#<- if they ask again if i got my portfolio results . as if i would not be telling everyone if i got in or not THEYRE STILL BEING GRADEDDD
ironmanstan · 2 years
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
i need to forget - gabe perreault au ☆
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wc: 1.1k
tw: depression, mommy issues, daddy issues, mean summer.
gabe perreault x oc
summer walked through campus looking like like a train wreck.
the always put-together girl was now seen only pale and with under-eye bags.
she had been going through a lot and the feeling of helplessness was the number one feeling in her mind.
her parent's marriage was falling apart, and every day, she woke up to calls from her father ranting about her mother.
she wouldn't wish this feeling on her worst enemy.
her mother had always been lonely. with her father traveling for work she always found herself a 'companion' as she would call it, in other words, she was committing the act of adultery.
she had been doing it since summer's eighth-grade year, or that's when she finally got caught.
her father always forgave her, but it looked like her mother had finally burnt out her father to the stem.
summer felt completely helpless, and the stress of trying to keep her family together was on her shoulders, even if it was across the country.
she shook off the thought as she entered the library and spotted the boy she was least looking forward to see right now; gabe perreault.
the boy knew how to get on her nerves like a leech, and it always resulted in the two bickering for no end. usually, she liked to be back, but with everything going on, she was not looking forward to it; at all.
"your late," he said as a matter of factly
"sorry, I woke up late," she mumbled as she sat next to him.
gabe observed the girl, noticing the bag under her eyes and the burnt-out look she carried, far from the usual persona summer held.
"are you okay," he mumbled, as if he didn't want anyone to hear that he cared.
"don't act like you care, perreault. let's just get this done so we can both go on with our days," she said moodily.
"there she is" he said grinning as she rolled her eyes and began her part of the assignment.
the two teens had been working for about half an hour before they were pulled out of concentration from the buzzing coming from summer's phone.
she declined it before it kept buzzing,
"are you gonna answer that" he asked not being able to concentrate with the buzzing.
"nope" she said as it finally stopped buzzing, before it began to buzz again.
"i can't concentrate"
"it's not my fault you have the attention span of a bee," she sassed as he bit his tongue. gabe could see she wasn't well, and he wasn't an asshole. he wasn't going to annoy her today, but she seemed to be making that challenge quite hard for him.
"what, you're afraid your boyfriend will be mad you're studying with me" he smirked with a bit of a spark in his eyes.
he had seen her with a guy last weekend and they seemed awfully close.
"just shut up. please" she huffed as she shut off her phone.
gabe decided to drop it once again as they got to work.
"i'm going to head out. you just need to fill out the last slide of the portfolio and turn it in" she told him as she stood up.
"we still have another hour,"
"correction, you have another hour, I'm done," she said, crossing her arms and walking out.
leaving gabe to shake his head and watch her walk out.
"she was overly mean today" he mumbed to himself as he began to pack his own things. he'd be damn if he was going to stay in that library alone.
he turned the corner to hear a voice arguing on the phone; as he neared, he heard it was summer's voice, and although he didn't mean to eavesdrop, he still did.
"i don't see why you can't just stop seeing him," she said to whoever was on the phone
"It's lust, Mom," he heard her say with a voice that was raw with emotion.
she was arguing with her mom?
"please don't do this, please," he heard her beg before he watched her lower her phone from her ear. her mom must have hung up.
she let out a choked sob as she leaned back onto the wall. Summer could care less that she was in public; her mom was leaving her dad, claiming she finally learned was 'love' is.
gabe watched her for a moment, fighting with his thoughts on whether or not he should announce his presence.
"summer?" he said acting like he had just arrived.
the girl's head whipped up to see the last person she wanted to see her like this standing in front of her. She wiped her tears and rolled her eyes before trying to rush past him.
"you didn't see anything, perreault"
"are you alright," he said blocking her
"move" she told him
"please, gabe," she said beggingly.
"you don't have to tell me what's wrong, just let me take you to get some food or something, I doubt you've eaten today," he said seriously.
summer did not expect him to say that. she was honestly expecting him to start mocking her and call her a spoilt princess.
"if I go, you won't tell anyone you saw me having a mental breakdown outside the library?" she said sniffingly.
"I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways" he told her.
she observed him, looking for any hint of jokingness, but he looked wholeheartedly genuine. she could use some food, but with gabe?
she decided against the alarms that were going through her head and agreed to join him.
"sorry i've been mean to you, i've just been going through a lot and it's not your fault at all, i'm sorry" she mumbled as they started walking towards the closest ihop.
"it's fine, i kind of got you weren't up to play today" he chuckled
"you call what we do playing," she said with a raised eyebrow
"well, I'm playing most of the time, but then you go deep, and I actually get mad," he said, smiling, seeing as he was finally pulling a smile out of the girl.
"im sorry it's just really funny when i piss you off" she laughed
"why," he said throwing his arms up
"same reason you do" she smirked as he playfully rolled his eyes
the two walked into the closest IHOP, not knowing the relationship that was beginning to blossom.
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indig0trolls · 17 days
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Finally got these finished whoop
25$ USD Each!
Ain't Your Baby // Out of Your League
By purchasing you will be agreeing to follow these terms as follows. PLEASE make sure you read them in full to understand them.
You MAY change the design/species of any design i’ve made after youve bought it, but you must leave credit with INDIG0TEA for the design, and the design itself must be recognizable.
Gender/sex/etc is ultimately up to the buyer.
You may NOTresell the design for more than you paid for it, unless it comes with extra art either made by you (listed for your current or historical  commission rates), or commissioned by you. Gift art/free art does not count towards the value of any design I make, ever. Additionally: You may not ever ask for, recieve, or offer full resale plus non-currency add ons (such as, but not limited to: art, characters, merchandise, games, game currency, etc.). Yes, even if the offer as couched as “free art/commission/character”. Partial resale may be negotiated only for designs whose original buying price was 30 or more dollars USD, and split dollar amount may be for no less than 2/3 of the list price to prevent people trying to workaround this TOS to encourage other people to accept their offers. (For example: Partial resale on a 30$ design may be a maximum of 20$ partial + non-currency add on.) This is to prevent overoffering/artificially inflating resale value. I am willing to make exceptions to this clause, but you will have to speak to me directly to ensure my TOS is being respected.
If the design is gifted/traded at any point, all financial value up to that point is lost and it may not be resold until further art is made/commissioned for it.
You may not include my designs in resale bundles. Period.
You may not EVER feed ANY of my art into an AI interface of ANY kind.​​​​​​​​
If you resell, trade, or gift this design, please inform me that it has been traded/resold/gifted so that I may update the TOS to reflect that and so future buyers cannot be scammed.
You may not resell, gift, or trade this design (or any of my designs) to anyone on my blacklist, which is linked below for your convenience. Doing so will result in immediate  blacklisting/blocking of your accounts.
You may not ever edit the original artwork(s).
You may not repost the original artwork to deviantart, instagram, or other social media/portfolio sites.
You may not use this design for the creation of license-able media such as (but is not limited to): books, animated shorts/shows, Vtuber/twitch streamer  sonas,  comics/webcomics, and video games (free or otherwise). If you  would like to use this design in anything like this, we can negotiate a one time licensing fee which covers use in all of the above. This can be anywhere form an additional 150-500$ depending on your intended use.
You MAY use your design for any other purpose, so long as you are not profiting financially off of my work nor passing it off as your own.
You are allowed to store it in your deviantart sta.sh, post it to tumblr profiles, or upload it to websites like toyhou.se with proper credit.
However, you may not reupload to toyhou.se, to keep the ownership log intact, and to keep the original tos consistent.
For my personal comfort, you may not delete original listings from toyhou.se and resell it separately. This is again to keep the ownership log intact, and to keep the original tos consistent. If the person you wish to resell it to does not have a toyhou.se, I have plenty of invite codes I can give out as necessary.
Please credit to INDIG0TEA the first time you post art of them to websites other than toyhou.se 
Violation  of many of these terms will result in permanent blacklisting/banning  from buying or owning designs by me in the future.
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gourmetpunk · 3 months
I feel like one of the more disturbing things about the society we live in (cue "We Live In A Society" jokes, yeah, yeah) is the way in which people who are given seemingly "free" money are very quickly willing to accept it unquestioningly without ever bothering to consider where it came from. I specifically mean this in reference to people's investments and bank accounts. Like, there's a train of thought that seems to go like this for a lot of people:
Pay fees to put money in bank/pay investment manager to "manage" your money.
Investment manager/bank "does their job" and makes your money "make more money".
How does it happen that more money comes back than went in?
Don't worry about it! It's free money!
I feel like everyone who thinks like this needs to be more suspicious of a system that purports to work that way. (And by the way, "Ethical investment", if you've ever been unnerved by this process enough to ask about that, is largely a scam based on selecting different companies to put the money towards through their branding rather than any evidence of their actual actions - I've seen major mining companies with the bare minimum "green" "commitments" get listed in these schemes, and you typically can't ask for specific companies to be removed from the investment portfolios even for your own investments.)
Anyway, the lie banks/investment managers/economists tell us is that this gradual increase is just the result of mutually beneficial trade. I'd like to see evidence of that, then. If this is supposedly the case, why can't I see a clearly-laid-out map tracing exactly where this "new" money came from? It shouldn't be that hard to point to where the non-exploitative, non-environmentally-damaging business that supposedly benefits everyone is happening, right? And yet if you ask a bank/investment manager/economist enough about this, they'll eventually throw up their hands and say they don't know.
The point of this isn't to say capitalism is evil necessarily (I may think it is, someone else may think it isn't, we're not going to get very far taking those stances all over again). It's not to trot out that old phrase "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism", because I want to be fair here: I want to let capitalists put forth their best arguments and show me why their system actually does work the way it claims to in their idealistic vision of it through real-life example.* The point I'm making here is that the very way banks and investment are structured makes it virtually impossible to engage in an argument on that level anyway, which is why I think everyone should be suspicious. We've seen plenty of money made through exploitation in the past, which I think puts the burden on the financial system here: if the capitalist system can generate new money in a non-exploitative way, why is it so hard to trace this money to actual evidence of that?**
*I am anticipating all of the usual remarks about how "the system isn't designed for critical reflection/improvement/etc." because yes, I know, it's fairly obvious. If it's not clear what I'm doing here, I'm taunting those who would uphold capitalism as a beneficial system by saying "prove it". Don't "show me the money", show me where the money comes from.
**Yes, systems are complex, global economic activity is hard to trace, etc., etc., I imagine there are probably actually pretty good reasons why this stuff isn't as meticulously documented as I'm arguing it should be. But part of my argument here is: why not put more effort into that if there is concern about it? It's surely not impossible, unless of course it's deemed "not cost-effective" (in which case, think of the potential suffering caused by not checking it as an externality you need to correct) or unless you've got something to hide.
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maddiecopesblog · 4 months
I wanted to go over the learning objectives to make sure I have completed every part of the project that I can. This is just a brief (ish) summary of each part, the rest is just all on this blog.
Demonstrate your ability to develop a clear understanding of the relationship of research to your practice in forming a personal and critical viewpoint in the realisation, refinement and production of your Major Project.
The research that I have completed, from looking into Maira Kalman, to my primary research ilike my interviews has vastly inspired my final outcome both visually and conceptually. I personally found the interviews that I conducted the most important part of my research as it helped me to create an outcome that solved the problem the people I interviewed outlined. Thinking about the presence of handbags and how pockets elevates this, thinking about how money and overconsumption concerns meant some people didn't want to purchase new jeans helped me reallise that making a step by step guide on how to achieve deep pockets at home would be a great secondary outcome. Some of the issues and viewpoints outlined in interviews are things I would have never considered, so the input of others were invaluable to the progression of my work. I think also looking into previous campaigns helped me to structure my script for the presentation video to ensure I got my message across clearly. Looking at campaigns by Nike showed me that brands can spark change and imply that others follow their lead which is what I tried to have with this project.
Demonstrate sustained and effective development of a practical working methodology to a topic that you have defined and which includes speculation on new and effective approaches that are at the forefront of Visual Communication practice.
