#<- ig?? is aspirin a drug??
sonasnowdrop · 1 year
Chapter 10: familiar face
-Break the cycle-
The strong headache returns. The toon sits up, clutching her head once again.
The aspirin must be wearing off. The toon hears a distinct angelic voice.
Azael thought. She hopped off the bed and took a peek around the corner, where she sees Alice talking to Tom.
"I won’t be gone for long, and I won’t go to far! Only up to level six, you have to stay and keep a close eye on that little toon." Alice’s voice echoed around the room. Azael stayed behind the wall to listen.
"I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay? I promise." Alice said. The angel held the wolfs face in her small hands and bumped their foreheads together. She then left, Tom locking the door behind her.
The toon took a step forward, the wolfs ear twitched. He looked behind himself, Azael let go of the wall to sign.
"Why’d she leave?" Azael signed.
"Running low on supplies." Tom replied.
"Ah, what do we do?" Azael asked.
"Nothing, we wait." Tom answered.
The wolf then gestured for the little toon to go back to sleep. There’s no construct of time in this world, so it wasn’t late or early. Tom just wanted her to be outta the way, or at least that’s how Azael took it.
"Cant sleep." Azael signed quickly, taking a step forward.
"Why not?" Tom asked.
"Headache, it’s what woke me." Azael replied, tapping her forehead.
The wolf scoffed, motioning for the toon to move. She did so, Tom opened an cabinet, took out a bottle of aspirin and handing it to Azael.
How convenient.
She thought, snickering to herself.
"How convenient you have this." The toon signed while snickering.
"I have headaches a lot too." Tom signed in reply.
Oh, so that’s why. Azael took the bottle and popped it open. She poured a bunch into her hand, then Tom immediately stopped her.
"Are you crazy?? Take two only." Tom signed, taking the bottle away and dropping two in her palm.
Azael scoffed.
"I’ve taken them before, I know what I’m doing!" The toon signed quickly.
"Do you want to overdose? Take the amount I give you or don’t take it at all." Tom signed, seeming a bit annoyed.
Azael knew she’d be fine no matter how much she took, but just wanted the headache to go away. So, she took the two and her headache died down. She sighed in relief.
"Now go back to bed." Tom signed, and began to walk away.
Azael spat her tongue out, and sat down. The toon laid down, and closed her eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.
A few moments passed, she opened her eyes again and got out of bed.
She felt hungry and couldn’t bring herself to sleep. Sneaking around the safe house, she had noticed Tom had fallen asleep.
She didn’t want to wake him.
he’d probably be very angry if he was woken
she thought. The little toon searched the cabinets but they were completely empty. They really were really low on supplies.
Not wanting to wait for Alice to return, the toon thought of sneaking out. Hopefully, the wolf was a heavy sleeper. She wouldn’t be out for long, just until she’d find something to ease her stomach.
The toon snuck passed Tom, she slipped the keys for the exit out his hand. Too easy, she thought.
The little toon unlocked the door, it creaked when opening.
Once outside, the toon wandered down the twisted halls, drawing marks on the wall to find her way back.
Her stomach rumbled, she groaned. The little toon stepped into the elevator her and Alice once rode in. Though recourses were scarce in the upper levels, food was quite everywhere and very easy to find.
So, Azael decided to head up, she’d only check level six and seven. She’d make it quick.
The elevator stopped on the sixth floor and dinged before opening. Azael stepped outside and took a deep breath, she wandered around a bit, making sure to stay low and out of sight.
Azael noticed a trail of bacon soup cans, she picked one up.
It was empty. In fact, they were all empty.
The toon gazed around, noticing how many bendy cutouts were around, posters too. One poster in particular caught her eye, she snatched it off the wall.
There was that same angel from the nursery, although this time she wore a black dress instead of a nurse outfit. A short imp accompanied her.
The imp seemed to be pulling the angel off of a cloud. Words on the poster read
BENDY & AZAEL in "fallen angel"
Presented in silly vision
Azael. The toon had heard that name before, that’s what Alice called her. Now that she thinks of it, she looks a lot like this "Azael" character.
Although, she had never seen "bendy" the name sounded oddly familiar. The imps appearance as well seemed familiar.
The toons thoughts were broken when a empty bacon soup can rolled to her feet. She let out a audible gasp and swung her head in the direction from where the can came from.
She spotted a pen like tail sticking out from behind a wall. The tail scrapped the ground, whoever the tail belonged to seemed to be eating and recklessly throwing soup cans about. Not even caring about how much noise they made.
Azael paused, she didn’t know who this was, but was hungry and desperately wanted to eat.
"Hey!" Azael shouted, attempting to catch the attention of whoever the tail belonged to.
The chomping noises stopped, and the tail retreated behind the wall. Taking a few steps closer Azael could now see the tails owner, or at least their shadow on the wall. The shadow was big, and monstrous. It looked like a large demon, with big horns protruding from its head, and large claws. The toon chocked, and took some steps back but she had already made herself known.
After a few minutes, the large shadow disappeared. The owner of the shadow revealing themself to Azael. The angels eyes slightly widened to see another toon. She felt very relieved.
The toon looked very familiar, Azael looked around, she then put two and two together, this toon looked almost identical to the bendy cutouts laid about. Horns and all, the only difference being they wore a very dapper suit, with short goat like legs, and ink atop their forehead that threatened to fall.
Most tenseness left the little devil toon when seeing Azael, they took a step forward, the boards creaking beneath them. When doing so, Azael felt a strange sense of dread as the devil toon got closer.
The little devil seemed to notice Azael was quite hesitant when they revealed themself, they started gesturing.
"It’s okay! I won’t harm you, who are you?" The little devil signed.
Azael was slightly surprised that they could sign, she relaxed her shoulders but kept her distance.
"Azael." The little angel replied, tho it sounded like a raspy little girls wheeze through her teeth.
"I’m Bendy." The devil toon signed.
Azael stared at them for a moment. Then, her stomach started to rumble again.
"Oh, you hungry? I have food if you want it." The devil toon walked behind the wall once more, and returned with three cans of bacon soup. Azael didn’t reply after awhile, this little toon didn’t seem dangerous but she still wanted to be careful. This was a stranger after all.
After the little angel didn’t reply, bendy took a step closer, Azael snapped out of her thoughts and stepped back.
"Don’t move. Stay." She signed, bendy stopped, the wide space remained between the two toons.
"Toss." Azael signed, bendy did so and tossed one can at a time.
Azael caught each of them, and stored them in her satchel.
"Thank you." Azael signed, bendy nodded and gave a little smile.
"Well, I have to go." Azael signed, wishing the devil toon to be safe.
Azael wanted to stay with this toon a little longer, but knew she had to go. Hoping Tom was still asleep, and Alice was still out, if she came back too late she’d definitely be in big trouble for breaking Alice’s one rule.
"W-wait!!" Bendy urgently signed and grabbed Azael arm.
When doing so, the little angel felt a sharp pain shoot up her arm, which causes her to gasp and jolt back, pulling her arm out of the little devils grip. The little devil toon, also jolted back in surprise.
When the devil toon grabbed hold of Azael, she felt a strange overwhelming feel of dread and anxiety. It was so strange, her arm burned, even though the devil toon didn’t grab that hard.
She needed to get back. Suddenly footsteps approached, but only Azael seemed surprised. Did this toon know who the footsteps belong to? She felt uneasy and reverted to the shadows, and ran away heading back for the elevator, ignoring how the little toon called after her.
The angel toon launched herself inside the elevator, the doors closed and Azael clicked the 10th floor, the elevator then descended. Her arm still burned beneath her black glove. The angel pulled her black glove down, it revealed a rash like wound where the little devil had gripped her.
The toon groaned, and attempted to force tears to fall. However, she couldn’t cry. The elevator dinged and opened. Azael held her arm and walked forward into the twisted halls. She followed her marks back to the safe house, when approaching it the door swung open. To Azaels dismay, Tom and Alice stood in the doorway, the wolf huffed, but the angel waved for Azael to come back inside.
The little toon knew she might be in trouble for leaving. She stepped inside, the door closed behind her. Alice reached her hand out, the little toon plopped the keys into Alice’s palm.
Alice noticed that Azael was holding her arm.
"Are you okay? Is your arm hurt?" Alice asked, Azael shook her head.
"It’s fine, I just fell. I’ll be okay." Azael signed, she lied. It burnt, but she chose to ignore it.
"Where have you been?" Alice asked, putting the keys into her pocket.
Azael slightly hesitated to answer. Before she could reply Tom interrupted the two.
"Doesn’t matter where you were, why did you leave?" Tom signed, Azael felt tense.
"Hungry." Azael replied, Toms face scrunched and Alice visibly frowned.
"But I got some." Azael pulled the soup cans she had got from the devil toon. She didn’t mention the devil, since she thought this would worry Tom and Alice.
Alice sighed.
"You can’t just leave like that, what if you were seen?" Alice said with concern, Tom added a nod.
"You could’ve at least woke Tom to accompany you. Don’t leave alone." Alice continued, she didn’t seem mad, just seemed disappointed. Tom however seemed a bit annoyed.
Azael nodded, Alice placed her hand atop the toons head, giving her pats.
"Here, I’ll cook these for you." Alice took the soup cans away from Azael, and cracked them open onto the stove. There was just enough for all three of them. Azael wondered if Alice found anything on her journey.
The toon looked over to see a back full of supplies, well that answers her question. After a few minutes Alice had finished cooking the soups, she slid the bowls across the table to Tom and Azael before sitting down to eat along with them.
At least Azael could be of some help. She rested her shoulders, the tension leaving her body. The toon then ate with her ‘roommates’. After while, she had completely forgotten about the devil toon.
Chapter 9 / Chapter 11
9 notes · View notes
wardenparker · 2 years
You’re So Vain - Chapter 4
Dieter Bravo x female reader  Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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Oscar winning star Dieter Bravo’s reputation is suffering after the debacle of “Cliff Beasts 6″ and “Beasts of the Bubble”, so his management team has signed him on to a publicity stunt to find his soulmate and show the world a softer side of the erratic and unpredictable star. The plan quickly go awry, though, when Dieter’s soulmate wants nothing to do with him.  
Rating: Teen. But this blog is *always* 18+ Word Count: 10k Warnings: *Blanket warning for chronic illness, cursing, and deceased family members. This is a Dieter fic, folks, so there absolutely will be discussions of drugs, drug use, and addiction.* Enemies to lovers, fake dating, arguments, money talk, references to past drug use, angst, literally SO much guilt, Carol Cobb gets her own warning. Summary: Steph carefully breeches the topic of her conversation with Dieter, the man himself drops by with an unexpected surprise, and date number two goes awry despite Libby’s best attempt.  Notes: A little more backstory comes out in this chapter, folx! Sincerely hope you enjoy 💗
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3
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The only reason Steph didn’t wake up with a hangover was because of the bottle of water and aspirin that - what was his name? - Rico insisted that she take while waiting for the car. Handing her the San Pelligrino and the tablets with a smile that had made her stomach twist pleasantly and a wink that had heated her cheeks. “Sparkling water is the key to no hangover the next morning.” He informed her, asking her for her keys in the next breath so her car could be returned to her. That’s the only reason she’s awake before you, feeling slightly guilty about her conversation with Dieter the night before and how she can convince you to just talk to him.
“Morning.” The way you walk downstairs this morning can only be described as a trudge, and you practically throw yourself at the coffee pot, mumbling something about “glorious bean of life” before starting to pull things out of the refrigerator to make breakfast.
“How are you feeling?” Steph asks softly, walking up behind you and rubbing your back slightly. She hadn’t been able to comfort Dieter but she damn well could comfort you.
You huff, holding up your cell phone to show her the long, professionally-worded but highly unprofessional text message you had woken up to from the manager of the restaurant that had just hired you for the summer - firing you. “Apparently my manager is a Dieter Bravo fan,” you hiccup, willing yourself not to cry all over again. “Well, my former manager.”
“Shit.” Steph sighs and shakes her head. “I’m so sorry.” She sympathizes with you, it’s going to be different, having it known that Dieter is your soulmate. Libby had put out a comment from Dieter’s IG this morning, apparently having control over it. It was something about how like all couple, all soulmates, there are good days and bad days. Insinuating that it was just a bad day.
“It’s fine.” That’s a goddamn lie and you both know it, but you just shrug your shoulders. “Their food sucks anyway. And I still have more applications out, so I’m sure something else will come along.”
“You shouldn’t work this summer.” Steph decides, brightening up dramatically and grinning at you. “You don’t need the money, not with the debt paid off. Your normal salary from teaching will cover your summer. Take it off. Spend it painting.” The more she thinks about it, the more she loves it. “You haven’t gotten to paint just because you want to in soooooo long.” And the fact that Dieter made it happen doesn’t hurt, in her opinion.
“I guess it would help with other expenses.” If you were home, Nora wouldn’t have to go to daycare for the rest of the summer. You’d never be too tired to cook, and you would always have time to do the errands instead of paying for deliveries. You’d use a lot less expensive gas and avoid putting more miles on your junker of a car. “I guess…I never considered being a stay-at-home Gigi.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Steph shakes her head quickly. “I was talking about taking time for you, not watching Nora.”
“I can’t do both?” You pose, knowing childcare is her primary expense now that there is no more mortgage and no more hospital debt. The regular bills for Nora’s care are plenty high enough but not having to pay childcare would help extraordinarily. “I could get Nora some finger paints and just take her with me if I want to go somewhere pretty for the day.”
“How about we keep the option open?” Steph asks. “We keep her registered for the drop-in daycare for the summer. You shouldn’t have to spend all summer watching your niece.”
“I love my niece.” Leaning back against the kitchen counter with your mug in your hand is a soothing, normal act that gives you an extra moment to breathe. She’s right. You don’t need extra work this summer. You can make it through by being smart with what you have. Just as long as your car doesn’t break down or something, everything will be fine. “Alright. Drop-in daycare.” You acquiesce after thinking it over a little longer. “Now, what do you want for breakfast?”
“Whatever you want to make.” Steph has given up trying to protest that you don’t have to cook all the time, knowing you will pout at her. You enjoy it and so she lets you. “You know me.” She picks up her own mug and wonders how to broach the slightly forbidden subject. “Will eat anything.”
The sounds of Elena of Avalor are obvious from the living room as Nora watches her favourite cartoon, and you actually smile for the first time since last night. As long as you have these two, everything will turn out okay somehow. “How about some banana chocolate chip French toast and scrambled eggs?” Banana chocolate chip anything was Nora and Steph’s favourite, and you still had supplies left from the batch of muffins you made about a week ago. “And we can do go out something to do today, maybe? Since I don’t have to serve brunch to bloggers and tourists now?”
“Sure.” Steph checks the clock and wonders when her car will be dropped off. Pretty damn sure she needs to say something before you are surprised by it. “So…you passed out last night…” she ventures softly.
“Tequila and crying does that.” Heavy drinking on an empty stomach always made you sleepy right after it made you giggly. “I’ll replace that bottle, by the way…sorry.”
“Don’t worry about that.” She rolls her eyes that that is what you are worried about. “So, I did something. After you fell asleep.” She confesses softly. “You might be mad at me.”
