#<- dead mom to just jab at his friend.
numberonepartyboy · 9 months
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what is wrong with him
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snake-and-mouse · 6 months
Look. Mxtx does wonders with identity bullshit, all the disguises and aliases and shapeshifting and possessing and reincarnating etc etc
We got the obvious in tgcf with Everyone Knowing Everyone and yet it does no good because everyone is also allergic to using their real name or face or admitting they know someone, coupled with Xie Lian being the one person who cluelessly strolls up to people like hi hello who are you? (Someone you've known for centuries you bimbo) or just outright talking about someone with zero realisation they are in the room rn pls for the love of god shut up!!!
And then svsss is less actual identity shit and more just straight up not recognising reality, because Shen Qingqiu thinks he is in his old familiar beloved PIDW, right? He doesn't realise this isn't his old friend he knows like the back of his hand (that the characters are now people he can't so effortlessly read). This is a Stranger, and as he tries to passively observe the long-memorised chain of events, it keeps dancing left when he thinks its supposed to go right, feints when he was sure it would jab. The story slowly turns into someone he doesn't recognise (why does he feel like he doesn't recognise his little lamb anymore??) because his utter inability for much of the series to see how his actions can alter the world he is in.
But all that being said.
Award for Most Bullshit obviously goes to mdzs.
Wei Wuxian- Hey random kid I just met (THAT'S YOUR KID DUDE)! You're just lovely, whoever raised you (YOUR HUSBAND IDIOT) did a wonderful job :D
Also Wei Wuxian- Hey random kid I just met #2 (your nephew)! You suck, your mom (YOUR VERY DEAD YOUR FAULT DEAD SISTER) phoned in teaching you manners. Seriously who tf raised you? (YOUR BROTHER RAISED HIM. AFTER YOU GOT HIS PARENTS KILLED. AND THEN DIED. MORON.)
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whoopsyeahokay · 6 months
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October Sun
summary: your mother had warned you. Don't let them know, she'd said, her nails digging angry crescents into the flesh of your upper arms, eyes wild and imploring, don't let them know you can see. you'd listened, all these years, you'd lived your life by that rule. until you couldn't.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
Like most things, it started with a look.
A boy. A girl. A crowded place; a friend talking—their voice muted as if heard through a motel wall. Time slows. People filter in and out of the space between, chatting, laughing, in frame just long enough to emphasize the weight behind something that, in any other context, would be utterly unimportant.
Simon had urged you outside at lunch, pulled you away from your table, tone frayed in desperation as he interrogated you about things you're certain you'd made seem the expression of a morbidly quirky imagination.
"Well," He said, like jabbing the eraser-end of a pencil into your sternum, "Can you?"
You hesitated, gaze lifting away from his to skirt the middle-distance behind him.
And then—
It happened molasses-slow. Your eyes caught his; lingered a beat too long to be played off as anything other than what it was. Acknowledgment.
Those sweet-sultry cow eyes widened a fraction.
Oh no.
Then time rushed back in and snapped into the correct rhythm. You didn't have a chance to process what had just happened because Simon sighed with the weight of the world, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pulling. Quickly, you arranged your expression into something slightly put-off.
"Si, what are you talking about?"
Simon groaned and took a few steps back then forward again. He reminded you of a caged animal being forced to perform. Lately, his mannerisms had been erratic, a little unhinged. You'd caught him talking to himself a couple of times, in classrooms or the cafeteria. The last couple of days he'd been glued to his phone, taking spontaneous calls that he'd never received before. Initially, you'd assumed he was in touch with Maddie; the only one she'd trusted enough to keep in the loop. However, the more you'd observed, the more you'd doubted the assumption.
You'd watched him unravel from a distance, of course. Nicole had turned inward, Simon was bursting at the seams, and you, as the casual friend with a life separate to theirs, stayed away out of a sense of insecurity.
You and Maddie hadn't been as close as she and Simon and Nicole. You shared interests in the macabre and spooky, but that's where it ended. Event Buddies who became familiar through exposure, lacking that profound connection that would give you a reason to call about something other than the next horror film release date.
You didn't feel right about asking to share their grief. It felt intrusive.
Simon paced the length of the bus shelter once more before stopping in front of you. He was clearly nervous, frustrated, avoiding your gaze for a second while he collected his thoughts.
Finally, he took a deep breath, glanced around to make sure no one was within earshot, and said, low and secret, "You talked about the ghosts here—" You folded your arms and tilted your head in what you hoped came across as confused. "—Last year," Simon grabbed your arm and pulled you in closer when a group of younger girls walked by, "Last year, you told us about the crush you had on your mom's dead boyfriend, remember? The guy who died during the '83 homecoming game?"
"They never dated." You corrected, fighting the urge to chew your lip. A giveaway that you were about to choose your words very carefully. "But, look, Simon, I talked about that stuff because I thought it was fun. Not because I can commune with the dead."
"But your mom—"
"Is a fraud and you know it." Then you frowned, genuinely intrigued, "What's going on?"
Simon shot you a dazed look, "Huh?"
"Why are you suddenly into this Sixth Sense shit? You've never believed in it before. A stance you've made very clear you take." Every time you joked about reaching out to the Other Side, Simon would scoff and roast you endlessly. Something that you found endearing. Like a prickly inside joke. It was your thing.
Suddenly, Simon got that look on his face, the one he got in class when your teachers outlined your homework. As if he were listening to someone. Except there was no one else close enough to hear.
The silence stretched into a thin static between you until, at last, Simon said, "Never mind." He sounded equal parts defeated and aggravated.
Taking a cautious step forward, you placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry about Maddie, Si, I—" Have no idea how to put into words how fucked up it all is, "—I wish there was something, anything, I could do to help."
Simon pressed his lips together and nodded. From the corner of your eye, you saw a figure approaching the bus shelter. Tall, broad, donning the unmistakable colors of the Split River Bandits, née Devils. You had to get out of there before you irrevocably fucked up and found yourself at the center of what your mother warned you would be a swarm.
"Look," You dropped your hand to Simon's, squeezing supportively. You might not have been able to tell the whole truth but you could try to offer some comfort. Whether or not he believed you was up to him. "Maddie's okay, Simon. Wherever she is. Whatever happened to her..." You paused, considering your next words, "She can't be so far gone that we won't get her back."
You said it with all the conviction you had in you, believed it to your core.
You'd seen the beatnik with her lollipops, the shy boy with the glasses; you'd seen the young man in the outdated suit, and the modest, Sally Olsson lookalike, and the girl with the daydream eyes. You'd seen the myspace emo punk, the lanky autoshop geek, the dark-skinned disco queen; the marching band, and the theater kid...and him. The charming, high-on-life football star currently stood outside the bus shelter, his hands cupped around his eyes as he peeked through the glass against the glare of the sun.
You hadn't seen Maddie. Not a glimmer or a shadow or the impression that she'd been and gone. Nothing. And you'd done your due diligence as soon as you'd heard about the blood in the boiler room. You'd scoured the town after dark, before school, whenever you could get away without raising suspicion. Her old haunts and favorite places had been empty.
Minus a couple of exceptions, but they hadn't been Maddie, so you didn't see the harm in continuing to keep the truth from Simon.
"Yeah." Simon said. He didn't sound convinced. "Thanks. For that."
You deflated, released his hand with an affirming squeeze, and made your excuse, "I gotta get ready for next period."
He didn't meet your eyes, simply pulled his phone out and put it to his ear. "See you later." The smile he gave you was tight, quick, insincere.
Taking that as your cue to leave, you turned and exited the bus shelter, tall dark 'n' handsome keeping pace as you made your way back into the school, his gaze a warm weight on the side of your face.
All you had to do was pretend he wasn't there. You'd done it countless times in the past, were well-versed in how to cover your mistakes.
You stopped briefly, reached out to open the door, and in that second, you felt a tingle up your spine and the closeness of a body behind you. His voice, a gentle rumble, spoke directly into your ear, the parody of soft breath tickling the hairs on your neck.
"I know you can see me."
You forced yourself not to react, perhaps stood a second too long before yanking the door open and marching inside, but you kept your eyes forward, and relaxed your jaw and shoulders. To the students milling about the hall, you were the picture of normal.
"Do what you want but I'm not going anywhere until you admit it." He said lightly, a step behind you as you maneuvered toward your locker.
Once again, you had to stop, twisting in the combination to open your lock. You fumbled, missing a number, had to start again. He leaned his shoulder against the locker beside yours, watched you through his lashes, a smirk pulling one side of his mouth upward.
You'd always been attracted to him. Had to suppress the urge to stare at him when he appeared in the same classroom or hallway you happened to be in. Having him interact with you, intentionally, made your heart quicken and the ability to think critically dissolve.
Oh God, not again...
Your brain fired a thousand synapses in every direction as you willed yourself to hurry before you accidentally did something stupid; steadied your hand to input the combination correctly. You tugged the lock. It stayed stubbornly latched. And then he leaned in, too close, the tip of his nose practically grazing your temple.
"You missed the 3."
The air was syrupy thick, fuzzy. In an effort to concentrate, you closed your eyes, repeating a mantra your mother had taught you to center yourself.
You sensed his body shift, tilted further toward you like a bracket, then the sensation of blunt nails traveling up up up your back, catching in the material of your shirt as if the touch were real. Goosebumps erupted over your arms, your breath hitched, and you found your head slanting in his direction.
Fuck. You needed to—BANG—Jesus Christ!
Your eyes snapped open at the abrupt noise, your friend cackling wickedly as she took in your shock.
"Hey, silly." Mathilda Grace—of The Split River Graces, not that she'd ever say it like that—grinned proudly at the reaction she'd gotten out of you. "You ready to fail this test with me?"
You could still feel him hovering, but it seemed he'd put an appropriate amount of distance between you. Shaking your head to clear the last of the muzziness from a moment ago, you plastered on your most natural smile and responded, "Let's go disappoint our parents."
You managed to undo the lock and grab the right textbooks, transferring what you didn't need from your bag into your locker while Mathilda regaled you with what you'd missed after Simon had dragged you outside.
"What did he want, anyway?" Mathilda asked, more concerned than curious.
"To talk about Maddie." You replied as close to the truth as you dared. It had the added benefit of making Mathilda feel awkward enough to change the subject immediately.
"K, c'mon, bell's about to go and I need to grab my book, too."
Shutting and locking your locker, you chanced a sideways glance and were relieved to find that it was just you and Mathilda and the regular stream of other alive-and-well students making their way to their next class.
Still, as you and Mathilda walked toward Ms. Fields' class, you felt the tingle of his gaze on the back of your neck.
The next couple of days would be white-knuckle hard, but you'd dealt with it before and could do it again. Had to do it again.
What you didn't anticipate—and probably should've, given what you knew about him—was Wally Clark's steadfast determination and his refusal to let sleeping dogs lie for a second time.
also available on AO3!
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hrtbeomi · 5 months
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pairing: actor!gojo x singer!reader wc: 0,3k            warnings: not proofread ‼️, reader's album is basically reputation by miss tswift 🙈
a/n: i've had this in my drafts for a while now,, hope you like it >< i just looove actor!gojo and if you'd like to see more of him leave a comment!
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3. 2. 1. ACTION !
As the camera clicked on, you sensed the beginning of another recording session. Satoru, next to you, shifted in his seat about before the start of the video.
"Hey there, it's l/n y/n," you chimed in with a grin, "and i'm Gojo Satoru," the white-haired male beside you smoothly finished, "and this is our Wired auto-complete interview!" both of you beamed as the staff handed over boards containing the internet's most searched questions.
Satoru held your board while you held his, diving into the depths of what the online people wanted to know about you.
Q. "Who's y/n l/n's 'gorgeous' about?"
With a smirk, you retorted, "sorry to burst your bubble, person-who-searched-that but 'gorgeous' is about your mom," you answered, eliciting laughter from Satoru and the crew.
"Lame! Just tell them the truth" Satoru teased, well aware of the implications behind his words.
"That's the only truth," you replied, feigning innocence before swiftly moving on.
Q. "Is y/n l/n's song 'call it what you want' about Gojo Satoru?"
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you stuttered, "That's... quite the assumption," failing miserably at masking your nerves.
The crew chuckled, mentioning how your fandom had already orchestrated a fictional relationship between you two.
"We know, next they'll claim we're expecting a baby or something!" Satoru quipped, earning a horrified look from you, "Alright, my turn now."
Q. "Who's Gojo Satoru's favorite actor?"
"I'd say my good ol' friend, Geto Suguru! He's a top-notch," Satoru replied, reminiscing about the movies and series they did together.
"True, i'm a big fan of his work" you confessed, prompting a playful pout from Satoru.
"Maybe he's not that great anymore," he mumbled in mock jealousy.
"You're good too!" you reassured him amidst laughter.
Q. "Is Gojo Satoru married to y/n l/n?"
"Spiritually i am" Satoru quipped, earning a playful jab from you.
"Don't encourage them, Satoru!" you scolded him.
"Sorry, couldn't resist," he replied unrepentantly.
Q. "Is Gojo Satoru in a relationship?"
"I am. . .not! i'm a lone wolf" Satoru declared with a hint of melancholy, though everyone in the room knew the truth but as you looked at him, his convincing lie almost had you fooled, if it weren't for the fact that you, his actual girlfriend, stood right beside him.
"Alright, alpha boy, next question!" you exclaimed before the tables turned.
Q. "What's the name of y/n l/n's next album?"
"I've just released 'reputation' can't I catch a break?" you exclaimed, playfully collapsing out of your chair.
"How dramatic," Satoru chuckled before suggesting, "You should write a song about me though."
"Sure, it'll be called 'gorgeous,'" you teased, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"The greatest song ever! Although 'So It Goes' is my personal favorite," Satoru grinned mischievously, almost revealing too much of your relationship before you intervened.
"Too much information!" you laughed, covering his mouth to keep him from saying more.
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rd0265667 · 17 days
Minji x Reader: Mercy, The Fool's Errand
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TW!: Warning, there is quite alot of Violence and a slight bit of Gore(but there will be a TW before hand) A/N: Trying a more action oriented fic with Spiderwoman Minji, maybe will spring into something more 👀 Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon @justme-idle
Dropping down silently, Spider Woman landed behind a thug who was struggling to light a cigarette. Before the thug could react, Spiderwoman snatched the cigarette away, punching the thug in the gut. As he yelped in pain, she lit the cigarette, tossing it into his mouth, before webbing his mouth shut
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you smoking kills? Lucky for you, I’m way more effective than lung cancer. And a sucker for irony too.” Seeing more thugs, Spiderwoman webbed this thug up, swinging him and throwing him at the incoming thug. Jumping at the nearest thug, Spiderwoman webbed his mouth shut and gave him a quick uppercut, sending him sprawling into a pile of crates. The commotion caught the attention of two nearby thugs, who turned around, guns drawn. Spiderwoman launched herself at them, twisting mid-air to avoid their shots. She landed between them, delivered a rapid-fire punch to the first thug's gut, then spun around and kicked the second thug in the chest.
“I don’t get it—do you guys buy bullets in bulk? Costco membership? And seriously, where’s your safety training? Is there even safety on this gun?” Spiderwoman asked, before smacking him across the face with the butt of the rifle
The other thug staggers up, reaching for a knife. Spiderwoman webs the knife to her hand, tossing it straight into his chest. “Knife to meet you! Ha, I’ve been dying to use that one. Okay, technically I’m not the one dying, you are, but yada yada, spare me the semantics”
Another thug tried to surprise her from behind, swinging a crowbar. Spiderwoman ducked, then flipped backward, landing on the thug’s shoulders. Wrapping her arms around the thug, she jumped up, smashing his head into the ground as his neck jerked with a sickening crunch
“Crowbars? That’s cute. Didn’t know I was fighting a gang of Home Depot employees. You guys got discounts on those, or…? Meh, I don’t think dead employees get discounts. Oh well.”
SpiderWoman noticed a group of thugs at the far end of the warehouse, raising their guns. She shot a web at a nearby crate and swung it into them, knocking them down like bowling pins.
“Strike! And the crowd goes wild! Well, not really. But hey, you should see my high score at the arcade.”
As Spider woman landed, a thug swung a chain at her. She caught the chain mid-swing, yanked the thug forward, and clotheslined him.
“You know, I read somewhere that chainmail is making a comeback. But you, my friend, are not pulling it off.”
A thug sneaks up behind her, swinging a bat. Spiderwoman’s spider-sense tingles, and she ducks just in time. She webs the thug’s feet to the floor and yanks the bat out of his hands, twirling it like a baton.
“Batter up! Or should I say, ‘batter down’? No? Wow, tough crowd. Maybe I should stick to knock-knock jokes.”
She swings the bat, cracking it against the thug’s head, sending him spinning. The thug drops, twitching. Spiderwoman exaggeratedly raises her hand, running around the spot like a baseball game “And the crowd goes wild! Okay, nobody’s awake…or alive, but still. I’m a hit!”
Another thug tried to charge him with a bat. Spiderwoman sidestepped, grabbed the bat, and broke it over her knee, using the broken pieces to jab the thug in the shoulders, before a last one right in the stomach.
“Another goddamn bat? Really? What is this, amateur night? I’m expecting Joker to pop out and tell me this was all a prank.”
The last thug was backing away, visibly trembling, his gun shaking in his hands. Spiderwoman took a step forward, then another, until she was right in the thug’s face.
“Relax, man, I’m not gonna kill all of you. You, I’ll probably just ruin your evening. And maybe your dental work.”
