half let it go and half rag on it (fun fact, when I saw they didn’t have shoes on I was gonna make a post saying “hey look this is cool, nice attention to detail” and then they messed it up literally 2 seconds later so dklsjf;afa yeah). (oh and btw, it wasn’t just “one” character, it was the whole PT cast at the time 8U” at least get it right 8U)
But the thing is......that was just a post on my blog, I’m not me berating the P5 tag. So that means you, person who vagued me, tend to go on my PERSONAL BLOG. So like....why are you on here? No, don’t ask me about me and P5, I will answer that, but you answer why are you bothering looking at my personal blog? Is it cause of certain content I post? Then just blacklist certain tags (like my “silly plays” tag cause nothing really interesting happens in that tag, or my more negative “persona problems” type tags), I know I need to be better at tagging my asks, but if you like my original content then just.....go to the OG content tags (aka videos/pictures/edits/coloring)? That way you avoid anything not made by me? Or if you don’t have a reason and you’re just here to be mad cause someone doesn’t like your game, then block me. You don’t seem to like me, so just....why are you here? You seem to want to ask why I’m here with P5, and I have my reasons, but if you don’t have a reason to be on my blog then why are you on it?
I’m not saying this to be mean, but I don’t want to be policed, esp if someone is going to be hypocritical about it. And it’s annoying to see vaguing (cause imo you are as bad as someone who sends anon hate, but you don’t have the balls to just send it to me directly XP)
Ok now where’s my stance on P5? I don’t like it, but it’s a part of a larger series and lore which I do LOVE! Which means, considering I’m a LORE WHORE, it doesn’t feel right to just skip a game esp if it could contain info about the MegaTen/Persona lore (or even Character lore) I want to know. In fact, I really hate it when I’m talking lore with someone and if expanded info is brought up from a side game they are like “Oh I didn’t play that game so it’s not canon” No Bethany, just because YOU didn’t play a game doesn’t mean it’s not canon. And no, no one is bullying you over the fact you didn’t play it, you just don’t like being wrong and the person was like “Ok well it IS canon and it’s in the game, you don’t have to play it but you.....can’t ignore this fact, also why are you arguing this part of the lore when it’s heavily established in said game you ignored???? I mean you do you but don’t get mad when someone corrects you. No one’s forcing you to do anything.” Ahhhhrrrrgggh so many convos I’ve seen happen, I’m not going to be on the end that I hate. DX<
Also, P5 is not the entire Persona fandom, so while I put up with it and indulge in it by association, it doesn’t have the ownership of the fandom (like with all the original games+ spinoffs+all remakes/ports and P5S/P5R included, but not mobile games, it’s only 23% of all of Persona in terms of game entries, and that’s overlapping with crossover games, and if we included other stuff P5 is def a minor aspect in terms of entries). It’s not that hard, I’m just a bigger all around Persona fan than I am a Persona 5 critic (I don’t want to say hater, because it feels like it sounds like I’m hating it just to hate it, when really it was a game I was excited for and loved and then it just burned me bad and I’m just dealing with the scorn). Always keep in mind, I loved P5 before I hated it, it’s probably why I’m as salty about it as I am, because I love P5′s potential and....I was just let down (it wasn’t unrealistic expectations, like I said earlier, P5 contradicts itself.....all over the place, it’s hard to ignore and it’s not something that was as big of an issue, or even an issue at all, in other games). 
Why do I still post P5 stuff when I don’t like P5 (by which I mean...posting about the OG manga raws, or wanting to do a partial game to anime dub or even would be willing to help with editing a fandub for the anime)? Because I remember being a newbie Persona/Megaten fan, getting into the series, and wanting to know more about it and it’s side materials but then not being able to have access it any of it (because it was still prettty niche when I first joined and I had no money at the time). I want to give people access to it! Sure it’s harder for me to now to devote time to it (than it was a few years ago), but I want to help with giving access to this Persona/Megaten stuff now that I have some ability! And it also means P5 as well gets some of that love. 8U
As for why I was replaying P5, so this is one thing that’s making me wonder if you are a regular on my blog or not because I’ve been talking about playing the Korean version (but in my one post I forgot to type “silly plays P5/Persona 5 KOREAN” so yeah I forgot to specify Korean at the end). So tbh....I’m actually ignoring P5′s writing while I play (cause I’m just going through the gameplay motions), cause I don’t know korean. 8U And I’m mostly using that tag as a means to point out different things in the korean ver (no that much, but yes Ryu’s shoes ARE censored 8U). But why? Well.....I talk about it here and there but anon/person....1) I’m a trophy whore, I love plat trophies and P5′s is super easy I can get it (and I’m not above playing bad games, oh yeah burn, I’ve played a lot of bad games for plats, and I’ve also played the same games multiple times for plats, I do this to myself but really I don’t mind replaying P5 4+ times for 4+ plats esp since I don’t really have to pay attention). 2) I’m a big MegaTen/Persona collector, I want all the plats I can have (I plan on platting the other versions of the all the dancing games on Vita and PS4, P4G, and the versions of Catherine I don’t have, like I legit have a gd excel sheet keeping track of the versions of Megaten games I don’t have yet....I’m just doing P5 cause it’s 1) one of the easiest to do and 2) it was easier to get my hands on them atm). I don’t talk about my trophy hunting on here that much tbh, but that’s.....really a big reason why I’m doing it (plus with the Korean/CHinese ver I don’t have to pay attention to any story so it’s all good! :D) Yeah I do it to myself, but I don’t really mind. 8U And I mean I tend to keep most of my P5 issue on my blog too. I think the only two posts that I put in the P5 tag were 1) a few consistency issues I wanted to meme about (aka the I’m about to head out post, which was actually the 2nd post I made on that topic but I decided to just meme that one, so I thought it was better than me just bitching, at least I tried to make it a bit funny yet informational 8U), and 2) something that I tbh had an issue since I back when I liked P5 (aka wishing they worked on speeding up the loading times and the fast forward feature), so since I was playing the game I was like “That reminds me, man I hope they fix this in the re-release!”. As for english P5, the only reason I’ll be playing P5 OG in english is for either archiving reasons or research reasons (probably both at once so I don’t have to play through it more than once again).
