#<- i have a lot of thoughts on this but idk how to express them well
daenysx · 22 hours
Hey! Id love to request something for Modern!Aemond fluff/ hurt comfort. If you're not interested no worries at all! But maybe something where you're not together but you're also not 'just friends' and reader is kinda insecure bc they don't have a lot of experience with partners and Aemond starts to notice them acting weird and then it goes from there. But yeah idk if this is a good request or not lol, if you don't feel like writing this no worries at all! Love your writing!
thank you so much for requesting!! i hope you like it ♡ requests are open
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader, hurt/comfort
"what's wrong?"
sometimes you think aemond has super hero senses, how can he feel your distress when you're standing behind his chair? he can't see you but he somehow knows you are fiddling with your fingers, something eats you up inside.
he turns, still sitting on the chair in his room. he looks up to your face, still questioning what's gotten you so nervous.
"um- nothing's wrong, it's just-"
he holds your hands when he realizes your nails are hard on your skin. he separates them and keeps them in his huge palms on each side. "come on."
you take a breath. "do you remember the guy i told you about last week? he was a friend of-"
"rhaena." he completes. "yes, i remember."
"i was thinking- i don't know it sounds stupid now that i think about it but-" you start. you feel close to aemond, you're not ashamed of telling him a story about other guys. "he was acting like we're flirting you know? he was really nice and- i don't know maybe i was expecting him to ask me out after all that flirt."
your voice feels so small. "what happened?" aemond asks, he sounds like he could kill the guy for upsetting you.
"i saw him kissing a girl today." you say. "i don't know if she's his girlfriend but no matter who she is, it means i was hoping for nothing."
it's just a guy. nothing to be upset over. you're not in love with him, he could kiss anyone he wants. still, this is only a little piece of a bigger disappointment. you think no one will ever want you.
"i'm not sad, but i feel bad." you say. "why is it always someone else?"
aemond looks at your curled lips, he always thought you look cute with the frown. he keeps holding your hands, not quite knowing what to say. he's never been the best person to comfort someone but he cares. he cares about you. he doesn't want you to think you're unworthy of anything, he can see the walls of sadness and disappointment you build in your mind.
you straighten your posture when you see him say nothing. what were you thinking anyway? maybe you're looking for some reassurance from a man you're close to, you think he'll tell you you're pretty and smart, that guy should go to hell for making you feel like this. you close your eyes to take a proper breath, pull your hands back to your sides. aemond has an unreadable expression on his face.
"you know what?" you start, trying for a smile. "forget it. i mean, it doesn't mean anything right? there's nothing we can do."
aemond sees you blushing. "i'm sorry, i was just-"
"it's okay, aemond." you say gently. "i wasn't looking for pity or anything else, i'm sorry for overwhelming you with my insecurity."
you're being too honest. you don't care. it's no secret most of the guys you like don't like you back, even when they do, you don't know how to keep them. you have too little experience, the only guy you feel comfortable around is probably aemond. one of your friends said you look like a couple once and you were so surprised at her words you couldn't look at aemond for a week. you can't bring yourself to have romantic feelings for aemond even though there's a potential. you can't lose him.
"your insecurity?" aemond asks with a disbelieving voice. "i don't understand."
so he wants to hear all of it. he can deal with it then, you don't mind telling him.
"i don't think i'll ever be loved by someone i love. it's just- i'm full of half finished stories about that, i'm so sick of feeling like this." you say, taking another deep breath. "i'm not saying this because i expect anything from you. we're close and- you asked."
aemond's lips part open. you're so clearly blind to yourself, you don't even know how you make people feel. you don't know how pretty he thinks you are, how kind and sweet. he doesn't want to ruin his relationship with you- he doesn't even know what to call this thing between you two. friends? friends who secretly like each other but being too afraid of losing one another because how inexperienced you both are in relationships?
he holds your hand again, squeezes your fingers in an attempt to comfort you just one bit. you let him do that, you close your eyes when he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. he brings your hand to his lips, brushes a tiny kiss on your skin. is that what affection feels like? you're a stranger but you could love it.
