#<- that's a tag i didn't expect to use today but it's not unwelcome :') i miss them!!!
spokelseskladden · 6 months
Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to ask if you still have ideas about the Time Travel AU (the CK one) cause I've been a little obsessed with it (I really love you art ♥️)
Omg CK time travel AU... I'm so happy people still like it, I haven't thought about it in so long :') sadly I don't have any new art of it, but I can add a few notes
The whole idea was always about Miguel and Robby from the end of season 4 waking up around the start of season 2. Neither one knows the other is in the same boat, and it creates some problems as both try to change events in their own ways, thus making different situations harder to predict. They also go about it the wrong way until they get Demetri on board, like they focus on the wrong things to solve the problems.
I was always imagining Miguel waking up on the day he gets his braces removed, because everything will suck for him for a while but at least he'll get to experience that twice ( my people who wore braces will know what I'm talking about)✌️✌️
Before Robby and Miguel figure out they're time travelling buds they try to sabotage each others non-existent relationships. This makes Sam think Miguel still is a jealous douchebag, Tory thinks Robby is...weird. basically, those relationships are soooo dead. I like Robby/Tory (controversial, I know) but it would be complicated. There's a chance for them being endgame, but I'm on the fence about it, cause the point of this AU was more about friendships, especially for Robby.
This one drawing I made where Robby and Miguel sort of talk about juvie/the paralysis was supposed to take place after this big fight they had. Because they're not friendly towards eachother after finding out they're both from the future. They're forced together due to the circumstances, but there's a lot of tension between them that culminates into this big fight where they nearly repeat the event they're trying to avoid. It shakes them to their core, and they realise they don't want this -> they try to talk about it and figure out that they have more in common than they thought.
This was supposed to be the turning point in the au. Pre them making up, everything just went from bad to worse, every situation they tried to fix ended with something else going straight to hell, but once they become friends? Everything suddenly seems to go smoothly. Until it doesn't. (enter fucking Hawk and the feelings they didn't take into account. Because they were all clueless about it.)
Hawk is in love with Miguel. This is true in all universes, I take no criticism on this lol. The AU was never supposed to be migueli centric, but it makes him extra jealous of Robby. Like, if the guy you like suddenly start sneaking around with someone you both used to talk shit about, keeping secrets, blowing off a potential girlfriend for this person, and now they suddenly seems to get along a bit too well? Yeah he thinks they have something going on. Which sucks for him, cause it's one thing if Miguel can't like him back because he's straight, if he's actually into guys as well? Ouch. It's a total misreading of the situation, but Hawk isn't going to jump to time travelling buddies as the first answer :/ There's a lot of hurt feelings here, and his go to coping mechanism is ofc anger and overreactions. Miguel is so used to Hawk listening to him (especially in his champ era) he didn't ever count on him doing the exact opposite in order to spite him. Cause he kinda...took Hawk for granted I guess 😔
While I made a joke about Hawk hitting on Tory (because she never got with Miguel there's nothing stopping him from doing that) I never planned on them getting together. They would go on one date maximum, Tory would realise they're way better as friends because they would've had a toxic fucking dynamic, and break it off. Which also makes Hawk spiral, but this ain't about him. Tory hangs with Aisha more because she's not with Miguel, and they have their own theories on what's going on with Miguel (and hawk tbh). I think they're the ones who accidentally starts this whole "Miguel and Robby might be...👀👀👀👀" Thing. They also realise what Hawk's deal is.
Sam v. Tory is waaaay more focused on Aisha, as it always should've been imo. I don't think their rivalry gets as bloody, and I think all three can learn some important lessons way faster. Also Aisha never disappears, because there's no school fight.
The adults are the biggest challenge, because neither Miguel nor Robby knows what the hell they were up to most of the time, and they're the ones who creates the mess. Miguel is from the end of s4, so from his perspective his relationship with Johnny is strained, while Johnny has no clue why their dynamic feels so off now(when he finds out Miguel and Robby are friends now, he assumes it's because of his shit relationship with Robby. Which isn't far off from the truth, once Miguel and Robby start talking they actually bond quite a bit over failed fathers/father figures which in turn puts even more strain on the Johnny-Miguel dynamic)
Originally I was considering Miguel being in a similar accident in the end, but under different circumstances. I'm not sure if it would work, but there's something about doomed narratives that compels me.
At least one character will be disappointed in Robby and Miguel for not even trying to win the lottery once they find out they're from the future. Robby and Miguel say they were a bit preoccupied with stopping the karate-gang-wars. Idk which character this should be but let's be real, it's Bert.
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HEYA I saw ur event thingy and decided to slide in didnt know for which fandom it is tho but I was the obey me Tags so I thought it's that
Was thinking of satan and red string :>>
Satan - Red String
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Satan x GN! reader
Prompt: A red string to connect soulmates.
AN: Hi! Yes the event is for Obey Me, sorry that I didn't make that clearer. >_< But no worries, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None
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“Awe, I wish you were my soulmate…” The lustful demon pouted as he held your hand softly, examining the red string attached to your finger. 
“We would’ve been perfect as soulmates! We’re both good looking- we would’ve been such a power couple.” 
You giggled as you removed your hand from his. You’d only met him today, finding yourself in the Devildom and in a room full of demons. Once Lucifer and Diavolo had introduced themselves and the other occupants in the room, Asmo had rushed over to you. 
It seems he’d taken a liking to you. 
“I wish my other brothers were here to see you. I bet you’d just melt their hearts. Even that grumpy pants, Satan!” 
“Who’s Satan?” 
“One of my brothers, you’ll meet him in good time.” Asmo waved you off. “Now c’mon! I want to give you a grand tour of the House of Lamentation!” 
The entire trip, the demon that had been put in charge of you, Mammon, had sulked and complained as he trailed the two of you. But Asmo paid him no mind as he led you to the dorms. 
Asmo made sure to be very thorough in his tour, showing you the prettiest and nicest areas and rooms, and showed you the best places to take selfies. 
“Okay, so the last place is the library and also my brother’s rooms, but you don’t need to see them. Except for mine, you have to see my room next!” The demon pushed the door to the library open as he spoke, earning him an immediate hushing from someone inside. 
“You’re being entirely too loud. If you need to gossip, go do it somewhere else.” A stern voice rang out through the otherwise silent library. 
Asmo rolled his eyes and led you over to the owner of the voice, who was lounging in one of the armchairs with a thick book cracked open in his lap. “Satan, this is the new exchange student. You know, the one that will be staying with us.” 
“Ah-” The blonde haired demon set his book aside and stood up to give you a proper greeting. “Nice to meet you. My name’s Satan.” 
Lifting his hand for you to shake, you began to reciprocate when Asmo let out a loud squeal.
“Look! The string!” 
You glanced down to your hand. The length of the string was shorter than it had ever been. Your eyes followed the string that connected to the once extended hand and up to the demon’s face. 
Both you and Satan stood in utter shock at the revelation. You were soulmates. 
Satan chuckled at the turn of events and once again reached his hand out to you. “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting this. But it’s not an unwelcome surprise.” 
With a smile, you raised your hand to meet his, feeling a wave of electricity run through your veins at the touch. You watched as Satan shuddered from the shock as well. Two souls connecting for the first time. 
“I look forward to getting to know you.” 
