aegis-17 · 2 years
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This was one of the longer pieces i took to finish, he was sitting on the back burner for more then a bit, so it was a real rush when i finally posted him, and I’m happy to give him the spotlight here for a bit. Tolin, of @ladyofthefanart‘ species the Vashaen A rare survivor of Vashaea. a Refugee and member of a mercenary crew living in and around the coastal city of ullas, his adopted home. Though he doesn’t remember much of his homeland, having left as a child. Certain things, such as the stories of its last great king have stayed with him in sharp detail, he keeps these memories, preserving and telling them to those who would care to listen.
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avacado-and-louie · 4 years
I'm so sorry for the loss of Av, she was an incredible bird. I haven't been on tumblr in years, but I logged back on because I just lost my own parrotlet, Greenie, and wanted to look at old photos of him from my side acct. Something about learning that one of the first birblr accounts I followed lost their sweetheart, at the same time I myself lost my sweetheart, is strangely bittersweet. Thank you for sharing Av with us. She was a magnificent root vegetable.
This made me grin from ear to ear.
So sorry to hear about your birdy too wishing you all the best wishes xx
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melisketch · 8 years
tagged by @cheeky-wolfblossom but I'm dumb and didn't notice until now :'3 Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. Nickname: Mel or Missy are the most common, I've gotten Lissy too. Star sign: Sagittarius Height: 5'3" Time right now: 10:20 am Favourite music artist(s): For artists I can listen to on repeat would be considered my favorites I guess so The 1975, Madeon, and Owl City. Song stuck in your head: "Looking Like This" - Lyre Le Temps Last movie watched: like full-length "I'm sitting down to watch this movie" situation? Than "The Conjuring 2" Last tv show watched: Walking Dead What are you wearing right now: sweat pants, sports bra, orange tank top, and my purple robe. When did you create your blog: oh jeez idk man uhhhh in high school I think maybe 2010???? What kind of stuff do you post: everything but the kitchen sink my friend. From aesthetic color palettes, politics, to shitposts, lotta shitposts Do you have any other blogs: my art blog @fate2art that I haven't kept up to date with. Most of my art gets regularly posted to my instagram @meli_sketch Do you get asks regularly: almost never lol feel free to send me some! Why did you choose your URL: Im actually trying to change it, it was chosen because I initially entered an art major to be an animator but have since started focusing on Visual Development and concept work instead. Gender: cis female Hogwarts house: Slytherin according to the test. I initially disagreed, but seeing all those personality things on tumblr I'm just like "holy shit that's me" Pokemon team: Team Mystic! But if you mean like a 6 roster team than Mightyena named Oreo (I always have one to honor my first dog who passed away a few years back), a Chandelure (I love him and his design, why does he get so much hate leave my adorable light fixture alone!!), Skarmory(fast and great defense), Glaceon (love ice types), Dragalge, and Heliolisk Favourite colour: Purple and Orange are too but blue has a special place in my heart, Teal is a favorite hue Average hours of sleep: 4-7 Lucky number: 3 Favourite characters: oh god nope don't got time for this. Though a character I will always defend from both haters and the writers themselves is Beth Greene. They fucked up with such a great character, I will always be mad at them. How many blankets do you sleep with: One but my robe is on top too. Dream job: Disney or Dreamworks Concept Artist Following: I think over 300 now? Tagging you guys if you wanna do this :) @ladyofthefanart @specialpandas @tada-ima @itstimetodrew @doctorit @luminousinthedark @lonefawn @darisu-chan @delorijedi @aqsatheavatar
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livebloggingit · 7 years
HAHA YOU’RE BACK I’M SO HAPPY (Alternatively, I’m back, since I only just saw a notification for you posting but there are plenty of posts of yours I haven’t seen since last we spoke)
Haha, yeah, sorry I’ve been gone for so long guys, but I just finished my semester exams and I think I did pretty good! With the new semester starting off slow I should be updating way more regularly. So thank you for your patience, and thank you for your enthusiasm!
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timebird84 · 7 years
New Look
My blog finally got a new look which cherishes my TTPs (Two True Pairings 😂) E/C and Pharoga. Thanks a million to @clarice82art and @ladyofthefanart who made it possible 💕.
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nukerooster · 7 years
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Some squishy sketchy AU stuff of Chance and @ladyofthegeneral Vashaen,Gabrasa. Vashaens are taller on average, Chance is around 5′8″ or so(flopping on exact numbers), not incredibly tall. He gets a rather comfortable setting in this AU compared to what I have in store for him.  (☉‿☉✿)
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mercurialsmile · 7 years
Hmm... how about Ty and Zeke have a movie night date planned and they're shopping for snacks for it, while trying to decide the movie they want to watch
“Look, all I’m saying is that the past two movies we’ve seen have been super hero movies! Let’s mix it up a little and get something more fun,” Ty said, shaking a box of cookies at Zeke before tossing it into their basket. 
Zeke snorted, eyeing the price of the cookies she had thrown in. With a shake of his head, he let it pass. “Okay, okay, fair enough. It is getting a little tiring. What would you rather watch instead?” 
Ty hummed, tapping her chin with his fingers. “I dunno!” 
Zeke groaned. “Ty-” 
“Okay, so do you like normal Cheetos, the Cheetos Puffs, or-?” Ty held out two bags to Zeke, shaking them a little. “Though if we’re gonna get these, we gotta pick up some soda too because these make me a thirsty bitch. Not as thirsty as you make me but...”
“Ty!” Zeke cried out, his cheeks flushing a dark red. He shook his head quickly. “We are in the middle of the store! Kids are about!” 