"aemond, what-"
"i know how much you hate being wrong but- you are in fact wrong, sweetheart."
he kisses your hand again, it feels nice. "you think you're unloveable? do you even see yourself?"
you can't help a tear escape. "i'm-"
"no, you don't." he answers his own question. "you don't know how pretty you are. you don't know your effect on people. your effect on me."
you try to pull your hand back. "you don't have to prove anything. i didn't tell all these to get something in return, i don't want your pity."
he is strong as he holds your hand. he looks up to you, gives you a smile. "i'm not pitying you. if there's anyone who needs pity it's me."
he promises himself that he's not gonna ruin anything. he will not mess this up. he can't. aemond targaryen's life is full of ruined relationships and sad stories, he'd be damned if you'd be one of them.
"aemond, we shouldn't-"
"no, i know." he stands up. "i know exactly what you think. i've been thinking the same things since i met you."
you look unsure. this is a dangerous game to play, you don't know if you're brave enough.
"tell me about them." you say, can't control your thoughts or your words. "tell me what we think."
aemond takes a deep breath, he places your hand on his heart. "we both think this is too fucked up. we don't want to lose each other but-"
you look deep into his eye, consequences be damned. "but?"
"we are losing the chance of a perfect pairing." he says with a low voice. "i can be better than all those guys who made you upset. you really don't know how i see you."
it feels exciting, your heartbeat goes into madness. can you let yourself accept buried feelings for him? his look is promising and confident. your brain stops thinking when you rise on your tiptoes to kiss him.
the kiss feels like true insanity. you don't know if you'll feel satisfied or regret what you did minutes later. aemond kisses you back and the clouds of madness disappear. he holds the back of your neck, a possessive kind of touch that you've never felt before.
"we still have a lot to talk about." you say, breaking the kiss.
aemond presses his forehead against yours softly. "i know." he says. "just let me kiss you one more time."
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pidgefudge · 20 hours
SO. i have listened to @gooboogy 's wonderful green album. and i wrote down my thoughts on each song. and now i am putting them here!!
"thoughts" being actually somewhat coherent comments that devolve into What Would This Be In A Video Game because this is me we're working with after all
and you reading this. yes you. go listen to it
verdant: oooough blorpy,,,, very cool i like. good beat it's quite foot tappable. also the name itself might be a new vocal stim. verdant. vvvverrrrrdant.
halls: much noises!! the instrumence in this scratch my brain in a good way. feels a bit like im 7 years old watchinf my brother play 2d mario stages and reimagining the music
agua: oooohh arpeggio action and a SICK beat. once again the Noises are lovely. big fan of all 3 so far but this one in particular methinks. however i have many more songs to go (!!)
doot doot: very fun i also like this one a lot :3 and coming to you from my one-track autistic mind: this album would be a fantastic game soundtrack
side note i know im writing less for some of these but thats bc im experiencing them in shapes and colors more than expressable words. trust me they're stirring the brain stew
going for a walk: i know the title is about a walk but im envisioning this as the soundtrack to a sort of road trip montage animation thing. specifically my road trip with family from san francisco to la. oh yes this ending is us finally getting to the hotel and me flopping onto the bed
forward: im liking the melody here a lot <33 this album is making me want to boot up lmms again and try my hand at original music,,, ive only ever attempted remixes (i tried to do aquarium park from sonic colors a few years ago and gave up but now i kinda wanna go back to it,,, i wonder if i was cooking) ok yes back to the actual song whoops this one is soo cool one of my faves so far
snag: i like these opening chords!! i dont know what you actually call them but the like. buildup parts?? you know?? those bits??? big fan OOH and a uh. build down (lol) bit too! also liking the sparkly chimey instrumence
blazen: OHHH YESSS this would be the theme for my favorite antagonist in the hypothetical game that i am apparently going to be referencing multiple times (dimentio and mr L came to mind immediately) absolutely jamming
beep boop: fuck yeah man it sure does OH SPOOKY NOTES OH OH COOL BEAT ASWELL i am in for a fun time this is. also the theme of my favorite antagonist. but the battle theme i think. oh hell yeah the orchestra hits. yes yes definitely battle theme. sorry for putting all these in a vgm context shfjdkfkssghf i just listen to a lot of it so thats how my brain parses instrumentals
hunt: strimgs :3 wohhh this is so cool. buzzy in a good way. golden brown triangles and other spiky shapes. that's kinda meaningless to anyone but me but. oh nice more Noises always love the Noises
overwhelm: theme for when i have a project due the next day and am swamped with other homework shdjdksfjdh
VERDANT!: once more with gusto!! loving the faster tempo. constellationy crystally instrument is particularly pleasing. oooughh so gooddddd