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suterbuyout2024 · 5 months
“#wrote a college entrance essay about this once” re: rpf research excuse me WHAT can you elaborate please 😭 (i say as someone who has also written some unhinged essays)
okay in my defense i didn't actually talk about rpf explicitly, but i did write about how one of the big draws of hockey for me was all the minute details and research rabbitholes you could get absorbed in. it's funny to look back on now because i think my understanding of hockey has come a long way, and also i'm kind of a completely different person than i was, lol. i'll put a few sections under the cut just for fun :3
But in late November of my ---- year, I turned on the television to watch a hockey game. It was the Flames and the Senators -- not exactly a nail-biter. I knew what to expect. I’d been to a college hockey game once at the University of North Dakota, and I’d been casually interested. But I certainly didn’t count on the Ottawa Senators setting the starting point of a great epoch of my life. The thing about hockey is that, leaving aside everything else about the sport -- statistics, personality, fanaticism, gameplay -- hockey is fun to watch. It’s fast-paced but easy to follow. All you have to do is keep track of the puck. Stoppages aren’t too common, but if they do happen, it’s probably because a penalty has been called, or because of a scrum, which both lead to more interesting circumstances. In short, hockey held my interest, and outpaced my notoriously short attention span. At least, that was how it started.
apparently i was rly trying to keep that harvard admissions officer on their toes lmao
Hockey culture is an unmitigated disaster. Awash with misogyny, masculine posturing, glorification of violence, and a thriving disrespect for the civil rights of minorities, it’s easy to brush hockey off as another antiquated hold-out of gladiatorial sports. Fans live and die for the blood of it. It’s especially easy to do so as a queer woman, someone who is definitely unwelcome in central hockey circles. It took me about ten minutes to understand that hockey Twitter, at least, was not worth a second of my time. But I hadn’t gotten as far as making it through an entire Senators game just to give up now. And finding other avenues of building community was easier than I thought. The Internet, it turns out, is shockingly versatile. Just as white male hockey fans all tend to congregate in the loud, wide-open spaces of fandom, the rest of us found areas out of view of the mainstream gaze. Within Tumblr tags, Discord groups, and even fanfiction archive forums, the women, hockey fans of color, and even us queers began to find each other. It was easier, then, to know where to start. In short order, hockey turned from something I watched as stress relief after a long school day to something I knew about. The people I talked to were knowledgeable, and the research I did on my own -- as was my wont -- helped substantiate. First it was about the teams, and then, when I had satisfied my knowledge there, the players. The politics. The rules, the statistics, the prospects. The slow stop-start of change initiatives like the Hockey Diversity Alliance. It turns out that hockey is an unquellable fount of things to learn, and it quickly became a way to collect things to know.
it's interesting to look back and see which things i felt it was important to highlight, especially given all the things that have happened in recent years with hockey culture. also please disregard all the identity flashing, i WAS trying to get into college, after all.
i go on to talk a bit about the demographic layout of the nhl & the draw of european leagues, plus why i started learning russian (to read kirill's insta posts), but that's the rpf-related section. if i were to rewrite this essay today it would be a completely different look at the world of hockey and its current landscape, but i'm giving myself some grace for having committed the crime of being 18 and not very smart.
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dantent · 17 days
Chapter 3 - The Drunken Adventures Of An Idiot (Silco x OC)
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Tags: 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩 | 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛 | 𝙍𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 | 𝙎𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣 | 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙢𝙪𝙩 | 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 | 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩/𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩 |
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence
It had been two weeks since Ren started working at Babette's. They had to admit that it wasn't the most pleasant job. Cleaning up after every room was often a rather disgusting experience. Especially if the participants were messy in their joyful actions. But the worst part for them was the smell lingering in the air, getting mixed with various perfumes of passersby and the participants. Sweat, a mix of perfumes and the smell of sex wasn't exactly the best combination of smells, and sadly it was Ren's job to somehow clear the room out. Thankfully, they also had other jobs. Ren often fixed various broken things; it was what they were good at, after all. Other times they also got rid of the unwelcome customers when the bouncers weren't available. 
They had also gotten a new apartment; not even a week ago. Until then, they made themselves comfortable on Babette's couch, or her floor if it was more suitable that night. Ren's new apartment was smaller than the previous one but that was to be expected. It was surprisingly cheap, though; which they soon learned wasn't that surprising at all. Silco had gained quite the following in his territory; the people treated him like a god there. Yet everyone was afraid of the Kingpin, no matter how much they worshipped him. Which was one of the many reasons people stayed away from this part of the city. 
Ren found the neighbourhood quite nice besides the occasional strutting bodyguards, of course. The mechanic hasn't seen Silco himself yet, but they for sure have seen his bodyguards. People tended to get out of their way more often than anyone else's. They all looked imposing and muscular. Maybe Silco was also there but the amount of muscles simply made him disappear behind the guards. 
When they weren't in their apartment, Ren was working at the brothel, trying to make as much money as possible. Today they were cleaning in Babette's office, fixing some of the broken things after yesterday's shimmer incident. Last night someone took shimmer while in the brothel and got aggressive with the sex workers, so he had to be thrown out; not without making an awful mess, though. But this occasion allowed Ren to spend some time with Babette, since they didn't really speak while working. 
"Does Silco not come here often?" the question seemed rather out of nowhere but it made total sense to the mechanic.
Babette's writing stopped for a minute as she looked up with furrowed brows. "Where does this come from?" 
"You would think a man like himself likes to indulge in a lot of pleasure," Ren simply shrugged as they tinkered with a little device, "and he would probably have quite a few people interested in a night of passion."
A minute or so passed before the Madam finally answered their question. "He used to come a lot when he was young."
Ren stopped and turned to Babette. "Young? I thought he just randomly appeared one day as the imposing bastard I heard he is."
"Very funny," she sighed, clearly tired of Ren's bullshit, "but no. He lived in the Lanes just like any of us. But he grew up to be a monster."
"Most Chem-barons do." Ren shrugged. "Though it's rather impressive that he doesn't have a family behind his success. I mean, most Chem-barons are only at their place because they were born into the family. You have to admire his determination."
"Any particular reason you are so interested in him all of a sudden?" her voice her a sort of suspicion that a mother would use for her child. 
The mechanic hummed instead of answering. Were there any reason behind their interest? Well for starters, it was hardly an interest. Anyone in the Lanes would ask as many questions as needed for survival. Since they lived only a few blocks away from Silco's base, it was rather logical for them to know as much of the man's life as they could. Any information could increase their chances at-
Babette nodded, seemingly understanding what they meant. "Well, I can't tell you much of him. He was always withdrawn, observing... never talked much. Silco came and went. Often times I haven't even seen him just heard of his presence from the girls and boys."
"Sneaky, huh?" Ren snickered. "Embarrassed much?"
"Not him." the Madam shook her head. 
Ren hummed along and the conversation died. They didn't have anything else to ask, and Babette didn't want to share more information. It didn't surprise them, since she wasn't really allowed to anyway. A little agreement made her unable to share any personal information about her clients or - once she became the Madam - the people who enter the brothel. Others could argue, of course, that with enough money anyone can be convinced to talk, but not Babette. Her main interest was to keep the sex workers and her loved ones safe. Ren felt lucky to be counted among them. 