As for P5R, uhhhhh I’m excited for Kasumi (Jose is cool too, and the new dungeon has me interested too, and all the P2 demons coming back to it makes me wonder what else is/if anything is coming back), she’s my main draw. Yeah it’s connected to P5R, but she looks so much like Hamuko I JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHAT’S UP WITH HER! Hamuko’s my girl, and I need to know if Atlus is going to do something with that, or if I need to be pissed for them literally lifting Hamu’s face! Am I gonna get pissy about P5R’s new add-ons (aka, I’m aware that P5R is probably going to keep the issues from OG P5, so I’mma just judge P5R based on it’s new content)? Yeah, if they kept up the same writing P5 OG had. So yeah, I’m probably going to get pissy if they eff it up, but I’m not going in pissy, going in with really low expectations tbh, but I’m giving it a chance. But if they don’t eff up the new stuff then......that’s good! It means they did something right. So far Kasumi is not Marie so we’re off to a good start. I’m hoping the keep that momentum. 8U
So yeah, I think I have valid reasons for staying, maybe you don’t like it anon/person, but they are there. 
tldr; someone feels like the need to police me despite the fact they could just ignore me (even tho it seems like they specifically came to my blog to get mad, rather than me clogging up the tag, like I post there maybe once or twice every 2 months). My stance on P5 is that I deal with it cause it’s part of a bigger fandom I’m a part of and the fact I love the lore of that bigger fandom so it’s not like I can ignore it. I also have a Playstation trophy problem. 8U And I’m excited for Kasumi is that so bad???? (also I didn’t mention it, but Anne/Haru are enough to keep me around 8U)
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sailorzakuro · 5 years
Com-Myu-nity Survey
Been working on this with Takaa and now I get to answer the questions! I’ll tag @kosmosinusa and @vampiru-chan! Also anyone feel free to do this anyway XD.
1. What is your hobby?
Well mostly YouTube and social media, so technically this is my hobby XD.
2. What is your special skill?
I guess audio editing?? Atm I’m making a Nogizaka46 karaoke but I had to shorten it first so I guess that’s a skill? XD.
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths: I don’t like complimenting myself omg I guess I don’t let things get to me?? Like ‘nasty comments with Zakuro’ that started on my first hate comment and we all know how I just laughed at that XD.
Weaknesses: I have SERIOUS anger issues. Like, when I say I have impulsive anger people think I’m just playing it up, no honestly I am known to throw things, break things, slam things, do not let me hold anything expensive when I’m frustrated cos it will break. I get it from my Dad but I legit think I’m worse than him XD. Oh also fyi I’ve done this before if I’m being harsh to you about seemingly nothing PLEASE TELL ME cos I don’t know I’m doing it oops.
4. What is your favoUrite coloUr?
Turquoise, teal, anything in the bluey-greeny spectrum really and black. Also red (anger YEET).
5. What is your favoUrite animal?
6. Which food are you into lately?
I’m unhealthy as fuck, chocolate cake XD.
7. What is the thing you never lose to from anyone?
Sass war?
8. What is your most treasured item?
I would be typical and say my Myu merch, but it’s my Yoshi cuddly I got from Camelot Theme Park about 10 years ago. I truly am a Baby Spice at heart XD.
9. What is your cooking specialty?
I do boss ass scrambled eggs. And I’m also great at roast potatoes, I can get them crispy but not hard but soft on the inside. I roast them in a small cake tin it works AMAZINGLY.
10. What is the thing you want the most at the moment?
NOGIMYU 2019 VISUALS. And a girlfriend XD. It doesn’t look good for me that I put that second does it?
11. What is the thing you are most scared of?
I’m pretty tough ngl, but if there’s a spider in my vicinity I will kindly ask someone to dispose of it. Thanks Dad ;).