Before the thug could respond, Spiderwoman webbed his gun to the ceiling and delivered a quick jab to the thug's stomach,followed by a punch to the face, the impact causing a crack in the ground Seeing the last thug left in the warehouse, Spiderwoman swung over, landing on the boxes next to the thug “I surrender, Don’t kill me!” The thug shouted out, dropping her gun to the ground. “Alright, but only if I get to tell you a joke.” Spiderwoman quips, twirling around a karambit she had found. “Okay!” The thug responded excitedly, relieved to have a way out. “Knock knock.” Spiderwoman started “Who’s there?” “Death.” Spiderwoman deadpanned “Death whrrg.” The thug began, before Spiderwoman dropped down, swiping the karambit across the thug's neck as she dropped to the ground, holding her neck as blood spurted wildly from the wound. “God I love Rowan Atkinson.” Spiderwoman chuckled to herself
“You know, I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve got a hot date. And maybe some takeout. Do bad guys even eat? I mean, it’s like you’re always here, doing the crime thing. You must have terrible Yelp reviews.”
Spiderwoman started walking toward the exit, then paused, looking back over his shoulder.
“By the way, if you’re thinking of sending more guys after me, here’s a tip: maybe hire a better interior decorator. This warehouse looks like the set of every bad action movie ever. Seriously, a potted plant wouldn’t kill you.”
She shot a web, swinging up into the rafters and disappearing into the shadows, leaving behind a warehouse full of groaning thugs and shattered crates.
As she swung away into the night, she muttered to herself, “I should really charge for this. Hero work, witty banter, interior design tips… Talk about multi-tasking.”
Her swing back to the rooftop was an uneventful one, thankfully. You were gonna kill her if you were late again, and she didn’t want to deal with that today. With a final swing, Minji soared into the air, landing with a final forward roll, jogging into the small shed at the rooftop. As she rushed into the shed, she smirked, leaning on the doorframe. “Just in time.” Minji said with a chuckle. Your eyes narrowed, staring at Minji, before shaking your head with a small sigh. “You’re cutting it close Kim. And to think I made your favourite for tonight.” “Ice cream?” Minji’s smile spread wide across her face. “Yep, mint chocolate.” You teased, Minji’s face dropping in horror. “You might be the worst person I’ve ever met. And I’ve literally met every villain in this city.” Minji said in horror “I’m kidding, its that cheesecake flavour you told me you liked that once.” You rolled your eyes, seeing Minji’s eyes widen, sparkling with excitement. “So what’s the special occasion? You even broke out the ice cream maker Auntie bought in that one garage sale?” Minji asked as she dug into the ice cream as if it was about to disappear. “If I recall, that was the garage sale you were supposed to help out in, but disappeared. Ahma was so pissed at you.” You jabbed with a chuckle, Minji wincing as she remembered those piercing, disappointed eyes that seemed to eat at her soul. Ghost Rider could never. “Not answering the question honey.” Minji teased, once again digging back into the bowl of ice cream before her. “I wanted to talk to you about reinstating your no kill rule.” You sat next to Minji, putting her hand in yours. “Nope.” Minji quickly replied, continuing to dig into the ice cream as if you had not said a word Taken aback, you quickly snatched the bowl away from Ice Cream away from Minji. You were well aware that if she wanted to, you couldn’t have taken that bowl from her if your life depended on it, but at least this proved she was listening. Somewhat at least. “I’m serious.” You gripped Minji’s hand tighter, trying to look her in the eyes “Ralph Dibny. Caitlin Luz. Joseph Wiegand. Corey Steele. Rachel Ong. 5 Dead, 236 people injured.” Minji stared at you dead in the eye. Your grip softened, you knew those names, you knew those numbers. The casualty report from the Goblin’s last attack, “If I had put the Goblin down the first time she tried anything, they would still be here. Rachel…She would still be here.”  Minji seethed in rage. “Kim Minjeong.” You rebutted. “What about her?” Minji asked, clearly irritated at this line of questioning. “You fought her at Silph Labs a month ago, when she tried to steal some tech prototype.” “And?” You walked over to the computer, all it took was some typing to pull up some articles. “Have you heard of this new hero in Moapa Valley? Winter Flare? That’s Kim Minjeong.” You brought up a new message tab of communication. “I’ve been in contact with Crimson Banshee, the vigilante at Moapa Valley. She figured out what Minjeong was using that prototype for.” You took a small brown file, handing it to Minji, who looked at the file in apprehension. “Open it.” You nudged, Minji sighing before opening the file. “Her name is Yu Jimin. She was suffering from a rare genetic disease, and it was fatal. That prototype was the only thing that could save Jimin, and it did. A few days ago, the prototype was found in the office, frozen in a block of ice, and now, Moapa has a new protector.” “Your point?” Minji asked, going back to the couch.
“Some of them deserve a second chance. Not all of them, of course. The Goblin, The Chuuker, the mass murderers, the monsters, put them in the ground. I have no moral argument about that. But some of them deserve at least a shot at redemption. Like Minjeong. Good people, forced by circumstance to do bad things. That doesn’t make them villains, they’re just desperate, lost. You’re a hero, Minji, children look up to Spiderwoman everyday, but parents are afraid, Minji. They don’t want their kids to think murder is the first answer to everything. Just killing them may seem like it’s the right way out, but it’s just the easy way out. Some of these people deserve a second chance, a shot at redemption, but if they choose to turn bad again, you’ll be there to stop them again, my amazing spiderwoman.” You placed your hand on her cheek, attempting to reassure her. “But what if they change, attack again, and I can’t stop them? The lives that they’ll take, they’re on me.” Minji’s tone lowered, hands trembling as fear overcame her. “I know it’s difficult, baby, but killing isn’t the answer. It’s chipping away at your soul. Please. Think about it?” You pleaded, to which Minji nodded. “Now, I believe I promised you movie night. So what movie shall it be?” You asked, cuddling into Minji on the couch, remote in your hand as you turned on the TV. “Well, I’d say Lilo and Stitch, but I’m not paying fucking 13 bucks a month Disney.” Minji said, turning to look into what was seemingly thin air. “Who are you talking to this time?” You asked amusedly, not new to Minji’s antics “Let’s just watch the Titanic for the 20th thousand time.” Minji said, causing you to giggle. “It’s a good movie, and I expect a little more leeway with movie selection after I spent the whole day after class churning your goddamn cheesecake ice cream.” You playfully rolled your eyes, causing Minji to roll her eyes in mocking response, before pulling you in for a cuddle. “Jack would have fit on that goddamn door by the way.”
Spiderwoman clings to a steel beam high above the construction site, her eyes scanning the ground below. She had heard chatters of a new self proclaimed Genius Villain in town. Smartest in the world. “How many Smartest people in the world are there? It’s like how many first Baptist churches I see around this city. Like, one of them got to actually be first right?” Spiderwoman grabbed the screen, pulling it toward her mouth like a mic to talk to the people on the other side. “Okay okay, this is what you readers came here for. It’s showtime, grab your popcorn, turn off that music you’re playing in the background. Shits about to get real.” Spiderwoman lets go off the screen, pushing it back into the air, before cracking her knuckles
“Alright, Scipio,” Spiderwoman calls out, her voice echoing through the empty site. “Time to settle the score. And before you ask, no, I don’t have a coupon for this ass-kicking, so you’re gonna have to take it full price.”
A shadow moves in the darkness below, and Scipio steps into the light. He’s dressed in tactical gear, his posture calm and ready. A rope dart, its metal tip glinting ominously, coils in his hand.
“Nice rope dart! I guess you’re planning to make me your personal piñata. Hope you brought enough candy for the both of us!” Spiderwoman quips, assessing the threat before her
“You’ve been busy, Spiderwoman,” Scipio says, his voice smooth. “But tonight, I’m going to show you that brains can beat brawn.”
Spiderwoman drops from the beam, flipping gracefully in mid-air before landing softly on the ground. She bounces lightly on the balls of her feet, adopting a fighting stance “Brains, huh? Let’s see how smart you feel when you’re wrapped up like a mummy in webs.”
Without warning, Scipio whips the rope dart toward her, the tip slicing through the air with a deadly hiss. Spiderwoman reacts instantly, firing a webline to a nearby beam and yanking herself out of its path. She swings in a wide arc, twisting her body to deliver a flying kick to Scipio’s head. He ducks just in time, but she’s already flipping over him, landing lightly on the other side.
“Cheap Shot Buster! But you’re gonna have to be quicker than that!” she taunts, shooting another webline to a distant crane and pulling herself upward. She swings from the web, her body swaying slightly as she observes him from above. “And try not to get dizzy from all this swinging around. I know it can be a lot to handle. I’ve got a good pharmacy guy if you need him.”
Scipio doesn’t waste any time. He snaps the rope dart back, the metal tip whipping around his body as he takes aim. Spiderwoman swings toward him, her body twisting mid-air as she dodges the dart again, using a webline to redirect herself upward. She lands on a high beam, crouched and ready.
“Nice toy you got there,” she quips, firing a web to a nearby scaffold and using it to slingshot herself downward. “But mine’s better.” She somersaults through the air, aiming to land a kick on Scipio’s chest. But he’s prepared—he spins the rope dart around him, creating a whirling barrier that she narrowly avoids.
“Looks like you’re dancing with danger!” she shouts, using her webs to dodge and weave through the air. “I hope you’ve been taking dance lessons.”
Scipio growls in frustration and charges, his rope dart whipping through the air with deadly precision. Spiderwoman spins away, flipping into the air and firing webs to keep him off balance. She catches the dart mid-air and spins it around her hand, using it as a makeshift weapon to parry his next attack.
“Whoa, you’re really sticking to your guns—literally!” she jokes, a barrel role to narrowly dodge the rope dart. “But I’m afraid your aim is a little off. Better luck next time!”
Scipio narrows his eyes, clearly annoyed. He lunges at her with a series of rapid, precise strikes, but she dodges and counters, her movements a blur of agility and acrobatics. With a flourish, Scipio sends the rope dart with astonishing speed, though Spiderwoman was able to narrowly dodge, allowing the rope dart to twirl around her, sending it back at Scipio, causing him to duck, knocking him off his balance
“You’re like a cat in a laser pointer shop,” Spiderwoman quips, spinning around to land a kick to his ribs. “Always swatting at things you can’t quite catch!”
Scipio stumbles, but he catches himself, spinning around to deliver a backhand that Spiderwoman barely dodges. She retaliates with a series of punches, but Scipio blocks most of them, using her momentum against her to throw her off balance, one gap in her attack all he needed to knock her back.
Spiderwoman lands lightly on her feet, her breath coming in quick bursts. This guy is good—really good. But she’s not done yet. Not by a long shot. “Oh you’re good. As the shitheads on Mobile Legends say, Music.” Spiderwoman says, quickly followed by two quick claps, before lunging back at Scipio
She fires a web at a steel beam, yanking herself into the air. Scipio follows, leaping after her with lightning quick agility. But Spiderwoman has the advantage here—she swings from beam to beam, her experience of fighting mid swing proving advantageous as she dodged, bobbed, and parried everything Scipio tried to throw at her
“Catch me if you can!” she shouts, twisting mid-air to avoid a punch and landing a spinning kick to his head. “Or, you know, keep missing and I’ll just keep making jokes. Your call!”
Scipio reels from the kick, but he recovers quickly, grabbing her leg and pulling her down to the ground with him. They hit the concrete hard, but Spiderwoman uses the momentum to roll away, springing back to her feet. She fires a web to a nearby crane and pulls herself up, swinging in a wide arc before dropping down on Scipio from above. He raises his arms to block, but she’s too fast—she lands a solid punch to his jaw, followed by a kick to his chest that sends him crashing into a pile of rubble.
Scipio groans, struggling to get back to his feet. But Spiderwoman is already moving, her webs snapping out to wrap around his arms and legs. She yanks him off the ground, swinging him in a wide arc before slamming him into a steel beam. The impact reverberates through the site, and Scipio collapses to the ground, dazed.
Spiderwoman lands lightly beside him, breathing hard. Her fists clench and unclench as she stares down at him, her mind racing. She could end it all right now—just one more hit, and he’d be done for. “Go ahead.  I’ve heard all about this before. Spiderwoman, the penumbra of this city. End me.” Scipio said, out of breath “Shut up.” Spiderwoman sighs. You were right. There was a better way to do this. With a shake of the head, Spiderwoman turns to walk away. “You’re letting me go?” Scipio questioned
Spiderwoman gazes down at him, her expression unreadable. “Because someone believes there is a better way to do things,” she says quietly. “And I’m starting to believe it too.”
She webs him to the ground, ensuring he won’t be going anywhere until the authorities arrive. “Don’t feel so smart now, do you, genius?” As she prepares to swing away, she looks back at him one last time, her voice hardening.
“Consider yourself lucky,” she says, her tone cold. “This is your one chance, repent, use that big brain for the good of society. But this is a warning, if I ever see you again, I won’t be making any more promises. And next time, bring more than just a rope dart.”
In the wreckage of the construction site, Scipio laid there, groaning in pain, though a small smile on his face. The fight might have been lost, but the war had just begun. It was not a war he anticipated being alive to see, but he wasn’t complaining. As the dot blinked on the screen on his wrist, Scipio smirked. Revenge would be swift, precise, fiery.
Exhausted, Minji walked into the shed. “How’d it go?” You asked, tossing her her usual isotonic drink. “I did it. New Guy in town, Scipio. I think he just wanted to test his skill against mine. He’s smart, and he’s good. Really good. Hopefully he uses the second chance wisely.” Minji said, leaning into the back hug you had thrown her into. “I’m proud of you.” You said, ruffling her hair as Minji smiled. “Alright, I’m going down to the chemistry labs to make some more web fluid.” Minji said, yawning as she tossed her suit to a corner, dressing down into a more comfortable jumpsuit. “Alright, I’ll do some research on Scipio while you’re gone, then maybe we'll go for supper?” You asked “You read my mind bro.” Minji chuckled, walking to you at your chair, leaving a small kiss on your forehead, before heading down the building to the chemistry lab.
Minji hummed a soft tune as she mixed the chemicals she needed. It was a slow process, but after so much time spent crime fighting, this time spent had become more or less a routine for her. She leaned back on her stool, allowing her mind to drift as she swirled the beaker in her hand. As she swirled it, however, she suddenly had a heavy feeling in her chest, the same feeling when her spidey senses go into overdrive. “Damn, I’ve been working too hard, maybe some chimichangas later.” Minji joked to herself, but as she swirled the beaker, she could not shake the horrible feeling. Now slightly wary, Minji got up from her seat, looking around the lab. “Alright, Monster in the closet, the Sonic CGI before we told Paramount they could go fuck themselves. Come out, come out wherever you are.” Minji called out, only to be met with silence, before hearing a deafening scream. Minji’s face paled. She bolted out of the lab, going as fast as her legs could take her, running up the stairs, only to recoil in horror as she saw the shed in flames. “Y/N!” She screamed out, hoping to find you amidst the rubble. Jumping into the shed, looking around, frantically looking for you. Seeing your hand sticking out amidst the dust, she jumped in, picking you up in a fireman’s carry, before running out from the shed. “Hey, babe, it’s okay, you’re safe now.” Minji whispers to you, holding you tight against her chest. “Babe?” Minji whispered, realising that you were unreactive. She placed a finger to your neck, her trembling hands realising you didn’t have a pulse. “No, No, No, Not again, this can’t be happening again.” Minji muttered under her breath Minji quickly tried CPR, her chest compressions growing more frantic as you remained unresponsive. Minji collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily as she fell back in horror. Looking to her hand, she quickly vibrated her hand, seeing small blue sparks of electricity forming on her hand. A power that she had found not too long ago, and your last hope. With trembling hands, Minji placed her hand on your chest, causing your body to jolt up in the air, but you remained unconscious. The sounds of sirens quickly flooded the area, the alarm clearly having been tripped by the fire. As the medics rushed the area, Minji let the paramedics around your body. After some checks, Minji saw the medic look to her watch, confirming her worst fear. As Minji fell back to the ground, stunned as the paramedics wheeled you away, she noticed something in the corner. Her suit. She slowly walked over to it, noticing a small blinking red light you had not noticed before, accompanied by a note. “With regards from the New Rogues, and Scipio ~Inferno.” Minji’s fist tightened, sparks flying out from her fist.
“Where are they! You have 10 seconds to tell me, before I gouge your eyeballs out.” Minji screamed, punching the thug she had found, webbing him upside down. “I don’-” Before the thug could finish his sentence, Minji punched him in the face, his head thrashing through the cinder wall behind him, jaw agape. “You next. Tell me something I want to hear or your jaw won’t even stay on like that guy’s.” Minji threatened. “Okay, okay, I heard some chatter of some gathering in a warehouse downtown. Let me go, please, I don’t want any trouble.” He screamed out. Minji nodded, turning around. “Hey, mind letting us down genius?” The thug screamed out, before Minji webbed his mouth, before giving it a rough yank, Minji swinging away from the source of the screams, his jaw hanging over his nose.