Several days passed since that conversation. Ren spent the time by learning more and more about the current state of the Undercity. Many things have changed since they lived here; things that you can only notice if you reside in Zaun. The best place to find these changes was by visiting the local bars. Of course, heeding Babette's warnings, the mechanic never went close to The Last Drop. This way they could hang around and drink in peace. Oftentimes they engaged in conversations with the other guests, albeit they were always careful not to talk to anyone who worked directly for the Chem-barons. 
It was around three in the morning when Ren decided to leave the bar to have some sleep before work. Going out on a weekday wasn't exactly the smartest move but they didn't quite care. The alcohol soothed their worries enough. As they waddled back to their home, Ren heard grunting coming from one of the alleys. Normally they would've walked away without a second glance but for some reason they didn't today - most likely the alcohol's influence. 
"Dammit!" someone yelled in a whispered tone. 
By the sound of it, Ren suspected a child. A part of them grew worried, since nothing good could come out of a child lurking in a dark alley this late at night, but they remembered how they did the exact same thing. Still, they decided to look for the voice. It didn't take long before the mechanic found a girl with blue hair, sitting on the floor, and tinkering with something in her hands. As Ren tilted their head, the alcohol finally caught up and they almost fell forward, which alerted the girl in front of them. 
Ren hold up their hands and muttered, "Sorry."
The girl's blue eyes scanned them in an eerie way, almost as if she wasn't even looking at them. What caught their attention was the way her hair was braided in two, except for the fluffy mess up front. Her hair barely reach hear eyes, which made it look like she cut her own semi-bangs in a haste. 
"Who are you?" she tilted her head in childish manner, yet all the usual innocence was gone from her eyes. 
"Just a passerby." they waved their hand in a dismissive way. Ren finally looked down at the machine the girl was tinkering with, and recognized it as some sort of bomb, or grenade perhaps. "Hmmm, interesting thing you're working on. Ya sure it's safe?"
The girl's gaze was intense, scary even. "Why?"
The mechanic shrugged. "Didn't seem too happy about something when I heard your voice. Thought I might check out if someone needs help."
She was young, that much Ren could tell. The girl looked to be around fourteen, maybe a year younger. Her face was still puffy but her eyes had dark bags underneath, making her look a little older. 
"It's just this thing." she finally hummed, showing Ren the grenade with a curious look. 
Ren squinted their eyes, slowly getting on their knees to take a closer look. They tried their best not to fall over. "Hmmm, it's really well made. Master work if you ask me."
The girl's eyes lit up for a second. "Ya think so?"
Her whole behaviour changed after that. All of a sudden she gained all the essence of a child. She was giddy and started rocking around as she explained the mechanics. Ren was confused by the sudden change but they weren't in a state to question it. The girl seemed happy to talk about her creation, as the mechanic sat down cross legged to listen to her more comfortably. 
"-and then it should go 'BAM' but it doesn't!" she finished, tossing the grenade to the wall like it couldn't have the potential to go off. "And staying at home is boooring so I came out to get some fresh air but it's still not working!"
Ren was quite in a dilemma since they weren't exactly that versed in chemical components but they still wanted to help the girl with her problem. They slowly reach towards the bomb to not startle the girl and began inspecting the problem. Which wasn't easy as their brain barely worked under the influence. The mechanic carefully observed the device and tried to understand the dilemma. Nothing seemed to be wrong on the outside, since all the parts were intact, which meant that the problem had to be on the inside, probably something to do with chemical reactions. 
"Are you sure the uh, chemicals react correctly?" Ren tried focusing their eyes on the girl, while also thinking of the problem. 
"Ugh, yes." she rolled her eyes as if it was the most obvious answer. "Of course I tested it, silly! 
"Uhum," they nodded, "and how do you seper- sperate- seperate them?" 
"They're 'sperated'," she stopped to giggle at the joke, "by a simple metal plate. When I pull the trigger, it snaps out of place and the two chemicals mix!"
"Hmmm, genius." they muttered. "But why doesn't it work."
"Exactly!" she yelled as she fell backwards, her hands covering her eyes. "Stupid bombs... I should've pursued a different career."
Ren hummed along as they attempted to think about the problem. The girl's device was clearly well planned and executed. If the chemicals had the desired reaction in the lab, then surely the problem was with the type of metal she used. There was no other explanation to this problem. 
"What about... the metal?" they questioned her with an empty gaze that only drunk people had.
"Yeah?" she asked without sitting up. "Wha' about it?"
"If the chemical dis- disil- uhh... what's the word..."
"Disingenuous?" she tried again. "I don't even know what that means... Pops uses it a lot, though."
"Ya know what, I dunno what it means either." they hummed. "But no. The word is... uh, disalve?" 
"Yes, that!" Ren nodded. "So if the metal disal-, you know what, because of one of the uh... things, it might mess with the reaction. If that happens-"
"Then the grenade doesn't work!" she sat up so fast Ren almost fell backwards in fear. "Thank you!"
She jumped in their arms and hugged them for a moment, before gathering the machine and scurrying away with a mischievous giggle. The girl stopped in her tracks before she could disappear and turned back to Ren. 
"I'm Jinx, by the way." she beamed at them. 
"Uh, Ren." they nodded.
With that, Jinx ran away, only a crazy laugh indicating how far away she actually was. Ren stayed on the ground for a couple more minutes before trying to stand up. Their brain was spinning like hell, and they knew they were in for a horrible hangover already. Ren wasn't even quite sure how they got home because the rest of the night was a blur to them. 
Next morning they woke up to some commotion on the street. With a groan, they rolled to their right side, during which they ended up falling to the floor. Not only was their head threatening to blow up, but now they also had to deal with a sore arm. Thankfully their shift didn't start until a few hours, so they had time to cure themselves somewhat. 
Hours went by and yet it only felt like seconds. Ren spent most of the day on their couch that they used as a bed, covering their eyes and eating bread. When they finally had to get up, their entire body was working against them. Head aching, arms barely working, and legs feeling like jelly. By the time they dragged themselves over to Babette's, Ren felt like death would be a mercy at this point. 
Upon entering, they tried keeping their head low, knowing well enough they probably looked absolutely horrible. Some of their co-workers asked if they were okay and Ren tried their best not to reply rudely but they really didn't have the energy to engage in a conversation. So they started doing their job in unusual silence. Thankfully it was pretty dull. Nothing was too overwhelming, since they knew exactly what to do. But it also didn't help with the tiredness. The repetitive work made them so tired, they physically had to keep their eyes open to prevent themselves from falling asleep. 
It was in Babette's office when they finally got tired enough to nearly faint, so they had to sit down and lay their head back for a moment. The Madam looked at them with pitiful eyes, slowly shaking her head in disappointment. 
"Are you that hangover?" her raspy voice interrupted their rest. 
"Shut up." Ren whispered. "Haven't had much of a chance to get hammered at the pilties. Their parties are so boring. Not that I went to many."
"You are close to death and your first reaction is to get drunk?" she scoffed.
"What can I say? My family taught me right." they shrugged.
Silence fell on the room as Ren tried to remember the events of the night. They could remember some guys buying a few drinks for them and talking at a table. Then they drank some more, and more and the night started getting hazy. Ren remembered the guys saying goodbye and going home but they stayed at the bar for at least another hour. Once they were able to stand straight enough, they also went home. But then they could recall meeting a strange girl somewhere around their apartment. 
"Met some kid last night." Ren spoke in a hushed tone, as to not worsen their headache. "She was tinkering in a dark alley in the middle of the night. Reminds you of someone?"
