#>:( all my homies hate the Kraang
n01r-kn1ght · 2 years
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Imma just leave this here
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orionsbowie · 2 years
⚠️also a GORE (BLOOD (and cuts and stuff yeah) and FEAR warning <3⚠️
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YES! I finally finished a full Inktober! I’ve been trying this for years and this year was the one I finally finished all the prompts! Thank you to those who have been following along with my dumb drawings! And if you haven’t, I hope you can enjoy them anyways! <3
If you want more context for the drawings I made lore.
The Kraang are back
The brothers try to stop them (obviously) and get captured
They get split up into a labyrinth that uses their fears against them
But only the fears that the Kraang know of. So it’s all PTSD type best stuff yk
Leo is scared of being separated from his family again, especially if he could help (since he’s the medic, he could help but can’t because the Kraang are about to get him)
Donnie is scared of being vulnerable and losing his family (he watches as Leo get taken away again, and is stuck without help nor his battle shell)
Mikey is scared of not knowing what’s happening to his brothers, and loss of control of a situation (hence the constant ramblings of worry about how he can help them, and injury that is hard to do anything about because it’s out of his line of sight)
Raph is scared of hurting his family, scared of losing control of himself (so he sees the thing that made him lose complete control and attack his brothers. And inside are the people of New York, who he is supposed to protect but “failed”)
This all ends with a happy ending or something idk I didn’t think that far
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can I get your teetle head canons homie?
...which ones?
Cause like there's 2012, Rise, bayverse, mutant mayhem- yk?
I'm gonna guess and say Rise cause that's the only thing I've posted about so far
Let's start with Raph lol
He likes to work out and train really early in the morning cause everyone's asleep and it's super peaceful.
His favorite drink is hot cocoa with those giant marshmallows and whipped cream
When he's bored, he likes to shadow box the air
His favorite superhero is Thor because he's also really buff but a total sweetheart
His love language is Quality Time (don't come for me)
He's blind in the eye that was punctured from the Kraang, so it's hard for him to read things
Even harder cause he's dyslexic
When he can't sleep from nightmares, he tends to train with Buddy to take his mind off of it.
He loves teddy bears (But that's canon so)
He really wishes that he could be friends with humans and they wouldn't be so scared of him
Is the one who volunteers at Todd's the most
Also is the biggest supporter of Cass's Girl Scouts
I'm gonna do Leo next (Side note he's my favorite so I have a lot more for him ;-;)
This man...makes all the puns. Sometimes when he can't sleep, he'll go on Reddit (or whatever) and look up puns/pick up lines
He doesn't sleep all the time, but when he does, it's in the most obscure positions known to human (turtle?) kind.
Once he mastered his portalling, he took advantage of it and travelled for awhile, exploring different places.
He's the most suspicious of people and prides himself on his intuition.
Cannot cook. Or bake. Or do anything involving an oven. If you ask him to preheat the oven, he'll ask how.
His favorite animal is a tiger, ever since he was a little kid, because "They have stripes like me!)
Speaking of stripes, He used to color them in with a green marker because he didn't like them. His brothers noticed, and all agreed to draw stripes on their faces until he stopped.
His favorite drink is Sprite (for some reason) he also really likes mint tea (if it's made right.)
He loves hair on people, and wishes he had some of his own. He likes to watch hair styling videos and pretend he's doing his own sometimes
He's terrified of bugs
He tried drawing on eyebrows like Donnie once, but hated it so much. (Turns out he's allergic to sharpie on his skin)
He's terrible at drawing
He's actually really good at running and has a really high stamina level
Used to picture himself being a racecar driver
His favorite Disney movie is the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but he would never admit that. If anyone asks, it's Wreck-it-Ralph.
Has an insatiable sweet tooth
Feels phantom pain in his chest sometimes that feels like it's being ripped open
When this happens, he curls into a ball under a weighted blanket and focuses on breathing
Him and Junior have random movie nights when they're both not able to sleep
Donnie time
His sleep schedule is terrible, and he tends to forget what time is most days (I'm not projecting)
Has several rubber ducks on his desk so that when he gets stuck, he can do that thing where he explains the thing to the duck
His favorite field of science is quantum mechanics
He was always really good at math as a child, but couldn't do English to save his own life
His favorite color used to be green, but Splinter called him purple because all of the turtles were green, so it eventually changed to purple
He hates the texture of slime (and how messy it is)
Surprisingly enough, he's the one who sneaks into the human world the most (mostly to go to libraries and science institutions, but hey, even the world's most renowned scientist wants Taco Bell sometimes.)
Speaking of Taco Bell, the only way he will eat any fast food is if he scans it for hair and the like. His worst fear is finding a hair in his food.
You would think that his favorite board game would be chess or monopoly or something, but nope. It's Scrabble. (He likes coming up with really obscure words to mess with everyone else.)
He's super super squeamish which is why Leo is the medic. The sight of blood makes him light-headed, and once when he was learning about the heart, he passed out.
He's a bonafide theater kid, and if given the opportunity can and will rant for hours about different musicals.
His least favorite style of music is rap
Or country
He has a hidden mini fridge in his lab that has a bunch of skincare products that he pretends he doesn't have when his brothers are around
Sometimes him and April have 'girl's days' where the basically gossip and April paints his nails.
His love language is torn between act's of service and gift-giving.
He's not touch-adverse, per-say, but he doesn't really like to be touched without warning.
He always hated magic shows, and if they were on tv he would point out how they did the tricks. (Leo hated that.)