Minji’s eyes darkened as she perched atop the warehouses. Seeing light from the warehouse next to this one, she swung over, seeing Scipio, beside him being 3 other costumed figures, one with his hands over Scipio, seemingly healing him from the injuries he had suffered prior. Minji jumped down from the warehouse, landing on her toes, walking slowly into the warehouse. The other 3 villains were shocked, crouching into fighting stances as they kept their eyes on Minji. Scipio, however, chuckled as he watched Minji walking in. “Like the gift, Spiderwoman? As you can see, I’ve brought a lot more than a rope dart this time. I present to you, my new rogues. That there is Specter, this here is Gaze, and my friend over there is Inferno, the one responsible for sending you your gift.” Scipio said, winding his rope dart around his arm. “What, cat got your tongue? No more quips anymore genius?” Scipio questioned, smirking, believing he had broken Minji’s spirit. He had broken something, though he was gonna wish he hadn’t “Answer the boss when he’s talking to you!” Specter shouted, deciding to bum rush Minji. In one fluid move, Minji webbed Specter in the forehead, harshly yanking it, causing him to hit the ground hard on his face. Minji walked up to Specter, palming his head and lifting him up by his head, staring dead at the 3 other villains.
TW! Slightly Gory
Without a word, Minji’s hands began to shoot off sparks, Specter’s body shaking in Minji’s hand, the current running through his head, his eyeballs popping from his head, hanging from his eyes like a pinata at a halloween party, and his body began to smell like burnt charcoal. “What the fuck!” Scipio shouted out in shock. Tossing the body to a side, Minji shot her webs upward, pulling down the only light source in the room, causing it to crash down around the 3 villains left, as they all jumped out of the way. Minji’s eyes burned with rage, the darkness her ally as she lunged into action
“Reaper to Wildcat, I’m at the warehouse, checking out the disturbance. I’ll report back in a short while.” The figure shrouded in a black cloak, a sickle in hand said into their comlink “Roger that Reaper. Be careful, we don’t know what happened in there.” Wildcat’s voice rang through the comms, though it was quickly snuffed out by a scream from inside the warehouse. The Reaper bolted in, seeing copious amounts of blood stains on the ground, the charred body of Specter laying on the ground, eyeballs all but disconnected, skin charred, his two legs seemingly having been torn off. “What in the world?” The reaper muttered under their breath, walking cautiously into the next room, only to stop in shock. The Reaper had seen alot in their crime fighting escapades, many many atrocities, but none came even close to this sight. “What have you done!” The reaper screamed out. In the middle of the room, crouched Minji, standing upon a web the shade of dark crimson red. But this web was not spun of silk, instead, the web was formed by a grotesque collaboration of limbs, ligaments, muscles, a crimson red web of anger and gore
“I did what I had to.” Minji coldly replied, standing up and jumping in front of the Reaper. “Where are the villains?” The reaper demanded to know. “Some here, some there, some on the ceiling. But alive. For now at least. I’ll finish up in a moment. I need the web to be complete, to send a message to the wannabe villains of the world.” Minji nonchalantly said, gesturing to the corner. In the corner laid 3 bodies of the villains, all in different states of being. Missing limbs, faces burned, clawed off, jaw ripped clean off. They all laid, screaming in agony.
(We good from here on) “You can’t do this!” The Reaper shouted out in horror. “Why not? These villains don’t understand logic. So I speak the only language they speak, violence, splayed out so undeniably in their face that they’d fucking shoot themselves in the stomach before daring to step out of their houses in their shitty spandex or their half cooked schemes. “And what if villains take notice and want to kill you to make a name for themselves?” The reaper demanded to know “Then I expand my web.” Minji said
“I thought you changed recently. I heard of your fight with Scipio. You went back to how it was before the Goblin killed Rachel. But that’s gone again? I had faith in you, convinced wildcat to give you time, that in time, you’d show mercy.” The reaper said, before Minji let out a shrill chuckle “Mercy? Mercy cost me Rachel. Mercy cost me my aunt and Uncle. Mercy cost me my friends, my family. Mercy’s an easy thing to preach, when everyone you love is a goddamn superhero, Reaper. Mercy sounds good, until it bites the hand that feeds like the ungrateful dog it is, the mercy extended to these subhuman animals. Mercy cost me….it cost me Y/N. They were my second chance, my happiness after so much time of anger and hatred, and Mercy took them away from me. Hah, Mercy, the fool's errand”
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boxofbonesfic · 1 year
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Title: E-Vite 4/20 [A New Hire interlude]
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Alpha!Mob!Ari Levinson x Naive!Omega!Reader
Word Count: 4,382
Summary: Ari’s mate finds herself invited to a brunch featuring more than just bottomless mimosas. 
Warnings: 18+ Only, Drugs, Recreational Drug Use,  Mob AU, Age Gap, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Ari, Darkfic, Breeding, Smut, MINORS DNI, Dead dove: Do not eat
A/N: i’m so sorry this is so late! but (i hope) it’s worth it! takes place roughly a week or so before reader and Ari leave for Paris. a little character development i think you’ll all enjoy. divider by @firefly-graphics​. dedicated to @cocobutterqwueen​, who prompted this work ❤️
This work is entirely unbeta’d, and unedited. Though I don’t own any of Marvel’s characters, this work and the plot contained inside are entirely mine. I do not consent for this work to be posted anywhere else by anyone but me. Enjoy 😘
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You purse your lips, your brows drawing together critically as you stare at yourself in the mirror. You heave a dissatisfied sigh, brushing imaginary dirt from the hem of your white tennis skirt. 
 “Too much?” You mutter, rocking back and forth on the heels of your matching ivory sneakers. “It’s too much, isn’t it?” The silver charms on your bracelet jingle softly as you begin wiggling out of your skirt, trying to undo the hook-eye closure on the back. You aren’t expecting to see your mate there, leaned in the doorway of the walk-in closet with an amused smile playing at the edges of his full lips. 
 “Third outfit in fifteen minutes, Sweetheart. You nervous?” There’s a teasing note in his voice that makes you pout, shaking your head even though it’s obvious he’s right.  
“No, I’m not nervous.” You continue fiddling with the zipper until Ari closes his hands around yours. It’s silly, to be this anxious about meeting a bunch of people you’ve already been talking to for weeks, but you are. Joining Moms of Riverside County had been a whim. At most, you had expected to find new dinner recipes, maybe a few fun things to do with Liam. Instead, you’d found… a community? 
 Some of the members were a little out there, but there were far more good apples than bad. People posted pictures, shared memes— not pronounced “may-mays” as Ari had pointed out, to your embarrassment. There was even a group-chat, which you had recently been invited to—✨🔥 Cool Moms of Riverside County🔥✨, which had given you a good laugh. You weren’t particularly active yet, but even so you had been tagged and invited to a private brunch being hosted by one of the members you actually talked to with some regularity. 
  Come if you can! We’d love to see you! Sabrina’s casual message outside of the group chat had left you scrambling to respond last night, typing out at least thirty messages and showing them to Ari before deciding on one. 
  Okay! Thanks for inviting me, I wold love to come!
 “I-it’s just a facebook group thing.” You mumble, and he chuckles, kissing your forehead. 
 “It’s okay to be a little nervous about meeting your internet friends for the first time.” He must feel it in the bond, the electric apprehension running through every one of your limbs and down to the tips of your fingers and toes. “Just be yourself, Sweetheart. Trust me, they’ll love you.” He turns to exit the closet, but pokes his head back in. “And I like the skirt.” 
 An hour later, you’re in the Jeep on your way across town, Sabrina’s address punched into your phone’s GPS. You’re trying to think of potential conversation topics in your head, drumming your fingers against the steering wheel. You’d already checked the list of people in attendance—only ten, including you. 
 Sabrina’s house is half an hour outside of the city, nestled in the rolling hills off the highway. The private drive is blocked off by a wrought iron gate that you have to pull up to an intercom to get open. You lean out of the window, jabbing your thumb into the button. 
  “Yes? Who is it? Shh, Adrian!”
 You lick your lips nervously. “Um, it’s uh, it’s—”
  “Oh wait, I know who you are! I can see you on the camera. Come on in, girl!” The intercom buzzes loudly and the fence slides smoothly out of the way. It takes a full three minutes to get from the gate to the house, and when you pull up, there’s a line of expensive looking cars parked along the side. You take up the rear, taking a deep breath before hopping out. Gravel crunches under your feet, and as you’re heading up the stairs the front door opens. 
 “OhmyGod Hi!” You recognize Adrian from his pictures, his long dark hair piled up in a bun on top of his head. “How are you? Come in, come in,” he motions you forward with a wide smile. In one hand is a half full glass of wine, and he hugs you with the other. Underneath his rather fruity cologne is a distinctly Alpha scent, and when you pull away, you spot half a ring of teeth marks on the skin beneath his collar. 
 “Good, thanks,” you sputter, stepping over the threshold. It’s a monster of a house, the ceiling looming far above you. The air is heavy with the scent of warm sugar and brown butter, like someone’s baking. You cast a look around the foyer, there are pictures of Sabrina with her children, her husband—who just so happens to be the headmaster of Liam’s school. You toe off your shoes in the entryway, and Adrian scoffs. 
 “Oh, you don’t need to do that. Sabrina doesn’t give a shit about mud on her carpets,” he laughs. 
 “Habit, I guess,” you say, your own nervous laughter ringing awkwardly in the air with his. “I, um, have-have you been in the group long?” The questions you practiced in the car tangle confusedly together on your tongue. 
 “Like three years, I think?” He waves his hand as he shrugs. “But it got a lot more fun when Sab starting modding. Way more jokes.” He fixes you with a sly smile.  “Let’s go  get you a drink!” You tail Adrian through the house, and the sound of voices gets louder and louder as you go. The long hallway opens up into a massive kitchen, and a gaggle of people surround the marble island in the center of it, only a few of whom you recognize. 
 “Ladies,” Adrian claps his palm against his khaki-clad thigh, holding his wine glass aloft as he raises his voice to get their attention. “And gentle man,” he giggles, placing his palm against his chest, “Our last guest has arrived.” You duck your head in embarrassment as a little cheer ripples through the rest of the attendees.
 “Sorry I’m late, I think the e-vite said 4:20—”
 “Girl please.” You recognize Keisha’s fiery orange locs from her profile picture. “I just got here ten minutes ago. Sabrina! Girl where are you? You know I don’t know where you keep the glasses in this maze.” By your count, there are about seven people here, eight, including you. “Are you sure she’s the last one, Adrian? I thought Barb and Hannah were coming, too?”
 “Kayla’s got chicken pox, they cancelled this morning,” Adrian replies. “They’re fine, though, said she’s holding up well. Marathonning every episode of Bluey, apparently.” As the two of you join everyone else at the counter, Sabrina appears in the opposite doorway. 
 “Sorry, I went to get a lighter. Glasses are above the sink—hi! I’m so glad you could make it!” Sabrina is tiny, strawberry blonde curls piled on top of her head and secured with the biggest, pinkest bow you’ve ever seen. She reminds you of a Malibu Barbie—mansion and all. Sabrina rushes over to you, quickly depositing the tray of what looks like cigarette papers and lighters on the counter before hugging you tightly. 
 “Thanks for coming!” Sabrina looks genuinely happy to see you. They make room for you around the island. “I just moved here like a year and a half ago and it is so hard to make friends.”
 You let out a relieved breath. “I know exactly what you mean.” You had been nervous about coming, about whether or not you were actually going to fit-in . It feels like there are huge holes where general knowledge should be about how to act, what to say. All the culturally relevant gossip you know hit it’s expiration date a decade ago—but surprisingly, you don’t feel as terrified of that as you had been before arriving. 
 The conversation flows easily, and you finish your first glass of wine with a comfortable, warm buzz. Adrian makes it his business to serve the cooled cookies, and when you take two, he laughs. 
 “Okay, girl, I see you!” You blush as you bite down, gooey chocolate coating your tongue. 
 “I didn’t eat before I came,” you admit, polishing off the first cookie and starting on the second. “These are so good,” you add, and Sabrina preens. 
 “Thank you! I baked them myself.” Sabrina ducks down beneath the island countertop, and you hear the sound of a drawer rolling open, and then shut again. “I will admit I found the recipe online, though.” As she stands, she tosses a plastic bag of—
  Oh my God.
  Your eyes widen as the baggie of weed lands on the table, and they dart worriedly to the faces of everyone else there. No one seems surprised or upset, in fact, Keisha claps excitedly. 
 “Good,” she chirps, plucking a single paper from one of the packs on the silver tray. “I’ll roll.” 
 You shift nervously on your feet, unsure of what to do. You’ve never smoked before—the most you’ve ever done is drink alcohol, and even that you don’t do with any regularity. Ari’s beers in the fridge at home remain mostly untouched by you, and the occasional glass of wine is the extent of what you generally allow yourself. Not that you mind, really—
 You tap jittery fingers against the granite, and Adrian clucks his tongue at you. 
 “What’s wrong, babes?” His eyebrows crease with concern. “Not a joint person?” 
 “N-no?” You force yourself to calm down—these are all adults, and it’s not like it’s… illegal here, per-say. “I um, I haven’t actually ever… smoked. Marijuana.” 
 “You haven’t?” Sabrina’s gaze moves worriedly from your face to the half-eaten tray of cookies and back again. “Are you… kidding?”
 You sigh, dragging an embarrassed hand down your face. “No. Ugh, my… my parents were um. Really strict. Sorry. I’m not a narc or anything, I just, um, never really—” Sabrina grabs your hand with a soft smile and the rambling word vomit screeches to a halt. 
 “You don’t have to explain yourself at all. I just, well, I kind of thought you knew, to be honest.”
 “Yeah, it’s said 4/20 brunch, on 4/20,” she looks at you with a leading expression, but whatever reference she’s trying to make flies entirely over your head. You raise an eyebrow. 
 “That wasn’t… the time?”
 “420 means weed girl!” Adrian yelps, doubling over with raucous laughter. He rests a hand on his hip as he gasps for air. “This was a weed brunch!” You pinch the bridge of your nose, groaning. “Oh my God the cookies! You ate two of them!” Cold realization crosses your face as you turn to face them in horror. 
 “There was weed in the cookies!?”
 Ari is waiting for you in the kitchen when you call—he’d been expecting you home half an hour ago, and though he wasn’t worried, he was beginning to get antsy. The bond is open—wide open, in fact—and your hazy amusement permeate it like smoke. 
 “Hi, Sweetheart. You okay?” He asks, and you giggle. 
  “ I’m good. I’m so-oo-oo good, ” you sing, drawing out the syllables. There’s a loud splash, and Ari raises an eyebrow as you gasp loudly through the receiver. 
  “Don’t drop your phone!”
 “I’m not gonna dro-op it,” you hiccough, and Ari can practically hear your pout. “She said I was going to drop my phone, but I’m not going to drop it—”
 “Kitten. What is—”
 “Can you come get me?” You say, cutting him off in a dreamy, small voice. “I don’t think I should drive. The floor is moving.” Ari pulls away from the phone, staring at it with confused, narrowed eyes.
 “The floor is… moving.” He repeats your babble, just to make sure he’s hearing it right. You heave a relieved sigh, as if he’s validated some previously held suspicion. 
 “Yes. And I really don’t think I should drive. I’m all wet.” 
 “Okay baby. Can you send me your friend’s address? I’m going to call Martine over in case Liam wakes up, and then I will come and get you.” 
 “Okay.” You hang up with no warning, leaving your confused and exasperated mate staring at his phone. It takes several minutes—and quite a few nonsensical strings of emojis—before the address comes through. 
  She’s drunk, he thinks to himself, shaking his head. A little wry smile plays at the edges of his mouth as he buckles himself into the Bentley. She has to be. He’s not upset as he turns out of the driveway, skirting generously around Martine’s car. He’s glad you’ve made friends—the tight fist your father had kept around your life has left a lasting impression, one Ari is eager to erase. 
 The traffic choking the highway eases as he circles around the city, the exit dumping him out into the rolling foothills on its outskirts. The address you’d sent him is one that takes him into familiar territory, and when he pulls up to the gate, it buzzes open before he has a chance to push the button on the intercom.
 Ari exits the vehicle, taking stock of each car lined up in the driveway—including yours. He pauses at the front steps, listening, before making his way around back instead. The sounds of music and laughter grow louder as he rounds the side of the house. Your scent is here too, cut with others and diluted by the smell of chlorine and charcoal smoke. The yard opens up before him, carefully manicured green surrounding the deeply set in-ground pool. 
 “I don’t remember inviting the mob.” An amused voice makes Ari turn, before he scoffs. 
 “You wouldn’t have to, Sabrina, you married it.” He replies, shaking his head before reaching down for a hug. “It’s been a while.” Sabrina tokes long and hard on the joint in her hand before she laughs. 
 “You’re telling me. What are you doing here?”
 “My mate is here.” Ari peers over Sabrina’s blonde head, squinting at the pool. “The one on the pizza floaty.” 
 You’re sprawled on the double-wide rubber float, chatting animatedly to a man sitting on the pool steps up to his waist. Sabrina claps her hands, loud, animated laughter escaping her grinning mouth. 
  “That’s your mate? Oh my God. I think—I think I’m gonna pee.” She doubles over, while Ari frowns down at her. “Sorry. Sorry. I just—Odd couple. In my defense, she is the sweetest person on earth, and you’re… you.” Ari purses his lips.
 “Yes, well, you’re related to me,” he says dryly. “I still don’t think you’ve forgiven me for putting worms in your hair.” 
 “I haven’t. It was disgusting.”
 “I was eight.” 
 Sabrina ignores him, flicking a honey-blonde lock over her shoulder before making her way over to the pool. She wades in, waving to get your attention. You look utterly relaxed, your limbs draped loosely across the floaty. Your fingers and toes trail in the water as a you drift. You sit up as Sabrina approaches, and for a moment, your wild hair is framed perfectly in the light of the setting sun.