"I wonder who." Babette chuckled. "You have a soft spot for kids, you know. Not exactly the smartest choice. I remember how much of a menace you were as a child."
"Oh yeah, I was." they smiled. "Children deserve another chance at life, though. I 'spose that's why I'm easier on them. They're still innocent."
"Were any of us really?" the madam wondered aloud. "Most of us started jobs at a young age."
"But it doesn't have to be for them like it was for us." Ren gesticulated with their hands in a sloppy manner from the hangover. 
"I fear it's already too late for Zaun to change." she shook her head. Babette's gaze met the floor as she slowly breathed in the smoke of her cigarettes. 
Ren didn't have the energy to argue but they definitely disagreed. It wasn't too late for Zaun and they knew it. The problem was always the leaders - the Chem-barons. The mechanic new exactly what type of people they were, what their upbringing was like. It doesn't seem that bad at first, but none of them really cared for anyone who lived beneath their ranks. Which is why Zaun was in it's current state. That is, of course, if they rule out Piltover as another factor. Now, the Uppercity was Zaun's other main problem. If they managed to solve these issues somehow, then the Undercity would finally stand a chance on their own. 
It was just a matter of time until that happened, they were sure about that. 
When they got home that day, Ren didn't even bother eating, they just straight up went to bed. The next day Ren felt a little bit better. And on the next they were already well. Life continued on with the mechanic falling into a routine. Wake up, eat, go to work, go home, sleep. Occasionally they would go to clubs and bars but they payed attention to the amount of alcohol they were drinking from now on. 
About a month had passed since Ren's mysterious encounter with the girl - Jinx. They hadn't seen her ever since, so they just hoped she got home safe. Ren never bothered telling Babette the girl's name because they didn't think it was necessary. But things changed when a certain blue haired menace found her way into the brothel. The mechanic was tinkering with a few devices when they heard screaming. Ren immediately rose and hurried to the noise. Just as they got to the room, someone ran out from inside, constantly apologizing to the guests. She straight up bumped into Ren.
"Ah!" Jinx yelled in suprise and kicked them in the shin in self defense. 
"Ow!" Ren staggered backwards, while holding their leg. "Jinx? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, it's you!" the girl beamed at them. "Finally! I didn't know you worked at a brothel, silly! I've been looking for you!"
"Aren't you- aren't you too young to be in here?" they finally straightened up, crossing their arms in front of their chest. "Jinx this place is for adults. People come here to-"
"Lalalalala! I can't hear you!" she covered her ears before they could finish. "I know what this place is for but I haven't found you anywhere else!" 
She was rocking on her feet, a smile dancing on her lips. It was obvious she was happy to see the mechanic again, though they weren't quite sure why. Not like they made any attempt to see her again. Ren helped her out once, but it seemed that was enough for the girl to think of them as friends now. 
"Alright." Ren sighed. "What can I do for you?"
"The bomb, it worked!" Jinx spun around while giggling. "So I was thinking you could help me with some other things!" 
"Uh, sure?" 
"Great!" Jinx pulled out a device from the little bag she carried. "So what this does is-"
"Woah, woah! Wait a minute!" they stopped her before she could start ranting. "Let's not bother the others while you talk, alright? I have some work to do anyway."
"Pff, who cares what others think." she muttered as she rolled her eyes. "But fine! Lead the way!"
Ren took the girl back to the empty room they were working in just seconds before they bumped into her. Jinx didn't seemed particularly interested in the room itself but she started asking questions about what Ren was doing. They explained to her what they attempting to fix at the moment, then engaged in a small talk about their daily job. She even asked how long they had been working there, so Ren answered honestly; they even mentioned that they used to be a mechanic. 
The two ended up tinkering with their own devices next to each other. Jinx was constantly talking, while Ren rather just listened. She was ranting about the fact that she was growing out of her room because it wasn't big enough for her creations anymore. Her dad was apparently pretty rich, so Ren suggested that she should ask her dad to rent a workshop for her. After a few quiet seconds of consideration Jinx dismissed the idea, saying that she wanted to set bombs off to try them out, which would be nearly impossible inside a small area.
To Ren's surprise, Jinx seemed to be quite mature for her age. Her mannerism and behaviour were all childish of course, but the way she talked about her creations made her seem to be an adult. She definitely had a bright future ahead of her. Maybe she could even attend the Academy in Piltover if she so wished. 
After the mechanic was finished with the room, they moved on to their next task and Jinx went with them. She was immersed in a story of hers, in which she accidentally set off a goo bomb while she was near her dad's employees. Jinx was laughing so hard she had to hold her stomach while describing the faces of the angry workers. Ren wasn't quite sure why she entrusted them with this information - seeing as everyone in the Undercity tended to lean towards the secretive side - but they welcomed it nonetheless. It was rather refreshing to see someone be so happy. A rare sight around these parts. 
Jinx stayed around for some time but she did have to leave eventually. She explained that her father was a bit overprotective and he would worry about her by this time. Ren definitely understood the reasoning, so they bid the girl farewell and told her to be careful out there. She just rolled her eyes before running off, bumping into a few people on her way out. 
Ren went on to continue working, not thinking much of the girl's visit. But a certain blue haired menace had other plans for the mechanic. 
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ayu-shiridara · 3 years
Fall pt. 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Tag/s: @lilypad-55449
Sorry took me so long to update
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You stayed in America for years. Draco visits you and the children once a month giving you updates about George. Your son and daughter are already 5 years old. And you planned going back to England. Maybe it's time to meet their grandparents and their father. You're certain that Molly and Arthur would be delighted if they meet your children.
"Levi, Fred, time to leave, Draco is waiting for you outside, " you said.
You named them after Fred and Levi. Your son's name was Frederick Fabian Weasley Frederick from Fred's name Fabian from George's second name. He looked like his father except for his eyes. He has your eyes. While your daughter's name was Levi Georgia Weasley, Levi from Levi Georgia from George again. Your daughter was like George's girl version. Both of them really looked like a Weasley.
"Are you ready to go to England?" You asked your children.
"Are we going to meet dad?" Fred asked.
"Mama I want to see what dad looks like, " Levi said.
The twins love asking about their dad. But all you can say is they will meet him soon. Finally, you arrive in England. You will stay at Levi's home. The kids are playing in the forest while you and Draco are watching them.
"Are you sure about introducing them?" Draco asked.
"Yeah, they have the rights to meet their grandchildren, the kids have the rights to meet their father, " you said.
"You're ready to see George again?" Draco asked.
"No, but I'm certain that tomorrow is the right time to meet Molly and Arthur, " you sighed.
"Mrs Weasley's birthday?" Draco said.
"Yeah the kids will be a perfect present for them, but I will go to Diagon alley to buy something, " you said.
"I can't come with you to the Burrow but I can come with you to the Diagon Alley, " Draco said and smiled at you.
"Daddy Draco look what I found, " Levi said running towards you and Draco.
She's holding a puffskein and Fred is running behind her. They called Draco Daddy because that's what Draco wanted the kids to address him. You find it cute but kinda sad because it's not George whom they call Daddy. Of course, you still love him he always owned your heart. Because he's the first person who made you feel special.
The following day you arrive at the Diagon Alley. The streets are busy and crowded.
"Stay close to mama okay?" You whispered to your children.
"I will stay close to daddy Draco, " Levi said.
You let out a soft laugh and started to stroll around. However, the kids let go of you and Draco's hand and ran away.
