#<- totally unbiased statement
janayuga · 5 months
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Berserk PureCacao scribbles
Going Berserk makes Cacao
- A) very eepy
- B) naked for some reason, lol
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widogastc · 2 years
which piercing do you think is the hottest & why is it snake bites?
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i've seen a lot of people angry that we're all getting our information from places like this blog or the google doc and we shouldn't just trust random sources of information. and i agree! we shouldn't! but we also literally have no other option, and the information here is being presented in a way that is generally unbiased and is there just to make sure everyone can make their own conclusions. it's not this blog's fault the conclusions people are making might be way off the mark or incredibly bullshit.
if you want us to get our information from a "trustworthy source", show us the trustworthy source. i'd love to see it, genuinely
takaia: stop getting your information from the drama blogs and google docs also takaia: [total lack of proper transparency and an actual statement]
like if you want the people to be informed then idk, inform them? lol with full transparency
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mackio-o · 2 years
The AOT characters and their MBTI types:
Warnings: none really except for swearing and major spoilers on season 2 and 4 for the show
Eren: ESFP
(extroverted • sensing • feeling • perceiving)
Some may disagree but I feel like eren could be both introverted and extroverted honestly. However I believe his true true self is in fact and ESFP especially in a modern universe. And the rest goes unsaid. He’s definitely more of an observer than he is intuitive he has a thick skull and he’d have to really pay attention to something to understand what’s going on. His emotions lead him more than anything and I mean its pretty self explanatory he committed mass genocide just to protect his friends.
Armin: INFJ
(Introverted • intuitive • feeling • judging)
I say this with my chest. Mans is an INFJ. Introverted as fuck. Intuitive as fuck smartass. Feeling as fuck sensitive mf. And very outspoken. There see. I’m right.
Mikasa: ISTJ
(Introverted • sensing • thinking • judging)
I really don’t wanna have to explain myself this is very self explanatory.
Levi: INTJ
(Introverted • intuitive • thinking • judging)
Fight me. Everybody argues that Levi is an ISTP bitch where. Literally where. This mf is intuitive as fuck he can smell bullshit a mile away. This man would sense ur bullshit right away and call you out on it infront of everyone. Intuitive judger. Don’t fuck with him he’s scary. Have you seen his bitch face ??? Also the classic INTJ cold exterior warm interior signature is here which only makes my point ten times more accurate 🙄🙄
Hanji: ENTP
(extroverted • intuitive • thinking • perceiving)
God this is so so so so so self explanatory and clear. I’ll just say this you know who else is an enfp? Gojo and Ryuk. That’s literally all I have to say.
Erwin: ENTJ
(extroverted • intuitive • thinking • judging)
Scary politician man. Ten steps ahead. Kind of toxic and really annoyingly persuasive, you can’t even argue with these mfs it’s so hard to articulate a good counter argument literally the best comeback you could come up with is “ur mom”.
“…Therefore I hereby sentence you to 10 years in prison, do you have any final statements?”
“uh ur mom”
“…make it 20 smh”
Jean: ISFJ
(Introverted • sensing • feeling • judging)
I really really can’t explain this it just makes sense to me. He could possibly be an estp???? I mean he’s a player and he’s full of himself sorry for using stereotypes it just makes sense to me that he’s an ISFJ but I could be persuaded otherwise.
Sasha: ENFP
(extroverted • intuitive • feeling • perceiving)
Ah the best personality type 😌 totally unbiased. This is very very very clear and self explanatory so cute and pure and sassy. Sunshine.
Connie: ENFP
(extroverted • intuitive • feeling • perceiving)
It might be cliché that I put Sasha and Connie as the same type. But it is completely accurate and true and you can take it up with Isayama for making them soulmates and completely perfect twins. I miss them
Historia: ENFJ
(extroverted • intuitive • feeling • judging)
the classic angel, swan, dreamy, piscean vibes that goes with enfj. She’s a classic classic enfj and it’s so pretty and cute and just very fitting (can u tell I like enfj??) #enfjenvy
Ymir: ISTP
(Introverted • sensing • thinking • perceiving)
I know I know. I’m a genius 😌 this is so accurate it’s not even funny just to show u how much this is true here are some ISTP characters; Say-beok from squid game, Rue Bennet from Euphoria, Toph from avatar, Ash from banana fish, Dabi from mha and fucking Eminem bro. I’m a fucking genius. Thank you and goodnight.
Reiner: ESFJ
(extroverted • sensing • feeling • judging)
I really really can’t explain this I just know it in my heart to be true. Do ur own research abt them if u don’t believe me 🙄🙄
Annie: INTP
(Introverted • intuitive • thinking • perceiving)
This is completely an opinion I haven’t really analyzed her character that well but I genuinely believe she’s an intp. It’s just so fitting for her character and I doubt she would’ve gotten away with being the female titan and hiding it so well if she wasn’t intuitive. Also it’s very in character of an intp to isolate themselves when they don’t want to get attached to the people around them.