creepin': spacey!! im watching a crew set out in their little shuttle, oblivious to the horrors awaiting them on their station
envy: this is a boss fight that's emotionally heavy for the protagonists. perhaps fighting a former friend or mentor or team member
whomp whomp: quite a tricksy track!! some sort of haunted place,,,, maybe the place where the previous battle takes place. maybe it's actually a ghost (especially if the protagonist had some role in their death and feels crushing guilt) (bonus points if the ghost openly expresses resentment for the protag)
gromulous: the word ever. final boss' lair for sureee. yeah this song sure is gromulous. idk how else to describe it you hit the nail on the head
largemouth: oooh a bit silly but also cool guy. im thinking some sort of underground secret society/lab thing they have to infiltrate that's hiding a Sinister Secret (the big plot twist of the game) doesn't even have to physically be underground it could be a moon base situation. maybe i should just make this whole thing into a scifi space rpg
a way out: i can see this as the final boss music and as you get further in the fight it ramps up. i know i already assigned songs to the main antagonist but shhhhh. (or i can always pull a super paper mario in terms of antagonists)
under over: oh!! i love this one!! hometown theme. chill and familiar but still upbeat rather than sleepy. and it has a very strong nostalgia factor,,,,, in love with this song it might be my favorite. but there are still 3 more so!
float: this beginning is very cool im loving the vibe. dire dire docks but make it just after sunset and watch the ocean come alive with bioluminescent lights and fish raves. i guess it isnt a space game anymore. or maybe dream sequence beach episode?? WOAHHH OCEAN MAGICANT i might be cooking with this one Hold On. yesyesyes ok some sort of trip/dream where theyre shrunk down marinauts (whatever ocean prefix) as opposed to astronauts and exploring a cool coral reef/ocean floor area and talking to the sea life and woahhhhhh this would look gorgeous in pixel art. tbh this one could be in its own game considering how vivid the imagery is
outside: post-final-boss world returning to normal/person being rescued or uncorrupted/whatever magical thing happening. very fond of the bird chirps too <33 OH MUSIC BOX SOUNDS i also adore this one. i think the ending of this game is kinda bittersweet. we saved the world/person/whatever but At A Cost. this is sooooo pretty. would also transition well into credits
Green: and roll credits!! this would be the kind of credits theme i sway in my seat and contemplate the game to. the entire album is fantastic and these last few especially have been so lovely
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"It's just you now. Take care of mother."
i have the normal amount of emotions about them (lying) <3
#a redraw but also not really cus i ended up tracing a lot from the old one hfldsjdfs#it was only supposed to be for reference but i ended up keep messing w it instead of redrawing it proper......#feel like i got his expression down better in the old one; looks more strained/ hearbroken like i feel#but thats fine#my art#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#i'm still not sure if liam or varric is the one who deals the killing blow#love both the thought of liam having his own sisters blood on his hands and never being able to wash it off fully#or his (future) best friend saving him that fate but now having that stand between them#cus liam would be grateful for it but part of him would always remember that and hold it against him#(both options also make the bartrand encounter crunchy in slightly different ways)#either way in that moment he kind of hates varric for even just being there. and fenris too#(though tbh im not sure how realistic it would be for him to take sb else except bethy and varric down into the deep roads)#((so maybe in canon fen wouldnt be there idk. havent decided this yet either))#logically he knows its not fair ofc but it just feels like an invasion of privacy. it feels Wrong.#they have no place in this they shouldnt have been there they shouldnt have been part of it they shouldnt have seen him like this#but its sth that binds them too#the rest of the trek is miserable and awkward for all of them in any case#but yeah.#idk if they would be able to bury her down here properly so maybe they end up doing it via lava?#theyre not leaving her body out in the open to rot and/or become food for darkspawn or spiders thats for sure
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junotter · 2 years
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getting weirdly emotional about Hungary looking after baby Italy
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themthistles · 1 year
i think that while micro labels can seem useful and affirming ultimately they're isolating and kind of an obstacle to your understanding of self. that's because you can never find a word specific enough. there will never be a label or two labels or even ten, twenty of them to perfectly capture and describe all of your thoughts, feelings, experiences, preferences, needs, interests, identities, etc. because you learn more and more about yourself every day and then you change and your wants and needs change with you. having to hop between labels, fearing that you don't 'fit' into a label anymore (both in your own and others eyes), worrying how soon your current label will wear out, questioning if you'll ever fully fit a single one. all that causes a lot of uncertainty and anxiety which could be avoided by just picking a more general thing and molding it according to what it means to YOU. because words will always mean different things to different people, you will never be understood immediately and maybe never completely by anyone but yourself and that's fine