"I will look for them, meet us at the Leaky Cauldron," Draco said and run after them.
Today is just an ordinary day for George. The difference is that it's his mother's birthday. He will go to the Burrow tonight and come back tomorrow morning. He was walking to the Leaky Cauldron to have his breakfast. Suddenly something hit his legs. He saw a little girl on the road wailing. A red-haired girl with freckles on his face. 'She looked like a Weasley' George thought. Then a boy was running after her, red-haired and freckled face but when he looked at the child's eyes it reminded him of (Y/N). He knelt down and helped the kid to stand up.
"Are you okay?" George asked the kid softly.
The kid didn't say a word and his twin brother run to her. The girl has wounds on her leg. George pointed his wand on the girl's wound.
"Episkey, " George said and the wound healed.
The children looked amazed.
"Can you teach me how to do that?" The boy said to George.
George let out a soft laugh. It's the first time he laughs again after (Y/N) left.
"I can but first tell me your name, " George said.
"I'm Fred, " the boy said.
"My name is Levi, " the girl said shyly.
George was shocked by hearing the name of his dead brother and friend. This is just a coincidence or maybe not.
"Fred, Levi!" Someone called.
"Daddy Draco, " the children said happily.
George stared at Draco, the children run at him.
"Mama is looking for you why did you run away like that, " Draco said.
George stood up and just stared at the kids who were asking Draco to carry them. George sighed and carried Fred.
"I'll help you I'm heading to the Leaky Cauldron what about you?" George asked.
"The Leaky Cauldron, thanks Weasley, " Draco said.
Fred was staring at George the whole time. And George felt like he is carrying his own son.
"Your children?" George asked.
"No, I'm just their godfather, a friend's children, " Draco explained.
"What's your name mister?" Fred asked.
"I'm George Fabian Weasley, " George replied.
"Really? We have the same surname Mr George, " Fred said.
"What's your name then?" George asked.
"My name is Fred Weasley, my twin sister is Levi Weasley, " Fred said.
"You're a Weasley?" George asked.
"We are, but we haven't met our dada yet, mama said we will meet him soon, " Fred said.
George became more confused. How come there's an unknown Weasley? He's sure that he doesn't have a niece or nephew that was named after his twin brother and friend. And he doesn't hear anything about (Y/N) for years. 'I must consult mum about this' George thought.
After looking for presents you stopped by the ice cream shop to treat your children and Draco. On your way out someone called your name.
"(Y/N)?" Someone called.
You turned to see who it is. It's Ron with Hermione, Harry and Ginny.
"Hi, " that's the word that escaped from your mouth.
"When did you arrive?" Hermione asked.
"Yesterday, " you replied.
"It's nice to see you again, " Harry said.
"You too, " You smiled at them.
"(Y/N) we're sorry about George, " Ron said.
"I already moved on, " you said.
"No, it's a misunderstanding, " Ginny said.
"I'm okay now, I'm living my life it doesn't bother me anymore, " you said.
"Can you please talk to him? He didn't know that you're here right?" Ron said.
"I will when I'm ready, I have to go the children are waiting for me, " you said.
"Children?" Ginny asked.
"You have kids? You're married to another man?" Harry asked.
"No, I'm not married to another man, I'll explain soon I really have to go, " you said.
"We'll see you around, " Hermione said and waved at you.
You exited the ice cream shop and went straight to the Leaky Cauldron.
"What took you so long?" Draco asked.
"Nothing, here I bought this for you, " You said and handed them the ice cream.
"Mama we've met an amazing man, " Levi said.
"Really who is he?" You asked.
"He just left, " Draco said.
"Mama we want to meet Mr George again, " Fred said.
You're shocked hearing his name from your children. Did they really encounter their father?
"We have to leave now, we're heading to grandma and grandpa, " you said.
The children cheered and all of you excited the Leaky Cauldron.
"(Y/N) I have to go now, I'll see you later, " Draco said.
You nodded and the kids wave goodbye at Draco. Finally, you arrive at the Burrow. No one was outside. You're anxious because for the last 5 years it's your first time showing yourself to Molly again. She might be angry at you she might unwelcome you.
"(Y/N)!" Someone called at the back.
"Charlie?" You asked.
"It's nice seeing you again!" He said.
He hugged you and you did the same.
"We haven't seen you for ages, how have you been?" Charlie asked.
"Everything is well, " you said.
"And who might these children be?" Charlie asked and knelt down.
"Are you my grandpa?" Fred asked enthusiastically.
"Do I look like a grandpa to you?" Charlie asked and laugh.
"He's not your grandpa, he's your uncle, " you said.
"Grandpa is inside the house, " Charlie said.
"I want to meet grandpa and grandma and uncles and aunties, " Levi said.
"And Dada, " Fred finished her sentence.
"Well come on let's go and meet grandma and grandpa and uncles and aunties, " Charlie said.
The children take Charlie's hand and all of you walked inside the Burrow.
"(Y/N)!" Molly exclaimed.
You're expecting her to be mad but she just hugged you. And Arthur did the same.
"Happy birthday Mrs Weasley, " you said.
"Happy birthday Grandma, " you twins said and handed her the present.
"Are they?" Arthur said.
You nodded with a smile.
"Mama, are they grandma," Levi asked.
"And grandpa?" Fred asked finishing Levi's question.
"Yes darling, " you said with a smile.
"Levi and I are so excited to meet, " Fred said.
"Grandma, Grandpa, Uncles, Aunties and Dada, " Levi said finishing Fred's sentence.
"They are like Fred and George when they were younger, " Charlie said.
"Come to grandma and grandpa, " Molly said opening her arms.
The kids run to Molly and Arthur and gave them a hug.
"What should grandpa call you?" Arthur asked Fred.
"My name is Fred, Mama said she named me after a wise and brave uncle, " Fred said proudly.
"I memorized my whole name for grandma and grandpa, I'm Levi Georgia Weasley, " Levi said proudly.
The kids are so delighted being with George's family. But it's already nightfall and you have to go.
"We have to go we will come back tomorrow, " you said.
"Can't you stay for dinner? Ron, Ginny, George and Bill are coming, " Molly said.
"I'm sorry Mrs Weasley, I'm afraid that the situation might be awkward for me and George, " you said.
"Don't be sorry dear, we understand and stop calling me Mrs Weasley you're still my favourite daughter-in-law, " Molly said.
"Before you go, uncle Charlie has a gift for Freddie and Levi, " Charlie said giving them a dragon stuff toy.
You thanked them before you leave and when you walk outside the house you can see that Draco is waiting at the nearest tree.
"When did you arrive?" You asked.
"Just now, " he replied.
"Well then let's go home, " you said.
It's finally evening and the Burrow was busy. One by one the Weasleys arrive having their gift for their mother. In the middle of the dinner, George asked his mother about the kids he met this morning.
"Mum I meet two kids this morning. They said they're a Weasley and they look like one. You have only one grandchild, right?" George asked.
"Where did you meet them?" Ron asked.
"At the Diagon Alley, they're with Malfoy, " George said.
"We met (Y/N) at the ice cream shop, " Ginny said.
"She just left, " Charlie said.
"She went here?" George asked.
"Yea and I have seen her adorable ki-" before Charlie could finish her sentence, Molly kicked his leg making him wince in pain.
"Are hiding something from me?" George asked.
"Best if you directly ask her, " Arthur said.