“Why?” You narrow your eyes at her suspiciously, knowing exactly what kind of chicanery she’s capable of. “Did you put itching powder in my clothes again? Because it wasn’t funny at camp and it wouldn’t be funny now.”
“No, nothing like that.” She sets her mug down on the table and sighs, turning to you. “I went to Dieter’s house last night to kick his ass.” She’s not lying. That had been her reason for showing up. It’s just hadn’t ended up that way.
“You what?!” The sip of scalding coffee you had just taken is spit out immediately, barely missing her arm as you turn your head. “Steph!”
“What?!” She crosses her arms over her chest and stands firm. “He hurt my best friend and I was going to hurt him for it.”
“Was going to meaning you didn’t?” It’s not so much that she had the intention. That’s noble of her and you love her for her noble tendencies. It’s that she promised she wouldn’t meddle anymore and here she is meddling. “Did the Emperor of Douchebaggery turn you away at the gate or something?”
She sighs heavily, her stomach twisting, and she knows she needs to be very careful how she approaches this. “No, I yelled at him.” She admits. “Babe…you need to talk to him. Not snark, not insult, talk to him.”
“Why in god’s name would I do that?” All thoughts of breakfast have been abandoned at this revelation and you don’t even feel bad about it. Half-stale bread and bananas will still be there when you’re done being appalled with your best friend. “He’s insufferable and I’ll be glad when this whole thing is over.”
“Because you were both wrong.” Steph tells you. “If you talk to him, you’ll realize just how sideways things got.” She should have known you would be stubborn about this. “He had a very good reason for ignoring me that day. The day that started all your hatred towards him.”
“Then you tell me, and I won’t have to talk to him.” That isn’t really the day that started it - it’s the day that cemented it - but you’re not about to argue semantics with her with Nora in the next room.
“It’s not my place to tell you.” Steph shakes her head, barely refraining from rolling her eyes at how petulant you sound. “You need to talk to him.”
“You’re going to be noble about this when you literally went back on your word and continued to meddle less than twelve hours ago?” The fucking audacity. The unbelievable presumptuousness. “You know what?” Setting your coffee mug down in the sink, all you can do is shake your head at her. “You’re always telling me I work too hard at home. Go ahead and make your own breakfast and you can do the yard work yourself, too. I’ll be in my room.” There is no possible way you can move fast enough to get away from her right now, and you don’t even stop for the ring of the doorbell. It’s all complete bullshit and you just need time away from everyone right now. Away from the entire world.
Steph deflates, not sure how it went that bad. She hadn’t expected you to just completely shut down. Shuffling to the door, she opens it, finding the person you loathe most on the doorstep. “Dieter!” Honestly, as drunk as he was, she had expected him to be later than eleven.
“Are you kidding me?” Hearing that he’s at the door makes you spin around at the top of the stairs and stamp your way down them again like a petulant child - or an angry elephant. Maybe both. “What did you do? Invite him over to force us to talk?”
Dieter scoffs, barely sparing you a glance and looks pointedly back at Stephanie. “I wanted to bring your car back, but honestly? How the fuck are you driving that? It’s a shitbox.” He asks her, having been horrified when he got in it and turned it on to find lights flashing at him. Rico had looked at it and said it was toast. “It was on its last leg.”
“It’s okay.” Steph shakes her head and shrugs a little as she steps aside to let him in. “I can afford to take it to a mechanic now.”
“Nope.” Shaking his head, he gives her the bad news. “Mechanic I know said it will never pass its next inspection and it’ll cost more than it’s worth to fix.”
“Shoot.” Aware of her child in the next room, Steph’s head hangs a little and she pinches her eyes shut.
“Use mine.” You tell her immediately, knowing that even though your car isn’t in the best shape, it’s better than having none. Being upset with her has evaporated in the face of more hardship. “We just said I’m not taking extra work this summer, so I won’t need it. Stay-at-home Gigi is on duty.”
“I researched cars.” Dieter is a little proud of that, checking safety ratings and shit before he decided on one. “I, uh, come look.” He insists, holding out a brand-new key fob. “If you don’t like it, we can switch it for something else.”
“What the heck…?” Steph blindly reaches for Dieter’s hand instead of the key fob, going out the door with him to find a brand new, navy blue SUV in the driveway. She’s read about this particular one, she realizes, as he rambles slightly about why he chose it. The VW Atlas Cross is supposed to be one of the best family cars out there. “Dieter, you didn’t need to do this.” This time, propriety be damned, she flings her arms around his neck and squeezes. There’s never going to be any way in the world she can repay him, but fuck if she won’t tell everyone she ever meets for the rest of her life what an amazing guy Dieter Bravo is.
Dieter grunts, wrapping his arms around Steph and squeezing slightly before he lets go. In some ways, she reminds him of Danica. Not in physicality, but her spirit. She’s been through so much, but she still has compassion and kindness in her. He’s aware that you have followed but he doesn’t pay attention to you. “For those national park trips.” He tells her. “Although there’s somewhere else you’re going first.”
“What are you—” Steph wipes the tears from her eyes and hesitates to take a closer look at the car, like it’s too good to be true. Because honestly it is. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I just so happened to have been given a couple of passes to Disneyland.” He pulls the VIP lanyards that are Star Wars themed out of his pocket and hands them to her. Two of them. Only two of them, even though he had more. “My friend got a shit ton of them when they opened something that had to do with his show.”
“Oh my…” If she ever stops crying it will be too soon, the heartbreaking gratitude of a young mother who wants to be able to give her child the world and has barely been able to manage to give her a semblance of normality. She hugs Dieter again fiercely before looking back at you with a pleasing expression. Please talk to him, it says loud and clear, and you roll your eyes so hard they nearly fall out of your head but ultimately nod. He may be able to buy Steph’s forgiveness, but not yours.
“Go tell Nora,” you urge her, nodding back into the house.
When Stephanie rushes into the house, Dieter shoves his hands in his pockets. Jeans today, faded and old, but more respectable than the lounge pants he normally wore. Classic rock t-shirt and a cardigan thrown over it that didn’t match anything but his own tastes. Looking around the yard, down to where Rico was waiting in his own car at the street. He has nothing really to say to you, especially since that fucking attitude of yours hasn’t seemed to change at all.
“Thank you.” The words are quiet. Barely audible, really, as you stand in the front step in your own jeans and t-shirt that you barely had the will to throw on after being fired this morning. “You…um…it’s nice to see her happy. She deserves the whole world.”
“She’s nice.” Dieter tells you, surprised you even said anything to him. “I like nice people.”
“So do I.” Two words in and he already has you exasperated, and you shake your head. “She thinks we should talk.” It’s not exactly high on your list of priorities or good things in any way, shape, or form, but Steph has an annoying habit of finding the good in people. If anyone could find the good in Dieter fucking Bravo, it would be her. “But I see you have someone waiting for you.” The urge to ask if it’s a new boy toy in the car is nearly overwhelming, but you somehow manage to swallow it down.
“Rico can wait.” He faces you, arching a brow and wondering if this talk would include some kind of apology. “What do you want to talk about?”
“All Stephy said was that we should talk.” You shove your hands in your jeans on the front step facing him and shrug. “She said we were both wrong and that if I talked to you, I would realize how sideways I have it. Whatever it is.”
Snorting, Dieter narrows his eyes at you, annoyed that you don’t think you’ve don’t anything wrong. The urge to slap you down into place - verbally, not physically, of course - is immense. “She seems to think you would change your mind about me if you knew that the reason I ignored her when she asked for my autograph ten years ago is because I had just found out my twin sister died in a car crash. But I doubt that would make any difference to you. God forbid someone be in shock, right? Just an asshole actor.” He practically spits the words at you, still angry that you insulted his sister, even if you didn’t know you did.
Everything stops - not in that glorious way you’ve heard so many people talk about where their hearts swell with love and joy at encountering their soulmate, but with the frozen horror of realizing you’ve been very, very wrong about something for a very long time. “I—” Shame isn’t typically something you feel, from your daily and worldly interactions. It isn’t very high up on the list of everyday emotions for most people, you would guess. But right now, it’s hot under your skin and drying your mouth out until there’s nothing left to swallow. “I’m—I’m sorry.” There are a lot of things you’re not sorry for, but you can definitely feel the pain of losing a beloved sibling and your shoulders shrink in like you’re about to roll up into a ball and disappear. Or at least try. “I didn’t even know you had a sister.”
Dieter can be petty, and an asshole, so he’s not done raking you over to coals yet. “That ‘meaningless, edgy drivel’ on my arm? That was my sister’s tattoo. She was into symbolic shit. Past, present, future. Three sides of a triangle.” He yanks up his sleeve. “The empty triangle was my tribute to her. For how fucking gutted I was by her death.” He shoves it back down and steps closer to you, poking a finger into your chest lightly. “So now you know why you can go fuck yourself.” Dieter turns around and starts walking down the drive to his car and Rico, the image of your horrified face burning into his mind more than he wants to admit.
“Hey Steph?” Despite barely being able to process anything, you manage to turn and walk back into the house, letting the door click gently shut behind you. “I—um…” The joyful way she’s standing with Nora on her hip as the little girl just explodes with excitement makes you stop, not wanting to ruin their fun. “C-can I talk to you for a sec?”
Steph looks up and she knows, she knows that Dieter has told you. You look stricken, like you’ve been slapped across the face and Steph immediately turns to Nora. “Okay baby, I need you to go upstairs and start finding all your Toy Story toys you want to bring with you tomorrow.”
Nora is off like a shot, too excited to notice anything else that’s going on, and all you can manage is to slump down on the corner of the couch like a collapsing box. “Fuck…” It’s saved for as soon as your niece is out of earshot, but the word is so quiet that you doubt she would have heard you anyway.
“I’m sorry.” Steph hums, sitting down beside you. “It wasn’t my place to tell you that. I hope you can see why now.” She murmurs softly, reaching over and pulling you towards her for a hug.
“I have never gotten so irrationally angry with another person the way I do with him.” The fact is, you are still upset. With how he handled it last night and how he left it just a minute ago. You’re still mad, and yet there’s now this sliver of shame and regret wedged in beside it.
“Apparently she was his twin and he loved her more than anyone.” She murmurs sadly. “He— he learned about it over the phone and then walked out where I asked him for an autograph.”
“So, what…have I just made it all up? Is he actually attentive and sweet and noble and I’ve just missed it somehow?” That doesn’t seem right, but at this point you have to be willing to admit that you don’t know everything there is to know about the situation and yes - that bothers the hell out of you. “I mean, he’s not Prince Charming, right? He’s aggravating and uncommunicative. I didn’t just make that up.”
“Since he already told you the worst, I’ll tell you the rest.” Steph sighs, wishing you two would have sat down and talked like adults. “The guy he was with? Soon after you decided he wasn’t your soulmate?” She waits until you nod. “Apparently the guy conned him. Convinced him he was his soulmate so he could steal from him.”
“Fucking hell…” You groan shrinking back against Steph’s smaller body and burying your face in your hands. “I can’t even imagine what I would have done if somebody showed up like that after Shawn died.”
“I don’t think he’s perfect.” Steph assures you. “But maybe some of the ways he acts is like his armor, protecting himself from being hurt. It’s easier if people don’t expect things from you.”
“An armour that happens to be full of things that drive me completely insane.” Her hand rubbing soothing circles on your back is calming in that very mom way that has come so naturally to your best friend, and you let out another muffled groan of frustration. “He’s been really nice to you…”
“He has been.” Steph can’t help but grin, unable to believe that he has been so generous. “He asked about Nora last night, seemed genuinely interested in her.”
“He…he likes miniature humans.” Quoting him is an odd feeling halfway in between making your skin crawl with latent frustration and…somehow sort of nice. “Thinks they’re uncomplicated. Which I guess isn’t wrong, per se.”
Chuckling, Steph shakes her head. “No, it’s not.” She agrees, continuing to rub your back. “Honestly? Last night he seemed hurt that you hated him from the moment you met him. He was really drunk.”
“It’s not like I’ve suddenly decided I’m in love with him,” you clarify immediately. There is absolutely no fucking chance of that happening. “He still makes me irrationally upset and I still don’t think we’re a good match. I just…I don’t understand what the fudge the universe was thinking.”
“Why does he make you so upset?” Steph has always wondered, but you would never talk about it before. “Why do you think he’s not a good match for you? Because you decided it?”
“Everyone like him I’ve ever known has turned out to be the worst, most selfish, most careless kind of person in the world.” There’s no chance that she doesn’t remember what happened to you that summer after high school - she had been out on a date with Shawn when he got the call from the hospital. “I think…I-I’d rather hate him then let him hurt me.”
“Right…” Stephanie hums, not wanting to invalidate your experience by rolling her eyes, but she thinks you are generalizing and unfairly judging him. Again. “Because buying a total stranger a car because hers is a complete junker and a safety hazard is the definition of careless and selfish.” She pauses for a moment and then sighs. “He paid off my debt to help his soulmate. Even after you insulted him.”
“Maybe he likes you.” The concept of Dieter Bravo being a good man is something you’ve pushed so far from your mind’s realm of reality that you don’t really even know how to grasp at it. And you’re not even sure you want to, since you’re still up in the air about the whole soulmate thing to begin with.
“No.” Steph is sure of that. She didn’t feel anything between her and Dieter and there was one more thing that he had said that stuck with her last night. “He didn’t want me to tell you about everything.” She reveals. “Afraid that he would learn that his soulmate really did hate him.”
“So I’m the villain for wanting to protect myself?” Turning your head, you look up at your best friend - your sister - with a pleading that you didn’t even know you were capable of. “Is this really just me? Please tell me I didn’t just make it all up.” There are times you wonder about that day in Haight Ashbury, trying in vain to fill in the blanks of everything you’ll never be able to remember. Times you wonder if it was all your fault like the cops had claimed. Is this all your fault too and you just couldn’t see it?
Steph reaches for your hand, squeezing it gently. “I think…” she murmurs softly. “That your past is not as far behind you as you think that it might be.” She states kindly. “You also have a right to protect yourself, but you’ve never heard of Dieter being violent or reckless, have you? Driving while intoxicated? Or anything beyond his own self-destructive tendencies?”
“You’ve read more about him than I have.” She’s never made a secret of the fact that she was still a fan during the years that you would riot if someone so much as said his name around you. “You…you would know better than me, I guess.”
“I’m not going to tell you what to do, or how to feel.” She tells you. “I’m just going to ask if you feel good about what happened. Or if you would like someone making the same assumptions about you if the roles were reversed.”
“You should take Nora to Disneyland today.” You tell her, sitting up again. Whatever else happens today, you have a lot to think about and a lot to reconsider. “Or at least take her for a drive in the new car. She’d like that.” More than anything else, you’re pretty sure you just need to be alone right now. “Or I can just go hide in my room like I was going to. Except…less angry. Or just…just mad at someone else. Not you.”
“I think I’ll take her for a drive.” Steph decides. “I think we will get up early and go tomorrow. Make sure we have plenty of time to see everything.” She bites her lip. “Do you want to come with us tomorrow?” You would have to pay, but it’s a lot easier than it was a few days ago.
