#<- thats for ryn
unknownadvisor · 11 months
whcih one of ur ocs is the most likely to be like. in an action pose idk how to phrase this
assuming that you either mean which one im most likely to draw in an action pose, or if you were taking their photo who would be most dramatic... (they're practically synonymous)
this is going to be a long post, and probably include some of my oc's that are not up on artfight right now! for those folks I'll tack on a headshot piece. ( it will not include 7 or 8 of my ocs, who i will likely rank seperately later; this is because they're part of a webcomic im in the process of drawing still. after I publish the first chapter publicly, i will return to this. ;) )
Bastard he's dramatic, he's flamboyant, he has lived too long to care. he used to be human, and if he still was, he would have died centuries ago- if not because of old age, then because he's utterly stupid. he knows he's indestructible, so he sits in lava pools for fun. he lives for nothing but a good time. he would dive headfirst into lava to pose, or he'd do something dramatic with a sword or bow.
Lunelle she's also very dramatic! sort of like a cross between cosplayer instagram poses and like. i'm gonna kill you poses. she likes to take photos with her friends and show off her teeth, so she'd be smiling brightly. however, she is a hunter, so as far as action poses go, she could also be in the middle of killing something! so could bastard, but he more lives alone in the woods at this point
AR135 ...yes, he is where the name aries comes from,,, photo at bottom he is a criminal! if his coworkers were to take photos on the scene he's probably strangle them but it'd be really easy to get photos of him locked and loaded, covered in blood, or committing a felony. in his day to day life, he would probably pose really domestically though
Ryn getting into nonfancy territory; this one is not as in he would pose dramatically for a photo, but rather it would be spectacularly easy to get a photo of him fighting for his life or dying. for a normal photo, he would probably set down his clipboard and stand with his hands folded, asking "Is this pose okay? ... Alright, are you done now?" after a minute or so. check his source material! he dies often to 'melting love' if it means anything to you haha
Nala not an oc that's very primary for me; from roughly 4 years ago, so i dont remember everything as well as i should- whoops. her photo will be at the bottom! she lives in a mostly normal world with touches of magic, but she always lands on her feet ( wink wink) so she would likely jump a railing just for a cool photo.
Charlie (photo will be at the bottom!) a s:ctol oc from like 2 years ago. He's not one of my primary oc's and I don't draw him a lot, but he's worth noting here simply because he falls off of islands a lot and it would be terribly easy to catch that on camera.
Marmora marmora doesn't like having his photo taken, so the only reason her pose would be dramatic is because he would either freeze in whatever he was doing, or she would scramble to cover her face and get away. because of how tall he is, it's rather easy to get a photo unnoticed. unless you're trying to take a photo of her face.
Adlon (photo at bottom :] ) he's very stoic, so i imagine it wouldn't be easy to get a super nice or interesting photo. they actually are a lot like vega? star based "of another world" character, but ofc different source material and different history by a long shot. his whole thing is that he was exiled from his own world under suspicion of murder, and they now travels from world to world through doorways. he used to be a noble, so he's used to posing sitting cross legged, looking straight ahead, not interested at all. the only reason he's not at the very bottom is because if he was in the middle of casting a large ritual or even small magic it'd technically be an 'action pose'. he can cast forth 'shadows' of himself too that can help carry things or complete simple tasks, so that might make for something interesting. ive drawn him dancing with one and reminiscing before.. :)
Merlot another one who's not fond of photos, but would pose politely. he would not really ever be in an active pose though, unless maybe he was playing the lyre and really into it, but that's sort of it ... technically that is not all of them but some of the others are almost more minor,,, somehow all of my winged oc's got left out. i would have included one or two but i straight up do not remember their names, therefore theres no way they're major enough to wedge in here haha. all of the drawings for those who aren't on my af are also very old, so please excuse any poor anatomy or roughness! photos (in order of listed) vvv
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rynzii-419 · 6 months
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wake up babe new interest just dropped
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puwumats · 1 year
planerider ryn trapped in stone, yussa trapped in the happy time fun ball, essek trapped in his bad decisions... wizards really do be getting Trapped in Situations
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casinoomaneger · 1 month
happy mother's day sigma :D you're the most greatest mother I could ever meet in the span of my lifetime
for this I will not try to cause chaos and I made a little doodle of us in celebration
—anon ryn
"...Oh my- wh- thank you kiddo. I appreciate it, believe me. I really do. Also, feel free to show them any time. :)"
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world-machine-os · 25 days
their cities had a lot of people but... Last I checked they were all gone. Not a single one was left. They left the iterators to abandon the cycle of life and death
[The... cycle?]