Anyway that’s all I’m gonna do for today if you have requests for any more characters leave an ask or something. Same goes for requests. I hope you enjoyed me ranting abt mbti lol byeyyeyeyeyeye <33
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loverboy-havocboy · 7 days
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Of course I knew ;) I'm secrectly in your mind, Havoc~
qehqieqh But seriously, I had no clue bar what you've told us of her in that headcanon ask I had sent you about a while ago. The more I learn of her, the more I love her. <- totally an unbiased comment and definitely has nothing to do with the fact I love Tup already.
absolutely obviously the least biased statement!!
hdfbhd but no i GASPED when i saw that (thank u shevek for putting it in the discord chat). even if it didn't remind me of My Babygirl, it'd still be BEAUTIFUL. i'm so glad you decided to share it!!
link to the beautiful perfect tup art for everyone to behold
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trainsinanime · 1 year
I've said it diplomatically twice now, but I think I need to be absolutely clear here:
Stop making stupid posts that make me want to defend Tumblr's Core Product Strategy!
I don't want to defend that document! I am worried about large parts of it! But so much of the replies are just so badly informed, badly argued that it makes me embarrassed. Here's some recent examples of fallacies that make me want to tear my hair out:
This poll proves that users like the way things are now! Ah yes, a Tumblr poll, the most unbiased of sources, of course. With 136k replies! That's definitely meaningful on a website with several hundred million monthly active users, right? [The sources I've found differ wildly] Self-selection bias? Never heard of it.
I definitely know how Tumblr's algorithm works and it's physically impossible for an algorithm to help small creators! Come on, guys. If you're concerned about an algorithm only boosting established creators, yes, so am I. But if you're saying "that's certain", Tumblr will just say "well ours won't" and ignore it.
Tumblr is totally easy to use, staff just refuses to explain it properly or do the very easy things required to fix what is broken. Don't be silly. Tumblr is full of weird cruft. Every day you see people who don't know the difference between sending an ask, submitting a post or sending a direct message. We got both reblogs and replies, and both suck for longer multi-party discussions. Tumblr still asks you for a post type despite that not being necessary anymore. And then there are all the ways in which people use tags, and expect others to use tags. Tumblr takes some getting used to, we just don't see it because we've all gotten used to it. And don't give me any "just add a tutorial" shit. Design is how it works. Websites shouldn't need tutorials, and users won't read tutorials, and won't remember tutorials once they reach a point where they need them.
I must once again stress that Tumblr asserts that there are a large number of people on this site who aren't having a good time because they can't find interesting blogs to follow and nobody is finding the stuff that they post. That's a statement that you have to deal with in your response. Going, "my Tumblr poll, held among people who use Tumblr a lot and are happy here, proves that everybody likes Tumblr as it is" is not a valid response. It's just silly. The "pissing on the poor" reading comprehension thing is supposed to be an insult, not a goal to strive towards.
Read the posts by staff again until you understand what they're actually saying (they even clarified that the chronological timeline will remain, by the way). And once you've done that, get mad at them because they're saying, "we want to be more annoying for users who aren't logged in". That's one of the parts that I'm the most annoyed about.
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exclamaquest · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on why radical inclusionism is harmful and/or do u have any resources on the subject? im interested in learning more about the pov
sorry for this taking so long! school has been taking a lot out of me. thank you for your patience! i've put my full response under a cut as to not clog dashes.
first off, i want to very clearly establish that i am not in any way talking about inclusion itself as a concept. being against radical inclusionism does not mean i'm for exclusionism as a blanket statement--again, i'm not against inclusionism itself, i'm against the very specific radinclus movement.
honestly, I totally understand why radinclus people think the way they do. it's a very easy rabbit hole to go down, and on a surface level, the concept of "including all good-faith identities" sounds fantastic. the problem comes when you look into what a lot of that really means.
defining it as "good-faith identities" means that if someone says they are identifying as something in good faith, you have no right to criticize them. i've seen it play out more than a few times--take people who are transabled or transrace, or identities that are inherently bigoted ("afab trans woman", for example). the very basic premise of radical inclusionism removes the suggestion of critical thought ("who is affected by this? is there harm coming from someone saying this?") and makes a person's inclusion in the community hinge on accepting everything told to them at face value.
this is not coming out of nowhere. i'm not going to block evade to get a few examples i'd like to because i'm not an asshole but the gist of it is "what right do we have to dictate anyone else's experience, just trust what people say they are". again, on the surface this sounds fine, but if you look a little deeper into some of the things that people who say this support, it becomes evident that there's a nasty correlation going on.
most evidently, it leaks into ableism. the venn diagram between radical inclusionists and people who treat mental illness like a fun game (aka endos, which is a whole other thing i'm not going to get into rn, and """transabled""" people*) is pretty much a circle, and it all connects (from what i've seen) to the single biggest problem with radinclusionism: it actively discourages critical thought. like i said above, radical inclusionism punishes those who dare to be "exclusionists" (criticize any part of any "good faith identity") with ostracization from their peers.
it also discourages looking at actual queer history or talking to people with experience to make your decisions. instead of asking for unbiased sources and talking to those around you, radical inclusionism shoves the idea of criticizing "good faith identities" being evil down your throat. if you ask for hard medical scientific sources when someone claims that they're a system without trauma so that you can review the evidence and make your own independent decision, you're discounting people's lived experiences. same goes for if you talk to someone affected outside of the group and ask how they feel about mspec lesbians or afab trans women and learn their opinion and then go back to the group and ask them to account for or respond to it.