“No.” Despite the answer actually being an empathic yes because of your boundless love for Disney escapism, you shake your head. “People might recognize me. I don’t want Nora’s first Disney trip to be ruined because Aunt Gigi is a raging bitch.”
Steph sighs, slightly annoyed with the fact that you refuse to see that you might actually deserve a little bit of the way Dieter treated you. No doubt you haven’t been a ray of sunshine towards him. Instead of battling that out, she pats your hand and shifts to stand up. “Nora! Come downstairs, sweetie! Let’s go for a ride in mommy’s new car!”
“Have fun, guys.” Pulling yourself up from the couch, it’s pretty clear to you that today is going to be spent berating yourself in bed. You just wonder if Steph sees that. She seems annoyed all over again. “Go get some good salt air.”
“I’m not going.” Dieter huffs, even as he’s putting on his clothes. He hasn’t spoken to you since the day he dropped off the car for Stephanie and he would prefer to keep it that way. Even if Libby had used the invites to the Adele concert Dieter had as leverage. Which was un-fucking-fair of her.
“Yes, you are.” These conversations with him usually precede red carpet or press events, both of which he hates, so Libby is reasonably used to them. “There are no dinner reservations, no planned after party to go to, and the only time you’ll have to make conversation will be in the very short time before and after the concert. You’re not even picking her up.” She tries for a smile as she holds out his jacket to him. “But if you could see fit to not scowl at her all night and maybe even hold her hand? I’ll book you a solo spa day in gratitude.”
He sighs. Rolling his eyes and pouting, he feels like he’s going to fucking claw his eyes out. “Let me do a line?” He begs. “Then I’ll be able to handle her.”
“Not a chance.” She shakes her head and holds out the jacket again. “You’ve been doing so well, Dee, and I know you can keep it up.”
“If this is a disaster again, I’m just going to fucking retire.” He mutters, unwilling to do anything more with you if you are hateful again. He takes the jacket and puts it on, grumbling under his breath.
“It won’t be.” There is not, of course, any way that Libby can be sure of that, but she had a long conversation with you this week and feels secure in the idea that even though it might not be the best date in history, you’re not going to scream at him unprompted this time.
“Meet her there, smile, hold her hand, leave separately and then shower.” He ticks off the list of things to do and checks his reflection, fiddling with his earring and wondering how something he had been looking forward to was now something he dreads.
“Just enjoy the concert.” She reminds him, knowing that getting lost in the music will help him forget being annoyed with you should it happen again tonight. “You’ll be home before you know it.”
“Yeah.” Dieter isn’t nearly as optimistic as Libby is. Grabbing his keys, he looks at himself one more time. This will be a filmed event, again. “She probably hates Adele.” He huffs to himself as he walks out the door.
“He probably hates Adele,” you shake your head at your reflection and at the reflection of Steph sitting on your bed just like she did before the last date. The dress they sent this time is glittery - the colour of champagne - with sheer sleeves that will definitely show off the tattoos you’ve spent extra time staring at this week and a neckline meant to show off your — er — assets. “Libby asked me my favourite singer and that was the end of that part of the conversation.”
“You don’t know that.” Steph argues and raises a brow. “Look at it this way, you are going to see the concert everyone else is dying to see!” She tells you excitedly. “Nora and I will have to watch it at home like the commoners we are.” She teases. “I’m gonna record it in case we see you onscreen!”
“Maybe you can see my humiliation live this time.” Though you’ve promised yourself you’ll be on good behaviour, and even hashed out the legal consequences on not fulfilling the contract with Libby, you’re still sure something will go haywire tonight. With a long, measured breath, you put in the earrings you picked out to go with the dress and heels and turn to face Steph. “Acceptable?”
“You look beautiful.” She murmurs, meaning every word of it before she looks at the clock. “Your car should be here any minute.”
“Keep your finger crossed that nothing catastrophic happens.” You huff, trying for a joke but genuinely worrying that it is a possibility. “I’m gonna kiss Nora goodnight and go wait for the car. I think a little fresh air will do me good.”
“Okay.” Steph sighs as you walk out, praying that one of you would just give a little. That’s all it would take. Having spent time with Dieter, she honestly thinks the universe didn’t make a mistake at all.
The car that pulls up five minutes later is driven by a man a few years younger than you, and you vaguely think you recognize him but can’t place from what, so you shake it off and thank him when he opens the back door for you. If nothing else, the concert will be nice - you just have to keep telling yourself that.
There’s no little amount of disappointment that the other woman, Steph, didn’t come outside. Rico’s disappointed, had been hoping to catch a glimpse of her again, although now he’s given a firsthand look at the woman who had his boss tied up in knots. At least a look that isn’t from the street and where you aren’t both furious and horrified. “We will be there in about forty minutes, miss.” He informs you after he slides back behind the wheel. “Mr. Bravo will meet you there.”
“What’s your name?” The fact that there is a whole legion of people who work for Dieter is something you’ve been having trouble wrapping your head around, and you’re trying to be good about making sure you talk to everyone you cross paths with. Dieter may hate you - but you don’t want the people who work for him to hate you, too.
“Rico, ma’am.” Rico answers you, pulling away and his eyes look up at the rear-view mirror to watch you for a moment before he looks at the road again.
“You don’t need to call me ma’am, or miss, or anything like that. Just my name is fine.” The streets move by with increasing speed as he heads out to the highway, and you settle back for the drive. “So. What’s your story, Rico?”
“Same as nearly everyone in this town.” Rico laughs. “Came to LA to be the next star and it didn’t work out.” He gives a shrug, honestly finding the work wasn’t what he imagined it would be, so he’s not disappointed. “Found work with Mr. Bravo when I was waiting on him and had to muscle out the paps from harassing him.” He continues on. “Hired me on as security and keeps me close because of my grandma’s secret vodka sauce and homemade noodles.”
“God, I love vodka sauce.” You laugh a little in response, thinking of all those times you and Steph had tried to make the dish in college but ended up just drinking the vodka instead. “So you’re security, driver, and super-secret private chef?”
"Something like that." Rico smiles, looking back at you, finding it hard to imagine that you and his boss mix like oil and water. Maybe more like oil and vinegar, just needing a few spices to make it perfect to soak up.
“Do you like it?” The way people treat their employees - or any kind of subordinate - speaks volumes about them and you’re curious to know what his employees think of him. “Working for him, I mean?”
"Absolutely!" Rico grins, nodding his head even as he navigates the streets towards your destination. "Mr. Bravo is a pretty cool employer. He lets me fix him whatever I'm in the mood for, unless he's really got a craving for something. Even insisted I take off when my ma fell and broke her hip. My parents own a restaurant back in Jersey and they needed help while she healed. Told me to go and that I would continue getting paid while I was gone."
“That’s nice of him. Putting family first.” From what you know of him now, that makes sense to you. Dieter’s sister is the only family of his you know of, but he clearly loved her.
“It’s cuz he doesn’t have any.” Rico murmurs, slowing down at the light and putting on his signal.
“Right.” You nod vaguely in the backseat and pick nervously at a loose thread in the purse you were sent to use tonight. “Well, I’m glad you like what you do, Rico. That’s a lot more than most people can say.”
“Yes ma’am.” He senses that you don’t really have much more to say, so he doesn’t say anything else and when the light turns green, in standard LA fashion, he gets honked at before he can make the turn even though he started going right away.
The venue is swarming with people as Rico pulls the car carefully through the crowd, and people are peering through the tinted windows trying to see who is sitting in the back. Whoever they’re expecting, it definitely isn’t you - and you distinctly hear someone from the sidewalk ‘Boo’ your appearance as one of the venue employees helps you out of the car. There’s sort of a miniature red carpet set up and all you can do is desperately hope that Dieter is around here somewhere, because you have no idea what to do in a situation like this one.
‘At least you clean up nicely.’ That’s what’s floating through his head as Dieter spots you, sighing to himself, thankful that at least you haven’t shown up in a burlap sack to protest him being your soulmate. He sets down the water bottle and moves over towards you, trying not to glare as he walks up.
“Hey, there you are.” Don’t sound accusatory, you remind yourself, and even manage to smile. He cleaned up for tonight too - dress pants and a button-down shirt and a leather jacket. Deliberately not saying a word about the sunglasses he’s still wearing; you fold in on yourself a little and wish for the quiet security of the car with all the shouting voices and cameras around. “Um…Steph says hi. Nora had an amazing time at Disney, and she drew you a picture.” You pat your purse gently. “I’ll give it to you inside?”
“Good.” Dieter actually smiles at that, imagining how thrilled the little girl must have been to experience Disney. Rolling his eyes, he takes off his sunglasses before you can bitch and shoves them into his pocket. Squinting at the sun that is still bright and blinking a few times before he motions towards the security line. “Ready to go in?”
“Yeah.” Libby’s voice is in your head reminding you of what’s at stake tonight and you step a little closer to him as he turns toward the building. You’re going to be on your best behaviour tonight if it kills you.
Well aware that cameras are focusing on the two of you – given the last two meetings that have ended up on social media. He needs to play nice. Despite his feelings. Dieter reaches for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours and gives you a small smile when you look over at him.
The pictures, when you see them later, will clearly betray the look of surprise on your face, and a few will even capture the small smile on your lips as the two of you walk inside together. It seems like maybe Libby had given both of you a talking to and it’s showing tonight. “So, do you…um…do you like Adele?” If you were any more awkward about it there should be a dunce cap for one of you to wear.
"She's honestly one of my favorites." Dieter admits, although he feels like he shouldn't. It seems so personal to share that with you. Especially given how you feel about him, more ammunition for you to judge the jackass that you thought him to be. Although, he was a jackass, he wasn't quite the monster that you think him. "I've been looking forward to this." His lips turn down in a slight frown at how Libby used this to get him to be seen with you again. "It's why I'm here."
There is absolutely no world in which he came here tonight with any sort of positive attitude toward seeing you again, and you can’t exactly be mad about that. But it’s reassuring to know that all both of you will have to do tonight is keep your mouths shut and you might actually enjoy yourselves. Hopefully you can keep your mouths shut. “She’s my favourite.” You tell him quietly, watching as he ducks as many cameras as he acknowledges and how many people are trying to get his attention.
Dieter doesn't say anything, but he does give your hand the slightest amount of extra pressure on it. Just for a moment while he lifts his other hand and greeting towards the cameras and smiles. Trying to turn on the Bravo charm and give Libby exactly what she wants for this event. A smiling, happy couple that are excited to be seen together and attend this concert. He ignores the shouted questions, tugging you closer and letting go of your hand to wrap his arm around your waist and bring you to his side while the cameras click away.
It’s blinding and unpleasant, all these cameras going off and people shouting in your direction, but your rule for tonight is just smile and get through it. Despite his gait being a little unpredictable, Dieter is solid beside you and his arm at your waist has that same tingling feeling in under your skin that you’ve had whenever he’s touched you so far. Which is extremely annoying.
He's surprised you haven't already pulled away, but you haven't. Warm and honestly slightly comforting beside him. There's a reason he would show up with whoever was in his orbit at the time to shit like this. The red carpet is short and the two of you manage to make it inside the venue, the large open aired arena one that the photogs weren't allowed into. Only the camera crews that are for the special are allowed. Giving all the celebrities a moment to breath, including Dieter. "We survived." He murmurs, dropping his arm from around your waist, knowing you don't want him touching you any more than he wants to.
“We did.” And though you will never, ever admit it to anyone - you kind of get the sunglasses now. At least in a situation like that. Having so many cameras flash at you on the way in has given you spots in your vision that you now have to blink away and hope that does the trick. “Oh, uh — here.” From the brand-new, Libby-approved, designer purse you’re carrying, you pull a carefully folded piece of paper in an envelope. Dieter’s name is written across it in crayon, with Nora’s halting handwriting on full display. “I don’t want to forget.” You don’t want to miss giving it to him in case things go to hell in a hand basket.
“Thank you.” Dieter opens it up, seeing two stick figures that are obviously supposed to be her and her mom next to a castle. He grins and nods to himself before he carefully folds it back up into the envelope and puts it in his jacket pocket to keep safe.
The silence between you is loaded, but it’s better than shouting. The search for your seats is easy considering they’re in the second row, and you cringe to think that this awkward second date of yours will be immortalized on a recording but that is literally what you signed up for. The only thing you can do now is - as you keep reminding yourself - be on your best behavior. You can handle tonight being tense and awkward as long as it’s not horrible again.
Dieter does all the right things, motioning for you to sit down before he does, unbuttoning his jacket and settling beside you. He is hoping you don’t start anything; Libby had warned him about it. What he potentially could lose. There is role he wants, that he’s the lead choice and he just has to make nice with you and get through this.
People around you are in predictably good moods, and some of them chat around or at you but for the most part you're just a curiosity. Some questions about what you do or where you're from are inevitable though most people seem aware and there was definitely one 'knowing' wink that insinuated that you are paid companionship that you did not enjoy. It's a mercy when the concert starts because it brings all conversation to a full halt, and you realize Dieter hasn't spoken a single word to you since you gave him the picture that Nora drew for him.
Honestly, it’s not going to badly. Dieter hadn’t heard a snarky, insulting comment from you yet and he wonders when it will come. He’s sure it will, you can’t help yourself. Instead of obsessing over it as the lights dim, he puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly as the first cords of the intro song plays.
The cameras that sweep the audience from time to time are definitely catching sight of the front rows, and you start to understand why Libby sent over such an eye-catching dress for this night. Tonight, you are a well-behaved couple that will be caught on camera to last for as long as digital media exists.
There’s a moment of hesitation for you, right before you do it, where the question of whether or not the gesture is too large definitely comes to your mind. But when the camera sweeps by during Set Fire to the Rain, you slip your hand over to sit casually in Dieter’s, just like a couple enjoying a love song. It’s deeply uncomfortable that you don’t know how he’ll react, but you’re going to hold up your end of this fucking deal if it kills you.
Your hand is soft. Very soft. It's the first thing he thinks of when your hand slips into his. The words of the song pour through him and he closes his eyes, trying to imagine what it would be like to be in love like that. For one brief moment after Libby told him that his soulmate had been found, he had wondered if you would be that for him. Pushing it away for fear of being hurt, being used again. Everything since then has convinced that he will not find that with you. However, this is to polish his tarnished image and he will play his role.
When he doesn't immediately snatch his hand away or somehow make it uncomfortable for you to keep your hand in his, you let it sit. The biggest mistake you could make right now would be to think that this is anything but an act - but in the back of your head there's a little part of you that has to wonder. What would it be like if you didn't drive each other completely insane?
Dieter knows he is a lot of things. Childish, argumentative, often selfish, and used to getting his way. He is someone that has been catered to as his fame had grown. But he also remembered not to step on people. His destruction was mainly self-directed and never meant to hurt others. He did what he wanted when he wanted. He was free to do that. Whether it was roles he wanted to play or turn down, drugs he wanted to snort, or people he wanted to fuck - he wasn't beholden to anyone. Right now, he feels like he is beholden to you, and he's not sure if he hates it or is curious about it.