"That's enough, let's not ruin mum's day, " Bill said.
George sighed and after dinner, he walked to his room. It's the million time he wished that Fred was still here. Because he knew that he would feel much better if he's twin is here because he's the only one who understands him the most. Every second without his brother or his wife is a torture to him. Suffering in this kind of sadness for years. No one knows how many time he cried silently. Every night, every time when he's alone. All he wanted is to be happy.
Today you're going to Diagon Alley to buy something. Your children are not coming with you, Draco is taking care of them. You're walking towards somewhere you don't know where your feet is dragging you because you're looking at the parchment on you're holding. After a few steps, your head hit something making you look where you're going.
"I'm sorry, " you apologised.
A familiar man was standing in front of you. He was tall and you can smell the scent you've been longing for.
"It's okay miss, " he said.
But he looked at you his eyes widened as well as yours.
"George!?" You said.
"(Y/N)?" He said.
He's happy seeing you again. You too but you still can't forget what he did years ago.
"Ron was right, you're here, " George said.
"Yea. I arrive before Mrs Weasley's birthday, " you said.
"(Y/N) about what happened years ago, I'm sorry if I could just turn back the time, " he said.
"It's okay I moved on from you anyway, " you lied.
'Does that mean you don't love me anymore, ' George thought. His heart again shattered into pieces.
"I have to go, " you said and walked away.
When you arrive at your home Draco said that Ron is here to talk to you.
"Ron, what brings you here?" You asked.
"I just want to tell you that night was a misunderstanding he was under a love potion, it's not his fault it's Angelina's, please give him another chance, I can't stand seeing George like that anymore, he's been suffering for years, please (Y/N), " Ron said.
You keep thinking about George. You can't even focus on your children. You don't even know what Draco is talking about while having dinner.
"(Y/N) are you listening to me?" Draco asked.
"Mama is not listening to Daddy Draco, " Fred said while playing with his food.
"I'm sorry what did you said?" You asked.
"Nothing, I'll take the kids to bed, " Draco said.
Draco and the kids went to bed and you cleaned the dining table. After cleaning the dining table you sat on the couch in front of the fireplace and read a book.
"(Y/N), " someone called.
You look around to see who's calling you and you saw Fred and Levi.
"Freddie, Levi?" You said.
Both of them are smiling at you.
"He loves you so much, " Levi said.
"Talk to him before it's too late," Fred said.
"Too late what do you mean?" You asked.
But they disappeared.
"(Y/N) wake up, " Draco said shaking you.
You fell asleep while reading a book.
"Where's Levi and Fred?" You asked.
"They're asleep, " Draco replied.
"No, not the kids, George's twin and your cousin, " You said.
"They're dead, " Draco said.
"But they just talked to me, " You replied.
"You're tired you should go to bed, " Draco said.
You immediately stand up ran outside.
The following days your dream kept bothering you.
"Maybe you should have him back, for you, for the children, I know you still love him, you still need him, you haven't moved on you just keep on telling yourself that you did but the truth is you haven't, " Draco said.
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Hello and welcome everyone to this edition of Graps and Claps, this time taking me to Camden for PROGRESS Wrestling's Chapter 77 'Pumpkin Spice Progress with the huge main event between PROGRESS champion Walter and the SSS16 Winner for 2018 - Zack Sabre Jr. which was a mouth watering prospect on paper and one I personally couldn't wait for as in a surprise I have never seen this match live or on the box which is rare as rocking horse shit in this day and age.
As ever with a trip to London it was a 9 am bus journey to Manchester to catch the 1035 am train to London Euston, thankfully unlike last week's journey to Leeds this went without a hitch and also the happiness of finding a stray £1 coin on a seat on the top deck of the bus - rich beyond my wildest dreams folks. A distinct lack of people from up north made the trip to London for this show, meaning I was drinking on my own in The Black Heart until London friend Steve came in, so I had a good chin wag about the action upcoming and what other stuff had been going on in the world in the past week. Only two pints in here for me both from Amundsen Brewery with the following - 6.5% Apocalyptic Thunder Juice IPA (£6.60) which was really juicy in taste, another winner in the book was a Lorita Pale Ale (£5.40), if you spot any drinks from this brewery make sure you check them out.
Drinks done, it was time to get into the Ballroom and take my position up on the raised perch with Athers for the first time (a great viewing spot if you can get up there early enough). The Ballroom in the time since I last came for the 1978 show has grown a big screen where the sound booth once resided, another happening is a change in the beer lines available with a Sharp's Brewery IPA, Spaten and Franziker Weissbier taking pride of place on the bar which is a welcome move away from the usual Camden Pale. So with that all said let's get into what went down on this cold Sunday afternoon!
First up we had pre-show action with the lesser seen Kyle Ashmore taking on JJ Lynch who I found out ply's his trade in Battle Pro Wrestling down south. Opening part of this contest was the audience shouting out that Ashmore had a resemblance for some reason to Uncle Albert of Only Fools and Horses fame, plus yes it was me who started the 'Baldy Baldy' chant to absolute silence as ever from the London crowd who don't do singing like they used to (Thanks to the Taffs for trying to join in). JJ Lynch impressed me in this first look at him as he hit a headbutt to Ashmore to stun him but Ashmore rolled out of the ring. Back in the ring Lynch hit a Superkick for a 2 count but that was as good as it got for Lynch as Ashmore hit a big JOHN WOO! and then a elevated back cracker to Lynch for the 3 count to end a tidy pre-show match and maybe the best Pre-show match in ages.
After the opening messages from Jim Smallman, we started off with the main card and a change to the advertised match up as Tyler Bate wasn't fit to compete after picking up an injury at Fight Club Pro at the weekend. Instead we had one half of the fearsome Ringkampf duo, Timothy Thatcher taking on a repackaged version of Pastor William Eaver who is now going by the name of 'Present' William Eaver - the basis of this character is that of a upmarket street preacher (A touch of the Bray Wyatt's here) coming out saying that 'Today is the Day' which I initially thought of a great song Eaver should come out to - go and check on Youtube for the Sean Maguire hit 'Today's the Day' which was a popular tune in the 90's.
Anyways on to the match, Timo hit a big T-Bone Suplex and followed up with a Judo throw slam for a 2 to Eaver. Eaver though eventually got the grasps of things as he beatdown Thatcher in the corner leading to Timo to hulk up by slapping the taste out of Eaver's mouth but Eaver retaliated with a Uranage Backbreaker to stun Tim. Tim though came back to hit an enziguri to the back of Eaver's head and then following up with an arm submission to get the tapout victory in around 10 minutes. Was what it was for an opener, even though it is early days Eaver's gimmick I can't say I was sold on it but time will tell for the Former PROGRESS Champion!
Second up was yes you guessed it PROGRESS Women's Division action with Isla Dawn taking on Millie McKenzie with the latter trying to build momentum after not being able to capture the title in the 3-way at Wembley, Even though this match was 6 minutes long, this was a really good match between two women who you will be certain to hear much more from in the future, Isla at one stage locked in a Dragon Sleeper to Millie that was until Millie managed to reach the ropes to break the hold, Millie though made a fightback hitting a couple of crazy back German suplexes to Dawn but as it looked like Millie was on her way to victory, Jinny and Laura Di Matteo made an unwelcome appearance to lay the boots to Dawn and Millie, that was until her Jinny's former House of Couture mates Nina Samuels and Charlie Morgan came down to fend them away making both Jinny and LDM to fall in the arms of Isla and Millie who hit stereo Germans to send them packing to the back.
