#carmilla fan fic
enbylestat · 2 months
Vampride 2024
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A violinist becomes hostage of a Lelio and Flaminia.
"Hope" is a thing with feathers.
Where did you get those eyes, mon cher?
Always on the margins.
To define is to limit.
Allons-y Chér(ie).
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Full collection here.
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"...and the french revolution"
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mooncalf87 · 7 months
Do you have headcanons for Alastor and his mother?
YES I'm so sorry this took me so long to anwser
Also I cant think of a proper name for Alastors mama so we are just referring to her as "alastors mama" in this
Inspiration for a few of these come from the appleradio fic "Permission to Touch" on Ao3 by Nyou! Its an amazing fic, you all should go and read it :3
Alastor and his Mama hcs <3
Alastor got sick a lot as a child, and some of his best memorys were his mama taking care of him
She didn't pass away until after Alastor was killed
Alastor never moved out because he never saw a real reason to, and his mama was just fine with that.
She was a cook in life
There was almost CONSTANTLY music playing in their home
Alastors mama helped him start his radio broadcast in life! Without her he would've never been able to accomplish everything he did
Mimzy and Alastors mom got along great!! Mimzy was one of Alastors only friends so she hung around their house a lot
After Heaven and Hell start working together in peace, Alastor gets to see his mama again (who is an angel)
She is not proud of alastor for all the terrible things he has done, but he is still her baby, and she has all the love for him in the world.
Alastor brings his mama to Cannibal Town! No one trys to eat her because "any family of Al, is a friend of ours." Alastor introduces his mama to Rosie, who immediately hit it off and become friends. Alastors mama shares all the embarrassing Alastor storys to Rosie <3
Alastors mama LOVES everyone at the hotel. Especially Charlie! She reminds her of herself when she was young
They can't spend more then 24 hours in a realm that they weren't assigned to at death, but Alastor and his mama visit each other a lot
In heaven, Alastors mom has a close friend group that consists of Emily, Molly, and Sir Pentious! She's shocked when she finds out Molly and Pents relations to the hotel/hotel members
In heaven Alastors mama owns a restaurant <3
Alastors mama doesn't know many of the other overlords very well (other then rosie), but she likes Carmilla Carmine and her daughters a lot
Alastor doesn't come to heaven as much as his mama comes to hell to visit him, people up there are still not as welcoming as Hell can be
His mama loves Lucifer. So much. Thinks he's the sweetest little guy
Her form is a sheep! She's just about as tall as Alastor, maybe just a few inches shorter.
Alastors mama LOVES to draw! She is an amazing artist
(These next ones include appleradio, so if you arnt a fan of that ship, you've read all I've got to offer! :)
Alastor and Lucifer don't tell als mama about their relationship for a little while! She is originally apprehensive about Luci due to the fact that he is the literal DEVIL, but they tell her once she starts warming up to him
She is very excited about their relationship!! She can see how much they care for each other in their little actions (like covering another with a blanket if they're cold, little sweet stuff like that)
Once alastors mama realizes that Luci isn't this big scary guy like he's said to be in heaven, she warms right up to him. They love gossiping together
I take HC requests!!
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sephstones · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel is still a new fandom for me, and I've only been here a few short weeks, but ooh, I feel very fed from a femslash/yuri and multishipper standpoint. Between Charlie, Vaggie, Emily, Lute, Sera, Lilith, Rosie, Carmilla, Velvette, Niffty, Mimzy, Cherri Bomb, potentially Eve -- they've given us a playground of interesting characters that are interconnected enough that they're fun to mix and match and explore. I'm loving Chaggie, of course, but also really love seeing Emilute on my dash, I'm obsessed with the Lute/Vaggie backstory potential, I love the Carmilla/Rosie and Carmilla/Velvette posts I've seen, and that's not even touching on Lute/Lilith, Lilith/Eve, Vaggie/Carmilla, Charlie/Emily, Charlie/Vaggie/Emily, etc, etc. It's pretty much exactly what I'm always looking for in creative fandom: Not so much that they're giving me exactly everything that I could want all at once--that might be the perfect piece of media for me, but it doesn't leave me as much time/space to get really feral and creatively fannish about it--and just enough that I can have fun writing and exploring with other fans.
Basically, all of this to say, I haven't ventured too too far into the fandom as a whole yet, but I'm really loving the femslash corner of the fandom so far. I have a huge list of fic ideas to tackle and I can't wait to see what everyone else continues to create, and then down the road, what S2 brings.
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cheesyv · 2 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Ships
I was originally going to post 2 different things (one for HH & another for HB) but I decided I would bring them together cause there are some ships involving characters from both. So This is gonna be a long behind post :]
This should be obvious but for those who might get confused about the colors:
Green - For the higher rated ships. I love or think that ship could work
Orange- For both high and low rated ships. I’m on the fence for that ship. So I could have easily given it a lower or higher rating
Red - For lower rated ships. I hate or think that ship couldn’t work
Alastor/Lucifer 10/10 I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers tropes 😭 like I know it’s most likely not going to be canon (and let’s bfr a lot of our ships won’t be) but that’s part of the fun. I find the fics and art hilarious and absolutely adorable. I think the cutest thing is them being in a QPR 🤭
Husk/Angel 10/10 They are cute. Husk and Angel talking, bonding and all that fun crap lol
Alastor/Rosie 10/10 I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the idea of them being in a QPR.
