#@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet
mushroom-for-art · 6 months
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet @ Mud:
The 'Two gazed at Mud with undisguised awe. "Oh," he said softly. "You seem so interesting...! I've never seen a mew with fur like yours before..! My name is Ultraviolet, it's nice to meet you, Mud!"
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The mew gazed back at the unfamiliar pokemon despite his crueler resting expression there's a level of softness in his eyes as he takes in the others appearance,
"Ah," his projected psychic voice noticeably rusty, "you, are one of the two creatures,?" his head tilts a bit, still observing the other feeling a strange level of vulnerability without his usual face covering, "Ultraviolet," he echoes the word and name thoughtfully giving a slow nod of his head, "suiting." His ear twitching to the side in idle movement.
Though he did wonder how this individual already knew his name...
"Are, all twos so vibrant? The mew that gave you those colors must have been quite the spectacle," he dreaded the idea of meeting them, his dirt complexion compared to their display of color? If cloning kept personality also, such an outgoing mew no doubt... He pushed the thought aside he didn't need to feel insecure over a mew he'd never met and likely would never meet.
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askshinyglaceon · 1 year
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My duties are different when it’s dark out, of course…!
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a-shy-mimiktwo · 6 months
I send a hug from UV and a plush of Miki's choosing :D
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She wants the plush, but, now being a teen, she refuses to admit she wants the hug too.
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ask-team-misfit · 5 months
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet @Pikavee:
"Are hybrids not common here?" He tilted his head. "I only know that they are not common in mine."
[ PT: "Are hybrids not common here?" He tilted his head. "I only know that they are not common in mine." End PT ]
[ @distortionmewtwo ]
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee, a hybrid of Espeon and Umbreon, with a mono-color background. She is shown from the neck up, with her face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. She appears somewhat concerned or timid. Her eyes are downcast, with her mouth in a shaky frown. Her ears are drooped down. End ID ]
Pikavee: “Here? Well, here I’ve seen nothing but hybrids. Back home… not really.”
Lief: “Seriously? Pretty much nobody sees a full-blood anymore.”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, shown from the neck up, oriented similarly to the previous image. He looks puzzled, or curious. His left eyebrow is noticeably raised, while his right eyelid is lowered somewhat. He is frowning visibly. An angular question mark is floating next to his head at the left. End ID ]
Lief: “Are there really no other hybrids over there? You’re a hybrid.”
Pikavee: “Not that I know of, until now. Um, were all of you also…”
She hesitated, looking uncomfortable at whatever she was thinking.
Lief: “Also what?”
Pikavee quickly shook her head. Scared was an understatement regarding the face she briefly made; it was more comparable to the expression one would have upon recalling a particularly harrowing memory.
Pikavee: “N-never mind.”
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ask-duchess · 5 months
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. . . . . .
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"It is considered rude to stare at others in human culture."
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borealis-siblings · 10 months
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet: I-I apologize if that was a rude question, I've just... Never seen an Espeon with dragon-like traits before... Erm- what is your role here?
"Your alright.. Your not the first to mistaken me for another creature before... And my role, you ask? I am the life-force of the Millennium Forrest, as I've mentioned before. I keep at bay the negative impacts of which my brother Boreal had done long ago.. I also help those that are wounded, and treat plants that are near death.."
[@distortionmewtwo, Ultraviolet]
Relationships Updating...
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tism-two · 8 months
Ultraviolet lingered nearby, observing the parent and their mittens. One with a life force much weaker......
He was invisible to all but possibly that single mitten as he approached, gently placing two intangible fingers onto the child. So young... don't stop fighting, little one. I know you can make it.
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“T-they’re… they’re awake…?”
“I… I knew you could make it, Cupid.”
[They gently press their nose against Cupid’s forehead, and Cupid responds by grabbing it. Lucid releases a laugh, tears streaming down her cheeks as she embraces her mitten. She can sense the presence nearby, and she can’t help but feel grateful for whatever this presence is, even if they didn’t save her kit directly.]
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the-mew-crew · 1 year
Ultraviolet: Ah.... not the greatest situation, is it..? Though I understand your feelings, I'm sure that there's a good reason for their reactions. They have no reason to have anything but your best interest in mind.
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askobliviatwo · 11 months
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet: ah, hello, Coinage! My name is Ultraviolet, it's nice to meet you! How do you know this lovely group here?
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@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet@ Pastel: "Oh! I love your colors!! :DD What is it like to have two tails?"
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*the Espetwo seems hesitant* Thank you... And having two tails is nice...
*She seems to be hanging on to a recent event that scarred her*
*A faint voice can be heard* Hey, Ultraviolet, let my mother know I'm still close to her... *it sounds sad but familiar*
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inaris-pokemon-world · 6 months
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So here’s the thing I needed all your guys for! I wanted to practice the Pokémon Trozei/Link/Shuffle kinda headshots, and I had a lot of fun doing these! (So much I will probably do this again sometime~)
Purple side credits:
Sandy from @sweetdreamscafe
Sparkle from @ask-sarah-and-co
Curce from @curce
Destino from @ask-the-royal-absol
Teiji from @blueespeon
Ultraviolet from @distortionmewtwo
Zantzu from @ask-suicune
Green side credits:
Romeo from @ask-guardian-gallade
Walt from @aro-pokeverse
Kyurem from @askthehoenngods
Cynder from @pushingthelimitaskblog
ACATC from @askmisfitsneasels
Venus from @borealis-siblings
Mia from @smartguy18
Thanks to all of you for participating! If you want your lil headshot separate, comment below and I’ll shoot it to ya!