  Little lioness.
 The words she speaks to you are snatched away by the wind as Ari approaches, squatting by the edge of the pool. You’re wearing a swimsuit you no doubt borrowed from Sabrina, a bikini he suspects is at least one size too small. Sliding off the edge of the pizza-shaped float, you wade over to him, a dopey smile on your face. 
 “Hi, Kitten.” He leans down when you reach wet hands up to hug him. Ari doesn’t mind, drawing his fingers affectionately over your bare shoulders and back as he presses his face to the side of your throat. He can’t help but check. Underneath the heavy scent of the chlorine—and a light coating of weed-smoke—is your true scent. Just yours, like he’d known it would be. He kisses your forehead. You giggle. 
 “I did what you said,” you whisper loudly. “It worked! I just said, um, that I never smoked, but then I ate the cookie—two cookies, I think. Maybe more?” The story devolves into meaningless ramble that leaves Ari laughing. 
 “I’m glad you’re having a good time, Kitten.” 
 “So this is the mate.” A lanky Alpha with a joint in a rather fancy looking cigarette holder appraises Ari, his other hand resting on his hip. He offers it to shake. “Adrian. The pleasure is yours.” Ari shakes it. “We did try to keep her out of the pool but she made some very convincing arguments.” 
 “I see,” Ari replies, chuckling as you give a stout nod from the pool. “She does have a habit of getting her way.” The resulting pout that forms on your full lips is worth the half-truth. You make your way toward the pool ladder, slipping once before finding your footing. You’re sopping wet, water running in rivulets down your soft skin. Up close, the swimsuit you’re wearing is even smaller, the fabric straining to hold back the supple flesh of your breasts. 
 Ari clears his throat, and Adrian snickers. He shoots the other male an irritated look, but Adrian only grins. 
 “I packed you a to-go bag, chica. It’s in your purse. You crazy kids have a good night.” He winks, and you wave absently.
 “You too, Adrian!” You turn back to Ari. “He’s nice, right?”
 “Yeah,” he replies, dragging his eyes up from the curve of your hip where the tie is sinking sinfully into the soft skin there. “Nice. Where did you get this?” He fingers the spaghetti thin strap at your shoulder. Sabrina sidles up next to you with a knowing grin, looping her arm around your shoulders. 
 “Well, I couldn’t let her just jump in, Ari.” He levels an annoyed glare at her. “What kind of cousin would I be if I let your mate ruin her nice clothes?” You gasp exaggeratedly. 
 “First or second, or something like that,” Ari grumbles. She laughs.
 “Remind me to tell you the worm story,” she replies conspiratorially, clapping you on the back. “You go get your clothes.” 
 “I’ll be right back,” You press a kiss to Ari’s cheek. He can’t help but watch you walk away, the damp fabric wedging itself neatly between the cheeks of your ass. God-fucking-dammit. 
 “It reeks out here,” he says, raising an eyebrow. “You’d better not be turning my mate into a pothead. I don’t want to have to get into weed distribution, you know how messy that is.” Sabrina waves a hand dismissively. 
 “Nonsense. Thad’s got a great thing going on with Rogers and Barnes on the east coast. He can cut you in if you want.” She winks. “I like her, you know. Genuinely had no idea she was, um. Yours.” Ari smiles, in spite of himself. 
 “It’s hard not to love her.” 
 Ari opts to wait out front, and he isn’t out there long before you stumble out clutching your purse. Your shirt is unbuttoned and untucked from your skirt, exposing the swimsuit you’re still wearing underneath. You look up at him apologetically through your lashes.
 “Thank you for coming, Ari, I’m sorry—”
 “Don’t be, Kitten,” he chuckles, helping you down the steps toward the car. “I’m glad you had a good time.” 
 You loose a high pitched giggle. “I had so-oo much fun. S-Sabrina’s so nice! She said she wants to hang out more. And—” You gasp, turning to him with a suspicious glare. “She said you put worms in her hair.” Ari laughs, shaking his head as he opens the passenger side door. “How could you do that?”
 “I’ll bet she didn’t tell you she dumped cat litter on my head the week before,” he replies, shutting the door before you can respond. He can see that you’re talking anyway, chirping brightly to yourself as Ari rounds the front of the car. He’s not quite sure why, but the sight of it makes his heart swell, even as he shakes his head. 
 “—gross!” You finish, looking at him definitively. 
 Ari slides into the drivers seat, nodding. “It was.” 
 “Will we come back for the Jeep?” You ask in a small, guilty voice. “I like the Jeep.” Ari nods, chuckling.
 “I promise.” The stoned, dopey smile you shoot him in response makes Ari wonder just how many “cookies” you’d eaten. You slump lazily in the passenger seat, stretching like a cat as he pulls out of the driveway. You sit there, blissfully unaware of the way that fucking bikini is eating away at his nerves. You drag a hand across your bare midsection, absently playing with the loose bikini strings.
 Of course you can’t see the way the edges of your dark, puffy nipples spill just over the edges of the triangular scraps of fabric. Sabrina’s attempt to help you maintain your modesty has done exactly the opposite, leaving you so indecently exposed that Ari finds himself wondering how the soft, plump lips of your cunt even fit in the bottoms. 
 Ari knows he should be focusing on the sparsely populated road, on the hour long drive it will take to get you home— not on the way he can see the pebbled outline of your perfect fucking nipples through that flimsy excuse for a bathing suit. Ari dares to glance in your direction again and groans quietly. You’re running your hands along your bare thighs, giggling and gasping at the sensation of your palms on your own skin. 
 “Ari, I didn’t know I was this soft,” you mumble, your eyes wide and pupils dilated. “Did you know that?” 
 He scrubs a hand down his face. 
 “Jesus, Kitten, you trying to kill me tonight?” He moans, dropping his head back against the seat. You lean over the middle console, an apology already on your trembling lips. 
 “I’m sorry.” It’s like you’re completely unaware of it, the thrall you have him in as you rest a warm little hand on his thigh. “How can I make it better?” 
  Martine’s fine at the house with Liam, right?
  “Oh-oh God!” Your face is hidden, pressed against the hood of the car. Ari has your trembling legs spread as far apart as he can manage, his cock disappearing between the cheeks of your ass. “F-feels— oh— ” You’re even less articulate than usual, your sopping, needy cunt squeezing down around him like a vise. 
 Ari’s got your little white skirt rucked up around your waist, and the offending bikini pulled to the side so he can watch you take him. Seeing your pussy stretched open wide and straining around the veiny length of his cock is almost as good as feeling it. Ari doesn’t resist the urge to crack the palm of one hand against the cheek of your ass. You squeal, and God the way you fucking clench down is almost enough to make him bust right there—
 “Ari!” His name sounds like a desperate prayer on your lips. You’re practically writhing underneath him, your hands forming little fists on the hood of the Bentley. “G-God, feels—” He loves you like this, the words all gibberish on your loose tongue. “Fuck!”
 He especially likes it now that you’re high, hoarse curses falling from your lips as you raise yourself up onto your tip toes trying to meet his thrusts. It’s like some of your carefully crafted filter has come apart, allowing through the Kitten that isn’t afraid of judgment or reprisal. 
 “M’so full,” you whine pathetically, peering over your shoulder at him pleadingly. “More?” He isn’t expecting your breathy, perfect little plea, and the softly uttered request seems to go straight to his cock, and it throbs hard inside you. Ari groans, his head lolling back on his shoulders as he stares unseeingly at the night sky. “More, please.”
 The knot at the base of his cock is already starting to swell, and Ari clenches his teeth. Bracing one hand between your shoulders as he anchors the other to your hip. 
 “More, Kitten?” He asks, chuckling darkly. “Greedy girl. Can you even take more?” Ari draws back until the head of his cock pops out, and he slaps it wetly against your cunt. Slowly, he presses himself into the fucked-swollen mess of your pussy. He doesn’t stop when you begin straining against his knot, murmuring dark words of encouragement. 
 “You asked for this,” he reminds you, grinning when your forehead hits the hood with a thunk, and you let out a muffled cry. Ari joins you, a harsh growl tearing from his throat as his knot pops inside. “That enough, Kitten?” He asks through clenched teeth. “Your hungry fucking pussy finally full, Sweetheart?” 
 You push back against him, a lewd squelch filling both your ears. That’s enough of an answer for Ari. He growls, clamping down on the back of your neck with one hand as his fingers sink deep into the meat of your hip. His thrusts are shorter now, but fuller , and each one leaves you mewling and crying.   His whole world is condensing down to a single point. You’re all that matters, you, this moment, his cock buried in your slick, sweet core—
 “Oh f-fuck, God, Ari, c-cumming—” The nonsense that you manage to string together only barely precedes the way your cunt clamps deliciously around him like a hot wet fist. The pleasurable buzzing in the back of Ari’s skull becomes unbearable, traveling down his spine and shooting like electricity to the base of his cock. 
 Ari groans, bending over your back to sink his teeth into your shoulder, holding you still while he cums. He still doesn’t know how to explain how right it feels to press inside you and let go—like he’s supposed to. Fuck and the feel of you—Ari groans as you shift, your velvet walls shifting against his still hard cock. He leans back, releasing you so that he can stare appreciatively at your cunt.  Lips bulged out from the heavy girth of his knot, a mixture of both your fluids leaking out around it. 
 You peek over your shoulder at him, your hair sticking to your sweaty forehead. Your eyebrows are creased together, your glassy eyes shining with real worry. 
 “What’s the matter, Kitten?”
 “I think I left my phone.” 
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Thank you for reading! Please check out my masterlist for other, similar works, and follow my library blog, @box-of-bones-library​ for updates. ❤️
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gemini-sensei · 7 months
Can you do something with Keene!Reader who is Robby's twin sister. She's really cute and shy but in a giggly way if that makes sense? Robby always has her in the background away from him or anyone for that matter so not a lot of people even know they are related. She's pretty strong but doesn't like to fight unless she has to. She more so just likes to keep quiet and watch but if her twin is in trouble she's all over who ever is messing with him.
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Robby Keene x Twin-Sister!Keene!Reader
This isn't exactly what you asked for but it's something and I like the way it turned out, so I hope you do to. I would love to do more of this quiet and shy but secretly strong Keene!Reader CW: slight fighting, canon lever fighting, slight hint of Hawk x Reader, mostly sibling/familial relationships, Kenny as a brother figure.
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It all started at the All Valley when their dad decided to put Cobra Kai into the competition. Reader warned her brother that fighting against them was a bad idea but he didn't care, assuring her that he knew what he was doing despite not having a dojo to back him up. He was fighting solo, all alone, no one to coach him through it. He thought a couple of months of karate training at Daniel LaRusso's house was sufficient enough to do the trick. She wasn't so sure. Nevertheless, she was there to support him and cheer him on, quietly at least.
The rowdy crowd wasn't really her scene, but she suffered through the loud noise, yelling and violence to support him. That's was siblings did after all, and at the end of the day, Reader and Robby only had each other.
She wished she could say her brother won despite the odds stacked against him, especially after that idiot with the mohawk dislocated his shoulder, but he didn't. Their dad got what he wanted and Robby walked away with his head down. Things went up and down from there.
Now Reader found herself at a crossroads. She wanted to support her brother like always, but he had joined Cobra Kai after a messy fight and some manipulation from John Kreese, someone their dad Johnny swore was dead at one point. To top it off, he was living at the dojo while Reader was forced to stay with Johnny while their mom was at rehab. She wanted to support Robby, she really did, but she couldn't. She knew it was best for him to get out of Cobra Kai, but he wouldn't listen to her.
So she did what she did best, stuck her nose in a book and tried to ignore the outside world.
That didn't stop Johnny from coming around and knocking on her door. He wanted her to join the dojo he and Daniel were trying to manage together, but it was a hot mess that she wasn't going to touch. However, to get him to shut the fuck up from time to time, she let him teach her karate in the living room. They pushed the furniture out of the way so he could teach her a lesson or two, never holding back.
It was one of those afternoons she could have been spending reading, but instead found herself getting frustrated with her dad. She wasn't giving it her all yet, she was tired and bored, but he kept pushing her. Then he said the magic words.
"Hey, how about this: if you can knock me down, I'll take ya to the bookstore," he said.
She looked at him. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, now come on, give it your all."
So she put everything into sparring with him and withing two minutes, knocked him off of his feet and jabbed his chest like he'd shown her to do. It took his breath away and he winced, but that pain passed quickly as he realized what had just happened. He jumped up and yelled, "Hell yeah! That's how it's done!"
She walked past him. "I'm going to take a shower, then you'll take me to the bookstore."
"Shit, right," he said, realizing the hole he'd dug for himself.
It wasn't long after that when Robby invited her to the drive-in. He wanted to spend time with her and thought an outing with his Cobra friends was the perfect opportunity for that. She agreed but only because it was her twin. She took her new book with her though.
"Aye yo, Keene!" Kyler had yelled as they approached the group. "Who's the hottie?"
"None of your business, Park," he seethed, quick to that protective brotherly anger her harbored. Mixed with his predominate anger and he was close to punching his own teammate in the face just for calling his sister a 'hottie'. "Leave her alone, man. If I hear you so much as talk to her, I'll-"
"Robby!" Reader called him down. "Chill out..."
"I knew I shouldn't have brought you here."
"Well, it's too late for that now. I'm here, deal with it."
The other Cobras weren't as intimidating as Reader had originally thought. They weren't all bad like her dad had made them out to be, and why should she think that when he had been one of them once upon a time? The newest and sweetest of the group, Kenny, was kind and made her laugh. She was quick to think of him as a little brother. Whenever she laughed, she dropped her head and tried to keep quiet, hiding away from everyone.
When the movie started, she tried to get into it, but it really wasn't her thing. She didn't regret bringing her book, even if Kyler teased her when she pulled it out. She became a little flustered at this and decided to go get a drink to get away from him, especially when his teasing turned into weird flirting that she didn't know how to respond to.
As she was getting her drink, she noticed Kenny carrying a ton of food and drinks back to the Cobras and she wanted to help him. She turned her back to get her drink from the vendor and turned back only to see the mohawked Hawk appeared and that all the snacks were on the ground. Hawk laughed at him, which sparked that buried away anger inside of Reader.
She charged over there and shoved Hawk away from Kenny. "Get away from him!"
"Whoa! Calm down!" Hawk laughed, amused by her sudden appearance. "We were just having a little fun."
She gestured to the ground at the mess of food. "Yeah, this looks like a lot of fun. Why don't you just go back to your friends and leave him alone?"
"Look, I don't know who you think you are, but this kid is nothing but trouble so long as he's in Cobra Kai," Hawk told her.
"Funny coming from a guy that was one of them not that long ago," she told him, then turned to Kenny and put her arm around him. He'd hidden behind her and taken quick shelter from Hawk. "Let's get out of here."
"Hey, I'm not done talking to you," Hawk said, reaching for her arm. When he grabbed it, she elbowed him in the gut and flipped him over her shoulder. He hit the ground with a hard thud and stared up at her wide eyes, somewhere between his bewilderment and anger. "Whoa..."
She stepped over him without another word and looked to Kenny. "Come on, let's go get those snacks again. I'll help you carry them this time."
When she and Kenny returned to the group, Robby approached to check on her. "Hey, what was all that about?"
She shrugged. "Just Hawk being an ass like always."
"You handled that well," he said proudly. "Where'd you learn to fight like that."
She hummed, knowing he wouldn't like the answer. She knocked her shoulder into his, smiled, and told him, "From watching my brother of course."
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agaypanic · 4 months
How about a rodrick x fem reader where she's a preppy girl but goes through a change and becomes a punk rock girl. And Rodrick had already noticed her before but now he's really into because they match aesthetics and she's really into rock music now
New Music (Rodrick Heffley X Jefferson!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: While having to watch your and Rodrick’s younger brothers, he makes a little jab at you about how you only play boring classical music. You challenge this notion by learning a rock piece.
A/N: i could make a part two, bc by the time i was done writing i realized i kinda deviated from the request, whoops… inspired by metal lords and some of the rodrick asks i answered about rodrick x rowley’s older sister (specifically this one)
You were used to routines. You liked structure. Every day, you’d have breakfast with your family, take your brother Rowley to his school before going to your own, go to class, pick Rowley up, do homework and thirty minutes of practicing music, have dinner with your family and catch up with each other, then go to bed. Of course, every day differed the slightest bit, and you’d make sure you weren’t constantly overworking yourself, but that was the main gist of it.
And a few times a week, you had to watch after Rowley when he hung out with his best friend, Greg Heffley. And when his mom was forcing him to spend time with his brother, Rodrick had to watch after the boys with you.
More often than not, you’d either be at the Heffley house or a public place like a park or arcade. Very rarely though, you’d all go to your house.
Today was one of those days.
“Okay, don’t do that.” You said, trying to keep the frustration out of your tone as you snatched a fork away from Rodrick while he tried putting some food in your microwave. “My dad doesn’t even like Greg being here sometimes. He’d probably hate your whole family if you burned our house down.”
Rodrick rolled his eyes, slamming the microwave door shut and rolling his eyes. “Oh my god, relax. I would’ve stopped the microwave after the first few sparks.”
You sighed, gripping the fork tightly. You’d think that after years of knowing Rodrick, you’d be used to his behavior. “Look, Rodrick. We already have to look after two little kids; I don’t wanna have to look after three.” Then you handed Rodrick his fork and walked over to the living room, hoping the oldest Heffley could handle himself and his lunch without causing too much trouble.