Charlie/Vaggie 9/10 They are so cute and supportive, and fit well together
Vox/Lucifer/Alastor 8/10 Lucifer and Vox become Alastor’s simps, and pull him into all their crazy ‘adventures’ 💀 They start dating but Alastor doesn’t fully comprehend it. I find it kinda funny to imagine Lucifer & Vox thinking they’re all dating but that doesn’t even pop up in Al’s head. (Let’s be for real, Alastor is just barely holding himself together and “tolerating” them and maybe eventually growing fond of them)
Lucifer/Vox 7/10 I like the idea of them partnering together (in fake dating or partnership in hating and fighting Al) to spite Alastor.
Alastor/Vox 6/10 I’m not the biggest fan of this ship. I enjoy the art I see and find some of the comics funny/cute but truly my heart will always belong to radioapple 😔
Vox/Val 10/10 They are most likely already sleeping together and act like a old married couple in the show, just work on Vox’s obsession with Alastor (and Val’s character but you know that probably ain’t happening) and BOOM could be good (tho I think Val finds amusement in Vox’s obsession so idk).
Val/Vox/Velvette 3/10 Don’t really see them all actually dating or being more than business partners/family.
Adam/Lucifer 4/10 Yeah that would totally work 💀 cause Lucifer totally didn’t fuck both of his wifes and I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried it on Adam too. Plus I feel like there would be alot of beef between them. (Adam did attack the hotel and Charlie, they might have some more history then just wife stealing cause you know heaven/earth stuff) But i must admit I like the fan art of them.
Alastor/Angel 4/10 I just don’t like the idea of them together very much. 🤷‍♀️ no specific reason honestly, I never liked the ship even during the plot
Val/Angel 1/10 You understand. Val is shit and treats Angel like he’s shit.
Lucifer/Lilith 7/10 Im suspicious of Lilith. 🤨 I really hope she actually cares about her family 😔 I like seeing them in the garden of Eden and raising Charlie like a happy family but idk, something is off about her. I also love the angst 🤭
Rosie/Lilith 6/10 Is kinda cute but I don’t know enough about both characters (especially Lilith). 🧐 If they are even actually who they say they are (theory post) 🧐
Adam/Lute 8/10 I like this ship, they obviously have history and some sort of chemistry. The relationship might be alittle unhealthy tho. I also like to think of them in a father/daughter or mentor/mentee type relationship.
Cherri/SirPentious 7/10 Sir Pentious likes it and deserves love. I’m a little fiffy on this one cause of Cherri. But she can definitely gain genuine feelings (too bad he’s not within her reach anymore 😏) so I’ll give her some slack lol
Zestial/Carmilla 8/10 I ship it. They obviously have some sort of history and are friends.
Charlie/Emily 1/10 They’re so alike that I see them more as sisters than anything.
Charlie/Alastor ?/10 I don’t know anymore 😭 I used to not like it but now this ship is slowly growing on me. Especially after reading this. <- That post just makes sense and honestly I wouldn’t be mad if it was canon. It’s making me question “everything” lol
Husk/Lucifer 8/10 I like it as a platonic ship. I think they be good friends and can easily talk to each other. I really like @drazhaq’s comics of Lucifer cuddling Husk and him not being overwhelmed talking to husk.
Husk/Alastor 3/10 Not a big fan, I prefer Huskerdust
Cherri/Angel 2/10 They are best friends and I don’t think Cherri would be a good partner for Angel. Plus he’s gay.
Striker/Chaz 6/10 Honestly? They both got some sex drive in them lol. Wouldn’t be to bad if Chaz wasn’t dead ☠️
Chaz/Moxxie/Millie 1/10 I don’t like it. You can tell Moxxie and Millie didn’t like it either
Chaz/Blitzo 3/10 wouldn’t have worked out 🤷‍♀️ plus Blitz ?loves (?that’s what imma use lol) Moxxie and Millie to much to go dating someone who’s hated by them and (I must add) a lousy fuck/fucker.
Martha/Mayberry 7/10 😭 They realized the man wasn’t worth it so they hooked up instead. I’m not against it 🙌 if they got over their differences then sure, go for it ladies.
Stolas/Blitzo 7/10 ugh 😩 Honestly hate the way things are going and how they treat each other (specially Blitz). If they can’t figure it out, it’d be better to just split up and go on their separate ways. But I do want them to work out their issues and become happy together. They are so cute together when they ain’t doing the toxic tango.
Loona/Octavia 2/10 See them more as siblings, friends or mentor/mentee
Stolas/Stella 1/10 Hell no :)
Stolas/Striker 1/10 Striker was literally paid to kill Stolas. Even tho Stolas finds him hot doesn’t mean it’d work out lol.
Stella/Striker 4/10 They can go fuck off with each other :)
Fizzaroli/Blitz 10/10 As a romantic ship, hell no. As a platonic ship, hell yes. I’m glad they made up and are friends again, they are such a good duo :) (Tho I won’t complain if there’s some platonic make out sessions between the two /J)
Fizzarolli/Ozzie 10/10 They are ADORABLE together 😭 They way Ozzie is with Fizz makes me happy.
