#@ the random guy in the park when i went 'oh look at these!' and pulled my boyfriend over to go look at them
posallys · 10 months
flowers and fuzzy blankets and sunshine and coffee and the sound of the rain and falling leaves and the ocean and candles and pretty buildings and grass and fun music and snow and city lights and stars and butterflies and pictures and good food and cool clothes and baking and pretty words and. god forbid women like anything
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mntalbrakdown · 1 year
sober thoughts - C. Fisher
mentions of: underage drinking, cussing, fluff, smut. MDNI. piv, unprotected sex, fingering
synopsis: you were once friends with conrad until summer happened and he just stopped talking to you
wc: 5.7k
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“don’t ever forget me” your little twelve-year-old self whispered to Conrad who was a year older than you
“never,” he said playing with your hair as you both lay on the grass watching the fireworks on the fourth of July. your head laying on his chest.
“y/n are you almost ready” Belly yelled at you trying to get you to hurry up for the party you were about to go to with her and Taylor
“yes almost,” you say playing with your hair and making sure each strand is not misbehaving
“chill belly being hot takes time,” Taylor says applying more lip gloss
“anyways y/n how are you and Conrad” Taylor puts away her lip gloss in her purse
“he’s an ass and I don’t even talk to him,” you said
“What did you even do,” Belly asked playing with the ends of her hair
“I don’t know we were really close in Cousins and like two years ago in summer I started to get guys' attention and all of a sudden he got distant,” you said reminiscing the best summer of your whole life you told the girls you pulled 6 boys the whole summer but that came at a cost, losing the one guy you loved
“you had a glow-up,” Taylor says looking at you and holding your hand
“yeah, she did” you see Jeremiah at Belly’s door frame which made you smile. they've been flirting back and forth
“are we ready,” Belly asked and you nodded
you all headed downstairs to see Susannah and Laurel in the kitchen probably stoned and said goodbye to them. when you arrived at the car Belly called shotgun which meant you and Taylor would sit in the back of Jeremiah’s Jeep.
“so y/n you're the driver tonight right” Jeremiah looked at you from the rearview mirror
“when am I not” you scoff looking out the window. it wasn’t a rude remark it was a sarcastic one because you don’t really do any substances. so it was common sense that you would drive
everyone in Cousins lived close to one another so it didn’t take long to hear the loud music and the screams coming from a house. the house was already spilling bright colors on the street making you excited. when Jeremiah finally parked he handed you the keys because one time he held onto them and lost them. it was a whole ordeal, you spent an extra hour at the house trying to find them when he had them in a random coat that was hung up by the front door.
“hey Steven is here” Taylor pointed out to his car seeing that they also just got here.
“who’s that next to him,” Belly asks as you were getting out of the car looking at your phone for any new notifications when you accidentally bump into a tall stature
“oh sorry,” you both say looking at each other
"con what is wrong with you" you yelled at him. it was no use when he was in his own world he stayed there for at least a week. usually, you could get him out, but something was different that summer, you couldn't change him
"leave me alone" Conrad yelled at you, he was running up the stairs and the next thing you heard was his door closed shut. it was hard to miss, it echoed all over the house
"I'm so sorry for him," Susannah said.
the plan that day was to go watch a movie that was playing in the drive-in and then play at the beach with the whole group and watch the tide as you and Conrad listened to the music and possibly help you surf. but all that went down the drain and you didn't even know why.
“conrad” you say looking to meet his gaze.
“Conrad is here, y/n let’s go, no,” Taylor says screaming ready for you to get into the car making him laugh which you missed hearing
“Taylor it’s ok,” you say as she is getting out of the car with a stank face already plastered on
“hi Conrad,” she says moving her way in between the two of you and grabbing your hand to drag you to the party
as you were getting dragged into the party you were greeted by a group of people already by the door and a couple making out at the end of the hall
“hey I'm going to go get a drink” Taylor yells at you trying to get her voice to be heard over the music. you on the other hand were ready to go to the living room just to people watch
the thing was when you were at parties you would straight b-line to the living room because although people liked to conversate, that is the last place they would go. You liked to sit there and try to find other drivers there and you would make friends with them. It was hard to talk to a drunk person because they were boring and slur their words together. Today you saw Cameron, he is always there. You grew to like him like it was hard to anyway. He was so nice and you both had things in common.
"hey" you heard his little smile in his voice
"hi cam," you say receiving a bottle of water he got you
"so who are you here tonight with" cam asked you
"Jeremiah, Taylor, and Belly," you say
"so Conrad is still being weird," cam asked
"yeah," you said a bit disappointed. you told Cam everything because he was there and being sober at a party is pretty boring
"that's weird because he is staring at us," Cam says looking over at him; making you follow his gaze. Conrad had this weird look on his face, his eyes were dark, but it wasn't because of the lighting it was something else. hatred? you brushed it off he isn't your problem, never will be.
"y/n want to play uno" Conrad yelled at you from the bottom of the stairs.
Uno was your favorite game to play at Susannah's house in the summer. It was always perfect. The adults were never there so it would make you feel comfortable with everyone else. It was when you would sit next to Conrad before he was unavailable and you two would team up without everyone knowing. In reality, everyone knew. and you both would win. you would take turns on who would win to make it seem "less" suspicious.
"so" cam says snapping you from your haze
"right duh" you laugh grabbing the mini uno you would always carry it around because it helped you make friends with people
"ooo can we play" Some random girls joined in and you said yes because you had no real reason to say no, plus uno is best played with more than two
"I'll join too," Conrad says gripping his beer rather firmly. he sat next to you on the couch ready to get the cards you shuffled.
when the games began you kept beating everyone. the games were simple, leave the best cards until the very end, unless and only if you ever need them, then go for it.
bzzz bzzz
you quickly checked the notification that came from your phone trying to not miss what was going on in the game.
"who is it" conrad asks his jaw clenching
"no one," you say giving him a weak smile, it was also none of his business because he doesn't care about you anymore
"sure" Conrad says putting a plus four that is directed towards you. so this is how he wanted to play the game? you grabbed the four cards, getting nothing that would help you against him. it was Cam's turn and he put reverse to try to protect you from Conrad
"your little boyfriend is now your new buddy," Conrad questioned under his breath
"not like you give a shit" you retort back
"you are so clueless," Conrad says making you the most confused person at the party. you just continued to play after the game ended you decided you wanted a coke. so you got up and told Cam you would be back for another round
you walked through crowded groups and at one point you saw Belly makeout with Jeremiah. taking note of that to bring up later. You than saw Taylor with another man who looked like three years older than her. When you finally got your coke you opened it taking a sip going back to the couch
"oh fuck" you let out spilling some of the coke onto your white tube top.
"sorry" you hear a familiar voice come out it was Conrad.
"we have to stop doing this or else we might actually get hurt," you say smiling at the way Conrad was trying to get napkins to clean the mess up. It was no use. your shirt was ruined.
"it's the universe trying to get us together" Conrad blurted out "I'm drunk" he tried to fix the situation, but he was never drunk, he was only ever tipsy.
"drunk words are just sober thoughts" you say looking down at your shorts to see if they were dirty.
"can we talk" conrad asks looking down at you
"yeah" you smile at him
he grabbed your hand and led you outside to the front yard where there were only a couple of people out. he saw that the stain on your shirt only got worse so he gave you his button-up shirt that he never lets go of.
"what's up," you say to him
"the stars look beautiful don't they" conrad was looking up
as a kid, you were obsessed with the moon and the stars. you had a friend that was the stars to your moon. you missed her, and you kept in touch but if you could you would bring her to Cousins. you would always talk about her to the others, knowing they would love her as well. You also face-timed her all the time. Conrad would get mad, saying that you were his for the summer and that she has you all year round. that she was selfish
"it's my time," Conrad says to your friend who was on your phone screen
"con give me my phone," you say slapping him and tugging at his hand
"it's summer byeee" he says as he pressed the red button on the phone
"i hate you," you say to him
"in your sweet dreams you do," he says cockily
"Conrad I thought this was going to be more of a serious conversation," you say trying to shake the idea of the summers you once had with the man standing in front of you
"I miss you," he says to you. sober thoughts. it took you aback it wasn't something you expected from him
"that isn't my fault," you say back with an attitude
"i know, i just got jealous" he said to you
"jealous of what con" he could have grabbed you and kissed you on the spot. he missed that name from your mouth. he craved it every day to the point he would replay voice memos you would send to him back when you two would speak
"of other guys," he said looking into your eyes to see if he scared you off, but all he saw was your face brightening up
"you were the only person on my mind con," you said to him grabbing his hand. if this was a dream, never wake him up. "you were the only thing coming out of my mouth when I was at school, all the guys that you saw hit me up are left on seen, I wanted you, I want you, I always have" you say looking at his face finally tug at his lips to form a smile
"good because I don't want to share," he says leaning down ready to kiss you. As he did he wrapped one arm around your waist the other in your hair tugging at it as you were smiling through the kiss and your hands on both his cheeks.
"get a room" Steven yelled at you two, leading Conrad to release the hand that was in your hair and flipping him off. making you laugh while you both kissed.
"let's get out of here," Conrad said to you
"i can't," you said, you had a job
"fuck the others Steven can drive them," he said in a way that he just wanted you to be by his side
"but how will they get home" you try to reason
"Steven has his keys c'mon let's go to my house, please" he kisses the top of your forehead.
"fine, but if they complain that is your fault," you say pointing at him
"that is fine by me," he says carrying you to spin you around
as you two were getting in the Jeep you started to fasten your seatbelt as Conrad did the same. He looked over at you, seeing how you adjusted the mirrors to get all the angles.
"I think this is the first time I see you drive," he says admiring you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear
"get used to it con," you say looking at him, melting at his touch
"Oh I will" he whispered
you started the car, you hated driving the Jeep it was so big and excessive. But desperate times call for desperate measures. You played some music in the car for the six-minute car ride. you could feel Conrad's eyes on you the whole time, seeing how you turned and how you checked the mirrors.
as you arrive at their house you park the car and let him get out, you were collecting your things in the car to get out when Conrad opens the door for you.
"thank you" you smile, he closes the door behind you and you lock the car. he holds your hand as he heads over to the front door to open it
"hi conrad" you hear Susannah
"hi y/n nice seeing you two together again," Laurel says from the couch
"glad to be back" you smile at the two adults
"oh you are so beautiful, we missed you," Susannah said
"thank you I missed you too" you smile and let go of Conrad's hand to hug her. She was always so sweet to you
"Mom, she's mine back off, we're going to my room" Conrad says taking your hand again
"bye talk to you guys later" you scream as Conrad is dragging you upstairs
once you got upstairs you see Conrad's door. he opened it with his free hand and led you in. It was still the same. the beach aesthetic and the colors. He had the plush you gave him. it was an orange cat with a pink collar, you named it Lasnaga and you had an orange cat with a blue collar named Garfield. it was funnier when you actually named them.
"oh ignore that" he said looking at the cat
"you still have it" you question, a smile forming on your face
"yeah" it looked like he slept with it and he even still had the perfume you gifted him it was now half empty
"I miss you" you heard from the other line of your phone
"I miss you too," you say back, it was almost Christmas and it was a time when you wished you could go to Cousins, but your mom would say no. "I got you a Christmas present," you say smiling through the camera lens
"yeah, I got it, thank you" One of the gifts was a perfume bottle, it smelled like vanilla and it was your go-to scent "Thank you" Conrad says
"I don't use that scent anymore," you say picking it up
"what" Conrad looked defeated, he was spraying that scent to remember you and you switched scents. he felt betrayed
"I'll get you a new one for Christmas" You smile at him grabbing his hands which made his smile come back
"y/n" he grabbed your attention using his pointer finger to make you look at him
"yes con" one moment you were just staring at his eyes the next thing you knew Conrad was leaning in to kiss you. this kiss was more meaningful as if to pick up from lost time, from the time that was wasted on jealousy and insecurity, because even though it wasn't official that you were Conrad's, you both knew you were meant for one another
Conrad's hands went back to their respective place, one in your hair and the other around your waist. yours were on his cheek and the other in his hair.
"fuck I missed you," he says catching his breath from the kiss
conrad went back but deepened the kiss, it was something that made you happy. You kept smiling through the kiss. you couldn't believe this was happening. Conrad pulled at your hair to make you moan so he could slip his tongue in and fight for dominance, he obviously won; you were still smiling throughout the make out because you couldn’t believe what was happening. Conrad guided you to his bed, he sat on the corner making you straddle his lap.
"are you ok with this," Conrad asked pulling away from the kiss, you could see some of your lipstick on his mouth
"yes, god fuck yes Conrad," you say giggling at the way his face quickly erased his worriedness to pure excitement
Conrad continued his attack, but this time it was on your neck, making sure it would show to others that you were his, that even though people haven't seen you both together for almost two years, you guys are better than ever. Conrad tugged and took off the button-down that he gave you and the dirty tube top. You weren't wearing a bra underneath, and Conrad couldn't be more excited
Conrad carried you off the bed for a second and laid you down on his bed. your hair was perfectly sprawled on the pillow as if it made a halo. Conrad could’ve sworn he saw a little heart that was made from your hair. as you waited for Conrad to take his shirt you got the cat to play around with.
"you're so beautiful," Conrad says going down to kiss you
when he pulls away he takes off your shorts and shoes followed by your socks making you giggle at his fast antics. you were wearing a lace thong that was pink making Conrad smile.
"what's going on in that pretty head of yours,” you say reaching for Conrad's face as he melts into your touch, practically purring.
"you, you're all I think about" Conrad says smiling at you his hand traveling down to your thighs removing your panties too, and then he feels how wet you already are. he licked his two fingers as a lubricant and started to finger you. he slipped two fingers in seeing how tight you were and kept pacing in and out. you followed his fingers as they disappeared and reappeared. sucking on your bottom lip to not draw attention to his room. he looked at your face seeing how it contoured to the way the rhythm, then added more stimulation by massaging your clit.
"fuck Conrad, so good," you say almost screaming as you scratch his back with your nails
"shhh, look at me" Conrad says covering your mouth, but he loved the way your eyes looked at him "Sound so pretty but they can't hear you or the fun is over," he says leaning in to kiss you to muffle your screams.
Conrad soon leaves your mouth to go to your tits to suck on as you grab his hair for extra support. you tugged once and heard a yelp, making you want to fuck him already
he continued with his action. adding fingers as he goes. As he did you gasped, you kept your nails on his back almost drawing blood. conrad was circling your clit with his other hand to speed the process up. he needed you.
“god you’re so tight” he says looking at you with lust filled eyes
Conrad added a third finger as he saw you were about to release and reattached his lips onto yours wanting the fun to continue. he saw the way your body arched off the bed and made sure to continue the pace you were on. to make you orgasm
“look so pretty, come for me” he said spurring you on
“fuck conny” you say pulling at his hair to kiss you and something inside you snapped when he kissed you. you were leaking off his finger. when he looked down in between the two of you he saw the mess grabbing some of your liquid and putting it in your mouth
“fuck so hot” he said going in to kiss you tasting you as well
“my turn” you say with your fucked up makeup and some of your cum on the side of your mouth
“no i just really need you right now” conrad says taking his pants and underwear off as well as everything else.
“i want to be on top” you say to him biting the bottom of your lip
“whatever you want pretty girl” he says grabbing you and putting you on top of him
once you were on top of him you saw how big he was. you grabbed his member massaged him than started to glide him into your heat seeing how he threw his head back in pure pleasure
“stop teasing” he said grabbing onto your wrists and leading his length to your heat
“fuck fisher” you said mad he took all the fun out
“i’m trying to” he retorted making you laugh but that made you sink into him and turned into a loud pornagraphic moan making Conrad startled soon hearing footsteps leading to the door and a knock
“conny is everything ok” you could hear Susannah but this made the experience even better you fucked him up and down side to side to try to make it hard for him to answer his mom
“y-yeah everything is good there’s a porn scene on the horror movie we were watching- fuck” he said yelling to his mom
“oh ok” she says retreating backstairs
“you’re so dead” conrad said to you, but he never meant it. you looked so beautiful riding him as your boobs bounced up and down and saw how your hair was messily parted to the side and fell beautifully over your body. he knew you knew you looked great by the way you bit the bottom of your lip
“god you’re so big” you say looking down at him. putting your hand on his chest for extra support
he couldn’t help admire you. how your tits would go up and down and he had to massage them with his hand. the other was on your waist wanting you to go faster, but he just made your body lay against his as he took your lips with his teeth. his hand that was once on your tits went to your hair and tugged on it earning a low moan from you. the other traced his name on your back adding tickles to make you moan and hopefully come close. once he noticed your body become sloppy he held onto your waist and switched positions with him
“holy fuck that was hot” you said out loud to him
“only for you” he says leaning into your neck to suck on your sweet spot making you moan even more
he saw the way your hair fell back on his pillow. the image he once had of you will forever be tainted by this memory. the memory of him fucking you into oblivion. how his penis would go in and out of you seeing his length covered in white paint from the two of you
he didn’t know that you liked the way his hair fell from his forehead and floated in the air as he fucked you. how his arms would be veiny and how you followed them like a dog to bacon. that every time he wanted to show you something you just looked at his hands.
“fuck me harder” you said to Conrad as you dragged his face to yours to go in for a kiss. he took his free hand and started to massage your clit wanting you to come already.