they push the narrative that you're not using your resources and learning about science and history and figuring out your own stances through critical thought, you're perpetrating an exclusionist mindset and discounting "good faith identities".
not that you'd be able to see opinions outside the group's--it's a very, very tight echo chamber, with almost no chance of a dissuading opinion getting through in a way that isn't in the tone of a "get a load of this guy cam". who would want to interact with a nasty exclusionist, after all?
instead, i propose informed inclusionism. inclusionism that encourages critical thinking and discussion. inclusionism that advocates for talking to those around you as well as looking at historical and scientific sources as appropriate to make decisions. inclusionism that lets you take stock of the harm that some so-called "good faith identities" can cause, and that discourages you from turning a blind eye in the name of inclusionism when someone says how they are affected by said identities.
in order to become truly tolerant, you must be intolerant of intolerance. and, most importantly, you must know how to spot intolerance when it is disguised as tolerance. this requires critical thought that radinclus philosophy not only goes against, but actively punishes.
i hope this has helped you understand where i'm coming from better! again, thank you for your patience, this took a while to type out and edit and i've been very busy lately. if you have any questions, feel free to ask! i'll get to them as soon as i can.
note: this really doesn't seem to be an issue that a lot of people are talking about, which is interesting, and a reason there aren't more resources on this. i searched and searched, but couldn't really find much if anything that expressed this viewpoint. i honestly would have thought that there'd be more of a pushback against radinclus philosophy especially with how much tumblr tends to emphasize the need for critical thought, but i guess not. hopefully this can help create a space for dialogue + discussion in an area that sorely needs it! ^^ *i'm fully aware that biid is in and of itself a disability. someone being disabled in one form does not stop them from being ableist to those with another disability. if someone with biid identifies as transabled to being an amputee, that is ableist towards amputees. you cannot identify into a disability.
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under-the-ladder · 1 year
TBSE 2023
Hey, so I wanted to gather all the possible inconsistencies and things that look sketchy about this year's TBSE. Mainly for my own future reference and if someone else finds this useful I'll be forever happy <;3 totally not because I'm sick to death of waiting for tvp to finally stop ignoring us & pretending everything is ok
It's not intended to be an unbiased compilation because as a human being I'm biased (IBDP TOK ✌️) and I do hold an opinion that something was inherently wrong with this show. Proceed at your own risk.
The voting system changed 4 days before the final. In the previous system televotes would be calculated proportionally, in the eventual system they were converted to usual ESC scores (12, 10, 8, etc.) and assigned according to ranking. That allowed Jann (who allegedly got 18k votes) to get 12 points and Blanka (who allegedly got 6k votes) to get 10 points. The ratio is obviously different in those cases.
80% of participants were previously somehow affiliated with tvp. Five of them performed at a tvp-organized New Year's Eve concert, another one won tvp-organized The Voice of Poland, the rest were performing in their other shows on various occasions. The only "outsiders" were Ahlena and Jann.
The juries are also affiliated with tvp. All of them work for/had contact with government media in some way or another. No independent experts. Also, Edyta Górniak (a jury member)'s son was waiting in the greenroom with Blanka. When asked, they claimed Blanka joined him because there was no more free space anywhere else. (Really, didn't they have proper seats for the participants...? 😑).
One of the juries, Agustin Egurrola was Blanka's choreographer and his dancers were performing with her.
Similar lack of transparency occurred with TBSE 2022, but the public's favorite won so there was no national-scale drama. However, a small group of journalists asked for the reveal of votes afterwards. Surprise surprise, no response from tvp.
The time that the article with the results was published was 15:33, while the show was starting at 17:30. Tvp claimed it was a draft. Ok, this is the most believable of their excuses so far, not that I like it.
The event's official statute was breached. The televote ranking was published a day too late, only after the pressure from the public.
Edyta Górniak's vague comments after the show - she was basically contradicting herself and the chronology of the show when talking about the voting procedures, at some point even suggesting she received the final points from the production via an earphone - a moment particularly vulnerable to manipulation.
"Irregular voting patterns" were detected in Polish jury voting already at ESC 2022 grand final. They were replaced with aggregated votes, of course tvp denied everything.
Tvp is generally known in Poland as a government-controlled hate-spitting propaganda machine. The station president has been nominated to the post by the governing party and uses the platform to shit on women, LGBT community and the EU.
And the cherry on top: the lack of response from the broadcaster after joint statements and an official letter from all major Polish Eurovision media.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🙃
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buckieduckie · 2 years
why i thought michael wheeler was gay before i even knew what stranger things was about - why i decided to watch ST in the first place
ok ok ok so yes i know this sounds crazy and insane and impossoble even. i mean you have to watch a show to know if the characters are gay, right? wrong.
But how'd you even know who mike was before you watched ST?
becauuuseee honeyyyy, ur a kid on the internet, you watch videos on youtube, lots of those will unfortunately be top 10 videos cause ur like 10 or 11 or sum shit. anyways, you see clips from popular shows and medias. some of those are stranger things clips and you get half way familiar with the characters so you know who millie bobby brown is and you know what mikes face looks like.
anyways, this brings me to my next... statement? point? anyways... so yeah, i cant remember what video i was watching or anything, but a clip from stranger things comes up. i knew it was ST cause it was popular and shit n duhhhh. ANYWAYS the clip was El Dumping Mike's Ass ™ and, i cant remember if it was the clip saying it or my own gaydar going off, but i think it was my gaydar, BUT i imeditately clocked mike as gay. i was what.... 6th grade? maybe? at the most.
anyways, i watched mike getting dumped and somehow, someway, i just knew. i just imediately knew. and yknow... part of me thinks it was just the fact that back then because i hadnt watched the show, i was comepletely utterly totally unbiased. like my slate was clean. i knew nothing of anything besides that clip. maybe it is more obvious than we think....
after that i just kinda forgot about it for a couple years untilllll....