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zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 5 months
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Drew this up as a tattoo idea for me. Been thinking about this one for a while and just finally got around to drawing it lol, probably because I've been thinking more about legend of zelda lately
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gorgynei · 1 year
that theory is so insane, but also like somehow boring? is so easy to disprove lol. like the werewolf-caleb or mind-vampire-laudna stuff was at least fun to think about
EXACTLY!!!! laerryn being ryn adds nothing (really it just LESSENS the impact of laerryns sacrifice). its not fun, its just a really dumb cameo that people want for.... some reason
idk what it is about the cr fandom but there is an obsession with characters from past campaigns coming back and showing up everywhere. sometimes they should stay dead or stay away
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ryn-halo26 · 2 years
Sleepy tired or tired with things — or both
Both. I get to leave soon tho. Drama class got cancelled so i have the rest of the day to myself.
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veneritia · 6 months
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The Imperial House of Aetier | the Drochonan Dynasty
“It’s a wonder that all of you imperial bastards lasted this long with how easily you try to tear each other to pieces.”
Tag list under the cut (ask to be +/-):
GENERAL → @charlesjosephwrites | @bearunicorn154 I @seasteading | @writting-in-blood | @trapped-inadystopianovel | @inky-duchess | @thats-my-type-writer | @serpentarii | @myhusbandsasemni | @aphaimaniis | @writinglyra | @belialwrites | @amoranza | @pseudepigraphic | @mel-writes-with-her-dragons | @uppoffringar | @fantasydisease | @sourrcandy
WCTD → @zmlorenz | @andiwriteunderthemoon | @ryns-ramblings | @marchdove | @cielnocturnes | @wren-is-writing | @lord-fallen | @tragicbackstoryenjoyer | @bloomingwrites | @marrowwife
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rynzii-419 · 2 months
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omg i forgot to show you guys
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Planerider Ryn: "Well, Bell's Hells. Let's make things weird."
Laudna, while Bell's Hells fade into a other plane: "Damn it. She's got a catch phrase. I want a catch phrase."
Imogen: "You kind of do! 'I'm fun scary!'"
Laudna: "Oh thats truee! :D"
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jadequarze · 1 year
The fact that Matt, himself, talking through Ryn, has explicitly told them (BH) and the audiences, that this campaign will take a dark turn. He's not pulling punches, beloved NPCs and even the PCs will not live. This campaign is a one big soup, made with bits and pieces from other campaigns that leads to this big piece.
A fucking God Hunter, who have consumed 2 gods. Otohan who despise (losely use) the Duskmaven for who knows what. Maybe this is her way to take her revenge on the matron (and possibly the whole gods), by releasing this hunter. Also, Exaltant (thats a dope ass fucking title if I ever hear one)
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kimetsu-chan · 5 months
@ryn-loves-cheese @ryn-loves-cheese @ryn-loves-cheese @ryn-loves-cheese @ryn-loves-cheese @ryn-loves-cheese @ryn-loves-cheese— ok I’ll stop
so, I noticed your oc wasn’t in the drawings list, and I thought I included them (I’m so sorry about that, I don’t mean to make you feel left out at all or anything) so I was wondering… would you like Ryn to be Monokuma? Yuna’s gonna be Usami/Monomi and I can draw them together 🤩
if yesss, we have the standard questions. Do you have any outfits you think would look good on them(Ryn)?? I was thinking like suit shirt and suit pants bc that seems to make sense, but I wanted to ask you
also if yes, could I please have a ref of Ryn—?
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hazelxryn · 10 days
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[ Katy O'Brian, CisFemale, She/They ] — whoa! HAZEL RYN just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 2 years, working as a CLUB BOUNCER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 33 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit STERN and HOT HEADED , but i know them to be KIND and STRONG. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
Hazel is extremely strong and tall woman. She spends a lot of her time weightlifting and working out, making herself even stronger every day. She finds that exercise keeps her sane and that it gives her a focus in what she could deem a chaotic life.
Hazel comes from a very poor background and has grown up on the streets and with her size and strength she often does backstreet fighting for a quick buck. Something which has landed her in trouble in the past.
Needing money and a job that would show off her strength, she became a bouncer for a local dive bar. She loves the environment and it makes her feel like she has a purpose in her otherwise lost sense of self.
Hazel has numerous exes in her life, never being able to find one that stayed. Yet she has an absolute heart of gold and if the right person can get to know her, she will offer it completely.
Hazel sometimes does bodyguard work for those that request it, being a great guard to those that need her.
Hazel has no idea what happened to her family, her mother having left her at a young age, leaving her with her father who was more bothered about his own work than raising a daughter. Wanted: Exes/ or the one that got away: Hazel has always had exes but I'd love one thats become a best friend for her. Maybe something can happen, who knows? A protectee: Perhaps a wealthy CEO or woman who is a bit worried about things so hires Hazel for her bodyguard services, the two could get closer. ~ More to be added!
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zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 2 months
I know im a couple weeks behind on the temperature squares, but ill be working on them probably starting tomorrow
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