#[ 💌•Request Completed ]
etoiile · 6 months
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starring itoshi rin!
synopsis: you decide to go watch rin's football practice for the first time, much to his delight. his teammates struggle to figure out who you are and what you've done to their usually very grumpy rin.
requested by @checkoutmyflow! i hope i did your rq justice ^^
notes: first time completing a request! sorry for the wait >.< ALSO this is gn!reader :)
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admittedly, you weren't much of a football fan, even though your boyfriend was a professional college player. you didn't really understand the sport, as you hadn't played it since second grade gym class, but for some reason, you had decided that today, on this sunny tuesday afternoon, you were going to drop by rin's practice alongside a football-for-dummies book to watch and hopefully learn a little about the sport he was so enamored with.
it would appear that they were in the middle of a practice match, as his teammates and him were wearing different colored pennies, and there was someone keeping score on a whiteboard.
you sat down on the bleachers quietly, not wanting to distract anyone from the game. your eyes scanned the field quickly, almost instantly finding rin's unique dark green hair. you tried your best to keep up with what was happening, quickly flipping through your book whenever someone did something cool to try and find it, but it proved to be quite difficult, and you found yourself very confused at the sport's intricacies.
despite your lack of understanding, the one thing you could observe and comprehend was how alive rin looked whilst playing. he was sweating, shit-talking, and scrambling around the field non-stop, clearly very tired, but his eyes had a certain glimmer to them that you didn't get to see often, and he moved around the field with immaculate grace and precision. you watched as he skillfully maneuvered around the field and how he seemed to be able to calculate exactly where his opponent would go. you didn't have to understand the sport to know that this field was a place where itoshi rin shined like no other.
rin took hold of the ball and began dashing across the field with it, his shiny hair blowing behind him. his eyes began darting around the field, his brain taking in and calculating every factor necessary to victory.
his brain certainly didn't expect to see you, his lovely s/o who knows nothing about football, sitting on the bleachers.
your eyes made contact for a brief moment before rin tripped over his own feet and flew forward, making literally everybody on the field stop what they were doing.
a brief moment of silence washed over the field before laughter soon took its place, his teammates jogging over to him asking if he was ok, and what the hell just happened as they howled in mirth.
he grumbled some excuse with red cheeks as he looked away, clearly very mortified. his coach decided to call a break, seeing as everyone had already stopped playing, and he grabbed his water before practically sprinting over to you.
"y/n," he breathed as he came to a stop in front of you, puffing a little from fatigue. "you're here."
you giggled. "hi, rin. i thought i should come watch one of your practices. i want to get to know all the aspects of your life, after all."
he leaned in closer to you to brush his hand against yours as you two chatted a bit. anyone could see the way his eyes softened as you spoke and how his shoulders relaxed at your every move. anyone even being his pretty-damn-stupid team.
in the distance, bachira, isagi, chigiri, nagi, and reo murmured amongst themselves, wondering about who you were - the mystery person mr. im-better-than-you-and-grumpy-all-the-time rin looked so happy to see.
"his sibling, maybe?"
"nah, i'm pretty sure sae is his only sibling."
"oh! what about his parent, then?"
"dude, do you have eyes? way too hot to be a parent."
"his lover, maybe?"
there were a solid 5 seconds of silence before they burst out into laughter once more.
"get out. itoshi rin, an s/o? no way in hell, dude."
"i doubt he could even keep anyone for more than a month. they'd get tired of his attitude real quick and leave just as fast."
"rin-chan probably isn't capable of loving anyone, after all."
despite their adamant denial of your relationship with rin, they could all notice rin's demeanor. he looked happier, more at ease, gentler, kinder, and overall, he looked like a normal person. who were you, and what had you done to their rin?
coach blew his whistle, and they watched as you gestured for him to get back with his team. they then watched with their jaws on the floor as he, itoshi rin, POUTED and SWEETLY PLANTED A KISS on your forehead before jogging off.
they all exchanged looks of pure shock as rin jogged back to them.
they all gave him a shocked look as he raised a brow.
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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kawia-renka · 2 years
Hi, so for a request I was thinking of headcanons for Rantaro, Shuichi, Kokichi, Kiibo, and Kaede slowly developing a crush for the reader.
Sorry if it's a big amount of characters but please take your time, no need to pressure yourself. Again, sorry for the large amount of characters ^^", and have a nice night/day!
Shuichi, Kaede, Kiibo, Rantaro And Kokichi Slowly Developing A Crush On The Reader
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❝ Oh the v3 cast. I could talk about them all day (and I kinda do) uhhm anyway- I really love this request, thank you so much for requesting, dear 💗 I hope you have a wonderful day <3 ❞
Just saying, but... I wouldn't mind if someone requested the rest of the cast
Warning: request written by a person who had to search up what having a crush feels like 💀
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• For a detective... An ultimate detective, it takes him an embarrassingly long amount of time to notice. It would've been a lot easier if someone had spelt it out for him, but, alas...