#another thing is that micro labels often feel like they fracture the community unnecessarily#idk how many times i've seen fighting over hyperspecific ace labels and what they mean and if people described in them even belong#and honestly i think this discourse wouldn't be so vile and neverending if people accepted the idea of falling under general umbrella#and accepted that you can't describe complicated weird and wonderful act of human existence with a couple of words#you don't need to explain yourself to anyone#i know in our present pronouns/sexuality/gender in bio carrd era it feels like you have to but you really don't#people aren't entitled to a short summary of your inner world and you can't speed run connection#also feel the need to say: i have nothing against people who use micro labels#if you feel like your micro label describes you perfectly? i'm really glad and happy for you#i'm just expressing my own thoughts and feelings that come from personal experience with exploring these things#at some point i started doubting if i could call myself a lesbian#i thought oh i'm not exactly what a lot of people generally think of when they hear that word#oh they'll misunderstand and i'm not being my 'true self' i'll find a word that fits me exactly if i just keep looking#and then i found out being aroace is a thing and boy did that add a lot of anxiety and confusion to the pot#i didn't feel like i fit in with both communities wasn't lesbian enough wasn't aroace enough#but at some point i just got tired of trying to justify myself to others and to myself#identities aren't houses you live in they're more like seas or rivers flowing into one another#and spaces where they intersect are vague and hard to define and they shift and change and this metaphor is getting away from me#basically#words are complicated#but they're the only direct way we humans can communicate#it is what it is#so make art#a lot of it#oh also unrelated but if you ever tell older queer folks that they're using wrong words to describe themselves i am going to jump you
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indelicateink · 13 days
#okay i'll break:#do i just have the most exquisitely curated internet experience ever or#is there actually any merit to people saying they're seeing a lot of hate for ep3 on here and twitter??? i do not see it#all i can think of is seeing a few people unhappy/quibbling w various aspects which is simply expressing valid opinion--and that's not hate#or people poking fun at this that or the other. but it's not generally based in hate. it's just interaction with beloved media#i'm not saying the angry aren't out there. but i just. they're in the vanishing minority by my (possibly lucky) experience??#do the haters just have the loudest voices despite their smaller numbers. or do they really have just large numbers and i don't see it#i only ask bc it gives me an ulcer that amc would get this impression based on social media#when gdi this is our beloved show and as far as i can tell we're having a damn good time#iwtv#iwtv spoilers#PS slightly separate issue:#are people out there *genuinely* shitting on louis for the end-of-episode choices or only simply throwing shade?#again: i'm not seeing the hate on my dash. only references to it#bc if it's hate wtf lol holy shit just let the man live!#idk his motivations rn but the man is .005 seconds from a real psychotic break (i'm not going to diagnose him maybe he's#having them already idk) let it play out lol#but if people are throwing shade eh he can withstand it he is our cherished gothic hero forever. not unassailable but always beloved#god maybe i'm being pollyanna lmk#shoving this all in the tags bc i hate drama and don't want it; idk how else to put this out there for thoughtful answers
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Oh my god making eye contact with specifically allistic people makes me so uncomfortable. Like they're so emotive and they're eyes seem so wide I feel like they're on crack and it scares me. I don't get that at all with other autistic people.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
feeling like a total asshole today 👍