“come for me again, want to see you come on my dick” he said so close to your face that his hair tickled you, his breath as well. “need you to come for me” his blue eyes following yours and how they were sparkling from pure euphoria
with one last thrust you came for him. his lips covering your mouth and when you were done moaning. his mouth was on your chin ready for another hickey. he nibbled at it. when his thrusts started to become sloppy you started to nibble at his ear. moaning in it to spur him on and saying sweet nothings like “god you’re so big” “taking me so good” “fuck me just like that”
“im yours conny, only yours” was the one that made him shoot his load into you
“oh fuck i’m so sorry” he said as he still kept thrusting into you coming down from his high
“don’t worry about it i’m on the pill” you say looking at his fucked out face and tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear
he leaned in to kiss you deepening the kiss he felt the cum that was leaking outside the two of you. when he was ready to let go you bit the bottom of his lip to see what he would do
“god you’re all i need” Conrad said going back to kiss you. when you both got out of breathe he went into his bathroom to get a cloth to clean you up
“you look beautiful from this angle” Conrad looked at you wanting to take a picture of the way your legs were open for him as the liquid oozed out of you
“get used to it” you said to him as he cleaned you up. he smiled at the thought that this wasn’t a one time thing
“oh i will” he says going to your face and peppering your face with kisses all over
he went over to a drawer he had always designated to you. it had some clothes that you left there when you would stay over. he handed you some shorts you always wore when you were here that did nothing but show your ass, but they were cute; they were white with pink polka dots and tossed you a shirt that was Conrad’s but you always used to use it because it was baggy and had your home state with it.
“i don’t want to wear that shirt today” you said
“what why” Conrad asked puzzled he didn’t do anything to that shirt
“you wear it, not in the mood to wear a shirt” you say to him mischievously. he took the hint as he was putting on some shorts and was ready to go under the covers of his bed making you follow behind
“than neither am i” he said kissing your forehead “some makeup wipes are on the nightstand by the way” he says pointing at the drawer next to you
“thank you” you say taking one and wiping your face off when you were done you threw it away in the trash can that was next to you
“so you never forgot me did you” you asked as you were going to cuddle his chest
“no never” he said looking down at you as he was turning the tv on to watch superbad one of your favorites
“and you never forgot about my things did you” you say giddily seeing what he was doing
“nope, i watched this every time i missed you” he said it as a matter of fact
“kiss me” you say out loud. and he did he leaned down to kiss you as you waited for the movie to load in. he was so delicate this time as if what he did was not him and someone else. that he would always be delicate with you
“you’re all i ever wanted” he said whispering it into you making you smile as the movie played.
you both laughed at the scenes. this movie has seen it all: your childhood, Conrad being by himself without you , and the two of you after you fucked each other. when another funny scene happened and you didn’t laugh Conrad looked down to see you asleep in his arms. your boobs were pressed against his chest and he decided it was time for him to go to sleep as well.
in the morning it was Conrad who woke up first from the rays of the sun. he then saw his clock and saw that it was only 9 am. he decided to just look at you sleep. how you would breathe and how you looked in his arms. the little smile on your face as your dream progressed. god he wished that was him making you smile. Conrad reached for his phone to take a picture of you. knowing this would be a perfect wallpaper. the way the hickeys he left on you were now visible. how you had no makeup but your hair was still as perfect as it was last night and this time noticing the locket necklace he got you from when you were kids on your thirteenth birthday
“thank you Conrad” you say hugging him once you finished opening the box that held the necklace. it was a picture of the two of you from when you were younger when you were both about seven and six.
“you’re welcome. you were practically begging for one all year” he said glad you liked his gift and ever since than you never took it off
he was infatuated with you.
“i’ll never forget you” Conrad whispered into your hair kissing the top of your head
“hey” you say in a raspy voice
“morning” he said back with a big grin on his face
“smells good” you could smell the muffins from downstairs. making Conrad laugh. he looked at you for about thirty minutes admiring you and the first thing you think about is food? “you look pretty con” you said kissing his lips. his hair was messy and his eyes were brighter today. he looked happy.
“so do you” he said smiling at you. if only you knew.
“what time is it” you ask finally rubbing your eyes. when you were done Conrad gave you his phone to look at the clock but the first thing you saw was you. the photo he took this morning. “con did you take this right now” you asked looking into his eyes
“yes do you like it” he asked looking to see if you were mad but he only saw a smile form on your face
“it’s cute i need one now too” you say trying to let go of his grip to get up and get a muffin
“no stay” he says grumpy
“i need one of those muffins, i’ll come back” you say prying at his hands
“fine i’ll race you” he says getting up and trying to find a shirt as you do the same when you did. you ran out the door fighting Conrad downstairs almost falling like ten times.
“woah” you here from downstairs
“i thought we were going to go into war right now” Jeremiah joked
“shut up” Conrad said hitting Jeremiah’s chest
“oh hey y/n didn’t know you were still here” Laurel said
“yeah I accidentally fell asleep to superbad” you say which wasn’t a lie. it was hard to lie to Laurel she could smell bullshit from a mile away.
“wait what happened between you guys” Taylor asked looking at your neck making you hide your hickeys with your hair
“nothing, we just made up” you said looking at her and the last muffin
“more like made out” Belly added which made you send her a death stare which caused you to lose the muffin to Conrad
“fuck you” you whisper to him
“oh but you already did” he said with the most shit eating grin you’ve ever seen as he eats the muffin. when you hit his stomach he hands over the muffin with a loud groan
“thank you” you say kissing him
“eww get a room” Jeremiah said
“we just came out of one” Conrad said as quick as the speed of light making you look at him with wide eyes
“I missed this” Susannah said “y’know ever since you left y/n he has never been this chipper”
“is that so” you say looking at Conrad all this time you thought he was fine especially with all the girls he dated
“so true” Steven added
“we missed you” Belly said. she meant it in the way you could finally be in the same room as all of them without having to walk on eggshells “also Cam told me to give you this” it was your uno cards from the other night
“thank you” you smile at her
“give me another bite” Conrad said as he wraps his arms around your waist and you practically feed him “thank you” he said which followed by an mhm coming from your mouth
“want to go to the beach later” you asked looking up at him to see if he would agree or not
“sure” he replied. making you already excited and smiling back at the muffin before taking a bite and feeding another piece to Conrad
“can we go at night” he questioned
“and skinny dip” you whispered for only him to hear which made him already look forward to see the moon.
“this is seriously cute” Taylor says to Belly who nods
“i love you” Conrad said to you kissing the top of your head as he saw how everyone was so welcoming of the new couple
“i love you more” you say looking up at him which made him kiss you
a/n: part two..??
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bouncybongfairy · 1 year
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Late Night At Fazbear's
Mike Schmidt x Fem Reader
Summary: Mike is an ex-coworker with whom you have a situationship with. Knowing about your interest in arcade games, he invites you to visit him at an abandoned pizzeria to check it out. Things get a little heated before you get a chance to look around.
Word Count: 2.5k+
(!This is a smut fanfic, you’ve been warned!)
You were working on some last-minute statistics homework after you got out of the shower. It was a Friday night and even though you got an offer from your friend group to go out, you decided to stay home. Going to house party after party was getting annoying. Half the time, the only people there were drunk frat boys trying to get some before their whiskey dick kicked in. Being a wing girl for your friends was fun the first thirty times but now you’d rather stay home. Things in your life seemed so stagnant, it was like all you did was school, work, then bumming it at home. Like you were some uncharismatic dad in a sitcom. Suddenly your phone goes off, which breaks you out of the trance you were in. When you answered, you immediately recognized the voice to be Mike from the pizza place you guys used to work at together. You thought it was kinda weird that he was calling you so randomly but you did talk often when working together. For reasons that still are unclear, you answered.
“Hey! Sorry I know this is- it’s kinda random but can you talk for a second?” his voice spoke over the receiver. 
“Yeah, I’m just hanging out at home. What’s up?” you asked, now standing up to pace around your room. 
“Oh cool cool, so kinda weird to explain but bear with me here. Remember how you were super obsessed with the old arcade games we had in the back of the pizza shop? Anyway, I got this new job at an old pizzeria and there’s a bunch of old games and animatronics. I was thinking while I’m working the graveyard shift you could maybe swing by for an hour or two and check it out with me?” His voice was so sweet and soft-spoken that you couldn’t help but blush over the phone. You coiled your finger around the wire of the landline. 
“Umm, yeah that sounds kinda fun actually, when are you there till?” you asked with a hint of a smirk on your face. 
“My shift starts at 12 am and ends at 6 am, no pressure. Obviously, I’ll be here all night,” he laughed.
“Yeah, I’ll call you right before I leave okay?” you asked softly. 
“Yeah that’s perfect, I’ll see you then,” he said. 
You put the phone back on its hook and check the time on your alarm clock. To your dismay, you’d been studying for two hours and it was 10:50. Luckily you’d already showered but that wasn’t the problem. Internally, you were going through a moral dilemma. Part of you was telling yourself that he was just a coworker that got attached and another part, wanted to do your hair and make-up and hair before going. Making sure that every strand sat just right as if he’d somehow notice. To make sure your eyelashes have the exact amount of mascara they need to be long but not clumpy. If you thought all these things, wouldn’t that mean you do care what he thinks of you? Although you were bubbling with a mix of nervousness and anticipation, you managed to finish getting ready. You start packing your bag, pacing around looking for all your items. Car keys, pocket knife, compact, body spray, and your wallet. As you went to take the cartoon of cigarettes from your bedside table, you thought about taking the joint that was rolled. Sitting on your knees in front of your nightstand, you start dialing Mike’s number to let him know you are on the way. After shoving all the contents into the bag, you make your way outside and start your Mazda. You were sitting in the car for a few moments, thinking about if you were really going. 
Once you pulled into the parking lot, thoughts of regret started to bubble in your brain. You would have turned around if it weren’t for Mike’s car being in the parking lot. You checked the time on the radio and saw that it was only 12:57, was it weird that you were there so early? You were slightly worried that it would look desperate. Deciding to let that unneeded anxiety go, you get out of the car and lock your doors. Take a moment to take in the outside of the building. It appeared to be severely unkempt, brown vines covered most of the building. Due to the unsettling vibe of the building, the bear that was supposed to look cute and inviting was the exact opposite. Creating an ominous feeling as it waved at you. The walls were mostly a dull yellow color with red and blue accents and a black and white checkered line across the middle. One of the R’s of the sign was out, only adding to the sketchy feeling. You knocked on the big metal doors, wiping your knuckles off on your jeans. When Mike swung the door open, it made you jump and gasp. This caused him to break out into a fit of laughter. You playfully pushed his shoulder back. 
He took you back to the small room where he was monitoring all the security footage. The room was more creepy than the outside of the building. You sat down on the desk and Mike plopped down on his office chair. He was completely slouched back, wearing a gray thermal and a dark hooded sweater. His hair was more curly than shaggy and he had a five o’clock shadow. You set your purse on the desk and stood up, looking at the security cameras. One of the first things you noticed was the group of animatronics that were standing on the stage together. It was then that you realized what you really had gotten yourself into. 
He was surprised that you even came, yes you guys had become close while working together but he didn’t think it would lead to anything after. You were currently facing away from him, and he couldn’t help but admire you as you did so. He liked the fact that you were so well put together. Your jeans were fitted perfectly and your thong peaked out slightly from the top of your waistband. When you entered the small room, the entire space began to smell like apple-scented perfume. The white long sleeve was also very fitted, which brought attention to your figure. You turned around once you noticed it had been silent for a while. Grabbing your purse, you pull out the cartoon of cigs. Bringing the lighter to it and taking a drag to light it. After taking a couple of puffs you pass it to Mike who leans forward with a groan. As he took his hit, a piece of ash fell onto his pants. You leaned down and brushed it off his knee. 
“So much for cutting back right?” he asked rhetorically. 
“Oh yeah, I did switch to Spirits though. My grandma swore by these,” you said taking it back. 
“Do you smoke weed?” he asked, you laughed and started digging through your bag and pulled out the Altoids container, grabbing the joint. 
“Will you get in trouble? For like, smoking on the job?” you asked. 
“Oh no, this place is abandoned. There’s usually nobody in and out of here that would notice,” he said. 
You lit the joint and took a deep drag, blowing the smoke at his face playfully. He laughed as he took the joint into his hands and inhaled. You put the cig out on the glass ashtray that sat on the desk. He commented on how good the flower tasted which made you relieved knowing he didn’t think it was reggie. You guys started talking about memories of working together. You guys would always take smoke breaks together and go to lunch every once and a while. Mike actually listened to what you had to say. He wasn’t the type of person that constantly changed to a conversation with himself. A lot of guys you spoke with were usually just telling you whatever you wanted to hear. Everything you had to say was so fascinating and impressive because they were just trying to butter you up. Mike would actually give his opinions on things and would tell you if he thought what you were saying was stupid. It was refreshing, to be honest, to have an interaction with the opposite sex without them drooling on you. You glanced over at Mike, maybe it was the weed but something felt different now. The way his legs were spread so widely made something in you feel hot. Eyes were now bloodshot, making the hazel color stand out even more than before. When he reached for the joint again, his hand brushed over yours. This made you make eye contact with him but then break away once the awkwardness set in. You looked down and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“Are you still with Jackson?” he asked.
“What? Oh yeah, we broke up a while ago,” you said, rubbing your arm.
“Well, what happened? I mean… If you don’t mind me asking,” he said. 
“No it’s- he just..” you took a deep inhale and spoke as the smoke poured out of your mouth, “he was really aggressive like, not just with his words. Not saying he beat me or anything but some things are meant to be more sweet and gentle. Sorry, I don’t know why I'm telling you this,” you said, passing it back. 
“No, I’m the one who brought it up. He always was a little misogynistic when we talked, I’m sorry you were subjected to that,” he said. You were sitting on the desk, you kicked off your sandals and gently swung your legs back and forth. 
“Yeah, I guess it just wasn’t meant to be,” you sighed.
“For sure, you could do so much better than that,” he said. 
“Oh yeah? When you say better what do you mean by that?” you asked, leaning over to grab the joint. 
“Like if you said he was overly aggressive then you’ll find someone that is more gentle and shit,” he said, chuckling a little. 
“Oh, I see,” you moved your foot so that it was resting on his inner thigh before continuing, “Maybe you could show me?” you asked flirtatiously, he looked up and looked at you with a shocked expression. 
You used your leg to roll him closer to where you were sitting. He was now smirking, looking up at you. He let his hands slide up both your outer thighs. He pulled you off the desk so that you were now sitting in his lap facing him. You still had the joint in your hand, you took a hit before letting it sit on the ashtray. Your noses were touching and you were relieved to see that his breath was as fast as yours. Running your fingers through his hair, forcing his head to tilt back a little. You ran your bottom lip across his, arching your back and pressing your crotches together. He picked you up which caused you to wrap your legs around his waist. He set you on the desk again so that he was standing, hovering over you. You reached your hands down between your bodies, trying to unbuckle his belt. He stopped the kiss and chuckled at your eagerness and helped you. As you unzipped his jeans, one of his arms reached behind you and undid the clasps of your bra. The way he unhooked it with one hand made you throb. He pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you in nothing but jeans. He still had his jeans on but now that his pants were undone, you could feel how hard he was through his boxers. It was like the heat coming off his dick was making your stomach feel warm and tight. Before he buried his face into your chest, the look on his face was almost primal. Like it was taking everything he had to keep his hands off of you. He took one of your breasts into his mouth and sucked, biting down every once in a while. He reached into his backpack that was sitting on the desk and pulled out a condom. He was breathing heavily and a couple of drips of sweat were beading down his forehead. As you unzipped your jeans you looked over at the security camera and thought you saw one of the animatronics move from the stage. You pulled away for a second to show him,
“Mike, I know we smoked and everything. Oh my god, I know this is going to be crazy but I swear I just saw one of those… things moved,” you said as he trailed kisses up your shoulder. 
“This is my third day here and I think that all the time. It’s just your head playing tricks on us because of how creepy they look,” he said, then tearing the foil package open. 
“Are you sure because I could have..” you started but then were interrupted by Mike throwing the still-packaged condom onto the desk and pressing a button that made both doors close around you. He then got down on his knees and gripped the top of your jeans, pulling them down. Instead of trying to pull your panties off of you, he simply pulls them to the side. Sticking his tongue in between your folds, massaging your clit. You had been in a dry spell since you broke up with Jackson and even then, he would never go down on you. The feeling of his mouth pressed against you was so euphoric, the moans that came out of your mouth were completely natural and unrehearsed. His pace was slow but he kept a steady rhythm which helped you chase to your climax. Instead of pulling at his hair, you cupped his face, gently stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. He looked up and made direct eye contact with you. His eyebrows were furrowed but when he saw the look on your face, his eyes closed and he groaned loudly. He grabbed your ankles and pushed your legs back so that your feet were now on the desk. You grabbed two fistfuls of hair and threw your head back, moaning loudly. The pressure of the top of your thighs being pressed into your lower stomach. Crying out as you cum, the moans came out strangled. As you started to come down from the wave of ecstasy, you began to feel insecure about how fast he made you cum. 
“God you are so fucking hot, like seriously I almost came in my boxers,” he said standing up and grabbing the condom. His lips were parted and his mouth was still covered in saliva. Without wiping his mouth, he slid the rubber onto his shaft. 
“Sorry, do you want to keep going?” he asked, you didn’t verbally respond. Instead, you grabbed him by his shirt and smashed your mouth into his. He moaned the word ‘fuck’ into your mouth before continuing kissing. He broke away to look down and line himself up with your entrance. You were still wet and swollen from the previous orgasm, enabling him to slide in with you easily. He dropped his forehead down on your shoulder, mouth open and moaning as he slowly started rocking back and forth into you. You scooted your ass down so that you could fully be pressed against his hips. The desk was continuously banging up against the wall. Your foreheads were now pressed together groaning and growling into each other’s mouth. Everything suddenly came to a halt when everything went dark. You both jump and start looking for any articles of clothing that are nearby. The big metal doors on both sides of you slam open so loud, that your ears start ringing. 