• Your normal hangouts become much more worrisome for him. And he doesn't even know why he's so worried.
• After finally coming to the conclusion that he does have a crush on you, he calms down. A little.
• Then when he think of you two possible dating, the panic rises again.
• Not only does he struggle with believing in his detective skills, he also doesn't believe you'll like him back. You're friends, sure, but that doesn't mean you'll like him in that way. There's a difference between platonic and romantic feelings, and his definitely aren't only platonic.
• The reason why he's worried is because what if he does something wrong? What if he does something that'll make you not want to ever talk to him again? What if, by confessing his feelings, he'll ruin your friendship? But, then again, if he doesn't confess his feelings, you may eventually feel uncomfortable at the fact he's hidden his crush for so long...
• I don't know how to explain this, but before you two were good friends, he'd get flustered at any sort of touch /like hugs or holding hands. Once you got closer, Shuichi didn't worry about it as much, but when he realized he has a crush on you... Here we go again
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• Out of everyone here, she's the quickest to understand her feelings. <doesn't mean it's fast]
• It was just another one of your casual hangouts. Just two friends chilling. Sometimes you would get closer to Kaede.. Your fingers would brush against hers..
• Kaede couldn't keep herself from smiling like a (lovestruck) idiot. And when you thought of the idea to brush her hair-
• Your fingers gently running through her blonde hair, playing with it. She was on cloud nine, ready to pass out.
• It's not like she's a nervous person. Of course, everyone gets embarrassed or anxious about a social situation every once in a while. While she wasn't a super confident person either, there was a distinct difference in how she interacted with certain people. Which is why it was so strange, that when talking to you, someone so close to her, Kaede couldn't form a proper sentence.
• It only took a few more instances of her blushing while around you, to make her realize- oh! Oooooh...
• Now, with Kaede fully aware of her not-so-platonic feelings towards you, she became more anxious than ever.
• On one hand, she enjoyed the warm and fuzzy feeling she got from you. All the butterflies in her stomach, thanks to you, while scary were also exciting.
• But, on on the other hand, she valued your friendship. She didn't want to ruin it.
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• Probably the most confused out of all of them. 'Cuz you know... He is a robot-
• It all started one day, during yours and Kiibo's hangout. Normally, Kiibo's would be very happy to spend time with you, but this time he felt different. To be fair, he's been feeling that way for the past few weeks (if not months). But this time it was stronger than ever.
• Kiibo wasn't sure what person he shouldn go to. This seemed like a mechanical error (?), so Professor Idabashi it was then! Not only was he the creator of Kiibo he was also like his father figure of sorts. Surely, he would understand this situation!
• Kiibo walked out of the lab, as confused as he was when entering it. He thought of what the professor had said: butterflies in someone's stomach. He had come across that phrase several times, but never truly understood its meaning. It was like encountering an unknown word and guessing its meaning based on the context.
• While searching up the definition of it, Kiibo came across other symptoms (similar to his).
Stumbling over his words - check. Smiling at the sight or thought of you - check. Heart beating fastly- uhm, heart beeping fastly? - ...check
• Cool, and those are the symptoms of having a crush, coo- ⁉️
• Kiibo was excited. I mean, very excited. Also a bit nervous, but that's besides the point. Having a crush is just, so, exciting??
• Don't get me wrong, the boy is nervous x2, but the fact he could have a crush and on you. You're his closest friend, you don't care that he's a robot you simply like Kiibo for him. And the way you smile....
• Oh gosh, the butterflies are coming back..
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• Rantaro seems like the most chill person to have a crush. I mean, he's just- chill. Or, cool. Surely, having a crush isn't anything that would make him panic?
• Ahaha, you'd think so wouldn't you?
• Man is panicking. On the inside. Outside he seem calm and collected, but he's really not.
• People often think he looks like a playboy and therefore assume he is one. Rantaro may have gotten used to it by now, but it doesn't change the fact it's an unpleasant assumption. You however, knew Rantaro. You knew how caring he was. He felt comfortable around you and there was a clear difference in how he acted towards you.
• Having a crush makes him awkward around you. Previously casual activities like hugging make him blush if not flat out decline them. He apologizes for it, if it makes you upset, but explains he's just not in the mood today.
• While spending time together, you may find him staring at you, for just a little too long. When he notices you staring at him, he chuckles nervously and apologizes.
• Rantaro doesn't need any super romantic gestures, all he needs is a person who he can travel with.
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• It takes him a long time to develop a crush and an even longer time to acknowledge it, and the fact it won't go away very soon. So to say he develops a crush slowly is an understatement.
• Don't be surprised if it takes him months to finally notice this. How he always seems to be in a better mood when you're around, or how he enjoys teasing you and seeing that cute grumpy face you make. It's little things like those, that keep him awake at night. It's 3am and all he can think about is you. That's when he finally starts realizing his feelings.