Throughout this project I have explored different ways of approaching a solution to the problems proposed. The way I did this often was through my illustrations, many of which are present in my process book. this means that I could look through any ideas, no matter how silly and see them visually which meant that I could work out ways of practically producing them. My adverts went through many different variations where I experimented how they would look on mockups and also how clearly they demonstrated my idea. I used feedback from my peers and tutorials to guide this. The pocket tester is a physical outcome that im really proud of, the idea came from some of my illustrations which as my project progressed, I returned to and adapted to fit in with both H&Ms branding and also my own personal style. The result is a unique piece that would not only drive sales for H&M but also raise awareness of the issue itself.
Demonstrate an ability to authoritatively and independently project manage ideas, practice, time and work strategies in the production of a well realised body of work, reflecting the complexity of the major project and engaging effectively with academic support and resources.
I have worked very consistently throughout this project, working from daily aims and 'to do lists' to ensure I stay on track and be prepared for tutorials to make sure I gain the most from my feedback. More on this can be seen in a previous Tumblr post where I go into more depth about this. If I were to do this project again, I probably would've scheduled time specifically based on each task as i feel I didn't have enough time for my portfolio as I would've wanted.
Demonstrate an ability to critically reflect on the process of your major project documenting its relation to both personal and wider professional contexts, practices and debates.
this task asks you to show your skill in thoughtfully analyzing the process of your major project. You should document how it relates to both your personal experiences and the broader professional context, practices, and debates in the field.
I have been critically reflecting on my work throughout through the use of feedback from tutors, speaking to my peers and also just by my own judgement based on my research. I have made sure I kept up to date with my Tumblr which meant I could reflect on my process and work out what was the best next step for me to take.
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ofdreamsxpride · 2 years
A new year approaches.
This year has come to an end and I am ready for the new year along with new years goals in mind:
 Continue working on improving my art
I will sadly have to take a backseat from doing character birthdays. It was really fun doing character birthdays for the Scarlet Nexus characters. That is still an amazing game and being able to share my fan art, along with talking to fans and having my art RTed by the director of Scarlet Nexus! It has been a wonderful year to experience. Probably one of the rare times I get this type of interaction on a chaotic social platform, lol.
I’m not sure what type of fan art I will do… I want to try vtuber fanart, maybe Genshin Impact fan art. I might continue some video game anniversaries we’ll see, it always depends if I have free time to pull it off. Doing some more thinking, maybe I can do a sketch log. Where I sketch out ideas, and plan them out ahead of time. One of my biggest annoyances is that I am always rushing towards the end of a project deadline. Most of my drawing ideas don't really have an exact deadline, but as someone who is experienced with commissions. I try to discipline myself and not delay the process of one drawing idea.
Look for a new job.
Depending on my hours in January. I do want to look for a new job. I have been employed since the pandemic, but I am always broke most of the time. For 3 months, I was struggling with payments and I had to ask my mom to help me out a bit. I can not keep living like this, I need to find a more stable income.
Continue to work on my YT channel.
I really want a side job for video editing, but it's going to take me a long time to get a lot better at it. My knowledge of video editing is an intermediate level, but I would love for it to be a side job someday.
I would like to try again at commissions, maybe in Late January. 
If anyone is interested in commissions from me, DM or wait for my commission announcement. I really would like some extra cash, while building my art portfolio for future clients. I still need to finish those Twitch Emotes that I started back in September… I got ahead of myself and as I mentioned already. I want to better organize and plan my drawing ideas a lot better.
Looking back on this year, it was a rough start for me. I got covid in January, my house flooded due to a broken faucet and I slipped on the wet floor, which resulted in injuring my toe. That is the first time I have broken a bone in my entire life, it was not fun wearing a cast. Other than that, I managed to get by while keeping myself distracted with video games and drawing. Doing these activities has helped keep my sanity together through these difficult times. I am thankful to the friends I have met in the past who also continue to support me or just there for a good conversation.
And Thanks for reading this. I wish everyone a safe and happy new year!
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catwithyellowwings · 2 years
Brett Talbot x fem!reader
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Please be gentle, this is my first story. English is not my native language. I'm still learning it, so there's probably a bunch of mistakes 🙈
"Can you not make a face for a minute?" looking at the resulting photo with displeasure, Y/N was indignant. "You've already ruined so many frames".
"Come on," Talbot replied, looking over her shoulder at the results of their almost half-hour work. "Look, this one is fine, in my opinion, it turned out. It's not all the same to be with a rotten mine as on the documents." girl just rolled her eyes at this phrase. "And why are you worried about spoiled shots? You're not shooting on a film camera."
"Let's try again on the horizontal bars," Y/N switched the camera to the "shooting" mode and headed to the right place, ignoring Brett's comment. "There, you will no longer be up to fooling around."
"And how do you want to photograph me there, love?" gently clasping Y/N by the waist when they reached the place, guy whispered in her ear. This action provoked a wave of goosebumps on the body of his beloved, forcing her to take a short sharp breath, after which she turned to face him. "Maybe we should go somewhere more private? I think there will also be some very interesting places to shoot there."
"We'll still have time to get to a more private place," Y/N said, meeting his green-blue eyes, maintaining a playful mood. "You definitely won't get away from this." hearing this, Brett broke into a satisfied smile and hugged his beloved closer to him. "In the meantime, let's finish our business here first."
Finally, pecking him on the lips, Y/N got out of the ring of hugs, preparing the camera for work. They spent another good fifteen minutes filming behind various sports equipment. Y/N even managed to enjoy Talbot's half-naked appearance when, for several series of photos, he took off his T-shirt, throwing it on a bench nearby.
"Wow, you're so photogenic," she said after taking another frame, once again evaluating the result of their joint work. "Have you ever thought of becoming a model?"
"And have everyone stare at me like I'm some kind of weirdo? Nah," Brett waved off, standing behind her again and wrapping his arms around her waist. This pose was his favorite when they were together. Thus, he not only held Y/N in his arms, at the same time showing everyone that this girl was busy with him, but also covered her most vulnerable place so that no one attacked her from behind. Besides, this way he had access to Y/N's hair, the fragrance of which the guy liked.
"Don't you want too much attention to yourself?" Y/N was surprised, glancing at the guy behind her. "I thought it would flatter you at least.
"They are not you," he gently pressed her to him, and left a small kiss on Y/N's temple. "I don't need someone else's attention, I just need yours."
"Smooth talker," the girl grinned, but still leaned back slightly into his embrace. "But I'm glad to hear it. I don't want to share you with anyone."
"Oh, so it turns out you're a jealous mode?" Talbot grinned with satisfaction, lightly tickling Y/N under the ribs. "That good to know."
They spent the next few minutes discussing the resulting photos. The best of them were to replenish the portfolio of Y/N, who planned to connect her life with photographs. It was her second hobby after music, but that topic was still a sore point for her because of recent bad events in her family.
"I've never seen anyone look cute and ridiculous at the same time," looking at another picture, the girl smiled. "I asked you not to make a face."
"But look how different and lively the photos turned out!" Brett exclaimed, taking the camera for himself and flipping through the results of their work. "You will obviously have a lot to choose from. No one will have such photos for sure," he switched the camera to shooting mode in a few clicks. "So, let's see what kind of model will come out of you."
"Uh, no," Y/N immediately objected and reached out to pick up her thing. However, this did not work out for her, since the guy was a little more than a head taller than her, which he did not dare to take advantage of, causing indignation from his beloved. "I'm not taking pictures of myself, I'm only photographing others. Give me the camera."
"Do you trust me?" Talbot asked, holding the camera at arm's length and raising his eyebrows.
"Answer me, Y/N/N, do you trust me?" the guy continued to insist and holding the camera out of the girl's reach.
"I trust you," sighing, she admitted after a few seconds of persistent glances. "So?"
"So, let me take a picture of you," Talbot said, looking her straight in the eye. "It's your camera. The pictures will remain with you, you can delete them later if you want. But let's try to switch places for a while? I agreed to pose for you. Please. "
"You're using your puppy dog look again," Y/N noticed, covering his eyes with her palm, and couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'm a werewolf. It's in my blood, you might say," Brett shrugged, removing her palm from the face with his free hand. "Love, let me take a picture of you. You know I won't do anything bad for you."
"You're not going to leave me alone until I let you do it, are you?" after a few seconds of staring, the girl's defense began to crack at the seams from the perseverance of a person who was not indifferent to her. In response, he shook his head and gently ran the knuckle of his index finger along her cheek, which was the last straw. "Only if it's not for long."
"You won't regret it," leaving a short kiss on her lips, the guy said with a smile. "I promise."
"One kiss won't buy you off, Talbot," Y/N said sternly, taking his hand. "You will have to confirm this trust a little later."
"It will be done, sweetheart," understanding her hint, Brett nodded, inwardly rejoicing at the victory and what awaits them both in the evening. But all that will be in the evening, now they face another task. "In the meantime, let's see, maybe we should both go into modeling?"
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End, Begin, All the Same.
Happy New Year, everyone! Well, 2021 sure... did happen. It’s hard to believe that so much could happen, yet it felt like no time at all. I would have written the year off entirely if not for the last three months or so of it. I finally found a job in my field, I started streaming, I was able to wrangle some commission work, things finally started to feel a little grounded. 
I wanted to share a few thoughts, and talk a little about how things are looking going into 2022. Sorry if some (or all) of this is repeated from prior posts, it’s hard to remember what I wrote when. 
I have been working on a game for the past few years, alongside job hunting, the Academy, and other general projects. It has been a great learning opportunity, and one that I have every intention of seeing to completion. However, a friend made me take a hard look at how I was managing my work and my life. Since then, I put the game on pause while I figured out a new path. Finding work in the game industry had been a crushing experience, years or trying to get noticed and never being given a second glance. So, I decided I needed to find other means to support myself. Streaming’s a big thing, so I looked at whether I could make that work. I’d pick up some part time work to keep things steady, I’d do some side hustles to supplement. In short, I was getting off the all-or-nothing job hunt track, and I was going to try a few different things and see what proved successful.
And then I got a job offer in the games industry.  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I of course took the offer immediately, and that was the right choice. I’m having a great time with the job, I have some financial stability, and I’m in the industry I’ve been working for years to be in. The downside, of course, is that I don’t have the freedom to delegate my time as I did for much of this past year. That’s not really a problem, since I was pretty bad at that anyway.
So, before I ramble any more, let’s break this down into a list. 
The Academy: I never really thought my little ask blog project would outlast MLP:FiM, and it’s been incredible to share it with all of you for this long. Between tumblr shooting itself in the foot a few years ago, and many fans moving on to other things in their lives, traffic isn’t as high as it used to be. All the same, I have a rough of idea of how I would like to see the Academy come to an end, and I want to share that ending with all of you. There may be days where I have to put other projects above the Academy, and miss some posts. There may be days where I just can’t think of a good page, or find the energy to make it, and I have to take some time off. I’m sorry, I wish I could get to all of it. What I will promise, however, is that I will not up and disappear. I do enjoy working on the comic, and I am glad I get to share it with you and make your day a little better. So I hope you’ll continue to enjoy the lives of our favorite musical ponies for a while longer.
The Game: “Pages” has always been a project burdened with too many expectations. It had to be a good portfolio piece, it had to be something I enjoyed working on, it had to be commercially successful to validate the work I was putting in, and it had to be something I got done in a reasonable amount of time. All of these things weighed heavily on it and myself, and is what resulted in that heart-to-heart I mentioned earlier. It did serve its role as a portfolio piece, since I was able to show some of the work from it to help land my job. And now that I have that job, it does not need to make lots of money and make it right now. One of my big goals for 2022 is to get it back off the shelf and start working on it again. I don’t know when it’s going to get done, but I look forward to sharing the considerably less burdened journey with you guys. Which leads me into...
Streaming: Like I said, I got into streaming as a potential way to share the work I was already doing, and maybe even make a little coffee money off of it. Being unemployed, I had the freedom to do streams at any hour of the day I wanted. That’s not an option now, but I did enjoy sharing the work with all of you guys. It’s something that I want to keep doing, albeit not as frequently as I would have done before. I expect it will be more of a weekend thing, maybe weekly or bi-weekly. We will see how it go, but do please keep an eye out. I will be sure to let you know when streams are going to happen.