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Sadly no explanation yet to why the House of Couture split up but it will at least be good to see both Nina and Charlie Morgan at least get some wrestling time in PROGRESS instead of mooching around on the ring apron watching Jinny.
Third match was a PROGRESS Atlas Title Open Challenge match with the Champion Trent Seven offering anyone in the back the opportunity to take him on in his first defence of his newly won belt when he defeated Doug Williams at Wembley Arena. The person to take this opportunity was none other than the MCW Heavyweight Champion - Gino " Mr. Juicy" Gambino. Gambino was on the upside of things early on as he hit a couple of running splashes in the corner to Trent, but all that running left Gino with no juice in the tank which led to Trent passing Gino an inhaler only for Gambino to spray this in Trent's eyes (a really good inventive spot).
This temporary blindness for Trent led to Gino being on top for the next couple of minutes but Trent managed to fight Gino off with knife edge chops and a DDT for the two count. At a vertical base Gino flattened Trent and followed up with a big splash to get a two count, as it looked like Trent's reign was in trouble Trent somehow managed to hit a massive suplex to Gino - Christ Almighty! The big spots didn't end there as Juicy hit a Piledriver for a 2 count but that only awoke Trent who managed of all things hit a Burning Hammer to the 330 pound monster from Australia to get the 3 count to retain the Atlas Title - Excellent big lads action that I didn't have much expectation for but this was a BIG thumbs up from me.
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Your first half Main Event was for the PROGRESS Tag Team titles with the first defence for Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) taking on the Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) and also the 17:35pm 198 bus service from Cardiff to London in the form of 'Flash Morgan Webster' and Bill Bailey doppelganger Wild Boar. Lots of green material on show here as the action got underway in the early feeling out process as the match built to a great crescendo with all three teams coming close on a number of occasions to winning the match. 
The Aussies hit a fidget spinner at one stage only to be dragged out of the ring by Gibson, but as teamwork was much needed in this match Gibson who had grabbed a stray chair he accidentally hit his own tag team partner James Drake to possibly plant the seeds for a break up which was hinted at on the USA tour a month or two ago. With the GYV's out of the way Webster was in the ring to hit headbutts to Aussie Open but this had no effect on them as Davis hit the 'Close Your Eyes and Count To Fuck' Piledriver of Doom and then Fletcher joined hit to hit the fidget spinner with Davis t0 end the 198's hopes of winning to end an all action tag match and end a really fun first half of action.
Back from the break we had Eddie Dennis interrupting an entrance by one of the people who pledged money to the Progress Documentary. Eddie who has some valid points, was unhappy at being left off the card despite beating Mark Andrews at Wembley and that he would cash in his No.1 contenders opportunity when he see fit. The crowd even though Eddie in hindsight is supposed to be a baddie, cheered a lot of what he was saying and in a way can you blame them, out of the current No.1 contenders I am certainly more intrigued to see how Eddie's story ends.
Talking of people from Eddie's past we came to a match between two wrestlers who both ended up on the losing side at Wembley Arena with the terrifying Paul Robinson taking on what seems perennial loser at the moment and in need of a freshen up Mark Andrews. In what was a rematch from Chapter 10 and the first Natural Progression Series, we got off to a great start in this match with both Andrews and Robbo hitting dives to the outside with the fans scrambling out of the way whenever Robbo was in the vicinity.
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Back in the ring Andrews hit a reverse rana to Robinson for a two count, but as Andrews went up top to hit the Shooting Star Press he was unfortunately straddled by Robinson on the top rope leaving Robinson to hit a Huaracarana sending Andrews crashing to the mat leaving him prone for a Curb stomp from Robinson who duly pinned Andrews in around 10 minutes to get the win. Onwards and upwards for Robinson for now, for Andrews it is back to the drawing board once again to figure out - Who the real Mark Andrews is??
Semi Main time with a No.1 contenders match to the PROGRESS title with the usual faces in these No.1 contenders matches taking part in the form of Jimmy Havoc and Mark Haskins who both gained big wins at the Wembley Arena show, joining them in this three way was #CCK himself - Chris Brookes who last had an opportunity at the big belt at the turn of the year coming close to beating then Champion Chris Brookes (I'm not counting the 3 minutes Walter no contest in Hamburg). On reflection this was a good match, but for me a downgrade from what had followed before it, Jimmy Havoc was on his way to victory that was until Drew Parker came from out of nowhere to attack Jimmy from behind to take him out of the running by dragging his lifeless body up the ramp and through the curtain. With the odds drastically reduced for the remaining two folks in the ring, it was Mark Haskins who was the one get the victory on Brookes as he locked in the Sharpshooter Submission before leaning back to tap out Brookes in 14 minutes.
After the match Haskins got on the mic to proclaim that after all of the setbacks he was back on top of his game once again to hopefully take the PROGRESS World Title in the future, but I have a bad feeling that if he came up against Walter he would end up on the short end of things but we shall see if that materialises.
With the clock striking 7 p.m it was now time for your Main Event with the unstoppable force of WALTER taking on Zack Sabre Jr with the latter coming out to the Idles tune 'Mother' which was welcome relief away from the Casio Keyboard music which is around once again. My god what can be said about this match - duelling chants from the crowd with a 50/50 split in terms of who people wanted to win here, we had chop battles where at times Zack was trying to wind up Walter by saying that the chops were not having that great an effect on his body - at one stages ZSJ gave Walter the middle fingers which would be a death wish for anyone else but this is Zack Sabre Jr. we are talking about here.
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Reversals galore by both men, as Zack tried to grab any stray body parts when Walter was on the floor or at a vertical base - Zack is just smooth as silk in this situation. At one stage though as the match reached fever pitch it looked like Walter was ready to tap to another deadly submission from the Technical Wizard but alas the Austrian managed to escape Zack's clutches when at coming up to 30 minutes in the contest Walter hit the 'Fire Thunder Driver' to Zack to end a breathless and enthralling contest to retain the PROGRESS World Title to send the Camden faithful excited at what they had just seen. In closing though on this match, in terms of PROGRESS matches of the year I would put this slightly above Bate vs Walter at Wembley so make sure you go and check this out once it hits the On Demand service in 5-7 Working Days *Terms and Conditions apply.
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Wrestling done, it was time to get back on my way to Rochdale getting back in the 'Dale for Midnight to end another long weekend of japes on my travels. So with that said, I hope you have enjoyed reading this review and as ever any comments and feedback are welcome! Until then I will bid you farewell - BYE!!