#an aunt's mom passed away yesterday night#i didn't really know her that much just spoke to her a few times for the typical merry christmas & happy new year you know#so when my mom told me i felt bad for my aunt bc i knew they were really close but i don't feel SAD#but my parents seemed to be like so shocked and sad and my little brother even started crying#and i felt absolutely nothing#idek what my mom saw in my face but she went like 'don't you feel anything?' and like wtf am i supposed to feel#like. i'm sorry for my aunt and everything but i just?????#that already made me feel like an absolute asshole but now we have to go there (like 2hours away by car)#and because i am an adult now i *have* to go to the funeral home (?) today and to the funeral tomorrow#and i REALLY don't want to and thought it's making me so fucking anxious bc i haven't been there since my grandma passed away 2 years ago#i really don't want that feeling that i felt back then to come back#not right now#not when i've been starting to feel a bit better this past week#but i'm already failing at that because they started to come back the moment i was told i have to go#and i feel like a fucking asshole because my aunt's mom literally passed away and she (and her whole family) must be heartbroken right now#and all i can think about is that i'm anxious#i'm anxious to go back there. i'm anxious just thinking that i'll have to express my condolences to people that i don't even know#i'm anxious because i'll have to TALK to people and at least try to look a bit SAD but i can't just fake it#bc if i don't look sad my brain tells me that i'm an asshole that doesn't have feelings like apparently everyone around me has#but if i fake it my brain tells me that i'm an asshole bc why tf do i have to fake my fucking personality#why can't i just express my fucking feelings like normal people do and the only thing that i know how to do is fucking complain#like. i know i rant a lot here but it's literally the only place where i talk about my feelings#i NEVER talk about my feelings with anyone because idk HOW to do it#i have like a million things in my mind that i want to tell my mom or my therapy for example but when i finally convince myself to do it#i just CAN'T. the thoughts won't leave my mouth because i don't know how to phrase them properly#so nothing ever leaves my mind unless i make a post here bc apparently writing my thoughts in english (my 2nd language)#is easier than talking in spanish#and at least if i write them here they don't just stay bottled up in my mind#but i'm too tired of myself and my stupid brain that tells me that i do everything wrong :/#i'm gonna shut up now bc i once again reached the tag limit
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akkivee · 1 year
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backslashdelta · 1 year
#mine#personal#tw death#thinking about how when someone dies the reaction is to bring food to their family#like casseroles and miscellaneous baked goods and whatnot#and tbh I never thought about it too hard but when I did I was always thinking like#yeah that makes sense. they're grieving and dealing with funeral arrangements and are probably busy and don't have time to cook#but like now I think it's not so much that. it's just that it's almost a universal way to show love#like here I am so sorry for your loss. Please have this food I took the time to make for you#and even if it's not homemade there's just something about giving food to others that is so. loving? idk#like to me sharing food and having meals together has always been associated with so much love#I feel like there is something really special about sitting down to eat a meal that's been prepared by someone you love for you#or having someone enjoy food you've made for them#or even if it's bought! it doesn't need to be homemade. the thought is there either way.#and like idk it's nice to express condolences through words obviously but it also can be awkward and just. idk.#maybe food is just my love language lmao I don't know#but what I do know is that I am having a lot of feelings about this right now#I will eat my cheese tea biscuits and I will eat my butterscotch tarts#and while doing so I will be reminded of how much I am loved and cared for#I have always treated food as a bit of a comfort and regardless of whether or not that has always been the healthiest outlook#I think in this case it really is kind of a beautiful thing that this is what we do to express our condolences#I feel like I'm not quite expressing the thoughts that I wanted to express but I'm not sure how to say them in a better way
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damnprecious · 1 year
love having a weird relationship with gender (read: what is gender) and people wishing "happy international women's day" in a group chat when they perceive you (and a couple of others in the group) as women and then sitting there going "so do I just respond something like a thanks bc I guess technically yes but also no or do I just ignore this and risk appearing rude or what do I do"
#noopa rambles#what is gender#for me it's somewhat of a 'if you remove attraction what even is left'#I feel so disconnected of this being of a 'woman'#I do not wish to be perceived as a 'woman'#I'm a secret third thing#what is that secret third thing I do not know#god life is so weird when you have old friends you don't interact with like that much anymore#like friends you sometimes still catch up with but who don't really know you anymore#idk if I know them anymore that well either but I feel like I'm defo hiding shit#then again is it hiding shit if I choose not to share bc I don't feel like sharing with them#tbh I think there's one person in the group who I'd probably fully trust to share#or I think I trust her djdjdkd and another one I also kinda trust#but I'm also lowkey (highkey) afraid of being wrong about being able to trust the second pal#and if that blew up in my face idk how I'd be able to take it bc that person was my first real friend#and bc of that a potential backlash would hurt like hell even tho we aren't that close these days#idk my mans I'm having a lot of Thoughts(tm) and no answers#I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope and idk what to do about it with these particular people#like. the aroace thing never really felt like a closet bc that I had expressed not through labels but different words#this gender thing feels more like a Thing(tm)#except idk exactly what the Thing(tm) is#is it being agender or am I just overthinking this#who the heck knows certainly not me