I think that covers all the business points I wanted to get to. Thank you everyone for coming this far with me. It has been an insane ride since I started this blog in July 2012, and I would not have predicted how any of it would have gone. Still, I am glad to have shared it with all of you, and I hope to continue to share my work for a long time to come. I hope 2022 is kind to you, and that you happy and healthy. Be good to yourselves, be good to one another, and may we all find joy in the days to come. 
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sarcastich · 3 years
Crown Made Of Barbwire
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Everyone got their wings, sooner or later.
Feathers of every color, size, variation.
They start as two little bumps on your back, itching like a growing tooth, around the same time you hit puberty. A bit earlier for girls, a bit later for boys. They grow over the course of your teenage years, and stop once all their feathers have reached their full size.
Some people could fly with their wings, some couldn’t. Most people’s wings were two meters on each side when they were outstretched.
Peter’s wings had only taken two years to grow fully, and were beautiful, pure-white angel wings.
He’d never seen anyone with wings like his. All the other white wings were more like snow owls, speckled with browns and grays, or had underlying colors that gave the top feathers a tint.
He couldn’t quite fly with them, but they were perfect for gliding. He’d scale the tallest buildings in his area, and get a running jump off of them, plummeting for a moment before he got pulled up and flew around the neighborhood until his wings got tired. Of course, you couldn’t just fly anywhere whenever you wanted to. You needed permits, licenses, there were laws to uphold. Most people preferred staying on the ground, anyway.
But not everyone got to keep their feathered wings.
Peter had always heard stories of the burnt ones.
His aunt used it as a reason for him to be good, or when his friends were yelling about seeing criminals they’d allegedly seen out ‘n about.
“-Eat your greens or your wings will burn right off, Pete”
“-I’m telling you, man! His wings were all black and torn up, I’m not kidding!”
They were the result of corruption, evil, immorality, and sin. Once soft feathers scorched, charred, and turned into soot. They blackened and burned away, turning into a shadow of their past wonder, skeletal and black.
Peter had never imagined that one day he’d be standing at the Four Seasons, shooting photos for The Bugle, trying to get a good shot of the Tony Stark.
Peter was among the crowd of journalists and other photographers, rapidly clicking away, aiming his camera lens at Stark. Reporters were yelling out questions, waving wired microphones and recorders over the barrier between them and the walkway Tony Stark was walking down.
There was something about his wings that set them apart from a normal burnt set. Most CEOs, businessmen or just rich, successful, famous people had burnt wings.
But Tony Stark’s weren’t just burnt.
They had horns cascading from the tips to the forearms. The burning away of the pure white feathers had revealed bat-like structures. Stark had no idea why, or how. That was just how they were. Or so he’d told the public.
Peter’s breath caught in his throat when Stark focused on him, looking into his camera and flashing a well-practiced smile. Peter fumbled for a moment before he looked through the viewfinder and took several photos.
And again, he’d never imagined that he’d get a personal request for a photoshoot, by the Tony Stark.
He packed his camera bag with shaky hands, taking extra drives and lenses.
His boss had pulled him aside earlier that morning, and told him that Stark had reached out and asked for Mr. Parker to be the one present and in charge of the interview’s photos. Peter, of course, had accepted in a second. He’d be an idiot to decline. Tony Stark’s picture on his portfolio? What kind of artist would he be if he said no?
Peter stepped out of the glass lobby of The Bugle offices half an hour later and looked up from his phone, his camera bag slung over his shoulder. He was wearing a deep red sweater over a white collared shirt, the front tucked into his soft beige dress pants. He hoped his outfit wasn’t too casual for the occasion, but he didn’t really have time to change anyway.
Just as he looked away from the screen, a sleek black car pulled up in front of him. The driver’s window rolled down.
“Peter Parker?” the driver, a roundish man, asked.
“Y-yeah- yes!”
The man jerked his head towards the back seat door.
“Get in, kid.”
Peter did as told, nervously sliding into the car, barely moving when he sat on the leather seat, hugging his bag.
“Wh- Where’re we going-?” His voice came out a lot squeakier than he’d meant for it to.
“Stark Industries Tower, where else?”
Almost an hour later, the car stopped in front of the blue, glass building. The driver got out and opened Peter’s door. He hadn’t moved since he’d gotten in.
Getting out of the car and almost forgetting his bag, he mumbled, most of his attention drawn by the tall tower.
“Thank you- uh, mister- um-”
“Hogan. Happy Hogan.”
“Yes! Thanks!”
With a nod, he closed the car door and got back in, driving off. Peter took a deep breath, held his bag properly again and started towards the building.
After a short chat with one of the three receptionists, he was led to an elevator a bit farther away from the general area of the entry. He and a shorter woman entered the lift. Judging from her formal attire, Peter guessed she was an assistant. Her wings were far smaller than his own, made up of light blue feathers with streaks of royal blue. He kept his own wings contracted to offer her enough room in the small space.
“Friday, take us to the penthouse, and please let Mr. Stark know that Mr. Parker will be arriving shortly.”
Peter looked at her, confused until a soft tone went off and the elevator started its ascent.
She smiled at him before he let out a soft “Oh-” and averted his gaze.
With another soft tone, the lift stopped and she gestured for him to step out.
“Thanks-”, he started to say, but the elevator door was already closing behind him.
The elevator had opened to something like a living room area. Two sleek, white sofas were facing the rounded glass walls, with an ornate sculpture between them that looked like five giant bowls stacked on top of each other. Everything Peter could see was modern and minimal, with a white-gray aesthetic throughout the penthouse.
He looked around nervously, holding on to his bag by the shorter strap.
“Mr. Parker, welcome.”
Peter gasped and turned around with a jump, startled.
“M-Mr. Stark! Y-yes, hi, I’m Peter Parker, I-I’m here for the Bugle interview shoot?” He inwardly cringed at how he sounded, stuttering, his voice a lot higher than it usually was, clutching his bag for dear life.
Stark smirked at him. “I know, kid, calm down.” He gestured towards the sofas. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”
Peter stuttered out a thank you, and sat down at the far end of one. He kept his wings close to his body, feeling like he was taking up too much space, still hugging his bag to his chest. He looked up shyly, taking Stark in properly. His wings were relaxed as he walked to the sofa facing Peter, sitting down comfortably.
“Are you afraid of me, Mr. Parker?”
“N-No sir. I mean, you’ve obviously done s-some- uh-.. Not so great things- but uhm- You’re an icon, people admire you-”
“Would you like anything to drink?” Stark cut him off, motioning to the minibar that had very literally risen from the ground.
Peter stuttered out, “Oh- N-No, thank you, I can’t drink on the job-”
Stark poured himself two fingers of whiskey in a lowball glass, without ice, and gently pushed down the top of the minibar, and it reclined back into the floor, looking like another dark grey ceramic tile.
He took a sip, eyes trained on Peter.
Peter cleared his throat, relaxing a bit. “So, where d’you think would be best for the uhm- the shots-?”
They talked about light placement, the conversation somehow dragging over to technology and science, Peter engaging a lot more, and forgetting his nervousness eventually.
After about an hour, they got up, Peter set up his camera, and took his photos.
A behind-shot of Tony Stark with his hands tucked into his pants pockets, wings stretched out behind him. A side profile, while buttoning his suit, and various other shots.
Peter was on his knees, getting a photo of one of Tony Stark’s iconic shades on a small table, the city line stretching out behind it.
Stark had excused himself to take a call, and told Peter to take photos of anything that he wanted. Peter didn’t hear him step back into the room, too focused on trying to set his camera’s shutter speed. Stark quietly took long strides to him, stepping in front of the table.
“Oh, Mr. Stark-! I just wanted to take a shot of the glasses, they’re-”
He stammered into silence as Mr. Stark softly ran the back of his finger along his cheek. He held it under Peter’s chin, tilting his head up. Peter was blushing furiously, but couldn't make himself look away.
“Let me see your wings, angel.”
Three months later, Peter’s life had changed drastically.
He was decked out in the latest designer clothes, a skinny white Etro strap top to match his wings, baby blue Dolce & Gabbana shaded glasses perched on this nose, sitting by a marbled kitchen counter, a Valentino white leather clutch bag resting on it, and inspecting his manicured nails.
A man in an obsidian black suit entered the room, buttoning his jacket and running a hand through his hair, smirking.
“Ready, angel?”
Peter looked up, a cheeky smile on his lips. Wings fluttering, he slid off his high stool and made his way to him. He straightened Tony’s tie and pecked his nose.
“Yes, daddy.”
He leaned away, but Tony let out a growl, grabbing Peter by his waist and pulling him flush against his body.
Peter gasped, “You’ll ruin my outfit!”
“Angel, I bought it.”
Peter pouted, “Well yeah, but you gave it to me”
“I’ll buy you a new one, you spoilt brat.”
Peter giggled and cupped Tony’s face, looking into his eyes and leaning into his touch. “Y’know I love you, Tones.”
They kissed softly, Tony not letting go of his vice grip on Peter’s waist.
“Tony, we’re gonna be late... I want you to check the set up one last time-”
“Angel, I had you set things up. I trust you.”
Earlier that day, Peter had gone to the hotel’s restaurant on the top floor, under a different name and reservation. He’d checked the entire place for wires, mics, or anything that could put them in any sort of bad situation. He checked exit points, weak spots, and all the cameras. He’d been thorough.
He had taped a Glock 9 mm handgun underneath their side of the table, checking repeatedly to make sure it was fully loaded and had its safety off.
Peter grumbled a bit, before letting go of Tony, dramatically sighing, rolling his eyes and picking up his handbag from the counter.
“Well, we should get going anyway.”
Tony shot him a wolfish grin before grabbing his wrist and pulling him back.
“You missed something, i mio angelo.”
He tilted his head to the counter, a navy blue felt box sitting on it now. Peter was surprised. He knew it was a jewelry box, but he hadn’t asked for anything, and even though Tony loved showering him with gifts, there was usually some silly occasion he used as an excuse for it.
He curiously looked at the box, wondering what it was. Something beautiful, no doubt.
“Go on then, Angel, it’s yours.”
Peter stepped back up to the counter and set down his bag on the nearest stool. He pulled the box closer to himself before glancing at Tony, who was smirking at him, arms crossed against his chest.
He slowly opened it, keeping his eyes on Tony until the lid was completely vertical.
His eyes flicked down to the box, and he took in a sharp gasp, hands flying to cover his mouth. “Tony, you didn’t!”
Tony’s smirk grew into a full grin again as Peter rushed around the counter to kiss him, cradling the box in his arms, even though he could easily just hold it in one hand.
“Of course I did, mia carissimo.”
Tony took the box from Peter’s hands, setting it down on the counter. He pulled out the choker he’d gotten for his princess, with Round Brilliant cut, D rate diamonds in the center of Cushion cut diamonds arranged like figure eights.
Peter lightly grazed his own neck with his fingertips, already feeling the weight on his neck, even though he hadn’t touched the jewels yet. Tony held up the necklace.
“May I have the honor?”
Peter silently turned his back to Tony, holding his head high. Tony pressed a kiss to the back of Peter’s bare neck and gently ran his hand through Peter’s feathers, making him shudder before placing the necklace on his neck and fastening the tiny clasp. It didn’t have a chain at the end, it had a specific size. Peter’s size.
Half an hour later, Tony held the passenger door of his Audi R8 Spyder open and led Peter out, Peter giving him his hand like a princess, to the entry of the hotel. There was no swarming press, just the coming and going of guests of the hotel.
Handing his keys over to a valet, Tony pressed a kiss to the back of Peter’s hand.
“Relax, angel.”
They walked into the lobby hand in hand, people stopping to stare at them every few feet. Even if they didn’t know who Tony Stark was, they’d stop to look at the man with the bat wings and the boy who looked like an angel.
They didn’t stop at the reception, they walked straight to the private elevator that led to the restaurant, Tony’s security detail already armed and ready at the top. Once they got there and had been patted down and checked for weapons by Osborn’s security, Tony walked them over to their table.
It overlooked the city skyline, winking lights dotting the land underneath them. He pulled out a chair for Peter, getting a soft smile in return. Sitting in the chair next to him, he held his hand again. Peter shot him a worried look.
Peter kept his voice low, “I thought you said he’d be here on time?”
“Princess, he’s only five minutes late. His detail’s here, he’ll be here, too.”