Moxxie/Millie 10/10 They are perfect for each other. If you ship one of these characters with any one else, how dare you 😠
Verosika/Blitzo 3/10 Obviously Blitz doesn’t like her like that and Verosika doesn’t anymore. They had their struggles and I’m glad in the end it was somewhat “sort out”. I hope they can be friends at least, if not that’s understandable.
Mammon/Fizzarolli 2/10 Mammon’s true love is money 🤑 and he treated Fizz like shit just to get more.
Stolas/DudeThatAskedHimToDance 6/10 Ah. I think it’s cute and could be healthier and less harming than the relationship Stolas has with Blitz. If Stoliz doesn’t work out then this could be an option. 🤷‍♀️
Loona/Vortex 7/10 I think they’d be cute together but you know he’s already in a relationship with bee
Lucifer/Stolas 7/10 Two emotionally damaged dads? They’d be cute and would bond over being hurt by someone they love and their relationship with their daughters. But I think I like the idea of them being friends way better.
Verosika/Valentino 3/10 I don’t know 💀 I’ve been thinking about this one for a day or two. I’m just gonna say no
Ozzie/Angel 3/10 like the idea of Angel going to Ozzie for help/work, but nothing more
Loona/Cherri 7/10 Honestly? Two badass people = badass power couple lol
Loona/Charlie 2/10 not a big fan 🤷‍♀️
Blitzo/Angel 6/10 It could work, both are vulgar and brash. They got issues that could be worked on together. But those issues they got can also be a big problem in the relationship (as it is in helluva boss between Stolas & Blitz). But, if not romantically, then they could be great business partners.
Stolas/Angel & Fizzarolli/Angel 6/10 Platonic ship! Could go two ways: a good fuck or besties for life. I love the idea of them shopping and gossiping together. I don’t particularly think they’d work as a couple tho.
Fizzarolli/Angel/Stolas 6/10 Platonic ship! Could definitely be besties. Bonding over the lovers and tyrants in their lives, going shopping etc. Don’t think they all would/could be lovers.
What’s your favorite/least favorite ship in HH & HB?
✨ Thanks for reading :) ✨
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hellsvelvette · 6 months
okay, here it is! calling brokerdoll fans for the first chapter of "Galaxies of my heart"!!
Two powerful Overlords, a common enemy, secrets and hidden feelings. Carmilla and Velvette have never been on good terms, why should they start now?
The only way that we'd end was if you were sucked into a black hole, but I'd still spend my days dreaming 'bout you ♡
inspired by one of my favorite wlw songs:
some notes:
1) i'm not that skilled at writing, feel free to give me constructive criticism and let me know what you think!
2) i don't do shameless smut. there is mild stuff but not a lot of details, as i'm not that comfortable with writing those.
3) brokerdoll is a rare ship, i'm aware, so if you don't like them i would prefer you don't read this fic at all if you want to hate on them.
4) overlord meetings are weekly because i said so 🫶
5) i might be slow with updates as i'm nearing very important exams, but i'll try my best to not delay chapters too long
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teddie-bear420 · 8 months
tier list
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warning this is super long and ranty but does have some silly doodles ill post else where :)
-teddie bear 420
I have had several dreams about vaggie and lute and alastor, they plage my every waking moment. one was me going to smooch city with alastor (very scary that man does not wash his teeth). the others vaggie just shows up sometimes
really liked vaggie in her angel flash back, her hair cut was so cute, not a fan she still has pink eye but what eves. I LOVE HER PONY TAIL THO, give my girl better hair styles!!!
do you think theyve explored each others bodies?
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I hated lute at first cuz, just look at her. you could get snow blindness with how white that woman is oh my lord. but once the 8th episode rolled around with hot women fighting my brain kinda clicked on for our old second in command. i keep going back to her in my brain and slowly morphing her into a heart broken lesbian who has a superiority complex and bullies her crush and then moves on to having a sugar mama situation ship with Lilith.
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alastor is just so fun and silly, and there's this one x reader fic that ive made fan art of, you've all seen it. i just love this guy but i like to imagine he's a woman just for me :)
i understand why he is a fan favorite
i love charlies look but i hate how childish she is, like girl you are like 24 kill your friends pimp. nifty molly emily are all so cute and i enjoy looking at them. cant wait for the nifty episode (delusional)
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i do love nifty more than the rest of these ones tho. i see lots of folks talking about how nifty is alastors daughter or angel dusts little baby daughter SHUT UP
OK maybe nifty lives in my dreams too
do you think theyve explored each others bodies?