The last time you held hands with someone besides Steph or Nora was probably before your little niece was even born. It goes on after the song is over, almost like you're both too stubborn to be the first one to 'give up' on pretending to be fond of each other. Competitiveness on a whole new level, and you would almost laugh about it if it weren't so in character for you.
Dieter lets go of your hand, clapping finally when you don't seem to want to let go. Unable to take the moist buildup on his palm from the warm California night. He slaps his hands together a few times before he discreetly slides his hands, both of them, along his thighs to dry them.
It's a careless gesture - wiping away any moment of actual companionship between you the same way he disregards something disgusting on his hands. Of course, in this instance, you are the disgusting thing on his hand, and it's possible you've never been more frustrated for going out on a limb before.
Looking over at you before the next song, he sees that your jaw is hinged in that angry set. Making him snort that you can't even come to an exclusive event without finding something to be unhappy about. "Fucking fantastic." He grumbles under his breath and turns back to the woman on stage.
“Did you say something?” Your tone is more accusatory than you mean it to be, but he gets on your nerves so fucking easily that you can’t help it. Your own hands are back in your lap, wishing you had pockets in this godforsaken dress that you could shove them into to keep away from him.
“Nope.” He pops the end of the word and gives a small shake of his head. The last thing he wants is another incident and he promised he would be on his best behavior.
“Awesome.” All you can do is shake your head, refocusing on the concert. Nora and Steph will want to hear every detail later and you’re not about to let them down.
Dieter feels the cameras on him. He knows that despite the fact that this Adele’s concert, the story of him and you will be hot, and they won’t resist giving the two of you air time. He bites his lip and gives a quiet sigh, slipping his arm around your waist and leaning into your ear. “Try not to ruin this for us please?” He murmurs quietly. “You can hate me when the cameras stop rolling.”
There is a contract. And there are consequences. And as much as you do hate it, you agreed to this. So instead of griping or grousing, you take a deep breath and turn on a coy smile - aimed at him with batting eyelashes and a fully dreamy look in your eyes. If the cameras get a close up of you, you’ll look nothing less than smitten. “How’s this?” You mumble through the smile, looking right into his eyes. It might be the first time you’ve ever done that. They’re…actually kind of pretty. Nope. Not going there.
Dieter short circuits for a moment, falling into your adoring expression and soft eyes. For a split second he believes that you don’t hate him. His breath catches and he licks his lips self-consciously. “I— perfect.” He murmurs breathlessly and then blinks, remembering who you are and what you think about him. “Oscar worthy.” He hums with a tight smile.
“Good.” For second there’s softness in him, and honesty, and while the bitter part of you counts it as a victory because he’s clearly underestimated you, Steph’s voice in the back of your mind wonders loudly if that how he might look at you - and you at him - if this had all gone very differently. Too bad you’ll never know. “Good,” you repeat at a whisper. “We don’t want Libby pissed at us again.”
“Right.” At the end of the day, that’s all this is to you. A contract. You had never wanted to get to know him and he wishes he hadn’t met you. After this is over and his reputation is back on track, he’ll forget your name. Frowning slightly at that thought, he smothers it with a look that would tell anyone watching that Dieter Bravo was wrapped around someone he cared for very much.
It’s artificial, and it’s false, and it’s all the things you hate about Hollywood - but the concert is nice. By the time it’s over you’ve shifted, tilting so your head is nearly on his shoulder and the unfortunate fact that you actually like his cologne has been discovered. There isn’t any other commitment tonight because of how dinner went earlier in the week, and soon enough you’ll be on your way home again. Soon. Hopefully. But for the small trickle of his friends that have paused to say hello and goodbye on their way out of the venue.
“Oh shit.” Dieter hands had captured yours again and he gives it a warning squeeze, never sure what is going to come out of the mouth of the woman walking up to you. Outrageous as it might seem, she manages to make Dieter look tame with her judgmental attitude and bad press lately.
“Dieter!” Carol Cobb is the sort of person to pretend to be someone’s friend when it’s convenient to her, and right now her former costar is getting some interesting press. “So, this is her, huh? Your long-searched for soulmate?”
He can only hope that you don’t say anything that will have Carol racing off to the gossip columns. As much as she loved pretending she was some beacon of virtue, she was a snake in the grass. “This is her.” He tells her brightly, bringing your joined hands up and showing them off.
“You must be so thrilled...” Carol comments, putting out her hand for a flimsy shake and waiting for your introduction.
You supply your first name, barely taking her hand for a second with your free one. “It’s nice to meet you…” You use the same pregnant pause she did to let her introduce herself. She seems like the kind of person who would hate not being recognized.
“Carol.” She says, in the most aghast voice she can possibly summon. “Carol Cobb? I was in a movie with Dieter? Two if you count that horrible documentary?”
“Oh!” You nod and laugh with genuine amusement. “Right. Sorry. I don't think I remember you.”
“Horrible, yeah.” Dieter murmurs, not really wanting to point out that it was literally just a behind the scenes look. An honest one. “So, Carol, what have you been up to?” If there’s anything he can count on, is that she will want to talk about herself.
“You don't…?” She looks completely stricken by that but is placated by being asked any kind of personal question. “Starting in on a new project soon.” She lights up to bubbling. “A really beautiful drama. Yeah. Filming in Norway. The sun won’t set on us again until the end of August. Just beautiful.” She looks between you and Dieter with interest. “Do you have a project coming up? I heard things were a little slow for you still.”
Dieter hum, titling his head. “I’ve got a few things coming up. Filming in Switzerland.” He tells her, smiling slightly. “Plus of course the Mate Marks endorsement is in full swing.”
“Right.” She wrinkles her nose at you condescendingly. With an air of mother knows best that you’ve seen from senior teachers and students’ parents a million times. “You know, you and I should have a chat sometime. Soulmate or otherwise, you should really know what you’re…ya know… getting yourself into here.” Her eyes drift over to Dieter without subtlety. “You deserve to know what you’re getting yourself into, sweetie.”
“Oh, Dee’s told me everything.” You lie smoothly, giving his hand a squeeze and tossing him another adoring smile. “He took a little extra break from things so we could get to know each other, and his past is his past.” You can feel your skin crawl with the lie - you know practically nothing about him - but this woman is so self-righteous that it flips you completely in the other direction. You would pretend for almost anyone to get this kind of woman off their back.
His brows shoot up in surprise, but he covers it quickly. “She’s seen the documentary.” He loves pointing out how bad that particular piece also made Carol look. “What else could she possibly need to know?” He jokes, chuckling quietly.
"He spent the entire production trying to get somebody - anybody - to sleep with him." Carol tells you, as if it were some kind of secret and not right there in the documentary for everyone to see. "He tried to get us all to do drugs with him!" She knows very well that she did all that coke of her own free will, but it is not the first time she's used a scapegoat and it will not be the last.
"Well," you shrug, pretending it doesn't mean a thing to you at all. "He's been clean since before we met and I'm really proud of him for that. Addiction is a really serious thing that too many people trivialize."
Dieter huffs, pursing his lips at Carol. “Didn’t you sleep with a married man?” He asks flippantly, pretending to think about it. “‘Cause I swear you did. See, me? Well, I was single, I could fuck whoever I wanted to. But I seem to remember you had a boyfriend living in your house when you got to the set.” He won’t deny the drugs. Fuck, he’d snort some coke right now if he had some. But the condescension in her tone irks him. Reminds him of you.
"I was victimized!" She insists, lowering her voice when the conversation clearly doesn't take the turn she wants. Carol throws you a near-glare, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning heavily. "Good luck with him," she tells you, as though she has some stake in it. "You're going to need it."
“Hey!” Dieter grins, his face lighting up. “Maybe we could have a threesome?” He suggests, smirking as he looks over at you and squeezes your hand harshly. “Since I love them, right? It’d be great.” He chuckles and looks at Carol. “Did you know my tattoo was because I love threesomes?” It’s mean, probably, to throw this in your face, but you act just like this bitch and he’s too fucking sober to handle it maturely.
For as hard as you've worked tonight to be nice and play nice and not let him get to you, this is just a slap in the face. It's rude to the point of stealing your fake sunny smile, making you frown immediately and turn in on yourself. "It was nice to meet you, Carol." You tell her flatly, a lie of manners that you don't care about because nothing is actually nice right now. Letting go of Dieter's hand long enough to stand and grab your purse, you barely glance at him as Carol Cobb walks away bewildered. "Do you want to walk me to the car for the sake of appearances, or do you want that to be the last thing you say to me tonight?"
Regret, remorse, whatever you want to call it - isn’t something that he feels very often. Dieter prides himself on living authentically and saying what he means. But the way that your shoulders rounded and your face fell has him trying to swallow the bitterness his words left. “I’ll walk you.” He stands and when you stiffen when he puts his hand on your back, he doesn’t get irritated. He deserves that, instead he just sighs quietly and guides you towards the exit.
“I apologized.” You remind him under your breath, trying to get your composure back for anyone you might pass. “I said I was sorry and I meant it.”
“When?” Dieter looks around like you are talking to someone else. “Because you damn sure didn’t apologize to me. Unless you think tolerating my presence is an apology?” He mutters all of this under his breath to you as he keeps his face friendly. Not wanting another bad press moment as the two of you exit the stadium and quickly walk to the line of cars. “You might want to rethink our conversation tonight.” He opens the door to the SUV that is waiting for you and makes a show of kissing your hand for anyone who might be watching.
“The car. When you came to the house with the car, I said I was sorry.” With a flutter of your eyelashes, you slide backward into the car and turn away from him. “Good night.” You add firmly, when he doesn’t shut the door right away. A voice in the back of your head - Steph’s again, annoyingly - asks if you really apologized or if you just said the words and figured the rest would be inferred. You can’t remember, but it hardly matters now. Whatever you enjoyed about tonight has been ruined, so none of it matters.
“Yeah. That’s right.” Dieter gives an ugly chuckle. “Your excuse was you didn’t know I had a sister.” Instead of telling you how much bullshit that was, he just closes the door. You won’t even look at him anyway. Too much of a bitch to see how badly you hurt him. One shitty little apology was supposed to make it all better. He can’t fucking wait for the next four dates to be over with.
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jakeperalta · 3 years
neurofen is probably the other most common way of referring to ibuprofen in the uk ig?? but do u know what the uk version of aspirin is coz I never know
nvm aspirin is the actual drug name, ig it’s just not common in Britain
i have concluded that this is all too confusing. like why are there so many ways to refer to the same thing
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tinyshe · 4 years
Cornucopia’s Take: Ghostwriting aside, industry funded science seeks answers to industry needs. Cornucopia calls for research on behalf of truth, accuracy, and all of us, rather than only corporate balance sheets.
Inside the Academic Journal That Corporations Love Pacific Standard by Paul D. Thacker
USACE Europe District
A recent Monsanto lawsuit opens a scary window into the industry of junk science.
A recent lawsuit against Monsanto offers a clear and troubling view into industry strategies that warp research for corporate gain. In a lawsuit regarding the possible carcinogenicity of the pesticide Roundup, plaintiffs’ lawyers suing Monsanto charge the company with ghostwriting an academic study finding that Roundup’s active ingredient, glyphosate, is not harmful. Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weed killer and is critical for successful cultivation of genetically modified crops such as corn and soybean, which are resistant to the pesticide.
Ghostwriting remains pervasive in some areas of academic research; in 2010, I helped author a Senate report on the matter. Studies drafted by corporations and then published in scientific journals with academic authors have been used to sway government decisions, court cases, and even medical practice. A host of universities have been caught in ghostwriting scandals, including Harvard University, Brown University, Stanford University, and Emory University.
The study currently under scrutiny appeared in 2000 in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, the journal of the International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. On closer inspection, the ghostwriting charges seem unconvincing , and Science magazine reports that officials at one university have investigated and rejected the charges.
Monsanto has also strenuously denied the ghostwriting allegations and defends the integrity of the study on a blog: “The paper also underwent the journal’s rigorous peer review process before it was published.”
But the term “rigorous” is hardly an accurate description for the journal. Indeed, a glance into the journal’s history offers a telling window into the industry of creating and packaging junk science with the appearance of academic rigor.
“Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology is a vanity journal that publishes mercenary science created by polluters and producers of toxic chemicals to manufacture uncertainty about the science underlying public-health and environmental protections.” says David Michaels, professor of environmental and occupational health at the George Washington University School of Public Health. (Michaels recently returned to this position after serving as the administrator of the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration.)
The problem is that it’s not just Monsanto, and it’s not just this one journal. Corporations regularly buy academics to do their bidding, recasting industry talking points to create the beginnings of an alternative scientific canon.
The history here is long, and damning. In 2002, several academics and public-health activists sent a letter to Elsevier complaining that the journal lacked transparency and a conflicts-of-interest policy, and that it could not demonstrate editorial independence from corporate sponsors. A couple of years later, I began studying the ISRTP’s membership and journal, and combing through the minutes of the society’s meetings.
The year before the journal published the Roundup study, the society held its June 1999 council meeting in the Washington, D.C., office of Keller and Heckman, the chief law firm for the chemical industry. In a recent court case, for example, Keller and Heckman represented the Vinyl Institute in a lawsuit to roll back 2012 regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency limiting toxics emitted during PVC production. Keller and Heckman also bills itself as the premier law firm for the tobacco and e-vapor industries. The minutes from the June meeting note a member of Keller and Heckman attending along with representatives of several chemical industry trade associations. Minutes from February 2002 also record the meeting taking place in Keller and Heckman’s D.C. office and state that future meetings will also be held at the law firm.
“[I]t is unusual to see a regulatory toxicology journal run out of a law practice office!” says Dr. Lynn Goldman, dean of the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University and one of the signatories on the 2002 letter.
“Having its meetings hosted by a corporate law firm is so obviously inappropriate — unless you aren’t so much a scientific society as a faux-science outlet for the corporate clients and funders of the journal’s authors,” says Jennifer Sass, a senior scientist who specializes in chemical policy at the Natural Resources Defense Council and is another of the 2002 letter signatories. After reviewing the Roundup study published in 2000, Sass says it doesn’t appear to be “what we normally call ghostwriting.” The study’s acknowledgement section, which is hidden behind the journal’s paywall, clearly notes Monsanto’s heavy involvement in the study’s science.*
“These people wouldn’t be able to stuff the scientific literature so successfully — muddying the waters and creating the false impression of controversy — if they didn’t have their go-to journals like Reg Tox Pharm,” she adds.
Examining the journal’s editorial board, Sheldon Krimsky, a professor at Tufts University who studies conflicts of interest and corporate influence on science, notes that industry consultants litter the journal’s masthead. Indeed, the journal’s editor is Gio Gori, a former consultant for the tobacco industry. In 1998, Gori partnered with Steven J. Milloy of JunkScience.com in a letter to Science magazine criticizing a story about tobacco consultants. I later outed Milloy in the New Republic for being on the payroll of the tobacco companies while writing articles for FoxNews.com that disparaged the science of second-hand smoke. And, in 2007, Gori published an op-ed in the Washington Post calling the science of second-hand smoke “bogus.”