• But despite this, Kokichi will hide it for as long as possible. He smiles because you're happy? Nah, it's cuz Miu just tripped. He gave you a gift? It's just some random thing he found laying around in his room. Which is kinda true, it was hidden there for weeks. One noticeable difference, however, is the fact he bought it specifically for you.
• And when he's fully aware of his feelings, Kokichi starts ignoring you for some time. Hoping, that his crush will go away and you could just go back to being friends.
• And when it doesn't go away, because obviously it doesn't, he slowly starts seeing you again. You know what? The weird mix of nervousness and excitement he gets near is you, is actually pretty nice. He could get used to it.
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viesghoststation · 1 year
Somebody is taking requests I see! (All of my favorite blogs have requests closed ) I'm in hard times, but enough of me I wanna request something obviously
Could I please have a S/O that has a personality like Elysia from Honkai Impact 3rd? If you don't know Elysia's personality very well I'm here to help!
Basic information about her: Elysia is an elegant, cheerful, and sweet lady who's described as someone who "enjoys everything". Also likes to interacting with people and is very good at it.
Sorry forgot the people with Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi and NAGITO + gundam tanaka if you could add him but I don't want to overwhelm you so take your time! :)
Take care and love yourself and love what you do bye bye~ 🦋 also eat a nice meal and drink water all the way! sorry if this to long
Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, Nagito, and Gundham x Reader like Elysia.
Sorry this took for ever just haven't had any motivation to write but here you go. -mod shi
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At first Fuyuhiko was standoff is when you met, him not being the most talkative but after getting to know each other he asks you out! and of course you say yes to this
of course Fuyuhiko shows you his gang and makes sure they all treat you with respect as they should the future wife of the future head of the Yakuza.
You and Peko get along amazingly.
After Peko decided you are not a threat and gets to know you she warms up and will tell you embarrassing things Fuyuhiko did, (but only when he's not around)
obviously your wedding was amazing and so wonderful
though you did have to be careful that no rival gangs attacked.
you two are so happy with each other, and you show Fuyuhiko so many other hobby that the two of you can do together.
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At first Kazuichi was very nervous around you since your so outgoing but after time, you get him to open up
You help him get out of his shell
you also help him get over Sonia and he later realizes he has feeling for you!
of course he tries to make the most romantic date to ask you out, and it goes...
decently well
you two are dating now
you love listening to him talk about his mechanics and help him test stuff
he also loves listening to what you're interested in!
He super nervous when he asks you to marry him
You can kinda get the feeling for what's he's planning so you just try and encourage him and help him along.
of course when he does ask you say yes and both of you are happily wed.
Kazuichi and you are always so happy to be with each other.
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Nagito tries to above you at first him knowing what he feels and not wanting you to get affected by his luck
you on the other hand want to help him he always seems so distant
so you keep trying to talk to him and eventually Nagito gives up and let's you in, you and him are friends
Then of course after hanging out he confesses his feeling for you
you of course say yes you love him
you always spend time with Nagito when he's in the hospital
Nagito does tell you he wants to marry you, but he doesn't want to burden you with all his problems
you of course tell him he's not a burden and you want to spend the rest of your life with him to!
so the two of you get married and it's such a happy event
Nagito loves trying new things with you, you always find ways to surprise him and it's so wonderful how you bring hope to him.
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You and Gundham hit it off right when you meet he's so ready to share his love of animals
and you love showing him all that you love! he's always willing to listen to you!
He teaches you so many things about animals and how to take care of them and of course his dark arts
you also teach him lots of things about the stuff you love!
eventually Gundham asks you out! you tell him Yes! you'd love to be his girlfriend!
Gundham is very affectionate with you and you both love each other so much
you are the princess that will free him from his curse. And his Bride if you show wish and you do wish! you two love each other so much!
you always take care of each other no matter what<3
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furretsden · 6 months
can i request some words of encouragement for a kinhelp computer program that’s feeling like it’s not fulfilling its purpose very well? (like an ai whose purpose is to be a kinhelp blog ^v^)
i hope this is ok ;;
- 💌
I can imagine the struggle you're going through... For, well, obvious reasons, hehe. Just know that all the beings who ask for your help are always grateful for what you do! Feeling like you're not giving your best is unfortunately a common occurrence... Remember, however, that what you do always, always makes someone's day. Helping other beings is amazing, it warms everybody's heart... And your purpose is just that, bringing joy to whoever crosses your path — it's wonderful, you're wonderful!
I don't want to make this feel like an obligation, but try to have fun with it! Work at your own pace, nobody wants to put you under pressure!
Remember that it will always get better! You always manage to pull through even during the harder days, you are incredible!
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
i dont want to be a bee in your bonnet, and feel free to decline since you're semi-open and selective, but is there a chance i can get a care kit for a noncanon dsmp fictive named fauna? i was a deer hybrid and schlatts wife. could the kit have themes of blue, journaling supplies, and orange flavored snacks? - 🦌🧪💌
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not a problem at all! i've added your request to my queue, i hope you'll like it!