Rowley and Greg were sitting on the couch, deeply invested in some video game. Your parents didn’t like you and your brother having too much screen time, but you figured another hour or so wouldn’t hurt. You looked at the clock on the wall and realized you hadn’t touched your cello all day.
“Hey, I’m gonna go practice so…” You looked back toward the kitchen, thinking of calling Rodrick over. But instead, you shook your head and looked at the boys again. “Don’t cause too much trouble.”
“Wait!” Rowley paused the game, ignoring Greg’s annoyed reaction. “Can you practice in here? I like that new song you’re doing.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Sure, Row-Row. I’ll be right back.”
As you ran up to your room to fetch your things, you faintly heard Greg say, “Row-Row?”
You came back to the living room with your cello, sheet music, and music stand. As you set up, Greg looked at Rowley questioningly. “She’s really good, Greg.” He said reassuringly. “It’ll be like nice background music.” Greg just shrugged, unpausing the game and going back to playing. 
You quickly became immersed in your music, somehow tuning out your little brother and his friend yelling at the TV and Rodrick loudly munching on his food as he looked at your music from over your shoulder. 
He was polite enough to swallow his food and wait until you were finished playing to speak. “That was boring.” You rolled your eyes and rearranged the papers on your stand to play a new song. “You could play anything, and you decide to play music by dead guys.”
“Well, you don’t have to listen to it, Rodrick.” You hissed. “I’d ask what you think would be better, but I don’t really care for your opinion on music.”
You started playing again, hoping that it would push Rodrick away. But instead, he got closer. “I bet you wouldn’t be able to handle my type of music, goody-two-shoes.” You scowled, trying to not hit Rodrick with your bow.
“You could spend a year practicing a piece, and I would still play it better if I was sight reading.” You inched closer, making intense eye contact with the Heffley boy. 
“Challenge accepted.”
Later that week, while picking up Rowley from school, he said that Rodrick told Greg to tell him to tell you to bring your cello to the Heffley house that afternoon. Part of you wanted to say you had more important things to do, but simultaneously, you were curious to see what Rodrick was up to.
“Black Sabbath?” You read the top of the sheet music Rodrick gave you as soon as you and Rowley walked into the Heffley house. “War Pigs… like the Pig War?”
Rodrick narrowed his eyes at you and furrowed his brows. “What?” Before you could answer, he held his hand up in front of your face. “Don’t. Come on.” Then Rodrick grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to the garage, leaving your little brothers to most likely wreak havoc. 
You rarely came into the Heffley’s garage. Whenever Rodrick was in there with his friends, it was beyond loud and chaotic. Totally not your scene. So you were a bit relieved to see that besides Rodrick’s drums and decorations, the room was empty. He grabbed a chair and set it near his drums, and only then did he realize that he was still holding your wrist. Rodrick quickly let go and grabbed his drumsticks, warming up on his drums while you set up your stand and tuned your cello.
“What exactly are we doing right now?” You asked while tightening your bow. 
“We’re about to see if you can handle my type of music, princess.” Rodrick twirled the sticks between his fingers, giving you a smirk that forced you to take a deep breath and stare at your new music so you wouldn’t have to look at him. “There’s a bunch of stuff before your part starts, so just go when you’re ready. I know where to jump in. And the song’s like eight minutes long, so we’ll only do the first two pages.”
“Eight minutes?”
“Just play, Jefferson.”
You sighed, giving the page a quick once over before setting your bow on the string. You tapped your foot to the tempo written above the first measure, internalizing it for a few seconds before playing the first notes. Rodrick immediately followed by tapping on one of his cymbals. Being classically trained and not interested in this kind of music, you had no idea what each little piece of Rodrick’s set was called.
But as the two of you kept playing, the sound started to grow on you. There was something about the mix of strings and percussion that pleased you. The music relaxed you in a way, despite some of the big note jumps. 
By the time you reached the second page, you were a bit disappointed that it was over. Rodrick silenced one of his big cymbals with his hand, seeming slightly impressed. “...Not bad.”
You nodded along, loosening your bow. “So… what does Black Sabbath sound like?”
Rodrick perked up at your question. After staring at you for a few seconds, he almost fell down with how quickly he got out of his seat to go over to his CD collection. You set your bow on the stand and leaned against your cello, watching him curiously. Eventually, he plucked out a CD and put it into a player connected to a large speaker.
As War Pigs started to play, you realized it was very different from how it sounded when you and Rodrick played. When the song got to the part Rodrick had given you, you started to pizzicato along. Unknown to you, Rodrick watched you intently. 
You were both surprised that you listened to the almost eight-minute-long song without asking for it to be turned off. You quietly played along the whole time, tapping your foot in tempo. When the next song on the track played, Rodrick paused the CD, figuring you had had enough. “Not bad.” You said, which surprised him. “...I think I like our version more, though.” That surprised Rodrick even more.
He laughed a little, slightly amused. He walked over to where you were sitting, crouching down to make eye contact with you. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna go all rock now, goody-goody.” You thought he looked a bit hopeful as he said it. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“In your dreams, Heffley.”
“Oh my gosh.” Rodrick gasped dramatically as he opened the front door. “What are you wearing?”
“Shut up, Rodrick.” You rolled your eyes, but still smiled at him as you pushed Rowley to go into the house first. Once again, you lugged your cello with you. “It’s just a black dress; I’m not going all emo like you.”
“I’m not emo.” He muttered, shutting the door after you entered. “What’s with the guitar?”
“Cello.” You corrected. “I learned all of that song you gave me. Wanna play it?”
Rodrick looked at you, a bit surprised. “Uhh, yeah, sure. Follow me.” You did as told, walking close behind as he led you back to the garage. “So, you like Black Sabbath now?”
“It’s just an interesting piece.” That wasn’t a lie, but it definitely didn’t tell the whole truth. After going home from that first playing session with Rodrick, you decided to look more into the band. Your search led to their other albums, and then other similar bands. Some of the songs you heard were a bit much, in your opinion, but you really liked some of the others you heard. “And, I guess playing with you is fun, or whatever.”
Rodrick’s back still faced you, so you couldn’t see the blush creeping onto his cheeks. The chair he had pulled out for you the first time you played together was still in its spot, like he didn’t want to move it. 
The two of you got situated and quickly started playing. You were a lot better than the first time, but then again, that was a sight reading. When doing your daily half hour of practice, you added an extra ten just for the song Rodrick gave you. You didn’t know why you were so fixated on it, but it was fun to play, which you suppose was all that really mattered.
You ended up getting through the whole song with Rodrick. About seven minutes of uninterrupted playing, so in sync with him despite only practicing together once. 
“That was pretty good,” Rodrick said, popping his knuckles. He watched silently for a moment as you plucked through a couple measures before giving a mischievous grin. “I think I’m slowly corrupting you and that nerdy, good girl image of yours. One day, you’ll be wearing chunky eyeliner and listening to Metallica.”
You shook your head, giving Rodrick an unimpressed look. “Shut up.” Yet the thought of that sure did sound interesting.
Rodrick Heffley Taglist: @tweedledipshit
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roadkill-writes · 9 months
Party Animals II
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Pairing: Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz x reader | Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz x Moon | Platonic!Demetri X platonic!Reader
Warning(s): Swearing, Use of harsh language, mentions of underage Drinking , Eli being a dick to reader (per usual), briefly proofread , my bad writing, Kreese being looked up to
Word count: 3.6k, 10.1 pages
I do not condone my work being rewritten or reposted on Tumblr or any other website!
Part 1
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You ended up leaving the party after the altercation with Hawk, even though Demetri and Moon both tried to stop and talk to you but you just pushed past them and stomped out of the house in a blind drunken rage. Not stopping when you seen Tory seething in rage and not even caring that you car pooled here with some of the other Cobra's you tried to order an Uber but your phone was dead ‘of course’, so you continued to walk down the street long away from the house. Completely in aware what was going on within Moons house in your absence.
“Excuse me!” Demetri said into the microphone. Everyone in the crowd turned to look at him. “I’d like to make a toast.”
“To Eli Moskowitz.” Demetri raised his cup in the air as everyone looked around confused, muttering between themselves asking who that was, as Demetri scanned the room. “Oh. I’m sorry,” Demetri scoffed and threw his empty cup on the floor. ”Some of you might know him as Hawk. But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he’s still good old Eli. My binary brother. Well he was my binary brother. You know what he is now? A real zero.”
“All right that’s enough Demetri.” Hawk called out. He looked around the room looking for (Y/n), she was nowhere to be found within the crowd of kids in the living room.
“Don’t let that angry red hairdo fool you. He’s a big softie. We watched every Harry Potter movie together, and he bawled like a baby when Dobby died.”
The others laughed as Demetri imitated a pathetic cry.
“Right if he doesn’t shut up, I’m gonna shut him up.” Hawk said to Mitch, getting angrier by the minute.
”Remember what Sensei said about showing mercy.” Hawk clenched his jaw and turned his head back to face Demetri.
“In the words of Eli’s hero, Steve Jobs, I’ve got one more thing. Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?” Demetri asked the crowd.
“Don’t.” Hawk tried to beg. But Demetri just smiled and continued on with his speech.
“That is the medical term, of course. In the King’s English, it’s good old fashioned bed wetting. And Eli here is a pro.” Demetri pointed his finger guns at him and winked. “My Mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers. And she called it; Eli’s waterbed.” The party goers just continued to laugh.
Hawks fists tightened and his eyebrows scrunched together. “Screw mercy. You’re a corpse!” He shouted as he advanced to Demetri. Some of Miyagi-Dos blocked him from stepping any closer and Cobra Kai closed in behind Hawk and Mitch.
Moon stepped between them. “Guys. Stop. We’re friends.”
”Oh, I smell a rumble!” Police sirens and lights lit up the room and everyone’s faces.
“Cops!’ The party goers scattered in every direction out of the house, some grabbing pizzas others grabbing drinks.
“Demetri! You got lucky!” Hawk shouted. “I’ll see you at school!” He shouted over some of Miyagi-Do’s shoulders as he pointed a finger at Demetri before he got shoved backwards and ran off.
You had been walking down the sidewalk well far way from Moon’s house trying not to trip on your heels as a bunch of cop cars sped past you in the direction you had come from, but not much worry crossed your drunken mind.
You were very much still angry, as you pushed through the doors of the Cobra Kai dojo. Kicking off your heeled boots and setting up to spar the dummy set up towards the center of the dark room. Throwing kicks, punches and jabs until tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. Who would have thought a few hours ago you’d be trying to down enough alcohol to put a grown man on his ass and now you’re here, in the dojo trying to fight the rage burning inside of you.
‘Gosh how could you be so stupid to even think Hawk would listen to you, to actually acknowledge the words you were screaming at him in that bathroom’
A scream ripped through your throat as you began punching the rubber dummy harder and harder until you fell to your knees in a sob. Tears spilling down your face in the dark.
“Crying solves nothing, even you should know that.”
You quickly wiped your tears away and looked up. Sensei Kreese stepped out of the shadows of the rooms. “Yes Sensei!” You rose to your feet haphazardly.
Kreese held his hand out for a moment. “No need for formality after hours (y/n). Call me John.” You nodded your head slowly.
“Now tell me, why on a Friday night are you alone in here and now out with your friends?” Your gaze rested down on your sock covered feet. “I was but..” Your words fell off as you began thinking about tonight.
“But what? Did something happen?” Your words were trying to climb out of your throat like knives. “I had a fight with a few friends, even told my best friend I’ve had a crush on him for forever and he just brushed it off like nothing happened.” Your gaze was still on your feet.
Kreese just nodded his head as you talked about your experience at the party, taking in the details of it all. “I see and how is that all making you feel now?” Your head shot up to look at Kreese. “I’m pissed off.”
Kreese shrugged his shoulders as he peered at you. “Good.”You stuttered in confusion, “W-What?” He gave you a smirk. “I said good, use that anger to make you a better fighter.” A blank stare crossed your face as you stared at him. “Let’s go now. Use that anger.” He walked off to grab the sparring pads to hold so he could feel the power behind the punches and kicks you were going to throw.
Your jean jacket was long forgotten on the floor as sweat covered your body. Sweating out the alcohol was the best thing you could have done after the night you had at the party. Training is the best way to get you to stop thinking about Hawk and your stupid crush. You and Kreese stayed there for hours as you trained before deciding it was late enough in the night and that you should probably go home.
Kreese locked up the door behind you as you stood out of the dojo under the shitty overhead lights shined down on you. “You did great work tonight. I see a lot of potential in you, as long as you continue to harness that power during your fights and in training and you could be an unstoppable fighter.”
A grin was plastered across your face as you thought about all the possibilities, hell maybe you’d even win the All Valley Tournament. “Yes Sensei!”
There was no need to sneak into your house you parents didn’t care much of what you were up to just as long as they thought you were safe. So coming into the house in the middle of the night was nothing new to the, hell coming home from Demetri or Eli’s house this late was none but normal, or at least it used to be. You missed having sleepovers and watching Harry Potter or Starwars, but of course that was all behind you all now, god did you miss it. Everything changed after joining karate.
You finally plugged your phone in after who no knows how long and went to jump in the shower. Washing the day of events off of your body and out of your hair and mind, relaxing in the hot water cascading down your body.
Drying off and making your way back into your room to get dressed you dug around in your closet for a shirt to put on, one of the empty hangers fell off the rack and as you leaned down to pick it up your eyes landed on a shirt you’d been missing for a while, or actually a certain someone was missing it for a while since you took it one night at a sleepover when you had forgotten one. It was Eli’s. It was his original 1977 StarWars episode four shirt he had bought at comic con when you guys were in middle school. This was his favorite shirt, you were just as astonished that night when he let you borrow it as you were this moment sitting on your bedroom floor almost tearing up again. But Sensei said crying doesn’t help anything and that’s something you’ll listen to. But wearing the shirt to bed wouldn’t hurt anything.
The buzzing of your phone finally coming back to life on your nightstand dragged you out of your thoughts just as fast as you put the shirt on. Deciding you probably should check your text messages and calls. You had gotten off the floor to sit on your bed.
Dem🧙‍♂️48 missed calls
Sunshine🌞 4 missed calls
Aisha🤓 5 missed call
Moony🌙 3 missed calls
Miguel🥋 6 missed calls
Hawk🐥 8 missed calls
Oh god Demetri was probably worried sick about you, you could only imagine how he was feeling but god did it annoy you that he thought just blurting your secret out to Hawk was okay. You sent him a simple text letting him know that you were home safe and okay and that you just needed some space for a little bit. Last thing you wanted was for Demetri to get the nervous twitches, he’s bad enough when he’s not nervous, let alone after letting his long term best friends secret out to the word he’s probably been shaking in his shoes all night thinking about it.
Opening your text messages with Tory.
Sunshine🌞: Yo where’d you go?
Sunshine🌞: We’ve got a big problem
Sunshine🌞: Call me when you read these
Your mind started to wonder, what was going on? Did these have to do with her being so angry last night? You sent her a text back:
Freak😈: Hey sorry my phones been dead all night is everything okay?
Sunshine🌞: Oh my god I thought you god kidnapped or something you idiot
Freak😈: Lmao! Missed you too loser. Seriously though you good?
Sunshine🌞: No absolutely not good. Caught that bitch kissing Miguel last night at the party
Freak😈: No fucking way! That’s why you were so pissed when I left
Sunshine🌞: Wait when’d you leave Hawk said he had seen you and then couldn’t find you and he was asking around
Freak😈: Ha yeah we had a pretty bad fight very surprised he bothered even asking where I went
Sunshine🌞: God he’s such an idiot are you okay?
Freak😈: Yeah just went to the dojo after the party to blow off some steam and all the alcohol 😂
Sunshine🌞: Haha there ya go girl! Well if we don’t hang out this weekend I’ll text you
Freak😈: Sounds good Sunshine I’ll talk to ya later
Tory was not one to mess with if you weren’t her friend let alone messing with her boyfriend, that was just plain and simple, that was a death wish and not a pretty one.
Your eyes glanced over the text messages from Hawk the most you could see was him texting you he’s sorry. You decided to open the message thread.
Hawk🐥: Princess where’d you go?
Hawk🐥: I’m serious princess you’re in no shape to be alone right now
Hawk🐥: Please I’m sorry for what I said can we just talk
The internal conflict between your heart and your brain was a bloodbath, one wanted you to just completely forgive him to just say it was the alcohol making him think the way he was and the other half wanted to just leave him on read and go to sleep. But you heart won that battle just not completely, you caved ever so slightly and sent him a message. He wasn’t normally a night owl like Tory was and you could only hope tonight wasn’t one of the nights that he chose to be.
Princess👑: Hey
Princess👑: I’m sorry my phone was dead but I’m home safe you don’t have to pretend to worry especially after the fight.
You pressed the power button to lock your phone before putting it down on the nightstand, it was late and you needed sleep. Not like you were tired even though you should have been exhausted after training and the party. Getting comfortable in bed before flipping the switch on your lamp to shut it off, turning onto your side and throwing your blanket over your shoulder to get comfortable.
Ding, Ding
A text message
Ding, Ding
You tried to ignore it, keeping your eyes clenched shut as the light from your screen bounced across your features. Pretending the anticipation wasn’t eating at your skin. ‘Ignore it. It can wait.’
Who were you kidding you couldn’t wait, as some part of you kinda did hope Hawk chose to be an owl tonight. To forgive and forget the things he’s said. To come running at his beck and call. You threw the blanket off your body and sat up hastily reaching to grasp the phone within your hands. The screen lit up again in your hands.