Peter toyed with the table’s centerpiece while they waited. After about ten minutes, Tony abruptly got up, rebuttoning his suit.
“C’mon bambino, we’re leaving.”
Before Peter could get up, there was a short yell and a loud muffled thump from the elevator.
The glass wall beside their table shattered, rapid shots taking out most of the security team. Tony yanked Peter down by his suit collar, looking out at the building in front to try and see the snipes. The elevator doors ominously opened, a man in black armour stepping out. His wings were plated with metal.
It all happened in the span of two seconds.
He shot the remaining guards before training his gun on Tony. Before he could get a word out, Peter pulled the gun he’d hidden earlier. In an instant, he cocked it and aimed for the man’s head.
The assassin had been a split second too late in aiming at Peter.
Peter fired.
The shooter fell to the floor, dead.
Peter dropped the gun, falling to his knees, a sudden hiss sounding behind him.
His wings had burst into flames.
He yelled out, pain blooming in his wings and along his back. Tears sprung from his eyes and ran down his face, ash falling around him, smoke rising behind him as Tony rushed to his knees beside him, holding him as he cried into Tony’s shoulder, his agonized screams muffled.
In the matter of minutes, his angelic wings were gone.
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scrubs - 4.
pairing: doctor!sebastian stan x biomedical scientist!reader
warnings: angst, swearing
< previous chapter
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    - So ... - Miriam rolled her chair near Y/N’s, a little smirk on her lips as she finally caught her without any trainees surrounding her and without any particular tasks. She was merely looking at the printed reports from everyone in the laboratory, double checking and adding some notes as well as writing her suggested course of treatment if necessary for any doctors who chose to took her advice. - How is he?
     - Miriam, the last thing I am going to talk to you about is my sex life. 
     - Yeah, because you never really had one but now it is interesting. Come on, is he soft or is he aiming to be the doctor version of Christian Grey?
     - He’s a nuisance, that’s what he is. - she pushed her glasses back on, returning to her paperwork but Miriam was keen on not letting that happen.
     - What’s his place like? Is it a bachelor pad?
     - Listen to me, I am tired, I am slightly hangover and sore in all the right places. Now do with that what you will and let me go back to my work. - she pushed Miriam chair with her foot, sending the office chair rolling away from her. 
The day was mostly non eventful. She dragged herself through sleep and headaches, supervising over the newbies and even running some tests herself, at least those which didn’t made her more nauseous than she already was. Turns out the whole of New York decided to have infections as of late as it seemed only her department was being swallowed with samples after samples and more samples. Luckily for her, only 5% per cent of them required her to write down a very polite email calling the upstair staff incompetent due to changing names and even genders. How hard was it to insert the numbers into a computer and print a right label? Apparently too hard. 
As she finished filling out the error filled paperwork and signing some portfolios for training biomedical scientists, the laboratory manager entered her department. He was a man in his 60s, mostly business related and if the rumours were to be believed, only became a biomedical scientist so he could eventually manage something. Y/N deeply disliked him, the moment she started training back when he held the position she held now, he only called her sweetheart and constantly made snide remarks about how the medical industry was starting to be overtaken by women. Yet again, he was still her superior and as such she had to answer to him.
    - Miss Y/L/N. - she grimaced. Great, he came her to talk to her. - Where are Dr. Stan’s sample results?
    - Which ones?
    - You know which ones. The ones which should’ve been delivered yesterday, sweetheart.
    - They were labelled wrong. If I had gone with it, the hospital would be open to all sorts of liabilities. 
    - Now, sweetheart ... - he put her hand on her shoulder. - I would love it if I didn’t get the chief of medicine complaining to me each day about his doctors getting his test requests denied by my staff. I do not care if you and Dr. Stan slept together, I don’t care who you take to bed, I do care about having people complain to me about you. 
    - My personal life has nothing to do with my professional life, sir. 
    - Those results better be delivered today.
She saw red as the man left, and looking to her right she saw the file containing the precious results. Normally she wouldn’t push cases in front of the others but this, oh this was an important. She grabbed the file and headed towards the staircase, not even bothering to wait for the lift. Y/N made a beeline towards the reception where most of the nurses were.
    - Do you know where Dr. Stan is? 
    - Looking for seconds? - Y/N ignored the harsh remark and merely took it upon herself to find the man who’d better be off dead. She made it to the locker area where most of the make shift bedrooms were. If she was correct, and she was, Dr. Stan would probably be sleeping in one of those bedrooms.
She made through them with a thunderstorm rage, walking from room to room despite the warning from the nurse. Normally she’d let healthcare staff sleep, the shifts were unforgivable and sometimes you just needed a quick nap for 30 minutes so you wouldn’t go inside. Dr. Stan, however, was no longer deserving of said nap and instead of waking him up by screaming in his hear, she merely let all the heavy files fall on top of his face. He woke up in a frenzy, looking side to side before looking at his pager. 
   - Here are your results, Doctor. - she gave him a passive aggressive smile.
   - Thanks?
   - Next time you want your results on time maybe label the samples right. I mean, why go through all the trouble of sleeping with me and then telling it to my laboratory manager so you can get your results? It’s easier to fucking know how to use a laptop.
   - What?
   - Fuck off, Sebastian. - she turned around to point her finger at him. - Why don’t you just go and page the whole team about you sleeping with me?
   - Y/N, wait up ...
   - If you need anything from the laboratory talk to Miriam. Don’t you dare ever speak to me ever again.  
She was severely disappointed in him, hurt even, and for the first time she had to hold herself together not to start crying in the hospital wings. She always thought he at least respected her as a professional but clearly he did not. Everyone was commenting about it and she could even hear some remarks thrown her way, poking fun of her attitude and even asking if she came back for more and she found it harder and harder not to break down crying. As the lift doors closed, she cleaned the tears that had start to pool up on her eyes. She munched on her lip, hand in front of her mouth as she tried to pull herself together. It’s only gossip, it’ll be okay and she’ll be damned if she let anyone bring her down. She wouldn’t be the first woman to have a night stand and definitely not the last.
She walked in the laboratory with the goal of continuing to do what made her happy and that was run some tests herself. Sure her new position was good and it gave good pay but it was mostly training graduates and do some paperwork as well as look for mistakes. Hadn’t it been for her, this hospital would’ve gotten sued a thousand times. 
    - Stop being in a fowl mood.
    - Leave me alone, Miriam. 
    - Since you’re already ready to kill, Elizabeth has been on break for 30 minutes longer.
     - Seriously? Why didn’t you do anything? 
     - You’re the supervisor of the microbiology department, I am merely your best friend. - she rolled her chair by her side. - Besides I want to go on my dinner break, please.
She rolled her eyes at this comment, getting up once again to go upstairs. It was almost a mechanical move and for the first time, the detail oriented scientist was as distracted as one could be with everything but details in her mind. Maybe had she not been distracted, she would’ve noticed the sheen in the stairs. Unluckily for her, she only noticed it once her head thumped against the stairs, almost as if her head had hit a trampoline surface. She grimaced, pushing herself on her hand to feel her ankle gave up on her whenever she tried to get up.
     - Are you okay? - Miriam checked, poking her head out the laboratory only to see her on the stairs. - Y/N, it is not the time to be dramatic or to be sleeping, I’m hungry.
    - I can’t get up. - she grumbled, sitting down to massage her ankle. Miriam jumped from the laboratory, walking up to her. - My ankle hurts and my head is pounding. 
    - Oh okay, hum ... hold yourself on me, we’ll get the nurses to check on you. You’re fine, right? You’re fine.
    - Yeah ... - she grimaced once again as she got up, arm over Miriam’s shoulder as he led her to the lift. First she sleeps with the Doctor who is intent on burying her reputation, then the whole hospital gets to know about her drunken one night stand and then she falls on the stairs. It just can’t get any worse, can it? Well, of course it can. 
    - What happened there? - Dr. Stan perked up from behind the desk where he and some nurses were looking at the files. 
    - None of your business. 
    - Y/N fell and hit her head, also her ankle hurts. - so much for none of your business. 
    - Sounds like my business. - he walked up to the two women but Y/N merely rolled her eyes. - Come on, I’ll check it.
    - I’d rather be run over by a car.
    - Great. - Miriam interrupted Y/N before she decided to walk back to the laboratory even with a painful ankle.
Great. It can get any worse. 
taglist: @rebekahdawkins​
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trueskinesthetics · 2 years
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I guess this will be a way to introduce myself and get myself out there. My name is Alisha, and I'm a 27-year-old licensed Esthetician, makeup loving, brow QUEEN mama.
I started my journey in the beauty industry in 2016, just 2 months after I gave birth to my sweet baby boy. I originally planned on becoming a licensed cosmetologist, but after about 3 months of school I had an insane realization---- I HATE DOING HAIR.
Lucky for me I had been there long enough to dip my hands into a little bit of esthetics, and what came next was quite literally, YEARS in the making.
-Fast forward to 2018-
I spent a couple of years deciding if the beauty industry was really for me. I knew it would be hard to break into the working world after school, but I never imagined it would be as hard as it actually was.
School was a huge struggle for me- working 2 jobs, school full time, and a toddler at home. There were many times I told myself I couldn't keep going. I truly did not think I could make it through. I was tired. I was anxious. I felt like a bad mom for being so busy. I WAS DRAINED.
After I graduated and FINALLY got my license, I spent almost a year applying for jobs. It was so discouraging being told I'm not qualified for a job in MY FIELD, that I am LICENSED for, because I didn't have experience.
How do you get experience when nobody will give you a chance?
It was seriously so frustrating. I worked on friends and family constantly just to get the practice and build my portfolio so my work could be seen.
Then, Ulta happened.
They gave me the chance I had been hoping for.
But covid stopped me from starting.
The day before I was supposed to start, everything shut down. I thought my chance would never come. Maybe I wasted my time thinking I could actually do this. How would I even have a job to come back to when I never actually worked at this place? But something in the universe decided this was where I was meant to get my start.
I got calls and texts multiple times a week from the GM to keep me up to date on reopening, covid protocols, and anything else I needed to know. It was a scary time. Nobody knew when this shut down would end.
But, after 4 months of being trapped, in a tiny apartment, never leaving my sons side, it was time to go back to work.
And it was SCARY.
I was a Benefit Arch Expert. Doing brows every day. It started off very slow. I didn't have a clientele. I didn't know how to get my name out there. I started giving my business cards to everyone I saw. I would give stacks of them to friends and family to hand out. As I got more comfortable, I became more confident, and that is when I really got an idea of how good I was.
Brows were never part of my plan. I hated waxing in school. I imagined I would be in a nice spa doing facial treatments. But THIS. It was fun. It was rewarding. And getting an immediate result made it that much easier for me to brand myself.
I started posting pictures all the time. I would have people messaging me on Instagram asking about appointments. I got to a point where I would be so booked that people would try to pay each other, WHILE IN MY CHAIR, to take somebody's appointment. Even offering me money to give people's appointments away.
(Obviously I don't work that way, but it was a great feeling knowing people wanted ME, of all people, to give them a service.)
Just the idea of having a steady clientele and being able to make money doing something I loved so much was like a dream to me.
But after a year, I had to make the tough decision to take a step back from my dream.
As the covid regulations and mask mandates started to ease up, I felt for the safety of my family, that maybe this isn't where I needed to be in this moment.
I went back to my restaurant job.
And now, a year later. Here I am. Ready to see if I can make this thing happen, yet again.
So, welcome to the journey.
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shotorozu · 4 years
fluffvember day 1 — doodling/sketching
todoroki shouto
“stay still. oh, and don’t forget to breathe.”
legend : [Y/N = your name] reader uses they/them pronouns, gender neutral. reader has a water quirk for convenience
word count :
notes : okay, so here’s my logic— i plan on doing three days, and back in november 5, i planned on doing 15 days— but then i said nvm because i got too stressed out so,, yeah. three days, so sorry :((
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YOU’RE PRACTICALLY multitalented at this point, at least to todoroki shouto. you’re humble, and he finds it amazing due to the fact that you remain humble— you don’t shove it in people’s faces, and sometimes he wonders if you even know how talented you are.
besides being in the hero course in UA, and being his classmate— he knows how much you like art. if you’re waiting for aizawa-sensei, he finds his mismatched eyes watching you scribble doodles onto your sketchbook.
on saturday afternoons in your room, he watches you fill your cup with water— water droplets dispersing from the tips of your hands, as you prepare your watercolor.
watching the pigment disperse onto the sheet of paper, your brush gliding gently against the thick sheet of paper— the sounds of the brush were almost therapeutic. he almost understood why you spent most of your free time watching bob ross (if you weren’t training, spending time with him, or eating)
he’s on the opposite side of your bed, and you look ethereal— basking into the sunlight of the fine weekend, he watches in silence as you erase any stray pencil strokes, and draw on more precise lines onto the lineart.