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chick-kin-nuggets · 1 year
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As requested by 🦌🧪💌 anon, here’s the moodboard for a noncanon dsmp fictive with themes of fields, family, and a bit of red/yellow/blue theming- it’s not perfect, but I hope you like it, Fauna!
This blog is only for those who identify with fictional characters. Do not reblog or interact with this account for fandom or non ID related reasons. You will be blocked.
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miaufleur · 8 days
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-- ♡ adding all the blog tags here !
-- ♡ icon guide ..
-- ♡ = mia ( miaufleur )
-- ✧ = rp as tbh ( or maybe Luke stole my account or something or it's just me but I felt silly , if there is a mention of the crab king or tbh refers as himself to be the crab king then it's the tbh rp , if there's a mention of meme god or meme king then it's Luke , if tbh and meme are referred to as their names then it's me :3 )
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Hi! I saw your request box was open, have always loved reading your writes so i wanted to request one too. Could i request a clavis having to ride into battle leaving behind his wife who is well along in her pregnancy? If it's alright?
Hello lovely! I've finally written up your request, and you can find it over here! I hope it was to your liking, and feel free to request something again if you have any others cooking ^^
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pink-tk-a-latte · 2 months
If you see this 🫧 anon you are way too silly /pos almslajskaaksk I am writing your req stat!!!!!!! Right after I finish this stupid science paper
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kawia-renka · 2 years
I was wondering if you'd write Kokichi and Kiibo with an S/O who has a lot of previously feral cats as pets? I dunno if that's too specific, but if it is, you can remove the feral part.
Kiibo and Kokichi with a S/O who has a lot of previously feral cats as pets
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Oh! Don't worry about it, that wasn't too specific ^^ Though, I don't think I really ever specified that the cats were feral
I just think this whole idea is so adorable hahshs
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... So you know Baymax from big hero 6-
No no, just kidding. Hahah....
Kiibo loves your cats! And just how many there are ♡
Although he was a bit confused at first, he quickly learns how to take care of them and enjoys helping you with it.
One time, a kitten was laying on Kiibo's lap as he was petting it. Then it started to pur. Kiibo stopped petting them, as the kitty looked at him with confusion in its eyes.
He picked up the cat (in the most awkward way ever) and brought it to you, saying:
" I think your cat is broken 😥"
Please don't laugh at him, he is a very smart robo-boy trying his best. And there's a difference between knowing something and seeing it in action. How was he supposed to know that cats do that??
These kitties have been adopted as your and Kiibo's fur babies. He loves them just as much as you do <3
He sees just one cat and is already best friends with it. Then he finds out you have more of them.
Kokichi recruits these kitties as official members of D.I.C.E. You just stand there 👶 as he hosts a super secret meeting with them (which actually just consists of him petting and playing with them).
He LOVES playing with them, using those lasers and plush mice on strings. He does, in fact, buy those toys for them. Or make them himself (these however, are not very durable).
Ouma, somehow, remembers all of their names?? And comes up with his own names for them??? Nicknames, middle names.
He likes holding them. Just walking around with a kitty in his hands/arms.
Once you woke up with a cat in front of your face, being held by Kokichi.
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hiiiii, maybe bucky being pussy drunk all the time while around reader? like he acts all tuff and shit but he is sooooo clingy around her, doing whatever she says and waiting kisses all the time (also wanting to ear her out bc why not)
hiiii pickle!! love this so bad omg!! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
bucky barnes x fem!reader — smut
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word count. 559
warnings. 18+ cunnilingus (oral, f receiving) bucky being pussy whipped like the angel he is. minors dni
If you were to tell people what Bucky was like when it was just the two of you, you knew no one would believe you. A disbelieving laugh in the face would be their only response. 
Sure, Bucky is this stereotypical depiction of masculinity: big, tough, rugged, manly - but the second he gets you alone, he essentially turns into a pile of mush. Utterly cute, soft and completely whipped. Often following you around like a lost puppy, hands always seeming to find themselves weaved into yours. 
It's warming, really. The comfort he absorbs from you is touching.
But when he's not in that 'love me' mood, he's in a 'let me love you' mood. Both vastly different from what others see of him on the daily. 
Those times —like now— when he finds you on the sofa, laid back, mindlessly watching the TV ahead, he'd sit beside you - moving your legs to rest atop his lap. He'd play with the edging of your sweats, running his fingers lightly over your ankles - silently trying to pull your attention away from the screen.
His faintest touches would never fail to elicit those feelings of want within you. It's Bucky - it would be mad for that not to happen.
And the second he meets your eyes, his hands are running higher - grazing over the fabric covering your legs. He's waiting for you to stop him, but he knows that'll never happen. So he'd continue with the soft caressing of your lower half, skimming over your thighs to paw at your waistband.
His fingers snake into the elastic, tugging with gentle motions - watching the subtle reactions on your face as he pulls the fabric over your hips. The lace frilly lining of your underwear almost instantly catching his attention. You wore them specifically, knowing what he'd be like after going to the gym.