12. What is the thing you were happy about this year?
I guess NogiMyu 2019 announcement?? Finishing college?
13. What is the thing you were sad about this year?
14. What is the thing you regretted this year?
Aforementioned anger issues that keep upsetting people I need to sort that out.
15. What is the thing you were angry about this year?
LET’S NOT GO THERE I’ll just say Tories again? XD. But that’s the same every year XD.
16. What is the job that gave you a sense of fulfilment this year?
Omg I’m technically unemployed atm cos I finished college a couple of months ago XD. So none?
17. What has changed about you since you entered com-myu-nity?
I’m a nicer person XD. In high school when I started YouTube I was HORRIBLE and I didn’t even know I was XD.
18. Which character would you play in Sera Myu?
I’d love to do Neptune but fuck knows I’d be bad at that so maybe Venus?? OO OR MAYBE MISTRESS 9.
19. If you were to form a collab now, who would it be with?
Omg it’d be so cool to do a cover of all the Make Up Kumikyoku songs with my NogiMyu friends XD.
20. What do you love about Sera Myu nowadays?
After 2017 I really like how they’re trying different things rather than sticking to conventional normal cast musicals. Like NogiMyu is so experimental and has a Nogi cast, the Super Live is a dance show, I hope Kaguya-hime no Koibito will be similar to this pattern XD.
21. Which cast member catches your attention the most at the moment?
Well it’s ALWAYS Nao, but y’all know how much I’m loving Hinachima atm.
22. Which cast member would you want as your significant other?
NAOOOOOOOOO or Hinachima XD.
23. If you were to marry a cast member, who would it be?
Obvs Nao AGAIN.
24. If you would go to a deserted island, which cast member would you like to go with you?
I might be able to survive on my own so emotional support would be great XD. So... Hinachima XD.
25. If you would be born again, which cast member would you want to be?
Yuuka Asami or Ayumi Murata.
26. Which Sera Myu production would you want to be a part of?
I would have loved to have been in any Bandai musical cos it looked SO fun T_T.
27. If you would create your own kingdom, what kind of country would you want it to be?
NOT RUN BY TORIES everyone has human rights (common sense?) and Sera Myu, 9Muses and Nogizaka46 will be easily available in all hmv shops.
28. What is an interesting book or manga you read recently?
I was reading The Price of Salt before my exams started (thanks to my English teacher recommending it to me AHA) so I need to get back into reading that.
29. What is an interesting movie you watched recently?
30. What is your favoUrite Sera Myu song at the moment?
It’s always been Everlasting Moonlight, but I also love the Make Up Kumikyoku songs. OH and Watashi-tachi Sailor Guardians.
31. What is your favoUrite Sera Myu song choreography at the moment?
I still love the 2003 Everlasting Moonlight choreo.
32. What is your favoUrite Sera Myu costume at the moment?
I really love Rei’s costume from NogiMyu when they’re at that club.
33. What is your favoUrite Myu at the moment?
34. What is your favoUrite Myu cast?
I’d actually say Kaguya Shima Densetsu Kaiteiban. All my favourite outers in one <3.
35. Is there something you say a lot recently?
"Do you mind” or “can you not”... all to inanimate objects.
36. What would you do if you could plan a Fan Kansha?
37. What do you hope to see Sera Myu doing in the future?
Just more accessible stuff XD. Super Live is an atrocity in terms of recordings and releases so... release your stuff please XD.
38. What kind of person do you want to be in 5 years?
I really wanna get into stand up and I know I need to get myself out there so in 5 years hopefully that won’t just be a dream XD. FUCK THAT WAS CHEESY.
39. What has been a memorable concert or event this year?
Of this year Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Musical, but of a year from today Nightwish in December 2018 XD.
40. What do you want to do in your private life this year?
Pass my driving test XD. Still learning theory but I am determined to do it this year XD.
41. What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
STAND UP COMEDIAN legit if I can get on just one panel show my life goal will be complete.
42. Do you have a hairstyle you would like to try in the future?
I keep meaning to dye my hair purple temporarily cos I have the dye but I just seem to never get round to it XD.
43. What Sera Myu merchandise would you love to have?
Hinachima card.
44. Where would you want Sera Myu to come to?
If I could just get a CINEMA SCREENING of a Myu in the UK I’d count it as a win.
45. If you could have a holiday with any cast member, what do you want to do?
For some reason I wanna say Ayumi Murata cos I feel like she’d be so fun to be with XD.
46. Please say something to your favourite cast member.
Omg this is gonna get cheesy but Nao I love you I miss you keep being you do what you need I just want you to be happy XD.
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winryofresembool · 5 years
Okie I was tagged to answer these questions a thousand years ago but I was busy/forgot... But better late than never. I might have missed someone’s questions so sorry if I did. Here we go. (This has answers to 4 people’s questions so I’m putting it under the cut.)
@kittykatz009 ‘s questions: 1. What is your favorite color? Turquoise!