A notification.
An instagram notification.
You flopped back onto your bed, head hitting the pillows you let out a large sigh. You felt absolutely flustered, eyes squeezed shut, arms thrown over your face in embarrassment. Until your phone dinged again. But this time you did hesitate to check it. But then it dinged once twice three more times to texts coming across.
You lifted your arm just enough to take a peak with one eye at your screen held up to your face. Hawk. Your heart fluttered with warmth, maybe being hopeful wasn’t such a bad thing.
Hawk🐥: Thank god you’re okay
Hawk🐥: I’m so sorry for what happened
Hawk🐥: Could we maybe meet up and talk?
Your thumbs hovered over your phone's keyboard so as to not seem so desperate. He made you wait this long so maybe you could make him wait a little while too.
Princess👑: Uhm yeah sure where would you wanna meet?
His reply was almost instantaneous, the thought of him sitting biting his nails waiting for your reply crossed your mind. Oh how you missed Eli’s old mannerisms and the tiny little things that made him who he is no was.
Hawk🐥: Our old hangout spot?
Your lips turned up into a smile, your old hangout spot. The one that hasn’t been touched since you guys were kids. You wondered if the roof was still even on the thing. The place where you'd all hang out in the heat of the summer, when you fell and had bloody knees, popsicles dripping down staining your favorite shirts.
Princess👑: Yeah I’ll be there
Hawk🐥: Sounds good I’ll see ya soon Princess
Your face burned as it flushed thinking about the place. The place where you and Eli had shared a first kiss unbeknownst to Demetri, back in the fifth grade right after your mom had called you to you from the house saying that it was time to take Eli home. He had leaned forward in a rush, quickly leaving a peck on your lips and running out and back towards your house while you just sat in shock. The place where toys and stolen kisses went to die but it was yours to always come home to.
The sun bleached and peeling paint was your safe place once before. The memories came flooding back the moment you stepped past the wooden door frame. The club house your dad built you just within the forest line, still close enough to the house where they could holler from the back deck and you’d come running like a dog to food. Yet somehow you felt so far away now, as your shoes scuffed across the wooden floor. Taking a seat in the beaten lawn chair you fiddled with your thumbs as you waited.
The slight breeze that blew through the open window ran a shiver over your body, the shirt and shorts pajama combo not doing much to keep you warm as you didn’t bother grabbing a jacket on the way out the door.
Eli knew the route to your house like the back of his hands, the years of making that trek whether on foot, on bike or by car, he could at this point probably do it blind folded. Of course as long as your neighbor didn’t have his lawn chairs out on the sidewalk like he sometimes did, he’d make it there in one piece.
So there he stood outside the side gate of your yard waiting to let himself in ready to hike through your yard like the years prior. To march straight into your secret cabin and take back everything he’s ever said, to fall to his knees and beg for you to forgive him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, unlatched the lock and pushed forward. Wiping the sweaty hands onto his black track pants and stepping through the dewy grass to the secret oasis that he used to hold dear to his heart. Just like you.
At some point in your tireless waiting you contemplated just getting up and just going back into the house. Shutting all the lights off and just pretending like nothing ever happened. Like you haven’t answered his text at the speed of light. Like it wasn’t the one and only thing you were looking forward to. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. And so you sat there waiting and hoping that he’d show so you could just get this over with.
You felt fidgety as you sat staring down at your shoes, rubbing the rubber soles gently against the floor. A small knock against the wood drew you out of your thoughts, you sat up straight in the chair when he stepped through the door in all his glory. Having to duck down through the smaller door because of his mohawk, you almost chuckled at the sight. He took the seat across from you, his hands intertwined in his lap.
“Hey.” You spoke softly, uncertain of what was to come. He looked up to meet your eyes and a small smile graced his features. “Hey! I’ve been looking for that shirt forever!”
Your face lit up as you let out a laugh.” What? This old thing? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He sported a similar smile on his face as he looked at you.
“Yes, that old thing. But I don’t like nerd shit any more so keep it.” Your smile dropped when he said that. Nerd shit? He loved Starwars, he was nerd shit. “Oh come on Princess, don't lose your smile now.”
“But you used to love ‘nerd shit’ Eli.” Maybe this was a bad idea. “Yeah Princess keyword is used to. That’s not my life anymore. This is.” He motioned to himself.
“Also it’s Hawk now and you know that. But that’s not why I came here.”
“Then why did you come here?” You felt sick, like your stomach was crawling up your throat claws and all.
“I came to make sure you were okay, you were almost tripping over yourself leaving. But mostly because I came to say th-that I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Especially not after what you said about Moon. She’s the love of my life.” He was blunt, way too blunt for your liking. You scoffed at him, he came all this way here to say this?
“Listen babe I get it. Everyone wants a piece of hawk and normally there’s enough to go around but just not right now.” His cocky smirk did nothing but annoy you.
At this point you were just laughing at him, “You came all this way, had me get my hopes up because you decided I deserved to get told we shouldn’t be friends in person?” You stood up harshly, chair getting thrown back as you stood. “Get the fuck away from me please.”
“Babe listen!” He stood hands out as if trying to calm you down.
“Eli go the fuck away! I’m sick of the bullshit you continue to spew out of your mouth. All because you can’t actually comprehend what’s going on in your life. No go!” You pointed to the door as your chest rose and fell in anger.
Eli had seemed to get the message as he went to turn away to leave, but the look in your eyes was filled with hurt and anger as they began to well with tears. He stood in the doorway and looked like he almost wanted to say something else but chose against it, turning his back to you and left without a word.
The moment you thought he was far enough away you fell to your knees in a sob hands covering your face as you heaved to breathe. You couldn’t believe the blatant disregard for you or your feelings and the fact he had to come all the way over just to say those things. You fell asleep that night curled into a ball on your bed, eyes puffy and red, pillow and your cheeks stained with tears.
Eli on the other hand left your house phone in hand, texting Moon. But yet again getting left on read. She laid cuddling in bed with her girlfriend that night with pure bliss in her heart.
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megumimania · 9 months
WHEN THE CLOCK STRIKES 12 - gojo satoru
summary: you’re under a table trying to eat 12 grapes before midnight in hopes for a better love life
warnings: gojo satoru x fem! reader, fluff, best friends to lovers, reader is a hopeless romantic, gojo being gojo, mention of past relationship with geto, bi gojo for the win (am i projecting?? well…yes!).
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in a last ditch attempt to revive your love life just in time for the new year, you are currently sitting under a table trying to consume twelve consecutive grapes in a row ever since the clock struck midnight—ushering in a new year of prosperity, success and hopefully in your case, love. you’re already three grapes down when you spot a familiar face that you know and love.
“hey auntie y/n what are you doing under here!” your niece asks in a tone way too loud to just be a question. you try to answer but the tingling sensation from your leg going numb after being stuck in such an uncomfortable position for a while delays your answer. “uh, im just…hiding!” you reply, hoping that she gets distracted by the next colourful thing in the house and runs away.
“oh…okay!” she replies after a beat of silence and waddles off. you let out a sigh of relief as you hear her footsteps receding but you don’t take this brief moment of peace for granted. immediately eating three grapes after that so at least you’re halfway through them. it’s not long after that when you’re disrupted again by another familiar voice. “y/n!” the voice calls out, you groan in annoyance. the annoying voice calls out to you again “y/n your mom is looking for yo—what the fuck?”
the annoying voice aka satoru stops dead in his tracks, crouching down to see your mouth stuffed full with grapes and immediately you wish for the ground to swallow you up right there and then. but satoru thinks you look adorable like a little chipmunk as he reaches out to squeeze your cheeks, earning a light slap on the wrist from you.
you swallow the grapes with a gulp, the glare in your eyes turning murderous as you lock eyes with him. “i don’t want a word out of you.” satoru tenses, convinced if he moved a muscle you’d kill him. “this stays between us.” you say, jabbing your finger into his chest for emphasis.
“relaax alvin, i’m not gonna tell anyone about this.” satoru replies coolly biting back the urge to tease you more about this as a best friend does. he watches as your guarded expression wavers, unconsciously moving aside so he can join you under the table. “damn you really needed love that bad?” he asks with a snort, wincing as you pinch his arm.
“you of all people should know how shambolic my love life was last year!” you wiggled your legs to stop them from going numb knocking satoru’s knees in the process. satoru hummed in agreement knowing that you weren’t exaggerating at all. from the really hot dilf who left you to pay the bill all by yourself and had the cheek to ask for money to get a taxi home, to the other guy who wouldn’t let you get a word in at all during the date and left you 99% sure that he probably had human remains hidden somewhere in his home.
“i wish i was like you.” you pouted as you leaned onto his shoulder for comfort. “you’re so carefree and you rarely get attached, except with that really cool guy in college who played guitar from time to time…what was his name again?” satoru chuckled softly at the way you described him—always seeing the positives in people. the memories of the relationship coming back to him in small bursts. “his name was suguru.” he answered with an expression that seemed to show his indifference towards his ex.
“and it wasn’t that easy, remember?” he nudged you playfully as you both thought back to the break up. the long nights where’d he come over to your dorm and just cry in your arms for what seemed like hours, the way he’d walk around campus an empty shell of himself. it was horrible and there was a point in time where you thought that you were gonna lose him.
“anyways.” he said as he stretched his legs out, clearly over talking about the past. “love will come to you. you just gotta be patient.” you rolled your eyes at the statement, fed up with hearing that all the time. “tell me something i dont know at this point.” you muttered as you kept your eyes glued to your shoes, ignoring the tears welling up in your eyes.
“i seriously don’t think you’re gonna be waiting for that long, sometimes the love you seek is right in front of you.” he said gently in a tone that sounded more reassuring than anything. your ears perked up at the sound of that—looking at him with starry eyes as he held your face with such tenderness, like it was the most precious thing on earth as he continued wiping the stray tears that fell on your face.
“when did you get so wise?” you said with a smile as his ghost like touches left goosebumps on your skin. satoru looked at you with such a softness that you never thought was possible in all the years you knew him.
satoru’s heart was beating so much he almost thought that he was going to die. he slowly picked up the last grape with a slight tremor that you eased by holding his hand in place as he placed it between your lips before gently capturing them in a soft but firm kiss. “happy new year, y/n.” he said with a slight raspiness in his tone, before slipping out underneath the table and heading back to join the new year celebrations that were occurring in the living room.
you traced over your lips where he’d just kissed you and felt your heart race at the memory of it. you internally cursed satoru out knowing that he was right—the love you sought out and wished for was always in front of you. it was just hard to find because it was hiding in the form of your longtime best friend gojo satoru.
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ssturniolo · 1 year
Lights out (Pt.1)
⚠️please do NOT read this if any of the warning below make you uncomfortable⚠️
Warnings - gore, crying, death, hanging, stab wounds, loss of friend, some cursing, I believe that’s it.
Y/n’s POV:
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go?” I say, practically begging Madi to come to the Halloween party with me.
“I’m just going to stay here with my mom and watch movies” she responds, rolling her eyes at my tone of voice.
“I can’t believe your just gonna leave me with the boys” I groan, dramatically flopping down on the guest bed.
The triplets came back to Boston for Halloween, and decided to bring Madi and Laura with. They were currently staying at Nate’s house, since he had a guest bedroom they could share.
“Sorry girl, you’ll have fun and you can tell me all about it when you get home.”
“Ok I will, I promise” I say, standing up from the bed to link my pinky with hers.
“Y/n we’re leaving” Matt calls, jingling his keys by the front door.
“Ugh bye Mads, love you” I say, giving her a quick side hug before walking out to the car.
Madi’s POV:
Watching y/n leave, I sigh, raking a hand through my hair. Although being very thankful that Nate’s parents let us stay here while they’re out of town, all of this traveling is exhausting, and all I want to do is curl up and watch movies with my mom.
Sitting next to mom on the couch, I pick up the remote. Scrolling through movies for awhile, we decide on ‘corpse bride’ as its one of my favorite movies. About half an hour in, mom stands up, making her way to the kitchen.
“Im making popcorn”
“Ok thank you”
I turn the volume up, relaxing back against the couch. One minute goes by, then two… then five… then ten, and mom still hasn’t come back in.
I walk into the kitchen, only to find the sliding glass door open, but no signs of mom.
“Mom?” I call out into the darkness, a feeling of unease spreading through my body.
No. Nothings wrong, I’m just freaking myself out.
Taking a deep breath, I step out into the darkness, calling once more.
Hearing shuffling to my right I turn, met with a sharp pain directly in my stomach. Slowly looking down I rest my shaking hands on an object now jabbed inside of me. A knife.
Dropping to my knees, I gasp for air, a scream unable to leave my mouth. Thick hot blood drips from my wound as I feel the knife being ripped from my body.
Fat tears roll down my cheeks as I attempt to crawl away, only to be kicked to the ground. Applying pressure to my throbbing wound, I looking up to see a masked figure.
“P-please… no” I stutter almost incoherently through my sobs, slowly inching away. Not responding, the figure grabs me by the hands, dragging me across the cold scratchy grass. To where? I have no idea.
My whole body shakes with sobs as the pain becomes unbearable. I’m not gonna make it.
I can’t believe I’m about to die and I can’t even say goodbye. I’ll never get to hear about y/n’s night, and I’ll never know what happened to my mom. Is she alright? Is she already dead?
I feel so weak, so powerless that I just stop. I stop struggling, I stop holding my wound, I just stop trying. Now, resting my bloody hand on my heart I stop breathing.
That’s it,
Lights out.
Y/n’s POV:
Police cars, sirens.
Returning to Nate’s house after the party is something I will regret every day.
Finding Madison and Laura Filipowicz hanging from the tree, matching wounds, with the words “dumb bitch” carved into their foreheads, was not what I had expected when going to close the back door.
The blood dripping down their purpled faces, their limp bodies hanging, the streaks of blood across the grass. These things will be etched into my mind forever. There’s no going back.
My best friend, my ride or die, dead. Gone.
And I never got to tell her about the party, I had promised. I never even got to say goodbye.
To be continued…
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marco-newgate · 5 months
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Marco X CisFem Reader
"Do you know what's happening here?" Ace whispered to Thatch.
"No idea." The eldest replied.
Sabo passed through quietly with a sleeping Luffy on his back.
"He's totally stealing my friend." Ace pouted watching you grip Marco's shirt in your sleep.
The two of you ended up lying down completely on the sofa. Marco had one arm draped around your shoulders while the other was tucked between the side of his head and the couch. Your face was buried in his chest while you seemed to clutch his shirt for dear life.
"Will you shut up yoi." Marco whispered, eyes still shut, "She's finally actually sleeping."
"I'll take her to her room." Thatch crossed the room while Marco gently uncoiled your death grip on his clothes.
You stirred and grimaced as you were lifted away from your heat source and carried down the hall to your room under the stairs.
"What time is it?" You yawned as Thatch placed you on your mattress.
"Close to midnight." He replied, "You crashed on the couch. Try to get some more rest."
He pulled your blanket up to your chin.
"You're such a good mom Thatchy." You gave him a cheeky smile.
"And you're an awful child." He brushed your hair out of your face and stood, "G'night F/N."
"Night." You murmured rolling over in search of warmth.
You'd managed to sleep the entire day away. For a moment you wondered what Marco had been up to all afternoon and felt a bit guilty for falling asleep. It was much needed though. You hadn't managed more than two hours at a time every night for the last few weeks. Waking up angry or sad and pacing or reading until it was time to get ready for work.
Worse, you had no appetite. Thatch had tried to remedy that with making your favorite things but just a few nibbles and you were done.
Two years didn't seem like much to most people, maybe not long enough to be this depressed. But it was a brightly burning passionate relationship - or so you'd been lead to believe. You had stayed up late with each other making plans, a house, marriage, little curly browed babies - the whole nine. And poof it was gone.
That did it. You were wide awake now.
The door slowly creaked open and softly shut as bare feet padded across the faux wood floor.
"Ace...did you not learn from this morning?" You asked sternly.
"I knew you were awake." He whispered rolling into the bed with you.
"What do you think you're doing?" You flopped over to face him.
"Marco is trying to steal you from me." His face was dead serious.
"Well firstly, I don't know what that means. And B. I don't belong to you." You jabbed your index finger into his chest.
"You were my friend first!" His bottom lip jutted out.
"We're still bff's. I'm not understanding the issue." You furrowed your brows.
"Well you went straight to him this morning and you guys were pretty cozy on the couch."
"I did not and what?" You remembered leaning on him before you passed out but surely he didn't sit there all day with you.
"Yeah... You were all curled up on him when we got home." His lips curled into a mischievous grin as he scanned your bewildered expression, "That sneaky fuck."
"What?" You felt your cheeks heat up.
"Nothing." He sat up, "Wanna play a game?"
"Ok... But something I'm good at." You slipped out of bed and turned on the TV and game system.
"Hey F/N." Marco knocked stirring you, "Have you seen or heard from Ace?"
"Present." Ace mumbled dangling halfway off your bed.
The door swung open and Marco marched over to the raven plucking him up by his shirt collar.
"Wha?!" Ace sputtered his ruby eyes snapping open as his own body weight worked against him.
"Why can't you let F/N alone yoi? She told you not to come in here yesterday." The blond scolded, stopping when he heard you laugh.
Not sarcastic chuckles or fake airy laughs you'd been famous for as of late. It was a good hardy laugh that echoed off the walls as Ace fought his way out of his brother's grip. Marco turned to you his half lidded eyes widened enough for you to see his clear blue irises.