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i love talking w others ( apollo especially tonight ) but oh man i shld really sleep it is 3 am
#laughing together n messing around while listening to music#while also having deep talks on life !#i love love listening to others n sharing in dialogue our individuality. n connecting together as well#i find analyzing life n society n ourselves to really be interesting#i really am someone that thinks n feels a lot n deeply n i genuinely really love that for myself#help we talked about sm as usual. but yk i really love thoughtful people like us#goddamn i really love individuality. we're all so unique n we're all human#i love analyzing both the good n bad n trying to read others n also yk with what i know and with what i can infer in a way#i want to read actual books made my professionals to learn abt it all properly tho#to see if i really am correct about all this. i have a feeling i am. my intuition is usually uncannily spot on#i love talking w apollo but i really wonder n hope that someday i can connect w others this way as well#in different ways as well. maybe with a childhood friend now very different from me#or a lover. oh man one day i'd really really love to experience that#n with my parents. i want to understand them better as their own people#but. yk there are boundaries in life n i can't learn everything#i find it all really interesting though. i want to learn n understand so much#hmm one thing in particular rn that im thinking of is the dimensions of love. n how memory works#memory n identity. n how we grow as people.#and love as. its different forms. the way we express it. the different ways we love different things n how we differ in that way#and. help idk if i'm even using the right terms bcs my vocab is wide but sometimes i dont match definitions accurately#i understand familial love as a daughter. platonic as a friend. n self love n love for the world#but romantic love. i write about it but goddamn it intrigues me so much i really want to experience it for myself#there's no end to the things i want to learn. romance is no exception. i wonder#i find perceptions so interesting n the way our worlds n the way we all live could connect with similarities n differences#the way life works as a human person in it and. stuff like physics n biology n science#wah i'm so curious abt so many things. i want to understand the universe. n the ppl in it#i really crave that realness n authenticity. if i wasnt so shy i wld just randomly ask my friends questions from time to time#i could randomly ask a creative question n analyze both your answer n the way you expressed and shared it#i really want to share the more intricate aspects of life n our humanity as well. i want to be mutually in love with another.#n to have deep friendships where we mutually understand each other too. n family. n. everything oh god there's sn to think n feel n write
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jooniez · 2 years
okay wow so today was a whirlwind of emotions 😭😵‍💫🥹
#my brain is mush and others have said it better than me cause I’m usually not that good at expressing myself so I’ll rb some posts after#but I just wanted to let out some thoughts right now cause it’s been a crazy day#first of all I only got through half the festa vid so far cause I started watching before dinner but I got through a lot of their talking#about the hiatus and I think the main reason why I was so emotional and why I was crying so hard listening was more so about the fact that#they feel BAD about this more so than the actual hiatus itself#cause even though it’s going to be different and a lot more solo content (which I’m genuinely so excited for) it’s not like they’re going#to be completely gone like they even said they’re still doing run so that’s something I’m really happy about too#obviously I’m going to miss all the ot7 content but it’s not like this is permanent obviously one day they will call it quits for good but#that day isn’t today and I’ll obviously deal with that when it comes. but besides that the main reason why I’m so sad is that they felt#like they didn’t have a right to feel burnt out or to feel disconnected or to feel upset. they felt like they had to push these feelings#away and put aside going on this hiatus for years cause they didn’t want to disappoint us and that just broke my heart ..#like namjoons face and seeing all that pain he’s been carrying for years absolutely broke me#like I really wish they would be so much more selfish than they are sometimes because they DO deserve this break and they have for YEARS#that’s the point that really made me upset .. and joon even said that he felt the members resented him at times and even though they assured#him they didn’t he said ‘I know but that’s how I felt’ and it just kills me that they’ll always think we’re going to be upset about stuff#like this even though a vast majority of us .. the true fans .. want them to have this resting period#and be able to be on their own and figure themselves out .. everyone needs that and I have SO much respect to them for speaking on this#and making that video#so yea idk I’m feeling a bit sad but more so just … relieved?? that they’re finally taking this much needed time for themselves#and I’m honestly so excited to see what they do for their solo work 💜 I love them so much as artist and people#and seeing them always being honest and raw and vulnerable no matter how difficult … so much love and respect for them 💗#mine#idk I have so much more to say too but I never know how to express it well online .. I just love bangtan always 💜