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mushroom-for-art · 10 months
The favest boi ever the beloved it's Ultraviolet! Belonging to @distortionmewtwo!
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arc-of-creation · 2 months
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet: The dark purple Mewtwo was keenly aware that this place may not be the one for him, nor was he excited about speaking with a human, but his curiosity won out over his instincts this time. "It is a very cozy place here," he said warmly. "Is there anyone who is not allowed?"
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aro-pokeverse · 2 months
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet@ Walt:
It made the glowy Mewtwo sad to see him cry. He really didn't know how to help, but he knew that he wanted to- especially as one lab pokemon to another..... so he took off his cloak, draping it over Walt's shoulders in an attempt to be comforting without outright hugging him.
[ <PREV ] [ NEXT> ]
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The cloak given by strange Mewtwo made Walt warmer. But does he feel better after that? Nope, however he makes a smile towards Ultraviolet.
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I-I think you should keep this yourself, a-alright?
[ @distortionmewtwo ]
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Chance: So, you may be wondering, “How on earth are you gonna show a death battle? Is that not too gruesome for TV?” And I say don’t you all worry your pretty little heads. This battle royal is simulated, meaning the contestants will not feel a thing. As it’s styled like The Hunger Games, the aim of the game is to be the last one to survive! The last contestant remaining will get the Victorious Ones trophy from yours truly!
We’ve sent everyone down into their districts. Before I give the signal for everyone to begin, let’s have a listen in to some contestants thoughts through our live video screen!
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Chance: Oh ho! A bit of smack talk from one of the contestants! This will be exciting! I wonder if the other contestants are feeling as confident or whether their nerves are getting the best of them!
(The 200 follower event is a go! Each week, I will post what the simulator mentions on it and add some drawings about what’s happened. As I said, I’m not gonna make them gruesome or serious. It will be in a comedic tone with slapstick-styled “deaths”.
Now that you know the very first pairings, feel free to draw your character either talking smack to the other character in your district or perhaps some other form of dialogue. This is not mandatory in any way! This is solely for a bit of fun before I get to drawing the events that are taking place! If you do draw any art for this event, please tag me or use the #200followerhungergamessim tag.
I wonder who’s gonna kill Destino lol
Tagging those in this so you know who’s joined:
Deca and Conductor - @spikyegg
Rimi - @ask-the-shiny-pokemons
Marley, Viola and Chomps - @asktherandomfam
Capital - @askcapital
Armando and Blair - @asklivingwasteland
Nix - @ask-anxious-sylveon
Mothball - @mysteriousmothball
X - @mod-checker
Suicune - @ask-suicune
Prince - @askpsychicarcanine
Shadow - @pokege-ne-project
Acacia - @phantomguild
Ziska - @askforestoddities
Wimmy - @askanotslownotking
Romeo - @ask-guardian-gallade
Altan - @asksolgaleo
Snow - @ask-a-learning-ai
Amy - @deep-digged-pokemon-burrow
Ultraviolet and Sugar - @distortionmewtwo
Sabre - @askleaderscrest
Lucario - @ask-lu-two-and-mew
Ryan and Rudy - @nobetternamethanthat2
Esmeralda and Arthur - @the-shinentist
Magby - @breed-station
Gizmo - @ask-gizmo-and-vigil
Inari - @inaris-pokemon-world
Vekpa - @askvekpa
Chime - @askchimeknight
Lunar - @saguaropokevariants
Peri - @ask-team-spectrum
Hiro, Genji and Ginjiro - @symphonies-of-silver
Chippy - @mew-sanctuary
Lumi and Kyandoru - @minish-mews-and-twos
Mase - @masetheumbreon
Dravol - @asksavel
Spirit - @askadelcatty
Harumi - @life-of-kalos
I’ll look forward to drawing each and every one of your characters!)
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@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet:
He felt... drawn to this entrance, to this place. Something about it.... as he got close, it drew him in. And it was a place he'd never have found without invitation. (unanswered ask lmaooo I will answer it I promise)
"There's something very special about these woods....." he murmured. "...Can you tell me more about them? Something.... I'm absolutely fascinated....." And indeed, there was a deep curiosity shining in his glowing eyes.
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“I’m unsurprised that you can sense the energy radiating off of these woods, especially being so closely aligned with death and souls as you are.”
“This place is one shaped by my own being, and influenced by my power. I planted the seeds myself and grew this entire forest by scratch, and as such I have complete control over this realm. This is a place of healing and rejuvenation, and so I will not tolerate any conflict within its bounds. The flowing mist produced by the trees that surround you is good for the soul. Literally.”
“The… specific reason as to why this place came to be is a very special one. This realm lies in the space between the overworld, our main realm, and one we tend to call The Nothing. The Nothing is the place where all discarded things go, where things cast out from their own realms wander eternally. All those seen as undesirable or unwanted fall into The Nothing, unknown to those who banished them and heedless of their cries. It’s a place impossibly dark, and being sent there is a terrible fate, one many are unfortunate enough to end up with.”
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“Not even legendaries are spared, as I’m sure you can tell. Without aid those banished would be doomed to wander eternally, and so I routinely enter The Nothing and guide the souls out from its grasp. I am one of the few who can enter and exit safely to do so. These woods provide those I have retrieved a safe and peaceful place to rest and heal. This is why I am so reluctant to allow others to visit.”
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