His favorite Disney movie is Big Hero 6 and he often info-dumped about it to anyone who would listen.
He really likes to chew ice
When he gets bored, he'll test his ability to stay underwater. (it scares the ever living life out of Raph)
He has scars on his shell from the Kraang ship and they're really sensitive
His face always has stickers or drawings on it
He used to want to be a makeup artist and used to practice on April all the time
Orange is indeed his 'life color' and his favorite fruit! his favorite dessert is orange sorbet.
He doordashes food to homeless people sometimes
His favorite superhero is Spider man, or Black Panther
He once did a character study on Ariel, and ended up doing a whole art portfolio, comic, and Pinterest board on her. She was his hyperfixation for a hot minute
He used to pass out as a child sometimes because of his hypoglycemia, and it would freak everyone out. At one point Leo finally figured out that he had hit and ever since then, there's only been a few incidents
When he cleans his desk it only stays clean for about a day, and then it's dirty again and it annoys him to no end
Has an extensive knowledge of spices and seasonings, and every food that he makes tastes like everything good in the world and sunshine combined.
He is an active animal activist and is staunchly against animal cruelty and experimentation
When his hair starts growing in, he goes to April for help with it, and puts little bows and ribbons and hair ties in it.
His favorite game is Animal Crossing and whenever one of his villagers moves away, he sobs dramatically
He loved trains as a kid and as a result he's freaky good at drawing them and knows a crap ton about them
He organizes slideshow nights, family game nights, and family dinners
He's super into the holidays and is the one who made/bought all the decorations
He used to collect barbies to use as drawing models
He was super sad there wasn't that many Ken dolls though, and insisted on sending a complaint to Mattel
Was the first one in line for the Barbie movie too
Anyways sorry this was so long- but I really liked this ask
If you want me to do my April and Casey (jr and sr.) ones then send in another ask.
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spishidden · 2 years
My ROTTMNT Ocs Part 1/?
Meet Capella. The cosmic horror space puppy
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Note: This is part of a fic I am writing which will come out when I feel like it. Vague details are given as to not spoil anything
Design notes
I was inspired by Arcana Tahm Kench which is where the hollow head and no eyes come from. I then combined that piece with the fluffyness of Willump
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The empty head also serves the purpose of allowing his companion and best friend, Constance (will do a full post about him when I feel like), to see the stars
Constance climbs onto Capella's back and dunks his head into the puppy's hollow void where it can display different stars across the universe
Yes it can zoom in. Constance is on track to becoming an Astronomy Prodigy thanks to his Space Puppy
Capella is giant. 8'4 or 256 Cm
Its tail trails into stardust. Just hard to recreate to effect with ballpoint pen -_-
Note all its fluff and softness. Has the cuddle potential of over 9000
Capella fell from the sky onto the earth eons ago and laid in deep slumber for millions of years. His resting place then became part of the Hidden City. He was awoken when the Kraang invaded and was captured by a band of animal smugglers.
Why couldn't Capella just, universe its way out of that? It has no memory of how it got to Earth. It doesn't know how to access its inner power. So even though Capella can theoretically swallow a planet, it doesn't know how.
With the help of Constance and the Hamato Clan, it escapes and befriends the little boy. Together, they study the stars and explore Capella's hidden potential. And after a series of events, they become intertwined with the trouble hiding in the shadows of New York and the Hidden City.
Donnie quickly becomes friends with Constance and Capella over their shared love of science. After seeing Constance's star maps, notes, calculations, and theories that he made after meeting the space puppy, Donnie realized that he is a force to be reckoned with. It also feels nice knowing there's someone else who blends magic and science together
Capella hates Leo. In the same way Mayhem hates Raph. The first time Leo leaped onto its back to feel its fur, Capella growled and scared Leo off. Of course, Leo still tries to get on the space puppy's good side. With the only result being when he offers it its favorite food, chocolate rabbits.
Mikey and Capella are homies. Bros. Gal pals. Mikey has given Capella fancy nail art on its claws that always manages to come off a few hours later. One time when he was playing a game in the arcade Constance and Capella stood behind and watched. But when the soundtrack started going off they discovered something incredible. Capella can dance. Now they all meet up to have some awesome dance parties on empty roofs
Unlike Mayhem, Capella ADORES Raph. It will lunge at him at first sight and lick his face. He and Capella are the definition of the "I've only had ____ for one day. But if anything were to happen to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" meme. Constance introduced Raph to their version of fetch. Instead of using a ball, they use a bigass Dear skull Constance found during a summer camp. Raph will go on runs with Capella and will race him. He’s so happy there’s a pet that likes him.
April’s only rule is that Capella is banned from her apartment. Other than that she loves it to death. Mayhem however is super SCARED of Capella. It will run or teleport away whenever it sees the space puppy. Which is good because Capella always wants to chase Mayhem around.
Splinter is not a big fan of Capella, he thinks it causes too many problems in the lair. But Draxum loves it. He only shows it in small ways; lightly petting its soft fur, giving it bites of his food, and making chew toys with the help of Donnie. If someone were to ask Draxum if he has a favorite, he always says the dog.
Casey Jr was scared of it at first, but after some time he has grown to love it. If the Jones’ are in the lair with Constance and Capella, you will see Cassandra attached to one of the space puppy’s limbs. Will she let go? No one has ever seen her let go willingly.
Next post will be about Constance. Afterwards I’ll introduce “The Wisp” (oooooooo)
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