2. Do you have any pets? Not atm, we used to have a dog.
3. What is your favorite anime? (With varying tones) Fullmetal Alchemist.
4. Are there any movies you are excited for this year? Frozen 2? I really want to see Ralph Breaks the Internet at some point too because I haven’t gotten a chance to do it yet. (Yes, I’m excited for disney movies.)
5. What is your dream profession? Honestly my REAL dream would be create things I love (draw or write) but I am never gonna get paid for that so... meanwhile, a librarian is a p neat job.
6. Favorite food? (Homemade) pizza.
7. Describe your home town’s aesthetic: lots of forests, fields and water. And snow.
8. Do you have any current WIPs? LCMTI ch 23 & giveaway fic 2. (so sorry for being so slow with them)
9. What was the anime that got you into anime? I was going to say FMA but then I remembered it’s not true because actually, it’s Pokémon. If my pokemon fan friend hadn’t recced fma to me, I probably wouldn’t have started watching it.
10. Do you have any collections? 
All FMA manga volumes? That totally counts, right :D (I do have some fan merch too)
11. What degree do you have/are working towards?
Librarian ^ I also have a bachelor’s degree on Nordic languages. Crazy, huh.
@theothardus ‘s questions:
1. What is your first memory?
I have no idea... I have some v vague memories of playing with my childhood friends while listening to Titi-Nalle (only Finns know) at the kindergarten.
2. What do you see yourself doing next year?
I /hope/ I’m working (at a library) then... Pls pls pls someone hire me.
3. What type of person are you attracted to? Physically? Personality-wise?
That is honestly so complicated a question I’m not sure I can answer. Well, clearly these golden haired golden eyed dudes who are kinda broody but soft inside get to me...
4. Would you go to outer space? Why or why not?
It would be kinda scary. I’m so torn because it would be cool but I would also freak out probably. 
5. City or countryside? Why?
Countryside bc I’m too used to it...
6. Your last meal if you were on death row?
Creepy... but probably still pizza (and chocolate thank u v much)
7. Clothes/makeup/anything that makes you feel super confident?
Sorry for my pessimism but nothing makes me feel super confident :’D
8. What foreign country would you most like to visit?
I would totally love to go back to UK one day but... there are also so many other places I’d like to visit... f. ex. where my tumblr friends live...
9. A thing that can make you immediately feel nostalgic? (Could be an object, a show, a song, et cetera)
A lot of songs do that to me, for example pokemon first season music...
10. What age would you want to stay forever and why?
Tbh I would gladly go back to 18-19 before I had to decide what to do with my life. It was a good time because there was a lot I could already do at that age but I didn’t have to worry about a lot of adult issues (such as money) quite yet because I still lived at home.
11. If you could travel into the fictional world of your favorite series (TV/manga/movie/etc), what would you do there?
Maybe the Harry Potter world, and I don’t know? Hopefully study all kinds of cool stuff.
@criis55 ‘s questions:
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Invisibility. Would be useful a lot of times. 
Are you a cat person or a dog person? Why?
Cat. I like dogs too but they can be scary sometimes. 
Which languages would you like to be fluent in?
English, German, Spanish, Japanese, to name a few.
Which was your first fandom ever?
Friends? The O.C.? HP? Hard to say.
Ultimate OTP of otps. Explain your choice.
*groans* P sure you know this one, and I have already explained it so many times :’D
Favorite book of all time?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?
Do you have a favorite OST? Which one?
When it comes to game soundtracks, Pokémon X/Y ftw.
Which one is your favorite Ice Cream flavor?
Strawberry, probably. Or fudge/caramel.
Explain with photos in your galery your current mood.
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My mood always ^
Do you regret doing something in the past? What is it?
I certainly did a lot of bad decisions during my uni years... Let’s not go there more deeply.
Which thing are you grateful for in your life?
That despite everything, my family can be very supportive.
 @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak ‘s questions:
1: describe your current mood with a color: probably dark grey bc ngl I’m feeling a bit anxious.
2: favorite music genre: pop/rock
3: most recent thing you read: Last book I finished was The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan and now I’ve moved onto The Lost Hero :)) So far I’m digging it.
4: what’s your dream job: already asked, but librarian
5: name 3 things you’re good at: am I good at something? Uh, I guess learning languages, writing (altho I COULD be a lot better), and... procrastinating? Yup, the last one is my ultimate talent.
6: what’s the worst joke you know? I can’t come up with any? Probably some Nina related jokes in the fma fandom...
7: how many siblings do you have? 3 bros.
8: What’s something you loved to do as a kid? Watch pokemon and moomin (and still do)
9: what’s one unique thing about you? I don’t think anyone else has written a multi chapter Edwin ice skating au 😅
10: favorite kind of fanfic to read?
The types I also enjoy writing: fluff and hurt/comfort 
11: on a scale of 1-10, how much time do you spend watching vine compilations?
