lonelyoleander · 6 months
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
Something that I've used to judge my health, in more ways than one, is what I call the need-to-pee test.
When I'm sitting, wasting time, and I need to pee, healthy me will just get up and go to the bathroom. That's normal behavior.
Sometimes, however, elements of my health will make that very basic task difficult. When you recognize that you need to pee, but you have to have an internal conversation with The Vampire of Despair about if you needing to pee is a failure and a judgement on your worth as a human being, you need to reach out to someone about your mental health. Being too depressed to get up and go pee is a sign that something in your mental health is very wrong. It's a sign that it's "bad enough" to really need some help.
When you recognize that you need to pee, but you don't want to get up because your body will be in pain, that's a sign that your pain is "bad enough" where you should do something about it. If you've been sitting around your house telling yourself that shit's fine, but you also procrastinate on the basic duty of going to take a pee because doing that simple task is going to cause you so much pain that it's not worth the comfort you get from not needing to pee, your body is fucked, and shit's not fine.
Getting up and going to pee is a thing that should not take effort or be unpleasant. Having difficult getting up and going to the bathroom often means that your problem is actually pretty bad. If you've been ignoring the problem, it's a very good sign that you should stop ignoring the problem.
Needing to pee but not being able to get up and go pee because the cat is sitting on you, however, is normal operating procedure. How dare you move the cat for something as selfish as your basic bodily functions. You metabolized and you didn't even get permission? The cat does not approve.
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woeismywaffle · 1 year
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two people who have been "managing" their CEO for too, too long
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zadz0 · 6 months
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more geto brain rot
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fandomtookoverlife · 2 months
Au where someone is trying to manipulate character A so they put a love charm on Character B
So the Manipulator knows A is in love with B so they put a charm on B to make them think they are in love with A and confess their feelings
The joy A feels at the prospect of their love being returned will have them so off guard/distracted they will be so much easier to subdue
M thinks they are absolutely brilliant! What could go wrong? A is going to be so enamoured and happy that the person they love loves them back they won’t even notice the trap they are walking into! B is under their spell so no worries there and there aren’t any other variables it’s fool proof!
Option #1
M sets their trap and sits back waiting for A to fall into it, only when it comes time it’s as though A is expecting it they completely side step it and counter it so that M is now at their mercy How did this happen! The Plan! How could A possibly have known?
The issue is that there is a critical fault in M’s plan they didn’t consider.
B loves A in return so when cursed!B confesses their fake feelings the curse is immediately undone by none other than true loves kiss rendering the curse completely useless
B immediately tells A everything: the plan, about M, all of it (B was subjected to a token villain monologue so they know about the trap) A is heartbroken now knowing it was all a lie
A goes to leave, angry, heartbroken, to take revenge on M for getting their hopes up, for ending their friendship bc now that B knows about A’s feelings they will leave, affronted and repulsed by A’s feelings
B is left confused and chasing after A, “what’s wrong? I know you’re angry but it’s ok, their plan fell through we are both safe, we know where they are going to be we can use this to our advantage! It’s a good thing! Why are you upset!”
A’s like “don’t you understand there is no we! M has ruined everything you’re going to leave me now, I would have never told you about my feelings I never wanted to because I couldn’t stand the thought of your rejection! Of you not loving me back! How are we supposed to move on from that! We can’t! I can’t!”
And then B gets to take A’s face in their hands, maybe kiss them, and say “of course I love you you idiot! How could I not love you? Don’t you see? Don’t you understand? You’re everything to me! Yes M is awful and we have to stop them, but I love you, I’ve dreamed of this moment for years, this is the best day of my life, tell me it’s yours too”
Cue happy ending and/or otp intensely making out in the middle of where ever they are standing
Option #2
M sets their trap and waits, only A never shows up? What is going on this was not apart of the plan!
What happened is that B was cursed and had no idea, one minute they are walking down the street the next they have the sudden urge to confess their feelings for A so they go do that
True loves kiss breaks the spell and B is left wondering where they got that sudden urge/confidence to finally confess but they quickly push that through to the side, after all it worked out so why question it?