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mimzy makes me mad cuz the show hated having her there clearly, like why is she the only fat person in hell. dont worry girl, I'll appreciate you once again i have to make alastor a dyke for my own sanity
do you think they-
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lilith and rosie are good to look at, i like how rosie talks and her showtunes, god i love her show tunes. pentious is the only yellow dude in hell. velvete looks like ass most of the time but I LOVE A BAD BITCH
like i said, no strong feelings
ok most of these dudes are too ugly or too annoying and i hate when they are on screen, lucifers pants are his skin, angel dust has the worst fashoin sense ever UGHS I HATE HIM WHERE ARE HIS TITS WAAAAAA
also i love that her name is sarah, thats such a basic name, like i can type alastor x reader and theres a bunch of results but if i typed sarah x reader, shes no where :(
also shes got that mlp horse face going on i love it
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i despise carmilla carmine, i hate her dumb horns, i hate her unnamed daughters, i hate her skirt, i hate her song, i hate her blazed ass eyes, i hate her long hair
vox just looks bad i cant lie
OK ADUM MAKES ME SO MAD HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN JACK BLACK WE SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIM BEING A FAT BASTARD CUZ I WAS CONVINCED HE WAS ANOTHER SKINNY TWINK also i am an anti shipper when it comes to adum x lute cuz that shit is weaaaak. he is so mean to her and not in a hot way, adum is some incel and lute is a goddess
yeah, #adumisoverparty 2024 the most divorced man in heaven
i can not wait for season two dude, im so pumped
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helluvaeepy · 4 months
Hi there I’m Blitzø (the O is silent) And I am the founder of E.E.P!
Are you a very eepy person who wants to have a party? Or are you a party person who wants to go to FUCKING EEP?
“After years of hard partying at da cloobs, I was finally able to party THEN get a good nights rest. Especially with their awesome-socks Eep package! Almost too goo-“ —Random person who hired E.E.P
WELL lucky for you folks, we have special access to all eeping things in the UNIVERSE*
We can help you with your very own slumber party!
And don’t worry, we’ll keep you at ease, unlike our enemy Carmilla Car Horns.
*No we can not travel universes, sorry not sorry to disappoint.
— What exactly is this AU?
This is a Helluva Boss AU where instead of murdering people (most of the time) you pay them to host SLUMBER PARTIES! (Angst free)
— Why-
ASKS ARE OPEN!!  feel free to make anything! (Ie fan art,fics etc)
Sfw interactions only! (Dirty jokes are allowed)
#Helluva Eepy is our tag ‼️
characters by @vivziepop
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beevean · 3 months
I remembered a post I stumbled upon a while ago. It was a gifset of that moment in NFCV where Carmilla strokes Hector's hair and says "You are mine now, Forgemaster. You have nothing else but me."
But what really made my neurons go into overdrive was the way the person tagged the post.
"I am not yours. I am not anyone's. - Hector & Carmilla"
Would you believe that this one singular line made my brain fire up like fireworks? This is a brilliant way to convey the parallels between the two characters! Well. The potential parallels, since Carmilla is hardly relevant after S2 :^)
It made me think of how the story would have gone if they kept Carmilla as Hector's antagonist and Lenore and the other two were never introduced. (when you think about it, Lenore's main purpose in S3 was effectively hijacking Carmilla's place: while I prefer her concept, narratively speaking she shouldn't exist. I'm not even being mean when I say it. In a hypothetical rewrite, I'd fuse the two characters)
I found some Hectilla fics, mostly written pre-S3 when fans still believed she'd have a bigger role. Needless to say, they're mostly BDSM porn built on a generic dommy mommy/subby puppy dynamic: while Hector's attraction to Carmilla can be explained with anything from "she's hot and charming" to "she's the only one who makes sense in the court and the only one who cares about my work", no such depth is given to Carmilla. She likes Hector because... he's pathetic and breedable.
So, I propose another angle.
If the ideal Lenector that only exists in my head is built on lies, treachery, and shared misery with a hint of growing mutual empathy that nevertheless never allows them to overcome their resentment... the ideal Hectilla is built on fear. They are both afraid of each other, but need each other for their needs. They are also both afraid of the world, it's just that they react to that fear in different ways: Carmilla by attacking first, Hector by hiding and fawning.
And making Carmilla a creature of fear would make her so, so much more interesting, and allow her to be a real visceral victim of trauma and not just a flat radfem stereotype. A lot of what I say here is inspired by this brilliant post by @chumpovodir!
Carmilla sees every man as a potential threat. An old man turned her and kept her as a pet, showed her that "vampiric love" that she has internalized but despises when it comes from men, and other men attacked her kingdom to destroy everything she built, and other men wanted her to die because, well, the nerve of that woman, thinking she could be in charge. She finds Dracula disgusting for being, in her eyes, like that old man who ruined her life, an insane destructive leech good for nothing. She loathes power-hungry men, violent men, men who think they're in charge and can toy her as they please.
Hector is the opposite of that. He doesn't crave any power: he wants to be left in peace. He craves, as it becomes immediately clear to her, acceptance. He's easily swayed with a few nice words, and even when Dracula dies, he holds no malice in his heart.
He's young. He's cute. He's a useful idiot.
The broken little girl in her still sees him a threat, because one day, he might grow up and become a real man, with their fangs and claws and thirst for power.
But - and this is the important part - the threat is now curbable. Hector placed himself in her hands, and she has the power to do with him as she pleases.
Carmilla has put herself in the position of that old man enslaving a cute girl for his sick desires. However, she thinks she's justified. It's not cruelty: it's preemptive self-defense. She can make this dirty almost-man into a docile puppy who will never hurt her, and work for her, and give her pleasure, never pain.