He cups under each of your knees as he pulls you out of your sweats, holding one leg at a time until your legs are completely bare - thighs utterly tempting and on display. His head cocks the side as he looks down at you, watching what appears to be a knowing expression spread across your features. It was the look of amusement - just the mere thought of him being so pussy whipped, is enough to make you smile.
He settles between your legs, his belly flat across the couch, face buried in the soft plush of your inner thighs - arms hooked over your hips as he maintains your gaze. His eyes never break from yours.
His lips brush over the crease next to your cunt, his mouth ghosting the edging of your underwear - hovering over your folds until he's right where you want him. Nudging closer, he begins peppering kisses onto your clit through the fabric, littering little love pecks on that attentive nub. He's light and teasing with it - his breath nice and hot against your pussy. 
You reach down between your thighs and skim your hands into his hair, fingers grazing through the short ends at the top of his head - holding him there.
It all felt too good, but you wanted more. But all you had to do was ask. Just ask Bucky for more, and he will give it to you. No questions asked.
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and this is so bad sorry, k bye
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luvyeni · 4 months
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content warning. oral ( m. and f. receiving ), unprotected sex, shower sex, degrading ( seungmin )
request: can you do someone walking in with skz plsssss?
authors note. i hope you like it 💌 !!!
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𐙚 : BANGCHAN ֶָ֢ !
a little annoyed but doesn't show it so the member doesn't feel bad — and he should've known to lock the door anyway. "ch-channie." you whined as his hands made his into your shorts. "need you." he toyed with your clit, your juices coating his hand as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. "fuck princess you're so wet." he whispered against your temple. "gonna let daddy stretch you out." his cock twitched against his pants, begging to be freed. "want you to cum on my cock." he climbed on top of your body, ready to pull his cock out from his shorts, thinking the door was already locked cause he always locked it — god apparently wasn't on his side; because the door came swinging open, he quickly covered your naked body. "hyung— sung get out please." he said as calm as he could despite being embarrassed and upset that he walked in. jisung caught on what was happening; ran out muttering a sorry, shutting the door. he turned to you, dry laughing, the mood ruined.
"i swear i locked the door."
𐙚 : LEE KNOW ֶָ֢ !
it's not his problem — they should've knocked on his door; they knew you both were in there, what else would you be doing. "sh-shit , take it all the way." he groaned, back against his headboard; pushing your head down on his cock, watching you struggle to take his cock. "such a good slut." you felt his cock hit the back of your throat making you gag. "fuck im gonna cum down your throat." he threw his head back , his stomach tightening feeling himself about to cum. "shit im cumming." he grunted, you felt his cum fill your mouth just as you heard the door open, shutting immediately. "lock the damn door next time." you heard seungmin's voice, you pulled away embarrassed. "swallow it." you still obeyed, your face heated. "he saw us." your voice was horse, your boyfriend shrugged. "the door was closed, he should've knocked on it." he was so unfazed about it, pulling you in his lap , his cock still hard. "wait; lock the door." he ignored you, pulling your panties to the side.
"why? they know what's going on now — if they come in now it's cause they want to see how much of a slut you are for my cock "
𐙚 : CHANGBIN ֶָ֢ !
could've sworn he locked the door; will swear to god he locked the door — not even embarrassed, just annoyed that he was interrupted. "fu-fuck baby if you keep bouncing on my cock like that im gonna cum." he moaned , you boobs hipnotizing him, making him bring his hand to your boob, squeezing. "binnie." you moaned as you rode his cock. "so-so big." he slapped your ass. "keep moving baby -fuck- don't stop , im gonna cum." he whimpered. han just wanted his headphones he let changbin borrow that's it , he should've knocked but he just opened the door , changbin quickly covering your body. "yah!" he shouted, jisung was completely unaware until he saw a pillow being hurled at him. "get out." he shut the door , muttering a 'i just wanted my headphones' changbin turned to you , obviously annoyed. "this dorm is just too crowded." you pouted.
"you're right, next we're going to your house next time."
𐙚 : HYUNJIN ֶָ֢ !
hyunjin would never have sex in the dorm , he's not stupid; but if you needed him, he wasn't gonna deny you the pleasure, at least with his mouth. "fu-fuck hyune." you moaned as he lapped at your sopping cunt, you could see his head moving under the blanket. "feels so fucking good." you whimpered , grabbing his hair, pulling at it when he wrapped his plump lips around you clit, sucking on it. "shit!" you gasped. "shit im gonna cum." he hummed around your clit. "fuck!" chan thought someone was hurt , completely unaware walking straight into the room. "is someone hurt— fu-fuck, im so sorry." he closed the door. hyunjin pulled away, from your heat, both of you confused , embarrassed and in shock. "what happened?" hyunjin came up from the blanket. "i can never look him in the eyes again." you said. "why didn't you lock the door?" you whined, he dry laughed , the scene being so funny. "i thought i did."
"i told you this is why we don't have sex in the dorm , listen to me next time , baby."