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ed-e · 2 years
another saw movie down another step closer towards watching jigsaw. agony
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bastardlybonkers · 1 month
i feel like not enough ppl are factoring in the cultural clash between laios and shuro and the many micro agressions shuro faced while being in their group. literally the name 'shuro' in itself is one
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his name is toshiro 😭 lets also not forget that he has his own communication issues, in the opposite way that laios does- thats literally a factor in their argument, that his envy for laios's ability to express himself sincerely manifested as part of his distaste for him.
ig all this to say like, was their fight heart wrenching, especially when reading laios as autistic? absolutely. anybody whos ever been in laios's position knows how much it hurts to realize someone you thought was your friend doesnt actually like having you around, especially when they didnt tell you and you had no way of knowing due to not understanding their cues. but im begging yall to step back and see the nuance of this situation cause im gonna be real a lot of you are kinda just brushing over it acting like everything is toshiros fault and that hes a terrible person when in reality hes an average guy who really, really clashed with laios and it led to a very long misunderstanding due to their supremely opposite methods of communication. even laios and toshiro, after letting everything out in their fight, were able to come to an understanding and start a foundation for an actual friendship built on better communication
ok yknow what Edit: i shouldve made it even more explicit at the end of this post, i hadnt thought i would need to since i started the post with this, but i think a few too many people are missing my point so i just wanna clarify. i shouldnt have said 'really clashed' and left it at that because yeah they did, but it wasnt just their opposite methods of communication, it is also very much that toshiro was experiencing microaggressions via laios. it may have been unintentional on laios's part, but it still happened and wore him down, made it harder for him to communicate on top of both the more subtle social cues that he was raised with and his own communication difficulties. i also want to say that the fandom reaction to toshiro and the complete ignorance of this point is also racist tbh or at the very least ignorant. i understand that the anime did not cover this panel, and neither did the manga, as this was an omake, but im gonna be real with you guys. there are enough context clues within the story to clue you into this. if you didnt pick up on it thats ok, but i think this is a good lesson in picking up subtext in the stories that youre watching and/or reading. kui shouldnt have to explicitly say 'by the way laios was racist to toshiro' for this point to be understood, and at the very least, when the author portrays a character in a sympathetic light (as kui clearly does) it should make you question Why they are doing so and what makes them sympathetic, rather than youre immediate and only reaction to be 'well i hated what this guy did/said so i hate them and they suck'. idk exactly how to finish this, just. idk. question your biases and gut reactions to things you see in media and stories, and think about whether or not theres subtext that youre missing.
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ihavebeesinmybrain · 3 months
i know plenty of nonbinary people freely and comfortably use gendered labels like boyfriend and girlfriend with no threat to the security of their identity but i have never been one of those people i have always asked the people i’ve dated to use either partner or SO meaning exes who were both men and women but idk now that im exclusively and permanently dating women and men are totally out of the picture i find myself kind of…. softening? on things? like idk if im cool with someone calling me their girlfriend but at the very least it’s no longer an immediate hard no, i kind of like the idea of using all of them, girlfriend boyfriend partner SO all interchangeable, and i think i like the idea of being girlfriends with someone and being able to refer to myself and a potential partner as girlfriends. like, girlfriends?? are you kidding me? how fucking adorable is that? how sweet and special and enviable? the idea of even wives, eventually? the idea of a woman calling me her wife? idk kind of slays.
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