#<- thanks zain
literaturebf · 2 years
sometimes having a crush means you have to start listening to radiohead
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darling-zain · 1 year
✮↳ If I Want It, I Shall Have It ↰
♡ yandere! princess x gn reader (2.5k words)♡
tw/cw: obsessive love, drugging, use of chloroform, kidnapping, reader hates the monarchy, slightly rushed ending
authors notes: im going on vacation for like a week so I probably won't be online much, here's my little gift to you all <3 (ignore how I literally had to force myself to finish this since I've been working on it for weeks-)
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➼ yandere! princess Who was never really interested in romance. She had her castle, she had her garden, and everything she could ever want, so she didn't think romance was necessary for her.
➼ yandere! princess Whose parents were constantly on her case about getting married and "continuing the family legacy". She was the only daughter of the king and queen, so she was the only hope to keep the monarchy alive.
➼ yandere! princess Who would always brush them off by saying that "it's not the right time," or "I haven't found anyone I fancy yet," but she knows that nobody will cut it for her. She's too high-maintenance, too extravagant; none of the princes in her kingdom or the next would satisfy her.
➼ yandere! princess Whose parents had finally had enough of her denial, so they decided to bring the candidates to her. It was just an unchanging cycle of them introducing an over-eager prince, her rolling her eyes, dismissing him, and waiting with a bored expression for the next disappointment.
➼ yandere! princess Who would look out her window longingly, gazing up into the endless night sky with tired, hopeless eyes. "Perhaps there really is no one for me..." she whispers into the cold spring air, lying down on her delicate satin sheets. As her tired mind begins to fade, a single tear slides down her cheek and onto her powder-white pillow, a single mark of imperfection.
➼ yandere! princess Who woke up feeling even more tired than before she had slept. She groaned, rubbing her eyes with her soft, perfectly manicured hands. She slowly gets up and opens her soft pink curtains to reveal a gorgeous view of the entire kingdom; a sight she was absolutely enamoured with as a child but had now grown sick of. She slides open her glass door to step out onto her balcony, letting the wind gently caress her face. As she leans against the railings, the soft scent of freshly baked bread surrounds her. She looks down to see someone stepping out of the bakery and taking some pastries out of the oven. Their face is hidden in shadow, but she can see their mouth turn into a frown as they look up at the castle. Her eyes linger on their frame even after they've left, sighing heavily.
➼ yandere! princess Who had gotten sick and tired of her parent's desperate attempts to get her engaged, and just needed a break from them.
➼ yandere! princess Who called her chauffeur to take her out into the town, and to not tell her parents lest they bring her back.
➼ yandere! princess Who hopped into her grand carriage, looking out the window as they left the castle gates, excitedly anticipating getting to see what a normal life would be like.
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"We've arrived, Princess." Her chauffeur calls from the front seat, getting out to open her door for her.
"Thank you very much," She politely nods to him, adjusting the scarf on her head. "Don't wait for me, you can head back to the castle." She dismisses him with a wave of her hand, walking into the market. She looks at everything with awe, all the ordinary stalls looking more magical to her than anything in her castle. As soon as she walks into the town square, she can hear whispers all around her.
Murmurs of "Is that Princess Asmaan?" and "No, it surely couldn't be!" float around her like dandelion seeds, drifting along the winds into every corner of the small village.
She pays them no mind, having become used to the constant whispering that follows her wherever she goes. Soon enough, that familiar scent of freshly baked pastries fills her senses. Not thinking about anything else, she follows the scent to a small building with a large oven right next to it. Her eyes are wide as she watches someone dive into the circular oven and pulls out a few scalding hot flatbreads. A look of awe and shock cross her face at the feat which, in her eyes, seemed incredible, but to you... it was just another day in the bakery.
A man walks past the counter, giving her a glance in her direction before stopping in his tracks. He looks absolutely shocked, but then smiles widely.
"Princess! It's such an honour to have you here- what brings you to our little part of town?" Your father asks in an excited tone, to which she returns the enthusiasm.
