frankthesnek · 1 month
Tagged by @fohatic and @soliloquent-stark to share 2 truths and a lie! (I didn't get the ask, but was tagged so I guess I still do it? Idfk im doing it!)
Short sweet and to the point here are 3 random things about me:
I work teaching graduate students in a medical doctorite program and am the manager of my department.
I might love spicy fics, but have actually only ever slept with one person and its strictly vanilla.
I was a bit of a stoner in my younger days and would regularly smoke pot with both of my parents.
Tagging: @whinysteve @meidui @sga-owns-my-soul @castronomicalmistakes
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weibed12 · 1 year
signs of high blood pressure
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Unmasking the Silent Killer: Unveiling the Signs of High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, has unique implications for both the mother and the baby. Pediatric hypertension, although rare, can also occur and has its own considerations and treatment approaches.
Recognizing the signs of high blood pressure is crucial for timely intervention and prevention of complications. Understanding the symptoms, risk factors, and the importance of regular blood pressure monitoring can help individuals take control of their health.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the normal range for blood pressure?
Can high blood pressure be cured completely?
Are there any natural remedies for reducing blood pressure?
Can stress alone cause high blood pressure?
Is high blood pressure only prevalent in older individuals?
Identifying the signs of high blood pressure is an essential step in maintaining good health and preventing serious complications. By recognizing the importance of regular monitoring, seeking medical advice when necessary, and making positive lifestyle changes, individuals can take control of their blood pressure and overall well-being. prevalent and often unnoticed health conditions that can have serious consequences if left untreated. Recognizing the signs of high blood pressure is crucial for timely intervention and maintaining good health.
Understanding High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure occurs when the force of blood against the walls of the arteries is consistently too high, putting strain on the cardiovascular system. It is important to distinguish between systolic pressure (when the heart contracts) and diastolic pressure (when the heart is at rest), as both play a role in determining overall blood pressure.
Causes and Risk Factors
High blood pressure can have both primary and secondary causes. Genetic predispositions, certain lifestyle factors such as poor diet and lack of exercise, and underlying health conditions like kidney disease or hormonal disorders can all contribute to the development of hypertension.
The Narrowing Arteries: Hypertension and Blood Vessels
High blood pressure can lead to the narrowing and damage of blood vessels, a condition known as atherosclerosis. This narrowing restricts proper blood flow, further exacerbating hypertension.
Unveiling the Signs: Detecting High Blood Pressure
Regular blood pressure measurements are essential for detecting high blood pressure. It is important to be aware that high blood pressure often presents no noticeable symptoms, making regular check-ups crucial for early detection.
Asymptomatic High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is often asymptomatic, meaning it has no noticeable symptoms. This is why it is commonly referred to as the "silent killer." Without regular blood pressure checks, individuals may remain unaware of their condition for an extended period.
Silent Warnings: Subtle Symptoms
Although often subtle, there are mild symptoms that can be associated with high blood pressure. Headaches, dizziness, and nosebleeds can sometimes be warning signs that warrant further investigation.
Recognizing Severe Symptoms
In severe cases, high blood pressure can lead to a hypertensive crisis. Symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and blurred vision may indicate a critical situation that requires immediate medical attention.
Beyond the Obvious: Exploring Complications
Untreated high blood pressure can lead to various complications, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. Recognizing the signs of high blood pressure early on can help prevent these complications.
Seeking Medical Advice: When to Consult a Doctor
It is important to know when to seek immediate medical attention for high blood pressure. If blood pressure readings consistently exceed certain thresholds or if symptoms become severe, it is crucial to consult a doctor promptly.
Self-Monitoring and Home Blood Pressure Checks
Individuals can empower themselves by monitoring their blood pressure at home. This can be achieved using appropriate devices and techniques, and it is important to understand how to interpret the readings accurately.
Visiting your Healthcare Professional
Regular check-ups are essential for individuals with concerns about their blood pressure. By discussing these concerns with a healthcare professional, tailored guidance and appropriate medical interventions can be provided.
Prevention is Key: Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle modifications play a key role in preventing and managing high blood pressure. Adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress effectively, and quitting smoking can all contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
Treatment Options
While lifestyle changes are often the primary treatment strategy for high blood pressure, medications may be prescribed to help control blood pressure levels. These medications aim to reduce the strain on the cardiovascular system and prevent further complications.