1. I have done that maybe 1 or 2 times (ofc I still see them around every once in a while “unwillingly”)
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sami-noona · 6 years
Alphabet Tag
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @sockhopp Thank you so much for tagging me! This is gonna real fun :)
Age?II 24. Sup fellow 93 liners~
Birthplace?II Mexicoooooooooooo~
Current Time?II 6:04pm
Drink (last)?II Peppermint Tea~ (I love tea)
Easiest Person to Talk to?II Either my sister or my friend in England. Both I speak to ever day. LOL  
Favorite Song?II OKAY. KPOP wise (at the moment because let’s be real, it changes often) - Teenager by GOT7
NON-KPOP wise: New Rules by Dua Lipa
Grossest Memory?II I remember a had a (like 3 weeks old) kitten on my bed and I wasn’t reading the signs that the kitty had to go and I scooped her up and... -shudders-  okay. I have many animals in my life, sometimes you touch waste by accident, but this was soft, hot, right out of a warmed bodied mammal.
Hogwart’s House?II Many moons ago, when Pottermore was that old site that was mostly ‘movie extras’ after you were sorted and got your wand, I was a Slytherin. When it was updated though, I did it again and I got Ravenclaw.
In Love?II With food? Always. Another human being that makes me want to be a better person? Yes, those are my idols  :P  
Jealous of People?II I’m jealous of people with very good organization skills. I really try, but organizing one place or thing means making a mess of something else and I can never win.
Love at first sight or should I walk by again?II Should I walk by again. All the boys and men I’ve ever fallen for while growing up were never “love at first sight”. I mean, I do notice handsome men (yay for vision!), but I usually fall for acquaintances or people I see many times.  
Middle Name?II Ivette (Not the English ‘I’, the Spanish ‘I’ that sounds like an ‘E’)
Number of Siblings?II  uno~
One wish?II That all the threats in the world would just vanish so my mom will finally stop saying she’ll die of fright if I travel.
Person you called last?II My dad
Question you are always asked?II “What do you mean you aren’t in High School?”/ “What High School do you go to?”/ “When are you going to college?”/ “How old are you?” It’s a blessing that makes me laugh nowadays.
Reasons to smile?II Internet that allows you to access Kpop. < THIS WAS SOCKHOPP’S ANSWER AND I COULDN’T PICK A BETTER ONE.
OH! and animals. :) Love them to death.
Song you last sang?II Silence - Khalid and Marshmello
Time you woke up?II 9:20ish this morning.
Underwear color?II If you must know. It’s black & Grinch themed LOL
Vacation Destination?II Tops 5 are France; Canada; Venice, Italy; Japan; and South Korea
Worst Habit?II I bite my nails, but nail polish is a powerful tool.
X-rays?II I mean the usuals from the dentist... once for my lungs and three times for my knee.
Your favorite food?II CHEESEBURGERS~ I’m so weak for them.
Zodiac Sign?II Cancer
Wait, was this part of it too?  YAY!
Ultimate bias?II Actual living breathing Ultimate bias? It’s Suga.
But Real talk. My Ult bias is J Hope’s golden shoes in Blood, Sweat, and Tears. I MEAN LOOK AT THESE BEAUTIES. (Hoseok too)
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Ultimate bias wrecker?II Kim Yugyeom. My gosh. But my other biases are wreckers too (JHope, Jin, Jackson Wang, Wonho, Kihyun, Bobby, Jiyong, etc etc too many to write down)
Favorite Kpop Song?II Be Quiet (Monsta X) or Fly (GOT7)
Favorite Kpop album?II 7 for 7 by GOT7 but my gosh Love Yourself and The Code: Protocol Terminal hit me hard last year.
Favorite Kpop Ship?II I don’t ship but I won’t deny that SOPE makes me happy and the little hand holding between Tae and Suga hurts me emotionally. I more see them as sibling relations more than romantic ships.
Hard or Soft Stan?II EH I guess I’m more ‘soft’? I don’t baby most of them, but I do find many cute and dear. Then there’s Min Yoongi who can change that with a flip of his snapback and I’m a ‘hard stan’ until he giggles.
Favorite Kpop Company?II The ones who don’t ignore the pleas for help if they are exhausted or depressed or think it’s okay that idols get only 2-4 hours of sleep when they release an album. So idk, I’m kind of bitter at all of them atm.  
Backstory of how I got into Kpop?II So it’s a two-part story.
Freshman year of college, I had a friend who showed me EXO (?) and I was like WOW! and I watched them for like a month and then just dropped it? I think I was embarrassed because others in my major teased manga/anime/Asian anything cause they were into American comics/no anime eye things?? I know I was stupid.
THEN Senior year, in January actually, I needed a very well dressed prince for my story, and my professor showed me Big Bang’s Bang Bang Bang and I was floored. AND! That same friend from before? She was in my class and she showed me BTS and I was just ‘all these well-dressed men who can sing and dance... where have they been all my life?’ And... that’s how I truly got into KPOP.
