thecarmillacurator · 5 years
Dear Future Wife: You, Me and Baseball
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Hey Babe,
Red Sox won again today! They are killing the Blue Jays and finally gettin’ some leverage on the season, woot!
Speaking of baseball, do you like baseball? I hope so.  And I hope you’re the kind who’ll enjoy sitting out on the porch with me on a Saturday afternoon listening to it on the radio. Maybe with a beer in one hand and your other arm around me.
Unless it’s a nailbiter, somewhere around the bottom of the fifth inning, my mind usually wanders for an inning or two. I suspect I’ll lean my face up and run my nose along the edge of your jaw. I’d follow it, I’m sure, with a gentle kiss there to see if you’re possibly in the mood. If so, I’ll nuzzle one just behind your ear. Tug on the lobe with my teeth.
Hopefully, you’ll reward me with a happy mumble, and I’ll lay the flat of my hand between your breasts so I can feel your heartbeat. I imagine it will be slow and steady and strong. Maybe I’d like to speed it up: I’ll plant a few more kisses- maybe sucking my way down the side of your throat- and I’ll stretch my hand down around your side to pull our hips closer together while we’re stuck on the bench. Kiss me, will you? Something slow and deep. I’ll let my hand drift back over your stomach, then further down… There goes the button on your jeans. Slide my fingers in towards Home Base…
At which point I’ll see if I can get you to squirm a little. Depending on whether I’m feeling needy myself, or just enjoying making you feel good right there on the porch, Joe Castiglione may just shout “Home Run!” on your behalf while I’m pressing my face against your cheek and telling you how grateful I am you’re around and how I hope I’m presently helping your mind fully clench around that fact.
When we’re done- maybe it’s the bottom of the sixth inning by then if the person on the mound showed some endurance- I’ll lay my head on your shoulder, expect your arm to tighten around me, and settle in to listen to the rest of the game… the noise of the breeze, birds, and street a perfect Saturday background soundtrack.
I have this thing about dreaming of perfect Saturdays. And you’re always there.
Your FW,
---  @thecarmillacurator​
You all write great Carmilla fanfiction, but this is the stuff I write. ;)
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thecarmillacurator · 5 years
Mid-Week Carmilla Short-Fic Rec: Break the Ceiling
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Break the Ceiling by uncreativename (Ao3) / @uncreativenamefics (Tumblr)
Word length: 10k
A fun little one-shot where Carmilla is forced by her older sister, Matska Belmonde, to interview with reporter Laura Hollis in the hopes that Carmilla’s input as both a family member and a small business owner (CAN WE SAY COFFESHOP, ANYONE?) will help Mattie win her re-election bid.
Read it HERE
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thecarmillacurator · 5 years
Mid-Week Short Fic Rec - Out in the Cold by JG Firefly
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Title: Out in the Cold (Read it HERE)
Author: JG Firefly on Ao3 / @jg-firefly on Tumblr
Word: 11k
Rating: Teen
Author’s Teaser:
“Do you want to come inside?” she asked.
Each word fell deliberate and concise. She spoke like she was answering a question on a game show in the 80s, like she were responding to a riddle for a Sphynx.
Based on the tumblr post: As winter begins to unfold across the land, please remember the local vampires. Invite them into your home. Remember: if you are cold, so are they.
My Summary: Vampires are a hunted, nearly extinct species. But Laura isn’t narrow minded; she’ll help anyone who needs it, including a nearly dead vampire huddled in the street.  And that turns out to be the first step in finding what she needs in life too: Companionship.
Recommendation: If you haven’t read this yet, why not?!?!  What is there not to love about this one-shot?  Angst. The world against friendship. Laura’s open-heartedness and generosity. Carm’s protectiveness. A tale where something beautiful happens when people dare to love despite the ugliness and horror of the world around them.
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thecarmillacurator · 5 years
What’s your Favorite Carmilla Hollstein Fake-Dating AU?
I’m trying to decide which of the several fake-dating Hollstein AU’s to review, and it’s hard! Reply, repost, send an ask, or message me with yours!
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thecarmillacurator · 5 years
Carmilla Short-Fic Rec: Poultrygeist
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Poultrygeist by tophsmash (Ao3) / @toph-smash here on Tumblr.
Word length: 13k
I was going to be reviewing my final full-lengh Fake-Dating AU for today, but as my post yesterday said, I’ve been traveling. I came back Halloween night and usually I write reviews on Friday for Saturday’s posting, but yesterday was crazy busy in rl, so I’m posting this as a peace offering for missing the deadline. (It was a mid-week short I had queued for closer to Thanksgiving.) Enjoy!
Here’s a quick read that’s (theoretically) a fake relationship short, set around a Thanksgiving week for which Carm is required to go to her very lavish home to make an appearance before her mother. (Really, it’s not terribly Thanksgiving-y or Holiday-y, and it’s less a fake relationship as a ‘they intended to fake a relationship’ but achieved lift off early because, well, they’re totally soft for each other.)
Okay, okay, okay. So maybe despite the tags, in reality it’s a simple, super gay-forward friends/roommates-to-lovers. Whatever.
It’s easy-read fluff. Shut up and eat your pears.
Read it HERE
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