#<- ooc/author speaking
angelsgame-au · 5 months
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♥ Welcome to ANGELtown!!
♥ What is this blog about? ♥
This is a simple little ask blog for my Deltarune Angel!Player AU. Most of this blog will be silly and fun, but there may be some lore sprinkled in here and there.
Click here for the lore specific masterpost Click here for the asks masterpost (messy/slightly outdated) Click here for the FAQ (coming soon)
♥ Characters ♥
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The main characters of this ask blog are Angel and Kris. Other characters may show up from time to time but most asks should be directed to Angel and Kris.
Kris uses they/them pronouns ONLY in this AU
Angel uses any pronouns but typically goes by they/them
Most asks will be answered in character. It's important to note that Angel's dialogue will always have a little heart at the front of it and will typically be written in red text.
♥ Like this!!
Kris however does not have the little heart. (So if you see them talking with a heart, that's not them speaking)
♥ Rules and Boundaries ♥
I accept in character and out of character asks, however there are some rules about the content of said asks.
Please keep topics light. Yes there may be some darker themes in the lore/story but I don't want to delve too deep into that kind of stuff.
Please do not spam the ask box. I may be slow to respond sometimes but I promise I will get to you eventually, so please be patient
I have the right to reject an ask if I feel that it's inappropriate
Meme and non-lore ooc asks will be ignored. However you are welcome to send them to my main @marshiemonarch
Try to specify who your ask is for. If not specified I'll assume it's for Angel or a group ask depending on context.
♥ Fanart ♥
If y'all make fanart you can send it by:
tagging this blog or my main @marshiemonarch
Sending it via the ask box
using the #angels game au tag
I’m more likely to see the first two options
♥ Other Info ♥
More info will be added as time goes on.
This blog is run by @marshiemonarch
Important tags below vvvv
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I love William being British, I really do, but I just found out the surname Afton has Scottish origins and I'm Weeping
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storybounded · 2 months
❤️ Like this, and later I will send a Flynn Rider ask (because I got things to catch up on so no starters currently!)
If you want a specific verse, lemme know alongside your muse!!
I’ll get to these later, I am playing with the puppers currently!
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AR Speaks OOC
So I was watching Disney’s 1951 “Alice in Wonderland” and…
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askthel0callamb · 1 month
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shararan · 7 months
Few things piss me off as much in fic as a story establishing that the couple in question don't need what basically comes down to being described as "icky sex" and that their relationship is so much more deep and profound for it. Like maybe some would call me a Bad Ace for saying this but you can depict a sexless relationship without making uncomfortably moral implications about sex as a whole lmao
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lydia-luvs-horror · 8 months
hi? i’m lydia, she/her, and as my name implies, i love horror! my favorite genres are slashers and monster movies, but most of the other ones hold a special place in my heart. my favorite movie is A Nightmare On Elm Street. my fashion taste scews pretty goth or at least as goth as i can get with my schools uniform and dress code. my musical taste is also mostly goth, with some nu-metal (ice nine kills my beloved) and industrial thrown in for good measure. i’m also transgender and pan. there are also some..other mental health issues i have. i don’t want to talk about it.
(OOC) everyone meet Lydia Wallace! she is my favorite oc so i decided it’s only right she’s the first rp blog i make. all lydia posts will be tagged with #lydia shut up because my girl is ✨self loathing✨. all ooc posts will be tagged #the author speaks. my mains @drew-dopamine . not a lot of rules for interactions, don’t be a bigot, don’t be a jerk, don’t be overly sexual, just basic stuff. Lydia’s 16/17, don’t be gross.
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lee-sol · 16 days
sol, sweating after i typed this:
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hey just a heads up people who aren't a part of the main group aren't allowed to use the "utdrp" tag anymore, the announcement happened while you were inactive so i just wanted to make sure you knew about it
global.msg[5]= "* don\'t worry^1.&* i am in the Group0> global.msg[7]= "\\E0* I have an agreement."; with(sans) official global.msg[11]= "\\E0do you remember "Gaster"; And all the blood."; in his& hands."; * It was a good plot line./%%";
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drbarty · 1 year
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little peek at the size of the beast- over 450 pages!
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junietuesday · 1 year
i dont know exactly what it is but like. you can Tell when a m/f ship is being written by a queer person vs when its written by a cishet. like when its cishet theres something in the descriptions of their bodies conforming to cishet ideas of conventional attractiveness. theres something in the way the romance clings to cishet gender roles even despite the characters’ actual canon characterizations. like i dont have any concrete examples of this rn but i really feel like this is a thing.
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ask-xisuma · 3 months
ooc what if I created an evil x blog
That actually sounds like fun! By all means go ahead!
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i just love the "symmetry, my friend!" line it makes me so intrigued about film!afton i need MOAR
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storybounded · 20 days
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Oh...oh no what is ML doing...
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
I think some of the arguments about fan interpretations of characters and OOCness forget a fundamental part of human nature which is this: each of us perceives the world and the people in it in slightly different ways based on our own experiences.
Most people have certain characteristics they consider fundamental to their Blorbo and some characteristics that are less important and could be changed, ignored, or scrapped for AU purposes. Unfortunately, which specific characteristics fall into which category are not going to be the same from person to person. Sometimes the overlap between two people's interpretations will be huge, and those two people will probably enjoy the same fan content. Sometimes not so much.
Personally, I write for a ship that were childhood friends that became lovers. In many AUs, people have them meeting for the first time in adulthood, and for me, that changes the nature of the ship and their characters so much that I can't really get into it. I consider their childhood friendship fundamental to them as people, and those authors don't. Which is fine. Many other people like those AUs. Nobody here is really in the wrong, we just have different opinions on what makes these particular Blorbos them.
In almost all cases, someone out there will find your interpretation of a character OOC. And that's fine. Hopefully they are polite and simply choose not to read your fics/engage with your HCs/whatever. But I think all of us have had the experience of reading a wildly OOC take and seeing other people enthusiastically going along with this "wrong" interpretation of the characters and thinking, "What??!?!"
It's fine. It's normal. It's annoying as hell (people are wrong on the internet), but it's inevitable. And if you find that interpretation particularly heinous to your Blorbo sensibilities, the block button is your friend.
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noirflavoured · 2 years
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OOC:      she’s  is  so......   ADKJKJDSLVNFD  !  !  !  im  in  love.  i  think  i  will  be  makin  gif  packs  of  her  and  some  other  fcs  from  the  white  lotus.  idk.
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