Gori’s work for tobacco, Krimsky says, “places his credibility down at the bottom.”
Other controversial members of the journal’s editorial board include Michael L. Dourson and Dennis J. Paustenbach. Dourson is the president of TERA, a scientific consulting firm that was the subject of a 2014 investigation by Inside Climate News and the Center for Public Integrity highlighting the group’s cozy ties to industry. Documents made public during tobacco litigation note Dourson’s work for the industry.
When questioned about his tobacco consulting, Dourson said: “Jesus hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors. He had dinner with them.” He continued, “We’re an independent group that does the best science for all these things. Why should we exclude anyone that needs help?”
In 2005, the Wall Street Journal ran a front-page story questioning the role of Paustenbach and his company ChemRisk in a case that became the basis for the movie Erin Brockovich. According to the Journal, ChemRisk was hired to reanalyze data from a study that found chromium-contaminated groundwater linked with a range of public-health illnesses. Chemrisk’s reanalysis of data was then published in a new study under the names of two Chinese researchers without any mention of ChemRisk’s involvement, and was promoted for the next decade in court cases and regulatory filings. After the Journal article, the study was retracted, and environmental groups sought to have Paustenbach censured by the Society of Toxicology.
Seven years later, the Chicago Tribune wrote an investigative story critical of Paustenbach’s work for the chemical industry on flame retardants, and the Center for Public Integrity published an investigation last year noting Paustenbach’s work for Ford Motor Company to downplay the dangers of asbestos in car brake pads.
“This might be a kind of a rogue journal that looks like a journal,” Krimsky says.
The problem is that it’s not just Monsanto, and it’s not just this one journal. Corporations regularly buy academics to do their bidding, recasting industry talking points to create the beginnings of an alternative scientific canon. Universities do little to stop it, while academic journals, sometimes prestigious, are often complicit. Perhaps public shame remains the most — or only — effective medicine.
[note Bayer has since bought Monsanto’s; yes the Bayer company of Nazi Germany]
Five things to know about Bayer and Monsanto
                                               August 13, 2018                                                                                            
Five things to know about Bayer and Monsanto                                    
                                       by Michelle Fitzpatrick                                                                                                                  
A cancer victim's surprise court victory over US pesticide maker Monsanto could open the floodgates to a slew of similar lawsuits, potentially leaving the firm's new German owner with a major case of buyer's remorse.                                                                                          
From the toxic legacy of Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller to fears about its use of genetically modified seeds, here's what you need to know about the $63-billion (55-billion-euro) merger between Bayer and Monsanto.
Founded in Germany in 1863, Bayer is still best known for making aspirin. More infamously, it briefly sold heroin in the early 20th century, marketed as a cough cure and morphine substitute.
During World War II, Bayer was part of a consortium called IG Farben that made the Zyklon B pesticide used in Adolf Hitler's gas chambers.
Through a series of acquisitions over the years, Bayer has grown into a drug and chemicals behemoth and now employs some 100,000 people worldwide.
Agent Orange
Monsanto was established in St. Louis, Missouri in 1901, setting out to make saccharine.
By the 1940s, it was producing farm-oriented chemicals, including herbicide 2,4-D which, combined with another dangerous chemical was used to make the notorious Vietnam War-era defoliant Agent Orange.
In 1976, the company launched probably its best-known product, the weed killer Roundup.
In the 1980s, its scientists were the first to genetically modify a plant cell. Monsanto then started buying other seed companies and began field trials of GM seeds.
It eventually developed soybean, corn, cotton and other crops engineered to be tolerant of Roundup.
Goodbye 'Monsatan'
Dubbed "Monsatan" and "Mutanto", the US firm has for decades been in the crosshairs of environmentalists, especially in Europe, who believe that GM food could be unsafe to eat.
Campaigners also abhor Monsanto's production of glyphosate-based Roundup, which some scientists have linked to cancer although other studies dispute this.
Hoping to ditch Monsanto's poisonous reputation, Bayer has said it plans to drop the company's name from its products.
But Friends of the Earth, which has dubbed the merger a "marriage made in hell", said it would simply switch its protests to Bayer so long as it continues Monsanto's practices.
Another complaint about the latest consolidation in the industry is that it leaves the global seeds and pesticides market in the hands of just a few players—potentially pushing up prices and limiting choices for farmers and consumers.
Hello, lawsuits?
A California jury last week ordered Monsanto to pay nearly $290 million in damages to a dying groundskeeper after finding that the company failed to warn him that using Roundup products might cause cancer.
Observers say the landmark win by Dewayne Johnson, who has non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, could pave the way for thousands of cases against Monsanto.
Bayer's share price plunged more than 10 percent in response.
Monsanto has vowed to appeal the ruling, while Bayer insisted that herbicides containing glyphosate are "safe".
Analyst Michael Leacock of MainFirst bank said the legal setback was "an unlucky outcome" for Bayer just two months after sealing the takeover.
"It is highly likely that investors will take a very dim view of the recent deal," he said.
High price to pay
In an industry preparing for a global population surge with many more mouths to feed, Bayer was keen to get its hands on Monsanto's market-leading line in GM crop seeds designed to resist strong pesticides like Roundup.
It was also lured by Monsanto's data analytics business Climate Corp, believing farmers will in future rely on digital monitoring of their crops.
But the takeover, one of the largest ever by a German firm, comes at a high cost.
As well as the eye-watering price tag, Bayer had to give up much of its seeds and agrichemical business to satisfy competition concerns.
Those divestitures have gone to none other than Bayer's homegrown rival BASF, the unexpected beneficiary of the mammoth deal.
And following the California court verdict, Bayer may now have to set aside huge sums to settle future Roundup claims.
"The total cost, in our view, could easily reach $10 billion" if Bayer were to settle with a still larger number of plaintiffs, said Leacock.                                                                                                                        
Explore further
Bayer shares plunge after Monsanto cancer ruling
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edgarnrud105-blog · 4 years
Bronchial Asthma in Older Adults
Some individuals have actually asthma flare-ups caused by something in their work environment. In some cases, there isn't an apparent reason for a bronchial asthma attack. When your asthma signs and symptoms flare, follow your composed asthma strategy's guidelines for utilizing your quick-acting (rescue) inhaler. PEF readings ranging from 51% to 79% of your individual ideal are a sign you need to cuál es el costo de una espirometria use the quick-acting (rescue) drugs recommended by your physician.
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Errors That Might Be Making Your Bronchial Asthma Worse
A boost in indoor humidity can permit mold and mildew to grow in wet locations of your residence like in restrooms. Humid air alone is not all that sets off asthma assaults. Moisture can raise levels of mold and mildew, allergen and ground-level ozone.
Dirt Allergy
If you act swiftly, you're less likely to have a severe strike. You also won't require as much medicine to regulate your symptoms. A variety of exterior allergens and also toxic irritants-- ranging from plant pollen as well as mold to cold air and also air pollution-- can set off asthma assaults. Find out what triggers or intensifies your bronchial asthma, and also take steps to stay clear of those triggers.
Bring your very own bed linen and also cushions in instance the resort only supplies plume cushions and also down comforters if you can. They can house dust mites as well as create asthma signs and symptoms. If you have exercise-induced asthma, are preparing a hefty exercise, or plan to work out in cool, humid, or completely dry air, take actions to prevent a bronchial asthma attack.
Focus on raising quick-relief inhaler usage.
An individual might experience breast discomfort complying with a bronchial asthma assault or incidence of hissing.
Tipping outside for a deep breath of fresh air is just one of life's easy satisfaction.
These precautionary medicines deal with the airway inflammation that triggers bronchial asthma symptoms and signs.
Make sure to minimize direct exposure to your allergic reaction sets off, as well as wear a face mask when working out in winter.
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What drink is good for asthma?
Asthma can cause airways to become inflamed, leading to chest tightness and pain. A pneumomediastinum can increase pressure in the lungs that can cause pain. The condition is rare but can occur in those with asthma, most commonly in younger people. The pain will usually radiate to the neck or back.
Still, not everyone with asthma has the exact same signs similarly. You may not have all of these signs and symptoms, or you might have various symptoms at various times. Your bronchial asthma signs and symptoms may also differ from one bronchial asthma strike to the next, being mild during one and serious throughout an additional. Stay clear of close call with people who have a chilly or the influenza, due to the fact that catching it will certainly make your bronchial asthma signs and symptoms even worse. If you take care of items that a person with a breathing infection may have touched, Clean your hands well.
" It's been a little a climb to adjust to this as well as to utilizing a flatterer but I won't surrender now. It's the whole bundle that really helps - being outdoors, being energetic and being with individuals.".
Drugs such as beta blockers, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), and ace inhibitors can create problems for some people that have bronchial asthma. Ask your physician if you are taking any one of these medicines. Tobacco smoke aggravates the air passages, as well as gradually, can create irreversible damages to the lungs. The nose and also the cellular lining of the lungs filter the air that is breathed in. When smoke (either from cigarette smoking cigarette or breathing it in second-hand) is inhaled, it can damage this lining.
They may react to things that can (that is, make) asthma signs and symptoms start. These points are appropriately called, "causes." When you are near a bronchial asthma trigger, your respiratory tracts may come to be inflamed, tighten up, and also create way too much mucus. You might begin to wheeze, cough, have congestion, scratchy eyes, or a runny nose.
The drug omalizumab (Xolair) hinders IgE in the body and also aids avoid the allergic reaction that sets off asthma symptoms. See your doctor if you're following your bronchial asthma activity strategy yet still have regular or irritating signs or low optimal circulation analyses.
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ABIM: Allergy and Immunology
ABIM syllabus can be found here Let me know if you find any errors Sources: UWorld, MKSAP 16/17, Rizk Review Course, Louisville Lectures, Knowmedge (free version)
- cutaneous + shock symptoms OR allergen exposure + 2 organ damage - increased histamine, increased tryptase - Tx: IM or SC 0.3-0.5mg of 1:1000 Epi Q5-15 minutes into lateral thigh (give IV Epi 1:10000 if in shock) Aspirin idiosyncrasy - Samter syndrome: asthma + nasal polyp + ASA sensitivity Stinging insect hypersensitivity - undergo venom skin testing and immunotherapy
- normal spirometry doesn’t rule out asthma Exercise and cold-induced asthma: - PRN SABA - pre-treat 15-30 minutes before exposure with Albuterol/Cromolyn/Nedocromil Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: - brown sputum, IgE>1000 - Dx skin test, IgG, IgE - Tx: Itraconazole, steroids Nasal polyps and Aspirin sensitivity: - Samter Syndrome (asthma, nasal polyp, ASA sensitivity) - Tx: ASA desnsitization or LAMA (Montelukast/Zafirlukast) Occupational asthma:  avoid trigger; symptoms may not resolve for months Asthma and pregnancy:  continue Rx Asthma mimics (vocal cord dysfunction): flat loop, restrictive pattern (decreased TLC) but normal DLCO Undifferentiated asthma: - metacholine challenge; bronchodilator improves FEV1/FVC >22% - r/o GERD and vocal cord dysfunction
Rhinitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis:
Allergic rhinitis: - Dx with empiric Tx (intranasal corticosteroids > antihistamines) - confirm Dx with allergy skin test > RAST (ELISA IgE assay) - add ipratropium bromide for severe symptoms Rhinitis medicamentosa: - i.e., Pseudoephedrine/Afrin/Oxymetolazone, also beta blockers, OCP - Tx: stop topical decongestant - start short court of prednisone or intranasal corticosteroids Food allergy:  occurs within 2 hours, Dx with food challenge > RAST
Urticaria and angioedema
- AVOID ASA/NSAIDs!! - Tx: non-sedating antihistamine (Cetirizine, Ranitidine) --> + H2 blocker (Cimetidine, Ranitidine)  - chronic treatment: MTX, AZT, Cyclosporine Hereditary angioedema: NO HIVES/URTICARIA!  DO NOT GIVE EPI! - complement activation --> bradykinin: slow progressive symptoms over days with light serpiginous non-pruritic rash, and abdominal pain - check C4, C1 inhibitor - Tx: C1 inhibitor, Kallekrein I, bradykinin receptor antagonist, Danazol; if emergency: FFP Urticarial vasculitis:  lesion/hives that persists > 24 hours with purpura/ecchymosis on resolution --> Dx: skin bx Allergic angioedema:  mast cell --> RAPID HIVES, PRURITUS - Tx: antihistamine, corticosteroid, Epi Chronic urticaria: >6 weeks
Skin disorders:
Fixed drug eruption:  ovoid skin lesions recurs at same location with repeat drug administration Jarisch-Herxheimer: fever, HA, rash, hypotension for 2-48hrs; Tx continue Abx and supportive Tx DRESS (Hypersensitivity Syndrome): acute papules, facial edema, fevers, arthralgia, gen LN - Dx: Eosinophilia, increased AST/ALT, lymphocytosis - Tx: IVIg
Drug allergy other than drug-induced urticaria and angioedema:
- examples: Allopurinol, beta lactam, NSAIDs, Sulfa - type I: anaphylaxis type 2: days-months: cytopenias type 3: vasculitis/serum sickness type 4: rash, fever, multiorgan
Autoimmune systemic disorders:
Mastocytosis:  myalgias, abdominal pain, diarrhea, pruritus, marked hypotension/shock Allergic interstitial nephritis: - fever, eosinophils, hematuria, rash, edema; - common culprits: Allopurinol, PCN, Cephalosporin, PPI, Quinolones, Sulfas, Phenytoin, Rifampin Eosinophilic esophagitis:  solid food dysphagia (food gets stuck in throat), Dx: endoscopic esophagus biopsy with eosinophils, Tx: PPIs and steroids Eosinophilic pneumonia: smoker with “photographic negative pulmonary edema”; Tx: oral corticosteroids Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (Churg-Strauss): flares with LAMA and steroid taper; Tx: STOP LAMA and resume steroids Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: CD4:CD8 <1, avoid trigger; Tx flares with steroids
Allergic complications of transfusions:
Febrile transfusion reaction: 1 degree rise in temp, don’t stop transfusion, Tx: acetaminophen Hemolytic transfusion reactions: STOP TRANSFUSION, Tx: IVF +/- diuretics Transfusion-related acute lung injury (hypotension, stop transfusion, vent management and supportive treatment) vs Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (hypertension, give blood slowly and with diuretics) Transfusion-related urticaria: DON’T STOP TRANSFUSION; Tx: antihistamines Transfusion-related anaphylaxis:  Tx: stop blood, Epinephrine
Primary immunodeficiency disorders:
Antibody deficiency (common variable immunodeficiency): associated autoimmune diseases - decreased IgG and IgM/IgA --> recurrent sinopulm infection + chronic diarrhea, meninigitis, skin/joint, eye infection - may develop granulomatous lung nodules/lung fibrosis/ILD, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy - associated gastric adenocarcinoma, intestinal lymphoma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma - send protein (tetanus and dipth toxoid) and polysaccharide PNA IgG titers while off IgG x 5 months; vaccinate if low and then check again in 4 weeks Complement deficiency: associated with SLE - Dx: CH50 assay --> if normal: alternative and leptin pathway components IgA deficiency: most common - respiratory infection, Giardia infection, transfusion reaction with IgA so transfuse with WASHED pRBC - associated with autoimmune diseases (RA, SLE)
Immunodeficiency clues: 1.  within 1 year: 2+ ear infections or non-allergic sinus infections or >1 pneumonia 2.  recurrent viral infections (herpes, cold, wart) 3.  recurrent deep abscesses 4.  persistent thrush/fungus 5.  infection with normally harmless TB
- B cell (Ig): sinopulmonary, gastroenteric, septic arthritis - T cell (~HIV): associated with autoimmune disorders (ITP, RA, SLE), chronic diarrhea, opportunistic infections (PCP, fungi, mycobacerium); check PPD, mumps - Phagocytic: skin abscesses/periodontal; test: Nitrblue tetrazolium respiratory burst - Complement: associated with autoimmune diseases (Hereditary angioedema), Neisseria (meningitis), pyogenic bacterial infections - NK:  severe recurrent Herpes; Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis/macrophage activation syndrome
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jakehglover · 6 years
Monsanto, You Can Run But You Can’t Hide
By Dr. Mercola
May 29, 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) approved (with conditions) the merger of Monsanto and Bayer.1,2 The decision came on the heels of the European Union's (EU) approval in March. Bayer's takeover of Monsanto — the largest all-cash buyout on record3,4,5 — means just three companies now dominate the global seed and pesticide market.6
In addition to the Bayer-Monsanto merger, the DOJ has also approved the merger of Dow and DuPont, and the Federal Trade Commission recently approved ChemChina's acquisition of Syngenta. Together, these three merged behemoths — Bayer, ChemChina and DowDuPont — will control 61 percent of the global seed market.