OK so then... On to my next point of disgussion.
Why did I start watching Stranger Things?
OK OK OK OK OK SO- okkayy saurrrrrrrrr basically, i have a friend. her name is tina. (thats her nickname ok dw im not like leaking personal info chill) anyways. she sat with me in art last year, and i knew from sitting with her that year and knowing her in the previous years that she was a really big fan of stranger things. sooooooo yeah i sat with her in art and i guess she knew that i hadnt watched stranger things, so like... she realllllyyyyyy wanted me to watch stranger things she was like "omg you should totally watch stranger things youd like it so much theyre coming out with a new season this summer im so excited" so i was like omggggg but yk shes always trying to make me watch shit n ykyk, whatever.
one day she convinces me or- wait no i think she forced me, and i kinda like- caved or smt. anyways, we end up watching the first episode on her phone during art class. lmao slay. so we finish the first episode and im thinking it was really good like wow but my ass probably wont watch the second episode cause im terrible at getting commited like wow
and ok- so herereeeee, here comes the kicker- the slingshot into ST. like why i actually like continued to watch.
i was still in my h<3rt stopper (censoring cause it would be annoying if this was in their tag) hyperfixation, or more like i was just getting out of my HS hyperfixation. I watched the series 3 times so i was getting a bit burnt out, so i needed something else to fan over, something else to watch. but not anything, it had to be gay. because lord KNOWS we do NOT have enough gay shit to watch. like i need it. and- im sorry- but not crappy indie films (disclaimer- indie films are NOT all crappy, theres just... some .... iykyk💀) or weird.... weird ones that make no sense and are just there for like... sex and honestly i have no fucking clue.
no i needed GAYURIJRH anyways,,,,, so i dm Tina and im like "omg tinaaaa helllpp meeee 👹 i need gay stuff to watch theres no good ones 😭" and so she gives me a list of shows with gay characters in them, and then shes like "Will from Stranger Things is gay lmao" (pre season 4 btw) so im like, in my mind, im like "Cool 😃 Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things is gay 😃" no duckiebuckie she said will- "Mike Wheelr is gay 😃" *queue past memories and preconceived notions of the past now flodding forward*
so. i waited a couple days. then i watched the first episode again this time with my little brother and like the rest of season 1 (not all at once) and i, fully, utterly, comepletely, totally, full heartedly believed that Mike was gay (i mean he is but thats not the point right now) like- i just, believed it. i just simply took it as fact. literally no one ever actually told me Mike was gay. i had just like, thought it was canon. like i actually thought it was canon. like genuinley. its so fucking funny thinking about it now because i really actually dont think i ever saw anyone or anything actually stating Mike was gay or anything, like my own seld really had made it canon. like wow. icon. again, it couldve been that one video, but i kinda like also dont. YKWWWW- I LIKE- ok so i even went to the point of like, during or after watching the first episode, imagining a little coming out scenario LATER THAT SEASON with mike telling Dustin and Lucase (cant remember if- WAIT OH MY GODDDD I JUST REMEMBERED- WILL WASNT IN THE SENARIO I WAS IMAGINING BECAUSE MIKE WAS COMING OUT TO LUCAS AND DUSTIN AS GAY AND HE LIKED WILL- YALL I REALLY HAVE BEEN A BYLER SHIPPER SINCE THE BEGINNING HUH 🥹🥹 (btw i would like to mention that this was less of a head canon and more of a "oh this is probably gonna happen like this is whats happening" kinda thing LMFAOOOOOO
and then mike kissed el and i was like what the fuck 😟
and then from the end of season 1-4 v1 and v2 i was... convinced of the opposite 😔 💔 but HEY YOU CANT BLAME ME I WAS LIKE GA BACK THEN AND LIKE MIKE AND EL KISSED N SHIT WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO THINK
and then the byler heart to hearts started happening and i was like- oh wait- oh honey, mikey dear your gay is showing right now. LIKE I WAS A GA WHO THOUGHT MIKE WAS STRAIGHT AND I COULD STILLLL SEEEE THE FRUITINESS LIKE HONEEYYYYYYYYYYYY FRIENDS DONT TALK TO FRIENDS LIKE THAT but i digress.
anyways. then mike said i love you blah blah blah yk like yeah hes straight but i wasnt even really thinking about the subject that much
ANYWAYS what convinced me once again that mike wheeler was gay?
well, mainly @kaypeace21 's analysis about why they think mike is not Bi, but gay, yk, the iconic one. but what started inspection in the first place when i was a steadfast "wills 100% gay but unfortunately mike is 100% straight and its unrequited and i dont ship byler because its just a lil funky and weird because mike is OBVIOUSLY straight blah blah blah i mean its cute but its dEFINITELY not real blah blah" believer? because.... of ONE fateful tiktok.