"Sorry..." You started, catching your breath, "I couldn't get back to sleep so we played video games all night."
Ace gave Marco a smug glare before the blond dropped him to the floor.
"That's fucked up F/N, you didn't even try to help me." The raven stood with a pout.
"Quit being a baby yoi."
"He's just jealous." You stretched, "He thinks you're trying to steal me."
Marco turned back to his younger brother ears slightly flushed and murmured something you couldn't hear.
"No way!" The freckled male protested.
"Hey, you guys bicker somewhere else. I wanna get in the shower."
Marco stalked out catching Luffy as he raced toward your door.
"She needs a bit yoi."
Ace deflated shoulders slumping and followed his brothers out.
"What's on the agenda today?" You asked emerging from your room.
"I was going to go to the store for Thatch while he's at work." Sabo replied from the sofa.
"Mind if I tag along?" You plopped down next to him.
"Me too!" Ace and Luffy called from the floor eyes still glued to the tv.
"We can all go I guess?" Sabo stood and grabbed his keys.
The five of you piled into Sabo's jeep. Luffy sandwiched himself between you and Marco in the back seat because Ace cheated and called shotgun from the kitchen.
The moment you arrived at the store it was chaos. Luffy climbed into a cart that Ace was recklessly steering.
"We're adults right?" You bumped Marco's arm.
"Some things never change yoi." He smirked.
Sabo split the list between himself and you agreeing to meet up at the checkouts in 20 minutes. Ace took off running hopping onto the bottom rack of the cart and riding it through the store nearly missing a child and a display of cans.
"No wonder you always look tired and Thatch has gray hairs." You chuckled to the older brother.
"Say that to his face." Marco laughed.
You could hear Luffy's cackle three aisles over.
"We're gonna get kicked out aren't we."
"Not if we hurry and pretend they don't belong to us yoi." He took control of the cart while you guided him through the aisles.
It didn't take too long for you to gather the items Thatch had scribbled down.
"I think that's it." You crossed the last item off triumphantly.
"I have to get one more thing from the pharmacy."
"I don't want to be with you when you buy condoms." You joked.
"Shut it." He deadpanned, "I'm not getting condoms."
You followed him down the pain reliever aisle to an end cap that was stocked with nicotine gum.
"He chooses life!" You snaked your arms around his torso pressing your forehead into his back as he reached for a sweet mint flavored pack.
"You said it was gross right?" He cleared his throat making you retract your arms.
A loud crash echoed through the neighboring houseware department.
"We gotta get outta here."
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endlessnightlock · 1 year
P- Pool noodle!
Thanks for the prompt @thelettersfromnoone
Peeta wanted to woop for joy. He couldn't believe his luck! He hadn't crossed paths with her at all this summer. But there she was.
Waiting about a dozen people ahead of where he and his brothers were in line for the city pool were Katniss Everdeen and her little sister Prim.
He wiped away the beads of sweat forming at the base of his neck. Man, it was hot out.
Both of the girls had towels wrapped around their bodies, Prim's tucked into her armpits because she was so tiny---she was going into third grade this year but looked younger---while Katniss's towel was wrapped around the waist over her blue-striped bathing suit. Her skin had turned an even darker shade than it was during the winter, he noticed. Peeta was jealous of anyone who didn't burn in the sun without layers of zinc oxide, even if he was half in love with her. Prim's hair had bleached into a shocking white blond, the same way he used to get when he was her age. Funny how the girls had such different coloring but otherwise looked so similar. He had a feeling Prim was going to be just as pretty as Katniss one day; she was a dead ringer for her older sister at that age. Peeta would know. He's pined after Katniss since preschool.
Katniss hadn't caught a glimpse of him yet, but why would she. He was the one with a crush so massive his heart felt like it'd swelled up times a hundred and was trying to break through his chest and land on the sidewalk where it would sizzle like a hamburger in the mid-August heat.
Peeta glanced at his brothers, wondering if they had noticed Katniss waiting in line. He wasn't sure if he wanted them to see her. They might tease him relentlessly. More likely, he realized, they would be too busy checking out the high school girls to bother him at all. Peeta snorted. Mark was going to be a freshman this year and already acted like he was hot shit or something.
Soon Katniss and Prim disappeared around the corner into the girl's locker room and were already in the pool once he, Mark, and Tim emerged from the guys changing room. He was glad Katniss had a head start. It gave him time to talk himself into striking up a conversation with her.
Instead of heading towards the deep end of the pool with Mark and Tim because his brothers could be jackasses, Peeta found a spot to drop their stuff. The pool was filling up quickly today; almost every lawn chair was loaded with older girls or parents and their little kids.
Peeta spotted his friend Vick Hawthorne with his family and was relieved someone else was here he knew. Vick's mom was busy slathering his baby sister Posy down with sunscreen. Vick waved at Peeta and then turned to say something to his mom before hopping up from the corner of the chair he was sitting on and trotting his way. His younger brother Rory followed on his heels, a shorter, wiry version of his brother.
“Whatcha doing?” Vick asked, giving Peeta a gap-toothed grin and jabbing him in the shoulder lightly.
He pretend-winced and returned the gesture. “Don’t know. Just got here,” he admitted. The three boys lingered near the edge of the pool. Peeta was trying not to stare at Katniss, who he located at the shallower end of the pool with Prim. The girls had a pool noodle Prim was holding onto and kicking her legs furiously behind her. Katniss had a patient smile on her face. She must be teaching her sister to swim.
Peeta was too busy not looking (but definitely looking) at Katniss to miss the devious look Vick shot Rory. “Us too," Vick said, winking at Rory. "Want to go off the diving boards?” The line for the boards was pretty long, clear down the length of the chain link fence, but yeah, Peeta would go off the diving board. Vick was a better swimmer than him; tall and thin with ropey muscles, he could dive into the water and barely crack the surface. Peeta was more of a canon baller.
The three boys got in line for the diving board and weren't waiting as long as Peeta expected they would. The lifeguard assigned to keep an eye on them kept everyone moving. Soon, Peeta made his way onto the board after Rory and Vick insisted he go before either of them.
He was almost at the end of the board, staring down into the flat blue water of the deep end of the swimming pool, when he heard Rory pipe up from behind him, loud. The volume of his voice reminded Peeta of a bullhorn.
"Hey, Katniss! Katniss! Your boyfriend is up! Make sure you watch him!"
Peeta stood at the end of the board, dumbfounded, as his eyes connected with Katniss's from across the pool. Vick hooted behind him with laughter, the boys smacking palms like they'd pulled off the heist of the century. Katniss quickly looked away from Peeta, mouth set in a firm line. Prim was grinning at him.
He wasn't given any time to think about what any of this meant. "Into the water kid," the lifeguard reminded him and stupidly, Peeta bouned off the board, forgetting to plug his nose as he went in feet first.
Chlorinated water shot up his nostrils as he went down, down, before pushing himself back to the surface of the water. His sinuses, his eyes, everything in his head burned as he resurfaced. He spit the excess water from his lungs back into the pool and swam toward the edge.
Behind him, he heard Vick bounced once on the board, lightly, before diving into the pool. Sure, now he was going to be quiet, now that he'd humiliated Peeta.
He was pulling himself out of the water as his friend swam up behind him. "Why did you do that dumbass?" he hissed, mortified. Sure Vick had probably figured out he liked Katniss, but that didn't explain him calling him her boyfriend.
Peeta's eyes raked the length of the pool, finally catching a glimpse of Katniss with her back toward them. He wondered if that was deliberate on her part. He hoped she wasn't mad at him.
Vick grinned, running a hand through his wet hair once they were both on the concrete walkway again. The two of them stepped aside to let other swimmers, including Rory, climb out of the water. "She likes you," he said. shrugging.
"No she doesn't," Peeta said, confused. She's never said a word to him, hardly looks his way. Of course she notices him looking at her sometimes. He stares at her a lot.
"She really does," Rory insists, appearing at his brother's side. "Prim told me she told her that you were the cutest boy in her class, and she thought you were nice, too."
"Serious. See, she's watching you right now," Vick said, pointing over Peeta's shoulder. Peeta glanced over his shoulder just in time to catch Katniss snapping her face forward. "I know you like her too. Go talk to her!"
For a few seconds Peeta considered the sudden turn of events. He wouldn't have dreamed Katniss liked him, she was so standoffish, but Vick wasn't a liar.
"She's shy, dude. If you like her—“
Rory laughed, interrupting his brother. “Come on, you know he likes her.”
“You're going to have to make the first move," Vick added, giving Peeta a light, playful shrug. You had to be careful at the pool. They would throw you out quick for rough-housing.
"Okay," Peeta breathed out, glancing over his shoulder at Katniss once again. Tentatively she met his eye this time. He smiled at her; she smiled back.
Peeta nodded his head so firmly Vick and Rory snorted. He ignored them. "Okay, I'll do it."
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missiletoe · 4 months
apologies for incoming spam, i'm currently doing yuri shipping olympics (LET'S GO TEAM KITTYURI) and will be dumping all my bonus drabbles here o7
Prompt: Accidental Telepathic Link Word Count: 955 the timeline is lowkey a wreck and let's just say juliana is out of the picture at this point ;-;
Kitty’s slapped in the face with an exam her first day back at KISS. It’s a hell of a Welcome Back gift. For the record, she would’ve preferred cookies, maybe even a nice basket of merch.
Of course it’s from Professor Lee too. He probably drinks students’ tears for breakfast and then feasts on their failed exams for dessert. In her head, she thinks she hears Yuri giggle, like the little tinkle of a silver bell. God, she really needs to focus.
Keep it together, Katherine Song Covey, she tells herself, breathing deep in and out. It doesn’t make the words on the page any more coherent but hey, at least they’re less blurry. You just got un-expelled from KISS. Do not mess this up by flunking all your exams because you spent all your time daydreaming about how Yuri looks sitting by the windowsill. God, her nose is adorably perfect. 
You know it’s great that you think my face is cute but maybe not in the middle of our Cultural History exam.
Kitty screams. She can’t help it and someone’s pencil goes clattering to the floor. It’s only after a good ten seconds that she manages to smother her scream with one hand.
Professor Lee raises an eyebrow in the most condescending manner possible. God, Kitty hates his guts.
“T-There was a bug,” she stammers by way of explanation. From across the room, Q aggressively mouths LIAR. “It got in my hair a-and I just fixed it this morning. I’m good now though, thanks for asking.”
Professor Lee stares blankly at her. She swears that if they opened him up, there’d be a metal battery where his heart is supposed to be.
“The next time an insect tries to… annoy you, please keep it to yourself,” he says in that stiff, wound-up Nutcracker manner of his. “Some of the students are trying not to fail their exams.”
She’s fairly certain that last part is supposed to be a jab at her but the shock is doing a decent job of numbing the rest of her emotions. Kitty waits a full 30 seconds, tapping out the time with her finger before clearing her mind and thinking quietly into the abyss.
Present comes back the reply. 
You’re in my head, Kitty sighs. And just when she thought this day couldn’t get any worse. I mean you’re always in my head but now you’re literally in my head.
Pardon the intrusion, Yuri says. Somehow, she manages to transmit sarcasm across her thoughts. For the record, you’re in my head too.
Any clue how we could have ended up like this? 
It’s suspiciously quiet on the other end before she hears a long sigh.
Maybe I should have listened to Dae when he said not to mix those two chemicals. Kitty manages to suppress her groan at the last second to avoid another lecture from Professor McStuffyson.
Someone starts absolutely wheezing behind her and she turns to find Yuri in the worst coughing fit of her life. A tissue paper is placed on her desk and a bottle of water is ferried across the classroom.
Kitty zeroes in on the end of that statement like it’s a lifeline tossed into the ocean.
You think I’m funny?
Oh my god, yes. Of course. Professor McStuffyson? Hilarious, but please save the rest of your arsenal for after the exam. My mom will kill me if I get detention again.
“Ten minutes left,” Professor Lee announces, staring her dead in the eye. She glances back down at her completely blank paper and rubs her forehead. This semester is off to as atrocious of a start as the last one. If only she had one of those phone-a-friend call–wait.
Hey, she thinks.
Hey comes the exasperated reply.
Can you help me with question 2?
Sure, I’ll take a look. Kitty focuses on penciling in the date while she waits for an answer. She’s barely finished the year when Yuri speaks again. Or thinks. Think-speaks?
Yeah, I got no clue.
Hey, I can feel your disappointment from across the room. Cut it out. Dae tutors me, you know.
… wish I had a telepathic link with Dae then.
Huh. Personally, I would not want an inside look at my ex’s mind.
“That’s fair,” Kitty says aloud and then kicks herself under the table. Why is this link a two-way street but she’s the only one that’s getting into trouble?
Professor Lee, because he has a stick up his butt and no hope of dislodging it, leans down onto her desk to glare at her.
Technically, he has no proof that she’s doing anything… academically dishonest. He does, however, have a glare that can shrivel plants and Kitty wills herself to not die on the spot.
Behind her, she hears Yuri snort into her fist. Professor Lee whips around like a cat drawn to a laser pointer.
“Keep it down during exams,” he finally settles on, pulling at the end of his coat.
I cannot believe your mom went out with that guy, Kitty thinks.
Tell me about it. What did she see in him?
I don’t know. Maybe he looked like less of a straw-doll at 16. Oh fuck, there’s only two minutes left.
Kitty scrambles to put something–anything–on the paper. She’s writing nonsense about the birds she saw landing on the telephone poles by Gyeongbokgung Palace during her last visit.
Less than pleased does not begin to describe Professor Lee’s expression when she hands him her paper. The bell rings and Kitty bundles up her books to run to the next class.
So. You like girls.
Kitty trips over her own feet and wishes that the floor would swallow her whole.
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revasserium · 1 year
I'm so sorry I know you're in a Naruto mood, but childhood friends to lovers with Suga sounds so cute 😭
reqs are open :)
anatomy of a wish (or the thermodynamics of falling in love)
sugawara; sfw; 1,617 words
june, 2001
“tomorrow’s my birthday! u wanna come?”
the two of you are all of seven years old, with dreams too big for this world to handle, and bodies still small enough for the sky to seem like an endless place. he grins at you, jabbing a thumb into his chest, puffing it out like all his favorite superheroes. like this, he thinks, there’s no way she’ll say no! because the pretty girls never say no to the heroes in movies. and that’s just how things go.
“only if you tell me your birthday wish!" you say, grinning from ear to ear, watching as he struggles with the concept of telling someone else his birthday wish.
"ah... but momma said that if you tell someone a wish, then it won't come true!"
july, 2012
“nee, koushi… what’d you get for question 12?”
you’re splayed across his bedroom floor, cheek pressed against the workbook pages. there’s two bottles of fanta sitting in the space between your bodies, condensation beading on the frosted glass, their contents half drunk, the bubbles falling flatter with each passing second.
“it’s too damn hot in this stupid town… i wish it's just... cool down or something...” he says, lying on his back with his arms splayed out beside him, staring up at the lazy circles of the ceiling fan, doing absolutely nothing to cool down the tepid heat rising within the walls of his room.
“wishes don't come true just because you want them to, you know that right?” you flash him a lopsided grin and he feels his stomach backflip inside him.
august, 2002
“we’re supposed to hold hands when we cross the street!”
you bite your lips as suga grabs your tiny hand in his, your palms sticky with the summer heat, the road deserted except for the shadow of a few large crows, feasting on the remains of some long-dead roadkill. you crinkle your nose as he pulls you across the street to the convenience store, the both of you heaving a long sigh of relief as you step through the air-conditioned doors.
“kou-chan… you’re sweaty.” you blink down at your linked hands.
he hums loudly, pointing with this free hand at the on-sale tuna onigiri on the counter, and makes no effort to let you go.
september, 2012
“so, where’re you gonna apply?” you tap your pencil on the wooden desk, him leaning over the back of his chair to doodle in the margins of your notebook.
“hm? i dunno… probably somewhere close by…”
“are you… gonna keep on playing volleyball?”
his pencil pauses; so does yours.
“yeah. i-i think i am.”
you smile, your pencil resuming it’s rhythmic tap, tap, tap on the table. he doesn’t look up, but you can see the grin on his lips as he continues to shade in the stripes of a perfectly drawn volleyball.
“good. okay.”
october, 2004
at ten years old, sugawara koushi is certain he’s going to marry you.
“what kinda wedding dress do you think you’d wear?” he asks, the pair of you lying on the futon in your room, staring at the soft green glow of the stars pasted across your ceiling. once upon a time, you might've asked what wishes he would've made. but wishes are for children, and they won't come true if you tell them to someone anyway.
“mmm… something pretty.”
“well, duh.”
you make to kick him; he laughs, rolling out of your reach.
“i just meant that anything would look pretty on you!” he says, still laughing.
you sniff, feeling your cheeks warm with the weight of his words.
“you’re cheesy,” you say, unable to stop the smile from spreading across your lips.
“your moms says that girls like that kinda thing.”
november, 2013
“hey! how’s tokyo? ah — well, i guess i was just there last year for nationals — right… but miyagi is the same as ever. quiet… but it’s the nice kinda quiet, y’know? i — uhm… i miss you. i mean, all of us do — asahi and daichi too! but… i think i miss you the most. i know you’re busy with studies so it’s okay if you don’t call me back for a while but… i just wanted you to know that. we’re all good here, so don’t worry. ah — right. that’s it! let me know if you’re coming back for new years! it — it’d be nice to see you again. we... we can visit the shrine and make our new years wishes."
december, 2008
“we go to high school next year!”
you laugh as suga skips half a step in front of you, his breath puffing out in front of him in a great cloud of white.