Ty laughed. “So?” 
Zeke groaned, then took the Cheetos Puffs from her and put it in their basket. “You are impossible.” 
“I try,” she responded with a grin as sharp as her heel. 
Zeke snorted. “We still haven’t picked a movie out to watch, you know.” He stepped past Ty, walking toward the sodas. Ty caught up to him quickly, wrapping an arm around his waist, and pressed her cheek against the top of his head. “Why don’t we watch Moana? I still haven’t seen it.” 
“Wait? Seriously?” 
“Seriously! You think I have money?” 
Zeke chuckled, rolling his eyes. “Okay, okay, fair enough. We can run by Marc’s to pick it up before going home, no big deal.” 
Ty let out a cheer. “Great! Oh, and can we get root beer? Or do you not drink that as well?” She stuck her tongue out at Zeke as he pushed her away. 
“Of course I can drink root beer! Just because it has beer in the title doesn’t mean it’s alcoholic!” 
Ty laughed. “I know, I know. Now let’s get that root beer and get the hell outta here! I think people are starting to stare at us.” 
“That’s because you have no inside voice.” 
“Inside voice, shminside voice. Now, c’mon!” 
Zeke’s sudden cry melted into laughter as Ty grabbed him by his arm, and dragged him the rest of the way to the soda. 
How Ty was always able to run in heels, Zeke would never know. 
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seasonscozy · 7 years
There is a distinct difference between saying "You know, I'm sensitive about this, I'd prefer you didn't tease me" and "I could laugh about your depression, how about that?" People who actually care about you don't just jump to that as the first thing they think of when they're annoyed. If you question your friendship sometimes, and then she does this, it's time to reconsider being her friend. That isn't just rude, it's honestly kind of cruel.
yeah i know but i’m kinda wondering if i’m not overreacting?? bc i do that sometimes when i’m hurt. so it basically went like this
her (in our groupchat): i won’t tell you about my insecurities anymore bc martyna (that’s me) keeps laughing at my height
me: bc small is beautiful
her: you keep saying that yet you still laugh at me
me: because short people are cute
her: what if i laughed about your depression then??
and then she continued to lecture me how her height might be as big of a deal for her as my depression is for me etc etc
idk if i’m overreacting or not but i was really hurt. she’s very straightforward, that’s her personality and we often disagree on a lot of topics for example lgbt rights (i’m bi and she knows it but she doesn’t support equality on this field, she’s grossed out by same sex couples, mostly men but still) and because of that i’m also hurt but at the same time i realize i can’t change her opinions you know?? anyways i decided i will stop teasing her, even if i’m just being friendly
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otorohanga · 7 years
I hope you don't mind my asking, but how exactly do you pronounce patupaiarehe?
this video has a maori man pronounce patupaiarehe at about the 4 second mark, and also has some interesting history and contemporary views on maori mythology
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Kibeth had promised she wouldn't interfere. She promised. And yet--
here she was, face-to-face and incredibly shocked Imshi.
Send me the start of a sentence and I’ll finish it
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misfits-of-zaun · 5 years
I may not have written anything on here in a millenia, but if there is one thing I will keep this blog going for, it is so that can continue stubbornly reblogging @ladyofthefanart's incredible Moontoffee art.
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chilopodacrudus · 7 years
ladyofthefanart reblogged your photoset:inkdrgn: chilopodacrudus: Before I head off to...
Yo though that view of the roach from the underside, that the marking son its head look like a face
LOL YEA a lot of people say they look like little Ironman helmets.
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avacado-and-louie · 7 years
My parrotlet used to like being around me a lot, he was getting to the point where he was more cuddly with me, and then I had to go back to school. Now I'm back and he won't stay on my finger on the rare occasions that he does come to my hand when I offer it, and he no longer lands on my head or seems to like me at all. Suggestions? I know when we first got him I probably invaded his space more than I should have without realizing, so I'm trying to avoid that now but he still seems to hate me.
Your parrotlet still likes you - don’t worry about that.
Av has gone through phases like this and believe me it is shortly lived. She is super annoying now and nudges me for attention.Just try and encourage him to be with you, perhaps target training exercises would be exciting to him. Observe what his favourite thing to do is when he’s not around you and encourage him from his cage or where he is to that place and join in.Play with him and his favourite toys, and just be exciting to be around, in turn make all your interactions with him exciting and enjoyable. This also means be very careful with pushing boundaries especially if he’s in a place where he is still hesitant to be around you. Slow and steady does it and he’ll be stuck to you like glue in no time once he learns your company = better things than being alone most of the time. It is very important to let him do his own thing at times as well, especially when he’s showing uncomfortable body language!
Just rebuild his trust a little and get into a routine.
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thedarkangelpuppet · 5 years
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I drew a bunch of stomco kids before even trying to find all on tumblr but I ship a few ships so It was unavoidable something like this would happen eventually.
Another Ship I am always happy too see! Billdip through the tag is way to big to browse for all shipkids soo here are my favs with my own shipkids
....A Poetree one will probally happen soon too knowing me 
From Left to Right
Dubhe- Me
Willhemina/Mina - @ladyofthefanart
Acute - @whisperseas-blog
Merak- Me (had to draw both her and Dubhe course twins)
Lilith- @sweet-bloody-apple
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livebloggingit · 7 years
I love your blog. Turning notifications on. I love it.
!! 😁😁 I’m glad you like it! Hopefully, with winter break coming up soon I’ll get more time to read and post about this book and its questionable writing choices
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squishymew22 · 7 years
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Pennywise with his baby Aubrey (owned by @ladyofthefanart
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