“what’s on your mind?” you ask, but you don’t look up— you’re too focused onto your art piece, and he couldn’t blame you. he wonders how someone’s mind could create such a piece of work.
but then again, it’s you. you’re unpredictable, in the best way possible.
he knows that artists don’t really like being asked to draw people, even someone as dense as todoroki shouto would get that. but he wants to take that shot in the dark, he’s been thinking about this for a long time— so why not get it out?
“do you think.. you can draw me?”
a smile erupts onto your face, and you flip a page— practically abandoning your piece as soon as he asked. “i never thought you’d ask, shouto.”
he smiles. well— that worked for sure, but now what? what does someone do when they’re being drawn? “just sit comfortably, shou.” you say, as you draw a circle
shouto sits stiffly against your bed, his hands are on his lap— and he’s holding his breath, trying hard not to move as you sketch out his features.
“stay still. oh, and you can breathe,” you chuckle, and he exhales. frankly enough— you’ve wanted to draw shouto for the longest time. his face was just an entire pinterest moodboard, and it felt like you’ve drawn him a thousand times already.
yet— you don’t actually have a real artwork of him. not a completed one anyway.
“shouto, try to relax yourself.” you put down your sketchpad for a moment, and your hand dances along his shoulders. it feels like you have a rock for a boyfriend, truth to be told.
he sighs, and he melts into your touch— it never failed to calm his tense muscles down. you move back to your sketchbook, and his position is much more relaxed, toned down to your liking.
a cerulean and steel colored eye stares at you, observing how focused you look right now. he wouldn’t mind seeing this for the remainder of his life, that is— if you allowed him.
you’re adding extra shadings, and his heart is skipping beats. he doesn’t know why he’s so excited to view your art, not like he hasn’t flipped through your art portfolio before (with and without your knowledge, but shh). but it always amazed him.
“you can look now,” you say, while you’re signing the corner of your page with your signature. it’s a simple sketch of him— just a pencil drawing so far. yet, he can actually see the texture you’ve placed in everything.
down to the pencil strokes that you’ve created for hair, clothes— even his scar. it’s perfect, and even if you claim that it’s not exactly what you call ‘best’
he loves it, so much.
you’re talking about how you want to ink it as soon as possible, but he’s already pulling you onto his lap— burying his face into your chest.
“i like it a lot.” he says, but it’s slightly muffled. he’s tracing patterns onto your back, and you chuckle
“i didn’t know you liked art that much.” he hums, while you’re putting away your sketchbook so any result of cuddling wouldn’t crease the pages.
“maybe i could join your art sessions next time.” he connects a warm kiss onto your lips, and your place your hands onto his shoulders
“sure thing, shouto. though— be prepared for potential mess.”
“i wouldn’t mind getting messy, especially if it’s with you.”
you choke slightly, “do you know the weight of your words, shouto?” you’re unsure if he meant it in a innocent way, or he had suggestive intent in his words.
he looks up— chin pressing against your chest, while he shines a knowing smile to you. “absolutely, love.”
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you so much for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha. boku no hero academia/my hero academia and it’s characters belong to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing
do not steal my work
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Strawberries On A Summer Evening
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A soft imagine in which YN is one of the extras in the watermelon sugar music video and Harry can’t take his eyes off of her [2.2K Words] I hope you all enjoy this lovelies make sure to stream watermelon sugar! Masterlist
“And cut!” The director shouted, “That’s great ladies, go get yourselves some water and then we’ll go again in ten minutes. Harry can I run through a few things with you?” You made your way over to the table where bottles of water waited for you and the rest of the cast. There were spare slices of watermelon lying about, but you weren’t sure if you could face eating any more watermelon after the amount you had got through during filming. It was your first high profile job, the other music videos and projects you had been in were mainly for unsigned artists, so being in the Harry Styles’ music video was a pretty big deal. All the girls taking part were beautiful and so lovely to talk to, at first you had felt extremely out of your depth, but they had all gone out of their way to make you feel incredibly welcome.
“So we need a few more shots of you and the extras on the beach before we do the shots on the benches,” Blake, the creative director explained.
“Sounds wonderful, do you know who that girl is?” Harry replied, gesturing towards you as you spoke to a couple of members of the cast.
“Not sure, I think Lambert recommended her,” Blake told him, “We’ll be back on in five.” Blake walked off leaving Harry gazing at you, the sun capered over your skin, quite frankly Harry was in awe, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of you during filming, he was bold enough to look right at you when he was singing, but you were yet to approach him. He didn’t want you to think he was coming on too heavy so he just left it, it wouldn’t exactly be a great first impression to ask for your number straight away, whether he was Harry Styles or not.
“Hey Lambert how's it going?” Harry asked his stylist as he approached him for an outfit change.
“Things seem to be shaping up well, I reckon your fans will go mad for this video.” He replied, handing Harry a new outfit, Harry Lambert had known Harry for a while now, and they were pretty close, meaning he could read him like a book, “But you didn’t come over here to ask me about that did you?” Harry looked up at his stylist with a confused look on his face, “You wanted to ask about YN didn’t you? The girl in the blue bikini.”
“How did you know?” Harry asked, pretty impressed by his friend’s skills of deduction.
“Many reasons, firstly you’ve literally been staring at her throughout the whole shoot, you’re even doing so now, secondly the way you bounded over here like a puppy with a look inyour eyes that I haven’t seen in a long time, and thirdly I had a bet with Blake that you would ask me about her.” Harry Lambert smirked, folding and putting away Harry’s outfit.
“If this stylist thing doesn’t go anywhere for you Lambert I recommend you become a private investigator.” Harry laughed at his friend.
“You are going to talk to her aren’t you?”
“What, now?” Harry asked.
“There’s no time like the present.”
Harry shuffled across the sand awkwardly to where you were sitting on a step reapplying sunscreen. “Is this seat taken?” Harry asked, gesturing to the space on the seat beside you.
“Help yourself,” you smiled, rubbing suncream up and down your arms.
“How are you finding the shoot so far?” Harry asked, leaning back on the steps, the warm breeze from the sea hitting both of your faces.
“It’s been good, everyone’s so lovely, I think I expected everyone to be strictly professional, but I’m having a lot of fun, this is my first video shoot for a signed artist you see,” You explained.
“Really? Well I heard you came highly recommended.
“Been talking about me have you Styles?” Harry felt put on the spot, you had only known each other for a few minutes and you were already keeping him on his toes.
“No, I um, well-” Harry stuttered, unable to think up a plausible excuse.
“I’m messing with you, the last artist I worked with knows your stylist, he sent him my portfolio and it went from there.” You assured him, he was different to most men you had spoken to before, yes he was as charming as the media said he was, but he was also clearly nervous, stumbling over his words and offering you small smiles every so often. “Nice sunglasses by the way.” You told him as you struggled to rub sunscreen into your back.
“Thank you, do you want me to help you with that?” Harry asked politely, clearly not wanting to overstep the mark.
“If you don’t mind.” You replied, he took the bottle from your hand, squeezing some of the cream into his hand before slowly rubbing it up and down your back, his hands felt strong against your back which sent shivers up and down your spine, he made sure to cover your shoulders too, gently rubbing the suncream along your shoulders, his fingers lightly dancing along your collarbone.
“I think that’s all done, wouldn’t want my leading lady getting burnt now would I?” Harry smiled, admiring how well your bikini complimented your figure, but he didn’t mention it because he had just rubbed sunscreen into your back, and any other sudden advances could be too premature.
“Leading lady eh? Can I put that on my resume?” You teased.
“I mean one of my leading ladies, you look wonderful, you all do,” Harry stuttered, you were having that effect on him again, when you looked at him whilst he talked all he seemed to do was trip over his words, “We should probably get back down to the set, they’ll probably call time on the break in a minute.”
Filming was resumed as you and the rest of the extras laid sprawled across picnic blankets, Harry in the middle of you all. As the director shouting action Harry’s eyes were on you, “Baby, you're the end of June, I want your belly and that summer feelin' getting washed away in you.” As he sang to the music blaring out of the surrounding speakers he couldn’t take his eyes off of you as the two of you lay opposite each other, he sang the words to you, there was no question about it, he was definitely singing it to you, you bit your lip in response, which ultimately sent shivers up Harry’s core. “Harry that’s great, keep working with that!” Blake called from behind the camera, “Yep Harry get closer to YN please, the camera is loving that!” Harry moved towards you, you adjusted your positioning so that his body was sprawled across her as he sang into the camera, and clearly neither of them had any complaints about the arrangement. Harry could feel your heartbeat and it was truly comforting, he could also smell the scent of your perfume that was a mixture of strawberry and vanilla, whatever it was he thought that it’s sweetness suited you perfectly.
Filming had come to an end and the sun was slowly setting over Malibu beach, most of the cast had already left, with flights to catch for other jobs, but you were still there, talking to a few of the other girls about your previous jobs, “Sorry to interrupt you ladies, could I possibly steal YN away from you?” He asked, you turned to look at you, the slight wind catching the ends of your hair, he thought your smile was beautiful, but the golden rays of sunlight made it even more so. “Did you have a good day today?” Harry asked as the pair strolled along the edge of the beach, the waves lapping up onto their bare feet as they walked.
“It was incredible, everyone is lovely, I really enjoyed it,” You smiled, he was a little bit taller than you, so you would glance up to talk to him, taking in every inch of him as you did.
“I hope you don’t think of me as overstepping the mark, but I’m inviting some friends back to my house for some drinks and some food, you are more than welcome to come.” Harry told you, somehow he had gained more confidence in talking to you since your conversation on the steps, well lying across someone’s chest is a pretty plausible reason to get closer to someone.
“See I could interpret that in one of two ways, either that’s you telling me you are having friends over and I could come, or that’s you indirectly asking me to come to your house.” You replied, running through the soft waves of the sea.
“Yeah, it would be the latter.”
Harry’s house was impressive, really impressive, it made your apartment look like a shoebox in comparison, but the company was what completed it. Harry’s friends were lovely,most of them were from the shoot, meaning their faces were familiar, you had been there quite a few hours and honestly Harry was fine with it, you slotted in with his friends perfectly, like you had known them all for ages. He made a conscious effort to check that you were alright and kept offering to top up your drink if you wanted him to. After a lengthy conversation with the group about the best ice cream parlours in Santa Monica you realised it was just gone 2AM and you should probably be getting back to your airbnb. You excused yourself from the conversation, making your way out into the grand hallway of Harry’s home, putting your shoes back on along with your denim jacket. “Leaving so soon?” You heard Harry say as he appeared in the doorway.
“It’s 2AM, and I have a job in less than six hours.” You explained, your head feeling weary as a result of the constant sun exposure mixed with the two glasses of wine.
“I could drive you if you like,” Harry offered, desperate to spend more time with you.
“You’ve had like five glasses of wine, do you want to get stopped by the police or something?” You replied, “I’ve already ordered an Uber.”
“Well will I see you again?” Harry asked.
“On what?” Harry asked.
“Whether or not you ask me on a date.” You replied.
“Well, would you like to go on a date with me?” Harry asked, unable to hide the massive grin on his face.
“How does Friday sound?”
And there you were, spending your Friday evening on a date with none other than Harry Styles. You were wearing a white summer dress, while Harry wore a yellow patterned shirt, buttoned halfway, being the hopeless romantic he was, he had taken you back to the beach where you first met, accompanied by a picnic that of course featured watermelon pieces and strawberries. “I’ve got a lot of memories on this beach you know.” Harry told you, admiring you as you dipped a strawberry in the melted chocolate.
“Is that so?” You smiled, glancing at the butterfly tattoo that poked through his shirt.