Hypertension in Special Situations: Pregnancy and Children
High blood pressure in pregnancy requires special attention, as it can
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vascoforest · 2 years
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A fost odată ca niciodată o fată tânără pe nume Maya care locuia într-un sat mic. Maya visase întotdeauna să devină medic și să ajute oamenii din comunitatea ei. Cu toate acestea, familia ei și societatea din jurul ei nu credeau că fetele ar trebui educate, cu atât mai puțin să devină doctorite. Părinții Mayei au considerat că este mai important pentru ea să se căsătorească și să aibă grijă de gospodărie. În ciuda numeroaselor obstacole cu care s-a confruntat, Maya nu a renunțat niciodată la visele ei. Ea a economisit în secret bani din treburile ei zilnice și i-a folosit pentru a cumpăra cărți și a participa la sesiuni de îndrumare. Încet, dar sigur, a început să exceleze în studii. Într-o zi, un grup de medici a vizitat satul Mayei pentru a oferi servicii medicale gratuite. Maya a fost fascinată de munca pe care o făceau și i-a abordat pentru a le întreba despre profesia lor. Medicii au fost impresionați de entuziasmul și pasiunea Mayei și s-au oferit să o îndrume. De-a lungul timpului, Maya a muncit din greu și în cele din urmă a devenit prima femeie din satul ei care a devenit medic. Ea a deschis o clinică în satul ei și a ajutat sute de oameni care nu își puteau permite îngrijiri medicale. În această Zi a Femeii, să sărbătorim spiritul Mayei și a tuturor femeilor care au spart barierele și au spulberat stereotipurile pentru a-și îndeplini visele. Să continuăm să sprijinim și să dăm puterea femeilor din întreaga lume pentru a-și atinge potențialul maxim. #happywomansday #ziuafemeii #lamultianidoamnelorsidomnisoarelor❤️ La multi ani frumosi dragelor noastre! (at Bucharest, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CphQ_v2IEFB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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God I love when actual scientists comment on my stupid mad science posts
‘Haha I wish we could go feral I actually just don’t have grant money’
Hm a true shame real life actual scientist. Have you tried, perhaps, being a main character in a gothic horror novel? Perhaps becoming a comic book villain. Maybe, if your feeling risqué, a video game villain. They don’t seem to have to worry about “grants” or “ethics” or “”laws of nature””
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jollyjolea · 4 years
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The cruel and inimical Doctor It, with a signature grin that belies their spiteful heart.
Here's the comic where you'll find this red-haired devil.
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melisketch · 8 years
tagged by @cheeky-wolfblossom but I'm dumb and didn't notice until now :'3 Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. Nickname: Mel or Missy are the most common, I've gotten Lissy too. Star sign: Sagittarius Height: 5'3" Time right now: 10:20 am Favourite music artist(s): For artists I can listen to on repeat would be considered my favorites I guess so The 1975, Madeon, and Owl City. Song stuck in your head: "Looking Like This" - Lyre Le Temps Last movie watched: like full-length "I'm sitting down to watch this movie" situation? Than "The Conjuring 2" Last tv show watched: Walking Dead What are you wearing right now: sweat pants, sports bra, orange tank top, and my purple robe. When did you create your blog: oh jeez idk man uhhhh in high school I think maybe 2010???? What kind of stuff do you post: everything but the kitchen sink my friend. From aesthetic color palettes, politics, to shitposts, lotta shitposts Do you have any other blogs: my art blog @fate2art that I haven't kept up to date with. Most of my art gets regularly posted to my instagram @meli_sketch Do you get asks regularly: almost never lol feel free to send me some! Why did you choose your URL: Im actually trying to change it, it was chosen because I initially entered an art major to be an animator but have since started focusing on Visual Development and concept work instead. Gender: cis female Hogwarts house: Slytherin according to the test. I initially disagreed, but seeing all those personality things on tumblr I'm just like "holy shit that's me" Pokemon team: Team Mystic! But if you mean like a 6 roster team than Mightyena named Oreo (I always have one to honor my first dog who passed away a few years back), a Chandelure (I love him and his design, why does he get so much hate leave my adorable light fixture alone!!), Skarmory(fast and great defense), Glaceon (love ice types), Dragalge, and Heliolisk Favourite colour: Purple and Orange are too but blue has a special place in my heart, Teal is a favorite hue Average hours of sleep: 4-7 Lucky number: 3 Favourite characters: oh god nope don't got time for this. Though a character I will always defend from both haters and the writers themselves is Beth Greene. They fucked up with such a great character, I will always be mad at them. How many blankets do you sleep with: One but my robe is on top too. Dream job: Disney or Dreamworks Concept Artist Following: I think over 300 now? Tagging you guys if you wanna do this :) @ladyofthefanart @specialpandas @tada-ima @itstimetodrew @doctorit @luminousinthedark @lonefawn @darisu-chan @delorijedi @aqsatheavatar