“What the fuck just happened!” you exclaim.
“The battery died,” he realizes. 
“Well has that ever happened while you’re working?” you asked.
“No,” he stated. 
“Holy fuck, do you hear that fucking music?” you whispered. 
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juniperskye · 7 months
Begin Again.
Sneak peek: Reader got out of a relationship about eight months ago and was sure love was meant to burn and break and end…but this particular Wednesday made her believe that maybe, just maybe, she could begin again with someone new.
Aaron Hotchner x (Fem) Reader
Word count: 1236
***Flashbacks are indented and in italics – this story flashes from present to past a few times. ***
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, implied age gap (kinda?), anxiety, self-consciousness, Past abusive relationship, explicit LANGUAGE,  no use of y/n, mention of Jack, mention of Hotch’s previous relationship, story is guided by begin again by Taylor Swift (lyrics aren’t all directly used), mention of a love of the Beatles. I think that’s all, let me know if I missed any!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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You glanced at yourself in the mirror, second guessing your outfit choice.  Were the heels too much? Would he comment on them, would he be okay with them? Maybe you should switch to flats, they would be a safer choice.
“Babe seriously. Do you have to wear heels?” He berated you. “These are the shoes she told us to wear. I can’t switch shoes I’m a bridesmaid and were all supposed to look uniform.” You explained. “Really? You’re going to make me look so fucking stupid. Who cares if she chose those, just tell her the didn’t fit or the clasp broke or something.” “I’m not doing that.” You said. “You’re so difficult. Just change your shoes, it’s not a big deal. I just don’t want to look like a fucking idiot because my girlfriend is towering over me.” He continued.
You could remember multiple arguments that went that way. Him yelling at you for dressing how you wanted, so you didn’t. He started picking out your clothes and you complied, because that was easier than having him tear you down.
You smoothed your hands over your clothes and made your way out the door. The drive to the Café was a short one. You parked and made your way across the street, ready to go in and get a table for the two of you, fully expecting to have beaten him there.
To your surprise, when you opened the door, there he was. Aaron stood from his seat and walked toward you. You met him halfway and he pulled you into a gentle embrace. You didn’t fail to notice how he still towered over you despite your heels,
“Hi! It’s so good to see you.” He said pulling out your chair.
“Oh, thank you! It’s good to see you too, I was really glad you called.” You smiled as Aaron returned to his seat across from you.
“Yeah, sorry that it’s a random Wednesday, but with my job it makes it so hard and with us being free today I wanted to take the chance and spend it with you.” Aaron explained.
“I am happy to be here! The day doesn’t matter.” You shot Aaron a shy smile.
“You look beautiful by the way.”
You couldn’t help but blush at Aaron’s words. He had been so kind and gentle with you since you had started seeing one another. You had only gone on a few dates, but things were really good. The two of you had agreed to take things slow, having both gotten out of relationships not too long ago and Aaron also had Jack to think about. You guys had texted and talked on the phone quite a bit. He had gone as far as to call you late one night after a particularly rough case.
The two of you were currently talking about how your respective weeks have gone. Aaron had just gotten back from a case (hence why you were on your date now) and you had just completed a pretty big project at work. In the midst of your conversation, the song playing in the café changed to I Will by the Beatles, one of your favorite songs.
“Oh my god I love this song!” You gushed, quietly humming along.
“You like the Beatles?” Aaron asked.
“I love them! I have every one of their albums on vinyl.” You blushed.
“I don’t think I have ever met a woman with the same level of Beatles obsession as my own.” Aaron smiled at you in admiration.
The two of you ate while quietly enjoying the music and one another’s company.
“For if I ever saw you, I didn’t catch your name. But it never really mattered, I will always feel the same. Love you forever and forever, love you with all my hear- “ “Jesus, can you stop fucking singing that song?” He huffed. “Babe, it’s a really good song, I wish you would just listen to the words.” “I don’t give a shit about your stupid song. I don’t get it anyway.” He shut you down.
Aaron and you continued your conversation upon finishing your meal. You were in pure bliss with how amazing things were going. Aaron was attentive and gave you his full attention. He nodded and responded when it was needed. He also held conversation so well, he gave just enough information about himself in combination with asking you about yourself.
Another thing that had you swooning over Aaron was the fact that he had thrown his head back in laughter a few times throughout your conversation. You truly couldn’t wrap your head around how lucky you had been to have met Aaron. Your ex had never found your sense of humor funny, and it was nice to be in the presence of someone who appreciated it.
“Can you not make jokes like that when we’re in front of my friends? Like seriously what the fuck was that?” He demanded. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just a joke. Your friends laughed.” You shrugged. “It wasn’t even funny. They just laughed out of pity to save you from the embarrassment of nobody understanding your stupid ass jokes.” He rolled his eyes at you as he stormed off.
Aaron checked his watch and noticed how late it was getting. He looked into your eyes and smiled, neither one of you wanting this day to end. But he needed to go pick up Jack from soccer practice.
“Can I walk you to your car?” Aaron asked.
“That would be great.” You smiled, wrapping your scarf around your neck.
As you made your way over to your car, you thought about talking to Aaron about how your ex had truly broken you, and that part of the reason you’d requested to take things so slowly is because you had to relearn how to accept love from someone. The last eight months had allowed you time to fall in love with yourself again, but loving someone else was a whole new obstacle you were working through.
Aaron’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts, he had been talking about how he wanted to introduce you to Jack, not now, but in the near future. He had come up with a nice way to do so.
“So, Jack and I always watch Elf and the Grinch around Christmas, I think it could be nice if one night you came over and watched one of them with us, you know. It gives us a few more weeks to really solidify things between us and by then we will have been seeing each other for four months. What do you say?” Aaron looked hopefully at you.
“Only if it’s the Jim Carrey Grinch movie. That new animated one is cute and all, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the live action.” You smiled back at him.
“Of course, it’s the Jim Carrey one. We take things very seriously at our house.” Aaron smirked at you.
Aaron and you shared a laugh, and then he brushed his hand over your cheek, leaned in, and kissed you gently. December couldn’t come fast enough. Things with your ex had really messed you up, and he’d left you believing that love wasn’t meant to flourish, just burn, and break and end.
But on a Wednesday, in a Café you watched it begin again.
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
Could I ask for an Edward Cullen x male reader where the reader is Bella’s best friend (who moved right after her)- He ends up becoming infatuated with him instead, and they just have a happy time??
This is Different...
Twilight timmmmeee- time to reach into the archives of my memories and pull random facts from my ass.
Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy <3
Requested by: Anon
Edward Cullen x Male!Reader
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Bella had to kept telling herself to wait just one more week, because then (Y/N) would be there and she could vent to him about how weird this town was.
The two had grown up together in Arizona and were practically inseparable. Their parents did that thing where they were convinced Bella and (Y/N) were going to date and get married and all of that, which just isn't happening. But it made his dad easier to convince when they asked if (Y/N) could move to Forks, Washington with Bella.
(Y/N)'s parents had just gotten a divorce and his dad was moving anyways, and he was old enough that he just wanted to stay with his dad (and little sister that would come to visit every once in a while) until he was an adult.
So after Bella left to Forks, (Y/N) and his dad started packing their bags and started their trip.
Bella could not wait to tell him about the school, the weird but oddly charming students, and the standoffish Cullen family.
Finally the week came to an end and Charlie drove Bella to pick them up from the airport.
(Y/N)'s father, James, had planned to buy a car once they got to the new house, but Charlie had so kindly offered to drive them until he did get one.
At the airport Bella ran up to (Y/N) and he caught her in a hug, laughing at her eagerness.
"Looks like somebody missed me!" (Y/N) squeezed out a laugh, Bella cutting off his air supply with the grip of her hug.
"It's been absolute agony without you here, I have so much to tell you- and warn you about."
"Oh damn, that doesn't sound good," (Y/N) replied as Bella helped pick up one of his bags.
"It's crazy out here." She nodded, and the two shared a look that only childhood friends could share.
"Any cute guys?" they had a hushed conversation to the car, Charlie and James too wrapped up talking about fishing to pay attention.
"I'm sure you'd find them cute," Bella scoffed, throwing a teasing smile over her shoulder as she loaded the trunk.
(Y/N) scoffed back, betrayed at her diss.
"I'm sure you went for the stalker-ish one anyways." With a sly smirk he got into the backseat, closing the door on her denials.
(Y/N) had settled in, conveniently living next door to the Swan's house, and drove with Bella in her old truck to school that Monday.
"So, Jessica is into Mike and Angela is with Eric. And Tyler flirts with everybody, but nobody goes out with him?" (Y/N) recapped from the tangent of drama Bella had been giving him.
"Yup, pretty much," Bella confirmed, turning into the school parking lot.
"And all of the Cullen's are super hot- but they're dating each other?" (Y/N) asked, more suspiciously this time.
"Well, they're all adopted, but yes. Except for Edward- but I already told you what happened."
"Yeah the weird smelling thing and the he disappeared just to come back with a different eye color."
"They could just be colored contacts," Bella corrected, still not sure herself.
"Strange... Welp, let's do this," (Y/N) sighed as he got out of the passengers seat of the car.
Bella shrunk into his side, all of the attention on her once again. Last time it was because she was the new girl, but now it's because she had her attractive best friend with her.
"Yo, Bella!" Mike called out, giving (Y/N) a confused glare.
Bella waved back and started walking over, (Y/N) following at her side. Leaning down to whisper in her ear (Y/N) held back a laugh, "You left out the part about Mike's crush on you."
Bella just rolled her eyes as they met up with the group.
"Everybody, (Y/N)- (Y/N), everybody," Bella lazily introduced.
"You just moved here, right?" Angela asked, holding Eric's hand as they lent up against Tyler's van behind them.
"Yes, I did. I grew up with Bella in Arizona and where she goes I go," (Y/N) laughed, nudging Bella in the side jokingly.
That's when he noticed her distracted state. Following her line of sight he realized she was staring at a car full of probably the most attractive people he'd ever seen.
"Who's that?" (Y/N) asked the group, acting clueless to get more information.
"Those are the Cullen's-" Jessica jumped right into the rant about their family.
When she was done she came closer to (Y/N), grabbing hold of his hand as she batted her eyelashes at him. "Let me show you around!"
Shrugging, (Y/N) waved to Bella, who rolled her eyes at Jessica's obvious flirting.
"Where'd you find that guy? He's so hot," Jessica gushed to Bella at lunch. (Y/N) hadn't sat down yet so she'd finally gotten a second to ask.
"We grew up together- he wasn't that hot when we first met, trust me," Bella almost snorted, playing with the food on her tray.
"You guys aren't like..." trailing off she wiggled her eyebrows to imply.
"No- god, no," Bella laughed. "He's like my brother."
"Oh, good. Less competition then," Jessica sighed.
"I don't think you'll be having much luck either, Jessica," Angela pointed out, nodding in (Y/N)'s direction.
He was flirting with some guy in the lunch line, the guys face bright red as he laughed at something (Y/N) had said.
Jessica looked heartbroken but Angela and Bella just laughed about it.
When (Y/N) finally joined them Bella raised an eyebrow at him.
"What?" (Y/N) shrugged indignantly, opening his milk carton.
"Not even a full day in and you're already jumping on them," Bella teased, popping a grape into her mouth.
"Hey, you told me there wasn't any cute guys here, I just wanted to see what he was like," (Y/N) protested. "I didn't even like him that much. Kind of a dick."
Hearing a sudden and loud snort of laughter, (Y/N) and Bella turned around to see the Cullen's lunch table, Edward hiding his face as he looked towards the windows as his siblings glared at (Y/N). Or maybe they just all had RBF- save for the short girl with the pixie-like hair. She smiled at (Y/N) and waved, so he waved back.
"They're so weird," Jessica whispered as she dug into her lunch.
"How much have you actually talked to them?" (Y/N) questioned, taking a bite of his apple.
Jessica didn't answer for a minute, looking kind of embarrassed. Angela rolled her eyes, answering for her. "Once- and it was Edward rejecting her."
(Y/N) snorted and then apologized, "Sorry. It just seems like you're holding a grudge on people you barely know." He then changed the subject, not wanting to make an enemy out of Jessica.
She really seemed like a good friend, he didn't want to go pushing her buttons, that'd be mean.
"Mr. Molina, it's nice to meet you. I'm your new student, (Y/N)."
"Ahh, Mr. (L/N), is it?" (Y/N) nodded. "You can sit in front of Edward Cullen. You're lucky we had an empty seat," he joked, pointing to where he was talking about.
That was when (Y/N) got his good first look at Edward Cullen. His gaze was intense, just like Bella had said, but it was less scary than she described it.
Seemed like a guy worth getting to know.
Walking over to the desk with Bella, (Y/N) held out his hand to Edward. "You're Edward Cullen, right? Mr. Molina told me to sit in front of you, but I've heard stories and wanted to introduce myself." He smiled confidently.
Edward hesitantly took his hand and shook it, (Y/N) not reacting to the hard coldness of his skin.
Or at least he didn't show it- (Y/N) was immediately thrown off but didn't want to put off this attractive guy.
"Like you said, I'm Edward. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." (Y/N) winked and sat in his chair, not looking back at Edward or Bella once.
Bella just rolled her eyes with good nature. She'd seen him do this before, if she'd felt uncomfortable or threatened by someone, (Y/N) would draw the attention to himself. That's what worked about their friendship, he could take the attention that she didn't want.
At the end of class, (Y/N) packed up his things and then helped Bella do the same. He waved to Edward with a "Bye!" and they left.
Out in the parking lot his siblings all waited for him by the car.
"What's up?" Emmett asked, his arm around Rosalie.
Alice squealed, "Oh! It happened, didn't it? I thought it was Bella at first but then I saw him and just knew it would happen!" She jumped up and down and clapped her hands.
"What happened?" Rosalie questioned again, Jasper smirking as he sensed Edward's emotions.
"He fell in love," Alice stage-whispered. She was teasing him, of course, but Edward grumbled all the same.
They all piled into the car but before Edward got in he looked across the lot to see (Y/N) leaning on the truck hood talking to Bella.
He hadn't fallen in love. He couldn't- not with a human.
With Bella it was just an obscene thirst... but this was different.
Sorry to cut this short, I wouldn't be opposed to writing more for this! I just think this is a good ending and leaves an open spot for a potential part 2!
Hope you liked it anon!
-Author Max <3
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yeoosaangg · 1 year
Talk Dirty || Kinktober - Day 4
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pairing ▸ park seonghwa × f!reader × choi san
now playing ▸ talk dirty - daniel di angelo
⤷ ❝i think i'm fucking addicted to your body. baby, can you blame me?❞
genre ▸ idol au, polyamorous relationship, smut
warnings ▸ free use, degradation, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, double penetration, marking
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
When you got hired as ATEEZ's personal fucktoy, you never expected to fall in love with them.
Your contract expired months ago, but you never left them. They asked you to be their girlfriend and the rest was history.
You cuddle into Seonghwa's side, enjoying your movie night. He chose something random, not really caring about its plot. He just wanted to spend time with you.
San walks in from his room, pulling your bottom half close to him.
Seonghwa smirks, knowing where this was going.
San: What you guys watching?
Y/n: Don't remember the title. But this guy's going around killing everyone. Must be important.
San: Oh, yeah?
He pulls your bottoms off, discarding them on the floor. You won't be needing them anyway.
You resist grinning in excitement, his fingers opening you up with ease.
Seonghwa: Really, San? During movie night?
San: Don't act like your dick isn't getting hard. She's our girlfriend for a reason.
You just stare at the TV, acting blissfully unaware of the conversation. Just like how your boyfriends love it.
Y/n: Look! He found the main bad guy.
San: So interesting, sweetheart.
You know he doesn't give a shit about the movie, but it's fun to indulge the idea he could.
He takes off his sweats, kicking them off somewhere. He aligns his cock into you, moaning at the feeling. You hum, holding back from reacting.
You continue to stare at the TV, loving the way San's cock stretches you out.
Seonghwa unbuttons his jeans and quickly takes them off. He pulls your shirt over your head, growling at the sight of your bare chest.
Seonghwa: Hey, baby. How was your date with Yunho?
He guides your hands to stroke his cock. You mindlessly continue, wanting so bad to take him in your mouth.
Y/n: It was- Mmm- It was so fun. We had a picnic at the park. Picked a spot with a great v-view of the lake.
It's getting really hard to not moan. San's cock hits your g-spot so deliciously.
Seonghwa: I'm glad you had a good time, baby.
He pulls your head down, shoving your head down his cock. His hips slam up into your throat, brutally abusing your mouth.
You desperately want to react having both of them using you like the whore that you are, but you just continue to stare at the TV.
San: I'll be asking Yunho for pictures of your date.
Seonghwa lifts your head, letting you answer San.
Y/n: He took- Hm- He took a lot.
Seonghwa: I bet he did. What'd you wear, darling?
Y/n: Sundress. The yellow one he bought me.
San speeds up, ramming his cock inside you repeatedly. Seonghwa leans forward and starts covering you in hickeys.
Y/n: How was work today?
San: It was great. We went over the choreo and fixed up some vocals in the studio.
Seonghwa: Same here. Nothing too major.
Y/n: Can I- Fuck- Can I visit next time?
San: You can go whenever you want, gorgeous. I bet the others would love to see you.
Y/n: Miss you guys lot when you work.
Seonghwa coos at you. He can see you crumbling at their touch. He can see the drool wanting to spill.
He shoves your head back on his cock. He moans as your tongue rubs the bottom of his shaft.