“Yeah, we filmed the band’s first music video here when I was like seventeen,on this very balcony,” he declared, gesturing at the beach house you were sat on, “and we filmed watermelon sugar here obviously, which is where I met you.”
“I like the last one the best,” you replied, but I can think of a new one that could trump it.” You replied.
“And what might that be?” Before he could say a word your lips were on his, taking each other in, the sweet taste of strawberries lingered on your lips as Harry kissed you softly, his hands wandering up and down your body, “You know something, I think that might be my new favourite memory sugar.” Harry whispered, pulling away from your kiss.
“Did you just call me sugar?” You giggled.
“Yeah, because you’re sweet like sugar.”
“H baby, the fans are going mad for it!” You called from the kitchen, sat at a barstool at the kitchen island, four months had passed since your date and you and Harry had only got closer. The last few months had been a whirlwind, so much so that Harry had asked you to isolate with him, he got lonely easily, and the idea of living with you was enough to make lockdown pass quickly.
“They like it do they?” He asked, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, kissing your neck softly, “What did your mum think of it?”
“I think she liked it, she said that her friends from work thought it was erm, interesting.” You giggled.
“I’m glad she enjoyed it sugar.” He replied, squeezing you tightly.
“I’m quite surprised she was so positive about it, considering it was basically a fully clothed orgy.” You laughed, holding onto his arms.
“Excuse me, it was a very tastefully executed orgy thank very much.” Harry told you, spinning the bar stool so that you faced him, “But what was your favourite bit sugar?”
“You, all of you.” You whispered, placing kisses along his jawline, “As lovely as it is reading what your fans think, how about I show you how it’s done.” You continued, knowing the feelings it would stir up in Harry, ��Bedroom?” You muttered into his ear.
“Bedroom.” He replied, scooping you up into a bridal carry, trying to get you up the stairs to the bedroom quicker than you could say Watermelon Sugar High.
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: photographystudent!ni-ki x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: every time you went to the park you noticed a mysterious boy who would take pictures of the scenery on his cute little camera. you liked to see what he’d take pictures of from afar but one day you noticed his camera pointing straight at.. you
for ni-ki’s bday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE <33 sorry i posted a day late but i hope u all enjoy!
you groan before getting out of your bed at 10am
it was a saturday why was your mom yelling at u ..
you walked into the kitchen all sluggishly and rubbed your eyes
“you need to start taking suki on walks to the park. you need the exercise too.” your mom doesn’t even spare u a glance before walking out the door to run some errands
u forgot u were taking care of ur cousins dog while he was out of town... her name was suki
shes a little shiba inu AND SHES THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!!
u dont even have a choice anymore
u got somewhat ready before heading out with suki in your arms
shes so soft and fluffy
though u dont like to admit it, u kinda agreed with ur mom about u needing to exercise and get out the house
you’ve been cooped up in your room for days with no social or nature interaction
the park was about a 10 minute drive from ur house
and it was actually a really pretty park...
there was a lake and really pretty flowers everywhere and alot of gazebos and benches
and a nice open field of greenery
it basically looked like a park out of a movie
so you weren’t suprised that there was a decent amount of people there
but not too much thankfully.. or else you would’ve driven to another park with less people
you got out the car with suki and put her on the leash
let the walking begin!!!!
it was a really nice day out... the sun was shining but it wasnt too hot or cold
you led her onto the sidewalk and she began sniffing at the grass around her
whenever a few people would pass they would coo at how adorable she was
it wasnt until 5 minutes later that ur eyes locked onto a figure infront of the lake
you were just walking with suki in silence.. admiring the scenery
until u caught sight of a boy
u could only see his back but u noticed the camera over his shoulder
he was standing in one of those photographer poses where like one leg is bent and kind of out while his back is hunched to get that perfect angle of a shot
he was infront of the sidewalk railings where the lake begins and he was taking photos of the scenery across from it
it was a beautiful sight honestly
there was another sidewalk but behind it was colorful trees and blossoming flowers and bushes
u understood why he’d take pictures of it
you didnt see his face but u kind of acknowledged the boy before walking past him with suki
basically thinking he was just another passerby that you noticed making a single appearance in your life and never expecting to see him again
the next time you see him is 3 days later at the same park
you were walking suki again but this time at 7pm after dinner
the sun was almost done setting so the sky was getting darker but there was still a hint of the orange circle peeking from below
this time you walked further down the sidewalk path towards the scattered gazebos
and you noticed the same boy again
this time he was sat in one of the gazebos with his tiny camera in his hands
his back was hunched over again and he was looking closely at the pictures he had taken
‘oh its him again’ u thought
and that was it
u just acknowledged him in ur head AGAIN before u thought nothing of it and continued ur walk with suki
so the NEXT time u saw him was another 2 days later at 7pm again
you wanted to take suki on a quick walk
but you got tired after like 10 minutes so you sat down on a blanket u brought
suki was just laying next to u while u were on ur phone
it wasnt fully dark out yet and there was still a few people in the park
the fairy lights that were placed around were lit up already
it was super pretty and the weather was nice
after staring at ur phone for a few mins u looked up just to look around
and u saw Him again
why do u keep seeing him !?!?!
his back was faced towards u like always
and he was like 40 feet away from u so he looked so tiny
but u could tell it was him because of his blond hair and black coat he always wore
you kind of zoned out and unfortunately ur eyes were trained on his back without u even noticing
and he
for the first time EVER!!!!
its like he sensed someone staring at him
but yes he turned around with his camera in his hand
the first thing u noticed was that he got a new camera
it was a larger black one
definitely more expensive
Awe good for him!!!!!
and then u glanced up to see his face
and u made EYE CONTACT
u looked away so fast
He was SO CUTE.............
u awkwardly started looking to your left and tried turning ur face away from him
‘oh look at those beautiful um... birds.. yeah’
hopefully he didnt notice
*nervously sweats*
u didnt dare look back in that direction so u spent the rest of your evening in the park on ur phone or playing with suki
eventually it reached 8pm so u packed up ur stuff and went home
U were still kind of thinking about that boy....
so u were like
i need to go back
and u did Lol
u went back the next day at 6pm this time with suki
it was lighter out and the sky was beautiful
perfect for a certain boy to be taking photos
*evil laugh*
u were walking for like 15 minutes and u didnt see him anywhere :((((
the one time u go there for HIM
u settled down under a tree
suki immediately went on the blanket when u sat down too
you played tug of war with her and fed her some treats while playing
playing with her for 10 minutes straight definitely tired u out so u laid down and just stared at the sky
it was a faded blue turning into orange and pink
U were kinda bored so u sat up and started petting suki
you would occasionally glance up at the strangers walking past u
let me tell u what Happened..
u looked up at another lady walking her dog and went like
‘aweee that dog is so cute’ in ur head
and u took ur eyes off the dog and glanced to ur right
idk bc u felt like it
and it WAS POINTED AT U ??!?!
as soon as u looked in his direction he jumped and put his hands down
he like
Blushed????? and awkwardly smiled u know rubbing the neck and all that
he was embarrassed
ur cheeks were turning so red
was kind of weird.... stalkerish but um
he cleared that up BECAUSE
He started walking over to u
he was wearing black jeans that were ripped on the knees with black high top converse
and a gray sweater with a black coat over it
ur were like OMg []£{€]%[#{%€]£{
n he just Plop
he stood right infront of u basically towering bc u were sitting under the tree
suki noticed the boy and tilted her head like hmmmm???
u had the SMALLEST smile on ur face bc u wanted to seem friendly but not TOO friendly
he had his camera strap over his arm while he held it and his other hand was rubbing the name of his neck
“uh... sorry about that.. i didn’t mean to seem weird or anything!” he waved his hands infront of him to deny it
u just sat there while he talked like ❤️_❤️
“im uh taking photos for my class and i thought u looked nice so i took some pictures.. im really sorry i should’ve asked first now i seem weird or something im really-,”
u cut him off so he didnt ramble any longer
“no its okay! i get it” you gave him a warm smile and pet suki while she drifted to your side and kept her eyes on him
u both just stared at eachother for a few seconds before you spoke
“um.. would you like to sit?” you scooted over and made room for him in the blanket
“uh sure” he set his camera down and sat beside u
“this is suki.. shes my cousins dog” u said when she climbed into his lap and started sniffing him
he grinned and pet her before looking up at you
“im ni-ki by the way” his cheeks turned a bit pink which u thought was cute
“y/n” you smiled
“suki seems to like you” u laughed
“so how long have you been working on this project or whatever?”
“oh um i started last week... i just have to make a portfolio of photos i take and turn it in” he said while keeping his eyes trained on suki
u noticed he didnt make eye contact with u often but u knew it was probably because he was nervous because u do that too
“can i see the pictures...?” u hesitantly ask him
his eyes light up when u say that
he picks up his camera next to him and clicks a few buttons
“oh by the way... ive noticed u at the park before! you’re always with the camera” you laugh
“ah yeah, this park is where most of my project photos are taken.”
he leans over and shows you the pictures on the device
“woah” you let out a gasp
he showed u the picture he took of you first
How does a picture look better than real life...
you’ve never really been into photography but now that you’ve seen his work u might just have to start getting into it
“this isnt even done yet, i still have to edit it so it’ll look even more perfect” he shyly says
“this is amazing what the heck” your jaw is Dropped
“i need to see the final result” u said because it was such a nice picture
“um.. if you give me your number i can show you it” he sent you a cheeky grin
he was so AGGGHGGHG ur kind of obsessed
you two exchange numbers and talk about random things for a whole hour until he says he has to go
“it was really nice meeting you.. i had fun” he tells you as he starts standing up
suki is sleeping so he tries not to wake her up
“i had fun too” you smile
“would you like me to walk you to your car?”
A GENTLEMAN !!?!?!?!
“oh yeah, thanks”
you two spend another 2 minutes together as you walk side by side with suki in your arms and he held your blanket and bag for you
you reached your car and thanked him
“ill see you soon, dont forget to text me! and good luck on the project, i know you’ll do great”
“thank you..”
ni-ki’s cheeks turn pink once more before he turns around and starts walking away with a smile on his face
he is just the cutest thing ever
you definitely need to see him again
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ravennm84 · 4 years
Career Advice
Hi everyone!!  This story was inspired by a news anchor that I saw on TV, and thought to myself “what would happen if Alya asked that woman for an internship and showed that woman the Ladyblog.” There wasn’t originally going to be Alya redemption, but I decided that the girl needed some love too. Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!!
Alya was practically vibrating in her chair as she sat in the reception area of TVi News. She had heard from Aurora and Mireille that there was a summer internship opening and that she should submit an application. She had spent an entire week working on her resume with her mom’s help, citing her blog as experience. Her mother had told her that she might want to double check all her stories before going in, but already knew that she’d be fine. After all, she was an awesome reporter.
There were four other people in the room with her, and she was definitely the youngest. Two of them looked like they were university age and the other two probably attended lycee. That meant that they likely had a bit more experience than she did, but Alya was confident that her blog would set her up for the win. Not only that, Lila had put in a good word for her with the higher ups of TVi News. All she had to do was nail the interview and the internship was hers!
It was about an hour and two interviews before her turn came. Holding her head high; she grabbed her tablet and portfolio, straightened her skirt, and walked in as smoothly as she could in her heels.
The person conducting the interview was Claudia Ramonte, a no-nonsense kind of woman that always seemed to be on a deadline. She preferred people always be on-point and despised people that wasted her time. She was a legend in the industry, she had been an investigative journalist for over 20 years before going into semi-retirement by helping run the company and hiring new journalists. It was said that she had an eye for who had talent and who was just playing journalist. And if you fell into the latter or made the mistake of insulting her craft, you could kiss any hopes of making it big in the industry goodbye. So as soon as Alya shut the door behind her, she put on her most professional smile and extended her hand to her.
“Mme. Ramonte, Alya Cesaire, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
She gave her a slight smile as she shook her hand. “When I saw that a kid in college was applying for the internship, I thought that you were either an idiot or you had a pair of steel balls. Show me which one it is.”
A little taken back but her forwardness, Alya’s hand shook slightly as she pulled her resume from the file and handed it to her. “As you can see, I’ve been running my blog, The Ladyblog, for close to a year and a half now.”