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im-tempted · 2 years
Frankenstein the dropout
Ugly eye bags refuses to talk to his dad bad to woman
Frankenstein the chad
Absolute smoke show athletic driven
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doctorit · 6 years
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eid mubarak to all my (queer) muslim babes 💕🌸😘
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imafrickinfox · 4 years
Had a wonderful idea in Latin today while reading the story of Andromeda
We need a movie about this story, I already have a cast list:
Andromeda: Lizzo
Perseus: Jack Mcbreyer (fix it Felix/wander over yonder)
Literally everyone else (including the sea monster: Jeff Goldblum
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jessicalafollette · 3 years
Eyelash Enhancement - What Is the Best Option?
Eyelash extensions have become very popular in the past few years. An eyelash extension is perfect for defining and firming the upper eyelashes. Small color-filled dots are inserted in the eyelashes, creating the look of thicker, fuller lashes. This instantly rejuvenates the upper eye region without the obvious side effect of artificial makeup, giving a natural, more youthful appearance.
The eyelashes are surgically attached to the upper and lower lashes with silicone or saline implants. The surgeon will typically place sterile silicone or saline implants under each lash for a more natural appearance.
Eyelash Extensions
Eyelash extensions will last for several months before they are surgically removed. To determine if an individual is a good candidate for eyelash enhancement, they should visit an aesthetic plastic surgeon and have a professional evaluation done. If the patient qualifies as a good candidate, they will be given a consultation to discuss the procedure and their expectations.
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The Procedure
The procedure can be performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. A sterile tube is used to drain excess fluid and dress the wounds. A plastic sheet is placed over the eyes to protect them during the operation.
Suitable Candidates
Individuals who would be good candidates for eyelash enhancement will typically have thick, sparse eyelashes. These kinds of eyelashes lack volume and definition. Before the treatment, the physician will conduct a routine eye examination. If the exam confirms that one is a good candidate for eyelash enhancement, they will prescribe the most appropriate medication for improving eyelash health.
Natural Extension Style
When using eyelash extensions, lashes should be used in a natural extension style. This means that they are not being added to the eye itself. Rather, they should be placed above and alongside the natural hair. The procedure can be completed in fifteen minutes. One week before the treatment, a patient may want to take a supplement that helps to promote better overall health.
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Go for an Experienced Doctor
It is essential to make sure that the doctor performing the procedure is experienced and qualified. They should be able to determine whether or not a patient is a good candidate for enhancement using eyelash extensions. They should be able to decide on the best results for each patient. To know more about eyelash enhancement click here.
Some patients notice that their eyes become much smaller after having eyelash extensions. For people with this condition, the goal is to return their eyes to their previous size. This is accomplished by the doctor applying concentrated drops to the area surrounding the eyelashes.
Once the initial procedure is completed, the patient should use a bit of extra serum to enhance the eyelashes' natural growth. Doing this can help achieve the best results for someone who is a good candidate for enhancement.
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All in All
Eyelash extensions can be a good option for those who want to have longer and thicker eyelashes. For most people, the best option is to improve the appearance through a regular beauty routine. A regular routine can make a significant difference in one’s life.
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
I have several goals that I want to complete in my life and some of them are having a Doctorits in marine biology (this is my first my first year in college undergrad student) and to get a MMC (Merchant Mariners Credentials) basically a license that lets me captain my own boat and sometimes I feel like I’m giving myself too much work and I lose motivation to set out my goals. I just wanted to say this cause I am afraid of what my family would say.