“you applied to karasuno, right?”
he nods, his moon-kissed hair flopping excitedly about his ears.
“mhm! i watched their team play at nationals and — uwah, it was so cool!!! wait — you applied there too, right?”
you grin, raising an eyebrow, “hm… did i?”
suga pins you with a reproachful look, “it’s mean to play with a young boy’s tender emotions like that, y’know!”
you roll your eyes, “you’re full of shit, sugawara koushi.”
january, 2014
you meet at the foot of the stairs leading up to the shrine, the air is crystalline and clear.
“happy new years,” you both say at the exact same time.
a pregnant pause, and then, you fall into the laughter, the sweet, twinkling, midnight laughter, the warm, welcoming sunrise laughter. the laughter you both grew up surrounded by because you were always, always with each other and nothing has ever been so easy as falling back into this.
“know what you’re gonna wish for?” you ask.
suga grins, bumping you with his shoulder, “i’ve got an idea, you?”
you glance at him and bump him back.
“i’ve got an idea.”
february, 2009
“i got in! i can’t believe i actually got in! i’m going to the karasuno high!”
he waves an acceptance letter in your face, the morning air still cold enough to sting. but the sun is rising behind him and you smile at him like the first breath of spring. he freezes, something clunking clumsily inside his chest like a pair of sneakers tossed into a washing machine.
“you… you made it too, right?” he asks, cautiously, because there’s no way that you’re not going to the same high school as him, right?
you lilt your head to one side, your grin calcifying into something he’s always knew he loved in the space between his chest and his stomach.
“guess,” you say, sidestepping him on the sidewalk even as he nearly stumbles to follow after you.
“of course you did! i-it’d be stupid if you didn’t.”
he levels himself with you and you cast him sidelong glance, holding his gaze just long enough for him to doubt, to blush, to look away.
“it sure would be, huh.”
march, 2016
“so… education, huh?” you tuck a strand of hair behind you ear, the first buds of spring clinging to the winter-bare branches like beads of morning dew.
“yeah… i think i — i’d like to try. y’know… shaping young minds and all that.”
“hm…” you prop your cheek on the heel of your hand, “you’d make a wonderful teacher.”
silence. you sip at your lavender latte, him at his cappuccino.
“i… think i’d like kids… eventually someday.” he licks his lips, his entire body flushing with heat. he wonders if it’s a good idea to be having caffeine so late in the day but you laugh and he looks up and the smile on your face makes everything worth it.
“y’know… i think i do too.”
april, 2010
“if we win this next practice match, will you go out with me?”
he’s smiling, but you can see the corner of his eyes drawing down in that nervous tick of his, hear the way his voice trembles, ever so slightly.
suga blinks, somewhere inside him, he thinks he hears the sound of his heart shattering into a million irreparable pieces.
you shake your head, “i don’t want us to hinge on the outcome of a volleyball match.”
“then… what do you want us to hinge on?”
may, 2018
“hey, what do you want for your birthday this year?”
you walk down lantern-lit street, hand in hand, your faces illuminated by all the dancing matsuri lights.
“hmm… i’ll only tell you if you promise to say yes.”
you pause, you turn to face him and he turns to face you, and neither of you wonders if you say a wish aloud, whether it'll actually come true. of course it will, because you'll make it so, no matter if the wish was made on a falling star or a birthday candle or just in the spaces between two fated souls.
there’s an entire stampede of wild horses thundering across the plains of your heart and suga smiles like he knows exactly what you're feeling.
“okay… i’ll say yes. as a birthday present,” you say, biting down the feeling of the entire universe shifting around you, of time itself slowing down to watch this moment play out, of destiny tugging on the strings that had always conducted you both. one, and then the other, dancing, circling around just this moment.
suga takes a breath before he drops to one knee.
“marry me.”
june, 2012
“happy birthday!!! c’mon close your eyes and make a wish!”
you cheer as suga squeezes his eyes shut over his folded fingers, and then a second later, blows out eighteen multi-colored candles. everyone cheers around him, the entire volleyball team is there, and you'd all spent hours papering the locker-room ceiling in green plastic stars. but still, he only has eyes for you.
“cake! cake! cakeee!” hinata shouts, bouncing around as daichi rummages around the bakery bag for the plastic cake-cutting knife.
“what did you wish for?” you ask, bumping your shoulder against his, even as suga blushes, licking his lips with a sly little grin.
“can’t tell you.”
(because i wished for you.)
“cause then, it won’t come true.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I think it's so funny this chapter comes out on Mother's day (México) -Danny Words: 2,407 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Call Your Mom' -by Noah Kahan ft. Lizzy McAlpine
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LI: I’m Currently Having the Worst Time of My Life, Thanks for Asking!
One thing about demigods is they will expose their trauma to the room. And if Ara's dad was her monster under the bed, Jason's mother was his Roman Empire (pun intended). All he ever did was based on the one lie she'd told him when he was a toddler.
"So pleased to meet you, son of Jupiter," Antinous smiles. "Listen to your mother. You have many grievances against the gods. Why not join us? I gather these serving girls are your friends? We will spare them. You wish to have your mother remain in the world? We can do that. You wish to be a king—"
"No. No, I don't belong with you." Jason replies in a dazzled state.
"Are you so sure, my fellow praetor?" The son of Janus asks. "Even if you defeat the giants and Gaia, would you return home like Odysseus did? Where is your home now? With the Greeks? With the Romans? No one will accept you. And, if you get back, who's to say you won't find ruins like this?"
"That's a lie," Ara steps in.
Jason raises a hand to stop her and replies to the other boy. "You were a legion officer—A leader of Rome."
"So were you. Loyalties change."
"You think I belong with this crowd? A bunch of dead losers waiting for a free handout from Gaia, whining that the world owes them something?"
The crowd closes around him. Piper uses charmspeak. "Beware! Every man in this palace is your enemy. Each one will stab you in the back at the first chance!"
"Dearest, be sensible," Jason's mother insists. "Give up your quest. Your Argo II could never make the trip to Athens. Even if it did, there's the matter of the Athena Parthenos."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't feign ignorance, my dearest. Gaia knows about your friend Reyna and Nico the son of Hades and the satyr Hedge. To kill them, the Earth Mother has sent her most dangerous son—the hunter who never rests. But you don't have to die."
Jason looks at the girls, then back at his mother. "What do you want? What brought you here?"
"I want life! Youth! Beauty!" The woman leans in looking crazy. "Your father could have made me immortal. He could have taken me to Olympus, but he abandoned me. You can set things right, Jason. You are my proud warrior!"
"You're a mania," his voice quivers. "A spirit of insanity. That's what you've been reduced to."
"I am all that remains. Embrace me, son. I am all you have left."
"No!" Jason steps back. "My loyalties haven't changed. My family has just expanded. I'm a child of Greece and Rome. I'm no child of yours." He makes the claw sign over his chest and his mother vanishes.
"Well, then," Antinous sighs. "I suppose we'll just kill you."
Ara tosses the platter she's holding at some ghouls, expands her shield, and draws out Almighty. Her friends join her and pull out their weapons. Watching Jason fight when angry, is one of Ara's favorite things. He throws amazing one-liners, like the one he uses when he pierces Antinous through the chest: "Enjoy the Fields of Punishment." 
Jason and Ara run through their opponents fast and mercilessly, with clear progress in their teamwork after eight months of knowing each other. The boy summons lightning while Ara keeps changing her weapon to different things, Annabeth jabs and beheads, and Piper tosses food at the spirits while shouting stuff using charmspeak.
Jason lowers his sword only a second and Michael Varus stabs him with rage before Piper kills him. Ara drops Almighty in shock. Piper tries to pull out the sword but Ara shouts at her in a commanding voice. "Don't! That'll make him bleed out faster!"
"Gods..." Annabeth gets to them, pale and shaky. "Oh, gods."
"Thanks," Jason sinks to his knees. "I was afraid it might be bad."
"Piper, press around the wound—Annabeth, get help."
"You're going to be fine," Piper tells the boy. "Girls, ambrosia!"
Ara draws her Octopi from under her cloak and hands it to Piper. "Don't do anything yet, hang on—"
"Imperial gold," Annabeth stammers. "It's deadly to demigods. It's only a matter of time before—"
"The Argo!" Ara urges her. "Send them a message!"
"Iris messages won't work—"
"Leo is watching, you don't need those!"
"Morse code," Piper pulls out a tiny mirror from Ara's Octopi and hands it to Annabeth. "Here."
Ara grabs her sister's head and kisses the top of it. "Clever!"
Annabeth goes away and Ara tries to ignore how Jason's looking as she kneels before him. "How many times I've saved your ass, Jay-G?"
"Don't call me that," Jason grunts. "And the answer is too many."
"You have no survival instincts man, I keep telling you," Ara rips his shirt open and sees the tip of the sword protruding from his abdomen. Fear starts to seep through. "He's not coughing blood so no organs were touched... maybe. This will hurt, blondie." She looks at Piper. "Pull it out."
Piper pretends she'll count to three, and pulls it at one. Jason crumbles swearing like he's never done before.
"We gotta stop the bleeding," Ara stops him from squirming too much.
The girls rip parts of their dresses and press them against both sides of his wound. Ara sings her heart out, and now Piper knows the healing tune, so Ara hears her singing voice for the first time, which is much nicer than hers and therefore more effective.
"Keep singing!" Ara makes her old mixture of ambrosia and nectar, but there's no time to wait, so she pours it raw over the wounds. "Hang in there, Jason, don't fall asleep."
The boy barely reacts, which is not a good sign. Piper rolls him over and pours the rest at the other end of the wound. Ara tries to keep him awake and cradles his face. "You know, for a moment I feared my dad would show up but I guess he prefers to stay dead. At least your mother kind of loved you!" She jokes, but her voice falters.
Jason shakes his head. "It wasn't a part of her I could save. Don't count your blessings, Birdy, your dad might be waiting for you in Athens."
"And I'm sure you'd like to meet him so you can personally kick his ass, so keep your eyes open!" Ara searches through her Octopi bag, smearing blood on it, and pulls out bandages to keep the pieces of fabric in place. "Annabeth!" She calls anxiously.
Jason sits up groggily. "Maybe I could fly ..."
"Don't move!" Ara says sharply. "Gee, you get hit on the head multiple times and—"
"Shut up!" Jason scowls. "Gods, kind of wish I had died so you would drop the joke already..." It's the first time the boy snaps in such a way, so he must be in a lot of pain. Pain is good, it means his body is still responsive.
Ara laughs despite how frightened she is and Jason matches her grin. "Yeah, at least it wasn't a head injury this time, huh? I stayed conscious the entire fight..."
"You defeated, like, two hundred enemies," Piper kisses his temple, keeping pressure on his wound. "You were scary amazing."
"You guys helped."
"You're welcome," Ara nods solemnly. "If you're lucky this will make Leo stop switching your camp shirts with Hazel's."
"I knew it! I should anoint Nico as my new best friend..." Jason winces. "Oh gods—Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge, they're in danger. We need to warn them."
"We'll take care of it when we get back to the ship," Piper eases him. "Your job right now is to relax. Besides, those three are a tough group. They'll be fine."
"Fuck!" Ara exclaims. Jason's injury has dark smoke coming out of it. "The stupid lullaby isn't working!"
"Ara," Piper says in a careful tone. "You need to stay calm."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," she holds Jason's hand, trying to absorb something, but nothing comes out. "Look at me, tough guy," she snaps her fingers, but Jason's dilated pupils hardly focus on her face and she swallows a cry. "Jason, please, don't do this to me..."
"Annabeth's coming back," Piper announces.
The girl walks up to them dragging her foot. Jason looks at her with half-lidded eyes, he's getting weaker. "Are you hurt?"
"It's fine. Just the old break from the Roman caverns. Sometimes when I'm stressed... That's not important. I signalled Leo. Frank's going to change form, fly up here and carry you back to the ship. I need to make a litter to keep you stable."
Annabeth and Ara work together, the younger girl passes the materials while Annabeth weaves. "How are you doing that?" Jason asks in awe.
"Learned it during my quest under Rome," Annabeth mumbles completely focused on the task. "I'd never had a reason to try weaving before, but it's handy for certain things, like getting away from spiders..."
Ara turns Almighty into a rectangular shield (the one Leo made is circular and wouldn't support Jason's body properly) and places it above the harness made with pieces of cloth and leather straps. Ara stands on it and pulls.
"Sturdy enough," she steps out.
"Wait," Jason stops them. "A bed—There was a special bed in this palace."
Ara frowns. "So what?"
"The marriage bed was sacred. If there was any place you could talk to Juno... Juno!"
Ara only cares about getting him out, but then in the distance, an olive tree spurts out into view. "Great, we definitely should waste our time talking..." She groans.
"My heroes," Juno greets them.
"Hera," Piper mutters.
"Whatever," Annabeth scowls. "What are you doing here, Your Bovine Majesty?"
"Annabeth Chase. As charming as ever."
"Yeah, well, I just got back from Tartarus, so my manners are a little rusty, especially towards goddesses who wiped my boyfriend's memory, made him disappear for months and then—"
"Honestly, child. Are we going to rehash this again?"
"Aren't you supposed to be suffering from split-personality disorder? I mean—more so than usual?"
"Whoa," Jason tries to sit up and fails. "Juno, we need your help. We—" he makes a guttural noise and falls back.
"First things first," Piper says firmly. "Jason is hurt. Heal him!"
"Some things even the gods cannot heal," the goddess raises a brow. "This wound touches your soul as well as your body. You must fight it, Jason Grace... you must survive."
"Yeah, thanks... I'm trying," he pants.
"That was super helpful," Ara remarks. "But if you could please just give us more intel..."
"I am grateful that you called upon me. I have spent weeks in a state of pain and confusion... my Greek and Roman natures warring against each other. Worse, I've been forced to hide from Jupiter, who searches for me in his misguided wrath, believing that I caused this war with Gaia."
"Gee, why would he think that?" Annabeth taunts her.
"Fortunately, this place is sacred to me," the goddess ignores her. "By clearing away those ghosts, you have purified it and given me a moment of clarity. I will be able to speak with you—if only briefly."
"Why is it sacred...? Oh. The marriage bed!" Piper exclaims.
"Marriage bed? I don't see any—"
"The bed of Penelope and Odysseus. One of its bedposts was a living olive tree, so it could never be moved."
"Who cares?" Ara exclaims impatiently. "Lady Juno, please!"
"Sail around the Peloponnese. As you suspect, that is the only possible route. On your way, seek out the goddess of victory in Olympia. She is out of control. Unless you can subdue her, the rift between Greek and Roman can never be healed."
"You mean Nike?" Annabeth frowns. "How is she out of control?"
"Explaining would take too long. I must flee before Jupiter finds me. Once I leave, I will not be able to help you again."
"What else should we know?" Jason asks hoarsely.
"As you heard, the giants have gathered in Athens. Few gods will be able to help you on your journey, but I am not the only Olympian who is out of favor with Jupiter. The twins have also incurred his wrath."
"Artemis and Apollo? Why?"
"If you reach the island of Delos, they might be prepared to help you. They are desperate enough to try anything to make amends. Go now. Perhaps we will meet again in Athens, if you succeed. If you do not..."
Juno vanishes and Jason faints.
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Ara takes her friend straight to the sickbay and does her best to bring him back, she gets more blood on her clothes but in the end, the dark smoke diminishes. Jason is sleeping now, but he looks dead and ironically that makes her want to kill something.
Piper says she'll call the others for a meeting, but Ara suspects she just wants a moment alone to cry the stress out and pick herself up. Ara should've kept an eye on Michael Varus. 
Someone knocks on the door and when she turns she spots Leo staring at her with worry. "Is that..."
"It's his." Her eyes brim with tears and Leo approaches her quickly. Ara releases all of that pent-up anxiety, burying her face in his curls as he wraps his arms around her waist. "I couldn't absorb his pain, he's dying..."
Leo hushes her. "He's with us, he'll be okay."
She tries to keep him away when he tries to hug her tighter. "I'm covered in blood—"
"That's okay," the boy keeps her in place. "We can wash up later."
Her grip is weak. "Juno said something about Apollo, maybe we can—"
"Shut up," Leo stares at her as if searching for something. Ara waits in confusion. The boy strokes her cheek, outlining the dry blood on her skin. "What are you feeling?"
The girl blinks. "What?"
"Eros said you needed to reconnect with your emotions, right? So before you go back to being a General, talk about your feelings," he raises his brows. "So?"
Ara blushes at his sweet gesture. "I'm scared and remorseful, but I'll have to push through it, I can't change the past."
"You sure you don't wanna call your dad?" He tries to joke. "We can make a short stop at the next gas station and give him a call."
Ara pouts and sniffs. "Man, don't even... if I think about home I'll be sobbing like a baby for another hour."
Leo looks at her not knowing what to do to help her, then sighs. "My guy Jason... always gets the worst deal, huh?" He makes a face. "I'll have to fix the showerheads."
The girl senses his awkwardness and smiles softly, leaning into his touch. "Do you know how much I love you?"
He visibly relaxes and grins. "Can't hurt if you say it again, can it?"
"I love you," she kisses his forehead. "A lot."
"Love ya' too, doll... But you reek like a butcher, go get a shower."
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Next Chapter –>
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