Tagging: @okie-doki-doki-yo @smollhorsesofthesea @jikookonice @junkokiu and any of my other followers who want a go at this :D
(To all of those I tagged that are not into kpop, just erase the second half if you have too.)
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stvlti · 7 years
11Qs (get to know the blogger)
tagged by @thedirevvolf​! thanks <3
1. post the rules
2. answer the questions given to you by the tagger 
3. write 11 questions of your own 
4. tag 11 people
1) what is your biggest pet peeve?
i don’t know if i have one absolute biggest pet peeve! i’ve got a lot of pet peeves. but people making fun of ESL speakers is at the top of that list, for sure
2) grab the nearest book and open to page 394 (if theres no such number then page 100) and write out the first paragraph.
(hey so i cheated a little for this q since i’m using my dad’s room atm, and he doesn’t keep books here. i went into my room and picked up the first book there.)
((the first book to meet my eyes, a graphic novel, didn’t have page numbers. the second one my eyes landed on was a manga, but hey at least it had page numbers in it, so i hope this is okay too.))
- And what about you, Sayu?
- Who, me?
(yeah, it was Death Note, don’t judge... i’m actually surprised myself, that the first books i grabbed are both graphic novels, since there are easily 10 proper novels in my cubbyhole)
3) what is your guilty pleasure?
uhh... staying up way past bedtime to read nsfw fics i guess?? or just in general consuming media that i find intriguing, but whose morals i object to, i guess
4) languages you would like to learn?
spanish and german! (i’ve started basic spanish classes before but never followed through so it’d be good to pick it back up! it’s more for practical reasons, whilst german is just... there as something of a challenge to kill time with :P)
ASL would be a nice option too.
5) a country you’d like to visit?
hmm. i guess Poland? (for Auschwitz if nothing else, which is basic, i know...)
for the longest time i also wanted to go see the multicoloured pools in Sichuan, but technically that’s part of the country that i’m already living in, and secondly, they’re all gone after the earthquake, so i guess they don’t count.
6) favorite non european/american food?
i really like mochi! whether as savoury cakes baked and dipped in cheese, or just as part of a dessert. it’s nice. 
i also like eggettes... because i’m a HongKonger and i’m basic...
7) if your icon is the protagonist of the last show you watched trying to save you, how screwed are you?
uhm, the last proper show i watched was Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, and since the icon is a ectoplasmic version of me, i’m not sure how that’s gonna work. maybe i get an interdimensional guardian spirit from a parallel universe?? definitely could use some divine intervention facing off a baddie like Count Olaf
8) name a villain you would like to be and mention why.
well, does Harley Quinn count? cause she sure has a lot of fun in her post-Joker era! 
or maybe someone that’s ultimately harmless, like Megamind? idk, i’m not much on the evil alignment.
9) a special skill you wish you had?
what would count as a special skill though? ‘cause whether it be a sports-related skill or an artistic skill, it’s to do with how much training you put in, and hence it’s not really that special? but if i could have a skill without having to invest all the hardwork in i guess i’ll go for flexibility and other gymnastics-related abilities!
10) a fictional world you’d like to live in? why?
gee, most fictional worlds are actually shitty, danger-ridden places, that’s why stories and adventures happen in the first place. but i guess i wouldn’t mind going to Hogwarts :’) it’s cliched as hell, but don’t deny you haven’t thought of this before!!
11) favorite quote?
“ The law doesn't protect people. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. Their feelings, the accumulation of those peoples feelings are the law. They're neither the provisions, nor the system. They're the fragile and irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts. ” (Tsunemori Akane in Psycho-Pass S1)
to be honest, there are very many quotes that i like for different reasons (maybe they’re motivational, maybe they hold some gem of wisdom or truth), but because i’m a broken record that likes declaring her love for Akane’s character a lot i’m settling for a Psycho-Pass quote, lol
and i tag: @amanythingbutdead @alius-alia @delivrygod @transboynoriaki​ @kcgane​ @lux-mea-lex​ @moonshapedhouse​ @lawlietismyfavorite​ @wiltingboy​ @lawliette​ @lawliet-is-l-a-sexy​ @drawthelinestoallconstellations
1:   what’s a nickname that your parents / relatives / someone close to you has given you?
2:   what’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
3:   have you ever met someone famous?
4:   do you believe in ghosts / the supernatural?
5:   do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?
6:   top 5 movies?
7:   favourite smell / flavour in the world?
8:   favourite place in the world?
9:   dream job?
10: top 5 things on your bucket list?
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franeridart · 7 years
Every time I see your art of a rare pair I somehow become a huge fan of that rare pair. I have too many otps...,
...is it okay for me to be happy I’m dragging you down with me on all of my weird ships because tbh I am for a lot of them there’s just a handful of people shipping them I’m happy you’re joining us hahaha
Anon said:because of your tags on that kamisero post i now love the hc that kirishima just uses loving bakugou as an excuse to get out of conversations that make him uncomfortable, even if it makes no sense. Like 'any advice on how to confess?' 'I'm dating bakugou, you probably should ask someone else.' or 'how do you think snow works?' 'Dude I'm dating bakugou, i don't know.'