San: Look at you, so pathetic. Our hungry cockslut doing so well to please us. I can feel you cumming on my cock right now.
Seonghwa: Is she, now? So perfect for us. It's okay to react. We love watching our little whore enjoy herself.
You try to talk, but just choke around the big cock in your mouth.
They find you so cute.
San grabs your hair and pulls you off of Seonghwa, back against his chest. He bites your neck, watching you roll your eyes and fuck yourself on his cock.
Seonghwa: I was wondering when she'd crack.
San: Lasted longer than I thought. Guess she deserves her reward.
You scream, not holding back from the pleasure you're feeling. He fucks you so good.
Seonghwa stops you from moving, making you whine.
San: Watch it, princess. Or else we'll stop.
You bite your bottom lip, whimpering as Seonghwa lifted you off of San. The loss of contact was heartbreaking, but when San covers your holes in lube, you gasp in surprise.
San: Think you can take both of us at once, sweetheart?
You nod furiously. You love feeling both of them fucking you dumb.
He slowly enters you from behind, a string of curses leaving his lips.
Seonghwa grabs your legs and lifts them onto his shoulders. This was a new position, but you're not opposed to trying it.
He slides into your aching cunt, both of their arms wrapping around your waist.
Seonghwa: Remember your safe word, darling?
Y/n: Star.
San: Good girl. What's your current color?
Y/n: Green.
They exchange a look, slamming you down as both of their cocks enter you. You scream, scratching at Seonghwa's back from the pleasure mixed with pain.
Y/n: So- Fuck- So full!
Seonghwa kisses you, muffling your moans as San bites your neck. Tears stream down your face, the pressure in your lower stomach intensifying with each double stroke.
San: Aww, look at her. She's a babbling mess. Can't even talk properly. So fucking cute.
Seonghwa: Wonder how she'd do with all eight of us fucking her silly. We'll have to plan that day out, won't we?
San: Fuck, yeah we do. Take her to the dark room.
Seonghwa: Absolutely. Has Yeosang finished the arrangements?
San: We'll ask later.
You don't even give a warning as you squirt all over Seonghwa's cock. It dripped down onto San's cock in your ass.
Your boyfriends cum at the same time, stuffing you to the brim. You love it that way.
They don't stop fucking you, though. They just keep pounding until you no longer can think. Everything felt fuzzy.
San: Fuck, she's getting heavy.
Seonghwa hums, both of them slowing down. When you get this non-verbal and exhausted, they end the scene immediately.
San: I'll get the bath ready.
Seonghwa strokes your hair, seeing your eyes flutter between open and closed. He can tell they pushed you too deep into sub space.
Seonghwa: You did so well, darling. Our good girl. We're sorry for losing control like that. We love you and never want to hurt you.
San comes back, carefully lifting you into his arms. You giggle, feeling like you're going on a rollercoaster.
Seonghwa kisses your temple, chuckling at how cute you are.
They take you into the bathroom, cleaning you up and massaging your body.
It feels nice to know that even though they say cruel things while fucking you, they never actually mean it.
They couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. You are everything to them and more.
a/n: i gotta stop reading nsfw tweets... they give me ideas for more fics. thanks for reading! ‹𝟹
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fever pitch (b.b.) - part three
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soundtrack: don't blame me - taylor swift pairing: footballer!bradley x popstar!reader synopsis: you and bradley spend the night, but the road to heaven is full of obstacles; some are external, others are self-inflicted. warnings: language, public scrutiny (will be a recurring theme in this fic ha!), bradley is a stand-up guy all round, fluff, smut (d/s elements, praise kink, bit of a bratty side?, fingering, oral [f receiving], dirty talk, size kink, bradley is PACKING, protected sex) notes: i'm back! life has been crazy since i posted the previous chapter, but i just wanna say thank you so so much for your patience and your kind words about the fic so far! big shoutout to @gretagerwigsmuse and @teacupsandtopgun for being absolutely GEMS in brainstorming ideas-- this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for y'all <3 happy reading!
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The Langham, Sterling Suite. Ask for Holly Golightly ;)
Bradley smiles at your text, and the cheeky “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” reference. He shoots up a quick reply as he makes his way out to the lobby, fighting hard not to be grinning like an idiot to any unassuming passersby, until—
Click-click-click-click! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!
“Hey, it’s Bradley Bradshaw!”
“Oi, Bradley! Give us a smile, mate!”
“Bradley, did you get to meet Y/N inside?”
“Did the boss let you out on a school night, Bradley?”
”How are you feeling about the Sunderland game this weekend?”
It’s a meager distance from the steps of Annabel’s to the curb where the valet has brought out his car, but holy shit. It doesn’t usually get nearly as crazy as this. He’s partied here with Harry Styles, and nobody bat an eye when the guy stumbled out drunk with his left tit out. But maybe it’s because Harry lives in London sometimes, or maybe because he was on a break… unlike Miss Americana on her world tour right now. It makes him pause and rethink how careful he needs to be.
Bradley gets into his car and drives off, trying to tread between the fine line of quick and careful. He can’t help but look over the rearview mirror more often than normal. Fuck, is this how you feel like all the time? He’s no stranger to the spotlight, but rather than the occasional run-ins, nobody has ever been interested in where he went to dinner on a random Tuesday night.
The Langham is barely a mile away, but Bradley sees photographers parked across the hotel with their long-lens cameras and disgusting disposition, and he keeps on driving. Thinking. Restrategizing. Hoping that his vintage aubergine Ferrari isn’t causing suspicion for driving by the second and third time.
He finds a basement parking lot behind the building and pulls up, hoping it’s the right entrance to the hotel. The attendant looks starstruck as he nods and points the way, sending him off with an eager ‘Come on you Gunners!’. And just like that, he makes it into the lobby out of the pap’s sight.
Be cool, he reminds himself, you’re only as suspicious as you seem to be. He comes up to the reception desk, and the girl behind it greets him warmly.
“Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Langham. How may I help you?”
“I’m here to see Ms. Golightly at the Sterling Suite,” Bradley says smoothly. “Holly Golightly.”
“And who am I speaking with, sir?” The girl looks at him like he seems familiar, but can’t quite place him. 
“...Paul Varjak,” he states, unable to bite back the smile. Oh, the thrill of giving out a fake name with the very real possibility of getting called out on his shit. 
But she nods and grabs the telephone, dialing into your room. Blissfully ignorant of the pseudonym he just gave her. 
Let this inside joke be the two of yours alone.
The elevator ride up is peaceful—too peaceful that he can hear his heart beating and his palms sweating. Even the carpet mutes his footsteps towards the double door. Before he even presses the bell, a bodyguard opens the door for him.
“Mr. Bradshaw,” he nods curtly. It’s one of the guys from the restaurant earlier. Middle-aged, stout and rather short, sporting a permanent scowl and a vibe that indicates he’s seen some shit.
“Hi. Sorry, I haven’t got your name…?”
“Guy,” he deadpans.
Bradley wonders if that’s his real name or he’s just saying it so Bradley would get off his case, but smiles anyway. “Nice to meet you, Guy.”
Guy hums gruffly and ushers him into the foyer, an identical hallway of the hotel, with a room on each side. “Through here,” he leads him towards another set of double doors at the end of the hallway.
Meanwhile, you are full-on freaking out in your living room. Should you get changed? You’ve taken off your heels, but getting everything off feels so premeditated… You don’t even know if he wants things to go that far. Maybe you can break your little rule and bring out the wine for liquid courage? Gosh, nothing feels right. And it’s been so long since you’ve last done this that you’ve actually gone rusty.
And before you get to decide—in the long, wasteful twenty minutes or so you’ve been pacing, you hear a knock on your door.
You rush over to get the door and there he is, coming out victorious through the hurdles, smiling at you.
“Thanks, Guy. I’ll take it from here,” you dismiss your security a little too quickly, nodding over Bradley’s shoulder. You’re sure Guy is rolling his eyes all the way back to his room over your lovestruck teenager behavior.
But it hardly matters when this man before you is looking at you like the sun.
“Hey, you.” Bradley beams at you from his spot. As if afraid to invade your space somehow.
And so are you. This feels like that night in the garden all over again. You have to remind yourself that this isn’t some pocket of a park you stumbled into; this is your hotel room. 
“Come on in.” You let him cross the threshold, closing the door behind him the warm foyer light cast golden upon his face. You’re not sure if it’s the fact that you’ve ditched your six-inch heels, or that there’s no one else, but Bradley looks even taller than you remember him. Broader. More… imposing.
“I’m sorry for taking so long. There’s cameras everywhere and I had to—”
“It’s okay,” you try to reassure him. It feels rude to ask if he got caught on camera, but at this point, you had to ask. “Did you… Did they…?” 
Bradley quickly shakes his head. “No, I took the basement entrance, out of sight. We’re good.”
”I’m, uh… sorry for the fuss.”
”Hey, it’s no trouble at all… Ms. Golightly,” he tilts his head, grinning at your chosen pseudonym.
”Yeah, it changes every time. My last stop in Tennessee, I was Clarice Starling,” you admit, making him laugh. “Although I’m glad you got the reference… Mr. Varjak.”
He simpers, very proud of himself. And with that, he takes a step closer to you. Towering over you. Crowding you with his smile, his scent, his body heat… and neither of you makes the first touch. You’re painfully aware of how his gaze keeps dropping to your lips. Bodies drawn towards each other but tied in place for some reason. It seems like despite all the flirting you did at the restaurant, everything goes out the window once you’re alone.
You’re just two strangers, caught in a thrilling game of push and pull. Too scared to tip over and just… fall.
“Can I kiss you…?” Bradley breathes out. He feels foolish for asking, but it’s the only way to make sure he’s not ruining the entire evening.
But you sigh in relief and nod your head yes, and it gives you the push you need to close the distance from him. You don’t know which one happened first; touching his lips with yours, grasping his arms for balance, or standing on your tiptoes on his shoes. He keeps you there, his strong hands securing your waist.
“You’re making me feel like a kid…” It makes you giggle into the kiss, and he can’t not possibly fall in love with the sound of that—with the feel of your lips pulled up right against his.
“I don’t think that’s a bad thing…” Bradley runs his hands down your sides gently. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”
“All night? You mean you’ve been thinking about making out with me while I tell you my life story?” you gasp, feigning shock and offense.
He laughs again. “Maybe for a moment or two there, I’ll admit.”
“I thought you were a gentleman!” you give him a playful smack on his behind, and there’s a flash of… something in his eyes. A spark, or a darkening. You’re not sure what it is yet, but it sends butterflies into your stomach yet again.
Bradley tucks some loose strands of your hair behind your ear. “I’m still a gentleman.”
“Really? I don’t believe that…” you sway his hips lightly, “I think you’re very… very bad,” you purr out, your lips barely touching.
He meets you halfway, and it feels like less of a shock this time. You gladly lose yourself in him, knowing you’ve crossed the line now. You finally notice how his mustache scratches your skin in a nice way, how he holds you flush against him, how he just melts into you in the kiss… enshrouding you in his warmth and lighting you on fire at the same time. 
Bradley pulls away, barely just. His forehead is still pressed against yours, your noses are bumping, and his breath melding with yours. He licks his lips and you swear you can almost taste it. “You’re making it really hard for me to be a gentleman, kid…”
You can’t help but chuckle at the nickname. It’s not one you expect, but it sounds right somehow. “I didn’t invite you all the way here to be a gentleman.”
The twinkle in his eyes darken. Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of him. “Is that right?” Bradley’s hands slide down your hips, finding the swell of your ass and giving it a firm squeeze.
The air catches in your throat, and you swallow lightly. “Mm-hm.”
Instead, you lead him into the bedroom. Bradley is right behind you, barely a step behind. His hands have found a home on your hips and he seems adamant to stay there for a moment. Insisting to hold onto you because he worries he’ll get ahead of himself before you’re ready. But gosh, you’ve been ready all night and you’re practically twisting your arms around trying to reach the zipper on the back of your dress.
“Come here, I got you,” he rasps, his heart skipping as he drags the zipper down your back. He’s not sure which one he loves more; the dip of your spine that he wants to trace with your tongue, or the way the dress falls to the floor and reveals what’s underneath that prim and proper pink dress.
A tiny scrap of lace held by a black strap on either side of your hips, framing the swell of your ass perfectly.
And he swears, for a split second, he thought he had died and gone to heaven.
“Fuck…” he breathes out.
You can’t turn around fast enough. It might be a good ‘fuck’, but what if it’s a bad one? “What’s wrong?”
Bradley just blinks at you, for no other reason than how your nipples are poking out the side of the skimpy triangle of your bra. And that your lipstick is smeared on the edges from kissing him.
But of course, your mind is already racing from the lack of response and you’re already thinking, oh no this was a bad idea I shouldn’t have worn this—
“Hey, hey…” he sees your face fall and your arms come up to cover your chest and he immediately steps in. Holding you close, hoping to give you comfort. “Is this all for me?”
Oh, shit. Maybe if you close your eyes tight enough, you would melt to the floor. “I know, it’s a little much—”
“No, that’s not what I asked…” Bradley tilts your chin up, making you look him in the eye. “I said… Did you put these on for me?”
Your breath comes up short, and you nod ever so slightly. You don’t even trust your own voice not to betray how much you want him to like it. How much you want him.
“It’s perfect. I love it. Thank you.” He smiles into your lips, kissing you there. Spelling out how he feels with his hands on your ass, his mouth on yours. “Such a good girl…”
That flips a switch in your brain and he can see it. Your eyes go wide, your posture changes, and all of a sudden, you look so… small in his arms. So vulnerable, so beautiful. So perfect. 
Suddenly, he’s holding the world in his arms. The sexy little thing you call panties is a pesky little nuisance now, and he can’t wait to get it off of you. His broad shoulders are keeping your legs open, his nose nuzzling your pubic bone as he looks up at you.
Bradley lowers you down on the side of the bed, settling on his knees before you. Committing every inch to memory by touch, from your ankle to your knee, up the inside of your thighs. When he reaches the scrap of fabric at your core, he feels it slick. He smirks. “What do we have here?”
Your face heats up. How the fuck are you supposed to answer that? No words are coming to your head—not when he’s drawing patterns over your pussy, making the lace glisten all over. And when your panties are positively ruined, he draws his hand back and licks the offending fingers in earnest.
And all it takes is a taste to send him into a frenzy. 
“Fuck honey, need to taste you…” he murmurs between feverish kisses all over your legs. “Can I?”
You nod fervently, feeling like he’s got you under a spell.
“Use your words, kid.” He grins, playfully biting the inside of your thigh.
The sharp sensation makes you yelp, and you grip his hair in reflex. “Yes, want your mouth on me, please…”
“Good girl, asking so nicely…” he chuckles, satisfied with your response. Then, he pulls you to the edge of the bed. That dainty scrap of lace you call panties is a pesky nuisance now, and he couldn’t wait any longer to get it off of you. With your legs hiked up on his broad shoulders, he dives into you. 
A taste, as it turns out, is an understatement because what Bradley does is devour. 
“Oh, fuck…” you gasp sharply at the contact.
With one hand pinning your thigh open, he laps you up in earnest, figuring out the many ways he can make you squirm. Time ceases to exist because it feels like he makes you come in no time, but also he’s been down there forever. But he goes on and on and on until his name comes out in a desperate chant of lust and need. 
“Bradley Bradley Bradley…” she grinds shamelessly into his mustache now, an unfamiliar but not unwelcome sensation on your part. “Please, I’m gonna…”
“I know, honey. I got you. It’s okay.” It’s an oddly wholesome thing to say in a moment like this, but maybe you’re a hopeless romantic at heart, because sweet nothings get you off.
Your orgasm strikes like a thunderbolt, and you find yourself arching into his mouth. The more you take, the more he gives—or is it the other way around?— It seems like he takes as much pleasure in it as you do. Maybe even more, as he holds onto you as you squirm away overstimulated.
“Bradley… wait.” You grab a handful of his hair, trembling breathlessly.
His mustache glistens when he comes up for air, and he finally (finally!) takes off his suit jacket as he stands up. He eases up on the throttle and lets you breathe for a second. He rolls up his sleeves to his elbows, watching you spread out like a feast for him. Legs open, bra askew, hair fanned out on the pillow… God, he’s so lucky.
When he returns on top of you, you’re eager to pull him by his belt buckle, but he brushes your hand away. You frown in protest. “But I wanna touch you—”
“It’s not your turn yet, honey,” he chides you teasingly.
“You just had your turn!”
He shrugs, nosing your cheek. “Well, it’s still my turn, so…” Bradley closes the gap again and kisses you openly.
The taste of your arousal on his tongue makes you dizzy, but it can’t distract you from the buzz of his fingers rubbing your devoured pussy, sending shivers down your spine. It’s entirely too much, and you keel over from the contact.
“Somebody’s a little sensitive, huh?” He grins, easing the throttle a little.
“Fuck you…”
“Well, if you say so.” He slides his middle finger in.
“Ohhh… Bradley…” you buck up your hips and moan. But in comes another finger, and you swear it feels like all of him. 
He’s wound differently this time, like a man on a mission. With his fingers crooking and stroking your silky walls, beckoning you to come closer, while you grip his shoulders, willing yourself to hold on. But his teeth yanks the edge of your bra to set your nipple free, and his sly tongue finally gets a taste… all resolve goes out the window.
“Come on, honey. I know you got another one in you…” he breathes out, undoing the front clasp of your bra so he can suck your tits with all his might, willing you to come.
And frankly, who are you to say no?
The burst of pleasure hits you from your core to your fingertips. If he wasn’t pinning you down on top of you, you would have probably floated away. But you’re firmly laid on the mattress and feeling everything. Your eyes blink back into focus as you come down from your high.