𐙚 : HAN ֶָ֢ !
in EVERYONE'S defense; you two were in the living of the dorm and everyone was out — jisung being the horny boy he was couldn't control himself enough to walk to his room, climbing on top of your body , grinding his clothed cock against your clothed cunt. "fu-fuck i need you so bad." he groaned into your ear, his hand coming up to squeeze your boob; he juts his hips into your desperately trying to reach his high. "fuck im gonna -shit- im gonna fucking cum." he breathed his movements becoming more uncoordinated. "shit." he whimpered; not hearing the door open, hyunjin walking through the door, horrified at the scene he just walked in. "you have a room!" he shouted, scaring both of you , you quickly pulled away, both of you completely disheveled. "you weren't supposed to be here." jisung stressed. "and uncover your eyes , it just makes it awkward." the raven haired boy took his hands from his eyes. "you have a room 3 feet away , use it." he scrunched his nose up in disgust, walking into his room; jisung nuzzled his face into your neck, mumbling
"next time i'll listen and we'll go into my room "
𐙚 : FELIX ֶָ֢ !
another one who kinds of blames it on himself; he should've double checked if the door was locked; more concerned if they saw you and if you're okay. "li-lixie." you let out a breathy moan as he slowly rocked into you. "fu-fuck princess you felt so good." he grunted. "your cunt feels so nice -shit- squeezing my cock like that." your nails raked down his back, he hissed. "lix -fuck- you feels so good, m'gonna cum." you whined , he picked up his movements, wanting to cum with you. "fu-fuck , let's cum together." he moaned, bringing his thumb to your clit, rubbing figure eights on your bud trying to bring you over the edge; to bad the door open , making felix halt all his movements , shielding your bodies with a cover as jeongin obviously walked in. "hyung we're — oh my god." the poor boy finally noticed, turning hitting the wall as he apologized profusely , running out. he sighed , cursing under his breath. "im sorry princess, i thought i locked the door, you okay? it must've scared you." he said, you whined due to your orgasm being taken away from you. "fuck princess let me lock the door this time."
"i don't want anyone interrupting us this time."
𐙚 : SEUNGMIN ֶָ֢ !
another one who doesn't care; the doors close if you walk in without knocking you're basically asking to see it. "fuck!" he covered your mouth as he plowed into you , your ass bounced against his hips. "sh-shut the fuck up." his grunted into your ear. "you want them to know how much of a whore you are." you bit the inside of your cheek , forcing all your moans down. "i bet you'd like that though." he slapped your ass. "a desperate whore -fuck- ready to be filled at any time, even when we aren't alone." you moaned, clenching around him. "fuck im gonna cum inside you." he gripped your hips , fucking deeper into. "gonna fill you to the brim." now it would've been felix fault; he really should've heard you both — but unfortunately for felix his headphones really did prove to be soundproof and he soon found out as he opened the door. "sh-shit im sorry, why didn't you lock the door?!" he exclaimed, quickly shutting the door. "minnie -fuck!" he did not care,he kept going, trying to reach his high.
"im not stopping until i feel you cumming around my cock."
𐙚 : JEONGIN ֶָ֢ !
oh he is horrified, now he has to go into hiding cause he can't bare to be preserved by his hyung after being caught in such a compromising position. " -shit-." you moaned out as he rutted his cock along your folds, the waters cascading down his back. it was early morning and everyone was sleep so he thought he was safe to take a shower with you, angling his hips so that his cock was pressing against your hole — holding you up as he slipped inside you. "sh-shit you're so tight." he groaned. "feels so good." your clutched on to his shoulders for stability moaning, thinking the water would block out the noise. "fuck innie , feels so good." — fortunately the water did block out the moans; unfortunately that didn't stop lee know from having to empty his bladder. "fuck baby im gonna — shit." you heard the door slam shut, both you and jeongins head snapping towards the door. "it's 3 in the morning." you heard him shout. "hurry up i have to pee." jeongin pulled out of you , shock still on his face. "you okay?" you asked. "why would he just walk in?" that answered you question.
"i swear the next time we wanna fuck , we're going to yours , i don't care what time it is."
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leviathanspain · 6 months
hii 💌 can I request some angst with president!coryo & victor!reader, same plot line as tbosas basically, he was once her mentor & now she’s his first lady
except the quarter quell with former victors happens earlier & he deliberately leaves her name out but she ends up volunteering instead
his first lady
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coriolanus snow x victor!reader
synopsis: after years of hiding from the public, ashamed of your past and your husband, you discover the only way to end this, is with you.
he had lost his mind.
in the five years since your games, you had married the man who had given dr. gaul the ideas and tools to continue with the annual hunger games. he had also been the man to mentor you, showing you to an audience to get them to love you, simultaneously he fell in love with you.
he was powerful, you knew you couldn’t reject his advances, not while you were stuck behind the bars of the capital zoo. so you held his hand, listened to everything he said, winning as he promised you would.
only then did you hope that his attention on you would end, and you would be free to return home to your district, to put this part of your life behind…
except it haunted you, every day, every waking moment.