“Everyone and their mothers have blogs nowadays, Cesaire.” The woman scoffed as she tossed Alya’s resume onto her desk and turned to her computer, typing quickly. “Every candidate I’m interviewing today has at least two blogs, multiple news articles in their school newspapers, or videos from their college news or radio stations. What is it about your blog that makes you think that you are more qualified than any of them?”
Alya faltered for a second but wouldn’t be deterred, she was an awesome reporter and she would get this internship. “I’ve conducted multiple interviews with different celebrities; including Ladybug herself, other heroes of the Miraculous Team, the daughter of a diplomat who is also Ladybug’s best friend…”
“So have others, Cesaire.” She sounded bored, as she continued reading something on her computer screen.
Squaring her shoulders, Alya kept going. She refused to back down when she was so close to her internship. “I have also done extensive work on recording akuma battles and have compared my footage to other sites. None of them get as close or in depth as I do.”
“And why do you think that is, Mlle. Cesaire?” Her voice going cold
Alya blinked, not expecting the question. “Um… well-”
“Reporters and journalists are not to engage in dangerous situations that are considered life threatening. Whether someone is part of a staff or freelance, they are not to enter danger zones on their own, which you have apparently done numerous times. I will admit that when it comes to journalism, it is never without risks; but no story is worth your life.”
“But there’s no real danger, Ladybug always-”
“A terrorist is a terrorist, Cesaire.” The chill in the woman’s voice gained a hard edge. “And the attacks that have been done by the akumas have, on more than one occasion, shown the potential to be fatal. Should there be even a single time that Ladybug and Chat Noir not pull through, that could result in thousands of deaths. If you think that any credible news source would allow their people to do what you’ve been doing; then you’re more than an idiot, you’re a reckless idiot.” 
Then she turned one of her computer screens towards Alya, which was queued up to the Ladyblog. “And from what I’ve seen from your blog in the two minutes you’ve been in my office; you are not only reckless, but mediocre in your work as a journalist. I have looked through multiple posts and have yet to see a single credible source mentioned. So tell me, how can you think that you are qualified to work here if you cannot follow the most basic rule of journalism and check your sources?”
“I can assure you, everything I post is completely true!” 
“And I’m just supposed to take your word on that? Hardly.” She turned the screen back to herself, then started playing the first interview she had done with Lila. Mme. Ramonte played it for only 15 seconds, in which Lila claimed to be Ladybug’s best friend after she had saved her life, before pausing the video and looking at Alya. “If Lila Rossi, the daughter of a diplomat, had been saved by Ladybug, there would have been multiple articles and recordings of the incident. I just did a cursory search and the only link that came up connecting Rossi and Ladybug is your own blog.”
Alya was speechless. She wanted to say that Lila was telling the truth, but what reason would there be for Mme. Ramonte, who continued playing Lila’s interview, to lie? She stopped the video again a few seconds later, after the tale of saving Jagged Stone’s kitten from being run over by a plane on an airport runway. The look the legendary journalist gave her was that of total disgust and anger. 
“Do I even need to list all the things wrong with
this story?” When Alya didn’t say anything, Mme. Ramonte went off on her, practically ranting. “Firstly, Jagged Stone has been quoted multiple times as being allergic to animal fur, and would not own a cat. Second, no one would allow a minor onto a airport runway, as it would be seen negligence and possibly as an act of terrorism. Even if she had saved some cat from being run over and Jagged had been grateful, no self respecting musician would write a song about a minor that was not their daughter, as doing so could have him labeled as a pedophile. You are very lucky that M. Stone has not seen this interview, because if he had, you would have been served with lawsuits for slander. So, I’ll ask again. Is there anything to keep me from saying that you are nothing more than a wannabe-journalist that isn’t fit to work at a news stand?” 
She wasn’t even sure how to respond. Alya had been so sure that her blog was perfect, but after what Mme. Ramonte had said and how she was looking at her, she really did feel like an idiot for believing what Lila had said. Especially since she should have known better.
She now remembered when she flew to Spain with her parents when she was younger and how far away the landing strip was from the airport. There was no way Lila would have been able to see a kitten from that far away. Alya also remembered how she wanted to go outside and play, but her father told her that only authorized personnel were allowed outside at the airport. Then there was Marinette, the designer had mentioned how she couldn’t do certain designs for the rock star because he had fur allergies from when he was a kid.
Oh no, Marinette has been saying for months that Lila was a liar. Ever since she had seen Lila’s interview. And since she designs for Jagged Stone, she would know that Lila was nothing but a liar. She was also the one that got me my first exclusive with Ladybug, so she’d probably know that she was lying about that, too. And I had the nerve to tell her that she was just being jealous… I’m a terrible friend and an even worse journalist.
Looking back up at Mme. Ramonte, she was barely able to hold back tears as she shook her head. “No, Madame. There is no excuse for such shoddy journalism, it doesn’t even deserve to be called that. I apologize for wasting your time.”
The woman’s features softened slightly, but not by much. “You’re still very young and have a lot to learn about journalism, Cesaire. If I ever see you in my office again, I’ll expect more from you than any other candidate. That means looking out for your safety, knowing what is okay and not okay to publish, and checking your stories through multiple, reliable sources. I would also recommend killing your blog and starting new, the Ladyblog will become toxic to your career if it continues. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Alya couldn’t help but stare at the woman across the desk from her. Despite not deserving it, Mme. Ramonte had given her very sage and constructive advice that just might save her career in the long run. If she killed her blog now, started a new one or two, and followed her advice; by the time she finished lycee, she might be able to use them as proper references for her future career.
“Thank you, Mme. Ramonte. I won’t forget this.”
“Don’t thank me yet, Cesaire,” she waved her hand dismissively. “I’m going to remember this and I will be telling other news sources about your blog as well, to make sure you never repeat these mistakes again. So, if you are really set on being a journalist, don’t just prove it to me, prove to everyone that you are better.”
“Still, thank you. Have a nice day, Mme. Ramonte.” Alya stood from her chair but paused before she turned to walk away. “So you know, I think I’ll be doing one final post on the Ladyblog, to admit my mistakes and all the things I reported incorrectly on my blog, along with the sources to back it up. Sort of a final expose to rid myself of the bad energy from my blog, so I’ll be able to move forward.”
The woman gave a nod of approval. Before waving her out of the office. 
Alya kept her head high the entire way out of the building while doing her best to remain calm, or else risk attracting an akuma. As a bit of a cleanser, she sent a text to Marinette.
To FashionGurl: You were right about Lila. I’m so sorry for not listening to you. Can we talk on Monday? 
A few minutes later, she got a text back.
To FoxyJournalist: You can come by today if you want to talk.
To FashionGurl: Sorry, I’m going to be busy. I have a new story to write about that liar, one that will have multiple sources, showing everyone exactly the kind of person she is.
To FoxyJournalist: Can’t wait to read it!!
What followed for Alya was a very long weekend writing out every story/lie that Lila had ever told her and the class, research into Lila’s old schools, staking herself out in front of the Italian Embassy until Ambassador Rossi came out so she could introduce herself, and then a long conversation at a cafe with the very angry and distraught mother. There were a lot of questions, show-and-tell with the videos on Alya’s blog and news reports from Lila’s old schools, and then the recommendation that she go to speak with M. Damocles and Mme. Bustier. 
Monday morning saw Alya going into the bakery before school, telling Tom and Sabine the truth about Lila, and then grovelling at Marinette’s feet for being such a terrible friend. One thing she did not hesitate to show the Dupain-Chengs were the records and news reports she’d found pertaining to Lila’s old schools. Tracking Lila’s social media, Alya had found three schools and discovered the kind of mayhem the girl left behind. 
One school had a perfect student named Gaia, much like Marinette, bullied until she was expelled. Another school showed another popular girl named Alessia had “fallen” down a flight of stairs and broken both of her legs, a few ribs, and one of her arms. Even though there were multiple eyewitness reports that Lila had pushed her, the Italian girl moved before she could be brought up on charges. The report from the most recent school made all of them sick. A girl named Ludovica had been stalked, harassed, and bullied over social media beginning the day Lila joined the school until the day the girl committed suicide. A quick backtrace on the account showed that it had been set up by Lila Rossi.
It was quickly decided that Sabine would be going to the school to have a word with the principal and teacher. Alya gave them a thumb drive with a copy of all the information she had found, she had multiple copies, so that if they decided to pursue legal actions, they had evidence to back it up.
At school, Alya went to class while Sabine took Marinette M. Damocles' office to speak with him and Mme. Bustier, since the woman was decidedly absent from the room. She had barely sat down when Lila entered the classroom, spouting off some story about meeting Ryan Reynolds over the weekend. Alya barely suppressed her snide grimace before hiding it with a smile.
“Really, Lila? That’s amazing! Did you get any pictures? I would love to post them on my blog?”
Now that she was watching, she saw the girl flinch when asked for actual evidence before putting on a sugary sweet smile. “I didn’t get a chance, my phone died.”
“Oh that’s annoying. Where did you see him?” She asked, pulling up the movie star’s Twitter account. “Because you were here in Paris over the weekend but according to his social media, he was visiting his home town in Canada this week.”
Alya definitely saw the girl scowl that time. “Oh, he just said that so he could come here without anyone knowing. He’s researching a role here in Paris and I was showing him around until my mom called me home.”
“Didn’t you just say that your phone was dead?” That got the classes’ attention, as they had just heard the girl say that was the reason she hadn’t taken any pictures. Lila was about to spout some new excuse; but Alya, who was now channelling her inner Mme. Ramonte, raised a hand to cut her off.
“Don’t even bother coming up with another lie. I know you’re full of crap and it spills out of your mouth with every word you say. And before you try to accuse me of lying, taking Marinette’s side, or bullying you; I think you should know that I spent the majority of the weekend looking into everything you’ve told us.”
The entire class watched the Italian girl’s olive skin turn a sickly white. But Alya wasn’t finished, this girl had been attempting to do the same to Marinette that she had done to Gaia, Alessia, and Ludovica. And as her BFF, she was not going to stand aside and let that happen. “I have piles of evidence that you were never in Achu and have never met Prince Ali, you were just playing hookie. I’ve got evidence that you are perfectly healthy and have never suffered from any of the diseases or ailments that you’ve claimed to have since returning to school. I’ve also got evidence that you have never met any of the celebrities that you claim to know. That includes Ladybug.”
Not so surprising, Lila attempted to turn everyone against Alya by turning on the tears. “That’s not true! I would never lie about all of that. You’re just saying that because you’re mad at me for not getting the internship!”
When the class looked back at Alya, they were surprised to see her grinning like a fox. “Did I forget to mention exactly how I know you weren’t in Achu? Or how I know you're perfectly healthy and don’t know any of those celebrities you’ve claimed to be close to?” 
She paused, mostly for effect before going in for the killing blow. “Your mom and I had a very in depth conversation yesterday when I ran into her outside the embassy. She wasn’t happy about your interviews on the Ladyblog, and she was confused as to why you were claiming to be Ladybug’s BFF when you’ve been telling her for months that she and Chat Noir were a couple of lazy, incompetent, and downright terrible heros; which was why the school was closed.”
If it were possible Lila paled even more before turning to run out the door. The door swung open just as she was reaching for the handle, and was met with an upset Mme. Bustier. “You are needed in the Principal's Office, young lady.” To the surprise of everyone there, Lila attempted to shove her way past their teacher. But the woman was faster and grabbed the girl by the arm in a firm grip before escorting her out of the room.
When the first bell rang a few minutes later, M. Harpele came in to act as the substitute until Mme. Bustier was finished with her meeting. 
Marinette returned to class before their teacher did, smiling bright as the sun and visibly more relaxed than anyone had seen her in weeks. She sat down beside Alya and gave her a tight hug while whispering “thank you” over and over.
“I take it things went well for you instead of Lila?” Alya grinned.
Marinette giggled. “She tried convincing her mom that all of us were akumatized and were trying to ruin her life, but she wasn’t buying it. Especially when M. Damocles showed Mme. Rossi her school records. Mom demanded that Lila give a formal apology and confess everything to the class, or she would get the Board of Governors involved. When Mme. Rossi found out that Lila tried to get me expelled, she lost it and started talking about a catholic reformatory school in Italy. Lila looked like she was going to be sick when she heard that.”