The same trio, plus BASF, will also control 70 percent of the pesticide market.7 Of these, Bayer will hold the largest share — about a quarter of the seed and pesticide markets combined. In 2011, Monsanto had 26 percent of the global seed market and Bayer had 3 percent. Bayer sold 17 percent of the total agrochemicals; Monsanto had 7 percent of the chemical market.8
As a condition of the DOJ's approval, Bayer will sell some of its assets to BASF, including its soybean, cottonseed and glufosinate weed killer businesses, which overlap with Monsanto's and were antitrust sticking points. So, the first week of June marked the end of the Monsanto name,9 but that doesn't mean the company, its products and everything associated with either, are going away. As noted by Forbes,10 "its history, products and culture will linger. Bayer can't change Monsanto's history."
Bayer Will Face Same Resistance as Monsanto
According to a Bayer June 4 statement,11 Monsanto's product line will keep their original brand names in the Bayer portfolio, but the Monsanto name is being retired. The merged entity will retain the Bayer name. Cultural integration is predicted to be a challenge for the new, now much larger Bayer. Bayer also has a shadowy past of its own that is in need of rehabilitation.
"Yes, Bayer introduced the world to Aspirin and Phenobarbital. But it also trademarked Heroin and, when it was IG Farben during World War II, used concentration camp prisoners as slave laborers and drug testers with disastrous results," Forbes writes,12 adding: "Even with that context, there are two special challenges to onboarding leaders from Monsanto into Bayer:
1) Monsanto's history as a private company and 2) the "toxicity" of the Monsanto brand earned by its manufacture and marketing of DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, recombinant bovine growth hormones, genetically modified crops and seed patenting model and enforcement …
There's every reason to expect Monsanto's people to be more results-oriented and less caring, more hierarchical and more driven by authority than Bayer's people. These are non-trivial cultural hurdles to overcome."
Adrian Bebb, a Friends of the Earth Europe food and farming campaigner commented on the merger, telling The Guardian:13
"Bayer will become Monsanto in all but name unless it takes drastic measures to distance itself from the U.S. chemical giant's controversial past. If it continues to peddle dangerous pesticides and unwanted GMOs then it will quickly find itself dealing with the same global resistance that Monsanto did."
What Kind of Food System Do You Want?
"The merger of corporate giants Monsanto and Bayer begs a vital question — what kind of agriculture do we really want?" John Vidal writes in a recent op-ed for The Guardian.14 As the world's now largest seed and pesticide company, Bayer will have a direct impact on a majority of farmers in the U.S., EU and Great Britain.
Needless to say, the company will also wield tremendous power over what ends up on the plates of consumers. "It will be able to influence what and how most of the world's food is grown, affecting the price and the method it is grown by," Vidal writes. In stark contrast to Bayer and other biotech companies, which sells patented seeds at a premium and disallows seed sharing, Debal Deb, an Indian plant researcher, focuses on cultivating as wide a variety of crops as possible, and gives the seeds away for free.
Deb currently grows 1,340 different varieties of traditional Indian rice on donated land in West Bengal. Seeds from these crops are then distributed to more than 7,000 farmers across the country, with one condition: They must grow them and give some of the resulting seed away to others. As described by Vidal:
"This seed-sharing of 'landraces,' or local varieties, is not philanthropy but the extension of an age-old system of mutualized farming that has provided social stability and dietary diversity for millions of people. By continually selecting, crossbreeding and then exchanging their seed, farmers have developed varieties for their aroma, taste, color, medicinal properties and resistance to pests, drought and flood."
A Return to Agricultural Roots Can Save Us
This inherent wisdom of these ancient practices cannot be underestimated or overstated. While multinationals like Bayer want you to believe they are the saviors of mankind and that without them we would all starve, the converse is actually true. While monoculture has only been around for a few decades, ramifications of the dramatic loss of diversity is already apparent. The entire ecosystem suffers and, as a result, healthy crops are more difficult to grow and sustain.
Multinational seed companies insist consolidation is the best way to ensure the continual development of successful seed varieties, but what we really need is an explosion of diversity — that's how the best seeds are brought to the fore. Best of all, no genetic tinkering in the lab is necessary. There's absolutely no need to swap genes between animal- and plant kingdoms to "improve" on nature.
Rather than spawning innovation, consolidation actually promotes lower quality products as there's less incentive for innovation when there's less competition. Less competition also has a tendency to drive prices skyward.
As just one example, the price of a bag of seed corn has risen from $80 to $300 over the past decade alone — a price hike attributed to the consolidation of seed companies and reduced competition. The good news is farmers around the world are starting to pay attention to these facts, and are pushing back. As noted by Vidal:
"Nearly 10 million of the poorest farmers now use the system of rice intensification, which has been proven to increase rice, wheat, potato and other yields dramatically by stimulating the roots of crops. Agro-forestry techniques that grow trees and shrubs among crops is proving more productive, as is land restoration. Farmers' groups in India and across Latin America are developing their own seed companies in order to avoid the new corporate monopolies."
Your Support Is Needed Now
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In response to the Monsanto-Bayer merger, the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has launched a boycott against Bayer, highlighting the fact that ditching the Monsanto name is not going to get them off the hook. You can follow the campaign and get the latest news updates on Facebook.15
OCA also needs your financial support to step up the campaign against Monsanto-Bayer through public education, litigation, funding of U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) and funding the new comprehensive Ramazzini Institute study on the hazards of glyphosate. You'll learn more about these action items in the section below.
By making a donation today, you are supporting all of this crucially important work. OCA is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, and charitable donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Please consider making a donation today. You can make an electronic payment by clicking the donate now button below, or mail a check to:
Organic Consumers Association 6771 South Silver Hill Drive Finland, MN 55603
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Monsanto, You Can Run but You Cannot Hide
While Bayer defends the safety of Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, just as vigorously as Monsanto has in the past, mounting independent research suggests it may be one of the most hazardous farming chemicals out there. Together with the nonprofit organization Beyond Pesticides, OCA filed a lawsuit16 against Monsanto on behalf of the general public in April 2017, charging Monsanto with deceptive labeling, marketing and sale of Roundup.
According to the complaint, Monsanto "actively advertises and promotes its Roundup products as targeting an enzyme 'found in plants but not in people or pets.' These claims are false, misleading and deceptive." The fact of the matter is the enzyme glyphosate targets is indeed found in both animals and humans, as it is found in our gut bacteria. Studies also suggest glyphosate may be carcinogenic, and may affect the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems in both animals and humans.
"No reasonable consumer seeing these representations would expect that Roundup targets a bacterial enzyme that is found in humans and animals and that affects their immune health," the complaint states, adding "Monsanto affirmatively states that the enzyme targeted by glyphosate is not found in people and pets, and fails to disclose to consumers the material information that the enzyme targeted by glyphosate, and the shikimate pathway it's designed to inhibit, are found in people and pets."
Monsanto filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, but on March 31, 2018, U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly denied the motion,17 ruling18 that enough evidence had been presented to support the allegation that Monsanto's labeling is misleading consumers. This is a significant "win" and, with your help, OCA will continue to keep the pressure on through that legal channel.
Help OCA Support Global Glyphosate Study
OCA is also sponsoring a global glyphosate study by the world-renowned Ramazzini Institute in Italy. Stage 1 will investigate the chemical's carcinogenicity and chronic toxicity potential.
Already, the pilot phase19 has revealed that daily ingestion of glyphosate at the acceptable daily dietary exposure level set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alters sexual development in rats, produces changes in the intestinal microbiome, and exhibits genotoxic effects. In response to the results, OCA director Ronnie Cummins said:20
"For years, the U.S. EPA has dismissed consumer concerns about glyphosate-based weed killers in their drinking water and their food, claiming that exposure to the chemical at low levels is harmless. This new pilot study confirms what many responsible scientists have been saying all along: There is no such thing as 'safe' levels when it comes to glyphosate, especially when it comes to children.
In fact, the EPA established what it calls 'safe' levels without having any scientific evidence to back up its claim because, until now, there have been no comprehensive publicly available peer-reviewed studies of the potential health impact of glyphosate exposure at or lower than the EPA's guidelines.
This new study confirms that consumers should be alarmed when products such as Ben & Jerry's ice cream test positive for glyphosate at any level — despite corporations' claims that these levels are 'harmless.'"
Your Donation Will Also Support USRTK and Regeneration International
In addition to the continued financial support provided to the Ramazzini Institute's glyphosate study, OCA is also dedicated to continue its support of the USRTK's work21 — a nonprofit organization that has proven exceptionally capable of pursuing and extricating the truth by making full use of freedom of information act (FOIA) requests and other legal means.
For example, internal emails obtained via FOIA requests filed by USRTK correspondent and director of research Carey Gillam, revealed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found glyphosate residues in all foods sampled to date. In a June 5, 2018 update, OCA writes:22
"It's the FDA's job to conduct residue testing on food. It's the responsibility of the EPA to regulate pesticide residues on food. It stands to reason then that the two taxpayer-funded agencies would communicate closely with each other on any food testing involving glyphosate or any other pesticide. That's why USRTK has filed a series of FOIA requests with both agencies …
The FDA has produced at least some of the documents requested by USRTK. But the EPA …  has failed to produce documents requested in a July 2016 FOIA request, and also had failed to respond to a February 2017 request for related industry communications.
That failure led Gillam and USRTK to sue the EPA last month.23 If the public already knows that FDA tests found glyphosate, and USRTK already has related FDA documents, why bother suing the EPA for that agency's related communications?
'When you use FOIA, it's like getting pieces of a puzzle,' said Gillam, explaining that the FDA and other federal agencies routinely redact, or black out, large sections of the documents they turn over. 'To put that puzzle together, to get the whole picture, often requires requesting records from multiple sources. We still may not get everything, as it seems the agencies are increasingly embracing secrecy, but it's our responsibility to try to get to the truth.'"
In addition to exposing the dark side of chemical agriculture, OCA will also continue to promote the alternative through its sister organization Regeneration International,24 which provides educational services and resources about regenerative farming practices and techniques.
Regeneration International also provides farmer training through its partnership with Via Organica and its teaching farm, the Main Street Project's regenerative poultry project, described in "Changing the World — One Chicken at a Time." None of these projects can proceed without your support, however. So, please, consider making a generous donation to OCA today.
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from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/06/19/seed-and-pesticide-corporate-giants-merger.aspx
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Hypersensitivity Market Research Explores The Key Success Factors, And Business Opportunities Including Key Players Forecast Till 2020
Hypersensitivity reaction is the over reactive immunological response towards antigens. In some cases, body’s own cells are miss-read as foreign cells and immune response is mounted against these cells. Hypersensitivity may lead to serious injuries, lifelong disorders and even death. There are two types of hypersensitivity reactions, namely, immediate hypersensitivity reaction and delayed hypersensitivity. Immediate reaction also called as allergic reactions involve antibodies while delayed type reactions involve T lymphocytes.
View Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/hypersensitivity-market.html
Hypersensitivity reactions can be classified in to four main types (Gell and Coomb’s classification), follows:
Type I- immediate hypersensitivity reaction involving IgE
Type II- cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction involving IgG and IgM
Type III- immune-complex reaction involving circulation Ag-Ab (antigen-antibody) complex
Type IV- delayed hypersensitivity reactions involving T cells.
Hypersensitivity may lead to various disorders such as asthma, erythroblastosis fetalis, goodpasture\’s syndrome, Graves\’ disease, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus among others. Diagnosis of allergies is done using various molecular and immunoassays, which deliver quick and accurate test results. ImmunoCAP test by Thermo Fisher Scientific is one the most widely used test for allergy testing.Advent of multiplex technology has also revolution allergy testing, in which single sample can be tested for multiple analytes. The test is cost effective and also required very small amount of sample to conduct the test.
Request a Brochure of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=2640
Drug hypersensitivity is becoming a major concern, in which individuals suffer from allergy towards drugs, most common being insulin and beta lactums such as penicillin. Allergy is also a common disorder across the globe. According to World Allergy Organization, allergic rhinitis affects 10% to 30% of the global population while over 200 million individuals across the globe suffer from food allergy. The data further details that, more than 10% of the adverse drug reactions are unpredictable drug hypersensitivity reactions. The prevalence of lupus is higher in Europe and Australia as compared to North America. In North America, the disease is more prevalent among Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Due to this high prevalence across the globe, the demand for quick and effective treatment and diagnosis of hypersensitivity reactions is increasing.As the clinical research advances, various drugs will be launched in the market offering better treatment for hypersensitivity. This will also add more products to the market and hence ensure continuous growth. Moreover as the drugs approach patent expiry, generic drugs are expected to hit the market, making treatment affordable to the developing and under developed countries; thus expanding geographical scope. The market is flooded with generic drugs for treatment of hypersensitivity reaction. Common drugs include astemizole, celiprolol, chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, fexofenadine, triamcinolone and various others. India being the home for generic drug manufacturers, the market is expected to boost as branded drugs lose their patents.