I’m in love with this ask because this has been my most ridiculous headcanon for an age I’m glad I could subtely make you share it, anon - Kirishima being perfectly aware of the fact that aside from the face there is no objective reason why he should be that smitten with Bakugou? That’s my jam, he’s as surprised as anyone else so when people ask him anything love related he’s like “do I look like a reliable source man DO I I think it’s hot when Bakugou yells there’s obviously something wrong with me you don’t want my advices”
But also for however aware of it he might be he’s still in love with the dude so people pointing it out to him gets old really fast, like, “it’s one thing if I say it myself and another it’s you talking shit about my boyfriend stop that”, which is why he just starts using “what do I know I like Bakugou” as an answer to anything - it starts with him being a smartass and it becomes just habit by the end of it, sometimes he uses it when Bakugou is around or with Bakugou himself and Bakugou doesn’t understand, doesn’t want to understand, has pondered the option of getting angry/offended/demanding an explaination and has deemed it not worth his time because the answer is most probably just gonna be that his boyfriend is an idiot anyway
(also he might or might not like how Kirishima’s pretty much just going around telling people he likes him over and over again, tbh)
Anon said:Any tips on how to be creative with ship week prompts? I'm wanting to participate in klance week but I'm worried my pics will come out really basic and yours are always so unique!
Thank you for the compliment!!!! And actually this is an hard question, cause as I already mentioned once what I draw is the first thing with a beginning and an ending I can come up with, so I can’t say I put too much focus on making it unique? But there are two things I can tell you! 
The first, is that whatever idea your prompt ends up giving you, for however boring and basic it might seem to you, I assure you 100% that it won’t be to whomever ends up consuming your content - that’s because even a “boring” trope will be completely new as long as it comes from the hands of someone new who’s giving it their own interpretation of it (take for example the nightmares prompt for the latest krbk week, a lot of people - myself included - took it literally and wrote about them having and talking about nightmares, but I enjoyed every and each of the fills a lot because even if the starting point was the same they were all very very different stories) and also any idea you get easily will seem boring to you by default, because you didn’t think about it hard enough, right? It must be the obvious thing to think about when you read that prompt, right? Everyone else must have thought the same, right? Only it isn’t right, because every brain works differently and creativity sparks from the most ridiculous things, so your idea might seem very obvious and boring to you, but completely new to someone else! You don’t know how many of my own fills felt incredibly trite as I drew them, and yet here you are telling me you don’t feel the same at all haha
The second thing is that generally I found that creativity is... how do I put it, it’s kind of like a muscle. The more you exercise it the easier it will come to you using it, or at least that’s how it works for me - being creative isn’t really something you can force on the spot, but it’s definitely something you can learn and get used to, in my opinion. There are a few ways to exercise it, but the easier one for me is playing around with prompts - how many different ideas can I get from this same set of words? what kind of story can I pull out of this song/picture? Those are the most basic ones, but there’s also reading/watching a story and trying to adapt it to your own chosen characters, fit together more than one universe to try and pull out something sensible, seeing something in the middle of the road and thinking “that’s a prompt, I can use that as a prompt”. After a while, everything becomes a potential prompt, and your brain automatically goes through a short “can I use that to create something else?” check every time you experience something new, and stores it somewhere to use in the future if it seems potentially worth keeping, if you’re used to doing so. And the more little prompts and informations and facts you have stored around in your brain, the more you can subconsciously pick them up to add to new ones to make something creative
That second part is definitely a bit useless as a short term advice, considering your week is starting soon and exercising your creativity does take a while, but I hope you’ll give the week a go anyway! Both because I’m sure you’re already way more creative than you’re assuming you are, and because making creative stuff is the fastest way to becoming more creative, really!
BOI thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O* I’m glad you like my stuff??? There are so many super talented artists in this fandom, sitting with them sometimes can get intimidating haha so this really means a lot!! Thank you!!!
Anon said:Wow can u believe......ur my fave artist......ur Kiris are my fave ily
F ave !!!!!!! holy h e c k !!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Do I deserve such praise I’m really not sure am I gonna keep it anyway yes, yes I am, I’ll keep on thinking about this ask forever oh my go d
Anon said:Who usually tops in Bakushima?•//////•
Ohhh man, a question I can’t answer - both because I don’t dwell much into sexy headcanons territory AND because I’m honestly not a fan of that dicotomy at all? I never settle on anything in that sense for any of my ships, but Baku and Kiri especially make no sense settled in that kind of roles, for me, they probably just go at it however they feel like it’d be best atm haha
Anon said:I never expected to ship bakushimanari and yet here i am, three hours after scrolling through your tag for the third time, crying over every single interaction between the three of them in the manga. (I think my favourite thing about them is that both Kaminari and Bakugou can be little shits but then there's kirishima, who's an unrepentant sunshine, and it's just like. What a terrifying trio. I pity any villains they face).