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Ro & Ali
Ro: …---… Ro: Mayday mayday Ali: This is AlleyCat, roger your mayday, position is our bedroom, how can I be of assistance? Ro: That was a very efficient response Ro: What would your ETA be for reaching the fantasy section of the library? Ali: Constant vigilance, Rosaline Ali: 15 minutes ish providing the hairy-footed hobbits aren't too thick a crowd to cut through Ali: What's the danger? Ro: Let me preface by saying that I could burn a forest of cedar and do not believe I'd be adequately protected Ro: Now that you're forewarned, I'll explain Ro: Kayne is here because his dear sister is having a party at which he is unwelcome Ro: As if her birthday wasn't already cause for lack of celebration enough, I can now not escape his attentions Ali: Yikes! Not to mention the environmental damage too, and if it's not gonna work, we're defs best to avoid Ali: Also the Librarian would probably think you were blazing up back there and using pages of an old Jilly Cooper as roaches and who wants to be tarred with the same brush as Donovan O'Reilly? Ali: Gross, skip the protection spells and the like and go straight for a swift kick in the balls Ali: How is it he's ALMOST as delusional as his sister? Not in this galaxy or one far, far away, honey, c'mon Ro: Precisely Ro: Not to mention of all days today I chose not to wear black and I don't need the ash blow back to ruin this outfit Ro: He's in no way worth that damage either Ro: Hm! I couldn't possibly do that, though I have pondered long and hard enough to suggest telling him that we'd (providing you and Carly would be willing to tag along, that is) crash the party, only to leave him there and make our escape Ro: Perhaps I'm being delusional myself to create a narrative whereby Laoise isn't hyper alert to our presence upon all occasions Ali: That's what it is, you've let your cover down and he's taken it as an invite! Ali: Though sure, you could probably wear a potato sack and he'd still be mooning Ali: Ha, that would be hilarious though! Rock up with a card and a bottle like, hey babes Ali: Least we could leg it, only a few doors to safety, after-all Ro: Oh Ali! I don't know what he sees in me and frankly do not wish to know Ro: What would be proper attire for a soiree at your nemesis' house? Ro: I'm certain she'd love to see me a potato sack even more so than her brother would, so I'll assume not that Ro: Exactly, why would she ever be hesitate to drink anything we offered or read anything we'd scribbled on a piece of paper which may or may not be a curse?! Ro: Very amusing. Unlike the conversational loop I am currently stuck in Ro: To use the term conversation very loosely, of course Ali: DUH, you're beautiful AND smart, not like other girls! Gag Ali: [Sends multiple options with are a lot of black silk, lace, fake fur and leather moments] Ali: Right? We're the perfect party guests Ali: Been ages since we tried anything dark sided, don't let the chic looks fool ya Ali: Oh Lord, what is he even? Last time I got stopped by him on my way to the post office he was prattling on about some online game and I should join and Ali: I'd feel bad for him but he's also intensely dislikeable and entitled with it all so Ro: Oh god, you're not actually considering putting my pretend party crashing into action, are you? Ro: I'm as tempted right now as I've ever been to dabble in dark arts, but that's solely for his benefit, and my own in ending this interaction, not hers Ro: He's offering to tutor me right now, which I neither need nor believe to be his real intentions in asking Ro: I know I'm not as scholarly as you, but that's why I'd turn to you if I needed assistance, not someone whose scores are not even on a par with my lesser subjects Ali: Of course I am Ali: She knows she misses us, you know I know that you need saving Ali: Win win on many different levels Ali: 😂 Nice try, bud Ali: How cliche, taking too many lessons from bad porn and worse romcoms himself, like Ro: Please no Ro: If you bring an invisibility cloak I may consider it, but otherwise Ro: As for Kayne, I almost miss the days he used to put slugs in my hair Ro: He had the excuse of childhood to blame his cliches on and we had some new pets into the bargain Ali: It all comes down to who you'd rather be fighting off, him or her Ali: Pets, or INGREDIENTS, eh, Leesh? Ro: I just snorted, so score one for appearing unattractive, thank you Ro: If I take off my glasses will that likely add or deduct a point? Ro: But to answer your query, the way I see it, Carly's owed a rematch so maybe we should go to the party Ro: Birthday beatings are a time honored tradition, no? Ali: Welcome, if he gives us room to pull of an anti-makeover I bet I can get that score in the minuses Ali: He's defs into the glasses vibe, makes him think he gives a shit about what's on the inside and your brain, as if you aren't the epitome of beauty still Ali: Ooh, true, true, many scores to settle, rights to wrong...I'll see if she's down or wants her own training montage to counteract yours Ali: Now you're sounding like a McKenna! Ro: But even if I switched to contacts, dyed my sister's hair and went shopping for an entirely new wardrobe, he'd still take my personality as an invitation Ro: As though I crafted any of this to appeal to him, or indeed to repel his sister Ro: Just trying not to lose my own voice here as he mansplains the plot of the novel I was faux browsing Ro: I may take a swing for him if this continues for much longer however, and thank Fearghal later for the lessons Ali: You mean its not him, him its all for him? Shocker Ali: You got two options way I see it (still on the peace path, your soul can thank ME later) Ali: Either outwit him and pick a book he so won't understand and show him up with your superior intellect, easy or hard mode, act infuriatingly dumb 'cos that would dead put him off his ideal of you Ali: like Shakespeare who? Is that the Leo movie? Ro: Both excellent suggestions Ro: And I could indeed wax lyrical about how gorgeous Leo was in that movie until the library closes so Ali: Honestly, proof of angels Ro: Thank you, yes! Ro: Not that it's needed, but if people insist upon being ignorant, there you are everyone Ro: He'd never talk down to me about Trolls and Orcs Ali: Seriously Ali: If our teachers ever got creative with the assignments, then I could too, dissertation READY on how this dirty world of ours has tainted him Ali: not quite fallen angel level of dark deeds but he's certainly aging into a Nicholson and not a Caravaggio Ro: If you keep discussing his visual decline I'll have no need for an escape route because I'll simply burst into loud and dramatic tears Ali: Oh God, don't Ali: He'll want to comfort you Ro: Oh Ro: I never thought of that and I hope the mental image never crosses my mind again Ali: Yeah, that's his shit, worst type Ali: as bad as the boys making you cry, that's right Kayne, I said it Ro: I don't understand why he likes me when you exist Ro: Surely you're his type, as you are the bad boys around here, as well Ro: Sorry Tess Ali: Nah, I'm not as nice as you Ali: thus not worthy of his lurve Ali: Devastated, of course Ro: You're nicer than me, as Carly can attest Ali: Only to those who deserve it Ali: He gotta know that Ro: He believes he is one of the chosen though Ali: As far as I know he's neither Jewish nor Harry Potter so Ali: not that those are MY parameters 😂 Ro: He's proud of not having read any of the Harry Potter books as far as I know Ro: And to think we could ever be together! No no Ali: 'Course he is Ali: HATING POPULAR THINGS ISN'T A PERSONALITY TRAIT, NOR IS IT INTERESTING OR ENDEARING TO PEOPLE Ali: Shouting so he can hopefully hear Ro: I would tell him but I'm so embarrassed by everything he's already spoken aloud that I can barely speak Ro: I have to get out of here Ali: Run baby run Ali: I can do a stellar Ma impression Ali: out of the realm you'd be in trouble but I can ring you with drama like Ali: FUCKING HELL, GET HOME NOW, ROCKY'S ON THE ROOF AND THE CHICKEN'S BURNING AND ALI IS NO HELP AT ALL AHH Ro: Please do Ro: I didn't expect to be asking for an invocation of your mother to get me out of trouble but I gladly shall Ro: And owe you one too Ro: I've been on and off my phone so he can't appear as if it'd be out of the blue Ro: Oh and now I'm rhyming... Ali: Find yourself in times of trouble, Mother Tessie comes to thee, speaking words of wisdom, let it be Ali: On it Ali: Scouse don't fail me now Ro: If you keep making me laugh this plan is going to fall apart Ro: If in doubt, speak angry Gaeilge, he doesn't so he'll never know what you're talking about Ali: Into it
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