Enter Tina again. were at her house, and we decide to watch stranger things tiktok compilations and crack videos n stuff cause yk that stuff is really funny and great.
So we see this one tiktok compilation and its stranger thins ofc and the title says (very gay) and shes like, ya wanna watch this one? and im like (my ass had already seen this same complilation, but i remembered the greatness that it held) so i agree.
so previously, i had watched the video and just kinda ignored the byler stuff cause i didnt ship (although i would like to make a disclaimer that i was not a mileven shipper either. i kinda just thought they were like cute and yk oh theyre the main couple cool ig it is what it is like this is how its gonna be ig) anyways, but this time (i think we had like briefly discussed mikes sexuality earlier, and decided he was prolly definitely just straight (but discussing it in the first place is like, kinda telling lmfao)) so it was on my mind. so this time, when the byler vid came on, i payed more attention. it was a rink o mania edit. and i saw his facial expression. i saw that fucking facial expression.
so me and Tina™ paused the video, and we were like "ok... so like, I think Mike is straight... but like that facial expression he just made. but like hes definitely straight right? yeah... but that expressionnnnnnn.... but like yeah, right? yeah.. anyways...." and then we watched the rest of the video.
and then pinterest came in and it was one piece of evidence after another and then the Kaypeace post.
the rest is history.
My Point?
The whole reason I started watching Stranger Things in the first place was because I thought Mike was gay. If Mike Wheeler is not gay, I will have watched Stranger Things for nothing. yes, i stayed and kept watching even after m*l*v*n was established because stranger things is just so good, how could you not? but my point still stands. The whole reason for me even deciding to keep watching after the first episode was because i thought mike was gay. and it seems that we've come full circle now, because once again, i believe mike wheeler is gay and my enjoyment (and ST) depends on Mike being gay.
tagging @aemiron-main because like idk i feel like you would find this interesting? amusing? maybe? lol
tagging @l0v3c0r3e @adorewillbyers cause i feel like yall would get it 🥺 also i need someone to read this shit because i did not just spend an hour and a half writing this for like 0 notes like no maaaaaaaaaaam
@the-homosphere cause they dared me to
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Terra Week 2023 - Day 7 Package
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Pieces: 1. Reflection from Terra 2. Drawing of Terra, Aqua and Ventus (as per Terra’s request) 3. An encore that Terra doesn’t see coming – Song Dedication
To be acknowledged/shared: TUE 28 MAR or WED 29 MAR
Requires mod/re-share on Twitter (written pieces)?: No – published via Twitlonger
Firstly, here is the drawing done of the reunion in KH3. I thought this scene captured the Wayfinder trio the best, and their raw emotions, especially Terra’s:
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I must say, Terra Week really pushed me to improve my drawing and do things I’ve never done before.
Here is the conversation I had with Terra for Day 7. Ideas were still a mix-up when we had this chat, so it sorta goes all over the place but works out in the end. Terra also decides to give some of his own closing statements:
Terra: “Hey, what’s going on? I heard there’s been some trouble with me?”.
Me: “Yeah… This energy has been seemingly messing with you lately and trying to derail me from my Terra-Week work”.
Terra: “Oh! Oh.. Awe. Would you like to tell me more about it?”.
Me: “I don’t think we need to regail the Terra-Week audience with that”.
Terra: “Alright; we’ll save that for another conversation then. But you said you’re stuck right?”.
Me: “I was stuck, and have been for days; but then I jammed all these fines up my subconscious this morning, and I think it finally got the message… Again”.
Terra: “Oh; hahahahahaha!… Gotta pay per disruption. So. What did you want to pick my brain about this time?”.
Me: “Well, firstly; two benefits to when you speak. One; it’s a suitable way of showing our connection”.
Terra: “Mmm”.
Me: “And two; we get to hear from the man himself. I think that one time you spoke about being a Wayfinder and Caretaker, they enjoyed it last year. So I figured we had to give more this year; although I didn’t anticipate so many sensitive prompts for you this time; so once again, sorry about that”.
Terra: “It’s alright. I did I say I was gonna help you. Does this one need a hanky [handkerchief]?”.
Me: “It depends on how you answer it. Since I didn’t know what to do about ‘Hero’, I’ve decided to go with last year’s Day 7 prompt which is ‘Self-Reflection’. So I was just wondering if you could pretty much reflect on yourself”.
Terra: “I think I get where you’re coming from, but that’s a bit of a vague ask. Can I have more details?”.
Me: “If you could just simply talk about your Kingdom Hearts life, any of it. Re-tell some stories from your own perspective, or look back on some of your actions and state if you would do them the same or differently this time around”.
Terra: “Ah, alright. Well as you know yourself, I would have done a lot of things differently, especially if you remember what I said for your Day 3 thing. In terms of how I went, not only did I fail my Mark of Mastery exam, but I screwed up everything else after that. I’d rate that experience with a big fat doughnut, only I got my friends back in the end, so I guess it’s not entirely that bad”.
Me: “Connections are important to you, aren’t they?”.
Terra: “Totally. And that’s the reason I made it to the other side. Like I said; amongst all the anger, despair and trickery, Aqua and Ven served as a reminder for hope, and were my reasons to not completely give in”.
Me: “That’s where the Lingering Will came from”.