Being so happy A and B change course abandoning their current path for a vacation to bask in their new love
Leaving M sitting, waiting and wondering where it all went wrong
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lesbiancolumbo · 4 months
How much of the homoeroticism in Mikey and Nicky do you think was intentional from Elaine May? Also do you have any recs for videos or writings that talk about her process in writing/directing the movie? Ideally ones featuring her own voice/perspective if they exist. (Btw I hope your pain passes soon — you’re one of my favorite film blogs to follow, and I’m sorry you’re going through this!)
similar to my husbands answer, i don't think it was intentional in the sense that i do not think elaine set out to write a film about a close homoerotic friendship between two men lol. i called husbands "a film that was so much about masculinity and misogyny that it kinda accidentally became very gay" and this is even more true of mikey and nicky imo. years ago i called it "a damning observation of the ways toxic masculinity and entitlement destroys men (and women)" and honestly i stand by that. there's a funny trend of these kinds of films being extremely homoerotic, and i don't know how much of that is because it was john and peter or what, and not to get into it a little bit but i also think films about these kind of toxic friendships are inherently a little romantic.... close friendships are intimate. even if they're not sexual, you know so much about this person, you spend so much time with them, you share a part of your soul with them and them with you, and when that falls apart, it feels like the end of a romance. ironically around this same time last year, a really close intimate friendship that i had fell disastrously apart, and i grieved it the same way i would have grieved a long term relationship. my heart broke. i felt like a relationship ended.... honestly, a relationship DID end, the one between me and her, and it devastated me so much that the film i gravitated towards..... again, ironically, was mikey and nicky. so no, it's not intentionally homoerotic, but i think elaine understands that there's an almost romance to close friendships and collaborations, and that's what comes across.
to answer your second question............. lol, honestly good luck, and i don't say this to be glib. elaine is notoriously very unwilling to sit down and discuss her life/work/career. she did (in a rare appearance) sit down to talk with tcm about her career, but she doesn't say much. here's a couple minutes of her talking about mikey and nicky. the full video can be found here. when i was writing my thesis on elaine's filmography like seven years ago, i found it notoriously difficult to find sources of her talking about her own work. a couple that may provide some insight (but no promises lol) would be rachel abramowitz's is that a gun in your pocket? and barbara quart's women directors: the emergence of a new cinema.
hopefully this helps!
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artbyace · 1 year
au idea except i’m not a writer so i’ll just put this out there: sirius is a mixed media artist in school looking to expand his variety in mediums and goes to a pottery/ceramics class and BOOM. hot remus pottery instructor
like- i feel like there’s so many possibilities with this idea. remus is obviously very nicely toned with his ability to handle large amounts of very heavy clay and sirius just cannot stay concentrated becuase those HANDS and he’s got some clay smudged on his cheek and sirius just wants to lick it and-
i have so much to say
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autobotmedic · 8 months
@lord-overlips asked:
"Still a frail little human I see? I wonder what you taste like?" Ratchet is plucked from the ground, dangled above Overlrod's gaping maw as the mech snickers in amusement. "Any last words?"
The rush of adrenaline he feels in this body is significantly different than the state of heightened alertness he entered when threatened as a robotic organism. He could hear his own increased heart rate, feel the tension from terror activating a primal priority of self preservation...
Various pieces of what had appeared to be decorative metal on his clothing magnetize and transform into a small, yet Cybertronian pistol in one palm. The original was meant for minicons, but with a bit of tweaking for activation, it is now human compatible. Ratchet is a cautious individual; being threatened had certainly crossed his mind as soon as this change occurred, and he chose not to walk around entirely unarmed because of it.
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"I may die in seconds, but that is just enough time to ensure you're blind, mute, and incapable of eating anything else without extensive repairs." Being turned into a human does not mean he has forgotten sensitivity and weak points, even from inside a throat. He knows how to disable a jaw, he knows where he could aim through the roof of a mouth to hit optical sensors, and he knows where a voicebox connects into neck cables. Not one word is a bluff.