"I wanted to see how my people are doing, and I couldn't help but notice the smell of your wonderful goods! May I have two naans, please?" Her excitement is genuine, but it makes you sick.
"Of course! Y/n, bring two naans, the best of the batch!" Your father's booming voice is carried through the small building, making you roll your eyes.
"Coming..." you mumble, putting two flatbreads in a paper bag. As you walk up to the counter, you notice just who you're serving. A disgusted scowl appears on your face as you stride up to the clay table, slamming the bag onto it and glaring at her straight in the eyes. "That'll be 421." You grumble, your voice full of disdain. Your father looks at you with a shocked expression, as if to say "You dare tell the Princess to pay?!" but you remain stoic as you wait for her to reply.
"Oh... yes, of course!" She reaches into her purse and pulls out a few crisp bills, to which your father interjects.
"No, no, there's no need for that! You're the princess, after all, we should be glad just to be in your presence!" He waves his hands in front of his face, smiling nervously. You, on the other hand, snatch the bills from her hand and put them in the drawer under the counter.
"Have a nice day," You say in a monotone voice as a clear indicator for her to leave. She looks a bit taken aback but takes the hint regardless.
"Ah... you too!" She smiles brightly before turning on her heel and walking away. As she walks through the busy streets, her mind is focused on one thing; you. She's never seen someone look at her with such hatred... she's the princess, everybody loves her! Everybody except you. She found your annoyed behaviour to be quite intriguing, almost... alluring. "They're a very interesting person... i need to know more about them." She thinks as she takes a seat on a large rock in the town square, silently eating her food. She looks down at the golden brown bread, her eyes softening slightly. She takes one bite, then another, then another before realizing something. You were the person that made this. It was you who flattened it between your palms, you who sprinkled the sesame seeds on top, and you who dove into the oven to bake it. This seemingly ordinary pastry was now not ordinary at all; it was a piece of you. She smiles to herself as she eats in silence, the naan now tasting that much sweeter to her.
After another hour or so of walking through the crowded streets, she started to get bored. She walks back down the street in which your bakery resided, smirking as she went behind a few buildings and to the side of your bakery, watching with soft eyes as you move about the kitchen. You notice someone behind you, a pair of eyes staring and watching your every move. You take a deep breath, put the dough down, and turn around. You clearly don't expect to see her, causing a look of surprise to grow on your face, before quickly turning to frustration. She giggles at your expression, not saying a word.
"Why are you here?" You hiss out from behind clenched teeth.
She looks around innocently, playing with the end of her scarf. "I wanted to see how a bakery works." Her answer is truthful, but it only angers you more.
"Never seen a bakery before?" You scowl at her, going back to flipping the bread and stretching it out. "Spoiled, entitled little brat..." You mumble under your breath. "Probably never even seen someone making food since everything is done for you..."
She rests her head in her hands, leaning her elbows on the ledge of the open window as she gazes at you longingly. She stays quiet, thinking about what you just said, before speaking up. "Do you hate me?" Her question is simple in nature, but has a complicated meaning behind it. It could be a threat, a genuine question, or a test.
You've always been one to answer with your heart, so the answer comes to you naturally. "yes, I do. You're a selfish, spoiled little rat who's always had everything handed to you on a silver platter. You pretend to care about your people, but while we're all here living in literally dirt-poor conditions, you're sitting in your lavish castle without a care in the world. How could I not hate you?" You're practically seething at this point, but she doesn't care.
"You're right. I'm lucky. I could've been born into the same fate as you, working hard every day just to make ends meet. But I wasn't, and I'm so thankful for it." She sighs, standing up straight. "I'm sorry that wasn't the case for you." Her voice is slightly sad as she walks away, the cold night air enveloping her entire being. She gazes up at the large castle looming in the distance, a small frown appearing on her face. You were right, she had everything handed to her. whatever she wanted, she got. And she was going to make sure that included you as well.
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iIt's late at night when she finally returns to the castle, rushing to her room with quiet feet so she doesn't wake up anyone. She opens the double doors to her bedroom and slowly walks inside. Lying down on her bed, her mind wanders to the conversation she just had.