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GSK manufactured Benlysta (belimumab) is a B lymphocyte stimulator, received FDA approval in 2011 for treatment of lupus. Ibuprofen and aspirin are widely prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs for suppressing symptoms of lupus. Immunosuppressant such as CellCept (Mycophenolate mofetil) by Roche, Neoral (Cyclosporine) by Novartis, Imuran (Azathioprine) by GSK are commonly prescribed for lupus treatment. KALBITOR (ecallantide) by Dyax Corp is prescribed for acute hereditary angioedema (HAE). Other key players in the market include Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Admac Pharma Ltd., DWD Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Panacea Biotec Ltd, Dr Reddy Laboratories Ltd, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Cipla Limited, Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
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Hypersensitivity Market Size to Expand Significantly by the End of 2024
Hypersensitivity reaction is the over reactive immunological response towards antigens. In some cases, body’s own cells are miss-read as foreign cells and immune response is mounted against these cells. Hypersensitivity may lead to serious injuries, lifelong disorders and even death. There are two types of hypersensitivity reactions, namely, immediate hypersensitivity reaction and delayed hypersensitivity. Immediate reaction also called as allergic reactions involve antibodies while delayed type reactions involve T lymphocytes.
Read Report Overview: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/hypersensitivity-market.html
Hypersensitivity reactions can be classified in to four main types (Gell and Coomb’s classification), follows:
Type I- immediate hypersensitivity reaction involving IgE
Type II- cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction involving IgG and IgM
Type III- immune-complex reaction involving circulation Ag-Ab (antigen-antibody) complex
Type IV- delayed hypersensitivity reactions involving T cells.
Hypersensitivity may lead to various disorders such as asthma, erythroblastosis fetalis, goodpasture\’s syndrome, Graves\’ disease, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus among others. Diagnosis of allergies is done using various molecular and immunoassays, which deliver quick and accurate test results. ImmunoCAP test by Thermo Fisher Scientific is one the most widely used test for allergy testing. Advent of multiplex technology has also revolution allergy testing, in which single sample can be tested for multiple analytes. The test is cost effective and also required very small amount of sample to conduct the test.
Request Brochure of Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=2640
Drug hypersensitivity is becoming a major concern, in which individuals suffer from allergy towards drugs, most common being insulin and beta lactums such as penicillin. Allergy is also a common disorder across the globe. According to World Allergy Organization, allergic rhinitis affects 10% to 30% of the global population while over 200 million individuals across the globe suffer from food allergy. The data further details that, more than 10% of the adverse drug reactions are unpredictable drug hypersensitivity reactions. The prevalence of lupus is higher in Europe and Australia as compared to North America. In North America, the disease is more prevalent among Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Due to this high prevalence across the globe, the demand for quick and effective treatment and diagnosis of hypersensitivity reactions is increasing. As the clinical research advances, various drugs will be launched in the market offering better treatment for hypersensitivity. This will also add more products to the market and hence ensure continuous growth. Moreover as the drugs approach patent expiry, generic drugs are expected to hit the market, making treatment affordable to the developing and under developed countries; thus expanding geographical scope. The market is flooded with generic drugs for treatment of hypersensitivity reaction. Common drugs include astemizole, celiprolol, chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, fexofenadine, triamcinolone and various others. India being the home for generic drug manufacturers, the market is expected to boost as branded drugs lose their patents.
Request For TOC : https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=2640
GSK manufactured Benlysta (belimumab) is a B lymphocyte stimulator, received FDA approval in 2011 for treatment of lupus. Ibuprofen and aspirin are widely prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs for suppressing symptoms of lupus. Immunosuppressant such as CellCept (Mycophenolate mofetil) by Roche, Neoral (Cyclosporine) by Novartis, Imuran (Azathioprine) by GSK are commonly prescribed for lupus treatment. KALBITOR (ecallantide) by Dyax Corp is prescribed for acute hereditary angioedema (HAE). Other key players in the market include Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Admac Pharma Ltd., DWD Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Panacea Biotec Ltd, Dr Reddy Laboratories Ltd, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Cipla Limited, Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
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Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a U.S.-based provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMR’s global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.
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mrjimpatterson · 6 years
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So I'm here to help with your stress relief gals... Regrann from @collective_evolution - // "1. Relieves Physical Pain⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Kissing helps to raise the threshold for activation of pain receptors in the body, and it also causes a release of endorphins (pain relieving hormones) from our brains, inhibiting the pain pathway and thus providing pain relief. Kissing is also beneficial for people who suffer from chronic pain due to autoimmune disorders (Rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) and malignant cancers.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2. Lowers Blood Pressure⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Kissing lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels in the body. Thus, kissing can cause a decrease in blood pressure, even in people with hypertension, by providing them with physical relief and lowering their levels of stress.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 3. Improves The Health Of Our Heart⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Kissing can cause a decrease in the sympathetic tone of our heart. By doing so, it reduces the physical stress which the heart undergoes in daily life as a result of the psychological stress we experience. Studies reveal that men who make love regularly are 45% less likely to develop heart disease than those who make love once in a month. Regular kissing can help you to avoid taking cardiac drugs and loading doses of Aspirin and clopidogrel!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 4. Boost Immunity & Help With Allergies⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Kissing can boost the activity of the immune cells in our body to fight outside germs by producing IgA antibodies against them. Kissing can decrease IgE antibodies, lowering the release of histamine from mast cells (which is what causes allergic reactions). Regular kissing can help you avoid antibiotics and antihistamines! ✨"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Source: 10 Benefits Of Kissing: Backed By Chemistry - Full Article on our site / link in bio! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #collectiveevolution #quote #quotes #memes #consciousness #changestartswithin - #regrann
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oneguywithaniphone · 6 years
March 06, 1899: Bayer patents aspirin
Now the most common drug in household medicine cabinets, acetylsalicylic acid was originally made from a chemical found in the bark of willow trees. In its primitive form, the active ingredient, salicin, was used for centuries in folk medicine, beginning in ancient Greece when Hippocrates used it to relieve pain and fever. Known to doctors since the mid-19thcentury, it was used sparingly due to its unpleasant taste and tendency to damage the stomach.
In 1897, Bayer employee Felix Hoffman found a way to create a stable form of the drug that was easier and more pleasant to take. (Some evidence shows that Hoffman’s work was really done by a Jewish chemist, Arthur Eichengrun, whose contributions were covered up during the Nazi era.) After obtaining the patent rights, Bayer began distributing aspirin in powder form to physicians to give to their patients one gram at a time. The brand name came from “a” for acetyl, “spir” from the spirea plant (a source of salicin) and the suffix “in,” commonly used for medications. It quickly became the number-one drug worldwide.
Aspirin was made available in tablet form and without a prescription in 1915. Two years later, when Bayer’s patent expired during the First World War, the company lost the trademark rights to aspirin in various countries. After the United States entered the war against Germany in April 1917, the Alien Property Custodian, a government agency that administers foreign property, seized Bayer’s U.S. assets. Two years later, the Bayer company name and trademarks for the United States and Canada were auctioned off and purchased by Sterling Products Company, later Sterling Winthrop, for $5.3 million.
Bayer became part of IG Farben, the conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed the financial heart of the Nazi regime. After World War II, the Allies split apart IG Farben, and Bayer again emerged as an individual company. Its purchase of Miles Laboratories in 1978 gave it a product line including Alka-Seltzer and Flintstones and One-A-Day Vitamins. In 1994, Bayer bought Sterling Winthrop’s over-the-counter business, gaining back rights to the Bayer name and logo and allowing the company once again to profit from American sales of its most famous product.
from History.com - This Day in History - Lead Story http://ift.tt/woX7Va
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What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Discussions of this syndrome are indeed surprising because most "conventional medicine" doctors don't "believe in" leaky gut. Discussions of the syndrome really really, truly surprise me. To see that not all of "conventional medicine" doctors "believe in this" makes me think "WHAT?" It is not as if we are asking them to believe in the Tooth Fairy, however. In reality, we could test for leaky gut. We can heal it with specific leaky gut nutritional supplements and diets. We can observe maladies and ailments brought on by leaky gut go away once we mend the gut problem.
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The question of what causes leaky gut is a little more controversial. In fact, there are shocking facets regarding causative "agents" which I will show in this article. But first, allow me to answer an increasingly frequent question: "What is leaky gut syndrome?" I have included references so that the leaky gut naysayers can comprehend this disorder is not just real, but much more common than you may think.
These "intestinal tight junctions" behave as the guardians involving your intestines and your own bloodstream. Your GI tight junctions keep "bad" items out of your bloodstream. It makes perfect sense why you wouldn't need undigested food particles, toxins, allergens and bacteria spilling into your bloodstream from leaky junctions, doesn't it?
If you've got leaky gut, the inevitable occurs--bad things get through the gates. Consequently, inflammation occurs throughout your body leading to a variety of diseases.
What Diseases Are Linked To A Leaky Gut?
IBS symptoms vary from person to person. IBS can also trigger heartburn (GERD), bloating, nausea and gas. I am not saying that everyone with IBS has leaky gut, but I suspect that a majority of IBS patients do really have infected gut.
Medical Issues And Disorders Strongly Linked To Leaky Gut When you've developed food sensitivities, then (foods that activate any/all GI symptoms, headaches, fatigue or rashes) you might need to fix your gut immediately. To explain, I'm not talking about food allergies which are IgE-mediated events like hives and throat tightening. I'm discussing IgG-mediated food sensitivities; many commonly experienced when eating poultry, milk, eggs, citrus, or other "odd" foods, rather than commonly known to be allergy-causing foods like peanuts, for instance.
Leaky gut may morph to a full-blown auto-immune inflammatory bowel disorder such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. If you've got one of these disorders, this report may help you locate your triggers. Actually, all auto-immune ailments have leaky gut as their root cause. If you heal the gut, then you begin to be able to reverse the signs of several autoimmune disorders. This might be "news to you" but should you find yourself here and you're taking a "biologic," do understand there's a safer, better way to get into remission. Indeed, this includes Type I diabetes that is, of course, an auto-immune disorder.
Any and all skin rashes including (auto-immune) psoriasis and psoriasis have been connected to leaky gut.
Additionally, autism and mood disorders have been associated with leaky gut and also reveal a response once the leaky gut is medicated. I've set several references to the in the last section. My colleague, Dr. Mark Hyman includes a great deal of expertise in this region, with excellent results.
So, what's so shocking? I'll get to that. First, let us review what you may have read "on the market."
What Causes Leaky Gut?
As I tell you exactly what causes stuffy gut, think about your habits. It is my personal belief this problem is rampant. I'd have never believed that I would develop this matter, however I did, as you'll read about from the "shocking" section of the article.
Certainly, the food that you eat can result in leaky gut. More importantly, GMO-gluten used ubiquitously in our food source is being blamed for non-celiac gluten sensitivity and leaky gut. It is estimated 25 percent of Americans have some form of food sensitivity. However, that does not even account for those people who have the "standard American diet" (SAD).
Consuming GMO foods, additives, artificial sweeteners and also the "ginormous" amount of sugar in our normal diet is indeed sufficient to create most guts flow. Add in non-sprouted grains and lectins, and you've got the perfect gut storm. To explain, lectins are chemicals found mainly in beans which can irritate the gut lining in susceptible people. Excessive caffeine and alcohol make the situation worse and sometimes, are the cause of leaky gut. To point out, so far we've just talked about food and drinks.
Painkillers are possibly the most frequently over-used gut irritant available. Your tight junctions can be nuked by all from aspirin to Vioxx to Tylenol.
Antibiotics upset the balance of good to bad bacteria which may cause "the leak."
Additional non-bioidentical hormone drugs such as steroids (prednisone, medrol) as well as birth control pills might help nourish yeast, which can also damage the gut lining.
Last, chemotherapy drugs significantly interrupt the gastrointestinal balance (dysbiosis), causing many instances of small-bowel bacterial overgrowth and leaky gut.
Speaking Of Dysbiosis
Other organisms like giardia (a parasite), Helicobacter pylori (accountable for ulcers) and more have the capability to irritate the intestinal lining leading to gastrointestinal symptoms and leaky gut.
Persistent Stress High cortisol can lead to a breakdown of your GI lining. It does this by slowing down both down digestion and peristalsis (GI motility). Because of this, blood flow decreases to digestive organs generating a greater concentration of toxic metabolites which then melts away in your gut lining.
Environmental chemicals deplete our reserves of minerals that are protective, which can result in leaky GI cells. Further, you will find direct GI toxins like the fluoride in our water, or the germ in our waterways and many fish we consume that are also contributing factors.
Now, hang onto your hats for what you're going to read since it affects all people to a degree.
What's So Shocking?
Definitive evidence that dust mites might damage us through non-allergic mechanics has been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Dust mites can behave as intestinal parasites, causing GI tract pain and diarrhea.
They are also able to act as "irritants," causing quantifiable, definitive leaky gut; with or without GI symptoms.
People who are conscious of "our story" about why we have mold in our home (building and HVAC flaws) and then what ensued might be amazed to hear about the diagnosis of what caused my leaky gut and then following Crohn's with full-fledged mitochondrial dysfunction.
The cause was dust mites; not mycotoxins, but dust mites. If you're wondering, I have put my mitochondria back to the way to wellbeing and my Crohn's in remission. Especially, all without poisonous drugs naturally. Now, back to the dust mites and mold issue.
Mold will increase your chances of getting dust mites since dust mites eat all kinds of gross items, such as mold. Consequently, if you visit visible dust or you've got pets, or you have any other risk factors for leaky gut, then I suggest you read the linked article on dust mites and also find these critters out of your property!
If you have food intolerances, you can do a complete panel of IgG testing for food intolerances, especially gluten intolerance testing. To check for gut leakiness, it is possible to certainly do a lactulose/mannitol test. This is an extremely specific test that analyzes the urine for two sugars, mannitol and lactulose; looking for its normal "leaky gut routine" post-ingestion. In the end, a fantastic Functional Medicine Physician who treats Leaky gut syndrome can often make the identification that has a good history and physical.
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Treatment Treatment entails first, eliminating glutenfree, dairy, sugar, and processed foods from your diet. Through the first 8 weeks, it is required to prevent alcohol and caffeine, too. In addition, I instruct my patients to avoid lectins and nightshade vegetables (eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes) for the initial 8 weeks. Further, any additives that could be eliminated should indeed be taken out of the picture.
We analyze your "toxin situation" and tackle it. In addition, we do the same with cortisol and potential dysbiosis, also. Especially, this is achieved using probiotics. When there's yeast, we also get rid of it. Whether there are "bad germs," we eliminate these too.
In detail, exactly the "how to's" are summarized in the articles linked at the beginning of the report. However, you can type "gut" from the search bar at the bottom of the webpage, and you will find what you want. Bearing this in mind, also browse the dust mite removal post to find my organic cleansing formulas.
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Allergy Elements
Allergy is a complication that occurs when the immune system overreacts to certain substances known as allergens. If you have an allergy, your body identifies allergens as foreign harmful substances and tries to destroy them. Common allergens include insects’ venom, dust, pet dander, and pollen.
When your immune system reacts to allergens, it produces a chemical or antibody known as immunoglobulin E (IgE). Production of this antibody is a part of your immune system’s attempt to destroy the allergen and protect the body. In this process, IgE antibody signals other immune cells to release inflammatory chemical called histamine. Excess of histamine in the body causes an unwanted response that causes irritation to the skin, lung, eyes and throat.
Causes of Allergy
There several types of allergies, depending on the cause. Some of them are seasonal while others occur year round. The most common allergies or their corresponding allergens include:
·         Insects’ stings and bites- Can be insects such as wasp, bee, fire ants, horse flies, mosquitos, fleas and black flies among others.