Of course, he is also aware that even being dropped would be enough to break bones and destroy his ability to do any real damage from the ground, but still, perhaps threatening back instead of cowering would be amusing, if nothing else, and buy time.
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crimeronan · 1 year
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the-broken-pen · 5 months
My theatre teacher lost a bet to me and my two friends today and she owes us slurpees now.
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galpalaven · 2 years
doesn't it bother u that as someone who has the means to provide a certain level of representation (through ur art or writing) for other lesbians or queer women, u always choose to write/do art of mostly m/f couples...?
its probably all the comphet that got beat into me as a child my good dude lmao
nah realistically i have noticed it myself but like. male characters in games with romance are typically more well written or interesting than the female characters which is just. you know. the unfortunate way things line up
that being said, i have a list about 20+ characters long of my favorite Interactive Fiction characters and ships and they are all. like. nonbinary characters lol. the main couple of my novel i'm working on is also a woman and a nonbinary person so. ya know.
unless nonbinary people dont count for you?
in which case. sucks to be u i guess but most of my ships outside of AAA games are f/nb lmao
also i don't owe anyone anything and bi women who date men exist and also deserve representation just as much as the rest of us~
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omoghouls · 1 year
*Slides in* Oh hELLO Bun long time no see. I see we are into BG3 now 👀 My fav's Shadowheart and Gale (though Gale can be a bit of a red flag with how he acts when you reject him) do... do you have any hc's for those two? 👉👈 ~Berry
Dbjdbwuwu omg heyyy bg3 partyyyy😤💖💖💖💖
I juust got Gale so I haven't had in my party long enough to have hcs for him yet😭💔 (I'm uhhhhHHHH also still on act 1 after,,,,60 hours whoops)
But Shadowheart??? That is WIFE omg
- She likes the calmness of the camp but also throughly enjoys to watch as Astarion or another party member getting into squabbles. A bit of chaos truly makes meditation all the more rewarding
- Cat girl 100% she'd be one where if a cat sat on her she legally couldn't move, she needs to stay there until the cat decides to leave xD
- Secretly takes books from the places the party is exploring. Sometimes, she'll nab someone's diary just to see what gossip that person had going on
- It takes her SO long to do her hair. Like, sometimes you'll find her up at 5am just sitting by the water, brushing out her hair and cursing at the knots she had gotten from the previous day's adventures.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
The way my motivation tanked on editing. orz.
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sleevebuscemii · 1 year
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artekai · 9 months
Guess what movie I watched
#i feel bad for saying this because it's so easy. it's too easy. what would i even add. the movie is there. it says everything. you can watch#but i'll say it anyways since we're here.#new headcanon that m//3gan was fross's comfort movie after his parents died and he watched it 80000 times back to back and learned nothing#nd that's why he's like this now#i don't care that this movie came out like 30 years before fross was born. idc idc. it's so easy. it's too easy#i just know he watched this movie so much it started blurring the lines between fantasy and reality and then he went up to lis and he went#well where's my killer robot? 🤨#and she was like. well we don't do that here. we only make green robots#and he was like#oh.... that's fine... no it's ok. i guess i will go become a roboticist. and get a job at FAS. so i can make a killer robot myself#since you clearly don't want me to be happy 💔🥺😩 *ant_with_bindle.png*#anyways yea i made this post just so i could share the TRUE and REAL SECRET story behind fross's decision to side with FAS 👌#also. remember how i mentioned fross would watch a//tla but skip z//uko's redemption arc bc self-recognition through the other (derogatory)#well. same applies here. he skips that one scene where g/emma says that m//3gan is just a distraction and those feelings won't go away etc#he's like GTFO WITH THAT MORALISTIC CRAP!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 SHOW ME THE YANDERE ROBOTS 🔥🔥🔥🔥#anyways i think you can tell i liked the movie. it had a bunch of the things i like 👍#oc: fross#oc tag#ramble
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