Terra: “That’s right. The entity that would keep fighting on even when my heart and body could not. And the Lingering Will also wears a cape… You said you didn’t know what to address for a hero?”.
Me: “Well; not all heroes wear capes, Terra. But I get the visual tie-in”.
Terra: “Well I’ll ask you a question then. Do you think I’m a hero?”.
Me: “In some ways I guess you are, being unbiased here of course. You did come in when Ventus was about to be exterminated by Eraqus, so you spared Ventus in that sense. And then in your comeback, as the ‘guardian’, you swooped in and broke the chains that were about to end the lives of Aqua and Ventus, as well as Sora. And then only after Sora proved himself worthy enough to you [KH2.5 Secret Boss], you sacrificed yourself when then Terranort guy wanted to blast Sora. With the ‘rule of three’ in mind, I did manage to list three things, which confirm you’re a hero, sooo… Yeah”.
Terra: “Mmhmm”.
Me: “Wait a minute… You just led me to addressing the prompt I thought I didn’t know how to address”.
Terra: “That’s me doing my job as your dream guide [one of three]. But aren’t you forgetting something big about the word ‘Hero’?”.
Me: “What do you mean?”.
Terra: “”Well, there’s someone in Olympus Coliseum that I met with. We had a match or two, although one was a bit off”.
Me: “Zack”.
Terra: “Yeah. So only if you have enough time left, you could draw me with Zack”.
Me: “It sucks that I still can’t do custom posing though”.
Terra: “It’s alright. All your other drawings have been fantastic so far. Hey; I’ve got one request if you’re okay with it. For the last day, could you please also draw me with Aqua and Ven? I understand that it’s supposed to be ‘Terra-Week’. But it doesn’t feel right not recognising the hearts of those who led me back here”.
Me: “In the case, I’ll prioritise that one over the Zack drawing”.
Terra: “And I’ve also got another idea for Day 4”.
Me: “Okay Terra; but aren’t we doing a bit much discussing our itinerary out in the open?”.
Terra: “It’s the last day. I’m sure the Terra-Week team would be interested to see how you did your work. So I was thinking about that 2022 prompt of New Friends and Hangouts. Your household and reality are basically my new friends. So why don’t you draw yourself and I, and a bunch of those teddies doing something together? I’m sure that’ll be appropriate, and we can add some Kingdom Hearts flare to it to make it more-so. And hey, if you’re wondering what happened to me, I’m making up for when I seemed to be missing earlier in the week”.
Me: “Hey Terra, we’ve hit three pages [in the writing book]. Would you happen to have any final comments for Terra-Week as this will be posted on Day 7?”.
Terra: “Hmm, let’s see. Well… I know Terra-Week is supposed to be all about me, but then there are people that make it happen, like you. So I want those guys to know that I’m giving you a massive shout-out. What I find fun, but also a bit confusing, is that there are other versions of me? So I guess I’d be fascinated to see how other people choose to interact with me; or if they just make pieces about me. Like I wanna see what I’m doing in all their works. I must say that despite some difficult prompts, you’ve been very kind to me, and again, I’m sorry about any trouble I put you through. Like at least in your reality, I’m not too angry; crying all the time; wanting nothing but violence *chuckles*. But like I said, each person has something special to bring to the table; and I know everyone doing this project loves me in their own way… So thank you. And if there’s another Terra-Week next year, I’ll definitely be back. To the ‘mods’ though, could you not give such painful prompts next year that I have to bite my tongue while trying to help Karla?”.
Me: “Sorry Terra; that’s a ‘no-can-do, or more than half your cannon character would be gone lol. But I’d like to make a special admission before we close. To this day, I still sometimes want to wring the life out of Aqua and/or Eraqus for their occasional insensitivity which planted seeds for my dream guide’s ‘ruin’. However, Terra is always begging for me to let it go, and sometimes I perceive an energy where he gets hurt from my rants. That’s how much he cares about everyone and has a really good heart. This person had mountains of integrity, which is why in my reality, I’m trying to show him what he can become with his highest potential and minimal obstacles or doubts”.
Terra: “Mmm. Thanks to you, and the green guys too; the tots that come after me when I’m not feeling good. I’m also blessed to have Riku as a dream guide partner; so he and I get to strengthen our bond, and no matter what happens to the others, Riku and I have been guaranteed to experience this new reality together. Oh! And I can’t leave without quickly mentioning Karla’s mom. Once she found out about me… I’m the only dream guide in the house that’s loved by more than just one person, which makes it a house I never want to leave. Her mom’s said heaps of times that she feels bad for me. Alright, I think that’ll do it for Terra-Week this year. As the star, I’ve gotta be the one to finish it”.
I could talk about the last minute song dedication all day lol. When you go to the YouTube link, be sure to read the description if you want the info and reasons behind it, rather me me filling up this space so much. I will reveal though, that I wrote the song 😮.
Here is the link to the surprise Day 7 piece:
I declare this the end of Terra Week 2023 from my end. To help the mod out, you can work with the above resources if you wish to construct a comment.
The reason I ended TW above is because I have also written a Behind The Scenes reflection on how I felt going through the production process, and then some of the other KH ppl also added their insights.
Therefore, I am not obliging the wider audience to be bored by this. Please only go to the G. Drive link if you have time and are interested in everything I went through to deliver the show: WARNING: Heavy Reading.