He can be a prized possession, because he is smart and knowledgeable and has blasphemous powers and shares the same goal of turning humans into livestock. This man deserves to live, for now. As long as he never thinks of harming her. As long as he remains a puppy forever. As long as he's hers, because only she deserves to have stuff and other people.
Carmilla takes pride in not belonging to anyone, let alone a man, but she doesn't see the irony in forcing Hector to the same fate that traumatized her. She doesn't see herself in him, because she did nothing to deserve pain, but he does, for the sin of being born the same gender as all the people who hurt her.
Perhaps she refuses to see herself in him, because the thought disgusts her too much.
But what about Hector?
Well, at first he'd cling onto Carmilla, because what else is he supposed to do? Sure, she tricked him and beat him to a pulp to assert dominance, but she still needs him, and her plans still make sense to him, and part of him still wants to hope that when she praised his skills, she meant it, even if in a selfish way. For a while, she becomes his world - a cruel world, but a stable one.
But then... it will become his turn to claim that he's not hers, he's not anyone's.
Perhaps he'll use his parents as reference. He used to be afraid of them, and resentful for making him believe he should have never been born, and eventually he killed them in retailation. Carmilla, too, terrifies him, but because she swings from saccharine praise to violent rage. So there's hope to get the former, if he plays nice. And if he gets the latters, that means he deserved it, right? And besides, she finds him useful, right? Isn't that, too, appreciation? That is why, at first, he accepts his position.
When she put that collar on him, wasn't that her way of showing love? He understands that. He is still, at his core, that abused kid who looks up to authority figures who see him as dirt.
But she also hates him for something he had no control over, just like his parents. She fears him for no rational reason, and that fear clouds all judgment. She could turn on him at any moment. She's no better than Dracula in this regard. Carmilla is far less rational than she pretends to be, and eventually, as he's forced to be with her, he'll see that behind the mask of a confident predator, hides the heart of a frightful bird with a broken wing.
He'd see himself in her, and he wouldn't like it. He doesn't want to be feared at all, let alone for something he can't do anything about, and he doesn't want to belong to such a volatile person. That could set him to the thought path that'll lead him to desire freedom: most importantly, freedom from his traumatic past.
Perhaps, at some point, Hector would even hate Carmilla for what she does to him, fantasize about killing her and all. Then he'll realize that hatred, too, poisoned Carmilla to the point that she almost became pitiable. And hatred also poisoned Dracula to the point of making him irrational. He must avoid falling into the same trap.
Ideally, if Carmilla is doomed to become prey of her fear and hatred, Hector should find the strength to break free of his own, and learn to face the world.
i hate doing the showrunners' work for free :(
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Hey fellow Hazbin Fans, Answer me this real quick:
What is the consensus on Zestial’s general vibe? Like are we going with dark intimidating power figure with secret fun uncle vibes for Carmilla’s kids? Just general ancient overlord feelings? What are the thoughts on him? This is for fic purposes btw. Thank you.
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ladyvelvette · 6 months
╰ “The future of hell belongs to the Vees~” ╮
💠 Name; Velvette or Ace!! 🐾 Pronouns; He/Him OR They/Them 🐈 Gender; AFAB 🐾 Sexuality; Omnisexual <3 💠Purpose; I write fanfics! (Character x Character, Character x Reader, Character Headcanons, Character x OC(Rarely), Character + Child (platonic scenarios), Etc!!) Age: I don't feel explicitly comfortable saying it, but my account is 15+ (I am older than this, however, I do not only write smuts(and only will write them a few times), so its safe for minors, I'll give warnings.
╰ “You've got it twisted, I'm not the one who needs a new attitude” ╮
🔷 Fandoms; Hazbin Hotel, Ride The Cyclone(I will not be writing for this, I'm just in the fandom!), Helluva Boss, DDLC, Undertale/Deltarune, BATIM,Murder Drones, etc. (I know more, but these are my more recent fandoms, i probably will only write for like 2 of these until someone asks for more fandoms to write in without being cringe sigh.) 🔷 comforts; Anything Velvette related fr. 🔹 DNI; Basic DNI; DSMP fans (I don't doubt you're good people but a lot of them aren't), Haters(i don't have the patience for them, Sorry!)
╰ “Do you have a disclosure?~” ╮
🎶 ➤ DMs? My DM's are open! 💙 ➤ Ping? Go ahead <3 💙 ➤ Petnames? If it's in a platonic way, I'm taken <3 ☄️ ➤ Flirt? NO- I'm taken! <3 💎 ➤ Venting? OFC!!! I'll even link my discord to those who need to! :) My Discord; radvelvettekakes_
╰ “This meeting's over!” ╮
💎 Character's I'll do; Hazbin Hotel; The Vees(You can ask for Val but i'll be less likely to do it), Alastor(PLATONIC), Rosie, Carmilla Carmine, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Charlie Morningstar(PLATONIC), Vaggie(PLATONIC), Angel Dust, Husker(once in a blue moon, I can't write all that well for him.), Niffty(PLATONIC; Even though she's an adult, It seems wrong to ship her, Sorry <3), Zestial Morde(Although, I suck at writing shakespearean language.), Adam, Lucifer, Lilith, Etc.