I know right they’re such a good ot3 !!!!!! though let’s not take anything from Kiri, when he’s with the squad he can be a shit too, it’s magnificent - I do love the fact that we know from the canon that both Kaminari and Bakugou don’t sympathize with the enemy at all and don’t hold back on fighting verbally either, while Kirishima is all “stop running away and let me give you a life lesson” though ??? And the fact that Bakugou and Kaminari can’t coexist without talking shit about each other at least a little makes it all even more entertaining to me, considering how on the other hand even though Kirishima doesn’t hold back from pointing out when Bakugou’s being ridiculous he’s still always all about support and trying to better the others??? It’s like, when you read it like this they seem like a mess, and they are but they’re a balanced mess it’s incredible I love them I need more of them all together
Anon said:Saw Tokoyami, fell, and now I can't get up ))':
Anon said: Hello I just wanted to express my thanks to you for the bakugou and tokoyami interactions you drew. I love them as friends and it's pretty rarely portrayed so THANKS~
Anon said: Listen as much as i love the ot3 i am so happy you drew my bird son (and tape son! tho i think youve drawn sero more often than tokoyami)
!!!!!!!!! you all sure love the bird child a lot, don’t you!!! That’s great because I do too, he’s one of my most faves tbh and I officially made him part of the squad so you can expect more to come - I had drawn him already before, though! With Tsu and Kiri mostly, never with Baku... Sero on the other hand is in a whole damn lot of my squad/kiribaku/bakushimanari drawings so yeah, I’ve definitely drawn him more often haha what can I do man I love him too much he’s a Good™
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riumew · 7 years
tagged by @sugabeans​!  ♡ ♡
thanks for tagging me!! i love these!
Are you named after anyone?
sorta-- my mom’s brother died while she was pregnant with me, so my first name was his favorite girl’s name and my middle name was his middle name
When was the last time you cried?
an hour or two ago listening to hamilton songs ^^
Do you like your handwriting?
yeah! i hold my pencil weird so that sorta causes problems for my hands but i still like it haha
What is your favourite lunch meat?
Do you have kids?
If you were a different person would you be friends with you?
yeah!!! i think about this a lot actually!!!
the way i treat people is how i’d like to be treated
and if i knew someone who felt just like me i would never feel alone in how i was feeling
Do you use sarcasm?
     • sometimes, but i think only in silly joking ways
Do you still have your tonsils? 
    • yup
Would you bungee jump?
i feel like it would hurt? like when you get to the bottom?
so prob not
What’s your favourite cereal?
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
no but when i put them back on i untie them and re-tie them
Do you think you’re a strong person? 
     •     i want to be! i’m working on being brave!
What’s your favourite ice cream?
ben & jerry’s the tonight dough
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their style!
but also i kinda have a complex about my nose, so if only their shoulders + up is showing, sometimes i’ll notice someone with a nice nose slope in a crowd and be like  “ !!!!! wow!!! a beautiful nose slope!!!!! A+++ !! i love”
What’s your least favourite physical thing about yourself?
my nose slope lol^
What colour pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
What are you listening to right now?
     • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAV54kaKZXU&index=15&list=PLU0fSssDtDbXfGmgOcrDNgdwgs1HpDLD8
If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
       •   my fav color is white but as i crayon i would hope to be light pink!
Favourite smell?
“sweet love” by bodycology lol! it’s supposed to smell like whipped cream and roses! not sure how accurate that is but it’s sweet and dreamy!!
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 
    • my mom  ♡
Favourite sport to watch?
    •  figure skating
Hair colour? 
    • almost white, but a bit yellow
Eye colour?
    • light green
Do you wear contacts?
     • sometimes circle lenses, but not usually
Favourite food? 
     •  starbucks green tea frappuccino
Scary movies or comedy?
     •  hmmmm it depends bc both can potentially be offensive or triggering for me but i love a nice giggle so im gonna say comedy c:
Last movie you watched?
the new spiderman movie!!! ah i loved it! 
at first i was bummed that andrew garfield wasn’t staying but
tom holland has the CUTEST little voice in the movie!! every time he opened his mouth i was like ah!!! say more please!!
What colour shirt are you wearing?
light blue
Summer or winter?
Hugs or kisses?
Book you’re currently reading?
manga but-
ganbare! nakamura-kun!!  ♡
Who do you miss right now
     •   no one atm
What’s on your mouse pad?
i don’t use it but i have a rilakkuma one
((i secretly want one of those anime ones with the cushy butt that sticks out))
What’s the last tv program you watched?
the best hit!
i’m in the middle of ep 14 and i really love it so far!
What is the best sound?
mafumafu’s little laugh omg it makes my heart and my cheeks so warm i love himm
Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
the beatles!!!!
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled?
Do you have a special talent?
hmm idk what counts as a special talent
i like doing a lot of artsy-type things!
Where were you born? 
     •  the u.s.
im not tagging anyone in particular but if you wanna do it and say i tagged you you can!! c;
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