"How could I not hate you...?" She repeats your line in a whisper, the soft moonlight cascading onto her. As she's lost in her thoughts, she stands up and walks to her closet. "How could I not hate you..." That single line plays in her mind on a loop as she grabs some dark pants and a black shirt with a matching scarf. "You've always had everything handed to you..." She mumbles as she pulls on the loose shirt. "Everything... but not you." Her voice is firm as she walks out, a stern glare in her brown eyes.
She silently opens her door and walks over to one of the many cleaning closets, sneaking inside and locking the door. As she waits for her eyes to adjust, she starts to think of a plan. Her eyes focus on a sheet of paper stuck to the back walls with a list of chemicals on them. She scans the paper before finding the one she needs. "Blue jug, Chloroform". She grabs a rag and the blue jug of chemicals as she plods through the room and to the door, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to disturb anyone. She sneaks down many flights of stairs while having to take breaks in between, her frail arms not being used to having to carry that much weight. When she finally reaches the entrance, she takes a deep breath and opens the door a crack, slipping through noiselessly. Walking past the castle gates and into the road behind the now silent town, she starts to wonder why she didn't just have one of her maids do it for her. She's about to return before your words come back to her in a wave. "You've always had everything handed to you... how could I not hate you..." Your words spur her on to continue with her plan, determined to prove you wrong. Perhaps if she did this on her own, you'd finally see her for who she is!
She sighs dreamily as she walks behind your bakery, peering inside the window to see if she could spot anyone. In the dusty glass window of the kitchen, she can see you sleeping at the kitchen counter. When she sees your calm resting face, she almost swoons. You've only ever looked at her with hatred, be it either to her face or up at her from the ground. Her resolve is now set, she had to change your mind.
She soaks the rag in the chemicals, wrapping her scarf around her face so she doesn't breathe it in. Her feet are quiet as she sneaks behind the counter and into the kitchen, the lack of doors making it so much easier for her to creep in. She stands directly next to your sleeping figure, a sad look crossing her face. "I'm sorry I had to do this..." She whispers before her gentle hands slowly place the rag over your nose and mouth.
A minute after she puts the rag on your face, you start to wake up. Your eyes grow wide as you realize what's happening, but with the scarf covering her face you can't see who's attacking you. You start to thrash and scream, but nobody can hear you because of the rag. She holds you down with a gentle touch so that you can't escape, and after a few more minutes, you're completely gone. She grins wildly when you stop struggling, your limp body a sign of her success. She pulls you out of the chair as carefully as she could, but she ended up dropping you because of how delicate her arms are. "You won't mind, will you, qaundom~?" She chuckles softly as she drags your limp body across the floor.
She drags you past the kitchen, the counter, and the side of the building until you're finally back behind the bakery. She takes the bottle of chemicals and ties the handle to her shirt so she doesn't have to carry them, dragging you along the grass and toward the castle. Eventually, she makes it to a door at the back of the castle, opens it, and throws you inside with all of her remaining strength, now completely winded from the trip. After taking a minute to recuperate, she takes your hand and hauls you into an empty cell that's been separated from all the others. She lays you down onto the thin mattress, dusts off her hands and looks at you lovingly.
"You were right, darling. When I want something, I get it." She walks out and closes the cell door softly so it doesn't make that much noise, the rattle of the chain lock echoing through the desolate dungeon.
"And absolutely nothing can stand in my way." Her eyes go cold for a split second as she stares at your lifeless form before turning on her heel and walking to the door.
"Don't hate me for this." With a slam of the iron door, she's gone, leaving only the faint scent of her perfume in her wake.
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tags: @skylark144 @izizzl @odobun @alhaizen @decepticon-99 @twilightkitkat @red-viewe @lasagna-goob @cyphertryagain @hailchocolate @underneathablanketwithwolfkeum @angelofdarkness2 @ren-054 @emptybrain01 @phoenix-eclipses @amourzinna
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ultrabananapudding · 6 months
Suddenly thought about Clarice being like a cool aunt for Zain. Secretely bringing him things Salim doesn't want his son to have (but nothing too extreme of course!) and all this cool aunt stuff
Aaaa yes !!! Cool Auntie Clarice is my favorite genre, and I think she would hit it off very well with Zain - both with their personalities meshing well and in case of sharing the same hobbies.