Helluva Boss; Stolas, Blitzø, Moxxie(PLATONIC), Millie(PLATONIC), Asmodeus(PLATONIC), Fizzarolli (PLATONIC), Mammon, Beelzebub(PLATONIC), Verosika mayday, Wally Wackford, Etc.
💎What I will do; Smut(really depends on what type/ What character.), Fluff, ANGST(I BEG I love writing angst.), Character x Character, RAREPAIRS!!! (I love silly rarepairs, I saw someone ship Rosie X Velvette and I love ittt!! tho I love all Velvette ships.) 💎What I WONT do; NONCON; I don't support these actions, and will NOT write/tolerate them. Feet/Piss/Scat Kinks; ...Just- Gross. Proships; Family x Family, etc. No. 💎Ship's(canon x canon) I'll do; Velvette x Vox(They are not father and daughter, more of just friends, But it's still cute.) Velvette x Rosie, Velvette x Rosie x Carmilla, Velvette x Vox x Valentino(Depends on the scenario, though.), Vox x Valentino, Zestial x Carmilla, Adam x Lute, Alastor x Vox(RADIOSILENCE ONLY!! One sided.) Angel Dust x Husk, Blitzo x Stolas, Asmodeus x Fizzarolli, Millie x Moxxie, Verosika x Wally + Any other Rarepairs!!! (I will say, I can do Semi-Toxic ships like Lilith x Adam, Although it'd only be for Angst purposes, As I'm not good with making that stuff not toxic.) 💎Ship's(canon x canon) I will NOT do; Alastor x Anyone(Romantically), Angel Dust x Valentino, Angel Dust x Vox, ANYTHING RELATING TO SHIPPING MINORS WITH ADULTS OR SHIPPING FAMILY!!!
💎I will accept asks!! Although, I'll probably work on my own fics and just post them! 💎
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toniyx · 6 months
ahhemm. totally Not a Writer here. but I would totally love to get some requests- not for fics, or oneshots, but I really want to do some headcanons, imagines, and/or matchups. Specifically for Hazbin Hotel, but if you really want to ask my opinion on my other fandoms, go ahead I suppose?
I've never done this before in any sense, and I've only ever written fanfiction once, for a different fandom- so please be light on me, and here are my rules.
- I won't write romantic or sexual Angel Dust x Fem!reader specifically, but friendship/platonic/sibling stuff is allowed for that
- Romantic/sexual stuff is off limits for Alastor entirely. Charlie/Vaggie x reader is alright but I'll be more picky on it 🫶 (probably won't write them with a male reader)
- Won't write Niffty x reader period lol, maybe if you ask nicely I will but nothing weird thanks
- no NSFW with Pentious, likewise makes me uncomfortable
- don't ask me for top Vox expecting a sincere answer lmfao, that man is a BOTTOM
- will be picky about Valentino x Reader because I'm not the biiiiiggest fan of angst, but I can try 🫶 I also probably won't match you up with Valentino so don't worry 😭 but either way on that note, if you do matchups, please include any characters you absolutely don't want.
- not a rule, but if you ask about Vox I will kiss you
characters like Carmilla, Lute, Adam, etc. I have no rules on!!! anything from fluff to angst to smut is perfectly fine, but I won't write any gore + smut stuff together, or any suuuuper crazy k!nk stuff. that being said, minors DNI lol, or at the very least don't look at the unsafe stuff (it will be tagged for everyone's sake)
I'll write amab or afab reader, but it likely won't be mentioned/emphasized unless it's necessary
also ff2 ask elaborations in headcanons and stuff 🫶🫶
and this will be updated as I go on, probably with more rules lol
happy asking :3
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primaviva · 9 months
so any news on carmilla since you returning to the gwen girlies? *does fuck boy hand rub to rizz you into confession*
*does that one pinterest emoji smirk back* ??? LMAOOAOA BUT YES LEMME GIVE YOU GUYS AN UPDATE
for starts yes i AM working on it, i actually started recently and it’s so much easier writing for girls since i have more fun so i feel it maaayyyyyyy get done quicker. but i also want to come on and say that yes, while i will be posting it to tumblr, i think i might make it on wattpad too. its only because i feel like it might be easier for people to read if they read it on wattpad to just scroll and also people usually read series on wattpad and come to tumblr if they wanna read oneshots (beside like oneshot books). and also i like how i can just brainstorm it all together on wattpad and make it look all pretty so… anyways with my AMAZING graphic design skills lemme start showing sneak peaks 😒😒
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you can see a little peak of the cover 🤭 BAHAHAHAH but yeah this is what i have going on so far. im also an extreme perfectionist and because i made the wattpad cover start with the capitalization i refuse to not make the titles or writing be lowercase.