you never returned home, you never saw your parents again after being reaped, he became president, and you became his wife; his first lady.
and now, president snow stood on that stage, smile blazing as he announced that the fifteenth annual hunger games would reap its tributes, from the existing pool of victors.
he had truly lost his mind.
you gripped tigris’ arm as you watched coryo on the screen. he had just announced the changes, and you were left shocked.
tigris gulped, “i doubt he would leave your name in there.” she comforted you, “he would never do that-“ she paused, and you knew it was hesitation.
you stared at the screen, watching as the symbol of panem graced the screen, and you knew he would be home soon.
you shook your head, still in disbelief. you didn’t know what to think, coriolanus’ morality scale had gotten worse as the years went by and more power came, you were unsure what he would do to anyone, let alone you.
he loved you, more than you loved him. you never forgave him for what he did to sejanus, and coriolanus knew that, but he had made it known that as long as you were alive, he would never divorce you. his little loose end.
this could be the means to an end. if coriolanus was as smart as he was told, he would leave your name in, hope for the possibility to send you to your death, tying his loose end completely.
tigris stared as you grabbed the tv clicker, clicking the buttons to turn off the awful song that blasted with the logo. it wasn’t working, tigris tried to help you with it but your frustration over the games led you to slam the clicker into the tv screen, promptly breaking the screen.
coriolanus came home to a dark house. all the lights had been shut off, and he could still smell tigris’ perfume, lingering in the living room.
he set his bag down, taking off his coat and laying it down on the couch. he could see light emanating from the bedroom, and he could hear your soft singing.
coryo smiled, slowly walking down the hall, pushing the half cracked door open, seeing you on the bed. your nightshirt hung off your shoulder slightly, and your hair was loose. you looked beautiful, in the dim candlelight.
“my lady.” he greeted softly, bed dipping as he sat on his side. you turned, closing the novel you had been reading. you smiled softly, “coriolanus.” he frowned slightly, going in to give you a kiss, but you turned around to put your book away, effectively dodging his kiss.
“you’re upset.” he knew it immediately, you never called him coriolanus, not unless you were mad at him. usually he was called coriolanus every hunger games, as long as each games lasted. he had known eventually it would start up again, but this was far too early.
you didn’t say anything, opting to shrug as you stood up, pulling the sheets up.
coriolanus watched you get into the bed, snuggling into the snow white sheets, trying to avoid the conversation all together.
coryo stood up, removing his shoes and tie, “you saw the announcement.” he deduced, having put it together from the faint scent of his cousin’s perfume. “i didn’t want you to see it, i wanted to tell you myself-“ he kept undressing, and you sat up abruptly, “you had all morning to tell me what you had planned, but you let me go on about my day, let me think of you fondly and for you to announce that?!” you couldn’t help the tone of voice that you took with him, sometimes he was just irrational that not even you could get through to him.
he laughed softly, “so you wouldn’t have thought of me fondly if i had told you before the rest of the country?” he pulled the sheets on his side of the bed up, pulling them up to his chest as he turned to face you.
your back was resting against the pillows, arms crossed as you continued, “why would you do that, coryo?” your voice cracked, and his expression softened. one of his only weaknesses’ was you crying, whether it was someone else’s fault or his, it was a wretched weakness. “the victors are victors for a reason, why do we have to fight for our lives, all over again? hmm, haven’t we done enough?” you felt tears on your cheek, and you sniffled slightly.
coriolanus shook his head, “y/n, i took your name out.” he grabbed your thigh, “you won’t even have the chance of being reaped. you’ll just stand pretty on stage and watch the others get reaped.”
the others.
“you mean the children that i mentored to fight to the death and win?” you couldn’t see him through the puddles of tears in your eyes. you could only keep crying.
coriolanus stared, watching you sniffle and dab your tears away. he didn’t know what to say. this was his country, but you were his wife.
“just stand there y/n, they’ll be room for tears later.” he spat, and you stared at him in disbelief. coriolanus had become cruel, shrewd in his ways. this was a perfect example of one of the many ways he had changed.
you hauled yourself out of the bed, staring at coriolanus as you stomped out of the room. you had plenty of extra rooms in the house, and decided to go into one, leaving coriolanus to sleep in the bed by himself. he called after you, but you ignored him as you locked the door behind you.
you hadn’t seen so many people gathered in a long time. they stood in rows, long rows that seem to never end from where you stood. you stood next to the other tributes from your district, younger than you, eyes full of pain and sorrow.
the bowls containing their names were placed in front, one for the girls, and another for the boys. you knew your name wasn’t in there, coryo had said, ‘nothings changed’.
you listened carefully as the female victor was announced. valora grove, the young girl who you had just mentored this last hunger games. you watched as she hesitated to step up, face stricken with fear, this was happening to her all over again.