You pant, staring at him in disbelief. Nobody has ever put that much attention on you in bed before even taking off his clothes. “You got a baseball bat in there or something?”
“Something like that.” He rolls his eyes playfully. Jokingly, you assume.
You take his arm, kissing his wrist, “Can I touch you now?” sticking your tongue out to lick his digits clean of you. Putting on a show as you suck his fingers. “Please?”
He throws his head back and groans. “Fuck.” He can’t resist that doe-eyed look you’re putting on, nor can he resist you undoing his shirt buttons. He can play dominant all he wants, but he knows that the truth of the matter is, he’s all wrapped up around your little finger. “Okay, okay. You win.”
It’s a mess of unbuckling pants, kicking off shoes, and tossing clothes to the floor. Your hand reaches out to trace his gleaming skin, every ridge of his abdomen. You’ve seen the Calvin Klein campaigns and the Men’s Health covers— and gosh, he looks like a dream. But when that thing just springs up to his stomach when he pushes his boxers down…
You didn’t expect him to manifest straight out of your wet dream.
“Holy fuck, you weren’t kidding about your baseball bat,” you breathe out, head tilted as you stare at his thick cock. The vein that runs along the side, the way it curves slightly to the right, the length that makes you clench at the mere thought of it… Fuck, it’s pretty.
Bradley chuckles sheepishly. He knows how big it is, he’s heard all the jokes in the locker room, but hearing it from you hits different. “You scared?”
You should be, a little. But without flinching, you bite your lip and look him in the eye. “Nah, I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”
Gosh, he loves you. He’ll have to remember not to blurt that out too early. “Okay, big girl,” he chuckles, kissing you one last time before rolling off of the bed.
His sudden disappearance out of sight makes you frown. “Where are you—” you prop yourself up on your elbow, seeing him fish out a packet of condom from his trousers pocket, “Right. Safety first.”
Bradley nods, tearing the packet open with his teeth and rolling it on. There’s something so hot about how a man looks just before he fucks someone. “Mm-hm. Gotta make sure we’re both covered.”
“Do I need goggles and a helmet, too?”
He pauses as he straddles your hips. “Maybe next round,” he cheekily quips back. The idea of you wearing nothing but a helmet and safety goggles weirdly makes his cock stir, too. But you’re already lying naked under him, and he doubts that much will deter his hard-on.
Bradley pushes himself into you a little, and your eyes water as you whimper out in a blur of pain and pleasure. And here you thought two of his fingers felt full…
He stops in his tracks, trying to gauge your reaction. He nearly lost his mind over how tightly you’re clenched around him, but he doesn’t want to presume. “Too much?” He asks softly, stroking your cheek. 
Your breaths run ragged as you look up at him, almost in awe. “You’re just… so big…”
He laughs breathlessly. He hates to brag, but it’s true. And as much as he’s enjoying the way you flutter under him, he has to ask, “Want me to pull out?” Please say no, please say no, I don’t think I can handle it…
“N-no…” you wrap your arms and legs around him, clinging to him for dear life. “But I don’t know if it’ll fit.”
Bradley smiles at what has to be the most adorable look he’s ever seen from you. He kisses your forehead in reassurance. “I’ll go nice and slow, okay? I promise.”
Feeling this small and vulnerable so soon after meeting someone would usually set all kinds of alarms in your head. You never know how a guy would take it. But in this moment, nestled in the crook of his neck, among the mix of his perfume and aftershave and his natural musk… all you want to do is stay. “Okay,” you nod softly.
“Let’s try again then, hm?” He kisses your temple and whispers in your ear, “Open up, love.”
With a deep breath, you bite back a whimper as you take him deeper, still not quite all the way in. “Hurts…”
Bradley stops again, his concern fully taking over now. “You sure you want me to keep going…?”
“Yes!” You surprise yourself with how quick and desperate you answered him. Your eyes shut, trying to offset the warmth setting over your cheeks, as you make the dirty admission, “I… I like it when it hurts.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Bradley has to remind himself not to come on the spot, because holy shit. He wouldn’t go this hard on a woman so early in the game, but… his head is dizzy from how innocently you said it. He takes a breath to pull himself together. “Tell me if it’s too much, alright?”
The air is heavy. The room is silent. You can hear the shift in the tension as you smirk, “Yessir.”
There you are, you little devil. Bradley simply grabs you by the hips and bottoms out inside you. Your face goes slack while your cunt tightens around his cock, and it blows his mind.
He starts out slow, torturously so. Stuffing himself inside your crevice and dragging himself out, willing you to feel every inch. Every ridge. Until your body loosens up and twists around in the throes of passion. Your mouth falls open, your little gasps and moans coming and going as he pleases.
The unhurried pace is nice for a few minutes, when you’re still adjusting to his size. But now that he’s snug inside you, you’re simply aching for more. Your hips arch up into him halfway, a little more urgent, disrupting the rhythm with a pleasant stutter.
He notices this and smiles. “So eager… what’s the rush, hm?”
You answer with a groan. He has a penchant for asking you questions you can’t answer, this man. “You feel so good, baby…” you murmur headily, hands desperately grasping on him—his arms, his shoulders, his back…
”You feel even better.” He nips at your pert nipple, relishing in your angelic little filthy cry. Fuck, he can feel the exact motion of your pussy tightening for him. “I’m not gonna last long if you keep doing that…”
”Then don’t.”
His eyes flicker onto yours immediately. You’re gonna be the death of him, he swears…
You grab his hair by the fistful, keeping his gaze. “I want to feel you come inside me.”
”Oh fuck—” he doesn’t stand a chance. His body reacts faster than his brain could compute, and he holds your hips flush against his as he buries himself as deep as he can. Every twitch of his cock sends you reeling, and your pussy clenches and unwinds in your climax, following him down from his high to yours.
Free falling, hand in hand.
Bradley rolls off of you and you would complain, if it weren’t for the way he immediately pulls you into his chest. Thank fuck. You’re not quite ready to untangle from him yet. Not when your breaths still run a bit ragged, as if accidentally catching each other’s. He presses a kiss to your forehead, and it feels unlike your regular out-of-town hookup. No, this one’s different. But not a word is said between you on that for different reasons— each of you holding your cards close to your chest, as close as you’re holding each other.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Supersede part 2
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x reader
Theme : Angst (I don’t think there’s any fluff in here)
Decided to give reader’s brother a name otherwise it’ll get too confusing. Y/B/N ; Dean.
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“What is wrong with you?”
“I’m fine?” This was the tenth time Dean had asked you the same question. It probably had to do with you being gone for the rest of the event. After you saw Charles with his new girlfriend. You were on your way back to your hotel room when you were informed by Dean that Charles had invited both of you to join him for dinner.
“He said he wanted to introduce us with someone.”
Oh, you weren’t sure if you were prepared for that. Not for another ten years. So, you said no. And the excuse you came up with was pretty standard. You told him you weren’t feeling well. Guess that’s why he kept on asking you if you were fine because you looked horrible. Not physically, for sure.
“Alright, then. I’m just gonna tell him you are not feeling well. Take my card and order whatever you want. Let me know if you ever leave the hotel but I would prefer you to stay.” He cackled and patted your head when you pulled a face. “I know, I know. no more nagging.” He made a zip up motion on his lips and gave your head one last pat before you tapped the access card to your hotel room and walked in.
You jumped off the last stair and skipped your way to the living room. Your brother had accidentally ate your last piece of Magnum bar and had promised to take you out tonight to replace the eaten one. When you got into the living room, your brother was gone. The only person you could find was his best friend.
“Y/N? Are you looking for Dean?” He clicked on the pause button on the game controller and turned to look at you.
“Yeah, have you seen him?”
He resumed the game back and you heard the click of the buttons being pressed. “He went out for a date. Like 5 minutes ago, I think?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, feeling disappointed with the broken promises. Charles had taken notice of your silence and he paused back the game. “Why?”
“He promised me to– actually, no. Nevermind.” You turned to make you way back to the room.
“Y/N, why?”
You were on the first few step of the stairs when you heard his voice. By the time you walked back into the living room, you saw he was turning off the game. “It’s just that he promised he would take me out to replace my ice cream bar.” You were now playing with your sleeve after realising how childish it sounded now that you said it out loud. “I should head back to my room.”
“I can take you.”
“Dean doesn’t allow me to go out with any random guy.” You shook your head, completely against the idea though you would really like to spend some time with him, without your brother.
“I’m not a random dude. Plus, he doesn’t have to know. I drive fast cars, remember? We’ll just make it a quick trip.” You saw his little smirk as he strode confidently.
That was your first little so-called-date with Charles behind your brother’s back. He would always come over on Saturday to bring you out because Dean always slept over at his girlfriend’s. You would usually go and get ice cream just to eat by the park or you would sometimes get fast food burgers and fries if you were craving for it.
“Oh no! They got my order wrong.” You took another sip of the drink and gasped. “This is not my order.”
“Go and ask them to change.” He steered back to the drive thru with one hand holding his drink. You were now back lining up amongst other cars.
“Can you ask them to change it?”
“Why can’t you?” He laughed, seeing how you started biting on your lips and started fidgeting with your fingers.
“I’m nervous! And I feel so bad!” You cried out.
“Why do you have to feel so bad? It’s not your fault.” He took a sip from his drink and licked off the foam from the plastic straw.
“You don’t get it!”
“You do it and I’ll treat you out on a proper date.” He nodded in a cocky way when you looked at him suspiciously. “I promise. There. Say it!” He straighten his back against the seat so you could lean over to his window.
“Hi, what can I help you?”
“Hi! I– uhm, I am so, so sorry but I ordered vanilla sweet cream cold brew and I think– I think you got my order wrong.” He was nodding his head while sipping on his drink when you looked t him in the midst of it.
“Oh, we are so sorry. We’ll get you a new one!”
“See? Easy peasy.” He raised his brows, looking over-confident it made you roll your eyes.
“Was I rude?” You heaved a sigh. “I hope I’m not. Now they have to make another drink for the same person.”
“Oh my God? It’s their job!”
You were sitting on your bed with your clay mask on while you were on your second slice of pizza that you had ordered before you took your bath. The beef pepperoni were so good you had to pick them off the pizza slices to eat them on their own while focusing on the tv series you had playing on your iPad.
“You are telling me he was the murderer this whole time?! Unbelievable!” You shook your head and took another bite of the pizza. “Oh?” The sound of door bell put a pause to your series.
Putting your pizza slice back in the box, you picked another slice of pepperoni and tilted your head back as you tried not to get the cheese string to touch your face mask, another hand pulled on the door handle to greet your brother who was standing on the other side of the door.
But it wasn’t your brother.
“Charles? What are you doing here?! Give me a second.” You slammed the door back and head to the bathroom to wash your hand before opening the door back, this time just a little to peek your head through the gap. “Are you looking for my brother?”
“No? I’m looking for you.”
“Why?” You blinked.
“Dean told me you are not feeling well?” He fished out his phone and you saw the incoming call with a heart emoji. “And I haven’t seen you at all today in the paddock.”
“Oh, yeah. Congratulations! I– something came up so I couldn’t really stay to congratulate you.” You pulled back the door a little so you didn’t have to keep on peeking as your neck was feeling a little sore.
“Kinda sad I didn’t get to see you after the podium.” He shrugged his shoulders and gave a soft smile. “Are you okay though? Was it the weather?” His phone rang again.
“I am fine. You should probably take the call.” You were going to close the door when he pushed it back.
“I– um, I just wanted to say I’m really happy that you are here. It’s been a while and I’m glad to see you again.” He clicked on the volume button to stop his phone from ringing again. “I actually wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend but you didn’t get to join the dinner. Next time, maybe?”
“Yeah, sure. Have a good night, Charles.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
You didn’t see Charles at all after that night. He had asked you to join his private flight back but you declined the offer so your brother decided to keep you accompany instead of joining his friend.
Dean had noticed something was wrong. He obviously had. And he knew it had to do with Charles’s new girlfriend. You had been very eager to see Charles before the Grand Prix. Now you did everything you could to not be in the same room with him. He had to be on your side this time because what his friend did was wrong. No text, no call and all of sudden, new girlfriend? He didn’t want to ask because he knew you would tell him if you were ready to talk.
“Charles is coming over this weekend. Careful, it’s hot.”
You took the bowl of bouillabaisse, your mom’s specialty from Dean and placed it on the kitchen counter when the heat got to you.
“Told you it’s hot, silly. Use this.” He handed you the heat resistant cotton glove when you kept on flapping your hands.
“For you to hold the bowl, genius.”
“No, I mean, why is he coming over?” You rolled your eyes and put on the gloves to bring the bowl to the dining table.
“Because he always does? It’s not the first time.”
“Oh! Then can we play card games?” You asked. It was a game that the three of you always played whenever Charles came over. Sometimes your parents would join in as well. It was a fun activity that would always be full of laughters with no phones involved.
“Of course. We never skipped card games.”
Weekend arrived and Charles came, all alone. You were in your room. The hangout had always be between your brother and him. You only joined them when they were done playing with the PlayStation and talk about girls.
“Can we play card now?” You brought with you a card pack, cutting their laughters with your sudden interruption.
“Of course! Give me that and I’ll shuffle it.”
You passed Dean the pack of card and took a seat by his side. You saw Charles kept on checking his phone, sometimes he would take a minute to type in something and then shut it off.
“Can we play cribrage first?”
“You always lose that game. You sure about that?” Charles cocked a brow and took the chunk of cards that was passed to him.
“Excuse you. I am getting better at it.”
“We’ll see then. Bring the board.” He checked on his phone again before placing it on his side.
Charles’s phone rang a couple of times through out the whole game. Sometimes you had to call him out during his turn because he was too busy on his phone.
“I win!” You threw your arms in the the air and squealed. “I win! I finally win!”
“I have a hunch you might be cheating. I just wasn’t able to catch you.” Dean glared at you suspiciously and took back all of your cards to check if you actually collected the right points.
“Guys, I need to go.” Charles wasn’t even in the game. You were so sure he didn’t even know the game had ended and that you actually won it because he didn’t even spare you a glance.
“You are leaving?” Dean asked, glancing at you.
“Yeah, I need to be with my girlfriend.” He stood up and took his jacket that was draped on the hand rest of the couch.
“Can’t you stay for one more game? It’s been a while..” You gathered a courage to ask him the question, to make him stay but he turned down the offer right away.
“I can’t. My girlfriend won’t leave me alone. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
You bit your bottom lips, eyes on him as he walked out, still not sparing you a glance when he had left without giving you a proper hug before.
Dean came back and saw you sat on the floor with a few cards in hand, completely conscious with the mood. “Wanna play war? You win and I’ll buy you the new necklace you want.”
You decided to go on a date with someone who used to attend the same class with you back then when you were a freshman. His name was Jake. You actually had never spoken to him up until you finished your second year when he suddenly sent you a text. He made his attention clear right away that he wanted to get to know you more.
You had been treating him nothing more than just a friend for the past few months because you were still holding on to that one single strand of rope that maybe, just maybe, you could have a chance with Charles.
Now that he seemed to be in his own fairytale with his beloved girlfriend, you thought perhaps you should give yourself a chance too. After all, you shouldn’t even keep on hoping for something that you weren’t even sure was worth your time.
It was your first date. Well, it could have been your tenth if you gave up on Charles months ago. It was a casual one. Jake had asked you out to go to the theme park that you had always wanted to go. You went with an oversized shirt and a white short to make is simple and comfortable for you. When you opened the door, Charles was waiting outside, his body was leaning against the wall.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going on a date.” You lifted your leg to put on your high cut converse, one hand on the wall to hold yourself.
“You are going out on a date? I was thinking we could get an ice cream together? Like we used to do.”
“Can’t make it today, Charles. Maybe you should bring your girlfriend.” You fixed the shoelace and straighten your back to see him looking at you with a frown.
“Don’t bring her into this.”
“Oh, wow. I can’t even mention your girlfriend now?” You walked past him and felt his grip on your wrist.
“What’s wrong with you? You have been acting strange ever since I saw you. Did I do something wrong?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. Were your assumptions wrong all this time? Had he been clueless with your stupid crush on him? If it was obvious enough for your brother to see, how could he still be oblivious? Or was this all just an act just so he could get you to say it to his face so he could humiliate you?
“You didn’t do anything wrong. Let me go. I’m already late.” You tugged on your hand and continued walking away from him.
“Y/N, I haven’t seen you for months. Did you really have to choose your stupid date over me? Are you that desperate to have a boyfriend?”
Your steps felt heavy now. His voice sounded so grating it sent chills to your body. He had no right to say those things to you when he was the one who had been so disconnected every time he came over.
“Why are you mad at me going out on a date, Charles? Do I not deserve to be in love? Or does it sound so impossible for someone to ask me out on a date?” You took a deep breath to fight back the tears.
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N. Look, I just wanted to spend some time with you.”
You rolled your eyes, tongue clicking upon hearing his words. “We spent so much time together every time you came over but you had to check on your phone every second or your little girlfriend wouldn’t stop spamming your phone with calls. Now you are pissed off because I choose to go on a date over you?”
“Why are you so mad at my girlfriend? She has never done anything wrong to you. She was mad because I had to spend my time with you! She was spamming my phone because I had to be at your house playing your stupid fucking card, entertaining you like a fucking child.” Charles was staggered by his own words. He didn’t wish for it to come out that way. He was piqued because you kept on bringing his girlfriend into the conversation when the argument was between you and him.