ANYWAYS! to start, i usually write gwen with spider gwen in mind so her age is usually between 16-18 in my stuff with the acception of the fics i do that specifically link to spiderverse but she usually is her comic 17-18 version. but for the plot i am gonna take HEAVY inspiration from one of the gwenom comics but its also gonna be based on the comic where she is starting college but when the plot starts she’s already been like a student maybe like a year in.
and secondly….this will NOT be the gwen we know and love or should i say the gwen YALL know and love. i kinda want to mess with her characterization to make it interesting like yes gwen is gonna be the awkward but nice girl but also like because i want this au version of earth 65 to be a little melancholy or dark vibes to it she WILL be a bit of an asshole at times, real cocky, and so on- like it’s gonna be so fun UGH!!
thirdly, im not sure if there is gonna be downright smut in this. like again, ik i have written “suggestive” content like my makeouts because i don’t necessarily write for strictly spiderverse gwen but just a whole amalgamation of it and its always based on comics so she’s like 17-18. i’m bringing this up because if you read carmilla- CMON NOW😭😭😭 there will be the suggestive scenes but idk if imma do it because while this will be the college version of gwen from the comics around 18-19 like i never wrote stuff like that and also don’t wanna perpetuate or feed content to the predator gwen fans on ANY platform. not like carmilla is heavy in sex i just wanna preface that because it’s always weird when people utilize au from something heavily sexual so it implies that the content WILL be sexual and not that that’s wrong in this case i just wanna let yall know you can expect content but not THAT content.
LASTLY the plot is lowkey short like i haven’t fleshed it out yet because i haven’t been having fun on tumblr when i write for guys so i wanna have fun with this and take my time writing the chapters before even releasing them so i don’t worry about dates for theme. but it won’t be like an intense lead rn it’s looking like MAYBE 15 chapters? possibly 20. i want a good balance of plot heavy and also gwen content in it that is sub plots to intensify the main plot (someone break me out of ap lang im gnawing at the enclosure) but i’m still working on it.
so yeah this is just little teasers for now and y’all can tell me what you think. im making little notes and stuff and im gonna woke on the plot and then just get straight to writing so i can just post a chapter weekly until we at the end so it gives me time to sprinkle other stuff in as well. i been over astv and just wanna write for my favorite women so this is me taking my stand on business 😒
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who wants to hear about the rejectisms!! cause this is MY fanfic blog and I’m probably gonna post rejectisms fic if you want it or not
The Rejectisms are a band of part-mechanical immortal space pirates, regarded as failed experiments by the vampire scientist who created them, Dr Carmilla. Now they roam the stars, getting up to various mischief, and playing truly, truly terrible music. This is a series of ocs created by various mechs fans, with the prompt of mechanisms that are somewhat pointless, e.g. appendix.
you can find out about any of the rejectisms here!
who wants to hear about my rejectisms oc!!
Mikey (he/they) Appearance: about 5’5, blue hair (not dyed, it’s just that colour naturally), dresses all in black, has antennae (if you touch them without permission he WILL scream) Orientation: aroace Rejectism: left elbow skin Instrument: percussion (bangs rocks together. keeps his rocks in a bag) Role: engineer (hits things with rocks until they work) Personality: happy when he has his rocks. enjoys the presence of the other crew members, but they must get explicit permission to touch him. mostly will go along with the flow of whatever the others are doing as long as his needs are met. More about his rocks: he keeps them all in a bag which he keeps on him at all times. the rocks are just loose in the bag, but he is very particular about how he lays them out, and gets upset if anyone touches or moves them. if anyone steals any of their rocks they will definitely cry, and likely be inconsolable until the rock is retrieved. if the crew care about him, taking his rocks is viewed as some kind or war crime. he has a dedicated Murder Rock for if he wants to hurt or kill people. the Murder Rock is perpetually bloodstained.
you can read stories about mikey and read his backstory here and you can find various stories about different crew members here
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contrivedchaos · 7 months
So twist on the fallen angel thing for Carmilla? I don't think she fell, like fell into sin and was cast out or whatever like happens to Lucifer, or cast aside like Vaggie. I think she jumped and that's why Sera ignores her obvious hoarding of angelic weapons: she knows Carmilla doesn't WANT to come back up.
Carmilla the angel with nephilim children damned to hell just by nature of their birth, something she doesn't know til it's too late. Carmilla giving up an eternity in paradise to claw out a 'living' with her little girls.
[I mean the woman has no markers of the hellborn and sinners CANT have children so if they're her daughters they were born to her topside in some way, but we KNOW Angels can have children thus Charlie.]
Honestly that tracks. Carmilla obviously works under some kind of moral code, even if it that code is varying shades of gray at any given moment. She doesn't seem as ancient as Zestial, so maybe she jumped after witnessing what Hell was doing during the Exterminations. She could have been like Vaggie and used to participate in them herself, given how competent a fighter she is and knowing all their weaknesses a little too well. I could see her making a stink about it in Heaven, and when Sera continued to allow it, deciding to NOPE out of there. Then helping Hell fight back by hording weapons and building up her own power as an overlord.
Maybe she managed to find love down there with a Hell-born or another fallen angel and started a family before things escalated with Charlie. Then that lover got killed in one of the Exterminations or some separate event. I'm not sure if I buy that she AND her daughters had mortal lives on Earth and came to hell together. It's possible, but it makes just about as much sense for Odette and Clara to be Hell-born. They have more demon features than Carmilla does. If the fan theory holds, their (and her) red eye color could be from making Deals.
I like the idea of there being some kind of final clash with Sera, and then Sera realizing the error of her ways and forging that connection with Carmilla again. Lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers. I'd LOVE that, actually.
May need to explore this in fic form at some point.