“It’s not perfect, but it’s what she deserves.” Alya shrugged before looking Marinette in the eye again. “I’m really sorry, girl. You’re my BFF, I should have listened to you when you told me Lila was a liar.”
“No, I don’t expect you to listen to me every time. I just wanted you to check things out and make sure that you weren’t being taken advantage of.” Then her brow creased. “I’m curious, what brought all this on?”
“Let’s just say that I just got some much needed career advice.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
[15:35] Minho and Chan - Part 2 ~ [M]
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>>> Genre: Smut, filthy smut, threesome, exhibitionism, fingering, oral 9F  receiving and M receiving)
>>> Pairing: Lee know x Fem!Reader x Chan
>>> Part ONE
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Just as Minho had ordered you wore that exact skirt to dinner that night, smiling along with Felix as he told you one of the office stories you'd heard a million times before but went along with it since you were still waiting to be seated.
"Ahh Y/n! Felix, this way." Chan's arm rested on your waist casually as he walked you through the restaurant and over to a booth table,
"Ladies first," You slid into the booth and Minho met you one side and Chan at the other, great...You were sandwiched in right between your boyfriend and your boyfriends boss who had already told your boyfriend how hot he found you. 
"Would you like a drink?" Chan asked everyone at the table but he directed the question at you,
"Just water, someone has to drive you all home tonight." Minho's hand fell down onto your thigh and you swallowed the lump in your throat as he used it to spread your legs just a little, 
"You're quite right," Chan laughed going to make small talk with everyone else at the table while Minho leant closer to you and began whispering so that only you could hear him. 
"You're such a good girl for me aren't you?" Before you could answer him Chan was facing you once again, 
"So why has Minho kept you hidden for so long? Your talents exceed well above his department." You stammered for a couple of seconds wondering how he knew about your talents, the only people to have seen your portfolio at the company were Minho and Felix, 
"I make it a priority to look into everyone Miss Y/l/n." Chan's hand fell onto your other thigh and your eyes darted to see if Minho had noticed but he hadn't, Chan squeezed a little and you coughed into your hand trying to think of something to say that wouldn't make you sound like an idiot. 
"W-Well I just...I supposed Mr Lee has his reasons for it Sir," Minho's hand tightened on your skin as you used 'Sir' for someone that wasn't him and he hated it. 
"I suppose he does, keeping someone as gorgeous as you all to himself though? Should be a crime." You laughed along with Chan and thanked the heavens that the waitress showed up when she did or you would have died on the spot. 
"You alright Minho? You haven't said a word since we sat down." Felix smirked at Minho who just shot him a dirty look before turning to you again but you were now in a deep conversation with Chan.
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Throughout the entire dinner, both of their hands were dancing dangerously close to one another and you didn't know how to shake Chan off without being offensive or to tell Minho without causing a scene. 
"Excuse me." You said as you waited for Minho to move, you walked over to the toilets to go and splash some cold water in your face, it would be a lie if you were to say that both of their hands on you weren't sending your mind into a frenzy.
"Finally alone," You jumped turning around to see Chan standing in the bathroom,
"This is the ladies room," You stuttered but he didn't care, he walked closer to you and placed his hand on your cheek running his thumb over it and smirking as your cheeks started to heat up. 
"Do I make you nervous baby girl?" A pool was sent to your core at the nickname that fell from his lips, you couldn't think of words. Only thoughts of him bending you over and taking you on the counter filled your head.
"Use your words," His thumb ran over your bottom lip and he pulled it from between your lips. 
"They'll know we're up to something," You whispered not wanting to do this to Minho, you loved him and nothing was going to change that. You shuffled past Chan who smirked at you, watching the way you walked away from him and wanting nothing more than to take you right there against the door with your skirt hiked up to your hips like he'd seen in the video Minho sent him. Tonight was going to be a fun night so he followed you out. 
"What took you so long baby?" Minho asked when you got back into the seat next to him his hand fell onto your lap instantly and you downed the drink that was in your space. 
"I sent Chan that video, by the way, he likes the way you cry out my name." He whispered to you his fingers trailing up your skin before dipping towards your clit and he smirked at how wet you were. 
"You're soaking baby, did Chan catch up to you in the bathroom." Your eyes fluttered shut as his fingers graced your sensitive clit.
"I did, I make her nervous." You whimpered as Chan's hand came into contact with your thigh next and they both pulled your thighs apart. 
"W-We're surrounded by friends." You whispered to Minho but he chuckled and looked at you as he plunged two fingers knuckle deep into you and groaned lowly at how much you clenched around him already, Chan chuckled taking his thumb up to your clit just to torture you some more. 
"I think she loves this, look at her. Not even trying to push us away Minho, you've got a good one." Chan chuckled to you before going back to having a normal conversation with Felix. Minho took this moment to pump his fingers faster and harder out of you, curling them up so you could feel everything and bring you closer to your release.
"You like Chan's thumb there? Rubbing you so much until you cum?" You glared at Minho and clenched around him as you felt your orgasm approaching, 
"S-Stop, I-I can't." You begged him knowing that you couldn't keep quiet, your hands dug into his arm but Minho quickened his pace, 
"Cum. Right fucking now." Minho order at you, your head rested on his shoulder and you started laughing to cover up that you were going to cum, you bit down on his shoulder as your orgasm hit you like a wave, 
"Fuck." You whispered into his shoulder your hips bucking against the seat as you tried to come down from your high, your legs shaking as you came around his fingers in a way you never had before. Chan pulled his hand away and brought his hand up to his mouth sucking on his fingers and smirking at you and Minho.
"You never told me she was a squirter, we're going to have a lot of fun tonight."
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You didn't even make it into penthouse apartment properly until you were slammed against a nearby wall by Chan who ripped the skirt from your waist not wanting to waste time anymore, he'd needed you since you walked into that conference room. Minho's blood boiled as he watched Chan run his fingers up and down your folds, his folds. You belonged to him, not to Chan. You were his but yet there was nothing he could do to stop his boss from touching you like this that wouldn’t result in either of you getting fired.
"Minho, how long have you been keeping her to yourself, baby girl is so tight around my fingers." Your hands gripped onto the wall as you whimpered out his name turning your head over your shoulder to make eye contact with Minho while another man fucked you with his fingers. 
"You like this? Me fucking you with my fingers while you stare at your...? What are you and Miss Y/l/n?" His fingers stayed still and you whimpered as you caught the look on Minho's face as he saw you at someone else's beck and call. Someone else torturing the way he knew how to do perfectly, he was the one had discovered how to push your every button.
"She's my girlfriend," Minho said through gritted teeth, you cried out as Chan added a third finger into you and you started whining once he began to pump his fingers mercilessly in and out of you. Chan began tutting, 
"You know as well as I do Minho that personal relationships are forbidden at the workplace." You hissed as he continued to pump his fingers roughly, the palm of his hand coming into contact with your clit with every thrust of his wrist, 
"F-Fuck, Chan I love him! He loves me!" You cried out as you came around his fingers locking eyes with Minho as you came down from your second high of the night. You fell limp and on the floor, Chan wiped his fingers on his trousers and watched as Minho rushed to your side to make sure you were okay,
"I'm fine, a little fucked out but I'm okay." You whispered kissing his lips as he brought your face close to his, Chan shook his head at the two of you
"If you get caught-"
"I know." Minho snapped looking at you and smiling sadly, you were worth everything. If getting caught resulted in him being fired than so be it, you were worth it, 
"I know," He repeated calmly tipping your head up and smiling as you lazily closed your eyes and laid your head on his shoulder. 
"You should get her home, I'm sorry I took things too far but that video." Chan groaned and you giggled pathetically at them too tired to laugh.
"You sent the video?" Minho smirked as you started to come back to your regular needy self, 
"Feeling needy baby girl?" You hummed and looked at Minho and then over at Chan as if asking permission to get fucked by his boss, 
"He ruined my skirt, I should get more than a finger fuck than that." Chan laughed at you and licked his teeth looking at Minho who was already staring at you,
"She's greedy huh?" Minho nodded at his boss and you started crawling over to Chan, palming him through his trousers. 
"I can't leave you here with this now, I wouldn't be a very good employee now, would I? Sir?" His heard rolled backwards as you pulled down his trousers in a swift movement and took him into your mouth. The feeling of your warm mouth around his length made him moan out, 
"Ugh shit." His hands worked their way into your hair and you stared up at him with innocent eyes, Minho came up behind you and slapped your ass, 
"You're in for a long night baby girl," Chan groaned as you gagged around his length moaning around him as you felt Minho slap your ass once again. 
"A long night," Minho confirmed. You knew just how overprotective and jealous Minho could get so there was no way it was going to be an easy night on you.
"N-Need you." You said as you pulled away from Chan a string of saliva connecting your lip to the cock of his tip, 
"You're so desperate, it's cute." Chan cooed rubbing his thumb along your bottom lip and pushing the mixture of precum and saliva back into your mouth and grunting when you sucked on his thumb. 
"I think Chan should get to taste you, first baby." Chan looked down to Minho who was rubbing your ass where he'd been slapping and nodded. 
"You want that baby girl? You want daddy to taste you while you suck off your master?" You nodded desperately and the men switched positions and Chan moaned out looking at how wet you were. 
"Beg for it," He teased as he dropped down behind you and ran a finger up and down your folds, 
"P-Please," You begged quietly and he tutted shaking his head and plunging one finger into you. 
"Louder." He ordered and you whimpered at him, 
"Please just eat me out." He smirked before coating his fingers in your arousal and began pumping them in and out of you at a faster pace, 
"Feel good baby girl?" He mumbled but before you could reply he placed his fingers with his tongue and began eating you out sloppily, you cried out but your mouth was filled with Minho's cock making him groan as your moans vibrated around him. You could already feel your third orgasm building up and you looked up at Minho through your lashes as you contracted around Chan's tongue.
"She's gonna cum," Minho chuckled darkly and pulled out of your mouth letting you cry out and clutch into the carpet flooring as you felt your approaching high coming but just like that it was gone. Chan let go of you and you were left with nothing, your orgasm fading away as you whined out.
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The bed shifted as Minho knelt in front of you and sat back on his ankles, 
"Chan's gonna fuck you just this once, alright?" You nodded, mouth-watering at the thought of him fucking you from behind. The bed shifted again and you felt Chan's tip at your entrance, you hissed as he slowly pushed into you the stretch wasn't too bad but you whined out as he held himself still, 
"Minho needs some attention doll," You looked at Minho and took hold of his cock, flicking your tongue along the slit of his head before taking him into your mouth. As soon as you began to bob your head Chan began to thrust in and out of you, your hips jerked to help him hit your sweet spot. 
"Fuck." Minho groaned putting his hand in your hair and pulling you down so he could hit the back of your throat, Chan groaned as he felt you clench around him as he thrust in and out of you.
"So tight princess, you're so good for both of us aren't you?" You felt your body twitch as you got closer to your third orgasm of the night and you looked up at Minho pleadingly. 
"She wants to cum," He chuckled grunting when you took his balls into your hand and began playing with then. Chan began to thrust faster and you decided to bob your head in an attempt to keep up with his pace.
"Ugh-Shit." Chan groaned as he felt you contracting once again, you moaned around Minho as your orgasm hit you like a hurricane, washing over you and making your hips buck backwards against Chan's, a few more well-timed jerks from Chan and he came undone inside of you making you whimper around Minho when he pulled out. 
"Oh fuck," Minho grunted looking at you as you stared up at him with teary eyes, he came into your mouth and you swallowed around him, pulling off and licking your lips. 
"Such a good girl." He complimented as you began to lick him clean and then pant heavily as you laid back on the sheets. Chan kissed the top of your head and then looked at Minho nodding at him, 
"I'll keep it all a secret if anyone comes close to discovering I'll throw them off." You smiled and rolled over to lay your head on Minho's lap,
"You might as well stay for the night, I'll send someone out for a new skirt for Y/n. Goodnight." With that, he left the room and Minho took your chin between his finger and thumb. 
"Mine. You're all mine, you hear that?" You smiled sleepily. 
"All yours Minho."
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tagline:  @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ why did I do this to myself
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