“I never asked you to come and entertain me with my stupid card game.” Your words broke up. You squeezed your eyelids shut in the hope the tears would stop. “I didn’t even ask you to choose me over her. I know what you’re gonna say. I know, Charles. I know!” You tilted your head back to hold the tears. “Heck, I wouldn’t even choose myself but I deserve a chance to be in love too, don’t I? Even someone pitiful, someone childish like me who only knew how to entertain herself by crashing off her brother’s hangout with her stupid card game deserve a chance to know how it feels like to be in love. I wanna know how it feels like to be those girls that you guys always talk about. I wanna know how it feels like to be talked and praised by men behind my back as if I hung the fucking moon. This is my first date! First date and I have already had someone labelled me as desperate to find love.” You wiped your wet cheeks with your palm and scoffed. “Please don’t come over anymore. You should spend your precious time with her than play some stupid card with this pathetic girl.” You hastened your way without waiting for his reply.
✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! 😭 Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
ride: rendezvous [part two] jjk
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“where we going?” “you’ll see.”
summary. you’re having one of the worst days so jungkook takes you to his favorite place
pairings. biker!jungkook x reader (f)
genres/aus. fluff, comfort, s2l, f2l, college au
warnings. slight peek of popular!jk, reader has anxiety, mentions of a panic attack
word count.
notes. this series is in chronological order so this is a bit after their first date!! a scene that i wrote is inspired by a tiktok i saw 🛐 guys i was deadass when i said i keep seeing motorcycle tiktoks on my fyp T__T it was so random but my brain somehow connected it to jungkook, anyway !!! stream still with you and likes/reblogs are appreciated >_<
[ series masterpost | masterlist | taglist ]
you failed.
you failed the test.
you stared at your laptop screen, the big, bold, red colored fifty-nine almost mocking you in a sense. if the nine grew a pair of eyes and a mouth it’d be laughing at you right now.
you don’t get it. you’ve studied for this test, knowing it’d play a big part in your overall grade, and you still managed to flunk it.
tears started to form, blurring your vision, before you remember that you’re in the library that occupy other fellow students that don’t need to see a mental breakdown and a forming anxiety attack. even though they probably would’ve understood. you shut your laptop and shove the electronic inside your bag, standing up to push your chair in to make your way to the exit doors.
jungkook isn’t here with you today. he was working on a project with a couple of his classmates somewhere on campus, you can’t remember his text.
and although you wish you could just dial his number and cry to him, you don’t. no matter how bad your chest is tightening. instead, just taking the bus home and already deciding to have a crying session with your pillows.
“see you later jeon.”
jungkook waves one last time to namjoon and taehyung, his classmates, before he heads in the opposite direction. shoving his hands in the front of his jean pockets as he takes his time to walk to the campus’s parking garage.
he can feel the stares of the people who pass by but he ignores them.
he’s reminded of the one girl who’s been on his mind and he pulls his phone out to see if he’s gotten any notifications from you. but there’s none.
that’s strange. he pouts at his screen, only a few notifications being emails from his teachers and some from social media. but they don’t speak out to him the way yours do. he’s familiar with your schedule so he knows you’re out of class already. you usually text him to tell him how your class went and spam his tiktok with a dozen of tiktoks— he watches them all by the way.
before he concerns any further, his phone dings and he freezes.
“oh, jungkook!” a girl shouts from behind him, waving to get his attention. quickly glancing at her before he starts to pick up his pace. is she from one of his classes? he can’t remember.
he gives a tight lipped smile before he starts jogging. “can’t talk right now.”
yn 👑
ur out of class aren’t u, can u come over? ;-;
you got home about an hour ago and you still haven’t broke down. the heavy weight on your chest was becoming too much, but why won’t your body let you give out.
you groan out loud, turning over on your bed and clutching your plushie that looks like it’s been through hell and back— you’ve had it since you were a kid, okay— tighter against your chest. hoping it’ll ease the pain in your chest.
the familiar roar of a motorcycle awakens you and you’re quick to hop on your feet and rush to your door.
by the time you open your front door jungkook was just walking towards you.
“hey princess, eager to see me?” he chuckles, brushing back the strands of hair from his forehead with his tatted hand. it’s the same strands that have you itch to brush them yourself. an action that seemed too intimate, you weren’t sure if you could handle that. but you wanted to test the waters.
not trusting what you would say if you opened your mouth so you nod.
“you okay? anything happened today?” he asks while stepping into your home after you told him to come in. it’s not the first he’s been inside your home, your safe space that surrounds colors, photos and a scent that screamed you.
from his questions, the tightening feeling in your chest returned and you wince.
your fists are by your sides, opening and closing.
“i think i’m okay, i don’t know. and yeah, something did happen.” you responded softly. he observes the way your eyes dodge his and lower at his feet. something was definitely clouding your mind.
he sighs. “wanna come with me somewhere? you can tell me when we get there, if you want.”
“where we going?” you ask, as you get yourself comfortable behind him, before circling your arms around him.
he kicks the kickstand off, turning his head with his helmet on. “you’ll see.” revving the throttle as you both head to your destination.
“a park,” you giggled. “are you healing your inner child?”
he smirks at you, helping you with your helmet. since your first date, every time you are on his bike he becomes so attentive towards you.
“no, but i thought we could go on the swings and if you’re comfortable enough you can tell me who or what made you sad.”
your eyes dance over to the vacant playground behind him and back up to his eyes that are studying yours.
“you gonna beat up somebody for me?” you joke, but his face remains the same but with amusement behind his orbs.
“yah,” you nudge his side with your finger making him break his tough side, finally breaking out into a smile. the mole under his bottom lip reveals itself and you have to fight yourself to not reach on your tippy toes and kiss the beauty mark.
he gently places a hand on your waist, pulling you along with him. “come on, i’ll push you.” he tells you, leading you to the two swings.
you sit on a swing, holding onto the rusty chains as jungkook gets behind you. the mulch underneath you both crunching from his chunky boots.
“don’t push me too hard.” you tell him, a bit scared.
he lets out a laugh, “i won’t, promise.”
jungkook and you fall into a comfortable silence as he pushes you, careful not to push you too high.
“i failed my test.” you confess, you watch your still feet pass by the scenery blur beneath you.
“and i’m mad at myself because i studied so hard for it yet i managed to fail. god, and i don’t even want to see how much it dropped my grade, i literally almost had a panic attack in the library, but i left, and i wanted to contact you but remembered you were with your classmates so i had plans to cry into my pillow and fall into a pit of self-deprecation—“
jungkook grabs hold onto the swings chains to still you. “woah, woah princess, shhh.” he comes around to crouch down in front of you.
jungkook has never comforted someone, never been in a situation where a person in front of him showed their weakness. but you’re different. the way your voice cracked before he cut you off broke something inside him. it was an act of instinct how he’s crouching in front of you, his hands wrapped around the rusty chains next to your hips. he doesn’t know the first thing on how to console someone but for you he’ll learn today.
“do you want my advice or do you want to be held?” he asks you, his eyes raking over your facial features.
you purse your lips, curling your hands into your thighs before shyly answering, “can you hug me?”
he softly chuckles before straightening his legs, his figure towering over you before he envelopes you in a hug. cradling your head close to his chest.
once you were engulfed in the boy who slowly yet managed to warm up to your heart, you let out small cries. your fingers gripping the denim fabric of his jean jacket.
“you can cry princess, i won’t ever judge you.” he mumbles, his large hand brushing your head.
you don’t want to scare him but those words make you cry harder. like you’ve always wanted to hear those words.
you gasp, the palm of your hand is covering your mouth as you turn to jungkook. “let’s play rock, paper, scissors.” you suggest, grinning at him.
you cocks an eyebrow, “for?”
“if i win, i get to take your spot and you have to sit behind me. but if you lose…hm..i don’t know.” you laugh.
“i really like you princess, but i won’t let you ride us to our death.”
did your brain even process his words?
you smack him on the shoulder, he doesn’t even flinch. “no, just to sit. please,” you beg, putting your hands together and poking out your bottom lip and batting your eyelashes.
jungkook observes you with a smirk. do you even know that if you weren’t begging he would have said yes to you. because you affect him in that way.
in a way he’ll do anything for you.
he scoffs, letting out sigh and bringing out his hands out of his pockets. “okay.”
“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
you: paper
jungkook: scissors
“two out of three!” you exclaim.
he laughs but accepts it.
“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
you: rock
jungkook: scissors
“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
you: scissors
jungkook: paper
“i won, you lose!” you bring your index and middle finger to cut his imaginary paper that’s his hand before jumping up and down.
he shakes his head. “you win,” he states, taking a step closer and leaning in.
“hop on, loser.” you jog over to his parked bike, throwing your leg over the seat to sit. you lean forward to grab the hand clutches with a big smile on your face.
“vroom, vroom,” you mimic the sound of the bike coming to life in an adorable way that has jungkook turning his head so you don’t see the goofy smile on his face. the way your figure looks tiny on the seat of his usual spot compared to him. your feet can barely even touch the ground.
he reaches in the front of his pant pocket. “let me take a photo of you.” he spoke, you nod giving him permission.
he quickly snaps a few photos of you before he finally makes his way over to you. leaving a mental note to send them to you and to look over them when he gets home. with one hand placed over your hip he manages to sit behind you. his legs are placed a bit uncomfortable but he doesn’t complain, instead he grabs your waist and squeezes it.
you let out a breathy laugh, “we look so silly right now. my feet can’t even touch the ground.” you wiggle your feet in front of you.
“what if i got a bike?” you ask, dipping your toes in the water. you would never get a bike, but you want to see his reaction.
he shakes his head, the wavy strands framing his face swaying left and right. “definitely not. bikes are dangerous, plus princesses can’t ride bikes.” he tries to reason with you.
you pout your lips, “princess peach does.” you mutter.
he scoffs, “babe, this isn’t mario kart silly. and, i enjoy having you as my backpack.”
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that-one-p00k1e · 7 months
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Muichiro x Fem!Reader, lil High school AU
Warnings: none just fluff Ig Idk bro
Note: Wowzers!!😱😱 I'm still alive!!😱😱 This was a bit rushed because I wanted to post something after so long and bcs IT'S MY BIRTHDAY WHAATT🤯🤯 crazy amirite anw pls forgive the grammar and how boring this is
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Nothing felt better than hearing the last bell of a school day ring, knowing that the days after were the end of the week. The heavenly images in your head of finally being able to lay in bed, cuddled up in a warm blanket after taking a good relaxing shower.
However, instead of immediately going home, you decided to head to the park near the school to have a breath of fresh air. Fortunately, it seems to be vacant with no one on sight occupying it.
The rustling of leaves blown by the wind, the smell of fresh grass and dirt, and the silence that brought the feel of peace and tranquility. But the one thing that had always caught your attention, was the cherry blossom tree planted at the center of the park. For you, it was the most beautiful sight in the park. Almost never has its beauty failed to captivate passersby.
As you decided to take a seat underneath the tree, you noticed a familiar backpack laid on the ground. Thinking it could be anyone's and not just the specific familiar person you know who owns that exact same object, you reluctantly and carefully looked to the back of the tree to see who the mystery owner was. ‘Probably a random stranger’ you easily thought. But oh how wrong you were as your heart dropped the moment your eyes settled on the known figure.
Under the falling petals of cherry blossom he sat; beautiful mint-green eyes fixated on the strings of his guitar, fingers carefully strumming a melody that could soothe one's nerves. His long black hair gently swayed in the wind, coloured ends that matched his  irises. You've always admired him since the first day of high school; managing to get a few interactions here and there through group work. As much as you wanted to get to know him better, the charming and attractive classmate had his own walls built when it comes to the social environment. Not even the guys in your class could make him crack a bit of a smile. Thus, you've accepted such defeat ever since.
But seeing him being so peaceful right now, enjoying himself in his own world, made it hard for you to bat your eyes away from him. You couldn't help but just gaze in awe at the sight of such beauty.
Until his fingers suddenly stopped playing through the guitar strings.
The moment he perked his head up, you immediately hid yourself behind the other side of the tree; heart almost stopped working. You hear him getting up, walking closer and closer to where you once stood. As your breath hitched, you tried to act cool in case the both of you went face-to-face. You hoped you wouldn't, but fate unfortunately had its own plan.
“Y/N?” a deep yet gentle voice called out to you from the side of the tree, making your heart race faster than it already had been. He looked at you with a gaze oh-so empty; making it difficult to look through that stoic disposition of his.
“Oh! Uhh… yeah, it's me. Fancy seeing you here,” you greeted awkwardly, fidgeting the hem of your shirt from the embarrassment you felt deep down.
You thought he would be reluctant to engage further in the conversation, but to your surprise, he proceeded to ask another question.
“It's your birthday today, isn't it?”
The moment his words entered your hearing, it felt as if your organs were rearranged.
“I- uhh… How did you know?”
“Heard your friends mentioning about it. Forgot to give you this.”
He rummaged through his bag, before pulling out a box wrapped in gift paper and handing it to you with that blank stare maintained.
“For you. In addition to your birthday,” he said reluctantly.
You hesitantly took the gift from his hand, internally debating if this was a dream or not. Before you could word out your gratitude, he quickly picked up his belongings and threw a short “My bus is here, gotta go,” leaving you on your own with your thoughts; trying to process what just happened. You looked down at the gift he had given you, then pinched yourself to double check reality. Yet there was one thing you didn't put your mind into.
If he recently knew about your birthday from your friends today… How did he forget a gift regarding something he had never known about in the first place?
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samiswifey · 9 months
Christmas With Her
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Paring: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: set in the same universe as my Back To You au. It's your first Christmas back in the city and Sam decided to go all out for your short visit back
Getting the news that you were coming back for Christmas Sam quickly decided that she had to make this the best Christmas ever! She knew how important Christmas was to you and you coming back was a big deal that she started putting up decorations to make the apartment a little more festive for your arrival. She knew the Christmas before she left wasn't your best and she has always had it in the back of her mind that she wanted to make that up to you. Now was her chance.
"Sam, don't you think this is too much," Tara motioned to the decorations that covered the house. "She's only here for three days." She said pointedly.
The short time you were here made Sam frown but she covered it back with a smile. "Yes it's only three days but I still want those three days to be the best for her." She said. "Christmas hasn't always been easy for Y/N and I want to make this one the best."
Driving into the city you couldn't help but completely relax at the realization of finally being here. It wasn't a super long drive back but it was long enough for you to be tired and ready for a nap. However this also fueled your excitement for seeing Sam again. Yes you guys call and FaceTime but that's so much different from actually seeing her in person again. She's also the only reason why you're even excited about this holiday and that definitely has to count for something.
Driving for the last few hours you should have been exhausted but the minute you pulled into the parking lot of the familiar apartment complex you felt all the sleep exist your body and you just felt more awake then ever right now.
Stepping out of your car you held a two bags filled with gifts as you made your way up to the door and knocked twice. It wasn't even thirty seconds before the door opens and your pulled into a bear hug by Sam. She said nothing as she repeatedly kissed your face. You giggled but let her continue until she decided to stop on her own.
"Sam stop eating her face and let Y/N come in." Tara teased.
Sam giggled but let you go to walk inside. Your eyes grew wide when you saw how decorated the small apartment was. The decorations were super fancy but they were lovely and they reminded you of home before everything went bad. It was beautiful.
"Oh Sam the apartment looks beautiful! I wish I could have been here to decorate." You said awestruck.
Sam moves next to you and holds your hand. "Hopefully next year we'll be together and then we can decorate together." She said. You smiled at her when she said. "I would absolutely love that."
With this being the first time you guys have seen each other physically in two months you and Sam decided to enjoy each other's company to the fullest. You were both cuddled on the couch with your fingers locked together as you and Sam made small talk on the couch. The conversation wasn't deep but it was meaningful to you. You liked these kinds of conversations because it showed you a more fun side to Sam. She is usually so serious so when you two just got to cuddle and talk about random things you definitely cherished them.
"So what do you do on Christmas morning? Like what's your perfect day?" Sam asked.
You smiled as you thought about it. "We wake up early to make breakfast and we eat together while watching those cheesy Christmas movies," you laughed. "Then we open gifts! All while singing Christmas songs - you'll hate it at first but you'll soon find yourself loving it because you're having so much. Then we eat dinner together and spend the rest of the day just enjoying our time together." You told her. "It would be perfect."
Sam saw the look of excitement in your eyes and she knew that she was about to make this Christmas perfect for you. She, in her mind, still felt like she needs to make it up to you. Like she has to keep fixing what she broke all those years ago. She wants to show you that your relationship is serious to her and that she truly does love you. This relationship is not one sided and she hopes that making this the best Christmas ever can show you that. She has to make tomorrow perfect
Waking up very early Sam slowly climbed out of bed and tip toed to the kitchen to make sure she had everything she needs to make French toast. She knew it was your favorite when you were kids so she's really hoping that that's still true because she would feel horrible if she got it wrong. That would be a sucky way to start Christmas.
"Sam what are you doing up so early?" Tara asked as she steps into the kitchen.
Sam continued checking ingredients that she had. "Making sure I have everything to make French toast with." She muttered out. Tara was confused by that. "But you hate French toast." She comments. "Why would you want to make it for breakfast?" She asked.
Sam smiled to herself when she thought about you. "Y/N loves it and I want to start Christmas Day with her favorite breakfast. So I really need to make sure I have everything to make it the way she loves." She explains. "It has to be perfect."
Waking up you frowned when you noticed that Sam was not next to you. Sitting up you slowly got out of bed and made your way out of the room. The smell of French toast hit your nose and you smiled as you walked toward the kitchen. You didn't say anything as you watched Sam cook breakfast while singing to herself. You smiled when you remembered that she used to do that back when you were kids. You have always loved Sam's voice and that's something that will never change.