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Hazbin Hotel Au: Alastor Altruist The Ex-Exorcist (2024)
[Note: if possible, and if needed...please click on the drawing to make it a bit bigger....also I do plan to use this drawing as a Cover for a future chapter over at Quotev. so it will be for here and there.]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
yeah if it weren't for the fact that Alastor always seems to get a "X" on his forehead most of the time when he uses his powers and the whole what Carmilla Carmine says about Vaggie, I wouldn't have this weird idea and Fan-Headcanon theory about Alastor.
so yeah, even if the chances of Alastor being a former Exterminator/Ex-Exorcist Angel is possibly not very likely, but what if he did become one after he had died in the human world, but he couldn't truly be himself when he got into Heaven and was made to be part of Adam's Exterminators, which is possibly made up of all Women.
there is a big reason why the horns that is a part of Alastor's Exterminator outfit, has Horns that are similar to a Female Imp while the other is Similar to a Male Imp, that is why both of them have the words "Nope" for the Female Horns and "Yes" for the Male Horns.
even if Alastor might not figure out he is Ace, which just makes him adorkable that way with him being the only one who doesn't know he is Ace.
it could be that Rosie isn't the only one who possibly knows and it can turn out that Husk, Mimzy and Niffty who know this as well.
the idea I want to go with this drawing, is for a type of Crossover AU where Alastor is Chara's parent, and it is thanks to a fan fic I read before where he is Chara's Father that I love the idea so much.
and if Alastor had originally the wrong type of body that didn't match his gender identity of being Male, it could be possible he was still going through the process of transitioning but had yet to get the whole top surgery before his death, and would mostly dress up in the outfits that match his true self but most of the time had dressed in the outfits that was expected of him.
the idea I want to go with for well this version of Alastor, is that he had went through the whole taking some of his eggs and having them cryogenic frozen, which still ends up frozen even after his death, so Chara would end up being born some decades later.
so Alastor wouldn't know he had became a Father while he was in the Afterlife, even if it took some decades later for the eggs he had cryogenic frozen to be used by a couple that wanted a child.
Chara's Human Parents, could of been both not able to have a child, because the Human Dad was sterile, so they would also have to get another genetic material for the other part of having Chara be made.
I'm kind of tempted to have Vox be the Other Biological Dad. XD
like picture how Valentino would react, it would be kind of funny.
I also want to go with the idea that Chara's Mom, who the egg was implanted in, did what some of those women from Vandread did, which I think maybe in a few hours or so, I will go and watch some of the episodes...
like Chara's Human Mom could of splice some of her DNA into the egg, and then have it be placed into her Womb, which would mean that Chara is the Biological Child of Alastor and the unknown Human Mother.
and yes, I love Vandread, and the idea of Chara having a slightly similar creation is interesting, but Alastor would still be the Dad.
not everyone has to like this idea, and how Alastor's Dead-Name is Alastriona. but yeah, it is thanks to some episodes of Hazbin Hotel that makes me think that before Alastor ended up in Hell, he didn't end up going to Hell and instead ended up in Heaven and was made to work for Adam until he ended up where he is now.
but it might of been thanks to his deal with someone where he is also on a chain, that he was able to leave and become who he truly is, and yeah in a Crossover AU idea I have, this version of Alastor was originally born in a female body, but that wasn't who he was.
the idea is that before he had figured out he was a man, is that he still kept his hair long, well some guys do still grow their hair long but some can choose to have it short. just like how some gals can either have long or short hair.
the reason why Alastor's Deer Ears don't show on the other versions of him being in his Exorcist form, is because it can have to do that he was able to hide his Deer Ears, and he could possibly still do that but chooses to not do so anymore.
and if Alastor was formerly "one of Adam's girls" but technically not being a girl, Alastor may have finished most of his transition and of course it could be possible Adam wouldn't recognize him.
this version of Alastor could use a Binder to well bind his chest, that he never got rid of in the top surgery he was suppose to have before he died.
and one of the ways I can think how he could, without some form of regeneration happening afterwards, is if he possibly used Angel Weapon that has been reformed into a Medical Tool. and well it could be for those who choose to go through the surgeries that they weren't able to get around to when they were still living in the human world.
the chances of Alastor actually being a Transman in the canon, it possibly not likely to be confirmed or canon.
even if it is true that only some percent of deer in real life, do have both the male and females have antlers while other type of deer it is only the males who have them.
so yeah, in some species of deer, it isn't just the bucks that get the antlers on their head.
so yeah, this drawing was inspired by not only Alastor having that "X" appear on his head at times, but also what Carmilla says about Vaggie.
but there could be other reasons why that "X" is there, and the original reason for the "X" on Sinners might not be canon anymore, but that doesn't mean the "X" wont still have some meaning, like having to do with Angels who end up living in Pentagram City.
anyway it's okay if the idea of Alastor also being a former Exorcist isn't true or even canon, it still be a good idea in Fanon Timelines.
also even though the drawing itself isn't really mature, I'm still having the tags "not for kids" and "mature audiences only" because of what I wrote on this post, and well hopefully some will respect the whole "do not reblog without permission" tag...
anyway hope some like this drawing as well as the idea about the name Alastriona being Alastor's Dead-Name.
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