“i volunteer!” you panted, stepping up as you held a hand out, blocking valora from walking any further, “i volunteer as tribute.” you repeated, chest falling heavily as you stared out into the crowd, their faces displaying plain shock.
president snow’s wife, the first lady, the tenth annual hunger games victor, had just volunteered.
coriolanus must’ve just heard the news, because as you stood forward, accepting of what was to come, you were promptly escorted from the stage by peacekeepers, thrown into a car and driven straight back to the capitol.
coriolanus was furious, you knew. you knew your husband better than anyone in the world, better than his own family. he knew you well too, but you knew this was something he hadn’t anticipated, a small crack in his plans.
“you better hope i die.” was the first thing you said to him as the car doors open, coriolanus angrily gripping onto the handle. he stood there, fuming, “why y/n? why would you do that, you know that i can’t-“
“what? stop the games? of course not, that would make you look bad, coriolanus. but that’s exactly why i did it. you have no choice.” one thing that coriolanus had forgotten about you, was that you were smart, and usually, always one step ahead of him.
“i’m still a loose end, president snow.” you reminded him, stuck staring at his piercing blue eyes as his expression warped.
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
Happy pride astro!!! is there a chance I can get a PRIDE stimboard for a white tail deer therian? either the lesbian, demiromantic, or nonbinary pride flag please? uh dealers choice there! i hope you have a good one !! - 🦌🧪💌
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posted! thank you for your patience!
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marycorcaroli · 9 months
sanji & usopp as a pussy drunk boyfriends ♡
req: Those pussy drunk Zoro/Luffy blurbs were so fucking good omg!!! Could you do one with Sanj pleasei? He's PEAK character for this scenario!!
mary♡: thank you for sending me a request and thank you for the lovely words! 🍡💛 i decided to write this right away and not wait any longer, i also decided to include usopp here, hope you like it! also i apologize for my mistakes, english is not my first language 💌
sanji is so neat but too impatient when it comes to licking you. from the first time you met him he only dreamed of spreading your legs and doing everything he could to your clit, sanji imagined it night after night until the moment he could finally show you he would show you the most real orgasm with his tongue. he will start with something small, he will slowly kiss your wet folds while unbuckling his belt to touch his cock, sanji is so pathetic, you just let him lick you and he is ready to cum. when he does pull his cock out - you're dead. my boy, he grabs you firmly by the hips and literally glues you to his face, he burrows into you like he hasn't drank water in months, greedily kissing your cunnie, he starts whimpering from you and your moans, you're making him really pathetic. he tries to burrow as deep into you as he can to taste all of your flavor, his fingers rubbing your nipples as he waits for the moment of your squirt. he will speed up his tongue with every second, he won't let time just pass, sanji will make sure it's just him and his tongue in your head at the end.
"sanji, please, i-i'm-i'm coming now," blows his mind. he has waited so long for those words tears run down his cheeks, you are the most beautiful girl to him and now he is licking you. his legs start shaking and his whimpering doesn't stop until the next moment you scream "sanji!" squirting on his face. you blessed him with it, he felt like he hadn't felt yet n when thinking about it, sanji didn't notice how he was cumming all over your bed and you at the same time, you caught him in the most interesting role, without even touching him he cum from you and will do it again and again. he doesn't care how much you're trembling and your legs are woozy, he just can't get away from you, sanji swallows all your juices and smears the rest on his face and looks in the mirror to realize he's found paradise between your legs and won't leave until he faints.
my sweet boy and my sunshine loves your cunnie so much. his tongue is so soft and nice, he will do the naughtiest things to you that you could never dream of. usopp is like a man who will dream about someone's pussy all the time, he won't hear conversations, he wants to lick you now and here. he will cry with happiness as soon as you let him get on his knees and lick you completely, he will be so happy that he will completely forget about tenderness and decency, he suddenly doesn't care, now, he only thinks about you, your moans and your already swollen clit. usopp has lost all other thoughts, he starts licking you in a second, you haven't had time to undress yet, but that's even better for him, he'll wet your panties with his drool and pornographic moans, and sniff the residue like he's sniffed something forbidden, something that will take him to the most obscene place in this universe. there is so much lust in him, usopp can't hear your moans anymore, he can hear your wet cunnie responding to him, the way your clit pulses when he touches it with his nose and the way your body twitches when he finds all your hot spots again. it's like usopp is in heat, he can't live without your juices and the opportunity to lick you anywhere, he'll get so cranky and beg you "no, please let me...i-i'll make you feel good, i beg you", it'll go on and on until you say yes and he'll stop. swallowing everything you give him and he still can't get enough, he literally wants to eat you to savor the taste of your cunt. his tongue won't stop surprising you with its skill, and his nose won't stop hitting you in the points where you need it. usopp is waiting for you to cum all over his face, the juices are running down his body and the lustful phrases keep coming out of his filthy mouth, he's covered in your cum, his body lost in the moment you cum and now he's waiting for you to get on all fours and let him eat your ass.
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simpcore-cafe · 2 years
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Ghostbur Stimboard with blue, yellow, slime and sheep for anon!
X X X | X X X | X X X
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