Thank you!
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atangledfate · 2 years
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🔥 "Give me your worst, Beetle Wife."
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Nervous Beetle sounds!
" Well... She's Tall and a Dreamy Pirate Captain, and has all that fluff to snuggle into... "
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" hmm but is she hot... that's a tough one... obviously i love her and i'll always be biased. But if i were to make a totally unbiased statement based on her physical attractiveness qualities... well..."
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" Of course she is... the most beatiful of bird wife to be i could ever ask for... so of course she's Hot! "
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akshitaspeaking · 2 years
Seeing comes before words.
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Ways of Seeing - John Berger
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Art has many definitions and so one of them is how it's a symbolic relationship in which both the image and the observer generate meaning.
In this book, Berger plays the role of a philosopher, an observer, an artist and a layman all the while testifying his qualification as an expert art historian. He makes us see the ways we see what we want to see when we see things. How we see it and why we it the way we see it.
What does this sight of the other mean to us, how does it, at that instant of total disclosure, affect our desire?
The authenticity and study of visual arts start with paintings and gradually unravels the world of image obsession and publicity in this society.
Dividing the book into 7 essays, Berger dissects and makes his case following this timeline while maintaining an unbiased opinion. His principle aim is resonated in the way he swims across them, i.e., to start the process of questioning.
There is never necessarily an answer that one might reach to but the process of questioning very much serves the purpose of the same.
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Exploring the layers of meaning within oil paintings, photographs, and graphic art, Berger argues on the perspective of how the way people think about painting and art criticism can be seen through word and image. How what we see is always influenced by a whole host of assumptions concerning the nature of beauty, truth, civilization, form, taste, class and gender.
We are not just looking - we are reading the language of images
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I once had a conversation with one of my teachers about this dilemma that kept bothering me for a while
"Doesn't art get corrupted with even the slightest touch of monetary ideology?"
He answered with the statement - "art has always been commercial"
While the purity of art might be categorized by the intentions of the artist making it not according to the Weaver but rather for its existential virtue; once it enters the world, the piece simply cannot be dissociated from its monitory value whether high or low, no matter how insignificant, no matter how many times it shifts, it acquires a market value which defines its desirability and in turn its significance at the time.
"Perspective makes the single eye the center of the visible world. Everything converges on to the eye as if the vanishing point of infinity. The visible world is arranged for the spectator as the universe was once thought to be arranged for God."
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citynewsglobe · 13 days
[ad_1] Hedge funds are funding automobiles that pool capital from accredited buyers or institutional buyers to make use of varied methods within the monetary markets. Deciding on the best hedge fund supervisor is essential for buyers in search of to maximise returns whereas managing dangers successfully. Nevertheless, the method of selecting a hedge fund supervisor could be complicated and difficult as a result of big range of methods, threat profiles, and supervisor kinds within the hedge fund panorama. This text goals to supply insights into the science of hedge fund choice, outlining key elements and techniques for choosing the proper supervisor. One plus level in being an investor as of late is that premium training is on the market on the fingertips! To study extra, click on right here and get related with academic companies.Understanding Hedge FundsHedge funds are characterised by their capability to make use of a variety of funding methods that aren't out there to conventional funding funds, similar to mutual funds. These methods embody quick promoting, leverage, derivatives, and various investments. Hedge funds purpose to generate optimistic returns no matter market circumstances and sometimes have a excessive diploma of flexibility of their funding method.Key Components in Hedge Fund Supervisor Choice Efficiency Observe File: Historic Returns: Buyers ought to analyze a hedge fund's historic efficiency to evaluate its capability to generate returns over time. Threat-Adjusted Returns: Metrics just like the Sharpe ratio and Sortino ratio may also help consider a fund's efficiency relative to the dangers taken. Funding Technique Alignment: Consistency: Buyers ought to assess whether or not a hedge fund's funding technique has been constantly utilized over time. Match with Investor Aims: The hedge fund's technique ought to align with the investor's threat tolerance, funding objectives, and total portfolio technique. Supervisor Experience and Crew Composition: Qualifications and Expertise: Buyers ought to consider the supervisor's observe document, expertise in managing related methods, and repute within the business. Crew Dynamics: A cohesive and expert workforce can contribute to the fund's success and resilience. Transparency and Communication: Disclosure: Hedge funds ought to present clear details about their funding holdings, operations, and costs. Investor Communication: Common and clear communication from the fund supervisor is crucial for conserving buyers knowledgeable concerning the fund's efficiency and technique. Due Diligence Course ofConducting thorough due diligence is important earlier than investing in a hedge fund. The method usually includes: Preliminary Screening: Screening standards could embody the fund's belongings below administration (AUM), liquidity phrases, repute, and regulatory compliance. In-Depth Analysis: Assembly with fund managers, reviewing fund paperwork (e.g., providing memorandum, audited monetary statements), and assessing authorized and operational dangers. Third-Social gathering Assessments: Using knowledge from ranking companies, consulting with monetary advisors, and in search of unbiased verification of fund efficiency and operations. Threat Administration and Efficiency AttributionUnderstanding the sources of threat and return in a hedge fund is crucial for efficient threat administration. Buyers ought to: Differentiate between market threat and manager-specific threat. Conduct attribution evaluation to establish the drivers of a fund's efficiency, similar to asset allocation, safety choice, and market timing. Use stress testing and state of affairs evaluation to evaluate how the fund's efficiency could also be impacted below totally different market circumstances. Concerns for Institutional Buyers vs. Particular person BuyersInstitutional buyers and particular person buyers could have totally different issues when choosing hedge fund managers: Institutional