·         Airborne Allergens- They include pollen, dust mites, animal fur or dander, and mold spores
·         Certain foods- Some foods that can trigger allergies are peanuts, sot, eggs, milk, wheat, fish, tree nuts and shellfish.
·         Latex- Latex or any other substances that comes in touch with your skin can cause allergic skin reactions.
·         Medications/drugs- Drugs that can trigger allergic reactions include aspirin, penicillin and other penicillin-based antibiotics.
Household     chemicals such     as detergents and house cleaners
Metals-     Metals     such as cobalt, zinc, nickel and chromium can trigger allergic reactions
Allergy Factors
Allergy factors or circumstances that can increase your risk of developing allergies include:
·         Age-Allergies occurmore so in children than in adults. Children outgrow allergies as they get older.
·         Asthma- Asthma or any other allergic respiratory condition can increase your chances of developing an allergy
·         Family history- Individuals with a family history of asthma or allergies such as hives or eczema and hay fever are at high risk of getting allergies.
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Allergy Symptoms
Symptoms of an allergy depend on the substance that caused it. Allergies can affect your eyes, nasal passage, sinuses, skin and the digestive system. Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe and sometimes life threatening. Allergies are also known for disappearing and then coming back years later.  Sometimes severe cases of allergy can cause life threatening reactions known as anaphylaxis. Below are symptoms of allergy according to its cause:
1.       Food allergy
A food allergy causes symptoms such as:
·         Hives
·         Selling of the throat, face, lips and tongue
·         Mouth tingling
·         Anaphylaxis
2.       Hay fever
Hay fever also called allergic rhinitis causes symptoms such as:
·         Stuffy or runny nose
·         Sneezing
·         Watery, swollen or red eyes (conjunctivitis)
·         Itching of the roof of the mouth, eyes and nose
3.      Drug allergy
Causes signs and symptoms such as:
·         Wheezing sound
·         Hives
·         Rash
·         Itching on the skin
·         Swelling on the face
·         Anaphylaxis
4.      Insect sting allergy
Symptoms that have been reported from an insect sting allergy include:
·         Anaphylaxis
·         Wheezing or breathe shortness
·         Hives or itching on all body parts
·         Edema- this is a large area of swelling usually at the sting site
·         Chest tightness and cough
5.      Atopic dermatitis
This is an allergic skin complication that is called eczema. It can cause your skin to:
·         Become red in color
·         Itch
·         Peel or flake
6.      Drug allergy
A drug allergy can cause symptoms such as:
·         Hives on almost all body parts
·         Itching on skin and eyes
·         Wheezing
·         Swelling on the face
·         Skin rash
·         Anaphylaxis
What is Anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction triggered by some allergies such as insect stings and food allergies. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening condition that can cause shock. It calls for immediate medical attention. Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis are as listed below:
·         Skin rash
·         Loss of consciousness
·         Low blood pressure
·         Vomiting
·         Lightheadedness
·         Shortness of blood at a severe rate
·         Nausea
·         Rapid and weak pulse
 When to see a doctor
You should immediately see a doctor in case you experience symptoms you may suspect are caused by an allergy and over-the-counter drugs don’t give you enough relief. In case you have allergy symptoms after starting a new medication, call the physician who prescribed it immediately.
In case of a severe allergic condition such as anaphylaxis, you should call 911 or your local emergency number. You can give a shot of epinephrine in case you are carrying epinephrine injector. Even if the symptoms improve after epinephrine injection you should visit emergency department to be sure the symptoms do not come back after the injection effects wear off.
For cases where you may have had severe allergic conditions or any symptoms related to anaphylaxis, you should see your doctor for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for long-term management of the condition. As conditions such as anaphylaxis are complicated and life-threatening, you will probably need to see a doctor who specializes in immunology and allergies.
Complications of Allergy
Allergy can cause other health complications such as:
·         Anaphylaxis- In case you have severe allergies, you may have experienced a life-threatening allergic condition known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is mainly caused by medications, foods and insect stings.
If you allergies you may also be at risk of developing other complications such as:
·         Asthma- This is a respiratory disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of airways causing wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing.
·         Lung and ear infections
·         Sinusitis or inflammation of sinuses due to an infection
·         Eczema- This is a skin complication that is characterized by skin inflammation
·         Migraine headaches
·         Nasal polyps- This is a condition characterized by growth on the nose lining and sinuses
Preventing Allergy and Allergy Elements
Below are some measures you can take to limit or prevent allergic reactions:
·         Keeping a diary- In case you want to know the allergens that might have caused or worsened your allergic conditions, you should write down all activities you involve in and the food you eat.
·         Avoiding Allergens- This is a bit difficult depending on the allergen you are trying to avoid. For example, if you are allergic to animal fur, you should stay away from animals or pets. In case you are allergic to pollen, you should consider staying indoors when pollen counts go high.
·         Wear a medical alert necklace or bracelet- These will help observers know that one has a severe allergic condition if he or she can’t communicate.
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skinologyposts-blog · 7 years
Urticaria or hives is an allergic condition characterized by itchy, red, raised patches on skin. These patches disappear in a few hours but reappear at the same or a new area. Generally, Urticaria can be easily treated and doesn't cause much trouble to the person but in some cases it can get severe and chronic if it takes more than 6 weeks. Urticaria can be a manifestation of many conditions and illnesses, rather than one illness. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the diagnostic expertise, experience and attention they extend towards you.
Mast cell degranulation is the mechanism behind hives. If we put it in simple words, some white blood cells go berserk and cause the dismissal of histamine. And in response to antigens (intruders, real or seeming) which may come into contact through touch, breathing or digestion, the Mast cells fire back to resist them. There can be various reasons that your body produces antigens including factors like thyroid or lupus, inflammation or cancer like chronic diseases.
There are little receptors for immunoglobulin e antibody (IgE) on the surface of the Mast Cells and these stick to any antigens that come into  contact with your body. When the mast cell gets loaded it starts firing its weapons and it encourages other mast cells as well as other inflammatory cells to fire also. As the mast cells fire, they release histamine. Blood vessels seep out fluid due to vasodilation (where the capillaries increase in diameter) into the surrounding tissues by histamine and other mast cell by-products. The production of Hives occurs as a result of the infusion of histamine.
If you have frequent episodes of Urticaria, here are some tips suggested by Dr. Nivedita Dadu.
Can you take aspirin or other nsaids (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)? If not, you may be salicylate sensitive. If you don't know already what salicylate is, let us tell you that it is an active ingredient in aspirin. This is also present in plants such as herbal supplements, vegetables and fruits. So, if you're allergic to salicylate your hives may worsen when you take an aspirin.
This is also true if you cannot tolerate other nsaids such as ibuprofen, because they are cross-reactive with salicylates.
A few people have found that a yeast-elimination program (diet and medications) has helped reduce their flares.
You may be sensitive to additives or dyes or preservatives. Pay attention to what is happening, and your body may give you clues.
Do you have any other possible sources of infection? Potential culprits are kidney infections, sinus infections, gallbladder infection, liver infections, Dental caries, thyroid disorder, urine infection.
Have you been tested for other autoimmune conditions? While the majority of autoimmune Urticaria is a primary illness, hives can also be a symptom of some other autoimmune diseases. Some things many people with autoimmune disease have in common:
for women, a worsening of symptoms during periods
remissions during pregnancy
development of other autoimmune diseases
family history of various autoimmune problems (one family member may have rheumatoid arthritis, another may have thyroid disease, still another may have endometriosis)
onset of symptoms with an event or trauma such as accident, illness, surgery, or infection within approximately 6 months- something that kicks the immune system into high gear.
If you've experienced any of these, you may indeed have autoimmune Urticaria, and this warrants further investigation.
For patient with chronic Urticaria, Dr. Nivedita Dadu suggests a battery of tests to rule out the common causes. You need to know that even minor infection that remains undiagnosed can cause Urticaria.
Treatment includes - Identifying and eliminating the trigger and treating the symptoms with the latest treatment options available in modern day medicine. What's new in Urticaria treatment?
BIOLOGICALS - Monoclonal antibody to IgE is a recombinant biologic molecule effective for chronic Urticaria is currently F.D.A. approved for treatment of chronic Urticaria. It is given as injections, to adults and children above 12 yrs of age.
If you have tried a lot of treatment and are still not relieved of the symptoms, we suggest you book an appointment with Dr. Nivedita Dadu and we will be happy to help you.
Source: Dr. Nivedita Dadu About Urtivaria Blog Tips
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metroidspeedrun · 7 years
Solid questions, all of them unless you don't want to
1. First thing you wash in the shower? My left arm
2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? Alcohol, but atm I’m neither 
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Oh most definitely 
4. Do you plan outfits? Nope
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Not bad, I think I’m j kind of liking boring myself to sleep
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? Our house phone
7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? Close the door and wait for my dad to get home
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? I had a son and I almost crushed him to death on accident
9. Three of your current feelings? 
1) Boredom
2) Happiness
3) Confusion
10. What are you craving right now? Another popsicle
11. Turn ons? N/A
12. Turn offs? N/A
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Please let me have some
14. When was the last time you cried? Why? Last week I think or whenever I cut my hair, to be honest, I was feeling literally everything 
15. If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? Wonder Woman or Question (John Constantine’s Question)
16. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? No and he will never apologize and I don’t want him to
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I have 0 patience, damn right I bite it
18. Favorite movie ever? Ever? Howl’s Moving Castle 
19. Do you like yourself? Haha no
20. Have you ever met a celebrity?Arnold Schwarzenegger 
21. Could you handle being in the military? No that’s awful
22. What are you listening to right now? Don’t Mess With My Man by Nivea
23. How many countries have you visited? Just the one I was born and raised in, other than that 0
24. Are your parents strict? Yuppppp
25. Would you go sky diving? Nope
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Nope
27. Whats on your mind right now? Whether or not I should finish my pizza
28. Is there anything you want to say to someone? I want my baby brother to make me a sandwich
29. Have you ever been in a castle? No but I wish
30. Do you rent movies often? Never
31. Whats your zodiac sign? Leo sun
32. When was the last time you had sex? Never ever
33. Name five facts about yourself.
1) I can stand on my toes
2) I am scared of androids 
3) I’m more scared of car accidents than I am of getting hit by a car walking
4) I didn’t know what a lesbian was until I was 11
5) I can ballroom dance
34. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? Yup, so apparently you can overdose on aspirin, and that’s why we read the directions on everything 
35. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? Karma yeah, predestiny nah
36. Brown or white eggs? Brown eggs cost more so white eggs
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? I have like 2 pins 
38. Ever been on a train? Not a real one :(((((
39. Ever been in love? Yup 
40. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? FUCK YEAH
41. If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with? My friend Lacey bc she is wild 
42. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to becopme more attractive, would you do it? Probably tbh
43. Whom do you admire and why? I don’t really “admire” anyone atm 
44. What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? I didn’t really do the whole bedtime story thing until I was in high school but The Grateful Swan was my fav
45. You’re walking down the street, you come across a burning building. A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do? Ig I’m gonna have to chuck a baby to their mom
46. If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you? No, that takes all the fun out of raising them
47. What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol? When I got high at my friend’s house, after smoking at the park by my house with a friend, then I went to the park and magically appeared at home in time to go to sleep
48. What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol? Alcohol was definitely when I got super drunk on Maddie’s birthday and tried to kiss her, drugs would have to be the first time I ever got high and I was at school the whole day 
50. As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? YES I WOULD
51. If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them? Of course
52. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? Nah I think that violates my terms and conditions
53. How old were you when you lost your virginity? N/A
54. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? Nope
55. If you could live forever, would you want to? No way
56. Which fictional movie character most resembles who you are? Um, Arren from Tales From Earthsea
57. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? 1986
58. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? No that’s sick
59. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? Fuck no lol I hate this country
60. If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to?Nah I’m good
61. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? Be wealthy
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Hypersensitivity Market 2014 - Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast to 2020
Hypersensitivity reaction is the over reactive immunological response towards antigens. In some cases, body’s own cells are miss-read as foreign cells and immune response is mounted against these cells. Hypersensitivity may lead to serious injuries, lifelong disorders and even death. There are two types of hypersensitivity reactions, namely, immediate hypersensitivity reaction and delayed hypersensitivity. Immediate reaction also called as allergic reactions involve antibodies while delayed type reactions involve T lymphocytes. Hypersensitivity reactions can be classified in to four main types (Gell and Coomb’s classification), follows:
Type I- immediate hypersensitivity reaction involving IgE
Type II- cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction involving IgG and IgM
Type III- immune-complex reaction involving circulation Ag-Ab (antigen-antibody) complex
Type IV- delayed hypersensitivity reactions involving T cells.
Hypersensitivity may lead to various disorders such as asthma, erythroblastosis fetalis, goodpasture\’s syndrome, Graves\’ disease, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus among others. Diagnosis of allergies is done using various molecular and immunoassays, which deliver quick and accurate test results. ImmunoCAP test by Thermo Fisher Scientific is one the most widely used test for allergy testing. Advent of multiplex technology has also revolution allergy testing, in which single sample can be tested for multiple analytes. The test is cost effective and also required very small amount of sample to conduct the test. View Report:
Drug hypersensitivity is becoming a major concern, in which individuals suffer from allergy towards drugs, most common being insulin and beta lactums such as penicillin. Allergy is also a common disorder across the globe. According to World Allergy Organization, allergic rhinitis affects 10% to 30% of the global population while over 200 million individuals across the globe suffer from food allergy. The data further details that, more than 10% of the adverse drug reactions are unpredictable drug hypersensitivity reactions. The prevalence of lupus is higher in Europe and Australia as compared to North America. In North America, the disease is more prevalent among Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Due to this high prevalence across the globe, the demand for quick and effective treatment and diagnosis of hypersensitivity reactions is increasing. As the clinical research advances, various drugs will be launched in the market offering better treatment for hypersensitivity. This will also add more products to the market and hence ensure continuous growth. Moreover as the drugs approach patent expiry, generic drugs are expected to hit the market, making treatment affordable to the developing and under developed countries; thus expanding geographical scope. The market is flooded with generic drugs for treatment of hypersensitivity reaction. Common drugs include astemizole, celiprolol, chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, fexofenadine, triamcinolone and various others. India being the home for generic drug manufacturers, the market is expected to boost as branded drugs lose their patents. Request a Brochure of the Report @
GSK manufactured Benlysta (belimumab) is a B lymphocyte stimulator, received FDA approval in 2011 for treatment of lupus. Ibuprofen and aspirin are widely prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs for suppressing symptoms of lupus. Immunosuppressant such as CellCept (Mycophenolate mofetil) by Roche, Neoral (Cyclosporine) by Novartis, Imuran (Azathioprine) by GSK are commonly prescribed for lupus treatment. KALBITOR (ecallantide) by Dyax Corp is prescribed for acute hereditary angioedema (HAE). Other key players in the market include Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Admac Pharma Ltd., DWD Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Panacea Biotec Ltd, Dr Reddy Laboratories Ltd, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Cipla Limited, Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Request TOC @
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