Sam turns around to smile at you. "Baby I'm so glad you're up! Breakfast will be ready soon." She said. You walked up behind her and gently wrapped your arms around her as you watched her cook. This was something that you used to do a lot before Christina caught you and it forced you to stop showing affection to Sam in public because you didn't want Sam to face her mother's fury again. However now things are different and you can show her all the love and affection you want without being scolded.
"I never asked, but is French toast still your favorite?" Sam asked.
You nodded as you moved to stand next to her. "It's the only good memory I have from my childhood. Us eating French toast together on the weekend. Watching whatever random thing was on TV." You said. Sam laughed "remember when we came across that really bad shark movie! We both wanted to change the channel but it was so ridiculously bad that we kind of got stuck watching it to see how it ended." She said. You laughed loudly at the memory. "Yes! Oh it was so bad that I can't believe it went on to have five sequels!" You exclaimed. Sam shook her head. "They were so bad."
Once breakfast was done you and Sam sat at the table with Tara and the twins there bickering about some new horror movie that had come out. Neither you or Sam really cared for horror movies but you found the conversation interesting considering how heated debates between Tara and Mindy got.
"I don't agree that all B horror movies are bad movies. There are a lot of good ones out there." Tara said.
Mindy scoffs "yeah, like a handful! Most of them are poorly written torture films with little to no plot to keep the film interesting." She argues. This caused them to argue over which movies were actually good and which ones were just had great kills but a terrible story. This conversation was never ending.
The afternoon came fast and you were all sitting around getting ready to open presents. The gifts you got from Tara and the twins were amazing. Yes Mindy gave you joke socks but you absolutely loved them. Chad gave you a coffee maker since yours broke last month and Tara got you three new journals because she knows how much you love to write. The gifts were amazing and you were happy that they loved everything you got them.
Sam sat a little off to the side with one gift in her hand because it was the only one she had to save up for. Her heart was beating fast in her chest as she slowly moves closer to you. "It's not much but I saw it one day when I was out and it reminded me of you so I saved up and was finally able to get it last week." She said quickly. "I really hope you like it."
You smiled as you took her gift and slowly unwrapped it. You gasped when you saw the raindrop diamond that you had when you were younger. Your grandma gave you hers and you absolutely loved it. You wore it everyday until your mom stole it from you and pawned it for money to give to her boyfriend. It was nearly identical to your original one.
"Baby... I love it. It's so beautiful." You said as you leaned in to kiss her. "Thank you."
Sam smiles as she helps you put it on. She was so happy that you liked it because she was extremely worried that you'd hate it, but you didn't and that made her completely relax.
"I hope you guys don't mind but I went all out on getting you guys gifts. I wanted our first Christmas together to be special." You said softly.
Everyone pulled you into a group hug and told you that it would have been perfect no matter what. You being here with them was what was making it special and that had you smiling like a fool at that. It really warmed your heart at how welcoming everyone was. It was amazing.
Spending the last few hours cooking you have never laughed as much in your life as you did today. The last few years you were completely dreading the holiday but this year, spending it with them, had you excited to see what next year bought you.
"Baby do you remember that recipe for that cake you used to love?" Sam asked. "Tara wanted to make it because we have everything here but she just needs the recipe," she adds.
You thought for a moment as you tried to remember everything that your grandma used to put in. It was a fairly simple cake but she did things a certain way and that's what you needed to remember.
"I know everything but she did things a certain way and that's what makes this cake so special." You said as you walked away with Tara behind you.
Sitting on the couch you and Tara looked through one of your notebooks with recipes from your grandma. They were everything you used to love eating that she would make for you. It was bringing back memories of you with your grandma in the kitchen cooking some meal that she thought up. It was always an incredible time when you were with her and just the thoughts alone made you smile.
It made Sam smile at how easily you could make everyone around you happy. It was the thing she loves the most about you because whenever she's been upset you were always there to make her smile and just cheer her up. Even when things fell apart you were there making her laugh and forget for just a moment. She'll never be able to repay you for everything you did for her. She is forever grateful for you.
Sitting around the table there was nothing but happiness and laughter as you and the core four shared stories. Yes some were embarrassing but that's what made them the more fun to share. Dinner was delicious and very well made. Sam kept glancing at you and smiling as she kept your hands locked together.
You could tell that Sam was the most happy she's been in a while and it was an honor to you that you were able to be apart of why she was so happy right now. It made your heart swell to see Sam happy and you would do anything to keep her smiling forever.
With the night winding down you and Sam snuck off to the bedroom for some alone time together. You both sat on her bed as she held another small gift in her hands.
"I wanted to wait until we were alone to give this one to you." She said softly. "It's something that only you and I will know the meaning behind."
You kissed her softly before pulling away to open the gift. Your eyes grew wide when you saw the silver bracelet with your name and Sam's name on it. "Did you recreate our friendship bracelets from when we were kids?" You asked. "Sam that is so sweet!"
You leaned forward and kissed Sam again. This kiss was deeper and much more passionate then the last few you've shared today. Sam could feel the love you were pouring into the kiss and she gave you back the same amount. It was a kiss that told you both everything you needed to know. Your love was real and you both were excited to see where the future takes you. Today was perfect and filled with memories that neither of you could wait to share with your future family. Although Sam was very nervous things turned out way better than she could have hoped for and it filled her heart with happiness to know that your first Christmas with her was absolutely perfect. It was incredible.
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sturnsbaebackup · 9 months
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i highly recommend reading part one before you read this, which is linked here!
summary: after seeing matt at the party and admitting you still have feelings for him, things aren’t so radio silent between you two anymore.
warnings: not proof read lolll sorry if there’s typos 😛
immediately after the party, a week went by of still no contact from matt after your heated encounter with him.
at that party a few weeks ago, you spat out plenty of angry words at him and he did the same to you, which had been keeping you both up at night. both of you wishing you could take the entire situation back. you and matt just wanted each other, but neither of you knew how to break the silence. that was until matt decided to text you last week, asking if you wanted to go for a drive.
you hear your phone buzz as you begin to start falling asleep, and you groan in annoyance. you roll over in your bed and grab your phone off of the charger. your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you see the familiar contact photo appear on your lock screen.
“what the fuck?” you blurt out, immediately sitting upright in your bed and opening his text.
matt | can i come pick you up in like 10 mins? i’m in the car and im not too far from you. we gotta talk
read 12:24 am
you take your sweet time rereading the text to make sure you’re not dreaming. it’s been pure radio silence from matt since the party, and the first thing he texts you is that?!
matt | you have your read receipts on yk
read 12:26 am
“oh fuck,” you mumble, immediately starting to type out a response. your hands are trembling a little due to all of the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
you | oops sorry but yeah ofc just text me when you’re here
he reacts to the message with a thumbs up, and you immediately bolt out of bed. you curl your eyelashes quickly and add a little bit of blush on your cheeks and nose. he knows you were about to sleep, so there’s no point in putting on obvious makeup. you grab a random hoodie from your closet and throw on some slippers. you look homeless, but who cares. it’s just matt.
that’s what you keep repeating in your head to yourself in an attempt to calm the nerves that are practically doing somersaults in your stomach.
it’s just matt. it’s just matt. its just matt. nothing to be scared of. it’s just matt.
your thoughts are broken up when your phone dings with the message of matt letting you know he’s waiting in the car outside. you exhale deeply as you lock the door behind you, shivering in the cold, late night, los angeles air. muffled music can be heard from the outside of matt’s car, and his eyes are glued to his phone. he’s just as nervous as you are, maybe even more.
your hand wraps around the door handle, and you pull it gently in an attempt to not frighten matt. his eyes look up at you and lock with yours, making your heart skip a beat.
“hi matt,” you say awkwardly as you sit in his passenger seat.
“y/n, hi,” he smiles softly, beginning to put the car in drive. you keep your eyes down at your feet as the car begins to drive away, the silence killing you internally. in previous moments like this, you both would be fighting over aux not even a minute into the car ride, but this time it’s dead silent with quiet music playing in the back.
“so, you wanted to talk?” you blurt out, your mouth moving faster than your brain.
“yeah, but i was hoping maybe we could get some mc donald’s before we have the serious conversation? you know, like old times,” he says, reminding you of the times where after a bad fight you guys would talk things out in a parking lot over a shared mcflurry and fries.
you let out a soft chuckle, “yeah okay, sounds perfect.” the silence isn’t as awkward as before, but the tension is so tense you genuinely could cut it with a knife. your thumbs fiddle in the front pocket of your sweatshirt as you wait for the traffic light to change, the mcdonald’s drive thru being at the other end of the intersection.
“can i get two oreo mcflurrys and a large fry?” matt asks the lady working the drive thru. she calculates the total and you immediately reach for your wallet to grab your card, but matt quickly stops you.
his hand now rests on your forearm, “no y/n. let me pay, i’m the one who dragged you out so late,” he smiles softly. when he notices his hand on your arm he quickly takes it off, making your heart sink a little. ‘things aren’t how they used to be, we aren’t dating, and you need to realize that,’ you mentally tell yourself.
eventually you guys get your food and pull into the far back corner of the parking lot. it’s very dimly lit but the flickering florescent street light that’s shining on matt is making the dark bags under his eyes extremely visible. you’re quick to notice them, and you instantly know he hasn’t been getting much sleep at all, and you have a guess that the reason is what he’s about to talk to you about.
he unbuckles the seatbelt and rotates in his seat, resting his back against his door facing you. “so… first of all how’ve you been?”
you pick up a fry from the bag that rests on the center console, letting it cool off between your fingers as you speak up. “i’ve been uh— you know. just living, i guess. how have you been?” you shrug, putting the fry in your mouth.
“not good, honestly. that’s why i texted you,” matt admits, looking down at his thumbs that reside in his lap. your heart drops at his statement and an overwhelming feeling of sadness rushes over you. if you and matt were still dating, you would be pulling him in a tight hug and holding his head against your chest. but you can’t do that, so you just sit and looking at him.
“what?” you ask, hoping you heard him wrong.
“i haven’t been getting much sleep. like, at all. i really miss you, and i fucked up at that party. i never should’ve been trying to make you jealous with her. that wasn’t fair to either of you, and your words keep playing through my mind every night. it keeps me up at night.”
you take a moment to process what you’re hearing, and sigh. “matt come here,” you say, putting your mcflurry down into the cupholder and leaning over the center console to hug matt. he looks up at you with sad eyes, confused at what you’re about to do, but as soon as he realizes, he immediately hugs you back.
you pull his head into your chest and rest your hand over his left cheek, making sure to hold him as close as possible. you press gentle kisses on the top of his head as your fingers play with the ends of his hair.
“i miss you, y/n. i love you so much and i’m so sorry i thought we needed space, i was so unbelievably wrong. i was just going through a weird phase for like a month and shoved you away, but i really think you’re the only person who can calm me down. you bring me back to earth, y/n,” matt mumbles against your chest.
“shh matty, it’s okay. we don’t need to talk about it yet, let’s just enjoy the moment,” you mutter into his hair softly. eventually you and matt break the hug and continue to catch up on everything you guys have missed in each others lives within the last few weeks.
“speaking of clothing— is that my hoodie?” matt asks you, sidetracking from your conversation.
you look down at the gray nike sweatshirt that rests on your body, and your cheeks flare up with heat. “oh my god! that’s so embarrassing, i had no idea this was yours. i just grabbed the first hoodie i could find. i swear i thought i gave this back to you,” you blush.
matt chuckles, “keep it. it looks cute on you. plus, you’re just gonna end up stealing all of the hoodies you gave back to me.”
“you know me so well,” you laugh as you throw a fry at matt.
“hey watch it! i just got the car cleaned!”
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cakerybakery · 5 months
They were fighting again. Didn’t seem to matter where they were Adam would say something or Lucifer would do something and they would fighting. Even a simple trip to the park as part of a beautification project to help with community relations between the hotel and the citizens of hell turn into the two of them hurling insults at each other.
“You make hell, a hell, dick bag!” 
“My only regret is not fucking Lilith and Eve in front of you. I should have buried my dick to the hilt in Eve’s cu-“ Adam covered Lucifer’s mouth and shushed him.
He leaned down and spoke softly, “hey there, sweetie. Where’s your mommy or daddy?”
Lucifer had been too busy and didn’t see the little imp girl who had been tugging on Adam’s pant leg. Tears were falling down her face and she sniffled, her thumb in her mouth.
He’d never heard Adam speak that way before. Soft and sweet to not scare the little girl.
“Did they get lost?” The girl nodded. “Oh dear! How silly of them.” She giggled. “Now if I was your mommy or daddy where would I be? Maybe in this tree?”
She shook her head and pulled her thumb out of her mouth, “noooo! Mama by big wheel!”
“She was by the big wheel? Well, we should go find the big wheel then. Now where could it be? Was it in the fountain?”
“Nooo!” She had stopped crying completely.
While Adam continued to entertain the child, Lucifer called over Charlie. They all stopped planting flowers and went out looking for a frantic mother.
Lucifer stuck by Adam, not because he was enjoying seeing that side of him or anything, but just in case the mother came across them. She’s probably be less scared for her daughter if the king of hell was watching over her instead just some random guy.
It didn’t take long for an imp with a stroller to run up to them and be reunited with her daughter. The woman thanked them both profusely and carried the now happy girl away.
She waved over her mother’s shoulder and snuggled into her mother.
Adam gave a little wave back but once she was gone he looked a little sad.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just reminded me of my kids.”
“I remember when Charlie was that age. Always getting into mischief.”
“Seth got lost once. We’d lost Abel and Cain was banished by god. Then when we found out about Seth, Eve was so scared for him. She scared she’d loose another one. Then when he was five he just disappeared. We looked for hours. It was dark when we found him. A lost wolf cub was guarding him. We never found the cub’s parents but we took him home with us. They were inseparable for the next ten years before that wolf died.”
Lucifer could sympathize with that fear. Charlie was under lock and key as a child. Lilith guarded her like a dragon. Charlie hadn’t been their first, just the first to live. Eventually Lilith had let her do more, but Lucifer wasn’t sure someone at the hotel wasn’t a plant to watch over Charlie while Lilith was away. He never said it but he was suspicious that Charlie moves out on her own to start her hotel and a powerful demon shows up agreeing to protect the hotel?
It had Lilith’s helicopter parenting style all over it. But if Alastor was a plant then at least he was letting her do things on her own. If Lilith was here she’d be practically living with Charlie.
It was the only thing they ever fought about. Until at last Lilith had argued herself into a corner and agreed not to interfere with Charlie’s life for a few years and left.
Lucifer had tried to do the opposite in hopes of balancing things out and just ended up missing years of her life trying to be as hands off as possible. Parenting was hard.
“At least it turned out well. You know Charlie tried to have a pet once. Took months to get rid of all the roaches.”
By the time the others got back Adam and Lucifer were swapping stories about their kids or lives like the old friend they once were. And when Adam’s hand landed on his, neither of them made a move to pull away.
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kpopcafeeee · 1 year
I have eyes everywhere-yuta
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Paring: Nakamoto Yuta x fem!reader
Warnings: mafia! Yuta x sly and innocent reader smut, giving head(m receiving), hair pulling, face fcking degration, overstimulation, orgasm, pet names (princess reader gets called slut 3 times blah blah that all folks
Summary: you went out with your friends without telling your mafia boyfriend Yuta or sharing your location because you guys got into a argument but that’s ok cause he has eye’s everywhere so it doesn’t take that long for him to find you dancing with some random guy 🫣
A/N: I think i had to much fun with this story I might make a series about this one I think but I like Yuta mafia stories they are just so…ENTERTAINING😏 and I really hope I did a good job on this one and I’ll be doing tag lists if you guys want too:)
It all started when you and Yuta got into a fight on the phone because he said he couldn’t make it to movie night and he was sorry, this was the fourth time he canceled on you and you were sick of so while he was talking you hanged up in his face “asshole” you mumbled under your breath you walk into you guys closet to find you a dress until you came across yutas favorite dress that you wore on you guys first night it was short and it showed a lot of cleavage you had told your friends you changed your mind about going with them, you grabbed your purse and made your way to your friends car that was parked outside you and Yuta house, “OMG Y/N YOU LOOK SO GOOD” one of your friends said “thank you” you say, once you guys made into the club it was kinda loud and you liked it, you started dancing on the dance floor with some guy he had his hands on your waist if Yuta was here and he this he woulda killed the guy and oh boy he was, he was watching the whole scene unfold right in front of him
He was literally seeing red he started to walk up to you and the guy and grabbed your wrist and pulled you beside him he was squeezing your wrist so hard that you swear it would leave a mark tomorrow “ow Yuta” you said to him looking up at him “don’t fucking ow me you slut” Yuta said “let go of her man” the rando said to Yuta, but Yuta didn’t instead he punched the dude and walked out of the club pulling you by your wrist he pushed you into the car and walked over to the driver seat and started the car, he was still seeing red, you knew that dancing with some other guy would piss him off and get his attention but you kinda felt bad do the dude that got punched and you really wanted to say sorry but Yuta pulled you out the club before you could say anything else
“Your in big trouble slut” Yuta said to you as he’s pulling into the driveway you look at him with innocent eyes “why?” You said you knew why and you wanted this to happen you liked when he did you rough until you had tears coming down your you’re face “don’t fucking act innocent” you both go out the car and when you do hes already pulling you by your wrist again, he sits on the couch while your standing in front of him “take it off” you didn’t waste no time taking your dress of course you liked how he demanded you take it off “sit on your knees” he spreads his legs and you don’t take no time doing that either, you put your hand on his bulge and starts rubbing bulge through his pants you look up at him with those sweet innocent eyes
“Fuck” he curses you pulled his pants and briefs down enough to release his fully hard cock out you felt arousal pooling in your stomach you were already wet from the start and he knew that, you started sucking his tip your about touch your wet cunt until he slaps your hand away and you hiss at the contact, you start taking him all the way in your mouth he grunts when you do you slowly go up and down until he bucks his hips up and grips your hair and starts fucking your face as he does this tears are brimming your eyes and you mascara is messy but you like it he fucks your face a few more times until he cums in your mouth “sallow” he says you sallow is cum and shows him how your mouth has no cum in it “get up” you get up from off the floor your knees red and hurting you knew it would leave some kind of mark tomorrow
He pulls you down on his dick without any kind of practice, he holds your hips in and starts fucking into he grips your hips tightly as you moan his name “y-Yuta” you said your brain was turning into mush as he was fucking into your cunt “you like that slut?” He said instead of answering you nodded quickly he slaps your ass “use your words” he says “y-yes” you say as your trying your best not to cum then and there “I-I’m going to cum” that earns you a slap to your cunt, you moan his name at the contact “don’t you dare cum yet” you trying your best, tears coming down your cheeks (face) after a few minutes “can I cum Yuta” you say in half moan and he smirks “cum for me princess” so you cummed he starts to slow down to let you ride out your high he was almost there and after a few fucks he cums inside of you “have you learned your lesson y/n?” He says raising a eyebrow at you “y-yes Yuta” you mumbled “wanna take a bath and then watch a movie?” He says you two happily go into the bath and watched that movie
At least you got a good fuck and a movie after
I hoped you liked it 😏
By: kpopcafeeee
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heyy girl by the drumsticks, i meant like actual actual drumsticks 😭😭
thank youuu
"A Tighter Grip."