I would LOVE to captain my own boat! And if you’re doing something that makes YOU happy, then don’t let what they think affect it. They’ll come around.
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coaldustcanary · 7 years
tfw you read your own academic writing and actually find it interesting and like it and thus remember why you started doing this shit in the first place.
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evilmiku · 4 years
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Mad Scientist fight club, super powered edition
second verse same as the first! I will be rating these mad scientist on how I think their personality, powers, and skill all combine to how well they would do in a fight, assuming no extra weapons. 
Doctor Olivia Octavius 8/10
I am counting her robot arms as part of her body, because I believe they can’t be removed? idk ive only seen into the spiderverse and it doesnt really go into it. Either way, the extra limbs and history of fighting web slinging superheros gives her an edge against less combate oriantated enemies. She’s brutal and ruthless and calculating, but at the same time will assume she’s the smarter party so might underestimate her attackers. Sneak attack while she’s explaining her latest invention and you might have a chance
Dr. Cockroah from Monsters VS Aliens 6.5/10
His doctorite in dance means he’s nimble and quick, upping his doge skill. His cockroach DNA means that he can take heavy crushing hits that would finish lesser scientists. However his weak nerd body means that I doubt he could land a hard punch. I think the only way to win against this unkillable bug man is to put him in a head lock and nuggy him until he says uncle and surrenders.
The Lizard from Spiderman 9/10
the superpowers this lizardman has means that in hand to hand combat he is almost unbeatable. his thick scales would protect him from punches and he also has the benefit of scales and a whip like tail. The only way to defeat him is to fight him in the winter or knock him out before he has the chance to turn into a lizard.
The Incredible Hulk 8.5/10
the only way to take him out while he’s transformed is to drop something vvery heavy on his head or be bigger and stronger than the hulk. However Bruce Banner is just a guy, so if you can sneak attack him before he transforms you can beat him. he’s rated less than the lizard because the lizard has a tail and claws
Dr jumba jookiba from lilo and stitch 6/10
this alien is stronger than average, and his large size aids to his intimidation stance. However when stacked against the others on this list, however, his powers are limited. His high inteligence would be his biggest boon in a fight, but ultimately against a non average human hes pretty beatable
I was going to add franken stien from soul eater to this list, but im pretty sure without access to a weapon person he’s just.. a dude? I haven’t seen soul eater idk and idc
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jiggscasey · 4 years
So I’m on my way to pick up my degree that I applied online for. I got a doctorate for underwater water mining. So I get to a nondescript Denny’s deep within the hell that is Indiana and I park in the back where there is another car that looked like a cross between a semi and a Harley. There was a guy there who had flamingo patterned bell bottom jeans, long toed crocks, a crop top that showed his beer belly, all topped with a pink plaid pirate hat. He asked me in thick southern accent if I was Jiggs Casey and I confirmed. He handed me a slip of paper with the words “Doctorite in water” written in green crayons on it and I graciously accepted.
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 5 years
Hey, about the shipping thingy (...possibly?)My name is Maeve & I'm about 5'3" w natural red hair (it's dyed pink rn). I'm 18 and a senior in HS who wants to get a Doctorite in anthropology! I love to read, watch Anime, and do research especially within Europe. I like the villains (tomura, Dabi, AFO, etc) but also really like Endeavor & Pro-Heroes. Thank you! 💕💕💕💕 (Idk if I did this right).
I’m gonna surprise you with Spinner! He really relates to your interests and finds you so down to earth and fun to be around. He doesn’t really know what he wants out of life, so seeing you pursuing new and interesting endeavors inspires him to do better, to be a better version of himself. Sometimes he finds himself zoning out when you’re explaining nerdy facts to him when you’re both out together and visiting museums, but that’s only because he’s so captivated by how cute you look when you’re engrossed in your interests. He just really, really admires you and loves your explorative nature. And Europe? He’s so fuckin down to go there with you one day. He really wants to just rent a car and travel across countries with you, staying at cheap hotels and eating delicious food and visiting beautiful towns. You’re the light of his life, the inspiration he’s always needed and craved.
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