In my own headcanon, I think both of them are into collecting antiques & vintage stuff.
Also, Clarice gifting Zain a Nintendo 3DS pretty much solidified her status as the "Cool Auntie".
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hershelchocolateart · 5 months
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Took a break between bigger projects to draw a few designs I have but haven't drawn before! Shoutout to @rainecloud020604, @arcaneyouth, and @pixelrhys for designing most of them!
Patreon / Commissions / Tip Jar
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skelesass · 1 year
honestly i love your feral and closely"evil" and unhinged display of dante. i feel like you can truly bring out the chaotic and sadistic evil of an a where dante swaps role with vergil lol
That’s the thing though, Vergil isn’t evil.
He’s very, VERY misguided in his pursuit of power but it’s never out of outright malice for human kind. It’s his own perceived weakness that he hates. Evil is a very stark term for someone who is very afraid of himself.
ANYWAY I’m glad you like how I draw them! My thought about the twins is very much “they look off, but human.” If you start looking too close you see their smiles are too sharp, their eyes are too pale, they’re a bit too angular to be human—but they present themselves to be. Dante wants to BAD to be human, but he can’t be. He never can be.
I have opinions about the sparda twins, anyway! I love role swap things! I have played around with the idea of Dante swapping with vergil a few times. <3
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hellscythearts · 2 years
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XZeroWeek: Day 7
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romanceclub-polls · 2 days
Vyxaria and Zain would be an interesting couple
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scandalouslamb · 6 days
12 and 20 for the fic writer ask
ask game
a trope you’re really into right now
hmmm, I have a very specific vision for codependent, identity blurring relationships, so I enjoy that in different flavors. Also secret third thing relationships (I think this is obvious based on just what I write). In terms of more recognizable fanfic tropes, I'm weirdly a huge fan of POV Outsider and Found Family, and in TV Tropes, I like Undying Loyalty.
Honestly, I'm struggling to remember actual tropes lol
in what year did you publish your first fic?
My first fic was published in 2022! There had been a few half-hearted attempts at ficwriting before then, but it was all unpublished, and I don't think I ever made it more than a scene into one project until that fic!
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femmehysteria · 6 months
my assumption is you hate bamya... LOL idk
actually true, i cannot stand bamya
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thethief1996 · 11 months
what's a recent poem youve read that u rly like!
I really liked Dudes, We Did Not Go Through The Hassle Of Getting These Fake IDs For This Jukebox To Not Have Any Springsteen by Hanif Abdurraqib!!
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shamemp3 · 2 years
would you guys hate me if i teen wolf posted
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darling-zain · 1 year
Don't feel guilty about not writing I haven't written in 3 years and my blog is still getting asks for more stuff from my followers but I've been ignoring them lmao
thanks for the reassurance from now on you will be getting no more writing from me I'm done
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himejoshibutch · 2 years
goodness they almost got me ngl
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dratefahmed1 · 5 months
prophet muhammed song #ProphetMuhammad #Impact #Islam #Legacy #IslamicMusic english
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creamecream · 1 year
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“I see how your attention builds,
It’s like looking in a mirror,
Your touch like a happy pill, but still all we do is fear,
What could possibly happen next, can we focus on the love?
Paint my kiss across your chest, if you’re the art I’ll be the brush,
You’re taking up a fraction of my mind,
Every time I watch you serpentine,
I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying,
I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, not to think about you,
No, no, no, not to think about you,
I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying,
I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying, not to give into you,
No, no, no, not to give into you,
With my feelings on fire, guess I’m a bad liar?”
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
somewhere between too many thoughts and help me lol
You're right with the first one 😭😭😭
Too many thoughts in this brain. I have to choose which universe I want to brainrot about and it's like browsing a magazine. Ibuprofen very much needed
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