buyers typically have entry to extra assets and should prioritize elements like fund dimension, observe document, and operational infrastructure. Particular person buyers could focus extra on elements like minimal funding necessities, transparency, and alignment of pursuits with the fund supervisor. Ongoing Monitoring and EvaluateBuyers ought to constantly monitor their hedge fund investments to make sure they continue to be aligned with their funding aims and threat tolerance. This consists of: Common efficiency monitoring and comparability with benchmarks. Re-evaluating the fund's funding thesis and supervisor capabilities. Making changes to the portfolio allocation, similar to thrilling underperforming managers or reallocating capital to new alternatives. ConclusionDeciding on the best hedge fund supervisor is a important determination for buyers in search of to attain their monetary objectives. By understanding the important thing elements in hedge fund supervisor choice and conducting thorough due diligence, buyers can improve their possibilities of success within the complicated and dynamic world of hedge fund investing. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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fangsforthevenom · 1 month
its so hard having the only correct (totally unbiased and true statement) opinions on some characters in a show when you can't articulate them so you have to kind of,, grip your thighs in a menacing way as you scroll the show tag
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floraldecorimports22 · 2 months
Best Pottery Wholesale
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Choose from standard wholesale planter pots, small succulent planters, air plant holders, and handmade hanging planters, in addition to large backyard planters from unbiased suppliers and brands across. If you are in search of more wholesale home ware, be certain to check out our range of wholesale vases, in addition to our range of wholesale dried flowers to enhance your variety.  We strive, the place attainable, to source our provides from small impartial, and family-run companies. Our pots is individually wrapped and the plants are protected by pure straw for transit, with great care taken to make sure they arrive in great well-being - pottery manufacturers near me.
Which mixed with our enticing fashionable concrete pots and detailed branding, could be a great corporate wellbeing mailing product. Take advantage of our free travel provide to go to our showroom and see the total vary for yourself. Here you can take your time to browse and discover all our collections. You may have our full attention to elucidate the product particulars and answer any questions you may have. We will assist you in making a selection that is greatest fitted to your corporation.  We love this basket-style water hyacinth planter, which features an inside waterproof lining so you presumably can pop plants straight inside - ceramic indoor plant pots manufacturers.
From very small crops to larger statement items, we’re here for all your needs. We even stock a variety of elegant small plant pots, good for each style. One thing to remember is that most of our indoor ornamental pots don’t have drainage holes. To keep your plant healthy and pleased, we always recommend keeping it in its growing container when inserting it in a decorative pot. Finally, selecting ceramic plant pots for indoor greenery is an artistic union of usefulness and beauty. Ceramic plant pots are well-known for their distinctive resilience and lifespan. These pots are designed to last a long time, even in harsh outside conditions. They resist cracking and chipping due to their sturdy construction, providing your crops with a strong residence for years. For more information, please visit our site https://floraldecorimports.com/
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all-about-china · 7 months
Why China?
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Hello All,
My name is Antarctica Lover, and I will be studying the culture of China, specifically Hong Kong for my blog posts this semester. I chose this culture initially, because I had picked Antarctica first, but realized that nobody really lives in Antarctica. When going through the CIA factbook list of countries, Hong Kong stuck out to me because my grandad lived in Hong Kong for a number of years in the nineties, and I'm curious about what culture he experienced there. I think that when communicating with Chinese people after my research about China will make me more respectful and aware of their traditions, seen and unseen. Even with other cultures, including the surrounding cultures of Korean, Japanese and Indian I will use my knowledge to better understand their experiences.
Hong Kong is an administrative district of China. In doing some preliminary research, the official language is Chinese, English, and Mandarin. There are three variations of Mandarin which are Beijing, Chengdu, and Nanjing. They have no official religion. Hong Kong is very small, with a square milage only being 430 in total area. They have an extremely large population projection of almost 8 million! 100% of people live in urban areas. The president of China is a man named Xi Jinping. In the total area of China, there are multiple ethnicities or geographical ethnicities of Buyi, Miao, Dong, Tibetans, and Mongolians. For some fun facts, China produces the most rice in the world. Other big crops are wheat, corn, soybeans, and peanuts. All these facts are from Encyclopedia Britannica Here. 
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The statement of "In studying other cultures, we do so very often from the perspective of our own culture," means that we will have prejudice when learning about different cultures. We tend to have the point of view that it is our way or the highway. I don't think this method of judgment uses critical thinking skills, and to combat prejudice, I will use critical thinking skills. In collecting data that is least biased and accurate, I will make sure my sources are mostly .org websites or .gov websites. This means that they're an organization, backed up by statistics, rather than some random redditors opinions on a .com website. After I use these unbiased sources, I will follow the bibliography back to their primary source and examine how they collect their data. If data collection is somehow skewed by unaccountability of certain demographic groups or variables, I will not consider that data credible.
I also used The World Factbook for more of my analysis on China.
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