Warnings: foreign object penetration (consensual), corruption kink, rough smut (consensual) hints of rough smut, reader gets a very pleasurable time with her man. some...corny jokes toward the end.
"We're here." he calmly states as he places the car in park. You unbuckle your seatbelt and wait for him to come over and open up your door for you, a rule that he had set and made clear for you not to break. Pulling you up from the seat, he wraps his arm around your waist as he walks you inside the empty sub building, which was used by the school's band.
"do you and jake come here often to jam out?" you asked.
"From time to time." he smirks out as he plants and rest his lips on top of your head while walking you in.
"Hey! you made it!" jake smiles as h/n sits atop his lap, both of them playing the piano.
"Hey man whats up? long time no see." Giving out bro hugs, Heeseung reunites with his old friends from high school, most of them spread out and attending different universities, yet one face was familiar since he shared the same class as you.
"Hi Jungwon. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing good, how you doing? How's your study group?"
"Fine. Our group leader is a bit frantic at times, but he's mostly good. How about you?"
"oh you're lucky. I got Wilson, and that guy is such a pain."
Laughing as you both exchanged jokes, you felt yourself being pulled back as Heeseung wraps his arms around our waist and plasters your back against his chest. Exchanging his own greeting and bro hug with Jungwon, Heeseung drags you away to introduce you to his other friends, one of which you had met before, Jay.
"Oh hi Jay, its so good to see you again."
"Y/N, how are you?"
Taking a quick moment to catch up as Heeseung spooned you from behind, yet conversed off to the side with Jungwon, you caught up with Jay from the last time you saw him...and well, met him, at a local frat party. As the entire group mingled, you noticed the usual trait of Heeseung's habit whenever you both were in an overcrowded area.....
He always became far more clingy, and never allowed you to break away from him, not even for an inch. Whenever you btoh attended a frat party, went to a large dinner event, or just anywhere where people were a plenty and you were attracting eyes like bees with honey, Heeseung grew far more protected, possessive, and practically manhandled you in keeping you close to him. Not that his usual possessiveness and protected vibes weren't enough. Yet, something about his rough and abusive attitude in keeping you trapped within his arms, not letting you go and even tugging you harshly whenever you caught yourself slipping away whenever someone called your name. He was brutal, forceful, demeaning, restricting, and tough, yet was it was all so very.......sexy.
The way he eyed everyone down with a deathly glare whenever he caught them staring, or when Jay, Jungwon, or Jake would point out and hint for him to keep a close eye on a random stranger or party goer, who took way too much time to admire your rear end or your breasts, Heeseung noted their warnings and issued out his own to said stranger. Ensuring that just by the look of his eye, that whoever was caught eye-humping you was to look. theother way...unless they wanted something bad to happen. Which unbeknownst to many, aside from jake and maybe a few others who were close and personal friends of Heeseung, the range of 'bad' things could be anywhere from a brutal beating to their bodies suddenly disappearing overnight. you've seen it happen both ways, yet tried your best to deter his attention and getting him from ever utilizing the latter option........you tried at least.
Yet still....despite his violent nature in keeping you all to himself, there was something so very breathtaking about the man as he would keep his hands on you, ravish you with kisses and look at you much more softly than he did with others. He loved you...he adored you.....he would do anything and everything for you.
Noting how much you were pressing up against him as you sat on his lap, while he dabbled in playing with the drum set, you leaned your face at a tilt and kissed his ear. Shifting his face to look at you, he smirks with a dashing smile and leans back into the seat as he pulls you into him.
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"You want something pretty baby?" he teases as he nuzzles his nose against your neck.
"maybe." you softly chuckled as you felt yourself yearning for more of his clingy touch, he rough and possessive grip, and his soft kisses to cover your entire body. Times like these, you couldn't help it.....you wanted him badly....and unlike most times where you yearned for him, this time....it was so much stronger.
"Yeah? he straightens his smile and his eyes grow sadistically wide. "well lets go and give it to you then...." he deeply exhales with an eager gasp as he grabs onto your neck. Getting up, he walks you out, telling the boys that he'd be right back, that you both were running a quick errand. He pulls you swiftly as the door gently shuts, yet doesn't take you to his car as you had presumed, instead, he takes you right next door to an empty room. It was an old science classroom, yet hadn't been used for quite some time, yet the structure of the chalkboard, the experimental counter spaces, and the seat and desks remained. Swinging you over, he leans you over. the edge of one of the island's and props himself closely behind, pressing his groin against your derriere. Taking a big inhale of your hair, he groans at the scent of your hair as he trails his nose from your nape, to the top of your head.
Whimpering, your spine jolts as you felt the tingling sense of tickle and pleasure riddle inside you. You didn't notice it until now, as he was pulling them out form his back pocket, but he had brought along the drum sticks and from the looks of it, he intended on using them.
"Tell me what you want baby..." he deeply teases....his voice...it carried the same depth in tone, yet was far more seductive and malicious.....
"......Ethan...." you mentally thought.
"I.....I....want you."
"Oh yeah?"
Raising the hem of your skirt up high, revealing your round and plump rear to remain perked up as your breasts remained plastered over the counter space, he swings your panties over the side and uncovers the crown of glory.
With the base of both sticks, the thicker ends paired together, he presses them up against your slit, rubbing them up and down. The slick and smooth wood of the two bundled up, caused you to gasp as you felt him nearly breaching your entrance.
"Tell me what you want me to do......baby doll." he grins against your ear as he presses forward and slips the bundled pair into you. Gasping out a moan, you perk your hips up and motioned your body back and forth, begging for him to go harder...deeper....and to move vigorously.
"mmm......i.....i want.....oh God...." barely able to speak, as he continues to slide the sticks inward, deeper and deeper, your body vibrates as you feel yourself becoming hot and bothered. The sticks were triggering that tingling feeling within you, yet it was nowhere near the sensation of Heeseungs own fingers...or his member. Still....the momentum was similar, as you laid limp, hunched over, taking in the inches before he finally pauses and starts to slide them out, only to ram them back in until his palm met your base.
"Oh my! God! Heeseung!" you gasped out, more and more as he increases the thrust and finally, he was going at a relatively high speed.
"Oh....wrong fucking name baby."
Catching your mistake, you tried to apologize but it was no used, he went even faster and faster. Finally, he was riled up enough where he himself, couldn't take any more of it. Placing the drumsticks in front of your mouth, he tells you to "bite down." You did so, keeping both sticks in your toothy grip as you hear him unbuckling his belt, loosening his pants and fishing out his lengthy member.
Already moistened and lubed up from being fucked by the drum sticks, he slips in with such ease.
"Oh.....fuck...baby you're that wet already?" he taunts out as he begins to fuck you. ata fast pace, not even setting of at a slow momentum.....it didn't matter, the feeling was incredible and something you yearned for all day.
Your saliva slips out from the corners of your mouth as it drips and lathers the drum sticks, finally, the sensation was far too much and you had to moan....you had to scream. Opening your mouth wide and releasing your pleasured gasps, the drum sticks fall before you as your body shifts up and down from receiving his thrusts. Reaching over, his hand hovers over your mouth, where the horizontal length of his finger makes its way in between your lips, to replace the drumsticks. Biting down on his thick finger, you remained merciless as you continued to get fucked. His free hand gropes your rear end and lifts one of your cheeks and gently pulls it apart for him to get a better view under the glare lighting that peered through the window. Watching as the skin around your opening, tightly wrapped around his shaft, becomes pulled as he thrusts out, only to swallow him back in as he shoves inward, he nearly drools at the sight of how you look in this angle, while he fucked you relentlessly. What made it even better, was the sounds of your pleasured gasps as you screamed out his name, begging him for more.
"Please what?"
"Please...please....ugh! fuck me! fuck me! more..more......i want more...." you gasped out, tears streaming down your cheeks as you pant out your high pitched cries.
"Yeah? baby wants more? come here...." he kisses the back of your head, releasing his finger from your toothy grip, he places both hands on your waist and pushes you downward, while causing your back to arch and your rear end to perk up. "Ill give you more."
Going at high speed, his groin smacking into your rear cheeks as they bounce and jiggle from the impact, he watches as the dip in your arch smooths out perfectly, and forms the most beautiful curve he's ever seen. Leaning his weight down, you feel his hands around your waist tighten, and squeeze hard as you felt all the pressure radiate in your lower pack as he leans forward and continues to thrust epically into you. He leaned so far in, his feet shifted onto his tip toes as he stabilized himself with his grip around your sides, thrusting...over...and over....and over again.
Who knows how long you were being fucked for now, all you knew was that your drool was foaming up, your hair was a sweaty mess, and you were already dripping with a creamy substance yet he remained thrusting into you, not once letting up or stopping. Your body was entirely limp, and would have failed to remain up had it not been the counter space, or Ethan propping you from sliding with his grasp. Finally, he growls out and there at that moment, you felt that familiar sensation, that warmth, that oozing bit that filled you.....
"Oh fuck i'm cumming....." he breathes out, his fingers digging into your skin as he remained grasping onto your waist. His cock twitches and taps your inner walls as he pumps a few more thrusts inside, releasing every single last drop.
Pulling out, noting the slimy and creamy substance that connected the tip of his shaft to your entry, he smirks as he notes his fine work, after viewing how the base of your entry was completley covered and filled with the thick white substance all over.
"what a mess...." he teases. His voice becomes less roaring, indicating he was going back to his Heeseung side.
Gently sliding your panties back over your entry, he gently pats it sealed as he lowers your dress and helps you to stand upright, carrying most of your weight as you were far too weak to stand on your own from being pelted for so long. Kissing your cheek, he whispers to you.
"keep it all in...let it do its magic..."
with that, he helps you walk out and back into the room next door. You did your best to smooth out your hair and look less of a wreck, yet the moment you walked in and saw the look h/n gave to you, you already knew that you failed to cover up the image of what had transpired.
Taking you over and sitting you down in one of the chairs, he kisses your forehead and tells you to stay put as he goes to get you a drink. Nodding, you placed both hands on your lap as he whispers "good girl." and walks away.
"Hey Ethan, can i get those drum sticks?" one man calls out as he sits at the drum set.
Without saying anything, Heeseung displayed his side profile as he reaches to his back pocket and takes out both sticks, and tosses them towards the man who catches them effortlessley. "thanks man."
"no problem. enjoy." heeseung smirks out as he continues to make his way over to the cooler and takes out two bottles of water.
H/n comes over to sit next to you. "so......what exactly uh....did you guys do for the last two hours?" she smiles teasingly. You looked at her somewhat wide eyed, knowing it was futile to even try and cover anything up.
"..........its...its just been a long day......you know?" you respond back.
"Oh i know." she teases as you both chuckle. The background of silence was suddenly filled with the delightful and skilled sound of the man playing the drums.
"Whoa.....Ethan, what did you put on these drum sticks man? they're so much better and smooth, and i can play so much better with them like this.....they also smell so ......sweet."
"Oh that?" Heeseung takes a swig of his water to replenish his energy as he still was catching his breath, wiping the sweat off his chin. "It's a special type of squalene that is used to preserve wood."
"man you gotta give me the name of it because these feel so much better in my grip. Its like i can hold onto them better and tighter now."
"yeah.....wood is always better when its gripped tighter."
Glancing back over his shoulder at you, he winks as you sat wide eyed blushing, with H/n laughing into your shoulder.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
with that Venusian man 👨 hmm 👀👀 spill the tea girl
Not the 33yr old, this is the friend from a few nights ago 😜 whose arms I liked 🤭😩
They're both Bharani Moon tho 😌 which is my favourite among the Venus naks 😌😌😌 so I do feel like God's favourite rn lmao 🤪
Idk why I never felt this way about him before but looking at his pictures and talking to him, didn't make me feel much , like he's objectively good looking, a veryyyy handsome man, 6'2 😩😩 (the 33yr old is 5'7 max 😔) BROAD ASF SHOULDERS, BIG ARMS, but I was never attracted to him. He has a very sweetie personality too, he has Mercury in Purvabhadrapada atmakaraka and lots of Jupiter in his navamsa chart and he feels veryyy Jupiterean, which according to Claire's video is the nice guy you friendzone etc which is what I did too 😜🤭🤭but OH MY GODDDDDD THE MAN IS DEMONICCCC IN BED 😩😩😩😩😩
He has a veryyyy masculine presence and I love love love love LOVE his body 😩😩😩 he's so bulky and so big, I just get butterflies looking at him 😍😍
So we agreed to book a hotel room that you can rent for a couple of hours??? BEST DECISION IVE EVER MADE 😩😩😩
and from the minute he picked me up, I just had to have him inside me one way or another like 😭😭😭 he's SOOO manly, that I just WANT to get on my knees for him 😭😭😭 I can't believe I'm saying this out loud 😭😭
He's so affectionate and SOOOO gentlemanly, like DAMN he was raised right ✨ he prioritizes foreplay and spends a lot of time on my body, just kissing me all over, I remember when we were friends, he'd casually point to the moles on my arms and say shit like "would be nice playing connect the dots with these 😏" but I just saw him as a friend and I flirt with all my friends male and female and vice versa so i didn't think too much of it but tonight 😩😩😭 as he took my pants off, he saw the mole on my upper thigh and he was like "here's one I haven't seen before 😈" (and all of today, his voice has been deeper and more 🥵🥵 usually he sounds all 😃😊😃☀️🌸 but today he sounded so 😈🥵😈 even tho he was just talking about normal shit) and then he kissed it and licked it 🥵🥵down until he reached yk where 🙈 and BOYS' GOT THAT TONGUE TECHNOLOGY 😩😩😩I was shook 😳😳😳too stunned to speak 🙊😳😳😳😳I was physically glitching 😭 i literally had to beg him to just put it in because I cannot take it anymore 😭😭 and the wayyyy he grabbed my legs closer to him 😩😩😩we fcked thrice 🙈🙈🙈🙈 he only had one condom 💀💀💀 and y'all should always use protection when you have sex but when he pulled out and jizzed on my stomach, I lost my mind, idk it was so hot 🙈🥵
And just the way he holds me, touches me etc it makes me feel 😩😩😩
I'm sorry to share such filth detail with y'all but I don't have friends I can share any of this with (so instead I'm telling thousands of strangers lmao 😭) idk why I'm giving such a blow by blow account of this but honestly it was suchhh a good experience 🙈🙈🙈
We were just lying down talking between rounds and we have such a good bond y'all it's so funny 😭😭 like we're talking about random shit, he was asking me about stuff and I was telling him and he was smiling kissing my body as he's listening and then he holds my face and says "you know this is pillow talk right" and idk we're both blushing 🙈 and he's like "I love listening to this, don't stop, keep talking" 😩😩 (fastest way to my heart lol)
Anyways, we leave the hotel (super cute place btw) and when we're by the reception the staff (just two dudes) look at us like 😏but tryna remain professional and I feel so accomplished like ??? I just had sex with this tall handsome man ??? 😩😩And everytime others looked at us, I was just like 😌😌hehe this hottie was inside me 😌hehe 🤪😜🤭 and ngl we look reallyyy good together 🥵🤭🙈but anyways although he pulled out in time, he did cum outside my yk what and I told him I'm taking the pill just to be safe and he parked a little bit away from the pharmacy and went and bought it for me???? Like that's well raised right there 🥹🥹 (he didn't want them to see me bc this is India and women are judged heavily for having sex and he bought it bc he came inside me so that's the least he could do 💀but just the fact that all of it was so unspoken and he just did all of it intuitively was sooo hot to me, like I said I'm turned on by gentlemanliness) you should have seen the way he looked when he walked back to me 🥹🥹🥹🥹 just the finest man alive 😍🥵😩 idk how someone can go from being some guy to THE guy in a couple of days but it's happened 😭😭😭
he texted me asking if I reached home and then asked me a little later if I took the pill 😭😭 I never ever EVER thought that him and I would be at a point where we fuck raw and he reminds me to take the pill 😭life works in mysterious ways 😭
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